Ketrampilan membaca tidak melulu terkait membaca buku atau tulisan, ada
kemampuan membaca lainnya yang masih banyak, salah satunya dari sekian banyak
jenis membaca adalah membaca situasi :)
Membaca situasi itu penting bro & sis, soalnya sangat berpengaruh
sekali dengan kemampuan adaptasi. Kemampuan inilah yang digunakan untuk
survive. Survive dari bahaya, survive dari kondisi kritis, serta survive dari
kondisi sulit. Saya sangat suka bersahabat dengan seseorang yang bisa secara
fleksibel menyesuaikan dirinya dimana berada. Saya memiliki sahabat bernama
Tejo, beliau ini usianya lebih tua dibanding saya. Beliau orangnya mudah
berkomunikasi dan mudah mempengaruhi orang lain. Pernah, saya dan Tejo ini ke
suatu tempat wisata dan saat itu berbaur dengan pengunjung lainnya. Kami dengan
beberapa pengunjung lain menikmati makanan yang dibawa, sebelumnya ada sekitar
6 orang yang tidak saling kenal, nah sahabatku ini Bang Tejo membuka percakapan
sambil menawarkan minuman, akhirnya setelah berbincang-bincang ternyata beliau mampu
membuka link untuk bisnis. Bang Tejo ini seorang entrepreneur
jamur. So, saudara bertambah dan jaringan bisnis melebar. Momen jalan-jalan
(wisata) ternyata mampu dijadikan peluang, asalkan kemampuan "membaca
situasi" yang jeli tersebut kita miliki.
Perlu berlatih agar kemampuan membaca situasi ini kita miliki, minimal agar
tidak dianggap pengganggu atau "orang asing". Ya, orang asing
yang disalahtafsirkan, niatan kita baik namun jika orang lain merasa terganggu,
maka niat baik itu patut kita luruskan dan dikomunikasikan. Ada kejadian, suatu
saat sepasang muda-mudi yang asyik mengobrol tanpa melihat kanan-kiri padahal
kondisinya di jalan raya. Mereka dengan tanpa merasa bersalah, tidak
memperdulikan pengguna jalan lain, berkendara sepeda motor beriringan kanan
kiri, sambil ngobrol, tertawa terbahak-bahak, padahal pengguna jalan lain bisa
terganggu karena posisi mereka ke tengah, tidak mau ke pinggir jalan.
Sebaliknya nyawa mereka juga bisa terancam bahaya karena sewaktu-waktu bisa
terjadi kecelakaan. Ketidakmampuan membaca situasi, mendekatkan diri pada
bahaya, sering mendatangkan malapetaka.
Lebih banyak mendengar agar informasi yang datang mudah diserap. Buka mata,
buka telinga dan tentunya buka mata hati. Menjadi orang yang lebih peduli (care),
memiliki etika sesuai peribahasa "dimana bumi dipijak maka disitu langit
dijunjung", yang secara sederhananya kita harus mampu menyesuaikan diri
dengan menaati aturan yang ada disetiap tempat yang kita kunjungi. Karena
setiap daerah memiliki aturannya sendiri, patut kita taati dan hargai jika
ingin keberlangsungan hidup kita lebih lama.
Marilah lebih banyak mendengar. Makna harfiahnya adalah diamlah ketika
sedang mendengarkan pembicaraan orang lain. Jika ingin menyela tunggulah hingga
lawan bicara kita selesai baru giliran kita untuk berbicara. Jika ingin menjadi
pembicara atau orator yang hebat maka belajarlah menjadi pendengar yang baik.
Jika ingin menjadi penulis yang hebat, belajarlah banyak membaca karya-karya
orang hebat lainnya. Ingatlah, diatas langit masih ada langit, diatasnya orang
hebat masih ada yang lebih hebat. Hindari takabur dan sombong. Kesombongan
hanyalah membawa kehancuran. Arogansi membawa kebencian orang lain terhadap
diri kita. Kepedulian menyuburkan kasih sayang. Ketaatan membawa kenyamanan.
Melangkah lebih maju, lebih tinggi, lebih lebar tanpa melupakan tetap berpijak
ke bumi.
Berikut latihan mengurutkan cerita agar memiliki makna yang runtut hingga
menjadi sebuah cerita yang enak dibaca:
Teks Recount (Arrange these sentence into a good recount text)
1. In the end, I could not bear it. I turned around again. “I could not
hear a word” I said angrily.
2. Last week I watch very interesting play in theater.
3. I did not enjoy it when a young man and a young woman were talking very
loudly behind me.
4. “It’s none of your business” the young man said rudely. “This is a
private conversation”
5. I got very angry then turned around.They did not pay any attention.
Story of A Handsome Rooster And His Best Friends
ReplyDeleteOne sunny morning, a tall and straight rooster with a red crest woke his friends who were sleeping with him to ask them looking for seeds for their breakfast menu. The rooster named is Jagur. He was used to wake up earlier than most of his other friends. Even when his friends woke up late and forgot crowed at dawn, he had been up and coverd over his body with morning dew clinging to the leaves.
Jagur was the most handsome rooster in the region. He was favored by many hens in the village. But there was nothing he cares about, because he did not want to lose time with his friends
One day, there were two chickens appeared from the jungle. They left their place of origin because they wanted to find another place that had a lot of grain to eat. In place of origin, they were experiencing a shortage of feed due to trees that produce grains attacked by pests.
Jagur and his friends finally were curious to see who they were. They went to the hen and the father and asked him acquainted. The chickens, friend of the Jagur were fascinated by her beauty. They scrambled to shake the hand of the hen. But it was precisely the Jagur silent behind his friends did not come to scramble the hand of the hen.
It was the hen actually interested in his quiet. Compared with his friends, Jagur looked most polite and reserved. The hen was beautiful precisely met him first. The Jagur also welcomed affability the beautiful chicken. The Jagur became the most frequently invited to talk to the beautiful chicken than the others. His friends were as if ignored by the pretty chicken.
The next day the friends of Jagur overslept and forgott to crow in the morning twilight. Turns out they were not awakened by the Jagur. They looked for Jagur to ask him looking for breakfast grains in the woods. It was the Jagur and beautiful cock already in forging the first. The same thing happened to the next days. They had to learn to get up in the morning alone without being awakened by the Jagur and foraging without him.
Jagur had never again played with them over time even the robust almost never again slept at the usual place of their stay. They got used to living without Jagur. Finally, until they got new friends who replaced the Jagur.
Until one day, the Jagur came to them for the first time. He told many beautiful things about the chicken. He proudly said that he was the most handsome chicken until the prettiest became his partner. His friends began to hate the attitude of Jagur until when Jagur came, they wiould immediately move away.
Suddenly bad things happened, the beautiful chicken was leaving the village with her father back to their villages of origin. Without saying goodbye to Jagur, the beautiful chicken leaving the village for granted. Jagur wake up very early and looked for the beautiful chicken everywhere. He did not see the beautiful her and her father.
The days passed without the beautiful cock until he decided to return to his friends. When he returned, his friends just stayed quiet and not say a word. He was not aware of having made many mistakes. And so on until a few days until he was asked what’s wrong. His friends also told of how they felt towards Jagur for pretty close to the chicken. He cried and apologized to his friends. He promised not to do it again. He realized he had been too arrogant and left her friends for granted. Finally his friend forgave him and accepted him back to them. At last the became close friends again.