Monday, May 2, 2016

Kisi-Kisi Ulangan Kenaikan Kelas

Ayo hadapi kenaikan kelas dengan penuh semangat, hai guys buatlah jadwal harian kamu yang detil untuk belajar mapel yang akan diujikan nanti ya, contoh kisi-kisi bahasa inggris nih:

Yang ingin mengunduh filenya silahkan klik link di bawah ini:
1. Kelas XI UKK 2016 pdf (132 Kb)
2. Kelas X UKK 2016 Excel (14 Kb)


  1. 5.trying

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  4. 5.trying

  5. 5.trying

  6. 1.were

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  8. 45 baris
    ditulis oleh Era Meiswarawati
    Last morning, Dinar, my roommate woke up late and she had to go to campus.
    When she wanted to take her motorcycle, in fact she couldn’t move it because there were some motorcycles that blocked up her motorcycle.
    She tried to move all of the motorcycles, so that her motorcycle could move from the garage. But she couldn’t do it.
    Then, she called Adel who had that motorcycle which blocked it up. After that, her friend who had that motorcycle helped her. Finally, she could move her motorcycle and rode it to go to campus
    Holiday in Pasir Kencana Beach
    ditulis oleh Muhammad Fadhil Immas

    Last week my friend and I were bored after three weeks of holidays, so we rode our bikes to Pasir Kencana Beach, which is only five kilometres from where I live. When we arrived at the beach, we were surprised to see there was hardly anyone there.

    After having a quick dip in the ocean, which was really cold, we realized one reason there were not many people there. It was also quite windy. After we bought some hot chips at the takeaway store nearby, we rode our bikes down the beach for a while, on the hard, damp part of the sand. We had the wind behind us and, before we knew it, we were many miles down the beach.

    Before we made the long trip back, we decided to paddle our feet in the water for a while, and then sit down for a rest. While we were sitting on the beach, just chatting, it suddenly dawned on us that all the way back, we would be riding into the strong wind.

    When we finally made it back home, we were both totally exhausted! But we learned some good lessons that day.

    Contoh Recount Text Pendek (3)

    Sumber ENGLISHINDO.COM Referensi Belajar Bahasa Inggris Online: http://www.englishiHoliday in Semirang Waterfall
    ditulis oleh Windhariyati Dyah K

    On Sunday, I and my best friend, Sari, visited Semirang Waterfall in Ungaran. It was the first time for me to visit the waterfall.

    When we arrived at the hill, I felt so fresh and I could enjoy the scene. The air was so pure and all I could see only green and green.

    In Ungaran, we took a little bit trekking to find Semirang Waterfall. It was too bad for me because the distance to see the waterfall was too far.

    After taking so far distance, we found Semirang Waterfall. What a beautiful waterfall. We enjoyed the nice water in the rain forest surrounding the waterfall.

    Hearing the sound of falling water made me peace and relax. It was also excellent drowning out background sound. Playing with the water made me feel so happy.

    Finally, the time was over. It was time for us to go home. It was an unforgettable moment. I really enjoyed it.

    Sumber ENGLISHINDO.COM Referensi Belajar Bahasa Inggris Online: VERY BUSY DAY
    Ditulis oleh Eviana Yuni Afra
    Last Monday was a busy day for me. I spent my time to do a lot of activities from college to my home.
    First, at the morning, I did my presentation's assignment with my partner, she was Nurhidayah. It took 3 hours. And then we went to the campus for joining lecture. But, the lecturer said that our presentation would be started next week. It made us disappointed. The class was finished at 12.30.
    After that, I had to go home because my grandmother was in a bad condition. She was hospitalized. So, it was a must for me to back home at that time. When I got there, there were so many members of my family. There were about 10 people. My aunt, my niece, my uncle and some of my cousins. We all hoped that our grandmother would get better soon.
    Those activities made my day busy.

  9. 1. were

  10. 1. were

  11. 1. were

  12. Lutung Kasarung
    Lutung Kasarung Story in English
    A long time ago in west Java there was a kingdom. The king was Prabu Tapak Agung. He had two beautiful daughters and no son. Purba Rarang was his first daughter, and Purba Sari was his second daughter. When the king was about to pass away he gave the throne to his second daughter, Purba Sari. Purba Rarang was very disappointed. She thought that she deserve to replace her father as the ruler. She discussed the situation with her fiancé, Indrajaya.
    Then she got an evil idea. She asked a witch to cast a spell to Purba Sari. Soon after that Purba Sari had a strange skin disease. There were black dots on her skin. She also had skin rash. Consequently Purba Rarang had a reason to tell people that her sister had a great sin and she was cursed by god. She told her people that such a person did not qualify to be a leader.
    After that she ordered the army to send Purba Sari to a wood and had her exiled there. The army then built a wooden house for Purba Sari in a wood. So Purba Sari lived in the wood. As there were many animals in the wood she got along with them well.
    Her best friend was a black monkey. She called the monkey Lutung Kasarung. Lutung was very attentive and very kind to her. He gave fruits and vegetables to Purba Sari.
    Lutung Kasarung was not an ordinary monkey. He often meditates like human being. One night when there was a full moon he sat meditating. He was praying to God. Suddenly a spring emerged beside Lutung. It became bigger and bigger and finally it became a lake. The water was very clear and aromatic.
    The next day Lutung came to see Purba Sari. He asked her to follow him. Lutung took her to the lake and asked her to take a bath. When Purba Sari took bath in the lake something strange happened. Her skin disease was gone and her smooth fair skin was back. Purba Sari was very happy and thankful to God.
    Meanwhile Purba Rarang who lived in the palace wanted to see her sister. So she went to the wood with her soldiers. She was very surprised when she saw Purba Sari was in good condition and looked beautiful. Her evil heart led her to find a way to beat her sister. Then she asked her sister to measure the length of their hair. The one who had the longest hair would win. Purba Sari’s hair proved to be longer than Purba Rarang’s.
    Purba Rarang was very jealous to her sister. She thought hard to find a way to beat Purba Sari. Then she got another idea. She asked her sister to compare their fiancé. Purba Rarang was sure that she would win because Indra Jaya was very handsome. She was sure that Purba Sari did not have any fiancé. When Purba Rarang showed Indra Jaya, Purba Sari was confused. So she just appointed Lutung Kasarung as her fiancé.
    Purba Rarang laughed out loud.
    ‘So your fiancé is a monkey?’
    Lutung Kasarung then sat on the ground. He was meditating and praying to God. Then amazingly he changed into a very handsome man. Initially Lutung Kasarung was a handsome man who was punished by God and became a monkey. After some years that day he got clemency from God and he became human being again.
    Purba Rarang was very surprised. He had no choice but to accept that her sister was better than her. She asked for apology. Purba Sari gave her apology. After that they went back to palace. Purba Sari became the queen and married to Lutung Kasarung.

  13. 71 baris
    Teks legenda Tangkuban Perahu
    Once upon a time in west Java, Indonesia lived a wise king who had a beautiful daughter. Her name was Dayang Sumbi. She liked weaving very much. Once she was weaving a cloth when one of her tool fell to the ground. She was very tired at the time so she was too lazy to take it. Then she just shouted outloud.
    ‘Anybody there? Bring me my tool. I will give you special present. If you are female, I will consider you as my sister. If you are male, I will marry you
    Suddenly a male dog, its name was Tumang, came. He brought her the falling tool. Dayang Sumbi was very surprised. She regretted her words but she could not deny it. So she had to marry Tumang and leave her father. Then they lived in a small village. Several months later they had a son. His name was Sangkuriang. He was a handsome and healthy boy.
    Sangkuriang liked hunting very much. He often went hunting to the wood using his arrow. When he went hunting Tumang always with him. In the past there were many deer in Java so Sangkuriang often hunted for deer.
    One day Dayang Sumbi wanted to have deer’s heart so she asked Sangkuriang to hunt for a deer. Then Sangkuriang went to the wood with his arrow and his faithful dog Tumang. But after several days in the wood Sangkuriang could not find any deer. They were all disappeared. Sangkuriang was exhausted and desperate. He did not want to disappoint her mother so he killed Tumang. He did not know that Tumang was his father. At home he gave Tumang’s heart to her mother.
    But Dayang Sumbi knew that it was Tumang’s heart. She was so angry that she could not control her emotion. She hit Sangkuriang at his head. Sangkuriang was wounded. There was a scar in his head. She also repelled her son. Sangkuriang left her mother in sadness.
    Many years passed and Sangkuriang became a strong young man. He wandered everywhere. One day he arrived at his own village but he did not realized it. There he met Dayang Sumbi. At the time Dayang Sumbi was given an eternal beauty by God so she stayed young forever. Both of them did not know each other. So they fell in love and then they decided to marry.
    But then Dayang Sumbi recognized a scar on his Sangkuriang’s head. She knew that Sangkuriang was his son. It was impossible for them to marry. She told him but he did not believe her. He wished that they marry soon. So Dayang Sumbi gave a very difficult condition. She wanted Sangkuriang to build a lake and a boat in one night! She said she needed that for honeymoon.
    Sangkuriang agreed. With the help of genie and spirits Sangkuriang tried to build them. By midnight he had finished the lake by building a dam in Citarum river. Then he started building the boat. It was almost dawn when he nearly finished it. Meanwhile Dayang Sumbi kept watching on them. She was very worried when she knew this. So she made lights in the east. Then the spirits thought that it was already dawn. It was time for them to leave. They left Sangkuriang alone. Without their help he could not finish the boat.
    Sangkuriang was very angry. He kicked the boat. Then the boat turned out to be Mount Tangkuban Perahu. It means boat upside down. From a distant it looks like a boat upside down.

  14. Legenda Danau Toba Versi Bahasa Inggris
    Once upon a time there was a prosperous village in a far away island called Sumatra. In northern part of the island, lived a farmer whose name was Toba. He lived alone in a hut by a small forest. He worked on his farmland to grow rice and vegetables that he sells to local market. Once day he wanted to catch some fish so he went to a river and fished there. He was very surprised when he got a big fish. The fish was as big as human being. Soon he went home and put the fish in his kitchen. He planned to cook the fish for his dinner that night. When he got to his house that afternoon he took a bath. Then as he walked into his bedroom after taking a bath Toba was very shocked. Do you want to know what happened?
    There stood in his living room a very beautiful girl. The girl greeted him nicely. For a moment Toba was speechless. When he could control his emotion he asked her.
    ‘Who are you? What’s your name? Why suddenly you are here in my house?’
    ‘Pardon me if I surprised you Mr. Toba, but you took me here. I was the fish that you caught in the river. Now that I become a human being again, I would like to thank you and I will be your servant to express my thankfulness’
    ‘Were you the fish?’
    ‘Yes, I was the fish. Look at your kitchen’.
    Toba immediately rushed to his kitchen and the fish was nowhere to be seen. He saw some gold coins instead.
    ‘Whose coins are these? Why there are some coins here?’
    ‘Those coins are mine. As I changed into human being my scales changed into gold coins’
    ‘Ok you can live here and work for me. Your room is over there’
    ‘Thank you very much Mr. Toba’
    Since that day the beautiful girl lived in Toba’s house. Since she was very beautiful Toba fell in love with her and not long after that they got married. The girl married to Toba on one condition that he would never tell anybody about her past. Toba agreed to the condition. Several months later Toba’s wife delivered to a baby boy. Their son was healthy. Soon he grew up into a handsome boy. Toba named him Samosir. Unfortunately Samosir was a lazy boy. He did not want to work at all. When his father worked hard in his rice field and farm, Samosir just slept. When he was awake he talked a lot and he ate a lot. Toba was very disappointed with his son’s nature. He hoped that one day Samosir would change into a diligent boy. Day in and day out but Samosir never changed.
    Toba used to go to his farm and rice field early in the morning. Then at midday his wife would bring him food. They used to eat lunch at their farm. As he was a teenager Toba and his wife tried to change his behavior. They ordered Samosir to bring food for his father for lunch while her mother stayed at home to do household chores. But Samosir never did his duty well. He always woke up very late. He woke up after midday. Then one day his mother forced him to bring the food.
    ‘Sam, wake up. Go to the farm and bring the food for your father. He must be very tired and hungry now’.
    But Mom, I am tired and hungry too’
    ‘What makes you tired? You just wake up. Go now. You father needs the food’
    Toba reluctantly went to the farm. But he did not go to the farm immediately. He stopped somewhere in the street and ate the food. It was already late afternoon when he got to the farm. His father was disappointed. Then he was angry as he realized that his son had eaten his food.

  15. 50 baris
    He said sarcastically.
    ‘O, you are stupid lazy boy. You are son of a fish!’
    Samosir was hurt. He went home right away and as he got home he told his mother about his father’s words. Samosir’s mother was shocked. She was also deeply hurt.
    ‘O Toba. You break your promise so I cannot live with you here anymore. Now you have to accept to consequence of what you did. Samosir, now go to the hill, find the tallest tree and climb it’
    ‘Why mom? What will happen?’
    ‘Just do it, never ask any question. Good bye’
    As soon as she finished saying that suddenly the weather changed. Sunny day suddenly turned into cloudy day. Not long after that the rain poured heavily. The rain last for several days. Consequently the area was flooded. The whole area became a big lake. Then it was called Lake Toba and in the middle of the lake there is an island called Samosir Island. Meanwhile Toba’s wife disappeared.

  16. The Legend of Gunung Bromo
    Hundreds of years ago, during the reign of the last king of Majapahit, Brawijaya, one of the King’s wives gave birth to a girl, who was named Roro Anteng. Later this young princess married Joko Seger, who came from a Brahman caste. Because of an unfortunate situation the couple was forced to leave the kingdom. They settled down in the mountain area. They ruled the area and named it “Tengger”, which was derived from the couples’ names: Roro Anteng and Joko Seger.
    After several years the region flourished in prosperity, but Roro Anteng and Joko Seger were unhappy because they did not have a child. Frustrated, they climbed the top of the mountain and prayed night and day hoping that the gods would listen. The prayer was heard and Betoro Bromo promised them many children. However, the couple had to promise that they would sacrifice their youngest child in return.
    Roro Anteng gave birth to a child, then another, and another. In the end Roro Anteng and Joko Seger got 25 children. Soon it was time for them to sacrifice the youngest child, Kesuma, but the parents just could not do it. They tried to hide the child, but an eruption happened and Kesuma fell into the crater. There was silence before they heard a voice: “I have to be sacrificed so that you will all stay alive. From now on, you should arrange an annual offering ceremony on the 14th of Kesodo (the twelfth month of Tenggerese calender.”It was Kesuma’s voice. Kesuma’s brothers and sisters held the offering ceremony every year. Instead of a human being, these people collected fruit, vegetables, rice and meat to be offered to the gods. And this has been done generation after generation until today.

  17. The Origins of Surabaya
    In old times, in incomprehensible ocean there was an incessant battle between a Shark (sura) and a Crocodile (baya). They battled one another to battle for prey in the sea. They very nearly had same quality and as of now battled such a large number of times yet nobody ever wins or loses. In the long run they both made an understanding that must be taken after. The assention was a division of chasing territory. They isolated their chasing region into two where Sura administered in water and chased amphibian creatures while crocodile managed on the area and chased area creatures. Their domain limited by the shoreline in shoreline. This assention ought not be abused by anybody.
    With this understanding, there was no more battle in the middle of Sura and Baya. They both had accomodated and consented to regard every domain. Then again, this peace did not keep going long. Until one day, Sura came up short on prey in the sea. He started to sneak in streams and lakes in area. Sura additionally got land creatures which were drinking at the stream. He did this chase furtively without being known by Baya.
    One day Baya asked why his prey turned less. At that point he searched for the reason and he discovered Sura was chasing in his general vicinity. It made Baya turned out to be exceptionally irate. “Why are you chasing in my region?” Baya asked in displeasure. Sura was stunned to hear Baya was irate with him, “I don’t chase in your general vicinity, I chase in waters which are my domain” said Sura. “Yet, you were chasing in stream. The stream is situated on the territory and you’re likewise eating area creatures that are my prey. You have disregarded our understanding “said Baya. “It can’t be. all water is my domain, including waterways and lakes that exist in the area!” Sura included. They both contended one another. Since there is nobody moved an extraordinary fight happened between them.
    This battle is intense and appalling. Sura and Baya were slamming, jumping and gnawing one another. None creatures set out to approach or even stop their battle. This battle made all the water around them turned red in light of the fact that blood which was leaving their harmed. This battle kept going long. They kept on battling to shield domain without taking a rest by any stretch of the imagination.
    In this fight Sura chomp Baya’s tail. Getting a chomp from Sura, Baya answered to nibble Sura’s tail. Two of them were gnawing the tail each other without taking it off. This occurrence kept going long until Sura was not stand any longer on the grounds that his tail almost separated. At that point Sura rushed to the sea. Baya fulfilled that he had figured out how to keep up his region. Until this day they both proceeded with antagonistic and Sura stayed away forever to waterways and lakes any longer.

  18. The Legend Of Rawa Pening
    Once upon a time in old Java there was a village. Pening was its name. Pening was a prosperous village. The land was fertile and the weather was always good all year round. It was on the slope of Mount Merbabu so the climate was cool. People made their living by cultivating rice, vegetables and fruits. The harvest was always satisfying. So all of them lived a happy life. That’s why once a year they held a ceremony called ‘Bersih desa’. It was a kind of thanks giving day. It was a day when they express their thankfulness to God for a successful harvest. They would clean their village and then they would pray together. At night they would have a dinner together and held teater performances.
    One day after a succesful harvest they would celebrate it. That time they wanted something special. They wanted more meat for dinner. So they went hunting in a wood. Just outside of the village there was a wood where there were many animals like deer, buffalo, mouse deer, lamb and many other. But that day there was no animal at all. Animals were nowhere to be seen. They had searched every inch of the wood but still their effort were in vain. When it was almost dark, they were very tired so they took a rest. They sat on something that look like a rock and a big root. Everybody was silent because they were exhausted and disappointed.
    Then suddenly someone chopped the big root with his sword to relief his disappointment. Amazingly there was blood coming out of the root. They were surprised. Someone tried to chop it deeper. He found meat ! So they chopped more and more. After their bags were full of meat they were satisfied. Then they went home happily.
    That night the people of Pening were preparing a big dinner. They wanted a special dinner with the meat they got from the wood. Just as they were preparing dinner, a boy came to the village. He looked poor. He begged food to some people. But they refused. Someone said :
    ‘We are preparing dinner. You may come to our dinner tonight. But not now’.
    ‘But I am very hungry, please’.
    ‘Just come here tonight’.
    But then there was an old widow who took care of him. She was just a poor widow. She gave him food and shelter.
    ‘You may take a rest here. Join us tonight for dinner’.
    ‘Thank you very much. You are very kind to me. You are the only one who helped me. That’s why I will save you. Tonight there will be a great event here’.
    ‘Yes, there will be a great party’.
    ‘No, I mean something special’
    ‘What do you mean?’
    ‘I cannot say now. But listen to me. Prepare a boat for you’
    ‘Why? What will happen?’
    ‘Just do as I say’
    ‘Please tell me what will happen?’
    ‘OK, you are very kind to me so I will tell you but please promise me you won’t tell anyone’.
    ‘OK, I promise’
    ‘I am Naga Baru Klinting. I am a dragon. I was meditating in the slope of Mount Merbabu when your people hurt me. They hurt me by chopping my body. Now they are preparing dinner with meat from my body. So I will take my revenge tonight, but I will save you. Prepare a boat for you’.
    ‘Oh, please don’t do that. Forgive my people’
    ‘Whatever will be , will be. Good bye’.
    Then the boy left. Just before the dinner began at the village hall some boys were playing in the yard. Suddenly a boy came to them.
    ‘Hi guys a have a game for you’
    Then he held a small bamboo and attached it to the ground.
    ‘If you can pull it, I will give you a special present’
    ‘Oh, that’s very easy’, a boy said.
    He tried to pull it but it was very strong so he could not pull it. Another boy tried but he also failed. Everybody failed. Then this game drew adult’s attention. One by one they tried to pull but all of them could not make it. When many people gathered then the boy said.
    ‘O people of Pening. I am Naga Baru Klinting. I am a dragon. I was meditating in the slope of mount Merbabu when you chopped me. Now I will take my revenge. Enjoy your party’.

  19. 83 baris
    Then he pulled the bamboo. Amazingly, water poured from the ground. The water immediately flooded the village. Finally the whole village sank under water. They were all drowned and died in the lake. There was only one survivor. The poor old widow. She had prepared a simple boat so she could survive. Since then on the lake is called Rawa Pening. Rawa means lake in Javanese and Indonesian language. Today the lake is located in the province of central Java, Indonesia.

  20. pal rescuers find 3 bodiesnear crashed US Marine

    Nepalese rescuers on Friday found three bodies near the wreckage of a U.S. Marine helicopter that disappeared earlier this week while on a relief mission in the earthquake-hit Himalayan nation, officials said.
    Nepal’s Defense Secretary Iswori Poudyal gave no details about the nationalities of the victims. The helicopter was carrying six Marines and two Nepalese army soldiers.
    The wreckage was found near Gothali village in the district of Dolakha.
    The U.S. Embassy in Nepal had no immediate comment Friday.
    The discovery of the wreckage, first spotted by a Nepalese army helicopter Friday, followed days of intense search involving U.S. and Nepalese aircraft and even U.S. satellites.
    The U.S. relief mission was deployed soon after a magnitude-7.8 quake hit April 25, killing more than 8,200 people. It was followed by another magnitude-7.3 quake on Tuesday that killed 117 people and injured 2,800.
    The second quake was centered between Kathmandu and Mount Everest, and hit hardest in deeply rural parts of the Himalayan foothills, hammering many villages reached only by hiking trails and causing road-blocking landslides.

  21. Police suspect drug overdose in boxer Tony Ayala Jr.’s

    Heroin and a syringe were found next to the body of Tony Ayala Jr., San Antonio police disclosed Thursday in a report that says investigators suspect a drug overdose killed the troubled boxer.
    According to a newly released police report, the items were found on a desk next to Ayala’s body, which was found face-down on the floor next to the desk and chair. Investigators said the syringe contained what appeared to be a narcotic and that a ball of heroin wrapped in tape was found on the desk with a cooker cap and a spoon.
    There was no sign of trauma on the body, police said.
    According to the report, a woman whom officers found weeping over Ayala’s body said the pair had been drinking alcohol and quarrelling in a house they shared the night before. About 1 a.m. Tuesday, he left the house angry, she said. About 7:30 a.m., sensing that something was wrong, she went to the gym owned by the Ayala family where he trained and found his body.
    The woman’s name was concealed in the report.
    Ayala, a 1979 Golden Gloves middleweight champion, was 19 when he was arrested and later convicted of raping a schoolteacher in New Jersey. He was undefeated in 22 bouts with 19 knockouts and set to fight Davey Moore for a junior middleweight title before the arrest.
    After serving 16 years of a 35-year term for rape, Ayala repeatedly ran into legal trouble in Texas as he tried to revive his boxing career. He was shot in the left shoulder by a woman after allegedly breaking into her home and refusing to leave in 2000. He got probation and a short jail term in a plea agreement.
    Four years later, Ayala went back to prison for 10 years when he violated parole in the Texas case. He was pulled over for speeding and charged with driving without a license, possession of heroin and possession of pornography.
    Ayala was charged in 2003 with having sex with a 13-year-old girl, but the case was dismissed when the girl said she lied about the incident.

  22. After almost two weeks of uncertainty surrounding issues of succession within the Yogyakarta Palace, Sultan Hamengkubuwono X – now Hamengku Bawono X – finally appeared in public on Friday afternoon to clarify the matter.
    Speaking at a meeting held at Ndalem Wironegaran, the residence of his eldest daughter Gusti Kanjeng Ratu (GKR) Mangkubumi – formerly GKR Pembayun, the sultan said that the recent decisions he made were based on a revelation from God he received through his ancestors, kings of the Mataram kingdom.
    “I don’t mind getting scolded or questioned by my brothers. I will not do anything about it because I would have been afraid of getting scolded by God [if the decisions were not made],” the sultan said before 300 people sitting on the floor of the residence’s joglo hall, listening to his explanation.
    The sultan also sat on the floor while giving his explanation, accompanied by his wife GKR Hemas and four of his five daughters.
    The sultan, however, declined to give details on how he received the revelation. “I cannot explain further. This is very personal,” he said.
    He only called on the people to accept his two recent decisions, called sabda raja (king’s proclamation) and dhawuh raja (king’s command).
    During the meeting, the sultan elaborated on sabda raja and dhawuh raja, respectively regarding the change in his royal name and the naming of his eldest daughter as GKR Mangkubumi, which many have seen as an effort to make her his heir.
    The sultan also said that the residence of GKR Mangkubumi was chosen as the site to explain the sabda raja and dhawuh raja instead of the palace because he did not want to be accused of gathering the masses at the palace for support.
    “This has to be done here and only because it was requested by the people,” Sultan said.
    He also said that both decisions were made suddenly because of the timing in which he received the revelation.
    “It was clear in the revelation that the decisions had to be made on Wage Thursday [April 30] and Wage Tuesday [May 5],” said the sultan, adding that preparations for both processions were carried out quickly.
    He also said that his brothers had been invited to the occasions but none showed up.
    “I am OK with it. There are risks to every decision we make.”
    With regard to the issue of succession surrounding the issuance of the dhawuh raja, the sultan said that the revelation he received told him to change GKR Pembayun’s title to GKR Mangkubumi. He said that it did not mention anything about naming her a crown princess.
    However, he admitted that during the dhawuh raja procession, he told his eldest daughter — after receiving the new title GKR Mangkubumi — to sit on the special chair that only the heir of the palace could sit on.
    GKR Mangkubumi, whose complete title is now GKR Mangkubumi Hamemayu Hayuning Bawana Langgeng Ing Mataram, said that she learned about her new title only when she was called to come forward by her father during the procession to receive the title.
    “I realize I am bearing a great name in my title. With a great name also comes great responsibility,” said the 43-year-old after the meeting.
    Sociologist and Javanese culture observer Bayu Wahyono of Yogyakarta State University (UNY) said that the sultan’s moves had transformed the palace’s regulations.
    “Historically and culturally, the Mataram kingdom [the previous name of the palace] has always been open to change,” Bayu said.
    Separately, Javanese art practitioner Bondan Nusantara expressed his satisfaction with the sultan’s explanation on the matter. He also expressed hope that the palace would not be divided like the Surakarta Palace.

  23. Al-Qaida-linked tribesmen ban popular drug in southern.

    Tribesmen allied with al-Qaida’s branch in Yemen have imposed a ban on the leafy qat plant, a mild narcotic widely chewed on a daily basis, in a southern port city overrun by the militants last month.
    Yemeni men traditionally chew qat for several hours starting around midday, stuffing their cheeks with the leaves and letting its narcotic dissolve in their saliva. At daily qat-chewing sessions Yemenis recline on floor cushions, listen to traditional music, exchange gossip and engage in wide-ranging debates.
    The widely cultivated plant consumes 30 percent of the extremely scarce water resources in Yemen, the Arab world’s poorest country, and cuts into the production of other crops. The World Health Organization classifies the drug as a narcotic.
    Al-Qaida in the Arabian Peninsula and allied tribesmen overran the city of Mukalla — capital of the vast Hadramawt province — last month, in part because of heavy fighting elsewhere between Shiite rebels known as Houthis and loyalists of Yemen’s internationally recognized president, backed by Saudi-led airstrikes.
    The tribesmen, who refer to themselves as “Sons of Hadramawt,” on Thursday distributed pamphlets saying qat chewing is banned and that violators “will be held fully responsible under Shariah law,” without elaborating.
    Pictures posted on social networking sites for local reporters showed tribesmen setting fire to piles of green leaves in the streets while others armed with assault rifles halted trucks carrying the plants and turned them away from the city.
    “Qat is a problem either way,” said Salem Dayan, a merchant in Mukalla. “If you ban it, people will have nothing to do to kill time, and if you lift the ban, you bring back the financial burden on your family.” A person can spend anywhere from $5 to $50 on qat for a single session.
    Retired teacher Ahmed Basalma welcomed the ban, saying qat “ruined lives and wrecked whole families,” but that addicts would likely find a way around it.
    Awad bin Dagher, a government employee, said there are no recreational alternatives to the drug. “We have nothing but the seafront,” he said. “I can’t imagine my life without qat.”

  24. Aktor Didi Petet Meninggal diusia 58.

    Aktor veteran Didi Widiatmoko , dikenal sebagai Didi Petet , meninggal pada usia 58 di kediamannya di Sasak Tinggi , Ciputat , Tangerang Selatan , Jumat pagi .
    Didi keponakan Muthia Kautsar mengatakan bahwa Didi , yang membintangi sejumlah film komedi dan drama pada 1980-an dan 1990-an , runtuh dan kehilangan kesadaran ketika menghadiri sebuah pameran di Milan , Italia , baru-baru ini .
    ” Dia baru saja tiba di rumah pada 10 Mei setelah menghadiri pameran . Di kota itu , ia pingsan dan kehilangan kesadaran dan kembali ke rumah di kursi roda , ” katanya .
    Pada hari Selasa , Didi dibawa ke Bandung untuk perawatan . Muthia mengatakan tidak ada penyakit yang terdeteksi tetapi dia meninggal pada hari Jumat .
    Tubuh Didi diletakkan di kediamannya di Jl . Bambu Apus di Sasak Tinggi , Ciputat , Tangerang Selatan . Ini belum diputuskan kapan dan di mana ia akan dikubur.

  25. Veteran actor Didi Widiatmoko, popularly known as Didi Petet, died at the age of 58 at his residence in Sasak Tinggi, Ciputat, South Tangerang, on Friday morning.
    Didi’s niece Muthia Kautsar said that Didi, who starred in a number of comedy and drama films in the 1980s and 1990s, collapsed and lost consciousness when attending an expo in Milan, Italy, recently.
    “He just arrived home on May 10 after attending the exhibition. In that city, he collapsed and lost consciousness and returned home in a wheelchair,” she said.
    On Tuesday, Didi was taken to Bandung for treatment. Muthia said no diseases were detected but he died on Friday.
    Didi’s body is laid out in his residence on Jl. Bambu Apus in Sasak Tinggi, Ciputat, South Tangerang. It has yet to be decided when and where he will be buried.

  26. Nepalese rescuers on Friday found three bodies near the wreckage of a U.S. Marine helicopter that disappeared earlier this week while on a relief mission in the earthquake-hit Himalayan nation, officials said.
    Nepal’s Defense Secretary Iswori Poudyal gave no details about the nationalities of the victims. The helicopter was carrying six Marines and two Nepalese army soldiers.
    The wreckage was found near Gothali village in the district of Dolakha.
    The U.S. Embassy in Nepal had no immediate comment Friday.
    The discovery of the wreckage, first spotted by a Nepalese army helicopter Friday, followed days of intense search involving U.S. and Nepalese aircraft and even U.S. satellites.
    The U.S. relief mission was deployed soon after a magnitude-7.8 quake hit April 25, killing more than 8,200 people. It was followed by another magnitude-7.3 quake on Tuesday that killed 117 people and injured 2,800.
    The second quake was centered between Kathmandu and Mount Everest, and hit hardest in deeply rural parts of the Himalayan foothills, hammering many villages reached only by hiking trails and causing road-blocking landslides.

  27. Some Yogyakarta inhabitants have communicated discontent at Sultan Hamengku Bawono X’s late sabda raja (regal proclamation) and dhawuh raja (illustrious request), saying that he has damaged their conventions.
    “The sultan ought to pay consideration on history, particularly the title of the Yogyakarta exceptional district and the deeds of the kraton [palace],” said Subhan Nawawi, the leader of Bantul rule’s Laskar Santri, and NGO, on Tuesday.
    Since the foundation of the castle, the ruler has dependably been male on the grounds that in the Javanese royal residence custom, bobot (quality), bibit (birthplace) and bebet (rank), are connected with the male genealogy.
    Subhan included that the sabda raja April 30, which dropped the title of “Khalifatullah King” would meet with feedback, particularly from the Muslim group, on the grounds that the castle additionally assumed a vital part in Islamic religious effort, or dakwah.
    Thusly, he said, other than a ruler, the sultan was the religious pioneer, or imam, of the individuals. “An imam ought to be male,” Subhan called attention to.
    The Mataram Nahdliyin Community has likewise dismisses the sultan’s choices by holding a tirakatan petition to God gathering at the Senopati Panembahan Mausoleum in Kotagede,Yogyakarta.
    The gathering contradicted the sabda raja on the grounds that it said the title of “Raja Abdurrahman Sayyidin Panatagama Khafilatullah” for Yogyakarta sultans was suitable for guys and was a piece of a custom.
    “The title is a convention, which is an integral part of the presence of the Mataram kraton,” said Mataram Nahdliyin Community facilitator Muhammad Alfuniam, otherwise called Kang Niam.
    Kang Niam included the title was a type of acknowledgment that the Mataram Ngayogyakarta Hadiningrat kraton was the successor of an Islamic kingdom sociologically, verifiably and profoundly.
    “We will likewise hold a tirakatan gathering and Islamic Mataram kratonceremonial dinner and ideally the castle, particularly the sultan, won’t disregard history and convention,” Kang Niam said on Tuesday.

    Other than changing his title, the sultan additionally changed the title of the eldest of his five girls, issuing her the new title of Gusti Kanjeng Ratu Mangkubumi Hamemayu Hayuning Bawono.
    Eyewitnesses saw that the sultan’s choice was made to clear a path for Mangkubumi to turn into the sultan’s beneficiary, as he had no children.
    In spite of conflicting with the regal explanation and request, on the other hand, Subhan and Kang Niam said all matters identified with the castle administration progression were the privilege of the royal residence alone.
    “The progression is an inner matter of the castle and we won’t meddle in light of the fact that we have no privilege,” said Kang Niam.

  28. 1. Town Contaminated
    Moscow – A Russian journalist has uncovered evidence of another Soviet nuclear catastrophe, which killed 10 sailors and contaminated an entire town.
    Yelena Vazrshavskya is the first journalist to speak to people who witnessed the explosion of a nuclear submarine at the naval base of shkotovo – 22 near Vladivostock.
    The accident, which occurred 13 months before the Chernobyl disaster, spread radioactive fall-out over the base and nearby town, but was covered up by officials of the Soviet Union. Residents were told the explosion in the reactor of the Victor-class submarine during a refit had been a ‘thermal’ and not a nuclear explosion. And those involved in the clean up operation to remove more than 600 tones of contaminated material were sworn to secrecy.
    A board of investigators was later to describe it as the worst accident in the history of the Soviet Navy.

  29. 152
    2. Indonesian Maid Beheaded
    An Indonesian housemaid has been executed in Saudi Arabia after being convicted of killing her employer, the Saudi Interior Minister said.
    The woman was beheaded in the Southern Asir province in what was the second execution in the country.
    The maid was earlier found of suffocating her female boss and stealing her jewellery. Rape, murder and other serious crimes can carry the death penalty in the conservative desert kingdom.
    Last year, Saudi Arabia, which follow a strict interpretation of Syaria, Islamic law executed more than 130 people.

  30. 3. Bank Robber Interrupts News Broadcast
    ROCHESTER, Minn., Dec. 16 (UPI) — A Minnesota bank robber interrupted a news broadcast about his own crime when he returned to the scene Tuesday.
    Video shows KIMT News reporter Adam Sallet reporting on a series of robberies from outside Sterling State bank in Rochester as an employee runs out and points to the robber off camera.
    “This is live TV folks,” Sallet said before stepping away from the broadcast to call police.
    The feed then cut back to the news anchor who assured the audience that the event was not planned.
    Sallet tweeted later in the day that the suspect had been caught.

  31. 168
    4. Facing Jail for Highway-Blocking Marriage Proposal
    HOUSTON, Dec. 16 (UPI) – A man who stopped traffic on a busy stretch of Houston interstate for his marriage proposal is facing the possibility of jail for his gesture, police said.
    Vidal Valladares Navas, 24, recruited friends to drive their cars along his on Interstate 45 Sunday and stop on a spot with a view of the city’s skyline so he could get his girlfriend out of the car and propose in the road.”There were about 8 cars with me and we just lined up — 4 and 4 — and we just stopped,” Valladares Navas told KTRK-TV.
    Valladares Navas’ intended, Michelle Wycoff, 23, was unaware of the proposal plans, but quickly accepted.”I said, ‘Are you serious?'” Wycoff told the Houston Chronicle. “Then I saw all my family and friends with cameras and I looked where Vidal was and he was down on one knee.
    “Honestly, I didn’t think about if it was a good idea or a bad idea. I was just so happy in the moment. I love him so much,” she said.

  32. 178
    5. Cop broke up Fight with Dance-off
    A D.C. police officer helped defuse a fight between teenagers in a Washington park by challenging one of them to a dance-off.
    Seventeen-year-old Aaliyah Taylor says a woman officer arrived Monday and when she saw Taylor dancing to the popular song, “Watch Me (Whip/Nae Nae),” the officer laughed and said she had better dance moves.
    What happened next was a dance-off between the officer and the girl. Onlookers recorded the dance battle on their cellphones, according to The Washington Post, which posted the video.
    The officer said if she won, the teens had to leave the area.

  33. 192How can we say that the text above is a news item sample? To determine whether it is a news item written text or not, we should look at the generic structure. Here we go!

    1. News worthy event: The introduction what, who, where and when. In that sample, we can see the following event
    Tornado hit some areas in South Bandung on Wednesday afternoon
    2. Series of events: What happened after and followed the main event stated in the first paragraph. He we get them.
    hail stones penetrated corrugated iron rooftops

    authorities had shut down the electricity in the area to prevent short circuits
    3. Source: From where the news is written. The news must be validated
    “we saw dark clouds above followed by strong winds. Afterwards, it rained hard with hail stones,” said a resident.
    That is all about news item text tornado with generic structure. News item is written report commonly found in news paper, magazine, journal, other science handbook.

  34. 202
    A Chinese court sentenced two more Tibetan monks to long prison terms on Tuesday, accusing them of “intentional homicide” in the death of another monk, who immolated himself last March, according to Xinhua.
    The court sentenced Tsering Tenzin and Tenchum of the Kirt Monastery in the Tibetan area of Sichuan Province to 13 and 10 years in prison, respectively. On Monday, the same court found a 46-year-old monk, Drongdru, guilty of “intentional homicide” in the death of the monk, a 16-year-old who was his nephew and disciple.

    Prosecutors said that after the teenager immolated himself, the three monks hid him and delayed emergency treatment. Human rights groups said the teenage monk was protesting government policies in Tibet.

  35. 217
    News item example is a text which presents the daily news. The news written in the text should have news value. Not all events are written for the news item. Writing a news item is best practice for journalism skill. So if you want to practice and improve your journalism writing skills, it is the time. Yes, learning news item text. Before we go on the definition of news item, we see the sad news below!

    Bear Killed Old Man at Yellowstone Park

    news item yellowstone
    Illustration: some bear attacked men in Yellowstone – news item
    A grizzly bear killed a 57-year-old man hiking in Yellowstone National Park with his wife Wednesday. It’s the first fatal bear mauling in the park since 1986.

    The bears involved in Wednesday’s encounter have not been captured, and park officials said they did not immediately have enough information to determine what measures, if any, they might take in the aftermath of the attack.

    According to the AP, Yellowstone National Park is home to at least 600 grizzly bears, though some say the population is over 1,000. While the attack is the first fatal mauling in the park since 1986, it’s the third in the region in little over a year.

    A National Park Service statement said the couple surprised the mother grizzly while with her cubs, and that the grizzly fatally mauled the man in “an attempt to defend a perceived threat to her cubs.”

  36. 237
    English admin – learning English text types. Again this is about example of news item text. A daily news presented to readers by the writers to show what happened. A journalists often use news item writing style when they presented news in magazines, news paper, Online media, etc. So if you want to practice as expert journalist, you can start right now to write a news item text

    How a news item text is composed? Here is the headline when you make and write a news item text. The headline is what we call Generic Structure. Now we see the following sample first!
    Example of News Item Text – Giant Wombat Skeleton Found

    news itme text about animal
    Discovery of wombat sekeleton – news item sample
    The fossil of a car sized mega-wombat has been unearthed in northern Australia, scientists said Wednesday. A relative of the modern-day wombat, the diprotodon skeleton was dug up in remote Queensland last week and scientists believe it could shed valuable light on the species’ demise.
    Along with Australia’s other mega fauna,which included towering kangaroos and gigantic crocodiles, diprotodon became extinct around the same time that indigenous tribes first appeared. “There’s been a lot of debate about what killed the mega fauna and it’s quite a hot topic in paleontology,” Sue Hand, a professor on the team that made the discovery.
    There could be some very interesting data to be extracted from the find.The animal was two metres tall (6 feet,six inches) and 3.5 metres (11 feet, six inches) long. It was the size of arhinoceros or a car, pigeon-toed and with a backward-facing pouch.
    “They basically looked a lot like a wombat, a very big beefed-up wombat,much bigger than obviously anything that’s around today,” said Hand.

  37. 263
    This news item example about racing sport is given with generic structure to make better understanding on English text genres. As we have discussed previously in many articles, a news item is organized through a pattern of schematic structure as follow

    1. Newsworthy event: What, who, where and when the event takes a place
    Casey Stoner won the Catalunya Grand Prix on Sunday
    2. Background events: This is a series of event which provide a wider information on the main event stated in the first paragraph.
    The 2007 world champion overtook Jorge Lorenzo on the first lap.
    Lorenzo was second, 2.403 seconds behind.
    Ben Spies came in third for his first podium of the season.
    3. Source: How the writer validates the news is given in the end of the paragraph.
    Stoner said: “Jorge got off to a good start and I had to wait until the end of the first lap…”
    News item texts are often found in news paper, magazine radio news and others. News item tells the newsworthy event of the day. I have posted some news items samples and this is another one. Hopefully it helps students to get a better understanding on what and how a news item text is. Now take a look on the following short sample!

    Stoner wins Catalunya Gand Prix – News Item Text With Generic Structure

    news item text about racing sport news
    Sport news about racing – best example of news item text
    Casey Stoner won the Catalunya Grand Prix on Sunday for his third victory in the MotoGP championship this season.

    The 2007 world champion overtook Jorge Lorenzo on the first lap and never looked back as the Australian’s Honda proved too fast to catch on the 4.727-kilometer (2.937-mile) Catalunya circuit. Lorenzo was second, 2.403 seconds behind. After five races, defending champion Lorenzo holds a seven-point lead over Stoner. While american rider Ben Spies came in third for his first podium of the season.

    Stoner said: “Jorge got off to a good start and I had to wait until the end of the first lap to overtake him and then he couldn’t stay with me, fortunately.”

  38. 290
    This lesson about news item text is given to students who are still learning English in high schools. News item is one of the 13 text which should be mastered well. The understanding on any English text for the students of high schools if proven with ability to write a short sample of the text and competence to analyze the generic structure.

    Every news item text sample should be given along with the ability to see the organization of the paragraph. The organization is famously called as generic structure. Below is the structure of news item to follow:

    1. Newsworthy event: What is the text about is commonly stated in the first paragraph.
    Three people have been killed and eight others injured in a blast at a nightclub.
    2. Background events, what broader information given from the text is usually given after the first paragraph. In a very short sample, it can be 2 or 3 paragraphs.
    The explosion occurred at 2:30 a.m. Sunday.

    Such incidents aren’t unusual in Serbia since the wars in the Balkans in the 1990s.
    3. Source: From where the writer got the news is ending the text
    Serbia’s state TV says the man was angry because he and three of his friends were refused entering the club
    That is the generic structure of the following example of news item. To read the news, see below!
    People Killed and Injured in Blast at Nightclub

    news item text about crime
    News item text – blast at night club
    Three people have been killed and eight others injured in a hand grenade blast at a packed village nightclub.
    The explosion in Idvor, north of Belgrade, occurred at 2:30 a.m. Sunday (0030 GMT Sunday; 8:30 p.m. EDT Saturday) when a man activated the grenade at the entrance to the club. About 150 customers were inside at the time.
    Such incidents aren’t unusual in Serbia since the wars in the Balkans in the 1990s when many hand grenades and firearms were taken home from warfronts.
    Serbia’s state TV says the man was angry because he and three of his friends were refused entry by the club’s security. He and one of his friends were killed in the blast.

  39. 304
    English Admin – Learning funny news item. This is a really funny news. How comes? A group of cows entered the room where the party was on. But that was the news, anything can happens unpredictably.

    A news can be very funny. Let’s see the following example of a news item text. This reported news is really unusual and funny.

    news item about odd thing
    Illustrative picture – cows crashed party – news item example
    Cows Crashed A Party – An Example Of A Really Odd Thing News Item Text

    BOXFORD, Mass. – Six cows crashed a party in Massachusetts and stole the beer.
    The cows escaped from a nearby farm and headed straight to the graduation party. One of the attendees called 911. The homeowner told his daughter the revelry had gone too far. “She came inside and said, ‘Dad there’s a cow outside,’” Kevin Spencer said. “And I says, ‘That’s it. Party’s over.’”
    Police said the cows were actually drinking the beer left on the picnic table. “They enjoyed it. They went right for the beer,” Lt James Riter said. “When one was done they’d knock another one over and take care of that beer.” Officers steered the cows back to their farm.

  40. 317
    Four people died after a landslide in Simirau district in Ambon, Maluku.
    According to the Maluku Disaster Mitigation Agency, two other local residents have yet to be found.
    Lodi Karual, 30, a local resident whose house was crushed by the landslide said that the incident happened after heavy rains occurred in the area.
    Dozens of residents, police, military and Search and Rescue Agency personnel have been looking for the missing residents, although the three meter pile of debris from the landslide made evacuation efforts difficult.
    “The search will continue until we can find those two residents who have been buried,” said local official Ibrahim Sangadji as quoted by
    We have many example text types in English learning. Some of them are written uniquely and some are addapted from real news. This example of news item text is taken from

  41. 326
    learning the news. This example of news item text can help you to understand how to write and arrange the structure of writing news publication. News item can be arranged with the elements of newsworthy event, background event, and source. See the sample below!

    News item text can be found in any news paper, magazine, online media. The following text is another example of news item text

    The Biggest Insect was Found

    An explorer has found the biggest insect ever on record – so large it can scoff a carrot. The insect is called a Weta Bug and has a huge wing span of seven inches and weighs as much as three mice.

    An entomologist Mark Moffett, 55, discovered the cricket-like creature up a tree on New Zealand’s Little Barrier Island. He spent two days searching for the creepy crawly which were thought to be extinct after Europeans brought rats to the island many years ago.

    “This became all the more amazing when we realized that this was the largest insect recorded.” Mark said.

    pengertian news item text bahasa Inggris
    Pola susunan paragraf dalam generic structure sebuah news item text bahasa Inggris
    Below is given the news translation in bahasa Indonesia. The translation is still rough because it is given by an online translation tool. If you think it is not good, you can modified it. Here is the translation

  42. 339
    There Are a lot of samples of news item texts, but most of them do not show the generic structure. Let’s see the following New item text sample!

    Super Junior’s Concert in Jakarta
    South Korean group Super Junior, also known as SuJu, made Mata Elang International Stadium, Ancol, North Jakarta, its playground and had fun with thousands of fans.
    The three-day concert, that kicked off on April 27, provided audiences with visual delights, state-of-the-art lighting and stage designs plus the style of each member.
    The concert was opened with the nine members: Leeteuk, Yesung, Sungmin, Donghae, Siwon, Eunhyuk, Shindong, Ryewook and Kyuhyun in white, black and red outfits on a hydraulic stage, while the giant screen behind turned red and the introduction of the group’s song “Superman” ratcheted up the atmosphere.
    “They are really responsive and are full of spirit,” One of the member said in a press conference priding his fans.

  43. 365
    News item text which is composed daily news has generic structure; newsworthy event, background, and source. As the news item about Camp Rock 2 premiere bellow, we can see the generic structure.

    Camp Rock 2 The final Jam will Premieres on Disney Channel
    It was announced on Tuesday that Disney Channel movie with tourmate Demi Lovato, “Camp Rock 2: The Final Jam,” will premiere on September 3 at 8 p.m. ET.
    On July 27, long before they watch the sequel to the 2008 flick, fans can pick up the soundtrack, featuring 15 original songs that a press release promises will span genres from hip-hop to rock to pop.
    The flick will not only have more summer lovin’ between real-life couple Lovato and Joe Jonas as Mitchie and Shane, but there will also be a little friendly rivalry between the Camp Rockers and a group of musicians at another summer camp, Camp Star, including a love interest for Nick Jonas, played by Chloe Bridges.
    The JoBros promise the movie’s music will be every bit as entertaining as its plot, which has been kept a secret since the movie was shot. “The songs are really cool,” Joe told MTV News.

    Note: This example of news item text is taken from
    Elements of Generic Structure in News Item
    1. Newsworthy event is what event happened which considered as newsworthy. Commonly newsworthy event is place in the first paragraph. The announcement of the Camp Rock 2 Premiere is the newsworthy event.
    2. Background event can be the detail information of the stated newsworthy event or the outside background which closely relates to newsworthy event. The information about the soundtrack songs of Camp Rock 2 Final Jam and the plot of movie is the background events.
    3. Source is the closing statement which can be from the participants, witness, or the official authorities. The statement of Joe to MTV that songs were really cool is the source of this example of news item text. Now see the following example of news item about the premiere announcement of sequel Camp Rock 2, The Final Jam.

  44. 385This is about the news around us. What happens daily is the best example of news item text. The event must be a newsworthy. There are a lot of events each day but not all of them are newsworthy. Take a look at the following example of news item text.

    Monkey Forest gets Kalpataru Nomination
    Ubud: The sacred Monkey Forest of Padangtegal in Ubud, Gianyar, has been nominated for the Kalpataru Awards 2012 along with other 13 nominees across Indonesia.
    Kalpataru Awards are the highest distinction for environment-related achievements by individuals, businesses and places. The Awards are usually presented by President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono in conjunction with World Environment Day, which falls every June 5.
    The Monkey Forest is owned by the village of Padangtegal and is currently under the management of Padangtegal Wenara Wana Foundation. It is home to rare and endangered flora and plants. It is also home to around 605 Balinese long-tailed macaques (Macaca fascicularis).
    Together with Udayana University, the foundation identified a number of rare plants in the forest. There are around 115 species of plants, while some of the trees are considered sacred and holy, only being used for spiritual and religious purposes.
    Tas Diantoro Hadi, chairman of the Kalpataru Awards National Committee, said that the Monkey Forest was the only candidate from Bali this year. “We will categorize the Monkey Forest as a forest conservation nominee,” he said.

  45. 405
    Learning English text through news around us. This is another example of a news item text which tells the news of the Royal honeymoon.

    A news item text consists of NEWSWORTHY EVENT, BACKGROUND EVENTS and SOURCE as the generic structure. Let’s take a look the following example of news item text!

    Royal Honeymoon Begins for Prince William, Kate
    Prince William and his wife, the former Kate Middleton, have left for a honeymoon at an undisclosed location, palace officials said on Tuesday.
    British media widely reported they had jetted off to the Seychelles, an archipelago in the Indian Ocean. William has two weeks leave from his job as a search-and-rescue helicopter pilot, but palace officials would not say if the newlyweds will be away the entire two weeks.
    After the media blitz surrounding their April 29 wedding at Westminster Abbey, the couple made it clear they’d like to be left alone by photographers. Still, their decision to delay a honeymoon surprise many. While William went back to work, Middleton – now known as the Duchess of Cambridge – was snapped by photographers grocery shopping near the couple’s home on the remote Welsh island of Angelsey.
    The idea of a Seychelles getaway gained traction when the Hamburg, Germany-based real estate mogul Farhad Vladi told the Hamburger Abendblatt daily he had rented the North Island in the Seychelles chain to the Windsors.
    “Yes, we rented the island to the British royal family,” Vladi told the paper. “Prince William and his Kate are spending their honeymoon there. But you will understand that we are not saying anything further.”

  46. 520
    Learning English through news. Today is about a an example of news item text. A text which is publicized in a news paper, magazine, Online media, press release, etc. See how a news text is composed.

    Manhole covers are being stolen
    More than 30 manhole covers have been stolen in the city’s Brooklyn, Queens and Bronx boroughs since early March, presumably by thieves selling them for scrap metal.

    Manhole covers are stolen on occasion but the recent thefts are a marked increase. “Stealing manhole covers is dangerous,” said Milovan Blair, Con Edison’s vice president for Brooklyn-Queens Electric Operations. “Anyone who steals these covers creates a serious hazard for pedestrians and motorists.”

    The covers are made of cast iron or composite materials and can weigh as much as 300 pounds (136 kg). The high price of metals make them attractive to sell as scrap.

    Witnesses have reported seeing thieves wearing utility-style clothing but without official insignia prying open covers with a car jack, loading them onto pickup trucks and driving away, Con Edison said in a statement.

  47. 432
    Learning English through the news. We have several posts categorized as news item text. Additionally this is another example of news item which hopefully helps students to get a better understanding on what and how a news item text is

    Indonesian Sailors Free as Pirates’ Ransom is Paid
    The crew of 20 Indonesian sailors aboard the Sinar Kudus cargo ship were finally freed by Somali pirates on Sunday.

    “We received the cash of $4.5 million early this morning. We have abandoned the ship and it is preparing to sail away,” a pirate who gave his name as Geney told Reuters news agency

    In March, a large group of 30 to 50 Somali pirates seized the Indonesian flagged and owned ship about 320 nautical miles northeast of the Yemeni island of Socotra. The Sinar Kudus was on its way to the Netherlands from the Indonesian island of Sulawesi when it was hijacked.

    “The ship is now on its way to the nearest secure port and is being heavily guarded by Indonesian warships,” David Batubara, vice president of Samudra Indonesia told reporters late on Sunday.

  48. 445
    Learning English though the news around us. Today we have another example of news item text. This kind of text is written to inform readers about what happened around us. See the sample below!

    UNESCO Acknowledges La Galigo
    The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization UNESCO has put South Sulawesi’s ancient literary epic La Galigo on the Memory of the World (MOW) list.

    It was the second document from Indonesia after Negarakertagama in 2008 which earned the acknowledgement from UNESCO. The certificate was handed to South Sulawesi Governor Syahrul Yasin Limpo on Thursday evening in the province’s capital of Makassar. The governor will then submit it with the National Archives Board.

    The director of Koninklijk Instituut voor Taal-, Land- en Volkenkunde (KITLV)/Royal Netherlands Institute of Southeast Asian and Caribbean Studies, Roger Tol, said Friday that it took three years for the manuscript to secure the acknowledgment.

  49. 457
    What is news item text? today we are learning English through the news around us. The following news is best sample for news item as it is arranged in the generic structure order; news worthy event, background event, and source. Here is the best news item text.

    North Sulawesi Coolcano Erupts in North Sulawesi
    Manado: After several days of increased activity, the National Disaster Mitigation Agency (BNPB) has announced that North Sulawesi’s Mount Lokon erupted at 10:20 a.m. on Tuesday,
    The height at which lava shot out of the volcano was unknown as clouds blocked the full view. The agency declared areas within a 2.5-kilometer radius from the mountain’s peak dangerous and urged nearby residents to stay alert.
    There are no residential areas within that zone. “There might be other eruptions. We call on the residents to stay calm,” agency spokesman Sutopo Purwo Nugroho said in a statement sent to The Jakarta Post. The agency said that the residents living outside the zone did not need to evacuate yet.

  50. 467
    A very short example of news item text for learning English. News item is organized through 3 important elements. They are main news, background news, and news sources. Let’s see the following news item sample!

    Man Push Van off Train Railroad
    Argentina, February 09: An unidentified man became a hero in Argentina on Tuesday February 09 after security cameras captured him pushing a stalled van off the railroad tracks as a train bore down on the vehicle.

    The video shows the man jump of the back of motorcycle and push a white van across the tracks before leaping back across tracks as the train narrowly missed him.

    After a brief discussion with the man driving the motorcycle, he got back on the motorcycle and the two drove away.

  51. 507
    Last morning, Dinar, my roommate woke up late and she had to go to campus.
    When she wanted to take her motorcycle, in fact she couldn’t move it because there were some motorcycles that blocked up her motorcycle.
    She tried to move all of the motorcycles, so that her motorcycle could move from the garage. But she couldn’t do it.
    Then, she called Adel who had that motorcycle which blocked it up. After that, her friend who had that motorcycle helped her. Finally, she could move her motorcycle and rode it to go to campus.

    Contoh Recount Text (2)

    Holiday in Pasir Kencana Beach
    ditulis oleh Muhammad Fadhil Immas

    Last week my friend and I were bored after three weeks of holidays, so we rode our bikes to Pasir Kencana Beach, which is only five kilometres from where I live. When we arrived at the beach, we were surprised to see there was hardly anyone there.

    After having a quick dip in the ocean, which was really cold, we realized one reason there were not many people there. It was also quite windy. After we bought some hot chips at the takeaway store nearby, we rode our bikes down the beach for a while, on the hard, damp part of the sand. We had the wind behind us and, before we knew it, we were many miles down the beach.

    Before we made the long trip back, we decided to paddle our feet in the water for a while, and then sit down for a rest. While we were sitting on the beach, just chatting, it suddenly dawned on us that all the way back, we would be riding into the strong wind.

    When we finally made it back home, we were both totally exhausted! But we learned some good lessons that day.

    Contoh Recount Text Pendek (3)

    Holiday in Semirang Waterfall
    ditulis oleh Windhariyati Dyah K

    On Sunday, I and my best friend, Sari, visited Semirang Waterfall in Ungaran. It was the first time for me to visit the waterfall.

    When we arrived at the hill, I felt so fresh and I could enjoy the scene. The air was so pure and all I could see only green and green.

    In Ungaran, we took a little bit trekking to find Semirang Waterfall. It was too bad for me because the distance to see the waterfall was too far.

  52. 547
    After taking so far distance, we found Semirang Waterfall. What a beautiful waterfall. We enjoyed the nice water in the rain forest surrounding the waterfall.

    Hearing the sound of falling water made me peace and relax. It was also excellent drowning out background sound. Playing with the water made me feel so happy.

    Finally, the time was over. It was time for us to go home. It was an unforgettable moment. I really enjoyed it.

    Contoh Recount Text Pendek (4)

    Ditulis oleh Eviana Yuni Afra
    Last Monday was a busy day for me. I spent my time to do a lot of activities from college to my home.
    First, at the morning, I did my presentation's assignment with my partner, she was Nurhidayah. It took 3 hours. And then we went to the campus for joining lecture. But, the lecturer said that our presentation would be started next week. It made us disappointed. The class was finished at 12.30.
    After that, I had to go home because my grandmother was in a bad condition. She was hospitalized. So, it was a must for me to back home at that time. When I got there, there were so many members of my family. There were about 10 people. My aunt, my niece, my uncle and some of my cousins. We all hoped that our grandmother would get better soon.
    Those activities made my day busy.

    Contoh Recount Text Pendek (5)

    Ditulis oleh Ilima Fitri Azmi
    One day, my sister said to me that she really wanted to go to the beach. So I promised her that the next day we would go to Maron beach in Semarang.
    The next day, we prepared many things in the morning. We brought some foods and beverages, such as fried rice, chocolate wafers, potato chips, water and orange juice. Before going to the beach, I ask my boyfriend, Kiki, to join us going to the beach. He agreed to join and he came to my house. After that, we went to the beach. We went there by motorbike.

  53. 587
    It took 25 minutes to arrive there. Then, we bought tickets in the entrance gate. Before swimming, we changed our clothes first. We swam there for more than one hour. We felt so tired that we decided to eat the foods that we had brought. Next, my boyfriend and I created a very big sand castle, while my sister continued swimming. After that, we decided to go home because it was getting dark.
    On the way home, we still felt hungry. So we stopped at a Javanese restaurant to eat something. I ordered gudeg, while my boyfriend and my sister ordered rames rice. After finished eating, we paid our bills. Then, we went home. We arrived at home at 6 o’clock and we were absolutely exhausted.

    That was a very exhausting day, but I felt so happy that I could have a vacation with my sister and my boyfriend.

    Contoh Recount Text Pendek (6)

    Ditulis oleh Afifah Tri Hyuanawati
    One Christmas in 2007, I was joining a final test try out at school. It was held from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. One of my schoolmates, Rini, asked me for accompanying her to the bus stop. When we arrived there, suddenly the heavy rain fell down from the sky. Rini suggested me to go home soon while she was entering the bus.

    It was still raining when I was home. The rain did not stop and became bigger when the night had come. People were standing in front of their house, hoping that the flood would not come. In the middle of the night, I got news that South Purwodadi had been drowned.

    The next day, Purwodadi had become a flood area. All activities were paralyzed. No one went for work or school because the land had been covered by flood. However, I thank God for not allowing the flood entered my house. Even my house had been changed into an emergency kitchen. It was so crowded there. I and my father took a walk around the center market and Central Purwodadi. All that we could see was water and water. At night, the flood looked like a beautiful ocean with the moonlight on it. I felt as if I was one of the passengers of Titanic who was sailing on the sea.

    Finally, the flood was starting to decrease in the next morning. I and my family cleaned our front yard together. That was the greatest flood that I had ever experienced in my hometown.

  54. 607On April 16th, 2010, I thought this would be a great holiday for me because that was the holy day for Hindhu people . I was so tired about the study, so I guessed this time I could get full refresh anyway. However, the fact said the other way.
    First like an ordinary daughter, I had to get up early morning helping my mother, of course after I prayed. Then I did my chores, cleaned up my room, and spread out my bed under the sun ray. I was really in danger if my mom knew that my room was messy. So, I made it as soon as possible. Second, my aunts called me in the afternoon. I did not meet them for a long time, that was the way I kept for hours to talk with them. After that, unpredictable my neighbor visited me. She asked my help finishing her homework. At last, the time was running and I just remembered that I had a lot of homework. I got mad, confused and regretful why I did not check my homework before. Therefore, I did my homework until 2:00 a.m. the next morning.

  55. 616
    On April 16th, 2010, I thought this would be a great holiday for me because that was the holy day for Hindhu people . I was so tired about the study, so I guessed this time I could get full refresh anyway. However, the fact said the other way.
    First like an ordinary daughter, I had to get up early morning helping my mother, of course after I prayed. Then I did my chores, cleaned up my room, and spread out my bed under the sun ray. I was really in danger if my mom knew that my room was messy. So, I made it as soon as possible. Second, my aunts called me in the afternoon. I did not meet them for a long time, that was the way I kept for hours to talk with them. After that, unpredictable my neighbor visited me. She asked my help finishing her homework. At last, the time was running and I just remembered that I had a lot of homework. I got mad, confused and regretful why I did not check my homework before. Therefore, I did my homework until 2:00 a.m. the next morning.

  56. 627
    One day, when I was ten years old, my father bought an old motorcycle. That was " Honda 75". I think it was small light object and easy to ride it. I persuaded my father to teach me to ride " Honda 75 ". Firstly, my father refused my request and promised that he would teach me two or three years later, but I still whimpered. Finally, my father surrendered and promised to teach me.

    He began to teach me riding the motorcycle around a field in my village. My father was very patient to give me some directions. I was very happy when I realized my ability to ride a motorcycle. " Yes, I can ".

    One day later, when I was alone at home, I intended to try my riding ability. So, myself tried bravely. All ran fluently in the beginning, but when I was going back to my home and I passed through a narrow slippery street, I got nervous. I lost my control and I fell to the ditch.

    After that, I told my father about the last accident. I imagined my father would be angry and never let me ride again. But the reality is exactly on the contrary, my father was very proud of me. He just gave me some advices and since that accident, I got my father's permission to ride motorcycle.

  57. 649
    It was takbiran night. It was also my birthday, and nothing happened. Or I had thought nothing would happen, but I was wrong.

    That night, I was watching television with my family when I heard someone lit fireworks in my front yard. I peeped through my window glass but could see nothing. It was very dark outside. Then I thought it had to be my cousins who lit the fireworks. Then I plopped down on my sofa again and tried to concentrate on the television since my mind raced with disappointment that no one gave something special on my birthday.

    I shrugged, it was almost the end of the day and I became pessimist. Five minutes later my mobile beeped. It was a text from my friend asking me to come out. Wondering what was going on, I grabbed my jacket and hurried to the front door. I was surprised to see her bring a bag full of firework and fire drills. Next I was surprised to see my other friend come out from the darkness. She brought a beautiful birthday cake on her hands. Oh my God! I shrieked. Then they gave the cake to me who was too stunned to say anything. I realized I was blushing furiously because my whole family was watching. Not to mention my neighbors too!

    A plain day, or I thought it was before, turned out to be one of the greatest moment in my life. I didn’t even know how to describe what I felt. Happy was the simplest word.

  58. 658
    My Friday Night
    During my third year of college I became acutely aware of the Womens Rights Issue.
    I made an attempt to re-examine many of the cultural norms that I had previously accepted as just being “the natural order of things.” One of the paths I took to expand my awareness of the female psyche involved women’s literature.
    That is why I spent one weekend of my life in bed–crying, laughing, feeling sometimes confused, and often, incredibly angry and distraught.
    On that rainy Friday night I had decided to read “The Women’s Room.”

  59. 670
    2. Bad Experience
    Bad Shopping Experience
    I had a bad experience when I did shopping because of the shop assistant’s fault. However, the security officer of the shop really embarrassed me of stealing a pair of blue jeans.
    That was on Sunday afternoon. I went to a fashion shop with my friends. I chose a pair of blue jeans to buy and paid for them at the cashier. Unfortunately, the shop assistant was careless. She forgot to take the censor clip on the blue jeans. So, when I left the shop, the detector beeped. The security officer shouted at me, “Hey, you…! Stop!!” Then, he took me to the manager’s room.
    After examining, the security officer and the manager realized that it was not my fault. They said they were very sorry about what had happened. Finally, the manager asked me to take one piece of clothing for free.

  60. 582
    3. Nicest Holiday
    Fantastic School Holiday
    On my fantastic school holidays I had alot of things to do.
    First I went to my friend’s house for a sleep over because my mum and dad went out. I also went to the cinema with my brother to see despicable me 2. It was a very funny movie.
    The next morning I went to my grandparent’s house with my dad and my brother. My mother did not join us because she had to to do with her job activities.
    On the second Monday I went to the cinemas again to see Monsters University. It was really funny movie. My favourite character was mike wazelski. I went to see that movie with my mum and my brother.
    When it came to Wednesday, Angelina came for a play and we had a picnic at the park but after a while Angie had to go home earlier.

  61. 691
    4. Short Biography
    Soekarno, The Greatest Leader of Indonesia
    Indonesian world leader Sukarno was born on June 6, 1901, in Surabaja, Java, Dutch East Indies. Like many Javanese people, he went by one name.
    In 1927, he became the leader of the Indonesian Independence Movement Party and fought for the country’s independence from the Netherlands.
    In 1945, Sukarno became the first president of the new Republic of Indonesia, a position he held for almost 21 years. Sukarno died on June 21, 1970.
    Sukarno is best known as the first president of the Republic of Indonesia.

  62. 711
    5. Historical Event
    The Battle on Nopember 10, 1945
    The Battle of Surabaya was fought between pro-independence Indonesian soldiers and militia against British and British Indian troops as a part of the Indonesian National Revolution.
    On 27 October 1945, a British plane from Jakarta dropped leaflets over Surabaya urging all Indonesian troops and militia to surrender their weapons. The leaders of the Indonesian troops and militia were angered, seeing it as a breaking of the agreement reached with Mallaby earlier.
    Brigadier A. W. S. Mallaby, the British brigade commander in Surabaya, was travelling about Surabaya to spread the news about the new agreement to his troops. Shortly after that, Mallaby was shot and killed. That made Lieutenant General Sir Philip Christison was angered .
    At dawn on 10 November, British troops began a methodical advance through the city under the cover of naval and air bombardment. Fighting was heavy, with British troops clearing buildings room by room.
    The battle was the heaviest single battle of the revolution and became a national symbol of Indonesian resistance. Considered a heroic effort by Indonesians, the battle helped galvanise Indonesian and international support for Indonesian independence.
    It was a day now commemorated in Indonesia as Heroes’ Day.

  63. 736Last holiday our family went to Bali to have picnic. We went there by plane. We were in Bali for six day, so we had to stay in a hotel because we didn’t have any relatives there. We stayed in Bali beach hotel near Sanur beach.

    When we came to the hotel, we didn’t come to our room directly but we have to check in first. We were received by the receptionists who were friendly and kind, and then we were helped by a room boy who took us to our rooms.

    On the second day we visited Sanur beach. We just took a walk because the beach is in front of the hotel. We walked along the seashore, played water and sand. Actually we also wanted to swim in the beach but the lifeguard didn’t allow us.

    Besides doing many activities we also watched some foreign tourist’s activities. They were lying on the beach, while others were having massage or surfing. When we felt tired, we took a rest to have some meals and drinks; and at 2.0 p.m. We went to the hotel. It was tiring but we were happy.

    An international day

    Yesterday at my school, we had an international day. We had performances, food stalls, displays, farrle tickets draw, and some of us ere dressed in costumes.

    We started day of with performances but the one I like the best was he one on fourth grade. We played games. The performance I was in was Labamba. Straight after performances e had or lunch. Here were food stalls. Hey came from Australia, Asia, Arab, and Greece.

    Everyone had a job. These people were from sixth grade. I did my job after I had lunch. My job was to sell international day books.

    We had displays in the hall. These displays were good but I didn’t get to see them. Their displays came from a lot of countries, there were also trash and reassure stalls where they sold toys. The school got these things by asking the children to bring them in.

    Although I didn’t win anything, the international day was still fun.

  64. 766
    Summer after high school, after graduated from junior high school 5FC had made. This is the lovely name which is created by the leader of the gang, who is named Patrick. He met 4 other members so unexpectedly who were named, Mojo, Bubble, Buttercup, and Blossom.

    It was a unique friendship ever known. We grew together from the worst condition to the best. It was about the time, which we came and doing the things together how we solve intelligently. Patrick was a smart boy in Senior High School, he got good marks on his exam. The Mojo was the lucky and ignorant boy. He didn’t smart, but everything was near him was simple was he wanted. Bubble was a strong leadership as girl, she did many thing in her own ways. Buttercup was spoiled. She was nice, but so innocent to do the best ways for her problem, at least she could decided to speak what must be distinct.

    Blossom was a little bite ignorant, she was vicious as the first time everyone met her. But she was kind as well. They five person was being tight in 9 years. It’s hard to grow together in different major of faculty, different university, and different condition.

    If everything was as clear as in the fairy tales it is not true. They also got the big problem as human beings as well. In the third years of senior high school there was some falling in love between one person to another person. The others got angry and the friendship was broken. It was okay for getting calm each others.

    But this condition taught them that it was so silly to break the friendship just because of the love of them. They thought twice to replace it. And they got the way how to be as moist as it cleared faster.

    In some condition, that economical problem which happened to someone was disturb the car on the way. The Mojo now was unlucky person. He got many problems of life. He was angry with others why they didn’t help him in the worst condition. He got false. They tried to help him, but it was a few. In his own mind they were so unimportant just because they couldn’t help much. But he realized soon that not how much money should they spend on the floor. But how strong and much they were for him to solve the problem even not only money spent.

    This taught them always that things we got together is just because they were different. But the differences of things they had were completed each others in the ways they run. At least 5FC will be Forever until the time closed.

  65. 781
    My Vacation in Bali

    When I was 3nd grade of junior high school, my friends and I trip to Bali for vacation. We were there for five days. We got many precious experiences during the vacation.

    First day, we visited Kuta Beach in the morning. We saw the lovely sunrise there. It was an outstanding view. Then, we checked in to the hotel at the night. After taking a nap at the hotel, we went to Tanah Lot. Tanah lot was nice place. It was lovely place for taking photo. We saw so many tourists there.

    Second day, we spent our time on Tanjung Benoa beach. We played water sports at there. We drove banana boat and speed boat. In the afternoon, We went to Penyu island to see unique animals such as big turtles, snake, and sea birds. We felt enjoyed and happy.
    The last day, we went to Sangeh. We could enjoy the shady forest. There were so many monkeys. Sometimes the monkey could be naughty. We could be really close with them. After that, we visited to Sukowati Market. I bought Bali T-Shirt, souvenirs and some food for gift there

    At the night, we had to check out from the our hotel. We went back home and bring so many unforgettable memories of Bali.

  66. 821
    My sister and I went to see a film last night. It was an American movie called The Lost Flight. It showed how people can quickly change when they have to look after themselves in the jungle. It was an interesting film about a plane which crashed on a small empty island in the Pacific Ocean.
    Although the passengers were safe, nobody knew where the plane had crashed. So the passengers had to learn how to hunt for food in the jungle and how to catch fish from the sea to eat. After a few weeks, the passengers were eating raw fish and meat.
    After they had been on the island for two months, three of the men made a boat and sailed away to find help. But their boat sank and they were drowned.
    The film ended without saying whether the passengers were rescued or not. But my sister and I enjoyed the film.

    2. Travelling Around The World

    Deri saved his money and spent two months traveling around the world. He wrote his journey in his diary.
    I spent a week in New York and then flew to London and enjoyed several weeks in Europe.
    When I had seen the sights in Europe, I took a train to Istanbul and visited many places in Asia.
    First, I flew from his home in Mexico City to New York City. After through Asia, I went to south America and finally back home to Indonesia.
    Deri felt tired but he was very excited and wanted to travel again.

    3. Going to School

    My mother got me ready for school then I had to wait for her to brush my hair and place every strand
    in just the perfect position.
    I had to show her my shoes that I had cleaned the night before and my school bag had to be neatly put on my shoulder before I could
    get near the door. Only after my mother was totally satisfied, would I be allowed to rush out of the frontdoor.
    I would leave home at 8 am on the dot and make my way down the lane. After a walk of about 700 metres I would be able to see the tall steeple of the
    The playground would be full in the summer and the noise would make me want to rush into the yard and get into a good game of football before the bell

    4. My Great Day of Proposing Girl

    I woke up at about five o’clock yesterday. It wasn’t a regular day, because I was about to propose a girl.
    After praying and taking a bath, I had my early breakfast.

  67. 861
    At about nine o’clock I was in my office but my soul wasn’t there. I was thinking about the lines that I had to say to her.
    At one o’clock, I had my lunch but I wasn’t enjoying it either. So, I practiced the lines to almost all girls I met at my lunch. Yes, I was a little bit crazy. Finally, it was three o’clock. I remembered all my lines. I wrapped my works and got ready to pick her up and of course proposed her.
    I met her at four o’clock, took a little walk and went to a movie. At seven, we had a romantic dinner. I thought it was the perfect time to ask her to be my wife. Then I said the lines that I practiced the whole afternoon.
    She smiled. I reached my pocket to get a ring and put it around her finger. Then she said “Yes.” After driven her home I went back to my house.

    5. My Bad Day on Sunday

    I had a terrible day yesterday.
    First, I woke up an hour late because my alarm clock didn’t go off. Then, I was in such a hurry that I burned my hand when I was making breakfast. After breakfast, I got dressed so quickly that I forgot to wear socks.
    Next, I ran out of the house trying to get the 9:30 bus, but of course I missed it. I wanted to take a taxi, but I didn’t have enough money.
    Finally, I walked the three miles to my school only to discover that it was Sunday!
    I hope I never have a day as the one I had yesterday.

    6. Meeting a Star

    On Saturday morning at 9:30, I was walking down Sunda Street, looking for a record store.
    A man stopped me and asked me the way to the Hyatt Hotel. I wasn’t sure exactly where it was, but I walked with him to the end of Sunda Street. He was very friendly, and his face looked so familiar.
    Then I remembered where the Hyatt was and told him how to get there. He thanked me and tried to give me something. I thought it was money. I said ‘no’ at first, but he really wanted me to have it, so I took it.
    I found the record store and listened to a few records. D’ Masive had a new record that was number two in the top twenty. I decided to buy it. I looked
    in my bag for my wallet and found a piece of paper the man gave me. It was a photo.
    I was so surprised! He was a singer in D’ Masive!

    7. Going Camping

    Last weekend, my friends and I went camping.

  68. 898
    We reached the camping ground after we walked for about one and a half hour from the parking lot. We built the camp next to a small river.
    It was getting darker and colder, so we built a fire camp. The next day, we spent our time observing plantation and insects while the girls were preparing meals. In the afternoon we went to the river and caught some fish for supper.
    At night, we held a fire camp night. We sang, danced, read poetry, played magic tricks, and even some of us performed a standing comedy.
    On Monday, we packed our bags and got ready to go home.

    8. Holiday in Bali

    We had a wonderful holiday in Bali.
    It was a really great place. The people were friendly, the food was great, and the weather was a lot better than at home.
    Most days were pretty. I swam two or three times a day, but my brother Fachri just spent all his time lying on the beach with his eyes closed.
    Last Saturday I got on the bus and went to the north of the island, It was much quieter there than here–very beautiful, but no tourists. The next day we went across to
    the east coast to see some of the old villages.
    I learned Balinese–I couldn’t say much, but it was fun to try. Fachri actually spoke it quite well, but he was afraid to open his mouth, so I was the one who talked to people.

  69. 936
    Last weekend, my friends and I went camping. We reached the camping ground after we walked for about one and a half hour from the parking lot. We built the camp next to a small river. It was getting darker and colder, so we built a fire camp.

    The next day, we spent our time observing plantation and insects while the girls were preparing meals. In the afternoon we went to the river and caught some fish for supper. At night, we held a fire camp night. We sang, danced, read poetry, played magic tricks, and even some of us performed a standing comedy.

    On Monday, we packed our bags and got ready to go home.
    Visit Mount Ciremai

    last weekend, my family and me went for a holiday, the goal of the tourist attractions in Mount Ciremai, our family is really like when on vacation to the mountains, after me and my family was getting ready we immediately take a trip to get there by car.

    after a few hours, we finally got there, I immediately felt happy family, the parents we see the beautiful scenery, and adiku play games in Swift, there is very cool air once, and do not forget we also take pictures.

    after we are satisfied, my family and I finally came home, it was a nice holiday.
    Vacation to the beach Anyer

    The last holiday, my family went to Anyer beach for a picnic, we leave in the morning, because of our house to the beach anyer took a 4 hour drive, so we can play and have fun there longer, we were off to the beach anyer

    After arriving at the beach anyer, we just took a walk because the beach is in front of the hotel. We walked along the seashore, played water and sand. Actually we also wanted to swim in the beach but the lifeguard didn’t allow us. Besides doing many activities we also watched some foreign tourist’s activities. They were lying on the beach, while others were having massage or surfing.

    When we felt tired, we took a rest to have some meals and drinks, and at 5:00 pm we came home his end, this is a memorable holiday, next time we will visit again.
    Fantastic Holiday

    Last summer I got a fantastic holiday. I visited some great place, I went to an airport and was going to fly to Cleveland. I was spending there two days. I liked to see some Cleveland Cavaliers basketball matches.

    Then I went to Hollywood. Hollywood is a famous district in Los Angeles, California, United States. It had become world-famous as the center of the film industry. Four major film companies – Paramount, Warner Bros., RKO and Columbia – had studios in Hollywood. I did not want to leave but I had to.

    After that, I went to New York city. I visited the Statue of Liberty. I went from the bottom of Manhattan to the top of the crown. That was very amazing, The places made me feel at home but I have to go home. Next time I would return to them.

  70. 975
    Last week, I and my friends went to the beach after school. We used public transportation. We reached the beach at 4 p.m. The beach was beautiful and clean.
    At the beach, it was fun. We played football in the coast line. After that, we built a castle from sand. In the night, we made bonfire together. We roasted fishes and squites then we ate them. In the midnight, it was time to share our scary stories. One by one, we told our story.
    At the morning, we went home. It was a moment i never forgot.

    Contoh 2

    Meet Bambang Pamungkas

    On Friday, there was a football match between Indonesia and Japan. It held on Gelora Bung Karno stadium. I went to Gelora Bung Karno stadium with my friend, Jono.
    Before entering Gelora Bung Karno stadium, we looked the bus that took Indonesian football players. Then, we followed that bus to main-entrance. I found that Bambang Pamugkas left from the bus. When, we wanted to get close to Bambang Pamungkas, a security guard held me back. But, I thinked that security guard was familiar. He was my old friend, Budi. After that, he let me in, finally i could meet Bambang Pamungkas and got his signature.
    Next, I went back to my seat at the stadium and the match just began. It was an amazing day and good match.

  71. 983 - lunas

    Last summer I had a nice holiday. I visited some great places. I went to the airport and will fly to Cleveland. I spent three days there. I am glad to see some of the Cleveland Cavaliers basketball game. Then I went to Hollywood.

    Hollywood is a famous district in Los Angeles, California, United States. It has become world famous as a center for the film industry. Four major film companies - Paramount, Warner Bros, RKO and Columbia - had studios in Hollywood. I do not want to leave, but I had to leave her. After that, I went to the city of New York. I visited the Statue of Liberty is very beautiful.

  72. 88
    A narrative is a meaningful sequence of events told in words. It is sequential in that the events are ordered, not merely random. Sequence always involves an arrangement in time (and usually other arrangements as well). A straightforward movement from the first event to the last constitutes the simplest chronology. However, chronology is sometimes complicated by presenting the events in another order: for example, a story may open with the final episode and then flash back to all that preceded it.
    A narrative has meaning in that it conveys an evaluation of some kind. The writer reacts to the story he or she tells, and states or implies that reaction. This is the "meaning," sometimes called the "theme," of a story. Meaning must always be rendered. The writer has to do more than tell us the truth he sees in the story; he must manifest that truth in the characters and the action.
    Characters and action are the essential elements of any story. Also important, but not as essential, is the setting, the place where the action occurs. Characters are usually people—sometimes actual people, as in history books or newspaper stories, sometimes imaginary ones, as in novels. Occasionally characters are animals (as in an Aesop fable), and sometimes a dominant feature of the environment functions almost like a character (the sea, an old house).
    The action is what the characters say and do and anything that happens to them, even if it arises from a nonhuman source—a storm, for instance, or a fire. Action is often presented in the form of a plot. Action is, so to speak, the raw material; plot, the finished product, the fitting together of the bits and pieces of action into a coherent pattern. Usually, though not invariably, plot takes the form of a cause-and effect chain: event A produces event B; B leads to C; C to D; and so on until the final episode, X. In a well-constructed plot of this kind we can work back from X to A and see the connections that made the end of the story likely and perhaps inevitable.
    Stories can be very long and complicated, with many characters, elaborate plots, and subtle interpenetration of character, action, and setting. In writing that is primarily expository, however, narratives are shorter and simpler. Most often they are factual rather than imaginary, as when an historian describes an event. And often in exposition an illustration may involve a simple narrative. Being able to tell a story, then, while not the primary concern of the expository writer, is a skill which he or she will now and again be called upon to use.

  73. 109
    A story is taken as a synonym of narrative. A narrative or story is told by a narrator who may be a direct part of that experience and he or she often shares the experience as a first-person narrator. Sometimes he or she may only observe the events as a third-person narrator and gives his or her verdict.

    History of Narration or Storytelling
    Storytelling is an essential part of human nature. Man is the only creature that tells stories. Man has been telling stories and listening to them since the time he learnt to speak. The storytelling began with oral traditions and in forms of myths, legends, fables, anecdotes, ballads etc. These were told and retold and were passed down from generation to generation and they show the knowledge and wisdom of early people. The basic theme of the above mentioned forms of stories were fears of natural forces, deeds of heroes, gods and goddesses, and they might be told to learn a lesson from an experience. Biblical stories have the primary purpose of teaching spirituality. Most biblical stories were performed in churches to convey spiritual messages to the masses.

    Narrative Examples in Everyday Life
    The modern narratives have a broader function. After a close study of famous examples of Modern narrative, one would realize that such narratives do not merely entertain but serve as ways to communicate writers’ moral, cultural and political perspectives. Moreover, narratives have contributed to achieving educational objectives in our everyday life. Different forms of media are enabling people to express and record their real life stories and to share their knowledge and their cultural values across the world. In addition, many documentaries on television adopt a narrative technique to communicate information in an interesting way.

  74. 124“Animal Farm” by George Orwell is a modern narrative example that aim at extending a writer’s political views. It is a form of narrative known as a political satire. It uses animals on a farm to describe the overthrow of the last of the Russian Tsar Nicholas II and the Communist Revolution of Russia before WW II. The actions of the animals on the farm are used to expose the greed and corruption of the Revolution. It also describes how powerful people can change the ideology of a society.

    Example #2
    Poetry written in the style of a narrative is known as narrative verse. “Faerie Queen” by Edmund Spenser is an example of such poetry. It narrates the adventures of “The Red-Cross Knight” to help “Lady Una” rescue her parents from the evil “Dagon”. On a symbolic level it narrates the mission of the Holiness is to help the Truth, fight Evil, and thus regain its rightful place in human hearts.

    Example #3
    Charlotte Macleod’s “The Withdrawing Room” is an example of a thriller or suspense narrative. Augustus Quiffen, a lodger at Sarah’s Brownstone home, is killed by falling under the train. It seems to be an accident until “Mary Smith” tells “Sarah” that it is a murder but she is not sure of the identity of the murderer. “Sarah” and “Max Bittersohn” investigate the matter and find that the killer has planned the death beforehand.

  75. 136
    Don Quixote” by Cervantes is a parody of Romance narratives that dealt with the adventures of a valiant knight. Unlike serious Romances, in “Don Quixote” the narrative takes a comical turn. . We laugh at how the Quixote was bestowed a knighthood in his battle with the giants [windmills]. We enjoy how the knight helps the Christian king against the army of a Moorish monarch [herd of sheep]. These and the rest of the incidents of the novel are written in the style of Spanish romances of the 16th century to mock the idealism of knights in the contemporary romances.

    Function of Narrative
    Storytelling and listening to stories are part of human instincts. Therefore, writers employ narrative techniques in their works to attract readership. The readers are not only entertained but also learn some underlying message from the narratives.

    Moreover, a narrative is set in specific cultural contexts. Readers can get a deep insight of that culture and develop an understanding toward it. Thus, narratives can act as a binding force in uniting humanity.

  76. 176
    Once upon a time...In earlier times there lived a, who named Snow White . He lived with his aunt and uncle because his parents died. One day she heard her uncle and aunt talking about leaving Snow White in the castle because they wanted to go to America and they did not have enough money to take Snow White with them. Princess Snow White did not want her uncle and aunt to do this. So he decided to escape.

    The next day he ran away from home when her aunt and uncle were having breakfast, he fled into the wood. In the wood she felt very tired and hungry. Then she saw this cottage. She knocked, but no one answered her so she went inside and fell asleep Meanwhile, seven dwarfs came home from his work. They get into. There, they found Snow White woke up from his sleep. He saw the dwarfs. The dwarf said: " What is your name ? Snow White said, " My name is Snow White. " One dwarf said, " If you want, you can stay here with us. ' Snow White tells all about her story. Then daughter snow and the seven dwarves are now living happily ever after.

    2.The Origin of the city Surabaya
    Once upon a time, there were two animals, Sura and Baya. Sura was the name of a shark and Baya was a crocodile. They dwelled in an ocean.

    Once Sura and Baya were looking for some nourishment. Abruptly, Baya saw a goat.

    “Yummy, this is my lunch,” said Baya.

    “No way! This is my midday meal. You are greedy” said Sura. Then they battled for the goat. After several hours, they were very exhausted.

    Feeling exhausted of battling, they lived in the different places. Sura dwelled in the water and Baya dwelled in the land. The border was the sandy shore, so they would never battle afresh.

    One day, Sura went to the land and looked for some nourishment in the stream. He was very famished and there was not much nourishment in the sea. Baya was very furious when he knew that Sura broke the pledge.

    They fought afresh. They both hit each other. Sura bit Baya's tail. Baya did the same thing to Sura. He bit very hard until Sura eventually provided up and A went back to the sea. Baya was happy.

  77. 210
    Once upon a time, there was a local ruler named King Sulahkromo thing. Prime Minister King has named Raden Sidopekso. Prime Minister 's wife has named Sri Tanjung. She is so beautiful and sweet that the king wanted her to be his wife. One day, the King sent the Prime Minister for long missions. While the Prime Minister went, the King tried to get Sri Tanjung. But the king failed.

    He was very angry and upset. So, when Sidopekso back, the King told him that his wife was unfaithful to him. Prime Minister is very angry with his wife. Sri Tanjung said that was not true. However, Sidopekso said that he would kill her. She took him to the river bank.

    Before he killed him and threw him into the river, he said that he will be proven innocent, Once Sidopekso kill him, he threw his body into the river dirty. River soon became clean and start spreading the wonderful aroma and very fragrant. Sidopekso said, "... Banyu Wangi... Banyuwangi ". It means ' fragrant water '. Banyuwangi proof of love born of noble and sacred. That's the origin of the town of Banyuwangi.

    4. The to be king poor monkey wants
    Narrative text monkey
    Once upon a time... Happy monkey dance at gatherings of animals, and they are all very pleased with his performance that they elected him their king. A Fox, envying him the honor, discovered a piece of meat lying in a trap, and leading the Monkey to the spot, said that he had found a shop in the woods, but do not use it, he had been saving for him as treasure trove of his kingdom, and counseled him to seize it.

    Monkey approached carelessly and was caught in a trap, and on his accusing the Fox deliberately took him into a trap, he replied, "Oh Monkey, and you, with your mind like you, will be the King of animals?

  78. The Legend of Prambanan Temple

    In the old days of Java Island, in a region called Prambanan, lies two kingdom. Kingdom of Pengging and Kraton Boko. Pengging kingdom is gifted with a fertile and get prosperous. The kingdom is lead by a wise king named Prabu Damar Moyo and has a male son named Raden Bandung Bondowoso while Kraton Boko is a kingdom that obey under the rules of Pengging. The Boko king is very cruel, he is strong and tall, like a giant. The people of Boko always afraid of the kings anger. Although the king were not handsome, he has a very beautiful daughter called Princess Roro Jongrang.

    One day, the king of Boko wants to rebels against the Pengging. Lead by the Boko prime minister, the giant race, Gopolo, the Boko army is prepared to announce the war between Boko and Pengging. They even raid its own people’s properties to support the campaign.

    Fierce war happens in the borders of the Pengging teritorial mark. Many victims were falling on both sides and people Pengging be suffering because of war, many people hunger and poverty. Knowing his people suffer and have many victims soldiers who died in the borders, then Prabu Damar Moyo sent his son Raden Bondowoso go to war against King Boko. The young Bondowoso is able to defeat king Boko. Seeing the king died, then Prime minister Gupolo escape. Raden Bondowoso pursue Patih Gupolo to Kraton Boko.

    After reaching Kraton Boko, Patih Gupolo reported on Princess Roro Jonggrang that his father had been lost in the battlefield, by a knight named Raden Bandung Pengging Bondowoso. Princess Loro Jonggrang wept, saddened his heart because his father had been killed on the battlefield. Raden at Kraton Boko Bondowoso arrived, soom he troubled to see Puteri Raden Bondowoso Loro Jonggrang beautiful, so he wanted to marry Princess Loro Jonggrang as his wife.

    As the Boko kingdom is lost in the rebels, and o save her fathers kingdom, the Loro Puteri Raden Jonggrang accept the princes, with some request. She did not want to marry Bondowoso because he had killed his father. To reject the proposal Raden Bondowoso, then Princess Loro Jonggrang have a strategy. The first request, Princess Loro Jonggrang asked for Jalatunda wells (very deep well) while the second request, asked for him to make 1000 temples in one night.

    Raden Bandung Bondowoso agreed. Raden Bondowoso Immediately make Jalatunda wells and after so he called Princess Roro Jonggrang to see the well. She trick the prince and send him down. She ask Boko’s prime minister to close the well with heavy rocks so that the prince could not reach the top of the well. Raden Bondowoso is a tough man, he is also smart. Its not a longtime before he was able to come out from the wells. He was very angry to the princess, but soon after meet the princess, he falls again with the beauty of the princess.

    She ask Raden Bondowoso the second request, to make 1000 temples in 1 night. Bondowoso then command his workers from genie tribe to help him build the 1000 temple. The 1000 temples are building up, one by one with the help of the genie tribes. The princess wants to sabotage the building of the temples. She asks her servants to pound the rice pounding tools and also burns lots of paddy’s straw.

    Because of it, the roosters crowed. The genie take a lookto the sky and its brighter in the east. The leader of the genie reported to Bondowoso that they have stopped to make the temple because the morning has arrived. Princess Roro Jonggrang told to count the temples and its only 999 temples, not 1000.

    So, Bondowoso won’t be able to marry the princess because he failed to complete the request. Being deceived and tricked, Raden Bondowoso angry and curse Princess Roro Jonggrang. “It’s missing one, and you that should fit the numbers”. The princess is soon turned into a stone statue; it is exist in the heart of the Prambanan temples until now.

  79. The Crying Stone
    In a small village, a girl lives with her mother. The girl is very beautiful. Everyday she puts make-up and wears her best clothes. She doesn’t like to help her mother work in a field. The girl is very lazy.

    One day, the mother asks the girl to accompany her to go to the market to buy some food. At first the girl refuses, but the mother persuades her by saying they are going to buy new clothes. The girl finally agrees. But she asks her mother to walk behind her. She doesn’t want to walk side by side with her mother. Although her mother is very sad, she agrees to walk behind her daughter.

    On the way to the market, everybody admires the girl’s beauty. They are also curious. Behind the beautiful girl, there is an old woman with a simple dress. The girl and her mother look very different!

    “Hello, pretty lady. Who is the woman behind you?” asks them.

    “She is my servant,” answers the girl.

    The mother is very sad, but she doesn’t say anything.

    The girl and the mother meet other people. Again they ask who the woman behind the beautiful girl. Again the girl answers that her mother is her servant. She always says that her mother is her servant every time they meet people.

    At last, the mother cannot hold the pain anymore. She prays to God to punish her daughter. God answers her prayer. Slowly, the girl’s leg turns into stone. The process continues to the upper part of the girl’s body. The girl is very panicky.

    “Mother, please forgive me!” she cries and ask her mother to forgive her.

    But it’s too late. Her whole body finally becomes a big stone. Until now people still can see tears falling down the stone. People then call it the crying stone or batu menangis.

  80. Tangkuban Perahu
    Once upon a time in west Java, Indonesia lived a wise king who had a beautiful daughter. Her name was Dayang Sumbi. She liked weaving very much. Once she was weaving a cloth when one of her tool fell to the ground. She was very tired at the time so she was too lazy to take it. Then she just shouted outloud.
    ‘Anybody there? Bring me my tool. I will give you special present. If you are female, I will consider you as my sister. If you are male, I will marry you
    Suddenly a male dog, its name was Tumang, came. He brought her the falling tool. Dayang Sumbi was very surprised. She regretted her words but she could not deny it. So she had to marry Tumang and leave her father. Then they lived in a small village. Several months later they had a son. His name was Sangkuriang. He was a handsome and healthy boy.
    Sangkuriang liked hunting very much. He often went hunting to the wood using his arrow. When he went hunting Tumang always with him. In the past there were many deer in Java so Sangkuriang often hunted for deer.
    One day Dayang Sumbi wanted to have deer’s heart so she asked Sangkuriang to hunt for a deer. Then Sangkuriang went to the wood with his arrow and his faithful dog Tumang. But after several days in the wood Sangkuriang could not find any deer. They were all disappeared. Sangkuriang was exhausted and desperate. He did not want to disappoint her mother so he killed Tumang. He did not know that Tumang was his father. At home he gave Tumang’s heart to her mother.
    But Dayang Sumbi knew that it was Tumang’s heart. She was so angry that she could not control her emotion. She hit Sangkuriang at his head. Sangkuriang was wounded. There was a scar in his head. She also repelled her son. Sangkuriang left her mother in sadness.
    Many years passed and Sangkuriang became a strong young man. He wandered everywhere. One day he arrived at his own village but he did not realized it. There he met Dayang Sumbi. At the time Dayang Sumbi was given an eternal beauty by God so she stayed young forever. Both of them did not know each other. So they fell in love and then they decided to marry.
    But then Dayang Sumbi recognized a scar on his Sangkuriang’s head. She knew that Sangkuriang was his son. It was impossible for them to marry. She told him but he did not believe her. He wished that they marry soon. So Dayang Sumbi gave a very difficult condition. She wanted Sangkuriang to build a lake and a boat in one night! She said she needed that for honeymoon.
    Sangkuriang agreed. With the help of genie and spirits Sangkuriang tried to build them. By midnight he had finished the lake by building a dam in Citarum river. Then he started building the boat. It was almost dawn when he nearly finished it. Meanwhile Dayang Sumbi kept watching on them. She was very worried when she knew this. So she made lights in the east. Then the spirits thought that it was already dawn. It was time for them to leave. They left Sangkuriang alone. Without their help he could not finish the boat.Sangkuriang was very angry. He kicked the boat. Then the boat turned out to be Mount Tangkuban Perahu. It means boat upside down. From a distant it looks like a boat upside down.

  81. 17
    ditulis oleh Windhariyati Dyah K

    On Sunday, I and my best friend, Sari, visited Semirang Waterfall in Ungaran. It was the first time for me to visit the waterfall.

    When we arrived at the hill, I felt so fresh and I could enjoy the scene. The air was so pure and all I could see only green and green.

    In Ungaran, we took a little bit trekking to find Semirang Waterfall. It was too bad for me because the distance to see the waterfall was too far.

    After taking so far distance, we found Semirang Waterfall. What a beautiful waterfall. We enjoyed the nice water in the rain forest surrounding the waterfall.

    Hearing the sound of falling water made me peace and relax. It was also excellent drowning out background sound. Playing with the water made me feel so happy.

    Finally, the time was over. It was time for us to go home. It was an unforgettable moment. I really enjoyed it.


  82. 36
    Last week my friend and I were bored after three weeks of holidays, so we rode our bikes to Pasir Kencana Beach, which is only five kilometres from where I live. When we arrived at the beach, we were surprised to see there was hardly anyone there.

    After having a quick dip in the ocean, which was really cold, we realized one reason there were not many people there. It was also quite windy. After we bought some hot chips at the takeaway store nearby, we rode our bikes down the beach for a while, on the hard, damp part of the sand. We had the wind behind us and, before we knew it, we were many miles down the beach.

    Before we made the long trip back, we decided to paddle our feet in the water for a while, and then sit down for a rest. While we were sitting on the beach, just chatting, it suddenly dawned on us that all the way back, we would be riding into the strong wind.

    When we finally made it back home, we were both totally exhausted! But we learned some good lessons that day

  83. 60
    One Christmas in 2007, I was joining a final test try out at school. It was held from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. One of my schoolmates, Rini, asked me for accompanying her to the bus stop. When we arrived there, suddenly the heavy rain fell down from the sky. Rini suggested me to go home soon while she was entering the bus.

    It was still raining when I was home. The rain did not stop and became bigger when the night had come. People were standing in front of their house, hoping that the flood would not come. In the middle of the night, I got news that South Purwodadi had been drowned.

    The next day, Purwodadi had become a flood area. All activities were paralyzed. No one went for work or school because the land had been covered by flood. However, I thank God for not allowing the flood entered my house. Even my house had been changed into an emergency kitchen. It was so crowded there. I and my father took a walk around the center market and Central Purwodadi. All that we could see was water and water. At night, the flood looked like a beautiful ocean with the moonlight on it. I felt as if I was one of the passengers of Titanic who was sailing on the sea.

    Finally, the flood was starting to decrease in the next morning. I and my family cleaned our front yard together. That was the greatest flood that I had ever experienced in my hometown.

  84. 73
    Motorcycles are descended from the “safety bicycle,” a bicycle with front and rear wheels of the same size and a pedal crank mechanism to drive the rear wheel.
    There are many systems for classifying types of motorcycles, describing how the motorcycles are put to use, or the designer’s intent, or some combination of the two. Six main categories are widely recognized: cruiser, sport, touring, standard, dual-purpose bike.
    Some motorcycles are specially adapted for specific job functions, such as those used by the ambulance, Blood Bikes, fire, and military services, and for specilized delivery services, such as pizza deliveries. Beginning in the 1960s with the Mountain Goat specialised motorcycles were developed for use on farms.
    While motorcycles typically have two wheels, some motorized tricycles are classed as three-wheeled motorcycles. Some brands have made various types of three-wheelers direct from the factory. Most of these vehicles are treated as motorcycles for registration or licensing purposes.

  85. 86
    Sleep is a naturally recurring state of mind characterized by altered consciousness, relatively inhibited sensory activity, inhibition of nearly all voluntary muscles, and reduced interactions with surroundings
    Sleep increases an organism’s sensory threshold. In other words, a sleeping creature perceives fewer stimuli. However, it can generally still respond to loud noises and other salient sensory events
    Lack of sleep is commonly called sleep deprivation. It tends to cause slower brain waves in the frontal cortex, shortened attention span, higher anxiety, impaired memory, and a grouchy mood. Conversely, a well-rested organism tends to have improved memory and mood
    A well-known feature of sleep in humans is the dream, an experience typically recounted in narrative form, which resembles waking life while in progress, but which usually can later be distinguished as fantasy.

  86. 92
    The Javan tiger (Panthera tigris sondaica) is an extinct tiger subspecies that inhabited the Indonesian island of Java until the mid-1970s.
    Javan tigers were very small compared to other subspecies of the Asian mainland, but larger in size than Bali tigers. They usually had long and thin stripes, which were slightly more numerous than those of the Sumatran tiger.
    The males javan tiger had body length of 248 cm and weighed between 100 and 141 kg. Females were smaller than males and weighed between 75 and 115 kg.
    Their nose was long and narrow, occipital plane remarkably narrow and carnassials relatively long. Based on these cranial differences, the Javan tiger was proposed to be assigned to a distinct species, Panthera sondaica.

  87. 35 brisOur first arrangement was to visit tourism puts in Bandung, for example, Kawah Putih and Patenggang. Be that as it may, Kawah Putih was extremely swarmed. Such a variety of individuals went to it. At that point we chose to drop to visit Kawah Putih. At that point, we straightforwardly went to Situ Patenggang. When we verging on touched base there, we could see an exceptionally delightful lake. We were so eager to see it closer. Whtengen we arrived comfortable destination, the circumstance was truly swarmed and loaded with vendors. We promptly came to lake Situ Patenggang. Stunning, it was extremely lovely. Tragically, there were some wastes around the lake. Whether it was absence of administration or the guest who littered was the reason for that condition. I didn’t have an inkling. I just trusted that the administration officer of this spot and the greater part of the guests could keep up the cleanness of this magnificence of nature which has been made by God.

    Other than Situ Patenggang, we additionally went by Tamansari Zoo. It was an extremely decent and a joy to go there. We could see firmly numerous creatures. They were exceptionally charming. I additionally saw some wild creatures like python snake, tiger, and lion. I brought a photo with an infant of a tiger and lion. They appeared to be agreeable and smooth. It resembled a major feline. There was just me why should daring bring picture with them. The greater part of my companions who accompanied me were quitter.

    Since the street to numerous other tourism spots was so swarmed, at long last we chose to have culinary visits. It began from Kaliki Sand, Kampung gajah, House of Sausage, The Valley, until the Paris Van Java Mall. The majority of the nourishments were flavorful. The cost was likewise sensible. I believed that I needed to do a reversal there to have culinary visits with my gang. The climate of Bandung was so sentimental. It was truly suitable to run with our sweetheart.

    The following motivation in the wake of having culinary visits was shopping keepsakes. We purchased some uncommon sustenances from Bandung, for example, brownies, banana move, Karuhun chips, and so forth. We additionally purchased some T-Shirts for our family and neighbor. Shopping gifts marked that the occasion was over.

    Despite the fact that Bandung was constantly jammed in every occasion, we generally made it an option spot to have occasion together. It was not so much a long way from Tangerang. There were likewise numerous flavorful nourishments which I would dependably miss it. There were still numerous wonderful tourism places which could ease our anxiety after dedicated regular. Also, it didn’t cost much cash like going to Bali. It was an exceptionally pleasant occasion. It was short yet important. I was so glad. So were my companions. Indeed, that was my tale about occasion in Bandung.

  88. 83 baris
    Last weekend, my family and me went for a holiday, the goal of the tourist attractions in Mount Ciremai, our family is really like when on vacation to the mountains, after me and my famAfter a few hours, we finally got there, I immediately felt happy family, the parents we see the beautiful scenery, and adiku play games in Swift, there is very cool air once, and do not forget we also take pictures.ily was getting ready we immediately take a trip Camping
    Last weekend, my friends and I went camping. We reached the camping ground after we walked for about one and a half hour from the parking lot. We built the camp next to a small river. It was getting darker and colder, so we built a fire camp.

    The nextOrientation
    On Friday we went to the Blue Mountains. We stayed at David and Della’s house. It has a big garden with lots of colourful flowers and a tennis court.
    day, we spent our time observing plantation and insects while the girls were preparing meals. In the afternoon we went to the river and caught some fish for supper. At night, we held a fire camp night. We sang, danced, read poetry, played magic tricks, and even some of us performed a standing comedy.

    On Monday, we packed our bags and got ready to go home.

    Fantastic Holiday
    Last summer I got a fantastic holiday. I visited some great place, I went to an airport and was going to fly to Cleveland. I was spending there two days. I liked to see some Cleveland Cavaliers basketball matches.

    Then I went to Hollywood. Hollywood is a famous district in Los Angeles, California, United States. It had become world-famous as the center of the film industry. Four major film companies – Paramount, Warner Bros., RKO and Columbia – had studios in Hollywood. I did not want to leave but I had to.

    After that, I went to New York city. I visited the Statue of Liberty. I went from the bottom of Manhattan to the top of the crown. That was very amazing, The places made me feel at home but I have to go home. Next time I would return to them.

    My trip to Borobudur Temple
    Last week, I spent my vacation in Jogjakarta, the city is famous in Indonesia. I went to the temple of Borobudur. My family and I went there in the morning we went to Borobudur temple by private car family. I had prepared everything before we went to Jogja. While we were driving, we get to see some beautiful scenery mountains, forests, and waterfalls as well as cars pass by.

    My family and I arrived at the Borobudur Temple at 4:30 pm. There, I saw a lot of tourists. Borobudur temple is crowded on a holiday vacation. I can learn and practice speaking English with a foreign tourist different language to me.

  89. 105 Going To Sanur Beach
    Last holiday our family went to Bali to have picnic. We went there by plane. We were in Bali for six day, so we had to stay in a hotel because we didn’t have any relatives there. We stayed in Bali beach hotel near Sanur beach.
    When we came to the hotel, we didn’t come to our room directly but we have to check in first. We were received by the receptionists who were friendly and kind, and then we were helped by a room boy who took us to our rooms.
    On the second day we visited Sanur beach. We just took a walk because the beach is in front of the hotel. We walked along the seashore, played water and sand. Actually we also wanted to swim in the beach but the lifeguard didn’t allow us.
    Besides doing many activities we also watched some foreign tourist’s activities. They were lying on the beach, while others were having massage or surfing. When we felt tired, we took a rest to have some meals and drinks; and at 2.0 p.m. We went to the hotel. It was tiring but we were happy.
    An international day
    Yesterday at my school, we had an international day. We had performances, food stalls, displays, farrle tickets draw, and some of us ere dressed in costumes.
    We started day of with performances but the one I like the best was he one on fourth grade. We played games. The performance I was in was Labamba. Straight after performances e had or lunch. Here were food stalls. Hey came from Australia, Asia, Arab, and Greece.
    Everyone had a job. These people were from sixth grade. I did my job after I had lunch. My job was to sell international day books.
    We had displays in the hall. These displays were good but I didn’t get to see them. Their displays came from a lot of countries, there were also trash and reassure stalls where they sold toys. The school got these things by asking the children to bring them in.

  90. 30 bris
    Last weekend, my family and me went for a holiday, the goal of the tourist attractions in Mount Ciremai, our family is really like when on vacation to the mountains, after me and my famAfter a few hours, we finally got there, I immediately felt happy family, the parents we see the beautiful scenery, and adiku play games in Swift, there is very cool air once, and do not forget we also take pictures.ily was getting ready we immediately take a trip Camping
    Last weekend, my friends and I went camping. We reached the camping ground after we walked for about one and a half hour from the parking lot. We built the camp next to a small river. It was getting darker and colder, so we built a fire camp.

    The nextOrientation
    On Friday we went to the Blue Mountains. We stayed at David and Della’s house. It has a big garden with lots of colourful flowers and a tennis court.
    day, we spent our time observing plantation and insects while the girls were preparing meals. In the afternoon we went to the river and caught some fish for supper. At night, we held a fire camp night. We sang, danced, read poetry, played magic tricks, and even some of us performed a standing comedy.

    On Monday, we packed our bags and got ready to go home.

    Fantastic Holiday
    Last summer I got a fantastic holiday. I visited some great place, I went to an airport and was going to fly to Cleveland. I was spending there two days. I liked to see some Cleveland Cavaliers basketball matches.

    Then I went to Hollywood. Hollywood is a famous district in Los Angeles, California, United States. It had become world-famous as the center of the film industry. Four major film companies – Paramount, Warner Bros., RKO and Columbia – had studios in Hollywood. I did not want to leave but I had to.

    After that, I went to New York city. I visited the Statue of Liberty. I went from the bottom of Manhattan to the top of the crown. That was very amazing, The places made me feel at home but I have to go home. Next time I would return to them.

    My trip to Borobudur Temple
    Last week, I spent my vacation in Jogjakarta, the city is famous in Indonesia. I went to the temple of Borobudur. My family and I went there in the morning we went to Borobudur temple by private car family. I had prepared everything before we went to Jogja. While we were driving, we get to see some beautiful scenery mountains, forests, and waterfalls as well as cars pass by.

    My family and I arrived at the Borobudur Temple at 4:30 pm. There, I saw a lot of tourists. Borobudur temple is crowded on a holiday vacation. I can learn and practice speaking English with a foreign tourist different language to me.

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    Last week my friend and I were bored after three weeks of holidays, so we rode our bikes to Pasir Kencana Beach, which is only five kilometres from where I live. When we arrived at the beach, we were surprised to see there was hardly anyone there.

    After having a quick dip in the ocean, which was really cold, we realized one reason there were not many people there. It was also quite windy. After we bought some hot chips at the takeaway store nearby, we rode our bikes down the beach for a while, on the hard, damp part of the sand. We had the wind behind us and, before we knew it, we were many miles down the beach.

    Before we made the long trip back, we decided to paddle our feet in the water for a while, and then sit down for a rest. While we were sitting on the beach, just chatting, it suddenly dawned on us that all the way back, we would be riding into the strong wind.

    When we finally made it back home, we were both totally exhausted! But we learned some good lessons that day.

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    Last week I and my friends had to go to Ungaran Mountain for the requirement of school program. EGP was one of school activity which is focused on activity that related with nature.

    On this occasion we tried to climbed Ungaran Mountain together. Before we going to the mountain, firstly we met in B3 park to checked the participant and the logistic. We had to checked it because of safety. We always paid attention with safety, because the place that we came was dangerous place.

    After checking all of thing, we went to the mountain together. We tried to go on foot, because it was one of the physical train. We saw many beautiful sceneries on all day long. There is tea garden, waterfall, beautiful farm, etc.

    Finally we got to the mountain, it was very amazing. Over there we saw a hidden waterfall and we took arrest. We were exhausted but we didn’t felt that because we enjoyed it and that was a very fantastic trip.
