Tuesday, July 17, 2018

Selingkuh, Fatal Akibatnya di Blackmail

Tema selingkuh mewarnai dunia keluarga di berbagai negara, bahkan kadang berlaku pada pasangan yang belum resmi menikah bisa gebetan, pacar, tunangan dsb. Ada kisah pilu tentang nasib pelaku selingkuh. Sebut saja namanya Dev Kaushal yang diperankan oleh Irrfan Khan. Ia bekerja di sebuah perusahaan tisu toilet. Ia memiliki kebiasaan cukup aneh ketika buang air kecil maupun bab. Ia menyertakan foto wanita untuk ditempel di toilet, tidak disebutkan alasannya kenapa. Di tempat ia bekerja, diterapkan super hemat air hingga sekedar membasuh tangan kran air akan berfungsi selama 30 detik selebihnya air akan berhenti sendiri.
Dev Khausal ini telah memiliki pasangan yang sah, sudah menikah secara resmi. Hanya saja ia sering pulang kerja dari kantornya hingga larut malam. Ia baru akan pulang jika sudah pukul 23 alias 11 malam. Sesampainya di rumah sang istri telah tertidur larut. Begitu keesokan harinya jam 7 pagi ia berangkat ke kantor, sapaan dengan istrinya hanya sekedar formalitas belaka, bahkan saat sarapan pagipun terkadang hambar. Gaji yang kecil di perusahaannya itu membuat banyak tagihan yang belum terbayar. Cicilan air, kredit rumah, hingga listrik. Inilah yang memicu kekakuan komunikasi antara Dev dengan Reena (istrinya).
Suatu ketika sepulang dari kantor ia mendapatkan saran dari sahabatnya agar membawa bunga sebagai hadiah untuk sang istri. Berhubung ia pulang sudah larut malam, maka banyak toko bunga sudah tutup. Akhrnya yang ia lakukan adalah mengambil seeikat bunga yang masih segar dari sebuah makam. Bunga tersebut dibawanya ke rumah.
Nah, kejadian perselingkuhan diketahui oleh Dev saat ia hendak masuk ke kamar, ia mengintip lewat lubang di tembok bahwa reena, istrinya, sedang bermesraan dengan seorang pria di ranjang. Berawal dari kejadian tersebut terjadilah namanya pemerasan yang melingkar, disebut melingkar karena jalan cerita film ini unik dan khas. Yaps, film berjudul Blackmail patut di apresiasi baik dari cerita dan pesan moral. Untuk pengingatan bagi para pelaku selingkuh bahwa jalan yang mereka tempuh adalah sesuat yang salah dan berdampak fatal hingga nyawa dan kerusakan moral. Etika bisa tidak terpakai dalam tatanan sosial masyarakat. Seperti halnya kumpul kebo, berhubungan intim tanpa status yang jelas sama saja dengan membiarkan perzinahan dilegalkan dan dipertontonkan di masyarakat luas. Berikut link unduh untuk menonton hingga tuntas:

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    Minggu berikutnya, kami mempersiapkan segala sesuatu yang dibutuhkan pada pagi hari. Kami membawa beberapa makanan dan minuman, seperti wafer cokelat, keripik kentang, air dan jus jeruk. Sebelum pergi ke pantai, saya minta saudara laki-laki kami, Bayu, untuk bergabung dengan kami. Dia setuju untuk bergabung dan kami pergi ke sana bersama-sama dengan orang tua kami. Kami pergi ke sana naik mobil. Butuh waktu 3 jam untuk tiba di sana. Kemudian, kami membeli tiket di gerbang masuk. Sebelum berenang, kami berganti pakaian terlebih dulu. Kami berenang di sana selama lebih dari satu jam. Kami merasa begitu lelah sehingga kami memutuskan untuk makan makanan yang kami bawa. Selanjutnya, kami bertiga membuat istana pasir yang sangat besar, sementara orang tua saya sedang menikmati pemandangan indah di sana. Setelah itu, kami memutuskan untuk pulang karena hari mulai gelap.Dalam perjalanan pulang, kami masih merasa lapar. Jadi kami berhenti di sebuah restoran untuk makan malam. Saya memesan sruit, makanan tradisional masyarakat Lampung, sementara Bayu, Putri, dan orang tua saya memerintahkan nasi goreng. Setelah selesai makan, kami membayar tagihan kami. Kemudian, kami pulang. Kami tiba di rumah pada pukul 9 malam. Kami lelah tapi kami benar-benar senang.(46)

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    “Learning something new can be a scary experience. One of the hardest things I've ever had to do was learn how to swim. I was always afraid of the water, but I decided that swimming was an important skill that I should learn. I also thought it would be good exercise and help me to become physically stronger. What I didn't realize was that learning to swim would also make me a more confident person.
    New situations always make me a bit nervous, and my first swimming lesson was no exception. After I changed into my bathing suit in the locker room, I stood timidly by the side of the pool waiting for the teacher and other students to show up. After a couple of minutes the teacher came over. She smiled and introduced herself, and two more students joined us. Although they were both older than me, they didn't seem to be embarrassed about not knowing how to swim. I began to feel more at ease.”
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  3. organization – they understand the shape that a narrative story takes as well as the salient characteristics of this kind of writing
    crafting entertaining beginnings – authors must understand the function of a story beginning – to grab the reader’s attention and introduce the reader to the story world. They also need to recognize the specific strategies and techniques authors use to accomplish this.
    elaborative detail – involves so much more than assigning adjectives to nouns! – the author needs to know why to elaborate (to allow the reader to experience story critical characters, settings, and objects through the five senses of the main character.), where elaboration is appropriate, and how to create it.
    suspense – story tension is what keeps the reader reading. Young authors must understand the need for suspense/tension and some specific techniques for building this into their plots.
    fully elaborated main events – every short story has a single significant main event – what the story is really all about. This main event needs to be told through a mix of action, description, dialogue, thoughts and feelings. It needs to be stretched out to reflect its relative importance to the story.
    satisfying extended story endings – after the main event concludes the author needs to allow the main character to reflect on memories, feelings, hopes, wishes, and decisions brought about by the main event.
    The tools and strategies for teaching the above skills can be found in Empowering Writers Comprehensive Narrative Guide.

    What can we expect in narrative writing from student authors?
    Students as early as grade 2 can begin to understand, learn, and apply narrative writing skills, creating entertaining narrative stories.

  4. Cerita Bahasa Inggris ~ Pernahkah sobat berkunjung dan berwisata di daerah Puncak, Bogor? Pastinya sudah yah, apa lagi bagi sobat yang tinggal di daerah sekitar Jakarta, liburan ke Puncak merupakan hal yang sering dilakukan setiap tahun. Tahu tidak sobat, ada satu objek wisata di puncak yang mesti di kunjungi. Tempatnya masih asri, indah, dan juga bersih. Objek wisata itu adalah Telaga Warna. Selain tempatnya yang indah, ternyata objek wisata Telaga Warna memiliki kisah yang sangat menarik. Masyarakat sekitar objek wisata tersebut percaya ada suatu cerita yang mengisahkan asal mula terbentuknya Telaga Warna tersebut. Nah, pada kesempatan kali ini Media Belajar Bahasa Inggris akan menghadirkan sebuah cerita rakyat bahasa Inggris tentang Telaga Warna beserta terjemahanya. Semoga dari cerita legenda bahasa Inggris di bawah ini, sobat bisa terhibur sekalian belajar bahasa Inggris dengan cara yang menyenangkan. Semoga bermanfaat. Check this out!!!

  5. Long time ago, there was a kingdom in West Java called Kutatanggeuhan. Kutatanggeuhan was a peaceful kingdom. People live in peace and prosperity as led by the wise king, Suwartalaya Kuttanggeuhan and his queen, Ratu Purbamanah. However, after married for a long time, they had not been given any children yet. The king and the queen were sad and lonely. They were also afraid that they had not any successor that will replace them to lead the kingdom in the future. The king had no idea what to do.

    After long thought, the king decided to go to jungle to find a quiet place to mediate. He wanted to pray to Almighty God for getting an offspring. After few days of mediating, King Suwartalaya suddenly heard a voice.

    “Stop your meditation, my king. So, you want a child. Will you love him or her if you get one?” The voice said.

    “Yes, my lord. I want a child so he or she can be my successor to lead the kingdom. Yes, my lord, I will love my child. I will always, my lord.” The king replied.

    “Go home, then.” The voice continued.

    The king then went home immediately to meet his queen. He told everything to his queen. And few weeks later, the queen was pregnant. They had never been so happy before. After nine months of pregnancy, the queen delivered a beautiful baby girl which later named as Rukmini Gilang. The king and the king were so happy that finally they had a child. The people of the kingdom were happy too. After waiting for a long time, they finally had a princess. To celebrate the new born princess, the king held a party and invited all the people in the kingdom to join.

  6. Finally a long-awaited day came. The people of the kingdom gathered in the courtyard to celebrate princess birthday. All things were set, the foods, the entertainments, and of course the necklace. It was a big and beautiful party. People of the kingdom are so happy to see that their beloved princess was now seventeen. Finally, the king and the queen, alongside with the princess came. The people of the kingdom were so fascinating to see the princess that grew even more beautiful than before.

    Now is the time for people of the kingdom to present their special gift for the princess. They handed a well-craft wooden box with a very beautiful necklace inside to the king. King Suwartalaya opened the box and pulled out the beautiful necklace that gleam various colors. It was so lovely necklace. Then king Suwartalaya gave it to the princess Rukmini Gilang. Princess Rukmini Gilang only stared on it. It seemed that she was not interested on it. “Come on my daughter, wear this lovely necklace. Do not fail the people of the kingdom who give it to you. They love you so much. They will be happy if you wear this necklace.” The king asked.

    “What?? You said this necklace is beautiful? Are you blind? This is the ugliest necklace I have ever seen. I don’t want to wear it.” The princess shouted.
    She slammed the necklace to the ground till it shattered. The king, the queen, and the people of the kingdom stood in silent witnessing their beloved princess like that. Tears began to come down from the queen’s eyes. She was so sad to see her daughter’s behavior. The king and the people of the kingdom were also sad. They cried until their tears flooded the palace. Suddenly, a big water came from the ground where the shattered necklace lied. The water flooded the palace as well as the kingdom until it sank and created a lake.

  7. Dahulu kala, tersebutlah sebuah kerajaan di Jawa Barat bernama Kutatanggeuhan. Kutatanggeuhan adalah kerajaan yang damai. Orang-orangnya hidup dengan damai dan makmur karena di pimpin oleh raja yang bijak, Suwartalaya dan permaisurinya, Ratu Prubamanah. Namun, setelah menikah untuk waktu yang lama, mereka belum dikarunia anak. Raja dan ratu sangat sedih dan kesepian. Mereka juga takut mereka tidak memiliki penerus yang akan menggantikannya untuk memimpin kerajaan di masa depan. Sang raja tidak tau harus berbuat apa lagi.

    Setelah berpikir lama, sang raja akhirnya memutuskan untuk pergi ke hutan untuk menemukan tempat yang sunyi untuk bersemedi. Dia ingin berdoa kepada Tuhan yang maha kuasa untuk mendapatkan keturunan. Setelah beberapa hari bersemedi, raja Suwartalaya tiba-tiba mendengar suara.

    "Hentikan semedi mu, raja ku. Jadi, kamu menginginkan seorang anak. Akankah kamu mencintainya? Suara itu berkata.

    "Ia, Tuhan ku. Hamba menginginkan seorang anak sehingga suatu saat di akan menggantikan ku untuk memimpin negeri ini. Iya, Tuhan ku, hamba akan mencintainya. Hamba akan selalu mencintainya." Jawab sang raja.

    "Pulanglah." Suara itu melanjutkan.

    Sang raja kemudian segara pulang untuk menemui permaisurinya. Dia menceritakan semuanya. Dan beberapa minggu kemudian, sang permaisuri hamil. Mereka tidak pernah merasa sebahagia itu sebelumnya. Setelah sembilan bulang mengandung, sang permaisuri melahirkan seorang bayi perempuan yang cantik yang kemudian dinamai Rukmini Gilang. Raja dan permaisuri sangat lah senang karena akhirnya mereka mempunyai keturunan. Rakyat kerajaan juga merasakan hal yang sama. Setelah menunggu sekian lama, akhirnya mereka mempunyai seorang putri. Untuk merayakan putri yang baru lahir, sang raja mengadakan pesta dan mengundang seluruh rakyatnya untuk bergabung.

  8. Beberapa tahun telah berlalu, puteri Rukmini Gilang tumbuh menjadi remaja yang sangat cantik. Raja dan permaisuri sangat memanjakannya. Mereka memberikan apapun yang putri pinta. Hal itu membuat putri memiliki sifat yang buruk. Akan tetapi, raja, permaisuri, dan rakyat kerajaan mencintainya. Mereka berharap suatu hari nanti sifat putri akan berubah.

    Dalam beberapa minggu ke depan, puteri Rukmini Gilang akan berumur 17 tahun. Seperti biasa, ketika hari ulang tahun puteri datang, rakyat kerajaan akan sibuk untuk menyiapkan pesta, pesta yang sangat besar. Mereka menyiapkan segalanya, makanan, hiburan, dan juga hadiahnya. Dan untuk hadiah ulang tahun kali ini, rakyat kerajaan mengumpulkan batu-batu mulia cantik. Mereka berencana untuk memberikan batu mulia tersebut kepada tukang pandai emas untuk membuatkannya sebuah kali yang sangat cantik. Mereka berencana untuk memberikan kalung tersebut sebagai hadiah ulang tahun untuk puteri di usianya yang ke 17 dengan harapan sang puteri akan menerimanya dengan senang hati.

    Akhirnya hari yang ditunggu-tunggu datang. Rakyat kerajaan berkumpul di halaman kerajaan untuk merayakan ulang tahun sang puteri.Semuanya sudah disiapkan, makanan, hiburan, dan tentunya hadiah ulang tahunnya. Pesta tersebut sungguh besar dan meriah. Rakyat kerajaan sangat bahagia melihat sang puteri sekarang berumur 17 tahun. Akhirnya, raja, permaisuri, bersama dengan sang puteri datang. Rakyat kerajaan begitu sangat terpesona melihat sang puteri yang tumbuh lebih cantik dari tahun ke tahun.

    Sekarang waktunya bagi rakyat kerjaan untuk memberikan hadiah spesial mereka untuk sang puteri. Mereka memberikan kotak dengan ukiran yang indah dengan sebuah kalung yang sangat cantik di dalamnya.Raja Suwartalaya membuka kotak tersebut dan mengambil kalung cantik yang bisa memancarkan berbagai macam warna tersebut. Itu merupakan kalung yang sangat cantik. Kemudian raja Suwartalaya memberikannya ke puteri Rukmini Gilang. Puteri Rukmini Gilang hanya memandanginya saja. Terlihat dia tidak tertarik terhadap kalung tersebut. "Ayo anak ku, pakailah kalung cantik ini. Janganlah mengecewakan mereka yang telah memberikannya untuk mu. Mereka sangat mencintaimu. Mereka akan sangat senang jika kamu memakai kalung ini." Pinta sang raja.

    "Apa?? Ayah bilang ini adalah kalung yang cantik? Apakah ayah buta? Ini adalah kalung terjelek yang pernah saya lihat. Saya tidak mau memakainya." Teriak sang puteri.

    Dia kemudian membanting kalung tersebut ke tanah hingga pecah berkeping-keping. Raja, permaisuri, dan seluruh rakyat kerajaan terdiam melihat puteri kesayangan mereka berbuat seperti itu. Air mata pun mulai jatuh dari mata permaisuri. Dia sangat sedih melihat sifat putrinya. Raja dan semua rakyatnya pun sedih. Mereka menangis sampai air mata membanjiri istana. Tiba-tiba, air yang sangat besar keluar dari tanah dimana pecahan kalung tersebut berada. Air tersebut membanjiri istana dan menenggelamkan kerajaan dan membentuk sebuah danau.

  9. Cerita Bahasa Inggris ~ Pernahkah sobat berkunjung dan berwisata di daerah Puncak, Bogor? Pastinya sudah yah, apa lagi bagi sobat yang tinggal di daerah sekitar Jakarta, liburan ke Puncak merupakan hal yang sering dilakukan setiap tahun. Tahu tidak sobat, ada satu objek wisata di puncak yang mesti di kunjungi. Tempatnya masih asri, indah, dan juga bersih. Objek wisata itu adalah Telaga Warna. Selain tempatnya yang indah, ternyata objek wisata Telaga Warna memiliki kisah yang sangat menarik. Masyarakat sekitar objek wisata tersebut percaya ada suatu cerita yang mengisahkan asal mula terbentuknya Telaga Warna tersebut. Nah, pada kesempatan kali ini Media Belajar Bahasa Inggris akan menghadirkan sebuah cerita rakyat bahasa Inggris tentang Telaga Warna beserta terjemahanya. Semoga dari cerita legenda bahasa Inggris di bawah ini, sobat bisa terhibur sekalian belajar bahasa Inggris dengan cara yang menyenangkan. Semoga bermanfaat. Check this out!!!

  10. Long time ago, there was a kingdom in West Java called Kutatanggeuhan. Kutatanggeuhan was a peaceful kingdom. People live in peace and prosperity as led by the wise king, Suwartalaya Kuttanggeuhan and his queen, Ratu Purbamanah. However, after married for a long time, they had not been given any children yet. The king and the queen were sad and lonely. They were also afraid that they had not any successor that will replace them to lead the kingdom in the future. The king had no idea what to do.

    After long thought, the king decided to go to jungle to find a quiet place to mediate. He wanted to pray to Almighty God for getting an offspring. After few days of mediating, King Suwartalaya suddenly heard a voice.

    “Stop your meditation, my king. So, you want a child. Will you love him or her if you get one?” The voice said.

    “Yes, my lord. I want a child so he or she can be my successor to lead the kingdom. Yes, my lord, I will love my child. I will always, my lord.” The king replied.

    “Go home, then.” The voice continued.

    The king then went home immediately to meet his queen. He told everything to his queen. And few weeks later, the queen was pregnant. They had never been so happy before. After nine months of pregnancy, the queen delivered a beautiful baby girl which later named as Rukmini Gilang. The king and the king were so happy that finally they had a child. The people of the kingdom were happy too. After waiting for a long time, they finally had a princess. To celebrate the new born princess, the king held a party and invited all the people in the kingdom to join.

  11. After long thought, the king decided to go to jungle to find a quiet place to mediate. He wanted to pray to Almighty God for getting an offspring. After few days of mediating, King Suwartalaya suddenly heard a voice.

    “Stop your meditation, my king. So, you want a child. Will you love him or her if you get one?” The voice said.

    “Yes, my lord. I want a child so he or she can be my successor to lead the kingdom. Yes, my lord, I will love my child. I will always, my lord.” The king replied.

    “Go home, then.” The voice continued.

    The king then went home immediately to meet his queen. He told everything to his queen. And few weeks later, the queen was pregnant. They had never been so happy before. After nine months of pregnancy, the queen delivered a beautiful baby girl which later named as Rukmini Gilang. The king and the king were so happy that finally they had a child. The people of the kingdom were happy too. After waiting for a long time, they finally had a princess. To celebrate the new born princess, the king held a party and invited all the people in the kingdom to join.

    Several years had passed, the princess Rukmini Gilang grew to be a very beautiful girl. The king and the queen spoiled the princess so much. They gave everything that the princess wanted. It made the princess had a bad attitude. However, the king, the queen and the people of the kingdom still loved her. They hope one day the princess temperament would change.

    In few weeks, Princess Rukmini Gilang would turn to be seventeen years old. As usual, when princess birthday come, people of the kingdom would busy to prepare the party, the big one. They prepared all things, the foods, the entertainments, and the presents. And for this birthday presents, the people of the kingdom collected some beautiful gems. They planned to give those beautiful gems to the best goldsmith in the kingdom to make a very beautiful necklace. They intended to present the necklace as the birthday gift for the princess in her seventeenth with hope that the princess would happily accepted it.

  12. Finally a long-awaited day came. The people of the kingdom gathered in the courtyard to celebrate princess birthday. All things were set, the foods, the entertainments, and of course the necklace. It was a big and beautiful party. People of the kingdom are so happy to see that their beloved princess was now seventeen. Finally, the king and the queen, alongside with the princess came. The people of the kingdom were so fascinating to see the princess that grew even more beautiful than before.

    Now is the time for people of the kingdom to present their special gift for the princess. They handed a well-craft wooden box with a very beautiful necklace inside to the king. King Suwartalaya opened the box and pulled out the beautiful necklace that gleam various colors. It was so lovely necklace. Then king Suwartalaya gave it to the princess Rukmini Gilang. Princess Rukmini Gilang only stared on it. It seemed that she was not interested on it. “Come on my daughter, wear this lovely necklace. Do not fail the people of the kingdom who give it to you. They love you so much. They will be happy if you wear this necklace.” The king asked.

    “What?? You said this necklace is beautiful? Are you blind? This is the ugliest necklace I have ever seen. I don’t want to wear it.” The princess shouted.
    She slammed the necklace to the ground till it shattered. The king, the queen, and the people of the kingdom stood in silent witnessing their beloved princess like that. Tears began to come down from the queen’s eyes. She was so sad to see her daughter’s behavior. The king and the people of the kingdom were also sad. They cried until their tears flooded the palace. Suddenly, a big water came from the ground where the shattered necklace lied. The water flooded the palace as well as the kingdom until it sank and created a lake.

  13. Finally a long-awaited day came. The people of the kingdom gathered in the courtyard to celebrate princess birthday. All things were set, the foods, the entertainments, and of course the necklace. It was a big and beautiful party. People of the kingdom are so happy to see that their beloved princess was now seventeen. Finally, the king and the queen, alongside with the princess came. The people of the kingdom were so fascinating to see the princess that grew even more beautiful than before.

    Now is the time for people of the kingdom to present their special gift for the princess. They handed a well-craft wooden box with a very beautiful necklace inside to the king. King Suwartalaya opened the box and pulled out the beautiful necklace that gleam various colors. It was so lovely necklace. Then king Suwartalaya gave it to the princess Rukmini Gilang. Princess Rukmini Gilang only stared on it. It seemed that she was not interested on it. “Come on my daughter, wear this lovely necklace. Do not fail the people of the kingdom who give it to you. They love you so much. They will be happy if you wear this necklace.” The king asked.

    “What?? You said this necklace is beautiful? Are you blind? This is the ugliest necklace I have ever seen. I don’t want to wear it.” The princess shouted.
    She slammed the necklace to the ground till it shattered. The king, the queen, and the people of the kingdom stood in silent witnessing their beloved princess like that. Tears began to come down from the queen’s eyes. She was so sad to see her daughter’s behavior. The king and the people of the kingdom were also sad. They cried until their tears flooded the palace. Suddenly, a big water came from the ground where the shattered necklace lied. The water flooded the palace as well as the kingdom until it sank and created a lake.

  14. Once upon a time, there was a king named Prabu Tapa Agung who had led a kingdom in West Java for a long time. He was getting old and therefore wanted to choose a successor. But unfortunately, he had no son. He thought of choosing one of his daughters, Purbararang and Purbasari. But it wasn’t an easy choice. They were both very pretty and smart. The only difference was their temperament. Purbararang was rude and dishonest, while Purbasari was kind and caring. With those considerations, Prabu Tapa Agung finally chose Purbasari to be his successor.

    Purbararang didn’t agree with her father’s decision. “It’s supposed to be me, Father. I’m the eldest daughter!” Purbararang said. Prabu Tapa Agung smiled. “Purbararang, to be a queen takes more than age. There are many other qualities that one must possess,” explained Prabu Tapa Agung wisely. “What does Purbasari have that I don’t?” Purbararang pouted. “You’ll find out when Purbasari has replaced me,” Prabu Tapa Agung answered.

    After the discussion, Purbararang went back to her room. “Is there something wrong?” asked Indrajaya. Indrajaya is Purbararang’s future husband. “I’m upset! Father chose Purbasari as his successor and not me! I have to do something!” Purbararang said. Driven mad by her anger, she came to a witch and asked her to send rash all over Purbasari’s body. Before going to bed, Purbasari started to feel itch all over her body. She tried applying powder to her body, but it’s no use. Instead, the itching grew even worse. She didn’t want to scratch it, but she just couldn’t help it. In the next morning, there were scratch mark all over Purbasari’s body. “What happened to you?”

  15. asked Purbararang, pretending to be concerned. “I don’t know, sis. Last night, my body suddenly felt very itchy. I scratched and scratched, and this is what happened,” Purbasari answered. Purbararang shook her head. “You must have done something really awful. You’ve been punished by the gods!”

    That day, the whole kingdom was scandalized. “What have you done, Purbasari?” demanded Prabu Tapa Agung. Purbasari shook her head. “I didn’t do anything that would upset the gods, Father,” she answered. “Then how can you explain what happened to your body?” Prabu Tapa Agung asked again. “If you don’t confess, I’ll banish you to the woods.” Purbasari took a deep breath. “Like I said before, I didn’t do anything wrong. And I’d rather be thrown into the woods than to confess to a deed I didn’t commit.”

    After a short discussion with his advisor, Prabu Tapa Agung ordered Purbasari to be moved to the woods. Purbasari was very sad, but she couldn’t do anything to defy her father’s order. She was accompanied to the woods by a messenger. He built a simple hut for Purbasari. After the messenger left, suddenly a black monkey came to Purbasari’s hut. He carried a bunch of bananas. From behind him, some animals looked on. “Are the bananas for me?’ Purbasari asked. The black monkey nodded, as if he understood what Purbasari said. Purbasari took the bananas with pleasure. She also said thanks. The other animals that were looking on also seemed to smile. “Are you willing to be my friend?” Purbasari asked them. All the animals nodded happily. Although she was living by herself in the woods, Purbasari never lacked of supplies. Everyday, there were always animals bringing her fruits and fish to eat.

    A long time had passed since Purbasari was banished to the woods, but her body still itched. At some places, her skin was even ulcerating. What am I supposed to do?” Purbasari sighed. The monkey who was sitting next to her stayed still, there were tears in his eyes. He hoped Purbasari would remain patient and strong.

  16. One night, on a full moon, the monkey took Purbasari to a valley. There is a pond with hot spring water. The monkey suddenly spoke, “The water of this pond will heal your skin,” he said. Purbasari was surprised, ”You can talk? Who are you?” she asked. “You’ll find out, in time,” the monkey said. Purbasari didn’t want to force the monkey. She then walked to the pond. She bathed there. After a few hours, Purbasari walked out of the pond. She was shocked to see her face reflected on the clear pond water. Her face was beautiful again, with smooth and clean skin. Purbasari observed her entire body. There were no traces of any skin ailments. “I’m cured! I’m cured!” Purbasari shouted in joy. She quickly offered thanks to the gods and also to the monkey.

    The news of Purbasari’s condition quickly spread to the kingdom, irritating Purbararang. She then accompanied by Indrajaya go to the woods to see Purbasari. Purbasari asked if she would be allowed to go home. Purbararang said she would let Purbasari return to the palace if Purbasari’s hair were longer than hers. Purbararang then let her hair down. It was so long, it almost touched the ground. But it turned out that Purbasari’s hair was twice longer than Purbararang’s hair.

    “Fine, so your hair is longer than mine.” Purbararang admitted. “But there is one more condition you must fulfill, do you have a future husband who is handsomer than mine?” said Purbararang as she walked toward Indrajaya. Purbasari felt miserable. She didn’t have a future husband yet. So, without much thought, she pulled the black monkey beside her.

    Purbararang and Indrajaya burst out, but their laughter didn’t last long. The monkey meditates and suddenly transformed into a very handsome young man, a lot more handsome than Indrajaya. “I’m a prince from a kingdom far away. I was cursed to be a monkey because of a mistake I committed. I could regain my true form only if there’s a girl who would be willing to be my wife,” said the young man.

  17. Fine, so your hair is longer than mine.” Purbararang admitted. “But there is one more condition you must fulfill, do you have a future husband who is handsomer than mine?” said Purbararang as she walked toward Indrajaya. Purbasari felt miserable. She didn’t have a future husband yet. So, without much thought, she pulled the black monkey beside her.

    Purbararang and Indrajaya burst out, but their laughter didn’t last long. The monkey meditates and suddenly transformed into a very handsome young man, a lot more handsome than Indrajaya. “I’m a prince from a kingdom far away. I was cursed to be a monkey because of a mistake I committed. I could regain my true form only if there’s a girl who would be willing to be my wife,” said the young man.

    Finally, Purbararang gave up. She accepted Purbasari as the queen, and also confessed everything she had done. “Please forgive me. Please don’t punish me,” Purbararang said, asking for forgiveness. Instead of being angry, Purbasari smiled. “I forgive you, sis,” she said. Soon after, Purbasari become queen. Beside her was the handsome prince, the former monkey known as Lutung Kasarung.

    Moral of the story: Good person will always prevail and the evil one will always lose.

  18. Once upon a time, there was an old widow named Mbok Sirni. He lived alone in his hut which located at near forest. She was so lonely. She had not been blessed with any children until her husband left her forever. Although her husband was gone long ago, Mbok Sirni still hoped for a child. Every day she prayed that might be one day someone would give her a child. So she would not feel lonely anymore.

    One day, a big-scary giant heard Mbok Sirni’s prayer of asking a child. The giant decided to grant her wish by giving her what she wanted. The giant gave her a child not because of his compassion to the old lonely window. The giant just wanted to take an advantage of Mbok Sirni to raise the child for him. So when the child got older, the giant would come back and took the child back for his meal.

    “Heyy,, you lonely old widow.” Said the giant with a loud voice.
    “Ahhhhh… Please.. Please don’t hurt me.. Please don’t eat me.” Scream Mbok Sirni frightened.
    “I come here not to hurt you nor eat you. Instead, I come here want to help you.” Said the giant.
    “I come here to grant your wish. I want to give you a child.” The giant continued.
    “Is.. Is it true?” Asked Mbok Sirni frightened.
    “Yes, it is. Take this cucumber seed and plant in the yard. From this seed you will have a child.” Answer the giant.
    “Thank.. Thank you, giant. Thank you for granting my wish.” Said Mbok Sirni.
    “However, I will give you this seed under one condition. You have to give the child back to me when she was 17.”

    Thinking shortly, Mbok Sirni agreed. With full of joy, she received the cucumber seed. She then planted it in the yard. In the next day, the seed grew. It grew bigger and faster day by day. However, not like any other cucumber plant, it only had one cucumber, a golden cucumber. The cucumber was big and heavy. When the cucumber was huge enough, Mbok Sirni harvested it. Mbok Sirni did not know what she should do with the cucumber. So she decided to cut it in a half. How shock she was when she found out there was a cute baby girl inside the cucumber. She wept happily. She now had a daughter. She named the baby girl ‘Timun Mas’ (golden cucumber).

  19. Once upon a time, there was an old widow named Mbok Sirni. He lived alone in his hut which located at near forest. She was so lonely. She had not been blessed with any children until her husband left her forever. Although her husband was gone long ago, Mbok Sirni still hoped for a child. Every day she prayed that might be one day someone would give her a child. So she would not feel lonely anymore.

    One day, a big-scary giant heard Mbok Sirni’s prayer of asking a child. The giant decided to grant her wish by giving her what she wanted. The giant gave her a child not because of his compassion to the old lonely window. The giant just wanted to take an advantage of Mbok Sirni to raise the child for him. So when the child got older, the giant would come back and took the child back for his meal.

    “Heyy,, you lonely old widow.” Said the giant with a loud voice.
    “Ahhhhh… Please.. Please don’t hurt me.. Please don’t eat me.” Scream Mbok Sirni frightened.
    “I come here not to hurt you nor eat you. Instead, I come here want to help you.” Said the giant.
    “I come here to grant your wish. I want to give you a child.” The giant continued.
    “Is.. Is it true?” Asked Mbok Sirni frightened.
    “Yes, it is. Take this cucumber seed and plant in the yard. From this seed you will have a child.” Answer the giant.

  20. Thank.. Thank you, giant. Thank you for granting my wish.” Said Mbok Sirni.
    “However, I will give you this seed under one condition. You have to give the child back to me when she was 17.”

    Thinking shortly, Mbok Sirni agreed. With full of joy, she received the cucumber seed. She then planted it in the yard. In the next day, the seed grew. It grew bigger and faster day by day. However, not like any other cucumber plant, it only had one cucumber, a golden cucumber. The cucumber was big and heavy. When the cucumber was huge enough, Mbok Sirni harvested it. Mbok Sirni did not know what she should do with the cucumber. So she decided to cut it in a half. How shock she was when she found out there was a cute baby girl inside the cucumber. She wept happily. She now had a daughter. She named the baby girl ‘Timun Mas’ (golden cucumber).

    Mbok Sirni had never been that happy before. She took care Timun Mas with all her love. Timun Mas grew up became a beautiful girl. She was also so kind and loved to help Mbok Sirni. Timun Mas was now 16. There was only couple of days left before she turned to 17. Remembered the pack she made with the giant, made Mbok Sirni depressed. Timun Mas noticed there was something wrong with Mbok Sirni. She then asked Mbok Sini about what was actually happen. Mbok Sirni told Timun Mas everything, about the giant, the pack she made, and Timun Mas origin. Mbok Sirni did not want to Timan Mas left; so did Timun Mas.

    Two days before the giant came; Mbok Sirni still did not know what to do. However, when she looked at the forest, Mbok Sirni remembered there was old hermit who lived in the middle of the forest. Mbok Sirni wanted to go there to ask the solution to her

  21. problems. She then hurried to the old hermit placed and met him. Mbok Sirni told everything to the hermit. The hermit understood the situation and decided to help Mbok Sirni. He gave Mbok Sinri four objects; a cucumber seed, a needle, salt, and shrimp paste or ‘terasi’ (fermented shrimp). The hermit suggested using those objects to defeat the giant.

    As she arrived at home, Mbok Sirni gave the four objects to Timun Mas and explained how to use them. Timun Mas was now ready to face the giant. In the next day, the giant came to Mbok Sirni as it was promised. The giant came to take back Timun Mas. While Mbok Sirni came out to see the giant, Timun Mas quietly run to escape through the back yard. Unfortunately, the giant saw it and then run tried to chase Timun Mas.

    Timun Mas run as fast as she could, but the giant run faster. Remembered the four objects Mbok Sirni gave to her, Timun Mas threw the first object, a cucumber seed. Magically, the cucumber seed turned to very dense cucumber plants with lot of cucumbers. The cucumbers looked fresh and juicy and they attracted the giant’s attention. The giant stopped at that moment and ate those cucumbers greedily. However, those cucumbers did not make the giant satisfied. Knew he was being fooled, the giant run and tried to chase Timun Mas over again.

    Even though Timun Mas had made long gap with the giant, with wide step, the giant reduce it. The giant got closer and closer to Timun Mas. And when the giant reached his hand to catch Timun Mas, the second object, the needle, was thrown. Magically, the needle turned to be tall-sharp bamboo forest. The bamboos are very sharp; they injured the giant really bad especially in his food. Bamboo forest was also thick which blocked the giant to reach Timun Mas. However, with huge desires to eat Timun Mas, the giant cut all the bamboos and then run to chase Timun Mas once more.

  22. Timun Mas had made long distance with the giant because of the bamboo forest. Without wasting time to see the giant got closer to her again, Timun Mas thrown the third object, the salt. Suddenly, the distance between Timun Mas and the giant turned to be a vast sea. The giant was shocked, yet he still wanted to eat Timun Mas. Thus, the giant swam across the sea to chase Timun Mas. The injury he got from bamboo forest was getting worst because of the salty water of the sea. Yet, the giant kept swimming and succeed to reach the shore finally.

    With all his remaining strength, the giant run to chase Timun Mas all over again. The giant kept running although it was not as fast as before. It might be because of injury he got. However, the giant could reduce the distance with Timun Mas. Seeing the giant were getting closer, Timun Mas decided to thrown the last object, the shrimp paste (terasi). Mysteriously, the shrimp paste turned to be big swamp. The giant was sucked into the swamp. This time, the giant could not escape. He had no strength anymore. His body kept sinking sucked by the swamp till the giant completely disappeared.
    Timun Mas wept happily, now the giant did not chase her anymore. She was so grateful. Timun Mas then went back to Mbok Sirni. Mbok Sirni was so happy to see Timun Mas again. They both cried tears of joyful. Timun Mas told everything to Mbok Sirni; about the magical objects she gave and about the giant. Now, both Mbok Sirni and Timun Mas did not afraid of the giant would disturb them anymore. They now lived happily ever after.

    Moral of the story: fight for the love ones.


  23. Once upon a time, there lived a beautiful and kind girl named Bawang Putih. Bawang Putih lived along with his father that she loved so much in a village, somewhere in Yogyakarta. Bawang Putih biological mother was long dead as a result of serious illness that she suffered. Bawang Putih lived in a very modest family, his father was only small traders. Even though, they were always grateful for the blessings that had given by God.

    Since she was abandoned by his mother, Bawang Putih felt very lonely, moreover, if her father went to the market to trade all day. Having the same feeling as his daughter, her father intends to marry Mbok Rondo, a widow with one daughter who lived with in the same village. Her father hoped that Bawang Putih would no longer felt lonely because there would be someone accompanied her at home. As a wise father, he asked Bawang Putih about his plan.

    Bawang Putih understood his father's intentions. She also felt the presence of Mbok Rondo in the family would make the atmosphere livelier and would make her not to feel lonely anymore. Moreover, Mbok Rondo had a daughter named Bawang Merah who was the same age as Bawang Putih. With these considerations, Bawang Putih approved her father request to marry Mbok Rondo.

  24. Bawang Putih understood his father's intentions. She also felt the presence of Mbok Rondo in the family would make the atmosphere livelier and would make her not to feel lonely anymore. Moreover, Mbok Rondo had a daughter named Bawang Merah who was the same age as Bawang Putih. With these considerations, Bawang Putih approved her father request to marry Mbok Rondo.

    After marriage, Mbok Rondo and her daughter, Bawang Merah, lived together with Bawang Putih and herfather. Initially, Mbok Rondo and Bawang Merah were very nice to Bawang Putih. However, after time went by, their true nature began to appear. When her father went to trades, Mbok Rondo and Bawang Merah often scolded and told Bawang Putih to do heavy work such as cleaning the house, washing, and cooking. All those heavy works were done by Bawang Putih, while Mbok Rondo and Bawang Merah just sat and relaxed.

    Bawang Putih was afraid tell her father what was done by her step-mother and step-sister. That was because the last few months her father had fallen ill. Bawang Putih did not want to make her father worried which would make the condition worse. What Bawang Putih was feared, happened. Her father whom he loved so much died from illness which he suffered. Since then, Bawang Putih’s life was even more miserable. Bawang Putih’s step-mother and step-sister now had control of everything. They treated Bawang Putih worse than before. In fact, Mbok Rondo did not hesitate to slap Bawang Putih if she made mistakes in doing all the houseworks.

  25. Bawang Putih was afraid tell her father what was done by her step-mother and step-sister. That was because the last few months her father had fallen ill. Bawang Putih did not want to make her father worried which would make the condition worse. What Bawang Putih was feared, happened. Her father whom he loved so much died from illness which he suffered. Since then, Bawang Putih’s life was even more miserable. Bawang Putih’s step-mother and step-sister now had control of everything. They treated Bawang Putih worse than before. In fact, Mbok Rondo did not hesitate to slap Bawang Putih if she made mistakes in doing all the houseworks.

    One morning, after cleaning the house, Bawang Putih went to the river to wash a basket full of Mbok Rondo and Bawang Merah’s dirty clothes. One by one, the dirty clothes were washed. Bawang Putih was surprised when one of the clothes drifted along the river stream. She then figured it out that the clothes was Mbok Rondo’s favorite scarf. Bawagn Putih could not reach the scarf. The stream took it away faster that she thought. Her step-mother would be very angry to know that her favorite scarf was gone. However, Bawang Putih needed to tell her.

    Obviously, Rondo Mbok was very angry to hear her favorite scarf was washed away in the river. Mbok Rondo did not hesitate to slap Bawang Putih on these indiscretions. Bawang Putih was also threatened evicted from their homes if she could not find the scarf. Rushing, Bawang Putih went straight down the river to look for the clothes. Bawang Putih asked everyone she met, but they did not see any clothes washed away in the river. Later that afternoon, Bawang Putih still walked down the riverbank hope she could find the clothes.

  26. After several hours of walking, she met an old lady who was washing rice in the river. Initially, Bawang Putih was afraid to ask the old lady about the clothes she looked for. It was because her performance which was very creepy. However, Bawang Putih needed to find the scarf. She found no other options except asking it to the old lady.

    "Sorry grandma, Did you see any clothes washed away in this river?" Bawang Putih asked.

    "Mmmm .. clothes? Is it the scarf with rose’s motif?" The creepy old lady asked.

    "Yes .. yes .. Grandma. It's the scarf I was looking for." Answered Bawang Putih happyly.

    “Come to my house, dear. It’s getting dark. Come.. come.." The old lady invited.

    Bawang Putih was nodded her head and went to the old lady’s house not far from the river. Bawang Putih was surprised seeing the house was very dirty and messy. She then decided to stay a few days with the old lady to do the daily works. Diligently, Bawang Putih cleaned house, washed the old lady’s clothes and even cooked for her. The old lady was happy, there was still someone who wanted to help her. After a few days passed, Bawang Putih decided to go home afraid of her stepmother got angrier.

    "Granny, I do really want to stay longer here, but I need to go home. I need to bring back this scarf to my stepmother. I am afraid she is angry." Bawang Putih said.

  27. Arriving at home, Bawang Putih also gave the scarf to Mbok Rondo. Mbok Rondo was still angry. Perhaps, it was because Bawang Putih did not return for several days. The stepmother was immediately sent her to the kitchen to prepare food. Remembered the pumpkin she got from the old lady, Bawang Putih planned to cook the pumpkin. Bawang Putih was surprised when she spilt the pumpkin a half. Bawang Putting found gold, diamonds, and gems inside the pumpkin. Mbok Rono and Bawang Merah who saw the incident immediately forcibly seize jewelry in the hands of Bawang Putih.

    "Hey, Bawang Putih! Tell me where you get this much jewelry!" Mbok Rondo asked.

    Bawang Putih told everything to Mbok Rondo and Bawang Merah. Hearing the story, Mbok Rondo asked Bawang Merah to do the same thing with Bawang Putih. In the next day, Bawang Merah went to the old lady’s house at the edge of the river. Similar with Bawang Putih, Bawang Merah was asked to accompany the old lady for a week. Unlike Bawang Putih who worked diligently, Bawang Merah was just lazing around. If she did something, the results were never good because Bawang Merah did it not suriously. Finally, after a week, Bawang Merah asked for leaving.

    "Hey old lady, I have helped you. I want to go home now. Can you give me the big yellow pumpkin over there as a gift of helping you." Asked Bawang Merah.

  28. The old lady then gave the pumpkin to Bawang Merah as she wanted. Quickly she took it and without saying good bye, Bawang Merah left and went home. When she arrived at home, Bawang Merah immediately showed the pumpkin to her mother. They were so happy. Immediately, they cut the pumpkin a half hoping there were more jewelries found in this pumpkin than in the previous one. They were very surprised; there were no gold, no diamond, nor gems. Instead, venomous animals such as snakes and scorpions sprouted out from the inside. The animals attacked them with no mercy to death.

    Finally, Bawang Putih managed to get back all the gold, diamonds and gems that had been taken by Mbok Rondo. Bawang Putih used those jewelries to make a living. Bawang Putih at the end lived happily ever after.

    Moral of the story: If you decided to help someone, help them with all you heart.

  29. Toba Lake

    Once upon time, there was a poor fisherman who lived in the small village in North Sumatera. He lived alone, his parents had been long gone and he had not married yet. Every day, he went to the river in his village to fish. It was the only job he had. One morning, as usual after he locked his hut, the fisherman went to the river to fish. That day, he only caught one fish, a big beautiful fish. He then put the fish into the bucket full of water and was ready to go home.

    Feeling hungry, when he arrived at home, he prepared seasonings to cook the fish for his lunch. However, when he held the fish and looked at its eyes, he felt pity. He could not kill the fish. The fish was too beautiful to be his lunch. So he decided to put back it into the bucket.

    In the next day, as usual he went to fish again. But this time, he did not catch any fish. He went home with empty-handed. Remembered the fish he caught the previous day, he planned to cook it. However, when he wanted to take it, the fish was not there in the bucket. Instead, he found a beautiful girl sitting in his kitchen.


  30. “Who are you?” asked the fisherman.
    “I was the fish” replied the girl.
    “What do you mean?” asked the fisherman confuse.
    “I was the fish you catch. You are so kind; you did not kill me yesterday. For that I am very thank full. To return your kindness, I will help you to do anything.” explained the girl.
    “Well, I lived alone. I don’t have any family. If you want to be my wife, I will be very happy” asked the fisherman.
    “Ok, but you have to promise to me. If we have children someday, don’t tell them about my origin. If you tell them, the very bad thing will happen.” said the girl.

    The fisherman and the girl then married. And after a year, they had a baby boy named Samo. As any other children, Samo spent almost his day playing with friends. He played a lot and never helped his mother at home nor his father at the river. One day, Samo was asked to deliver a lunch to his father. But on the way to his father, he met his friends and decided to play with them. Samo forgot about delivering the lunch to his father. More ever, he ate it after playing tiredly. Meanwhile Samo’s father was waiting of his son bringing his lunch. Tired and hungry after fishing all day, Samo’s father decided to go home. However, on the way to home he saw Samo.

    “Samo, where have you been? You supposed to be deliver a lunch to me” asked his father.

  31. Mmmm… I am sorry, Dad. I forget. I have already eaten it with my friends” replied Samo.
    “What!!! You eat it?? I go to work early in the morning and come back lately everyday so your and your mother’s needs are fulfilled. DO YOU EVEN KNOW THAT???” said Samo’s father angrily.
    “But I am hungry, dad” replied Samo.
    “Do you think I am not hungry too? You, DAMN SON OF A FISH, don’t you ever come home!!” Samo’s father was mad.

    The Samo’s father anger took control of himself. He then realized that he had done something wrong. He should not say like that thing to Samo. He had broken his promise to Samo’s mother. Hearing what his father said to him, Samo cried and run back home to his mother. Samo told everything to her. Samo’s mother was sad that her husband had broken his promise. Suddenly, the sky was getting darker and rain fallen down. The rain was very heavy. It made the river overflow. Flood could not be stopped. Within an hour, the village sank slowly. Before the village completely drowned, Samo was asked to run up to hill by his mother. Meanwhile, his mother turned herself back into a fish.

    The flood made the village disappear. Samo’s father and all the villagers were drowning and death. It was only Samo who was safe. He made it into the top of the hill just in time before the flood sank the village. The legend said that the sinking village became a lake which is known today as ‘Toba Lake’ and the hill where Samo stayed became an island which is known as ‘Samosir Island’.

  32. Once upon a time, there was a beautiful princess named Dayang Sumbi. Dayang Sumbi was a daughter of a king named Sungging Perbankara from a big kingdom in west java. Dayang Sumbi was so pretty. Because of it, many kings of different kingdoms fought each other to make Dayang Sumbi as their wife. Because of that reason, Dayang Sumbi preferred to live alone in the forest. Dayang Sumbi asked for permission to her father to live in the forest with her loyal dog, Tumang. Sungging Perbankara had no other choices, it was his daughter’s intention and also it would be the best way to bring peace to the Kingdom. So, Sungging Perbankara let Dayang Sumbi to live in the forest.

    One day, when Dayang Sumbi was weaving, the hank of thread she used fell into the ground. She was lazy to take it over and over again. She then murmured “If there is someone who brings that hank to me, I will marry him.” Unexpectedly, Tumang came and took the hank and gave it to Dayang Sumbi. Tumang was not an ordinary dog. A legend said that Tumang used to be a God who was cursed and sent down to the earth because of a mistake he made. Dayang Sumbi had promised and she knew she had to keep her promise, if not, God would be angry. Dayang Sumbi and Tumang finally married. And in the day when they married, Tumang turned to be what he was to be, a God with a lovely face. Shortly, from this marriage, they were given a son named Sangkuriang.

  33. One day, when Dayang Sumbi was weaving, the hank of thread she used fell into the ground. She was lazy to take it over and over again. She then murmured “If there is someone who brings that hank to me, I will marry him.” Unexpectedly, Tumang came and took the hank and gave it to Dayang Sumbi. Tumang was not an ordinary dog. A legend said that Tumang used to be a God who was cursed and sent down to the earth because of a mistake he made. Dayang Sumbi had promised and she knew she had to keep her promise, if not, God would be angry. Dayang Sumbi and Tumang finally married. And in the day when they married, Tumang turned to be what he was to be, a God with a lovely face. Shortly, from this marriage, they were given a son named Sangkuriang.

    Sangkuriang grew to be a smart, handsome, and strong boy. All his days were spent with Tumang which he considered as a loyal dog, not as his father. One day, Sankuriang was asked by his mother, Dayang Sumbi, to hunt a deer. Dayang Sumbi wanted to cook deer’s liver, her favorite food.

    Sangkuriang and Tumang began to hunt a deer. After hunting all day with empty-handed, Sangkuriang worried he could not bring what his beloved mother wanted. Thinking shortly, he took his arrow and shot Tumang and took the liver, then went home and gave it to his mother.

  34. Sangkuriang and Tumang began to hunt a deer. After hunting all day with empty-handed, Sangkuriang worried he could not bring what his beloved mother wanted. Thinking shortly, he took his arrow and shot Tumang and took the liver, then went home and gave it to his mother.

    At home Sangkuriang gave the liver to his Mom. However, dayang Sumbi relized that it was not deer’s liver but dog’s liver, Tumang. She was angry and she hit Sangkuriang with a spoon. She sent her son away with a big wound on his head.

    Eventhough Sangkuriang knew that he was wrong. But why his mother sent him away because of killing a dog. It made him sad. Sangkurinag then decided to go away and never came back. He travelled around the world, wondered new places, and met different people. Years had passed, now Sangkurang had become stronger even more powerful than before.

    Sangkuriang and Dayang Sumbi loved each other. However, Dayang Sumbi then realized that the man she loved was his son after noticing there was a big scar on his head, a scar of the wound she gave that day. To undo his intention to marry her, Dayang Sumbi then asked two impossible things as marriage requirements.

    “If you want to marry me, you should make a big lake and a boat for me in one night.” Dayang Sumbi asked.“I will give whatever you want.” Sangkuriang agreed.


  35. With all his mighty power, Sangkuriang built a lake by dammed Citarum River and made a big boat. Worried Sangkuriang will finish them all, Dayang Sumbi prayed to the God to help her so Sangkuriang could not finish the tasks. Suddenly, the eastern horizon lit up and the morning came. Sangkuriang had to stop his works which he had not completed yet.

    Thinking of his effort was useless. Angrily, he kicked the boat so it up-side down. A legend said that the boat later become a mountain which well known as Tangkuban Perahu mountain. Tangkuban means up-side down and Perahu means boat.


  36. Dikisahkan ada seorang puteri cantik bernama Dayang Sumbi. Dayang Sumbi merupakan puteri dari seorang raja bernama Sungging Perbankara dari sebuah kerajaan besar di Jawa Barat. Dayang Sumbi sungguh sangat cantik. Kerena hal itu, banyak raja dari kerajaan yang berbeda berperang satu sama lain untuk menjadkan Dayang Sumbi isteri mereka. Karena alasan tersebut lah, Dayang Sumbi memilih untuk hidup sendiri di hutan. Dayang Sumbi meminta ijin pada ayahnya untuk tinggal di hutan bersama anjingnya yang sangat setia, Tumang. Sungging Perbankara tidak punya pilihan lain, itu merupakan keinginan puterinya and itu mungkin menjadi jalan terbaik untuk membawa kedamaian di kerajaanya. Akhirnya, Sungging Perbankara mengijinkan Dayang Sumbi untuk tinggal di hutan.

    Suatu ketika, ketika Dayang Sumbi sedang bertenun, pintalan benang yang dia gunakan jatuh. Karena malas mengambil pintalan benang tersebut untuk beruang kalinya, dia menggumam "Siapa yang bisa mengambilkan pintalan benang tersebut, dia akan menjadi suami ku." Tak tertuga, Tumang datang and mengambil pintalan tersebut dan memberikannya ke Dayang Sumbi. Tumang bukanlah anjing biasa. Legenda mengatakan bahwa Tumang dulunya adalah Dewa yang dikutuk dan dikirim ke bumi karena kesalahan yang dia buat. Dayang Sumbi telah mengucap janji dan dia tahu dia harus memenuhi janjinya, jika tidak, Dewa akan marah. Dayang

  37. Sumbi dan Tumang pun akhirnya menikah. Dan di hari pernikahannya, Tumang berubah menjadi dirinya yang sebenarnya, Dewa dengan wajah yang tampan. Singkat cerita, dari pernikahan tersebut, mereka dikharuniahi seorang anak bernama Sangkuriang.

    Sangkuriang tumbuh menjadi anak yang pintar, cerdas, kuat. Setiap harinya dihabiskan bersama Tumang yang dia anggap sebagai anjing yang setia, bukan sebagai ayahnya. Suatu hari, Sangkuriang diminta oleh ibunya, Dayang Sumbi, untuk berburu seekor kijang. Dayang Sumbi ingin memasak hati kijang yang merupakan makanan favoritnya.

    Sangkuriang dan Tumang mulai berburu seekor kijang. Setelah berburu seharian tanpa hasil, Sangkuriang kawatir dia tidak bisa membawang apa yang ibu tercintanya inginkan. Berpikir singkat, dia mengambil panahnya dan menembakannya ke arah Tumang dan mengambil hatinya kemudian membawanya pulang untuk diberikan ke pada ibunya.

    Di rumah Sangkuriang memberikan hati tersebut kepada ibunya. Tetapi Dayang Sumbi menyadari bahwa itu bukan lah hati rusa tetapi hati anjing, Tumang. Dia marah dan memukul Sangkuriang dengan sendok di kepalanya.

  38. Meskipun Sangkuriang tahu bahwa dia salah. Tetapi mengapa ibunya menugisrnya hanya karena membunuh seekor anjing. Hal itu membuatnya sedih. Sangkuriang kemudian memutuskan untuk pergi jauh dan tidak akan pernah kembali. Dia menjelejah ke seluruh penjuru dunia, mengunjungi tempat-tempat baru, dan betemu orang yang berbeda. Bertahun-tahun sudah berlalu, sekarang Sangkuriang telah menjadi lebih kuah bahkan lebih sakti daripada sebelumnya.

    Sangkuriang dan Dayang Sumbi saling mencintai. Akan tetapi Dayang Sumbi kemudian menyadari bahwa lelaki yang dia cintai adalah anaknya setlah melihat ada bekas luka besar yang ada di kepala Sangkurian, bekas luka dari luka yang dia berikan hari itu. Untuk mengurungkan niat Sangkuriang menikahi nya, Dayang Sumbi kemudian meminta dua hal mustahil sebagai syarat pernikahannya.

    "Jika kamu ingin menikahi ku, kamu haru membuat sebuah danau yang besar beserta perahu yang besar untuk dalam satu malam." pinta Dayang Sumbi."Saya akan berikan apapun yang kamu minta." Sangkuriang setuju.

  39. Dengan kekuatannya saktinya Sangkuriang membuat sebuah danau dengan membendung sungai citarum dan membuat sebuah perahu yang besar. Kawatir Sangkuriang akan menyelesaikanya, Dayng Sumbi berdoa kepada Tuhan agar membantunya supaya Sangkuriang tidak bisa menyelesaikan pekerjaanya. Tiba-tiba cahaya fajar terbit dari timur dan pagi pun datang. Sangkuriang harus menghentikan pekerjaannya yang mana dia belum selesai menyelesaikannya.

    Berpikir bahwa usahanya sia-sia. Dengan marah dia menendang perahu tersebut sehingga terbalik. Sebuah legenda mengatakan bahwa perhau tersebut kemudian menjadi sebuah gunung yang dikenal dengan nama Gunung Tangkuban Perahu. Tangkuban berarti terbalik dan Perahu berarti perahu.

    Moral cerita: Jangan sekali-kali berbohong ke orang, apalagi ke orang tua.

    Terima kasih sudah berkenan membaca cerita rakyat bahasa Inggris tentang Sangkuriang (Tangkuban Perahu). Semoga dari cerita rakyat di atas sobat bisa ambil pesan moral yang terdapat di dalamnya. Apa bila terdapat kesalahan baik dari segi penulisan maupun cerita, kami mohon kritik dan saran yang membangun untuk kemajuan bersama. ^^English is Fun^^


  40. A Golden Snail

    Once upon a time, there was a king named Kertamarta, a king of a peaceful and prosperous kingdom named Daha. Kertamarta was a wise king and led his kingdom in fair. That was why the kingdom of Daha grew and developed prosperously. Kertamarta had two beautiful daughters; they were Dewi Galuh and Chandra Kirana.

    Hearing about two beautiful princesses in Daha kingdom made Raden Inu Kertapati of Kahuripan kingdom wanted to visit. He was looking for a kind and beautiful girl to be married. Raden Inu Kertapati’s intention to marry one of his daughters made Kertamarta happy. The marriage between his daughter and Raden Inu Kertapati would make the bond between Daha and Kahuripan stronger than ever. Moreover, Raden Inu Kertapati was a kind and wise man.

    When Raden Inu Kertapati arriaved at Daha palace, he was placed in the hall where the two princesses were waiting. In there, Raden Inu Kertapati saw two princesses which their beauty was incomparable. Carefully, Raden Inu Kertapati observed the princesses to select one of them. After thinking for a while, Raden Inu Kertapati chose Candra Kirana as his fiancée. Kertamarta agreed and approved the decision that Raden Inu Kertapati made.

  41. Once upon a time, there was a king named Kertamarta, a king of a peaceful and prosperous kingdom named Daha. Kertamarta was a wise king and led his kingdom in fair. That was why the kingdom of Daha grew and developed prosperously. Kertamarta had two beautiful daughters; they were Dewi Galuh and Chandra Kirana.

    Hearing about two beautiful princesses in Daha kingdom made Raden Inu Kertapati of Kahuripan kingdom wanted to visit. He was looking for a kind and beautiful girl to be married. Raden Inu Kertapati’s intention to marry one of his daughters made Kertamarta happy. The marriage between his daughter and Raden Inu Kertapati would make the bond between Daha and Kahuripan stronger than ever. Moreover, Raden Inu Kertapati was a kind and wise man.

    When Raden Inu Kertapati arriaved at Daha palace, he was placed in the hall where the two princesses were waiting. In there, Raden Inu Kertapati saw two princesses which their beauty was incomparable. Carefully, Raden Inu Kertapati observed the princesses to select one of them. After thinking for a while, Raden Inu Kertapati chose Candra Kirana as his fiancée. Kertamarta agreed and approved the decision that Raden Inu Kertapati made.

  42. When Raden Inu Kertapati arriaved at Daha palace, he was placed in the hall where the two princesses were waiting. In there, Raden Inu Kertapati saw two princesses which their beauty was incomparable. Carefully, Raden Inu Kertapati observed the princesses to select one of them. After thinking for a while, Raden Inu Kertapati chose Candra Kirana as his fiancée. Kertamarta agreed and approved the decision that Raden Inu Kertapati made.

    Candra Kirana was very happy that Raden Inu Kertapati chose her to be his fiancée. On the other hand, Dewi Galuh envied her sister because she felt that she was more appropriate to be Raden Inu Kertapati’s fiancée than Candra Kirana. Dewi Galuh did not accept the decision. Instead, she planned to get rid of Chandra Kirana out of the palace.

    In the next day, Dewi Galuh asked for help to an evil witch who lived in forest. She asked the witch to curse Chandra Kirana into something terrible. Dewi Galuh was asked to put poison the witch gave into Candra Kirana’s dinner. Dawi Galuh did what the witch asked. And when Candra Kirana woke up in the next morning, she found all of her body was full of red spots. She screamed and scared. She looked so terrible and disgusting.

  43. Seeing the poison that the witch gave worked well, Dewi Galuh then spread a false issue to the people in the palace that Candra Kirana was cured by God because she did something terrible. Dewi Galuh also convinced her father to send Candra Kirana off the palace. Initially, Kertamarta did not believe the issue. However, it was leak and spread in the whole of the kingdom. Kertamarta did not have any option except to expel Candra Kirana out of the palace.

    Candra Kirana did not know where to go. All her life was spent in the palace. She also did not know what to do. She was so sad. In the other hand, Dewi Galuh was very happy. She finally managed to get rid of Candra Kirana. However, Dewi Galuh’ plan have not end yet. She wanted Candra Kirana was gone forever and never came back to the palace. Dewi Galuh then ordered the witch to make Candra Kirana disappeared. As it had ordered, the witch followed Candra Kirana when she walked in the bank of the river. And when there were no witness, the witch cursed Candra Kirana into a snail, a golden snail, which then she threw it into the river.

    In other place, there lived an old lady in a village called Dadapan. Dadapan was located in the border of Kingdom of Daha, quite far from the palace. The old lady lived alone in the cottage near a river. Every day, she went to the river to fish. That day, she was lucky.

  44. In other place, there lived an old lady in a village called Dadapan. Dadapan was located in the border of Kingdom of Daha, quite far from the palace. The old lady lived alone in the cottage near a river. Every day, she went to the river to fish. That day, she was lucky. She got plenty of fishes and among them there was a golden snail. Some of the fishes she got were brought to the market, and the rest was brought to her home. When the old lady got home, she prepared to cook some fishes including the golden snail. However, when she looked at the golden snail, there was something strange in it. Somehow, she spared the golden snail with other fishes and put it into small bucket. The old lady wanted to keep it as a pet.

    In the next day, like usual, the old lady went to the river to fish in the morning. And after fishing all day, she went home in the afternoon. When she got home, she was surprised to see that her cottage was clean and neat, and there was food in the table. She wondered who was doing all of this. The same strange things also happened the day after that. Filling with curiosity, the old lady decided to come back early and peered through the crack in the window of her cottage. She saw the snail she kept transformed into a beautiful girl. The girl is the one who cleaned the cottage and cooked a meal for her.

  45. Candra Kirana did not know where to go. All her life was spent in the palace. She also did not know what to do. She was so sad. In the other hand, Dewi Galuh was very happy. She finally managed to get rid of Candra Kirana. However, Dewi Galuh’ plan have not end yet. She wanted Candra Kirana was gone forever and never came back to the palace. Dewi Galuh then ordered the witch to make Candra Kirana disappeared. As it had ordered, the witch followed Candra Kirana when she walked in the bank of the river. And when there were no witness, the witch cursed Candra Kirana into a snail, a golden snail, which then she threw it into the river.

    In other place, there lived an old lady in a village called Dadapan. Dadapan was located in the border of Kingdom of Daha, quite far from the palace. The old lady lived alone in the cottage near a river. Every day, she went to the river to fish. That day, she was lucky. She got plenty of fishes and among them there was a golden snail. Some of the fishes she got were brought to the market, and the rest was brought to her home. When the old lady got home, she prepared to cook some fishes including the golden snail. However, when she looked at the golden snail, there was something strange in it. Somehow, she spared the golden snail with other fishes and put it into small bucket. The old lady wanted to keep it as a pet.

  46. Candra Kirana did not know where to go. All her life was spent in the palace. She also did not know what to do. She was so sad. In the other hand, Dewi Galuh was very happy. She finally managed to get rid of Candra Kirana. However, Dewi Galuh’ plan have not end yet. She wanted Candra Kirana was gone forever and never came back to the palace. Dewi Galuh then ordered the witch to make Candra Kirana disappeared. As it had ordered, the witch followed Candra Kirana when she walked in the bank of the river. And when there were no witness, the witch cursed Candra Kirana into a snail, a golden snail, which then she threw it into the river.

    In other place, there lived an old lady in a village called Dadapan. Dadapan was located in the border of Kingdom of Daha, quite far from the palace. The old lady lived alone in the cottage near a river. Every day, she went to the river to fish. That day, she was lucky. She got plenty of fishes and among them there was a golden snail. Some of the fishes she got were brought to the market, and the rest was brought to her home. When the old lady got home, she prepared to cook some fishes including the golden snail. However, when she looked at the golden snail, there was something strange in it. Somehow, she spared the golden snail with other fishes and put it into small bucket. The old lady wanted to keep it as a pet.

  47. In the next day, like usual, the old lady went to the river to fish in the morning. And after fishing all day, she went home in the afternoon. When she got home, she was surprised to see that her cottage was clean and neat, and there was food in the table. She wondered who was doing all of this. The same strange things also happened the day after that. Filling with curiosity, the old lady decided to come back early and peered through the crack in the window of her cottage. She saw the snail she kept transformed into a beautiful girl. The girl is the one who cleaned the cottage and cooked a meal for her.

    The old lady was astounded to see what she had just seen. She then decided to get inside and asked who the girl was. The girl could not do anything, expect telling the truth. The girl told that she was Chandra Kirana, a princess of Daha Kingdom who was cursed by her own sister. Chandra Kirana explained that the curse will be removed if there was a man who loved her as she was. After explaining who she was, Candra Kirana transformed back into a golden snail.

    Meanwhile, Raden Inu Kertapati could not accept the fact that Chandra Kirana was gone. He decided to go looking for her. Raden Inu Kertapati wandered and asked people he met about Chandra Kirana. However, none could give the answer. One day, when Raden Inu Kertapati reached the border of Daha

  48. give the answer. One day, when Raden Inu Kertapati reached the border of Daha Kingdom, he met an old man who begged for food and water. Without further thought, Raden Inu Kertapati gave his lunch to the old man. And as usual, Raden Inu Kertapati asked the old man about Chandra Kirana. The old man was not ordinary man. He was a hermit with a divine power. The old man told Raden Inu Kertapati where Candra Kirana actually was. He said that Candra Kirana was in a village called Dadapan.

    Without wasting the time, Raden Inu Kertapati went to the village which was located far away from where he was. After several days riding his horse, Raden Inu Kertapati arrived to the village. He was so hungry and thirsty after riding a horse several days without a rest. When he saw a small cottage near a river, he decided to approach it to ask for food and water. Raden Inu Kertapati was surprised to see the girl he was looking for was cooking in the kitchen of the cottage. Raden Inu Kertapati was happy to see Candra Kirana again and Candra Kirana was happy too to see the man who truly loved her came to look for her. The curse was removed. Candra Kirana would not transformed back into a golden snail anymore.

    Raden Inu Kertapati and Candra Kirana decided to go back to Daha Kingdom af

  49. saying good bye to the old lady. In the Daha kingdom, Candra Kirana and Raden Inu Kertapati told everything to Kertamarta, the king. Hearing the story, King Kertamerta was very angry. He commanded to give sincere punishment to Dewi Galuh. Dewi Galuh was sent away from the kingdom because of what she did. Finally, Raden Inu Kertapati and Candra Kirana were married. They also invited the old lady who helped Candra Kirana to live togather in the palace. Raden Inu Kertapati and Candra Kirana lived happily ever after.

  50. Dahulu kala, tersebutlah seorang raja bernama Kertamarta dari Kerajaan yang damai dan makmur bernama Daha. Raja Kertamarta merupakan raja yang bijak dan memimpin kerajaannya dengan adil. Itu lah mengapa Kerajaan Daha tumbuh dan berkembang sangat makmur. Raja Kertamarta mempunyai 2 orang putri, namanya Dewi Galuh dan Candra Kirana yang memiliki kecantikan luar biasa.

    Mendengar kabar tentang dua puteri cantik di kerajaan Daha membuat Raden Inu Kertapati dari Kerajaan Kahuripan ingin berkunjung. Maksud hati, Raden Inu Kertapati ingin mencari calon permaisuri untuk pendamping hidupnya kelak. Maksud dan kedatangan Raden Inu Kertapati pun disambut bahagia oleh Raja Kertamarta. Pernikahan antara anaknya kelak akan membuat hubungan Kerajaan Daha dan Kerajaan Kahuripan semakin kokoh. Apalagi, Raden Inu Kertapati terkenal akan ketampanan dan kebijaksanaannya.

    Ketika Raden Inu Kertapati tiba di istana Daha, dia ditempatkan di sebuah ruangan dimana dua puteri tersebut sedang menunggu. Di sana, Raden Inu Kertapati melihat dua puteri cantik yang kecantiknyanya tidak tertandingi. Dengan cermat, Raden Inu Kertapati

  51. Ketika Raden Inu Kertapati tiba di istana Daha, dia ditempatkan di sebuah ruangan dimana dua puteri tersebut sedang menunggu. Di sana, Raden Inu Kertapati melihat dua puteri cantik yang kecantiknyanya tidak tertandingi. Dengan cermat, Raden Inu Kertapati mengamati puteri-puteri tersebut untuk memilih satu diantaranya. Setelah berpikir sejenak, Raden Inu Kertapati memilih Candra Kirana sebagai tunangannya. Kertamerta setuju dan menyetujui keputusan yang dibuat Raden Inu Kertapati.

    Candra Kirana sangat senang sekali bahwa Raden Inu Kertapati memilihnya sebagai tunangannya. Di lain sisi, Dewi Galuh iri pada saudarinya karena dia merasa dia lah yang paling tepat untuk menjadi tunangan Raden Inu Kertapati dari pada candra Kirana. Dewi Galuh tidak menerima keputusan tersebut. Malahan, dia berencana untuk mengusir Candra Kirana dari istana.

    Di keesokan harinya, Dewi Galuh meminta pertolongan penyihir jahat yang tinggal di hutan. Dia meminta penyihir tersebut untuk mengutuk Candra Kirana mengidap penyakit yang menjijikan. Dewi Galuh kemudian diminta untuk menaruh racun yang diberikan penyihir tersebut kedalam makan malam Candra Kirana. Dewi Galuh malakukan apa yang penyihir itu perintahkan. Dan ketika Candra Kirana bangun di pagi harinya, dia terkejut melihat seluruh tubuhnya dipenuhi oleh bintik-bintik merah. Dia menjerit ketakutan. Dia terlihat sangat menjijikan.

  52. Prabu Tapa Agung had led a kingdom in West Java for a long time. He was getting old and therefore wanted to choose a successor. But unfortunately, he had no son. He thought of choosing one of his daughters, Purbararang and Purbasari. But it wasn’t an easy choice. They were both very pretty and smart. The only difference was their temperament. Purbararang was rude and dishonest, while Purbasari was kind and caring. With those considerations, Prabu Tapa Agung finally chose Purbasari to be his successor.

    Purbararang didn’t agree with her father’s decision. “It’s supposed to be me, Father. I’m the eldest daughter!” Purbararang said. Prabu Tapa Agung smiled. “Purbararang, to be a queen takes more than age. There are many other qualities that one must possess,” explained Prabu Tapa Agung wisely. “What does Purbasari have that I don’t?” Purbararang pouted. “You’ll find out when Purbasari has replaced me,” Prabu Tapa Agung answered.

    After the discussion, Purbararang went back to her room. “Is there something wrong?” asked Indrajaya. Indrajaya is Purbararang’s future husband. “I’m upset! Father chose Purbasari as his successor and not me! I have to do something!” Purbararang said. Driven mad by her anger, she came to a witch and asked her to send rash all over Purbasari’s body. Before going to bed, Purbasari started to feel itch all over her body. She tried applying powder to her body, but it’s no use. Instead, the itching grew even worse. She didn’t want to scratch it, but she just couldn’t help it. In the next morning, there were scratch mark all over Purbasari’s body. “What happened to you?” asked Purbararang, pretending to be concerned. “I don’t know, sis. Last night, my body suddenly felt very itchy. I scratched and scratched, and this is what happened,” Purbasari answered. Purbararang shook her head. “You must have done something really awful. You’ve been punished by the gods!”

  53. That day, the whole kingdom was scandalized. “What have you done, Purbasari?” demanded Prabu Tapa Agung. Purbasari shook her head. “I didn’t do anything that would upset the gods, Father,” she answered. “Then how can you explain what happened to your body?” Prabu Tapa Agung asked again. “If you don’t confess, I’ll banish you to the woods.” Purbasari took a deep breath. “Like I said before, I didn’t do anything wrong. And I’d rather be thrown into the woods than to confess to a deed I didn’t commit.”

    After a short discussion with his advisor, Prabu Tapa Agung ordered Purbasari to be moved to the woods. Purbasari was very sad, but she couldn’t do anything to defy her father’s order. She was accompanied to the woods by a messenger. He built a simple hut for Purbasari. After the messenger left, suddenly a black monkey came to Purbasari’s hut. He carried a bunch of bananas. From behind him, some animals looked on. “Are the bananas for me?’ Purbasari asked. The black monkey nodded, as if he understood what Purbasari said. Purbasari took the bananas with pleasure. She also said thanks. The other animals that were looking on also seemed to smile. “Are you willing to be my friend?” Purbasari asked them. All the animals nodded happily. Although she was living by herself in the woods, Purbasari never lacked of supplies. Everyday, there were always animals bringing her fruits and fish to eat.


  54. One night, on a full moon, the monkey took Purbasari to a valley. There is a pond with hot spring water. The monkey suddenly spoke, “The water of this pond will heal your skin,” he said. Purbasari was surprised, ”You can talk? Who are you?” she asked. “You’ll find out, in time,” the monkey said. Purbasari didn’t want to force the monkey. She then walked to the pond. She bathed there. After a few hours, Purbasari walked out of the pond. She was shocked to see her face reflected on the clear pond water. Her face was beautiful again, with smooth and clean skin. Purbasari observed her entire body. There were no traces of any skin ailments. “I’m cured! I’m cured!” Purbasari shouted in joy. She quickly offered thanks to the gods and also to the monkey.

    The news of Purbasari’s condition quickly spread to the kingdom, irritating Purbararang. She then accompanied by Indrajaya go to the woods to see Purbasari. Purbasari asked if she would be allowed to go home. Purbararang said she would let Purbasari return to the palace if Purbasari’s hair were longer than hers. Purbararang then let her hair down. It was so long, it almost touched the ground. But it turned out that Purbasari’s hair was twice longer than Purbararang’s hair.

    “Fine, so your hair is longer than mine.” Purbararang admitted. “But there is one more condition you must fulfill, do you have a future husband who is handsomer than mine?” said Purbararang as she walked toward Indrajaya. Purbasari felt miserable. She didn’t have a future husband yet. So, without much thought, she pulled the black monkey beside her.

  55. Fine, so your hair is longer than mine.” Purbararang admitted. “But there is one more condition you must fulfill, do you have a future husband who is handsomer than mine?” said Purbararang as she walked toward Indrajaya. Purbasari felt miserable. She didn’t have a future husband yet. So, without much thought, she pulled the black monkey beside her.

    Purbararang and Indrajaya burst out, but their laughter didn’t last long. The monkey meditates and suddenly transformed into a very handsome young man, a lot more handsome than Indrajaya. “I’m a prince from a kingdom far away. I was cursed to be a monkey because of a mistake I committed. I could regain my true form only if there’s a girl who would be willing to be my wife,” said the young man.

    Finally, Purbararang gave up. She accepted Purbasari as the queen, and also confessed everything she had done. “Please forgive me. Please don’t punish me,” Purbararang said, asking for forgiveness. Instead of being angry, Purbasari smiled. “I forgive you, sis,” she said. Soon after, Purbasari become queen. Beside her was the handsome prince, the former monkey known as Lutung Kasarung.

  56. nengsemake. Wulune katon edi, gawe resep kang padha nyawang. Mula ora sithik tangga-teparo padha mara nyang omahe Merak saperlu sinau ngadi busana lan ngadi salira.“Aku pengin supaya bisa nduweni sandhangan wulu kaya kowe, Rak,” ujare Kancil marang Merak.“Sandhangan wulu kang tememplek ing awakku iki paringane Gusti Kang Akarya Jagad. Aku mung tinanggenah ngrumat lan njaga supaya tetep katon endah,” wangsulane Merak kanthi sareh. “Anggonku seneng dandan lan ngupakara kaendahan iki mung wujud rasa syukurku marang Gusti!” bacute tanpa linandhesan rasa umuk.“Supaya wuluku bisa dadi kaya wulumu, piye carane?” pitakone Kancil.

    “Tangeh lamun, Cil! Aku-kowe ki mung saderma nglakoni. Apa kang dadi peparinganing Pangeran kudu tinampa kanthi ati segara,” wangsulane Merak. “Karo maneh kabeh sing tememplek ana saranduning badan iki, mesthi piguna marang awake dhewe. Kang ana ing aku ora durung mesthi ana ing kowe, semono uga kosok baline, Cil. Wulu soklatmu kuwi mesthi piguna tumrapmu!”

    Nanging Kancil sajak kemeren nyawang kaendahan wulune Merak. “Piguna apa?” Sawise megeng napas sawetara banjur nggrundel, “Senajan piguna, nyatane wuluku letheg! Aku luwih bungah yen wuluku bisa kaya wulumu! Saben kewan ora sebah

  57. Nanging Kancil sajak kemeren nyawang kaendahan wulune Merak. “Piguna apa?” Sawise megeng napas sawetara banjur nggrundel, “Senajan piguna, nyatane wuluku letheg! Aku luwih bungah yen wuluku bisa kaya wulumu! Saben kewan ora sebah nyawang!”“Kuwi rak mung saka panggraitamu dhewe. Nanging ora kok, Cil!” sahute Merak. “Sebab saben kewan ginaris dhewe-dhewe! Uga bab wulu! Wulu-wuluku kaya ngene, wulu-wulumu kaya ngono, wulune Macan, wulune Gajah, lan sato kewan liyane ora ana sing padha!”

    Senajan akeh-akeh Merak anggone ngandhani, nanging ora bisa mbendung pepenginane Kancil nduweni wulu kaya wulu Merak. “Sakarepmu anggonmu kandha, Rak! Mung aku njaluk tulung supaya aku bisa nduweni wulu kaya kowe!” kandhane Kancil setengah meksa.

    Merak gedheg-gedheg gumun karo kekarepane Kancil. “Saupama bisa, terus mengko kowe dadi kewan apa?” pitakone Merak.“Kewan apa wae terserah sing arep ngarani! Mung kira-kira bisa ta, Rak?” pitakone Kancil ngoyak, ora sabar.“Bisa wae, nanging mung imitasi! Pasangan!”“Ora masalah!” Kancil bungah. “Ndang dipasang!” panjaluke kesusu.“Ya sabar, Cil! Aku kudu nglumpukake bodholane wuluku lan wulu-wulune wargaku.”“Terus kapan?”“Udakara rong mingguan.”“Tak tunggu, Rak, ujare Kancil banjur nerusake lakune. Merak mung nyawang kanthi mesem, “Cil, Kancil. Yen duwe kekarepan kok ngudung, tanpa metung tuna lan bathine. Kudu tak udaneni kekarepane, ngiras kanggo menehi piwulang marang dheweke.”Tekan dina sing dijanjekake, esuk uthuk-uthuk Kancil
    wis tekan omahe Merak. “Piye, Rak? Iki

  58. wulu-wulu sing
    wis diklumpukake, “Gilo! Wulu-wulu
    wis mlumpuk, malah
    wis dakdhewek-dhewekake! Wulu awak, wulu swiwi, wulu buntut, aku uga
    wis golek tlutuh wit karet barang minangka kanggo nemplekake ing badanmu!”“
    Wis gek ndang dipasang nyang awakku!” ujare Kancil karo lungguh dhingklik sacedhake Merak.Merak banjur ngoser-oseri kabeh kulite Kancil nganggo tlutuh karet.

    Bareng kawawas wis ora ana sing keri, baka siji Merak nemplekake wulu-wulu nut karo kebutuhane. Wulu gulu ditemplekake ing gulu, wulu awak ing awak, wulu sikil ing sikil, dene wulu buntut uga dipasang ing buntute Kancil.Sedina natas, kabeh wulu wis kapasang ing kulite Kancil.“Rampung, Cil,” ujare Merak mesem. “Kae ana pengilon, ndang ngiloa!”Kancil banjur ngilo. Weruh kahanan awake, dheweke mongkog, “Iki sing dakkarepake!” celathune. “Aku bakal dadi salah sijining kewan kang paling endah!”“Bener kandhamu, Cil. Tur ora ana sing madhani!” Merak mbombong. “Mung aja nganti kaendahan mau malah ngreridhu lakumu,” bacute ngelingake.“Ngreridhu piye? Wong apike kaya ngene kok ngreridhu.”“Lho, wulu-wulu kuwi mung templekan. Cetha bakal ngebot-eboti awakmu!”Kancil ora nggagas, malah gage pamitan. “

    Wis, Rak. Aku pamit! Lan nedha nrima awit saka kabecikanmu, aku selak pengin mamerke kahananing awakku saiki!”“Sing ati-ati, Cil,” kandhane Merak karo nguntapake Kancil metu

  59. Merak gedheg-gedheg gumun karo kekarepane Kancil. “Saupama bisa, terus mengko kowe dadi kewan apa?” pitakone Merak.“Kewan apa wae terserah sing arep ngarani! Mung kira-kira bisa ta, Rak?” pitakone Kancil ngoyak, ora sabar.“Bisa wae, nanging mung imitasi! Pasangan!”“Ora masalah!” Kancil bungah. “Ndang dipasang!” panjaluke kesusu.“Ya sabar, Cil! Aku kudu nglumpukake bodholane wuluku lan wulu-wulune wargaku.”“Terus kapan?”“Udakara rong mingguan.”“Tak tunggu, Rak, ujare Kancil banjur nerusake lakune. Merak mung nyawang kanthi mesem, “Cil, Kancil. Yen duwe kekarepan kok ngudung, tanpa metung tuna lan bathine. Kudu tak udaneni kekarepane, ngiras kanggo menehi piwulang marang dheweke.”Tekan dina sing dijanjekake, esuk uthuk-uthuk Kancil
    wis tekan omahe Merak. “Piye, Rak? Iki
    wis rong minggu!”“Beres!” jawabe Merak karo nata wulu-wulu sing
    wis diklumpukake, “Gilo! Wulu-wulu
    wis mlumpuk, malah
    wis dakdhewek-dhewekake! Wulu awak, wulu swiwi, wulu buntut, aku uga
    wis golek tlutuh wit karet barang minangka kanggo nemplekake ing badanmu!”“
    Wis gek ndang dipasang nyang awakku!” ujare Kancil karo lungguh dhingklik sacedhake Merak.Merak banjur ngoser-oseri kabeh kulite Kancil nganggo tlutuh karet.

    Bareng kawawas wis ora ana sing keri, baka siji Merak nemplekake wulu-wulu nut karo kebutuhane. Wulu gulu ditemplekake ing gulu, wulu awak ing awak, wulu sikil ing sikil, dene wulu buntut uga dipasang ing buntute Kancil.Sedina natas, kabeh wulu wis kapasang ing kulite Kancil.“Rampung, Cil,”

  60. ujare Merak mesem. “Kae ana pengilon, ndang ngiloa!”Kancil banjur ngilo. Weruh kahanan awake, dheweke mongkog, “Iki sing dakkarepake!” celathune. “Aku bakal dadi salah sijining kewan kang paling endah!”“Bener kandhamu, Cil. Tur ora ana sing madhani!” Merak mbombong. “Mung aja nganti kaendahan mau malah ngreridhu lakumu,” bacute ngelingake.“Ngreridhu piye? Wong apike kaya ngene kok ngreridhu.”“Lho, wulu-wulu kuwi mung templekan. Cetha bakal ngebot-eboti awakmu!”Kancil ora nggagas, malah gage pamitan. “

    Wis, Rak. Aku pamit! Lan nedha nrima awit saka kabecikanmu, aku selak pengin mamerke kahananing awakku saiki!”“Sing ati-ati, Cil,” kandhane Merak karo nguntapake Kancil metu saka omahe.Metu saka platarane Merak, Kancil mlaku lon-lonan. Bokonge digidal-gidulake, pamrihe supaya bisa mamerake wulune kang apik tur edi. Saben ketemu sato, Kancil tansah mesem karo aruh-aruh sombong. Dene sing diaruhi uga genti mesem, mung eseme esem geli. Geli amarga weruh kahanan kang ora lumrah. Nanging tumrap Kancil esem mau tinampa beda, “Kabeh kewan padha kesengsem lan kepincut karo aku,” ujare jroning ati.Nanging sengsem, edi, lan endah mau ora suwe. Bareng tlutuh karet mau garing, kulite Kancil dadi kaku nyekengkeng. Akibate sikil, gulu, lan buntute angel diobah-obahake. Kancil mung bisa njegreg ngececer, ora bisa lumaku.“Tulung! Tulung! Tuluuung!” pambengoke sabisa-bisane.“Ana

  61. padha kesengsem lan kepincut karo aku,” ujare jroning ati.Nanging sengsem, edi, lan endah mau ora suwe. Bareng tlutuh karet mau garing, kulite Kancil dadi kaku nyekengkeng. Akibate sikil, gulu, lan buntute angel diobah-obahake. Kancil mung bisa njegreg ngececer, ora bisa lumaku.“Tulung! Tulung! Tuluuung!” pambengoke sabisa-bisane.“Ana apa, Cil?” pitakone Merak krungu pambengoke Kancil.“Gage tulungana aku, saranduning badanku angel diobahake!”“Kabeh wulu sing nemplek ing awakmu kudu dicopot kabeh, kowe gelem?”“Gelem, Rak!” ujare Kancil nglenggana marang apa sing wis dilakoni. Dheweke eling menawa kabeh paringane Gusti mono kudu tansah disyukuri. Apik, edi, lan endah tumraping sesawangan kadhang bisa ngganggu utawa mbilaheni.

    Alon-alon, Merak mbubuti wulu sing
    wis kebacut kraket ing awake Kancil. Senajan ngrasakake perih amarga sebagian kulite ana sing katut thethel, Kancil mung mringis-mringis karo ngempet lara. Ora sambat. Ndhadha tumindake kang salah merga mung nuruti karepe dhewe, tanpa metung tuna lan bathine.
    Sing ndongeng: Bagong Soebardjo

  62. yang kita kenal di Indonesia, negara lain pun memiliki cerita versi mereka, tentunya dengan beberapa perbedaan latar belakang budaya dan bahasa. Nah, cerita Bahasa Inggris tidak kalah menariknya dengan cerita lokal daerah. Coba kamu ingat, cerita apa yang berasal dari negara berbahasa inggris? Benar sekali. Cinderella, Rapunzel, dan Snow White adalah beberapa cerita Bahasa Inggris yang telah diadaptasi menjadi berbagai macam cerita serupa. Cerita-cerita tersebut sangat disukai anak-anak bahkan tidak jarang orang dewasa pula karena jalan ceritanya yang menarik. Bahkan rasanya sebagian besar masyarakat di negeri ini lebih menyukai cerita asing daripada cerita rakyat daerahnya sendiri. Coba saja kamu uji kebenaran asumsi itu dengan bertanya kepada sejumlah orang mengenai cerita rakyat yang berasal dari daerah mereka. Mungkin hanya sebagian kecil yang dapat menjawabnya. Atau cara yang paling mudah dilakukan adalah dengan menghitung jumlah film Indonesia yang mengadaptasi cerita rakyat daerah tertentu. Mungkin jawabannya akan susah sekali untuk dicari. Di sisi lain, film yang mengadaptasi cerita Bahasa Inggris seperti yang di atas hampir tidak dapat dihitung karena saking banyaknya.

  63. Long time ago in the island of Java, Indonesia, lived a couple of farmer. They had married for some years but they had no children. So they prayed to a monster called Buta Ijo to give them children. Buta Ijo was a ferocious and powerful monster. He granted their wish on one condition. When their children had grown up, they had to sacrifice them to Buta Ijo. He liked eating fresh meat of human being. The farmers agreed to his condition. Several months later the wife was pregnant.

    She gave birth to a beautiful baby girl. They named her Timun Emas. The farmers were happy. Timun Emas was very healthy and a very smart girl. She was also very diligent. When she was a teenager Buta Ijo came to their house. Timun Emas was frightened so she ran away to hide. The farmers then told Buta Ijo that Timun Emas was still a child. They asked him to postpone. Buta Ijo agreed. He promised to come again. The following year Buta Ijo came again. But again and again their parents said that Timun Emas was still a child.

    When the third time Buta Ijo came their parents had prepared something for him. They gave Timun Emas several bamboo needles, seeds of cucumber, dressing and salt.

    ‘Timun, take these things’

    ‘What are these things?’

  64. These are your weapons. Buta Ijo will chase you. He will eat you alive. So run as fast as you can. And if he will catch you spread this to the ground. Now go!’

    Timun Emas was scared so she ran as quickly as she could. When Buta Ijo arrived she was far from home. He was very angry when he realized that his prey had left. So he ran to chase her. He had a sharp nose so he knew what direction his prey ran.

    Timun Emas was just a girl while Buta Ijo was a monster so he could easily catch her up. When he was just several steps behind Timun Emas quickly spread the seeds of cucumber. In seconds they turned into many vines of cucumber. The exhausted Buta Ijo was very thirsty so he grabbed and ate them. When Buta Ijo was busy eating cucumber Timun Emas could run away.

    But soon Buta Ijo realized and started running again. When he was just several steps behind Timun Emas threw her bamboo needles. Soon they turned into dense bamboo trees. Buta Ijo found it hard to pass. It took him some time to break the dense bamboo forest. Meanwhile Timun Emas could run farther.

    Buta Ijo chased her again. When he almost catch her again and again Timun Emas threw her dressing. This time it turned into a lake. Buta Ijo was busy to save himself so Timun Emas ran way. But Buta Ijo could overcome it and continued chasing her.

  65. But soon Buta Ijo realized and started running again. When he was just several steps behind Timun Emas threw her bamboo needles. Soon they turned into dense bamboo trees. Buta Ijo found it hard to pass. It took him some time to break the dense bamboo forest. Meanwhile Timun Emas could run farther.

    Buta Ijo chased her again. When he almost catch her again and again Timun Emas threw her dressing. This time it turned into a lake. Buta Ijo was busy to save himself so Timun Emas ran way. But Buta Ijo could overcome it and continued chasing her.

    Finally when Timun Emas was almost caught she threw her salt. Soon the land where Buta Ijo stood turned into ocean. Buta Ijo was drowned and died instantly.

    Timun Emas was thankful to god and came back to her home.

  66. Pada zaman dahulu, hiduplah sepasang suami istri petani. Mereka tinggal di sebuah desa di dekat hutan. Mereka hidup bahagia. Sayangnya mereka belum saja dikaruniai seorang anak pun.

    Setiap hari mereka berdoa pada Yang Maha Kuasa. Mereka berdoa agar segera diberi seorang anak. Suatu hari seorang raksasa melewati tempat tinggal mereka. Raksasa itu mendengar doa suami istri itu. Raksasa itu kemudian memberi mereka biji mentimun.

    “Tanamlah biji ini. Nanti kau akan mendapatkan seorang anak perempuan,” kata Raksasa. “Terima kasih, Raksasa,” kata suami istri itu. “Tapi ada syaratnya. Pada usia 17 tahun anak itu harus kalian serahkan padaku,” sahut Raksasa. Suami istri itu sangat merindukan seorang anak. Karena itu tanpa berpikir panjang mereka setuju.

    Suami istri petani itu kemudian menanam biji-biji mentimun itu. Setiap hari mereka merawat tanaman yang mulai tumbuh itu dengan sebaik mungkin. Berbulan-bulan kemudian tumbuhlah sebuah mentimun berwarna keemasan.

    Buah mentimun itu semakin lama semakin besar dan berat. Ketika buah itu masak, mereka memetiknya. Dengan hati-hati mereka memotong buah itu. Betapa terkejutnya mereka, di dalam buah itu mereka menemukan bayi perempu

  67. Tahun demi tahun berlalu. Timun Mas tumbuh menjadi gadis yang cantik. Kedua orang tuanya sangat bangga padanya. Tapi mereka menjadi sangat takut. Karena pada ulang tahun Timun Mas yang ke-17, sang raksasa datang kembali. Raksasa itu menangih janji untuk mengambil Timun Mas.

    Petani itu mencoba tenang. “Tunggulah sebentar. Timun Mas sedang bermain. Istriku akan memanggilnya,” katanya. Petani itu segera menemui anaknya. “Anakkku, ambillah ini,” katanya sambil menyerahkan sebuah kantung kain. “Ini akan menolongmu melawan Raksasa. Sekarang larilah secepat mungkin,” katanya. Maka Timun Mas pun segera melarikan diri.

    Suami istri itu sedih atas kepergian Timun Mas. Tapi mereka tidak rela kalau anaknya menjadi santapan Raksasa. Raksasa menunggu cukup lama. Ia menjadi tak sabar. Ia tahu, telah dibohongi suami istri itu. Lalu ia pun menghancurkan pondok petani itu. Lalu ia mengejar Timun Mas ke hutan.

    Raksasa segera berlari mengejar Timun Mas. Raksasa semakin dekat. Timun Mas segera mengambil segenggam garam dari kantung kainnya. Lalu garam itu ditaburkan ke arah Raksasa. Tiba-tiba sebuah laut yang luas pun terhampar. Raksasa terpaksa berenang dengan susah payah.

    Timun Mas berlari lagi. Tapi kemudian Raksasa hampir berhasil menyusulnya. Timun Mas kembali mengambil benda ajaib dari kantungnya. Ia mengambil segenggam cabai. Cabai itu

  68. Timun Mas berlari lagi. Tapi kemudian Raksasa hampir berhasil menyusulnya. Timun Mas kembali mengambil benda ajaib dari kantungnya. Ia mengambil segenggam cabai. Cabai itu dilemparnya ke arah raksasa. Seketika pohon dengan ranting dan duri yang tajam memerangkap Raksasa. Raksasa berteriak kesakitan. Sementara Timun Mas berlari menyelamatkan diri.

    Tapi Raksasa sungguh kuat. Ia lagi-lagi hampir menangkap Timun Mas. Maka Timun Mas pun mengeluarkan benda ajaib ketiga. Ia menebarkan biji-biji mentimun ajaib. Seketika tumbuhlah kebun mentimun yang sangat luas. Raksasa sangat letih dan kelaparan. Ia pun makan mentimun-mentimun yang segar itu dengan lahap. Karena terlalu banyak makan, Raksasa tertidur.

    Timun Mas kembali melarikan diri. Ia berlari sekuat tenaga. Tapi lama kelamaan tenaganya habis. Lebih celaka lagi karena Raksasa terbangun dari tidurnya. Raksasa lagi-lagi hampir menangkapnya. Timun Mas sangat ketakutan. Ia pun melemparkan senjatanya yang terakhir, segenggam terasi udang. Lagi-lagi terjadi keajaiban. Sebuah danau lumpur yang luas terhampar. Raksasa terjerembab ke dalamnya. Tangannya hampir menggapai Timun Mas. Tapi danau lumpur itu menariknya ke dasar. Raksasa panik. Ia tak bisa bernapas, lalu teng

  69. Long time ago, there was a kingdom named Prambanan. All the people of Prambanan lived peacefully. But then, Prambanan kingdom was attacked and occupied by the Pengging kingdom. Prambanan then was ruled by Bandung Bondowoso of Pengging kingdom. He was a mean king. He also had great supernatural power. His soldiers were not only humans, but also genies.

    The king of Prambanan had a beautiful daughter named Loro Jonggrang. Bandung Bondowoso fell in love with her and wanted to marry her. “You’re very beautiful. Would you be my queen?” asked Bandung Bondowoso. Loro Jonggrang was shocked. She didn’t like Bandung Bondowoso because he was a mean person. She wanted to refuse, but she afraid that Bandung Bondowoso would be angry and endangered the people of Prambanan. Then, she came up with a plan. “If you want to marry me, you have to build a thousand temples for me in just one night," said Loro Jonggrang. “What? That’s impossible!” said Bandung Bondowoso. But he did not give up. He consulted with his advisor. “Your Majesty can asked the genies to help built the temples,” said the advisor.

    So, Bandung Bondowoso summoned his entire genies soldier and commanded them to help him built a thousand temples. The genies work

  70. So, Bandung Bondowoso summoned his entire genies soldier and commanded them to help him built a thousand temples. The genies worked in unbelievable speed. Meanwhile, Loro Jonggrang heard from her servant that the building of a thousand temples was almost finished. She was so worried. But again, she came up with a great idea. She asked all of her servants to help her. "Please prepare a lot of straw and mortar. Please hurry up!" said Loro Jonggrang. “Burn the straw and make some noise pounding the mortar, quickly.” All those servants did what Loro Jonggrang ordered them; burning straw and pounding the mortar, making the genies think that the sun is going to rise.

    “It’s already dawn. We have to go,” said the leader of the genies to Bandung Bondowoso. All the genies immediately stopped their work and ran for cover from the sun, which they afraid of. They didn’t know that the light was from the fire that burning the straw, not from the sun.

    Bandung Bondowoso can’t stop the genies from leaving. He was angry. He knew Loro Jonggrang had just tricked him. "You cannot fool me, Loro Jonggrang. I already have 999 temples. I just need one more temple. Now, I will make you the one-thousandth temple." He pointed his finger to Loro Jonggrang and said some mantras. Magically, Loro Jonggrang’s body turned into stone. Until now, the temple is still standing in Prambanan area, Central Java. And the temple is called Loro Jonggrang temple.***

  71. On a hill in area of Borneo, there lived a poor widow and her daughter. The girl was really beautiful. However, she was very lazy and spoiled. She loved to dress up every day, but never helped her mother.
    One day, they went down to a village for shopping. A market was far away from their house. They walked there. The girl got dressed very nice and walked in front of her mother. While the widow walked behind, carried a basket, wore dirty clothes. Nobody knew they were mother and daughter.

    While entering village, people looked at them. Young men were so fascinated by girl’s beauty. However, she was in contrast to a woman walking behind her. It made people wonder. Some young men asked her whether woman was her mother. But girl arrogantly replied that she was her maid. More people asked her along the way to market. She gave a same answer that widow was her slave.

    Eventually, mother’s heart hurt to hear her daughter’s answer. Mother prayed to God to punish her ungodly daughter. Suddenly, girl stopped then slowly turned to be a stone. Daughter cried; she apologized to his mother. But it was too late. A pretty girl was turned into a stone but continued to tear; it’s called A Crying Stone.

  72. On a hill in area of Borneo, there lived a poor widow and her daughter. The girl was really beautiful. However, she was very lazy and spoiled. She loved to dress up every day, but never helped her mother.
    One day, they went down to a village for shopping. A market was far away from their house. They walked there. The girl got dressed very nice and walked in front of her mother. While the widow walked behind, carried a basket, wore dirty clothes. Nobody knew they were mother and daughter.

    While entering village, people looked at them. Young men were so fascinated by girl’s beauty. However, she was in contrast to a woman walking behind her. It made people wonder. Some young men asked her whether woman was her mother. But girl arrogantly replied that she was her maid. More people asked her along the way to market. She gave a same answer that widow was her slave.

    Eventually, mother’s heart hurt to hear her daughter’s answer. Mother prayed to God to punish her ungodly daughter. Suddenly, girl stopped then slowly turned to be a stone. Daughter cried; she apologized to his mother. But it was too late. A pretty girl was turned into a stone but continued to tear; it’s called A Crying Stone.

  73. Yuk menelusuri contoh narrative text legend atau legenda dari Jawa Barat tepatnya Bandung. Pernah dengar cerita rakyat Sangkuriang?

    Tangkuban Parahu Legend adalah cerita terkenal di Indonesia tentang terjadinya Gunung Tangkuban Perahu. Konon katanya ada seorang puteri cantik menikah dengan anjing akibat dari sumpahnya. Koq bisa?

    Suatu hari, si puteri cantik bernama Dayang Sumbi ini kehilangan alat saat sedang menenun. Ia lelah mencari. Lalu ia bersumpah bagi yang menemukan akan dinikahi kalo cowok. Kalo cewek menemukan alat penenun tersebut maka akan dijadikan kakak.

    Daaan… ternyata yang menemukan alat penenun sang puteri adalah seekor anjing. Waduh, jadi deh si puteri nikah sama anjing bernama Tumang. Ceritanya mereka hidup bahagia serta dikaruniai anak laki-laki diberi nama Sangkuriang. Sang anak tak mengetahui perihal ayah kandungnya.

  74. In Daha kingdom there lived a powerful Brahmin named Sidi Mantra. Her son’s name was Manik Angkeran. Manik Angkeran liked to gamble. One day, Manik Angkeran could not pay the debt. He asked help to father.
    Loving his son, Sidi Mantra fasted then prayed to the God. A mysterious voice asked him to meet Naga Besukih at Agung Mount. By ringing a genta, Naga Besukih came and gave gold as well as diamonds from his scales. Soon, Manik Angkeran finished all gold and diamonds. He asked help to his father again. Sidi Mantra came to Naga Besukih. This time, Manik Angkeran secretly followed Sidi Mantra.

    A few days later, Manik Angkeran stole father’s genta then came to Naga Besukih. Manik Angkeran got gold and diamonds. But he was not satisfied. Manik Angkeran saw a big gem at the end of dragon’s tail. When Naga Besukih turned toward a cave, Manik Angkeran immediately cut off dragon’s tail then ran away.

    Naga Besukih was furious then licked Manik Angkeran’s footprints. Then he turned into ashes. Sidi Matra was aware of this situation; he begged Naga Besukih to revive his son. Naga Besukih agreed if his tail was back. With magic, Sidi Mantra returned dragon’s tail back to normal. Then, Naga Besukih revived Manik Angkeran.

  75. Once upon a time, on the north coast of Sumatra lived a poor woman and his son. The boy was called Malin Kundang. They didn’t earn much as fishing was their only source of income. Malin Kundang grew up as a skillful young boy. He always helps his mother to earn some money. However, as they were only fisherman’s helper, they still lived in poverty. “Mother, what if I sail overseas?” asked Malin Kundang one day to his mother. Her mother didn’t agree but Malin Kundang had made up his mind. “Mother, if I stay here, I’ll always be a poor man. I want to be a successful person,” urged Malin kundang. His mother wiped her tears, “If you really want to go, I can’t stop you. I could only pray to God for you to gain success in life,” said his mother wisely. “But, promise me, you’ll come home.”

  76. In the next morning, Malin Kundang was ready to go. Three days ago, he met one of the successful ship’s crew. Malin was offered to join him. “Take a good care of yourself, son,” said Malin Kundang’s mother as she gave him some food supplies. “Yes, Mother,” Malin Kundang said. “You too have to take a good care of yourself. I’ll keep in touch with you,” he continued before kissing his mother’s hand. Before Malin stepped onto the ship, Malin’s mother hugged him tight as if she didn’t want to let him go.

    It had been three months since Malin Kundang left his mother. As his mother had predicted before, he hadn’t contacted her yet. Every morning, she stood on the pier. She wished to see the ship that brought Malin kundang home. Every day and night, she prayed to the God for her son’s safety. There was so much prayer that had been said due to her deep love for Malin Kundang. Even though it’s been a year she had not heard any news from Malin Kundang, she kept waiting and praying for him.

    After several years waiting without any news, Malin Kundang’s mother was suddenly surprised by the arrival of a big ship in the pier where she usually stood to wait for her son. When the ship finally pulled over, Malin Kundang’s mother saw a man who looked wealthy stepping down a ladder along with a beautiful woman. She could not be wrong. Her blurry eyes still easily recognized him. The man was Malin Kundang, her son.

  77. Malin Kundang’s mother quickly went to see her beloved son. “Malin, you’re back, son!” said Malin Kundang’s mother and without hesitation, she came running to hug Malin Kundang, “I miss you so much.” But, Malin Kundang didn’t show any respond. He was ashamed to admit his own mother in front of his beautiful wife. “You’re not my Mother. I don’t know you. My mother would never wear such ragged and ugly clothes,” said Malin Kundang as he release his mother embrace.

    Malin Kundang’s mother take a step back, “Malin…You don’t recognize me? I’m your mother!” she said sadly. Malin Kundang’s face was as cold as ice. “Guard, take this old women out of here,” Malin Kundang ordered his bodyguard. “Give her some money so she won’t disturb me again!” Malin Kundang’s mother cried as she was dragged by the bodyguard, ”Malin… my son. Why do you treat your own mother like this?”

    Malin Kundang ignored his mother and ordered the ship crews to set sail. Malin Kundang’s mother sat alone in the pier. Her heart was so hurt, she cried and cried. “Dear God, if he isn’t my son, please let him have a save journey. But if he is, I cursed him to become a stone,” she prayed to the God.

    In the quiet sea, suddenly the wind blew so hard and a thunderstorm came. Malin Kundang’s huge ship was wrecked. He was thrown by the wave out of his ship, and fell on a small island. Suddenly, his whole body turned into stone. He was punished for not admitting his own mother.*** ( sumber : feradesliaahyar.wordpress.com

  78. A lamb was grazing with a flock of sheep one day. She soon found some sweet grass at the edge of the field. Farther and farther she went, away from the others.
    She was enjoying herself so much that she did not notice a wolf coming nearer to her. However, when it pounced on her, she was quick to start pleading, “Please, please don’t eat me yet. My stomach is full of grass. If you wait a while, I will taste much better.”
    The wolf thought that was a good idea, so he sat down and waited.
    After a while, the lamb said, “If you allow me to dance, the grass in my stomach will be digested faster.” Again the wolf agreed. While the lamb was dancing, she had a new idea. She said, “Please take the bell from around my neck. If you ring it as hard as you can, I will be able to dance even faster.
    The wolf took the bell and rang it as hard as he could. The shepherd heard the bell ringing and quickly sent his dogs to find the missing lamb. The barking dogs frightened the wolf away and saved the lamb’s life.

  79. Domba A adalah merumput dengan kawanan domba satu hari. Dia segera menemukan beberapa rumput manis di pinggir lapangan. Semakin jauh ia pergi, jauh dari yang lain.
    Dia menikmati dirinya sendiri sehingga dia tidak melihat serigala mendekat padanya. Namun, ketika menerkam, dia cepat mulai memohon, “Tolong, tolong jangan makan saya belum. Perutku penuh rumput. Jika Anda menunggu beberapa saat, saya akan terasa jauh lebih baik. “
    Pikiran serigala itu adalah ide yang baik, jadi ia duduk dan menunggu. Setelah beberapa saat, anak domba berkata, “Jika Anda mengizinkan saya untuk menari, rumput di saya perut akan dicerna lebih cepat. “Sekali lagi serigala setuju. Sementara anak domba menari, dia punya ide baru. Dia mengatakan, “Silakan mengambil bel dari leherku. Jika Anda membunyikannya sekeras bisa, saya akan bisa menari lebih cepat. “
    Serigala mengambil bel dan berdering sekeras yang dia bisa. Gembala mendengar bel berdering dan cepat dikirim anjing untuk menemukan domba yang hilang. Anjing menggonggong takut serigala itu dan menyelamatkan nyawa domba.

  80. A long time ago, there lived a young orphan farmer in the northern part of the island of Sumatra. The area is very dry. Syahdan, the young man lived from farming and fishing. One day he was fishing a fish so beautiful. The color is golden yellow. So holding, the fish turned into a lovely princess. The daughter of a woman who was condemned for violating a ban. He will turn into a kind of creature that first touch. Therefore, human touches it, it turns into a princess.

    Fascinated by her beauty, the young farmer’s daughter asked her to be his wife. The proposal is accepted on condition that the young man would not tell its origin from the farmer ikan.Pemuda the terms agreed. After a year, the couple blessed with a boy. He has a bad habit that is never satiated. He ate all the food.

    One day the boy was eating all the food from their parents. The young man was very upset saying: “basic offspring of fish!” That statement by itself isterinya.Dengan thus unlock the secrets of their promise has been violated.

    His wife and son disappeared mysteriously. The land of their former footing springs. The water that flows from the spring growing bigger and bigger. And being a vast lake. The lake is now called Lake

  81. Pada jaman dahulu, hiduplah seorang pemuda tani yatim piatu di bagian utara pulau Sumatra. Daerah tersebut sangatlah kering. Syahdan, pemuda itu hidup dari bertani dan memancing ikan. Pada suatu hari ia memancing seekor ikan yang sangat indah. Warnanya kuning keemasan. Begitu dipegangnya, ikan tersebut berubah menjadi seorang putri jelita. Putri itu adalah wanita yang dikutuk karena melanggar suatu larangan. Ia akan berubah menjadi sejenis mahluk yang pertama menyentuhnya. Oleh karena yang menyentuhnya manusia, maka ia berubah menjadi seorang putri.

    Terpesona oleh kecantikannya, maka pemuda tani tersebut meminta sang putri untuk menjadi isterinya. Lamaran tersebut diterima dengan syarat bahwa pemuda itu tidak akan menceritakan asal-usulnya yang berasal dari ikan.Pemuda tani itu menyanggupi syarat tersebut. Setelah setahun, pasangan suami istri tersebut dikarunia seorang anak laki-laki. Ia mempunyai kebiasaan buruk yaitu tidak pernah kenyang. Ia makan semua makanan yang ada.

    Pada suatu hari anak itu memakan semua makanan dari orang tuanya. Pemuda itu sangat jengkelnya berkata: “dasar anak keturunan ikan!”Pernyataan itu dengan sendirinya membuka rahasia dari isterinya.Dengan demikian janji mereka telah dilanggar.

    Istri dan anaknya menghilang secara gaib. Ditanah bekas pijakan mereka menyemburlah mata air. Air yang mengalir dari mata air tersebut makin lama makin besar. Dan menjadi sebuah danau yang sangat luas. Danau itu kini bernama Danau Toba.

  82. Pitung is a pious young man from Rawa Belong. He diligently studied the Koran in Haji Naipin. Finished learning the Koran he was trained in martial arts. After years of religious knowledge and the ability to master the martial increased.
    At that time the Dutch were colonized Indonesia. Pitung pitied the plight experienced by young people. Meanwhile, kumpeni (the name for the Netherlands), a group of employer and the landlord lives wallowing in luxury. Homes and their fields guarded by thugs who ferociously.
    With the assistance of his friends of the Rais and Jii, Pitung began planning the robbery of the employer and the wealthy landlords. Rampokannya results were distributed to the poor. In front of a starving family home laid Sepikul rice. Families who wrapped it provides compensation payable moneylenders. And orphaned children parcel dikiriminya clothes and other gifts.
    Pitung success and his friends because of two things. First, it has a high martial arts and dikhabarkan they are immune to bullets. Second, people do not want to tell where Pitung is now. However, the robbery victim Pitung rich with kumpeni always trying to persuade people to open my mouth.

  83. Kumpeni also use violence to force people to testify. One day, kumpeni and wealthy landlords managed to get information about family Pitung. So they seized both her parents and the Hajj Naipin. With a heavy ordeal finally they get the information about where and confidential Pitung are immune.
    Armed with all that information, police were ambushed Pitung kumpeni. Of course Pitung and his friends fight. But unfortunately, information about the immune secret Pitung already open. He was pelted with rotten eggs and shot. Thus he was killed, Pitung still regarded as a defender of the common people.
    Si Pitung
    Si Pitung adalah seorang pemuda yang soleh dari Rawa Belong. Ia rajin belajar mengaji pada Haji Naipin. Selesai belajar mengaji ia pun dilatih silat. Setelah bertahun- tahun kemampuannya menguasai ilmu agama dan bela diri makin meningkat.
    Pada waktu itu Belanda sedang menjajah Indonesia. Si Pitung merasa iba menyaksikan penderitaan yang dialami oleh rakyat kecil. Sementara itu, kumpeni (sebutan untuk Belanda), sekelompok Tauke dan para Tuan tanah hidup bergelimang kemewahan. Rumah dan ladang mereka dijaga oleh para centeng yang galak.

  84. Pitung mulai merencanakan perampokan terhadap rumah Tauke dan Tuan tanah kaya. Hasil rampokannya dibagi-bagikan pada rakyat miskin. Di depan rumah keluarga yang kelaparan diletakkannya sepikul beras. Keluarga yang dibelit hutang rentenir diberikannya santunan. Dan anak yatim piatu dikiriminya bingkisan baju dan hadiah lainnya.
    Kesuksesan si Pitung dan kawan-kawannya dikarenakan dua hal. Pertama, ia memiliki ilmu silat yang tinggi serta dikhabarkan tubuhnya kebal akan peluru. Kedua, orang-orang tidak mau menceritakan dimana si Pitung kini berada. Namun demikian orang kaya korban perampokan Si Pitung bersama kumpeni selalu berusaha membujuk orang-orang untuk membuka mulut.
    Kumpeni juga menggunakan kekerasan untuk memaksa penduduk memberi keterangan. Pada suatu hari, kumpeni dan tuan-tuan tanah kaya berhasil mendapat informasi tentang keluarga si Pitung. Maka merekapun menyandera kedua orang tuanya dan si Haji Naipin. Dengan siksaan yang berat akhirnya mereka mendapatkan informasi tentang dimana Si Pitung berada dan rahasia kekebalan tubuhnya.
    Berbekal semua informasi itu, polisi kumpeni pun menyergap Si Pitung. Tentu saja Si Pitung dan kawan-kawannya melawan. Namun malangnya, informasi tentang rahasia kekebalan tubuh Si Pitung sudah terbuka. Ia dilempari telur-telur busuk dan ditembak. Ia pun tewas seketika.Meskipun demikian untuk Jakarta, Si Pitung tetap dianggap sebagai pembela rakyat kecil.

  85. Aji Saka
    Once upon a time, there was a kingdom named Medang Kamulan ruled by king named Prabu Dewa Cengkar who wild and likes to eat human. Every day the king takes a man who was taken by Patih Jugul Young. A small portion of the people who fret and fear fled secretly to other areas.

    In the hamlet of Kawit Medang a young man named Aji Saka powerful, industrious and good-natured. One day, Aji Saka managed to help an old man who was beaten by two robbers. Old man who eventually appointed by Aji Saka’s father turned out to refugees from Medang Kamulan. Hearing stories about the King of Gods Cengkar savagery, Aji Saka Medang Kamulan intend to help people. By wearing a turban on the head of Aji Saka went to Medang Kamulan.

    The journey to Medang Kamulan not smooth, Aji Saka had fought for seven days and seven nights with the devil forest watchman, because Aji Saka refused enslaved by demonic gatekeepers for ten years before being allowed to pass through the forest.

    But thanks to the miracle, Aji Saka managed to escape from the vicious flame. Shortly after praying Aji Saka, a beam of light from the sky hit the yellow highlight demons at once eliminate forest dwellers.

  86. Aji Saka arrived in Medang Kamulan quiet. In the palace, King of the Gods are angry because Patih Cengkar Young Jugul not bring the victim to the King.

    With bold, facing King Aji Saka Cengkar Gods and gave himself to be eaten by the King in exchange for the use of the land area of ​​the turban.

    When they are measuring soil on demand Aji Saka, turban stretches so wide breadth exceeds King of Gods kingdom Cengkar. King was angry after knowing the real intentions of Aji Saka was to end his despotism.

    When the King of the Gods Cengkar angry, Aji Saka turban wrapped strongly around the body of the King. King of the Gods Cengkar body thrown Aji Saka and crashed into the sea south and was lost in the waves.

    Aji Saka then crowned king Medang Kamulan. He brought his father to the palace. Thanks to a just and wise government, Aji Saka kingdom Medang Kamulan to deliver the golden era, an era where people live quiet, peaceful, prosperous and prosperous.

  87. Dahulu kala, ada sebuah kerajaan bernama Medang Kamulan yang diperintah oleh raja bernama Prabu Dewata Cengkar yang buas dan suka makan manusia. Setiap hari sang raja memakan seorang manusia yang dibawa oleh Patih Jugul Muda. Sebagian kecil dari rakyat yang resah dan ketakutan mengungsi secara diam-diam ke daerah lain.

    Di dusun Medang Kawit ada seorang pemuda bernama Aji Saka yang sakti, rajin dan baik hati. Suatu hari, Aji Saka berhasil menolong seorang bapak tua yang sedang dipukuli oleh dua orang penyamun. Bapak tua yang akhirnya diangkat ayah oleh Aji Saka itu ternyata pengungsi dari Medang Kamulan. Mendengar cerita tentang kebuasan Prabu Dewata Cengkar, Aji Saka berniat menolong rakyat Medang Kamulan. Dengan mengenakan serban di kepala Aji Saka berangkat ke Medang Kamulan.

    Perjalanan menuju Medang Kamulan tidaklah mulus, Aji Saka sempat bertempur selama tujuh hari tujuh malam dengan setan penunggu hutan, karena Aji Saka menolak dijadikan budak oleh setan penunggu selama sepuluh tahun sebelum diperbolehkan melewati hutan itu.

    Tapi berkat kesaktian nya, Aji Saka berhasil mengelak dari semburan api si setan. Sesaat setelah Aji Saka berdoa, seberkas sinar kuning menyorot dari langit menghantam setan penghuni hutan sekaligus melenyapkan-nya.

    Aji Saka tiba di Medang Kamulan yang sepi. Di istana, Prabu Dewata Cengkar sedang murka karena Patih Jugul Muda tidak membawa korban untuk sang Prabu.

  88. Saat mereka sedang mengukur tanah sesuai permintaan Aji Saka, serban terus memanjang sehingga luasnya melebihi luas kerajaan Prabu Dewata Cengkar. Prabu marah setelah mengetahui niat Aji Saka sesungguhnya adalah untuk mengakhiri kelalimannya.

    Ketika Prabu Dewata Cengkar sedang marah, serban Aji Saka melilit kuat di tubuh sang Prabu. Tubuh Prabu Dewata Cengkar di lempar Aji Saka dan jatuh ke laut selatan kemudian hilang ditelan ombak.

    Aji Saka kemudian dinobatkan menjadi raja Medang Kamulan. Ia memboyong ayahnya ke istana. Berkat pemerintahan yang adil dan bijaksana, Aji Saka menghantarkan Kerajaan Medang Kamulan ke jaman keemasan, jaman dimana rakyat hidup tenang, damai, makmur dan sejahtera.

  89. The Liberty of Ants
    Ants are little creatures and regularly got the abuse by the creatures which are more prominent than them. One of the creatures that colonize the ants was grasshoppers. Consistently they requested the ants to discover nourishment and gather it. At the point when the sustenance was gathered, then an insect took the nourishment and place it in the home. Consistently the ants were given the occupation and needed to work without halting.

    Numerous ants had kicked the bucket due to the depletion at work and that condition constantly proceeded. In the ants’ settlement, there were two ants which were extremely overcome and constantly plotted a disobedience. The two ants named Upin and Ipin. They welcomed others to subvert the force controlled by the beetles. On the other hand, no ground dwelling insect set out to unite and toppled the force of beetles. Most ants believed that the condition was a fate and a willing of God which ought to be gotten.

    Upin and Ipin never surrendered and continued attempting to get a considerable measure of individuals with a specific end goal to pulverize the state possessed by the insects. One day, the ruler’s child kicked the bucket due to running the sustenance out. Every nourishment was offered altogether to the grasshopper, so the youthful lord kicked the bucket by starvation. This incident understood the ants that they needed to battle

  90. Ipin Upin and serve as the pioneer of the resistance. Burrowing little creature Upin is extremely master in making weapons while Ipin is a specialist in making ground dwelling insect war technique. A few weeks after the fact, Upin has figured out how to make many weapons without being seen by the insects. Then, Ipin and all ants have concurred that they will assault the base camp of the grasshopper when the night. Prior to the armed force ants supplied by arms, they soon moved to the central station of grasshoppers through existing passages underground.

    When they arrived, Ipin promptly gave orders for the ants were isolated into 10 gatherings and scattered to each corner. They then exited the passage through the gaps burrowed. After every one of the fighters out of the passage, then they discharged weapons into the assemblages of every grasshopper. In under ten seconds, numerous insects are passing on because of introduction to the poisons delivered by these weapons. The assault completed ceaselessly for one night, and the following day, the ants have won the battle. They returned home with a feeling of happiness on the grounds that it had been free from colonization by grasshoppers. In the mean time, Upin and Ipin named right now ruler. Ants lived cheerfully and calmly in view of their bold.

  91. Semut adalah hewan yang sangat kecil dan seringkali mendapatkan penindasan dari hewan-hewan yang lebih besar. Salah satu hewan yang menjajah semut adalah belalang. Setiap hari mereka memerintahkan semut untuk mencari makanan dan mengumpulkannya. Ketika makanan sudah terkumpul, maka belalang mengambil makanan tersebut dan menaruhnya di sarang mereka. Setiap hari semut diberikan tugas tersebut dan harus bekerja tanpa berhenti.

    Sudah banyak semut yang mati karena kelelahan bekerja namun keadaan ini terus berlanjut. Dari keseluruhan semut tersebut, ada dua ekor semut yang sangat berani dan selalu merencanakan pemberontakan. Dua semut tersebut bernama Upin dan Ipin. Mereka mengajak semut yang lain untuk menumbangkan kekuasaan yang dimiliki oleh belalang. Namun, tidak ada yang berani untuk bersatu dan menumbangkan kekuasaan belalang. Kebanyakan semut berpikir bahwa penjajahan yang sedang terjadi merupakan takdir dan merupakan kehendak dari Tuhan yang harus mereka terima.

    Upin dan Ipin tidak pernah menyerah dan terus berusaha untuk mendapatkan banyak teman dalam rangka menghancurkan koloni yang dimiliki oleh belalang. Pada suatu hari, anak raja semut meninggal dunia karena kehabisan makanan. Makanan yang ada sudah diberikan seluruhnya pada belalang sehingga anak sang raja meninggal karena kelaparan. Peristiwa tersebut menyadarkan para semut bahwa mereka harus melawan dan memimpin bangsa

  92. Upin dan Ipin dijadikan sebagai pemimpin pemberontakan. Upin adalah semut yang sangat ahli dalam membuat senjata sementara Ipin adalah semut yang ahli dalam menciptakan strategi perang. Beberapa minggu kemudian, Upin telah berhasil membuat ratusan senjata tanpa diketahui oleh belalang. Sementara itu, Ipin dan semua semut telah sepakat bahwa mereka akan menyerang markas besar belalang ketika malam hari. Sebelum tentara semut dibekali oleh senjata, mereka segera bergerak ke markas belalang melalui terowongan-terowongan yang ada di bawah tanah.

    Ketika mereka sampai, Ipin segera memberikan perintah agar semut dibagi menjadi 10 kelompok dan berpencar ke setiap sudut. Mereka kemudian keluar dari terowongan tersebut lewat lubang-lubang yang digali. Setelah semua tentara keluar dari terowongan, maka mereka menembakkan senjata tersebut ke tubuh-tubuh setiap belalang. Dalam waktu kurang dari sepuluh detik, sudah banyak belalang yang mati karena terkena racun yang dihasilkan oleh senjata tersebut. Penyerangan dilakukan secara terus-menerus selama satu malam, dan pada esok hari, semut telah memenangkan pertarungan. Mereka kembali ke rumah dengan rasa gembira karena telah terbebas dari penjajahan yang dilakukan oleh belalang. Sementara itu, Upin dan Ipin diangkat sebagai raja yang baru. Semut hidup bahagia dan damai karena tindakan mereka yang berani.

    Mudah-mudahan cerita Fabel dalam bahasa Inggris yang terlampir diatas bisa berguna buat kita semua. Terima kasih!!!

  93. An Untruthful Elephant
    While their older child, Andy was an elephant who was very honest and made the parents were so proud. However, although his parents were proud of him, he was not arrogant, so all the elephants liked him. All those conditions made Danny jealous and did not like his brother. But, he had not made ​​him changed and he became more and more lying frequently. He was never to be deterrent even though often punished by his parents.

    Meanwhile, his brother, Andy was never bored and stopped to advise him. However, all of the advice and the punishment he received was never made ​​him wary. A lie that often done by him was screaming near the river so that someone else thinks he was drowning. In fact, he only intended to pretend and lied.

    One day, he wanted to drink the water in the river which was deep enough. Because he was so thirsty, he did not pay attention to the depth of the river and immediately stuck his trunk into the water. The surfaces that were near the river were so slippery but he did not pay attention. Suddenly, Danny slipped and he plunged into the river. There was no elephant that was near river because they were all in the pasture which was far enough away from the river. He then yelled very loudly and asked for help to all the elephants.

    The elephants heard it, but he often lied, so that the elephants on the pasture ignored his scream. In fact, his parents did not pay attention because they thought he was lying. However, his brother was curious and wanted to see whether Danny was lying or not. When the brother reached the river, he saw that Danny was not lying and

  94. The elephants heard it, but he often lied, so that the elephants on the pasture ignored his scream. In fact, his parents did not pay attention because they thought he was lying. However, his brother was curious and wanted to see whether Danny was lying or not. When the brother reached the river, he saw that Danny was not lying and Danny almost drowned.

    Andy immediately saved Danny and took him out on the pasture to be treated. The elephants in the meadow shocked and immediately huddled beside him. A few minutes later, he woke up and he promised never to lie again.

    Artinya :
    Gajah Yang Tidak Jujur
    Di sebuah negeri, hiduplah sepasang gajah yang saling mencintai. Mereka bernama Shawn dan Honey. Mereka telah hidup bersama sejak 2 tahun yang lalu dan sekarang telah mempunyai dua ekor anak gajah. Anak pertama mereka adalah Andy dan anak kedua mereka adalah Danny. Danny adalah gajah yang sering berbohong dan ia selalu dimarahi oleh orang tuanya karena kebohongan-kebohongan yang sering ia lakukan.

    Sedangkan anak pertama mereka, Andy merupakan seekor gajah yang sangat jujur dan sangat dibanggakan oleh orang tuanya. Namun, meski ia dibanggakan oleh orang tuanya, ia tidak sombong sehingga semua gajah semakin menyukai Andy. Semua kondisi tersebut membuat Danny iri dan tidak menyukai kakaknya. Sikap iri yang ia miliki tidak membuatnya berubah dan ia menjadi semakin sering berbohong. Ia tidak pernah jera meskipun sering dihukum oleh orang tuanya.

  95. Sementara itu, kakaknya, Andy tidak pernah bosan dan berhenti untuk menasehatinya. Namun, semua nasihat dan hukuman yang ia terima tidak pernah membuat dirinya jera. Salah satu kebohongan yang sering dilakukan olehnya adalah berteriak-teriak di dekat sungai agar orang lain mengira dirinya tenggelam. Padahal, ia hanya berpura-pura dan bermaksud berbohong.

    Pada suatu hari, ia ingin minum air yang ada di sungai yang cukup dalam. Karena begitu haus, ia tidak memperhatikan kedalaman sungai tersebut dan langsung menjulurkan belalainya ke dalam air. Permukaan yang ada di dekat sungai begitu licin namun ia tidak memperdulikannya. Tiba-tiba, Danny terpeleset dan ia tercebur ke dalam sungai. Tidak ada satu ekorpun gajah yang berada di dekat sungai karena mereka semua sedang berada di padang rumput yang cukup jauh dari sungai tersebut. Ia kemudian berteriak dengan sangat keras dan meminta tolong kepada semua gajah.

    Para gajah mendengarnya, namun karena ia sering berbohong, maka gajah-gajah yang sedang berada di padang rumput tidak memperdulikannya. Bahkan, orang tuanya tidak memperdulikannya karena mengira ia sedang berbohong. Namun, kakaknya penasaran dan ingin melihat apakah danny berbohong atau tidak. Ketika sampai di sungai, ternyata Danny tidak berbohong dan ia hampir mati tenggelam.

  96. Andy segera menyelamatkan Danny dan membawanya ke padang rumput untuk diobati. Para gajah yang ada di padang rumput terkejut dan segera berkerumun di samping danny. Beberapa menit kemudian, ia tersadar dan ia berjanji tidak akan berbohong lagi.

    2. The Arrogant Tree
    In a forest, there is a tree that was so big and so beautiful. However, the trees were so arrogant because not all of the animals were allowed to stay on a branch and perch that he had. One day, there was a beautiful white bird that wanted to perch on her branch. The bird asked, “Could I stay on your branch?” The tree replied “Of course you can, because you are a very pretty bird”. The beautiful bird perched on a branch and then stayed for a long time on the tree.

    On the next week, the tree saw a sick rabbit with the falling out of hair. The rabbit was so exhausted from walking because he wanted to meet the physicians in the forest edge. He saw the rabbit and he knew that the rabbit was being sick because the face was pale and the hair was falling out. However, he was reluctant to offer a help to the rabbit because he was disgusted with the disease.

  97. Because of so tired, the rabbit asked permission from him to take the shelter and a rest for a moment near his roots. However, he did not allow it for fear of contracting the disease of the rabbit. He snapped the rabbit and told him to get out and went away from him. The rabbit continued to beg in order to have a rest even though only a few minutes. He still did not allow the rabbits and even getting snapped.

    The rabbit felt so humiliated and prayed to God that purpose to the punishment for the tree in accordance with his behavior. When the rabbit prayed, he was laughing and said that the rabbits did the silly things.

    Rabbit prayer was granted by God and the beautiful tree immediately attacked caterpillars. Gradually, the leaves which were owned by the tree were falling out and the flowers withered. He was not the beautiful tree anymore and just being a rod that would die soon. After being withered, he continued to pray to God and being so kind to others. He has repented and promised not to repeat the cavalier attitude that he had before. Then, God forgave him and sent the golden woodpecker to eat the caterpillars which were present throughout the body. After cleaning the caterpillars on his body, the tree turned back into a very beautiful tree.

    He kept his promise for not bragging and keeping to help others. Currently, he was liked by all the residents of the forest and he lived happily.
    Artinya :


  98. Pohon yang Sombong
    Di sebuah hutan, terdapat sebuah pohon yang begitu besar dan indah. Namun, pohon tersebut begitu sombong karena tidak semua hewan ia perbolehkan hinggap dan tinggal di dahan yang ia miliki. Suatu hari, ada seekor burung jarak berwarna putih dan indah ingin hinggap di ranting miliknya. Buruk jalak tersebut bertanya, “bolehkah aku hingga di rantingmu?” sang pohon menjawab “tentu saja boleh karena kau adalah burung yang sangat cantik”. Burung jalak kemudian hinggap di dahan dan tinggal dalam waktu yang lama di pohon tersebut.

    Minggu berikutnya, sang pohon melihat seekor kelinci yang sakit dan rambutnya banyak yang rontok. Kelinci tersebut kelelahan karena berjalan cukup jauh untuk menemui tabib yang ada di pinggir hutan. Ia melihat kelinci tersebut dan mengetahui bahwa sang kelinci nampaknya sedang sakit karena wajahnya yang pucat serta bulunya yang rontok. Namun, ia merasa enggan untuk menawarkan bantuan kepada kelinci karena ia merasa jijik terhadap penyakit kelinci tersebut.

    Karena begitu lelah, sang kelinci meminta izin kepada dirinya untuk berteduh dan beristirahat sejenak di dekat akarnya. Namun, ia tidak mengizinkannya karena takut tertular penyakit sang kelinci. Ia membentak kelinci

  99. kelinci tersebut dan mengetahui bahwa sang kelinci nampaknya sedang sakit karena wajahnya yang pucat serta bulunya yang rontok. Namun, ia merasa enggan untuk menawarkan bantuan kepada kelinci karena ia merasa jijik terhadap penyakit kelinci tersebut.

    Karena begitu lelah, sang kelinci meminta izin kepada dirinya untuk berteduh dan beristirahat sejenak di dekat akarnya. Namun, ia tidak mengizinkannya karena takut tertular penyakit sang kelinci. Ia membentak kelinci tersebut dan menyuruhnya agar segera pergi serta menjauh darinya. Kelinci tersebut terus memohon agar bisa beristirahat meskipun hanya beberapa menit. Ia tetap tidak mengizinkan kelinci dan bahkan semakin membentaknya.

    Sang kelinci putus asa dank arena merasa begitu terhina, kelinci tersebut berdoa kepada Tuhan agar sang pohon mendapatkan hukuman yang sesuai dengan tingkah lakunya. Ketika sang kelinci berdoa, sang pohon malah tertawa dan berkata bahwa sang kelinci melakukan hal konyol.

    Doa kelinci tersebut dikabulkan oleh Tuhan dan pohon yang indah segera diserang ulat. Lambat laun, daun yang dimiliki oleh pohon tersebut rontok dan bunga yang dimilikinya menjadi layu. Ia bukan lagi pohon yang indah dan hanya menjadi sebuah batang yang sebentar lagi akan mati. Setelah menjadi layu, ia terus berdoa kepada

  100. dirinya untuk berteduh dan beristirahat sejenak di dekat akarnya. Namun, ia tidak mengizinkannya karena takut tertular penyakit sang kelinci. Ia membentak kelinci tersebut dan menyuruhnya agar segera pergi serta menjauh darinya. Kelinci tersebut terus memohon agar bisa beristirahat meskipun hanya beberapa menit. Ia tetap tidak mengizinkan kelinci dan bahkan semakin membentaknya.

    Sang kelinci putus asa dank arena merasa begitu terhina, kelinci tersebut berdoa kepada Tuhan agar sang pohon mendapatkan hukuman yang sesuai dengan tingkah lakunya. Ketika sang kelinci berdoa, sang pohon malah tertawa dan berkata bahwa sang kelinci melakukan hal konyol.

    Doa kelinci tersebut dikabulkan oleh Tuhan dan pohon yang indah segera diserang ulat. Lambat laun, daun yang dimiliki oleh pohon tersebut rontok dan bunga yang dimilikinya menjadi layu. Ia bukan lagi pohon yang indah dan hanya menjadi sebuah batang yang sebentar lagi akan mati. Setelah menjadi layu, ia terus berdoa kepada tuhan dan berbuat baik kepada orang lain. Ia telah bertaubat dan berjanji tidak lagi mengulangi sikap angkuh yang ia miliki. Kemudian, Tuhan memaafkannya dan mengirimkannya seekor burung pelatuk berwarna emas untuk memakan ulat yang ada di seluruh tubuhnya. Setelah burung pelatuk tersebut membersihkan ulat yang berada ditubuhnya, sang pohon berubah kembali menjadi pohon yang sangat indah.

  101. A long time ago, a child was born to a queen and king and she was called Snow White. When the queen died, the king married again. This new queen was wicked and hated Snow white. The queen gave orders that Snow White was to be treated as a servant.

    Snow White grew very beautiful and one day a Prince riding by, saw her at work and fell in love with her.

    The queen was beautiful too, and every day she asked her Magic Mirror, “Who is the fairest in the land?” and the mirror always answered, “You are the fairest one of all”.

    But one day the mirror answered Snow White was the fairest in the land, and in a rage the queen gave orders to one of her Huntsmen to take Snow White into the woods and kill her.

    The Huntsman had a kind heart and couldn’t do the deed so told her to run away. She fled into the woods where Seven little dwarfs lived. Their house was small and strange.

    Snow White entered the little house and finding it very untidy, started to clean up. Upstairs she found seven little beds. She was very tired and stretching out on one of the beds, was soon asleep.

    When the Dwarfs came home they were surprised to find Snow White and after some argument, decided to let her stay. She promised to cook and look after them.

    The Queen discovered where Snow White was living and disguising herself as a witch, took a poisoned apple and set out for the Dwarfs cottage. She gave Snow White the poisoned apple to eat and as soon as she bit the apple, she sank into unconsciousness.

  102. Lama yang lalu, seorang anak dilahirkan untuk raja dan Ratu dan ia dipanggil Snow White. Ketika Ratu meninggal, raja menikah lagi. Ratu baru ini jahat dan membenci putri salju. Ratu memberi perintah yang diperlakukan sebagai pelayan Snow White.
    Snow White tumbuh sangat cantik dan suatu hari seorang pangeran mengendarai, melihatnya di tempat kerja dan jatuh cinta dengannya.
    Ratu itu juga cantik, dan setiap hari ia meminta cermin ajaib nya, “Siapa yang tercantik di sini?” dan cermin selalu menjawab, “Anda adalah orang yang paling adil dari semua”.
    Tapi satu hari, cermin menjawab Snow White tercantik di sini, dan dalam kemarahan Ratu memberi perintah kepada salah satu nya Huntsmen untuk mengambil Snow White ke hutan dan membunuhnya.
    Huntsman memiliki hati yang baik dan tidak bisa melakukan perbuatan jadi menyuruhnya untuk melarikan diri. Dia melarikan diri ke hutan tempat tinggal tujuh kurcaci kecil. Rumah mereka kecil dan aneh.
    Snow White memasuki little house dan menemukan itu sangat berantakan, mulai membersihkan. Lantai atas dia menemukan tujuh tempat tidur kecil. Dia sangat lelah dan mengulurkan pada salah satu tempat tidur, segera tertidur.
    Kapan Dwarfs pulang mereka terkejut menemukan Snow White dan setelah beberapa argumen, memutuskan untuk membiarkan tetap tinggal disana. Dia berjanji untuk memasakkan mereka.
    Ratu menemukan mana Snow White hidup dan menyamarkan dirinya sebagai penyihir, mengambil apel beracun dan ditetapkan untuk Dwarfs cottage. Dia memberikan Snow White apel beracun untuk dimakan dan segera setelah dia sedikit apel, dia tenggelam dalam ketidaksadaran.

  103. In a city, there is a store belonging to the grandfather of the Gepeto Doll Maker. “It would be nice if this sweet doll being a kid.”
    After the grandfather whispers so, happened a miracle. “Good day, Papa.” The doll was talking and start walking. Very excited, the grandfather said, “starting today, you are my son. You give the name of Pinocchio. “ “So you’re being gifted, tomorrow you start school, yes!”
    The next morning, Grandpa Gepeto sell his clothes and with the money he bought Pinocchio a book ABC. “Learn well with this book!“ “Thank you, Papa. I went to school, and will learn with enterprising. “ “Cautiously Yes!” message grandfather.
    But from the opposite direction with his school-sounding voice, “drums, dum, dum, dum.” When Pinocchio came closer it turns out it was a puppet play tent. Pinocchio then selling ABC book, buy the tickets with the money and get into. In a play tent, a doll your daughter will have besieged soldiers and horsemen. “See! Wickedly soldiers that … ” Pinocchio goes up to the platform, and braved the puppet soldiers. The rope broke and it fell stuffed doll. The owner of the angry theatrics soon catch Pinocchio and throwing them into the fire would be. “I’m sorry. If I burned, sorry papa an old one, “said Pinocchio. “I promise on papa to learn at school with diligent. Due to iba, the owner of a play and gave him some Pinocchio releasing pieces of money. “Use this money to buy the books pelajaranmu,” said the owner of the play.

  104. Then Pinocchio went to buy a book. But in the middle of the road, the Fox and the cat sees the situation. They say hello to Pinocchio. “Good afternoon, Pinocchio is good. If money gold abounded, papamu definitely more pleased, yes! “
    How do I add gold money? “ Asked Pinocchio. “Easy. You could dig under the tree magical. And then sleep, then by the time you wake up later, that tree will bear an awful lot of money. “ Then Pinocchio is escorted by a Fox and cat, invest in gold under the tree magical. When Pinocchio began to take a NAP. The Fox and the cat dig up the gold and money hanging Pinocchio in a tree, after which they go.
    Please … you … “cried Pinocchio when it was waking up from his sleep and knowing him hanging on a tree. A goddess who saw the State of Pinocchio, sent the Eagle to help her. Eagle brings Pinocchio with his beak, and took him to the room where the goddess has been waiting for. The goddess put Pinocchio in bed and give her the medicine.
    Well, drink this medicine then you will heal faster. After that went home, yes! “said the goddess. “Better dead than drinking the bitter medicine.” Pinocchio continue to resist. Finally the goddess becomes upset, “Bing bing!” He slapped. Then came a rabbit tail menggotong four coffins. Pinocchio was surprised once, quickly she drank the bitter medicine of it. “Pinocchio, why don’t you go to look like?” Ask The Goddess. “Hmm … you are on the road,

  105. medicine.
    Well, drink this medicine then you will heal faster. After that went home, yes! “said the goddess. “Better dead than drinking the bitter medicine.” Pinocchio continue to resist. Finally the goddess becomes upset, “Bing bing!” He slapped. Then came a rabbit tail menggotong four coffins. Pinocchio was surprised once, quickly she drank the bitter medicine of it. “Pinocchio, why don’t you go to look like?” Ask The Goddess. “Hmm … you are on the road, I’m selling my books to poor children are starving and bought him some bread. Therefore I could not go to school …. ” All of a sudden just “syuut“ the nose of Pinocchio starts stretching. “Pinocchio!” If you lie, your nose will be extending up to the sky. “ “I’m sorry. I’m not going to lie anymore. “ Pinocchio apologized. The goddess smiled, and ordered the woodpeckers mematuki nose Pinocchio, return it to its original form. “Come quickly back to the House, and learning to school!”
    On the way home, Pinocchio meets the world of the play. Pinocchio couldn’t resist not to ride. Pinocchio has forgotten his promise on the goddess, every day he just fooling around anyway.
    One day, Pinocchio was surprised to see his terpantuk on the surface of the water. “Ah! My ears so ear ass! I berbuntut! “teriaknya. It turns out that other kids have become donkeys. Pinocchio finally became a donkey and sold to a circus. Pinocchio has broken his promise to the goddess, then he got a penalty.

  106. In a city, there is a store belonging to the grandfather of the Gepeto Doll Maker. “It would be nice if this sweet doll being a kid.”
    After the grandfather whispers so, happened a miracle. “Good day, Papa.” The doll was talking and start walking. Very excited, the grandfather said, “starting today, you are my son. You give the name of Pinocchio. “ “So you’re being gifted, tomorrow you start school, yes!”
    The next morning, Grandpa Gepeto sell his clothes and with the money he bought Pinocchio a book ABC. “Learn well with this book!“ “Thank you, Papa. I went to school, and will learn with enterprising. “ “Cautiously Yes!” message grandfather.
    But from the opposite direction with his school-sounding voice, “drums, dum, dum, dum.” When Pinocchio came closer it turns out it was a puppet play tent. Pinocchio then selling ABC book, buy the tickets with the money and get into. In a play tent, a doll your daughter will have besieged soldiers and horsemen. “See! Wickedly soldiers that … ” Pinocchio goes up to the platform, and braved the puppet soldiers. The rope broke and it fell stuffed doll. The owner of the angry theatrics soon catch Pinocchio and throwing them into the fire would be. “I’m sorry. If I burned, sorry papa an old one, “said Pinocchio. “I promise on papa to learn at school with diligent. Due to iba, the owner of a play and gave him some Pinocchio releasing pieces of money. “Use this money to buy the books pelajaranmu,” said the owner of the play.

  107. How do I add gold money? “ Asked Pinocchio. “Easy. You could dig under the tree magical. And then sleep, then by the time you wake up later, that tree will bear an awful lot of money. “ Then Pinocchio is escorted by a Fox and cat, invest in gold under the tree magical. When Pinocchio began to take a NAP. The Fox and the cat dig up the gold and money hanging Pinocchio in a tree, after which they go.
    Please … you … “cried Pinocchio when it was waking up from his sleep and knowing him hanging on a tree. A goddess who saw the State of Pinocchio, sent the Eagle to help her. Eagle brings Pinocchio with his beak, and took him to the room where the goddess has been waiting for. The goddess put Pinocchio in bed and give her the medicine.
    Well, drink this medicine then you will heal faster. After that went home, yes! “said the goddess. “Better dead than drinking the bitter medicine.” Pinocchio continue to resist. Finally the goddess becomes upset, “Bing bing!” He slapped. Then came a rabbit tail menggotong four coffins. Pinocchio was surprised once, quickly she drank the bitter medicine of it. “Pinocchio, why don’t you go to look like?” Ask The Goddess. “Hmm … you are on the road, I’m selling my books to poor children are starving and bought him some bread. Therefore I could not go to school …. ” All of a sudden just “syuut“ the nose of Pinocchio starts stretching. “Pinocchio!” If you lie, your

  108. four coffins. Pinocchio was surprised once, quickly she drank the bitter medicine of it. “Pinocchio, why don’t you go to look like?” Ask The Goddess. “Hmm … you are on the road, I’m selling my books to poor children are starving and bought him some bread. Therefore I could not go to school …. ” All of a sudden just “syuut“ the nose of Pinocchio starts stretching. “Pinocchio!” If you lie, your nose will be extending up to the sky. “ “I’m sorry. I’m not going to lie anymore. “ Pinocchio apologized. The goddess smiled, and ordered the woodpeckers mematuki nose Pinocchio, return it to its original form. “Come quickly back to the House, and learning to school!”
    On the way home, Pinocchio meets the world of the play. Pinocchio couldn’t resist not to ride. Pinocchio has forgotten his promise on the goddess, every day he just fooling around anyway.
    One day, Pinocchio was surprised to see his terpantuk on the surface of the water. “Ah! My ears so ear ass! I berbuntut! “teriaknya. It turns out that other kids have become donkeys. Pinocchio finally became a donkey and sold to a circus. Pinocchio has broken his promise to the goddess, then he got a penalty.
    Every day he dipecut, and had to jump over a hot fire circles. Despite the fear, Pinocchio still skips. Eventually he fell away until his legs broken. The owner of the circus became angry. “Dumb Ass! Better dumped into the sea. “ Then Pinocchio is thrown into the sea. “Blup blup blup“ Pinocchio sink to the bottom of the sea, the fish come menggigitnya. Then the skin ass apart, and from it emerged the Pinocchio. “Thanks for the fish.” In fact the goddess see that Pinocchio has realized his mistake and ordered the fish to help her.

  109. ’m sorry. I’m not going to lie anymore. “ Pinocchio apologized. The goddess smiled, and ordered the woodpeckers mematuki nose Pinocchio, return it to its original form. “Come quickly back to the House, and learning to school!”
    On the way home, Pinocchio meets the world of the play. Pinocchio couldn’t resist not to ride. Pinocchio has forgotten his promise on the goddess, every day he just fooling around anyway.
    One day, Pinocchio was surprised to see his terpantuk on the surface of the water. “Ah! My ears so ear ass! I berbuntut! “teriaknya. It turns out that other kids have become donkeys. Pinocchio finally became a donkey and sold to a circus. Pinocchio has broken his promise to the goddess, then he got a penalty.
    Every day he dipecut, and had to jump over a hot fire circles. Despite the fear, Pinocchio still skips. Eventually he fell away until his legs broken. The owner of the circus became angry. “Dumb Ass! Better dumped into the sea. “ Then Pinocchio is thrown into the sea. “Blup blup blup“ Pinocchio sink to the bottom of the sea, the fish come menggigitnya. Then the skin ass apart, and from it emerged the Pinocchio. “Thanks for the fish.” In fact the goddess see that Pinocchio has realized his mistake and ordered the fish to help her.
    While swimming, Pinocchio promises in your heart “this time after I went home I was going to school and learning with enterprising. I will also help work at home and keep your papa. “ At that time the “Hrrr …., a big shark comes closer with a creepy.” Haaa …. Please. “ Pinocchio at the

  110. Setelah kakek berbisik demikian, terjadi satu keajaiban. “Selamat siang, Papa.” Boneka itu berbicara dan mulai berjalan. Dengan amat gembira, kakek berkata, “Mulai hari ini, engkau anakku. Kau kuberi nama Pinokio.” “Agar kau menjadi anak pintar, besok kau mulai sekolah , ya!”

    Keesokan paginya, Kakek Gepeto menjual pakaiannya dan dengan uang itu ia membelikan Pinokio sebuah buku ABC. “Belajarlah baik-baik dengan buku ini!” “Terima kasih, Papa. Aku pergi sekolah, dan akan belajar dengan giat.” “Hati-hati ya!” pesan kakek.

    Tetapi dari arah yang berlawanan dengan sekolahnya terdengar suara, “Drum, dum, dum, dum.” Ketika Pinokio mendekat ternyata itu adalah tenda sandiwara boneka. Pinokio lalu menjual buku ABC-nya, membeli karcis dengan uang itu dan masuk ke dalam. Di dalam tenda sandiwara, sebuah boneka anak perempuan akan telah dikepung prajurit berpedang. “Lihat! Jahat sekali prajurit itu…” Pinokio naik ke panggung, dan menerjang boneka prajurit. Tali boneka itu putus dan jatuhlah boneka itu. Pemilik sandiwara yang marah segera menangkap Pinokio dan akan melemparnya ke api. “Maafkan aku. Kalau aku dibakar, kasihan papa yang sudah tua,” kata Pinokio. “Aku berjanji pada papa untuk belajar di sekolah dengan rajin. Karena iba, pemilik sandiwara melepaskan Pinokio dan memberinya beberapa keping uang. “Gunakan uang ini untuk membeli buku-buku pelajaranmu,” kata pemilik sandiwara tersebut.

    Kemudian Pinokio pergi untuk membeli buku. Tetapi di tengah jalan, Rubah dan Kucing melihat keadaan itu. Mereka menyapa Pinokio dengan ramah. “Selamat siang, Pinokio yang baik. Kalau uang emas itu bertambah banyak, pasti papamu lebih senang, ya!”

  111. Tetapi dari arah yang berlawanan dengan sekolahnya terdengar suara, “Drum, dum, dum, dum.” Ketika Pinokio mendekat ternyata itu adalah tenda sandiwara boneka. Pinokio lalu menjual buku ABC-nya, membeli karcis dengan uang itu dan masuk ke dalam. Di dalam tenda sandiwara, sebuah boneka anak perempuan akan telah dikepung prajurit berpedang. “Lihat! Jahat sekali prajurit itu…” Pinokio naik ke panggung, dan menerjang boneka prajurit. Tali boneka itu putus dan jatuhlah boneka itu. Pemilik sandiwara yang marah segera menangkap Pinokio dan akan melemparnya ke api. “Maafkan aku. Kalau aku dibakar, kasihan papa yang sudah tua,” kata Pinokio. “Aku berjanji pada papa untuk belajar di sekolah dengan rajin. Karena iba, pemilik sandiwara melepaskan Pinokio dan memberinya beberapa keping uang. “Gunakan uang ini untuk membeli buku-buku pelajaranmu,” kata pemilik sandiwara tersebut.

    Kemudian Pinokio pergi untuk membeli buku. Tetapi di tengah jalan, Rubah dan Kucing melihat keadaan itu. Mereka menyapa Pinokio dengan ramah. “Selamat siang, Pinokio yang baik. Kalau uang emas itu bertambah banyak, pasti papamu lebih senang, ya!”

    Bagaimana cara menambah uang emas ini?” Tanya pinokio. “Gampang. Kau bisa menanamnya di bawah pohon ajaib. Lalu tidurlah, maka pada saat kau bangun nanti, pohon itu akan berbuah banyak sekali uang emas.” Kemudian Pinokio diantar oleh Rubah dan Kucing, menanam uang emasnya di bawah pohon ajaib. Ketika Pinokio mulai tidur siang. Rubah dan Kucing menggali uang emas itu dan menggantung Pinokio di pohon, setelah itu mereka pergi.

    Tolong…..” teriak Pinokio ketika

  112. Bagaimana cara menambah uang emas ini?” Tanya pinokio. “Gampang. Kau bisa menanamnya di bawah pohon ajaib. Lalu tidurlah, maka pada saat kau bangun nanti, pohon itu akan berbuah banyak sekali uang emas.” Kemudian Pinokio diantar oleh Rubah dan Kucing, menanam uang emasnya di bawah pohon ajaib. Ketika Pinokio mulai tidur siang. Rubah dan Kucing menggali uang emas itu dan menggantung Pinokio di pohon, setelah itu mereka pergi.

    Tolong…..” teriak Pinokio ketika sudah bangun dari tidurnya dan mengetahui dirinya tergantung di sebuah pohon. Seorang Dewi yang melihat keadaan Pinokio, mengutus burung elang untuk menolongnya. Burung elang membawa Pinokio dengan paruhnya, dan membawanya ke ruangan di mana Dewi telah menunggu. Dewi menidurkan Pinokio di tempat tidur dan memberinya obat.

    Nah, minumlah obat ini maka kau akan cepat sembuh. Setelah itu pulang, ya!” kata Dewi. “Lebih baik mati daripada minum obat yang pahit.” Pinokio terus menolak. Akhirnya Dewi menjadi marah, “Plak plak!” Ia menampar. Lalu datanglah empat ekor kelinci yang menggotong peti mati. Pinokio terkejut sekali, cepat-cepat ia meminum obat yang pahit itu. “Pinokio, mengapa kau tidak pergi ke seolah?” Tanya Dewi. “Hmm.. di jalan, aku menjual buku-ku untuk anak miskin yang kelaparan dan membelikannya roti. Karena itu aku tidak bisa pergi ke sekolah….” Tiba-tiba saja “syuut” hidung Pinokio mula

  113. mati. Pinokio terkejut sekali, cepat-cepat ia meminum obat yang pahit itu. “Pinokio, mengapa kau tidak pergi ke seolah?” Tanya Dewi. “Hmm.. di jalan, aku menjual buku-ku untuk anak miskin yang kelaparan dan membelikannya roti. Karena itu aku tidak bisa pergi ke sekolah….” Tiba-tiba saja “syuut” hidung Pinokio mulai memanjang. “Pinokio!” Kalau kau berbohong, hidungmu akan memanjang sampai ke langit.” “Maafkan aku. Aku tak akan berbohong lagi.” Pinokio meminta maaf. Dewi tersenyum, dan memerintahkan burung pelatuk mematuki hidung Pinokio, mengembalikannya ke bentuk semula. “Ayo cepat kembali ke rumah, dan belajar ke sekolah!”

    Di tengah perjalanan pulang, Pinokio bertemu dengan kereta dunia bermain. Pinokio tidak bisa menahan diri untuk tidak naik. Pinokio telah lupa akan janjinya pada Dewi, setiap hari ia hanya bermain-main saja.

    Pada suatu hari, Pinokio terkejut melihat wajahnya yang terpantuk di permukaan air. “Ah! Telingaku jadi telinga keledai! Aku pun berbuntut!” teriaknya. Ternyata anak-anak lain pun telah menjadi keledai. Akhirnya Pinokio pun menjadi seekor keledai dan dijual ke sirkus. Pinokio telah melanggar janjinya kepada Dewi, maka ia mendapat hukuman.

  114. Setiap hari ia dipecut, dan harus melompati lingkaran api yang panas. Walaupun takut, Pinokio tetap meloncat. Akhirnya ia terjatuh sampai kakinya patah. Pemilik sirkus menjadi marah. “Keledai dungu! Lebih baik dibuang ke laut.” Kemudian Pinokio dilempar ke laut. “Blup blup blup” Pinokio tenggelam ke dasar laut, ikan-ikan datang menggigitnya. Lalu kulit keledai terlepas, dan dari dalamnya muncul si Pinokio. “Terima kasih ikan-ikan.” Sebenarnya Dewi melihat bahwa Pinokio telah menyadari kesalahannya dan memerintahkan ikan-ikan untuk menolongnya.

    Sambil berenang, Pinokio berjanji dalam hati “Kali ini setelah aku pulang ke rumah aku akan ke sekolah dan belajar dengan giat. Aku juga akan membantu pekerjaan di rumah dan menjaga papa.” Pada saat itu “Hrrr…., seekor ikan hiu besar datang mendekat dengan suara yang menyeramkan. “Haaa…. Tolong.” Pinokio di

    Nah, itu tadi contoh mengenai pinokio dalam bahasa inggris beserta terjemahan nya, semoga bermanfaat untuk sahabat KBI semua ya 🙂

  115. Legenda White Death

    Ini adalah kisah tentang seorang gadis kecil di Skotlandia yang membenci hidupnya sendiri hingga akhirnya memutuskan untuk bunuh diri, dan tak lama kemudian keluarganya tahu apa yang telah dilakukannya.

    Kisah mengerikan itu dimulai ketika semua anggota keluarganya ditemukan meninggal beberapa hari kemudian dengan kaki terkoyak. Siapapun yang mempelajari tentang White Death akan berhadapan dengan hantu gadis itu.

    Dia akan datang untuk menemukan Anda dan mengetuk pintu Anda dengan keras. Ketika Anda membuka pintu, dia akan membunuh Anda karena takut Anda memberitahukan keberadaannya kepada orang lain.

    The Legend Of Elisa Day
    In medieval Europe, lived a young woman named Elisa to behold the beauty of the Day, which is described as a beautiful rose. One day, a young man comes to town and immediately fell in love with Elisa. They later dated for three days.
    On the first day, the man visited the House of Elisha. The second day, he sang Elisa sprig of red roses and asked her to meet him in where the wild roses grow. On the third day, he brought Elisa to the river where he later killed him.
    The man was killed by Elisha menghantamkan rock into the girl’s head and whispered: “all beauty must die”. Some people claim to have seen the ghostly figure of Elisha who roam the River, blood seems to flow on the side of his head while holding a sprig of roses in her hand

  116. Legenda Elisa Day

    Pada abad pertengahan di Eropa, tinggal seorang wanita muda bernama Elisa Day, yang keindahan parasnya digambarkan seperti sekuntum bunga mawar yang cantik. Suatu hari, seorang pria muda datang ke kota itu dan langsung jatuh cinta pada Elisa. Mereka kemudian berkencan selama tiga hari.

    Pada hari pertama, pria itu mengunjungi rumah Elisa. Hari kedua, ia membawakan Elisa setangkai mawar merah dan memintanya untuk menemuinya di mana mawar liar tumbuh. Pada hari ketiga, ia membawa Elisa ke sungai di mana ia kemudian membunuhnya.

    Pria itu membunuh Elisa dengan menghantamkan batu ke kepala gadis itu dan berbisik: “Semua keindahan harus mati”. Beberapa orang mengklaim telah melihat sosok hantu Elisa yang berkeliaran di sungai, darah tampak mengalir di sisi kepalanya sembari menggenggam setangkai mawar di tangannya.

    The Legend Of Bloody Mary
    This urban legend tells that anyone who utters the word Bloody Mary three times in front of the mirror will invoke the spirit of vengeful. This is an old legend, but nothing is known about the origins of the legend of Bloody Mary.
    There are many versions of the story of spiteful spirit who in the story of Bloody Mary, who reportedly was a woman who was murdered because of practicing magic.

  117. Urban legend ini mengisahkan bahwa siapapun yang mengucapkan kata Bloody Mary sebanyak tiga kali di depan cermin akan memanggil roh pendendam. Ini adalah sebuah legenda tua, namun tidak ada yang tahu tentang asal-usul legenda Bloody Mary.

    Ada banyak versi yang menceritakan tentang siapa roh pendendam dalam kisah Bloody Mary, yang kabarnya adalah seorang wantia yang dibunuh karena berlatih sihir.

    Legend Ba jiao gui
    BA jiao gui literally translated as ghost banana. The ghost of the woman who lives in this banana tree will appear sembarai wailing at night, sometimes while carrying a baby. In some folk tales from Thailand, Malaysia and Singapore, people love to ask the number of ghosts that lottery in the hope of winning the lottery.
    They will tie red threads surrounding the tree trunks and attaching the needle in it and then tie the other end of the rope to their beds. During nighttime, Ba jiao gui will pop up and ask those people to him, and in return, he will give you the number for the lottery.
    If the person is not fulfilling his promise to free the ghosts after WINS, he will meet with a terrible death. The Ghost is often likened to Vampires, ghosts in Malay folklore.
    Legenda Ba jiao gui

    Ba jiao gui secara harfiah diartikan sebagai hantu pisang. Hantu wanita yang tinggal di pohon pisang ini akan muncul sembarai meratap pada malam hari, kadang-kadang sambil membawa bayi. Dalam beberapa cerita rakyat dari Thailand, Malaysia dan Singapura, orang-orang senang meminta nomor undian dari hantu itu dengan harapan memenangkan undian.

  118. Legenda Ba jiao gui

    Ba jiao gui secara harfiah diartikan sebagai hantu pisang. Hantu wanita yang tinggal di pohon pisang ini akan muncul sembarai meratap pada malam hari, kadang-kadang sambil membawa bayi. Dalam beberapa cerita rakyat dari Thailand, Malaysia dan Singapura, orang-orang senang meminta nomor undian dari hantu itu dengan harapan memenangkan undian.

    Mereka akan mengikat benang merah mengelilingi batang pohon dan menempelkan jarum di dalamnya dan kemudian mengikat ujung tali ke tempat tidur mereka. Saat malam hari, Ba jiao gui akan muncul dan memohon kepada orang-orang itu untuk membebaskannya, dan sebagai imbalannya, ia akan memberikan nomor undian.

    Jika orang tersebut tidak memenuhi janjinya untuk membebaskan hantu tersebut setelah menang, dia akan bertemu dengan kematian yang mengerikan. Hantu ini sering disamakan dengan Pontianak, hantu dalam cerita rakyat Melayu.

    The Legend Of Wila
    In Poland, the Wila is the spirit of women who often appear in the form of a beautiful girl, sometimes without clothing or wearing a white dress that sparkles, skirts, green and blue robe.
    It is said that if a single hair Wila was revoked, he would die, or changed to its original form. Wila is also described as having power over the wind and can create storms. They usually stay around the hills, mountains and high soil mound.
    Legenda Wila

    Dalam mitologi Polandia, Wila adalah roh wanita yang sering muncul dalam bentuk gadis cantik, terkadang tanpa busana atau memakai gaun putih yang berkilau, rok hijau, dan jubah biru.

  119. Legenda Wila

    Dalam mitologi Polandia, Wila adalah roh wanita yang sering muncul dalam bentuk gadis cantik, terkadang tanpa busana atau memakai gaun putih yang berkilau, rok hijau, dan jubah biru.

    Konon jika sehelai rambut Wila dicabut, dia akan mati, atau berubah ke wujud aslinya. Wila juga digambarkan memiliki kekuasaan atas angin dan dapat menciptakan badai kencang. Mereka biasanya tinggal di sekitar bukit, gunung, dan gundukan tanah yang tinggi.

    Chupacabra Legend
    Chupacabra or chupacabras is a creature of the legendary rumored to inhabit the Americas. This is related to the appearance of unidentified animals in Puerto Rico (where this sighting was first reported), Mexico, and the United States. The name of this being taken from the custom which was reportedly happy to attack and drinking the blood of livestock, especially goats.
    Report sighting of Chupacabra is often overlooked due to lack of evidence. Biologists and wildlife officials consider chupacabra is simply a legend that spread in the community and have not been proven to be true.
    Legend Chupacabra

    Chupacabra atau chupacabras adalah mahluk legendaris yang dikabarkan menghuni benua Amerika. Hal ini terkait dengan penampakan hewan tak dikenal di Puerto Rico (di mana penampakan ini pertama kali dilaporkan), Meksiko, dan Amerika Serikat. Nama makhluk ini diambil dari kebiasaannya yang dilaporkan senang menyerang dan minum darah ternak, khususnya kambing.

  120. the next morning, Malin Kundang was ready to go. Three days ago, he met one of the successful ship’s crew. Malin was offered to join him. “Take a good care of yourself, son,” said Malin Kundang’s mother as she gave him some food supplies. “Yes, Mother,” Malin Kundang said. “You too have to take a good care of yourself. I’ll keep in touch with you,” he continued before kissing his mother’s hand. Before Malin stepped onto the ship, Malin’s mother hugged him tight as if she didn’t want to let him go.

    It had been three months since Malin Kundang left his mother. As his mother had predicted before, he hadn’t contacted her yet. Every morning, she stood on the pier. She wished to see the ship that brought Malin kundang home. Every day and night, she prayed to the God for her son’s safety. There was so much prayer that had been said due to her deep love for Malin Kundang. Even though it’s been a year she had not heard any news from Malin Kundang, she kept waiting and praying for him.

    After several years waiting without any news, Malin Kundang’s mother was suddenly surprised by the arrival of a big ship in the pier where she usually stood to wait for her son. When the ship finally pulled over, Malin Kundang’s mother saw a man who looked wealthy stepping down a ladder along with a beautiful woman. She could not be wrong. Her blurry

  121. for her son. When the ship finally pulled over, Malin Kundang’s mother saw a man who looked wealthy stepping down a ladder along with a beautiful woman. She could not be wrong. Her blurry eyes still easily recognized him. The man was Malin Kundang, her son.

    Malin Kundang’s mother quickly went to see her beloved son. “Malin, you’re back, son!” said Malin Kundang’s mother and without hesitation, she came running to hug Malin Kundang, “I miss you so much.” But, Malin Kundang didn’t show any respond. He was ashamed to admit his own mother in front of his beautiful wife. “You’re not my Mother. I don’t know you. My mother would never wear such ragged and ugly clothes,” said Malin Kundang as he release his mother embrace.

    Malin Kundang’s mother take a step back, “Malin…You don’t recognize me? I’m your mother!” she said sadly. Malin Kundang’s face was as cold as ice. “Guard, take this old women out of here,” Malin Kundang ordered his bodyguard. “Give her some money so she won’t disturb me again!” Malin Kundang’s mother cried as she was dragged by the bodyguard, ”Malin… my son. Why do you treat your own mother like this?”

    Malin Kundang ignored his mother and ordered the ship crews to set sail. Malin Kundang’s mother sat alone in the pier. Her heart was so hurt, she cried and cried. “Dear God, if he isn’t my son, please let him have a save journey. But if he is, I cursed him to become a stone,” she prayed to the God.

  122. Malin Kundang ignored his mother and ordered the ship crews to set sail. Malin Kundang’s mother sat alone in the pier. Her heart was so hurt, she cried and cried. “Dear God, if he isn’t my son, please let him have a save journey. But if he is, I cursed him to become a stone,” she prayed to the God.

    In the quiet sea, suddenly the wind blew so hard and a thunderstorm came. Malin Kundang’s huge ship was wrecked. He was thrown by the wave out of his ship, and fell on a small island. Suddenly, his whole body turned into stone. He was punished for not admitting his own mother.*** ( sumber : feradesliaahyar.wordpress.com )

    The Wolf and The Lamb
    A lamb was grazing with a flock of sheep one day. She soon found some sweet grass at the edge of the field. Farther and farther she went, away from the others.
    She was enjoying herself so much that she did not notice a wolf coming nearer to her. However, when it pounced on her, she was quick to start pleading, “Please, please don’t eat me yet. My stomach is full of grass. If you wait a while, I will taste much better.”
    The wolf thought that was a good idea, so he sat down and waited.
    After a while, the lamb said, “If you allow me to dance, the grass in my stomach will be digested faster.” Again the wolf agreed. While the lamb was dancing, she had a new idea. She said, “Please take the bell from around my neck. If you ring it as hard as you can, I w

  123. Domba A adalah merumput dengan kawanan domba satu hari. Dia segera menemukan beberapa rumput manis di pinggir lapangan. Semakin jauh ia pergi, jauh dari yang lain.
    Dia menikmati dirinya sendiri sehingga dia tidak melihat serigala mendekat padanya. Namun, ketika menerkam, dia cepat mulai memohon, “Tolong, tolong jangan makan saya belum. Perutku penuh rumput. Jika Anda menunggu beberapa saat, saya akan terasa jauh lebih baik. “
    Pikiran serigala itu adalah ide yang baik, jadi ia duduk dan menunggu. Setelah beberapa saat, anak domba berkata, “Jika Anda mengizinkan saya untuk menari, rumput di saya perut akan dicerna lebih cepat. “Sekali lagi serigala setuju. Sementara anak domba menari, dia punya ide baru. Dia mengatakan, “Silakan mengambil bel dari leherku. Jika Anda membunyikannya sekeras bisa, saya akan bisa menari lebih cepat. “
    Serigala mengambil bel dan berdering sekeras yang dia bisa. Gembala mendengar bel berdering dan cepat dikirim anjing untuk menemukan domba yang hilang. Anjing menggonggong takut serigala itu dan menyelamatkan nyawa domba.

  124. long time ago, there lived a young orphan farmer in the northern part of the island of Sumatra. The area is very dry. Syahdan, the young man lived from farming and fishing. One day he was fishing a fish so beautiful. The color is golden yellow. So holding, the fish turned into a lovely princess. The daughter of a woman who was condemned for violating a ban. He will turn into a kind of creature that first touch. Therefore, human touches it, it turns into a princess.

    Fascinated by her beauty, the young farmer’s daughter asked her to be his wife. The proposal is accepted on condition that the young man would not tell its origin from the farmer ikan.Pemuda the terms agreed. After a year, the couple blessed with a boy. He has a bad habit that is never satiated. He ate all the food.

    One day the boy was eating all the food from their parents. The young man was very upset saying: “basic offspring of fish!” That statement by itself isterinya.Dengan thus unlock the secrets of their promise has been violated.

    His wife and son disappeared mysteriously. The land of their former footing springs. The water that flows from the spring growing bigger and bigger. And being a vast lake. The lake is now called Lake Toba.

  125. Pada jaman dahulu, hiduplah seorang pemuda tani yatim piatu di bagian utara pulau Sumatra. Daerah tersebut sangatlah kering. Syahdan, pemuda itu hidup dari bertani dan memancing ikan. Pada suatu hari ia memancing seekor ikan yang sangat indah. Warnanya kuning keemasan. Begitu dipegangnya, ikan tersebut berubah menjadi seorang putri jelita. Putri itu adalah wanita yang dikutuk karena melanggar suatu larangan. Ia akan berubah menjadi sejenis mahluk yang pertama menyentuhnya. Oleh karena yang menyentuhnya manusia, maka ia berubah menjadi seorang putri.

    Terpesona oleh kecantikannya, maka pemuda tani tersebut meminta sang putri untuk menjadi isterinya. Lamaran tersebut diterima dengan syarat bahwa pemuda itu tidak akan menceritakan asal-usulnya yang berasal dari ikan.Pemuda tani itu menyanggupi syarat tersebut. Setelah setahun, pasangan suami istri tersebut dikarunia seorang anak laki-laki. Ia mempunyai kebiasaan buruk yaitu tidak pernah kenyang. Ia makan semua makanan yang ada.

    Pada suatu hari anak itu memakan semua makanan dari orang tuanya. Pemuda itu sangat jengkelnya berkata: “dasar anak keturunan ikan!”Pernyataan itu dengan sendirinya membuka rahasia dari isterinya.Dengan demikian janji mereka telah dilanggar.

    Istri dan anaknya menghilang secara gaib. Ditanah bekas pijakan mereka menyemburlah mata air. Air yang mengalir dari mata air tersebut makin lama makin besar. Dan menjadi sebuah danau yang sangat luas. Danau itu kini bernama Danau Toba.

  126. Pitung is a pious young man from Rawa Belong. He diligently studied the Koran in Haji Naipin. Finished learning the Koran he was trained in martial arts. After years of religious knowledge and the ability to master the martial increased.
    At that time the Dutch were colonized Indonesia. Pitung pitied the plight experienced by young people. Meanwhile, kumpeni (the name for the Netherlands), a group of employer and the landlord lives wallowing in luxury. Homes and their fields guarded by thugs who ferociously.
    With the assistance of his friends of the Rais and Jii, Pitung began planning the robbery of the employer and the wealthy landlords. Rampokannya results were distributed to the poor. In front of a starving family home laid Sepikul rice. Families who wrapped it provides compensation payable moneylenders. And orphaned children parcel dikiriminya clothes and other gifts.
    Pitung success and his friends because of two things. First, it has a high martial arts and dikhabarkan they are immune to bullets. Second, people do not want to tell where Pitung is now. However, the robbery victim Pitung rich with kumpeni always trying to persuade people to open my mouth.
    Kumpeni also use violence to force people to testify. One day, kumpeni and wealthy landlords managed to get information about family Pitung. So they seized both her parents and the Hajj Naipin. With a heavy ordeal finally they get the information about where and confidential Pitung are immune.

  127. Bawang Merah Dan Bawang Putih
    The days of yore in a village lived a family consisting of a father, mother and a teenage girl named beautiful garlic. They are a happy family. Although father garlic only merchants, but they live peacefully and get along well. But one day the mother of garlic ill and eventually died. Garlic is very similarly bereaved father.
    In the village lived also a widow who has a child named red onion. Since the mother died, the mother of garlic red onions often pay a visit to the home of the garlic. He often brought food, garlic helps take care of the House or simply accompany the garlic and his father chatting. Finally the father of garlic thinking that it might be better if he was married to the mother of the onion, the garlic not so lonely anymore.
    With consideration of the garlic, then the father is married to the mother of garlic shallots. Initially the mother of red onions and shallots are very good to Provence. But their real nature gradually started to become visible. They often scold the garlic and give him heavy work if the father is away the garlic trade. Garlic must be worked on all the homework, while Bawang merah and her mother just sitting alone. Of course Daddy garlic don’t know it, because the garlic never tell it.
    One day Father Garlic fell ill and later died. Since then the onion and his mother are increasingly powerful and arbitrarily against garlic. Garlic is almost never at rest. He had to be up before dawn, to prepare the bath water and breakfast for onion and his mother. Then she had to feed the cattle, watering gardens and washing clothes to the river. Then he must still be ironed out, took care of the House, and many other jobs. But garlic is always doing his job with glee, because he hoped that someday his stepmother would love him as his own son.

  128. to feed the cattle, watering gardens and washing clothes to the river. Then he must still be ironed out, took care of the House, and many other jobs. But garlic is always doing his job with glee, because he hoped that someday his stepmother would love him as his own son.
    This morning as usual garlic brought a basket containing the clothes that will be dicucinya in the river. With a small singing him down a path on the edge of a small forest of the usual kind. That day the weather was sunny. Garlic immediately wash all dirty clothes which he carried. I was so too excitedly, garlic is not aware of bahwasalah one shirt has been drifting are carried by the current. That wretched clothes drift is the favourite clothes his stepmother. When realizing it, clothes his stepmother has drifted too far. Try garlic down the River to look for her, but did not manage to find it. In desperation he returned home and told his mother.
    “Basic sloppy!” snapped his stepmother. “I don’t want to know, anyway you have to find that dress! And don’t dare go home if you don’t find it. Understand? “
    Garlic is forced to obey his wishes ibun. He immediately down the place to wash. Mataharisudah start rising, but garlic also has yet to find his mother’s clothes. She put up her eyes, carefully diperiksanya every juluran root protrusion into rivers, who knows his mother’s clothes get caught there. After stepping away and the Sun was already leaning to the West, the garlic look a shepherd who are bathing kerbaunya. The garlic then asked: “o good, whether Uncle Uncle looking red dress who drift through here? Because I had to find it and bring it home. “ “Ya last I see nak. If you pursue fast–fast, maybe you could pursue that, “said his uncle was.

  129. Excuse me!” said the garlic. An old woman opened the door.
    “Who are you son?” asked Grandma to it.
    “I am a garlic nek. Just now I’m looking for my mother’s clothes are drifting. And now kemalaman. May I stay here tonight? “asked garlic.
    “Be nak. Whether you’re looking for an outfit that is red? “asked Grandma.
    “Yes nek. What … my grandmother found it? “asked the garlic.
    “Ya. Last shirt was stuck in front of my house. It’s a shame, but I liked the shirt, “said the grandmother. “Well I’m going to return it, but you have to keep me company used to be here for a week. Been a long time I had a conversation with anyone, how? “the pinta‘s grandmother. Garlic is thought for a moment. Granny looks lonely. Garlic ever feel pity. “Nek, I would accompany my grandmother for a week, my grandmother is not bored just me,” said the garlic with a smile.
    During the week the garlic stayed with Grandma. Daily garlic helps work the works of Grandma’s House.

  130. Of course it’s grandma was pleased. Until eventually even already a week, Grandma ever call garlic.
    “Son, already a week you’re living here. And I’m glad because you’re a diligent and dutiful son. For that match my promise you may bring suits your mother home. And one more, you may choose one of two pumpkin as a gift! “said the grandmother.
    Originally garlic declined given the prize but still forced her grandmother. Eventually garlic pumpkin picking the least. “My fear is not that great, bringing powerful,” he said. Grandma ever smiling and delivering garlic to the home front.
    Arriving at the House, garlic handed red dress belongs to his mother while she went to the kitchen to chop yellow squash. What a surprise that when garlic pumpkin split, it turns out to contain a gold jewel. He yelled I was so excited and told this magic to his stepmother and the shallots with the greedy langsun captured the gold and gems. They forced the garlic to tell me how he can get the prize. Garlic any recount with to be honest.
    Hear the story of garlic, onion and her mother plan to do the same thing but this time the onion that would do it. In short the end of onion to the old grandmother at home on the edge of the river. Like garlic, onion ever was asked to accompany him for a week. Unlike an avid garlic, during the week that the onion just lazing. If anything done then the outcome is never good because it is always done with random. Finally after a week my grandmother that allow onion to go. “Isn’t it supposed to be my grandmother gave me a pumpkin as a gift because of menemanimu during the week?” asked red onion. The grandmother was forced to enjoin the onion selects one of two pumpkins that are offered. With quick onion take great and without flask to thank her pitch went.

  131. the week?” asked red onion. The grandmother was forced to enjoin the onion selects one of two pumpkins that are offered. With quick onion take great and without flask to thank her pitch went.
    Arriving at the House of red onions soon encountered his mother and happily saw the pumpkin which he carried. For fear of garlic will request section, they had garlic to go into the river. Then with the impatient they chop the pumpkin. But it turns out that instead of gold jewels out of the pumpkin, but the venomous animals such as snakes, scorpions, and others. The animals were directly attacked the red onion and her mother to death. That is the reply for people who are greedy.

    Jaman dahulu kala di sebuah desa tinggal sebuah keluarga yang terdiri dari Ayah, Ibu dan seorang gadis remaja yang cantik bernama bawang putih. Mereka adalah keluarga yang bahagia. Meski ayah bawang putih hanya pedagang biasa, namun mereka hidup rukun dan damai. Namun suatu hari ibu bawang putih sakit keras dan akhirnya meninggal dunia. Bawang putih sangat berduka demikian pula ayahnya.

  132. Di desa itu tinggal pula seorang janda yang memiliki anak bernama Bawang Merah. Semenjak ibu Bawang putih meninggal, ibu Bawang merah sering berkunjung ke rumah Bawang putih. Dia sering membawakan makanan, membantu bawang putih membereskan rumah atau hanya menemani Bawang Putih dan ayahnya mengobrol. Akhirnya ayah Bawang putih berpikir bahwa mungkin lebih baik kalau ia menikah saja dengan ibu Bawang merah, supaya Bawang putih tidak kesepian lagi.

    Dengan pertimbangan dari bawang putih, maka ayah Bawang putih menikah dengan ibu bawang merah. Awalnya ibu bawang merah dan bawang merah sangat baik kepada bawang putih. Namun lama kelamaan sifat asli mereka mulai kelihatan. Mereka kerap memarahi bawang putih dan memberinya pekerjaan berat jika ayah Bawang Putih sedang pergi berdagang. Bawang putih harus mengerjakan semua pekerjaan rumah, sementara Bawang merah dan ibunya hanya duduk-duduk saja. Tentu saja ayah Bawang putih tidak mengetahuinya, karena Bawang putih tidak pernah menceritakannya.

    Suatu hari ayah Bawang putih jatuh sakit dan kemudian meninggal dunia. Sejak saat itu Bawang merah dan ibunya semakin berkuasa dan semena-mena terhadap Bawang putih. Bawang putih hampir tidak pernah beristirahat. Dia sudah harus bangun sebelum subuh, untuk mempersiapkan air mandi dan sarapan bagi Bawang merah dan ibunya. Kemudian dia harus memberi makan ternak, menyirami kebun dan mencuci baju ke sungai. Lalu dia masih harus menyetrika, membereskan rumah, dan masih banyak pekerjaan lainnya. Namun Bawang putih selalu melakukan pekerjaannya dengan gembira, karena dia berharap suatu saat ibu tirinya akan mencintainya seperti anak kandungnya sendiri.

  133. Pagi ini seperti biasa Bawang putih membawa bakul berisi pakaian yang akan dicucinya di sungai. Dengan bernyanyi kecil dia menyusuri jalan setapak di pinggir hutan kecil yang biasa dilaluinya. Hari itu cuaca sangat cerah. Bawang putih segera mencuci semua pakaian kotor yang dibawanya. Saking terlalu asyiknya, Bawang putih tidak menyadari bahwasalah satu baju telah hanyut terbawa arus. Celakanya baju yang hanyut adalah baju kesayangan ibu tirinya. Ketika menyadari hal itu, baju ibu tirinya telah hanyut terlalu jauh. Bawang putih mencoba menyusuri sungai untuk mencarinya, namun tidak berhasil menemukannya. Dengan putus asa dia kembali ke rumah dan menceritakannya kepada ibunya.

    “Dasar ceroboh!” bentak ibu tirinya. “Aku tidak mau tahu, pokoknya kamu harus mencari baju itu! Dan jangan berani pulang ke rumah kalau kau belum menemukannya. Mengerti?”

    Bawang putih terpaksa menuruti keinginan ibun tirinya. Dia segera menyusuri sungai tempatnya mencuci tadi. Mataharisudah mulai meninggi, namun Bawang putih belum juga menemukan baju ibunya. Dia memasang matanya, dengan teliti diperiksanya setiap juluran akar yang menjorok ke sungai, siapa tahu baju ibunya tersangkut disana. Setelah jauh melangkah dan matahari sudah condong ke barat, Bawang putih melihat seorang penggembala yang sedang memandikan kerbaunya. Maka Bawang putih bertanya: “Wahai paman yang baik, apakah paman melihat baju merah yang hanyut lewat sini? Karena saya harus menemukan dan membawanya pulang.” “Ya tadi saya lihat nak. Kalau kamu mengejarnya cepat-cepat, mungkin kau bisa mengejarnya,” kata paman itu.

  134. Dasar ceroboh!” bentak ibu tirinya. “Aku tidak mau tahu, pokoknya kamu harus mencari baju itu! Dan jangan berani pulang ke rumah kalau kau belum menemukannya. Mengerti?”

    Bawang putih terpaksa menuruti keinginan ibun tirinya. Dia segera menyusuri sungai tempatnya mencuci tadi. Mataharisudah mulai meninggi, namun Bawang putih belum juga menemukan baju ibunya. Dia memasang matanya, dengan teliti diperiksanya setiap juluran akar yang menjorok ke sungai, siapa tahu baju ibunya tersangkut disana. Setelah jauh melangkah dan matahari sudah condong ke barat, Bawang putih melihat seorang penggembala yang sedang memandikan kerbaunya. Maka Bawang putih bertanya: “Wahai paman yang baik, apakah paman melihat baju merah yang hanyut lewat sini? Karena saya harus menemukan dan membawanya pulang.” “Ya tadi saya lihat nak. Kalau kamu mengejarnya cepat-cepat, mungkin kau bisa mengejarnya,” kata paman itu.

    “Baiklah paman, terima kasih!” kata Bawang putih dan segera berlari kembali menyusuri. Hari sudah mulai gelap, Bawang putih sudah mulai putus asa. Sebentar lagi malam akan tiba, dan Bawang putih. Dari kejauhan tampak cahaya lampu yang berasal dari sebuah gubuk di tepi sungai. Bawang putih segera menghampiri rumah itu dan mengetuknya.
    “Permisi…!” kata Bawang putih. Seorang perempuan tua membuka pintu.
    “Siapa kamu nak?” tanya nenek itu.

    “Saya Bawang putih nek. Tadi saya sedang mencari baju ibu saya yang hanyut. Dan sekarang kemalaman. Bolehkah saya tinggal di sini malam ini?” tanya Bawang putih.

  135. segera berlari kembali menyusuri. Hari sudah mulai gelap, Bawang putih sudah mulai putus asa. Sebentar lagi malam akan tiba, dan Bawang putih. Dari kejauhan tampak cahaya lampu yang berasal dari sebuah gubuk di tepi sungai. Bawang putih segera menghampiri rumah itu dan mengetuknya.
    “Permisi…!” kata Bawang putih. Seorang perempuan tua membuka pintu.
    “Siapa kamu nak?” tanya nenek itu.

    “Saya Bawang putih nek. Tadi saya sedang mencari baju ibu saya yang hanyut. Dan sekarang kemalaman. Bolehkah saya tinggal di sini malam ini?” tanya Bawang putih.
    “Boleh nak. Apakah baju yang kau cari berwarna merah?” tanya nenek.
    “Ya nek. Apa…nenek menemukannya?” tanya Bawang putih.

    “Ya. Tadi baju itu tersangkut di depan rumahku. Sayang, padahal aku menyukai baju itu,” kata nenek. “Baiklah aku akan mengembalikannya, tapi kau harus menemaniku dulu disini selama seminggu. Sudah lama aku tidak mengobrol dengan siapapun, bagaimana?” pinta nenek.Bawang putih berpikir sejenak. Nenek itu kelihatan kesepian. Bawang putih pun merasa iba. “Baiklah nek, saya akan menemani nenek selama seminggu, asal nenek tidak bosan saja denganku,” kata Bawang putih dengan tersenyum.

    Selama seminggu Bawang putih tinggal dengan nenek tersebut. Setiap hari Bawang putih membantu mengerjakan pekerjaan rumah nenek. Tentu saja nenek itu merasa senang. Hingga akhirnya genap sudah seminggu, nenek pun memanggil bawang putih.
    “Nak, sudah seminggu kau tinggal di sini. Dan aku senang karena kau anak yang rajin dan berbakti. Untuk itu sesuai janjiku kau boleh membawa baju ibumu pulang. Dan satu lagi, kau boleh memilih satu dari dua labu kuning ini sebagai hadiah!” kata nenek.

  136. Mulanya Bawang putih menolak diberi hadiah tapi nenek tetap memaksanya. Akhirnya Bawang putih memilih labu yang paling kecil. “Saya takut tidak kuat membawa yang besar,” katanya. Nenek pun tersenyum dan mengantarkan Bawang putih hingga depan rumah.

    Sesampainya di rumah, Bawang putih menyerahkan baju merah milik ibu tirinya sementara dia pergi ke dapur untuk membelah labu kuningnya. Alangkah terkejutnya bawang putih ketika labu itu terbelah, didalamnya ternyata berisi emas permata yang sangat banyak. Dia berteriak saking gembiranya dan memberitahukan hal ajaib ini ke ibu tirinya dan bawang merah yang dengan serakah langsun merebut emas dan permata tersebut. Mereka memaksa bawang putih untuk menceritakan bagaimana dia bisa mendapatkan hadiah tersebut. Bawang putih pun menceritakan dengan sejujurnya.

    Mendengar cerita bawang putih, bawang merah dan ibunya berencana untuk melakukan hal yang sama tapi kali ini bawang merah yang akan melakukannya. Singkat kata akhirnya bawang merah sampai di rumah nenek tua di pinggir sungai tersebut. Seperti bawang putih, bawang merah pun diminta untuk menemaninya selama seminggu. Tidak seperti bawang putih yang rajin, selama seminggu itu bawang merah hanya bermalas-malasan. Kalaupun ada yang dikerjakan maka hasilnya tidak pernah bagus karena selalu dikerjakan dengan asal-asalan. Akhirnya setelah seminggu nenek itu membolehkan bawang merah untuk pergi. “Bukankah seharusnya nenek memberiku labu sebagai hadiah karena menemanimu selama seminggu?” tanya bawang merah. Nenek itu terpaksa menyuruh bawang merah memilih salah satu dari dua labu yang ditawarkan. Dengan cepat bawang merah mengambil labu yang besar dan tanpa mengucapkan terima kasih dia melenggang pergi.

  137. pernah bagus karena selalu dikerjakan dengan asal-asalan. Akhirnya setelah seminggu nenek itu membolehkan bawang merah untuk pergi. “Bukankah seharusnya nenek memberiku labu sebagai hadiah karena menemanimu selama seminggu?” tanya bawang merah. Nenek itu terpaksa menyuruh bawang merah memilih salah satu dari dua labu yang ditawarkan. Dengan cepat bawang merah mengambil labu yang besar dan tanpa mengucapkan terima kasih dia melenggang pergi.

    Sesampainya di rumah bawang merah segera menemui ibunya dan dengan gembira memperlihatkan labu yang dibawanya. Karena takut bawang putih akan meminta bagian, mereka menyuruh bawang putih untuk pergi ke sungai. Lalu dengan tidak sabar mereka membelah labu tersebut. Tapi ternyata bukan emas permata yang keluar dari labu tersebut, melainkan binatang-binatang berbisa seperti ular, kalajengking, dan lain-lain. Binatang-binatang itu langsung menyerang bawang merah dan ibunya hingga tewas. Itulah balasan bagi orang yang serakah.

    Semoga menjadi referensi belajar yang baik untuk sahabat KBI 🙂

  138. Hey, my companions, how are you? Would I be able to converse with you?”.

    “We are great, yes you can, little deer!”

    “I have an uplifting news for every one of you.”

    “Alright, would you be able to let me know about the news!”

    “Every one of you were welcome to King Lion’s birthday. The gathering will be held in his royal residence. There will be numerous nourishments and beverages for us.”

    “That is an uplifting news.”

    “In any case, I was requested by The King to include what number of crocodiles this stream.”

    “Alright, we will line up on the waterway”

    At that point, each crocodile showed up and made a line. The line was sufficiently long as a scaffold to cross the stream. In the interim, Mouse Deer professed to tally the quantity of crocodile. So he could cross the stream effortlessly.

    In brief time, the deer had crossed the stream. At that point crocodiles got closer to him and asked “Alright deer, you have check every one of us. Presently let us know when the gathering will be held?”

  139. Gracious my god, I wasn’t right about the area. Ruler Lion welcomed crocodiles in another waterway.”

    The crocodiles were exceptionally irate and attempted to catch him. Be that as it may, it was past the point of no return. The mouse deer had cleared out.


    Kancil dikenal sebagai hewan yang cerdas oleh hewan lain di hutan. Dia bisa memecahkan banyak masalah dalam waktu singkat. Hal itu membuat dia sebagai penolong yang baik untuk setiap hewan di hutan. Ia juga tidak sombong yang membuat banyak hewan mencintainya.

    Suatu waktu, Kancil sedang bekancilha mencari makanan di luar hutan. Dia memutuskan untuk mengambil jalan pintas. Namun, ia harus menyeberangi sungai. Dia tahu bahwa di sungai ada beberapa buaya lapar. Mereka sedang berjemur di sungai. Dia tidak takut, dalam waktu singkat ia bisa menemukan solusi untuk menyeberangi sungai.

    “Hei, teman-teman saya, bagaimana kabarmu? Dapatkah saya berbicara dengan kamu?”
    “Kami baik-baik saja, ya kamu bisa, kancil kecil!”
    “Saya punya kabar baik untuk kalian semua.”
    “Oke, bisa kamu ceritakan beritanya!”
    “Kalian semua diundang ke ulang tahun Raja Singa. Pestanya akan digelar di istananya. Akan ada banyak makanan dan minuman untuk kami.”
    “Berita yang sangat bagus.”
    “Tapi, saya diperintahkan oleh Raja untuk menghitung berapa banyak buaya di sungai ini.”
    “Oke, kita akan berbaris di sungai”

  140. Kemudian, setiap buaya muncul dan membuat garis. Barisan ini cukup panjang sebagai sebuah jembatan untuk menyeberangi sungai. Sementara itu, Kancil pura-pura menghitung jumlah buaya. Jadi dia bisa menyeberangi sungai dengan mudah.

    Dalam waktu singkat, kancil telah menyeberangi sungai. Kemudian buaya mendekatinya dan bertanya “Oke kancil, kamu telah menghitung kita semua. Sekarang katakan kapan pesta akan diadakan?”

    “Oh tuham, aku salah lokasi. Raja Singa mengundang buaya di sungai lain.”

    Buaya sangat marah dan mencoba untuk menangkapnya. Tapi, sudah terlambat. Kancil telah menghilang.

    Demikinlah tadi contoh cerita kancil & buaya dalam bahasa inggris. Dengan salah satu contoh reading text singkat serta terjemahannya bahasa indonesia diatas. Para pengunjung setia KBI dapat dengan mudah untuk belajar bahasa inggris dan artinya.

  141. While their older child, Andy was an elephant who was very honest and made the parents were so proud. However, although his parents were proud of him, he was not arrogant, so all the elephants liked him. All those conditions made Danny jealous and did not like his brother. But, he had not made ​​him changed and he became more and more lying frequently. He was never to be deterrent even though often punished by his parents.

    Meanwhile, his brother, Andy was never bored and stopped to advise him. However, all of the advice and the punishment he received was never made ​​him wary. A lie that often done by him was screaming near the river so that someone else thinks he was drowning. In fact, he only intended to pretend and lied.

    One day, he wanted to drink the water in the river which was deep enough. Because he was so thirsty, he did not pay attention to the depth of the river and immediately stuck his trunk into the water. The surfaces that were near the river were so slippery but he did not pay attention. Suddenly, Danny slipped and he plunged into the river. There was no elephant that was near river because they were all in the pasture which was far enough away from the river. He then yelled very loudly and asked for help to all the elephants.

  142. The elephants heard it, but he often lied, so that the elephants on the pasture ignored his scream. In fact, his parents did not pay attention because they thought he was lying. However, his brother was curious and wanted to see whether Danny was lying or not. When the brother reached the river, he saw that Danny was not lying and Danny almost drowned.

    Andy immediately saved Danny and took him out on the pasture to be treated. The elephants in the meadow shocked and immediately huddled beside him. A few minutes later, he woke up and he promised never to lie again.

    Artinya :
    Gajah Yang Tidak Jujur
    Di sebuah negeri, hiduplah sepasang gajah yang saling mencintai. Mereka bernama Shawn dan Honey. Mereka telah hidup bersama sejak 2 tahun yang lalu dan sekarang telah mempunyai dua ekor anak gajah. Anak pertama mereka adalah Andy dan anak kedua mereka adalah Danny. Danny adalah gajah yang sering berbohong dan ia selalu dimarahi oleh orang tuanya karena kebohongan-kebohongan yang sering ia lakukan.

  143. In a forest, there is a tree that was so big and so beautiful. However, the trees were so arrogant because not all of the animals were allowed to stay on a branch and perch that he had. One day, there was a beautiful white bird that wanted to perch on her branch. The bird asked, “Could I stay on your branch?” The tree replied “Of course you can, because you are a very pretty bird”. The beautiful bird perched on a branch and then stayed for a long time on the tree.

    On the next week, the tree saw a sick rabbit with the falling out of hair. The rabbit was so exhausted from walking because he wanted to meet the physicians in the forest edge. He saw the rabbit and he knew that the rabbit was being sick because the face was pale and the hair was falling out. However, he was reluctant to offer a help to the rabbit because he was disgusted with the disease.

    Because of so tired, the rabbit asked permission from him to take the shelter and a rest for a moment near his roots. However, he did not allow it for fear of contracting the disease of the rabbit. He snapped the rabbit and told him to get out and went away from him. The rabbit continued to beg in order to have a rest even though only a few minutes. He still did not allow the rabbits and even getting snapped.

  144. The rabbit felt so humiliated and prayed to God that purpose to the punishment for the tree in accordance with his behavior. When the rabbit prayed, he was laughing and said that the rabbits did the silly things.

    Rabbit prayer was granted by God and the beautiful tree immediately attacked caterpillars. Gradually, the leaves which were owned by the tree were falling out and the flowers withered. He was not the beautiful tree anymore and just being a rod that would die soon. After being withered, he continued to pray to God and being so kind to others. He has repented and promised not to repeat the cavalier attitude that he had before. Then, God forgave him and sent the golden woodpecker to eat the caterpillars which were present throughout the body. After cleaning the caterpillars on his body, the tree turned back into a very beautiful tree.

    He kept his promise for not bragging and keeping to help others. Currently, he was liked by all the residents of the forest and he lived happily.

  145. Text
    “The Pope And His Driver”

    His Holiness, “Pope” was traveling in his car and suddenly a thought came to his mind.

    He shared the thought with his driver. Pope told the driver, “Today we shall play a game, where I will drive the car and you will sit in the back seat”. What do you feel?

    As you thought, the driver was not willing to accept the Pope’s thought in the first place, but eventually he had to agree with the Pope.

    Let’s see, what’s gonna happen now!!!

    The Pope was all excited, because his one time dream of driving the car as a Pope was becoming a reality.

    Pope drove the car at 160 km/hr where he thrashed all traffic rules, vehicles, sign boards and whatever came his way.

    Message reached the security head office that a man is violating all traffic rules and thrashing all vehicles who is coming his way. Hearing this the security chief called the City Traffic Police Commissioner and asked him, why they have not yet arrested the owner of the car.

    Commissioner replied, “Sir, I think the man sitting in the car is a highly influential man, because he has got the Pope as his driver.”


    “Paus Dan Supir Nya”

    “Paus” bepergian di dalam mobilnya dan tiba-tiba sebuah pikiran muncul.

    Ia mengatakan isi pikiran kepada sopirnya. Paus mengatakan kepada sopir, “Hari ini kita akan memainkan permainan, di mana saya akan mengendarai mobil dan kamu akan duduk di kursi belakang”. Gimana nurutmu?

  146. Ia mengatakan isi pikiran kepada sopirnya. Paus mengatakan kepada sopir, “Hari ini kita akan memainkan permainan, di mana saya akan mengendarai mobil dan kamu akan duduk di kursi belakang”. Gimana nurutmu?

    Awalnya si supir tidak mau menerima pemikiran Paus, tetapi akhirnya ia harus setuju dengan Paus.

    Mari kita lihat, apa yang akan terjadi sekarang !!!

    Paus menjadi sangat bersemangat, karena itu satu mimpinya untuk mengemudi mobil sebagai seorang Paus menjadi kenyataan.

    Paus mengendarai mobil di 160 km / jam di mana ia melanggar semua peraturan lalu lintas,

    Pesan mencapai kantor pusat keamanan bahwa ada orang melanggar semua aturan lalu lintas Mendengar ini kepala keamanan emmanggil Komisaris Polisi dan bertanya, mengapa mereka tidak metangkap pemilik mobil.

    Komisaris menjawab, “Pak, saya pikir orang yang duduk di dalam mobil adalah orang yang sangat berpengaruh, karena Ia disupiri oleh Paus.”

    Cerita Lucu Bahasa Inggris Singkat Spoof Text
    How to Get Really Smart

    A customer at Stingray Fishmongers marvelled at the owner’s quick wit and intelligence.

    ‘Tell me, Simon, what makes you so smart?’

    ‘I wouldn’t share my secret with just anyone, ‘Simon replies, lowering his voice so the other shoppers won’t hear.’ But since you’re a good and faithful customer, I’ll let you in on it. Fish heads. You eat enough of them, you’ll be positively brilliant.’

    ‘You sell them here?’ the customer asks.

    ‘Only $4 apiece’, says Simon.

    The customer buys three. A week later, he’s back in the store complaining that the fish heads were disgusting and he isn’t any smarter.

  147. Bagaimana Cara menjadi Cerdas

    Pelanggan di toko ikan mengagumi kecerdasan si penjual.

    “Katakan, Simon, apa yang membuat Anda begitu pintar? ‘

    “Aku tidak akan berbagi rahasia saya dengan sembarang orang, ‘Simon menjawab, menurunkan suaranya sehingga pembeli lain tidak akan mendengar.” Tapi karena Anda seorang pelanggan yang baik dan setia, saya akan memberitahu Anda hal itu. kepala ikan. Anda makan cukup banyal, Anda akan menjadi cerdas. ‘

    “Kau menjualnya di sini? ‘ pelanggan meminta.

    ‘Hanya $ 4 masing-masing’, kata Simon.

    pelanggan membeli tiga. Seminggu kemudian, dia kembali toko mengeluh bahwa kepala ikan yang dibeli kemarin menjijikkan dan dia tidak menjadi lebih pandai.

    “Kau tidak makan cukup,” kata Simon. Pelanggan pulang dengan 20 kepala ikan lagi. Dua minggu kemudian, dia kembali dan kali ini dia benar-benar marah.

    ‘Hei, Simon, “ia mengeluh,’ Anda menjual saya kepala ikan seharga $ 4 sepotong padahal saya bisa membeli ikan utuh dengan $ 2. Anda membodohi saya! “

    ‘Kamu lihat?’ kata Simon, ‘Anda sudah menjadi lebih pintar dan cerdas sekarang.’

  148. The Ones That Got Away

    After a Tuesday fishing on the River Test, near Southampton in Southern England, Trevor is walking from the pier carrying two brown trout in a bucket.

    He is approached by a Water Conservation Officer who asks him for his fishing license.

    Trevor replies to the environmentalist, ‘I was not fishing and I did not catch these brown trout, they are my pets. Every day I come down to the water and put these fish into the water and take them for a walk to the end of the pier and back. When I’m ready to go I whistle and they jump back into the bucket and we go home.

    The officer, obviously, does not believe him and he reminds Trevor that it is illegal to fish without a license. The fisherman turns to the warden and says, ‘If you don’t believe me then watch, ‘and he throws the trout back into the water.

    The warden says, ‘Now whistle to your fish and show me that they will jump out of the water and into the bucket.’

    The fisherman turns to the officer and says, ‘What fish?’



    Setelah memancing di hari Selasa di Sungai Uji, dekat Southampton di Inggris Selatan, Trevor berjalan dari dermaga membawa dua ikan trout coklat dalam ember.

    Dia didekati oleh Petugas Konservasi Air yang meminta dia untuk menunjukan lisensi memancing.

    Trevor menjawab, ‘Saya tidak memancing dan saya tidak menangkap ikan trout coklat ini, mereka adalah hewan peliharaan saya. Setiap hari saya datang ke air dan meletakkan ikan ini ke dalam air dan membawa mereka untuk berjalan-jalan ke ujung dermaga dan kembali. Ketika aku siap untuk pergi, aku bersiul dan mereka melompat kembali ke dalam ember dan kami pulang.

  149. One day there was a mother cooking in the kitchen. Then she called her son who was watching TV in the living room. “Budi buy me a packet of salt in Mrs. Inah’s shop!” Her mother begged. “Take this money but remember that the shop is across the street. You have to be careful. Do not cross the street before the car passes first, “her mother warned.”Alright mom” replied Budi.

    Budi immediately went to the shop. After waiting for a long time, his mother was worried because Budi did not come after nearly a half an hour. Soon afterward, she left her house to see Budi. She was worried that Budi was in danger.

    After arriving near the shop, she was surprised to see the Budi stood motionless on the roadside. “Why are you so long?” asked her mother. “I cannot cross this street mom” she was wonder and asked “why does it so? The street was very quiet, right? “”That is right, I want to cross the street but there is no car which passing by” Budi replied. “How can be like that?” her mother getting surprised. “You told me that don’t cross the street before the car pass first and now I am waiting for the car to pass first. Therefore I cannot cross this street “replied Budi. His mother could only be silent.

  150. When I was having lunch at the bar near terminal, suddenly there was an old man crying. I came over to his table and asked “sorry sir, why are you crying?” “I have a wife at home, but she always wakes me up when I sleep in the morning and makes me breakfast every day.” He said.

    Then I continued to ask “then why are you crying?” He replied that his wife always made soup for lunch and a cup of hot coffee for him in the afternoon.

    Baca juga: Contoh Artikel Bahasa Inggris Tentang Pendidikan Remaja dan Artinya
    With a little annoyed I asked him back “Then what is wrong with all of that, sir?” The old man replied that his wife always made his favorite dishes for dinner and always sang a song until he fell asleep.

    With a high tone I asked “then what is the problem? you should be grateful to have a good wife as yours!” “I do not remember where my house is” he replied. I couldn’t say anything.


    Pria Tua yang Sedih di Bar

    Ketika aku sedang makan siang di warung makan dekat terminal. Tiba-tiba seorang pria tua menangis. Aku datang menghampiri mejanya dan bertanya “maaf pak, kenapa Anda menangis?”. “Aku memiliki seorang istri di rumah dia selalu membangunkan aku tidur dan membuatkan aku sarapan setiap hari.” Jawabnya.

    Kemudian aku kembali bertanya “lalu mengapa bapak menagis?” dia menjawab bahwa istrinya selalu membuatkan sup untuk makan siang dan secangkir kopi hangat untuknya.

  151. Once upon a time as a merchant set off for market, he asked each of his three daughters what she would like as a present on his return. The first daughter wanted a brocade dress, the second a pearl necklace, but the third, whose name was Beauty, the youngest, prettiest and sweetest of them all, said to her father:
    "All I'd like is a rose you've picked specially for me!"

    When the merchant had finished his business, he set off for home. However, a sudden storm blew up, and his horse could hardly make headway in the howling gale. Cold and weary, the merchant had lost all hope of reaching an inn when he suddenly noticed a bright light shining in the middle of a wood. As he drew near, he saw that it was a castle, bathed in light.
    "I hope I'll find shelter there for the night," he said to himself.

    When he reached the door, he saw it was open, but though he shouted, nobody came to greet him. Plucking up courage, he went inside, still calling out to attract attention. On a table in the main hall, a splendid dinner lay already served. The merchant lingered, still shouting for the owner of the castle. But no one came, and so the starving merchant sat down to a hearty meal.
    Overcome by curiosity, he ventured upstairs, where the corridor led into magnificent rooms and halls. A fire crackled in the first room and a soft bed looked very inviting. It was now late, and the merchant could not resist. He lay down on the bed and fell fast asleep.

  152. When he woke next morning, an unknown hand had placed a mug of steaming coffee and some fruit by his bedside. The merchant had breakfast and after tidying himself up, went downstairs to thank his generous host. But, as on the evening before, there was nobody in sight. Shaking his head in wonder at the strangeness of it all, he went towards the garden where he had left his horse, tethered to a tree.

    Suddenly, a large rose bush caught his eye. Remembering his promise to Beauty, he bent down to pick a rose. Instantly, out of the rose garden, sprang a horrible beast, wearing splendid clothes. Two bloodshot eyes, gleaming angrily, glared at him and a deep, terrifying voice growled:

    "Ungrateful man! I gave you shelter, you ate at my table and slept in my own bed, but now all the thanks I get is the theft of my favorite flowers! I shall put you to death for this slight!"

    Trembling with fear, the merchant fell on his knees before the Beast. "Forgive me! Forgive me! Don't kill me! I'll do anything you say! The rose wasn't for me, it was for my daughter Beauty. I promised to bring her back a rose from my journey!"

    The Beast dropped the paw it had clamped on the unhappy merchant.

    "I shall spare your life, but on one condition, that you bring me your daughter!" The terror-stricken merchant, faced with certain death if he did not obey, promised that he would do so. When he reached home in tears, his three daughters ran to greet him. After he had told them of his dreadful adventure, Beauty put his mind at rest immediately.


  153. The Beast dropped the paw it had clamped on the unhappy merchant.

    "I shall spare your life, but on one condition, that you bring me your daughter!" The terror-stricken merchant, faced with certain death if he did not obey, promised that he would do so. When he reached home in tears, his three daughters ran to greet him. After he had told them of his dreadful adventure, Beauty put his mind at rest immediately.

    "Dear father, I'd do anything for you! Don't worry, you'll be able to keep your promise and save your life! Take me to the castle. I'll stay there in your place!" The merchant hugged his daughter.

    "I never did doubt your love for me. For the moment I can only thank you for saving my life." So Beauty was led to the castle. The Beast, however, had quite an unexpected greeting for the girl. Instead of menacing doom as it had done with her father, it was surprisingly pleasant.
    In the beginning, Beauty was frightened of the Beast, and shuddered at the sight of it. Then she found that, in spite of the monster's awful head, her horror of it was gradually fading as time went by.

    She had one of the finest rooms in the Castle, and sat for hours, embroidering in front of the fire. And the Beast would sit, for hours on end, only a short distance away, silently gazing at her. Then it started to say a few kind words, till in the end, Beauty was amazed to discover that she was actually enjoying its conversation. The days passed, and Beauty and the Beast became good friends.

  154. Mystery sinetrons must be stop from TV show

    As we know, there are many mystery sinetrons shown on Television stations presently. The sinetrons depict horrible scenes about the spirit world. It is described that spirits often disturb people by frightening them in the darkness, when they walk alone at night or at the cemetery. The spirits are pictured as frightening appearance such as white clothes flying corpse, shattered face copse etc. the show must be abandoned for several reasons

    Seperti yang kita tahu, ada banyak sinetron horror yang tayang di Televisi akhir akhir ini. Sinetron tersebut mempertontonkan adegan menakutkan tentang hantu. Ini dideskripsikan bahwa hantu sering mengganggu manusia dengan menakut- nakuti. Hantu tersebut digambarkan sebaga penampilan yang menakutkan seperti memakai pakaain putih, muka yang rusak. Tontonan harus diberhentikan atas beberapa alasan.

    Firstly, it make a wrong perception of people toward spirits world. The spirits who disturb or appear before the people are very rare. But f the sinetrons always show them every day in a week, people think that spirits often and always disturb people, so they ‘ll afraid of them. Secondly, it will weaken the bravery of people especially children and women to do activity at nights, for example going the wells, cooking at kitchen alone etc. thirdly, such kind of sinetrons waste our time to think unreal phenomena while we are facing many kinds of living problems.

    Pertama, sinetron tersebut membuat presepsi yang salah tentang arwah di dunia. arwah yang mengganggu atau Nampak di depan orang sangat jarang. Akan tetapi sinetron selalu menunjukkan mereka setiap hari dalam satu minggu, orang orang berpikir bahwa arwah sering dan selalu mengganggu orang , sehingga orang orang menakutinya. Kedua, Sinetron itu akan mengurangi keberanian khususnya anak kecil dan perempuna untuk melakukan aktivitas di malam hari, sebagai contoh pergi ke sumur, memasak di dapur sendirian. Ketiga, sinetron semacam itu menghabiskan waktu kita untuk berpikir hal hal yang tidak nyata ketika kita menghadap persoalan hidup yang beraneka ragam.

    In brief, for the reason, I think television station must stop showing mystery sinetrons. They are a bad influence on people, frightening our children and destroying their belief to god.

    Kesimpulannya, untuk alasan, saya rasa station televsi harus menghentikan tayangan sinetron misteri. Mereka mempunyai efek yang buruk pada orang orang, menakuti anak anakkita dan merusak kepercayaan kita ke Tuhan.

  155. First of all, I would like to thanks to the God for the precious chance. On this occasion, I would represent my point of view about “Student and Uniform”

    Pertama tama, saya akan menyucapkan terima kasih kepada tuhan untuk kesempatan berharga ini. Pada kesempatan kali in, saya akan menyampaikan pendapat saya tentang “ Siswa dan Seragam”

    Within a few past weeks, there was an interesting topic discussed by many students in Indonesia that is government plans to abandon the use of school uniform. I think school uniform is a must. There are some reasons why the school uniform must be implemented at school.

    Selama beberapa minggu terakhir, ada topic yang menarik yang didiskusikan oleh siswa di sekolah bahwa pemerintah berecana untuk menghentikan penggunaan seragam sekolah. Saya raya seragam sekolah adalah keharusan. Ada beberapa alasan mengapa seragam sekolah harus di terapkan di Sekolah.

    Firstly, school uniform is an identity. As in the army, we can differentiate between army, navy, air force and police squad just from the uniform they wear. School uniform is too. We can identify whether she/he is a kindergarten boy, an elementary school girls, a band of junior high school boys or a group of senior high school girls from their uniform.

    Pertama, seragam sekolah adalah identitas. Seperti dalam tentara, kita dapat membedakan antara Angkatan darat, angkatan laut, angkatan udara dan poisi hanya dengan seragam yangmereka pakai. Begitu juga dengan seragam sekolah. Kami dapat mengidentifikasi apakah dia adalah anak TK,anak Sd atau sekolompok anak SMP dan SMA dengan seragamnya.

    Secondly, school uniform gives us such a feeling of togetherness. The students who come from rich families are not too different from the students who come from the poor ones. The uniform will erase the gab between the rich and the poor. So, the learning atmosphere will not be disturbed by inferiority feeling from the have not students because they can’t wear an expensive outfit.

    Kedua, seragam sekolah memberikan sebuah perasaan kebersamaan. Siswa yang datang dari keluarga kaya tidak berbeda dengan siswa yang datang dari keluarga miskin. Seragam sekolah akan mengurangi jarak si kaya dan si Miskin. Sehingga, sauna pembeajran tidak akan diganggu dengan perasaan rendah diri oeh siswa ang tidak punya karena mereka tidak memakai pakaian yang mahal.

    In the end of speech I would like to emphasize that the government should cancel the plan due to the social condition of our nations which is in collapse. School uniform is still badly needed to unify the students at school

    Di akhir pidato ini saya menekankan bahwa sekolahan seharusnya menunda rencana karena kondisi national yang sedang kolaps. Seragam sekolah masih sangat dibutuhkan untuk menyeragamkan siswa siswa d

  156. Telephone rate increase

    I was surprised to learn that the government had increased telephone rate by almost 28 percent; I am against this move.

    Saya terkejut mengetahui bahwa pemerintah akan menaikkan harga teleponse sebesar 28 percent; saya tidak setuju dengan langkah ini.

    Telephone rates must not be raised for the following reasons:
    - The telephone service is a public facility, so its rates must be kept as low as possible.
    - The telephone service is strategically significant in promoting efficiency and eventually, boosting national productivity
    - The telephone service is a business gateway and as it is monopolized by the state telecommunications firm Telkom, seeking profit must come second in Telkom’s goal. Given that the telecommunications business is highly lucrative greater transparency in the management to the public whether or not it is necessary to raise telephone rates.

    Ongkos telephone harus tidak dinaikkan atas dasar alasan alasan ini.
    1. Layanan telephone adalah sebuah fasilitas publik, sehingga tarifnya harus dibuat semurah mungkin
    2. Layanan telephone secara berpengaruh secara significant dalam mempromosikan efesiensi dan uptudate, meningkatkan produktifitas nasional
    3. Layanan telephone adalah pintu gerbang bisnis dan karena itu ini dimonopoli oleh perusahaan Negara Telkom. Sehingga mencari keuntunga harus menjadi tujuan kedua dari Telkom. Mengingat bahwa bisnis komunikasi sangat berpengaruh dalam ke terbukaan dalam manajemen umum apakah perlu untuk meningkatkan tariff telephone

    In my opinion, telecommunications facilities must be categorized as a basic, public need and therefore their rates cannot be raised arbitrarily.

    Menurut pendapat saya, fasilitas telekomunikasi harus dikategorikan sebagai pokok, kebutuhan umum dan kerena itu tarifnya harus tidak dinaikkan tanpa pertimbanga

    Contoh Hortatory Exposition dalam bentuk teks dan terjemahannya dalam Bahasa Indonesia
    Watch your Kids While Watching TV

    Television becomes one of the most important devices which takes place in almost houses. It can unite all members of the family as well as separate them. However, is it important to know what your kids are watching? The answer is, of course, absolutely "Yes" and that should be done by all parents. Television can expose things you have tried to protect the children from, especially violence, pornography, consumerism and so on.

    Televisi menjadi salah satu alat paling penting dimiliki oleh hampir setiap rumah. Televisi dapat mempersatukan semua anggota keluarga dan juga dapat memisahkannya. Akan tetapi, apakah ini penting untuk mengetahui apayah yang sedang ditonton oleh anak anda ? jawabannya tentu saja adalah “ ya” dan hal ini seharusnya dilakukan oleh setiap anggota keluarga. Televisi dapat mengekspose sesuatu yang kamu telah mencoba untuk melindungi dari anak anak. Kususnya kekerasan, Pornography, konsumerisme dan masih banyak lagi.

    Recently, a study demonstrated that spending too much time on watching TV during the day or at bedtime often cause bed-time disruption, stress, and short sleep duration.

    Baru baru ini, sebuah study menunjukkan bahwa menghabiskan waktu terlalu banyak menonton televisi pada hari atau malam sering menyebabkan gangguan tidur, stress dan tidur pendek ( cepat bangun)

    Another research found that there is a significant relationship between the amount of time spent for watching television during adolescence and early adulthood, and the possibility of being aggressive.

    Penelitian yang lain menemukan bahwa ada hubungan yang significa antara jumlah waktu yang dihabiskan untuk menonton Televisi selama dewasa san sebelum dewasa, dan kemungkian unutk menjadi aggressive.

    Meanwhile, many studies have identified a relationship between kids who watch TV a lot and being inactive and overweight.

    Sementara itu, banyak pembelajaran telah mengidentifikasi antara hubungan anak yang sering menonton Televisi dan menjadi tidak aktif atau kegemukan.

    Considering some facts mentioning above, prote

  157. Corruption

    Do you know what the meaning of corruption is? What is the relation between money and corruption? Well, corruption is common everywhere in the world, even in the United States. It’s just a matter of intensity. However, it is quite shocking when one reliable survey claims Jakarta as the most corrupt place in Indonesia.

    Argument 1
    The survey has made me sad, actually, because I stay and earn a living here in the capital. As most people know, Tanjung Priok port smuggling is not a new thing at all. Entrepreneurs who want to minimize their tax payments tend to do such a thing more often. They even bribe the officials.

    Argument 2
    Well, I think the measures taken so far to overcome the problem by punishing the corruptors is still not far enough. We have to prevent the younger generations from getting a bad mentality caused by corruption.

    I believe we should start at the earliest stages in school and I think everyone should be involved in the effort to eradicate corruption. We must not make any distinction.


    Tahukah anda apa arti korupsi itu? Apa hubungan antara uang dan korupsi? Nah, korupsi biasa terjadi di mana-mana di dunia, bahkan di Amerika Serikat. Ini hanya masalah intensitas. Namun, cukup mengejutkan bila satu survei terpercaya mengklaim Jakarta sebagai tempat paling korup di Indonesia.

    Argumen 1
    Survei tersebut membuat saya sedih, sebenarnya, karena saya tinggal dan mencari nafkah di ibu kota. Seperti yang diketahui kebanyakan orang, penyelundupan pelabuhan Tanjung Priok bukanlah hal yang baru. Pengusaha yang ingin meminimalkan pembayaran pajak cenderung melakukan hal seperti itu lebih sering. Mereka bahkan menyogok para pejabat.

    Argumen 2
    Nah, menurut saya langkah yang ditempuh sejauh ini untuk mengatasi masalah tersebut dengan menghukum para koruptor masih belum cukup jauh. Kita harus mencegah generasi muda untuk mendapatkan mentalitas buruk akibat korupsi.

    Saya percaya kita harus mulai pada tahap awal di sekolah dan saya pikir setiap orang harus terlibat dalam upaya memberantas korupsi. Kita tidak boleh membuat perbedaan apapun.

    oke, semoga pembahasan tentang contoh Hortatory Exposition Text dan terjemahannya kali ini bisa bermanfaat untuk kita semua khusunya dalam memahami dan membuat text ini sebagai sebuah text yang wajib dikuasai dalam mempelajari bahasa Inggris. Apabila sobat masih ingin belajar bahasa Inggris dengan materi yang lain silahkan klik Menu-menu yang ada diatas. Tentang jenis text yang lain juga akan kita bahas di sini. Terimakasih, British Course pamit dulu ya, see you next time….

  158. Example of Hortatory Exposition – Consume Water to Have Beauty

    As we know that so much water in the world. There are many kinds of water that we can consume every day all time.

    Consuming water can be made as therapy of disease, because water that we consume with enough amounts and the right method can purify of poisons in our body. The therapy of water can save water availability in the body.

    Therapy of water can keep the beauty too. Skins is the out part of the body that has contact with dirty air, sun light and pollutions. To keep the skin elasticity, water is needed in the enough amounts. Water can dampen of skin until not easy to dry and make crimp.

    To keep the balancing of size body, water is needed. In fact, water can increase the metabolism and pressing of eat desire. Consume a lot of water can filtrate much calories.

    So, let’s consume water everyday at least eight glasses to keep our healthy and beauty. But, the water must be clean and hygiene. Find, buy and consume the best mineral water!

    Source: fatiyaulfa.blogspot.com/2010/12/example-of-hortatory-text.html

    Terjemahan – Konsumsilah Air untuk Miliki Kecantikan

    Seperti kita ketahui begitu banyak air di dunia ini. Ada banyak jenis air yang bisa kita konsumsi setiap hari sepanjang waktu.

    Mengkonsumsi air bisa dijadikan terapi penyakit, karena air yang kita konsumsi cukup banyak dan metode yang tepat bisa memurnikan racun dalam tubuh kita. Terapi air bisa menghemat ketersediaan air dalam tubuh.

    Terapi air juga bisa menjaga kecantikan. Kulit adalah bagian luar tubuh yang memiliki kontak dengan udara kotor, sinar matahari dan polusi. Untuk menjaga elastisitas kulit, dibutuhkan air dalam jumlah yang cukup. Air bisa meredam kulit hingga tidak mudah mengering dan membuat keriting.

    Untuk menjaga keseimbangan ukuran tubuh, diperlukan air. Padahal, air bisa meningkatkan metabolisme dan menekan keinginan makan. Mengkonsumsi banyak air bisa menyaring banyak kalori.

    Jadi, mari kita konsumsi air setiap hari setidaknya delapan gelas untuk menjaga kesehatan dan kecantikan kita. Tapi, airnya harus bersih dan bersih. Temukan, beli dan konsumsi air mineral terbaik!

    oke, semoga pembahasan tentang contoh Hortatory Exposition Text dan terjemahannya kali ini bisa bermanfaat untuk kita semua khusunya dalam memahami dan membuat text ini sebagai sebuah text yang wajib dikuasai dalam mempelajari bahasa Inggris. Apabila sobat masih ingin belajar bahasa Inggris dengan materi yang lain silahkan klik Menu-menu yang ada diatas. Tentang jenis text yang lain juga akan kita bahas di sini. Terimakasih, British Course pamit dulu ya, see you next time….

  159. Example of Hortatory Exposition – The Important Of Reading

    I think of personally, that important activity for our life is a reading.

    The first reason is, by reading activity we can know about everything such as technology, science, culture, arts, sports, news, etc. We can get through reading books, magazines, newspapers, etc.

    Second by reading we can find out about the lates news and developments as well as the technology world now.

    If we are lazy and tired, we can read newspaper, comic, novel, magazine, books or anything. That is to make us refresh or relaxed.

    Through the facts, it is obvious that we needs reading to get a lot of knowledge, news, entertainment, etc. That’s reason why reading is so important for our life.

    Terjemahan – Penting Membaca

    Saya memikirkan secara pribadi, bahwa aktivitas penting untuk hidup kita adalah membaca.

    Alasan pertama adalah, dengan membaca aktivitas kita bisa tahu tentang segala hal seperti teknologi, sains, budaya, seni, olahraga, berita, dll. Kita bisa membaca buku, majalah, surat kabar, dll.

    Kedua dengan membaca kita bisa mencari tahu tentang berita dan perkembangan lates serta dunia teknologi sekarang.

    Jika kita malas dan lelah, kita bisa membaca koran, komik, novel, majalah, buku atau apapun. Itu untuk membuat kita menyegarkan atau santai.

    Melalui fakta, jelas bahwa kita perlu membaca untuk mendapatkan banyak pengetahuan, berita, hiburan, dan lain-lain. Itulah alasan mengapa membaca sangat penting bagi kehidupan kita.

    oke, semoga pembahasan tentang contoh Hortatory Exposition Text dan terjemahannya kali ini bisa bermanfaat untuk kita semua khusunya dalam memahami dan membuat text ini sebagai sebuah text yang wajib dikuasai dalam mempelajari bahasa Inggris. Apabila sobat masih ingin belajar bahasa Inggris dengan materi yang lain silahkan klik Menu-menu yang ada diatas. Tentang jenis text yang lain juga akan kita bahas di sini. Terimakasih, British Course pamit dulu ya, see you next time….

  160. More Dust Bins is Needed

    When we look at classroom, school corridors and schoolyard, there papers, mineral water cops, straws, and napkin everywhere. The condition of unseemliness really hinders learning and teaching environment. They can be filled out with water coming from the rain. This can be placed for mosquito to spread out.

    Anyway I notice that most of the students have responsibilities for their school environment. They put their litter on the proper place but some of them are not diligent enough to find the dust bins. The numbers of the dust bins in the school are not enough. More dust bins should be put beside each step, outside of the classrooms and some along of the corridors. Probably one dust bin should be in every ten meters. So when students want to throw away their litters, they can find the dust bins easily.

    When school is equipped with sufficient dust bins, students do not have problem of discomfort any more. So provide more dust bins and school will be very clean and become a very nice place to study.

    Terjemahan Contoh Hortatory Exposition – More Dust Bins is Needed

    Saat kita melihat kelas, koridor sekolah dan halaman sekolah, ada surat kabar, polisi air mineral, sedotan, dan serbet di mana-mana. Kondisi unseemliness benar-benar menghalangi belajar dan mengajar lingkungan. Mereka bisa diisi dengan air yang berasal dari hujan. Hal ini bisa dilakukan agar nyamuk menyebar.

    Pokoknya saya perhatikan bahwa sebagian besar siswa memiliki tanggung jawab untuk lingkungan sekolah mereka. Mereka menaruh sampah mereka di tempat yang tepat tapi beberapa di antaranya tidak cukup rajin untuk menemukan tempat sampah. Jumlah tempat sampah di sekolah tidak cukup. Tempat sampah yang lebih banyak harus diletakkan di samping setiap langkah, di luar ruang kelas dan beberapa koridor. Mungkin satu tempat sampah harus berada dalam jarak sepuluh meter. Jadi ketika siswa ingin membuang tandu mereka, mereka bisa menemukan tong sampah dengan mudah.

    Saat sekolah dilengkapi dengan tempat sampah yang cukup, siswa tidak mengalami masalah ketidaknyamanan lagi. Jadi sediakan lebih banyak tempat sampah dan sekolah akan sangat bersih dan menjadi tempat belajar yang sangat bagus.

    oke, semoga pembahasan tentang contoh Hortatory Exposition Text dan terjemahannya kali ini bisa bermanfaat untuk kita semua khusunya dalam memahami dan membuat text ini sebagai sebuah text yang wajib dikuasai dalam mempelajari bahasa Inggris. Apabila sobat masih ingin belajar bahasa Inggris dengan materi yang lain silahkan klik Menu-menu yang ada diatas. Tentang jenis text yang lain juga akan kita bahas di sini. Terimakasih, British Course pamit dulu ya, see you next time….


  161. One Piece diciptakan oleh Eiichiro Oda. Komiknya dimulai pada 1997 di Shonen Jump terbitan Shueisha dan hingga kini masih terus berlanjut.

    One piece itu sendiri bercerita tentang seorang Monkey D. Luffy, alias Luffy, seorang bajak laut yang berobsesi untuk menemukan One Piece, salah satu harta karun paling berharga yang ada di dunianya Luffy waktu itu. Setelah Luffy kecil diselamatkan oleh seorang bajak laut bernama Sanks, Luffy akhirnya bertekat untuk menjadi ‘the real’ bajak laut dengan cara berpetualang ke seluruh penjuru dunia dan menemukan One Piece. Di perjalanannya itulah Luffy menemukan berbagai petualangan seru bersama kapal Going Merry nya.

    Monkey D. Luffy alias Luffy, adalah kapten dari Kelompok Bajak Laut Topi Jerami. Kepala Luffy 300 juta berry setelah peristiwa di Enies Lobby. Ketika Luffy masih muda, dia secara tidak sengaja memakan Buah Iblis (di versi anime, dia memakannya asal-asalan dengan marah karena merajuk pada Shanks) yaitu Buah Gomu Gomu yang ia anggap adalah makanan penutup. Buah Gomu Gomu (Gomu berarti karet) adalah buah iblis yang menyebabkan tubuh pengguna menjadi melar kayak karet dan bisa memanjangkan anggota tubuhnya. Jadi Luffy itu mempunyai kekuatan kayak Mr. Funtastic di serial Fantastic 4
    Berbeda dengan stereotype kebanyakan dari seorang Tokoh Utama, Luffy muncul malah dengan sifatnya yang sedikit bodoh dan ceroboh. Sebagai seorang bajak laut Luffy bisa dikatakan sangat awam karena tidak mengetahui apapun tentang kompas dan ilmu kelautan. Selain itu dia tidak bisa berenang karena memakan Buah Gomu Gomu. Ciri ciri dari Luffy adalah topi jerami di kepalanya, ia diberikan topi jerami oleh Shanks, bajak laut idolanya semasa ia masih kecil, sehingga kelak ia harus mengembalikannya jika bertemu lagi dilaut.

    Roronoa Zorro adalah anggota bajak laut Topi Jerami yang bergabung bersama Luffy untuk yang pertama kali. Seorang ahli pedang,menggunakan gaya bertarung santoryuu (3 pedang) dan bercita-cita menjadi ahli pedang terkuat di dunia. Zoro ketika masih kecil menggunakan dua pedang dan bisa mengalahkan orang dewasa. Satu-satunya orang yang tidak bisa dikalahkan Zoro adalah Kuina, anak gadis gurunya. Zoro dikalahkan Kuina sampai 1000 kali, sampai akhirnya Zoro menantang Kuina untuk bertanding pedang sungguhan. Zoro kemudian kalah dan menangis. Setelah itu Kuina memberitahu Zoro kalau pada akhirnya wanita-lah yang akan lemah disaat mereka menjadi dewasa, kelak dia akan dikalahkan Zoro. Esok paginya, Kuina meninggal karena jatuh dari tangga rumahnya. Zoro marah dan menganggap kalau Kuna ingkari perjanjian tersebut. Pada akhirnya Zoro meminta pedang Kuina dan berjanji untuk meneruskan cita-citanya. Pedang milik Kuina adalah yang ada di mulutnya. Karena dia tidak punya "tangan ketiga", Zoro menggunakan mulut untuk membawa pedang ketiganya ketika bertarung


  162. Home»Narrative text»Example of Narrative Text; The Smartest Parrot
    Example of Narrative Text; The Smartest Parrot
    By learningself Categories : Narrative text

    Example of Narrative text today is about the story of a smart parrot, even actually it is the smartest bird, I think. This text is showing how a man deals a conflict with his pet, the parrot. The man did not realize before that his parrot is actually very smart. The bird can imitate most of sound which the man say to it. Now let see the following sample on narrative story!
    The Smartest Parrot: Example of Narrative Text
    example of narrative text and its generic structure

    Example of narrative text – Smartest parrot
    Once upon time, a man had a wonderful parrot. There was no other parrot like it. The parrot could say every word, except one word. The parrot would not say the name of the place where it was born. The name of the place was Catano.
    The man felt excited having the smartest parrot but he could not understand why the parrot would not say Catano. The man tried to teach the bird to say Catano however the bird kept not saying the word.
    At the first, the man was very nice to the bird but then he got very angry. “You stupid bird!” pointed the man to the parrot. “Why can’t you say the word? Say Catano! Or I will kill you” the man said angrily. Although he tried hard to teach, the parrot would not say it. Then the man got so angry and shouted to the bird over and over; “Say Catano or I’ll kill you”. The bird kept not to say the word of Catano.
    One day, after he had been trying so many times to make the bird say Catano, the man really got very angry. He could not bear it. He picked the parrot and threw it into the chicken house. There were four old chickens for next dinner “You are as stupid as the chickens. Just stay with them” Said the man angrily. Then he continued to humble; “You know, I will cut the chicken for my meal. Next it will be your turn, I will eat you too, stupid parrot”. After that he left the chicken house.
    The next day, the man came back to the chicken house. He opened the door and was very surprised. He could not believe what he saw at the chicken house. There were three death chickens on the floor. At the moment, the parrot was standing proudly and screaming at the last old chicken; “Say Catano or I’ll hit you”.

  163. 55 baris
    Teman Sejati

    Pada suatu hari di masa lau, ada dua orang berteman dekat yang berjalan melewati hutan bersama-sama. Mereka tahu bahwa di hutan bisa saja terjadi sesuatu yang berbahaya setiap saat. Oleh karena itu, dari awal mereka saling berjanji bahwa mereka akan selalu bersama-sama meski dalam keadaan bahaya sekalipun.

    Tiba-tiba, mereka melihat ada beruang besar yang semakin mendekat ke arah mereka. Kemudian seketika salah satu dari mereka memanjat pohon terdekat. Tetapi sayangnya teman yang satu lagi tidak tahu bagaimana caranya memanjat pohon. Jadi dia hanya terdorong oleh akal sehatnya, kemudian ia berbaring di tanah, menahan napasnya, dan berpura-pura menjadi orang yang sudah mati.

    Kemudian beruang itu datang dan mendekati orang yang sedang berbaring di tanah tersebut. Beruang itu pun mencium-cium telinganya, dan perlahan-lahan meninggalkan tempat tersebut karena beruang tidak mau menyentuh makhluk yang sudah mati. Setelah itu, temannya yang di pohon turun ke bawah dan bertanya kepada temannya yang berbaring di tanah itu, “Teman, apa yang beruang bisikkan ke telingamu?”, si temannya itu menjawab, “Tadi beruang itu mengatakan kepada saya untuk tidak percaya terhadap teman palsu”.

  164. 73 baris
    Rubah dan Seekor Kucing

    Suatu hari, kucing dan rubah sedang mengobrol dengan asiknya. Rubah adalah makhluk yang sombong, membual tentang betapa pintarnya dia. “Kenapa, setidaknya aku tahu seratus trik untuk menjauhi musuh kita bersama, anjing”, katanya.

    “Saya hanya tahu satu trik untuk menjauh dari anjing”, kata si kucing. “Kamu harus mengajariku beberapa trik mu!”.

    “Baiklah, mungkin suatu hari nanti, ketika aku punya waktu, aku bisa mengajarimu beberapa trik yang sederhana”, jawab si rubah dengan santai.

    Sesaat kemudian, mereka mendengar gonggongan sekawanan anjing dari kejauhan, gonggongan tersebut semakin keras, anjing pun datang menuju ke arah mereka! Seketika si kucing berlari ke pohon yang paling dekat dan kemudian naik ke cabang-cabangnya, dan di luar jangkauan anjing. “Ini adalah trik yang aku katakan tadi, satu-satunya yang aku tahu”, kata si kucing. “Mana salah satu dari seratus trikmu yang akan kamu gunakan?”.

    Rubah pun duduk diam di bawah pohon, membayangkan trik apa yang harus dia lakukan. Sebelum dia bisa mengambil keputusan, kemudian anjing tiba dan menyergap rubah serta mencabik-cabiknya.

  165. 94 baris
    The Story of Toba Lake

    Once upon a time, there was a man who was living in north Sumatra. He lived in a simple hut in a farming field. The did some gardening and fishing for his daily life.

    One day, while the man was do fishing, he caught a big golden fish in his trap. It was the biggest catch which he ever had in his life. Surprisingly, this fish turned into a beautiful princess. He felt in love with her and proposed her to be his wife. She said; “Yes, but you have to promise not to tell anyone about the secret that I was once a fish, otherwise there will be a huge disaster”. The man made the deal and they got married, lived happily and had a daughter.

    Few years later, this daughter would help bringing lunch to her father out in the fields. One day, his daughter was so hungry and she ate his father’s lunch. Unfortunately, he found out and got furious, and shouted; “You damned daughter of a fish”. The daughter ran home and asked her mother. The mother started crying, felt sad that her husband had broken his promise.

    Then she told her daughter to run up the hills because a huge disaster was about to come. When her daughter left, she prayed. Soon there was a big earthquake followed by non-stop pouring rain. The whole area got flooded and became Toba Lake. She turned into a fish again and the man became the island of Samosir.

  166. 128 baris
    Malin Kundang

    A long time ago, in a small village near the beach in West Sumatra, a woman and her son lived. They were Malin Kundang and her mother. Her mother was a single parent because Malin Kundang’s father had passed away when he was a baby. Malin Kundang had to live hard with his mother.

    Malin Kundang was a healthy, dilligent, and strong boy. He usually went to sea to catch fish. After getting fish he would bring it to his mother, or sold the caught fish in the town.

    One day, when Malin Kundang was sailing, he saw a merchant’s ship which was being raided by a small band of pirates. He helped the merchant. With his brave and power, Malin Kundang defeated the pirates. The merchant was so happy and thanked to him. In return the merchant asked Malin Kundang to sail with him. To get a better life, Malin Kundang agreed. He left his mother alone.

    Many years later, Malin Kundang became wealthy. He had a huge ship and was helped by many ship crews loading trading goods. Perfectly he had a beautiful wife too. When he was sailing his trading journey, his ship landed on a beach near a small village. The villagers recognized him. The news ran fast in the town; “Malin Kundang has become rich and now he is here”.

    An old woman ran to the beach to meet the new rich merchant. She was Malin Kundang’s mother. She wanted to hug him, released her sadness of being lonely after so long time. Unfortunately, when the mother came, Malin Kundang who was in front of his well-dressed wife and his ship crews denied meeting that old lonely woman. For three times her mother begged Malin Kundang and for three times he yelled at her. At last Malin Kundang said to her “Enough, old woman! I have never had a mother like you, a dirty and ugly woman!” After that he ordered his crews to set sail. He would leave the old mother again, but in that time, she was full of both sadness and angriness.

    Finally, enraged, she cursed Malin Kundang that he would turn into a stone if he didn’t apologize. Malin Kundang just laughed and really set sail.

    In the quiet sea, suddenly a thunderstorm came. His huge ship was wrecked and it was too late for Malin Kundang to apologize. He was thrown by the wave out of his ship. He fell on a small island. It was really too late for him to avoid his curse. Suddenly, he turned into a stone.

  167. 167 baris
    Snow White

    One day, there was a queen sitting near a very beautiful window while tailoring and seeing the snow. Accidentally, her finger was pierced by a sewing needle so that three drops of blood dripped out. The drops of blood fell down on the snow. The red color of the blood which was stuck in the white of the snow looked very pretty. Suddenly the queen thought “If only i had a child whose skin were as white as snow and whose lips were as red as blood”.
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    As the time went by, finally a queen gave birth of a very pretty princess whose skin was as white as snow and whose lips were as red as blood. The queen grew up as a very pretty and kind-hearted girl. She was called Snow White. However, when Snow White was about teenager, the queen died because of an illness. After the queen’s death, the king married again. This new queen was wicked and hated Snow white. The queen gave orders that Snow White was to be treated as a servant.

    Everyday the queen stood in front of her magic mirror while asking “Who is the most beautiful woman in the land?” and the mirror always answered, “You are the most beautiful one of all.” The new queen asked the same question everyday and the mirror always answered the same thing. But one day the mirror answered that the queen was so beautiful but Snow White was much more beautiful than the queen. It made the queen so angry that she gave orders to one of her Huntsmen to take Snow White into the woods and kill her.

    The Huntsman had such a kind heart that he couldn’t do the deed. He told her to run away. In her fleeing into the woods, she found a place in which seven dwarfs lived. Their house was small and strange. Snow White entered the little house and found it very untidy. Then, she started to clean up the entire house. In the upstairs she found seven little beds. She was so exhausted that she stretched out on one of the beds. Not long after that, she was asleep on the bed.

    When the Dwarfs came home they were surprised to find Snow White and after some argument, decided to let her stay. She promised to cook and look after them. She lived there together happily.

    Unfortunately, The Queen discovered the place where Snow White was living and disguising herself as a witch. She then took a poisoned apple and set out for the Dwarfs cottage. She gave Snow White the poisoned apple to eat and as soon as she bit the apple, she sank into unconsciousness.

    Thinking she was dead, the Dwarfs built a glass coffin and put her in it. For days she lay in the forest in her glass coffin. One day, the Prince was riding through the forest looking for Snow White and found her. He leaned over and kissed her. She opened her eyes and sat up with a smile. Everyone was happy at that time. The Prince took Snow White to his palace where they were married and lived happily ever after.

  168. 201 baris Romeo and Juliet

    In the town of Verona there lived two families, the Capulets and the Montagues. They engaged in a bitter feud. Among the Montagues was Romeo, a hot-blooded young man with an eye for the ladies. One day, Romeo attended the feast of the Capulets’, a costume party where he expected to meet his love, Rosaline, a haughty beauty from a well-to-do family. Once there, however, Romeo’s eyes felt upon Juliet, and he thought of Rosaline no more.

    The vision of Juliet had been invading his every thought. Unable to sleep, Romeo returned late that night to the Juliet’s bedroom window. There, he was surprised to find Juliet on the balcony, professing her love for him and wishing that he were not a “Montague”, a name behind his own. “What’s in a name? That which we call a rose by any other name would smell as sweet.” Romeo was ready to deny his name and professed his love. The two agreed to meet at nine o-clock the next morning to be married.

    Early the next morning, Romeo came to Friar Lawrence begging the friar to marry him to Juliet. The Friar performed the ceremony, praying that the union might someday put an end to the feud between the two families. He advised Romeo kept the marriage a secret for a time.

    On the way home, Romeo chanced upon his friend Mercutio arguing with Tybalt, a member of the Capulet clan. That quarreling last caused Merquito died. Romeo was reluctant no longer. He drew his sword and slew Tybalt died. Romeo realized he had made a terrible mistake. Then Friar Lawrence advised Romeo to travel to Mantua until things cool down. He promised to inform Juliet.

    In the other hand, Juliet’s father had decided the time for her to marry with Paris. Juliet consulted Friar Lawrence and made a plot to take a sleeping potion for Juliet which would simulate death for three days. The plot proceeded according to the plan. Juliet was sleeping in death.

    Unfortunately, The Friar’s letter failed to reach Romeo. Under the cover of darkness, he broke into Juliet’s tomb. Romeo kissed the lips of his Juliet one last time and drank the poison. Meanwhile, the effects of the sleeping potion wear off. Juliet woke up calling for Romeo. She found her love next to her but was lying dead, with a cup of poison in his hand. She tried to kiss the poison from his lips, but failed. Then Juliet put out his dagger and plunged it into her breast. She died

  169. Di lantai atas ia menemukan tujuh tempat tidur kecil-kecil. Ia begitu letih sehingga ia pun berbaring di salah satu tempat tidur tersebut. Tidak lama setelah itu, ia pun tertidur di tempat tidur itu.
    Ketika Kurcaci pulang, mereka terkejut menemukan Putri Salju, dan setelah berdialog, mereka memutuskan untuk membiarkan ia tinggal di sana. Dia berjanji untuk memasak dan merawat mereka. Ia tinggal bersama di sana dengan bahagia.
    Sayangnya, Sang Ratu menemukan tempat di mana Putri Salju tinggal dan kemudian dirinya menyamar menjadi seorang penyihir. Kemudian ia mengambil apel beracun dan pergi ke rumah Sang Kurcaci. Dia memberikan apel beracun tersebut kepada Putri Salju untuk dimakannya. Seketika setelah Putri Salju menggigit apel beracun tersebut, ia kemudian jatuh pingsan.
    Kurcaci berpikir bahwa Putri Salju sudah mati, kurcaci pun membuat peti mati kaca dan menempatkan dia di dalamnya. Selama berhari-hari ia terbaring di dalam peti kaca di hutan. Suatu hari, seorang pangeran berkelana ke hutan mencari Putri Salju dan menemukannya. Dia membungkuk dan menciumnya. Dia membuka matanya dan duduk dengan tersenyum. Semua orang bahagia pada waktu itu. Pangeran membawa Putri Salju ke istananya di mana mereka menikah dan hidup bahagia selamanya.
    Timun Emas
    Long time ago in the island of Java, Indonesia, lived a couple of farmer. They had married for some years but they had no children. So they prayed to a monster called Buta Ijo to give them children. Buta Ijo was a ferocious and powerful monster. He granted their wish on one condition. When their children had grown up, they had to sacrifice them to Buta Ijo. He liked eating fresh meat of human being. The farmers agreed to his condition. Several months later the wife was pregnant.
    She gave birth to a beautiful baby girl. They named her Timun Emas. The farmers were happy. Timun Emas was very healthy and a very smart girl. She was also very diligent. When she was a teenager Buta Ijo came to their house. Timun Emas was frightened so she ran away to hide. The farmers then told Buta Ijo that Timun Emas was still a child. They asked him to postpone. Buta Ijo agreed. He promised to come again. The following year Buta Ijo came again. But again and again their parents said that Timun Emas was still a child.
    When the third time Buta Ijo came their parents had prepared something for him. They gave Timun Emas several bamboo needles, seeds of cucumber, dressing and salt.
    ‘Timun, take these things’
    ‘What are these things?’
    ‘These are your weapons. Buta Ijo will chase you. He will eat you alive. So run as fast as you can. And if he will catch you spread this to the ground. Now go!’
    Timun Emas was scared so she ran as quickly as she could. When Buta Ijo arrived she was far from home. He was very angry when he realized that his prey had left. So he ran to chase her. He had a sharp nose so he knew what direction his prey ran.
    Timun Emas was just a girl while Buta Ijo was a monster so he could easily catch her up. When he was just several steps behind Timun Emas quickly spread the seeds of cucumber. In seconds they turned into many vines of cucumber. The exhausted Buta Ijo was very thirsty so he grabbed and ate them. When Buta Ijo was busy eating cucumber Timun Emas could run away.
    But soon Buta Ijo realized and started running again. When he was just several steps behind Timun Emas threw her bamboo needles. Soon they turned into dense bamboo trees. Buta Ijo found it hard to pass. It took him some time to break the dense bamboo forest. Meanwhile Timun Emas could run farther.
    Buta Ijo chased her again. When he almost catch her again and again Timun Emas threw her dressing. This time it turned into a lake. Buta Ijo was busy to save himself so Timun Emas ran way. But Buta Ijo could overcome it and continued chasing her.
    Finally when Timun Emas was almost caught she threw her salt. Soon the land where Buta Ijo stood turned into ocean. Buta Ijo was drowned and died instantly. Timun Emas was thankful to god and came back to her home.
    Romeo and Juliet
    40 baris

  170. Romeo and Juliet
    In the town of Verona there lived two families, the Capulets and the Montagues. They engaged in a bitter feud. Among the Montagues was Romeo, a hot-blooded young man with an eye for the ladies. One day, Romeo attended the feast of the Capulets’, a costume party where he expected to meet his love, Rosaline, a haughty beauty from a well-to-do family. Once there, however, Romeo’s eyes felt upon Juliet, and he thought of Rosaline no more.
    The vision of Juliet had been invading his every thought. Unable to sleep, Romeo returned late that night to the Juliet’s bedroom window. There, he was surprised to find Juliet on the balcony, professing her love for him and wishing that he were not a “Montague”, a name behind his own. “What’s in a name? That which we call a rose by any other name would smell as sweet.” Romeo was ready to deny his name and professed his love. The two agreed to meet at nine o-clock the next morning to be married.
    Early the next morning, Romeo came to Friar Lawrence begging the friar to marry him to Juliet. The Friar performed the ceremony, praying that the union might someday put an end to the feud between the two families. He advised Romeo kept the marriage a secret for a time.
    On the way home, Romeo chanced upon his friend Mercutio arguing with Tybalt, a member of the Capulet clan. That quarreling last caused Merquito died. Romeo was reluctant no longer. He drew his sword and slew Tybalt died. Romeo realized he had made a terrible mistake. Then Friar Lawrence advised Romeo to travel to Mantua until things cool down. He promised to inform Juliet.
    In the other hand, Juliet’s father had decided the time for her to marry with Paris. Juliet consulted Friar Lawrence and made a plot to take a sleeping potion for Juliet which would simulate death for three days. The plot proceeded according to the plan. Juliet was sleeping in death.
    In the past, there was a puppeteer whose name is Geppetto. He eager to have a son very much but his wife passed away several years ago. One day, he got an idea to make a puppet in order not to be lonely again. He made a puppet all day long. Finally, in the morning he had finished his work and he named the puppet Pinocchio. Soon he felt lonely again since Pinocchio couldn’t walk or talk by itself. One night, Geppetto prayed to the God to become a real boy. He always thought it on his mind in his dream.
    In the next morning, he was surprised that Pinocchio was alive. He taught Pinocchio how to walk, how to read, how to speak and to do other things as human. He then studied at an elementary school. One day, Pinocchio felt bored and it made him go home late. When Pinocchio finally came home, Geppetto asked him. He said that he was on school but he wasn’t. Instantly, Pinocchio’s nose grew longer and longer and it meant that Pinocchio has lied.
    The next morning, Pinocchio was kidnaped by the owner of circus. Pinocchio soon became a slave for the circus. He was so famous because he was a puppet which can talk. Geppetto worried about him because Pinocchio had not been going home for almost two days. He tried to find Pinocchio everywhere but he found nothing. When he searched him on the sea, big wave smashed him.
    80 baris

  171. Cats
    Cats also called the domestic cat or house cat (with its scientific name: Felis silvestris catus or Felis catus) is a type of carnivorous mammal of the family Felidae. The word "cat" generally refers to a "cat" that has been tamed, but can also refer to the "big cats" such as lions and tigers
    Cats are considered as "perfect carnivore" with teeth and particular digestive tract. The first premolar and molar teeth form a pair of fangs on each side of the mouth that works effectively as a pair of scissors to tear the meat. Although these features also exist in the Canidae or dog, but these traits are better developed in cats. Unlike other carnivores, cats eat almost non vegetable substance. Bears and dogs sometimes eat berries, roots, or honey as a supplement, while cats only eat meat, usually freshly killed prey. In captivity, cats can not adapt to a vegetarian diet because they can not synthesize all the amino acids they need from plant material; it is in contrast with domesticated dogs, which commonly are fed a mixture of meat and vegetables and sometimes it can adapt to a completely vegetarian meal.

    Cats have mingled with human life since at least 6000 BC, from the skeleton of the cat found on the island of Cyprus. The ancient Egyptians of 3500 BC have used cats to keep away the rats or other rodents from the barn where the crops were saved.Currently, the cat is one of the most popular pet in the world. Cats that his lines are recorded officially as a cat breeds or pure breed are Persian, Siamese, Manx, and the sphinx. These kinds of cat are usually bred in official captivity animal. The number of purebred cat is only 1% of all cats in the world; the rest is a cat with mixed ancestry such as wild cats or domestic cats.
    Kucing disebut juga kucing domestik atau kucing rumah (nama ilmiah: Felis silvestris catus atau Felis catus) adalah sejenis mamalia karnivora dari keluarga Felidae. Kata "kucing" biasanya merujuk kepada "kucing" yang telah dijinakkan, tetapi bisa juga merujuk kepada "kucing besar" seperti singa dan harimau.

    Kucing dianggap sebagai "karnivora yang sempurna" dengan gigi dan saluran pencernaan yang khusus. Gigi premolar dan molar pertama membentuk sepasang taring di setiap sisi mulut yang bekerja efektif seperti gunting untuk merobek daging. Meskipun ciri ini juga terdapat pada famili Canidae atau anjing, tapi ciri ini berkembang lebih baik pada kucing. Tidak seperti karnivora lain, kucing hampir tidak makan apapun yang mengandung tumbuhan. Beruang dan anjing kadang memakan buah, akar, atau madu sebagai suplemen, sementara kucing hanya memakan daging, biasanya buruan segar. Dalam penangkaran, kucing tidak dapat diadaptasikan dengan makanan vegetarian karena mereka tidak dapat mensintesis semua asam-asam amino yang mereka butuhkan hanya dengan memakan tumbuhan; berbeda dengan anjing peliharaan, yang sering diberi makan produk campuran daging dan sayuran dan kadang dapat beradaptasi dengan makanan vegetarian secara total.

    Kucing telah berbaur dengan kehidupan manusia paling tidak sejak 6.000 tahun SM, dari kerangka kucing di Pulau Siprus. Orang Mesir Kuno dari 3.500 SM telah menggunakan kucing untuk menjauhkan tikus atau hewan pengerat lain dari lumbung di mana hasil panen disimpan.
    Saat ini, kucing adalah salah satu hewan peliharaan terpopuler di dunia. Kucing yang garis keturunannya tercatat secara resmi sebagai kucing trah atau galur murni (pure breed), seperti persia, siam, manx, dan sphinx.
    120 baris

  172. Kucing seperti ini biasanya dibiakkan di tempat pemeliharaan hewan resmi. Jumlah kucing ras hanyalah 1% dari seluruh kucing di dunia, sisanya adalah kucing dengan keturunan campuran seperti kucing liar atau kucing kampung.

    Cows are cattle which belong to Bovidae famil and Bovinae upafamili. Cows that have been neutered and are typically used to plow the field named Ox. Cows are cared primarily for the benefit of milk and meat as human food.

    Cows have a scientific name as Bos Taurus. Cows have a gestation period of over 274 days. Average cow lifespans is 15 years. The male weight is typically around 1,100 kg, while average females’ weight is about 720 kg.


    Sapi adalah hewan ternak anggota suku Bovidae dan anaksuku Bovinae. Sapi yang telah dikebiri dan biasanya digunakan untuk membajak sawah dinamakan Lembu. Sapi dipelihara terutama untuk dimanfaatkan susu dan dagingnya sebagai pangan manusia.

    Sapi memiliki nama ilmiah Bos Taurus. Sapi memiliki periode gestasi selama 274 hari. Lama hidup sapi rata – rata adalah 15 tahun. Berat badan sapi jantan biasanya sekitar 1.100 kg, sedangkan betina beratnya sekitar 720 kg.

    Mobile Phone

    A mobile phone (also known as a wireless phone, or cellular telephone) is a very small portable radio telephone.

    The mobile phone can be used to communicate over long distances without wires. It works by communicating with a nearby base station (also called a "cell site") which connects it to the main phone network. As the mobile phone moves around, if the mobile phone gets too far away from the cell it is connected to, that cell sends a message to another cell to tell the new cell to take over the call. This is called a "hand off," and the call continues with the new cell the phone is connected to. The hand-off is done so well and carefully that the user will usually never even know that the call was transferred to another cell.

    As mobile phones became more popular, they began to cost less money, and more people could afford them. Monthly plans became available for rates as low as US$30 or US$40 a month. Cell phones have become so cheap to own that they have mostly replaced pay phones and phone booths except for urban areas with many people.

    Telepon Genggam

    Sebuah ponsel (juga dikenal sebagai telepon nirkabel, atau telepon seluler adalah telepon radio portabel sangat kecil.

    Telepon selular dapat digunakan untuk berkomunikasi jarak jauh tanpa kabel. Ia terhubung dengan stasiun pangkalan terdekat (juga disebut "situs sel") yang menghubungkannhya ke jaringan telepon utama. Karena ponsel berkembang di seluruh wilayah, jika ponsel terlalu jauh dari sel utama, sel terhubung ke sel yang mengirim pesan ke sel lain untuk memberitahu sel-sel baru untuk mengambil alih panggilan.
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  173. Ini disebut "takeover," dan panggilan berlanjut dengan sel baru ponsel di mana ponsel terhubung. Pengambilalihan itu dilakukan dengan baik dan hati-hati sehingga pengguna biasanya akan bahkan tidak pernah tahu bahwa panggilan dipindahkan ke sel lain.

    Karena ponsel Menjadi lebih populer, mereka menjadi lebih murah, dan lebih banyak orang bisa membelinya. Rencana biaya bulanan pun menjadi tersedia untuk tarif serendah US $ 30 atau US $ 40 per bulan. Ponsel telah Menjadi sangat murah untuk dimiliki sehingga mereka telah sebagian besar mengantikan telepon koin dan telepon umum kecuali untuk wilayah perkotaan dengan penduduk yang banyak.


    Laptop, often called a notebook, is a portable personal computer with a clamshell form factor, suitable for mobile use. Although originally there was a distinction between laptops and notebooks, the former being bigger and heavier than the latter, as of 2014, there is often no longer any difference. Laptops are commonly used in a variety of settings, such as at work, in education, and for personal multimedia.

    A laptop combines the components, inputs, outputs and capabilities of a desktop computer, including the display screen, speakers, a keyboard, and pointing devices (such as a touchpad or trackpad) into a single unit. Most 2016-era laptops also have integrated webcams and built-in microphones. The device can be powered either from a rechargeable battery or by mains electricity from an AC adapter. Laptops are diverse devices and specialised kinds, such as rugged notebooks for use in construction or convertible computers, have been optimized for specific uses. The hardware specifications, such as the processor speed and memory capacity significantly vary between different types, makes, and models.


    Laptop, yang sering disebut notebook, adalah komputer pribadi portabel dengan bentuk buka tutup seperti kerangl, cocok untuk penggunaan yang mobile. Meskipun awalnya ada perbedaan antara laptop dan notebook, bentuk lamanya lebih besar dan lebih berat daripada yang terbaru, pada 2014 , seringkali tidak ada lagi ada perbedaan. Laptop yang umumnya digunakan dalam berbagai tempat, seperti di tempat kerja, di bidang pendidikan, dan untuk kebutuhan multimedia pribadi.

    Sebuah laptop menggabungkan komponen, input, output dan kemampuan dari sebuah komputer desktop, termasuk layar display, speaker, keyboard, dan perangkat penunjuk (seperti touchpad atau trackpad) menjadi satu kesatuan. Kebanyakan laptop era 2016 juga memiliki webcam terintegrasi dan mikrofon built-in. Perangkat dapat dicas baik dengan baterai isi ulang ataupun dengan induk listrik dari adaptor AC. Laptop adalah perangkat beragam tipe dan jenis-jenis tertentu, seperti notebook kasar yang digunakan sebagai perangkat yang dapat dirakit atau sesuaikan sendiri, dan telah dioptimalkan untuk kegunaan tertentu. Spesifikasi perangkat keras, seperti kecepatan prosesor dan kapasitas memori secara signifikan bervariasi antara berbagai jenis, merek, dan model.


    A flag is a piece of fabric (most often rectangular or quadrilateral) with a distinctive design that is used as a symbol, as a signaling device, or as decoration
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  174. The term flag is also used to refer to the graphic design employed, and flags have since evolved into a general tool for rudimentary signalling and identification, especially in environments where communication is similarly challenging (such as the maritime environment where semaphore is used).

    National flags are potent patriotic symbols with varied wide-ranging interpretations. Flags are also used in messaging, advertising, or for other decorative purposes. The study of flags is known as vexillology, from the Latin word vexillum, meaning flag or banner.


    Sebuah bendera adalah sepotong kain (umumnya berbentuk persegi panjang atau segiempat) dengan desain khas yang digunakan sebagai simbol, sebagai penanda, atau sebagai hiasan. Istilah bendera juga digunakan untuk merujuk pada desain grafis yang digunakan, dan bendera telah berkembang menjadi alat umum untuk penanda awal dan identifikasi, terutama di lingkungan di mana komunikasi sulut dilakukan ( seperti lingkungan maritim di mana semaphore digunakan ) .

    Bendera nasional adalah simbol patriotik yang penting dengan beragam interpretasi yang luas. Bendera juga digunakan sebagai pesan, iklan, atau untuk tujuan dekoratif lainnya. Studi tentang bendera dikenal sebagai veksilologi, dari kata vexillum dalam bahasa Latin, yang berarti bendera atau spanduk.

    Otter is a common name for a carnivorous mammal in the subfamily Lutrinae. The 13 extant otter species are all semiaquatic, aquatic or marine, with diets based on fish and invertebrates. Lutrinae is a branch of the weasel family Mustelidae, which also includes badgers, honey badgers, martens, minks, polecats, weasels and wolverines.
    The word otter derives from the Old English word otor or oter. This, and cognate words in other Indo-European languages, ultimately stem from the Proto-Indo-European language root *wódr̥, which also gave rise to the English word "water".

    An otter's den is called a Holt or Couch. Male otters are called dogs or boars, females are called bitches or sows, and their offspring are called pups.The collective nouns for otters are bevy, family, lodge, romp (being descriptive of their often playful nature) or, when in water, raft.


    Otter adalah nama umum untuk mamalia karnivora di subfamili Lutrinae. 13 jenis berang-berang yang masih ada adalah semua semiaquatis, air tawar atau laut, dengan makanan utamanya adalah ikan dan invertebrata. Lutrinae adalah cabang dari keluarga musang Mustelidae, yang juga termasuk luak , Ratel , Martens , musang , polecats , musang dan serigala .

    Kata berang-berang berasal dari Inggris Kuno kata otor atau oter. dan kata-kata serumpun dalam bahasa Indo - Eropa lainnya , yang sebagain besar berakar pada Proto - Indo - Eropa * wódr̥, yang juga memunculkan sebuah kata bahasa Inggris "water" .
    Sebuah sarang berang-berang ini disebut “Holt” atau “Couch”. Berang-berang jantan disebut “dogs” atau “boars”, dan yang betina disebut “bitches” atau “sows”, dan keturunan mereka disebut “pups”.Kata benda kolektif untuk berang-berang adalah “bevy, family, lodge, romp” (menjadi gambaran kebiasaan alamiah bermain - main mereka ) atau , ketika di air,& rakit.
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  175. Country

    A country is a region that is identified as a distinct entity in political geography. A country may be an independent sovereign state or one that is occupied by another state, as a non-sovereign or formerly sovereign political division, or a geographic region associated with sets of previously independent or differently associated people with distinct political characteristics. Regardless of the physical geography, in the modern internationally accepted legal definition as defined by the League of Nations in 1937 and reaffirmed by the United Nations in 1945, a resident of a country is subject to the independent exercise of legal jurisdiction.

    Sometimes the word countries is used to refer both to sovereign states and to other political entities, while other times it refers only to states. For example, the CIA World Factbook uses the word in its "Country name" field to refer to "a wide variety of dependencies, areas of special sovereignty, uninhabited islands, and other entities in addition to the traditional countries or independent states".


    Sebuah negara adalah wilayah yang diidentifikasi sebagai sebuah entitas yang berbeda secara geografi dan politik. Sebuah negara bisa menjadi negara berdaulat yang independen atau yang ditempati oleh negara lain, sebagai divisi politik yang tidak berdaulat atau sebelumnya berdaulat, atau wilayah geografis yang terkait dengan kelompok orang yang sebelumnya independen atau berbeda terkait dengan karakteristik politik yang berbeda. Terlepas dari geografi fisik, dalam definisi hukum modern yang diterima secara internasional seperti yang didefinisikan oleh Liga Bangsa-Bangsa pada tahun 1937 dan ditegaskan kembali oleh PBB pada tahun 1945, penduduk suatu negara tunduk pada independensi dari yurisdiksi hukum.

    Kadang-kadang kata negara digunakan untuk merujuk negara-negara berdaulat dan entitas politik lainnya, sedangkan pada konteks lainnya hanya mengacu kepada negara. Misalnya, CIA World Factbook menggunakan kata dalam bidang "Nama negara" untuk merujuk kepada "berbagai dependensi, daerah kedaulatan khusus, pulau tak berpenghuni, dan entitas lain selain negara-negara tradisional atau negara merdeka".


    A village is a clustered human settlement or community, larger than a hamlet but smaller than a town, with a population ranging from a few hundred to a few thousand. Though often located in rural areas, the term urban village is also applied to certain urban neighbourhoods. Villages are normally permanent, with fixed dwellings; however, transient villages can occur. Further, the dwellings of a village are fairly close to one another, not scattered broadly over the landscape, as a dispersed settlement.

    Although many patterns of village life have existed, the typical village was small, consisting of perhaps 5 to 30 families. Homes were situated together for sociability and defence, and land surrounding the living quarters was farmed.


    Sebuah desa adalah pemukiman tempat berkerumun manusia atau masyarakat, yang lebih besar dari dusun tetapi lebih kecil dari sebuah kota, dengan populasi mulai dari beberapa ratusan hingga beberapa ribuan.
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  176. The Story of Toba Lake
    Once upon a time, there was a man who was living in north Sumatra. He lived in a simple hut in a farming field. The did some gardening and fishing for his daily life.
    One day, while the man was do fishing, he caught a big golden fish in his trap. It was the biggest catch which he ever had in his life. Surprisingly, this fish turned into a beautiful princess. He felt in love with her and proposed her to be his wife. She said; “Yes, but you have to promise not to tell anyone about the secret that I was once a fish, otherwise there will be a huge disaster”. The man made the deal and they got married, lived happily and had a daughter.
    Few years later, this daughter would help bringing lunch to her father out in the fields. One day, his daughter was so hungry and she ate his father’s lunch. Unfortunately, he found out and got furious, and shouted; “You damned daughter of a fish”. The daughter ran home and asked her mother. The mother started crying, felt sad that her husband had broken his promise.
    Then she told her daughter to run up the hills because a huge disaster was about to come. When her daughter left, she prayed. Soon there was a big earthquake followed by non-stop pouring rain. The whole area got flooded and became Toba Lake. She turned into a fish again and the man became the island of Samosir.
    Malin Kundang
    A long time ago, in a small village near the beach in West Sumatra, a woman and her son lived. They were Malin Kundang and her mother. Her mother was a single parent because Malin Kundang’s father had passed away when he was a baby. Malin Kundang had to live hard with his mother.
    Malin Kundang was a healthy, dilligent, and strong boy. He usually went to sea to catch fish. After getting fish he would bring it to his mother, or sold the caught fish in the town.
    One day, when Malin Kundang was sailing, he saw a merchant’s ship which was being raided by a small band of pirates. He helped the merchant. With his brave and power, Malin Kundang defeated the pirates. The merchant was so happy and thanked to him. In return the merchant asked Malin Kundang to sail with him. To get a better life, Malin Kundang agreed. He left his mother alone.
    Many years later, Malin Kundang became wealthy. He had a huge ship and was helped by many ship crews loading trading goods. Perfectly he had a beautiful wife too. When he was sailing his trading journey, his ship landed on a beach near a small village. The villagers recognized him. The news ran fast in the town; “Malin Kundang has become rich and now he is here”.
    An old woman ran to the beach to meet the new rich merchant. She was Malin Kundang’s mother. She wanted to hug him, released her sadness of being lonely after so long time. Unfortunately, when the mother came, Malin Kundang who was in front of his well-dressed wife and his ship crews denied meeting that old lonely woman. For three times her mother begged Malin Kundang and for three times he yelled at her. At last Malin Kundang said to her “Enough, old woman! I have never had a mother like you, a dirty and ugly woman!” After that he ordered his crews to set sail. He would leave the old mother again, but in that time, she was full of both sadness and angriness.
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  177. Putri Salju
    Pada suatu hari, ada seorang Ratu yang sedang duduk di balik jendela yang sangat indah sambil menjahit dan melihat salju yang turun. Secara tidak sengaja, jarinya tertusuk oleh jarum jahit hingga mengeluarkan tiga tetes darah dari jarinya. Darah tersebut jatuh di atas salju, dan warna merah pun menempel di atas salju yang putih, sehingga terlihat sangat cantik. Ratu pun berpikir “’Andai saja aku punya anak dengan kulit seputih salju dan bibir semerah darah”.
    Beberapa waktu kemudian, akhirnya Ratu pun melahirkan seorang Putri yang sangat cantik jelita yang memiliki kulit seputih salju dan bibir merah semerah darah. Sang putri pun tumbuh menjadi gadis yang sangat cantik dan juga baik hati. Ia kemudian dipanggil dengan nama Putri Salju. Namun, ketika Putri Salju tumbuh menjadi gadis remaja, Sang Ratu meninggal karena mempunyai penyakit. Setelah Sang Ratu meninggal, Sang Raja pun menikah lagi. Ratu baru yang ini sangat jahat dan sangat benci kepada Putri Salju. Sang Ratu memberi perintah agar Putri Salju diperlakukan sebagai seorang pembantu.
    Setiap hari Sang Ratu berdiri di depan cermin ajaib sambil bertanya “Siapa wanita paling cantik di negeri ini?” dan cermin ajaib itupun selalu menjawab “Anda adalah yang paling cantik di antara semuanya”. Sang Ratu yang baru itu mengajukan pertanyaan yang sama setiap hari dan si cermin pun selalu menjawab dengan jawaban yang sama. Tapi suatu hari cermin menjawab bahwa Ratu itu sangat cantik tetapi Putri Salju jauh lebih cantik dari Sang Ratu. Hal itu membuat Sang Ratu begitu marah sehingga ia memerintahkan salah satu pemburu untuk membawa Putri Salju ke hutan dan langsung membunuhnya.
    Ternyata sang pemburu adalah seseorang yang baik hati sehingga ia tidak bisa melakukan perbuatan tersebut. Ia menyarankan kepada Sang Putri Salju untuk kabur. Dalam pelariannya ke hutan, ia menemukan tempat di mana terdapat tujuh kurcaci tinggal. Tempat tinggal mereka sangat kecil dan aneh. Sang Putri Salju memasuki rumah kecil tersebut dan tempat itu begitu berantakan. Kemudian, ia mulai membersihkan seluruh rumah itu. Di lantai atas ia menemukan tujuh tempat tidur kecil-kecil. Ia begitu letih sehingga ia pun berbaring di salah satu tempat tidur tersebut. Tidak lama setelah itu, ia pun tertidur di tempat tidur itu.
    Ketika Kurcaci pulang, mereka terkejut menemukan Putri Salju, dan setelah berdialog, mereka memutuskan untuk membiarkan ia tinggal di sana. Dia berjanji untuk memasak dan merawat mereka. Ia tinggal bersama di sana dengan bahagia.
    Sayangnya, Sang Ratu menemukan tempat di mana Putri Salju tinggal dan kemudian dirinya menyamar menjadi seorang penyihir. Kemudian ia mengambil apel beracun dan pergi ke rumah Sang Kurcaci. Dia memberikan apel beracun tersebut kepada Putri Salju untuk dimakannya. Seketika setelah Putri Salju menggigit apel beracun tersebut, ia kemudian jatuh pingsan.
    Timun Emas
    Long time ago in the island of Java, Indonesia, lived a couple of farmer. They had married for some years but they had no children. So they prayed to a monster called Buta Ijo to give them children. Buta Ijo was a ferocious and powerful monster. He granted their wish on one condition. When their children had grown up, they had to sacrifice them to Buta Ijo. He liked eating fresh meat of human being. The farmers agreed to his condition. Several months later the wife was pregnant.
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  178. he gave birth to a beautiful baby girl. They named her Timun Emas. The farmers were happy. Timun Emas was very healthy and a very smart girl. She was also very diligent. When she was a teenager Buta Ijo came to their house. Timun Emas was frightened so she ran away to hide. The farmers then told Buta Ijo that Timun Emas was still a child. They asked him to postpone. Buta Ijo agreed. He promised to come again. The following year Buta Ijo came again. But again and again their parents said that Timun Emas was still a child.
    When the third time Buta Ijo came their parents had prepared something for him. They gave Timun Emas several bamboo needles, seeds of cucumber, dressing and salt.
    ‘Timun, take these things’
    ‘What are these things?’
    ‘These are your weapons. Buta Ijo will chase you. He will eat you alive. So run as fast as you can. And if he will catch you spread this to the ground. Now go!’
    imun Emas was scared so she ran as quickly as she could. When Buta Ijo arrived she was far from home. He was very angry when he realized that his prey had left. So he ran to chase her. He had a sharp nose so he knew what direction his prey ran.
    Timun Emas was just a girl while Buta Ijo was a monster so he could easily catch her up. When he was just several steps behind Timun Emas quickly spread the seeds of cucumber. In seconds they turned into many vines of cucumber. The exhausted Buta Ijo was very thirsty so he grabbed and ate them. When Buta Ijo was busy eating cucumber Timun Emas could run away.
    But soon Buta Ijo realized and started running again. When he was just several steps behind Timun Emas threw her bamboo needles. Soon they turned into dense bamboo trees. Buta Ijo found it hard to pass. It took him some time to break the dense bamboo forest. Meanwhile Timun Emas could run farther.
    Buta Ijo chased her again. When he almost catch her again and again Timun Emas threw her dressing. This time it turned into a lake. Buta Ijo was busy to save himself so Timun Emas ran way. But Buta Ijo could overcome it and continued chasing her.
    Finally when Timun Emas was almost caught she threw her salt. Soon the land where Buta Ijo stood turned into ocean. Buta Ijo was drowned and died instantly. Timun Emas was thankful to god and came back to her home.
    Romeo and Juliet
    In the town of Verona there lived two families, the Capulets and the Montagues. They engaged in a bitter feud. Among the Montagues was Romeo, a hot-blooded young man with an eye for the ladies. One day, Romeo attended the feast of the Capulets’, a costume party where he expected to meet his love, Rosaline, a haughty beauty from a well-to-do family. Once there, however, Romeo’s eyes felt upon Juliet, and he thought of Rosaline no more.
    The vision of Juliet had been invading his every thought. Unable to sleep, Romeo returned late that night to the Juliet’s bedroom window. There, he was surprised to find Juliet on the balcony, professing her love for him and wishing that he were not a “Montague”, a name behind his own. “What’s in a name? That which we call a rose by any other name would smell as sweet.” Romeo was ready to deny his name and professed his love. The two agreed to meet at nine o-clock the next morning to be married.
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  179. Early the next morning, Romeo came to Friar Lawrence begging the friar to marry him to Juliet. The Friar performed the ceremony, praying that the union might someday put an end to the feud between the two families. He advised Romeo kept the marriage a secret for a time.
    On the way home, Romeo chanced upon his friend Mercutio arguing with Tybalt, a member of the Capulet clan. That quarreling last caused Merquito died. Romeo was reluctant no longer. He drew his sword and slew Tybalt died. Romeo realized he had made a terrible mistake. Then Friar Lawrence advised Romeo to travel to Mantua until things cool down. He promised to inform Juliet.
    In the other hand, Juliet’s father had decided the time for her to marry with Paris. Juliet consulted Friar Lawrence and made a plot to take a sleeping potion for Juliet which would simulate death for three days. The plot proceeded according to the plan. Juliet was sleeping in death.
    Unfortunately, The Friar’s letter failed to reach Romeo. Under the cover of darkness, he broke into Juliet’s tomb. Romeo kissed the lips of his Juliet one last time and drank the poison. Meanwhile, the effects of the sleeping potion wear off. Juliet woke up calling for Romeo. She found her love next to her but was lying dead, with a cup of poison in his hand. She tried to kiss the poison from his lips, but failed. Then Juliet put out his dagger and plunged it into her breast. She died
    In the past, there was a puppeteer whose name is Geppetto. He eager to have a son very much but his wife passed away several years ago. One day, he got an idea to make a puppet in order not to be lonely again. He made a puppet all day long. Finally, in the morning he had finished his work and he named the puppet Pinocchio. Soon he felt lonely again since Pinocchio couldn’t walk or talk by itself. One night, Geppetto prayed to the God to become a real boy. He always thought it on his mind in his dream.
    In the next morning, he was surprised that Pinocchio was alive. He taught Pinocchio how to walk, how to read, how to speak and to do other things as human. He then studied at an elementary school. One day, Pinocchio felt bored and it made him go home late. When Pinocchio finally came home, Geppetto asked him. He said that he was on school but he wasn’t. Instantly, Pinocchio’s nose grew longer and longer and it meant that Pinocchio has lied.
    The next morning, Pinocchio was kidnaped by the owner of circus. Pinocchio soon became a slave for the circus. He was so famous because he was a puppet which can talk. Geppetto worried about him because Pinocchio had not been going home for almost two days. He tried to find Pinocchio everywhere but he found nothing. When he searched him on the sea, big wave smashed him. He was then in whale’s stomach when he awoke. He couldn’t find the way to go out.
    In the other side, Pinocchio finally could escape out from the circus. He came home but nobody was there. Latter on, he searched Geppetto in the sea. He got the same accident like Geppetto and he met Geppetto in whale’s stomach. Both of them got out from its stomach by making a fire. In the end of the story, they went home together and lived happily ever after.
    Dahulu kala, ada seorang pembuat boneka kayu yang bernama Geppetto. Dia ingin sekali mempunyai anak laki-laki,
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  180. tetapi istrinya sudah meninggal dunia beberapa tahun lalu. Suatu hari, ia mendapat ide untuk membuat boneka agar tidak merasa kesepian lagi. Dia kemudian membuat boneka kayu itu sepanjang hari. Akhirnya, di pagi hari ia selesai membuatnya dan boneka itu dia beri nama Pinocchio. Setelah itu, ia merasa kesepian lagi karena Pinocchio tidak bisa berbicara bahkan berjalan sekali pun. Suatu malam, Geppetto berdoa kepada Tuhan agar Pinnochio menjadi seorang anak yang nyata. Dia selalu memikirkan hal itu dalam pikirannya.
    Keesokan harinya, ia terkejut karena Pinocchio ternyata hidup. Dia kemudian mengajari Pinocchio bagaimana cara berjalan, cara berbicara, cara membaca, dan cara melakukan hal-hal lain seperti apa yang manusia biasa lakukan. Dia kemudian belajar di sebuah sekolah dasar. Suatu hari, Pinocchio merasa bosan dan itu membuatnya pulang terlambat. Ketika Pinocchio akhirnya pulang, Geppetto bertanya. Dia bertanya bahwa ia berada di sekolah tapi sebenarnya dia tidak di sekolah. Seketika, hidung Pinokio tumbuh lebih panjang lagi dan lagi dan itu berarti bahwa Pinocchio sedang berbohong.
    Esok pagi, Pinocchio diculik oleh seorang pemain sirkus. Pinocchio kemudian dijadikan budak untuk bermain sirkus. Dia begitu terkenal karena ia adalah boneka yang bisa bicara. Geppetto pun khawatir terhadap Pinnochio karena Pinocchio belum pulang selama hampir dua hari lebih. Dia mencoba mencari Pinocchio kemana-mana tapi ia tidak menemukannya. Ketika ia mencari Pinnochio di laut, gelombang besar menghempaskan dirinya. Dia kemudian berada di perut ikan paus, dan ketika ia terbangun, dia tidak bisa menemukan cara untuk keluar dari perut ikan paus tersebut.
    Di sisi lain, akhirnya Pinocchio bisa kabur dan keluar dari sirkus itu. Dia pulang ke rumah tapi ternyata di sana tidak ada siapa-siapa. Akhirnya, ia mencari Geppetto ke laut. Dia mengalami kecelakaan yang sama seperti apa yang dialami oleh Geppetto dan ia akhirnya bertemu dengan Geppetto di dalam perut ikan paus. Keduanya keluar dari perut tersebut dengan menyalakan api. Di akhir cerita, mereka pulang bersama-sama dan hidup bahagia selamanya.
    The Lion and The Mouse
    When he was awakened by a tiny Mouse running across his body, a mighty Lion was sleeping in his lair. The lion then grabbed the frightened mouse with his huge paws and opened his mouth to swallow him directly. “Please, King,” begged the Mouse, “Spare me this time and of course I will never forget your kindness. Someday I may be able to repay you. “The Lion thought that it was such an amusing idea that he let the poor creature go.
    Sometimes later the Lion was caught in a net laid by some hunters. Despite his great strength, the Lion could not break free. Soon the forest echoed with angry load roars.
    The Little Mouse heard the Lion and ran to see what was wrong. As soon as he succeeded to make the Lion free “There!” said the Mouse proudly, ” You laughed at me when I promised to repay your kindness, but now you know that even a tiny Mouse can help a mighty Lion.”
    Singa dan Tikus
    Pada saat ia terbangun oleh tikus kecil yang berjalan di tubuhnya, singa perkasa itu sedang tertidur di sarangnya. Kemudian Singa itu menangkap tikus yang sedang ketakutan dengan cakar besar dan sekaligus membuka mulutnya untuk menelannya langsung.
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  181. “Tolong, Raja”, kata tikus, “Bebaskan saya kali ini dan tentu saja saya tidak akan pernah melupakan kebaikan mu, suatu hari nanti aku mungkin bisa membayar kebaikanmu ini”. Singa pun berpikir bahwa itu adalah hal yang baik sehingga ia membiarkan makhluk lemah itu pergi dari cengkeramannya.
    Beberapa waktu kemudian singa itu terperangkap dalam jaring yang diletakkan oleh beberapa pemburu. Meskipun memiliki kekuatan yang besar, singa tersebut tetap tidak bisa membebaskan dirinya. Kemudian hutan pun bergema dengan auman singa yang sedang marah tersebut.
    Tikus kecil mendengar auman singa tersebut dan kemudian berlari untuk melihat apa yang sedang terjadi. Begitu si tikus kecil berhasil membuat singa bebas, “Itulah!” kata tikus dengan perasaan bangganya, “Engkau tertawa padaku saat aku berjanji untuk membalas kebaikanmu, tetapi sekarang engkau tahu bahwa meski hanya tikus kecil tapi bisa membantu singa yang perkasa untuk bebas dari perangkap”.
    Career in Translation

    Functionally, translation is transferring the message or the meaning and not the word. According to Nida, such translation is called dynamic equivalence translation. It tries to bring the precise message in different language.

    Many people like to watch Hollywood movie but many get trouble in understanding to the actors' dialogue. So the way they get the understanding about the movie is reading the translating text running. If Hindi translation is provided, it will bring the better understanding for Indian moviegoer. Hollywood movie spread over other Asia countries. Therefore, Arabic translation, Indonesian translation and Farsi translation are widely needed and that is a big chance for English master in that countries.

    India is likely being an English speaking country. India translation will grow better and. It seems Indonesia, Malaysia and Filipina will reach that mark too soon. Translation job will be great in amount and that is good development for translating job seekers.

    Karir dalam Menerjemah

    Secara fungsional, menerjemahankan berarti mentransfer pesan atau makna dan bukan kata. Menurut Nida, terjemahan tersebut disebut terjemahan ekuivalensi dinamis ketika akan mencoba untuk membawa pesan yang tepat dalam bahasa yang berbeda.

    Banyak orang suka menonton film Hollywood tetapi banyak mendapatkan kesulitan dalam memahami dialog para aktor. Jadi cara mereka mendapatkan pemahaman tentang film adalah membaca teks terjemahan yang berjalan. Jika terjemahan bahasa Hindi disediakan, itu akan membawa pemahaman yang lebih baik untuk penonton bioskop India. Film-film Hollywood menyebar di negara-negara Asia lainnya. Oleh karena itu, terjemahan bahasa Arab, bahasa Indonesia dan terjemahan baasa Farsi secara luas diperlukan dan itu merupakan kesempatan besar untuk orang yang mahir bahasa Inggris di negara-negara itu.

    India kemungkinan menjadi negara berbahasa Inggris. Menerjemakan ke bahasa India akan tumbuh lebih baik dan tampaknya Indonesia, Malaysia dan Filipina akan mencapai hal yang sama kemudian.
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  182. Pekerjaan menerjemahkan akan menjadi besar dalam jumlah dan itu merupakan perkembangan yang baik untuk pencari kerja penerjemah.
    Is Smoking Good for Us?

    Before we are going to smoke, it is better to look at the facts. About 50 thousands people die every year in Britain as direct result of smoking. This is seven times as many as die in road accidents. Nearly a quarter of smokers die because of diseases caused by smoking.

    Ninety percent of lung cancers are caused by smoking. If we smoke five cigarettes a day, we are six times more likely to die of lung cancer than a non smoker. If we smoke twenty cigarettes a day, the risk is nineteen times greater. Ninety five percent of people who suffer of bronchitis are people who are smoking. Smokers are two and half times more likely to die of heart disease than non smokers.

    Additionally, children of smoker are more likely to develop bronchitis and pneumonia. In one hour in smoky room, non smoker breathes as much as substance causing cancer as if he had smoked fifteen cigarettes.

    Smoking is really good for tobacco companies because they do make much money from smoking habit. Smoking, however is not good for health both the smokers themselves and every body else.

    Career in Translation

    Functionally, translation is transferring the message or the meaning and not the word. According to Nida, such translation is called dynamic equivalence translation. It tries to bring the precise message in different language.

    Many people like to watch Hollywood movie but many get trouble in understanding to the actors' dialogue. So the way they get the understanding about the movie is reading the translating text running. If Hindi translation is provided, it will bring the better understanding for Indian moviegoer. Hollywood movie spread over other Asia countries. Therefore, Arabic translation, Indonesian translation and Farsi translation are widely needed and that is a big chance for English master in that countries.

    India is likely being an English speaking country. India translation will grow better and. It seems Indonesia, Malaysia and Filipina will reach that mark too soon. Translation job will be great in amount and that is good development for translating job seekers.

    Karir dalam Menerjemah

    Secara fungsional, menerjemahankan berarti mentransfer pesan atau makna dan bukan kata. Menurut Nida, terjemahan tersebut disebut terjemahan ekuivalensi dinamis ketika akan mencoba untuk membawa pesan yang tepat dalam bahasa yang berbeda.

    Banyak orang suka menonton film Hollywood tetapi banyak mendapatkan kesulitan dalam memahami dialog para aktor. Jadi cara mereka mendapatkan pemahaman tentang film adalah membaca teks terjemahan yang berjalan. Jika terjemahan bahasa Hindi disediakan, itu akan membawa pemahaman yang lebih baik untuk penonton bioskop India.
    600 baris


  183. Film-film Hollywood menyebar di negara-negara Asia lainnya. Oleh karena itu, terjemahan bahasa Arab, bahasa Indonesia dan terjemahan baasa Farsi secara luas diperlukan dan itu merupakan kesempatan besar untuk orang yang mahir bahasa Inggris di negara-negara itu.

    India kemungkinan menjadi negara berbahasa Inggris. Menerjemakan ke bahasa India akan tumbuh lebih baik dan tampaknya Indonesia, Malaysia dan Filipina akan mencapai hal yang sama kemudian.
    Students' Laptop

    Conventionally, students need book, pen, eraser, drawing book, ruler and such other stuff. Additionally, in this multimedia era, students need more to reach their progressive development. Students need mobile keyboards to record every presented subject easily. Of course it will need more cost but it will deserve for its function.

    First, modern schools tend to apply fast transferring knowledge because the school needs to catch the target of curriculum. Every subject will tend to be given in demonstrative method. Consequently students need extra media cover the subject. Since there is a laptop on every student’s desk, this method will help student to get better understanding.

    Secondly, finding an appropriate laptop is not difficult as it was. Recently there is an online shop which provides comprehensive information. The best is that the shop has service of online shopping. The students just need to brows that online shop, decide which computer or laptop they need, and then complete the transaction. After that the laptop will be delivered to the students' houses. That is really easy and save time and money.

    From all of that, having mobile computer is absolutely useful for students who want to catch the best result for their study.

    The Problem of Being Too Fat

    Being too fat is commonly known as overweight or obesity. It is simply defined as too much body fat inside. Overweight potentially leads high risk of health problem.

    Being too fat is recognized as a major factor for heart disease. Due to the overweight, the heart will work harder. It can lead to the heart attack. Furthermore, obesity potentially rises blood cholesterol and blood pressure. In addition, being too fat can change the amount of sugar in the blood. This will cause diabetes and other serious disease.

    Beside all of that, being too fat is often avoided by many young women. They said that becoming too fat will bother their physical beauty appearance.

    More serious studies are necessary to see the effect of obesity. However it is clear enough that overweight is not good enough for healthy life.
    Masalah Menjadi Orang Gemuk

    Menjadi terlalu gemuk umumnya dikenal sebagai kelebihan berat badan atau obesitas. Hal ini hanya didefinisikan sebagai terlalu banyak lemak tubuh dalam. Kegemukan berpotensi menyebabkan risiko tinggi masalah kesehatan.

    Menjadi terlalu gemuk diakui sebagai faktor utama untuk penyakit jantung. Karena kelebihan berat badan, jantung akan bekerja lebih keras.
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  184. Hal ini dapat menyebabkan serangan jantung. Selain itu, obesitas berpotensi naik kolesterol darah dan tekanan darah. Selain itu, karena terlalu gemuk dapat mengubah jumlah gula dalam darah. Hal ini akan menyebabkan diabetes dan penyakit serius lainnya.

    Selain semua itu, karena terlalu gemuk sering dihindari oleh banyak wanita muda. Mereka mengatakan bahwa menjadi terlalu gemuk akan mengganggu penampilan kecantikan fisik mereka.

    Studi lebih serius diperlukan untuk melihat efek dari obesitas. Namun cukup jelas bahwa kelebihan berat badan tidak cukup baik untuk hidup sehat.

    The Unhealthy Fast Food

    Fast food, nowadays, is considered as a normal eating venture. People are not just eating out on special occasions or weekends anymore. It means that all the time they mostly eat fast foods. However is fast food good for health?

    Fast food has its popularity in the 1940’s. Within a few years, fast-food operations popped up everywhere. With the compelling rise in fast-food restaurants since the 1940’s, oddly it started the rise in obesity and cancer during that same time period.

    Fast food is highly processed with a wide array of additives. To ensure fast food’s low cost, the fast food products are made with highly-processed ingredients to give it shelf-life, to hold consistency, and to enhance flavor. Fast food is altered from its original healthy form.

    It is not the calories in fast food which damage health and waistline. It is the chemical additives such as aspartame and MSG (monosodium glutamate). Studies show that the chemical additives lead to weight and disease issues.

    Makanan Cepat Saji yang Tidak Sehat

    Makanan cepat saji saat ini dianggap sebagai kegiatan makan yang biasa. Orang-orang tidak hanya makan makanan cepat saji pada acara-acara khusus atau akhir pekan lagi. Hal tersebut berarti bahwa sepanjang waktu mereka kebanyakan makan makanan cepat saji. Namun apakah makanan cepat saji baik untuk kesehatan?

    Makanan cepat saji memiliki popularitasnya di tahun 1940-an. Dalam beberapa tahun, operasi makanan cepat saji muncul di mana-mana. Dengan kenaikan yang cepat di restoran cepat saji sejak 1940-an, anehnya itu lah mulanya kenaikan obesitas dan kanker pada periode waktu yang sama.

    Makanan cepat saji diproses secara cepat dengan beragam aditif. Untuk memastikan makanan cepat saji murah, produk-produk makanan cepat saji yang dibuat dengan bahan yang diproses dengan cepat untuk memberikan cita rasa, konsistensi rasa, dan untuk meningkatkan rasa. Makanan cepat saji diubah dari bentuk aslinya yang sehat.

    Bukanlah kalori dalam makanan cepat saji yang merusak kesehatan dan menyebabkan obesitas. melainkan bahan kimia tambahan seperti aspartam dan MSG ( monosodium glutamat ). Studi menunjukkan bahwa bahan kimia tambahan mengakibatkan masalah berat badan dan penyakit.

    Jadi, sama sekali tidak ada gizi yang terkandung dalam makanan cepat saji. Makanan cepat saji hanya memuaskan rasa lapar dan kebutuhan.


  185. Televisi Itu Buruk Untuk Anak

    Televisi memainkan peran yang sangat penting dalam kehidupan kita, dan juga merupakan sumber utama hiburan. Kami menonton TV ketika kita sedang tidak ada kerjaan, atau kadang-kadang saat bekerja, dan saat kita sedang belajar. TV yang digunakan dalam kehidupan kita sehari-hari, itu menyiarkan banyak acara live dan berita yang mendidik kita dalam banyak cara. Tapi, kadang-kadang anak-anak menonton program-program di TV yang seharusnya tidak dimaksudkan untuk dilihat oleh kelompok usia anak dan memiliki banyak dampak negatif pada kehidupan mereka.

    American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) merekomendasikan bahwa anak-anak berusia di bawah 2 tahun tidak boleh menonton TV apapun dan untuk mereka yang usianya lebih dari 2 tahun dianjurkan untuk tidak menonton TV lebih dari 1-2 jam sehari. 2 tahun pertama kehidupan dianggap waktu yang penting untuk perkembangan otak. TV dan media elektronik lainnya bisa menghalangi untuk menjelajahi, bermain, dan berinteraksi dengan orang tua dan orang lain, yang mendorong pembelajaran dan perkembangan fisik dan sosial yang sehat. Ketika anak bertambah usianya, terlalu banyak waktu menonton juga dapat mengganggu kegiatan mereka seperti aktif secara fisik, membaca, mengerjakan pekerjaan rumah, bermain dengan teman-teman, dan menghabiskan waktu bersama keluarga.

    Saya percaya bahwa banyak anak-anak yang menonton TV selama berjam-jam, memiliki banyak dampak negatif pada kesehatan mereka seperti mereka mungkin memiliki mata yang lemah di usia yang masih muda. Faktanya, anak-anak ini harusnya menghabiskan sebagian besar waktu mereka bermain dan belajar, yang akan memberi mereka hasil yang lebih baik kemudian dan menjaga mereka sehat juga. Jika anak-anak ini terus membuang-buang waktu berharga mereka menonton TV selama berjam-jam bukan belajar, hal itu dapat mempengaruhi hasil sekolah mereka.

    Banyak anak cenderung mengikuti artis atau idola favorit mereka dan meniru mereka dengan memakai pakaian yang sama, berikut sikap dan perilakunya dan mencoba untuk berbicara bahasa yang sama. Hal ini menjadi lebih buruk ketika mereka menonton film aksi dan melakukan tindakan yang sama di rumah, yang mungkin melukai mereka atau mengubah perilaku mereka terhadap orang lain.

    Televisi memang bisa menjadi media untuk menghibur dan mengajar anak-anak sesuatu. Namun, program di TV tidak dirancang untuk anak-anak saja; program-program TV tersebut juga termasuk beberapa program untuk orang dewasa. Menonton TV terlalu banyak bisa membuat anak-anak mengikuti cara berpakaian, sikap, dan bahasa yang mungkin buruk bagi mereka. Terlalu banyak menonton TV juga akan melemah mata anak. Jadi, menonton TV terlalu banyak tidak baik untuk anak-anak.

    Writing is a Great for Money Online

    The emergence of the internet has given internet entrepreneurs many ways to make money. Writers are one group that have benefited from their talents as a result in the rise of internet based jobs.
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  186. Writing is a Great for Money Online

    The emergence of the internet has given internet entrepreneurs many ways to make money. Writers are one group that have benefited from their talents as a result in the rise of internet based jobs.

    Blog writing is an increasingly popular way to earn money online determined by the owner of the blog. There are many free websites out there that will help you set up your own blog if you choose to go that route because blog plus advertisement is a potential money.

    Article writing is also good to earn money online. Make sure to optimize your articles to promote and advertise you own business ventures. These articles are a free way to market the products and services you offer for free. The most effective advertising with these articles comes from the dialogue box that is inserted at the end of each article. These dialogue boxes contain links to basically any website you would like to drive traffic to. For instance, you might have one link in your dialogue box to a product you are selling and one to a blog where you are promoting a discussing other products.

    Writing takes some time to gain credibility through but once it's done, earning potential can become very powerful.

    Menulis Online Menghasilkan Uang

    Munculnya internet telah memberikan para pengusaha internet banyak cara untuk menghasilkan uang. Penulis adalah salah satu kelompok yang telah memperoleh manfaat dari hasil bakat mereka dalam munculnya pekerjaan berbasis internet.

    Menulis blog adalah cara yang semakin populer untuk mendapatkan uang secara online yang ditentukan oleh pemilik blog. Ada banyak situs gratis di luar sana yang akan membantu Anda membuat blog Anda sendiri jika Anda memilih untuk menjalani rute itu karena blog ditambah iklan adalah menghasilkan uang yang potensial.

    Menulis artikel juga baik untuk mendapatkan uang secara online. Pastikan untuk mengoptimasi artikel Anda untuk mempromosikan dan mengiklankan usaha bisnis milik anda. Artikel adalah cara gratis untuk memasarkan produk dan jasa yang Anda tawarkan secara gratis. Iklan yang paling efektif dengan artikel-artiel tersebut berasal dari kotak dialog yang disisipkan pada akhir di setiap artikel. Kotak dialog tersebut berisi link-link yang pada dasarnya merujuk ke setiap situs web yang Anda ingin arahkan. Misalnya, Anda mungkin memiliki satu link dalam kotak dialog Anda ke produk yang Anda jual dan satu untuk sebuah blog di mana Anda mempromosikan membahas produk lainnya.

    Menulis membutuhkan beberapa waktu untuk mendapatkan kredibilitas tetapi setelah selesai, potensi penghasilan dapat menjadi sangat kuat.

    Many children tend to follow their favorite actors or actress and
    imitate them by wearing same cloths, following same attitude and try to speak same languages. This becomes worse when they watch any action movies and perform same actions at home, which might injure them or change their behavior toward other people.


  187. Television indeed can be a media to entertain and to teach children something. However, programs in TV are not designed for children only; they also include some programs for adult. Watching TV too much could make children following some clothes, attitudes, and language which may be bad for them. Too much watching TV also will weaken children eyes. Thus, watching TV too much is bad for children.
    Televisi Itu Buruk Untuk Anak

    Televisi memainkan peran yang sangat penting dalam kehidupan kita, dan juga merupakan sumber utama hiburan. Kami menonton TV ketika kita sedang tidak ada kerjaan, atau kadang-kadang saat bekerja, dan saat kita sedang belajar. TV yang digunakan dalam kehidupan kita sehari-hari, itu menyiarkan banyak acara live dan berita yang mendidik kita dalam banyak cara. Tapi, kadang-kadang anak-anak menonton program-program di TV yang seharusnya tidak dimaksudkan untuk dilihat oleh kelompok usia anak dan memiliki banyak dampak negatif pada kehidupan mereka.

    American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) merekomendasikan bahwa anak-anak berusia di bawah 2 tahun tidak boleh menonton TV apapun dan untuk mereka yang usianya lebih dari 2 tahun dianjurkan untuk tidak menonton TV lebih dari 1-2 jam sehari. 2 tahun pertama kehidupan dianggap waktu yang penting untuk perkembangan otak. TV dan media elektronik lainnya bisa menghalangi untuk menjelajahi, bermain, dan berinteraksi dengan orang tua dan orang lain, yang mendorong pembelajaran dan perkembangan fisik dan sosial yang sehat. Ketika anak bertambah usianya, terlalu banyak waktu menonton juga dapat mengganggu kegiatan mereka seperti aktif secara fisik, membaca, mengerjakan pekerjaan rumah, bermain dengan teman-teman, dan menghabiskan waktu bersama keluarga.

    Saya percaya bahwa banyak anak-anak yang menonton TV selama berjam-jam, memiliki banyak dampak negatif pada kesehatan mereka seperti mereka mungkin memiliki mata yang lemah di usia yang masih muda. Faktanya, anak-anak ini harusnya menghabiskan sebagian besar waktu mereka bermain dan belajar, yang akan memberi mereka hasil yang lebih baik kemudian dan menjaga mereka sehat juga. Jika anak-anak ini terus membuang-buang waktu berharga mereka menonton TV selama berjam-jam bukan belajar, hal itu dapat mempengaruhi hasil sekolah mereka.

    Banyak anak cenderung mengikuti artis atau idola favorit mereka dan meniru mereka dengan memakai pakaian yang sama, berikut sikap dan perilakunya dan mencoba untuk berbicara bahasa yang sama. Hal ini menjadi lebih buruk ketika mereka menonton film aksi dan melakukan tindakan yang sama di rumah, yang mungkin melukai mereka atau mengubah perilaku mereka terhadap orang lain.

    Televisi memang bisa menjadi media untuk menghibur dan mengajar anak-anak sesuatu. Namun, program di TV tidak dirancang untuk anak-anak saja; program-program TV tersebut juga termasuk beberapa program untuk orang dewasa. Menonton TV terlalu banyak bisa membuat anak-anak mengikuti cara berpakaian, sikap, dan bahasa yang mungkin buruk bagi mereka. Terlalu banyak menonton TV juga akan melemah mata anak. Jadi, menonton TV terlalu banyak tidak baik untuk anak-anak.
    820 baris

  188. Social Media are Bad for Teenagers

    Social media Web sites, such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and many others have become nearly inescapable facets of modern life, particularly for teenagers. Social media is becoming more than just a part of their world, it’s becoming their world. Teens are spending more and more time online, usually on a social media platform like Facebook or Twitter. Most teens now have smart phones where they are on social media networks all throughout the day. They are constantly texting, tweeting, and posting pictures via Snapchat and Instagram. However, hyper-connected to social media could be bad for them.

    Today teens don’t know how to disconnect. Social media has allowed them to take their life online from the time they wake up till they back to sleep via their smart phone. One reason this “always connected” activity is harmful is because of the alarming trend of cyberbullying. Bullying has now moved from not only being in the school and on the bus, but online. What does this mean? If a teen is getting bullied, they cannot get away from it! The people bullying them simply continue their bullying via social media

    A new study has found that teenagers who engage with social media during the night could be damaging their sleep and increasing their risk of anxiety and depression. Teenagers spoke about the pressure they felt to make themselves available 24/7, and the resulting anxiety if they did not respond immediately to texts or posts. Teens are so emotionally invested in social media that a fifth of secondary school pupils will wake up at night and log on, just to make sure they don’t miss out.

    Another impact social media has had on teens is teens being more comfortable online doing things that they should be more sensitive to doing. A separate study by the National Citizen Service found that, rather than talking to their parents, girls seek comfort on social media when they are worried. The survey also suggests that girls are likely to experience stress more often than boys – an average of twice a week.

    Social media such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and many others are basically created to connect everyone around the globe so they can interact and communicate each other. However, too much exposure of social media can also be bad especially for teenagers. As it mentioned above, social media could become media for bullying, risk them of anxiety and depression, and risk their real-life social interaction. Therefore, social media are dangerous for teenagers’
    Medsos itu Buruk untuk Remaja

    Situs-situ media sosial, seperti Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, dan banyak orang lain hamper telah menjadi bagian dari kehidupan moderan yang tak terhindarkan, khususnya untuk remaja. Media sosial menjadi lebih dari sekedar bagian dari dunia mereka, itu menjadi dunia mereka.
    860 baris


  189. Remaja menghabiskan lebih banyak waktunya online, biasanya pada platform media sosial seperti Facebook atau Twitter. Kebanyakan remaja sekarang memiliki ponsel pintar di mana mereka berada di jaringan media sosial sepanjang hari. Mereka terus-menerus mengirim SMS, tweeting, dan posting gambar melalui snapchat dan Instagram. Namun, penggunaan media sosial berlebihan bisa berdampak buruk bagi mereka.

    Hari ini remaja tidak tahu bagaimana untuk tidak terhubung dengan meida sosial. Media sosial telah telah mengambil hidup mereka secara online dari waktu mereka bangun sampai mereka kembali tidur melalui ponsel pintar mereka. Salah satu alasan aktivitas "selalu terhubung" ini beigut berbahaya karena tren yang mengkhawatirkan dari cyberbullying. Bullying sekarang telah pindah dari tidak hanya berada di sekolah dan di bus, tapi sekarang terjadi secara online. Apa artinya ini? Jika seorang remaja mendapatkan bullying, mereka tidak bisa lepas dari itu! Orang-orang yang membully akan lanjut membully mereka melalui media social.

    Sebuah studi baru menemukan bahwa remaja yang terlibat dengan media sosial pada malam hari bisa merusak tidur mereka dan meningkatkan risiko kecemasan dan depresi. Remaja berbicara tentang depresi yang mereka rasakan ketika mereka harus ‘ada’ 24 jam seminggu, sedangkan kecemasan yang mereka rasakan jika mereka tidak segera merespon teks atau tulisan. Remaja begitu emosional saat mereka menghabiskan waktu di media sosial dimana seperlima dari siswa sekolah menengah akan bangun di malam hari dan membuka situs media sosila mereka hanya untuk memastikan mereka tidak kehilangan berita atau status.

    Dampak lain media sosial telah di remaja adalah remaja menjadi lebih nyaman melakukan hal-hal sensitive tertentu secara online dengan melakukannya secara langsung. Sebuah studi terpisah oleh National Citizen Service menemukan bahwa, remaja perempuan lebih nyaman curhat pada media social ketika merka merasa khawatir daripada berbicara dengan orang tua mereka. Survei tersebut juga menunjukkan bahwa perempuan cenderung mengalami stres lebih sering daripada anak laki-laki - rata-rata dua kali seminggu.

    Media sosial seperti Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, dan banyak yang lainnya pada dasarnya dibuat untuk menghubungkan semua orang di seluruh dunia sehingga mereka dapat berinteraksi dan berkomunikasi satu sama lain. Namun, terlalu banyak menggunakan media sosial juga bisa berdampak buruk terutama bagi remaja. Seperti disebutkan di atas, media sosial bisa menjadi media bullying, beresiko membuat remaja cemas dan depresi, dan beresiko meninggalkan interaksi sosial kehidupan nyata mereka. Oleh karena itu, media sosial berbahaya bagi kesehatan remaja secara mental dan emosional.
    health both mentally and emotionally.

    Snow White dan the Seven Dwarfs.

    Once upon a time in a great castle, a Prince's daughter grew up happy and contented, in spite of a jealous stepmother.
    900 baris

  190. .
    She was very pretty, with blue eyes and long black hair. Her skin was delicate and fair, and so she was called Snow White. Everyone was quite sure she would become very beautiful. Though her stepmother was a wicked woman, she too was very beautiful, and the magic mirror told her this every day, whenever she asked it.

    "Mirror, mirror on the wall, who is the loveliest lady in the land?" The reply was always; "You are, your Majesty," until the dreadful day when she heard it say, "Snow White is the loveliest in the land." The stepmother was furious and, wild with jealousy, began plotting to get rid of her rival. Calling one of her trusty servants, she bribed him with a rich reward to take Snow White into the forest, far away from the Castle. Then, unseen, he was to put her to death. The greedy servant, attracted to the reward, agreed to do this deed, and he led the innocent little girl away. However, when they came to the fatal spot, the man's courage failed him and, leaving Snow White sitting beside a tree, he mumbled an excuse and ran off. Snow White was all alone in the forest.

    Night came, but the servant did not return. Snow White, alone in the dark forest, began to cry bitterly. She thought she could feel terrible eyes spying on her, and she heard strange sounds and rustlings that made her heart thump. At last, overcome by tiredness, she fell asleep curled under a tree.

    Snow White slept fitfully, wakening from time to time with a start and staring into the darkness round her. Several times, she thought she felt something, or somebody touch her as she slept.

    At last, dawn woke the forest to the song of the birds, and Snow White too, awoke. A whole world was stirring to life and the little girl was glad to see how silly her fears had been. However, the thick trees were like a wall round her, and as she tried to find out where she was, she came upon a path. She walked along it, hopefully. On she walked till she came to a clearing. There stood a strange cottage, with a tiny door, tiny windows and a tiny chimney pot. Everything about the cottage was much tinier than it ought to be. Snow White pushed the door open.

    "l wonder who lives here?" she said to herself, peeping round the kitchen. "What tiny plates! And spoons! There must be seven of them, the table's laid for seven people." Upstairs was a bedroom with seven neat little beds. Going back to the kitchen, Snow White had an idea.

    "I'll make them something to eat. When they come home, they'll be glad to find a meal ready." Towards dusk, seven tiny men marched homewards singing. But when they opened the door, to their surprise they found a bowl of hot steaming soup on the table, and the whole house spick and span. Upstairs was Snow White, fast asleep on one of the beds. The chief dwarf prodded her gently.

    "Who are you?" he asked. Snow White told them her sad story, and tears sprang to the dwarfs' eyes. Then one of them said, as he noisily blew his nose:

    "Stay here with us!"

    "Hooray! Hooray!" they cheered, dancing joyfully round the little girl. The dwarfs said to Snow White:

    "You can live here and tend to the house while we're down the mine. Don't worry about your stepmother leaving you in the forest.
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  191. now White (Picture Source : Google.co.id)
    Meanwhile, the servant had returned to the castle, with the heart of a roe deer. He gave it to the cruel stepmother, telling her it belonged to Snow White, so that he could claim the reward. Highly pleased, the stepmother turned again to the magic mirror. But her hopes were dashed, for the mirror replied: "The loveliest in the land is still Snow White, who lives in the seven dwarfs' cottage, down in the forest." The stepmother was beside herself with rage.

    "She must die! She must die!" she screamed. Disguising herself as an old peasant woman, she put a poisoned apple with the others in her basket. Then, taking the quickest way into the forest, she crossed the swamp at the edge of the trees. She reached the bank unseen, just as Snow White stood waving goodbye to the seven dwarfs on their way to the mine.

    Snow White was in the kitchen when she heard the sound at the door: KNOCK! KNOCK!

    "Who's there?" she called suspiciously, remembering the dwarfs advice.

    "I'm an old peasant woman selling apples," came the reply.

    "I don't need any apples, thank you," she replied.

    "But they are beautiful apples and ever so juicy!" said the velvety voice from outside the door.

    "I'm not supposed to open the door to anyone," said the little girl, who was reluctant to disobey her friends.

    "And quite right too! Good girl! If you promised not to open up to strangers, then of course you can't buy. You are a good girl indeed!" Then the old woman went on.

    "And as a reward for being good, I'm going to make you a gift of one of my apples!" Without a further thought, Snow White opened the door just a tiny crack, to take the apple.

    "There! Now isn't that a nice apple?" Snow White bit into the fruit, and as she did, fell to the ground in a faint: the effect of the terrible poison left her lifeless instantaneously.

    Now chuckling evilly, the wicked stepmother hurried off. But as she ran back across the swamp, she tripped and fell into the quicksand. No one heard her cries for help, and she disappeared without a trace.

    Meanwhile, the dwarfs came out of the mine to find the sky had grown dark and stormy. Loud thunder echoed through the valleys and streaks of lightning ripped the sky. Worried about Snow White they ran as quickly as they could down the mountain to the cottage.

    There they found Snow White, lying still and lifeless, the poisoned apple by her side. They did their best to bring her around, but it was no use.

    They wept and wept for a long time. Then they laid her on a bed of rose petals, carried her into the forest and put her in a crystal coffin.

    Each day they laid a flower there.

    Then one evening, they discovered a strange young man admiring Snow White's lovely face through the glass. After listening to the story, the Prince (for he was a prince!) made a suggestion.

    "If you allow me to take her to the Castle, I'll call in famous doctors to waken her from this peculiar sleep. She's so lovely I'd love to kiss her!" He did, and as though by magic, the Prince's kiss broke the spell. To everyone's astonishment, Snow White opened her eyes. She had amazingly come back to life! Now in love, the Prince asked Snow White to marry him, and the dwarfs reluctantly had to say good bye to Snow White.

    From that day on, Snow White lived happily in a great castle. But from time to time, she was drawn back to visit the little cottage down in the forest.
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  192. Once upon a time... there lived an unhappy young girl. Unhappy she was, for her mother was dead, her father had married another woman, a widow with two daughters, and her stepmother didn't like her one little bit. All the nice things, kind thoughts and loving touches were for her own daughters. And not just the kind thoughts and love, but also dresses, shoes, shawls, delicious food, comfy beds, as well as every home comfort.

    All this was laid on for her daughters. But, for the poor unhappy girl, there was nothing at all. No dresses, only her stepsisters' hand-me-downs. No lovely dishes, nothing but scraps. No nice rests and comfort. For she had to work hard all day, and only when evening came was she allowed to sit for a while by the fire, near the cinders. That is how she got her nickname, for everybody called her Cinderella. Cinderella used to spend long hours all alone talking to the cat. The cat said,

    "Miaow", which really meant, "Cheer up! You have something neither of your stepsisters have and that is beauty."

    It was quite true. Cinderella, even dressed in rags with a dusty gray face from the cinders, was a lovely girl. While her stepsisters, no matter how splendid and elegant their clothes, were still clumsy, lumpy and ugly and always would be.

    One day, beautiful new dresses arrived at the house. A ball was to be held at Court and the stepsisters were getting ready to go to it. Cinderella, didn't even dare ask, "What about me?" for she knew very well what the answer to that would be:

    "You? My dear girl, you're staying at home to wash the dishes, scrub the floors and turn down the beds for your stepsisters. They will come home tired and very sleepy." Cinderella sighed at the cat.

    "Oh dear, I'm so unhappy!" and the cat murmured "Miaow".

    Suddenly something amazing happened. In the kitchen, where Cinderella was sitting all by herself, there was a burst of light and a fairy appeared.

    "Don't be alarmed, Cinderella," said the fairy. "The wind blew me your sighs. I know you would love to go to the ball. And so you shall!"

    "How can I, dressed in rags?" Cinderella replied. "The servants will turn me away!" The fairy smiled. With a flick of her magic wand... Cinderella found herself wearing the most beautiful dress, the loveliest ever seen in the realm.

    "Now that we have settled the matter of the dress," said the fairy, "we'll need to get you a coach. A real lady would never go to a ball on foot!"

    "Quick! Get me a pumpkin!" she ordered.

    "Oh of course," said Cinderella, rushing away. Then the fairy turned to the cat.

    "You, bring me seven mice!"

    "Seven mice!" said the cat. "I didn't know fairies ate mice too!"
    1020 bariiiiiiiiiiiiiiiisssssssssssss

  193. begitu banyak pria yang datang dan berusaha melamar nya. Apa ya yang akan terjadi pada sang putri selanjutnya? Yuk simak dalam contoh narrative text penjang berikut ini.

    Related: Contoh Procedure Text Cara Membuat Daal Murgh Dan Artinya
    Putri Gading Cempaka

    Long long time ago, there lived a great king in Bengkulu. His name is king Ratu Agung. He ruled Sungai Serut Kingdom for years and during those years, the people in the kingdom live peacefully and prosperous. The king has seven children. The last child was the only daughter in the family and her name is Putri Gading Cempaka.

    Putri Gading Cempaka was very beautiful and kind. There were so many noble man came to their kingdom to propose the princess but her father, king Ratu Agung, refused all of them because for him Putri Gading Cempaka was still too young to get married.

  194. One day, the king summon all of his children into his room. At that moment he was so weak and he said to all of them “My children, I think my time has come to leave you. I hope you all can keep your relationship as brother and sister. I have two important message that I want to tell you before I die. First, I appointed Anak Dalam as my sixth son to be the next king of our kingdom. I hope you all can accept my decision. Second, if a big disaster ever happened on this land and you think that there is nothing you can do to save it, go to Bungkuk mountain and stay there. Wait until a great king came to propose my daughter”. All of his children listened to his message carefully. None of them complained about it. A couple days later, the king passed away.

    All people in the kingdom mourned the king’s death. Putri Gading Cempaka and all of her brothers burried their father in a special place. A couple days after the burial ceremony, they started to carry out their father’s will. They held the crowning ceremony of Anak Dalam to replace their father as the new king. For some reasons, they decided to change the name of the kingdom into Bangkahulu kingdom. Just like his father, Anak Dalam lead the kingdom wisely and the people love him so much.

  195. All people in the kingdom mourned the king’s death. Putri Gading Cempaka and all of her brothers burried their father in a special place. A couple days after the burial ceremony, they started to carry out their father’s will. They held the crowning ceremony of Anak Dalam to replace their father as the new king. For some reasons, they decided to change the name of the kingdom into Bangkahulu kingdom. Just like his father, Anak Dalam lead the kingdom wisely and the people love him so much.

    One day, a prince of Aceh kingdom came to their land. He brought along with him so many people and present because he wanted to propose Putri Gading Cempaka. He sent some of his soldiers and counselor to the palace to see king Anak Dalam. When they arrived at the palace, the counselor stated their intention to the king. King Anak Dalam told the counselor that they couldn’t accept the prince proposal because they had to keep their promise to their father. After that the counselor and the soldiers returned to their ship and report the result to the prince.

    The prince was so angry tohear the news from his counselor. He felt that king Anak Dalam and his brother had insulted him with their decision. So he challenged king Anak Dalam to a war. The big war was inevitable and it last for days with so many casualties. At that moment, king Anak Dalam and his brothers realized that this may be the right time to cary out their father’s second will. So they decided to bring anything they can and they flee to Bungkuk mountain with some survivors of the war.

  196. The prince was so angry tohear the news from his counselor. He felt that king Anak Dalam and his brother had insulted him with their decision. So he challenged king Anak Dalam to a war. The big war was inevitable and it last for days with so many casualties. At that moment, king Anak Dalam and his brothers realized that this may be the right time to cary out their father’s second will. So they decided to bring anything they can and they flee to Bungkuk mountain with some survivors of the war.

    When king Anak Dalam and his people flee from the kingdom, the prince from Aceh also returned to his kingdom. This condition left Bangkahulu kingdom to be empty and unguarded. Hearing the news, some noble men from Lebong Balik Bukit came to the kingdom and tried to claim it. But, instead of combining their power to claim the throne, those noble men fight each other over the throne. A couple weeks later, a wise man by the name Maharaja Sakti came to the land and brought all of the noble men into an agreement.

  197. The noble men realized that they cannot be a king so they asked Maharaja Sakti to be their king and claimed Bangkahulu kingdom. Maharaja Sakti agreed to their idea so they held a crowning ceremony at the palace. On the day of the ceremony, a big storm suddenly appeared in the kingdom. They canceled the ceremony and they waited for the storm to be over. But the storm was not getting lighter.

    Maharaja Sakti was curious about the storm, it was as if as he was not meant to held the crowning ceremony. So he decided to ask to his shaman about the unusual condition. The shaman told him that if he wanted to be the king of the kingdom, he should wed the descendant of the rightful king. After that, Maharaja Sakti asked the shaman to locate the princess whereabout. The shaman used his magical power and he found that the princess was in Bungkuk mountain with her brothers.

    Maharaja Sakti sent some of his soldiers and his counselor to go to Bungkuk mountain to deliver his message to the princess and her brother. When they arrived at Bungkuk mountain, they went to Putri Gading Cempaka’s location right away and they stated their intention to her and her brother. Putri Gading Cempaka and her brothers realized that this was exactly the same as their father told them before he die, so they gladly accept the proposal.

    After that, Putri Gading Cempaka and her brothers along with the soldiers which were sent to deliver the message from Maharaja Sakti returned to Bangkahulu kingdom. They held a big wedding party in the palace and they crowned Maharaja Sakti as the new king of Bangkahulu kingdom with Putri Gading Cempaka as the queen. Together, they rebuilt the kingdom and moved the palace into a new location at Kuala Sungai Lemau. When the construction process was complete, they changed the name of the kingdom into Sungai Lemau kingdom.

  198. Pada jaman dahulu kala, hiduplah seorang raja yang hebat di Bengkulu. Nama nya adalah raja Ratu Agung. Dia memimpin kerajaan Sungai Serut selama bertahun-tahun dan selama masa itu, orang-orang di kerajaan itu hidup dengan damai dan makmur. Sang raja memiliki tujuh orang anak. Anak yang terakhir adalah anak perempuan satu-satu nya di keluarga itu dan nama nya adalah Putri Gading Cempaka.

    Putri Gading Cempaka sangatlah cantik dan baik. Ada begitu banyak pria dari golongan bangsawan datang ke kerajaan mereka untuk melamar sang putri namun ayah nya, sang raja Ratu Agung, menolak mereka semua karena bagi nya Putri Gading Cempaka masih terlalu muda untuk menikah.

  199. Suatu hari, sang raja memanggil semua anak nya ke dalam ruangan nya. Pada saat itu dia dalam kondisi sangat lemah dan dia mengatakan pada mereka semua “Anak-anak ku, aku rasa waktuku telah tiba untuk meninggalkan kalian. Ayah harap kalian semua bisa menjaga hubungan kalian sebagai saudara. Aku punya dua pesan penting yang ingin aku sampaikan sebelum aku mati. Yang pertama, aku menunjuk Anak Dalam sebagai anak ku yang ke enam untuk menjadi raja selanjutnya di kerajaan kita. Aku harap kalian semua bisa menerima keputusanku. Yang kedua, jika sebuah bencana besar terjadi di tanah ini dan kau menganggap bahwa tidak ada yang bisa kau lakukan untuk menyelamatkan nya, pergilah ke gunung Bungkuk dan tinggal lah di sana. Tunggulah hingga seorang raja yang hebat datang untuk melamar anak perempuanku”. Semua anak nya mendengarkan pesan itu dengan baik. Tidak ada satupun dari mereka yang mengeluhkan hal itu. Beberapa hari kemudian, sang raja meninggal dunia.

    Semua orang di kerajaan itu berduka atas kematian sang raja. Putri Gading Cempaka dan semua saudara nya menguburkan ayah mereka di sebuah tempat khusus. Beberapa hari setelah upacara penguburan itu, mereka mulai melaksanakan wasiat ayah mereka. Mereka menyelenggarakan upacara penobatan Anak Dalam untuk menggantikan ayah mereka sebagai raja yang baru. Karena beberapa alasan, mereka memutuskan untuk mengubah nama kerajaan itu menjadi kerajaan Bangkahulu. Sama seperti ayah nya, Anak Dalam memimpin kerajaan itu dengan bijak dan orang-orang pun sangat menyukai nya.

  200. Semua orang di kerajaan itu berduka atas kematian sang raja. Putri Gading Cempaka dan semua saudara nya menguburkan ayah mereka di sebuah tempat khusus. Beberapa hari setelah upacara penguburan itu, mereka mulai melaksanakan wasiat ayah mereka. Mereka menyelenggarakan upacara penobatan Anak Dalam untuk menggantikan ayah mereka sebagai raja yang baru. Karena beberapa alasan, mereka memutuskan untuk mengubah nama kerajaan itu menjadi kerajaan Bangkahulu. Sama seperti ayah nya, Anak Dalam memimpin kerajaan itu dengan bijak dan orang-orang pun sangat menyukai nya.

    Pada suatu hari, seorang pangeran dari kerajaan Aceh datang ke tanah mereka. Dia membawa serta bersama nya begitu banyak orang dan hadiah karena dia ingin melamar Putri Gading Cempaka. Dia mengirimkan beberapa prajurit dan penasihat nya ke istana untuk bertemu raja Anak Dalam. Ketika mereka tiba di istana, sang penasihat menyatakan niatan mereka pada sang raja. Raja Anak Dalam mengatakan pada sang penasihat bahwa mereka tidak bisa menerima lamaran sang pangeran karena mereka harus menjaga janji pada ayah mereka. Setelah itu sang penasihat dan prajurit kembali ke kapal mereka dan melaporkan hasil nya kepada sang pangeran.
