Sepakat gak kalo saat ini
cuacanya ekstrim, bro? Ekstrim gimana sih? Pas cuaca panas bikin keringat
mengalir deras, ketika hujan bisa semaleman turun bercampur petir menggelegar.
Pergantian cuaca cukup tak menentu, di bulan April aja hujan dan panas silih
berganti. Ketika siang nih, udaranya terasa kering banget, sedangkan malemnya
dingin hampir-hampir menusuk tulang. Pengalaman saya berkendaraan menuju tempat
kerja sungguh perjuangan luar biasa. Saya bertugas mengawasi ujian nasional
dari tanggal 10 hingga 13 April di madrasah kawasan Wiradesa. Nah, biasanya di
MA Hasbullah itu lumayan dekat dengan rumah hanya 30 menit dengan motor, ketika ke tempat ngawasi ujian nasional menjadi lebih jauh yakni bertambah 30 menit perjalanannya, total hampir 1 jam. Perjalanan cukup asyik. Asyiknya karena dapat angin segar. Perjalanan sekitar 30 menit dari Hasbullah itu menuju arah utara melewati Wonopringgo, Bojong dan sampailah di Wiradesa. Berhubung lewat jalan yang terdapat proyek tol maka harus ekstra hati-hati soalnya kalo hujan licin banget, pas panas jalanan menjadi berdebu. Akhirnya merasakan dampak keekstriman cuaca. Tidak berhenti disitu, brother & sister, saya pikir di kota-kota besar di Indonesia juga tingkat polusi udara sudah diatas ambang normal.
Berikut akibat polusi dan zat pollutant yang dapat membuat iritasi kulit misalnya saja kandungan merkuri ketika terjadi hujan asam, debu dengan partikel lainnya dan tentunya kuman serta bakteri. Biasanya kulit gatal-gatal kemerahan, bintik-bintik merah seperti di gigit nyamuk namun bila digaruk perih dan berair. Nah beberapa hal tersebut merupakan sedikit dampak dari semakin buruknya kualitas udara dan tentunya lingkungan kita. Jika semakin hari polusi semakin meningkat maka manusialah yang terkena imbas negatif yang paling parah hingga bahaya kematian. Dalam pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris tentang gangguan kulit atau penyakit kulit (Skin disease) termasuk kedalam jenis teks report. Berikut contoh teks berkaitan dengan kulit: (diambil dari gabungan beberapa sumber)
Berikut akibat polusi dan zat pollutant yang dapat membuat iritasi kulit misalnya saja kandungan merkuri ketika terjadi hujan asam, debu dengan partikel lainnya dan tentunya kuman serta bakteri. Biasanya kulit gatal-gatal kemerahan, bintik-bintik merah seperti di gigit nyamuk namun bila digaruk perih dan berair. Nah beberapa hal tersebut merupakan sedikit dampak dari semakin buruknya kualitas udara dan tentunya lingkungan kita. Jika semakin hari polusi semakin meningkat maka manusialah yang terkena imbas negatif yang paling parah hingga bahaya kematian. Dalam pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris tentang gangguan kulit atau penyakit kulit (Skin disease) termasuk kedalam jenis teks report. Berikut contoh teks berkaitan dengan kulit: (diambil dari gabungan beberapa sumber)
Skin Disease Report
Many skin diseases in the population aged 65 years old and older
are related to lifelong cumulative sun exposure (eg, actinic damage and skin
cancer), and increasing susceptibility to bacterial, viral, and fungal
diseases. By 2030, the US population aged 65 years and older is estimated
to grow by 30 million individuals, and to steadily increase through 2050, with
a projected total population aged 65 years and older of 85 million. Growth
in national health expenditures is projected to double between 2013 and 2020. With
the physician workforce projected to remain relatively flat, the specific ratio
of dermatologists to population will decrease over time, especially in rural
areas. These projections indicate a current and future challenge to ensure
patient access to appropriate dermatologic care.
The cost for individual skin diseases varied widely, partially because
of differences in prevalence, but also because of the cost of medical and
surgical treatment options. Distributed across the entire US population, the
total 2013 health care cost of skin disease was approximately $240 per capita.
Other diseases, such as cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and end-stage renal
disease have significantly higher direct and per affected person costs than
skin disease. However, the per capita costs for these 3 diseases are,
similar to skin disease, less than $1000 (ie, $950 for cardiovascular disease,
$785 for diabetes, and $147 for end-stage renal disease).
Although there are limitations on direct comparison of the previous
AAD/SID BSD report and this current report, it reveals that from 2004 to 2013
there has been a roughly 1.7-fold increase in skin disease health care costs.
Of note, many new and more effective drugs and treatment options for skin
disease were introduced between 2004 and 2013, albeit at higher costs than
older treatments. Examples include new topical medications for acne, biologics
and excimer laser for psoriasis, checkpoint inhibitors for melanoma, and oral
and systemic treatments for cutaneous lymphoma. Since 2013, costs of many
widely used dermatologic medications have increased significantly, and better
understanding of the pathophysiology of diseases has led to development of new
medications. Therefore, the health care cost of skin disease at the time of
writing this article most likely surpasses this 2013 estimation.This report
estimates that the 2013 opportunity cost as a result of skin disease was nearly
$11 billion. Similar to the prevalence and economic BSD, it is also likely that
the opportunity cost may be underestimated, as these estimates are calculated
using claims-based methods. Although it is well recognized that skin diseases
can inflict an enormous toll on the physical and psychosocial well-being of
patients and their families, there is currently a lack of adequate studies on
quality-of-life measures to systematically estimate the costs on a population
level across all skin diseases.
There are limitations to this study. The use of 2013 claims-based
prevalence provides a snapshot in time of the actual health care landscape;
however, it does underestimate the true prevalence of the disease, as it only
accounted those who filed insurance claims in 2013. Furthermore, it limits
direct comparisons with other reports that use differing assessments of
prevalence and disease costs. The health care landscape has rapidly evolved
since 2013; therefore, the true burden at the time of this writing is most
likely higher.
In summary, this article presents an up-to-date US national BSD report
that addresses 24 skin disease categories. Skin disease is a significant and
serious public health consideration for the US population, costing at least $75
billion to treat in a single year. Although this study's approach likely
underestimates overall burden, it ensures consistency in comparing prevalence,
economic, and mortality data across the 24 skin disease categories. With the
projected increase in the age group 65 years and older in the US
population, combined with the increased costs of currently in-use and newly
developed dermatologic treatment options, the economic BSD will continue to
grow. The increased number of individuals older than 65 years, who have
higher skin disease burden, needs to be addressed by an appropriate increase in
dermatologic care providers.
Choir (paduan suara) Jaziel and friends sing Close to U
Pokemon Dance Jaziel and friends
Unduh lagu nasyid
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Puisi “A Special World” karya Sheelagh Lennon
ReplyDeleteA Special World
A special world for you and me
A special bond one cannot see
It wraps us up in its cocoon
And holds us fiercely in its womb.
Its fingers spread like fine spun gold
Gently nestling us to the fold
Like silken thread it holds us fast
Bonds like this are meant to last.
And though at times a thread may break
A new one forms in its wake
To bind us closer and keep us strong
In a special world, where we belong.
Terjemahan Puisi “A Special World” karya Sheelagh Lennon
ReplyDeleteDunia Spesial
Sebuah dunia spesial untuk Anda dan saya
Sebuah ikatan spesial seseorang tidak bisa melihat
Ini membungkus kami dalam kepompongnya
Dan memegang kita keras di dalam rahim nya.
Jari tangan menyebar seperti emas berputar halus
Lembut meringkuk kita untuk flip
Seperti benang sutra itu memegang kita cepat
Obligasi seperti ini dimaksudkan untuk terakhir.
Dan meskipun pada waktu thread mungkin istirahat
Sebuah bentuk baru di belakangnya
Untuk mengikat kita lebih dekat dan menjaga kita kuat
Dalam dunia khusus, di mana kita berada.
- Sheelagh Lennon -
ReplyDeletePuisi “A Gentle World” karya David G. Kelly
A Gentle Word
A gentle word like a spark of light,
Illuminates my soul
And as each sound goes deeper,
It’s YOU that makes me whole
There is no corner, no dark place,
YOUR LOVE cannot fill
And if the world starts causing waves,
It’s your devotion that makes them still
And yes you always speak to me,
In sweet honesty and truth
Your caring heart keeps out the rain,
YOUR LOVE, the ultimate roof
So thank you my Love for being there,
For supporting me, my life
I’ll do the same for you, you know,
My Beautiful, Darling Wife
Terjemahan Puisi “A Gentle World” karya David G. Kelly
ReplyDeleteSebuah Kata yang Lembut
Sebuah kata yang lembut seperti percikan cahaya,
Menerangi jiwaku
Dan sebagai suara masing-masing pergi lebih dalam,
Ini kamu yang membuat aku seluruh
Tidak ada sudut, tidak ada tempat gelap,
CINTA mu tidak dapat mengisi
Dan jika dunia mulai gelombang menyebabkan,
Ini pengabdian mu yang membuat mereka masih
Dan ya, Kamu selalu berbicara padaku,
Dalam kejujuran manis dan kebenaran
Jantung peduli Kamu terus keluar hujan,
Kamu CINTA, atap utama
Jadi terima kasih cinta aku untuk berada di sana,
Untuk mendukung aku, hidup kamu
Aku akan melakukan hal yang sama untuk mu, kamu tahu,
Istri ku yang Indah, Sayang.
- David G. Kelly –
ReplyDeleteMy mother bore me in the southern wild,
And I am black, but O my soul is white!
White as an angel is the English child,
But I am black, as if bereaved of light.
My mother taught me underneath a tree,
And, sitting down before the heat of day,
She took me on her lap and kissed me,
And, pointing to the East, began to say:
‘Look on the rising sun: there God does live,
And gives His light, and gives His heat away,
And flowers and trees and beasts and men receive
Comfort in morning, joy in the noonday.
‘And we are put on earth a little space,
That we may learn to bear the beams of love;
And these black bodies and this sunburnt face
Are but a cloud, and like a shady grove.
‘For, when our souls have learned the heat to bear,
The cloud will vanish, we shall hear His voice,
Saying, “Come out from the grove, my love and care,
And round my golden tent like lambs rejoice.”‘
Thus did my mother say, and kissed me,
And thus I say to little English boy.
When I from black, and he from white cloud free,
And round the tent of God like lambs we joy,
I’ll shade him from the heat till he can bear
To lean in joy upon our Father’s knee;
And then I’ll stand and stroke his silver hair,
And be like him, and he will then love me
ReplyDeleteIbu saya melahirkan saya di alam liar selatan,
Dan saya hitam, tapi hai jiwaku adalah putih!
Putih sebagai malaikat adalah anak Inggris,
Tapi saya berkulit hitam, seolah berduka cahaya.
Ibu saya mengajarkan saya di bawah pohon,
Dan, duduk sebelum hari panas,
Dia membawa saya di pangkuannya dan menciumku,
Dan, menunjuk ke Timur, mulai berkata:
‘Lihat pada matahari terbit: ada Tuhan melakukan hidup,
Dan memberikan cahaya-Nya, dan memberikan panas Nya pergi,
Dan bunga-bunga dan pohon-pohon dan binatang dan laki-laki menerima
Kenyamanan di pagi hari, sukacita di siang hari itu.
‘Dan kami diletakkan di bumi sedikit ruang,
Bahwa kita dapat belajar untuk menanggung sinar cinta;
Dan hitam tubuh dan wajah ini terjemur
Hanyalah awan, dan seperti sebuah kebun yang teduh.
“Sebab, ketika jiwa kita telah belajar panas untuk menanggung,
Awan akan lenyap, kami akan mendengar suara-Nya,
Berkata, “Keluarlah dari kebun, cintaku dan perawatan,
Dan melengkapi tenda emas saya seperti anak domba bersukacita. “‘
Demikianlah ibu saya katakan, dan menciumku,
Dan dengan demikian saya katakan kepada anak laki-laki Inggris sedikit.
Ketika aku dari hitam, dan dia dari putih awan gratis,
Dan melengkapi Kemah Allah seperti anak domba kita sukacita,
Aku akan menaungi dia dari panas sampai ia dapat menanggung
Untuk bersandar dalam sukacita atas lutut Bapa kita;
Lalu aku akan berdiri dan stroke rambut peraknya,
Dan menjadi seperti dia, dan dia akan mencintaiku.
ReplyDeleteYou are old, father William,” the young man said,
“And your hair has become very white;
And yet you incessantly stand on your head;
Do you think, at your age, it is right?”
“In my youth,” father William replied to his son,
“I feared it would injure the brain;
But now that I’m perfectly sure I have none,
Why, I do it again and again.”
“You are old,” said the youth, “as I mentioned before,
And have grown most uncommonly fat;
Yet you turned a back-somersault in at the door
Pray, what is the reason of that?”
“In my youth,” said the sage, as he shook his grey locks,
“I kept all my limbs very supple
By the use of this ointment ; one shilling the box;
Allow me to sell you a couple.”
“You are old,” said the youth, “and your jaws are too weak
For anything tougher than suet;
Yet you finished the goose, with the bones and the beak;
Pray, how did you manage to do it?”
“In my youth,” said his father, “I took to the law,
And argued each case with my wife
And the muscular strength, which it gave to my jaw,
Has lasted the rest of my life.”"You are old,” said the youth; one would hardly suppose
That your eye was as steady as ever;
Yet you balanced an eel on the end of your nose;
What made you so awfully clever?”
“I have answered three questions, and that is enough,”
Said his father; “don’t give yourself airs!
Do you think I can listen all day to such stuff?
Be off, or I’ll kick you down stairs!”
Friend” karya Ashley Montgomery
ReplyDelete“A True Friend”
A true friend never walks away
A true will always stay
A true friend looks out for you
A true friend will guard your secrets
Like a precious gift
A true friend is there for you
To give you a helpful lift
A true friend tries to make you smile
Tries to replace that frown
They may not always succeed
But they rarely let you down
These arms for you are open
This heart for you does care
And when I think you need me
I’ll try to always be there
I’ll listen to your fears
I promise not to laugh
Comfort your falling tears
I’ll make this friendship last
I’ll keep you near to my heart
I’ll always hold you dear
Even when we’re miles apart
Even when you’re here
I hope I am to you
Everything you are to me
For the friendship we have
Is a special one indeed.
“Seorang Teman Sejati”
ReplyDeleteSeorang teman sejati tidak pernah berjalan pergi
Sebuah sejati akan selalu tinggal
Seorang teman sejati terlihat untuk Anda
Seorang teman sejati akan menjaga rahasia Anda
Seperti hadiah yang berharga
Seorang teman sejati ada untuk Anda
Untuk memberikan tumpangan membantu
Seorang teman sejati mencoba untuk membuat Anda tersenyum
Mencoba untuk menggantikan kerutan yang
Mereka mungkin tidak selalu berhasil
Tapi mereka jarang mengecewakan Anda
Lengan ini untuk Anda terbuka
Hati ini untuk Anda peduli
Dan ketika saya pikir Anda membutuhkan aku
Saya akan mencoba untuk selalu ada
Saya akan mendengarkan ketakutan Anda
Saya berjanji untuk tidak tertawa
Menghibur air matamu jatuh
Aku akan membuat persahabatan ini terakhir
Aku akan terus dekat di hati saya
Aku akan selalu memelukmu sayang
Bahkan ketika kita mil terpisah
Bahkan ketika kau di sini
Saya harap saya kepada Anda
Segala sesuatu yang Anda ingin saya
Untuk persahabatan yang kita miliki
Apakah satu khusus memang
“The One Best Friend”
ReplyDeleteThanks for being there for me,
through good times and bad times.
I will be on your side even if the the world ends.
When the world is going,
I will be here,
now and until the end.
Your my very best friend.
The one that I look up to.
The one that I run to, when I have a problem.
The one that I talk to.
Your the one best friend that was always there for me.
I wanna thank you for all the things you gave and showed me.
Terjemahan Puisi berjudul “The One Best Friend” karya Belle
“Satu-satunya Teman Terbaik”
Terima kasih untuk berada di sana untuk saya,
melalui saat baik dan saat buruk.
Aku akan berada di sisi Anda, bahkan jika dunia berakhir.
Ketika dunia akan,
Saya akan berada di sini,
sekarang dan sampai akhir.
Anda teman saya yang terbaik.
Salah satu yang saya panutan.
Salah satu yang saya lari ke, ketika saya punya masalah.
Salah satu yang saya ajak bicara.
Anda teman terbaik yang selalu ada untuk saya.
Aku ingin berterima kasih untuk semua hal yang Anda berikan dan menunjukkan.
ReplyDeleteYou’re my friend because you’re always there,
If there’s sadness around or in the air,
At night, in the morning or anytime of day,
You’re there to cheer me up and chase the sadness away.
I just want to thank you for all you’ve done,
You’ve helped me through a lot, you’re really number one.
Thanks for all the good times that we share,
It shows that you’re one who really does care.
Thanks for being there when time got rough,
You make it easier when times get too tough
Thanks for being there each and every day,
Thanks for being you in that very special way.
Terjemahan berjudul “Thank” karya Sheila Cheasbro
“Terima Kasih”
Kau temanku karena kau selalu ada,
Jika ada kesedihan di sekitar atau di udara,
Pada malam hari, pada pagi atau hari kapan saja,
Anda berada di sana untuk menghibur saya dan mengejar kesedihan pergi.
Saya hanya ingin mengucapkan terima kasih atas semua yang Anda lakukan,
Anda telah membantu saya melalui banyak, Anda benar-benar nomor satu.
Terima kasih untuk semua waktu yang baik bahwa kita berbagi,
Ini menunjukkan bahwa Anda orang yang sangat peduli.
Terima kasih untuk berada di sana ketika saatnya tiba kasar,
Anda membuatnya lebih mudah saat-saat yang terlalu sulit
Terima kasih untuk berada di sana setiap hari,
Terima kasih karena Anda dalam cara yang sangat khusus.