Thursday, April 26, 2018

Peter Rabbit, Meminta Maaf & Bersikap Jujur

Ada sebuah film animasi yang mengisahkan tentang bagaimana seekor kelinci dengan gentle mengakui kesalahan dan meminta maaf atas kekeliruan yang selama ini ia perbuat. Film tersebut berjudul Peter Rabbit, animasi garapan rumah produksi sony picture, yang rilis pada tanggal 23 Februari 2018. Film ini mengisahkan segerombolan kelinci dan sahabat-sahabatnya yang menjarah kebun milik Tuan McGregor. Tokoh kelinci yang bernama Peter adalah kakak tertua di keluarganya, adik-adiknya yaitu Benjamin dan 3 adik kembarnya. Rombongan Peter ini dikenal dengan hewan liar yang terkadang mengambil hasil kebun milik Tuan McGregor. Nah adegan menarik disajikan di awal film ini yakni ketika Peter berusaha masuk kedalam kebun dibantu oleh adik-adiknya, ketika keberhasilannya mengambil buah-buahan sudah ditangan, ia hampir saja tertangkap gara-gara baju (jaket birunya) tersangkut di jaring yang ada di kebun itu. Ia berhasil lolos, namun jaketnya tertinggal. Tuan McGregor menggunakan baju miliki Peter untuk dijadikan umpan. Disisi lain Peter merasa kesal dengan baju simboliknya tersebut dipasang di kebun sebagai orang-orangan sawah, ia tidak mengetahui bahwa itu hanya strategi tuan McGregor saja. Akhirnya ia terpancing untuk masuk kembali kedalam kebun dan sukses mengambil baju miliknya, namun tiba-tiba happp, Peter tertangkap oleh tuan McGregor. Tak disangka tertangkapnya Peter menjadi sebuah awalan babak baru perseteruan kelompoknya dengan keluarga McGregor. Tuan McGregor yang mendadak mati ketika mencengkeram Peter mengakibatkan rumah dan ladang menjadi kosong tanpa pemilik. Sontak Peter menjadi pahlawan, ia menggelar jamuan pesta di rumah kosong tersebut.
Menjadi Pahlawan di Lingkungannya
Peter menjadi tokoh pahlawan bagi sekelompok hewan-hewan yang berada di sekililing rumah McGregor. Ia berbagi kemenangan dengan rusa, babi, landak, burung, angsa, dll. Sehingga ia bersahabat dengan semua binatang. Ia memberikan andil dalam pesta tersebut, memakan buah sepuasnya, bersenang-senang, bersendagurau dan bernyanyi. Kegembiraan tersebut tidak berlangsung lama. Kualitas kepahlawanannya kembali di uji. Peter kedatangan tamu baru yaitu Thomas McGregor, pewaris kebun tuan McGregor. Thomas ini sebetulnya tidak alergi ataupun memusuhi kelinci, hanya saja ketika ia mendapati rumah dalam keadaan kacau dan berantakan ia marah besar. Ditambah lagi, sebetulnya ia datang ke tempat tersebut karena ia dipecat dari tempat kerjanya di sebuah toko mainan bernama Harrods. Ia merasa geram, sehingga mendeklarasikan perang alias bermusuhan dengan rombongan Peter.
Adegan saling serang, saling mengintimidasi hingga teror menjadi warna yang mendominasi. Hingga Thomas bertemu dengan tokoh Bea, yakni wanita cantik penyayang hewan dan hobi melukis ini membuat Thomas sedikit melunak terhadap Peter. Ketika terjalin cinta diantara Thomas dan Bea, Peter merasa diacuhkan, tidak diperhatikan sehingga ia semakin garang terhadap Thomas, dan berusaha menjatuhkannya. Thomaspun tidak tinggal diam, yang ia lakukan lebih ekstrim dengan menutup rapat kebun sampai dengan tindakan memasang aliran listrik di pintu gerbang.
Film kartun ini menampilkan sebuah pertarungan antara Thomas dan Peter dengan mengambil sisi positif yang ditampilkan menjelang akhir cerita. Di tengah-tengah adegan ditampilkan sisi kekonyolan, hal yang menghibur, hingga menyentuh hati penonton. Sisi baik dari Thomas adalah ia suka membantu orang lain, ini muncul dalam dialognya ketika bersama Bea. Yang disukai ketika bekerja di toko adalah manakala ia membantu pengunjung toko untuk mencarikan barang yang hendak dibeli ataupun menyarankan barang apa yang layak dibeli. Dengan sedikit bertanya pada pelanggan, Thomas sudah tahu apa yang dibutuhkan oleh para pelanggannya. Seperti dalam kutipan dialognya sebagai berikut:
Bea: What do you miss most about the store? And don't say having everything in its proper place. I get it. You have control issues.
Thomas McGregor : I miss being helpful. A parent or grandparent comes into this shop looking for a gift for the child they love. I ask a few simple questions and know exactly what they need.
 I love helping people get what they wantt it.
Especially when they don't even know that they want it. Those are the best.
Nah, inilah yang kemudian memberikan peluang bagi Thomas untuk berbaikan dengan Peter. Di pihak Peter sendiri, ia merasa bersalah atas tindakannya yang telah memencet tombol remot pengendali petasan sehingga menyebabkan ledakan besar. Pohon besar tempat tinggalnya tumbang menimpa  bagian samping rumah milik Bea. Ia berani mengambil sikap jujur dengan segala resiko. Ia meminta maaf dengan tulus. Sisi baik dari kelinci dalam film ini yang ditonjolkan adalah sikap jujur dan mau mengakui kesalahan dan tidak sungkan meminta maaf.
Semangat Dalam Menggapai Tujuan
Rasa bergairah yang sangat tinggi dimiliki oleh Peter dalam mencapai tujuan. Ia mengobarkan semangat itu pada saudaranya. Resiko tertangkap dan dihajar menjadi imbalan atas tindakannya. Meski hal tersebut terjadi ia tetap saja bersekiras bahkan semakin termotivasi. Paling tidak ada beberapa hal yang dapat diambil secara keseluruhan dari film ini, menurut penulis antara lain sebagai berikut:
-Gigih dalam melawan musuh/kompetitor adalah modal dalam perjuangan
-Keberanian yang dimiliki Peter disertai dengan tanggungjawab yang besar, ia sudah tahu resiko dan bahaya yang akan terjadi dari tindakan yang ia lakukan, baik itu yang akan menimpa dirinya maupun saudara-saudaranya.
-Harga diri adalah usaha yang harus dilakukan dengan cara terhormat, menjaga martabat diri dan kelompoknya.
-Pengakuan maaf, sebagai pembuktian dari sikap jujur yang dimilikinya.
-Masalah dijadikan sebagai batu lompatan untuk naik jenjang/kelas.
Memang mengambil ibroh ataupun hikmah dari sebuah film tidak semudah menonton dan menikmati film tersebut. Arahan dan bimbingan orangtua adalah cara terbaik yang dilakukan sebagai bentuk ikhtiar penanaman kepribadian positif kepada generasi masa depan. Hiburan yang ada terkadang perlu dibatasi, caranya dengan pendampingan dalam kegiatan yang dilakukan anak-anak. Tidak adanya waktu buat proses pendampingan tersebut akan berdampak pada hal-hal liar yang bisa saja muncul manakala mereka bermain, menikmati hiburan, bahkan bersosialisasi dengan teman sebayanya. Mendidik dengan kasih sayang dan cara kreatif memang salah satu faktor dalam mengarahkan pada jalan mencetak generasi kuat dan berkarakter.
Membersihkan Diri Dari Niat yang Melenceng
Ada hal lain juga yang bisa dipetik dari tokoh Peter si Kelinci, yakni ketika semangat bertarung dan sikap agresifnya terhadap Thomas sudah tidak murni karena masalah kebun. Kebun yang sudah menjadi lingkungan lamanya, sejak ayahnya ditangkap dan dibunuh oleh tuan McGregor, ibunya juga sudah tiada, tinggal ia bersama saudara-saudaranya. Memperjuangkan haknya atas kebun tersebut menjadi motivasi awal Peter dan saudaranya. Tapi belakangan menjelang perseteruan besar antara dirinya dengan Thomas, ia memiliki motivasi lain dalam pikirannya. Ia ingin membalas dendam pada Thomas, rasa iri dan cemburu karena Thomas juga menyukai Bea, Ia merasa Bea sudah tidak menyayangi dirinya dan kelinci-kelinci lainnya. Dan inilah yang mendorong tindakan perlawanannya, sekaligus perang sengit dengan Thomas.
Niat adalah hal yang terkadang mudah berubah ditengah perjalanan, kebersihan hati dalam berniat adalah menyangkut ilmu keikhlasan dan kefahaman akan tindakan yang ia lakukan. Rasa paham terhadap apa & siapakah sejati dirinya, lingkungan, kawannya, akan membuat prinsip yang benar dalam hidup.
Pemahaman yang benar juga akan membawa pada jalur yang benar, karena setiap tindakan akan ditimbang masak-masak sudah sesuai dengan koridor aturan yang ada atau belum, atau bahkan menabrak sisi perundang-undangan atau tidak.
Penjagaan niat yang berlandaskan pemahaman yang komprehensif mampu memberi energi besar pada perwujudan  proyek-proyek besar dalam hidup. Amal-amal kerja yang sudah dilakukan menjadi sejalan dengan track kesuksesan hidupnya. Seperti dalam ajaran agama bahwa amal harus disertai ilmu dan pemahaman, serta keikhlasan hanya karena Allah swt.
Teori pembersihan niat dari segala pikiran-pikiran jahat dan melenceng, adalah dengan menggantungkan diri pada sandaran keyakinan yang kuat akan keberadaan sang pencipta, keberadaan Rabb pemilik semesta alam, yang mengurusi makhluknya, tiada tuhan selain Allah swt.
Memang segala trik dan cara ataupun metode dalam meraih kemenangan itu bisa manusia lakukan, namun dalam prinsip keikhlasan, semuanya harus digantungkan pada Allah swt. Bentuk ikhtiar dan kerja keras, mencoba beragam teknik dan cara adalah sekedar alat/sarana, yang tanpa ijinNya, semuanya itu tidak akan berhasil. Maka niatan awalpun harus benar, yakni karena Allah swt.
Prinsip perjuangan memperoleh kemenangan bagi setiap muslim adalah hal pokok yang harus ada dalam diri setiap individu. Jika para musuh Islam saja punya ketegaran dan ambisi besar untuk menumbangkan Islam, maka setiap muslimpun harus bersatu dibawah kalimat tauhid untuk menegakkan kalimatNya. Berbanggalah untuk menjadi bagian dari barisan tentaranya Allah swt. Orang kafir saja senang dan berbangga manakala mereka mampu mendesak dan menggencet orang Islam.
Kalo dikaitkan dengan film Peter Rabbit adalah tentang nilai perjuangan dan perlawanan. Yang berjuang untuk duniawi saja begitu getol dan mati-matian, masak iya sih orang Islam yang berjuang dibawah bendera Islam dengan imbalan dan janji yang besar malah melempem. Seharusnya lebih termotivasi. Bersihkan niat perjuangan dari hanya sekedar dapat kursi jabatan, promosi kedudukan, mendapat bonus harta, link pekerjaan, relasi bisnis, jodoh, dsb. Harus benar-benar lillahi ta'ala. Bertindaklah, berbuatlah, berkaryalah, karena Allah, Rasul dan orang-orang mukmin menilai. Sebagaimana dalam firman Allah swt dalam QS At Taubah ayat 105:
“Dan Katakanlah: “Bekerjalah kamu, maka Allah dan Rasul-Nya serta orang-orang mukmin akan melihat pekerjaanmu itu, dan kamu akan dikembalikan kepada (Allah) Yang Mengetahui akan yang ghaib dan yang nyata, lalu diberitakan-Nya kepada kamu apa yang telah kamu kerjakan.” 
So, it's clear, sangat jelas sekali bahwa tugas yang melekat pada diri setiap pribadi muslim sebagai agen kebaikan harus dilakukan dengan penuh semangat. Berusaha terus agar tetap ikhlas, meskipun belum bisa ikhlas tetaplah bekerja karena dengan jalan seperti itu selain kita menjadi produktif juga kita tidak mandeg (stagnan) dalam tataran amal. Ikhlas itu selalu berproses. Bisa produktifnya kita dalam beramal karena kita paham nilai-nilai perjuangan dan ikhlas karena Allah swt.
Mengutip dalam film Peter Rabbit: 
"Waktu istirahat sudah selesai. Lihat semuanya, karena kita akan mengambil semuanya. Aku tidak akan berpura-pura kalau yang akan kita lakukan tidak ceroboh bahkan berbahaya. Tapi kita akan berhasil. Karena kita semua memerankan peranan yang penting. Spesifik dengan bakat individu yang kita miliki."
Kalimat tersebut sungguh mengobarkan semangat perjuangan, menggelorakan daya dobrak, memotivasi untuk menembus batas. Yaps akhir-akhir ini adalah masa untuk mengencangkan tali ikat pinggang, pekerjaan yang akan dilakukan beresiko besar, tiap diri kita apapun perannya adalah sangat penting. Dengan berniat menegakkan kalimat Allah swt, mendukung secara totalitas gerakan #2019GantiPresiden, demi perbaikan negeri ini kearah yang lebih baik, Indonesia makmur dan disegani oleh bangsa lainnya. Generasi masa depan, anak cucu kitalah yang akan merasakan dampak positifnya.
Simak dan pantengin film Peter Rabbit 2018, film yang bergenre adventure, animasi sekaligus komedi, caranya sobat cukup klik link berikut:
1. Peter Rabbit 2018 Bluray.mkv (1.14 GB) [sub indo]

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    Bagaimana hujan terjadi?
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  2. Respiratory System
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    The first phase of respiration is breathing in or inhalation. This process brings air from outside the body into the lungs. From the lungs, the oxygen moves through blood vessels to the heart which then pumps the oxygen-rich blood to all parts of the body. Oxygen then moves from the blood-stream into the cells, which completes the first phase of respiration. In the cells, oxygen is used in a separate energy-producing process which produces carbon dioxide as a byproduct.
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    Sistem pernapasan
    Apakah Anda tahu bagaimana tubuh Anda mendapatkan oksigen dari udara dan melepaskan karbon dioksida dari tubuh Anda? Benar! Itu karena sistem pernapasan. Apakah Anda tahu cara kerjanya? Penjelasan berikut ini ditulis untuk membantu Anda memahami proses tersebut dengan jelas.
    Tahap pertama dari system respirasi adalah inhalasi. Proses ini membawa udara dari luar tubuh ke paru-paru. Dari paru-paru, oksigen bergerak melalui pembuluh darah ke jantung yang kemudian memompa darah yang kaya oksigen ke seluruh bagian tubuh. Oksigen kemudian bergerak dari aliran darah ke dalam sel, yang melengkapi tahap pertama respirasi. Dalam sel, oksigen digunakan dalam proses pemisahan penghasil energi yang menghasilkan karbon dioksida sebagai produk sisanya.
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  3. Digestive System
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    From the mouth, food passes through the esophagus (the food passage) into the stomach. Here, the food is mixed with the juices secreted by the cells in the stomach for several hours. Then the food enters the small intestine. All the time the muscular walls of the intestine are squeezing, mixing and moving the food onwards.
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  4. Geyser
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    kondisi yang menguntungkan bagi geyser ada di beberapa wilayah di dunia termasuk Selandia Baru, Islandia, dan daerah Yellowstone National Park Amerika Serikat. Geyser paling terkenal di dunia adalah Old Faithfull di Yellow Park. Old Faithfull meletus hampir setiap jam, naik ke ketinggian 125-170 kaki dan melepaskan lebih dari sepuluh ribu galon selama setiap letusan.

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    Indra perasa adalah salah satu dari lima indera seseorang. Kita merasa makanan dengan bantuan kulit perasa di ujung lidah. Permukaan lidah memiliki lebih dari lima belas ribu sel pendeteksi rasa. Sel-sel Ini terhubung ke otak oleh saraf khusus yang mengirimkan pesan / menterjemahkan “rasa”. Lalu, bagaimana kita merasakan makanan yang kita makan ?
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  6. 1. Full Moon
    A full moon is the lunar phase that occurs when the Moon is completely illuminated as seen from the Earth. This occurs when the moon is in opposition to the Sun (when it is on the opposite side of the Earth from the Sun; more precisely, when the ecliptic longitudes of the Sun and Moon differ by 180 degrees).[1] This means that the hemisphere of the Moon that is facing the Earth (the near side) is almost fully illuminated by the Sun and appears round (while the far side is almost completely unilluminated).
    Lunar eclipses can occur only at full moon, where the Moon’s orbit allows it to pass through the Earth’s shadow. Lunar eclipses do not occur every month because the Moon usually passes above or below the Earth’s shadow (which is mostly restricted to the ecliptic plane). Lunar eclipses can occur only when the full moon occurs near the two nodes of the orbit, either the ascending or descending node. This causes eclipses to only occur about every 6 months, and often 2 weeks before or after a solar eclipse at new moon at the opposite node.
    The time interval between similar lunar phases—the synodic month—averages about 29.53 days. Therefore, in those lunar calendars in which each month begins on the new moon, the full moon falls on either the 14th or 15th of the lunar month. Because calendar months have a whole number of days, lunar months may be either 29 or 30 days long.
    Artinya: Bulan Purnama
    Purnama adalah fasa lunar yang terjadi ketika bulan benar-benar diterangi seperti yang terlihat dari bumi. Hal ini terjadi ketika bulan berada bertentangan matahari (kalau sudah di seberang bumi dari matahari; lebih tepatnya, Kapan ekliptika garis bujur matahari dan bulan berbeda dengan 180 derajat). [1] ini berarti bahwa belahan bulan yang dihadapi bumi (sisi dekat) hampir sepenuhnya diterangi oleh matahari dan muncul bulat (sementara sisi jauh hampir sepenuhnya unilluminated).
    Gerhana bulan dapat terjadi hanya pada bulan penuh, mana bulan ‘s orbit memungkinkan untuk melewati bayangan bumi. Gerhana bulan terjadi setiap bulan karena bulan biasanya melewati di atas atau di bawah bayang-bayang bumi (yang sebagian besar dibatasi untuk pesawat ekliptika). Gerhana bulan dapat terjadi hanya ketika bulan purnama terjadi di dua node orbit, naik atau turun node. Hal ini menyebabkan gerhana hanya terjadi tentang setiap 6 bulan, dan sering 2 minggu sebelum atau sesudah gerhana matahari pada bulan baru di node yang berlawanan.
    Interval waktu antara fase lunar serupa-bulan synodic-rata-rata sekitar 29.53 hari. Oleh karena itu, dalam kalender lunar-di mana setiap bulan bermula pada bulan baru, bulan penuh jatuh pada 14 atau 15 bulan lunar. Karena bulan kalender memiliki sejumlah seluruh hari, bulan lunar mungkin baik 29 atau 30 hari panjang.

  7. 2. Tornado
    Tornadoes are associated with large (supercell) thunderstorms that often grow to over 40,000 feet. A column of warm humid air will begin to rise very quickly. How Do Tornadoes Form?
    1. Air Rotates Because of Wind Shear.
    How the column of air begins to rotate is not completely understood by scientists, but one way the rotation appears to happen is when winds at two different altitudes blow at two different speeds creating wind shear. For example, a wind at 1000 feet above the surface might blow at 5mph and a wind at 5000 feet might blow at 25mph. This causes a horizontal rotating column of air.
    2. Faster Spin Makes a Funnel Cloud.
    If this column gets caught in a supercell updraft, the updraft tightens the spin and it speeds up (much like a skater’s spins faster when arms are pulled close to the body. A funnel cloud is created.
    3. The Funnel Rotates and Touches Down.
    The rain and hail in the thunderstorm cause the funnel to touch down creating a tornado.
    Artinya: Angin Tornado
    Tornado berhubungan dengan badai besar (supercell) yang sering tumbuh lebih dari 40.000 kaki. Kolom udara lembab yang hangat akan mulai meningkat sangat cepat. Bagaimana Tornado membentuk?
    1. air berputar karena geser angin.
    Bagaimana kolom udara mulai memutar tidak sepenuhnya dipahami oleh para ilmuwan, tapi salah satu cara rotasi tampaknya terjadi ketika pada dua ketinggian yang berbeda bertiup pada dua kecepatan yang berbeda yang membuat geser angin. Sebagai contoh, angin pada 1000 kaki di atas permukaan mungkin pukulan pada 5mph dan angin di kaki 5000 mungkin pukulan pada 25mph. Hal ini menyebabkan horisontal berputar kolom udara.
    2. cepat Spin membuat corong awan.
    Jika kolom ini tertangkap di supercell updraft, updraft mengencangkan spin dan kecepatan (mirip seorang skater berputar lebih cepat ketika lengan ditarik dekat dengan tubuh. Corong awan dibuat.
    3. saluran berputar dan sentuhan.
    Hujan dan hujan dalam badai menyebabkan saluran untuk menyentuh turun menciptakan tornado.

  8. 3. Honey
    Everybody likes honey. Even, it can be a medicine for most deseases. How is Honey Made?
    Honeybees use nectar to make honey. Nectar is almost 80% water with some complex sugars. In fact, if you have ever pulled a honeysuckle blossom out of its stem, nectar is the clear liquid that drops from the end of the blossom.
    In North America, bees get nectar from flowers like clovers, dandelions, berry bushes and fruit tree blossoms. They use their long, tubelike tongues like straws to suck the nectar out of the flowers and they store it in their “honey stomachs”.
    Bees actually have two stomachs, their honey stomach which they use like a nectar backpack and their regular stomach. The honey stomach holds almost 70 mg of nectar and when full, it weighs almost as much as the bee does. Honeybees must visit between 100 and 1500 flowers in order to fill their honeystomachs.
    Artinya: Madu
    Semua orang suka madu. Bahkan, ini bisa menjadi obat untuk kebanyakan terkena penyakit. Bagaimana Apakah madu dibuat?
    Lebah madu menggunakan nektar untuk membuat madu. Nektar adalah hampir 80% air dengan beberapa gula kompleks. Pada kenyataannya, jika Anda pernah memiliki ditarik honeysuckle mekar dari batang yang, nektar adalah cairan bening yang turun dari akhir mekar.
    Di Amerika Utara, lebah mendapatkan nektar dari bunga seperti cengkeh, Dandelion, semak-semak berry dan bunga-bunga pohon buah. Mereka menggunakan lidah mereka panjang, tubelike seperti sedotan untuk menghisap nektar dari bunga-bunga dan mereka menyimpannya dalam “perut madu” mereka.
    Lebah ini benar-benar memiliki dua perut, perut madu mereka yang mereka gunakan seperti ransel nektar dan perut mereka biasa. Perut madu memegang hampir 70 mg nektar dan ketika penuh, beratnya hampir sebanyak lebah tidak. Lebah madu harus mengunjungi antara 100 dan 1500 bunga untuk mengisi honeystomachs mereka.

  9. 4. Solar Eclipse
    Solar eclipses are an accident of nature. They are so spectacular because the Moon and the Sun appear almost the same size. In reality the Sun is much further away then the Moon, but much larger. How does a solar eclipse happen?
    The Moon orbits the Earth once a month, and eclipses happen if it lines up exactly with the Earth and the Sun. Solar eclipses occur at New Moon, when the Moon is between Earth and the Sun. Lunar eclipses occur at Full Moon, when Earth is between the Sun and the Moon. Eclipses do not take place every month because the orbits of the Moon and Earth are tilted at an angle. Most of the time, the line- up is not precise enough for an eclipse. However, there are more eclipses than people are generally aware of:
    1. There are at least two eclipses of the Sun each year, though most are partial.
    2. There are at least two eclipses of the Moon each year, though a proportion of these are only penumbral, when the Moon is not seen to darken by very much.
    3. There can be as many as seven eclipses (solar plus lunar) in any one year. In 1935 there were five solar eclipses – four partial and one annular.
    On average, there is a total solar eclipse visible somewhere about every 18 months. However, from any one location on Earth, total eclipses take place on average only once in several hundred years.
    Artinya: Gerhana Matahari
    Gerhana matahari adalah kecelakaan alam. Mereka begitu spektakuler karena bulan dan matahari muncul hampir ukuran yang sama. Pada kenyataannya matahari adalah banyak lebih jauh kemudian bulan, tetapi jauh lebih besar. Bagaimana sebuah gerhana matahari terjadi?
    Bulan mengorbit bumi sekali sebulan, dan gerhana terjadi jika baris persis dengan bumi dan Sun. Solar gerhana terjadi pada bulan baru, ketika bulan berada antara bumi dan matahari Lunar gerhana terjadi pada bulan penuh, ketika bumi berada di antara matahari dan bulan. Gerhana tidak berlangsung setiap bulan karena orbit bulan dan bumi miring pada sudut. Sebagian besar waktu, baris-up tidak cukup tepat untuk eclipse. Namun, ada gerhana lebih daripada orang umumnya sadar:
    1. ada setidaknya dua gerhana matahari setiap tahun, meskipun sebagian parsial.
    2. ada setidaknya dua gerhana bulan setiap tahun, meskipun proporsi ini hanya penumbral, ketika bulan tidak terlihat untuk menggelapkan sangat banyak.
    3. ada sebanyak tujuh gerhana (solar ditambah lunar) dalam setiap satu tahun. Pada tahun 1935 ada lima gerhana matahari – empat parsial dan satu annulus.
    Rata-rata, ada gerhana matahari total yang terlihat di suatu tempat tentang setiap 18 bulan. Namun, ada satu lokasi di bumi, total gerhana berlangsung rata-rata hanya sekali dalam beberapa ratus tahun.

  10. 5. Waves
    When we are near to the lake or sea, we often see floating water up and down. It is called waves. What Causes Waves?
    The winds cause waves on the surface of the ocean (and on lakes). The wind transfers some of its energy to the water, through friction between the air molecules and the water molecules. Stronger winds (like storm surges) cause larger waves. You can make your own miniature waves by blowing across the surface of a pan of water.
    Waves of water do not move horizontally, they only move up and down (a wave does not represent a flow of water). You can see a demonstration of this by watching a floating buoy bob up and down with a wave; it does not, however, move horizontally with the wave.
    Tsunamis (sometimes called tidal waves) are different from surface waves; they are usually caused by underwater earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, or landslides.
    Artinya: Gelombang Laut
    Ketika kita berada dekat dengan laut atau danau, kita sering melihat mengambang air naik dan turun. Hal ini disebut gelombang. Apa penyebab gelombang?
    Angin menyebabkan gelombang pada permukaan Samudera (dan di Danau). Angin transfer beberapa dari energi ke dalam air, melalui gesekan antara molekul udara dan molekul air. Angin yang lebih kuat (seperti badai) menyebabkan gelombang besar. Anda dapat membuat gelombang miniatur Anda sendiri dengan meniup di permukaan panci air.
    Gelombang air tidak bergerak horizontal, mereka hanya bergerak naik dan turun (gelombang tidak mewakili sebuah aliran air). Anda dapat melihat demonstrasi ini dengan menonton sebuah mengambang pelampung bob naik dan turun dengan gelombang; tidak, namun, bergerak horizontal dengan gelombang.
    Tsunami (gelombang pasang yang kadang-kadang disebut) berbeda dari gelombang permukaan; mereka biasanya disebabkan oleh gempa bawah laut, letusan gunung berapi, atau tanah longsor.

  11. 6. Blue Ocean
    When we talk about ocean, we often visualize it with blue colour. Why is the ocean blue? Anyone know the answer? Well, this is the explanation.
    Sunlight is made up of all the colors of the rainbow: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, and violet. Some of the sunlight is reflected off the surface of the water, reflecting the color of the sky. Some of the sunlight penetrates the water and is scattered by ripples and particles in the water (this tinges the appearance of the ocean with the color of the particles). In deep water, much of the sunlight is scattered by the oxygen in the water, and this scatters more of the blue light.
    Water absorbs more of the red light in sunlight; the water also enhances the scattering of blue light. Sir Chandrasekhar Venkata Raman (an Indian physicist) won the Nobel prize in 1930 for his work on light.
    Artinya: Warna Laut Biru
    Ketika kita berbicara abou laut, kita sering memvisualisasikan itu dengan warna biru. Mengapa adalah ocea biru? Siapa pun kow jawabannya? Well, ini adalah penjelasan.
    Sinar matahari terdiri dari semua warna pelangi: merah, oranye, kuning, hijau, biru dan ungu. Beberapa sinar matahari tercermin dari permukaan air, mencerminkan warna langit. Beberapa sinar matahari menembus air dan tersebar oleh riak dan partikel-partikel dalam air (ini tinges munculnya laut dengan warna partikel). Di dalam air, banyak sinar matahari yang tersebar oleh oksigen dalam air, dan ini menyebarkan lebih dari cahaya biru.
    Air menyerap lebih dari lampu merah di bawah sinar matahari; air juga meningkatkan penyebaran cahaya biru. Sir Chandrasekhar Venkata Raman (fisikawan dari India) memenangkan hadiah Nobel pada tahun 1930 untuk karyanya pada cahaya.

  12. 7. Getting Sleepy
    Scientists know we need sleep, but it is not easy to find that what exactly make us sleepy. Hers is some explanation.
    The brain cells called astrocytes fuel the urge to sleep by releasing adenosine, a chemical known to have sleep-inducing effects that can be inhibited by caffeine.
    The longer a person or animal is awake, the stronger the urge to sleep becomes. This is known as sleep pressure. Prior studies pointed to adenosine as a trigger for sleep pressure. The chemical accumulates in the brain during waking hours, eventually helping to stimulate the unique patterns of brain activity that occur during sleep.
    Artinya: Mengantuk
    Ilmuwan tahu kita perlu tidur, tetapi hal ini tidak mudah untuk menemukan bahwa apa sebenarnya membuat kita mengantuk. Miliknya adalah beberapa penjelasan.
    Sel-sel otak yang disebut astrosit bahan bakar keinginan untuk tidur dengan melepaskan adenosin, kimia yang diketahui memiliki efek tidur-merangsang yang dapat dihambat oleh kafein.
    Semakin lama seseorang atau hewan adalah terjaga, semakin kuat menjadi keinginan untuk tidur. Hal ini dikenal sebagai tekanan tidur. Penelitian sebelumnya menunjukkan adenosin sebagai pemicu untuk tidur tekanan. Kimia terakumulasi dalam otak selama bangun jam, akhirnya membantu untuk merangsang pola unik aktivitas otak yang terjadi selama tidur.

  13. Harry Potter: Order of the Phoenix

    I absolutely love the Harry Potter series, and all of the books will always hold a special place in my heart.

    Evaluasi 1
    I have to say that of all of the books, however, this was not my favorite.

    Evaluasi 2
    When the series began it was as much of a "feel good" experience as a huge mug of hot cocoa. The stories were bright, fast-paced, intriguing, and ultimately satisfying.

    Order of the Phoenix is a different kind of book. In some instances this feel a whole new level of intensity and excitement by the time you get to the end. I was truly moved by the last page. Other times the book just has a slightly dreary, depressing feel. The galloping pace of the other books has slowed to a trot here, and parts of it do seem long, as if we're reading all about Harry "just hanging out" instead of having his usual adventures. Reading in detail about Harry cleaning up an old house, for example - housekeeping is still housekeeping, magical or no, and I'm not very interested in doing it or reading about other people doing it.

    A few other changes in this book - the "real" world comes much more in to play rather than the fantasy universe of the previous books, and Harry has apparently been taken off his meds. I know that he had a lot to be grumpy in this book, especially with being a teenager and all, but the sudden change in his character seemed too drastic. He goes from being a warm-hearted, considerate person to someone who will bite his best friend's heads off over nothing. It just seemed like it didn't fit with his character, like he turned into a walking cliché of the "angry teen" overnight.

    The "real" story seemed to happen in the last 1/3 of the book, and this part I loved. I actually liked the ending (and yes, I cried!) as sad as it was. It packed a punch and it made me care about the story even more. Still a really good book, with some editing it would have been great.

  14. . Nature Republic Aloe Vera 92% Soothing Gel
    Nature Republic Aloe Vera 92% Soothing Gel is a product of a famous skin care brand from South Korea. The texture of the gel is thick and the colour is clear green. This product can be applied on your skin for various purposes such as: moisturizing sleeping pack, base for your Make Up, aftershave remedy, hair gel/hair treatment, eye mask, sunburn treatment, nail essence, and also as lotion for your whole body. This product contains extract from aloe vera leaf, alcohol and spearmint extract. It can easily be found in many online shops and also marketplace on the internet with the price around 100 to 150 thousands rupiah.
    The initial package of the product is round bowl made of thick plastic with tight cap on top of it. The colour of the package is green. There are two large round stickers containing the name of the product and also the elements or ingredients of the product on the cap and on the bottom of the package. The initial package contains 300 ml of the aloe vera gel. Currently, this product is also available in the form of tube which contains 250 ml of the gel.
    The original package of the product is too large to be brought in a trip, but we can solve it by having the tube version instead of the bowl version. The description of the product on the sticker is in Korean, so it may not be friendly for users from other countries such as Indonesia. The texture of the gel allow us to use just a few of it every time we want to apply it to our skin, so it is very economical. The combination of alcohol and also spearmint extract has made the fragrance of aloe vera from the gel to be strong, it may be relaxing and fresh for some users but may also be uncomfortable for others.
    This product is very good for our skin, it can help us to nourish our skin so we can have beautiful, glowing and healthy skin. The price may seems expensive, but as we only need to take small amount of it when we use it, it is going to be worth it. Users with sensitive skin may want to be careful in using the product because it contains alcohol.

  15. What are the pros and cons of falling in love with your best friend?
    Everyone must have best friends in their lives. A best friend is someone you believe you can trust your life with. A best friend is the first person you call when you have the most amazing things in your life, and when you are in the most horrific incidents. But, what if you fall in love with your best friends? If you have decided to choose your best friend as someone you will share your life with, there is a lot to consider. Take a moment to consider the advantages and disadvantages of taking your friendship to the next level.

    Having a serious relationship with someone you’ve only been best friends until now may not be an easy task, but the following advantages may just make taking the risk worth it. Firstly, you have already laid the groundwork. A strong emotional bond is a strong foundation of any successful relationship. Next, you can bypass the awkward stuff. The good news about dating your best friend is that you can simply enjoy the excitement of taking your relationship to the next level. Besides, you have already had a solid emotional bond and have shared history of togetherness such as graduating from the same university together or gathering family by your side. Having shared important moments in each other’s lives will make your connection stronger and even more likely to last.

    On the other side, dating your best friend has also some disadvantages. Before taking a romantic relationship with your best friend, take a moment to consider the following drawbacks. First, are you willing to make the sacrifice? What if it doesn’t last? If you break up, you might loss your friendship forever. Second, there is always a possibility for not having a mutual feeling between both of you. Decide in advance what your plans might be if your friend does not reciprocate: can you continue your friendship with him/her? Could you take it if he/she dates someone else? Third, although you’ll bypass the awkward getting-to-know-you stage, missing out on discovering a new person, their personality and their interests could prove to be a little boring for you.

    While there are risks involved with confessing romantic feelings to your best friend, it is worth remembering that the greatest and most successful relationships often grow from great friendships, and it might just be the best decision you’ll ever make.

  16. Nuclear Energy : Advantage Or Disadvantage
    Nuclear energy is commonly offered as an alternative to overcome the crisis of energy. The debate whether the use of nuclear energy is an appropriate choice or not, has not come to an end. Some people agree with the utilization of it because of its benefits. Some others, however, disagree because of its risks to the environment.
    Those who agree with the operation of nuclear reactors usually argue that nuclear energy is the only feasible choice to answer the ever – increasing energy needs. In their opinion, the other sources of energy: oil, coal, and liquid natural gas are not renewable and safe, while nuclear energy can be sustainable when produced in a safe way.
    However, people who disagree with the use of nuclear energy point out that the waste of nuclear products can completely destroy the environment and human lives. A meltdown in reactor, for example, usually results in the contamination of the surroundings soil and water. Take for example, the blow up of the nuclear reactor at the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Station in Russia twenty years ago. The serious contamination imperiled people and the environment severely.
    It is obvious that nuclear energy should be avoided because it really endangers the environment but what about a less polluted energy instead of nuclear energy. Is there any alternative energy to overcome the crisis of energy? In my opinion, nuclear energy is the best choice to overcome the crisis of energy. However, government should make sure that nuclear reactor’s construction and maintains are safe.

  17. National Exam: Pro and Contra?
    National exam becomes the hot topic in most of discussions among students, teachers, and parents. Some people believe that national exam is not necessary for students as a requirement to be able graduate from a school. In other hand, other people see national exam as an important indicator to know whether students have mastered all school materials or not. The debate among society about national examination goes on until now.
    For people who agree, national exam is necessary for students as a requirement to graduate from a school. People who support the national exam explain that the quality of the Indonesia education will drop without the national exam, so they try to defend the current system. They also think that national examination can motivate students to study harder.
    However there are people who disagree with the opinion. Those who against this national exam kept in school education say that it doesn’t need the national exams because the quality of education does not just depend on the national exam. Further, the national exam only measures a small portion of students’ competence in specific subjects, and does not measure students’ competences throughout the semester.
    In conclusion, national examination can still be useful as an instrument to evaluate or detect the level of students’ cognitive competence in several subjects, on a national scale. However, it is not fair if only national exam score that judge whether students pass or not. Government should make a regulation that national exam is not the only requirement for students to graduate. There should be other requirements added such as students’ daily score, behavior, and achievement.

  18. Pro and con of Computers for Students
    Do you know that most schools and colleges strongly recommend students to have computers to help them achieve better results of learning. With computer connected to Internet, students can learn English online. They can make reports easily by using word processing software. They can play game to get of boredom. However, a computer can also give negative impacts for a student.
    One thing that makes a computer useful is that students can use it to finish some assignments from schools. By connecting to Internet, they can easily surf and find any materials related to their lessons and assignments. They have unlimited resources from all over the worlds. Online libraries are open. A lot of book are free to download and read online. Finding friends from related field of study is not difficult anymore. They can work together to boost their best achievement. What more benefit is they can do all of that just by sitting on the a chair of their rooms. What amazing world it is, isn’t?
    Although a computer has many benefits, it should be considered deeply. A computer certainly does not promote students to do and move more. A computes make students have less physical activities. Even not few of them forget to have lunch while they are playing certain game. They just sit in front of monitors. They are caught up in the mystique of the smart machines. In short, students who usually work with computers tend to have a few physical activities and exercises.
    So what should students do? Should they avoid using computers? Of course “No”. Computer will make even greater benefits if physical activities are also promoted to done by the students.
    Oke. I think that’s all my explanation about Discussion text. I hope it will be useful for us. And I hope you are never bored to visit this site. Don’t forget to visit this site if you need English reference in your study. See you next time..

  19. How to make a sandwich
    You need:
    • 2 slices of bread
    • peanut butter
    • banana
    • honey
    What you should do are:
    • Take 2 slices of bread
    • Spread peanut butter
    • Cut up a banana onto small slices and put them on one of the slices
    • Pour some honey over the bananas
    • Put the other slice of bread on top

  20. How to charge handphone battery
    Prepare your:
    • Handphone
    • Battery charger
    • First, connect the charger to your hand phone. The flash symbol on the charger plug must face upward.
    • Second, wait until the battery icon appears on the screen.
    • After that, charge battery approximately 2 hours until the battery icon indicates that the battery is fully charged.
    • And then removed the charger by pulling out from your hand phone.
    • Store it in safe place.
    Contoh 3 – Membuat Makanan Momtella
    How to make “Momtella” Spread
    • 100 gr hazelnut butter
    • 400 gr tinned black beans (drained & rinsed)
    • 4 tablespoons of cocoa powder
    • 2 tablespoons of coconut oil
    • 4 tablespoons of honey
    • 2 teaspoons of vanilla extract
    • A small pinch of sea salt
    • Combine all ingredients into a food processor until well combined. The consistency varies according to your preferences.
    • Store in a sterilized glass jar and it will store in the fridge for up to 3 weeks.

  21. Resep Ayam Jeruk
    How to make orange chicken
    Ingredients for sauce:
    • 3 gloves of garlic (minced)
    • ½ cup of orange juice
    • ½ cup of honey
    • 1/3 cup of soy sauce
    • ¼ cup of rice wine vinegar
    • 3 tablespoons of cornstarch
    • ½ teaspoon of ground ginger
    • ½ teaspoon of white pepper
    • 1 orange zest
    • A pinch of crushed red pepper flakes
    Ingredients for chicken:
    • 2 lb of boneless, skinless chicken breasts/ thighs, cut into bite-sized pieces
    • 1 egg
    • 1 teaspoon of water
    • 1 cup of whole wheat flour
    • ½ cup of corn starch
    • 1 teaspoon of ginger
    • A pinch of salt and pepper
    • Preheat oven to 325 degrees.
    • Create a dipping working station: In a bowl, mix together flour, cornstarch, ginger, salt and pepper. In a separate bowl, beat the egg and water together.
    • Dip chicken into flour mixture, then coat in egg mixture and coat back in flour mixture.
    • Once all chicken are coated, place on a baking tray and bake for 8 minutes.
    • Take the pan out and turn over every piece and bake for another 8 minutes.
    • Cut into a few pieces to make sure they’re fully cooked.
    • Combine all sauce ingredients in a large pot and stir to combine. Let the sauce come to a boil, then boil for an additional minute or two until thickened.
    • Stir in baked, crisp chicken into the sauce and make sure every single piece is coated with the sauce.
    • Serve over hot rice or quinoa or perfect as a snack on its own!

  22. Cara Membuat Lilin
    Procedure text in making candles
    Making coloured and scented candles is really quick and simple. What’s more, you’ll save so much money. If making candle is easy, why do you ever brought one from a shop?
    What you need in making candle are:
    • Wax
    • Moulds
    • Wick
    • Dye discs
    • Essential oils
    • Double boiler
    After providing the materials, follow this procedure in making candles:
    • First of all, melt the wax. All wax has a flash point, so to prevent it bursting into flames; you must melt it in a double boiler, with water in the bottom pan.
    • Then, prepare the mould with the wich. Thread the wick through the mould and make sure that you leave a good few centimeters sticking out of the hole in the bottom.
    • After that, add the scent. If you want a scented candle, add a few drops of essential oil to the melted wax. You can use any essential oil you like, as long as it doesn’t contain water.
    • Next step, release the bubbles and top it up. Releasing the air bubble will eventually make the candle sink, so you will need to top it up with more melted wax.
    • Finally, remove it from the mould. After 4 or 5 hours, the candle can be taken out of its mould. Your candle is now ready for display. Remember, you must always leave it for a day before lighting it.

    1. 2 cloves of Garlic
    2. 2 onions cut into small pieces
    3. 1 table spoon of vegetable oil
    4. a plate of rice
    5. some salt
    Steps how to make it
    1. First, pound garlic and 2 pinches of salt.
    2. Second, heat vegetable oil on a frying pan.
    3. Third, put the pounded garlic and salt, and onions into the hot vegetable oil. Fry them a while.
    4. Fourth, put one plate of rice. Fry and mix them around 3 menit.
    5. Fifth, add two pinches of salt. Continue frying until the rice is hot enough.
    6. Finally, put the fried rice on a plate. Serve with a sunny-side up.
    1. Two eggs
    2. Onions
    3. Garlics
    4. Chilli (if you like spicy)
    5. Salt
    6. Vegetable oil
    1. Firstly, cut into pieces the garlic, onions, and chilli
    2. Second, break the egg into a bowl
    3. Third, put the garlics, onions, chilli, and salt into the bowl
    4. Then, mix them gradually
    5. The next step, heat a frying pan
    6. After that, pour the dough into the frying pan, wait until it looks yellowish
    7. Next, lift using spatula and put it in a plate
    8. Finally, omellete is ready to serve

    What you need:
    1. An empty plastic bottle of water
    2. A sharp cutter
    3. A piece of white of colorful paper
    4. Some glue
    5. Some paint
    1. Wash the plastic bottle and make sure it has been clean when you use it
    2. Cut the bottle into two halves
    3. Wrap the bottle with a piece of colorful paper
    4. If you use white paper, use a paint to color it
    5. Now, your pencil box is ready to use
    Read the direction
    1. Put the card into the slot
    2. Dial your personal identification number (PIN)
    3. When the choices appear, select “withdrawal from checking”
    4. Enter the amount of money that you want to withdraw
    5. When your money appears, take it
    6. When the machine asks if you have finished, press “yes”
    7. Take out the receipt
    8. Take your card
    1. Cheese
    2. Topping
    3. Spices
    4. Tomatoes
    5. Yeast
    6. Flour
    7. Pan
    1. First, get some yeast and a pan
    2. Second, Turn on your bread machine
    3. Third, put flour, yeast into bread machine
    4. Fourth,take out in 30 minutes to an hour
    5. Fifth, smash tomatoes, put it in pizza
    6. Sixth, open cheese bag sprinkle on sauce
    7. Seventh, put topping of your choice on the pizza
    8. Then, cook in oven 30 minutes to an hour
    9. After that, open an oven and take out pizza, caution! Pan os hot!
    10. Finally, cut pizza into slices and it is ready to serve

    1. one spoon of coffee powder
    2. 2 spoons of sugar
    3. hot water
    4. a cup
    5. a spoon
    1. Prepare two spoons of sugar, a cup, hot water, a spoon of coffee powder, a spoon.
    2. Put 2 spoons of sugar and a spoon of coffee powder into the cup.
    3. Pour some hot water into the cup.
    4. Stir it gradually and the hot coffee is ready to drink
    1. Onions
    2. An egg
    3. Cabbage
    4. Instant noodle
    5. Vegetable oil
    6. Chilli
    7. Garlics
    1. First, Slice onions, garlics, chilli, and cabbage
    2. Second, heat pan and put vegetable oil in it
    3. Third, fry the onions and garlics untill yellowish
    4. Fourth, pour water on the pan and wait until boiling
    5. Then, put cabbage into boiling water and then put an egg in it
    6. After that, add noodle, stir slowly for three minutes
    7. While noodle is being cooked, put the seasoning in a bowl
    8. Next, take the cooked noodle from the boiling water and drain it
    9. Put the cooked noodle and the seasoning into the bowl and mix well
    10. Finally, the special fried rice is ready to serve

    1. Two slices of bread
    2. Cheddar cheese
    3. Tomatoes
    4. Tomato sauce
    5. Salad
    6. Lettuce leaves
    7. Mayonnaise
    STEPS :

    1. Firstly, place a slice of bread on the plate.
    2. Second, put the tomato sauce.
    3. Then, add salad, slice tomatoes, cheddar cheese, mayonnaise, tomato sauce on it.
    4. Next, add lettuce leave
    5. After that, put a slice of bread on the top to cover them
    6. Finally, serve it!
    1. 500 gr bananas
    2. 2 cups thick coconut milk
    3. 90 gr brown sugar
    4. pinch of salt
    5. 2 cups water

    STEPS :

    1. First, Peel the bananas and cut them into small circle.
    2. Second, Boil in 2 glass of water for 10 minutes
    3. Third, In other saucepan, simmer the coconut milk with a pinch of salt and the brown sugar, stir and be careful that the coconut milk doesn't quite come to the boil.
    4. After that, when the sugar is dissolved, put in the bananas and continue to simmer for about 10 to 15 minutes, until bananas are cooked.
    5. Finally, it can be served in hot.

  27. How To Make Mango Juice
    1. Some ice pack
    2. A spoon of sugar
    3. A mango
    4. A half glass of water
    1. First, peel the mango and wash it cleanly
    2. Second, cut the mango into pieces and put them into the blender
    3. After that, put the sugar, the water, and ice
    4. The next step, turn on the blender and wait about 15 seconds
    5. Finally, pour the mango juice into the glass and it is ready to drink.
    1. box
    2. glue
    3. Scisors
    4. Paint maker
    The Procedure to make a Pencil box

    1. Find a box.
    2. Peel off any labels.
    3. Cut new labels from clean sheets of construction paper. Glue them on your box using a glue stick.
    4. Use decorative papers, stickers, paint markers, or hand-drawn drawn designs to embellish your box.
    5. Fill the box and you’re done!

    Kuta is a very beautiful beach. Kuta beach located in Badung regency. It’s close to the Ngurah Rai airport and is about 9 km from Denpasar. Kuta is a beach that is very popular both in Indonesia and international. In Kuta beach, there are a variety of facilities including accommodation, restaurant, bar, as well as a very famous surfing spots in the world.
    In Kuta beach, you will see a lot of tourists with a variety of activities in which they live. The usual tourist will take the time for sunbathing, kite flying, playing volleyball, walking around, and playing beach soccer. This is a beach that is very crowded every day.
    The activity in Kuta beach is not only takes place during the day, but also in the night. Various types of pubs and restaurants provide night hours for visitors so they can enjoy a meal and entertainment throughout the night. The night life at Kuta beach starts at 23:00.
    When you visit Kuta beach, then you do not have to worry with the existing system of accommodation. In the vicinity of Kuta beach, there are many types of hotels and resorts that provide you with an accommodation budget ranging from the lowest to the highest. Kuta Beach is a beach that is highly recommended for you. In addition to offering the natural beauty, the environment around it also gives a classy facility.
    Pantai kuta merupakan sebuah pantai yang sangat indah. Lokasi pantai kuta berada di kabupaten Badung. Letak pantai kuta dekat dengan bandara ngurah rai serta berjarak sekitar 9 km dari Denpasar. Kuta merupakan sebuah pantai yang sangat terkenal baik di Indonesia maupun di internasional. Di pantai kuta, terdapat berbagai fasilitas antara lain akomodasi yang bervariasi, restoran, bar, serta tempat berselancar yang sangat terkenal di dunia.
    Di pantai kuta, Anda akan melihat banyak wisatawan dengan berbagai aktivitas yang mereka jalani. Para wisatawan biasa berjemur, bermain layang-layang, bermain voly, berjalan-jalan, serta bermain sepak bola pantai. Pantai ini merupakan sebuah pantai yang sangat ramai setiap hari.
    Aktivitas yang ada di pantai kuta tidak hanya berlangsung pada siang hari, namun juga malam hari. Berbagai jenis pub dan restoran menyediakan jam malam bagi para pengunjung sehingga mereka bisa menikmati hidangan dan hiburan sepanjang malam. Aktivitas malam di pantai kuta dimulai pada pukul 23.00.
    Ketika Anda berkunjung di pantai kuta, maka Anda tidak perlu khawatir dengan sistem akomodasi yang ada. Di sekitar pantai kuta, terdapat berbagai jenis hotel dan resort yang memberikan Anda fasilitas penginapan dengan anggaran bervariasi mulai dari yang paling rendah hingga yang paling tinggi. Pantai kuta merupakan sebuah pantai yang sangat direkomendasikan bagi Anda. Selain menawarkan keindahan alam, lingkungan di sekitar pantai juga memberikan fasilitas yang berkelas.

  29. Danau Toba

    Danau Toba or Toba Lake is one of the most popular destinations in Indonesia, especially in Medan, North Sumatra. Danau Toba is the largest volcanic lake in Indonesia, even in the Southeast Asia. Which make it more special is taken from the Samosir Island, an Island that settled in the middle of the lake.
    Lake Toba is an area of 1,707 km², we can say that this is 1,000 km² bigger than Singapore. It formed by a gigantic volcanic eruption some 70,000 years ago, it is probably the largest resurgent caldera on Earth. Pulau Samosir or Samosir Island, The island in the middle, was joined to the caldera wall by a narrow isthmus, which was cut through to enable boats to pass; a road bridge crosses the cutting. Samosir island is the cultural centre of the Batak tribe, the indigenous from North Sumatra.
    By the eruption of a super volcano (Mount Toba) was estimated to have caused mass death and extinction of several species of living creatures. The eruption of Mount Toba has led to changes in the earth’s weather and the start into the ice age that affects the world civilization.
    Lake Toba is actually more like a sea than a lake considering its size. Therefore, the Lake placed as the largest lake in Southeast Asia and the second largest in the world after Lake Victoria in Africa. Lake Toba is also includes the deepest lake in the world, which is approximately 450 meters.
    Danau Toba adalah salah satu tujuan palingpopuler di Indonesia, terutama di Medan,Sumatera Utara. Danau Toba adalah Danauvulkanik terbesar di Indonesia, bahkan di AsiaTenggara. Yang membuatnya lebih istimewadiambil dari Pulau Samosir, pulau yangmenetap di tengah danau.
    Danau Toba memiliki luas 1,707 km², kitadapat mengatakan bahwa ini adalah 1.000km² lebih besar dari Singapura. Dibentuk olehletusan gunung berapi raksasa beberapa70.000 tahun yang lalu, mungkin kalderakebangkitan terbesar di bumi. Pulau Samosir, atau Pulau Samosir, pulau di tengah,bergabung ke dinding kaldera tanah gentingyang sempit, yang memotong melalui untukmengaktifkan kapal untuk lulus; Jembatanjalan melintasi pemotongan. Pulau Samosiradalah pusat kebudayaan suku Batak, adatdari Sumatera Utara.
    Oleh letusan gunung super volcano (GunungToba) diperkirakan telah menyebabkankematian massal dan kepunahan beberapaspesies makhluk hidup. Letusan gunung Tobatelah menyebabkan perubahan cuaca bumidan awal ke dalam zaman es yangmempengaruhi peradaban dunia.
    Danau Toba sebenarnya lebih seperti lautandari sebuah danau yang mengingatukurannya. Oleh karena itu, Danauditempatkan sebagai danau terbesar di AsiaTenggara dan terbesar kedua di dunia setelahDanau Victoria di Afrika. Danau Toba adalahjuga termasuk Danau terdalam di dunia, yangsekitar 450 meter.

  30. Candi Borobudur

    Borobudur is the biggest Buddhist temple in the ninth century measuring 123 x 123 meters. It is located at Magelang, 90-km southeast of Semarang, or 42-km northwest of Yogyakarta. Borobudur temple is the one of the best-preserved ancient monument in Indonesia that are most frequently visited by over a million domestic as well as foreign visitors. It also had been acclaimed by the world as a cultural heritage main kind. The architectural style has no equal through out the world. It was completed centuries before Angkor Wat in Kamboja.
    Borobudur is one of the world’s most famous temples; it stands majestically on a hilltop overlooking lush green fields and distant hills. Borobudur is built of gray andesite stone. It rises to seven terraces, each smaller than the one below it. The top is the Great Stupa, standing 40 meters above the ground. The walls of the Borobudur are sculptured in bas-reliefs extending over a total length of six kilometers. It has been hailed as the largest and most complete ensemble of Buddhist relieves in the world, unsurpassed in artistic merit and each scene an individual masterpiece.
    Borobudur temple built in the eighth century by the Cailendra dynasty, is believed to have been derived from the Sanskrit words “Vihara Buddha Uhr” the Buddhist Monastery on the hill. Borobudur is a terraced temple surmounted by stupas, or stone towers; the terraces resemble Indonesian burial foundations, indicating that Borobudur was regarded as the symbol of the final resting place of its founder, a Syailendra, who was united after his death with the Buddha. The Prambanan temple complex is also associated with a dead king.
    The inscription of 856 mentions a royal funeral ceremony and shows that the dead king had joined Shiva, just as the founder of the Borobudur monument had joined the Buddha. Divine attributes, however, had been ascribed to kings during their lifetimes. A Mahayana inscription of this period shows that a ruler was said to have the purifying powers of a bodhisattva, the status assumed by the ruler of Shrivijaya in the 7th century; a 9th-century Shaivite inscription from the Kedu Plain describes a ruler as being “a portion of Shiva.”
    The Borobudur was in danger of collapsing as its stone statues and stone cancer, moss and lichen affected bas-reliefs. But, the monument has been completely restored and was officially opened by the President on 23rd February 1983. The restoration took eight years to complete, funded by the Government of Indonesia with aid from the UNESCO and donations from private citizens as well as from foreign governments.
    The visitors have the option of going by taxi or public bus to reach this temple. Public transportation is available from the bus terminal. From that point visitors can hire becaks or horse carts, or walk the rest of the way to the monument. A large parking area is available not far from the monument, so private cars and buses can park in this area.

  31. My Beloved Mother
    Every people certainly have a mother. It is because people are born from her. The existence of her among us is definitely important. That is why I love her so much. I owe great debt to what she has been doing to me until right now. And here is my mother.
    My mother’s name is Khodijah. She was born 49 years ago. She is short, but not too short. She is little fat. And she is old. She has got short white straight hair. She has got brown skin. She is beautiful. Her hand is so soft, the hand that have taught me to be kind person.
    She never stops to support me. She always tells me to not give up so easily.
    She always gives me some fine solutions when I have some problems. The importance of her is never denied. That is why I never reject her willing. Kamu Anak SMP? Ini Cara Terbaik Menjawab Soal UN Bahasa Inggris SMP!
    Ibuku Tercinta
    Setiap manusia pastinya memiliki seorang ibu. Karena manusia lahir darinya. Kehadirannya diantara kita sungguh sangat penting. Itu lah mengapa saya sangat mencitainya. Saya berhutang banyak pada apa yang dia lakukan sampai sekarang ini. Dan inilah ibu saya.
    Ibu saya bernama Khodijah. Beliau lahir 49 tahun yang lalu. Beliau pendek, tetapi tidak begitu pendek. Beliau sedikit gemuk. Dan beliau sudah tua.
    Beliau memiliki rambut putih pendek yang lurus. Beliau memiliki kulit coklat. Beliau cantik. Tanganya begitu lembut, tangat yang telah mengajarkan saya untuk menjadi orang yang baik.
    Beliau tidak pernah berhenti mendukung saya. Beliau selau memberitahu saya untuk tidak menyerah dengan gampang. Beliau selalu memberi saya beberapa solusi bijak ketika saya menghadapi beberapa masalah. Pentingya beliau tidak pernah terelaknya. Itu lah mengapa saya tidak pernah menolak keinginannya.

  32. Sinka Island Park
    Singkawang is a small town in the west Kalimantan, but there are many interesting tourism inside the town. One of popular destinations in Singkawang is Sinka Island Park; there is a zoo which has many kind of animals and a recreational park family vacation and playground for children.
    Sinka Island Park is located in ” kelurahan sedau”, ” kecamatan Singkawang selatan”, around 9 km from Singkawang center. To reach this park, from Singkawang center you can go to there by bus, motorcycle, and our personal vehicle.
    In Sinka island park you can enjoy the beautiful scenery of a cove, which has the quiet water and blast of wind which tenderly grasp your face. You can also view the small islands on the both sides.
    While you taking a walk on the sands, there are many small animal like as the small crab, lived in a hole under the sands. There are also many big and green trees, that make the air and the area so fresh and cold. At the side of the cove there is a zoo which has many kind of animals; like crocodiles, horses, monkeys, birds, etc.
    Don’t worry about accommodation and lunch break, there are stalls available that prepare for many kind of foods and beverages. At the afternoon, we cam also enjoy the sunset that spray out the orange’s light behind of the island.
    It’s magical…

  33. Sinka Island Park
    Singkawang is a small town in the west Kalimantan, but there are many interesting tourism inside the town. One of popular destinations in Singkawang is Sinka Island Park; there is a zoo which has many kind of animals and a recreational park family vacation and playground for children.
    Sinka Island Park is located in ” kelurahan sedau”, ” kecamatan Singkawang selatan”, around 9 km from Singkawang center. To reach this park, from Singkawang center you can go to there by bus, motorcycle, and our personal vehicle.
    In Sinka island park you can enjoy the beautiful scenery of a cove, which has the quiet water and blast of wind which tenderly grasp your face. You can also view the small islands on the both sides.
    While you taking a walk on the sands, there are many small animal like as the small crab, lived in a hole under the sands. There are also many big and green trees, that make the air and the area so fresh and cold. At the side of the cove there is a zoo which has many kind of animals; like crocodiles, horses, monkeys, birds, etc.
    Don’t worry about accommodation and lunch break, there are stalls available that prepare for many kind of foods and beverages. At the afternoon, we cam also enjoy the sunset that spray out the orange’s light behind of the island.
    It’s magical…

  34. Pontianak
    Pontianak is officially the capital city of West Kalimantan province, the ethnic of Tionghoa call this city as Khun tien. This city is famous as the City of Equatorial for it passed by the earth zero degrees latitude.
    The name of Pontianak was belived had something to do with the folk tale about Syarif Abdurrahman which was haunted by the ghost of Kuntilanak when he walked along the 1.1 megameter Kapuas River, which is the longest river in Indonesia.
    Abdurahman Sharif had fired the cannon to drive away the ghost, at the same time indicating where the cannon was falling, so that was where the royal establishment. Cannon ball crashed through the intersection of three of the Kapuas River and the Landak River which are now more familiar with Beting Kampung Dalam Bugis Pontianak Timur or the city of Pontianak.
    Pontianak city was founded by Abdurrahman Sharif Alkadrie on Wednesday, October 23, 1771 (1185 H), it was marked by the opening of forest at the crossroads of three rivers; Landak River, Little Kapuas River and the Kapuas River to establish a hall and a house as a residence. In 1192 H, Sharif Rahman confirmed as the Sultan of the Sultanate of Pontianak. The location of the center of government marked by the establishment of the Masjid Jami Sultan Abdurrahman Alkadrie and Kadariah Palace, which is now located at Bugis Village in the Eastern District of Pontianak
    Most of Pontianak city economy relies on industry, agriculture, and commerce. The food plants in Pontianak are mostly coming from cassava, rice, yams. The residents are also farmed vegetables and aloe vera. They also have fruits like jackfruit, banana, pineapple.
    Pontianak city tourism is supported by the cultural diversity from the population themselves; the Dayaks, Malays, and Tionghoa. Dayak tribe has an abundance of gratitude for the harvest feast called Naik Dango and Tionghoa has a feast of activities and celebration of Lunar New Year and the feast prayers for the grave (Cheng Beng or Kuo Ciet) and those are having attractive tourist value.
    Pontianak is also known as a place for culinary tourism. The diversities make this city as a culinary paradise. The famous foods in Pontianak are like, Sambal Goreng Tempoyak, Sotong Pangkong, spicy porridge, lemang, kwetiau, kwe cap, and aloe verra beverages.
    Beside the annual feast that held in Pontianak, there are also some tourism destinations that properly to be visited like Pontianak Palace, Sambas Beach, Jami great mosque, Equator monument, Pasir panjang beach and many more.
    Enjoy the culinary and the palace

  35. West Kalimantan
    One of Indonesia provinces, which is located on Borneo Island. The capital of this province is Pontianak that properly located on the equator line.
    At early begin, Dayak people are the indigenous people on Borneo before 17th Century. After that, The Malay was immigrated to West Kalimantan and build their sultanate. Dayak languages are categorized as part of Austronesian Languages in Asia. They hold Animist religion at first, but most of them are being converted to Christianity and some to Islam at recent time.
    Nowadays, the local inhabitant who live in West Borneo are varies, which mostly coming from Dayak, Tionghoa, and Malay for the major ethnic. Furthermore, Javanese, Madurese, Batak and Sundanese are the minor people who stay in West Borneo.
    West Borneo is popular as a “Thousand River” city, this is because of their geographical supported which have many big and small rivers that properly to be sailed.
    The economic site on West Borneo is coming from their agriculture and plantation. West Borneo has potential land for agriculture and plantation such as for rice, corn, soybeans, rubber plantations, oil palm, coconut, aloe vera, and others.
    This province also potential on Tourism objects for they have some gorgeous nature tourism, agrotourism and cultural tourism. The nature tourism include of mountains, sea beaches, lakes, tropical forests with numbers of flora and fauna, beautiful waterfalls in in Pande Kembayung, Riam Kanebak, and so on.

  36. Pulau Bali
    Who does not know Bali?, I am surefrom all of you already know theisland of Bali. Maybe even, there is already a memorized about tourist attractions on the island of Bali.Although some have never visitedtourist destinations of indonesia on this one. This time the Twisata willinvite you to know more the natural beauty that can be found on the island of Bali is primarily for those of you who have never been here.
    Bali Island, is an island located in theunitary State of the Republic of Indonesia and the most famous inalmost all over the world. This saves the island‘s natural beauty and uniqueculture which is still worn to this day.In addition keramah tamahan of the population also becamecharacteristic of the island of Bali, and can make us happy to linger for long day trips to destinations that arenicknamed the island of the gods.Culture in Bali can indeed be said tohave been preserved from generation to generation, not because of the many tourists who visit it, but indeedthe commitment from residents of Bali will continue to maintainkebudayaanya so that it becomes the hallmark of Bali itself.
    As the most famous sights inIndonesia, and has a resort thatcombined with the beauty of the breathtaking beaches, and sparklingnightlife, making the island of Bali asthe world’s best tourist spots (World’s Best Island) Travel magazine versionin 2009. And in 2010 was alsoawarded with the number two Best ofTravel 2010 Leasure magazine version. The nickname of Bali itself, there are various types of who knowBali as the island of the gods, the island paradise and others describe him as an island of a thousandtemples. The charm of the most extraordinary natural like a verdantrice field and provide a sense of peace and tranquility, toweringvolcanoes and looking closer andbigger, as well as the beauty of the beaches and an amazing stretch ofsand make a distinctive yearningtoward the left.
    Besides Bali, also known by his art. A great many works of art produced from the hands of local citizens areof course very interesting and unique.Usually that works of art are on display in an art gallery that is foundin the regions tourist attractions on the island of Bali. In addition to theworks of art of Bali also save welthdance and dramatic, as well as ritualsare very diverse. The culinary world is very diverse. So if you are visiting the island on this one, then you will find a wide variety of dishes typical dishesof Bali, Indonesian archipelago evenforeign countries all in Bali. Most of the society Island embraced the belief or religion of Hinduism, and it could be said the Balinese verydevout in religion. most of them arefor his life in the traditional ceremony, which aims to maintainworld peace. No wonder if the islandkeeps its uniqueness which makes a surprise to those of us who haven’tcome to know Bali.

  37. Raja Ampat
    In Bahasa Indonesia, Raja Ampat means "Four Kings", i.e. four kings who ruled four kingdoms in the region, namely Waigeo, Misool, Salawati, and Batanta. The name of Raja Ampat is taken from the folklore that exist in the region. In the folklore is said that in ancient times there was a husband and wife who accidentally found 6 dragon eggs on the banks of the Waikeo River. Because they are hungry, they intend to cook the six eggs. When about to be cooked, five of the six eggs hatch and out 5 human babies. Four men and one woman. They were later named War, Betani, Dohar, and Muhammad. While the women are named Pintolee. Everything is maintained by the husband and wife.
    The beauty of Raja Ampat began worldwide in 1990. At that time, a divers of the Dutch duck named Max Ammer visited the region. His original purpose was to trace the existence of planes and ships used in World War II that were supposedly sunk in the inspection. It turned out that Max Ammer was fascinated by the diversity of biota in Raja Ampat. So in 1998 he invited Gerry Allen, an Australian fishery expert, to conduct a survey in this place. Raja Ampat regency in West Papua province is commonly called the "bird's head" has an area of 46,108 square kilometers, and nearly 80 percent of it is ocean. The length of the beach reaches 4,860 kilometers. However, the inhabitants are only about 60,000 in 35 islands of 610 islands. The population is spread over 98 villages and 17 districts. Its local population consists of 10 tribes that have a major livelihood as fishermen.
    Since a 2-hour speed boat journey from Sorong to Waisai Harbor in Raja Ampat, the eyes have been spoiled with blue sea and crystal clear views. The view is even more amazing when entering Raja Ampat territory. Although the average air temperature of 45 degrees Celsius, that is not a reason not to go to this tourism object since it surrounded by this cluster of beautiful coral islands. Tourists coming to Raja Ampat is expected to prepare their finance is in best time as they have to spend about 20 million rupiah per person for this amazing experience. It is compensated for the beauty that is seen while swimming and diving in some areas, as well as visiting the beautiful islands. Travel from one island to another with a small boat fast at least 3 hours to arrive at Wayang Island. This island is one of the most favorite tourist destinations in Raja Ampat area.

  38. Adat Kasada Bromo

    Kasada Javanese calendar by the indigenous Tengger tribe inhabiting the area of Mount Bromo. In this kind of ritual, people come from four different districts located in the area of Bromo such as Pasuruan, Probolinggo, Malang, and Lumajang. They gathered in the temple at the foot of Mount Bromo to perform a ritual aimed at honoring Raden Kusuma, their ancestor.
    The name of Tengger ame taken from the combination of two names namely Rara Anteng and Jaka Seger, the legend of Tengger society. Both couples used to have 25 children. However, their youngest child named Raden Kusuma is taken by the Gods because of the agreement that had done by both couples before getting offspring. Raden Kesuma was taken by the Gods by disappearing in the crater of Segorowedi. At the time of disappearance, he told his 24 brothers so that every 14th day on the Kasada Month, their descendants should send some of their wealth to the crater of Mount Bromo as a means of honoring his sacrifice. Since that time, Kasada ritual lasted until now.
    Prior to this event, there are several rituals that have been performed before the final event started such as the holy water withdrawal, ongket and other rituals. Ongket is the offerings (sesajen) that are prepared by each village, containing the wealth such as food, animal, fruit, rice, and vegetables that will be thrown into the crater of Bromo. In addition to the Ongket ritual, the night of kasada ritual is the election of the shamans which takes place at midnight. In this ritual, each shaman candidate from various villages around the slopes of Bromo will be sworn by the older shaman's committee. They will swear an oath in front of Tengger residents during this Kasada night. Having officially declared as shamans, they will be able to lead the traditional ceremony that takes place in their village. The Throwing of the offerings to the crater of Bromo is the culmination of the Kasada ritual. Tengger society will move towards Bromo and throw the offerings they have prepared while praying individually.

  39. Yogyakarta
    Yogyakarta (or Jogja, Yogya, Yogyakarta, Jogjakarta) and often abbreviated as DIY is a province in Indonesia located in the southern part of Java Island and bordering Central Java province to the north. This province is an area which is equivalent to the provinces in other Indonesian area. resulted by the merger of the State of Paku Alaman and the State Sultanate of Yogyakarta, this city has become the major cultural blend coming from all over country.
    The city with the motto "Hamemayu Hayuning Bawono" which means flowing into the nature has an area of 2,318,580 square kilometers divided into 4 districts and one city consisting of: Kulon Progo regency, Sleman Regency, Bantul Regency, Gunung Regency Kidul, and Kota Yogyakarta. The Kota of Yogyakarta consist of 78 sub-districts and 438 sub-districts or villages and one municipality. This comfortable heart of Jogyakarta is geographically adjacent to the Hindia Ocean and Central Java Province. The Special Region of Yogyakarta has the eastern boundary of Wonogiri, northeast of Klaten, western Purworejo, northwest of Magelang and the Indian Ocean in the south. The Kota Yogyakarta is located as the capital of Yogyakarta Province and is the only regency-level region with the status of Kota in addition to the other 4 regency-level districts. Yogyakarta City is located in the center of Yogyakarta Province.
    Yogyakarta grow into a rich city of Javanese culture and its arts. This is not so surprising since it is surroundings by lush areas where Javanese people around here highly uphold their culture. The pioneer and central point of art and culture of the people of Yogyakarta are the sultanate. A variety of classical Javanese arts, such as dance, song, gamelan, and the carving develop from the palace into the arts style of the people.
    As a city full of culture, Yogyakarta has also become a major tourist destination in Indonesia. The city is also one of most visited place as the island of Bali. Yogyakarta tourism program is always associated with the surrounding areas, such as Borobudur and Prambanan Temple. As an industry, tourism does involve many other sectors of the economy, such as the hotel and restaurant, trade center, transportation and communications, financial sector, corporate leases and services, and services sector. One other famous icon of Yogyakarta is the Education. Kota Yogyakarta is known as a student city. Thousands of students and come from other province, or even international students.

  40. Bakauheni

    Bakauheni is a town in the southern part of the Lampung Province, Indonesia. It is one of the busiest ports in Indonesia. Ferries carrying passengers and vehicles, particularly large trucks, connect Bakauheni with the major port of Merak in Java Island across the Sunda Strait.
    The average duration of trips required between Bakauheni - Merak or otherwise by ferry is for about 2 hours. Public transportation users are able to speed up the trip by using small boats which can reduce the travel time about an hour. However, this option is of course more expensive, and boats are only available from morning until the late afternoon, when the water is not too rough. The port is very busy during mudik tradition, especially in new year and Ied Mubarak days.

    Bakauheni adalah sebuah kota di bagian selatan Provinsi Lampung, Indonesia. Tempat ini adalah salah satu pelabuhan tersibuk di Indonesia. Kapal Feri, yang membawa penumpang dan kendaraan, khususnya truk-truk besar, menghubungkan mereka ke Bakauheni dengan pelabuhan utama dari Merak Pulau Jawa melintasi Selat Sunda.

    Durasi rata-rata perjalanan yang diperlukan antara Bakauheni - Merak atau sebaliknya dengan Feri adalah sekitar 2 jam. Pengguna transportasi umum dapat mempercepat perjalanan dengan menggunakan perahu kecil yang dapat mengurangi waktu tempuh perjalanan sekitar satu jam. Namun, pilihan ini tentu saja lebih mahal, dan perahu kecil tersebut hanya tersedia dari pagi hingga sore hari, ketika ombak tidak terlalu besar. Pelabuhan ini sangat sibuk selama tradisi Mudik berlangsung, terutama di tahun baru dan hari Lebaran.

  41. Ampera Bridge

    Ampera Bridge is a Vertical-lift bridge in the city of Palembang, South Sumatra, Indonesia, which is the landmark of the city. It connects Seberang Ulu and Seberang Ilir, two regions of Palembang. It can no longer be opened to allow ships to pass.
    The bridge was planned during the era of Indonesia's first president, who wanted a bridge that could open and be a match for London's Tower Bridge. For a few years after it was opened, the center span could be lifted at a speed of approximately 10 meters per minute to allow ships of up to 44.5m in height to pass underneath. However this only occurred a few times, and after 1970 it could no longer be opened. The official reason for this was that the 30 minutes needed to rise the bridge was wasting time, and that in any case silting of the river had made it impassable for large ships. However, according to architect Wiratman, who acted as a consultant before the construction, the design of the bridge was flawed from the outset because of the soft mud on which it was built. The ballast weights needed to balance the weight of the bridge were removed in 1990 to prevent possible accidents were they to fall. However, behind its past stories which can be considered as a not well-formed bridge, Ampera bridge is still interesting enough for the visitors.
    Jembatan Ampera
    Jembatan Ampera adalah sebuah jembatan Vertikal-Yang dapat terangkat yang terdapat didi Kota Palembang, Sumatera Selatan, Indonesia, yang merupakan Ikon kota tersebut. Jembatan ini menghubungkan Seberang Ulu dan Seberang Ilir, yang merupakan dua daerah yang terdapat di Kota Palembang.
    Jembatan itu direncanakan untuk dibangun pada era presiden pertama Indonesia, yang menginginkan jembatan yang bisa membuka dan menutup dan menjadi jembatan yang serupa dengan Tower Bridge di London. Selama beberapa tahun setelah dibuka, rentang pusat bisa diangkat pada kecepatan sekitar 10 meter per menit untuk memungkinkan kapal hingga 44.5m tinggi untuk dapat melintas di bawahnya. Namun ini hanya terjadi beberapa kali, dan setelah tahun 1970 jembatan tersebut tidak bisa lagi dibuka. Alasan resmi untuk ini adalah bahwa 30 menit yang diperlukan untuk mengangkat jembatan itu membuang-buang banyak waktu, dan dalam hal ini pendangkalan sungai telah membuatnya tidak bisa lagi dilalui kapal-kapal besar. Namun, menurut arsitek yang bernama Wiratman, yang bertindak sebagai konsultan sebelum pembangunan jembatan tersebut, desain jembatan itu cacat dari awal karena lumpur lunak tempat ia dibangun. Beban pemberat diperlukan untuk menyeimbangkan berat jembatan yang kemudian ditanggalkan pada tahun 1990 untuk mencegah kemungkinan kecelakaan terjadi karena pemberat itu terjatuh. Namun, di balik cerita masa lalu yang dapat dianggap sebagai jembatan tidak terbangun dengan baik, Jembatan Ampera masih cukup menarik bagi para pengunjung.

  42. My Busy Holiday

    On February 8th, 2016, I thought this would be a great holiday for me because that was Chinese New Year holiday. I didn’t celebrate the Chinese New Year as I’m not Chinese but I guessed that it was a good time for me to get full refreshing. I was so tired to studying. However, the unpredictable fact broke everything up.

    First like an ordinary daughter, I had to get up early morning to help my mother, of course after I prayed. Then I did the dishes, cleaned up my room, and did my bed. I was really in danger if my mom knew that my room was messy. So, I made it as soon as possible. After finishing everything, my aunts called me in the afternoon. I did not meet them for a long time so we kept for hours to talk about some up to date gossips. Not long after that, my neighbor who is also my schoolmate visited me. She asked my help to finish her homework. At last, the time was running and the homework was successfully finished. An unpredictable moment happened after that. To my surprised, I just remembered that I had a lot of homework too. I got confused and regretful why I did not check it. As the consequence, I did my homework until late night and it was hardly finished. Since then, I always check my home work before having a holiday.

    I did not feel this was holiday instead of I had to work hard and got a long ship with my homework.

    Artinya :

    Liburanku yang Sibuk

    Tanggal 8 Februari, 2016, saya pikir hari itu akan menjadi hari libur yang sangat menyenangkan bagi saya karena itu adalah hari libur tahun baru China (Imlek). Saya tidak merayakan Tahun Baru Imlek karena saya bukan orang Cina tapi saya berfikir bahwa itu adalah waktu yang tepat bagi saya untuk mendapatkan refreshing sepanjang hari. Aku sangat lelah untuk belajar. Namun, fakta yang tak terduga menghancurkan semuanya.

    Pertama seperti layaknya seorang anak perempuan, saya harus bangun pagi untuk membantu ibu, tentu saja setelah saya sholat. Lalu saya mencuci piring, membersihkan kamar saya, dan merapikan tempat tidur. Aku benar-benar berada dalam bahaya jika ibu saya tahu bahwa kamar saya berantakan. Jadi, saya mengerjakannya sesegera mungkin. Setelah menyelesaikan segalanya, bibi saya memanggil saya di sore hari. Saya sudah lama tidak bertemu dengan mereka sehingga obrolan kita berlangsung berjam-jam membicarakan tentang beberapa gosip terkini. Tidak lama setelah itu, tetangga saya yang juga teman sekolah saya mengunjungi saya. Dia meminta bantuan saya untuk menyelesaikan PR-nya. Akhirnya, waktupun berlalu dan pekerjaan rumah berhasil kami selesaikan. Saat yang tak terduga terjadi setelah itu. Saya sangat terkejut ketika saya baru saja ingat bahwa saya punya banyak pekerjaan rumah juga. Saya bingung dan menyesal mengapa saya tidak memeriksanya. Sebagai konsekuensinya, saya mengerjakan pekerjaan rumah saya sampai larut malam dan itu hampir tidak selesai. Sejak saat itu, saya selalu memeriksa pekerjaan rumah saya sebelum memiliki liburan.

    Saya tidak merasa hari itu adalah liburan, karena saya justru harus bekerja keras untuk menyelesaikan pekerjaan saya.

  43. I am so glad that today is over. So many things have gone wrong. For some reasons I didn’t sleep a wink last night. I was very tired when Mum called me this morning. I fell asleep again until Mum called me again. That snooze made me late.
    I did not have time for breakfast. I was starving as I ran to catch the school bus. I just missed it. Dad had to ride me to school. He was late for teaching at his school and he was furious with me. He scolded me for being late.
    I arrived at school on time. The teacher asked us to hand in our homework. My homework was not in my bag. I had forgotten to put it in my bag the night before. I usually check my bag in the morning. I did not do this because I was late I had to do extra assignment as a punishment.
    After Biology lesson, I did not tie my shoelace properly. I tripped over it. And fell down the stairs. I hurt my knee and had to have a bandage on it.
    What a terrible day! I hope that I have much better one tomorrow.

    Terjemahan / artinya :

    Saya sangat bahagia hari ini telah berakhir. Begitu banyak hal yang salah hari ini. Salah satunya adalah saya tidak bisa tidur tadi malam. Saya sangat lelah ketika ibu saya memanggil saya pagi hari untuk bangun. Saya merasa lelap sekali dan lagi ibu terus memanggil dan memanggil. Tidur yang kurang inilah yang menyebabkanku terlambat.

    Saya tidak punya waktu untuk sarapan. Saya merasa lapar sambil berlari menuju bus sekolah. Ternyata saya sudah ditinggal bus sekolah. Kemudian ayah mengantar saya ke sekolah. Akibatnya ayah saya terlambat mengajar di sekolah dan ia begitu marah kepadaku. Ia memarahiku untuk terlambat lagi.

    Saya tiba di sekolah tepat waktu. Kemudian Pak guru menanyai PR kepada kami dan menyuruh kami mengangkat tangan. PR saya tidak ada di tas. Saya lupa menaruhnya di dalam tas tadi malam. Saya biasanya mengecek tas saya pagi hari. Tetapi tadi pagi saya tidak melakukannya karena terlambat, oleh karena itu saya mendapat PR tambahan sebagai hukuman.

    Setelah pelajaran Biology, Saya tidak mengikat tali sepatu saya dengan benar. Saya berjalan. Dan saya terjatuh dari tangga. Lutut saya terluka dan saya harus memakaikannya perban. Hari yang begitu buruk. Saya berharap akan mendapat yang lebih baik besok.

  44. A Trip To Borobudur Temple
    Last week, I spent my holiday in Jogjakarta. I went to Borobudur Temple. My family and I went there early morning We went to Borobudur Temple by private car. I had prepared everything before we went to Jogja. While we were driving, we could see some beautiful views of mountains, forests, and waterfalls. My family and I arrived at Borobudur Temple at 11:30 in the afternoon. There, I saw many tourists. Borobudur Temple was crowded in that holiday vacation. I could learn and practice speaking English with one of foreign tourists. His name was Jack. He was very friendly. It was my first time to speak English with foreign tourist. We went back at 04:30 in the evening. It was a very interesting vacation


    Liburan ke candi Borobudur
    Minggu lalu, saya menghabiskan liburan saya di Jogjakarta. Aku pergi ke Candi Borobudur. Saya dan keluarga saya pergi ke sana pagi Kami pergi ke Candi Borobudur dengan mobil pribadi. Saya telah mempersiapkan segala sesuatu sebelum kami pergi ke Jogja. Sementara kita sedang berkendara, kita bisa melihat beberapa pemandangan indah pegunungan, hutan, dan air terjun. Saya dan keluarga saya tiba di Candi Borobudur pada pukul 11.30 sore. Di sana, saya melihat banyak wisatawan. Candi Borobudur ramai dalam liburan liburan. Aku bisa belajar dan berlatih berbicara dalam bahasa Inggris dengan salah satu turis asing. Namanya Jack. Dia sangat ramah. Ini adalah pertama kalinya saya untuk berbicara bahasa Inggris dengan wisatawan asing. Kami kembali pada 04:30 di malam hari. Itu adalah liburan yang sangat menarik

  45. My Vacation with My Beloved People
    One day, my sister named Putri said to me that she really wanted to go to the beach. So I promised her that the next week we would go to Mutun beach in Lampung.
    The next week, we prepared everything needed in the morning. We brought some foods and beverages, such as chocolate wafers, potato chips, water and orange juice. Before going to the beach, I ask our brother, Bayu, to join us. He agreed to join and we went there together with our parents. We went there by car. It took 3 hours to arrive there. Then, we bought tickets in the entrance gate. Before swimming, we changed our clothes first. We swam there for more than one hour. We felt so tired that we decided to eat the foods that we had brought. Next, three of us created a very big sand castle, while my parents were enjoying the beautiful scenery there. After that, we decided to go home because it was getting dark.
    On the way home, we still felt hungry. So we stopped at a restaurant to have dinner. I ordered sruit, Lampungnese traditional food, while my brother, my sister, and my parents ordered fried rice. After finished eating, we paid our bills. Then, we went home. We arrived at home at 9 o’clock. We were tired but we were absolutely happy.

    Artinya :

    Liburan Saya Bersama Orang-orang Tercinta
    Suatu hari, saudara kandung perempuan saya yang bernama Putri mengatakan kepada saya bahwa dia benar-benar ingin pergi ke pantai. Oleh karenanya, saya berjanji bahwa minggu depan setelahnya kita akan pergi ke Pantai Mutun di Lampung.
    Minggu berikutnya, kami mempersiapkan segala sesuatu yang dibutuhkan pada pagi hari. Kami membawa beberapa makanan dan minuman, seperti wafer cokelat, keripik kentang, air dan jus jeruk. Sebelum pergi ke pantai, saya minta saudara laki-laki kami, Bayu, untuk bergabung dengan kami. Dia setuju untuk bergabung dan kami pergi ke sana bersama-sama dengan orang tua kami. Kami pergi ke sana naik mobil. Butuh waktu 3 jam untuk tiba di sana. Kemudian, kami membeli tiket di gerbang masuk. Sebelum berenang, kami berganti pakaian terlebih dulu. Kami berenang di sana selama lebih dari satu jam. Kami merasa begitu lelah sehingga kami memutuskan untuk makan makanan yang kami bawa. Selanjutnya, kami bertiga membuat istana pasir yang sangat besar, sementara orang tua saya sedang menikmati pemandangan indah di sana. Setelah itu, kami memutuskan untuk pulang karena hari mulai gelap.

    Dalam perjalanan pulang, kami masih merasa lapar. Jadi kami berhenti di sebuah restoran untuk makan malam. Saya memesan sruit, makanan tradisional masyarakat Lampung, sementara Bayu, Putri, dan orang tua saya memerintahkan nasi goreng. Setelah selesai makan, kami membayar tagihan kami. Kemudian, kami pulang. Kami tiba di rumah pada pukul 9 malam. Kami lelah tapi kami benar-benar senang.

  46. A Trip to Tanjung Setia Beach

    Last year, at the end of the year, my wife and I decided to spend our holiday at Tanjung Setia beach, which located around 234 kilometers from Bandarlampung.

    When we arrived at the beach, we were surprised to see the beautiful view of the beach. After having a quick dip in the ocean, which was really cold and windy, we realized that there were not many people there. We thought that it happened because it was too windy there during that time but we finally realized that it was Christmas holiday so almost all of tourists who are used to spending time there went back to their country.

    After spending few times swimming in the beach, we bought some hot chips at the takeaway store nearby, and we rode our bikes down the beach for a while, on the hard, damp part of the sand. The next day we visited Labuan Jukung beach. There, we were amazed to see the high wave owned by this beach. Because it was so high that no body was brave enough to surf on it that time.

    The third day there, we decided to go home when we finally made it back home, we were both totally exhausted because of the trip but we were so happy to travel such an amazing beach Lampung province has.

    Artinya :

    Perjalanan Liburan ke Pantai Tanjung Setiai

    Tahun lalu, pada akhir tahun, saya dan istri saya memutuskan untuk menghabiskan liburan kami di pantai Tanjung Setia, yang terletak sekitar 234 kilometer dari Bandarlampung.

    Ketika kami tiba di pantai, kami terkejut melihat pemandangan indah pantai tersebut. Setelah menceburkan diri sejenak di pantai, yang benar-benar dingin dan berangin pada waktu itu, kami menyadari bahwa tidak ada banyak orang di sana. Kami berpikir bahwa itu terjadi karena angina terlalu besar pada waktu itu tapi kami akhirnya menyadari bahwa hari itu adalah hari libur Natal sehingga hampir semua wisatawan yang terbiasa untuk menghabiskan waktu di sana kembali ke negara mereka.

    Setelah menghabiskan beberapa waktu berenang di pantai, kami kemudian membeli beberapa keripik hangat(yang baru saja digoreng) di toko di dekat pantai itu, dan kami kemudian bersepeda di pantai untuk beberapa saat, di pasir yang basah itu. Keesokan harinya kami mengunjungi pantai Labuan Jukung. Di sana, kami terkagum-kagum melihat ombak tinggi yang dimiliki oleh pantai ini. Karena begitu tingginya sehingga tidak ada yang cukup berani untuk berselancar di atasnya saat itu.

    Pada hari ketiga ada, kami memutuskan untuk pulang ketika kami akhirnya sampai kembali ke rumah, kami berdua benar-benar lelah karena perjalanan itu tapi kami sangat senang melakukan liburan di pantai yang menakjubkan yang dimiliki provinsi Lampung tersebut.


    The Sheep is found in every quarter of the globe, and is one of the most profitable animals that mankind possesses.

    His flesh is eaten by the inhabitants of all nations, and, as you know, is called mutton.

    The wool of the Sheep is very valuable, and most of our clothing is made from it: that produced by the breed called Merino sheep is particularly fine, and fetches a high price.

    The skin is also of service, and forms covers for many of your school-books. Sheep-washing and shearing are busy times for the farmer, and are very interesting sights.

    Young sheep are called lambs—you have often seen the gentle little things skipping about in the meadows.

  48. THE COW

    Cows are very useful to mankind, in supplying them with milk from which both butter and cheese are made.

    Their young ones are called calves, and the flesh of calves is veal. A good Cow will give about fifteen or more quarts of milk a day, but much depends upon the quality of the pasture she feeds upon.

    Her age is told by her horns; after she is three years old a ring is formed every year at the root of the horn, so that by counting the number of circles, her age may be exactly known.

    Cows are sometimes prettily marked with black, brown, and yellow spots, and, as they lie scattered about a green meadow, add much to the charms of a landscape.

  49. JUGS

    JUGS that we use are chiefly made
    Of stone or earthen ware;
    We find them very useful, and
    Must handle them with care.
    But jugs are sometimes used by men,
    To hold their rum or gin—
    These are temptations, children dear;
    Pray to be kept from sin.

  50. MELONS

    MELONS do in the garden grow,
    And very fine are they;
    Cool and refreshing to the taste,
    Upon a summer’s day.
    And melons grow upon a vine
    That creepeth on the ground;
    Amidst the green and silky leaves,
    The rich, ripe fruit is found


    This is one of the largest of the insect tribe. It is met with in different countries, and of various sizes, from two or three inches to nearly a foot in length: it somewhat resembles a lobster, and casts its skin, as the lobster does its shell.

    Scorpions are common in hot countries: they are very bold and watchful: when any thing approaches, they erect their tails, and stand ready to inflict the direful sting. In some parts of Italy and France, they are among the greatest pests that plague mankind: they are very numerous, and are most common in old houses, in dry or decayed walls, and among furniture, insomuch that it is attended with, much danger to remove the same: their sting is generally a very deadly poison, though not in all cases, owing to a difference of malignity of different animals, or some other cause.

    In the time of the children of Israel, scorpions were a plague in Egypt and Canaan, as appears by the sacred writings.

  52. Honey Bee

    This is an extraordinary, curious, and remarkably industrious little insect, to which mankind are indebted for one of the most palatable and wholesome sweets which nature affords; and which was one of the choice articles with which the promised land was said to abound.

    In every hive of bees, there are three kinds; the queen, the drones, and the labourers: of these last, there are by far the greatest number: and as cold weather approaches, they drive from the hives and destroy the drones, that have not laboured in summer, and will not let them eat in winter.

    If bees are examined through a glass hive, all appears at first like confusion: but, on a more careful inspection, every animal is found regularly employed. It is very delightful, when the maple and other trees are in bloom, or the clover in the meadows, to be abroad and hear their busy hum.

  53. The Polar Bear

    The Polar Bear is distinguished for his tremendous ferocity. They are very numerous in the polar seas. There it is seen not only on land and fixed ice, but on floating ice several leagues out at sea.

    At sea, the food of this animal is fish, seals, and the carcases of whales; on land, it preys upon deer and other animals, and will, like the Black Bear, eat many kinds of berries. In winter, it beds itself deeply under the snow or eminences of ice, and awaits, in a torpid state, the return of the sun.

    The Black Bear lives in the woods of the United States, and is not as large as the Polar or Brown Bear, but lives very much like the Polar bear.


    The Ourang Outang is a species of the ape; it has long arms and hands, with very long fingers. It is much larger than the ape, and some have been found about six feet high, when standing erect.

    It is capable of walking nearly erect; but the usual gait on the ground is like a cripple who supports himself on his hands, and draws his body forward.

    Its home, like the monkey family, seems to be on the trees. The hair is of a brownish red color, and covers his back, arms, legs, and the outside of his hands and feet.

    The face has no hair except whiskers on its side. He inhabits Malacca, Cochin China, and particularly the island of Borneo.


    Upright–3″ x 3″ x 6′-9″.

    Top Piece–3″ x 3″ x 2′-9″.

    Upright and top piece are mortised or halved and bolted together.

    Bracing at top (3″ x 3″ x 20½” at long point of mitre cuts) is nailed to top piece and upright at an angle of about 45 degrees.

    Upright rests on a base measuring 3′-0″. This is mortised together and braced with 2″ x 3″ material about 20″ long, set at an angle of about 60 degrees.

    Unless there are facilities for bracing at the top, as shown in the cut, the upright should be made longer and buried about 3′ in the ground.

    The swinging rope (¾” dia.) passes through a hole bored in the top piece and held in place by a knot. Successive knots tied 8″ to 9″ apart and a big knot at the bottom make swinging easier for little folks.

  56. GEMINI (jem´-i-ni)—THE TWINS. (Face West.)

    Location.—A line drawn from β to κ Ursæ Majoris and prolonged an equal distance ends near Castor, in Gemini. Gemini is characterized by two nearly parallel rows of stars.

    The northern row if extended would reach Taurus, the southern one Orion. Note the fine cluster 35 M. Herschel discovered Uranus in 1781 a short distance southwest of it.

    Two wonderful streams of little stars run parallel northwest on each side of the cluster. Where the ecliptic crosses the solstitial colure is the spot where the sun appears to be when it is farthest north of the equator, June 21st.

    Castor is a fine double for a telescope, and Pollux has three little attendant stars. An isoceles triangle is formed by Castor, Aldebaran in Taurus, and Capella in Auriga.

    There is a record of an occultation in Gemini noted about the middle of the fourth century b.c.

    The Arabs saw in this group of stars two peacocks, the Egyptians two sprouting plants, and the Hindus twin deities, while in the Buddhist zodiac they represented a woman holding a golden cord. Since classic times, however, the figure has always been that of human twins.

    At the point indicated near θ a new star was discovered by Enebo in March, 1912. It attained a maximum of about magnitude 3.5 and has at this writing waned to the eleventh magnitude.

  57. The Great Wall of China is one of Seven Wonders of the World. The wall extends for about 8.851 kilometers over the deserts, mountains and grasslands. It is recorded that the wall traverses 9 provinces and cities in China. This famous Great Wall was built during three dynasty periods, from Qin Dynasty, Han Dynasty, to Ming Dynasty. It took more than 2000 years to finish the Great Wall. The purpose of building this very long wall was to be a stronghold from enemies in the northern area. Nowadays, The Great Wall of China becomes very popular. Many tourists come to see and to have a long walk along the wall. Moreover, some tour operators arrange night tours when the Great Wall is illuminated with lines of lights. It is a great time to see a unique and excotic magical view of The Great Wall of China.

  58. Petra as The Lost City attracts many tourists’ interest to visit. The number of visitors increases significantly since it is known as one of the wonders of the world in 2007. They visit and admire the splendor of Petra and its history. The word Petra means “rock” in Greek. This city is famous for its rock-cut architecture magnificent buildings beautifully carved in high and gigantic rocks. Petra was the capital of the Nabatean kingdom of King Aretas IV in 9-40 BC. Petra was a safe place because the enemies were difficult to get there. Besides, the people were safe from the sandstorms since it is located in the valley of Wadi Araba. Nowadays, the visitors can take a special vehicle provided in Amman bus station. By paying the ticket 50 JD or Rp 700.000, the visitors can have a great tour around the magnificient carved rock buildings of Petra.

  59. Christ the Redeemer is a statue of Jesus Christ in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. This statue is 38 meters tall (including its 8-meter pedestal) and its arms stretch 28 metres wide. Historically, the establishment of the statue was initiated by a Catholic priest. However, Princess Isabel was not too interested in the idea. After Brazil became a republic, the second proposal re-submitted in 1921 by the Catholic Society of Rio and it was approved. Christ the Redeemer statue was made of concrete and stone soap as an outer layer. It took around 9 years to build it: from 1922 to 1931. Located at the top of Corcovado Mountain, the panorama around the statue is so wonderful; it is a combination of mountains, bays, ocean and metropolitan.

  60. Putri Gading Cempaka

    Long long time ago, there lived a great king in Bengkulu. His name is king Ratu Agung. He ruled Sungai Serut Kingdom for years and during those years, the people in the kingdom live peacefully and prosperous. The king has seven children. The last child was the only daughter in the family and her name is Putri Gading Cempaka.

    Putri Gading Cempaka was very beautiful and kind. There were so many noble man came to their kingdom to propose the princess but her father, king Ratu Agung, refused all of them because for him Putri Gading Cempaka was still too young to get married.

    One day, the king summon all of his children into his room. At that moment he was so weak and he said to all of them “My children, I think my time has come to leave you. I hope you all can keep your relationship as brother and sister. I have two important message that I want to tell you before I die. First, I appointed Anak Dalam as my sixth son to be the next king of our kingdom. I hope you all can accept my decision. Second, if a big disaster ever happened on this land and you think that there is nothing you can do to save it, go to Bungkuk mountain and stay there. Wait until a great king came to propose my daughter”. All of his children listened to his message carefully. None of them complained about it. A couple days later, the king passed away.

    All people in the kingdom mourned the king’s death. Putri Gading Cempaka and all of her brothers burried their father in a special place. A couple days after the burial ceremony, they started to carry out their father’s will. They held the crowning ceremony of Anak Dalam to replace their father as the new king. For some reasons, they decided to change the name of the kingdom into Bangkahulu kingdom. Just like his father, Anak Dalam lead the kingdom wisely and the people love him so much.

    One day, a prince of Aceh kingdom came to their land. He brought along with him so many people and present because he wanted to propose Putri Gading Cempaka. He sent some of his soldiers and counselor to the palace to see king Anak Dalam. When they arrived at the palace, the counselor stated their intention to the king. King Anak Dalam told the counselor that they couldn’t accept the prince proposal because they had to keep their promise to their father. After that the counselor and the soldiers returned to their ship and report the result to the prince.

    The prince was so angry tohear the news from his counselor. He felt that king Anak Dalam and his brother had insulted him with their decision. So he challenged king Anak Dalam to a war. The big war was inevitable and it last for days with so many casualties. At that moment, king Anak Dalam and his brothers realized that this may be the right time to cary out their father’s second will. So they decided to bring anything they can and they flee to Bungkuk mountain with some survivors of the war.

    When king Anak Dalam and his people flee from the kingdom, the prince from Aceh also returned to his kingdom. This condition left Bangkahulu kingdom to be empty and unguarded. Hearing the news, some noble men from Lebong Balik Bukit came to the kingdom and tried to claim it. But, instead of combining their power to claim the throne, those noble men fight each other over the throne. A couple weeks later, a wise man by the name Maharaja Sakti came to the land and brought all of the noble men into an agreement.

  61. The noble men realized that they cannot be a king so they asked Maharaja Sakti to be their king and claimed Bangkahulu kingdom. Maharaja Sakti agreed to their idea so they held a crowning ceremony at the palace. On the day of the ceremony, a big storm suddenly appeared in the kingdom. They canceled the ceremony and they waited for the storm to be over. But the storm was not getting lighter.

    Maharaja Sakti was curious about the storm, it was as if as he was not meant to held the crowning ceremony. So he decided to ask to his shaman about the unusual condition. The shaman told him that if he wanted to be the king of the kingdom, he should wed the descendant of the rightful king. After that, Maharaja Sakti asked the shaman to locate the princess whereabout. The shaman used his magical power and he found that the princess was in Bungkuk mountain with her brothers.

    Maharaja Sakti sent some of his soldiers and his counselor to go to Bungkuk mountain to deliver his message to the princess and her brother. When they arrived at Bungkuk mountain, they went to Putri Gading Cempaka’s location right away and they stated their intention to her and her brother. Putri Gading Cempaka and her brothers realized that this was exactly the same as their father told them before he die, so they gladly accept the proposal.

    After that, Putri Gading Cempaka and her brothers along with the soldiers which were sent to deliver the message from Maharaja Sakti returned to Bangkahulu kingdom. They held a big wedding party in the palace and they crowned Maharaja Sakti as the new king of Bangkahulu kingdom with Putri Gading Cempaka as the queen. Together, they rebuilt the kingdom and moved the palace into a new location at Kuala Sungai Lemau. When the construction process was complete, they changed the name of the kingdom into Sungai Lemau kingdom.

  62. Putri Gading Cempaka

    Pada jaman dahulu kala, hiduplah seorang raja yang hebat di Bengkulu. Nama nya adalah raja Ratu Agung. Dia memimpin kerajaan Sungai Serut selama bertahun-tahun dan selama masa itu, orang-orang di kerajaan itu hidup dengan damai dan makmur. Sang raja memiliki tujuh orang anak. Anak yang terakhir adalah anak perempuan satu-satu nya di keluarga itu dan nama nya adalah Putri Gading Cempaka.

    Putri Gading Cempaka sangatlah cantik dan baik. Ada begitu banyak pria dari golongan bangsawan datang ke kerajaan mereka untuk melamar sang putri namun ayah nya, sang raja Ratu Agung, menolak mereka semua karena bagi nya Putri Gading Cempaka masih terlalu muda untuk menikah.

    Suatu hari, sang raja memanggil semua anak nya ke dalam ruangan nya. Pada saat itu dia dalam kondisi sangat lemah dan dia mengatakan pada mereka semua “Anak-anak ku, aku rasa waktuku telah tiba untuk meninggalkan kalian. Ayah harap kalian semua bisa menjaga hubungan kalian sebagai saudara. Aku punya dua pesan penting yang ingin aku sampaikan sebelum aku mati. Yang pertama, aku menunjuk Anak Dalam sebagai anak ku yang ke enam untuk menjadi raja selanjutnya di kerajaan kita. Aku harap kalian semua bisa menerima keputusanku. Yang kedua, jika sebuah bencana besar terjadi di tanah ini dan kau menganggap bahwa tidak ada yang bisa kau lakukan untuk menyelamatkan nya, pergilah ke gunung Bungkuk dan tinggal lah di sana. Tunggulah hingga seorang raja yang hebat datang untuk melamar anak perempuanku”. Semua anak nya mendengarkan pesan itu dengan baik. Tidak ada satupun dari mereka yang mengeluhkan hal itu. Beberapa hari kemudian, sang raja meninggal dunia.

    Semua orang di kerajaan itu berduka atas kematian sang raja. Putri Gading Cempaka dan semua saudara nya menguburkan ayah mereka di sebuah tempat khusus. Beberapa hari setelah upacara penguburan itu, mereka mulai melaksanakan wasiat ayah mereka. Mereka menyelenggarakan upacara penobatan Anak Dalam untuk menggantikan ayah mereka sebagai raja yang baru. Karena beberapa alasan, mereka memutuskan untuk mengubah nama kerajaan itu menjadi kerajaan Bangkahulu. Sama seperti ayah nya, Anak Dalam memimpin kerajaan itu dengan bijak dan orang-orang pun sangat menyukai nya.

    Pada suatu hari, seorang pangeran dari kerajaan Aceh datang ke tanah mereka. Dia membawa serta bersama nya begitu banyak orang dan hadiah karena dia ingin melamar Putri Gading Cempaka. Dia mengirimkan beberapa prajurit dan penasihat nya ke istana untuk bertemu raja Anak Dalam. Ketika mereka tiba di istana, sang penasihat menyatakan niatan mereka pada sang raja. Raja Anak Dalam mengatakan pada sang penasihat bahwa mereka tidak bisa menerima lamaran sang pangeran karena mereka harus menjaga janji pada ayah mereka. Setelah itu sang penasihat dan prajurit kembali ke kapal mereka dan melaporkan hasil nya kepada sang pangeran.

  63. Sang pangeran sangat marah mendengar berita dari penasihat nya. Dia merasa bahwa raja Anak Dalam dan saudara-saudara nya telah menghina nya dengan keputusan mereka. Jadi dia pun menantang raja Anak Dalam untuk berperang. Perang besar sudah tak terelakkan lagi dan perang itu berlangsung selama berhari-hari dengan begitu banyak korban. Pada saat itu, raja Anak Dalam dan saudara-saudara nya menyadari bahwa ini mungkin waktu yang tepat untuk melaksanakan wasiat kedua ayah mereka. Jadi mereka memutuskan untuk membawa apapun yang mereka bisa dan melarikan diri ke gunung Bungkuk bersama beberapa orang yang selamat dari perang itu.

    Saat raja Anak Dalam dan orang-orang nya melarikan diri dari kerajaan itu, pangeran dari Aceh pun kembali ke kerajaan nya. Kondisi ini menyebabkan karajaan Bangkahulu menjadi kosong dan tak terjaga. Mendengar berita ini, beberapa bangsawan dari Lebong Balik Bukit datang ke kerajaan itu dan mencoba menguasai nya. Namun bukannya menyatukan kekuatan mereka untuk mengambil tahta itu, para bangsawan itu malah bertarung satu sama lain memperebutkan takhta itu. Beberapa minggu kemudian, seorang pria yang bijak yang bernama Maharaja Sakti datang ke tanah itu dan membawa semua bangsawan itu pada sebuah persetujuan.

    Para bangsawan itu menyadari bahwa mereka tidak bisa menjadi seorang raja maka mereka meminta Maharaja Sakti untuk menjadi raja mereka dan mengambil alih kerajaan Bangkahulu. Maharaja Sakti setuju dengan ide mereka maka mereka mengadakan upacara penobatan di istana. Pada hari upacara itu, badai besar tiba-tiba saja muncul di kerajaan itu. Mereka pun membatalkan upacara penobatan itu dan menunggu badai nya mereda. Namun badai itu tidak juga mereda.

    Maharaja Sakti menjadi penasaran tentang badai itu, itu terlihat seperti dia tidak ditakdirkan untuk mengadakan upacara penobatan itu. Maka dia memutuskan untuk bertanya pada dukun nya mengenai keadaan yang tidak biasa itu. Sang dukun mengatakan pada nya bahwa jika ia ingin menjadi raja di kerajaan itu, dia harus menikahi keturunan dari raja yang syah. Setelah itu, Maharaja Sakti meminta sang dukun untuk menemukan keberadaan sang putri tersebut. Sang dukun menggunakan kekuatan gaib nya dan dia pun menemukan bahwa sang putri berada di gunung Bungkuk bersama saudara-saudara nya.

    Maharaja Sakti mengirimkan beberapa prajurit nya dan juga penasihat nya untuk pergi ke gunung Bungkuk untuk menyampaikan pesan nya pada sang putri dan kakak-kakak nya. Ketika mereka sampai di gunung Bungkuk, mereka segera menuju lokasi Putri gading Cempaka dan mereka menyatakan niatan mereka pada nya dan kakak- kakak nya. Putri Gading Cempaka dan kakak-kakak nya menyadari bahwa ini sama persis dengan yang dikatakan ayah mereka sebelum dia meninggal, maka mereka pun dengan senang hati menerima lamaran itu.

    Setelah itu, Putri Gading Cempaka dan kakak-kakak nya bersama para prajurit yang dikirim untuk menyampaikan pesan dari Maharaja Saktu kembali ke kerajaan Bangkahulu. Mereka mengadakan pesta pernikahan yang besar di sitana dan mereka menobatkan Maharaja Sakti sebagai raja yang baru dari kerajaan Bangkahulu dengan Putri Gading Cempaka sebagai ratu nya. Bersama-sama, mereka membangun kembali kerajaan itu dan memindahkan istana ke lokasi yang baru di Kuala Sungai Lemau. Saat proses pembangunan telah selesai, mereka mengubah nama kerajaan itu menjadi kerajaan Sungai Lemau.

    Nah, seperti itulah versi cerita Putri Gading Cempaka yang bisa saya sajikan. Saya harap ceritanya menarik dan bisa menghibur sobat semua ya. Terimakasih banyak untuk kunjungannya kali ini, saya tunggu kunjunganmu selanjutnya dan jangan lupa baca juga Contoh Narrative Text Tentang Sang Kabelah Dan Terjemahannya.

  64. Ande Ande Lumut

    A long time ago, there were two Kingdom in a region called Kahuripan. They are Jenggala Kingdom, ruled by King Jayengnegara, and Kediri Kingdom, ruled by King Jayengrana. The two kings were asked to unify their kingdom by their ancestor King Airlangga. They finally decided to do it through a marriage of their descendant, prince Panji Asmarabangun (son of king Jayengnegara) and princess Dewi Sekartaji (daughter of king Jayengrana). They all live happily together as a big family.

    One day the kingdom was attacked by enemy. The battle was fierce that it could endangered the live of princess Dewi Sekartaji. The princess decided to flee and hide in a village far away from Jenggala. In order to protect herself princess Dewi Sekartaji changed her identity into Kleting Kuning and lived in a woman’s house by the name Nyai Intan with her daughter: Kleting Abang, Kleting Ijo and Kleting Biru.

    Nyai Intan turned out to be an evil lady. She made Kleting Kuning to do all the house work such as cooking, doing the laundry, cleaning the house every day. Her daughter was no different, they acted as if Kleting Kuning was their house maid. They yelled at her whenever they want something. They only fed Kleting Kuning once a day.

    Meanwhile at the kingdom, prince Panji Asmarabangun had successfully defeat the enemy. At that moment, he realized that his beloved wife was not in the palace anymore and no one knew her whereabout. He was so sad and he decided to sent some of his body guard to search for his wife. They went for a couple of days until one day, one of the body guard returned to the palace with a news.

    “Your majesty, please forgive me to interrupt your rest” said the body guard.

    “It’s okay. Have you located my wife, soldier?” said the prince.

    “My apology Your majesty, I have not find your wife yet, but I found a girl that looked like princess Dewi Sekartaji in a village far away from here. I couldn’t confirmed it yet because she was working in a house of a rich widow as a house maid.” Said the body guard.

    The prince decided to disguise as a handsome and rich man looking for a wife to attract the girl to come to him so that he will be able to see if the girl was truly his beloved wife or not. He went to Dadapan village near Bengawan Solo river. The village was right across the village where Kleting Kuning lived. The prince stayed in an old widow house by the name Mbok Randa and changed his name into Ande Ande Lumut.

    Kleting Abang, Ijo and Biru were very happy to hear the news. All of them wish to marry the handsome Ande Ande Lumut. They prepared themselves and they wore their best clothes so they became pretty. Kleting Kuning tried to praise them but she got mockery in return from her sisters. They did not allowed Kleting Kuning to go to Dadapan village to see Ande Ande Lumut. They sent her to the river to do the laundry and she followed.

    Kleting Kuning collected all the dirty clothes and went to the river. Truthfully, she had no intention to go with her sister to Dadapan village because she only love one man in her live and the man is her husband, prince Panji Asmarabangun. She promised to herself that she will always be faithful to her husband.

    When she was doing the laundry, suddenly a crane came to her. The crane can talk just like human and it brought a whip on its claw. The crane started talking to the princess, it said that the princess have to go to Dadapan village and she will meet her husband, prince Panji Asmarabangun, in the village. The crane also gave her the whip and ask her to use it when she needed it. After that the crane left. Kleting Kuning rushed back to the house and prepare herself to go to Dadapan village.

  65. Meanwhile Kleting Abang, Ijo and Biru were already at the river bank. The river was very large and there was no boat around. When they were still trying to figure out how to get to the other side of the river, Kleting Abang saw a huge creature floating on the water. It was a giant crab and its name is Yuyu Kangkang. They didn’t know that Yuyu Kangkang was actually the servant of Ande Ande Lumut and it was assigned to test every candidate of his wife.

    Kleting Abang asked if Yuyu Kangkang was willing to take them to the other side of the river. Yuyu Kangkang smiled and said, he will take them on his back to the other side of the river if they agree to kiss him as the reward. All of them agree to Yuyu Kangkang request because they really want to go to Dadapan village, so they kissed the giant crab. After that Yuyu Kangkang took all of them across the river.

    A couple of minutes later, Kleting Kuning also arrived at the river bank. She brought the whip from the crane with her. Yuyu Kangkang gave her the same offer just like her sister but she refuse. She keep asking to Yuyu Kangkang to take her and Yuyu Kangkang keep asking the same offer but she didn’t change her mind. Loosing her patience, Kleting Kuning hit the whip to the river and in instant the water subsided. Yuyu Kangkang was scared to see that and then he took Kleting Kuning to the other side of the river for free.

    The three sisters arrived first before Kleting Kuning. They show their beauty to Ande Ande Lumut right away. Unfortunately, Ande Ande Lumut decided to not choose any of them. They were upset and ask him to explain his reason. When Ande Ande Lumut was about to explain his reason to the three sisters, suddenly Kleting Kuning arrived at the door. Ande Ande Lumut walked toward her right away and he said, “I choose this girl to be my wife.”.

    The three sisters became so angry, and they said “why don’t you choose one of us?”. After that Ande Ande Lumut introduce them to his loyal friend, Yuyu Kangkang, and he said, “I didn’t choose any of you because you give your precious kiss to Yuyu Kangkang so easily, and the only one who refuse to do so is Kleting Kuning.”. Kleting Kuning was so happy because she recognized her husband since the moment she stood at the door. She use the magic whip to turn her back into a beautiful princess. Finally they reunited and live in their palace happily along with Mbok Randa who helped the prince to be back with his wife.

  66. Ande Ande Lumut

    Pada jaman dahulu kala, terdapat dua kerajaan di sebuah wilayah yang disebut Kahuripan. Mereka adalah Kerajaan Jenggala, dipimpin oleh Raja Jayengnegara, dan Kerajaan Kediri, dipimpin oleh Raja Jayengrana. Kedua raja diminta untuk menyatukan kerajaan mereka oleh leluhur mereka Raja Airlangga. Mereka akhirnya memutuskan untuk melakukannya melalui pernikahan keturunan mereka, pangeran Panji Asmarabangun (anak dari Raja Jayengnegara) dan putri Dewi Sekartaji (anak dari Raja Jayengrana). Mereka semua hidup bahagia sebagai keluarga besar.

    Suatu hari kerajaan itu diserang oleh musuh. Pertarungan nya sangat sengit hingga itu bisa membahayakan nyawa dari putri Dewi Sekartaji. Sang putri pun memutuskan untuk melarikan diri dan bersembunyi di sebuah desa yang jauh dari Jenggala. Untuk melindungi dirinya sang putri Dewi Sekartaji merubah identitasnya menjadi Klething Kuning dan tinggal di rumah seorang wanita bernama Nyai Intan dengan anak-anak perempuannya: Kleting Abang, Kleting Ijo dan Kleting Biru.

    Nyai Intan ternyata adalah seorang wanita yang jahat. Dia membuat Kleting Kuning mengerjakan semua pekerjaan rumah seperti memasak, mencuci pakaian, dan membersihkan rumah itu setiap hari. Anak-anak perempuannya juga tidak jauh berbeda, mereka bertindak seolah olah Kleting Kuning adalah pembantu di rumah mereka. Mereka berteriak pada nya kapanpun mereka menginginkan sesuatu. Mereka hanya memberi Kleting Kuning makan satu kali dalam sehari.

    Sementara itu di kerajaan, pangeran Panji Asmarabangun telah berhasil mengalahkan musuh. Pada saat itu, dia menyadari bahwa istri tercintanya tidak berada di istana lagi dan tidak ada satupun yang mengetahui keberadaannya. Dia sangat sedih dan dia memutuskan untuk mengirim beberapa pengwalnya untuk mencari istrinya. Mereka pergi selama beberapa hari hingga pada suatu hari, salah satu pengawal kembali ke istana dengan sebuah berita.

  67. “Yang mulia, mohon maafkan saya mengganggu istirahatanda” kata pengawal.

    “Tidak apa. Apakah kamu sudah menemukan istriku, prajurit?” kata pangeran.

    “Maafkan saya yang mulia, saya belum menemukan istri anda, namun saya menemukan seorang gadis yang terlihat mirip dengan putri Dewi Sekartaji di sebuah desa yang jauh dari sini. Saya belum bisa memastikan itu karena dia bekerja di sebuah rumah janda kaya sebagai pembantu.” Ungkap pengawal itu.

    Pangeran memutuskan untuk menyamar sebagai pria tampan dan kaya yang sedang mencari istri untuk menarik gadis itu untuk datang padanya agar dia bisa memastikan apakah gadis itu benar-benar istri tercintanya atau bukan. Dia pergi ke desa Dadapan dekat sungai Bengawan Solo. Desa itu berada tepat di seberang desa dimana Kleting Kuning berada. Pangeran tinggal di rumah seorang janda tua yang bernama Mbok Randa dan merubah namanya menjadi Ande Ande Lumut.

    Kleting Abang, Ijo dan Biru sangat gembira mendengar berita itu. Mereka semua berharap bisa menikah dengan si tampan Ande Ande Lumut. Mereka mempersiapkan diri dan memakai pakaian terbaik mereka sehingga mereka terlihat cantik. Kleting Kuning mencoba memuji mereka namun dia mendapatkan ejekan sebagai balasan dari kakak-kakak nya. Mereka tidak mengijinkan Kleting Kuning untuk pergi ke desa Dadapan untuk melihat Ande Ande Lumut. Mereka menyuruhnya pergi mencuci baju di sungai dan dia menuruti itu.

    Kleting Kuning mengumpulkan semua pakaian kotor dan pergi ke sungai. Sebenarnya, dia tidak memiliki niat untuk pergi bersama kakak-kakak nya ke desa Dadapan karena dia hanya mencintai satu orang dalam hidupnya dan pria itu adalah suami nya, pangeran Panji Asmarabangun. Dia berjanji pada drinya sendiri bahwa dia akan selalu setia pada suaminya.

    Ketika dia sedang mencuci pakaian, tiba-tiba seekor burung bangau datang padanya. Burung bangau itu bisa bicara layaknya manusia dan hewan itu membawa sebuah cambuk di cakarnya. Burung bangau itu mulai berbicara pada sang putri, ia berkata bahwa sang putri harus pergi ke desa Dadapan dan dia akan bertemu dengan suami nya, pangeran Panji Asmarabangun, di desa itu. Burung bangau itu juga memberikannya cambuk itu dan memintanya untuk menggunakannya ketika dia membutuhkannya. Setelah itu burung bangau itu pergi. Kleting Kuning bergegas kembali ke rumah dan menyiapkan dirinya untuk pergi ke desa Dadapan.

    Sementara itu, Kleting Abang, Ijo dan Biru telah berada di tepi sungai. Sungai itu sangat luas dan tidak ada perahu disekitar sana. Ketika mereka sedang mencoba mencari cara untuk bisa sampai kesebrang sungai, Kleting Abang melihat seekor makhluk berukuran besar mengambang di atas air. Itu adalah seekor kepiting raksasa dan namanya adalah Yuyu Kangkang. Mereka tidak tau bahwa Yuyu Kangkang sebenarnya adalah pelayan dari Ande Ande Lumut dan ia ditugaskan untuk menguji setiap calon istrinya.

    Kleting Abang menanyakan apakah Yuyu Kangkang bersedia membawa mereka ke sisi sebrang sungai. Yuyu Kangkang tersenyum dan berkata, dia akan membawa mereka di punggungnya ke sisi sebrang sungai jika mereka setuju untuk mencium nya sebagai imbalan. Mereka semua setuju dengan permintaan Yuyu Kangkang karena mereka sangat ingin pergi ke desa Dadapan, jadi mereka mencium kepiting raksasa itu. Setelah itu Yuyu kangkang membawa mereka semua menyebrangi sungai.

  68. Beberapa menit kemudian, Kleting Kuning juga sampai di pinggir sungai. Dia membawa cambuk dari burung bangau itu bersamanya. Yuyu kangkang memberikannya penawaran yang sama seperti kakak-kakak nya namun dia menolak. Dia terus meminta Yuyu Kangkang untuk membawanya dan Yuyu Kangkang terus meminta penawaran yang sama namun dia tidak merubah pemikirannya. Kehilangan kesabarannya, Kleting Kuning memukulkan cambuk itu ke sungai dan dalam sekejap air nya surut. Yuyu Kangkang ketakutan melihat hal itu dan dia membawa Kleting Kuning ke sebrang sungai dengan gratis.

    Ketiga saudari itu tiba duluan sebelum Kleting Kuning. Mereka menunjukkan kecantikan mereka kepada Ande Ande Lumut dengan segera. Sayangnya, Ande Ande Lumut memutuskan untuk tidak memilih salah satu dari mereka. Mereka kecewa dan meminta dia untuk menjelaskan alasannya. Ketika Ande Ande Lumut baru saja akan menjelaskan alasannya kepada ketiga saudari itu, tiba-tiba Kleting Kuning sampai di pintu. Ande Ande Lumut berjalan kearahnya dengan segera dan dia berkata,”Aku memilih gadis ini untuk menjadi istriku.”.

    Ketiga saudari itu menjadi sangat marah, dan mereka mengatakan “mengapa kau tidak memilih salah satu dari kami?”. Setelah itu Ande Ande Lumut memperkenalkan mereka pada teman setianya, Yuyu Kangkang, dan dia berkata, “Aku tidak memilih salah satu diantara kalian karena kalian memberikan ciuman kalian yang berharga kepada Yuyu Kangkang dengan sangat mudahnya, dan satu-satunya yang menolak untuk melakukan itu adalah Kleting Kuning”. Kleting Kuning sangat gembira karena dia langsung mengenali suaminya sejak pertama dia berdiri di pintu itu. Dia menggunakan cambuk ajaib itu dan merubah dirinya kembali menjadi seorang putri yang cantik. Akhirnya mereka bersatu kembali dan hidup di istana mereka dengan bahagia bersama dengan Mbok Randa yang telah membantu pangeran untuk kembali bersama istrinya.

  69. Bawang Merah Bawang Putih

    Once upon a time, there lived a widow with a beautiful daughter and a beautiful stepdaughter. Her daughter’s name is Bawang Merah and her stepdaughter’s name is Bawang Putih. Her husband, Bawang Putih’s biological father, had passed away a long time ago. The three of them live in a small village.

    The widow was not a nice lady. She treated Bawang Putih very badly. She made Bawang Putih to do all the chores such as doing the laundry, serving the meal, cleaning the house, keeping the weter supply and many more. Her daughter, Bawang Merah, is just like her. She is lazy, arrogant, greedy and envious. She treated Bawang Putih as a house maid for her. Whereas Bawang Putih is the opposite of her stepsister. She is humble, unpretentious, diligent, honest and kind hearted. She always follow her stepmother’s instruction without complaining.

    One day, Bawang Putih was doing the laundry at the river bank. She was too busy cleaning the clothes that she didn’t realize that one of her stepmother’s favorite clothes fell into the river and drifted away. By the time she had finished the laundry, she realized that there was a missing clothes. She tried to look for it anywhere, but she couldn’t find it. She was so worried, because she knew that her stepmother will be very angry when she found out that her favorite clothes was missing.

    Bawang Putih decided to follow the river flow hoping that she will find the lost clothes. Every time she met someone near the river, she would asked them about the clothes, but no one saw it until she met a fisherman who claimed to have seen it floating in front oh him a while ago. The fisherman told Bawang Putih to chase it, because he believed that the clothes must be not far from there. Bawang Putih thanked the fisherman and continue her search.

    Bawang Putih kept walking at the river bank until she saw that there is an intersection of the river that flow into a cave. She entered the cave and she found out that there is an old woman living in the cave alone. Bawang Putih asked to the old woman about the missing clothes. It turned out that the old woman found it in front of the cave and kept it. Bawang Putih asked the old woman to return the clothes to her and she explained that it was her stepmother’s favorite clothes and she will be angry if Bawang Putih didn’t bring it back.

    The old woman agreed to return the clothes but she asked Bawang Putih to help her to cook and to clean the place. Bawang Putih agreed with the old woman request. She started to cook and after that she cleaned the cave, the job was easy for her because she did it every day at home. The old woman was satisfied with the result and she gave back the clothes to Bawang Putih. She also offered her two pumpkin as a reward for her help. Bawang Putih chose the small one. After that, Bawang Putih thanked the old woman and went back to her house.

    When Bawang Putih arrived at her house, her stepmother and her stepsister was mad at her because she came home late. Bawang Putih tried to explain everything to them but they became more angry because she only brought a small pumpkin. Her stepmother took the pumpkin from her and throw it to the floor. The pumpkin shattered and a lot of jewelry made of gold and diamond came out of the pumpkin. All of them were surprised. The stepmother collected all of the jewelry right away. She became even more upset after that because Bawang Putih chose to bring the small pumpkin instead of the big one.

  70. The next day, Bawang Merah and her mother planned to recreate the situation experienced by Bawang Putih yesterday. Bawang Merah throw a clothes on purpose into the river and let it drifted away. She followed it until she reached the cave where the old woman live. The old woman gave her the same request as she gave to Bawang Putih yesterday, but Bawang Merah refuse it and she insisted the old woman to handed over to her the big pumpkin. The old woman gave the pumpkin to her.

    Bawang Merah rushed back to her house when she received the pumpkin from the old woman. When she arrived at home her mother was waiting for her in front of the house. They couldn’t wait any longer to open the pumpkin and collect the jewelry inside it. They smashed the pumpkin to the floor, but it was not jewelry coming out of the pumpkin, instead a lot of snakes crawled out of the pumpkin. The snake was about to attack them when suddenly Bawang Putih came out from the house and attacked the snake by using a broom. The snakes fled and they were save.

    Bawang Merah and her mother regretted their actions and apologize to Bawang Putih. They realized their mistake and promised that they will never treat Bawang Putih like they used to. Bawang Putih forgave them and they all live happily after that.

  71. Bawang Merah Bawang Putih

    Pada suatu masa, hiduplah seorang janda bersama dengan seorang anak perempuan yang cantik dan seorang anak tiri yang cantik pula. Nama anaknya adalah Bawang Merah dan nama anak tiri nya adalah Bawang Putih. Suami nya, ayah kandung dari Bawang Putih, telah lama meninggal. Mereka bertiga hidupdi sebuah desa kecil.

    Ibu janda itu bukanlah wanita yang baik. Dia memperlakukan Bawang Putih dengan sangat buruk. Dia membuat Bawang Putih melakukan semua pekerjaan rumah seperti mencuci baju, menyiapkan makanan, membersihkan rumah, menjaga persediaan air dan banyak lagi. Anaknya, Bawang Merah, sama saja seperti dia. Dia itu malas, sombong, serakah dan iri hati. Dia memperlakukan Bawang Putih sebagai pembantu rumah baginya. Sedangkan Bawang Putih itu adalah kebalikan dari saudari tiri nya. Dia rendah hati, bersahaja, rajin, jujur dan baik hati. Diaselalu menuruti perintah ibu tiri nya tanpa mengeluh.

    Pada suatu hari, Bawang Putih sedang mencuci baju di tepi sungai. Dia sangat sibuk membersihkan pakaian sehingga dia tidak menyadari bahwa salah satu pakaian kesukaan ibu nya jatuh kedalam sungai dan hanyut. Pada saat dia telah selesai mencuci, dia menyadari bahwa ada pakaian yang hilang. Dia mencoba mencari nya kemana-mana, namun dia tidak bisa menemukannya. Dia sangat khawatir, karena dia tau bahwa ibu tirinya akan menjadi sangat marah ketika dia mengetahui bahwa pakaian kesukaannya hilang.

    Bawang Putih memutuskan untuk mengikuti aliran sungai berharap dia akan menemukan pakaian yang hilang itu. Setiap kali dia bertemu seseorang di dekat sungai, dia akan bertanya pada mereka tentang pakaian itu, namun tidak ada satupun yang melihatnya hingga dia bertemu seorang nelayan yang mengaku telah melihat itu mengapung di hadapannya beberapa saat yang lalu. Nelayan itu menyuruh Bawang Putih untuk mengejarnya, karena dia yakin bahwa pakaian itu pasti tidak jauh dari sana. Bawang Putih berterimakasih kepada nelayan itu dan melanjutkan pencariannya.

  72. Bawang Putih terus berjalan di tepian sungai hingga dia melihat adanya cabang sungai yang mengalir kedalam sebuah gua. Dia memasuki gua itu dan dia menemukan bahwa ada seorang wanita tua tinggal di dalam gua itu sendirian. Bawang Putih bertanya kepada wanita tua itu tentang pakaian yang hilang. Ternyata wanita tua itu menemukannya di depan gua dan menyimpannya. Bawang Putih meminta wanita tua itu untuk mengembalikan pakaian itu kepadanya dan dia menjelaskan bahwa itu adalah pakaian kesukaan ibu tiri nya dan dia akan sangat marah jika Bawang Putih tidak membawanya kembali.

    Wanita tua itu setuju untuk mengembalikan pakaian itu namun dia meminta Bawang Putih untuk membantunya memasak dan membersihkan tempat itu. Bawang Putih setuju dengan permintaan sang wanita tua. Dia mulai memasak dan kemudian dia membersihkan gua itu, tugas itu mudah baginya karena dia melakukan itu setiap hari di rumah. Wanita tua itu puas dengan hasilnya dan dia mengembalikan pakaian itu kepada Bawang Putih. Dia juga menawarkan nya dua buah labu sebagai imbalan atas bantuannya. Bawang Putih memilih yang berukuran kecil. Setelah itu, Bawang Putih berterimakasih pada wanita tua itu dan pergi kembali ke rumah nya.

    Saat Bawang Putih tiba di rumah nya, ibu tiri dan saudari tiri nya marah padanya karena dia pulang terlambat. Bawang Putih mencoba menjelaskan semuanya kepada mereka namun mereka menjadi semakin marah karena dia hanya membawa labu yang kecil. Ibu tiri nya mengambil labu itu dari nya dan melemparkannya ke lantai. Labu itu pecah dan begitu banyak perhiasan terbuat dari emas dan berlian keluar dari dalam labu itu. Mereka semua terkejut. Ibu tiri itu mengumpulkan semua perhiasan dengan segera. Dia menjadi makin kecewa setelah itu karena Bawang Putih memilih untuk membawa labu yang kecil daripada yang berukuran besar.

    Keesokan harinya, Bawang Merah dan ibu nya berencana untuk membuat ulang keadaan yang dialami oleh Bawang Putih kemarin. Bawang Merah melemparkan sebuah pakaian dengan sengaja kedalam sungai dan membiarkannya hanyut. Dia mengikutinya hingga dia sampai di gua dimana wanita tua itu tinggal. Wanita tua itu memberinya permintaan yang sama seperti yang dia berikan pada Bawang Putih kemarin, namun Bawang Merah menolak nya dan dia memaksa wanita tua itu untuk menyerahkan labu yang berukuran besar itu. Wanita tua itu memberikan labu itu kepadanya.

    Bawang Merah bergegas kembali ke rumahnya saat dia menerima labu itu dari sang wanita tua. Ketika dia sampai di rumah, ibunya telah menunggu nya di depan rumah. Mereka tidak bisa menunggu lebih lama lagi untuk membuka labu itu dan mengumpulkan perhiasan yang ada di dalamnya. Mereka membanting labu itu ke lantai, namun bukanlah perhiasan yang keluar dari dalam labu itu, malahan begitu banyak ular merangkak keluar dari labu itu. Ular itu baru saja akan menyerang mereka ketika tiba-tiba Bawang Putih keluar dari rumah dan menyerang ular itu dengan menggunakan sapu. Ular-ular itu melarikan diri dan mereka pun selamat.

    Bawang Merah dan ibu nya menyesali tindakan mereka dan meminta maaf kepada Bawang Putih. Mereka menyadari kesalahan mereka dan berjanji bahwa mereka tidak akan pernah memperlakukan Bawang Putih seperti mereka biasanya. Bawang Putih memaafkan mereka dan mereka semua hidup bahagia setelah itu.

  73. Jaka Tarub and Seven Angels

    Long long time ago, there lived an old woman with her son in a small village in Java. The name of the boy is Jaka Tarub. He was a diligent boy. He always help his mother on the rice field. As he grew older, he became a strong and handsome man. He loves his mother so much and he was always kind to her. They lived happily together until one day the old woman passed away, leaving Jaka Tarub all by himself. Everything started to change after that, Jaka Tarub started to lose his spirit to work. He spent most of his time staring at the ceiling of his house and daydreaming.

    One day, Jaka Tarub dreamt of eating deer meat. So when he woke up in the morning, he decided to go to the forest to hunt a deer. He brought his blowpipe with him. He wandered in the forest from the morning till the afternoon but he didn’t find any deer or mousedeer. He didn’t realize that he got deeper into the forest until he was very tired and he decided to take a rest under a big tree near a small lake. It was windy at that moment and Jaka Tarub fell asleep right away.

    A few moments later, Jaka Tarub woke up because he heard women laughing in a distance. He was curious about the voice, so he decided to check it. It turned out that the voice was coming from the lake, Jaka Tarub took a peek from a bush next to the lake and he saw seven beautiful women who turned out to be angels were having fun in the lake. Jaka Tarub was amazed by their exceptional beauty. He also saw some beautiful scarf near the lake. He thought that it must be their scarf so he decided to take one of it and hide it.

    After that, Jaka Tarub kept watching the angels until they finish playing in the lake. The angels started preparing themselves to return to the sky, but one of them couldn’t find her scarf, her name was Nawangwulan. The other angels asked Nawangwulan to be hurry because they have to return to the sky right away. Nawangwulan cried because she still couldn’t locate her scarf and she couldn’t fly to the sky without it. Her sisters took pity on her but they couldn’t do anything and it was time for them to return to the sky, so they left Nawangwulan alone on earth.

    Nawangwulan just stayed there alone and cried. Jaka Tarub who watched her from distance all this time tried to approach her. He pretended to ask her about what has happened to her so she cried like that. Nawangwulan who had no idea that Jaka Tarub was the one who hide her scarf tried to explain to him that her sister left her alone at the lake. Jaka Tarub offered her his help to be her companion. After that, Jaka Tarub invite her to his house and she agreed to go there.

    The life of Jaka Tarub started to change. With the presence of Nawangwulan in his life, Jaka Tarub found his spirit back to work on the rice field. They filled each other life with happiness until a couple months later they decided to get married. Jaka Tarub became even happier after that. He loves his wife so much that it gave him energy to work double than he used to do. Their life became more complete when Nawangwulan gave birth to their first child. It was a girl and they named her Nawangsih.

  74. Since they got married, Nawangwulan asked her husband to promise one thing to her. The promise was Jaka Tarub should never open the cooking pan whenever Nawangwulan was cooking rice. Jaka Tarub agreed to this request. But, one day when Nawangwulan left the kitchen for a while, Jaka Tarub opened the cooking pan and checked what was in it. He found out that his wife cooked a grain of rice and turned it into a pan full of cooked rice. It was actually Nawangwulan spiritual power. But, since Jaka Tarub broke the agreement, Nawangwulan spiritual power was disappeared.

    Ever since that day, Nawangwulan had to cook just like any ordinary girl. This made their consumption on rice became so high and they spent their rice stock in their storage so fast. One day when their stock was about to run out, Nawangwulan found her scarf burried under the rice stock. She finally realized that her husband was the one who hide her scarf. She was very upset to her husband. She put on the scarf and went to confront her husband.

    Nawangwulan told her husband that she was disappointed with him because he was lying all this time. She also said that she will return to the sky right away. Jaka Tarub asked for her forgiveness and he also asked her to stay with him and their daughter. But Nawangwulan has made up her mind to return to the sky and nothing will be able to change that. Before she left, Nawangwulan asked to Jaka Tarub to build a small hut in front of their house and she also asked him to put their daughter in the hut every night so she could fed her and took care of her. After that Nawangwulan flew to the sky and left Jaka Tarub with their child. Jaka Tarub fulfill Nawangwulan’s request and he built the small hut as she instructed.

    After that, Jaka Tarub can only watch his daughter and his wife playing at the hut from his house. Every night, Nawangwulan came to the hut to take care of Nawangsih until she fell asleep and then Nawangwulan returned to the sky after that. It happened every day until Nawangsih grew older. Although they never see each other again when Nawangsih has grown up, but every time they needed something, help will come right away, and they believe it was from Nawangwulan.

  75. Jaka Tarub dan Tujuh Bidadari

    Pada jaman dahulu kala, hiduplah seorang wanita tua dengan anak laki-laki nya di sebuah desa kecil di Jawa. Nama anak laki-laki itu adalah Jaka Tarub. Dia adalah seorang anak yang rajin. Dia selalu membantu ibu nya di sawah. Saat dia tumbuh dewasa, dia menjadi seorang pria yang kuat dan tampan. Dia sangat mencintai ibunya dan dia selalu berlaku baik padanya. Mereka hidup bahagia bersama hingga suatu hari sang wanita tua itu meninggal dunia, meninggalkan Jaka Tarub seorang diri. Semua nya mulai berubah sejak saat itu, Jaka Tarub mulai kehilangan semangatnya untuk bekerja. Dia menghabiskan sebagian besar waktunya menatap langit-langit rumahnya dan melamun.

    Suatu hari, Jaka Tarub bermimpi memakan daging rusa. Jadi ketika dia bangun di pagi hari, dia memutuskan untuk pergi ke hutan untuk berburu seekor rusa. Dia membawa senjata sumpit miliknya. Dia berkeliling di dalam hutan dari pagi hingga sore namun dia tidak menemukan satu pun rusa atau kancil. Dia tidak menyadari bahwa dia masuk semakin dalam kedalam hutan itu hingga dia kelelahan dan memutuskan untuk beristirahat di bawah sebuah pohon besar di dekat telaga kecil. Saat itu keadaan nya berangin dan Jaka Tarub segera tertidur.

    Beberapa saat kemudian, Jaka Tarub terbangun karena dia mendengar suara wanita tertawa di kejauhan. Dia penasaran dengan suara itu, jadi dia memutuskan untuk memeriksanya. Ternyata suara itu datang dari telaga, Jaka Tarub mengintip dari semak-semak dekat telaga itu dan dia melihat tujuh wanita cantik yang ternyata adalah bidadari sedang bersenang-senang di telaga itu. Jaka Tarub kagum dengan kecantikan mereka yang luar biasa. Dia juga melihat beberapa selendang yang indah di dekat telaga itu. Dia pikir itu pastilah selendang milik mereka jadi dia memutuskan untuk mengambil salah satunya dan menyembunyikannya.

    Setelah itu, Jaka Tarub terus mengawasi bidadari itu hingga mereka selesai bermain di telaga. Para bidadari itu mulai menyiapkan diri mereka untuk kembali ke langit, namun salah satu dari mereka tidak bisa menemukan selendangnya, namanya adalah Nawangwulan. Bidadari yang lain meminta Nawangwulan untuk bergegas karena mereka harus segera kembali ke langit. Nawangwulan menangis karena dia masih tidak bisa menemukan selendangnya dan dia tidak bisa terbang ke langit tanpa selendang itu. Kakak-kakaknya kasihan kepada nya namun mereka tidak bisa melakukan apa-apa dan itu sudah saatnya begi mereka untuk kembali ke langit, jadi mereka meninggalkan Nawangwulan sendirian di bumi.

  76. Nawangwulan hanya berdiam di sana sendiri dan menangis. Jaka Tarub yang mengawasi nya dari kejauhan selama ini mencoba untuk mendekatinya. Dia berpura-pura bertanya tentang apa yang telah terjadi padanya sehingga dia menangis seperti itu. Nawangwulan yang sama sekali tidak tau bahwa Jaka Tarub lah yang telah menyembunyikan selendang miliknya mencoba menjelaskan kepada nya bahwa kakak-kakak nya meninggalkan dia sendirian di telaga. Jaka Tarub menawarkan bantuan kepadanya untuk menjadi kawannya. Setelah itu, Jaka Tarub mengajak dia kerumahnya dan dia setuju untuk pergi kesana.

    Kehidupan Jaka Tarub mulai berubah. Dengan kehadiran Nawangwulan di kehidupannya, Jaka Tarub menemukan kembali semangatnya untuk bekerja di sawah. Mereka saling mengisi kehidupan satu sama lainnya dengan kebahagiaan hingga beberapa bulan kemudian mereka memutuskan untuk menikah. Jaka Tarub menjadi semakin bahagia setelahnya. Dia sangat mencintai istrinya hingga itu memberikannya tenaga untuk bekerja dua kali lebih banyak dari dia biasanya. Hidup mereka menjadi semakin lengkap ketika Nawangwulan melahirkan anak pertama mereka. Itu adalah seorang perempuan dan mereka menamainya Nawangsih.

    Sejak mereka menikah, Nawangwulan meminta suaminya untuk berjanji satu hal kepadanya. Janji itu adalah Jaka Tarub tidak pernah boleh membuka panci pemasak ketika Nawangwulan sedang memasak nasi. Jaka Tarub setuju dengan permintaan ini. Namun, suatu hari ketika Nawangwulan meninggalkan dapur sebentar, Jaka Tarub membuka panci pemasak itu dan memeriksa apa yang ada di dalamnya. Dia menemukan bahwa istrinya memasak sebutir beras dan merubah nya menjadi satu panci penuh nasi. Itu sebenarnya merupakan kekuatan spiritual Nawangwulan. Tapi, karena Jaka Tarub merusak persetujuan mereka, kekuatan spiritual Nawangwulan menghilang.

    Semenjak hari itu, Nawangwulan harus memasak seperti wanita biasa pada umumnya. Hal ini membuat konsumsi mereka akan beras menjadi tinggi dan mereka menghabiskan persediaan beras mereka di dalam tempat penyimpanan dengan cepat. Suatu hari ketika persediaan mereka sudah hampir habis, Nawangwulan menemukan selendang miliknya terkubur di bawah persediaan beras. Dia akhirnya menyadari bahwa suami nya lah yang menyembunyikan selendangnya. Dia sangat kecewa pada suaminya. Dia memakai selendang itu dan pergi untuk menemui suaminya.

    Nawangwulan mengatakan pada suaminya bahwa dia sangat kecewa dengan nya karena dia telah berbohong selama ini. Dia juga mengatakan bahwa dia akan kembali ke langit segera. Jaka Tarub meminta maaf darinya dan dia juga memintanya untuk tetap tinggal bersamanya dan anak mereka. Namun Nawangwulan telah memutuskan untuk kembali ke langit dan tidak ada satupun yang akan bisa merubahnya. Sebelum dia pergi, Nawangwulan meminta Jaka Tarub untuk membangun sebuah pondok kecil di depan rumah mereka dan dia juga meminta pada nya untuk meletakkan anak mereka di pondok itu setiap malam sehingga dia bisa menyusui dan mengurusnya. Setelah itu Nawangwulan terbang ke langit dan meninggalkan Jaka Tarub dengan anak mereka. Jaka Tarub memenuhi permintaan Nawangwulan dan dia membangun pondok kecil seperti yang dimintanya.

    Setelah itu, Jaka Tarub hanya bisa melihat anak dan istrinya bermain di pondok itu daru rumahnya. Setiap malam, Nawangwulan datang ke pondok itu dan mengurus Nawangsih hingga ia tertidur kemudian Nawangwulan kembali ke langit setelahnya. Hal itu terjadi setiap hari hingga Nawangsih tumbuh dewasa. Meski mereka tidak pernah bertemu lagi ketika Nawangsih telah dewasa, namun setiap kali mereka membutuhkan sesuatu, bantuan akan datang dengan segera, dan mereka percaya itu berasal dari Nawangwulan.

  77. Putri Pandan Berduri
    A long time ago, there lived a wise man in Bintan island. His name is Batin Lagoi. He was the leader of the Sea Tribe of Riau Islands. He was always nice to his people and all member of the Sea Tribe respected him very much. Batin Lagoi often walked around the village in order to keep an eye on the condition of his people.
    One day, he went to the shore. There were so many pandanus shrubs at the shore. He was enjoying the scenery when suddenly he heard a soft voice of a baby crying. He wondered where did the voice came from. He was about to leave the place when he heard the voice for the second time, so he decided to look for the source of the voice.
    He walked into the shrubs of the thorny pandanus and he wiped the leaves to the sides. He was so surprised to see a baby girl inside the pandanus shrubs. Batin Lagoi tried to look around searching for people nearby, but no one was around at that time and the baby cried even louder. He finally decided to take the baby with him. Surprisingly, the baby stopped crying when Batin Lagoi carried her on his chest.
    Batin Lagoi decided to raise the baby as his own child and he named her Putri Pandan Berduri. He told everyone in the village about the baby and he invited them to his house to express his gratitude. He was so happy with the presence of the baby in his life, because he was not lonely anymore as he used to.
    Time flew so quickly and Putri Pandan Berduri had grown into a beautiful young lady. Her attitude always pleased anyone who met her. All people in the Sea Tribe respected her the same way as they respected her father. There were so many young man fell in love with her but none of them was brave enough to propose her. Besides, her father hoping that she would wed a king or a leader of a region.
    Meanwhile, far across the ocean, there lived a king in Galang Island. The king had two sons. The name of the first son is Julela and the name of the second son is Jenang Perkasa. The relationship between Julela and Jenang Perkasa was not as close as when they were kid. Everything changed since their father, The King, designated Julela as his successor to be the next king of Galang Island.
    Ever since that day, Julela turned to be arrogant. He also treated Jenang Perkasa badly. He often forced Jenang Perkasa to follow his order as if he was already crowned as a king. When Jenang Perkasa refused to do what he asked him to, Julela would be mad and threatened to exile him from the kingdom.
    Jenang Perkasa decided to leave Galang Island because he was very disappointed with his brother, Julela. He sail without purpose for days until he arrived at Bintan Island. From the moment he set foot on the island, he decided to start a new life in that place so he didn't tell anyone about who he really is. He chose to work as a merchant so he searched for a place to start his own shop.
    Jenang Perkasa was a very nice person. He adapted so quickly with the society of the Sea Tribe. He treated every customer who came to his small shop nicely. His behaviour and the way he talked to every person left people to wonder if he really is an ordinary person, because usually only noble who talked and acted the way he did. Soon, he became a topic discussion among the people in Bintan Island.
    The story about a young man with a very nice attitude finally reached Batin Lagoi. He was so curious to see the young man in person. In order to make it not obvious, Batin Lagoi decided to held a gala dinner and he invited all leading figure in Bintan Island including Jenang Perkasa.

  78. On the evening, the guests started to come to his house. Batin Lagoi welcome all his guests including Jenang Perkasa. During the dinner, Batin Lagoi kept observing Jenang Perkasa. He was so impressed by Jenang Perkasa's manner at the dinner. An intention suddenly grew in his heart to ask Jenang Perkasa to marry his daughter, Putri Pandan Berduri.
    When the dinner is over, Batin Lagoi approached Jenang Perkasa and said "My child, I've heard so many good stories about you". Jenang Perkasa replied it with big smile on his face. "Tonight I've proven it myself" said Batin Lagoi when he saw that Jenang Perkasa was smiling. Jenang Perkasa just stay still because he didn't know what to say. All of sudden, Batin Lagoi expressed his intention to Jenang Perkasa, he said "I think I would be really happy if you would like to marry my daughter. What do you think?". Jenang Perkasa was so surprised to hear the proposal. He couldn't believe that the father of the most beautiful woman in the village wanted him to be the husband of his beautiful daughter. He thought about it for some seconds and then he nodded showing his confirmation on the proposal.
    A few days later they held the wedding party. All people in the village attended the party. The villager were happy to see their future leader. Not long after that, Batin Lagoi decided to retire and he appointed Jenang Perkasa and Putri Pandan Berduri as the new leader of the Sea Tribe. The villager live happily under their reign and it was because Jenang Perkasa inherited the leadership from his father. Putri Pandan Berduri gave birth to three children. They named them Batin Mantang, Batin Mapoi and Kelong.

  79. Putri Pandan Berduri
    Pada jaman dahulu kala, hiduplah seorang pria bijak di pulau Bintan. Nama nya adalah Batin Lagoi. Dia adalah pemimpin Suku Laut di kepulauan Riau. Dia selalu bersikap baik kepada masyarakat nya dan semua anggota Suku Laut sangat menghormati nya. Batin Lagoi sering berjalan keliling kampung untuk mengawasi kondisi masyarakat nya.
    Pada suatu hari, dia pergi ke tepi pantai. Terdapat begitu banyak semak pandan di sekitar tepian pantai itu. Dia sedang menikmati pemandangan ketika tiba-tiba dia mendengar suara lembut seorang bayi yang sedang menangis. Dia menduga-duga dari mana suara itu berasal. Dia baru saja akan pergi dari tempat itu ketika dia mendengar suara itu untuk kedua kali nya, jadi dia memutuskan untuk mencari sumber suara itu.
    Dia berjalan ke arah semak-semak pandan berduri dan dia menyapu daun-daun nya ke arah samping. Dia sangat terkejut saat melihat seorang bayi perempuan di dalam semak pandan itu. Batin Lagoi mencoba melihat ke sekeliling mencari orang lain yang berada di sekitar, namun tidak ada siapapun di sana pada saat itu dan bayi itu menangis semakin kencang. Dia akhirnya memutuskan untuk membawa bayi itu bersama nya. Hal yang mengejutkan, bayi itu berhenti menangis ketika Batin Lagoi menggendong nya di dada nya.
    Batin Lagoi memutuskan untuk membesarkan bayi itu sebagai anaknya sendiri dan menamai nya Putri Pandan Berduri. Dia memberitahu semua orang di desa nya tentang bayi itu dan dia mengundang mereka ke rumah nya sebagai ungkapan rasa syukur nya. Dia sangat bahagia dengan kehadiran bayi itu dalam hidupnya, karena dia tidak kesepian lagi seperti dahulu.
    Waktu berlalu begitu cepat dan Putri Pandan Berduri telah tumbuh menjadi seorang wanita muda yang cantik. Sikap nya selalu menyenangkan setiap orang yang bertemu dengan nya. Semua orang di Suku Laut menghormati nya sama halnya dengan cara mereka menghormati ayahnya. Ada begitu banyak pemuda yang jatuh cinta dengan nya namun tidak ada satupun dari mereka yang cukup berani untuk melamar nya. Selain itu, ayah nya berharap bahwa dia akan menikahi seorang raja atau pemimpin suatu daerah.
    Sementara itu, jauh di sebrang lautan, hiduplah seorang raja di pulau Galang. Sang raja memiliki dua orang putra. Nama putra pertama adalah Julela dan nama putra kedua adalah Jenang Perkasa. Hubungan antara Julela dan Jenang Perkasa tidak sedekat ketika mereka masig kecil. Semua nya berubah semenjak ayah mereka, sang raja, menunjuk Julela sebagai penerus nya untuk menjadi raja berikut nya dari pulau Galang.
    Semenjak hari itu, Julela berubah menjadi angkuh. Dia juga memperlakukan Jenang Perkasa secara buruk. Dia memaksa Jenang Perkasa untuk mengikuti perintah nya seolah-olah dia telah dinobatkan menjadi raja. Ketika Jenang Perkasa menolak melakukan apa yang diperintahkan kepada nya, Julela akan marah dan mengancam untuk mengasingkannya dari kerajaan itu.

  80. Jenang Perkasa memutuskan untuk meninggalkan pulau Galang karena dia sangat kecewa dengan kakak nya, Julela. Dia berlayar tanpa tujuan selama berhari-hari hingga dia tiba di pulau Bintan. Sejak saat dia menginjakkan kaki di pulau itu, dia memutuskan untuk memulai kehidupan baru di sana, jadi dia tidak memberitahukan kepada siapapun tentang siapa dia sebenarnya. Dia memilih untuk bekerja sebagai pedagang, jadi dia mencari tempat untuk memulai toko nya sendiri.
    Jenang Perkasa adalah orang yang sangat baik. Dia beradaptasi dengan sangat cepat dengan masyarakat Suku Laut. Dia memperlakukan setiap pelanggan yang datang ke toko kecil miliknya dengan ramah. Sikap nya dan juga cara nya berbicara kepada setiap orang membuat orang penasaran apakah dia benar hanya orang biasa, karena umumnya hanya bangsawan yang bicara dan bertindak seperti diri nya. Dengan segera, dia menjadi bahan pembicaraan diantara penduduk di pulau Bintan.
    Cerita tentang seorang pemuda dengan tingkah laku yang sangat baik ini akhirnya sampai kepada Batin Lagoi. Dia sangat penasaran dan ingin melihat pemuda itu secara langsung. Agar tujuannya tersebut tidak terlalu terlihat, Batin Lagoi memutuskan untuk mengadakan makan malam besar dan dia mengundang semua tokoh terkemuka di pulau Bintan termasuk Jenang Perkasa.
    Pada malam hari nya, para tamu mulai berdatangan. Batin Lagoi menyambut semua tamu nya termasuk Jenang Perkasa. Selama makan malam itu, Batin Lagoi terus mengamati Jenang Perkasa. Dia sangat kagum dengan sikap Jenang Perkasa selama acara makan malam itu. Sebuah niatan tiba-tiba tumbuh dalam hati nya untuk meminta Jenang Perkasa untuk menikahi anak perempuannya, Putri Pandan Berduri.
    Saat makan malam telah selesai, Batin Lagoi mendekati Jenang Perkasa dan berkata "Anakku, aku sudah mendengar banyak cerita baik tentangmu". Jenang Perkasa membalas nya dengan senyuman lebar di wajah nya. "Malam ini, aku telah membuktikannya sendiri" kata Batin Lagoi saat dia melihat Jenang Perkasa sedang tersenyum. Jenang Perkasa hanya bisa terdiam karena dia tidak tau apa yang harus dikatakan. Tiba-tiba, Batin Lagoi menyatakan niatannya pada Jenang Perkasa, dia berkata "aku rasa, aku akan sangat bahagia jika kau mau menikahi anakku, apa pendapatmu?". Jenang Perkasa sangat terkejut mendengar lamaran itu, dia tidak percaya bahwa ayah dari seorang wanita paling cantik di kampung itu memintanya untuk menjadi suami dari anak perempuannya yang cantik. Dia berpikir selama beberapa detik dan kemudian dia menganggukkan kepala nya menunjukkan persetujuannya terhadap lamaran itu.
    Beberapa hari kemudian mereka melaksanakan pesta pernikahan. Semua orang di desa itu hadir dalam pesta pernikahan tersebut. Warga desa bahagia melihat pemimpin masa depan mereka. Tak lama dari itu, Batin Lagoi memutuskan untuk pensiun dan menunjuk Jenang Perkasa serta Putri Pandan Berduri sebagai pemimpin yang baru bagi Suku Laut. Warga desa hidup bahagia dibawah pemerintahan mereka dan hal itu karena Jenang Perkasa mewarisi sikap kepemimpinan dari ayahnya. Putri Pandan Berduri melahirkan tiga orang anak. Mereka menamai nya Batin Mantang, Batin Mapoi dan Kelong.
