Tuesday, February 27, 2018

Hortatory Exposition: Pendidikan Untuk Para Umahat

Tak biasanya seorang ayah seharian momong anaknya, mungkin yang lazim adalah si anak bersama ibu. Apalagi anak di bawah usia 5 tahun seringnya nyaman bersama ibu dan si ibu juga sebaliknya. Nah ketika anak bersama ayahnya, lha ibunya ngapain? Bisa jadi sedang sibuk, ada kegiatan penting dan agenda lainnya yang tidak memungkinkan untuk mengajak anak. Di jaman now sudah wajar jika dalam sebuah keluarga suami dan istri sama-sama kerja. Hal yang cukup aneh malahan ketika suami istri di rumah aja enggak pergi kerja alias sama-sama menganggur.
Adanya kesetaraan hak dalam bekerja, mengasuh anak, hingga menempuh pendidikan diantara pria dan wanita sudah berlangsung cukup lama. Sebelum kemerdekaan, bahkan ketika jaman perjuangan RA Kartini, disana ada gap atau kesenjangan, perbedaan hak antara pria dan wanita. Pemikiran yang notabene beranggapan bahwa wanita tidak penting untuk mengenyam pendidikan tinggi saat ini sudah tidak ada. Justru hambatannya adalah muncul dari dalam personal artinya masing-masing individu itu sendiri tidak melihat jenis kelamin apakah itu pria atau wanita. Secara umum memang wanita lebih telaten dan ulet sehingga beberapa fenomena menunjukkan tingkat kedisplinan misalnya di sebuah sekolah menunjukkan bahwa pelajar putri lebih unggul dibanding pelajar putra bahkan dalam prestasipun mereka diatas rata-rata, rajin dan tingkat kepatuhannya pada guru lebih tinggi sehingga mungkin saja mempengaruhi prestasinya dalam akademik. Di sisi lain secara populasi jumlah perempuan sekarang ini cenderung lebih banyak dibandingkan pria. Maka sekilas kaum hawa ini mendominasi dalam beberapa aspek.
Kesetaraan itu memang membawa dampak positif bagi kemajuan peran dan posisi wanita dalam partisipasinya untuk memajukan masyarakat baik mulai dari keluarga, tingkat desa, kota, kecamatan, kabupaten, propinsi hingga skala nasional dalam kehidupan berbangsa dan bernegara.
Marilah kita sejenak melihat kontestan pilkada di jawa tengah, disana terdapat 2 pasang calon gubernur dan wakil gubernur. Calon nomor 1 merupakan petahana dan mereka bapak-bapak semua, kemudian nomor urut 2 yaitu pak dirman sebagai calon gubernurnya dan bu ida sebagai calon wakil gubernurnya. Peluang ataupun kesempatan terhadap kaum wanita dalam bidang politik dan pemerintahan adalah sama dengan pria. Tinggal apakah para ibu-ibu di jawa tengah nantinya di bulan juni ketika pemilihan gubernur dan wakil gubernur, mereka akan memilih perwakilan dari perempuan, kita lihat saja. Adanya peluang penyerapan aspirasi akan hak-hak dan kepentingan kaum wanita yang katanya masih ada ketimpangan harusnya disikapi dengan memilih calon yang mengusung perwakilan ibu-ibu sehingga paling tidak nantinya lebih paham ketika ada persoalan maupun permasalahan terkait dengan hak wanita. Beberapa kasus yang sering terjadi adalah penganiayaan, pemerkosaan, pelecehan terhadap kaum wanita dan meskipun beberapa kasus diantaranya memang karena si wanitanya tidak bisa menjaga dirinya sendiri alias cukup bodoh memperlakukan dirinya sebagai wanita yang mau ditindas oleh pihak tertentu.
Terkait dengan peranan dan peluang aspirasi yang seimbang antara kepentingan segenap rakyat, maka sebagai warga negara yang bijak dalam menyikapi event pilkada di tahun politik ini adalah harus melek politik dan tidak boleh apatis, belajarlah menjadi pemilih cerdas dan punya integritas. Alasan ataupun pertimbangan yang dijadikan dasar adalah bukan ketampanan maupun kekayaan dari si calon, melainkan integritas, track record, visi misi yang diusung hingga partai politik pendukung pasangan calon. Apakah partai yang mndukung itu dikenal sebagai sarang korupsi, sarang komunis, bahkan penindas rakyat kecil atau bukan. So, cerdaslah dalam memilih terutama wahai para kaum hawa dimana sekarang jamannya kesetaraan sehingga bagi ibu-ibu aspirasi tersebut disalurkan kepada perwakilan pengusung kepentingan para ibu-ibu di jawa tengah, ya tentunya memilih pasangan yang terdapat calon dari kaum wanita. Itulah pemilih yang tepat menyalurkan aspirasinya agar tidak menyesal selama 5 tahun.
Berikut teks hortatory tentang pentingnya pendidikan tinggi bagi para wanita:
Higher Education for Woman
In this modern era, there are still some parents who are reluctant about sending their daughter to college. Such narrow attitude shown to woman higher education is largerly due to the traditional role of woman in society. A woman is expected just to be a wife and a mother most parents believe that if their daughter gets married and chooses to be a housewife, then the higher education will be a waste. However an educated woman does not only make a better wife but also contribute better thing to the large society.
Nowadays more women are successfully combining their career and marriage. Educated woman are richer both emotinally and financially. They are able to find an outlet for monotonous drugdery their housekeeping. They bring more satisfaction and contentment to their lives.
Depriving girl of higher education is crash discrimination. Time has changed. Modern society  need the talents of its people regardless of gender. Today women work alongside men. In fact, in the last few decades women have made outstanding contributions to society.
Woman should be given the freedom to be educated whether they get married or go to work after finishing their education because it is only through education that a woman will find herself useful and discover what she wants in life. Woman who work is not  an insult to her husband. Conversely, her husband should feel proud of her achievement since marriage is actually an equal partnership. Therefore, parents should not think that girls should receive less education just because they will got marriage one day.

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  1. Memories, like the corners of my mind” Cynthia cooed softly to Jack.

    “Misty water coloured memories, of the way we were.

    Cynthia knew she was playing with fire, The matron had warned her many times before.

    “You haven’t time to be singing to them my dear, there’s work to be done” The voice still resonated through her head like an echo. She had been suspended from duties for a week just a few months back, accused of not doing her duties, but she had always made sure her tasks were completed before she sang to her patients. Even while on suspension she still came in on her own time to sing to those that it made such a difference to.

    The smile on Jacks face alone, made it all worthwhile. She was well aware that this one song, “The way we were” was special to Jack.

    Cynthia had been nursing at ‘Clarendon Grange’ Home for the aged, for nearly three years, after spending 15 years working at various hospitals. This was by far the most rewarding position she had held.

    “Cynthia Mulvaney get back to work this instance” The voice made Cynthia jump, but it was followed by Raucous laughter as she realised it was her colleague Annie doing another of her impressions.

    “Oh Annie, you frightened me, one day you’ll get caught out, and then I will be the one laughing at you”. Annie was Cynthia’s best friend here, at Clarendon Grange. They had hit off right from the start. Annie sometimes covered for Cynthia while she spent time with Jack, indeed she was the only one that knew the real reason for Cynthia being at this particular nursing home. The reputation of the aged care home was not particularly good, And with Cynthia’s age and experience, she could have worked at much better places.

    Jack started to laugh along with the two women, but the dementia that had taken over his mind, didn’t allow him to understand why. Jacks laughter just brought on more laughter from the two women. The moment was broken by a booming voice echoing up the corridor.

    “What is going on here? Its time the lights were out in Room 18, that old person needs their sleep. And you Cynthia Mulvaney are treading on very thin ice”

    Cynthia was seething, she gently let go of Jacks hand as she rose from the bed.

    She entered the corridor which acted like an echo tunnel, especially when Matrons voice was in use!

    Cynthia felt compelled to stand up for Jack, and herself. “If you don’t mind, this gentleman’s name is Jack William Dawson, not Room 18 and it is only eight thirty pm. Jack will get to sleep when feels like it, not when you decide it for him”

    Cynthia knew by the expression on Matrons face what was coming next.

  2. “My office immediately” barked Matron, Cynthia turned to re enter Jacks room, and walked slowly to his bedside. She bent to put the worn photo album back into Jacks hand, and walked silently out of the room.

    Cynthia looked Matron in the eye, those non descript coloured eyes, not brown, not hazel, not even green, somewhere in between. The Grey plaited bun on the top of her head, was suited well to her personality.

    “Singing to the patients just upsets them for the next shift, and it’s not you that has to deal with their difficult ways, you should have more respect for your fellow workers. Matron spoke, Cynthia noticed a slight crackle in the ageing voice.

    “I reserve my respect for the people in my care, and if I can put a smile on their faces with a song from their past then I will continue to do so” Cynthia had given that little speech many times before. But it never seemed to make a difference. Matron was a sour character, one of those that you felt would never be changed, by any of life’s sad events. Cynthia was convinced she would die being unaffected by a single thing. She was possibly in just the right job then!!

    “You are dismissed early, you may leave now, your pay will be adjusted accordingly. I suggest you go home and learn by that.”

    Cynthia looked at her watch, she still had five hours of her eight hour shift to go, while she stood there thinking of the unfairness of it all, Matron had already picked up the phone and put a call in to the nursing agency for someone to replace her.

    None of this made any sense, Cynthia knew for such short notice the rate of pay was doubled, and it made her wonder who was learning the lesson here?

    Having ignored orders Cynthia sat next to Jacks bed, She knew he was close, his breathing was laboured, she took his hand in hers, his grip tightened and his frightened stare pierced at her heart. She continued to sing, with a tremble in her voice this time.

    “Scattered pictures of the smiles we left behind, smiles we gave to one another for the way we were”

    “You are supposed to be at home learning a lesson”

  3. Cynthia’s heart thumped against her chest as she realised she had been caught out again. Very slowly she rose from her chair, looked the matron in the eye, put her finger to her lips in a hushing action, and motioned with the other hand for her to leave the room. As she followed she knew the exact words that would pass her lips. Cynthia closed Jacks door gently and took a deep breath, before raising her whisper.

    “I am in there learning one of the most valuable lessons that nature could bestow upon humanity, I am making a lonely old man very happy. The lesson that is teaching me is far greater than any lesson you could teach me. And it really wouldn’t hurt you to learn the same lesson” Cynthia took another deep breath.

    “ I hope that when it is your turn, when you are in exactly the same position as that darling old man in there, and it will be you one day. Only the loneliness will be for a different reason. I hope that on that day, somebody will sing to you”

    Cynthia couldn’t ever remember feeling so strong as the Matron stood there speechless.

    “Sadly” she continued, “It won’t be me, I no longer wish to work for you. However you won’t stop me doing what I do, I will be here every day in a voluntary capacity singing to ‘my family’”

    With that said, Cynthia turned and crept back into Jacks room. As she returned to her position, Jack opened his eyes, one last time. Cynthia wondered with some hope if there was just a spark of recognition within those beautiful blue eyes. As she gazed into them, she noticed the fear was gone, replaced with a look of peace.

    Cynthia took hold of his hand again, only this time it didn’t grip hers. There was no strength left, she stroked the back of the frail old hand, with her thumb, and noticed for the first time how similar their hands were, the length of the fingers, the pattern of wrinkles on the knuckles, the lines on the palms. She did have some of the Dawson traits, in fact, she thought to herself with a smile on her face, she had the very best of them. The fact she was here, sitting by this bed, confirmed that firmly in her mind.

    She watched as Jack William Dawson closed his eyes and took his last breath.

    And as a single tear rolled down her cheek, Cynthia felt great peace within herself. At peace with her decision not to reveal the truth, the real reason she chose Clarendon Grange as her final place of employment before retiring.

    As she dabbed with a tissue at her own blue eyes, she picked up the well worn leather bound album of memories and pressed it close to her heart, after all it would be hers now. Cynthia closed her eyes, to take the opportunity to reflect on years gone by. Most of the years were filled with happiness, just the last few, when Jack no longer recognized his only daughter, his only remaining child.

  4. Cynthia’s heart thumped against her chest as she realised she had been caught out again. Very slowly she rose from her chair, looked the matron in the eye, put her finger to her lips in a hushing action, and motioned with the other hand for her to leave the room. As she followed she knew the exact words that would pass her lips. Cynthia closed Jacks door gently and took a deep breath, before raising her whisper.

    “I am in there learning one of the most valuable lessons that nature could bestow upon humanity, I am making a lonely old man very happy. The lesson that is teaching me is far greater than any lesson you could teach me. And it really wouldn’t hurt you to learn the same lesson” Cynthia took another deep breath.

    “ I hope that when it is your turn, when you are in exactly the same position as that darling old man in there, and it will be you one day. Only the loneliness will be for a different reason. I hope that on that day, somebody will sing to you”

    Cynthia couldn’t ever remember feeling so strong as the Matron stood there speechless.

    “Sadly” she continued, “It won’t be me, I no longer wish to work for you. However you won’t stop me doing what I do, I will be here every day in a voluntary capacity singing to ‘my family’”

    With that said, Cynthia turned and crept back into Jacks room. As she returned to her position, Jack opened his eyes, one last time. Cynthia wondered with some hope if there was just a spark of recognition within those beautiful blue eyes. As she gazed into them, she noticed the fear was gone, replaced with a look of peace.

    Cynthia took hold of his hand again, only this time it didn’t grip hers. There was no strength left, she stroked the back of the frail old hand, with her thumb, and noticed for the first time how similar their hands were, the length of the fingers, the pattern of wrinkles on the knuckles, the lines on the palms. She did have some of the Dawson traits, in fact, she thought to herself with a smile on her face, she had the very best of them. The fact she was here, sitting by this bed, confirmed that firmly in her mind.

    She watched as Jack William Dawson closed his eyes and took his last breath.

    And as a single tear rolled down her cheek, Cynthia felt great peace within herself. At peace with her decision not to reveal the truth, the real reason she chose Clarendon Grange as her final place of employment before retiring.

    As she dabbed with a tissue at her own blue eyes, she picked up the well worn leather bound album of memories and pressed it close to her heart, after all it would be hers now. Cynthia closed her eyes, to take the opportunity to reflect on years gone by. Most of the years were filled with happiness, just the last few, when Jack no longer recognized his only daughter, his only remaining child.

    Cynthia’s tears started falling faster now, She felt a warm embrace and turned to see Chris, her husband of 30 years. “What, how” He pressed a finger to her lips to hush her. “Annie called me, Cynth, why didn’t you call me? I would have been here for you both, I loved Jack like I loved my own father”

  5. Hope Can Sometimes Come In Small Packages - “Close the gate Bob, that’s the last of the stragglers”. The slamming of a prison gate never failed to make me jump no matter how many times I heard it. Why was it they put your nearest and dearest in the farthest prisons they could find? Isle of Wight was where they put him. I swore under my breath, I hate this place, stinking, dirty place. And the fact that it took over four hours to get here has not endeared me to it at all.

    I had to pick up the coach from Victoria Station, so early in the morning I don’t think the birds were up – just an eerie silence as dark night changed into daylight. Travelling to the Isle of Wight Prison you just know who is going to the prison and who isn’t, you can even tell who is working there. Some of them have that smug look; you know the one; there but for the grace of God go I. I always wanted to smack that look right off their smug little faces. But it wouldn’t help me or my Dad and anyway what’s done is done.

    Yes my Dad, or Pater, as he jokingly liked to be called might soon be helping out her Majesty with a bit of sewing, again. Yes he is banged up again, on remand I know, but not once has he not been sentenced when he has been caught. The old lag. For what you might ask? For being stupid enough to think he could fence a diamond. I don’t know who was stupider him or the person who trusted him.

    “Have your ID ready please”. The guard was nice enough, looked quite young though, admittedly he didn’t look much older than my Darren. I smothered a smile as I showed him my ID, there was no need for a Visiting Order this time. I wouldn’t need it unless Dad was convicted.

    My stomach tightened as I walked past the wardens, why was it I always felt guilty when I hadn’t done anything. Perhaps it comes from being around too many guilty people. I didn’t want to be searched, not even a little bit, but I knew that it was to be expected. I looked around the visiting area – people of every description and walk of life. No favourites in prison, everyone gets treat

  6. here in the corner with a huge grin on his face was my Dad.

    “Hello Mel darling”, he said waving frantically, “over here”. As if I hadn’t seen him! Gosh he really knows how to embarrass me.

    “Hello love,” my Dad said giving me one of his huge dad-like hugs, “how’s your mum and the kids”.

    Dad always called them the kids even though Sally was 12 and our Steven nearly 14. Me, I was just 16 but felt and looked so much older; worry does that to you.

    “Fine Dad”. I looked at him and smiled, prison never did change my dad. He had been in so many times most of the prison staff knew him and as well as some of the prisoners who were doing a long stretch.

    My Dad bent his head conspiratorially towards me “Mel, I’ve got something to tell you. Promise you won’t tell anyone? Promise me Mel.” I raised my eyebrows, my dad was one of the biggest jokers I knew and this time wasn’t any different. “Mel, I stole a Jammy Dodger from one of the prison guards”, he spluttered. His raucous and infectious laugh carried around the room raising a smile on some of the more despondent faces. “That’s better, I’m not dead love and no-one is going to hang me love. Don’t worry.”

    I got up quickly not daring myself to speak to him. “I’ll get some teas in”, I muttered. Dad was still laughing to himself when I got back.

    I glared at him “Dad, when will you stop treating life as one big joke. I do worry about you. I worry about mum, the kids. How is she going to cope this time? You know she’s pregnant again. Don’t you ever think of anyone but yourself?

  7. His face fell and I felt like the consultant who had just informed someone that they had terminal cancer and that there was nothing anyone could about it. And worse still they only had months to live. “Dad, dad” I said gently. “How is mum going to cope?

    He sighed and I saw his huge loveable face look crestfallen. I thought he was going to cry. “I did it for mum love. You know she’s my life, my everything. I thought this time it would all work out but someone grassed me up”

    “Grassed you up Dad, what do you mean?” To grass someone up, to tell the old bill was not something anyone I knew would do. It was actually like putting a nail in your own coffin. Sooner or later someone would get you, well you couldn’t be trusted.

    “This whole thing was arranged by your uncle Jimmy. All I had to do was to pick up the diamond from this lad Darren… I stopped stirring the tea I had been absentmindedly playing with since I arrived.

    “Yeh, go on” I encouraged.

    “Yeh, this lad Darren, who’d stolen the diamond, was supposed to give me the all clear when I could take the diamond to your Uncle Jimmy’s pawn shop. But it was a set up. The police had been tipped off and were waiting for me. Obviously your Uncle Jimmy denied everything and they have nothing to pin on him. Me, I had the bleeding diamond in my pocket. So there I was banged to rights”.

    “Dad, I’ve never heard you mention a Darren before. Have I met him?” I had never been interested in what tomfoolery my dad had got up to before. If my dad noticed that I was asking questions he didn’t say.

    “No love you haven’t. He’s…” Dad went on to describe my Darren in great detail. His looks, his walk, the way he spoke everything. I suppose when you are cooped up in prison 24 hours a day you have nothing else to do but think.

  8. “Mmm I see”. And I could see all too clearly. A few months ago I had told Darren that my father had said that I was too young to marry. And as for emigrating, well Dad was having none of it. All his children were born and bred in this country and they would all die in this country. So Dad never did meet Darren, “No point” he said “in raising the boy’s hopes.” Darren had been fuming; I had never seen him so mad. OK there was the time when he got into a fight with a young lad at our local who Darren had said had been giving me the eye all night. I hadn’t noticed myself, but I did notice Darren getting drunker and drunker and more leery. Three weeks later Darren saw the lad again and his mates had to drag him off the poor lad. So I knew Darren had a temper and I knew he didn’t forget easily.

    “Dad”, I faltered. “How long do you think you’ll get if you go down?”

    “It’s hard to tell Mel, but the bloke who did the burglary got a bit heavy handed and the home-owner ended up with a fractured skull. The police know this isn’t my form, they know I don’t do violence. But they have to solve the crime and I fit the bill. Well and truly fitted. Of course they asked me for names, but I can’t do that can I? Never been a grass and never will be.

    Even though I didn’t know Darren was going to do a job I remember the night well. I had asked Darren if it was OK if I came round to his. He said yes that would be great. He did my favourite supper and at about 10.00pm said he was tired so he was going up to bed. I must have dozed on the sofa because the next thing Darren was waking me up, bleary eyed I noticed it was about 12.30am. Darren looked as if he had been running and he had changed his clothes. I didn’t say anything to him – he had been in a funny mood all night and I didn’t want to spoil things. I knew something wasn’t right when the police came asking questions. They asked me if Darren had been with me all night and because I love Darren I said yes. But deep down I knew he hadn’t been. Never for one moment did I think my dad was mixed up in this as well. My mouth felt dry, I couldn’t face another drop of tea, I felt I would choke. I ran my tongue around my lips and mouth to give them a well needed moistening.

  9. I didn’t know what to say. My mind was in turmoil. What was I going to do? I could shop Darren and it could mean that my dad received a lesser sentence for only receiving stolen property. But it would also mean that I would lose the love of my life. And if Darren wasn’t convicted and he found out I had shopped him. What would it mean for me...no that’s nonsense. Darren loves me and I know he wouldn’t hurt me but a grass is a grass, and as I said where I come from it’s just done.

    I looked up at my dad, a man I truly loved for all his faults and ways. He wasn’t a bad man, stupid sometimes but not bad. How could I let him rot in prison?

    “Cheer up Mel; it’s not the end of the world. Look that woman’s bought in her baby to see its dad. See there’s still hope”

    I didn’t have the heart to correct my dad. The baby was either a boy or a girl not an it. Mm that’s it. I wouldn’t tell dad about Darren, I wouldn’t tell Darren that I knew about his involvement in the burglary. I’d accept his proposal of marriage and emigrate to wherever he wanted to go. Then I could give Dad his hope. Grandchildren. Dad was going to be in for a very long stretch and I knew that I would need all that time and more for him to forgive me for leaving mum and the kids on their own. Not to mention leaving the country.

    Now how was I going to convince Darren that he needed to change his appearance and possibly his name?

  10. Met Him on the Stairs - I met him on the stairs. I should have waited longer. At first I thought that maybe he hadn’t seen me. He was at the turn of the second floor landing, his hand on the heavy swing door that separated the stairs from the lobby. The lift doors could just be seen through the gap that he had made. Beyond, was his flat. I didn’t want to think of that.

    He appeared distracted, his eyes fixed on something I could not see, his head to one side. He looked like he might have been in the process of either coming in or going out. He was waiting for me, of course, but I wasn’t to know that.

    The suddenness with which I stopped, along with the rush of adrenalin that caused my stomach to clench, threatened to unbalance me.

    He let the door swing back with a bang. I jumped. To retrace my steps was pointless – he already knew that I was there and anyhow, where could I go? It was already past six and mum would do her nut if I was late for dinner again. Strands of part- dried hair snagged inside my sports shirt. I let them be.

    “Did you say anything?” The baldness of the question took me by surprise.


    “Where have you been?”

    “Swimming club.”

    “Thought so,” eyes flicking to my hair.

  11. only had one more flight to climb. Shifting my bag higher onto my shoulder, I started forward again past the turn of the stairs where he was standing. The barrier of his arm was sudden – hard against my belly.

    Spindles of light from the landing window cast zebra stripes across his face. I couldn’t read his expression.

    “Are you sure you didn’t tell?”

    “I told you, no!” I was angry with the tears that were pricking my eyes.

    Distant street sounds teased through the half open fan light above our heads. The squeak of a wheelie bin and the bump it made as it mounted the curb.

    I pushed forward and felt his arm brace. He grabbed my wrist - the pulse beating out a ragged rhythm where his thumb pressed hard into the soft flesh.

    “Come over later,” he muttered, hot breath close to my ear.

    “I can’t. I have homework.”

    His grip slackened. The forefinger of his other hand traced the curve of my jaw coming to rest on the still damp aertex at the base of my throat.

    “Come over later.”

    He knew. Today would be no different.


    I Met Him on the Stairs By: Wendy Clarke

  12. ntara Kau Dan Bola
    Suasana ruang kelas rebut sekali waktu aku masuk. Saking ributnya sampe kedengeran ke ruang guru. Untung saja guru-gurunya pada cuek. Dari ramenya aku sudah bisa nebak mereka pasti lagi ngomongin pertandingan bola tadi malam, langsung aja aku ikut nimbrung. Lagi seru-serunya ngobrol itu guru matematika tahu-tahu sudah masuk kelas. Tanpa basa-basi langsung deh ngomongin rumus-rumus yang gak pernah aku ngerti.

    Isinya Cuma rumus-rumus dan rumus. Ini udah masuk jam terakhir, udah males banget huuh...dengerin guru, ditambah lagi mataku udah berat banget untuk dibuka, kayanya ada banyak banget yang nindihin kelopak mata ini. Ini gara-gara tadi malem begadang demi nonton bola, soalnya kan EURO kan datang empat tahun sekali masak mau dilewatin begitu saja. Perlahan tapi pasti mata itu mulai nutup. Gak peduli guru ngomong apa, mata ini sudah tidak bisa diajak kompromi lagi.

    Pulang sekolah aku irvan dan resti – cewekku – nongkrong dulu diekitar kebun karet, disitu pun masih ngobrol masalah bola.

    ”kalo aja semalem finaltinya mutu” (pemain rumania masuk) udah kalah tu itali, kata joe yang nama aslinya bejo tapi ya biar aga keren panggilannya joe.

    ”ya gak mungkin lah, liat dulu siapa kipernya,BUFFON.. mana masuk tendangan kaya gitu!”kata irfan yang punya badan paling gede diantara kami.

    Rumania tuh semalem cama masih dilindungi dewi fortuna aja” tambahku. Waktu kami masih ngobrol resti Cuma manyun kayanya dia bt banget soalnya dari tadi kami ngebahas masalah bola,

    ”res kok diem aja”, tanyaku
    ”oh..masih sadar kalo aku ada disini?”
    ”kok jawabnya gitu sih, masa iya aku lupa sama ceweku sendiri”
    ’pulang yuk udah sore,..” resti ngalhin pembicaraan.
    ”Wah ada yang ngambek nih” kata joe jahil.

    Dijalan resti tetep diam aja mulutnya kaya diolesin lem kayu, susah banget dibuka. Sampe depan rumah resti tetap diem. Turun dari motor nyelonong aja, kenapa tuh anak ya...fikirku.”ah bodo amat, besok juga sembuh ngambeknya.

  13. am lima sore aku baru nyampe rumah. Orang tuaku jarang ada dirumah jam-jam segini. Mereka lebih asik ngurusin berkas-berkas kantor dari pada ngurusin rumah. Tapi aku ga pernah ambil pusing, biarin aja mereka sibuk dengan urusan mereka.

    Aku langsung masuk kamar mandi. Ah...seger banget rasanya. Waktunya nonton bola nih, gumamku. Aku langsung matiin komputer dan nonton tv, ngebosenin banget nonton bola sendirian Cuma sama secangkir kopi sama snack yang bisu, ga bisa ngerasa seneng kalo diajak ngobrol dan ada gol. Atau malah mereka bosen tiap malem nemenin aku duduk didepan tv.

    Waktu nyampe disekolah suasananya sepi. Turun dari mobil aku langsung lar buru-buru. Untung aja satpam sekolah bisa disegok dua lembar kertas yang gambarnya diponegoro. Lolos dari satpam bukan berarti bebas. Dikelas aku udah disambut oleh pak kumis tebal, tapi sayangnya orang satu ini gak bisa disogok, alhasil aku gak bisa ikut jam pelajaran pertama dan masuk BP. Diruangan itu aku ditegur sama guru BP terus ditanya macem-macem kenapa sampe terlambat. Abis itu aku dibiarin masuk, tapi dikelas pak tekno sudah nyiapin tugas seabreg-abreg, bikin males sekolah aja.. ***

    Gol.....!!! seketika kami teriak waktu tendangan delpiero gak bisa ditepis kiper perancis. ”sial kalo saya kalah berati saya bayar dong sama kalian, keluh joe murung.

    ”yaiyalah masa yaiya dong”, jawabku serentak dengan irfan. Malam itu joe dan irfan memang sengaja aku ajak nginep dirumahku soalnya aku bt kalo harus nonton bola sendirian. Dasar sial, aku belum ngerjain tugas dari pak tikno lagi. padahal hari ini harusnya dikumpul.

    ”Akhirnya selesai juga nih tugas, bodo amat, jawabannya mau bener mau salah yang penting udah ngerjain. Tet....tet akhirnya bel istirahat pun berbunyi. Bel istirahat jadi penyelamat kami. Eh bukan lebih tepatnya aku...
    ”semalem nonton bola lagi sampe jam berapa. Resti menegurku
    ”Iya...uh pertandingannya seru banget.”
    ”Saking serunya kamu lupa sama tugas kamu” yang lebih parah kamu lupa sama aku” Siapa bilang aku lupa sama kamu”
    ”buktinya, udah dua malam ni kamu gak nelpon aku, bahkan sms aja nggak”
    ”oh ceritanya kangen nih, aku coba ngerayu dia tapi gak berhasil.
    ”res masa Cuma gara-gara bola kamu ampe ngambek gni”

  14. Sial aku dicuekin, sekarang dia malah asik ngobrol ama temennya. Seolah aku nggak ada dan kalo ada pun Cuma dianggap radio butut yang batrenya sudah mulai soak.
    ”res, kasian temen kamu yang udah rela pergi supaya kita bisa ngomong.” kataku
    ”yaudah cepet mau ngomong apa?” gila jutek banget jawabannya. ” aku minta maaf ya soalnya kemarin aku nyuekin kamu. ”gampang banget minta maaf, ada syaratnya”. Uh...kaya nikah aja ada syaratnya.

    ”yaudah apa syaratnya?”
    ”kalau didepanku kamu jangan ngomongin masalah bola walo ada si joe dan irfan trus kamu harus lebih mentingn aku dari pada bola-bola..”

    ah segitu si gampang.”ok,..aku siap”. Udah jalan dua minggu setelah syarat itu dibuat sampe sekarang masih lancar. Besok rencananya joe dan irfan mau nobar disebuah kafe.

    ”waduh...mampus nih...joe sekarang tanggal berapa? Tanyaku. Tgl 23 juni, emang kenapa sih panik? ”ini tuh hari ulang tahunnya resti, aku lupa belum ngasih ucapan slamat ke dia. ” biasanya juga telat kan” kata irfan.

    Kemudian ada sms masuk yang bikin kaget tuh isinya.. ”kamu sudah melanggar syarat yang udah aku bikin. Kamu lebih mentingin bola dari pada aku...! dirumah aku masih kepikiran, emang sih ga apa-apa tapi kalau kita putus gimana? Ya emang cewe banyak tapi ga ada yang kaya resti.

    Tet tut tet..... ”kamu aku maafin tapi harus dateng tgl 26 buat gantiin yang tadi. ”Ok, aku janji”. Sial, nyesel juga balas sms cepet-cepet sampe ga inget kalau tanggal itu final EURO.

    ”duh...gimana nih, gimana kalau jangan tanggal itu res?”
    ”tadi kan kamu udah bilang iya..emang kenapa sih? Pasti karena bola lagi ya..”

    Lama resti ga balas sms lagi.... tut tat tut.... akhirnya dibales juga. Buseet aku hampir ga percaya baca sms dari resti,. ”yasudah...kamu tinggal pilih: AKU atau BOLA”, smsnya singkat pada dan bikin bingung. Keesokan harinya aku masih bingung, joe dan irfan ga mau ngasih solusi katanya takut kebawa-bawa ga bisa nonton final. Akhirnya aku mutusin untuk menemui resti dulu baru nanti nonton, nonton dirumah juga ga apa-apa yang penting bisa nonton final.

  15. Home » Cerpen » Inggris Indonesia » Cerpen Inggris Indo - Antara Kau Dan Bola
    Cerpen Inggris Indo - Antara Kau Dan Bola
    Cerita Inggris Indonesia 5 years ago 0 No comments


    Membaca sebuah cerpen menjadi kegiatan yang selalu menarik bagi sebagian pelajar, untuk itu kali ini saya akan berbagi sebuah cerpen karangan pelajar dengan judul “Cerpen Inggris Indo - Antara Kau Dan Bola”. Cerpen ini akan disajikan dalam dua bahasa yaitu dalam bahasa Indonesia dan bahasa Inggris.

    Cerpen Antara Kau Dan Bola
    Ilustrasi Cerpen Inggris Indo - Antara Kau Dan Bola

    Cerpen Indonesia - Antara Kau Dan Bola
    Bagian yang pertama, silahkan dinikmati cerpen ini dalam versi asli dari penulisnya yaitu dalam bahasa Indonensia. Selengkapnya cerpen tersebut sebagai berikut!

    Antara Kau Dan Bola
    Suasana ruang kelas rebut sekali waktu aku masuk. Saking ributnya sampe kedengeran ke ruang guru. Untung saja guru-gurunya pada cuek. Dari ramenya aku sudah bisa nebak mereka pasti lagi ngomongin pertandingan bola tadi malam, langsung aja aku ikut nimbrung. Lagi seru-serunya ngobrol itu guru matematika tahu-tahu sudah masuk kelas. Tanpa basa-basi langsung deh ngomongin rumus-rumus yang gak pernah aku ngerti.

    Isinya Cuma rumus-rumus dan rumus. Ini udah masuk jam terakhir, udah males banget huuh...dengerin guru, ditambah lagi mataku udah berat banget untuk dibuka, kayanya ada banyak banget yang nindihin kelopak mata ini. Ini gara-gara tadi malem begadang demi nonton bola, soalnya kan EURO kan datang empat tahun sekali masak mau dilewatin begitu saja. Perlahan tapi pasti mata itu mulai nutup. Gak peduli guru ngomong apa, mata ini sudah tidak bisa diajak kompromi lagi.

    Pulang sekolah aku irvan dan resti – cewekku – nongkrong dulu diekitar kebun karet, disitu pun masih ngobrol masalah bola.

    ”kalo aja semalem finaltinya mutu” (pemain rumania masuk) udah kalah tu itali, kata joe yang nama aslinya bejo tapi ya biar aga keren panggilannya joe.

    ”ya gak mungkin lah, liat dulu siapa kipernya,BUFFON.. mana masuk tendangan kaya gitu!”kata irfan yang punya badan paling gede diantara kami.

    Rumania tuh semalem cama masih dilindungi dewi fortuna aja” tambahku. Waktu kami masih ngobrol resti Cuma manyun kayanya dia bt banget soalnya dari tadi kami ngebahas masalah bola,

    ”res kok diem aja”, tanyaku
    ”oh..masih sadar kalo aku ada disini?”
    ”kok jawabnya gitu sih, masa iya aku lupa sama ceweku sendiri”
    ’pulang yuk udah sore,..” resti ngalhin pembicaraan.
    ”Wah ada yang ngambek nih” kata joe jahil.

    Dijalan resti tetep diam aja mulutnya kaya diolesin lem kayu, susah banget dibuka. Sampe depan rumah resti tetap diem. Turun dari motor nyelonong aja, kenapa tuh anak ya...fikirku.”ah bodo amat, besok juga sembuh ngambeknya.

    Jam lima sore aku baru nyampe rumah. Orang tuaku jarang ada dirumah jam-jam segini. Mereka lebih asik ngurusin berkas-berkas kantor dari pada ngurusin rumah. Tapi aku ga pernah ambil pusing, biarin aja mereka sibuk dengan urusan mereka.

    Aku langsung masuk kamar mandi. Ah...seger banget rasanya. Waktunya nonton bola nih, gumamku. Aku langsung matiin komputer dan nonton tv, ngebosenin banget nonton bola sendirian Cuma sama secangkir kopi sama snack yang bisu, ga bisa ngerasa seneng kalo diajak ngobrol dan ada gol. Atau malah mereka bosen tiap malem nemenin aku duduk didepan tv.

    Waktu nyampe disekolah suasananya sepi. Turun dari mobil aku langsung lar buru-buru. Untung aja satpam sekolah bisa disegok dua lembar kertas yang gambarnya dipone

  16. Between You And The Ball
    Grab the classroom atmosphere once when I entered. So ributnya until kedengeran to the staff room. Luckily, the teachers at the ignorant. Of ramenya I can already guess they must again talking about a ball game last night, I immediately wrote chimed. After chatting it up in full swing math teacher knew it was going to class. Without further ado directly deh talking about the formulas that I do not ever understand.

    Only the contents formulas and formulas. I entered this last hour, because I'm really lazy huuh ... listen to teachers, plus my already really heavy to open, there are a lot of really rich who nindihin the eyelid. It's just staying up for Malem was watching the ball, because it comes right EURO four years dilewatin just want to cook. Slowly but surely it's eyes began to shut. Do not care what the teachers say, the eyes are not able to compromise anymore.

    I came home from school and resti irvan - my girl - hang diekitar first rubber plantation, there was still talk problem balls.

    "Aja kalo semalem finaltinya quality" (Romanian players entered)'ve lost tu italy, said Joe, whose real name bejo but ya let cool aga call joe.

    "Yeah not possible lah, who first clay goalkeeper, Buffon .. where the incoming kick so rich! "said Irfan who has the most big body between us.

    Romania tuh semalem cama still protected the goddess Fortuna wrote "I added. When we were talking resti Just bt really rich he pouted because of our earlier issues ngebahas ball,
    "Res diem aja kok", I asked
    "Oh .. still realized that I was here?"
    "Why its so hell, yeah I forgot period ceweku itself"
    'Let's go home already afternoon, .. "resti ngalhin talks.
    "Well there ya cranky" joe said mischievously.

    Tetep silent street resti wrote diolesin rich wood glue his mouth, really hard to open. Front of the house remain until resti diem. Aja wandering off the bike, why tuh ya boy ... fikirku. "Bodo ah heck, tomorrow also recovered ngambeknya.

  17. Five o'clock I nyampe new home. My parents rarely home this late hour. They prefer cool ngurusin of office files on ngurusin home. But I is not never give a damn, leave it they were busy with their affairs.

    I went straight into the bathroom. Ah ... it feels really Seger. Time to watch the ball ya, I muttered. I immediately turned off the computer and watching TV, watching the ball really boring Just the same as a cup of coffee at the snack that dumb, can not feel happy if invited to talk and no goals. Or even those bored by Malem accompany me sitting in front of the tv.

    Nyampe time school was lonesome. Out of the car I immediately rush lar. Thank God school security guard could disegok two sheets of drawing paper Diponegoro. Escaped from the security guard does not mean free. Class I've greeted by a thick mustache pack, but unfortunately this one man can not be bribed, as a result I can not participate at the first lesson and go BP. I'm the same in that room teacher reprimanded BP being asked why macem-macem until late. After that I dibiarin go, but class is nyiapin pack techno-abreg seabreg task, make lazy school aja .. ***

    Goal .....!!! we shouted instantly kick delpiero time can not be pushed over the French goalkeeper. "Damn if I lose my means you pay the same dong, moaned joe moody.

    "Yaiyalah period Yaiya dong", I replied in unison with irfan. That night Joe and I invite irfan deliberately nginep bt if my house because I have to watch the ball alone. Damn it, I do not work on the task of Tikno pack again. but today should be collected.

    "Finally finished too ya tasks, bodo so, the answer would want one of the important Bener already work on. Tet tet .... eventually break bell sounds. Bel break so our savior. Eh I rather not ...
    "Semalem watching the ball again until what time. Resti reproached
    "Yeah ... uh really exciting match."
    "So he called you forgot your duty" even worse you forgot about me "
    Who says I forgot about you "
    "The evidence, already two nights ni you're not calling me, not even sms aja"
    "Oh ya missed the story, I tried to seduce him but no success.
    "Res time it happened just because you ball ampe cranky gni"

  18. Damn I was ignored, now he's even cool chat ama his friends. As if I was not there and even if there's just considered a battered radio batrenya already worn out.

    "Res, kasian your friend who is already willing to go so we could talk." I
    "Yaudah cepet want to say anything?" Crazy jutek really answer. "I'm sorry yes because yesterday I nyuekin you. "Easy really am sorry, there are conditions". Uh ... there are conditions aja rich marriage.
    "Yaudah what condition?"

    "If you're not talking about the issue in front of the ball there walo si irfan joe and then you should be mentingn me of my balls .."

    ah man that much easier. "ok, .. I'm ready". It's been two weeks after qualified path was made until now still smooth. Tomorrow the plan joe and irfan want nobar disebuah cafe.

    "Oh no ... ya ... joe now dead date? I asked. Date 23 June, weve why the hell panic? "This tuh resti his birthday, I forgot slamat not give utterance to her. "It is usually too late" said Irfan.

    Then there is incoming sms surprised tuh make it .. "You have violated the terms that I already make. You mentingin ball more than me ...! I still kepikiran home, weve still ga anything but if we break up how? Yes weve girl a lot but there are rich resti ga.

    Tet tet tut ..... "I forgive you but must dateng on 26 for the last gantiin. "Ok, I promise". Damn, nyesel also reply sms cepet-ga cepet remember that date until the final EURO.

    "Duh ... how ya, what if it's not on res?"
    "Was not it you've said yes .. weve wrong with you? It must be because the ball again ya .. "

  19. Long resti ga reply sms again .... tat tut tut .... finally dibales too. I almost can not believe Buseet read sms from resti,. "... You just select yasudah: ME or BALL", short sms on and confuse. The next day I was still confused, joe and irfan not want to give his solution-bring fear kebawa can not watch the final. Finally I dump to see the new first resti later watching, watching at home also ga what is important to watch the finals.

    Seven in the evening I drove home resti.
    "Let's go, resti said.
    "Where, I asked, surprised
    "Myspace is also know, I finally joined aja .. duh .. what if I go ga sempet really regret I could watch ...
    "Turn right in front of ya .." I'm rich so the taxi driver wrote.
    "Res, why come here ..?" Was again asked, surprised.
    "You want to watch the ball, right?"
    "It ... but you do??"
    "I come watch ya dong, .. I'm beyond rich future security."
    "You're not angry? '

    "I'm doing angry, replied resti with a cheery smile. Been a long time I did not see that sweet smile. I'm really relieved, finally resti not cranky anymore if I'm talking about the ball, instead skarang we often watch together. Ball and love weve made me mad.

    Akan ada banyak lagi cerita lain yang dapat sobat pengunjung nikmati di blog ini jadi pastikan sobat tidak ketinggalan cerita menarik lainnya.

  20. Asam Manis Kisah Di Balik My Diary
    Suara adzan subuh telah berkumandang membangunkan umat islam untuk beribadah. Butiran grimis berjatuhan dari muka langit, suasana masih terasa seperti malam. Jam menunjukan pukul 05.00 aku bergegas untuk bersujud dan mengadahkan tangan diatas sajadah. Memohon dan meminta kepada Tuhan untuk dilancarkan hari ini, karna hari ini aku akan menginjakan kaki di sekolah baruku. SMA Tunas Bangsa sih, SMA favorit ketika ku lihat jam jarum pendek sudah menuju angka 7 ku ikat tali sepatuku membentuk pita sesuai dengn namaku pita.

    Namun cuaca hari ini sedang tak mendukung mendung menyelimuti muka langit . sentuhan angin yang menyapu kulitku masih terasa dingin menusuk tulangku. Matahari masih enggan menampakan dirinya dank abut embun masih menari- nari di udara. Aku berangkat sekolah dengan diantar ayahku. Aku duduk di kelas x5 dengan ditemani nina. Anak kota sebelah yang gayanya sangat feminime. Ketika malam tiba ku buka diary dan kutulis pemeran baru untuk kisah baru Kita bertemu di tempat ini, mungkin kita tertawa dan bersedih di tempat ini dan mungkin untuk mengakhiri cerita kita di tempat ini jua.

    Waktu terus berjalan tak ku sangka banyak banyak terukir kisah asam, manis dan pahit di kelas ini. Dibalik pintu kelas ini banyak terukir kisah kenangan yang mungkin mudah dan mungkin susah dilupakan. Cinta adalah rasa saling suka terhadap seseorang. Yang mungkin saat ini banyak dirasakan oleh teman-teman. Dan mungkin aku sendiri Kini merasakan gejolak asmara. cinta lokasi Cinta dimana rasa suka tumbuh saat bersama dalam satu tempat. Banyak cinta lokasi yang kini melanda di kelasku. Ada banyak pasang yang mersakan cinta lokasi ini. Kurang lebihnya ada 5 pasang namun hanya 2 yang jadian sampai saat ini.

    Juno dan carisa adalah pasangan pertama yang merasakan cinta lokasi ini. Justin adalah cowok paling manis di kelasku . setau aku banyak yang naksir.dia Anaknya asyik dan ok, humoris hingga banyak yang care sama dia. Aku mempunyai sahabat, sahabatku bernama nina. Nina sering curhat dengan ku tentang justin. Dan aku curhat dengan Nina tentang gala cowok kelas tetangga yang gaya selonongan tapi asik.

  21. Pasangan kedua adalah chery dan jose mereka saling suka bahkan saling sayang namun cerita mereka tak seindah bunga mawar yang merekah. Chery sudah mempunyai kekasih hingga akhirnya chery meninggalkan jose dan tetap melanjutkan hubungannya dengan cinta lamanya.

    Pasangan yang ke tiga mencicipi cinta lokasi adalah Ahmad dan Mega pasangan yang sangat kuat diagama mereka.

    Pasangan ke empat adalah Cinta dan Karel. Karel jatuh cinta pada cinta sejak pandangan pertama. Namun cinta karel bertepuk sebelah tangan cinta sudah mempunyai kekasih. Namun karel akan setia menunggu cinta sampai cinta menerima cinta karel.

    Dan pasangnan ke lima adalah sahabatku sendiri nina dan justin. Dulu justin sangat kagum dengan nina karena nina anaknya pendiam dan smart. Namun rasa kagum itu tak bertahan lama justin tipe cowok yang playboy. Disaat nina mulai suka dengan justin, justin pergi meninggalkannya karena justin terpikat dengan pesona kecantikan putri ketua osis sekolah SMA Cendrawasih. Hingga akhirnya nina memutuskan untuk melupakan justin. Justin sikapnya berubah 180. Dai kini menjadi sombong dan suka marah-marah hingga banyak yang membenci dia. Aku dan nina memanggil justin dengan nama bunglon ( karna bunglon gampang berubah warna dimana dia berada) sedangkan justin gampang berubah sikap dan gampang suka sama cewe-cewe. Mereka adalah pasangan yang sempat mencicipi cinta lokasi, setelah nina memutuskan untuk melupakan justin nina bertemu dengan yudha, wakil ketua osis di sekolahku SMA Tunas Bangsa. Mereka sempat berpacaran namun yudha memutuskan tali cinta dengan nina karena yudha mengejar cinta masa lalunya. Remuk hati sakit yang dirasa nina begitu terasa di hati. Aku dapat merasakan apa yang kini dirasakan sahabatku. Aku tak tega melihat sahabatku.

    Suatu hari very sepupuku datang ke rumah pada saat nina sedang di rumahku. Aku memanggil junio kakak, kak junio jatuh cinta pada pandangan pertama . aku akhirnya mengenalkan kakakku dengan nina dan mereka bertukaran nomor hp. Setelah sekian lama mereka berkenalan, mereka pun jadian pada tanggal 28 februari tepat pukul 24.00 dan tepat di hari ulang tahun nina. Kisah cinta nina dan aku hingga saat ini masih berjalan indah bagai mawar merah yang merekah dan semoga berakhir dengan kebahagiaan dan senyuman manis. Namun kisah persahabatanku tak seindah mentari dipagi hari , tak semanis madu dari sarang lebah, tak seceria kupu-kupu penghisap nektar bunga, dan tak semulus persahabatanku dengan nina.

  22. Selain nina aku mempunyai sahabat bernama cantik dan laura. Hubunganku renggang bak rel kereta yang memuai saat cuaca panas. Laura marah kepadaku dan cantik, hanya karena sekelumit salah paham yang mungkin susah dimengerti. Laura memang terkenal dengan sifat dia yang judes dan egois. Aku dan cantik tak bisa berbuat apa-apa karna memang kita tidak tau bagaimana jalan fikiran laur. Dia sudah dimakan dengan keegoisannya sendiri. Aku dan laura satu kelas laura selalu memakiku didepan teman-teman aku dan dia memang beda kasta. Dengan angkuhnya dia meninggikan dirinya sendiri dan menjatuhkan aku. Dia selalu ingin diatas awan dan dia ingin aku selalu dibawah tanah dengan memandang senyum hinanya. Laura pintar sekali bersandiwara dan bersilat lidah didepan teman-teman satu kelas hingga aku dikucilkan. Namun aku hanya bisa mengelus dada, selalu menghela nafas panjang saat dia mencaci makiku. Dan selalu ada kata sabar dalam hati dan fikiranku. Laura memang anak orang kaya namun sangat egois dan angkuh selalu membanggakan harta orang tuanya namun dia miskin perasaan. Aku memang orang sederhana dan tak punya harta yang melimpah namun aku selalu mencoba untuk tidak pernah merendahkan orang lain. Hidupku memang sederhana namun aku tak ingin miskin perasaan aku mencoba kaya perasaan. Karna Allah tidak suka manusia seperti laura. Ibuku selalu berpesan kepadaku “janganlah kamu sombong terhadap manusia karna Tuhan tidak suka hambanya yang sombong” setelah beberapa bulan tak pernah bertegur sapa dan dia sudah puas mencaciku didunia maya. Dia meminta maaf kepada cantik. Dan tidak kepadaku namun apa boleh dikata seperti bondan prakoso dan fade 2 black “ ya sudahlah”.

    Apa boleh dikata ,aku tak pernah sedikitpun menganggap dia musuh namun dia selalu menganggapku musuh bak penjajah yang harus dimusnahkan. Setelah aku kehilangan satu sahabat datanglah sahabat baru ku bernama Mita. Mungkin pepatah yang berbunyi “ mati satu tumbuh seribu” masih berlaku untukku. Aku duduk di kelas x5 SMA Tunas Bangsa, di kelas ini aku mempunyai teman-teman yang unik, teman-temanku di kelas x5 ini, bagai rujak buah mempunyai sifat yang bermacam-macam.

    Di kelas aku termasuk anak yang tak banyak bicara. Aku lebih suka menulis dari pada mengeluarkan kata-kata. Di kelas aku terkenal kuper tak suka berinteraksi bahkan yang bisa membuatku ketawa hanya nina.

  23. Di kelas aku termasuk anak yang tak banyak bicara. Aku lebih suka menulis dari pada mengeluarkan kata-kata. Di kelas aku terkenal kuper tak suka berinteraksi bahkan yang bisa membuatku ketawa hanya nina.

    Suatu hari ku termenung diam melamun seseorang yang memberiku benih-benih cinta, ku merasa ada yang mengganjal pada diri gala . dia berubah bak es batu yang mencair yang semula berbentuk namun lama kelamaan tak berbentuk bahkan menghilang. Perubahan dia sangat berdampak di hidupku bagai tubuh yang tak ada tulang penopang namun aku tak mau terlihat lemah didepannya. Mungkin ini cobaan dalam hidupku, ku mencari jalan terbaik dari cobaan ini dan selalu ada kata sabar dalam hati dan fikiranku. Namun sampai kapan cobaan ini akan menghadangku. Dai memang bukan pacar pertamaku namun dia cinta pertamaku. Hingga aku begitu berat tuk melepaskan dia dari pelukan cintaku. Walau dia selalu menyakitiku namun hati ini tak bisa berbohong jika aku begitu menyayanginya. Setelah beberapa hari dia berubah sikap aku baru mengerti bahwa dia sedang digeluti oleh masalah. Namun dia anaknya sangat tertutup dan dia tak mau sedikitpun berbagi kisah denganku. Aku sempat berfikir apakah dia menemukan cinta yang lebih dari aku? Namun aku selalu berfikir positif aku mencoba tak sedikitpun berfikir negative tentang dia. Aku ingin lama mengikat tali cinta dengan dia. Dua kalimat untuk gala yudha kekasihku “ Love U gala dan aku ingin setia pada mu”

    Pada malam minggu tepat pukul 19.00 wib dia mengajak aku ke taman yang selalu dia kunjungi . dia berkata, “ bagaimana kabar buku diary mu?” aku menjawab “ diaryku?” dia menjawab dengan senyuman manis yang terukir dibibirnya “iya:> tiap hari selalu aku isi dengan goresan tinta hitam merekah kataku. Waw aku ingin meminta izin padamu, boleh tidak? Tanya gala “ ijin apa?” jawabku. Dia memberiku mawar merah dan saat itu gerimis mulai turun dari muka langit pada saat itu lah dia berkat “aku minta putus” hatiku pedih bahkan sempat menitihkan air mata. Hatiku hancur bagai ladang yang tersiram larva gunung berapi. Pedih bagai luka sayatan terkena garam begitu pedihnya. Dia menjelaskan mengapa dia meninggalkanku. Aku sudah tak kuat mendengar suara dia. Saat hujan mulai deras aku berlari meninggalkan dia dan mawar yang dia beri yang aku bawa hanya rasa sakit dihatiku dan masih terniang bekas suara dia.

  24. Ku tulis kejadian malam itu di buku diaryku pada halaman tengah dan ku goreskan tinta merah nyala yang melambangkan kemarahan. Keesokan harinya aku berangkat sekolah dengan diantar ayahku, setiba di sekolah aku tak langsung ke kelas aku ke kantin untuk menemui ke 3 sahabatku nina, mita dan cantik. Aku menceritakan semua kejadian saat gala berucap kata pisah. Luka itu kembali aku rasakan di hati saat teng,teng, teng, bel berbunyi aku dank e 3 sahabatku ke kelas. Saat tiba di kelas aku terbengong kenapa ada gala di tempat dudukku. Jose teman dekat gala berkata kepadaku “ kamu kenapa? jangan kaget! Gala pindah kelas di kelas kita.”

    Saat aku ingin meninggalkan kelas bu wina guru bahasa indonesiaku datang, hingga akhirnya mau tak mau aku harus duduk disamping gala. Sedih, sakit, marah bercampur jadi satu. Selama jam pelajaran berlangsung aku hanya menundukan kepala dan menulis kata “HATE HE”! aku tak pernah sedikitpun melirik dia apa lagi bicara padanya. Sepatah kata pu tak ku ucap padanya, dan dia hanya bisa diam dan memperhatikan pelajaran bu wina.

    Saat malam tiba aku duduk didepan rumah dengn ditemani gitarku, sinar bulan, bintang, dan secangkir mocca hangat. Ku petik gitar ku nyanyikan alunan lagu risau dengan disapu angin sepoi- sepoi malam yang menyentuh lembut kulitku. Saat malam sunyi menghampiriku ku memulai memetik gitar dan menyanyikan lagu “ kisah cintaku” yang diciptakan, dinyanyikan oleh almarhum Crysye dan sempat dinyanyikan kembali oleh peterpan “ dimalam yang sesunyi ini aku sendiri tiada yang menemani. Akhirnya kini ku sadari diatelah pergi tinggalkan diriku. Akan semua kan terulang kisah cintaku yang seperti dulu. Hanya dirimu yang ku cinta dan ku kenang didalam hatiku. Tak kan pernah hilang. Bayangan dirimu untuk selamanya. Mengapa terjadi kepada diriku aku tak percaya kau telah tiada, haruskah ku pergi tinggalkan dunia agar aku dapat berjumpa dengan mu. Itulah lirik lagunya. Jam menunjukkan pukul 21.00 secangkir mocca sudah habis dan udara semakin dingin menusuk tulang angin berhembus kencang ku berdiri dan menutup pintu. Ku letakkan gitar di ruang tengah ku cuci kaki, tangan dan muka untuk tidur. Ketika ku akan menutup mata handphoneku bergetar tak ku sangka gala mengirimkan pesan singkat dia mengucapkan selamat malam dan selamat tidur.dan Ku balas dengan kata-kata “sama” handphone ku matikan jam 00.00 wib. aku terbangun aku teringat jika aku belom menulis diary tentang hari ini setelah ku menulis diary aku tertidur lagi.

    Sudah 2 minggu aku tak bertegur sapa dengan gala namun kisah persahabatanku dengan laura kini telah mencair. Dia meminta maaf padaku dengan senang hati akupun memaafkannya. Laura juga sudah mendengar cerita tentang aku dan gal. laura di kelas sekarang sangat dekat bahkan mereka sekarang duduk satu bangku . aku sempat berfikir “ apa mungkin mereka berpacaran?” namun aku mencoba menghilangkan fikiran negative itu mungkin mereka hanya bersahabat. Dan jika mereka berpacaran tidak ada salahnya aku sudah putus dengan gala. Sedangkan laura juga putus dengan vino teman SMP nya,lagian laura lebih dari aku, dia cantik, dan anak orang kaya tidak seperti aku cewek sederhana.

    Saat pelajaran seni music murid-murid x5 Tunas Bangsa ada penilaian menyanyi galadan laura featuring

  25. dengan membawa gitar dan menyanyikan lagu milik last child featgisel yang berjudul “seluruh nafas ini” aku bernyanyi lagu milik nadia fatira yang berjudul “I’II be allright” dengan petikan gitar dan aturan yang slow. Lagu ini aku persembahkan untuk gala sang mantan yang ku cinta. Saat aku mengalunkan lirik “I’IIr remember all first step you come to me. Everything that you said to me. Your still perfect even you don’t say you’re sorry” mataku terpejam dan teringat akan sakit yang ku rasa. Sahabat- sahabatku dan laura selalu memberikan kata-kata motifasi hingga aku merasa lebih tegar menghadapi ini semua.

    Tanggal 28 februari 2011 tepat ulang tahun dia yang ke 15 semua teman-teman kelas memberi selamat ulang tahun padanya kecuali aku. Aku hanya duduk di bangku berdiam diri dan melamun kebiasaanku, menulis kata di kertas. Wahyu datang dan duduk tepat didepan bangkuku dia menasehatikku” kamu kenapa?” aku tau kamu pasti sakit merasakan luka dihatimu yang digores gala. Tapi setidaknya kamu tak boleh memperlihatkan sifat kejutekan kamu. Kamu tau kana pa yang tidak dia suka dari kamu? Kata jose iya aku tau tapi tatapan matanya membuatku sakit, Jawabku. kamu tahan kamu tunjukan kepada gala dan teman-teman lain kalau kamu itu wanita kuat, Ayolah kata jose.

    Pada malam harinya, aku mengirim pesan singkat kepada gala aku mengucapkan selamat ulang tahun dan dia membalas dengan kata terimakasi, kamu adalah orang terakhir yang mengucapkan selamat ulang tahun. Pagi harinya aku merasa pusing. Aku hanya tidur 1 jam. Hingga tak kuat berdiri . saat itu gala berdiri dihadapanku aku tak sadarkan diri. Saat ku membuka mata ku lihat sekelilingku banyak para sahabatku dan gala berdiri tepat dikakiku dan saat ku menengok kesebelah gala, ku lihat laura yang sedang memperhatikan gala. Aku tak tahu aku merasa terbakar cemburu melihat laura yang dekat- dekat dengan gala. Saat aku kembali ke kelas nina menceritakan saat aku tak sadarkan diri ternyata yang membawaku ke ruang UKS adalah gal. kata nina “ gala sebenarnya masih peduli dengan mu” aku tak menjawab perkataan nina aku masih merasa pusing. Dan aku hanya berdiam diri. Gala melemparkan kertas kecil dan mengenai mataku. Mataku sangat pedih, gala menghampiriku “ aku minta maaf aku tak sengaja” kata gala “ iya gak papa” jawabku. Sini aku tiup matamu supaya tak terlalu pedih . kata gala dia langsung meniup mataku. Semua teman- teman di kelas menyoraki ku dan gala. Bahkan jose berkata “ sepertinya ada yang jadian nih” aku langsung melihat kearah laura. Laura hanya tersenyum kepadaku saat aku akan berbicara tiba-tiba bibirku tergigit dan sempat berdarah. Gala mengusap dan membersihkan darah yang mengalir dari bibirku. Jose mengambil gitar dan semua teman-temanku menyanyikan lagu dari the junas monkey yang berjudul “ jadian”

  26. Ketika malam harinya aku menulis buku diary menceritakan kejadian hari itu, bahagia ku rasa namun entah mengapa ku tak enak hati dengan laura atas kejadian tadi siang. Ketika pagi datang, senyum cerah mentari ditampilkan, dan nyanyian burung yang merdu terdengar indah ditelinga membuatku semangat untuk melangkahkan kaki di sekolah. Setelah tiba di sekolah ku melihat tas gala yang tergeletak tepat disamping bangkuku. Ku tulis surat dank u sisipkan di tas gala.surat itu berisikan tentang niatku untuk melupakan gala. Semakin aku dekat dengan dia aku semakin terasa sakit.

    Ketika pulang sekolah gala membaca suratku saat aku akan keluar kelas gala menarik tanganku dia bertanya mengapa dan apa maksud dari surat itu. Aku jawab dengan nada halus. Ku melupakan gala untuk kebaikan kita berdua sakit memang namun aku harus melakukan ini aku tak mau berharap dengan dia. Jalan hidupku masih panjang, banyak yang harus ku capai.

    Ketika liburan semester satu datang aku berlibur ke rumah ayah angkatku. Disana banyak saudaraku. ya mungkin dengan berkumpulnya saudara- saudaraku, aku bisa sejenak melupakan masalah dan menghibur hati ku yag sedang gundah gulana. Ku akan menutup telinga jika ku mendengar lagu Slow yang menceritakan “kegalauan” karena ku tak ingin liburku kali ini terusik music slow yang mungkin dapat membuatku menangis dan teringat sosok gala. Yang pernah menyentuh hidupku.

    Malam ini tahun baru 2012 di kampung ayah angkatku tak ada sekelumit acara yang meriah. Malam tahun baru ini, hanya dirayakan dengan makan- makan sekeluarga besar di pinggir pantai. Karena kebetulan rumah ayahku dekat dengan pantai. Aku merasa bosan dengan suasana ini, ku ambil gitar dank u panggil saudara- saudara sebayaku untuk bernyanyi bersama dan mencoba menciptakan suasana happy tanpa duka lara…..

    Nama : Puspita Ayuningtyas
    Kelas : X5

    Karena cerpen ini lumayan panjang, untuk sobat yang membutuhkan cerpen ini dalam bahasa Inggris silahkan membacanya di posting terpisah melalui tautan berikut ini.

  27. Pada tahun 2010, ada seorang yang sedang ingin mendekatiku. Pada saat itu aku sedang bermain di rumah teman sekampungku. Dan disitu ada seseorang yang sedang berjalan menggunakan motornya. Lalu orang itu melihatku dengan senyum manisnya. Dan pada malam harinya berderinglah telpon genggamku, ternyata dia adalah seseorang yang bertemu pada siang hari tadi.

    Dia mendapatkan nomor hp ku dari teman sekampungku.
    ”siapa ini?” tanyaku
    ”aku orang yang tadi siang bertemu denganmu”
    ”Ehmm..emang nama kamu siap?”
    “Namaku endang“, jawabku

    Singkat cerita, akhirnya kami semakin dekat dengannya. Pada suatu malam dia memintaku untuk memberikan sebuah poto untuk kenang-kenangan. Akhirnya aku berikan sebuah foto itu. Tapi anehnya bukan dia yang mengambilnya justru temannya. Sehingga aku belum sempat melihat wajahnya.

    Dan pada hari berikutnya ternyata temanku mengambil fotoku yang ada dikamar lalu diberikan pada dia. Padahal itu adalah foto pada waktu aku duduk disekolah dasar, jadi masih begitu jelek bagiku. Akhirnya aku menghubungi agus.

    “hallo... tolong kembalikan foto itu, saya gak mau tahu saya minta kembalikan foto itu“

    „foto yang mana, aku kan hanya ingin mendapatkan kenang-kenangan darimu“

    ”Saya gak mau tahu foto itu harus dikembalikan kalau ngak saya bakalan marah sama kamu, Assalamualaikum!“

    Pada malam harinya dia telah menungguku dirumah temanku. Saya pun akhirnya menemuinya. Tapi pada saat itu aku justru merasa gemetar dan salah tingkah. Karena diluar sangat dingin kami pun masuk kerumah dan dia pun menyerahkan fotoku. Entah karena kedinginan atau karna grogi luar biasa saya merasa seluruh tubuhku menjadi dingin. Dan akhirnya dia menyelimutiku dengan sarung yang dibawanya. Tubuhku semakin terasa dingin dan bergetar luar biasa.

  28. Dan akhirnya kami pun pulang. Pada saat hari raya idul fitri saya bersilaturahmi ke rumah andri (kekasihku). Sehabis pulang dari rumahnya aku bertemu dengan temanku dan mengajakku ke suatu tempat. Dan ternyata aku diajak bermain dirumah temannya yang rumahnya dekat dengan rumah agus. Ternyata temanku telah merencanakan semuanya untuk mendekatkan aku dengan agus. Akhirnya aku bertemu dengan agus dan bercanda bersama. Aku pun diajak untuk bersilaturahmi dengan kelarganya.

    Kami bercanda bersama sampai-sampai aku hampir pingsan dibuatnya karena kelakuan dia. Akhirnya kami bertengkar. Aku cakar-cakar tubuhnya dan dia pun membalas dengan memuntir tanganku. Akhirnya aku pun pulang dengan teman-temanku.

    Pada hari kelima idulfitri dia menelpon untuk meminta bantuanku untuk datang kerumahnya segera. Karena dia berbicara serius maka aku pun datang kerumahnya. Tapi apa yang terjadi, dia mabuk berat karena putus dengan kekasihnya. Aku tak mampu berbuat apa-apa aku merasa kasian dengan dia. Aku hanya bisa menenangkan dan merangkulnya, dia terus saja menangis. Kakak perempuannya pun ikut menangis melihat adiknya seperti itu. Aku pun ikut menangis melihat itu semua. Aku disuruh kakaknya menyuapkan nasi untuknya. Walaupun dia tidak mau tapi aku tetap memaksanya.

    Kami pun semakin dekat dengannya karena kejadian itu. Dia semakin perhatian dengan ku. Dia pun sangat dewasa menghadapiku. Padahal sebelumnya kami sering bertengkar. Tapi lama kelamaan kami justru semakin dekat. Kami lebih sering dekat bercerita dan curhat bersama.

    Dan aku pun semakin jauh dengan kekasihku sendiri (andri). Dan akhirnya pada suatu ketika agus menyatakan perasaannya padaku. Aku merasa bingung. Disatu sisi aku masih dengan andri tapi disisi lain aku pun menyukai agus.

    Dan pada akhirnya aku mengambil keputusan untuk memutuskan hubunganku dengan andri walaupun aku merasa kasihan dan bersalah padanya. Andri pun menangis didepanku dan memohon untuk tidak memutuskan dia. Tetapi aku tetap tidak bisa melanjutkan hubunganku dengan dia. Aku ceritakan semuanya yang terjadi dan bahwa aku mencintai orang lain.

    Dan pada akhirnya aku dan agus menjalin hubungan. Dan sampai sekarang pun aku berharap dia tidak menyakitiku. Dan sampai detik ini aku masih menjalin hubungan dengan agus.

  29. Benci Jadi Cinta Bahasa Inggris
    In 2010, there was a wish to me. At that time I was playing at a friend's house sekampungku. And there is a man who is running using the bike. Then he looked at me with a cheery smile. And in the evening berderinglah my cell phone, it turns out he was someone who met earlier in the day.

    He got my phone number from a friend sekampungku.
    "Who is this?" Asked
    "I'm the person to meet you this afternoon"
    "Ehmm .. weve name you ready?"
    "My name is endang", I replied

    Long story short, we ended up getting close to him. One night he asked me to provide a photograph for keepsake. Finally I give a photograph that. But oddly enough it was not him who took her. So I have not had time to look at his face.

    And the next day it turns out my friend took a picture of me that there's room and then given to him. Though it was a picture of me when I sat elementary school, so it was so ugly to me. Finally I contacted agus.

    "Hallo ... please return the photo, I do not want to know that I'm back photo "

    "Photo which, I'm just want to get a keepsake from you"

    "I do not want to know the photo was to be returned if ngak I going to be angry with you, Assalamualaikum!"

    In the evening he had been waiting for my house. I finally meet him. But at that moment I just felt shaky and uneasy. Because it is very cold outside we went inside her home and was handed my picture. Whether due to cold or unusually nervous because I felt my whole body went cold. And finally she covered me with a carrying holster. My body felt cold and shaking more remarkable.

    And finally we went home. At the time of the feast of Eid al-Fitr my house to stay in touch andri (beloved). After returning from his house I met with my friend and me to a place. And I was invited to play at home with a friend whose house was close agus house. It turns out my friend had planned everything to bring me with agus. Finally I met with agus and joking together. I was invited to stay in touch with kelarganya.

    We joked together that I almost passed out because of behavior made him. Finally we had a fight. I had her claws and she had replied by twisting my hand. Eventually I went home with my friends.

  30. And the next day it turns out my friend took a picture of me that there's room and then given to him. Though it was a picture of me when I sat elementary school, so it was so ugly to me. Finally I contacted agus.

    "Hallo ... please return the photo, I do not want to know that I'm back photo "

    "Photo which, I'm just want to get a keepsake from you"

    "I do not want to know the photo was to be returned if ngak I going to be angry with you, Assalamualaikum!"

    In the evening he had been waiting for my house. I finally meet him. But at that moment I just felt shaky and uneasy. Because it is very cold outside we went inside her home and was handed my picture. Whether due to cold or unusually nervous because I felt my whole body went cold. And finally she covered me with a carrying holster. My body felt cold and shaking more remarkable.

    And finally we went home. At the time of the feast of Eid al-Fitr my house to stay in touch andri (beloved). After returning from his house I met with my friend and me to a place. And I was invited to play at home with a friend whose house was close agus house. It turns out my friend had planned everything to bring me with agus. Finally I met with agus and joking together. I was invited to stay in touch with kelarganya.

    We joked together that I almost passed out because of behavior made him. Finally we had a fight. I had her claws and she had replied by twisting my hand. Eventually I went home with my friends.

    On the fifth day of Eid she called to ask for my help to come to his house immediately. Because he spoke seriously so I came to his house. But what happens, he's drunk because breaking up with her boyfriend. I'm not able to do anything I feel too sad with him. I just can soothe and embrace, she continued to cry. Sister had come to see his sister cry like that. I cried, too, saw it all. I told her sister feeding her rice. Although he did not want to but I still insist.

    We were getting close to him because of the incident. She is getting attention to me. He was very mature face me. Whereas previously we often quarreled. But over time we actually getting closer. We often talk and vent close together.

    And I was getting away with his own girlfriend (andri). And finally one when agus expressed his feelings to me. I feel confused. On one hand I'm still with andri but on the other hand I also liked agus.

    And in the end I took the decision to sever my relationship with andri although I feel sorry for him and guilty. Andri was crying in front of me and begged him not to decide. But I still could not continue my relationship with him. I tell you everything that happened and that I love someone else.

    And in the end I and agus a relationship. And until now, I hope he did not hurt me. And until this moment I'm still in a relationship with agus.
    By Endan

  31. Two gita also had words of wisdom that they try to apply the same in their daily lives, "be a flower in the middle of the ocean". They want to be a female figure who is easy to see but hard to come by and if you really want to get it takes a huge sacrifice.

    "Beauty is not in the clothes adorned, but the beauty of it is of good character and science". They were born in the family of high caste, but they never arrogant, never the slightest show off the wealth of their parents. They learn not to judge people from the outside but inside his heart. Mandates given their parents the same, "do not be proud to see successful people take a look at how people can be so successful. Success is the ability to go through and overcome failures without missing the spirit ". Truly the saddest part for students is always a crisis of confidence and despair. The gita write all the message framed cardboard paper & bamboo yellow wall and pinned her room. Each school will set the gita always read it. They never get tired of reading it even though they have more than a thousand times. Parents and home workers who fly balloons gita called him "Mio", while the inventor gita balloon was calling her as "Moi".

    The sun had appeared cheery smile at the world, butterflies white blue dikelambu dancing to the accompaniment of melodious chirping of birds in the ear feels. Mio is always accompanied him riding a bike to school every morning. When kekanvas blue eyes fixed above mio mio look colorful light scratches that archery eyes, it was a rainbow. Gita then pedaled hard, looking for the point end of the rainbow. He's unconscious, hour hand shows the number 07:20. Just because a rainbow gita forget the school. When the color faded rainbow mio will realize what he's doing. He stopped sepedahnya disebuah small lake is quiet and clean. He sat for a moment dibebatuan lakeside.

    9:00 o'clock, he turned his bike and pedaling. Gita is very guided, he had confused which way to step. He could not go home because it will definitely be dimarah his parents but he also could not go to school because it will surely be driven by Somad pack, school security guard who is famous fierce and bitchy. Mio sepedahnya pedaling towards the west. He stopped disebuah small village very rundown. Many small children and no school peer mio.

    "Hey", sapa mio in children. "Hai" said the children in unison.

  32. You're not in school?" Asked mio back. "No, there is no cost to us and we have to work to eat everyday" said one of the children peer mio. Gita without realizing she shed her tears grains, so sad story of the children. Mio just realized that there are many children in this country who live in poverty and many of them could not taste the world of education. When he awoke from his reverie he looked at his hands which showed 11.00. mio had to get home because of distance slum with his middling far enough. Arriving home mio telling all the things that happened to moi. They are two different lines but one character. They are the same character no different.

    A sunny day with the company on Sunday called the warm sun, mio ​​invite moi met. Mio curious about moi because of the characters and all that they possess the same. Mio is accompanied by his driver waited in the small lake moi mio found while chasing rainbows. Arriving didanau mio told the driver to wait elsewhere. Five minutes later moi come with a driver. Moi told his driver to wait another place anyway. Moi Currently out of his car to approach mio, mio ​​stunned even his eyes did not blink at all.

    "O mio" called moi.

    "Hahaaahaai also, you moi?" Asked mio while stuttering.

    "Yes", replied moi, throwing his smile. "Subhanallah ..." Mio is like dreaming in sleep lelapnya. Face, posture, hair, height, clothes he wore were the same as moi. They are very similar from head to tip of toe nails, all the same is almost no difference. If moi mio him look like being filled. They shook hands and smiled at each other sweetly. They were talking and joking. They each came home, they parted with their little finger unite and say the word "FOREVER" from their lips.

    Life is full of drama improvisation, without scenarios, without knowing which will happen, who will be a place where you meet or will you walk on. Say "YES!" And if you're lucky you will meet with about a man who will say "YES". Come back to you (Stephan Colbert) eve without the star and the crescent moon illuminated only fireflies. Mio was deserted, nobody any stars in the sky. Mio came out of his room and went to his father and mother.

    "Bun, mio ​​must ask you something?" Mio asked with a look of curiosity.
    "What mio?" Replied her mother
    "Did your father or mother has a twin, or the fact I have a twin?" Asked further mio. Father and mother stared with wonder mio.
    "Not mio, princis father and mother so just you dear" said his father.
    "Yeah mio why did you ask that? Mother continued.
    "There's nothing really, yasudah mio sleep ya father mother .." said mio
    "Yes mio" replied his father and mother.

    Thing done by moi mio done anyway, but the answer was the same with both parents mio.
    One day mio asked to move home to his parents. Mio and moi have plans to bring each of their parents. Two months later the parents moi obey his request.

  33. Overcast clouds covering the bright blue sky. Twilight has arrived swept the city, and the trains were awaiting mio. The weather that day was very bad but moi always smiling. Carah changed the dawn twilight, moi right to occupy the house to the right of the mio. Time to bring together parents and moi mio has been in front of the eye. Eve-studded stars and the bright light of the full moon they bring their parents in the front garden. When his parents met, and they were stunned to see moi mio. Nothing can distinguish where and where moi mio. They are twins like spitting. They introduce their parents respectively. Mio explains all how mio and moi met. Moi mio parents and talk about their children. They were surprised because the character of their children equally. Ever since that night and mio moi family became closely. Moi mio daily and always filled both.

    Chemistry or also called the central science because of its important role among other sciences, like chemistry likened moi. Moi is very important and meaningful dihidup mio vice versa. Mio moi one day and wanted to try the experiment. Moi and mio observed rock falls from a certain height. "Do kelajuannya fixed or accelerated?" Asked moi. Then came a male voice behind that answer questions meraka. The man is a sports teacher pack andie mio moi and school. "It used to Aristotle, the Greek philosopher of answering this question is based on principles of any kind of object or substance has a natural place in which it is located and where it goes. So, what will naturally rise upwards towards the stars and the sun. Earth and stone are things she will fall keasalnya earth. Large stone will be more down to earth than the small stone so large rock will quickly fall. "Said sir andrei.

    "More than 2,000 years nobody felt the need to experiment to get the information about the universality of physics to Galileo (1965-1692) revolutionized science by doing experiments dibindag" pack up andrei.

    They smiled and gave applause "great father" said moi. "How did you get here? Tanya mio. Mr know because you read a book. Father had passed then see you, so be it father stopped me, allow? "Replied sir andrei. "Should" and mio moi replied. They then talk.


  34. after he mendesains and make telescopes. He found four moons jupiter, lunar surface is rough, sunspots, and the phases of Venus, and show that the galaxy consists of a cluster of stars. Moi says with a smile and his eyes looked up at the blue umbrella. "So you have to study and read books, always trying and pray, do not be afraid to fail words. Failure is success delayed. You remember not the alpha tomas edison? "Said sir andrei. "Remember" replied mio moi and compact. Well he is the most stupid scientists. Each list he refused to go to school but because of hard work he could find lights dankeuletanya and to this very useful as a tool for human torch at night instead? "He experimented for many failures even only once even many times, but many times he failed. But yes that's because of the hard work, effort, willingness and confidence is high that he could pack andrei said further. And essentially we have the spirit of such negligent tomas edison right sir? Tanya mio. That's right yasudah father would return to the hospital before you go see friends father said sir andrei. Yes sir caution road mio said.

    Dawn has arrived with a smile accompanied the sun shines. Menyangi melodious birds and dancing under the dome of the sky. Moi and pedaling mio sepedahnya to go to school. Arriving at school he is confronted by two young men and Wiliam steven. Famous youth like a ignorant slonongan style. Mio two young men hated it.

    "Hai moi, O mio"

    "O mio responsibility also, very cool mio moi hand to pull him quickly to the classroom. When approaching moi steven class. "Hi moi" hello steven ... emm know not moi physicists and mathematicians of the famous English was superb and his contribution to physics dominated scientific thought for two centuries and remain important to this day. "asked stevan. "Sir isaac newton" moi replied. Yes true, Tau do not make any difference with you? Tanya steven. Nah, responsible moi. If newton greatest scientists in history if you cintawan the greatest in my heart "says stevan. "Ih crap deh, says moi. Mio immediately expel stevan. "Beware lo! Mio said. "Moi do not be rude-rude amused" says moi.

    One day at school and mio moi will hold a birthday party school. Mio and moi art teacher was asked to dance the dance of the region serimpi Java. Moi and mio follow dance lessons at the studio owned by didi nini towok. Mio moi figures and admire. Didi towok nini is a man skilled in the art of dance. Movement is very flexible and always make people amazed him. Moi and mio called om didi. Moi and mio om didi asked to teach them dance serimpi. Dance is a dance palace serimpi gerakannnya very alon. It takes patience, flexibility and dance skills to bring it. Mio and moi were given one month to learn the dance. Day after day passed imperceptibly superbly already one month has passed. Now its time meraka show action. Steven and William is very impressed lithe movements mio moi and to the extent that their eyes do not blink. Interval of 7 days after the anniversary event and moi mio school was re-appointed by the school to represent the provincial level school art contest. They brought Pendet of bali requiring eye movements. Mio moi and practicing with om didi. "Son, it's very difficult Pendet" dance requires full concentration. Characteristic of this dance is the movement of the eyes. You should study the motion of the eye. Eye and hand movement are very opposite. Way to train the eye is one of the positions put one finger and then move right and left. Cornea must always follow the direction of motion of your hand. Do it every day so that your eyes are quickly trained. Focus your mind and concentration always nak, message om didi.

  35. Finally thanks to the hard work and tenacity mio moi and look very wrapped up with a complete Balinese Pendet fashion hairstyle decorated with floral accessories. Mio and moi looks very pretty and graceful. Steven and William witnessed the action and mio moi. After changing uniforms mio moi and steven and Wiliam approached and mio moi. But as usual mio put bitchy face, indifferent, and always spoke curtly. Moi is uncomfortable with the attitude mio. Moi then pulled mio and said goodbye to Steven and William by throwing a smile. Moi took small kedanau mio. "Mio hell are you?" Their good intentions, they do not like what you Think. They changed both just to get close to you, you realize not you think they like you "you try to see the birds that they get along and the clouds are gathering into one beautiful is not it?" Said moi. Mio just quietly not said a word.

    "Emm mio, still remember the words Stephen Colbert?" Remember!! You can not young and wise at the same time. Young people who pretend to wisdom and understanding of life. Most people who are cynical. They do not want to learn anything, because cynicism blinded myself. Rejection of the outside world because they fear if the outside world will be hurt and disappointment. Cynics always say "no" but to say "Yes" means to start something new. So, as long as you have the power to say YES "moi said. Listening to moi, mio ​​feel guilty, he lowered his head did not dare look at moi.

    Mio next day ventured to apologize to Steven and William. Steven gladly forgive her and William. They shook hands and looked at each other-view. Soon moi and got the announcement that mio mio moi and got first prize in dance competition yesterday.

    After listening to the announcement mio moi and open their lockers to retrieve something. But there is a piece of paper they diloker congratulations. Moi and mio wonder who gave the speech. Mio asked the children sitting next to their lockers.

    "Hey, you know who sent this paper keloker us?"

    "Maybe steven and William, they're the same care you" friend replied mio. Mio and moi at each other and burst out laughing. Since then every day and mio moi always sent love poems and roses. Although not as beautiful poem Anwar words, poetry is not as complicated ws rendra and highly pirated words for moi and mio but over time more and more strange words and make moi and mio always frowned. Until finally moi and mio away stevan and Wiliam. Steven and William and mio moi ask "why did you become like this against us?". "What you mean to send poems whose words we really do not like?" Replied moi. Poetry? William replied. "Yeah, instead of for the guys who sends poetry and roses for us?" Asked mio. "No, never send anything to you" replied William. Then? Four of them wondered.

  36. "Maybe steven and William, they're the same care you" friend replied mio. Mio and moi at each other and burst out laughing. Since then every day and mio moi always sent love poems and roses. Although not as beautiful poem Anwar words, poetry is not as complicated ws rendra and highly pirated words for moi and mio but over time more and more strange words and make moi and mio always frowned. Until finally moi and mio away stevan and Wiliam. Steven and William and mio moi ask "why did you become like this against us?". "What you mean to send poems whose words we really do not like?" Replied moi. Poetry? William replied. "Yeah, instead of for the guys who sends poetry and roses for us?" Asked mio. "No, never send anything to you" replied William. Then? Four of them wondered.

    One day steven and Wiliam caught someone who was opening lockers and moi mio. The young man was wearing a black jacket and a hat. Steven and William lifted the young man. And it turns out the young man often sent poems and roses. The young man is a pack andrei, their school gym teacher. Mr. andrei rebelled when held by steven and Wiliam. Soon the school principal and the family pack andre come. Family pack pack andrei andrei said that like mio and moi but pack andrei now experiencing mental and psychiatric disorders because of an accident that makes the stone hit the head of the pack andrei and his fiancee died. Mr. andrei then taken to the psychiatric hospital. Mio and moi did not think it was all his own teacher's actions.

    Now Steven, William, mio ​​moi and friends again. Exact date of 14 April 2012 and was repeated in moi mio small four of them went into the lake and camped there for the roses they broke up the color changed to black. Steven and William carve names moi, mio, steven and Wiliam BEST FRIEND FOREVER in large trees.

    That was our today’s short story. Hope that this story can give you something valuable. Do not forget to check the other story in English and Indonesian only in this blog.

  37. Cincin Kawin

    Dia masih memandang jejak putih di jari manisnya. Jejak berbentuk garis melingkar yang berwarna lebih putih dibandingkan kulit coklatnya. Jejak itu ditinggalkan oleh sebentuk cincin yang pernah melingkari jari manisnya itu. Sebentar di ruangan yang hanya terdengar suara berita dari televisi itu terdengar hela nafasnya. Sepertinya dia benar-benar merasa kehilangan.


    "Apa perlu kita gadaikan dulu Bu, cincin ini?" Ditatapnya lekat mata istrinya yang sejak tadi mengeluh tentang beras yang sudah habis, susu anak yang belum terbeli, dan tagihan yang menumpuk di atas meja. Hanya itu usul yang tercetus setelah dia berpikir keras tentang cara mendapatkan uang untuk memenuhi keluhan Sang Istri.

    "Janganlah Pak. Hanya itu satu-satunya perhiasan yang kita punya. Lagipula itu 'kan cincin pernikahan. Tidak baik jika digadaikan." Sebenarnya dia juga tidak tega jika tanda pernikahan mereka tak lagi terpasang di tempatnya. Di jari manis tangan kanan suaminya. Keduanya masih muda. Umur tigapuluhan. Wajah suaminya, meskipun biasa-biasa saja, tapi masih terlihat muda. Wajar jika ia bisa dikira masih bujangan.

    "Tapi Bu? Kita sudah sangat terdesak. Besok orang bank pasti sudah datang menagih hutang."

    Akhirnya dari mulut mungil Si Istri terdengar kalimat pendek tanda pasrah. Dia juga sudah tidak bisa berbuat apa-apa untuk mengatasi kondisi ekonomi rumah tangganya. Sejak dia hamil dan sering terjadi pendarahan, suaminya menyarankan agar dia berhenti bekerja dan total menjadi ibu rumah tangga. Sejak itu pula dia hanya bergantung pada penghasilan suaminya.

    "Terserah Bapak sajalah."

  38. Maka pada pagi harinya, sebelum sampai di kantor, dia datang ke pegadaian. Dipandanginya flag chain di dalam ruangan berwarna hijau itu yang bertulisan "Menyelesaikan Masalah Tanpa Masalah." Di bibirnya tiba-tiba tersungging sebuah senyuman. Betulkah ada masalah yang bisa selesai tanpa menimbulkan masalah lain? Apakah sebuah ketenangan setelah membayar hutang dengan berhutang bukan sebuah masalah? Dia tahu benar bahwa setelah pergi ke tempat ini, dia harus segera mencari pekerjaan sampingan atau mengirimkan puisi dan cerita pendek ke berbagai surat kabar agar mendapat uang guna mengambil kembali barang jaminan.

    Tapi ini kali pertama dia ke pegadaian. Dengan cermat dia memperhatikan bagaimana cara seorang meminjam uang. Dia mengikuti apa yang dilakukan oleh seorang di depan dia yang menuliskan sesuatu pada sebuah formulir dari kertas fotokopian di sebuah meja kecil. Dan tak lama sesudahnya, ia pun ikut-ikutan menyerahkan form dan cincin kawinnya pada seorang petugas di pojok kanan meja layanan. Lalu dengan cemas memandang jam dinding yang telah menunjukkan pukul delapan lebih, dia duduk di antara kerumunan ibu-ibu yang entah menunggu apa.

    Sekali lagi dia menghela nafas panjang. Ada semacam kelegaan karena tak lama kemudian orang yang tadi berada di depan dia sudah dipanggil untuk ditaksir jumlah pinjamannya. Pasti tak lama lagi, pikirnya. Dan benar juga, dia pun akhirnya dipanggil.

    "Tujuh ratus ribu, ya Pak?"

    Dia sedikit terkejut. Antara mengerti bahwa cincin kawinnya ditaksir senilai tujuh ratus ribu dan sedih karena cincin yang dulu dibelinya seharga satu juta lima ratus ribu hanya dihargai segitu saja. Tapi dia tidak punya pilihan, uang sebanyak tujuhratus ribu sudah cukup untuk membayar tagihan, membeli sekaleng susu, dan 10 kilogram beras.

    "Ya," tukasnya cepat dan pendek seketika dia tersadar dari kemelut pikiran di dalam kepalanya.


  39. "Sisanya tiga ratus ribu, Bu."

    Di depan istrinya, dia menyerahkan enam lembar pecahan limapuluh ribu ke tangan istrinya. Istrinya tampak kecut. Dia mengira istrinya tidak bisa terima dengan upayanya.

    "Kamu kenapa, Bu?" Dia mencoba mencairkan suasana.

    "Tidak ada apa-apa." Pendek saja jawabnya. Dia berpikir keras apa yang sedang dipikirkan istrinya terhadap dia setelah dia menggadaikan cincin kawin itu.

    "Maafkan aku, Bu. Aku belum bisa membahagiakan kamu dan anakmu." Dia berusaha menyentuh perasaan istrinya dengan kalimat-kalimat yang tampak pasrah.

    Istrinya tetap tidak menjawab. Yang dilakukannya adalah menyimpan uang itu di lemari, dan segera menyusul anaknya yang tertidur di kamar.

    Dia kembali menghela nafas. Membuka kemejanya dan melangkah ke arah belakang. Mandi.


    Seorang gadis duduk di sebelahnya di bus kota. Gadis yang manis. Rambutnya yang panjang tergerai sesekali menerpa pipi, leher dan pundaknya karena tertiup angin. Menyisakan wangi entah syampu atau sejenis vitamin rambut. Dia menoleh ke arah gadis itu.

    "Maaf," gadis itu segera merapikan rambutnya. Mengikatnya ekor kuda.

    "Tidak mengapa," jawabnya pendek. Dalam hatinya dia menyukai wangi yang terhirup olehnya. Dia begitu ingin menciumnya lagi. Diliriknya gadis itu baik-baik. Memang cantik, pikirnya. Jemari tangan kirinya menyentuh jari manisnya. Kosong. Tidak ada cincin kawin di situ.

    "Boleh kenalan?" Ujarnya tiba-tiba.

  40. Cerpen Cincin Kawin Versi Terjemahan Bahasa Inggris
    Here is a translation of the love story that you have read before. Please enjoy the latest romantic love stories below. Do not forget to read the other stories that have been written previously on this site.

    Wedding Ring

    He still looked white traces on her ring finger . Traces a circle -shaped white -colored skin than brown . The trail left by a ring which once encircled the ring finger . Briefly in the room that only the sound of the television news that sounds hela breath . Looks like he really felt lost .

    + + +

    " What we need first mortgaged Mom , this ring ? " He stared intently into her eyes , who had been complaining about the rice is finished, children who have not bought milk , and bills piling up on the table . The only proposal that sparked after he thought hard about how to earn money to meet the wife complaints .

    " Do not sir . Only it was the only jewelry that we have . Moreover it right wedding ring . Not good if mortgaged . " Actually he did not have the heart if their marriage is no longer a sign is in place . In her right hand ring finger . both still young . Thirties . Her husband 's face , though unremarkable , but still looks young . Naturally, if he could be mistaken still single .

    " But Mom ? We're so desperate . Tomorrow the banks would have come to collect the debt . "

    Finally, from tiny mouth wife Si short sentences sounded resigned mark . He also can not do anything to address the economic conditions of the household . Since she was pregnant and frequent bleeding , her husband suggested that she stop working and be a housewife total . Since then, he just relies on her husband's income .

    " It's up to Father alone . "

    Then in the morning , before arriving at the office , he came to the pawnshop . He looked flag chain in the green room that read " Without Solving Problems . " On his lips suddenly flashed a smile . Is it true that there is a problem that can be completed without causing other problems ? Is a calmness after

    paying off debt with debt is not a problem ? He knew very well that after going to this place , he should seek a second job or submit poems and short stories to various newspapers to earn money to take back the collateral .

  41. ut this is her first time to the pawnshop . Carefully he noticed how the borrowed money . He followed what was done by one in front of him who wrote something on a form of paper photocopied at a small table . And shortly thereafter , he went along with submit the form and a wedding ring on officers in the right corner desk . Then anxiously looking wall clock that has been demonstrated at eight , he sat among a crowd of mothers who were either waiting for what .

    Once again he sighed . There was a sort of relief because not long after the person who had been in front of him had been called to assess the amount of the loan . Certainly no longer, he thought . And sure enough , he was finally called.

    " Seven hundred thousand , yes sir ? "

    She was a little shocked . Between understand that the wedding ring worth an estimated seven hundred thousand and sad because the ring once bought for one million five hundred thousand only appreciated much for it . But he had no choice , as many as seven hundred thousand money is enough to pay bills , buy a can of milk , and 10 kilograms of rice .

    " Yes , " he said quickly and once he woke up short of chaos thoughts in his head .

    + + +

    " The remaining three hundred thousand , ma'am . "

    In front of her , she was handed a six- sheets fifty thousand shards into the hands of his wife . His wife looked wryly . She thought she could not accept the efforts .

    " What's the matter , Mom ? " He tried to break the ice .

    " There is nothing . " Short answer . He thought hard what he was thinking of his wife against him after he pawned the wedding ring .
    " I'm sorry , ma'am . Could I not happy you and your son . " He tried to touch her ​​feelings with sentences that seem resigned .

    His wife still did not answer . It does is keep the money in the cupboard , and soon after his son who was asleep in the room .
    He sighed again . Opening his shirt and walked to the rear . Bath .

  42. The remaining three hundred thousand , ma'am . "

    In front of her , she was handed a six- sheets fifty thousand shards into the hands of his wife . His wife looked wryly . She thought she could not accept the efforts .

    " What's the matter , Mom ? " He tried to break the ice .

    " There is nothing . " Short answer . He thought hard what he was thinking of his wife against him after he pawned the wedding ring .
    " I'm sorry , ma'am . Could I not happy you and your son . " He tried to touch her ​​feelings with sentences that seem resigned .

    His wife still did not answer . It does is keep the money in the cupboard , and soon after his son who was asleep in the room .
    He sighed again . Opening his shirt and walked to the rear . Bath .

    + + +

    A girl sitting next to him on a city bus . Sweet girl . Her long hair flowing occasional dash cheeks , neck and shoulders due to the wind. Fragrant leaves either syampu or similar hair vitamins . He turned to the girl.

    " Sorry , " the girl quickly smoothed her hair . Tied in a ponytail .

    " Never mind , " he said shortly . In her heart she loved him terhidu scent . He so wanted to kiss her again . He glanced at the girl carefully. It's beautiful , he thought . The fingers of his left hand touches the ring finger . Empty . No wedding ring on it .

    " Perhaps acquaintance ? " He said suddenly .

  43. Cerita yang akan kita baca dalam bahasa Inggris dan bahasa Indonesia kali ini adalah sebuah "kisah cinta romantis" yaitu si cantik dan si buruk rupa. Pasti rekan semua sudah pernah mendengar cerita ini bukan, ya cerita ini merupakan cerita cinta yang cukup terkenal dan sudah banyak filem yang mengadopsi kisahnya bahkan filem anak-anak sekalipun. Untuk yang hobi membaca cerita menonton filemnya saja tidaklah cukup karena itu kita bahas cerita tersebut dalam versi bahasa Indonesia dan versi Inggris.

    Seperti terlihat di judul ceritanya, cerita ini mengisahkan sebuah perjalanan cinta yang sangat romantis yaitu percintaan antara dua manusia yang sangat berbeda; yang satu cantik sementara sang pria buruk rupa.

    Si cantik Belle dan si buruk rupa Beast pada pertemuan-pertemuan pertama tidak memiliki ketertarikan sama-sekali. Namun seiring waktu berjalan mereka mendapati dirinya saling terikat cinta satu sama lain. Bagaimana kisah seru dari perjalanan cinta Belle dan Beast tersebut, baca ceritanya berikut!
    Si Cantik Dan Si Buruk Rupa dalam Bahasa Indonesia
    Belle adalah seorang gadis muda yang tinggal di kota kecil di Perancis bersama ayahnya yang merupakan seorang penemu bernama Maurice. Belle merasa kota kecil itu cukup membosankan. Belle lebih tertarik untuk berpetualang. Ia gemar mambaca buku, terutama buku dongeng romantis. Belle telah membaca semua koleksi buku di perpustakaan kota.

    Ketika Maurice pergi ke pameran, Belle dilamar pemburu sombong, namun idaman para gadis di kota, Gaston. Belle menolak lamarannya. Tidak lama kemudian, dia menemukan kudanya, Philippe, pulang tanpa Maurice sehingga Belle mencari Maurice. Belle sampai di istana mengerikan yang ternyata milik Beast. Belle mendapati Maurice ditangkap Beast. Dengan berani Belle menukar dirinya dengan ayahnya sehingga ayahnya bebas.

    Awalnya Belle tidak menyukai Beast yang kasar dan pemarah. Bahkan Belle sempat kabur karena dimarahi Beast akibat sembarangan masuk ke kamar Beast. Belle diserang serigala di hutan sebelum Beast menyusul dan menolongnya. Beast terluka dan Belle kembali lagi ke istana. Hubungan Belle dan Beast menjadi lebih baik. Mereka berteman sampai akhirnya saling mencintai. Namun Beast belum berani menyatakan cintanya pada Belle. Pada saat Beast ingin mengungkapkan perasaannya, Belle malah menyatakan dia rindu ayahnya. Lewat cermin ajaib Beast, Belle melihat Maurice sakit sehingga Belle dibebaskan Beast untuk menemui ayahnya.

  44. Kembali ke kota, Belle dipaksa Gaston menikah. Gaston cemburu karena dia tahu Belle sudah menyukai Beast. Belle dan ayahnya pun dikurung di ruang bawah tanah di rumah Belle. Gaston dan penduduk yang telah dihasut olehnya memburu Beast. Setelah Belle dan Maurice berhasil keluar dari ruang bawah tanah, mereka segera pergi ke istana Beast. Gaston telah masuk ke dalam istana Beast dan berusaha melukai Beast. Beast jauh lebih besar dan kuat dari Gaston, hendak menghancurkan Gaston. Namun, dia tidak melanjutkan tindakannya karena hati Berast telah menjadi lembut. Gaston dengan licik menusuk Beast dari belakang, namun malah dia sendiri jatuh dari balkon kamar Beast dan meninggal.

    Belle, mengira Beast telah meninggal, ia sangat sedih dan mengatakan, "Aku mencintaimu" pada Beast. Beast pun berubah menjadi manusia karena cinta Belle. Mereka akhirnya berdansa di istana Beast berserta pelayan Beast yang juga berubah menjadi manusia. Maurice juga datang dan banyak orang berkumpul melihat Belle dan Beast.

    Si Cantik Dan Si Buruk Rupa dalam Bahasa Inggris
    Love Story of the Beautiful and the Ugly
    Belle is a young girl who lived in a small town in France with his father who is an inventor named Maurice . Belle was a small town it was quite boring . Belle is more interested in adventure . He likes to read something about the book , especially the romantic fairy tale books . Belle has read all the books in the library collections of the city .

  45. When Maurice went to the exhibition , Belle spoken arrogant hunters , yet the dream girl in town , Gaston . Belle refuses his proposal . Not long after , he found his horse , Philippe , Maurice home without so Belle search for Maurice . Belle arrived at the palace that belonged terrible Beast . Belle finds Maurice arrested Beast . Belle boldly swapping himself with his father so that his father free .

    Initially the Beast Belle does not like rude and grumpy . Even Belle had escaped as a result of indiscriminate scolded Beast Beast entered the room . Belle attacked wolves in the forest and help him catch up before the Beast . Beast and Belle wounded back to the palace . Belle and the Beast relationship for the better . They were friends until finally love each other . But the Beast had not dared to declare his love for Belle . At the time wanted to express his feelings Beast , Belle even said he missed his father . Through the magic mirror Beast , Belle look so sick Maurice Beast freed Belle to meet his father .

    Return to the town , Belle is forced to marry Gaston . Gaston was jealous because she knows already liked Beast Belle . Belle and her father was locked up in the basement at home Belle . Gaston and residents who had been instigated by him hunting Beast . After Belle and Maurice managed to get out of the basement , they immediately went to the palace of the Beast . Gaston has been entered into the palace and tried to injure Beast Beast . Beast is much bigger and stronger than Gaston , Gaston wants to destroy . However , he did not continue his actions because Berast heart has become soft . Gaston stabs the Beast slyly from behind , but instead he fell from the balcony of the room itself and the Beast died .

    Belle , Beast thought had died , he was very sad and said , " I love you " on the Beast . Beast was transformed into a man for love Belle . They end up dancing in the palace along with the waiter Beast Beast is also turned into a human . Maurice also came and saw many people gathered Belle and the Beast.

  46. Mermaid Love Story

    Ariel is a mermaid , her 16 -year -old who is very interested in the human world . His hobby is collecting items from the shipwreck man with his best friend , Flounder . His father , King Triton , considers dangerous human world . The King often prohibit and scolding Ariel toying with the human world for fear of being caught by the hook Ariel humans . King Triton loves Ariel , youngest daughter . Ariel also had a friend , Scuttle , the seagull bird she is often questioned by Ariel about human goods . Ariel has a very beautiful voice , he just lazy practice . Sebastian ( the crab ) be a faithful friend Ariel .

    One time , Ariel saw ship - skelter because of the storm . There is someone who falls off the boat and drowning . Ariel rush to save man . He is Prince Eric . Ariel sing a song because he fell in love with Eric and Eric was still unconscious before Ariel back into the sea . In the dream , there was a woman who saved Eric and bernanyi , Eric fell in love with her .

    Ariel realized she would not be able to live with Eric , if he continues to be a mermaid . Ariel then meet Ursula , the sea witch . They negotiate and obtain end , Ariel and Ursula got legs get Ariel's voice . Condition is Ariel to kiss Eric before sunset on the third day for men can be forever and if it fails , Ariel will go back into a mermaid without noise .

    The next morning , Ariel washed up on the beach and found the royal guard Eric . They bring Ariel into the kingdom . Ariel establish a good relationship with Eric , including eating together , city streets and paddle boat together . When they almost kiss , pet eel Ursula dropped their boat . Ursula also transform itself into a beautiful girl with the voice of Ariel , named Vanessa . But Ariel mute that saves Eric because he did not swim .

    The next night , Eric has decided to forgo her voice and loves Ariel Ariel silent . But , Ursula did not remain silent , he returned disguised as Vanessa . Eric was enchanted . The next day , Vanessa asks Eric to marry . Eric agreed .

    Ariel is very sad . Scuttle know that Vanessa is Ursula in disguise . Ariel and her friends tried to prevent the marriage . Max , the dog Eric , breaking shells containing Ariel's voice is used Ursula . Eric also realized that he was bewitched by Ursula and Ariel was able to speak again . " Vanessa is Ursula . " Cried Ariel .

  47. Ursula is furious , fascinating sea to Ariel . The sun nearly set and the time is running out . Ursula also brought Eric to the seabed , because Ursula knew Ariel would save him . Sunsets and Ariel back into a mermaid . Triton and helps Ariel came in the face of Ursula . Akhrinya Ursula was defeated .

    Triton realizes that her daughter really loves Eric . Ariel was transformed into a human being again . They were married on the ship while sailing . The mermaid dared to come to the surface ocean to celebrate the wedding of Ariel .


    Yang sudah bagus dalam hal bahasa Inggris pasti menyadari bahwa masih banyak kata-kata yang berantakan tapi tak apalah karena cerita tersebut hanya sebagai hiburan semata. Jika berkenan sobat dapat memberikan kritik dan saran mengenai penyusunan kalimat dalam cerita di atas.

    Terjemahan Bahasa Indonesia Cerpen Cinta Romantis - Mermaid Love Story
    Sudah tidak perlu pusing lagi untuk sobat yang kurang begitu memahami bahasa Inggris karena berikut ini versi terjemahan untuk mermaid love story di atas akan segera kita baca bersama-sama. Siapkan cemilan dan minuman kesukaannya jangan lupa agar lebih mantap lagi, jangan lupa tisunya juga J

  48. Ariel adalah putri duyung , dia yang berusia16 tahun sangat tertarik dengan dunia manusia . Hobinya adalah mengumpulkan benda-benda dari kapal orang yang karam dengan sahabatnya , Flounder . Ayahnya , Raja Triton , menganggap dunia manusia berbahaya . Raja sering melarang dan memarahi Ariel bermain-main dengan dunia manusia karena takut Ariel tertangkap kail manusia . Raja Triton mencintai Ariel , putri bungsu . Ariel juga punya teman , Scuttle , burung camar dia sering dipertanyakan oleh Ariel tentang barang-barang manusia. Ariel memiliki suara yang sangat indah , dia hanya praktek malas . Sebastian ( kepiting ) menjadi teman setia Ariel .

    Suatu kali , Ariel melihat kapal terpontang - panting karena badai . Ada seseorang yang jatuh dari perahu dan tenggelam . Ariel terburu-buru untuk menyelamatkan manusia . Dia adalah Pangeran Eric . Ariel menanyikan lagu karena ia jatuh cinta dengan Eric dan Eric masih tak sadarkan diri sebelum Ariel kembali ke laut . Dalam mimpi itu , ada seorang wanita yang menyelamatkan Eric dan bernanyi , Eric jatuh cinta padanya .

    Ariel menyadari bahwa ia tidak akan bisa hidup dengan Eric , jika ia terus menjadi putri duyung . Ariel kemudian bertemu Ursula , penyihir laut . Mereka bernegosiasi dan mendapatkan akhir , Ariel dan Ursula mendapat kaki mendapatkan suara Ariel . Kondisi adalah Ariel untuk mencium Eric sebelum matahari terbenam pada hari ketiga untuk pria bisa selamanya dan jika gagal , Ariel akan kembali menjadi putri duyung tanpa suara .

    Keesokan paginya , Ariel terdampar di pantai dan menemukan penjaga kerajaan Eric . Mereka membawa Ariel ke kerajaan . Ariel membangun hubungan yang baik dengan Eric , termasuk makan bersama , jalan-jalan kota dan perahu dayung bersama-sama . Ketika mereka hampir ciuman , hewan belut Ursula menjatuhkan perahu mereka . Ursula juga mengubah dirinya menjadi seorang gadis cantik dengan suara Ariel , bernama Vanessa . Tapi Ariel bisu yang menyelamatkan Eric karena dia tidak berenang .

    Malam berikutnya , Eric telah memutuskan untuk melupakan suaranya dan mencintai Ariel Ariel diam . Tapi , Ursula tidak tinggal diam , ia kembali menyamar sebagai Vanessa . Eric terpesona . Keesokan harinya , Vanessa meminta Eric untuk menikah . Eric setuju .

  49. Ariel sangat sedih . Skatel tahu bahwa Vanessa adalah Ursula menyamar . Ariel dan teman-temannya mencoba untuk mencegah pernikahan . Max , anjing Eric , melanggar kerang mengandung suara Ariel digunakan Ursula . Eric juga menyadari bahwa ia disihir oleh Ursula dan Ariel bisa berbicara lagi . " Vanessa adalah Ursula . " Menangis Ariel .

    Ursula sangat marah , menarik laut ke Ariel . Matahari hampir terbenam dan waktu hampir habis . Ursula juga membawa Eric ke dasar laut , karena Ursula tahu Ariel akan menyelamatkannya . Matahari terbenam dan Ariel kembali menjadi putri duyung . Triton dan membantu Ariel datang dalam menghadapi Ursula . Akhrinya Ursula dikalahkan .

    Triton menyadari bahwa putrinya benar-benar mencintai Eric . Ariel berubah menjadi manusia lagi. Mereka menikah di kapal saat berlayar . Putri duyung berani datang ke permukaan laut untuk merayakan pernikahan Ariel .


    Kalau sudah membaca Cerpen Cinta Romantis kali ini yang berjudul Mermaid Love Story di atas jangan lupa juga untuk membaca cerita cinta romantis terbaru lainnya yang sudah banyak dibaca oleh pengunjung setia blog ini.

    Kalau sobat memiliki cerita-cerita cinta seru lainnya yang ingin dibagikan sobat dapat mengirimkan ceritanya melalui halaman contact agar cerita yang sobat miliki dapat bersama-sama kita nikmati disini sebagai bahan hiburan dan juga bahan renungan. Terima kasih masih bersama blog cerita inggris indonesia ini, sampai bertemu pada kisah cinta terbaru selanjutnya.

  50. Cerita Cinta - KDP (Kekerasan Dalam Pacaran)

    "Ambilin donk buku itu, Lo! Kamu kan deket."teriakku pada Ello, pacarku.

    Ia membawakan buku yang salah.

    "Kamu oon banget sih Lo! Yang satu lagi!"teriakku.

    Ia membawakan buku yang benar kemudian ia keluar dari kelas.

    "Itukan pacar kamu, Ra."ucap Lona. Rara adalah panggilanku. "Kok kamu nyuruh dia, kasar gitu sih?"

    "Biarin, dia kan udah sering aku suruh-suruh!"ucapku dan melanjutkkan pekerjaan yang belum selesai.

    Jam 4 sore, aku pun pulang dari kampus. Ello sudah menungguku.

    "Kita jadikan ke mall?"Ello hanya diam. "Jawab donk. Jadi kan?"

    "Aku harus pulang, Ra. Soalnya aku mau menemani mama."


    Aku menampar dan meninggalkannya sendiri. Orang udah janji, malah gak jadi pergi. Emang rese tuh anak!

    Besok paginya, aku menunggu Ello datang dan duduk di kursi teras. Sejam berlalu dan ia baru saja datang.

    "Kamu tau kan aku kelas pagi! Kenapa siang banget sih datengnya?"marahku.

    "Macet banget, Ra. Ada kecelakaan dijalan tadi."

    "Terserah kamu deh!"aku langsung masuk kedalam mobil.

  51. Aku harus pulang, Ra. Soalnya aku mau menemani mama."


    Aku menampar dan meninggalkannya sendiri. Orang udah janji, malah gak jadi pergi. Emang rese tuh anak!

    Besok paginya, aku menunggu Ello datang dan duduk di kursi teras. Sejam berlalu dan ia baru saja datang.

    "Kamu tau kan aku kelas pagi! Kenapa siang banget sih datengnya?"marahku.

    "Macet banget, Ra. Ada kecelakaan dijalan tadi."

    "Terserah kamu deh!"aku langsung masuk kedalam mobil.

    "Hari ini aku jadi kok nemenin kamu ke mall. Kamu masih pengen ke mall kan?"Ello tersenyum padaku.

    Aku cuma diam. Sebel sama Ello.

    Selesai kelas, aku pergi ke kelasnya Ello, karena hari ini kami berbeda kelas.

    Aku menemukan Ello sedang bermesraan dengan seorang teman kelasnya yang aku tidak ketahui siapa namanya.

    Aku menampar perempuan itu dan mendorong Ello dari kursi sehingga Ello jatuh tersungkur.

    Aku menendangnya dan pergi.


    Akui saja hal tersebut tentunya pernah terjadi pada kita semua baik itu yang cowok ataupun yang cewek. Dengan membaca cerita di atas tentunya kita semua berharap bahwa hal-hal seperti KDP tersebut tidak akan terjadi dalam kehidupan percintaan yang sedang kita jalani

  52. Waiting for True Love

    "Kita pasti akan bertemu lagi. Kamu percayakan?" ucap ku pada Wiens, kekasihku.
    "Aku harus mempercayai mu, sayang."ucapnya.

    "Aku akan kembali padamu dan hidup bersamamu selamanya!"Aku pergi setelah meninggalkan kecupan di dahi Wiens.

    Ayah diberikan tugas oleh kantornya dan harus pindah keluar kota, sehingga aku serta ibu harus ikut bersama ayah. Jadilah aku meninggalkan Wiens. Sebenarnya, aku sudah meminta izin agar aku tinggal disini bersama Wiens, tapi ayah dan ibu tidak mengizinkannya.

    3 tahun berlalu, aku dijodohkan dengan anak dari teman ayah yang katanya ia mencintai ku. Demi bisnis ayah, akhirnya aku menikah dengannya, Niel.

    Aku mempunyai seorang anak perempuan, ku beri nama Wiensa karena aku masih memikirkan Wiens. Tapi aku belum ada kesempatan pergi kesana, tempat aku dan Wiens bertemu. Agar Niel tidak mengetahuinya, aku memanggil Wiensa dengan nama Ana.

    Suatu hari, Iensa berulang tahun ke 7. "Kamu tiup donk lilin ulang tahunnya."ucapku dengan kecupan sayang pada Iensa.

    "Don't forget to make a wish, Iensa."ucap Niel.

    "I want to find someone who always waiting for me. 'Cause, i know he never deny his promise."ucap Iensa.

    "Kamu kan masih kecil."sambung Niel. Aku tersentak. Iensa benar, seharusnya aku menemui Wiens, mungkin sekarang Wiens sudah berkeluarga. Tapi aku sudah berjanji akan menemui nya. JANJI ADALAH HUTANG.

    Sudah 10 tahun aku pergi meninggalkan Wiens. Aku harus kembali.

  53. Esoknya aku meminta izin pada Niel untuk pergi ke desa, dimana aku berjanji akan menemui Wiens. Perjalanan ditempuh kira-kira sekitar 5 jam perjalanan. Aku sampai disana jam 1 siang. Ada seseorang yang berdiri membelakangi ku.

    "Wiens?" ucap ku. Ia membalikkan tubuhnya. Ini adalah Wiens, ia tidak berubah sama sekali, hanya bertambah dewasa serta tumbuh sedikit jenggot di dagu nya. Membuat Wiens terlihat berbeda.

    "Aly?"Wiens tersenyum. Aku langsung berlari memeluknya. Wiens benar-benar menunggu ku.

    "Bagaimana kabarmu?"tanyaku yang masih berada didalam pelukn ya.

    "Aku baik."ucapnya sambil menyembunyikan rasa lelahnya. Kami berdua berjalan menuju rumah Wiens yang tidak jauh dari sini.

    "Kemana istri dan anakmu?"tanyaku yang sedang dibuatkan teh oleh Wiens.

    "Aku belum menikah. Bagaimana denganmu?"aku diam. Jadi selama ini Wiens menungguku?

    Sepulang dari desa, aku meminta cerai pada Niel agar aku bisa menepati janji ku pada Wiens. Niel mengerti maksudku. Iensa ikut bersamaku, karena ia tahu aku akan menikah dengan cinta sejati ku, bukan cinta yang dipaksakan.


    Jangan mencintai seseorang seperti bunga, karena bunga mati kala musim berganti. Cintailah mereka seperti sungai, karena sungai mengalir selamanya. Itulah tadi cerita dalam bahasa Indonesia nya. Sekarang jika memang membutuhkan versi terjemahannya maka silahkan langsung lihat seterusnya.

  54. Cinta Datang Tanpa Kita Sadari =

    Masih seringkan dengar pepatah: 'Sedia payung sebelum hujan'. Nah pepatah ini sangat kuno tapi masih berlaku sampai sekarang, di zaman modern.

    Aku duduk diatas kursi kereta dalam perjalanan pulang dari sekolah. Sebenarnya aku sudah dinyatakan lulus senior high school, tapi karena ada acara prom night, aku harus turun tangan. Soalnya guru-guru sudah yakin dengan kemampuanku dalam menjalankan tugas.

    "Permisi, kamu ada tisu?"tanya seseorang laki-laki menghampiriku yang sedang menutup hidungnya dengan tangan. Tanpa pikir panjang aku langsung mencari tisu didalam tas.

    "Makasi ya."ucapnya dan duduk disebelahku. Aku hanya mengangguk.

    Stasiun berikutnya aku harus turun, karena sudah dekat dengan rumah anak lesku, Sita.

    3 bulan berlalu, aku masuk ke universitas. Seperti biasa, dalam 'tradisi' mahasiswa/mahasiswi baru, akan di OSPEK (masa orientasi). Aku masuk ke kampus ini bersama Purna, sahabatku.

    "Adik-adik dengar ya, kalian harus menunduk setiap bertemu senior, itu sebagai lambang kalau kalian hormat."ucap kak Fani, salah satu senior. Oh ya, masih banyak aturan yang harus kami (para mahasiswa baru) jalankan.

    Jadi aku dan teman-teman jarang duduk atau berkumpul ditempat yang banyak senior-nya. Kami lebih suka duduk dikelas. Hari ini, dosennya (pengajar) tidak datang, sehingga kami langsung pulang.

    Seperti biasa aku berjalan ke stasiun untuk naik kereta. Tiba-tiba turun hujan dan aku lupa bawa pauyung. Aku berteduh dihalte dekat kampus. Purna sudah pulang bersama Dicky kekasihnya. Aku harus segera pulang karena aku mau mengajarkan piano pada Sita. Bagaimana caranya aku ke stasiun tanpa basah? Ini kan sedang hujan. "Mau payung?"tanya seseorang padaku. Refleks aku menunduk kan kalau ada senior harus memberi hormat. "Gak perlu menunduk kali. Aku kan bukan senior yang seperti itu."

    Aku mengangkat kepala dan ternyata laki-laki yang aku beri tisu 3 bulan lalu dikereta, "Kamu?"

    "Kita bertemu lagi. Ayo pulang bareng."ucapnya. "Aku Sandy."
    "Aku Kate."balasku. Kami pun berjalan beriringan ke stasiun.

    "Rumah kamu dimana?"tanya Sandy. Aku masih canggung bersamanya, mungkin karena ia salah satu senior-ku. Walaupun dia bukan senior yang seperti kak Fani.

    "Hallo?"ia membangunkanku dari lamunan.
    "Rumah kamu dimana?"ulangnya.

  55. Aku tidak pulang ke rumah. Aku harus ke rumah Sita, anak lesku."ia tersenyum. Sesampai distasiun kami duduk berdampingan.

    30 menit berlalu, aku turun distasiun ini. Sandy pun ikut turun bersamaku. 'Mungkin rumahnya didaerah ini.'pikirku. Ia mengikutiku , hingga masuk gang dan berhenti didepan rumah Sita.

    "Ayo masuk.'ucapnya. Aku bingung dan aku baru menyadarinya kalau Sandy adalah kakak Sita.

    Meski ceritanya cukup singkat namun mudah-mudahan dapat sedikit menghibur kita, apabila berkenan rekan semua juga dapat mengirimkan cerita-cerita yang dimiliki untuk dibagikan di sini agar rekan lain dapat membacanya.
    Cinta Datang Tanpa Kita Sadari: Versi terjemahan bahasa Inggris
    Diawal artikel sebenarnya telah disebutkan bahwa cerita ini hanya akan dimuat dalam bahasa Indonesia saja namun setelah mendapatkan beberapa permintaan dari rekan pengunjung maka berikut disajikan juga cerita versi bahasa Inggris untuk cerita cinta singkat di atas.

    = Love Comes Without We Realize =

    Still seringkan heard the adage : ' Sedia umbrella before it rains ' . Well this is very ancient adage but still true today , in modern times .

    I'm sitting on a train seat on the way home from school . Actually, I 've passed the senior high school , but because there is prom night , I had to intervene . Because teachers are confident with my ability to perform tasks .

    " Excuse me , have you a tissue ? " Said one man approached me who was holding his nose with his hand. Without thinking I immediately look for a tissue inside the bag .

    " Makasi yes . " He said and sat beside me . I just nodded .

  56. The next station I had to go down , because it was close to home lesku child , Sita .

    3 months went by , I got into university . As usual , the ' traditional ' student / freshman , will be in OSPEK ( orientation ) . I went into this with Full campus , my friend .

    " Younger siblings hear ya , you should be subject to any senior meet , it's as if you are the symbol of reverence . " Said Fani kak , one of the senior . Oh yes , there are many rules that must be our ( new students ) run .

    So me and my friends rarely sitting or gathering place that many of his seniors . We prefer to sit in class . Today, his professor ( lecturer ) did not come , so we went straight home .

    As usual I walked to the station to catch the train . Suddenly the rain and I forgot to bring pauyung . I dihalte shelter near campus . Full Dicky had gone home with her ​​boyfriend . I had to go home because I want to teach piano at Sita . How do I to the station without getting wet ? It's raining . "Would you like an umbrella ? " Someone asked me . I reflexively ducked it if there is senior must pay homage . "No need down time . Senior that I 'm not like that . "

    I looked up and it turns out the man I gave a tissue 3 months ago dikereta , " You ? "

    " We meet again . Let's go home together . " He said . " I'm Sandy . "

    " I'm Kate . " Replied . We walked hand in hand into the station .

    " The house where are you? " Said Sandy . I'm still awkward with him , probably because he was one of my seniors . Although he was not a senior like kak Fani .

    " Hello ? " He woke me from my reverie .

    " What ? "

    " The house where are you? " He repeated .

    " I did not go home . Sita I need to get home , child lesku . " He smiled . Distasiun Once we sat side by side .

  57. Nasihat Sahabat"

    "Sudah seribu kali, aku mengatakan hal itu padamu. Dia kan beda Ras dengan kita"ucap Dinda. "Kamu milih dia apa aku, sahabatmu."

    "Jelas aku milih dia! Kamu enggak tau gimana rasanya jatuh cinta."teriakku kesal dan pergi meninggalkannya.

    Dinda, sahabatku selalu berkata hal yang sama. Dia tidak menyetujuiku dengan White, pacarku yang bule ini. Memang aku dan Dinda sudah bersahabat dari SMP dan sekarang kami sudah mau lulus SMA.

    Aku enggak suka kalau Dinda ikut campur urusanku dengan White, cowo bule yang baru berpacaran denganku sebulan lalu.

    Dinda selalu saja menyuruhku untuk tidak dekat dengan White apa lagi berpacaran dengannya. Dinda yang memperkenalkanku dengan White. Awalnya mereka sering chat dan Dinda mengenalkan White padaku karena aku suka dengan cowo bule. Tapi Dinda enggak pernah menyangka, kalau hubungan kami akan seserius ini.

    White, cowo bule dari California, Amerika. Berumur setahun lebih tua daripadaku. Ia baik, sopan dan ramah. Awalnya White memintaku menjadi pacarnya sehari setelah aku berkenalan dengannya. Menurutku ini terlalu cepat. Jadi aku tidak menerimanya. Seminggu kemudian, ia menembakku lagi, karena aku sudah merasakan getar-getar cinta, ya aku pun menerimanya. Toh tidak ada salahnya mencoba hubungan ini.

    White selalu bilang, 'Disini (California) mereka pacaran untuk mengenal seseorang lebih jauh.' Sementara di Indonesia, kebanyakan remaja pacaran karena sudah mengenal pasangannya.

    Aku dan Dinda sudah tidak saling bicara lagi semenjak hari itu. White berjanji akan datang ke Indonesia dan memintaku menemaninya untuk berjalan-jalan.

    Timbullah rasa penasaranku mengapa aku tidak boleh terlalu dekat dengan White.

    "Din, jelasin ke aku, kenapa aku ga boleh deket sama White!"ucapku sambil duduk disampingnya.

    "Kamu enggak bakal percaya sama aku, lagian kamu sudah mencintainya kan?"Dinda yang sekarang meninggalkan aku sendiri dikelas.

  58. Terserah! Terserah si Dinda deh, aku tidak akan menanyainya lagi.

    Entahlah, mengapa aku bisa mengucapkan kata-kata itu, aku lebih memilih White, orang yang baru ku kelas daripada Dinda, sahabatku?

    White pun memutuskan untuk datang ke Indonesia. Aku sudah janji akan menemaninya. Kami pun pergi ke mal dan aku mengantar White ke hotel tempatnya ia mengginap.

    "Kamu harus tidur bersamaku. Kan kamu sudah janji ingin menemaniku. Bukankah kamu mencintaiku?"ucap White menarik lenganku.

    "Lepasin White. Aku enggak mau."aku terus merontah.


    Pintu kamar terbuka, security dan Dinda berdiri didepan pintu. Aku langsung lari kedekapan Dinda. Kami pun pergi meninggalkan White sendiri.

    "Itulah mengapa aku enggak mau kamu sama White."ucap Dinda. "Dulu setelah aku mengenalkan White padamu, ia memintaku berfoto tanpa pakaian. Tapi aku tidak melakukannya dan aku mengingatkanmu supaya kamu tidak dekat dengannya."

    "Kok kamu bisa tau aku disini?"
    "Aku mengikuti kalian seharian ini."ucap Dinda.

    Nasihat Sahabat: Versi bahasa Inggris
    Mungkin ada yang membutuhkan cerita ini dalam bahasa Inggris maka disertakan juga terjemahannya di bawah ini. Meski versi terjemahan berikut masih acak-acakan tetapi setidaknya dapat digunakan sebagai bahan untuk belajar menterjemahkan cerita kedalam bahasa Inggris. Langsung saja disimak berikut!

  59. Friend’s Advice=

    " It's a thousand times , I'm saying it to you . Racial He's different with us " Dinda said . " You chose her what I , your friend . "

    " Obviously I chose him ! Baseball You know how it feels to fall in love . " Yelled annoyed and walked away .
    My sister, my best friend always says the same thing . He does not approve with White , my boyfriend who is Caucasian . Indeed I and Dinda have been friends from junior high and now we're going to pass high school .

    I love baseball if my business to meddle Dinda White , bule new guy out with me a month ago .

    Dinda always told me not to close to the White what else to date him . Dinda who introduced me to White . Initially they often chat and Dinda introduced White to me because I like the guy Caucasians . But Dinda baseball ever thought , that our relationship will be as serious as this .

    White , Caucasian guy from California , USA . Aged one year older than me . He was nice, polite and friendly . White initially asked me to be his girlfriend the day after I met him . I think this is too fast . So I do not accept it . A week later , he shot me again , because I 've felt the thrill of love , so I accepted it . After all, there is no harm in trying this relationship .

    White always says , ' Here ( California ) they are going to get to know someone even further . ' While in Indonesia , most teenagers are familiar courtship because her partner .

    I and Dinda is no longer speaking to each other since that day . White promised to come to Indonesia and asked me to accompany him for a walk .

    Curiosity arises why I should not be too close to White .

  60. Din , jelasin to me , why should I is not the same deket White " I said , sitting down beside him .

    " You 'd baseball trust me , you already love her anyways , right? " Dinda is now leaving me alone in class .

    It's up ! It is up to the Dinda me, I'm not going to question him again .

    I do not know why I could utter those words , I prefer to White , the new class than Dinda me , my friend ?

    White decided to come to Indonesia . I promised to accompany him .

    We also went to the mall and I drove White to the hotel where he mengginap .

    " You must sleep with me . Kan promised you would like to join me . Did not you love me ? " Said White grabbed my arm .

    " Lepasin White . I do not want to . " I kept merontah .

    Click !

    The door is open , the security and Dinda standing at the door . I ran kedekapan Dinda . We also went to leave White alone .

    " That's why I want you at the White baseball . " Dinda said . "Once after I introduced White to you , he asked me to take pictures without clothes . , But I did not do it and I remind you that you are not close to him . "

    " How did you know I was here ? "
    " I followed you all day . " Dinda said .

  61. Teen Age Love
    Born 1990, F, from KARACHI, Pakistan

    It is said that the teen age is the age when a person’s mind is affected by a single incident. When children become teenagers they want to experience everything. Their thinking develops rapidly. They think whatever they do is right and they have right over everything. Friendship and love is very common in teen age. Teenagers get involved in things and believe it is not wrong. Here is a story that proves that love is not wrong when it is true.

    Lara, is a girl who lives in the small town of Bloomsbury in Central London. She is about the age of 17. Although she was not so beautiful but was attractive in inner beauty. Her father died because of Tuberculosis. She is a very cheerful girl. She likes to enjoy her life. She does not care what the people around her say. She has 4 best friends in her HIGH SCHOOL to which she shares everything.

    Her friends were all having their boyfriends but she always used to say that she will make that boy her friend who will attract her and will always remain loyal to her and will never lie to her, and her friends always say that she will never find a guy like that, but one day her wish came true. One day when she was going out she met a guy of her age on the stairs of her apartment. That guy told her that he was new in that town, shifted a few days before with his parents, and he could not find a friend so offered her friendship.

    On that moment she remembered that he was the same guy whom she saw playing with small kids in the garden and this quality attracted her and she accepted his friendship. They become good friends. They share everything with each other and in those days she realizes that she found her guy because he has every quality that she wants. And on the other side there was the same condition of boy as well. Their friendship was amazing, they help each other on every moment, their habits, their likes and dislikes were all the same.

  62. Cinta Usia Remaja
    Versi Terjemahan Bahasa Indonesia

    Dikatakan bahwa usia remaja adalah usia ketika pikiran seseorang dipengaruhi oleh insiden tunggal . Ketika anak-anak menjadi remaja mereka ingin mengalami segalanya . Pemikiran mereka berkembang pesat . Mereka berpikir apa pun yang mereka lakukan adalah benar dan mereka memiliki hak atas segala sesuatu . Persahabatan dan cinta adalah sangat umum di usia remaja . Remaja terlibat dalam hal-hal dan percaya itu tidak salah . Berikut ini adalah cerita yang membuktikan bahwa cinta tidak salah ketika itu benar.

    Lara, adalah seorang gadis yang tinggal di kota kecil Bloomsbury di Central London . Dia adalah sekitar usia 17 . Meskipun ia tidak begitu indah tapi menarik dalam inner beauty . Ayahnya meninggal karena TBC . Dia adalah gadis yang sangat ceria . Dia suka menikmati hidupnya . Dia tidak peduli apa yang orang-orang di sekitar dia berkata . Dia memiliki 4 teman-teman terbaik di SMA -nya yang ia berbagi segalanya . Teman-temannya semua memiliki pacar mereka tapi dia selalu berkata bahwa dia akan membuat anak temannya yang akan menarik dan akan selalu tetap setia padanya dan tidak akan pernah berbohong padanya , dan teman-temannya selalu mengatakan bahwa dia tidak akan pernah menemukan orang seperti itu , tapi suatu hari keinginannya terkabul . Suatu hari ketika dia akan pergi dia bertemu dengan seorang pria seusianya di tangga apartemennya . Orang itu mengatakan bahwa ia baru di kota itu , bergeser beberapa hari sebelumnya dengan orang tuanya , dan ia tidak bisa menemukan teman sehingga menawarkan persahabatannya . pada saat itu ia ingat bahwa ia adalah orang yang sama yang ia lihat bermain dengan anak-anak kecil di taman dan kualitas ini menarik dan dia menerima persahabatannya . Mereka menjadi teman baik . Mereka berbagi segala sesuatu dengan satu sama lain dan pada hari-hari dia menyadari bahwa dia menemukan pria karena dia memiliki segala kualitas yang dia inginkan . Dan di sisi lain ada kondisi yang sama anak laki-laki juga. Persahabatan mereka sangat mengagumkan , mereka saling membantu pada setiap saat , kebiasaan mereka , suka dan tidak suka mereka semua sama . Mereka menghabiskan waktu dengan satu sama lain berbicara dan mengetahui lebih banyak tentang satu sama lain . Persahabatan mereka segera berubah menjadi cinta , cinta sejati di mana ada loyalitas , kepercayaan , hormat dan kepercayaan . Bagian terbaik dari cinta mereka adalah cinta mereka tidak tergantung pada kecantikan luar yang akan lenyap dalam waktu . Dan setelah beberapa tahun mereka menikah sampai mereka mencapai usia dewasa mereka dan hidup bahagia .

  63. Wealth, Love, Success

    A woman came out of her house and saw 3 old men with long white beards sitting in her front yard. She did not recognize them. She said “I don’t think I know you, but you must be hungry. Please come in and have something to eat.”

    “Is the man of the house home?” they asked.

    “No,” she replied. “He’s out.”

    “Then we cannot come in,” they replied.

    In the evening when her husband came home, she told him what had happened.

    “Go tell them I am home and invite them in!”

    The woman went out and invited the men in.

    “We do not go into a House together,” they replied.

    “Why is that?” she asked.

    One of the old men explained: “His name is Wealth,” he said pointing to one of his friends, and said pointing to another one, “He is Success, and I am Love.” Then he added, “Now go in and discuss with your husband which one of us you want in your home.”

    The woman went in and told her husband what was said. Her husband was overjoyed. “How nice!” he said. “Since that is the case, let us invite Wealth. Let him come and fill our home with wealth!”

    His wife disagreed. “My dear, why don’t we invite Success?”

    Their daughter-in-law was listening from the other corner of the house. She jumped in with her own suggestion: “Would it not be better to invite Love? Our home will then be filled with love!”

    “Let us heed our daughter-in-law’s advice,” said the husband to his wife.

    “Go out and invite Love to be our guest.”

  64. he woman went out and asked the 3 old men,

    “Which one of you is Love? Please come in and be our guest.”

    Love got up and started walking toward the house. The other 2 also got up and followed him.

    Surprised, the lady asked Wealth and Success: “I only invited Love, Why are you coming in?”

    Cerita Cinta Singkat – Terjemahan Bahasa Indonesia
    Sebenarnya saya sedikit enggan untuk menyertakan terjemahan dari teks cerita di atas karena kita dapat langsung menterjemahkannya secara online namun agar lebih cepat dan lebih mudah khusus bagi yang membutuhkan cerita cinta singkat Inggris Indonesia berikut saya sertakan cerita di atas dalam versi terjemahan bahasa Indonesia.

    Kekayaan , Cinta , Sukses

    Seorang wanita keluar dari rumahnya dan melihat 3 pria tua dengan jenggot putih panjang duduk di halaman depan rumahnya .

    Dia tidak mengenali mereka . Dia berkata " Saya tidak berpikir saya tahu Anda , tetapi Anda harus lapar .

    Silahkan datang dan memiliki sesuatu untuk dimakan . "

    " Apakah pria rumah rumah ? " Tanya mereka .

    " Tidak, " jawabnya . " Dia keluar . "

    "Kalau kita tidak bisa masuk, " jawab mereka .

    Pada malam hari ketika suaminya pulang , ia menceritakan apa yang telah terjadi .

    " Pergi beritahu mereka bahwa saya rumah dan mengundang mereka masuk! "

    Wanita itu keluar dan mengundang orang-orang masuk

    " Kami tidak masuk ke rumah bersama-sama , " jawab mereka .

    " Mengapa demikian ? " Tanyanya .

    Salah satu orang tua itu menjelaskan : " Namanya Kekayaan , " katanya sambil menunjuk ke salah satu temannya , dan berkata sambil menunjuk satu sama lain, Lalu ia menambahkan , " Sekarang masuk dan " Dia adalah Sukses , dan aku Cinta . " mendiskusikan dengan suami Anda yang salah satu dari kami yang Anda inginkan di rumah Anda . "

  65. Silent Love

    Once, there was a couple who love very much each other. From the very beginning, the girl’s family strongly objected on her dating him. They objected because of his family background and felt that the girl will have to suffer for the rest of her life if she were to be with him.

    Due to her family pressure, the couple quarreled very often. Although the girl love the guy deeply, she would always seek confirmation of his love by asking him, “How deep is your love for me?”
    As the guy is not good with his words, this often result in the girl to be very upset. These various reasons causes the girl to vent her anger on him often. The guy endured the suffering in silence.
    After a couple of years, the guy finally graduated and decided to further his studies overseas. Before leaving, he proposed to the girl,
    “I’m not very good with words, but I simply know I love you. If you allow me, I will take care of you for the rest of my life. As for your family, I’ll try my best to talk them round. Will you marry me?”

    The girl agreed and touched by the guy’s determination, the family finally gave in and agreed to let them get married. So before he left the country, they got engaged.
    The girl entered the working society, whereas the guy continued his studies overseas. They kept their love strong through emails and phone calls. Even though it’s hard, neither of them never thought of giving up.
    One day, while the girl was on her way to work, she was knocked down by a car that lost control. When she woke up, she saw her parents beside her bed. She realized that she was badly injured. She saw her mum crying and wanted to comfort her. But she realized that she could only muster a sigh. She has lost her voice…
    The doctors explanation was that the impact of the accident on her brain caused her to lose her voice. When she heard her parents comforting her but she was unable to reply them at all, she broke down.

    During the stay in the hospital, other than crying silently there was nothing else she could do. Upon reaching home, life seemed to go on normally. However, whenever the phone rang, the ringtone seemed to pierce through her heart. She had no wish of letting the guy know about her condition. She did not want to be a burden to him. Hence, she wrote a letter to him informing him that she does not wish to wait for him to come back any longer.
    Following that, she sent the engagement ring back to him. In return, the guy sent millions of reply and countless phonecalls… The girl could only drown her sorrows in tears as she ignored them all.
    The parents decided to move away, hoping that she could eventually forget everything and be happy. With a new environment, the girl picked up sign language and started a new life. She told herself everyday that she must forget about the guy.

    One day, her friend informed her that he’s back from abroad. She requested her friend not to let him know what happened to her. Since then, there wasn’t anymore news of him.

    A year later, her friend came back with an envelope, containing an invitation card for the guy’s wedding. The girl was shattered. When she opened the letter, she saw shocked to see her name as the bride. Just when she was about to ask her friend what’s going on, she saw the guy standing in front of her. He used sign language to tell her this,
    “I’ve spent a year’s time to learn sign language just to let you know that I’ve not forgotten our promise. Let me have the chance to be your voice. I Love You. With that, he slipped the ring back into her finger. The girl finally smiled.

  66. Let Me Love You

    Once upon a time, there was once a guy who was very much in love with this girl. This romantic guy folded 1,000 pieces of paper cranes as a gift to his girl. Although, at that time he was just a small executive in his company, his future doesn’t seem too bright, they were very happy together. Until one day, his girl told him she was going to Paris and will never come back.She also told him that she cannot visualize any future for the both of them, so let’s go their own ways there and then… heartbroken, the guy agreed.

    When he regained his confidence, he worked hard day and night, just to make something out of himself. Finally with all these hard work and with the help of friends, this guy had set up his own company…
    “You never fail until you stop trying.” he always told himself. “I must make it in life!” One rainy day, while this guy was driving, he saw an elderly couple sharing an umbrella in the rain walking to some destination. Even with the umbrella, they were still drenched. It didn’t take him long to realize those were his ex-girlfriend’s parents. With a heart in getting back at them, he drove slowly beside the couple, wanting them to spot him in his luxury saloon. He wanted them to know that he wasn’t the same anymore, he had his own company, car, condo, etc. He had made it in life!

  67. Before the guy can realize, the couple was walking towards a cemetery, and he got out of his car and followed them…and he saw his ex girlfriend, a photograph of her smiling sweetly as ever at him from her tombstone… and he saw his precious paper cranes in a bottle placed beside her tomb. Her parents saw him.He walked over and asked them why this had happened. They explained that she did not leave for France at all. She was stricken ill with cancer. In her heart, she had believed that he will make it someday, but she did not want her illness to be his obstacle … therefore she had chosen to leave him.

    She had wanted her parents to put his paper cranes beside her, because, if the day comes when fate brings him to her again, he can take some of those back with him. The guy just wept.

    Demikianlah Dongeng B

  68. Love Story of Cinderella

    Once upon a time there lived a beautiful young girl named Cinderella . He lived with her step mother and two step sisters . Her mother and sister were arrogant and had bad temper. They treated Cinderella very badly. Her step mother made Cinderella do the hardest job in the house, such as mopping the floor, cleaning the pot and pan and preparing food for the family. Her step sisters did not work on the house. Their mother gave them many beautiful dresses to wear.

    One day, two step sisters received an invitation to the ball. The King would choose a girl to be the wife of his prince.

    They were excited about this and spent so much time choosing the dresses they would wear. Finally, the ball came, and the sisters went to the ball. Cinderella were crying after they left . “Why are crying , Cinderella?” the voice asked . He looked up and saw her fairy godmother standing beside her, “because I wanted to go to the ball” Cinderella answered . Well godmother said, “You are a cheerful, hardworking, uncomplaining girl. I will bring you go to the ball . Magically. Fairy godmother turned a pumpkin into a coach and mice into two smooth coachman and footman. Her godmother tapped Cinderella’s dress with her wand, and it became a beautiful ball gown .

    Then he gave her a pair of pretty glass slippers. “Now, Cinderella”, she said, you have to go before midnight. Then he drove away a wonderful coach. Cinderella had a marvelous time either . She danced again and again with the king’s son. Suddenly the clock began to strike twelve, she ran toward the door as fast as he could do. In her hurry, one of her glass slipper fell down. A few days later, the prince declared that he would marry the girl whose feet fitted the glass slipper. Stepsisters tried on shoes but it was too small for them, no matter how hard they squeezed their toes into it .

  69. Kisah Cinta Cinderella

    Dahulu kala ada seorang gadis cantik bernama Cinderella. Dia tinggal bersama ibu tirinya dan dua saudara tiri. Ibu dan saudara perempuannya sombong dan memiliki kesabaran. Mereka memperlakukan Cinderella dengan sangat buruk. Ibu tirinya membuat Cinderella melakukan pekerjaan terberat di rumah, seperti mengepel lantai, membersihkan panci dan wajan dan menyiapkan makanan untuk keluarga. Kakak tirinya tidak bekerja di rumah. Ibu mereka memberi mereka banyak gaun cantik untuk dipakai.

    Suatu hari, dua saudara tiri menerima undangan ke bola. Raja akan memilih seorang gadis untuk menjadi istri pangerannya.

    Mereka gembira dengan hal ini dan menghabiskan begitu banyak waktu untuk memilih gaun yang akan mereka kenakan. Akhirnya, bola datang, dan para suster pergi ke bola. Cinderella menangis setelah mereka pergi. “Kenapa menangis, Cinderella?” Tanya suara itu. Dia mendongak dan melihat ibu peri peri berdiri di sampingnya, “karena saya ingin pergi ke bola” jawab Cinderella. Nah, ibu baptis berkata, “Anda adalah gadis yang ceria, pekerja keras dan tidak suka mengeluh. Saya akan membawa Anda pergi ke bola. Ajaibnya. Ibu peri mengubah labu menjadi pelatih dan tikus menjadi dua pemain dan pelatih yang mulus. Ibu baptisnya mengetuk pakaian Cinderella dengan tongkat sihirnya, dan gaun itu menjadi gaun bola yang indah.

  70. Lalu ia memberinya sepasang sandal kaca yang cantik. “Sekarang, Cinderella”, katanya, Anda harus pergi sebelum tengah malam. Lalu dia mengusir seorang pelatih yang luar biasa. Cinderella juga memiliki waktu yang luar biasa. Dia menari lagi dan lagi dengan putra raja. Tiba-tiba jam mulai pukul dua belas, dia berlari ke pintu secepat yang dia bisa lakukan. Sambil terburu-buru, salah satu sandal kacanya jatuh. Beberapa hari kemudian, sang pangeran menyatakan bahwa dia akan menikahi gadis yang kakinya paskan sandal kaca itu. Beberapa langkah mencoba sepatu tapi terlalu kecil untuk mereka, tidak peduli seberapa keras mereka meremas jari kaki mereka ke dalamnya.

    Pada akhirnya, sang raja membiarkan Cinderella mencoba sepatunya. Dia meregangkan kakinya dan menyelipkan sepatunya. Ini pas dengan sempurna. Akhirnya, dia diantar ke istana yang megah dan megah. Raja-raja muda senang bertemu dengannya lagi. Mereka menikah dan hidup bahagia selamanya.

  71. King of The Jungle
    One day a tiger saw a fox walking alone. Then, he intended to attack the fox. When Tiger jumped on Fox, Fox shout out, “How dare you attack the king of the jungle?” Tiger looked at him in amazement. “Nonsense! You are not King!” “Certainly I am,” replied the Fox. “All the animals run from me in terror! If you want proof, come with me.” Fox went into the forest with tiger in heels. When they came to a herd of deer, the deer saw Tiger behind the Fox and ran in all direction. They came to a group of monkey, the monkey saw the tiger behind fox and they fled. Fox looked to tiger and said, “Do you need more proof than that? See how the animals flee at the first sight of me?” “I am surprised, but I’ve seen it with my own eyes. Forgive me attacking you, Great King.” Tiger bowed low with great ceremony, he let the fox go


    Raja hutan
    Suatu hari seekor harimau melihat seekor rubah berjalan sendiri. Lalu, dia berniat menyerang si rubah. Saat Tiger melompat ke arah Fox, Fox berteriak, “Berani-beraninya kamu menyerang raja hutan?” Tiger menatapnya dengan takjub. “Omong kosong! Anda bukan Raja! “” Tentu saja, “jawab si Fox. “Semua binatang lari dariku dalam ketakutan! Jika Anda menginginkan bukti, ikutlah dengan saya. “Fox pergi ke hutan dengan harimau dengan tumit. Ketika mereka sampai pada kawanan rusa, rusa itu melihat Tiger di belakang Fox dan berlari ke segala arah. Mereka mendatangi sekelompok monyet, monyet melihat harimau di belakang rubah dan mereka melarikan diri. Fox melihat ke harimau dan berkata, “Apakah Anda memerlukan lebih banyak bukti daripada itu? Lihatlah bagaimana binatang lari pada pandangan pertama saya? “” Saya terkejut, tapi saya sudah melihatnya dengan mata kepala sendiri. Maafkan aku menyerangmu, Raja Agung. “Harimau membungkuk rendah dengan upacara besar, dia membiarkan rubah itu pergi

    Demikianlah Dongeng Bahasa Inggris , fable tentang King of The Jungle. Somoga kita dapat memdapatkan manfaat dari cerita diatas. Jangan lupa kasih comment mengenai artikel ini, dan jangan bosen mampir di blog ini lagi ya…

  72. The Smartest Animal

    Once there was a farmer from Laos. Every morning and every evening, he ploughed his field with his buffalo.
    One day, a tiger saw the farmer and his buffalo working in the field. The tiger was very surprised to see a big animal listening to a small animal. The tiger wanted to know more about the big animal and the small animal.
    After the man went home, the tiger spoke to the buffalo; “you are so big and strong. Why do you do everything the man tells you?” The buffalo answered; “oh, the man is very intelligent”.
    The tiger asked; “can you tell me how intelligent he is?”. “No, I can’t tell you”, said the buffalo; “but you can ask him”
    So the next day the tiger asked to the man; “Can I see your intelligence?”. But the man answered; “it at home”. “Can you go and get it?” asked the tiger. “Yes” said the man; “but I am afraid you will kill my buffalo when I am gone. Can I tie you to a tree?”
    After the man tied the tiger to the tree, he didn’t go home to get his intelligence. He took his plough and hit the tiger. Then he said; “Now you know about my intelligence even you haven’t seen it.

  73. Binatang Yang Paling Pintar
    Dahulu kala hiduplah seorang petani yang tinggal di Laos. Setiap pagi dan sore hari, ia selalu membajak ladangngnya dengan kerbaunya.

    Suatu hari, seekor harimau melihat petani dan kerbaunya sedang bekerja. Harimau itu terkejut melihat seekor binatang besar yang mematuhi perintah binatang yang lebih kecil(Yang harimau maksud adalah manusia). Harimau ingin mengetahui lebih jauh tentang kerbau dan manusia itu.

    Setelah petani itu pulang kerumah, harimau berkata kepada kerbau, “Kamu kan besar dan kuat. Kenapa kamu mau melakukan semua yang manusia perintahkan padamu?” Kerbau pun menjawab, “Oh… Itu karena manusia itu sangatlah pintar.”

    Harimau bertanya lagi, “Dapatkah kamu mengatakan padaku seberapa pintarnya dia?” “Tidak, aku tidak dapat mengatakannya padamu.”Kata kerbau. “Tetapi kamu dapat bertanya langsung padanya.” Tambah kerbau.

    Kemudian, hari berikutnya harimau bertanya kepada petani, “Dapatkah aku melihat kepandaianmu?” Tetapi petani tersebut menjawab, “Kepandaianku ada dirumah.” “Dapatkah kamu pergi dan mengambilnya?” tanya harimau. “Ya!” Jawab petani, “Tetapi aku khawatir jika kamu membunuh kerbauku ketika aku pergi. Bisakah aku mengikatmu dipohon dahulu?

    Setelah petani mengikat harimau di sebuah pohon, dia kemudian tidak pergi pulang dan mengambil kepandaiannya. Dia malah mengambil cangkulnya dan memukul harimau itu. Kemudian dia berkata, “Sekarang kamu tahu kepandaianku meskipun kamu tidak bisa melihatnya, kan?”

  74. King of The Jungle
    One day a tiger saw a fox walking alone. Then, he intended to attack the fox. When Tiger jumped on Fox, Fox shout out, “How dare you attack the king of the jungle?” Tiger looked at him in amazement. “Nonsense! You are not King!” “Certainly I am,” replied the Fox. “All the animals run from me in terror! If you want proof, come with me.” Fox went into the forest with tiger in heels. When they came to a herd of deer, the deer saw Tiger behind the Fox and ran in all direction. They came to a group of monkey, the monkey saw the tiger behind fox and they fled. Fox looked to tiger and said, “Do you need more proof than that? See how the animals flee at the first sight of me?” “I am surprised, but I’ve seen it with my own eyes. Forgive me attacking you, Great King.” Tiger bowed low with great ceremony, he let the fox go


    Raja hutan
    Suatu hari seekor harimau melihat seekor rubah berjalan sendiri. Lalu, dia berniat menyerang si rubah. Saat Tiger melompat ke arah Fox, Fox berteriak, “Berani-beraninya kamu menyerang raja hutan?” Tiger menatapnya dengan takjub. “Omong kosong! Anda bukan Raja! “” Tentu saja, “jawab si Fox. “Semua binatang lari dariku dalam ketakutan! Jika Anda menginginkan bukti, ikutlah dengan saya. “Fox pergi ke hutan dengan harimau dengan tumit. Ketika mereka sampai pada kawanan rusa, rusa itu melihat Tiger di belakang Fox dan berlari ke segala arah. Mereka mendatangi sekelompok monyet, monyet melihat harimau di belakang rubah dan mereka melarikan diri. Fox melihat ke harimau dan berkata, “Apakah Anda memerlukan lebih banyak bukti daripada itu? Lihatlah bagaimana binatang lari pada pandangan pertama saya? “” Saya terkejut, tapi saya sudah melihatnya dengan mata kepala sendiri. Maafkan aku menyerangmu, Raja Agung. “Harimau membungkuk rendah dengan upacara besar, dia membiarkan rubah itu pergi

  75. The Fox and The Cat

    One day a cat and a fox were having a conversation. The fox, who was a conceited creature, boasted how clever she was. ‘Why, I know at least a hundred tricks to get away from our mutual enemies, the dogs,’ she said.

    ‘I know only one trick to get away from dogs,’ said the cat. ‘You should teach me some of yours!’

    ‘Well, maybe some day, when I have the time, I may teach you a few of the simpler ones,’ replied the fox airily.

    Just then they heard the barking of a pack of dogs in the distance. The barking grew louder and louder – the dogs were coming in their direction! At once the cat ran to the nearest tree and climbed into its branches, well out of reach of any dog. ‘This is the trick I told you about, the only one I know,’ she called down to the fox. ‘Which one of your hundred tricks are you going to use?’

    The fox sat silently under the tree, wondering which trick she should use. Before she could make up her mind, the dogs arrived. They fell upon the fox and tore her to pieces.

    A single plan that works is better than a hundred doubtful pla

  76. Rubah dan Seekor Kucing

    Suatu hari kucing dan rubah sedang bercakap-cakap. Rubah, yang adalah makhluk sombong, membual tentang betapa pintarnya dia. “Kenapa, aku tahu setidaknya seratus trik untuk menjauh dari musuh kita bersama, anjing,” katanya.

    “Saya hanya tahu satu trik untuk menjauh dari anjing,” kata kucing. “Kamu harus mengajariku beberapa trik mu!”

    “Yah, mungkin suatu hari, ketika saya punya waktu, saya mungkin mengajarkan kamu beberapa trik yang sederhana,” jawab rubah ringan.

    Sesaat kemudian mereka mendengar gonggongan sekawanan anjing di kejauhan. menggonggong semakin keras – anjing datang menuju ke arah mereka! Seketika kucing berlari ke pohon terdekat dan naik ke cabang-cabangnya, di luar jangkauan dari setiap anjing. ‘Ini adalah trik saya katakan tadi, satu-satunya yang saya tahu, “kata kucing. ‘ mana salah satu dari seratus trik anda yang anda akan gunakan?’

    Rubah duduk diam di bawah pohon, bertanya-tanya trik apa yang dia harus gunakan. Sebelum dia bisa mengambil keputusan, anjing tiba. Mereka menyergap rubah dan mencabik-cabiknya.

    Pesan Moral:
    Sebuah rencana tunggal yang bekerja lebih baik dari seratus rencana diragukan.

    Demikianlah Dongeng Bahasa Inggris, fable tentang The Fox and The Cat. Somoga kita dapat memdapatkan manfaat dari cerita diatas. Jangan lupa kasih comment mengenai artikel ini, dan jangan bosen mampir di blog ini lagi ya…

  77. Rabbit and Bear
    Once upon a time, there lived a bear and a rabbit. The rabbit was a good shotter. On the contrary, the bear was always clumsy and could not use the arrow to shoot
    One day, the bear called over the rabbit and asked the rabbit to take his bow and arrows. Because he was afraid to arouse the bear’s anger, he did not refuse the challenge. He went with the bear and shot buffaloes. He shot and killed so many that there were lots of meats left after.
    However the bear did not make the rabbit get any of the meat. Even he could not taste it. The poor rabbit went home hungrily after a day of hard work.
    Fortunately, the youngest child of the bear was very kind to the rabbit. His mother bear always gave him an extra large piece of meat but he did not eat it all. He took some outside with him and pretended to play ball with the meat. He kicked the ball of meat toward the rabbit’s house. The meat flew into the rabbit’s house. In this way, the hungry rabbit got his meal.


  78. Kelinci dan beruang
    Dahulu kala, ada seekor beruang dan seekor kelinci. Kelinci itu adalah penembak yang bagus. Sebaliknya, si beruang selalu canggung dan tidak bisa menggunakan panah untuk menembak
    Suatu hari, si beruang memanggil kelinci itu dan meminta kelinci itu untuk mengambil busur dan anak panahnya. Karena dia takut membangkitkan amarah beruang, dia tidak menolak tantangan itu. Dia pergi dengan beruang dan menembak kerbau. Dia menembak dan membunuh begitu banyak sehingga tersisa banyak daging.
    Namun si beruang tidak membuat kelinci mendapatkan salah satu dagingnya. Bahkan dia pun tak bisa merasakannya. Kelinci yang malang pulang dengan lapar setelah seharian bekerja keras.
    Untungnya, anak bungsu beruang itu sangat baik pada kelinci. Beruang ibunya selalu memberinya sepotong daging ekstra besar tapi dia tidak memakan semuanya. Dia mengambil beberapa di luar bersamanya dan pura-pura bermain bola dengan dagingnya. Dia menendang bola daging menuju rumah kelinci itu. Dagingnya terbang ke rumah kelinci. Dengan cara ini, kelinci lapar mendapat makanannya.

    Versi lain

  79. Story of Rabbit and Bear

    Once upon a time, there lived as neighbours, a bear and a rabbit. The rabbit is a good shot. In contrary, the bear is always clumsy ad could not use the arrow to good advantage.

    One day, the bear called over the rabbit and asked the rabbit to take his bow and arrows and came with bear to the other side of the hill. The rabbit was fearing to arouse the bear’s anger so he could not refuse it. He consented and went with the bear and shot enough buffalo to satisfy the hungry family. Indeed he shot and killed so many that there was lots of meat left after the bear and his family had loaded themselves and packed all they could carry home.

    The bear was very gluttonous and did not want the rabbit to get any of the meat. Th e rabbit could not even taste the blood from the butchering as the bear would throw earth on the blood and dry it up. The poor rabbit would have to go home hungry after his hard day’s work.

    The bear was the father of five children. The youngest child was very kind to the rabbit. He was very hearty eater. The mother bear always gave him an extra large piece of meat but the youngest child did not eat it. He would take it outside with him and pretended to play ball with the meat. He kicked toward the rabbit’s house and when he got close to the door he would give the meat with such a great kick. The meat would fly into the rabbit’s house. In this way, the poor rabbit would get his meal unknown to the papa bear.

  80. Kisah Kelinci dan Beruang

    Suatu hari hidup sebuah tetangga, beruang dan kelinci. Kelinci mempunyai tembakan yang bagus. Sebaliknya, beruang selalu kikuk tidak bisa menggunakan tanda panah untuk keuntungan yang baik.

    Suatu hari, beruang memanggil dan meminta kelinci-kelinci untuk mengambil busur dan panah dan ikut dengan beruang ke sisi lain dari bukit. Kelinci itu takut beruang marah jadi dia tidak bisa menolaknya. Dia setuju dan pergi bersama beruang untuk dan menembak kerbau yang cukup untuk memenuhi keluarga yang lapar. Memang ia menembak dan membunuh begitu banyak dan ada banyak daging yang tersisa setelah beruang dan keluarganya telah dimuat diri dan mengepak semua yang bisa mereka bawa pulang.

    Beruang itu sangat rakus dan tidak ingin kelinci mendapatkan daging. Kelinci bahkan tidak biasa merasakan darah dari sembelihan beruang. Beruang akan melemparkan tanah di darah dan membiarkannya kering. Kelinci miskin harus pulang lapar setelah bekerja keras.

    Beruang itu adalah ayah dari lima anak. Anak bungsu sangat baik terhadap kelinci. Dia pemakan sangat hangat. Ibu beruang selalu memberinya sepotong daging ekstra besar namun anak bungsu tidak memakannya. Dia akan membawanya keluar dengan daging itu dan pura-pura bermain bola dengan daging itu. Dia menendang ke arah rumah kelinci dan ketika ia mendekat ke pintu, ia akan memberikan daging dengan tendangan yang hebat. Daging akan terbang ke rumah kelinci. Dengan cara ini,kelinci miskin akan mendapatkan makanannya tidak diketahui beruang papa.

    Demikianlah Dongeng Bahasa Inggris , fable tentang Rabbit and Bear. Somoga kita dapat memdapatkan manfaat dari cerita diatas. Jangan lupa kasih comment mengenai artikel ini, dan jangan bosen mampir di blog ini lagi ya…

  81. True Friendship
    My name is Carla. I am seventeen years old. My hobby is singing and I don’t have any special interest at something. I am not good at singing but I love to do it. I always do it when I am taking a bath. I don’t like studying and reading books. I know that’s important to support my score at school but I have another point of view. For me, studying is not always about reading and doing exercise. Studying is listening to my bestfriend’s story about the subject that she has already read about. She loves reading a lot. She provides me knowledge by listening to her story. She packs the lessons into some interesting stories. I think she has a talent to be a great teacher.

    She doesn’t like to be exposed that she has great talent in packing a lesson into story. I keep that secret from the others. I am afraid if tell it to someone else, she will get angry and doesn’t want to help me anymore. However, I ever did that. I tell it to my teacher and my teacher said it in front of my classmates. You know what happened? She couldn’t get angry with me. Hmm, she was angry but a little. She didn’t want to talk to me for 5 minutes. She is very kind. That’s why she never let me down even though I often make her angr

  82. My friend that I have told above has a name. Her name is Tiara Sabarani. Like her name, she is always patient in facing me who is very bad. I can’t imagine it if she leaves me and goes somewhere to study. She has a dream to study abroad and she wants to enlighthen teachers in Indonesia to be better than before. She told me that our country needs many professional and qualified teachers to make an advance step to compete with great countries in the world. How far she goes, I will always support her. I believe that she won’t forget me.

    Even though I am not as smart as her, I am the one who feels responsible to protect her at school from naughty students. One day, she was in the bathroom to change her clothes because we’re going to have sport. She hung her uniform on the door and someone took it without her knowing. The female student’s bathroom was not totally covered by wall. So that someone could do that through above the door. She was panic. She called me and immediately looked for the doers. Fortunalety, I caught them who were trying to bury Tiara’s uniform in the backyard of the school. They were the famous naughty students at school and had already got punishment for many times. I can’t count it. I called my teacher silently and when my teacher found them, they got the punishment.

    Baca Juga: Contoh Discussion Text About Inte

  83. I think a good way to enter football club is by practicing skill with our friends it will motivate more when you go through this way. My name is Charles, i am 19 years old, i have my precious best friend and my hobby is playing football, i am a profesional football player.

    I have my own story to tell, when i was nothing and feel empty inside. The story occured when i was 13 years old, i lived on East Java, Surabaya, i was orphan, i have only one friend her name is Susi, she is orphan just like me.

    She likes football. often i saw her played football at the field with the others. I just watched them, i just sit under the tree by myself. Someday, Susi approached me. “ Hey, you, Charles !? Come on play together ”.

    I can’t play football but Susi forced me in, i got no choice. In the field i just randomly run, Susi shouted “Hey! Charles, take this ball and make a goal!”. Susi kicked the ball from afar, i don’t know what to do.

    Suddendly.. *BAAM* the ball hit my face and i fell down, Susi directly run to my position. “are you oke, Charles? Sorry i was selfish” Susi brought me to the side of the field. My nose bleed, Susi covered it with her hand. It was my first time my nose bleed, Susi felt guilty.

    I tried to comfort her “ it’s okay Susi, it just scratch, don’t worry “, Susi Replied “ No, Charles, your nose is bleeding! Let’s go home and take some rest” . We later went to orphanage together. At the orphanage, Susi treated my nose, the blood was stop.

    Susi spontanously said “ Charles, why y

  84. I think a good way to enter football club is by practicing skill with our friends it will motivate more when you go through this way. My name is Charles, i am 19 years old, i have my precious best friend and my hobby is playing football, i am a profesional football player.

    I have my own story to tell, when i was nothing and feel empty inside. The story occured when i was 13 years old, i lived on East Java, Surabaya, i was orphan, i have only one friend her name is Susi, she is orphan just like me.

    She likes football. often i saw her played football at the field with the others. I just watched them, i just sit under the tree by myself. Someday, Susi approached me. “ Hey, you, Charles !? Come on play together ”.

    I can’t play football but Susi forced me in, i got no choice. In the field i just randomly run, Susi shouted “Hey! Charles, take this ball and make a goal!”. Susi kicked the ball from afar, i don’t know what to do.

    Suddendly.. *BAAM* the ball hit my face and i fell down, Susi directly run to my position. “are you oke, Charles? Sorry i was selfish” Susi brought me to the side of the field. My nose bleed, Susi covered it with her hand. It was my first time my nose bleed, Susi felt guilty.

    I tried to comfort her “ it’s okay Susi, it just scratch, don’t worry “, Susi Replied “ No, Charles, your nose is bleeding! Let’s go home and take some rest” . We later went to orphanage together. At the orphanage, Susi treated my nose, the blood was stop.

    Susi spontanously said “ Charles, why y

  85. Aku pikir cara yang baik untuk masuk klub sepak bola adalah dengan melatih keterampilan dengan teman kita maka akan lebih memotivasi saat Anda melewati jalan ini. Nama ku Charles, aku berusia 19 tahun, aku mempunyai teman terbaik dan hobi ku adalah bermain sepakbola, aku adalah seorang pemain sepak bola profesional.

    Aku punya cerita ku sendiri untuk diceritakan, saat aku tidak ada apa-apa dan merasa hampa. Cerita yang terjadi saat aku berumur 13 tahun, aku tinggal di daerah Jawa Timur, Surabaya, aku adalah seorang anak yatim piatu, aku hanya mempunyai satu teman bernama Susi, dia juga yatim piatu seperti ku.

    Dia suka sepak bola. Sering aku melihat dia bermain sepak bola di lapangan dengan yang lainnya. Aku hanya melihat mereka, aku hanya duduk di bawah pohon sendirian. Suatu hari, Susi mendekati ku. “Hei, kamu, Charles! Ayo main bareng”.

    Aku tidak bisa bermain sepak bola tapi Susi memaksa ku untuk bermain, aku tidak punya pilihan. Di lapangan aku hanya berlari-lari saja secara acak, Susi berteriak “Hei! Charles, ambil bola ini dan cetak gol!”. Susi menendang bola dari jauh, aku tidak tahu harus berbuat apa.

    Tiba-tiba… *BAAM* bola menghantam wajah ku dan akupun terjatuh, Susi langsung lari ke arahku. “Kamu gak papa, Charles? Maaf aku bodoh.” Susi membawaku ke pinggir lapangan. Hidungku berdarah, Susi menutupinya dengan tangannya. Ini adalah untuk pertama kalinya hidungku berdarah, Susi merasa bersalah.

    Aku mencoba menghiburnya “Tidak apa-apa Susi, itu hanya goresan, jangan khawatir”, Susi menjawab “Tidak, Charles, hidungmu berdarah! Mari kita pulang dan beristirahat”. Kami kemudian pergi ke panti asuhan bersama. Di panti asuhan, Susi merawat hidungku, hingga darahnya berhenti.

  86. Orientation:

    Cao Cao is a cunning and ambitious leader. His leadership’s story is told in the movie. This film visualizes his ambition to conquer China from other opposing warlords become one ruler.

    Interpretive Recount:

    Red Cliff (movie) start in Han dinasty, exactly when Cao Cao want to invade southern region, he declares full-assault war to eliminated southern warlord, Sun Quan and Liu Bei whom he denounces as “rebel”.

    The battle is one side. Because Cao Cao win in numbers than the other warlords. But The southern warlord do not falter, because they have Zhuge Liang that genius Ni strategy and tactic, the actor who casting as Zhuge Liang is Takeshi Kanesiro, i am big fans of him. He so perfect and handsome, and charming to when he challenge to gather 100.000 arrows within 3 days, later he set sail 20 boats covered in straw.

    By conjuring some magic or he know all the nature that it will be a fog/mist when the mist comes, the enemy shoot many arrows to the boat, the enemy mistook the boat, so they are raining the boat with many arrows.

    As Zhuge Liang’s calculation, the arrows hit the straw and stuck in it. Later Zhuge Liang, let one boat with many arrows stuck on the boat to enemy dock. Cao Cao’s rage due to his men’s fault.

    Later he executed two general that lead his fleet. my favorite scene when Zhuge Liang’s Plan success. Then when Cao Cao’s army loss their generals who leading the fleet, Sun Quan and Liu Bei make a move, by making surprise attack at cao cao’s fleet with explosive loaded in the boat.

    In the end Cao Cao’s army defeated by Sun Quan-Liu Bei alliance eventhough the battle is one sided, the winner is Sun Quan-Liu Bei alliance that inferior in numbers

  87. rientation:

    Cao Cao adalah pemimpin yang cerdik dan ambisius. Kisah kepemimpinannya diceritakan dalam film tersebut. Film ini memvisualisasikan ambisinya menaklukkan China dari panglima perang lawan lainnya menjadi satu penguasa.

    Interpretive Recount:

    Film Red Cliff dimulai pada dinasti Han, tepatnya saat Cao Cao ingin menyerang wilayah selatan, dia mengumumkan peperangan besar untuk menyingkirkan panglima perang dari selatan, Sun Quan dan Liu Bei yang dia sebut sebagai “pemberontak”.

    Pertempuran itu adalah pertempuran yang tidak adil. Karena Cao Cao menang dalam jumlah dibandingkan panglima perang lainnya. Tapi panglima perang selatan tidak goyah, karena mereka memiliki Zhuge Liang bahwa strategi dan taktik jenius Ni, aktor yang memerankan sebagai Zhuge Liang adalah Takeshi Kanesiro, saya adalah penggemar berat beliau. Dia begitu sempurna dan tampan, dan menawan saat menantang untuk mengumpulkan 100.000 panah dalam waktu 3 hari, kemudian dia berlayar dengan 20 perahu yang ditutupi jerami.

    Dengan memohon keajaiban atau dia tahu semua yang akan terjadi bahwa pandangan akan buaram saat kabut datang, musuh menembakkan banyak panah ke perahu, musuh mengira itu adalah kapal, jadi mereka menghujani kapal tersebut dengan banyak panah.

    Sesuai perhitungan Zhuge Liang, anak panah menghantam jerami dan terhenti. Kemudian Zhuge Liang, biarkan satu kapal dengan banyak anak panah terjebak di atas kapal ke dermaga musuh. Cao Cao marah karena kesalahan anak buahnya.

    Kemudian dia mengeksekusi dua jenderal yang memimpin armadanya. Adegan favorit saya saat rencana Zhuge Liang’s sukses. Kemudian ketika tentara Cao Cao kehilangan jenderal mereka yang memimpin armada, Sun Quan dan Liu Bei bergerak, dengan melakukan serangan mendadak pada armada Cao Cao dengan bahan peledak yang dimuat di kapal.

    Pada akhirnya tentara Cao Cao dikalahkan oleh aliansi Sun Quan-Liu Bei meski pertempurannya satu sisi, pemenangnya adalah aliansi Sun Quan-Liu Bei yang sebenarnya kalah jumla

  88. My school is one of the best schools in West Lampung. No matter what, my school is always attracted the new students every years.
    That is quite natural because my school always gets the first rank in every competition followed both in the provincial or national levels.

    My school is a green and beautiful. There are so many huge trees that make the air become so fresh. It is very large with an area around one hectare, bounded by high fences.
    My school also has more than 57 buildings consisting of 39 classrooms, a teacher room, a science lab, a language lab, a library, 10 toilets, a multimedia room, a mosque, and a big corridor.
    Although it has so many buildings, there are many plants with shady trees that lined in all corner. Even in front of each classroom, there is a quite large flower garden.
    My school also has a large canteen. The canteen is located at the rear of tenth class exactly behind the language laboratory. My School’s canteen sells a lot of foods, such as; snacks, meatballs, fried rice, noodles, and many more.
    Though they sell a variety of food, my school always maintains the cleanliness. This school, which is the foremost school in my province, always makes me proud

  89. Sekolah ku adalah salah satu sekolah terbaik di Lampung Barat. Tak peduli apapun, sekolah ku selalu menarik siswa baru di setiap tahun nya.
    Ini adalah hal yang wajar karena sekolah ku selalu mendapat peringkat pertama dalam setiap kompetisi yang diikuti baik di tingkat provinsi ataupun tingkat nasional.
    Sekolah ku hijau dan indah. Ada begitu banyak pohon-pohon besar yang membuat udara menjadi begitu segar. Sekolah ku sangatlah besar dengan luas sekitar satu hektar, yang dibatasi oleh pagar tinggi.
    Sekolah ku juga memiliki lebih dari 57 bangunan yang terdiri dari 39 ruang kelas, 1 ruang guru, 1 laboratorium IPA, 1 laboratorium bahasa, 1 perpustakaan, 10 toilet, 1 ruang multimedia, 1 masjid, dan sebuah gedung yang besar.

    Meskipun memiliki begitu banyak bangunan, ada banyak tanaman dengan pohon-pohon rindang yang berjajar di setiap sudut. Bahkan di depan setiap kelas, ada sebuah taman bunga yang cukup luas.
    Sekolah ku juga memiliki kantin yang luas. Kantin nya terletak di bagian belakang kelas sepuluh persis di belakang lab bahasa. Kantin sekolah ku juga menjual banyak makanan, seperti; makanan ringan, bakso, nasi goreng, mie, dan banyak lagi yang lainnya.
    Meskipun menjual berbagai jenis makanan, sekolah ku selalu menjaga kebersihan. Sekolah ini,adalah sekolah yang terkemuka di provinsi ku, selalu membuat ku bangga.


    In the afternoon, a beautiful girl with a red hooded named Aisha looked sad on the seashore. She was sitting in the dock and kept looking at the blue ocean. The waves came crashing her feet but did not make her moved to another place. The shore of wind which blew till stabbed her bone did not make her eyes diverted to ocean.

    That day, the sky was cloudless. She kept looking at the blue sea till the horizon began to return. She saw the fishermen who were getting back from the sea and bringing fishes quite a lot. The fishermen were greeted by their family who had been waiting for them at the edge of the ocean. Seeing something very emotional there, her tears soaked her cheeks. She thought of his family who had gone and left her alone.

    That girl hated the sea because that’s where her family lost and died. It happened about 4 months ago when the ship that brought them from across the island was on fire and sank in the ocean. All her family died and lost including her mother, father, and brother. However, Aisha survived from the accident.

    Until now, Aisha always comes to the beach every day to look at the ocean because from that place, she could remember her beloved family and remember the happy memories that they went through together. Her tears were rolling down her cheeks until the sun disappeared entirely behind the ocean.

    Aria Nugraha | December 10, 2014 | Narrative Text, Reading | 1 Comment

    Contoh Cerita Sedih dalam Bahasa Inggris dan Artinya – Kesedihan bisa juga diungkapkan melalui tulisan, tidak harus dalam kata kata yang terucap dari mulut atau tangisan dan teriakan. Di bawah ini, ada sebuah cerita sedih dalam bahasa Inggris yang menceritakan bagaimana sedihnya seorang gadis setelah semua keluarganya meninggal.


    In the afternoon, a beautiful girl with a red hooded named Aisha looked sad on the seashore. She was sitting in the dock and kept looking at the blue ocean. The waves came crashing her feet but did not make her moved to another place. The shore of wind which blew till stabbed her bone did not make her eyes diverted to ocean.

    That day, the sky was cloudless. She kept looking at the blue sea till the horizon began to return. She saw the fishermen who were getting back from the sea and bringing fishes quite a lot. The fishermen were greeted by their family who had been waiting for them at the edge of the ocean. Seeing something very emotional there, her tears soaked her cheeks. She thought of his family who had gone and left her alone.

    That girl hated the sea because that’s where her family lost and died. It happened about 4 months ago when the ship that brought them from across the island was on fire and sank in the ocean. All her family died and lost including her mother, father, and brother. However, Aisha survived from the accident.

    Until now, Aisha always comes to the beach every day to look at the ocean because from that place, she could remember her beloved family and remember the happy memories that they went through together. Her tears were rolling down her cheeks until the sun disappeared entirely behind the ocean.


    Lautan Kesedihan

    Di suatu sore hari, seorang gadis cantik berkerudung merah yang bernama Aisyah terlihat bersedih di tepi pantai. Ia sedang duduk di dermaga sambil terus memandangi lautan luas yang biru. gulungan ombak yang datang menghempas kakinya tak membuatnya bergeming. Hembusan angin pantai yang dingin hingga menusuk tulang tak membuatnya mengalihkan pandanganya ke samudra yang luas.

    Hari itu langit tak berawan. Ia terus memandangi laut biru sampai sang cakrawala mulai kembali ke peraduannya. Ia melihat para nelayan yang tengah menepi membawa hasil tangkapan ikan yang cukup banyak. Para nelayan-nelayan itu disambut oleh keluarganya yang telah menantinya di pinggir lautan. Melihat kejadian yang sangat mengharukan itu, tanpa ia sadari air matanya keluar membasahi pipinya. Ia teringat akan keluarga kecilnya yang telah pergi meniggalkan dirinya sendiri.

    Gadis itu benci dengan laut, karena di sanalah keluarganya hilang dan meninggal akibat tenggelam. Saat itu kapal yang membawa mereka dari pulau seberang terbakar dan tenggelam di tengah lautan sekitar 4 bulan yang lalu. Semuanya keluarganya meninggal dan hilang termasuk ibu, ayah dan adiknya. Namun, Aisyah berhasil selamat dari musibah itu.

    Hingga saat ini Aisyah terus datang ke tepi pantai setiap harinya untuk memandangi lautan. Di sanalah ia bisa mengingat keluarga yang ia cintai, mengingat kenangan-kenangan indah yang telah mereka lalui bersama. Air mata Aisyah terus keluar membasahi pipinya hingga sang mentari menghilang seluruhnya di balik lautan yang luas.


    I had never felt a first love even when I was studying at the University. I do not know why it happened, maybe because I had too much to learn when in Senior in High School so I’d never find a love that truly memorable. When the initial study at the university, the love did not come because I was busy with a variety of activities on campus and was eager to pursue high score at the class. I was also not interested in girls around me or had a curiosity to know a woman.

    At the beginning of university entrance, there was actually a girl who looked to have interest in me. She started to give a short message essentially that wanted to know me more. He continued to greet me through the short message. Oddly, she did not mention her real name and only mentions Initials. I was used to respond to a text message without knowing the identity of the person sending. Several times I talked to her about a few things through the short message. However, I had a sense of boredom with the situation and was eager to find out her real name.

    I do not like the little people who continue to conceal the identity and so curious to know. One time, I got to know her because I called her by phone. I was not far from her, and she realized that I was on the phone. She was very shy and did not want to say hello again to me via text message on mobile phone.

    Admin | April 26, 2013 | Others | No Comments

    Contoh Cerpen Bahasa Inggris tentang Persahabatan dan Cinta
    Cara mudah belajar bahasa Inggris – Cerpen bahasa Inggris adalah sebuah hal yang menarik untuk dibahas. Ini juga bisa menjadi pelajaran penting ketika kita belajar bahasa Inggris. Sejatinya, cara membuat cerpen bahasa Inggris tidaklah jauh berbeda dengan cara membuat cerpen dalam bahasa Indonesia. Kita hanya harus membuat sebuah cerita pendek yang ditulis dalam bahasa Inggris.

    Beragam sumber telah menyediakan cerpen bahasa Inggris dengan variasi tema yang sangat menarik. Bahkan, beberapa cerpen laris manis dan terus dibaca. Jika Anda ingin mengetahui salah satu cerpen bahasa Inggris yang cukup baik, kami akan memberikan contoh cerpen bahasa Inggris tentang cinta dan persahabatan berikut ini. Selamat membaca.


    I had never felt a first love even when I was studying at the University. I do not know why it happened, maybe because I had too much to learn when in Senior in High School so I’d never find a love that truly memorable. When the initial study at the university, the love did not come because I was busy with a variety of activities on campus and was eager to pursue high score at the class. I was also not interested in girls around me or had a curiosity to know a woman.

    At the beginning of university entrance, there was actually a girl who looked to have interest in me. She started to give a short message essentially that wanted to know me more. He continued to greet me through the short message. Oddly, she did not mention her real name and only mentions Initials. I was used to respond to a text message without knowing the identity of the person sending. Several times I talked to her about a few things through the short message. However, I had a sense of boredom with the situation and was eager to find out her real name.

    I do not like the little people who continue to conceal the identity and so curious to know. One time, I got to know her because I called her by phone. I was not far from her, and she realized that I was on the phone. She was very shy and did not want to say hello again to me via text message on mobile phone.

    After that happening, I no longer found things related to love and I did not have interest about love. My friends say that I had changed and got to know a woman. They even made a fun of me by saying that I did not have the ability to pick up a woman. But, I did not care about anything they say. For me, a love comes in a beautiful way and should not be imposed.

    One time, I found the first love and a true love of my life. The woman who became my first love was my a classmate but we had not known each other very well. When in the class, we only just greeted each other and did not have any interest. Though we were in a class almost every day and engaged in the same lesson. There was a story that is so unique and our friends did not believe when we were in love because we had been in the same class within 2 years.

    The love was present when we are sitting close together in a place and there was one of our friends started teasing each other as if we liked. At first, we felt ashamed because it continued teasing. However, from that teasing, I kept getting a sense of confusion. I kept thinking about her every day even in every single time in my life.

    Then, I began to know her through a text message that I sent. When the first short message sent, I got a response and I kept talking to her through a text message on mobile phone. I found hard to sleep and kept thinking about her. Finally, I decided to express love to her, and she received with a very happy feeling. Up to now, I became her life companion and want to continue to be close until death separates u

  94. The legend of the ghost Cut mouth
    There is a legend in Japan and China, which tells the story of a girl named Kuchisake–Onna. Some people say that she was the wife of a samurai. One day, he had an affair with a man who is younger and more handsome. When her husband came home, he found his wife’s betrayal.
    Because wrath, he took his sword and ripping off his wife’s mouth from right ear to left ear. Some say that the woman is cursed to never die, and until now is still wandering in the world.
    Legenda Hantu perobek mulut
    Ada sebuah legenda di Jepang dan China yang menceritakan tentang seorang gadis bernama Kuchisake-Onna. Beberapa orang mengatakan bahwa ia adalah istri seorang samurai. Suatu hari, ia berselingkuh dengan pria yang lebih muda dan lebih tampan. Ketika suaminya pulang, ia menemukan pengkhianatan istrinya.

    Karena murka, ia mengambil pedangnya dan merobek mulut istrinya dari telinga kanan hingga ke telinga kiri. Ada yang mengatakan bahwa wanita itu dikutuk untuk tidak pernah mati, dan hingga sekarang masih mengembara di dunia.

  95. he Legend Of The White Death
    This is a story about a little girl in Scotland who hated his own life until finally decided to commit suicide, and shortly thereafter his family knows what he has done.
    Horrifying story begins when all the members of his family was found dead a few days later with a leg torn apart. Anyone who has studied about the White Death will come face to face with the ghost of the girl.
    He will come to find you and knocked You out loud. When you open the door, he will kill you because of Your fear of divulging its existence to others.
    Legenda White Death

    Ini adalah kisah tentang seorang gadis kecil di Skotlandia yang membenci hidupnya sendiri hingga akhirnya memutuskan untuk bunuh diri, dan tak lama kemudian keluarganya tahu apa yang telah dilakukannya.

    Kisah mengerikan itu dimulai ketika semua anggota keluarganya ditemukan meninggal beberapa hari kemudian dengan kaki terkoyak. Siapapun yang mempelajari tentang White Death akan berhadapan dengan hantu gadis itu.

    Dia akan datang untuk menemukan Anda dan mengetuk pintu Anda dengan keras. Ketika Anda membuka pintu, dia akan membunuh Anda karena takut Anda memberitahukan keberadaannya kepada orang lain.

    The Legend Of Elisa Day
    In medieval Europe, lived a young woman named Elisa to behold the beauty of the Day, which is described as a beautiful rose. One day, a young man comes to town and immediately fell in love with Elisa. They later dated for three days.
    On the first day, the man visited the House of Elisha. The second day, he sang Elisa sprig of red roses and asked her to meet him in where the wild roses grow. On the third day, he brought Elisa to the river where he later killed him.
    The man was killed by Elisha menghantamkan rock into the girl’s head and whispered: “all beauty must die”. Some people claim to have seen the ghostly figure of Elisha who roam the River, blood seems to flow on the side of his head while holding a sprig of roses in her hand.

  96. The Legend Of Elisa Day
    In medieval Europe, lived a young woman named Elisa to behold the beauty of the Day, which is described as a beautiful rose. One day, a young man comes to town and immediately fell in love with Elisa. They later dated for three days.
    On the first day, the man visited the House of Elisha. The second day, he sang Elisa sprig of red roses and asked her to meet him in where the wild roses grow. On the third day, he brought Elisa to the river where he later killed him.
    The man was killed by Elisha menghantamkan rock into the girl’s head and whispered: “all beauty must die”. Some people claim to have seen the ghostly figure of Elisha who roam the River, blood seems to flow on the side of his head while holding a sprig of roses in her hand.
    Legenda Elisa Day

    Pada abad pertengahan di Eropa, tinggal seorang wanita muda bernama Elisa Day, yang keindahan parasnya digambarkan seperti sekuntum bunga mawar yang cantik. Suatu hari, seorang pria muda datang ke kota itu dan langsung jatuh cinta pada Elisa. Mereka kemudian berkencan selama tiga hari.

    Pada hari pertama, pria itu mengunjungi rumah Elisa. Hari kedua, ia membawakan Elisa setangkai mawar merah dan memintanya untuk menemuinya di mana mawar liar tumbuh. Pada hari ketiga, ia membawa Elisa ke sungai di mana ia kemudian membunuhnya.

    Pria itu membunuh Elisa dengan menghantamkan batu ke kepala gadis itu dan berbisik: “Semua keindahan harus mati”. Beberapa orang mengklaim telah melihat sosok hantu Elisa yang berkeliaran di sungai, darah tampak mengalir di sisi kepalanya sembari menggenggam setangkai mawar di tangannya.

    The Legend Of Bloody Mary
    This urban legend tells that anyone who utters the word Bloody Mary three times in front of the mirror will invoke the spirit of vengeful. This is an old legend, but nothing is known about the origins of the legend of Bloody Mary.
    There are many versions of the story of spiteful spirit who in the story of Bloody Mary, who reportedly was a woman who was murdered becau

  97. Urban legend ini mengisahkan bahwa siapapun yang mengucapkan kata Bloody Mary sebanyak tiga kali di depan cermin akan memanggil roh pendendam. Ini adalah sebuah legenda tua, namun tidak ada yang tahu tentang asal-usul legenda Bloody Mary.

    Ada banyak versi yang menceritakan tentang siapa roh pendendam dalam kisah Bloody Mary, yang kabarnya adalah seorang wantia yang dibunuh karena berlatih sihir.

    Legend Ba jiao gui
    BA jiao gui literally translated as ghost banana. The ghost of the woman who lives in this banana tree will appear sembarai wailing at night, sometimes while carrying a baby. In some folk tales from Thailand, Malaysia and Singapore, people love to ask the number of ghosts that lottery in the hope of winning the lottery.
    They will tie red threads surrounding the tree trunks and attaching the needle in it and then tie the other end of the rope to their beds. During nighttime, Ba jiao gui will pop up and ask those people to him, and in return, he will give you the number for the lottery.
    If the person is not fulfilling his promise to free the ghosts after WINS, he will meet with a terrible death. The Ghost is often likened to Vampires, ghosts in Malay folklore.
    Legenda Ba jiao gui

    Ba jiao gui secara harfiah diartikan sebagai hantu pisang. Hantu wanita yang tinggal di pohon pisang ini akan muncul sembarai meratap pada malam hari, kadang-kadang sambil membawa bayi. Dalam beberapa cerita rakyat dari Thailand, Malaysia dan Singapura, orang-orang senang meminta nomor undian dari hantu itu dengan harapan memenangkan undian.

    Mereka akan mengikat benang merah menge

  98. Mereka akan mengikat benang merah mengelilingi batang pohon dan menempelkan jarum di dalamnya dan kemudian mengikat ujung tali ke tempat tidur mereka. Saat malam hari, Ba jiao gui akan muncul dan memohon kepada orang-orang itu untuk membebaskannya, dan sebagai imbalannya, ia akan memberikan nomor undian.

    Jika orang tersebut tidak memenuhi janjinya untuk membebaskan hantu tersebut setelah menang, dia akan bertemu dengan kematian yang mengerikan. Hantu ini sering disamakan dengan Pontianak, hantu dalam cerita rakyat Melayu.

    The Legend Of Wila
    In Poland, the Wila is the spirit of women who often appear in the form of a beautiful girl, sometimes without clothing or wearing a white dress that sparkles, skirts, green and blue robe.
    It is said that if a single hair Wila was revoked, he would die, or changed to its original form. Wila is also described as having power over the wind and can create storms. They usually stay around the hills, mountains and high soil mound.
    Legenda Wila

    Dalam mitologi Polandia, Wila adalah roh wanita yang sering muncul dalam bentuk gadis cantik, terkadang tanpa busana atau memakai gaun putih yang berkilau, rok hijau, dan jubah biru.

    Konon jika sehelai rambut Wila dicabut, dia akan mati, atau berubah ke wujud aslinya. Wila juga digambarkan memiliki kekuasaan atas angin dan dapat menciptakan badai kencang. Mereka biasanya tinggal di sekitar bukit, gunung, dan gundukan tanah yang tinggi.

    Chupacabra Legend
    Chupacabra or chupacabras is a creature of the legendary rumored to inhabit the Americas. This is related to the appearance of unidentified animals in Puerto Rico (where this sighting was first reported), Mexico, and the United States. The name of this being taken from the custom which was reportedly happy to attack and drinking the blood of livestock, especially goats.
    Report sighting of Chupacabra is often overlooked due to lack of evidence. Biologists and wildlife officials consider chupacabra is simply a legend that spread in the community and have not been proven to be true.

  99. In a forest, monkey fun leaping between branches. Suddenly, its tail exposed spines. He tried pulled it out, but can’t.
    The monkey then go see a Barber. “Barber, ekorku impaled spikes. Please cabutkan, I pay! “said monkey.
    The Barber immediately revoke the thorns on the tail of the monkey using a razor. He succeeded in dislodging the thorns. But, accidentally tip the monkeys join the truncated.
    Angry monkey, “Barber, restore ekorku or give knives cukurmu!” Because Barber cannot return the monkeys, he gives the knife cukurnya.
    On the road, monkey meet an old lady who were cutting firewood. “Grandma, cukurku so that thou knife wear is easy to memtong wood,” said monkey.
    The old woman took a razor blade and cut the wood with him. But, his knife broke. Monkey screaming, “Grandma, do you break the cukurku knife! You have to replace the wooden bakarmu or give it to me! “ The old woman ever had to hand over the wood fuel.
    After that, the monkeys play to a market. He saw a mother are baking cookies.
    “Mother, wood bakarmu began to run out. Wear wood bakarku to bake kuemu, “said the monkey.
    The mother was taking firewood monkeys and use it until it runs out. Angry monkey, “mom, you‘ve spent wood bakarku! Now you have to give the whole kuemu! “
    The mother had no other choice. He gave the whole of his cake. Any monkey cake is brought home. But, on the edge of the forest, he was attacked and bitten by the dogs to death. Finally the dog enjoyed his cake. That’s the fate of the ignorant monkeys.
    Moral of the story Tales from the Philippines: the fate of The Monkeys of the ignorant is don’t like to cheat and mean to people wanting something more, whether unaccompanied say honestly what your petition.
    Di sebuah hutan, monyet asyik berlompatan di antara dahan pohon. Tiba-tiba, ekornya terkena duri. Ia berusaha mencabutnya, tapi tidak bisa.

  100. Monyet lalu pergi menemui tukang cukur. “Tukang cukur, ekorku tertusuk duri. Tolong cabutkan, nanti aku bayar!” kata monyet.

    Tukang cukur segera mencabut duri di ekor monyet menggunakan pisau cukur. Ia berhasil mencabut duri. Tapi, tanpa sengaja ujung ekor monyet ikut terpotong.

    Monyet marah, “Tukang cukur, kembalikan ekorku atau berikan pisau cukurmu!” Karena tukang cukur tidak bisa mengembalikan ekor monyet, ia pun memberikan pisau cukurnya.

    Di jalan, monyet bertemu seorang wanita tua yang sedang memotong kayu bakar. “Nenek, pakailah pisau cukurku agar engkau mudah memtong kayu,” kata monyet.

    Wanita tua itu mengambil pisau cukur dan memotong kayu dengannya. Tapi, pisaunya patah. Monyet berteriak, “Nenek, kau mematahkan pisau cukurku! Kau harus ganti atau berikan kayu bakarmu padaku!” Si nenek pun terpaksa menyerahkan kayu bakarnya.

    Setelah itu, monyet main ke sebuah pasar. Ia melihat seorang ibu sedang memanggang kue.

    “Ibu, kayu bakarmu mulai habis. Pakailah kayu bakarku untuk memanggang kuemu,” kata monyet.

    Ibu itu mengambil kayu bakar monyet dan menggunakannya sampai habis. Monyet marah, “Ibu, kau telah menghabiskan kayu bakarku! Sekarang kau harus berikan seluruh kuemu!”

    Ibu itu tidak punya pilihan lain. Ia memberikan seluruh kuenya. Monyet pun membawa kue itu pulang. Tapi, di pinggir hutan, ia diserang dan digigit anjing sampai mati. Akhirnya anjing menikmati kuenya. Itulah nasib monyet yang jahil.

    Pesan moral dari Cerita Cerita Dongeng Dari Filipina: Nasib Si Monyet Yang Jahil adalah jangan suka menipu dan menjahili orang karena menginginkan sesuatu, lebih balk katakanlah dengan jujur apa permintaanmu.

  101. The Elephants and The Rats

    Quite a long time ago, there carried on a gathering of mice under a tree in peace. In any case, a gathering of elephants intersection the wilderness unknowingly crushed the homes of the considerable number of rats. A number of them were even smashed to death.

    At that point, the ruler of rats chose to approach the elephant boss and solicitation him to direct his crowd through another course. Listening to the tragic story, the elephant lord apologized and consented to take another course. Thus the lives of the rats were spared.

    One day, elephant seekers went to the wilderness and caught a gathering of elephants in colossal nets. At that point the elephants lord all of a sudden recalled the ruler of the rats. He summoned one of the elephants of his crowd, which had not been caught, to look for assistance from the lord of rats.

    The elephant went to the rodent ruler and let him know about the caught elephants. The rodent ruler quickly instruments his whole gathering of rats and they cut open the nets which had caught the elephants crowd. The elephant group was completely situated free. The hit the dancefloor with happiness and expressed gratitude toward the rats.

    Gajah dan Tikus

    Dahulu kala, hiduplah sekelompok tikus di bawah pohon dengan damai. Namun, sekelompok gajah melintasi hutan tanpa sadar menghancurkan semua rumah tikus. Banyak dari mereka bahkan hancur mati.

    Kemudian, raja tikus memutuskan untuk mendekati kepala gajah dan meminta dia untuk membimbing kawanan melalui rute lain. Mendengar kisah sedih, raja gajah meminta maaf dan setuju untuk mengambil rute lain. Dan kehidupan tikus diselamatkan.

    Suatu hari, pemburu gajah datang ke hutan dan terjebak sekelompok gajah di jaring yang besar. Kemudian raja gajah tiba-tiba teringat raja tikus. Dia memanggil salah satu gajah dari kawanan yang belum terjebak, untuk mencari bantuan dari raja tikus.

    Gajah pergi ke raja tikus dan bercerita tentang gajah yang terjebak. Raja tikus segera memanggil seluruh kelompoknya dan mereka memotong membuka jaring yang telah menjebak kawanan gajah. Kawanan gajah benar-benar dibebaskan. Dan mereka menari dengan sukacita dan mengucapkan terima kasih kepada tikus.

  102. A. Cerpen Hantu Singkat Indonesia -Wabah Rasa Takut
    Mulanya, rasa takut itu dirasakan oleh Guru Rakhim saat beliau hendak melakukan salat subuh di musala yang tak jauh dari rumahnya. Beliau merasa ada sesosok mahluk tinggi besar yang mengawasi gerak-geriknya mulai ketika beliau melepas sandal, mengambil air wudu, dan melakukan salat serta berzikir.

    Guru Rakhim merasakan ada suara nafas yang sekilas namun tegas pada tengkuknya. Hal itu menandakan bahwa ada sosok lain selain dirinya yang berada di musala itu. Beliau mendadak merasa waswas barangkali inilah saat malaikat maut datang untuk menjemput nyawanya.

    Namun, ada pikiran juga bahwa sosok yang dirasakan kehadirannya dengan suara nafas yang tegas ditengkuknya itu hanyalah mahluk halus yang biasa disebut lelembut belaka.

    Guru Rakhim menghentikan zikir dan memberanikan diri bertanya pada sosok yang tak hendak ditengok dengan memutar kepala ke samping, kuatir beliau mendadak kaget melihat perwujudannya. Sebab dari cerita-cerita orang, perwujudan lelembut itu bermacam-macam, dan kebanyakan yang dilihat orang adalah perwujudan yang menyeramkan.

    “Salam. Kalau boleh saya tahu siapakah Anda yang mengikuti semua gerak-gerik saya selama di musala ini?”

    Yang ditanya tidak segera menjawab, namun sekali lagi Guru Rakhim merasakan suara nafas yang tegas pada tengkuknya. Setelah itu, barulah Guru Rakhim merasa ada suara seseorang yang langsung masuk ke dalam alam pikirannya.

    Guru Rakhim mendapatkan banyak perkataan yang tak beliau dengar dengan kedua telinganya, melainkan beliau sangat bisa memahami semua itu. Perkataan-perkataan sosok itu membuat ketakutan yang sangat pada hati Guru Rakhim. Dan karena ketakutan itu, buru-buru Guru Rakhim meninggalkan musala itu dengan berlari untuk sampai ke rumahnya.

  103. Nyi Mirah Ati, istri Guru Rakhim mendapatkan cerita itu sepulang Guru Rakhim pulang dari musala. Sepanjang Nyi Guru mengenal Guru Rakhim, beliau adalah orang yang jujur.

    Oleh karena itu Nyi Mirah Ati percaya bahwa Guru Rakhim memang benar-benar bertemu dengan sosok yang suara nafasnya terdengar tegas di tengkuk beliau. Demikian pula dengan perkataan-perkataan sosok itu yang telah merasuk ke pikiran Guru Rakhim.

    Bahkan tidak hanya itu, Nyi Mirah Ati pun bisa merasakan kehadiran sosok yang dimaksud oleh Guru Rakhim ketika mereka sedang memperbincangkan peristiwa yang dialami oleh Guru Rakhim di subuh itu.

    Demikian juga Nyi Mirah Ati bisa merasakan rasa takut yang sama seperti yang dialami oleh Guru Rakhim ketika mendengar perkataan-perkataan sosok bernafas tegas itu.


    Bagaimana, cukup menakutkan juga bukan? Ya namanya juga cerpen tentang hantu, ya begitu adanya. Eh, tapi itu sih belum seberapa, masih banyak cerita yang lebih mengerikan dari yang sudah rekan baca di atas.

  104. B. Versi Inggris -Wabah Rasa Takut (A Fear Epidemic)
    At first , the fear felt by the Master Rakhim when he was about to perform the morning prayer in the prayer room not far from his home . He felt there was a big figure higher beings who oversee her movements began when he took off sandals , took ablutions , and perform prayer and remembrance .

    Rakhim teachers felt that fleeting breath sounds but firmly on his neck . This indicates that there is a figure other than himself who was in the prayer room . He suddenly felt anxious perhaps this is when the angel of death came to pick up his life . However , there is also thought that the figure is perceived presence with a clear breath sounds ditengkuknya it just spirits commonly called mere lelembut .

    Teachers Rakhim stop remembrance and ventured to ask someone who does not want to be visited by turning the head to the side , afraid he was surprised to see a sudden realization. Because of the stories of people , the embodiment lelembut diverse , and most people see is the embodiment of creepy .

    " Greetings . If I may know who you are following all my gestures during a prayer room in it? "

    Who asked not immediately answer , but once again the voice of Master Rakhim feel breath on his neck firmly . After that, then there is a voice teacher Rakhim feel someone who directly enter into the realm of mind .

    Rakhim teachers who do not get a lot of words he heard with his ears , but he really could understand it all . The words that make the figure very frightened at the heart of Master Rakhim . And because of that fear , rush Teacher Rakhim leave the prayer room with running to get to his house

  105. HStorytelling Pendek The Lonely Landy
    One day, there was a porcupine named Landy. He was lonely. No one wanted to play with him, because they were afraid of his spike.

    “Dear Landy. We don’t want to play with you because your spikes are too sharp. We don’t want you to hurts us,” said Cici the rabbit one day.

    “Cici is right, Landy. It is not because you’re bad or rude to us, no, Landy. Just because of your spikes. They will stab us if we close to you,” said Tito the rooster.

    Landy felt lonely. Landy spent most of the time day dreaming at the river bank, “I would be happy if there were no spikes on my body.”

    Suddenly, Kuku the turtle appeared from the river. He came to Landy and said, “Landy, what are you thinking of?”

    “Oh, nothing,” Landy replied.

    “Don’t lie to me, Landy! Who knows I can help you,” said Kuku wisely. Then he sat beside Landy. He wasn’t afraid of Landy’s spikes.

    Shortly, Landy told his problem. Kuku nodded his head. He said, “Poor you. But it isn’t your fault. I know, your spikes are very useful and helpful for you. They will realize it someday. Trust me!”

    “Thanks, Kuku. You are my best friend.”

    One day, Koko the frog held his birthday party. He invited all his friends, including Landy. But he decided not to come. He didn’t want to mess up the party.

  106. I’ll come with you Landy. I’ll tell everyone that you’re harmless,” said Kuku. Finally Landy attended the party. Everyone enjoyed it.

    Suddenly Tito screamed, “Help….help.…! The evil wolf is coming. Save yourself!” Then, everyone saved their lives, except Kuku and landy. Kuku pulled his head and his leg into his shell. And Landy rolled his body into a ball.

    Unintentionally, the evil wolf touched Landy. Of course, the spike pricked him. He screamed, “Ouch!” Since his foot was bleeding, he didn’t chase Landy’s friends any longer. Then, he ran away.

    “Horray….horray….! Long live Landy! He saved our lives,” said Cici and her friends. They thanked him from then on. Landy wasn’t lonely anymore.


    Storytelling Pendek The Lonely Landy Terjemahan
    Suatu hari, ada seorang bernama landak Landy. Dia kesepian. Tidak ada yang ingin bermain dengannya, karena mereka takut lonjakan nya.

    "Ya Landy. Kami tidak ingin bermain dengan Anda karena Anda terlalu paku tajam. Kami tidak ingin Anda menyakiti kita, "kata Cici kelinci satu hari.

    "Cici benar, Landy. Ini bukan karena Anda buruk atau kasar kepada kami, tidak, Landy. Hanya karena paku Anda. Mereka akan menusuk kita jika kita dekat dengan Anda, "kata Tito ayam.

    Landy merasa kesepian. Landy menghabiskan sebagian besar hari waktu bermimpi di tepi sungai, "Saya akan senang jika tidak ada paku di tubuh saya."

    Tiba-tiba, Kuku kura-kura muncul dari sungai. Dia datang ke Landy dan berkata, "Landy, apa yang Anda pikirkan?"

    "Oh, tidak," jawab Landy.

  107. Jangan berbohong padaku, Landy! Siapa tahu aku bisa membantumu, "kata Kuku bijak. Kemudian dia duduk di samping Landy. Dia tidak takut lonjakan Landy.

    Tak lama, Landy mengatakan masalahnya. Kuku mengangguk kepalanya. Dia berkata, "Kasihan kamu. Tapi itu bukan salahmu. Aku tahu, paku Anda sangat berguna dan membantu bagi Anda. Mereka akan menyadari suatu hari nanti. Percayalah! "

    "Terima kasih, Kuku. Anda adalah teman terbaik saya. "

    Suatu hari, Koko katak mengadakan pesta ulang tahunnya. Dia mengundang semua teman-temannya, termasuk Landy. Tapi dia memutuskan untuk tidak datang. Dia tidak ingin mengacaukan pesta.

    "Aku akan datang dengan Anda Landy. Aku akan memberitahu semua orang bahwa Anda tidak berbahaya, "kata Kuku. Akhirnya Landy menghadiri pesta. Semua orang menikmatinya.

    Tiba-tiba Tito berteriak, "Bantuan .... membantu ....! Kejahatan serigala datang. Menyelamatkan diri! "Lalu, semua orang menyelamatkan hidup mereka, kecuali Kuku dan landy. Kuku menarik kepalanya dan kakinya ke dalam cangkangnya. Dan Landy digulung tubuhnya menjadi bola.

    Secara tidak sengaja, serigala jahat menyentuh Landy. Tentu saja, lonjakan ditusuk dia. Dia berteriak, "Aduh!" Karena kakinya berdarah, dia tidak mengejar teman Landy lagi. Kemudian, dia lari.

    "Horray .... Horray ....! Hidup Landy! Dia menyelamatkan hidup kita, "kata Cici dan teman-temannya. Mereka mengucapkan terima kasih dari saat itu. Landy tidak kesepian lagi.

  108. Promise you what?” Abu asked.
    “Promise to give me half of anything that the king will give you
    “Ok, no problem,” said Abu. The guard let him pass the gate into the palace.

    When Abu was in front of the king, he bowed but did not say anything. The king asked him.
    “Abu, will you be a judge like your father?”

    Abu did not answer. The king became impatient and said loudly.
    “Hey, Abu! Do you hear me?”

    Abunawas did not say a word but began dancing. The king was then very angry and thought that Abu was crazy. He asked one of his guard to beat Abu with a rattan stick twenty times. Abu was in pain but he tried not to cry or say a word.

    “Now, go away,” said the king. Abu left the palace and began to beat the guard ten times. He then left him for home.

    The guard reported this to the king. The king was angry and ordered Abu to come to the palace again.
    “why did you beat this guard?” asked the king.

    Calmly Abu answered, “Yesterday, before I passed the gate he stopped me and made me to promise something.”

    “What did he want you to promise?”
    “He wanted me to give him half of anything that Your Majesty would give me. And yesterday you gave me twenty beats on my back. So I gave him share, ten beats on his back. It’s fair, isn’t it?”

  109. Promise you what?” Abu asked.
    “Promise to give me half of anything that the king will give you
    “Ok, no problem,” said Abu. The guard let him pass the gate into the palace.

    When Abu was in front of the king, he bowed but did not say anything. The king asked him.
    “Abu, will you be a judge like your father?”

    Abu did not answer. The king became impatient and said loudly.
    “Hey, Abu! Do you hear me?”

    Abunawas did not say a word but began dancing. The king was then very angry and thought that Abu was crazy. He asked one of his guard to beat Abu with a rattan stick twenty times. Abu was in pain but he tried not to cry or say a word.

    “Now, go away,” said the king. Abu left the palace and began to beat the guard ten times. He then left him for home.

    The guard reported this to the king. The king was angry and ordered Abu to come to the palace again.
    “why did you beat this guard?” asked the king.

    Calmly Abu answered, “Yesterday, before I passed the gate he stopped me and made me to promise something.”

    “What did he want you to promise?”
    “He wanted me to give him half of anything that Your Majesty would give me. And yesterday you gave me twenty beats on my back. So I gave him share, ten beats on his back. It’s fair, isn’t it?”

  110. The Legend Of Banyuwangi

    Once upon a time, there was a local ruler named King Sulahkromo. The king had a Prime Minister named Raden Sidopekso. The Prime Minister had a wife named Sri Tanjung. She was so beautiful that the king wanted her to be his wife.

    One day, the King sent his Prime Minister to a long mission. While the Prime Minister was away, the King tried to get Sri Tanjung. However he failed. He was very angry. Thus, when Sidopekso went back, the King told him that his wife was unfaithful to him. The Prime Minister was very angry with his wife. Sri Tanjung said that it was not true. However, Sidopekso said that he would kill her. He brought her to the river bank. Before he kill her and threw her into the river, she said that her innocence would be proven After Sidopekso killed her, he threw her dead body into the dirty river.

    The river immediately became clean and began to spread a wonderful fragrance. Sidopekso said, “Banyu…Wangi… Banyuwangi”. This means “fragrant water”. Banyuwangi was born from the proof of noble and sacred love.

  111. Legenda Banyuwangi

    Dahulu kala, ada seorang penguasa lokal bernama Raja Sulahkromo. Raja memiliki seorang Perdana Menteri bernama Raden Sidopekso. Perdana Menteri memiliki seorang istri bernama Sri Tanjung. Dia begitu cantik sehingga sang raja menginginkannya menjadi istrinya.

    Suatu hari, Raja mengirim Perdana Menterinya ke sebuah misi yang panjang. Sementara Perdana Menteri pergi, Raja mencoba untuk mendapatkan Sri Tanjung. Namun dia gagal. Dia sangat marah. Jadi, ketika Sidopekso kembali, Raja mengatakan kepadanya bahwa istrinya tidak setia padanya. Perdana Menteri sangat marah dengan istrinya. Sri Tanjung mengatakan bahwa itu tidak benar. Namun, Sidopekso mengatakan bahwa dia akan membunuhnya. Dia membawanya ke tepi sungai. Sebelum membunuhnya dan melemparkannya ke sungai, dia mengatakan bahwa ketidakbersalahannya akan terbukti Setelah Sidopekso membunuhnya, dia melemparkan mayatnya ke sungai yang kotor.

    Sungai segera menjadi bersih dan mulai menyebarkan keharuman yang indah. Sidopekso mengatakan, “Banyu … Wangi … Banyuwangi”. Ini berarti “air harum”. Banyuwangi lahir dari bukti cinta mulia dan sakral.

  112. Once upon a time, in eastern part of Java Island, there was a kingdom ruled by a king. The king’s name was Prabu Menak Prakoso. One day, Prabu Menak and his soldiers invaded the kingdom of Klungkung in Bali. The king of Klungkung was killed, yet his daughter, Made Surati, and his son, Agung Bagus Mantra, were able to escape and hide in the jungle.

    Pada jaman dahulu, di bagian timur pulau jawa, ada sebuah kerajaan yang diperintahan oleh seorang Raja. Nama raja tersebut adalah Prabu Menak Prakoso. Suatu hari, Prabu Menak dan tentaranya menginfasi kerajaan Klungkung di Bali. Raja Klungkung terbunuh, akan tetapi Anak perempuannya, Made Surati dan saudara laki lakinya, Agung Bagus Mantra, dapat melarian diri dan bersembungi di hutan.

    Prabu Menak Prakoso had a son named Raden Banterang. He was such a handsome young man. One day, Raden Banterang went to the jungle for hunting. It was in the jungle that Raden Banterang met Made Surati. She was then taken to Blambangan to be his wife. Raden Banterang and Made Surati enjoyed a happy life in the Palace.

    Prabu Menak Prakoso mempunyai anak laki laki yang bernama Raden Banterang. Dia sangat tampan. Suatu hari Raden Banterang pergi ke hutan untk berburu. Ini adalah hutan dimana Raden Banterang bertemu degan Made Surati. Dia dibawa ke Blambangan untuk menjadi istrinya. Raden Banterang dan Made Surati menikmati kehidupannya di istana kerajaan.

  113. When Raden Banterang was hunting one day, Made Surati was surprised by the arrival of a dirty beggar asking for her pity. The princess was surprised to find that the beggar was her older brother, Agung Bagus Mantra. She promptly squatted and embraced her brother’s legs. However, her great respect of her brother was not well accepted. Instead, Agung Bagus Mantra asked his sister to kill Raden Banterang. But such a request was rejected. He was very angry with her and came up with a sly idea to slander her.

    Ketika Raden Banterang sedang berburu, Made Surati sangat terkejut oleh kedatangan seorang pengemis kotor meminta belas kasihan. Putri itu terkejut menyadari bahwa pengemis itu adalah kakaknya. Agung Bagus Mantra. Dia dengan segera memegang kaki dari pengemis tersebut dan memeluk kaki kakaknya tersebut. Akan tetapi, rasa hormat kakanya tidak diterima dengan baik. Malahan, Agung Bagus Mantra meminta saudara perempuannya untuk membunh Raden Banterang. Akan tetap permintaan itu ditolak oleh Made Surati. Agung Bagus Mantra sangat marah padanya dan mempunyai ide untuk memfitnahnya.

    Slowly but surely, Agung succeeded in convincing Raden Banterang that his wife had been involved in a scandal with another man. Asking for compassion, Made Surati tried to tell the truth and denied her husband’s accusation. Hearing his wife explanation, the king became angrier and angrier. As a proof of her sacred love, she asked her husband to kill her. As her last request, she asked her husband to throw her dead body into the river. She said that if the water in the river smelled terrible, it meant that she had ever been sinful. But if it smelled fragrant, it meant that she was innocent.

    Secara pelan, Agung berhasil meyakinkan Raden Banterang bahwa istrinya telah terlibat skandal dengan laki laki lain. Sambil meminta ampun, Made Surati mencoba untuk mencoba menceritakan kebenaran dan menyangkal tuduhan suaminya. Mendengar penjelasan dari istrinya, Raja menjadi semakin marah dan marah. Sebagai bukti cinta sucinya, dia meminta suaminya untuk membunuhnya. Sebagai permintaannya, Made Surati meminta suaminya untuk melempar jasadnya ke dalam sungai. Made Surati mengatakan jika air berubah di sungai berbau tidak enak, berarti dia telah berbohong. Akan tetapi jika baunya harum, itu berarti bahwa dia tidak bersalah

    Raden Banterang who was unable to control his emotions soon stabbed his kerís (dagger) into his wife’s chest. She died instantly. The dead body of Made Surati was quickly thrown into the dirty river. Raden Banterang was shocked to see the river suddenly become clean and as clear as glass with a fragrant smell. Raden Banteraflll screamed crazily and regretted what he did. He walked unsteadìly and fell into the river screaming, “Banyu… Wangì… Banyuwangi!” This means “fragrant water”.

    Raden Banterang yang tidak dapat mengendalikan emisinya dengan segera menusuk kerisnya kedalam dada istrinya. Dia mati secara tiba tiba. Jazad dari Made Surati dengan segera dilemparkan ke dalam air yang kotor. Raden Banterang terkejut melihat Sungai tiba tiba menjadi bersih dan sebening kaca dengan bau harum. Raden Banterang menjerit dengan gila dan menyesalinya. Dia berjalan ke dalam air sambil berteriak “ Banyu Wangi Banyu wangi” yang berarti Air yang harum .

  114. The Legend of Singaraja

    SRI Sagening was the king of Klungkung Kingdom, Bali. He had a lot of wives. His last wife was Ni Luh Pasek. She was the most beautiful wife and that made the other wives were jealous. They often told bad things to the king. Sadly, the king was influenced and he finally asked Ni Luh Pasek to leave the palace. Ni Luh Pasek was very sad, but she had no other choice. She became very sad when she knew that she was pregnant! Ni Luh Pasek arrived at a village. An old man felt very sorry with her condition. His name was Jelantik Bogol. He was a holy man and had supernatural power. He married Ni Luh Pasek. And when the baby was born, Jelantik Bogol named him I Gusti Gede. He loved I gusti Gede just like his own son.

    I Gusti Gede grew as a strong man. He also mastered a lot of skills such as martial arts and supernatural power. His step father taught him the skills. One day his step father asked him to go to a jungle in Den Hill. It was the place Ni Luh Pasek was born. Jelantik Bogol asked him to go there to get more supernatural power. Before he left, his step father gave him two weapons, a spear and a keris, it’s a traditional wavy double-bladed dagger. I Gusti Gede did it. He went to the Den Hill and meditated. While he was meditating, a spirit of the jungle came to him. The spirit spoke to him.

    “You will be a great king. Go to Panumbang beach, help the people there.”

    I Gusti Gede continued his journey. When he arrived at Panombangan Beach, there was an incident. There was a ship from Bugis sinking at the beach. The people had tried to help, but they did not succeed.

  115. I Gusti Gede wanted to help. He asked the people to stay away from the ship. He prayed and took out hos weapons. Suddenly, two big spirits came out of the spear and the keris.

    I Gusti Gede asked the spirits to pull the sinking ships back to sea. The people could not see the spirits. They only saw I Gusti Gede moving his hands. The spirits slowly pulled the ship. In just a minute, a ship just back in the sea. The owner was very happy. He gave some of his wealth to I Gusti Gede. People were amazed with his power. they named him as I Gusti Panji Sakti.

    I Gusti Panji Sakti went back to Den Hill. He started to build a village. People came one by one. I Gusti panji Sakti protected them from bad people. Slowly the village became a kingdom. I Gusti Panji Sakti became the king and he named the kingdom as Sukasada.

    sukasada became a big kigdom, I Gusti Panji Sakti planned to make another kingdom. He opened up a new area. It was full of buleleng trees. Therefore he named the kingdom as Buleleng Kingdom.

    He also build a great palace. People named it Singaraja. Singa means lion and Raja means king. With his power I Gusti Panji Sakti was like a lion. He always protected his people from bad people. While he became a king, Buleleng Kingdom was safe and prosperous. *** lanjutan nya maaf

  116. The Legend of Singaraja

    SRI Sagening adalah raja Kerajaan Klungkung, Bali. Dia punya banyak istri. Istri terakhirnya adalah Ni Luh Pasek. Dia adalah istri terindah dan istri-istri lainnya cemburu. Mereka sering menceritakan hal buruk kepada raja. Sayangnya, sang raja sangat terpengaruh dan akhirnya dia meminta Ni Luh Pasek untuk meninggalkan istana. Ni Luh Pasek sangat sedih, tapi dia tidak punya pilihan lain. Dia menjadi sangat sedih saat mengetahui bahwa dia hamil! Ni Luh Pasek tiba di sebuah desa. Seorang tua merasa sangat menyesal dengan kondisinya. Namanya Jelantik Bogol. Dia adalah orang suci dan memiliki kekuatan supranatural. Ia menikahi Ni Luh Pasek. Dan saat bayinya lahir, Jelantik Bogol menamainya I Gusti Gede. Dia mencintai saya gusti Gede seperti anaknya sendiri.

    I Gusti Gede tumbuh sebagai orang yang kuat. Ia juga menguasai banyak keterampilan seperti bela diri dan kekuatan supernatural. Ayah tirinya mengajarkan kepadanya keterampilan. Suatu hari ayah tirinya memintanya pergi ke hutan di Den Hill. Itu adalah tempat Ni Luh Pasek lahir. Jelantik Bogol memintanya untuk pergi ke sana untuk mendapatkan lebih banyak kekuatan gaib. Sebelum dia pergi, ayah tirinya memberinya dua senjata, tombak dan keris, itu adalah belati bermata dua bergelombang tradisional. I Gusti Gede yang melakukannya. Dia pergi ke Den Hill dan bermeditasi. Saat sedang bermeditasi, semangat rimba datang kepadanya. Semangat berbicara kepadanya.

    “Anda akan menjadi raja yang hebat. Pergilah ke pantai Panumbang, bantulah orang-orang di sana.”

    I Gusti Gede melanjutkan perjalanannya. Saat tiba di Pantai Panombangan, ada sebuah kejadian. Ada kapal dari Bugis yang tenggelam di pantai. Orang-orang telah mencoba membantu, tapi mereka tidak berhasil.

    I Gusti Gede ingin membantu. Dia meminta orang-orang untuk menjauh dari kapal. Dia berdoa dan mengambil senjata hos. Tiba-tiba, dua roh besar keluar dari tombak dan keris.

    I Gusti Gede meminta roh untuk menarik kapal tenggelam kembali ke laut. Orang tidak bisa melihat rohnya. Mereka hanya melihat I Gusti Gede menggerakkan tangannya. Semangat perlahan menarik kapal. Hanya dalam semenit, sebuah kapal baru saja kembali ke laut. Pemiliknya sangat senang. Dia memberikan sebagian kekayaannya kepada I Gusti Gede. Orang kagum dengan kekuatannya. mereka menamainya sebagai I Gusti Panji Sakti.

    I Gusti Panji Sakti kembali ke Den Hill. Dia mulai membangun sebuah desa. Orang datang satu per satu. I Gusti panji Sakti melindungi mereka dari orang jahat. Perlahan desa tersebut menjadi sebuah kerajaan. I Gusti Panji Sakti menjadi raja dan dia menamai kerajaan tersebut sebagai Sukasada.

    sukasada menjadi kigdom besar, I Gusti Panji Sakti berencana membuat kerajaan lain. Dia membuka area baru. Itu penuh dengan pohon buleleng. Oleh karena itu ia menamai kerajaan tersebut sebagai Kerajaan Buleleng.

    Dia juga membangun sebuah istana besar. Orang menamakannya Singaraja. Singa berarti singa dan Raja berarti raja. Dengan kekuatannya I Gusti Panji Sakti seperti singa. Dia selalu melindungi bangsanya dari orang jahat. Sementara ia menjadi raja, Kerajaan Buleleng aman dan sejahtera. ***

  117. The Legend of Catu Island

    A long time ago there was a village in Bali. The people worked as farmers. One of the was Jurna. He was a diligent farmer. He always had a great harvest. However he was never satisfied. He wanted to have better and better harvest.

    “I will promise to gods. If they give me better harvest than I have now, I will give them offerings and I will share the harvest to the neighbors,” said Jurna to his wife.

    “I agree, But remember, you have to keep your promise,” said his wife.

    Soon, Jurna had better harvest. He had more rice than he had before. He was happy. And as promised, he prepared offerings to the gods and he also shared to his neighbors. They were very happy.

    Jurna was not satisfied. He wanted to have better and better and more harvest. Therefore he promised to gods that he would double his offerings and his sharing to the neighbors.

    His wish came true. His harvest was much better than before. The other farmers were amazed. They were also very thankful because he shared his harvest to them.

    One day, Jurna went to his rice field. When he arrived, he saw a pile of soil on the ground. It looked like a catu. Catu was made of coconut shell. People used catu to measure the amount of rice. At home, Jurna talked about a soil which looked like a catu to his wife. She had an idea.

    “Let’s make catu from rice,” she said. Jurna agreed. Later they formed the rice just like catu. On the following day, Jurna went to his rice field. He saw the soil catu was getting bigger.

    “Hmm…I will make rice catu bigger than this,” said Jurna himself. He asked his wife to make bigger rice catu. He felt very satisfied. He wanted to show his rise catu to his neighbors. He hoped that his neighbors would prise him as a rich man. And they did! All the neighbors praised him. Jurna became arrogant. On the next day, Jurna went to his rice field. He hoped the soil catu were not getting bigger and bigger. But he was wrong. Strangely, the soil catu was bigger.

    “Don’t worry, I have much rice. I can make rice catu bigger,” said Jurna arrogantly. While he was making the rice catu, he was thinking how the neighbors would prise him.

    And his wish came true. All the neighbors were so amazed by the size of the rice catu. They all said that Jurna was very rich. Jurna became more arrogant.

    Then Jurna went to his rice field. He hoped the soil catu would stop growing. But he was wrong. Again, it became much bigger than before. Jurna was really upset. He made rice catu bigger than before.

    It always repeated. Every time he went to his rice field he always found the soil catu became bigger and bigger.

    His wife always reminded him to stop making rice catu. She said that their stock was getting lesser and lesser. She asked him to stop wasting the rice.

    But Jurna ignored her. He was only thinking how he could make his rice catu bigger than the soil catu. Soon he lost all of his rice. He became poor. He regretted his bad behaviour. Meanwhile the soil catu became very big. It was like a hill. People then named it as Catu Hill or Bukit Catu. ***

  118. The Legend of Catu Island

    Legenda Pulau Catu
    Dahulu kala ada sebuah desa di Bali. Orang-orang bekerja sebagai petani. Salah satunya adalah Jurna. Dia adalah petani yang tekun. Dia selalu panen besar. Namun dia tidak pernah puas. Dia ingin panen yang lebih baik dan lebih baik.

    “Saya akan berjanji kepada tuhan, jika mereka memberi saya panen yang lebih baik daripada yang saya miliki sekarang, saya akan memberi mereka persembahan dan saya akan membagikan hasilnya kepada tetangga,” kata Jurna kepada istrinya.

    “Saya setuju, tapi ingat, Anda harus menepati janjimu,” kata istrinya.

    Segera, Jurna panen lebih baik. Dia memiliki lebih banyak beras daripada sebelumnya. Dia bahagia. Dan seperti yang dijanjikan, dia menyiapkan persembahan kepada para dewa dan dia juga berbagi dengan tetangganya. Mereka sangat senang.

    Jurna tidak puas. Dia ingin panen lebih baik dan lebih baik dan lebih banyak. Oleh karena itu dia berjanji kepada tuhan bahwa dia akan menggandakan penawarannya dan membagikannya kepada tetangga.

    Keinginannya menjadi kenyataan. Panennya jauh lebih baik dari sebelumnya. Petani lainnya kagum. Mereka juga sangat bersyukur karena dia membagikan hasil panennya kepada mereka.

    Suatu hari, Jurna pergi ke sawahnya. Ketika dia tiba, dia melihat setumpuk tanah di tanah. Itu tampak seperti catu. Catu terbuat dari tempurung kelapa. Orang menggunakan catu untuk mengukur jumlah beras. Di rumah, Jurna berbicara tentang tanah yang tampak seperti catu untuk istrinya. Dia punya ide.

    “Ayo buat catu dari nasi,” katanya. Jurna setuju. Kemudian mereka membentuk nasi seperti catu. Keesokan harinya, Jurna pergi ke sawahnya. Ia melihat tanah catu semakin membesar.

    “Hmm … saya akan membuat nasi catu lebih besar dari ini,” kata Jurna sendiri. Dia meminta istrinya untuk membuat nasi catu yang lebih besar. Dia merasa sangat puas. Dia ingin menunjukkan kenaikan catu ke tetangganya. Ia berharap tetangganya akan menghormatinya sebagai orang kaya. Dan mereka melakukannya! Semua tetangga memujinya. Jurna menjadi sombong. Keesokan harinya, Jurna pergi ke sawahnya. Ia berharap tanah catu tidak semakin besar. Tapi dia salah. Anehnya, tanah catu lebih besar.

    “Jangan khawatir, saya punya banyak nasi, saya bisa bikin nasi catu lebih besar,” kata Jurna sombong. Sementara dia sedang membuat nasi catu, dia memikirkan bagaimana tetangga akan menghormatinya.

    Dan keinginannya menjadi kenyataan. Semua tetangga begitu kagum dengan ukuran catu nasi. Mereka semua mengatakan bahwa Jurna sangat kaya. Jurna menjadi lebih sombong.

    Lalu Jurna pergi ke sawahnya. Ia berharap tanah catu berhenti tumbuh. Tapi dia salah. Sekali lagi, ini menjadi jauh lebih besar dari sebelumnya. Jurna benar-benar kesal. Dia membuat nasi catu lebih besar dari sebelumnya.

    Itu selalu diulang. Setiap kali ia pergi ke sawahnya ia selalu mendapati tanah catu menjadi lebih besar dan lebih besar.

    Istrinya selalu mengingatkannya untuk berhenti membuat nasi catu. Dia mengatakan bahwa stok mereka semakin rendah dan rendah. Dia memintanya untuk berhenti menyia-nyiakan nasi.

    Tapi Jurna mengabaikannya. Dia hanya berpikir bagaimana dia bisa membuat catu nasi lebih besar dari pada catu tanah. Tak lama kemudian ia kehilangan semua berasnya. Dia menjadi miskin. Dia menyesali perilaku buruknya. Sementara itu catu tanah menjadi sangat besar. Rasanya seperti sebuah bukit. Orang kemudian menamainya sebagai Bukit Catu atau Bukit Catu. ***

  119. The Legend of Ruai Bird

    ONCE upon a time, there was a kingdom in West Kalimantan. The King had seven daughters. The queen had passed away. The king did not want to remarry.

    The seven daughters were beautiful. However, the youngest daughter was the most beautiful. She was also the kindest. She often helped other people. Her sisters were very much different. They were lazy. They also had bad attitude. They were cruel to people.

    The king knew about his daughters behaviors. He often advises his older daughter to behaviors. He often advises his older daughters to behave like the youngest daughter. Sadly, they never listened to the king’s advice. They hated their youngest sister because the king often praised her good behavior.

    The older daughters often did terrible things to the youngest daughter. They often hit her. She was very sad. She often cried. She could not tell it to her father because her older sisters always intimidated her. They would hit her even harder if she told their father.

    One day, the king asked all her daughters to meet him.

    “I’m going to the neighboring kingdom. I’ll go for several months. While I’m gone, my youngest daughter will rule the kingdom. Do you understand?” asked the king.

    “Yes, we do, Father, “said all the daughters.

    The older daughters were angry. They very upset about their youngest sister was asked to rule the kingdom.

    After the king left, they planned something bad. They wanted to get rid of their youngest sister. They pretended to be nice to her. The youngest daughter was happy. Finally, her older sisters were nice to her.

    The older sisters asked her to go fishing. They asked to go to Gua Batu or a stone cave. There was a river flowing inside the cave. And there were a lot of fish in that river.

    The youngest daughter was so happy when they finally arrived at the cave. She did not know that her sisters were going to do something bad to her.

    “Hurry up, let’s go inside the cave. You can find a lot of fish inside the cave,” said the oldest daughter.

    The youngest was so eager. As she went inside the cave, she did not know that her sisters stayed outside the cave. They kept on asking her to go inside the cave.

    She kept on walking until she was lost! She was calling out all her sisters, but they did not respond. She then understood that her sisters did not want her to rule the kingdom anymore.
    She was very sad. She cried. Suddenly an old man came. He was a holy man. He was meditating in the cave. She changed her tears into eggs.

    “Don’t worry, I can help you. You can go back to the kingdom but you have to change into a bird. I name you Ruai Bird. After that, Brood these eggs. After they hatch, the birds will accompany you,” said the old man.

    She agreed. Slowly she changed into a beautiful bird. And after all the eggs were hatched, they went back to the kingdom. They all stayed at the tree near the kingdom. They all saw how the king punished the older sisters.***

  120. The Legend of Ruai Bird

    SEKALI setiap saat, ada sebuah kerajaan di Kalimantan Barat. Raja memiliki tujuh anak perempuan. Ratu telah meninggal dunia. Raja tidak mau menikah kembali.

    Tujuh anak perempuan itu cantik. Namun, anak perempuan termuda itu yang terindah. Dia juga paling baik. Dia sering membantu orang lain. Saudara perempuannya sangat berbeda. Mereka malas. Mereka juga memiliki sikap buruk. Mereka kejam terhadap orang.

    Raja tahu tentang perilaku anak perempuannya. Dia sering menasehati anak perempuannya yang lebih tua untuk melakukan perilaku. Dia sering menasehati anak perempuannya yang lebih tua untuk berperilaku seperti anak perempuan termuda. Sayangnya, mereka tidak pernah mendengarkan saran raja. Mereka membenci adik bungsu mereka karena raja sering memuji tingkah lakunya yang baik.

    Anak perempuan yang lebih tua sering melakukan hal-hal buruk pada anak perempuan termuda. Mereka sering memukulnya. Dia sangat sedih. Dia sering menangis. Dia tidak bisa menceritakannya kepada ayahnya karena kakak perempuannya selalu mengintimidasinya. Mereka akan memukulnya lebih keras lagi jika dia memberi tahu ayah mereka.

    Suatu hari, sang raja meminta semua anak perempuannya untuk menemuinya.

    “Aku akan pergi ke kerajaan tetangga Aku akan pergi selama beberapa bulan Sementara aku pergi, putri bungsu saya akan memerintah kerajaan .. Apakah Anda mengerti?” tanya raja.

    “Ya, kami, Bapa,” kata semua anak perempuan.

    Anak perempuan yang lebih tua marah. Mereka sangat kecewa dengan adik perempuan termuda mereka yang diminta untuk memerintah kerajaan.

    Setelah raja pergi, mereka merencanakan sesuatu yang buruk. Mereka ingin menyingkirkan adik bungsunya. Mereka berpura-pura bersikap baik padanya. Putri termuda itu senang. Akhirnya, kakak perempuannya sangat baik padanya.

    Kakak perempuan tua memintanya untuk pergi memancing. Mereka diminta pergi ke Gua Batu atau gua batu. Ada sebuah sungai yang mengalir di dalam gua. Dan ada banyak ikan di sungai itu.

    Putri termuda itu sangat senang saat mereka sampai di gua. Dia tidak tahu bahwa saudara perempuannya akan melakukan sesuatu yang buruk padanya.

    “Cepatlah, ayo masuk ke dalam gua. Anda bisa menemukan banyak ikan di dalam gua,” kata anak perempuan tertua.

    Yang termuda begitu bersemangat. Saat dia masuk ke dalam gua, dia tidak tahu bahwa saudara perempuannya tinggal di luar gua. Mereka terus memintanya masuk ke dalam gua.

    Dia terus berjalan sampai dia tersesat! Dia memanggil semua saudara perempuannya, tapi mereka tidak menanggapi. Dia kemudian mengerti bahwa saudara perempuannya tidak ingin dia memerintah kerajaan lagi.
    Dia sangat sedih. Dia menangis. Tiba-tiba seorang pria tua datang. Dia adalah orang suci. Dia sedang bermeditasi di dalam gua. Dia mengubah air matanya menjadi telur.

    “Jangan khawatir, saya bisa membantu Anda, Anda bisa kembali ke kerajaan tapi Anda harus berubah menjadi burung Saya Namukan Anda Burung Ruai Setelah itu, Brood telur ini Setelah mereka menetas, burung-burung akan menemani Anda, “kata orang tua itu.

    Dia setuju. Perlahan ia berubah menjadi burung yang indah. Dan setelah semua telur ditetaskan, mereka kembali ke kerajaan. Mereka semua tinggal di pohon dekat kerajaan. Mereka semua melihat bagaimana raja menghukum kakak perempuan yang lebih tua. ***

  121. : Samba’ Paria

    A long time ago in Mandar, West Sulawesi, lived a beautiful girl named Samba’ Paria. She lived with her younger sister in a hut. Their hut was in the jungle. They both lived alone. Their parents had died. Samba’ Paria loved her younger sister very much. They always helped each other.

    One night they had a dinner. Suddenly someone knocked the door.

    “Who is that?” asked Samba’ Paria.

    “We are the soldiers and the king. We are lost in the jungle. We are hunting here,” said one man.

    Samba’ Paria then opened the door. There were some soldiers and the king! Samba’ Paria was very nervous. She did not know what to do. She was speechless.

    “May we come in?” asked the king.

    “Yes, you can,” answered Samba’ Paria.

    And when the king was inside the house, he was amazed by Samba’ Paria’s beauty. He never saw a beautiful girl like her. The king fell in love with her. However he had a bad plan. He wanted to kidnap Samba’ Paria and brought her to the palace. He was thinking and finally he had an idea.

    “I want to drink water from the waterfall. And I want your sister to go to the waterfall and bring me the water,” said the king.

    In a hurry, the sister went to the waterfall. Right after she left, the king immediately asked the soldiers to take Samba’ Paria. She tried to release herself. But it was useless.

    The soldiers were too strong. She knew she could not escape, so she grabbed some leaves and put them one by one on the way to the palace.

    Later, the younger sister arrived at home. She was so confused. No one was at home . The door was open. She was crying and screaming her sister’s name. Suddenly she saw some leaves on the ground. She followed the leaves and finally she arrived in the palace.

    “Kakak Samba’, are you there? If you are in the palace, please show me yourself in the window,” asked the sister.

    The king heard that. Actually Samba’ Paria was locked in the room and she could not show herself because the room did not have any windows. The king wanted the sister to think that Samba’ Paria did not want to see her anymore. So he put a cat in the window.

    The sister was surprised to see a cat in the window. She thought her older sister did not want to see her anymore. So she went home crying.

    Samba’ Paria was also sad. The king asked her to marry him. But she did not want to. Days and nights she was locked in the room. She was always thinking about her younger sister.

    She knew her sister needed her very much. Samba’ Paria prayed to God. She asked God to help her escape from the palace. God heard her prayer. In one night, she was able to escape! She ran very fast and finally she arrived at home.

    The two girls hugged each other. They were crying. This time they cried because they were very happy. Samba’ Paria knew the king would follow her. So the two girls set a trap. She prepared some chilies and later she was grinding them. Finally, she mixed it with water. She wanted to throw the water to king’s face.

    And it worked! And when the king arrived at their home, Samba’ Paria threw the water to the king’s face. The king’s screamed in pain. He fell and his head hit a big stone. He died instantly. Since then Samba’ Paria lived peacefully with her younger sister. ***

  122. Narrative Text “Samba’ Paria”

    Dulu di Mandar, Sulawesi Barat, tinggal seorang gadis cantik bernama Samba ‘Paria. Dia tinggal bersama adik perempuannya di sebuah gubuk. Pondok mereka ada di hutan. Mereka berdua tinggal sendirian. Orang tua mereka meninggal. Samba ‘Paria sangat mencintai adik perempuannya. Mereka selalu saling membantu.

    Suatu malam mereka makan malam. Tiba-tiba seseorang mengetuk pintu.

    “Siapa itu?” Tanya Samba ‘Paria.

    “Kami adalah tentara dan raja. Kita tersesat di hutan. Kami berburu di sini, “kata seorang pria.

    Samba ‘Paria lalu membuka pintu. Ada beberapa tentara dan raja! Samba ‘Paria sangat gugup. Dia tidak tahu harus berbuat apa. Dia terdiam.

    “Bisakah kita masuk?” Tanya raja.

    “Ya, bisa,” jawab Samba ‘Paria.

    Dan saat raja berada di dalam rumah, dia kagum dengan kecantikan Samba ‘Paria. Dia tidak pernah melihat gadis cantik seperti dia. Raja jatuh cinta padanya. Namun dia punya rencana buruk. Dia ingin menculik Samba ‘Paria dan membawanya ke istana. Dia sedang berpikir dan akhirnya dia punya ide.

    “Saya ingin minum air dari air terjun. Dan aku ingin kakakmu pergi ke air terjun dan membawakanku air, “kata sang raja.

    Tergesa-gesa, adik perempuannya pergi ke air terjun. Tepat setelah dia pergi, raja segera meminta tentara untuk membawa Samba ‘Paria. Dia mencoba melepaskan diri. Tapi itu tidak ada gunanya.

    Prajurit-prajurit itu terlalu kuat. Dia tahu dia tidak bisa melarikan diri, jadi dia mengambil beberapa daun dan memasukkannya satu demi satu dalam perjalanan ke istana.

    Belakangan, adik perempuan itu sampai di rumah. Dia begitu bingung. Tidak ada yang di rumah. Pintu terbuka. Dia menangis dan menjerit nama kakaknya. Tiba-tiba dia melihat beberapa daun di tanah. Dia mengikuti dedaunan dan akhirnya dia tiba di istana.

    “Kakak Samba ‘, apa kamu disana? Jika Anda berada di istana, tolong tunjukkan diri di jendela, “tanya saudara perempuannya.

    Raja mendengar itu Sebenarnya Samba ‘Paria terkunci di dalam ruangan dan dia tidak bisa menunjukkan dirinya sendiri karena ruangan itu tidak memiliki jendela. Raja menginginkan saudaranya untuk berpikir bahwa Samba ‘Paria tidak ingin bertemu dengannya lagi. Jadi dia menaruh seekor kucing di jendela.

    Adiknya kaget melihat kucing di jendela. Dia pikir kakak perempuannya tidak ingin bertemu dengannya lagi. Jadi dia pulang menangis.

    Samba ‘Paria juga sedih. Raja memintanya untuk menikahinya. Tapi dia tidak mau. Hari dan malam dia dikunci di dalam ruangan. Dia selalu memikirkan adik perempuannya.

    Dia tahu adik perempuannya sangat membutuhkannya. Samba ‘Paria berdoa kepada Tuhan. Dia meminta Tuhan untuk membantunya melarikan diri dari istana. Tuhan mendengar doanya. Dalam satu malam, dia bisa melarikan diri! Dia berlari sangat cepat dan akhirnya dia sampai di rumah.

    Kedua gadis itu saling berpelukan. Mereka menangis. Kali ini mereka menangis karena mereka sangat bahagia. Samba ‘Paria tahu raja akan mengikutinya. Jadi kedua gadis itu memasang jebakan. Dia menyiapkan beberapa cabai dan kemudian dia menggilingnya. Akhirnya, dia mencampurnya dengan air. Dia ingin melemparkan air ke wajah raja.

    Dan itu berhasil! Dan saat raja tiba di rumah mereka, Samba ‘Paria melemparkan air ke wajah raja. Raja berteriak kesakitan. Dia jatuh dan kepalanya menabrak batu besar. Dia meninggal seketika. Sejak itu Samba ‘Paria hidup damai bersama adik perempuannya. ***

  123. Flock of Doves

    Once upon a time, there was a flock of doves that flew in search of food led by their king. They had flown a long distance and were very tired. The smallest dove picked up speed and found some rice scattered beneath a banyan tree. So all the doves landed and began to eat.

    Suddenly a net fell over them and they were all trapped. They saw a hunter approaching carrying. The doves desperately fluttered their wings trying to get out, but to no avail. The king had an idea. He advised all the doves to fly up together carrying the net with them.

    Each dove picked up a portion of the net and together they flew off carrying the net with them. The hunter looked up in astonishment. He tried to follow them, but they were flying high over hills and valleys. They flew to a hill near a city of temples where there lived a mouse who could help them. He was a faithful friend of the dove king.

    The mouse agreed saying that he would set the king free first. The king insisted that he first free his subjects and the king last. The mouse understood the king’s feelings and complied with his wishes. He began to cut the net and one by one all the doves were freed including the dove king.

  124. Cerita Fable Singkat Flock of Doves
    Suatu waktu, kawanan burung merpati terbang mencari makanan yang dipimpin oleh raja burng. Mereka telah terbang jarak jauh dan sangat lelah. Seekor merpati terkecil terbang lebih cepat dan melihat padi tersebar di bawah pohon beringin. Maka semua merpati itu turun dan mulai makan.

    Tiba-tiba ada jaring yang jatuh dari atas mereka dan mereka semua terjebak. Mereka melihat seorang pemburu mendekat. Merpati berusaha keras terbang dengan sayap-sayapnya untuk keluar, tetapi tidak berhasil. Raja merpati akhirnya punya ide. Dia menyarankan semua merpati untuk terbang bersama membawa jaring itu sekalian.

    Setiap merpati mengambil tempat masing-masing pada jaring itu dan bersama mereka terbang membawa jaring itu. Pemburu mendongak takjub. Ia mencoba mengikuti mereka, tetapi kawanan mepati itu terbang tinggi melewati bukit dan lembah. Burung itu terbang menuju bukit dekat kota candi-candi yang mana hiduplah seekor tikus yang bisa membantu mereka. Tikus itu adalah sahabat setia raja burung merpati.

    Tikus setuju akan membebasakan raja merpati dulu. Raja tidak mau bahwa yang bebas dulu adalah rakyatnya. Tikus itu bisa memahami perasaan raja merpati dan mengikuti keinginannya. Ia mulai memotong jaring dan satu per satu semua merpati itu akhirnya terbebsa dari jaring.

    Pesan Moral Value dari Fable Story of doves
    Secara individu, kita ini lemah untuk itu kita harus bersatu untuk memecahkan masalah yang besar. Dengan bersatu dan tidak tercerai berai, kita akan menjadi kuat. Tirulah seperti sapu lidi, bagaimana individu yang kecil dan lemah itu berubah begitu kuata ketika bersatu dalam satu ikantan yang kokoh

  125. The Origin of The Name “Singapore”

    A hundred years ago there lived a king named Nila Utama, King of Srivijaya. One day, the king went sailing accompanied by his loyal bodyguards. Along the way, the hurricane came. The guards begged the king to cancel his plan. “Sir, it is dangerous if we continue the journey with this condition. It’s better if we stop first to a safer place. If I am not mistaken, there is a place nearby here named Tumasik Island. “What if we stay there while waiting for a safer condition?” Said the captain of the ship. The king approved this opinion. Their boat was docked to Tumasik Island shortly afterwards.

    Arriving on the island, King and several bodyguards left the ship and looked around the island. When they’re looking around, suddenly an animal which was not far from them flashed. The king was surprised and fascinated. The beast was so huge, looked dashing, and was golden in color.” What creature was that?” Asked the King to his guards. “If i am not mistaken, people call it “Singa”, your majesty,” one of his bodyguards replied. “What?” Asked the King to clarify. “Singa” replied the guard.

    The king then asked more explanation about the animal. Attentively, The King listened to all explanations from his bodyguard about the animal. “Then, we give the name of this place “Singapore”.”Meaning: The City of Lion which is derived from malay “Singa” (lion) and “Pura / Pore” (City)”. Since that time the town was named Singapore.

  126. Asal Nama Singapura
    Ratusan tahun yang lalu hiduplah seorang raja bernama Nila Utama, Raja Sriwijaya. Pada suatu hari, Raja pergi berlayar ditemani pengawal-pengawal setianya. Di tengah perjalanan, angin topan datang. Para pengawal memohon agar raja membatalkan niatnya. “Tuan, sungguh berbahaya jika kita meneruskan perjalanan dengan kondisi seperti ini. Lebih baik jika kita singgah dulu ke tempat yang lebih aman. Kalau hamba tak keliru, ada tempat terdekat dari sini yang bernama Pulau Tumasik. Bagaimana jika singgah di sana sembari menunggu kondisi yang lebih aman?” kata kapten kapal. Raja menyetujui pendapat tersebut. Perahu mereka pun merapat ke Pulau Tumasik tak lama setelah itu.
    Sesampainya di pulau tersebut, Raja dan beberapa pengawalnya meninggalkan kapal dan berkeliling melihat-lihat pulau tersebut. Saat mereka sedang melihat-lihat sekeliling, tiba-tiba seekor binatang berkelebat tak jauh dari tempat mereka. Raja terkejut dan terpukau. Binatang itu sanagat besar, tampak gagah, dan berwarna keemasan. “Mahluk apakah itu?” tanya sang Raja kepada para pengawalnya. “Kalau hamba tak salah, orang-orang menyebutnya singa, Yang Mulia,” jawab salah seorang pengawalnya. “Apa?” tanya sang Raja memperjelas. “Singa” jawab pengawal tadi.
    Raja lalu meminta penjelasan lebih banyak tentang biantang tersebut. Dengan penuh perhatian, Raja mendengarkan semua penjelasan pengawalnya tentang binatang itu. “Kalau begitu, kita beri nama tempat ini Singapura. Artinya: Kota Singa yang diperoh dari bahasa melayu “Singa” dan “Pura”. Sejak saat itulah kota itu bernama Singapura.

  127. The Origin of Lightening

    Once upon a time fairies and humans lived together peacefully. One day, Mekhala, a beautiful and clever elf, studied at Shie, a great hermit. Besides Mekhala, Master Shie also had a male student named Ramasaur. In the process of learning, the boy always envied Mekhala because Mekhala was very clever. But Master Shie still loved both of his students without favoritism.
    One day Guru Shie called and said to them, “Tomorrow, give me a cup full of dew. Who is faster to get it, so it will be lucky for him/her. The dew will be turned into a gem, who can grant every request. “Mekhala and Ramasaur stunned for a moment to hear the command. Ramasaur imagined he would ask for wealth and luxury after completing the task so that he could become the richest man in the country. However Mekhala just thought out loud. Getting a cup of dew in a short time is certainly not easy, Mekhala muttered in her heart.

    The next day, early in the morning, the disciples had been in the woods. Ramasaur pulled weeds and other small plants sloppily. But the result was disappointing. Dew that exists in plants was always spilled before it was poured into the cup. Instead, Mekhala absorbed the moisture with a soft cloth very carefully. She slowly squeezed the cloth and then inserted it into the cup. The result was very encouraging. Soon her cup had been filled up with dew. Mekhala saw Master Shie soon and gave his work.

    Master Shie received it joyfully. Mekhala was indeed a clever pupil. As promised, Master Shie transformed it into a gem as big as a thumb. “If you want something, take up this gem equally to the forehead. Then say whatever you want,” Professor Shie said. Mekhala did whatever the teacher had taught, then called her wishes. Instantly, Mekhala were in the blue sky. She hovered like an eagle who was so beautiful.

    Meanwhile, only at dusk Ramasaur managed to get a cup of dew. The result was not as clear as that was collected by Mekhala. Then, Ramasaur handed the cup dew on Master Shie hastily. “Although you are not quicker than Mekhala, you will still get a gift on your effort,” Master Shie said while handing a magic axe made of silver. When the axe was thrown to the object, even a mountain could be destroyed.

    In fact, Ramasaur abused the axe. He was very jealous of the Mekhala that could hover in the sky so beautifully. Ramasaur immediately threw the axe toward Mekhala. Knowing there would be danger threatens, Mekhala fend off the axe with the gem. The result was a violent clash and blinding light in the sky. The clash continues until today, in form of a deafening explosion. People refer it as “thunder”.

  128. Asal Mula Guntur
    Dahulu kala peri dan manusia hidup bersama dengan damai. Suatu hari, Mekhala, si peri cantik dan pandai, berguru pada Shie, seorang pertapa sakti. Selain Mekhala, Guru Shie juga mempunyai seorang murid laki-laki bernama Ramasaur. Dalam proses belajar, murid laki-laki ini selalu iri pada Mekhala karena Mekhala sangatlah pandai. Namun Guru Shie tetap menyayangi kedua muridnya tanpa pilih kasih.

    Suatu hari Guru Shie memanggil dan berkata kepada mereka, “Besok, berikan aku secawan penuh air embun. Siapa yang lebih cepat mendapatkannya, maka akan beruntunglah dia. Embun itu akan kuubah menjadi permata, yang bisa mengabulkan segala permintaan.” Mekhala dan Ramasaur tertegun sejenak mendengar perintah itu. Terbayang oleh Ramasaur ia akan meminta harta dan kemewahan setelah menyelesaikan tugas tersebut sehingga ia bisa menjadi orang terkaya di negerinya. Namun Mekhala justru berpikir keras. Mendapatkan secawan air embun dalam waktu yang singkat tentulah tidak mudah, gumam Mekhala di dalam hati.

    Keesokan harinya, pagi-pagi sekali, kedua murid itu telah berada di hutan. Ramasaur mencabuti rumput dan tanaman kecil lainnya dengan ceroboh. Tetapi hasilnya sangat mengecewakan. Air embun yang ada pada tumbuhan-tumbuhan tersebut selalu tumpah sebelum dituang ke cawan. Sebaliknya, Mekhala menyerap embun dengan sehelai kain lunak dengan sangat hati-hati. Perlahan diperasnya kain tersebut lalu dimasukan ke cawan. Hasilnya sangat menggembirakan. Tak lama kemudian cawannya telah penuh terisi embun. Mekhala segera menemui Guru Shie dan memberikan hasil kerjanya.

    Guru Shie menerimanya dengan gembira. Mekhala memang murid yang cerdik. Seperti janjinya, Guru Shie mengubah embun itu menjadi sebuah permata sebesar ibu jari. ” Jika kau menginginkan sesuatu, angkatlah permata ini sejajar dengan keningmu. Lalu ucapkan apapun keinginanmu,” ujar Guru Shie. Mekhala mengerjakan apa saja yang diajarkan gurunya, lalu menyebut keinginannya. Dalam sekejap Mekhala telah berada di langit biru. Melayang-layang seperti seekor rajawali yang indah sekali.
    Sementara itu, baru pada senja hari Ramasaur berhasil mendapat secawan embun. Hasilnya pun tidak sejernih yang dikumpulkan oleh Mekhala. Kemudian, Ramasaur menyerahkan secawan embun tersebut pada Guru Shie dengan tergopoh-gopoh. “Meskipun kalah cepat dari Mekhala, kau akan tetap mendapat hadiah atas jerih payahmu,” kata Guru Shie sambil menyerahkan sebuah kapak sakti yang terbuat dari perak. Bila kapak itu dilemparkan ke sasaran, gunung pun bisa hancur.

    Ternyata Ramasaur menyalahgunakan kapak itu. Ia sangat iri melihat Mekhala yang bisa melayang-layang di angkasa dengan begitu indahnya. Ramasaur segera melemparkan kapak itu ke arah Mekhala. Karena mengetahui akan ada bahaya mengancam, Mekhala menangkis kapak itu dengan permatanya. Akibatnya terjadilah benturan dahsyat dan cahaya yang sangat menyilaukan di angkasa. Benturan itu terus terjadi hingga saat ini, berupa gelegar yang memekakkan telinga. Orang-orang menyebutnya sebagai “guntur”.

  129. Origin of the Snail House
    In ancient times, the snails did not bring their home anywhere. In the beginning, snails lived in an abandoned bird’s nest in the trees. The night was warm and the day was cool because the leaves shaded the nest where the snails lived. But when the rains came, the leaves could no longer block the rain that fell. Snails caught cold and wet when the rainy season arrived.

    Then the snails moved into the holes in the trunks of trees. When the day was hot, the snails were well protected, even if it rained. It looked like that I had found a suitable home for me, the snail said in his heart.
    But on a sunny day, there came a woodpecker. Tok..tok … tok … woodpecker kept pecking the trunks where the snails lived. Snails became very distracted and could not sleep. With annoyed heart, snails went out of the hole in the trunk and looked for a place to stay next. Snails found a hole in the ground, which seemed to be warm when the night came, thought snails. Snails cleaned up those holes and decided to stay in it. But it turned out when the night came. The rats came from all directions to damage the hole. Again and again, the snails had to leave the hole to find a new home.

    Snails then moved on to the edge of the beach filled with coral reefs. He thought that the sidelines of the corals might be his home. Snails could take a rest peacefully in this place. But when the tide rose up to the top of the rock, snail was swept away along with the surge of the waves. As usual, the snails had to go away to find a new home. When he was walking away from the beach, the snail found an empty shell. This shape was beautiful and very light. Being tired and cold, snails went into the shell. Snails felt warm and comfortable then he slept in it.

    When the morning came, snails realized that he had found the best home for himself. He did not need to go home in hurry if it rained. He also would not get heat anymore, and no one would bother him. He then brought it home with him wherever he went.

  130. Asal Mula Rumah Siput

    Pada zaman dahulu, siput tidak membawa rumahnya kemana-mana. Awalnya siput tinggal di sarang burung yang sudah ditinggalkan induk burung di atas pohon. Malam terasa hangat dan siang terasa sejuk karena daun-daun menaungi sarang tempat siput tinggal. Tetapi ketika musim hujan datang, daun-daun itu tidak bisa lagi menghalangi air hujan yang jatuh. Siput menjadi basah dan kedinginan saat musim hujan tiba.

    Kemudian siput pindah ke dalam lubang yang ada di batang-batang pohon. Jika hari panas, siput terlindung dengan baik, bahkan jika hujan turun. Sepertinya aku menemukan rumah yang cocok untukku, kata si siput dalam hati.
    Tetapi pada suatu hari yang cerah, datanglah burung pelatuk. Tok..tok…tok…burung pelatuk terus mematuk batang pohon tempat siput tinggal. Siput menjadi terganggu dan tidak bisa tidur. Dengan hati jengkel, siput keluar dari lubang yang ada di batang pohon tersebut dan mencari tempat tinggal selanjutnya. Siput menemukan sebuah lubang di tanah, yang nampaknya hangat jika malam datang, pikir siput. Siput membersihkan lubang tersebut dan memutuskan untuk tinggal di dalamnya. Tetapi ternyata ketika malam datang, tikus-tikus datang dari segala arah merusak rumah siput. Lagi dan lagi, siput harus pergi meninggalkan lubang itu untuk mencari rumah baru.

    Siput kemudian berjalan terus sampai di tepi pantai yang penuh dengan batu karang. Ia berfikir sela-sela batu karang mungkin dapat menjadi rumahnya. Siput pun dapat beristirahat dengan tenang di tempat tersebut. Tetapi ketika air laut pasang dan naik sampai ke atas batu karang, siput ikut tersapu bersama dengan derasnya ombak tersebut. Seperti biasa, siput harus kembali pergi mencari rumah baru. Ketika ia sedang berjalan meninggalkan pantai, si siput menemukan sebuah cangkang kosong, bentuknya cantik dan sangat ringan. Karena lelah dan kedinginan, siput masuk ke dalam cangkang tersebut. Siput merasa hangat dan nyaman lalu tertidur di dalamnya.

    Ketika pagi tiba, siput menyadari telah menemukan rumah terbaik untuknya. Ia tidak perlu lagi cepat-cepat pulang jika hujan turun. Ia juga tidak akan kepanasan lagi, dan tidak ada yang akan mengganggunya. Ia kemudian membawa rumah ini bersamanya kemanapun ia pergi.

  131. The Legend of Rawa Pening

    Once upon a time, there was a little poor boy came into a little village. He was very hungry and weak. He knocked at every door and asked for some food, but nobody cared about him. Nobody wanted to help the little boy.
    Finally, a generous woman helped him. She gave him shelter and a meal. When the boy wanted to leave, this old woman gave him a “lesung”, a big wooden mortar for pounding rice. She reminded him, “please remember, if there is a flood you must save yourself. Use this “lesung” as a boat”. The “lesung” (little poor boy) was happy and thanked the old woman.
    The little boy continued his journey. While he was passing through the village, he saw many people gathering on the field. The boy came closer and saw a stick stuck in the ground. People challenged each other to pull out that stick. Everybody tried, but nobody succeeded. “Can I try?” asked the little boy. The crowd laughed mockingly. The boy wanted to try his luck so he stepped forward and pulled out the stick. He could do it very easily. Everybody was dumbfounded. Suddenly, from the hole left by stick, water spouted out. It did not stop until it flooded the village. And no one was saved from the water except the little boy and the generous old woman who gave him shelter and meal. As she told him, he used the “lesung” as a boat and picked up the old woman. The whole village became a huge lake. It is now known as Rawa Pening Lake in Salatiga, Central Java, Indonesia.

  132. Legenda Rawa Pening

    Dahulu kala, ada seorang anak laki-laki kecil yang malang datang ke sebuah desa kecil. Dia sangat lapar dan lemah. Dia mengetuk setiap pintu dan meminta beberapa makanan, tapi tidak ada yang peduli padanya. Tidak ada yang mau membantu anak laki-laki itu.
    Akhirnya, seorang wanita dermawan membantunya. Dia memberinya tempat berlindung dan makan. Ketika anak laki-laki itu ingin pergi, wanita tua ini memberinya lesung, sebuah mortir kayu besar untuk menumbuk padi. Dia mengingatkannya, “tolong ingat, jika ada banjir Anda harus menyelamatkan diri. Gunakan “lesung” ini sebagai perahu “. “Lesung” (anak laki-laki miskin) senang dan berterima kasih pada wanita tua itu.
    Anak laki-laki itu melanjutkan perjalanannya. Saat dia melewati desa, dia melihat banyak orang berkumpul di lapangan. Anak laki-laki itu mendekat dan melihat tongkat menempel di tanah. Orang saling menantang untuk menarik tongkat itu. Semua orang mencoba, tapi tidak ada yang berhasil. “Bisakah saya mencoba?” Tanya anak kecil itu. Orang banyak tertawa mengejek. Anak laki-laki itu ingin mencoba peruntungannya sehingga dia melangkah maju dan mengeluarkan tongkatnya. Dia bisa melakukannya dengan sangat mudah. Semua orang tercengang. Tiba-tiba, dari lubang yang ditinggalkan oleh tongkat, air menyembur keluar. Itu tidak berhenti sampai membanjiri desa. Dan tidak ada yang diselamatkan dari air kecuali anak laki-laki kecil dan wanita tua yang murah hati yang memberinya tempat berlindung dan makan. Saat dia memberitahunya, dia menggunakan “lesung” sebagai perahu dan mengangkat wanita tua itu. Seluruh desa menjadi danau besar. Sekarang dikenal dengan Danau Rawa Pening di Salatiga, Jawa Tengah, Indonesia.

  133. The Legend Of Mount Batok

    A long time ago, there lived a beautiful woman namely Roro Anteng. She was a known for her beauty and had attracted the attention of an evil giant. Roro Anteng dared not reject the giant’s advances when he proposed to her. Roro thought of a plan to get away from the marriage without offending the giant. In order to get her and in marriage, the giant had to fulfill her wishes.

    Roro Anteng then concocted a difficult request in hopes that the giant did not have the power to fulfill it. She had asked him to make her a sandy dessert in between the mountains in one night and before the break of dawn.

    Unfortunately for he, the giant magically and swiftly begin to work his powers and was nearly completing her wishes. The fast thinking of Roro Anteng quickly thought of an idea to disrupt the completion, she made al sorts of noises that wake woke up the roosters. The roosters began to crow bringing dawn in.

    On hearing of roosters’ calls, which signaled the break of dawn, the giant was shocked for having failed his tasks. Frustrated, he threw the coconut shell that he used to dig the desert. The shell fell to the ground beside mount Bromo, forming hat is now known as mount Batok. The sandy plain was to form the Tengger caldera.

  134. Legenda Gunung Batok

    Dahulu kala, hiduplah seorang wanita cantik yaitu Roro Anteng. Dia dikenal karena kecantikannya dan telah menarik perhatian dari seorang raksasa jahat. Roro Anteng tidak berani menolak kemauan raksasa itu ketika ia melamarnya. Roro memikirkan rencana untuk menjauh dari pernikahan tanpa menyinggung perasaan sang raksasa. Untuk mendapatkanya dan melaksanakan pernikahan, raksasa harus memenuhi keinginannya.

    Roro Anteng kemudian mengarang permintaan yang sulit dengan harapan bahwa raksasa tidak memiliki kekuatan untuk memenuhinya. Dia meminta raksasa itu untuk membuat sebuah gurun pasir di antara pegunungan dalam satu malam dan sebelum fajar.

    Sayangnya, raksasa ajaib bekerja sekuat tenaga dengan cepat dan hampir menyelesaikan keinginannya. Roro Anteng cepat memikirkan ide untuk mengganggu penyelesaian tantangan itu, dia membuat suara yang membangunkan ayam jantan. Ayam jantan mulai berkokok membawa fajar masuk.

    Ketika mendengar panggilan ayam jantan yang menandai subuh, raksasa terkejut karena tugasnya telah gagal. Frustrasi, ia melemparkan tempurung kelapa yang ia gunakan untuk menggali gurun. Tempurung itu jatuh ke tanah di samping gunung Bromo, membentuk kubah yang sekarang dikenal sebagai gunung Batok. Dataran berpasirnya telah membentuk kawah Tengger.

  135. The Legend of Moopoo Bird”

    A long time a go in Minahasa lived an old man with his grandson. The grandson’s name was Nondo. The old man loved Nondo very much.

    He was a nice and diligent boy. When his grandfather went to the jungle to collect some fire woods, Nondo stayed at home. He always did the household chores.

    Nondo always wanted to join his grandfather to the jungle. However, his grandfather did not allow him. Nondo was limped. He could not walk well.

    His grandfather always went to jungle in the morning and returned home in the afternoon. In the evening, just before bedtime, the grandfather always told Nondo anything that happened in
    the jungle.

    Nondo really enjoyed listening about the animals in the jungle. Nondo always dreamed of going to the jungle and seeing the animals.

    On one morning, Nondo could not hold his feeling anymore. He begged to his grandfather.
    He really wanted to go to the jungle and see the animals.

    “Please, Grandpa. Let me join you. Just this time, please,” Nondo begged. The old man did not want to disappoint his beloved grandson.

    After thinking deeply, he then said, “You can join me this time. But you have to be near me, okay? I will bring the woods, so I cannot see you all the time.”

    Nondo was so happy. He promised to his grandfather that he would always be near him. Nondo could not wait to see the animals.

    Then, they left the house. And finally they arrived at the jungle. At fi rst, Nondo was able to walk near his grandfather.

    However soon, the distance was getting farther. Every time Nondo saw an animal, he always stopped for a moment. He was really amazed. The grandfather always reminded Nondo not to stop walking. Sadly, Nondo was so happy looking at the animals. He ignored his grandfather’s warning.

    Soon, Nondo was lost in the jungle. He was separated from his grandfather.

    “Grandpa! Grandpa! Where are you? Grandpa, don’t leave me here,” Nondo screamed
    Slowly, darkness covers the forest. Nondo was really scared. The sounds of the animals really frightened him. He kept on calling his grandfather.

    Meanwhile, the grandfather just realized that his grandson was lost. He looked for Nondo and called out his name. But still he could not find Nondo.

    The grandfather was really sad. He regretted to let Nondo join him. The grandfather decided to go back home. He hoped Nondo would already arrive at home. Unfortunately, Nondo did not come home yet.

    In the morning, the grandfather went to the jungle again. He wanted to fi nd Nondo. And when he arrived in the jungle, he saw a bird.

    The bird made a strange sound. It said, “Moo poo… Moo po…”

    The grandfather was really curious. He never heard a bird make a sound like that. He looked at the bird carefully, and again the bird said, “Moo poo…”

    Then he felt very strange. He felt that the bird said, “Opoku… Opoku…” It means “My grandpa… My grandpa…” Being really curious, he approached the bird. He was very surprised because the bird was limped.

    The grandfather cried. He remembered his grandson. He was sure that his grandson had changed into a bird. Since then, people named the bird as Moopoo bird. It can be found in
    Minahasa, North Sulawesi. ***

  136. “The Legend of Moopoo Bird”

    Lama waktu di Minahasa tinggal seorang tua dengan cucunya. Nama cucunya adalah Nondo. Orang tua itu sangat mencintai Nondo.

    Dia adalah anak yang baik dan rajin. Ketika kakeknya pergi ke hutan untuk mengumpulkan beberapa kayu bakar, Nondo tinggal di rumah. Dia selalu melakukan pekerjaan rumah tangga.

    Nondo selalu ingin bergabung dengan kakeknya ke hutan. Namun, kakeknya tidak mengizinkannya. Nondo terpincang-pincang. Dia tidak bisa berjalan dengan baik.

    Kakeknya selalu pergi ke hutan di pagi hari dan kembali ke rumah pada sore hari. Di malam hari, tepat sebelum tidur, kakek selalu memberi tahu Nondo apa yang terjadi

    Nondo sangat senang mendengarkan tentang binatang di hutan. Nondo selalu bermimpi pergi ke hutan dan melihat binatang.

    Pada suatu pagi, Nondo tidak bisa menahan perasaannya lagi. Dia memohon pada kakeknya.
    Dia benar-benar ingin pergi ke hutan dan melihat binatang-binatang itu.

    “Kumohon, Kakek. Biarkan aku bergabung denganmu Baru kali ini, tolong, “Nondo memohon. Orang tua itu tidak mau mengecewakan cucu tercintanya.

    Setelah berpikir dalam-dalam, dia kemudian berkata, “Anda bisa bergabung dengan saya saat ini. Tapi kamu harus dekat denganku, oke? Aku akan membawa hutan, jadi aku tidak bisa melihatmu sepanjang waktu. ”

    Nondo sangat bahagia. Dia berjanji kepada kakeknya bahwa dia akan selalu berada di dekatnya. Nondo tidak sabar untuk melihat binatang-binatang itu.

    Lalu, mereka meninggalkan rumah. Dan akhirnya mereka sampai di hutan. Pada awalnya, Nondo bisa berjalan di dekat kakeknya.

    Namun segera, jaraknya semakin jauh. Setiap kali Nondo melihat binatang, dia selalu berhenti sejenak. Dia benar-benar takjub. Kakek selalu mengingatkan Nondo untuk tidak berhenti berjalan. Sayangnya, Nondo sangat senang melihat binatang-binatang itu. Dia mengabaikan peringatan kakeknya.

    Tak lama kemudian, Nondo tersesat di hutan. Ia terpisah dari kakeknya.

    “Kakek! Kakek! Dimana kamu Kakek, jangan tinggalkan aku di sini, “teriak Nondo
    Perlahan, kegelapan menyelimuti hutan. Nondo benar-benar takut. Suara binatang benar-benar membuatnya takut. Dia terus memanggil kakeknya.

    Sementara itu, sang kakek baru menyadari bahwa cucunya hilang. Dia mencari Nondo dan memanggil namanya. Tapi tetap saja dia tidak bisa menemukan Nondo.

    Kakek itu sangat sedih. Dia menyesal membiarkan Nondo bergabung dengannya. Kakek memutuskan untuk kembali ke rumah. Ia berharap Nondo sudah sampai di rumah. Sayangnya, Nondo belum pulang.

    Pagi harinya, sang kakek pergi ke hutan lagi. Dia ingin menemukan Nondo. Dan saat dia sampai di hutan, dia melihat seekor burung.

    Burung itu membuat suara aneh. Dikatakan, “Moo poo … Moo po …”

    Kakek benar-benar penasaran. Dia tidak pernah mendengar seekor burung membuat suara seperti itu. Dia menatap burung itu dengan saksama, dan lagi si burung berkata, “Moo poo …”

    Lalu dia merasa sangat aneh. Dia merasa burung itu berkata, “Opoku … Opoku …” Itu berarti “Kakekku … Kakekku …” Karena sangat penasaran, dia mendekati burung itu. Ia sangat terkejut karena burung itu tertatih-tatih.

    Kakek itu menangis. Dia teringat cucunya. Ia yakin cucunya telah berubah menjadi burung. Sejak saat itu, orang menamai burung tersebut sebagai burung Moopoo. Hal ini dapat ditemukan di

  137. Malawen Lake

    ONCE upon a time there was a husband and wife who lived near the jungle. They were very poor. They did not have any children yet. Every day they prayed to god to give them a child. One night the wife had a dream. An old man came to her and told her that she and her husband had to meditate for 100 days in the jungle. The wife told her husband about her dream. They hoped it was a sign from god to give them a child.

    Later they went to the jungle. After spending for 100 days, they went home. And it was true! Not long after that the wife was pregnant. And nine months later the baby boy was born. The named him Kumbang Banaung.

    Kumbang grew as a handsome and strong young man. However he was not obedient. He never listened to his parents’ advice. And it happened again when he wanted to hunt in the jungle. It was already dark and his parents asked him to wait until morning. But Kumbang ignored it. He insisted to go to the jungle to hunt.

    His parents could not do anything. His father gave Kumbang a magic plate. The plate could help him in a difficult situation. After he received the plate, Kumbang went to the jungle.

    It was dark and Kumbang could not see clearly. And he had to face the worst risk. He was lost! He kept on walking and finally he crossed the jungle. He arrived in a village. there was a party. Kumbang saw a very beautiful girl. He came to her and introduced himself.

    The girl’s name was Intan. her father was the head of the village. The party was her birthday party. Kumbang fell in love with her. And after the party was over, everybody went home. Kumbang also wanted to go home. He tried to memorized the way to go home. He was lucky. He could go back home. He arrived in the morning. His parents were so worried. Kumbang did not tell them about his experience. He planned to visit Intan again. And after his parents slept, he left the house.

    Kumbang met Intan again. She was happy to see Kumbang. She also loved him. They continued to see each other in the following nights. And it made the villagers restless.

    They did not like to see what Kumbang and Intan were doing every night. The villagers told the head of the village to do something. Intan’s father had an idea. He came to a rich merchant and asked him to marry his son with Intan. The merchant agreed.

    The head of the village told Intan that she would get married soon. Intan was so sad. She told Kumbang to propose her soon. Kumbang immediately told his parents. However they did not agree. They were poor and they thought it was not appropriate for him to propose a rich girl. Kumbang was so angry. He left the house. And he also brought the magic plate.

    When he met Intan, Kumbang asked her to run away. And while they were leaving the village, some villagers saw them. They tried to stop the couple. Kumbang and Intan were running. They kept on running and finally they were at the side of a river. They had to cross the river but there was no sampan. Kumbang then remembered about his magic plate. He threw the magic plate to the river.

    Amazingly, the plate grew bigger. He asked Intan to get on the plate. They used it as a sampan. While they were crossing the river, suddenly rain fell down heavily. There was a big storm. Heavy wind blew them upside down and finally they were drowning.

    Slowly the river changed into a lake. People named the lake as Malawen Lake. People also believed that Kumbang and Intan changed as white crocodiles. They stayed in the lake. Up to now people still believe that the white crocodiles still live in the lake. ***

  138. “Malawen Lake”

    SEKALI pada suatu waktu ada seorang suami dan istri yang tinggal di dekat hutan. Mereka sangat miskin. Mereka belum punya anak. Setiap hari mereka berdoa kepada tuhan untuk memberi mereka anak kecil. Suatu malam sang istri bermimpi. Seorang pria tua mendatanginya dan mengatakan kepadanya bahwa dia dan suaminya harus bermeditasi selama 100 hari di hutan. Sang istri memberi tahu suaminya tentang mimpinya. Mereka berharap itu pertanda dari tuhan untuk memberi mereka anak kecil.

    Kemudian mereka pergi ke hutan. Setelah menghabiskan waktu selama 100 hari, mereka pulang ke rumah. Dan itu benar! Tidak lama kemudian istri tersebut sedang hamil. Dan sembilan bulan kemudian bayi laki-laki itu lahir. Yang bernama Kumbang Banaung.

    Kumbang tumbuh sebagai pemuda tampan dan tangguh. Namun dia tidak patuh. Dia tidak pernah mendengarkan saran orang tuanya. Dan hal itu terjadi lagi saat ia ingin berburu di hutan. Hari sudah gelap dan orang tuanya memintanya untuk menunggu sampai pagi. Tapi Kumbang mengabaikannya. Dia bersikeras untuk pergi ke hutan untuk berburu.

    Orang tuanya tidak bisa berbuat apa-apa. Ayahnya memberi Kumbang piring ajaib. Pelat itu bisa membantunya dalam situasi sulit. Setelah dia menerima piring itu, Kumbang pergi ke hutan.

    Hari sudah gelap dan Kumbang tidak bisa melihat dengan jelas. Dan dia harus menghadapi risiko terburuk. Dia tersesat! Dia terus berjalan dan akhirnya dia menyeberangi hutan. Dia tiba di sebuah desa. ada pesta Kumbang melihat seorang gadis yang sangat cantik. Dia mendatanginya dan mengenalkan dirinya.

    Nama gadis itu adalah Intan. ayahnya adalah kepala desa. Pesta itu adalah pesta ulang tahunnya. Kumbang jatuh cinta padanya. Dan setelah pesta usai, semua orang pulang ke rumah. Kumbang juga ingin pulang. Ia mencoba menghafal cara pulang ke rumah. Dia beruntung. Dia bisa pulang ke rumah. Dia tiba di pagi hari. Orang tuanya sangat khawatir. Kumbang tidak menceritakan pengalamannya kepada mereka. Dia berencana untuk mengunjungi Intan lagi. Dan setelah orang tuanya tidur, dia meninggalkan rumah.

    Kumbang bertemu Intan lagi. Dia senang melihat Kumbang. Dia juga mencintainya. Mereka terus saling bertemu di malam berikut. Dan itu membuat penduduk desa gelisah.

    Mereka tidak suka melihat apa yang dilakukan Kumbang dan Intan setiap malam. Penduduk desa mengatakan kepada kepala desa untuk melakukan sesuatu. Ayah Intan punya ide. Dia mendatangi seorang pedagang kaya dan memintanya untuk menikahi anaknya dengan Intan. Pedagang itu setuju.

    Kepala desa mengatakan kepada Intan bahwa dia akan segera menikah. Intan sangat sedih. Dia mengatakan kepada Kumbang untuk segera melamarnya. Kumbang langsung memberitahu orang tuanya. Namun mereka tidak setuju. Mereka miskin dan mereka pikir tidak pantas baginya untuk mengusulkan seorang gadis kaya. Kumbang sangat marah. Dia meninggalkan rumah. Dan dia juga membawa piring ajaib itu.

    Saat bertemu Intan, Kumbang memintanya untuk melarikan diri. Dan saat mereka meninggalkan desa, beberapa penduduk desa melihat mereka. Mereka mencoba menghentikan pasangan tersebut. Kumbang dan Intan berlari. Mereka terus berlari dan akhirnya mereka berada di sisi sungai. Mereka harus menyeberangi sungai tapi tidak ada sampan. Kumbang kemudian teringat akan piring sihirnya. Dia melempar piring sihir ke sungai.

    Hebatnya, piringnya semakin besar. Dia meminta Intan untuk naik ke piring. Mereka menggunakannya sebagai sampan. Saat mereka menyeberangi sungai, tiba-tiba hujan turun deras. Ada badai besar. Angin kencang meniup mereka terbalik dan akhirnya mereka tenggelam.

    Perlahan sungai berubah menjadi danau. Orang-orang menamai danau tersebut sebagai Danau Malawen. Orang juga percaya bahwa Kumbang dan Intan berubah menjadi buaya putih. Mereka tinggal di danau. Sampai sekarang orang masih percaya bahwa buaya putih masih tinggal di danau. ***

  139. Queen Aji Badara Putih

    ONCE upon a time in East Kalimantan, there was a kingdom in Muara Kaman.

    The kingdom was led by Queen Aji Bidara Putih. She was a very beautiful queen. She was also wise, kind, and loving to her people.

    The queen was single. Many kings and princes from other kingdoms have tried to propose her. However, she was still not interested in getting married.

    She only wanted to take care of her people.Though the queen has rejected proposal from many rich men, the proposals kept on coming to her. Many kings and princes did not give up. One of them was a prince from China.

    The Chinese prince came with a big ship.

    He brought his soldiers and also a lot of jewelleries. The prince wanted to give the jewelleries as wedding proposals.When the ship arrived at Muara Kaman, the Chinese prince asked a messenger to meet the queen. The messenger then told the queen about the wedding proposal.Before I accept the proposal, please tell me about your prince, asked the queen.

    He is a very rich man and also very handsome, Your Majesty.

    Alright then, tell your prince I need time to think, said the queen.The queen thought it was time for her to get married. She felt she was old enough. That was why she did not reject the proposal immediately. However, she did not want to choose the wrong husband. She asked one soldier to secretly go to the ship. The queen asked the soldier to describe her how the Chinese prince looked like.The soldier was finally able to enter the ship. He was peeping from a hole.

    He saw the prince was eating. The soldier could not see the prince clearly. The hole was too small. But he could hear how the prince ate.The prince was eating using chopsticks.

    He made strange sounds when he was eating. The soldier was so scared. He never heard that sound before. He thought the prince was not a real human. He thought the soldier was a ghost!When he arrived back at the palace, the soldier immediately reported to the queen. He told the queen about the strange sound.Maybe he is not a human, Your Majesty.

    Maybe he is a ghost! said the soldier.

    At first, the queen did not believe him.

    But the soldier was very sure with what he heard. The queen then decided to refuse the wedding proposal. And that made theChinese prince got very angry. He asked his soldiers to attack Muara Kaman kingdom.The Chinese soldiers were able to beat the Muara Kaman s soldiers.Queen Aji Bidara Putih was cornered in the palace. She then prayed to God.

    Suddenly, she heard a voice. The voice asked her to chew betel then threw the betel to the Chinese soldiers.

    Amazingly, the betel changed into giant centipedes and attacked them.

    The Chinese soldiers died and from the ground appeared a lake. People of Muara Kaman then named it as Danau Lipan or Centipede Lake. And sometimes people could find pieces of antique Chinese porcelain in that lake.***

  140. Queen Aji Badara Putih

    ONCE upon a time in East Kalimantan, there was a kingdom in Muara Kaman.

    The kingdom was led by Queen Aji Bidara Putih. She was a very beautiful queen. She was also wise, kind, and loving to her people.

    The queen was single. Many kings and princes from other kingdoms have tried to propose her. However, she was still not interested in getting married.

    She only wanted to take care of her people.Though the queen has rejected proposal from many rich men, the proposals kept on coming to her. Many kings and princes did not give up. One of them was a prince from China.

    The Chinese prince came with a big ship.

    He brought his soldiers and also a lot of jewelleries. The prince wanted to give the jewelleries as wedding proposals.When the ship arrived at Muara Kaman, the Chinese prince asked a messenger to meet the queen. The messenger then told the queen about the wedding proposal.Before I accept the proposal, please tell me about your prince, asked the queen.

    He is a very rich man and also very handsome, Your Majesty.

    Alright then, tell your prince I need time to think, said the queen.The queen thought it was time for her to get married. She felt she was old enough. That was why she did not reject the proposal immediately. However, she did not want to choose the wrong husband. She asked one soldier to secretly go to the ship. The queen asked the soldier to describe her how the Chinese prince looked like.The soldier was finally able to enter the ship. He was peeping from a hole.

    He saw the prince was eating. The soldier could not see the prince clearly. The hole was too small. But he could hear how the prince ate.The prince was eating using chopsticks.

    He made strange sounds when he was eating. The soldier was so scared. He never heard that sound before. He thought the prince was not a real human. He thought the soldier was a ghost!When he arrived back at the palace, the soldier immediately reported to the queen. He told the queen about the strange sound.Maybe he is not a human, Your Majesty.

    Maybe he is a ghost! said the soldier.

    At first, the queen did not believe him.

    But the soldier was very sure with what he heard. The queen then decided to refuse the wedding proposal. And that made theChinese prince got very angry. He asked his soldiers to attack Muara Kaman kingdom.The Chinese soldiers were able to beat the Muara Kaman s soldiers.Queen Aji Bidara Putih was cornered in the palace. She then prayed to God.

    Suddenly, she heard a voice. The voice asked her to chew betel then threw the betel to the Chinese soldiers.

    Amazingly, the betel changed into giant centipedes and attacked them.

    The Chinese soldiers died and from the ground appeared a lake. People of Muara Kaman then named it as Danau Lipan or Centipede Lake. And sometimes people could find pieces of antique Chinese porcelain in that lake.***

  141. Queen Aji Badara Putih

    ONCE upon a time in East Kalimantan, there was a kingdom in Muara Kaman.

    The kingdom was led by Queen Aji Bidara Putih. She was a very beautiful queen. She was also wise, kind, and loving to her people.

    The queen was single. Many kings and princes from other kingdoms have tried to propose her. However, she was still not interested in getting married.

    She only wanted to take care of her people.Though the queen has rejected proposal from many rich men, the proposals kept on coming to her. Many kings and princes did not give up. One of them was a prince from China.

    The Chinese prince came with a big ship.

    He brought his soldiers and also a lot of jewelleries. The prince wanted to give the jewelleries as wedding proposals.When the ship arrived at Muara Kaman, the Chinese prince asked a messenger to meet the queen. The messenger then told the queen about the wedding proposal.Before I accept the proposal, please tell me about your prince, asked the queen.

    He is a very rich man and also very handsome, Your Majesty.

    Alright then, tell your prince I need time to think, said the queen.The queen thought it was time for her to get married. She felt she was old enough. That was why she did not reject the proposal immediately. However, she did not want to choose the wrong husband. She asked one soldier to secretly go to the ship. The queen asked the soldier to describe her how the Chinese prince looked like.The soldier was finally able to enter the ship. He was peeping from a hole.

    He saw the prince was eating. The soldier could not see the prince clearly. The hole was too small. But he could hear how the prince ate.The prince was eating using chopsticks.

    He made strange sounds when he was eating. The soldier was so scared. He never heard that sound before. He thought the prince was not a real human. He thought the soldier was a ghost!When he arrived back at the palace, the soldier immediately reported to the queen. He told the queen about the strange sound.Maybe he is not a human, Your Majesty.

    Maybe he is a ghost! said the soldier.

    At first, the queen did not believe him.

    But the soldier was very sure with what he heard. The queen then decided to refuse the wedding proposal. And that made theChinese prince got very angry. He asked his soldiers to attack Muara Kaman kingdom.The Chinese soldiers were able to beat the Muara Kaman s soldiers.Queen Aji Bidara Putih was cornered in the palace. She then prayed to God.

    Suddenly, she heard a voice. The voice asked her to chew betel then threw the betel to the Chinese soldiers.

    Amazingly, the betel changed into giant centipedes and attacked them.

    The Chinese soldiers died and from the ground appeared a lake. People of Muara Kaman then named it as Danau Lipan or Centipede Lake. And sometimes people could find pieces of antique Chinese porcelain in that lake.***

  142. “Queen Aji Badara Putih”

    Suatu saat di Kalimantan Timur, ada sebuah kerajaan di Muara Kaman.

    Kerajaan itu dipimpin oleh Ratu Aji Bidara Putih. Dia adalah ratu yang sangat cantik. Dia juga bijak, baik hati, dan mencintai orang-orangnya.

    Ratu itu lajang. Banyak raja dan pangeran dari kerajaan lain telah mencoba untuk mengusulkannya. Namun, dia masih belum tertarik untuk menikah.

    Dia hanya ingin merawat bangsanya. Meskipun ratu menolak proposal dari banyak orang kaya, usulan tersebut terus berlanjut kepadanya. Banyak raja dan pangeran tidak menyerah. Salah satunya adalah seorang pangeran dari China.

    Pangeran Cina datang dengan sebuah kapal besar.

    Dia membawa tentaranya dan juga banyak jewelleries. Sang pangeran ingin memberi jewelleries sebagai proposal pernikahan. Ketika kapal tiba di Muara Kaman, pangeran Cina itu meminta seorang utusan untuk menemui sang ratu. Si pembawa pesan kemudian memberi tahu ratu tentang proposal pernikahan. Sebelum saya menerima proposal tersebut, tolong beritahu saya tentang pangeran Anda, tanyakan pada ratu.

    Dia adalah orang yang sangat kaya dan juga sangat tampan, Yang Mulia.

    Baiklah kalau begitu, beritahu pangeran Anda bahwa saya perlu waktu untuk berpikir, kata ratu. Ratu itu sudah tiba waktunya untuk menikah. Dia merasa sudah cukup umur. Karena itulah dia tidak langsung menolak usul tersebut. Namun, dia tidak mau memilih suami yang salah. Dia meminta satu tentara untuk diam-diam pergi ke kapal. Ratu meminta tentara tersebut untuk menggambarkan bagaimana pangeran Tionghoa itu terlihat. Tentara tersebut akhirnya bisa memasuki kapal. Dia mengintip dari sebuah lubang.

    Dia melihat pangeran sedang makan. Prajurit itu tidak bisa melihat pangeran dengan jelas. Lubang itu terlalu kecil. Tapi dia bisa mendengar bagaimana pangeran makan. Pangeran sedang makan dengan menggunakan sumpit.

    Dia membuat suara aneh saat sedang makan. Prajurit itu sangat ketakutan. Dia tidak pernah mendengar suara itu sebelumnya. Dia pikir pangeran itu bukan manusia sejati. Dia mengira tentara itu adalah hantu! Ketika dia kembali ke istana, prajurit tersebut segera melapor kepada ratu. Dia mengatakan kepada ratu tentang suara aneh itu. Mungkin dia bukan manusia biasa, Yang Mulia.

    Mungkin dia hantu! kata tentara itu.

    Awalnya, sang ratu tidak mempercayainya.

    Tapi prajurit itu sangat yakin dengan apa yang didengarnya. Ratu kemudian memutuskan untuk menolak proposal pernikahan. Dan itu membuat pangeran China sangat marah. Dia meminta tentaranya untuk menyerang kerajaan Muara Kaman. Tentara China berhasil mengalahkan tentara Muara Kaman.Queen Aji Bidara Putih terpojok di istana. Dia kemudian berdoa kepada Tuhan.

    Tiba-tiba, dia mendengar sebuah suara. Suara itu memintanya untuk mengunyah sirih lalu melemparkan sirihnya ke tentara China.

    Hebatnya lagi, sirih berubah menjadi lipan raksasa dan menyerang mereka.

    Tentara China meninggal dan dari tanah muncul sebuah danau. Orang-orang Muara Kaman kemudian menamainya sebagai Danau Lipan atau Danau Lipan. Dan terkadang orang bisa menemukan potongan-potongan porselen Cina antik di danau itu. ***

  143. “Queen Aji Badara Putih”

    Suatu saat di Kalimantan Timur, ada sebuah kerajaan di Muara Kaman.

    Kerajaan itu dipimpin oleh Ratu Aji Bidara Putih. Dia adalah ratu yang sangat cantik. Dia juga bijak, baik hati, dan mencintai orang-orangnya.

    Ratu itu lajang. Banyak raja dan pangeran dari kerajaan lain telah mencoba untuk mengusulkannya. Namun, dia masih belum tertarik untuk menikah.

    Dia hanya ingin merawat bangsanya. Meskipun ratu menolak proposal dari banyak orang kaya, usulan tersebut terus berlanjut kepadanya. Banyak raja dan pangeran tidak menyerah. Salah satunya adalah seorang pangeran dari China.

    Pangeran Cina datang dengan sebuah kapal besar.

    Dia membawa tentaranya dan juga banyak jewelleries. Sang pangeran ingin memberi jewelleries sebagai proposal pernikahan. Ketika kapal tiba di Muara Kaman, pangeran Cina itu meminta seorang utusan untuk menemui sang ratu. Si pembawa pesan kemudian memberi tahu ratu tentang proposal pernikahan. Sebelum saya menerima proposal tersebut, tolong beritahu saya tentang pangeran Anda, tanyakan pada ratu.

    Dia adalah orang yang sangat kaya dan juga sangat tampan, Yang Mulia.

    Baiklah kalau begitu, beritahu pangeran Anda bahwa saya perlu waktu untuk berpikir, kata ratu. Ratu itu sudah tiba waktunya untuk menikah. Dia merasa sudah cukup umur. Karena itulah dia tidak langsung menolak usul tersebut. Namun, dia tidak mau memilih suami yang salah. Dia meminta satu tentara untuk diam-diam pergi ke kapal. Ratu meminta tentara tersebut untuk menggambarkan bagaimana pangeran Tionghoa itu terlihat. Tentara tersebut akhirnya bisa memasuki kapal. Dia mengintip dari sebuah lubang.

    Dia melihat pangeran sedang makan. Prajurit itu tidak bisa melihat pangeran dengan jelas. Lubang itu terlalu kecil. Tapi dia bisa mendengar bagaimana pangeran makan. Pangeran sedang makan dengan menggunakan sumpit.

    Dia membuat suara aneh saat sedang makan. Prajurit itu sangat ketakutan. Dia tidak pernah mendengar suara itu sebelumnya. Dia pikir pangeran itu bukan manusia sejati. Dia mengira tentara itu adalah hantu! Ketika dia kembali ke istana, prajurit tersebut segera melapor kepada ratu. Dia mengatakan kepada ratu tentang suara aneh itu. Mungkin dia bukan manusia biasa, Yang Mulia.

    Mungkin dia hantu! kata tentara itu.

    Awalnya, sang ratu tidak mempercayainya.

    Tapi prajurit itu sangat yakin dengan apa yang didengarnya. Ratu kemudian memutuskan untuk menolak proposal pernikahan. Dan itu membuat pangeran China sangat marah. Dia meminta tentaranya untuk menyerang kerajaan Muara Kaman. Tentara China berhasil mengalahkan tentara Muara Kaman.Queen Aji Bidara Putih terpojok di istana. Dia kemudian berdoa kepada Tuhan.

    Tiba-tiba, dia mendengar sebuah suara. Suara itu memintanya untuk mengunyah sirih lalu melemparkan sirihnya ke tentara China.

    Hebatnya lagi, sirih berubah menjadi lipan raksasa dan menyerang mereka.

    Tentara China meninggal dan dari tanah muncul sebuah danau. Orang-orang Muara Kaman kemudian menamainya sebagai Danau Lipan atau Danau Lipan. Dan terkadang orang bisa menemukan potongan-potongan porselen Cina antik di danau itu. ***

  144. “Queen Aji Badara Putih”

    Suatu saat di Kalimantan Timur, ada sebuah kerajaan di Muara Kaman.

    Kerajaan itu dipimpin oleh Ratu Aji Bidara Putih. Dia adalah ratu yang sangat cantik. Dia juga bijak, baik hati, dan mencintai orang-orangnya.

    Ratu itu lajang. Banyak raja dan pangeran dari kerajaan lain telah mencoba untuk mengusulkannya. Namun, dia masih belum tertarik untuk menikah.

    Dia hanya ingin merawat bangsanya. Meskipun ratu menolak proposal dari banyak orang kaya, usulan tersebut terus berlanjut kepadanya. Banyak raja dan pangeran tidak menyerah. Salah satunya adalah seorang pangeran dari China.

    Pangeran Cina datang dengan sebuah kapal besar.

    Dia membawa tentaranya dan juga banyak jewelleries. Sang pangeran ingin memberi jewelleries sebagai proposal pernikahan. Ketika kapal tiba di Muara Kaman, pangeran Cina itu meminta seorang utusan untuk menemui sang ratu. Si pembawa pesan kemudian memberi tahu ratu tentang proposal pernikahan. Sebelum saya menerima proposal tersebut, tolong beritahu saya tentang pangeran Anda, tanyakan pada ratu.

    Dia adalah orang yang sangat kaya dan juga sangat tampan, Yang Mulia.

    Baiklah kalau begitu, beritahu pangeran Anda bahwa saya perlu waktu untuk berpikir, kata ratu. Ratu itu sudah tiba waktunya untuk menikah. Dia merasa sudah cukup umur. Karena itulah dia tidak langsung menolak usul tersebut. Namun, dia tidak mau memilih suami yang salah. Dia meminta satu tentara untuk diam-diam pergi ke kapal. Ratu meminta tentara tersebut untuk menggambarkan bagaimana pangeran Tionghoa itu terlihat. Tentara tersebut akhirnya bisa memasuki kapal. Dia mengintip dari sebuah lubang.

    Dia melihat pangeran sedang makan. Prajurit itu tidak bisa melihat pangeran dengan jelas. Lubang itu terlalu kecil. Tapi dia bisa mendengar bagaimana pangeran makan. Pangeran sedang makan dengan menggunakan sumpit.

    Dia membuat suara aneh saat sedang makan. Prajurit itu sangat ketakutan. Dia tidak pernah mendengar suara itu sebelumnya. Dia pikir pangeran itu bukan manusia sejati. Dia mengira tentara itu adalah hantu! Ketika dia kembali ke istana, prajurit tersebut segera melapor kepada ratu. Dia mengatakan kepada ratu tentang suara aneh itu. Mungkin dia bukan manusia biasa, Yang Mulia.

    Mungkin dia hantu! kata tentara itu.

    Awalnya, sang ratu tidak mempercayainya.

    Tapi prajurit itu sangat yakin dengan apa yang didengarnya. Ratu kemudian memutuskan untuk menolak proposal pernikahan. Dan itu membuat pangeran China sangat marah. Dia meminta tentaranya untuk menyerang kerajaan Muara Kaman. Tentara China berhasil mengalahkan tentara Muara Kaman.Queen Aji Bidara Putih terpojok di istana. Dia kemudian berdoa kepada Tuhan.

    Tiba-tiba, dia mendengar sebuah suara. Suara itu memintanya untuk mengunyah sirih lalu melemparkan sirihnya ke tentara China.

    Hebatnya lagi, sirih berubah menjadi lipan raksasa dan menyerang mereka.

    Tentara China meninggal dan dari tanah muncul sebuah danau. Orang-orang Muara Kaman kemudian menamainya sebagai Danau Lipan atau Danau Lipan. Dan terkadang orang bisa menemukan potongan-potongan porselen Cina antik di danau itu. ***

  145. “Bawang Merah and Bawang Putih”

    Bawang Putih lived with her step mother and her step sister, Bawang Merah. Bawang Putih’s mother died when she was a baby. Her father remarried another woman and later her step sister was born. Unfortunately, not long after that her father died. Since then, Bawang Putih’s life was sad. Her step mother and her step sister treated Bawang Putih badly and always asked her to do all the household chores.

    One morning, Bawang Putih was washing some clothes in a river. Accidentally, her mother’s clothes were washed away by the river. She was really worried so she walked along the river side to find the clothes. Finally she met an old woman. She said that she kept the clothes and would give them back to Bawang Putih if she helped the old woman do the household chores. Bawang Putih helped her happily. After everything was finished, the old woman returned the clothes. She also gave Bawang Putih a gift. The old woman had two pumpkins, one pumpkin was small and the other one was big. Bawang Putih had to choose one.

    Bawang Putih was not a greedy girl. So she took the small one. After thanking the old woman, Bawang Putih then went home. When she arrived home, her step mother and Bawang Merah were angry. They had been waiting for her all day long. Bawang Putih then told about the clothes, the old woman, and the pumpkin. Her mother was really angry so she grabbed the pumpkin and smashed it to the floor. Suddenly they all were surprised. Inside the pumpkin they found jewelries. “Bawang Merah, hurry up. Go to the river and throw my clothes into the water. After that, find the old woman. Remember, you have to take the big pumpkin,” the step mother asked Bawang Merah to do exactly the same as Bawang Putih’s experience. Bawang Merah immediately went to the river. She threw the clothes and pretended to search them. Not long after that, she met the old woman. Again she asked Bawang Merah to do household chores. She refused and asked the old woman to give her a big pumpkin. The old woman then gave her the big one. Bawang Merah was so happy. She ran very fast. When she arrived home, her mother was impatient. She directly smashed the pumpkin to the floor. They were screaming. There were a lot of snakes inside the pumpkin! They were really scared. They were afraid the snakes would bite them. “Mom, I think God just punished us. We had done bad things to Bawang Putih. And God didn’t like that. We have to apologize to Bawang Putih,” said Bawang Merah.

    Finally both of them realized their mistakes. They apologized and Bawang Putih forgave them. Now the family is not poor anymore. Bawang Putih decided to sell all the jewelries and used the money for their daily lives.

  146. Bawang Merah dan Bawang Putih”

    Bawang Putih tinggal bersama ibu tiri dan adik tirinya, Bawang Merah. Ibu Bawang Putih meninggal saat ia masih bayi. Ayahnya menikah lagi dengan wanita lain dan kemudian adik tirinya lahir. Sayangnya, tak lama kemudian ayahnya meninggal. Sejak saat itu, kehidupan Bawang Putih terasa sedih. Ibu tirinya dan adik tirinya memperlakukan Bawang Putih dengan buruk dan selalu memintanya melakukan semua pekerjaan rumah tangga.

    Suatu pagi, Bawang Putih sedang mencuci pakaian di sungai. Sengaja, pakaian ibunya disapu bersih oleh sungai. Dia benar-benar khawatir sehingga dia berjalan di sepanjang sisi sungai untuk menemukan pakaiannya. Akhirnya dia bertemu dengan seorang wanita tua. Dia mengatakan bahwa dia menyimpan pakaian dan akan mengembalikannya ke Bawang Putih jika dia membantu wanita tua itu melakukan pekerjaan rumah tangga. Bawang Putih membantunya dengan gembira. Setelah semuanya selesai, wanita tua itu mengembalikan pakaiannya. Dia juga memberi hadiah kepada Bawang Putih. Wanita tua itu memiliki dua labu, satu labu kecil dan yang lainnya berukuran besar. Bawang Putih harus memilihnya.

    Bawang Putih bukan gadis serakah. Jadi dia mengambil yang kecil. Setelah mengucapkan terima kasih kepada wanita tua tersebut, Bawang Putih kemudian pulang ke rumah. Saat sampai di rumah, ibu tiri dan Bawang Merah marah. Mereka telah menunggunya sepanjang hari. Bawang Putih kemudian bercerita tentang pakaian, wanita tua, dan labu itu. Ibunya benar-benar marah sehingga dia meraih labu dan menghancurkannya ke lantai. Tiba-tiba mereka semua terkejut. Di dalam labu mereka menemukan perhiasan. “Bawang Merah, cepatlah. Pergi ke sungai dan buang pakaian ke air. Setelah itu, cari wanita tua itu. Ingat, Anda harus mengambil labu besar itu, “ibu tiri meminta Bawang Merah untuk melakukan hal yang persis sama dengan pengalaman Bawang Putih. Bawang Merah segera pergi ke sungai. Dia melemparkan pakaian dan pura-pura mencari mereka. Tidak lama kemudian, dia bertemu dengan wanita tua itu. Sekali lagi dia meminta Bawang Merah untuk melakukan pekerjaan rumah tangga. Dia menolak dan meminta wanita tua itu memberinya labu besar. Wanita tua itu lalu memberinya yang besar. Bawang Merah sangat bahagia. Dia berlari sangat cepat. Saat sampai di rumah, ibunya tidak sabar. Dia langsung menghancurkan labu itu ke lantai. Mereka menjerit. Ada banyak ular di dalam labu! Mereka benar-benar takut. Mereka takut ular akan menggigit mereka. “Bu, saya rasa Tuhan menghukum kita. Kami telah melakukan hal buruk kepada Bawang Putih. Dan Tuhan tidak suka itu. Kita harus meminta maaf kepada Bawang Putih, “kata Bawang Merah.

    Akhirnya keduanya menyadari kesalahan mereka. Mereka meminta maaf dan Bawang Putih memaafkan mereka. Kini keluarga sudah tidak miskin lagi. Bawang Putih memutuskan untuk menjual semua perhiasan dan menggunakan uang itu untuk kehidupan sehari-hari mereka

  147. The Peasant in Heaven

    Once, there was a poor pious peasant who died and arrived before the gate of heaven. At the same time a very rich lord came there. They both wanted to get into heaven.

    Then the heaven’s door keeper came with the key, opened the door, and let the great man in, but apparently did not see the peasant, and shut the door again.

    Then, the peasant outside heard how the rich man was received in heaven with all kinds of rejoicing things he got inside the heaven.
    At length all became quiet again, and the heaven’s door keeper came and opened the gate of heaven, and let the peasant in.

    The peasant, however, expected that they would make music and sing when he went in to the heaven, but all remained quite and quiet. He was received with great affection, it is true, and the angels came to meet him, but no music and song for him.
    Then the peasant asked the heaven’s door keeper how it was that they did not sing for him as they had done when the rich man went in, and said that it seemed to him that there in heaven things were done with just as much partiality as on earth.

    Finally, said the heaven’s door keeper, “by no means, you are just as dear to us as anyone else, and will enjoy every heavenly delight that the rich man enjoys, but poor fellows like you come to heaven every day, but a rich man like this does not come more than once in a hundred years.”

  148. Petani di Surga

    Pada masa lalu, ada seorang petani miskin yang saleh yang meninggal dan telah tiba di dekat pintu gerbang surga. Pada saat yang sama seorang tuan yang sangat kaya datang ke sana. Mereka berdua ingin masuk surga.
    Kemudian penjaga pintu surga datang dengan membawa kunci, membuka pintu, dan membiarkan orang kaya tadi masuk, tapi tampaknya tidak melihat petani tadi, dan menutup pintu kembali.

    Kemudian, petani yang berada di luar mendengar bagaimana orang kaya itu diterima di surga dengan segala macam sukacita yang ia dapatkan di dalam surga.

    Akhirnya semua kembali terdiam, dan penjaga pintu surga datang dan membuka pintu gerbang surga, dan membiarkan petani itu masuk.

    Bagaimanapun, Petani mengharapkan bahwa mereka akan membuat musik dan bernyanyi ketika ia masuk ke surga, tapi semua tetap tenang. Dia diterima dengan penuh kasih sayang, itu benar, dan para malaikat datang menemui dia, tapi tidak ada musik dan lagu untuknya.

    Kemudian petani itu bertanya kepada penjaga pintu surga itu mengapa mereka tidak bernyanyi untuknya seperti yang mereka lakukan ketika orang kaya tadi masuk, dan mengatakan bahwa ia merasa bahwa di surge ada hal-hal yang dilakukan sama pilihkasihnya seperti yang ada di bumi.

    Akhirnya, berkata sang penjaga pintu surge itu, “tidak berarti begitu, Anda sama disayanginya oleh kita seperti orang lain, dan akan menikmati setiap kenikmatan surgawi seperti yang orang kaya tadi nikmati, akan tetapi orang malang seperti Anda datang ke surga setiap hari, tapi kaya Orang seperti dia tidak datang lebih dari sekali dalam seratus tahun.”

  149. The three farmer’s son
    Once upon a time, there lived a sick poor farmer aid his three sons: Bill, Thomas, and john. Being on the point of death, the father bequeathed his things to them. Bill inherited his cow, Thomas got his plow, and john received his plant’s seeds. Soon afterward, their father died. Bill and Thomas decided to go out from their small hut and lived their life alone. When their little brother asked them to lend him their plow and cow, they refused to help and mocked him. Then they sold their cow and plow and spent the money without thinking of the future. John then couldn’t help but worked hard by himself to grow the seeds without any help from his brothers.

    Years passed, john had gathered the sweet fruits of his sweats and hard works in the past and thus became a rich farmer. One day when he was buying some fruits in the market, somebody stole his wallet. As he ran to get his wallet back, the thief hit a beggar and fell down. John then realized that the thief and the beggar were his own brothers. Bill and Thomas then begged for their little brother forgiveness of being so arrogant and selfish. After listening to his brothers’ stories, john invited his brothers to live together with him. The three then worked together and became great and rich farmers.

  150. Tiga Anak Petani
    Dahulu kala, hiduplah seorang petani miskin yang sakit dan dibantu oleh ketiga anaknya: Bill, Thomas, dan John. Berada di ambang kematian, sang ayah mewariskan beberapa hal kepada mereka. Bill mewarisi sapinya, Thomas mendapat alat bajak, dan John menerima bibit tanaman nya. Segera setelah itu, ayah mereka meninggal. Bill dan Thomas memutuskan untuk pergi keluar dari gubuk kecil mereka dan menjalani hidup mereka sendiri. Ketika adik mereka meminta mereka untuk meminjamkan bajak dan sapi, mereka menolak untuk membantu dan mengolok-oloknya. Kemudian mereka menjual sapi dan bajak mereka dan menghabiskan uang tanpa memikirkan masa depan. John kemudian tidak bisa membantu tetapi bekerja keras sendiri untuk menumbuhkan benih tanpa bantuan dari saudara-saudaranya.

    Tahun-tahun berlalu, john telah mengumpulkan buah manis dari keringat dan kerja keras di masa lalu dan dengan demikian ia menjadi seorang petani kaya. Suatu hari ketika ia membeli beberapa buah-buahan di pasar, seseorang mencuri dompetnya. Saat ia berlari untuk mendapatkan dompetnya kembali, pencuri itu menabrak pengemis dan terjatuh. John kemudian menyadari bahwa pencuri dan pengemis itu adalah saudaranya sendiri. Bill dan Thomas kemudian memohon pengampunan pada adik mereka karena telah menjadi begitu sombong dan egois. Setelah mendengarkan cerita saudara-saudaranya, John mengajak saudara-saudaranya untuk hidup bersama dengan dia. Ketiganya kemudian bekerja bersama-sama dan menjadi petani yang hebat dan kaya.

  151. he Legend Of Mount Batok
    A long time ago, there lived a beautiful woman namely Roro Anteng. She was a known for her beauty and had attracted the attention of an evil giant. Roro Anteng dared not reject the giant’s advances when he proposed to her. Roro thought of a plan to get away from the marriage without offending the giant. In order to get her and in marriage, the giant had to fulfill her wishes.

    Roro Anteng then concocted a difficult request in hopes that the giant did not have the power to fulfill it. She had asked him to make her a sandy dessert in between the mountains in one night and before the break of dawn.

    Unfortunately for he, the giant magically and swiftly begin to work his powers and was nearly completing her wishes. The fast thinking of Roro Anteng quickly thought of an idea to disrupt the completion, she made al sorts of noises that wake woke up the roosters. The roosters began to crow bringing dawn in.

    On hearing of roosters’ calls, which signaled the break of dawn, the giant was shocked for having failed his tasks. Frustrated, he threw the coconut shell that he used to dig the desert. The shell fell to the ground beside mount Bromo, forming hat is now known as mount Batok. The sandy plain was to form the Tengger caldera.

  152. Legenda Gunung Batok
    Dahulu kala, hiduplah seorang wanita cantik yaitu Roro Anteng. Dia dikenal karena kecantikannya dan telah menarik perhatian dari seorang raksasa jahat. Roro Anteng tidak berani menolak kemauan raksasa itu ketika ia melamarnya. Roro memikirkan rencana untuk menjauh dari pernikahan tanpa menyinggung perasaan sang raksasa. Untuk mendapatkanya dan melaksanakan pernikahan, raksasa harus memenuhi keinginannya.

    Roro Anteng kemudian mengarang permintaan yang sulit dengan harapan bahwa raksasa tidak memiliki kekuatan untuk memenuhinya. Dia meminta raksasa itu untuk membuat sebuah gurun pasir di antara pegunungan dalam satu malam dan sebelum fajar.

    Sayangnya, raksasa ajaib bekerja sekuat tenaga dengan cepat dan hampir menyelesaikan keinginannya. Roro Anteng cepat memikirkan ide untuk mengganggu penyelesaian tantangan itu, dia membuat suara yang membangunkan ayam jantan. Ayam jantan mulai berkokok membawa fajar masuk.

    Ketika mendengar panggilan ayam jantan yang menandai subuh, raksasa terkejut karena tugasnya telah gagal. Frustrasi, ia melemparkan tempurung kelapa yang ia gunakan untuk menggali gurun. Tempurung itu jatuh ke tanah di samping gunung Bromo, membentuk kubah yang sekarang dikenal sebagai gunung Batok. Dataran berpasirnya telah membentuk kawah Tengger.

  153. Bromo Mountain

    Long long time ago there lived a couple in the village near the top of mount Bromo. Joko Seger is his name. He lived peacefully with his wife Roro Anteng. But they were not happy because after some time they did not have any children. Then Joko Seger meditated in mount Bromo asking for god to give them children.

    Some times later Joko Seger had a dream. In his dream he was told that he would have descendants but on one condition. The god asked him to sacrifice his children to the crater of mount Bromo. If he refused to sacrifice, then the god will be angry. Without thinking twice Joko Seger agreed to the condition.

    After that every year Roro Anteng gave birth to twenty five children. They were very happy and they loved their children so much that they were reluctant to sacrifice them to the crater. They did not give anything to the crater. Then something happened.

    One day there was a big eruption of mount Bromo. Smoke, fire, hot cloud of ash came out of its crater. The earth was trembling. The sky was dark. Animals ran away from the mountain. People were very scared since some of them became victims of the hot cloud.

    Joko Seger and Roro Anteng remembered their promise to god. He realized that god was very angry. So he decided to sacrifice one of his sons. Then he went to the crater with his youngest son Kusuma. Because Joko Seger did not really want to sacrifice his son to the crater, he tried to hide him. But suddenly an eruption began and made Kusuma fall. Afterwards, Kusuma, who had fell to the crater, gave a voice, “I have to be sacrificed by my parents so that you will all stay alive. From now on, you should arrange an annual offering ceremony on the 14th of Kesodo (the twelfth month of Tenggerese calender.)”

    Since then on Joko Seger and Roro Anteng gave offerings to the crater. Every year on the 14th day of the month of Kesada the people of Tengger held a ceremony to give offerings.

  154. Bromo Mountain

    Dahulu kala itu tinggal beberapa pasangan di desa dekat puncak gunung Bromo. Joko Seger adalah namanya. Ia hidup damai dengan istrinya Roro Anteng. Tapi mereka tidak senang karena setelah beberapa saat mereka tidak memiliki anak. Kemudian Joko Seger bermeditasi di gunung Bromo meminta tuhan untuk memberi mereka anak.

    Beberapa saat kemudian Joko Seger bermimpi. Dalam mimpinya dia diberitahu bahwa dia akan memiliki keturunan tapi dalam satu kondisi. Dewa memintanya untuk mengorbankan anak-anaknya ke kawah gunung Bromo. Jika dia menolak untuk berkorban, maka tuhan akan marah. Tanpa berpikir dua kali Joko Seger menyetujui kondisinya.

    Setelah itu setiap tahun Roro Anteng melahirkan dua puluh lima anak. Mereka sangat senang dan mereka sangat mencintai anak-anak mereka sehingga mereka enggan mengorbankan mereka ke kawah. Mereka tidak memberikan apapun ke kawah. Lalu sesuatu terjadi.

    Suatu hari terjadi letusan gunung Bromo yang besar. Asap, api, awan panas abu keluar dari kawahnya. Bumi gemetar. Langit gelap. Hewan lari dari gunung. Orang-orang sangat takut karena beberapa dari mereka menjadi korban awan panas.

    Joko Seger dan Roro Anteng teringat akan janji mereka kepada tuhan. Dia menyadari bahwa tuhan sangat marah. Jadi dia memutuskan untuk mengorbankan salah satu anaknya. Kemudian dia pergi ke kawah bersama putra bungsunya Kusuma. Karena Joko Seger tidak benar-benar ingin mengorbankan anaknya ke kawah, dia mencoba menyembunyikannya. Tapi tiba-tiba sebuah letusan dimulai dan membuat Kusuma terjatuh. Setelah itu, Kusuma, yang telah jatuh ke kawah, bersuara, “Saya harus dikorbankan oleh orang tua saya sehingga Anda semua akan tetap hidup. Mulai sekarang, Anda harus mengatur upacara persembahan tahunan pada tanggal 14 Kesodo ( bulan kedua belas kalender Tengger.) ”

    Sejak itu Joko Seger dan Roro Anteng memberikan sesaji ke kawah. Setiap tahun pada tanggal 14 bulan Kesada masyarakat Tengger mengadakan upacara pemberian persembahan

  155. La Dana and His Buffalo

    IN Toraja, South Sulawesi, lived a young man. His name was La Dana. Everybody knew him. He was known for his clever ideas. He always tricked bad people. That’s why the villagers loved him.

    In Toraja, there was always a ceremony when someone passed away. In the ceremony, the guests could get buffalo meat from the host of the ceremony. La Dana went to the ceremony. Before he went home, the host gave him buffalo legs.

    On the way home, La Dana met Pak Kikir. He brought the whole body parts of the buffalo except the legs. Pak Kikir was a very stingy man. Nobody liked him. La Dana then had an idea to trick him.

    “Pak Kikir, you have all parts of the buffalo except the legs. And I only have the legs. Why don’t we put them together and gave them back to the host. We ask him to exchange it with a living buffalo. We raise the buffalo until it is big. Do you agree?”

    “That is a good idea. Let’s meet the host,” said Pak Kikir.

    Together they went back to the ceremony. The host agreed with one condition. He would exchange with a young buffalo.

    After they got the young buffalo, Pak Kikir and La Dana went home.

    “La Dana, let me raise the buffalo,” said Pak Kikir.

    He wanted to raise it by himself because he was afraid that La Dana would steal it.

    “I agree, but let me visit the buffalo everyday,” said La Dana.

    He was happy, his idea was running well so far. On the following day, La Dana came to Pak Kikir’s house.

    “Hey! Look! The buffalo is getting fatter,” said La Dana.

    “The buffalo has just been here for a day. How can you say he is getting fatter?”

    “Look at the buffalo carefully. It is getting fatter. Pak Kikir, I want the legs now. They are mine, right?” said La Dana.

    Pak Kikir was silent. He knew if the legs were cut, the buffalo would die.

    “Don’t take the legs now. Wait for another time,” said Pak Kikir.

    On the following day, La Dana again came to Pak Kikir’s house and asked for the legs. Pak Kikir said the same thing, he asked La Dana to wait.

    Then La Dana came and came again. Every time he visited the buffalo, he always asked Pak Kikir to give him legs.

    Finally, Pak Kikir could not hold it anymore.

    “It’s enough La Dana! If you cut the legs, the buffalo would die. The buffalo is still young. We will not get a lot of meat. If you want to get the legs, here take this buffalo with you!” said Pak Kikir.

    He gave the buffalo to La Dana. La Dana was happy. His plan worked! He got a living buffalo and brought it home. ***

  156. Contoh Narrative Text “La Dana and His Buffalo”

    DI Toraja, Sulawesi Selatan, tinggal seorang pemuda. Namanya La Dana. Semua orang mengenalnya. Dia dikenal karena gagasan cerdiknya. Dia selalu menipu orang jahat. Itulah sebabnya penduduk desa mencintainya.

    Di Toraja, selalu ada upacara saat seseorang meninggal dunia. Dalam upacara tersebut, para tamu bisa mendapatkan daging kerbau dari tuan rumah upacara tersebut. La Dana pergi ke upacara tersebut. Sebelum pulang, tuan rumah memberinya kaki kerbau.

    Dalam perjalanan pulang, La Dana bertemu dengan Pak Kikir. Ia membawa seluruh bagian tubuh kerbau kecuali kakinya. Pak Kikir adalah orang yang sangat pelit. Tidak ada yang menyukainya. La Dana kemudian punya ide untuk menipunya.

    “Pak Kikir, kamu memiliki semua bagian kerbau kecuali kaki. Dan saya hanya memiliki kaki. Mengapa kita tidak mengumpulkannya dan mengembalikannya ke tuan rumah. Kami memintanya untuk menukarkannya dengan seekor kerbau hidup. Kami menaikkan kerbau sampai besar. Apa kamu setuju?”

    “Itu ide yang bagus. Ayo bertemu tuan rumah, “kata Pak Kikir.

    Bersama-sama mereka kembali ke upacara tersebut. Tuan rumah setuju dengan satu syarat. Dia akan bertukar dengan seekor kerbau muda.

    Setelah mereka mendapatkan kerbau muda, Pak Kikir dan La Dana pulang ke rumah.

    “La Dana, saya angkat kerbau,” kata Pak Kikir.

    Dia ingin membesarkannya sendiri karena dia takut La Dana akan mencurinya.

    “Saya setuju, tapi izinkan saya mengunjungi kerbau setiap hari,” kata La Dana.

    Dia senang, idenya berjalan dengan baik sejauh ini. Keesokan harinya, La Dana datang ke rumah Pak Kikir.

    “Hei! Melihat! Kerbau semakin gemuk, “kata La Dana.

    “Kerbau baru saja berada di sini selama sehari. Bagaimana Anda bisa mengatakan bahwa dia semakin gemuk? ”

    “Lihatlah kerbau dengan hati-hati. Hal ini semakin gemuk. Pak Kikir, saya ingin kaki sekarang. Mereka milikku kan? “Kata La Dana.

    Pak Kikir terdiam. Dia tahu jika kaki dipotong, kerbau akan mati.

    “Jangan mengambil kaki sekarang. Tunggu nanti, “kata Pak Kikir.

    Keesokan harinya, La Dana kembali ke rumah Pak Kikir dan meminta kakinya. Pak Kikir mengatakan hal yang sama, dia meminta La Dana untuk menunggu.

    Lalu La Dana datang dan datang lagi. Setiap kali dia mengunjungi kerbau, dia selalu meminta Pak Kikir untuk memberinya kaki.

    Akhirnya, Pak Kikir tidak tahan lagi.

    “Sudah cukup La Dana! Jika Anda memotong kaki, kerbau akan mati. Kerbau masih muda. Kami tidak akan mendapatkan banyak daging. Kalau mau ambil kaki, bawa kerbau ini bersama kamu! “Kata Pak Kikir.

    Dia memberi kerbau itu kepada La Dana. La Dana senang. Rencananya bekerja! Dia mendapatkan seekor kerbau hidup dan membawanya pulang. ***

  157. Damar Wulan

    Damar Wulan was born in the village of Paluh Amba, not far from the capital city of Majapahit. He was the son of Udara, the former prime minister of Majapahit. Since his father had retired his family live in a quiet and prosperous village outside the capital. Damar was a smart boy so he could easily learned the lessons his father taught him. He learned martial art, religion, politics, and literature. He was very good at all those subjects. When his father thought that he is mature enough, he asked Damar to find job in Majapahit. He told Damar to apply for a job at the Prime Minister’s office. He hoped that his close relation with the new prime minister would help him get the prime minister’s attention. Furthermore Damar was a smart boy so his father was sure Damar was capable to do any job.

    Damar was very confident he would get a good position at the prime minister’s office. Early morning he left his village. At midday he got to Majapahit and he directly went to the prime minister’s house. Prime Minister Logender was his name. The guards sarcastically questioned him when he told them he would see the prime minister.

    ‘Who do you think you are?’

    ‘I am Damar Wulan. I am the son of the former prime minister Udara. My father told me to see the prime minister here’

    ‘If you think you can impress us by telling us about your father, you are completely wrong poor boy. The son of a prime minister would never go anywhere on foot’

    ‘But, that’s true. My father told me to find job here’

    ‘Listen poor boy, the prime minister is a very busy person. He does not have time for job seeker like you. But if you need a job, there is a vacant position here. Let me report my chief’

    Then the soldier reported to his superior. After that someone called Damar to get into the commander’s chamber. He told Damar that the prime minister’s office needed several boys to take care of the horses. Damar was surprised because he expected clerical job but then he accepted the offer. Since that day he lived in a simple hut behind the prime minister’s house.

    Damar did a good job so his superior was satisfied with him. He was also very sociable. Soon he had a good relationship with the prime minister and his family. The prime minister had two sons – Layang Seto and Layang Kumitir and a daughter – Anjasmoro. His sons were very arrogant and lazy. They treated Damar cruelly. They wanted Damar to do whatever they want. Every body hated them but nobody dare to express their feeling. Anjasmoro, on the other hand, liked Damar very much. Gradually she fell in love to Damar. So did Damar. They had a secret love. When Layang Seto and Layang Kumitir knew what happened to Damar and Anjasmoro, they were very angry. They treated Damar more and more cruelly.

  158. When Logender got home he called Damar Wulan immediately. He asked him about his martial art skill. Damar said he had mastered some fighting skill. His father had trained him Pencak Silat, the Indonesian martial art. As a result, he was very skillful at using sword, lance, as well as empty hand fighting technique. Then Logender asked him to fight both Layang Seto and Layang Kumitir. Both of them fought emotionally since they hated Damar very much. But Damar was smart, skillful, strong and tough. In just several minutes he could beat both of them without difficulty. Logender was angry but also satisfied since he found a way to get rid of both problems – his home and his country.

    ‘Damar, you are a great fighter. I am very proud of you. And that’s why you will receive a great honor to fight for your country. Now there is a rebellion in Majapahit. The king of Blambangan has done a crime. His name is Menak Jinggo. Find him in his palace and Blambangan and kill him. Are you ready?’

    ‘I am ready any time Sir’

    ‘Good. Today you have to prepare everything and tomorrow you must leave for Blambangan secretly. Do not tell any one about this duty. Not even Anjasmoro. Don’t be afraid because the Majapahit army will fully support you. They will back you and provide all your needs. When you can kill Menak Jinggo behead him and bring his head here. If you can do this job well you will be promoted to a high position as the commander of Majapahit army’

    ‘Yes, Sir. I am very glad to receive this order. I will do my best’

    The next day, very early in the morning Damar Wulan left Majapahit alone. Meanwhile Prime Minister Logender had implemented his own plan. He prepared a small army unit under the leadership of his two sons. They went behind Damar in a distant so that Damar did not notice them. They went secretly so no one knew it. Their task was not to protect Damar but to kill him and seize the head of Menak Jinggo if he could kill Menak Jinggo. But if Damar was killed then they had nothing to do.

    Several days later Damar Wulan arrived in Blambangan. The Majapahit army kept on spying on him. They were surprised to see Damar did not directly attack the palace. He applied for a job instead. Once again he was accepted to work in the palace to take care of the horses. Everybody including the king Menak Jinggo liked him because he was very polite and he did his job well. He was also very handsome that two of the king’s wife fell in love with him. Waito and Puyengan were the wives of King Menak Jinggo.

    As everybody trusted him, it was easy for Damar to search the palace. He knew where Menak Jinggo lived. One night he secretly jumped the palace wall to kill the king. Finally he was inside the king’s bedroom. But unfortunately the king was ready to welcome him. A small army unit was there to arrest him. He was no match for Menak Jinggo. But Menak Jinggo was a smart person. He did not kill Damar instantly. He wanted to gather information from him. So he ordered his guards.

  159. ‘Don’t kill him. Let him alive, treat him well. I will question him tomorrow’.
    ‘Yes, Your Majesty’

    He ordered his men to treat him well. He even let Waito and Puyengan to see Damar. By doing so he hoped that Damar would give him valuable information. But Damar was also a smart person. He dated Waito and Puyengan and he asked them the way to kill Menak Jinggo. Since the two women loved Damar they revealed a secret.

    ‘Nobody can hurt him. He is a tough guy and he is protected by god. God gave him a secret weapon called Wesi Kuning’
    ‘What is that?’

    ‘That’s a golden amulet. It is just a small amulet, as small as a thumb but it is very powerful. Its shape is like a stick. It is stored in his bedroom’
    ‘He is a dangerous man. We have to stop him. Could you help me find his amulet?

    ‘I will help you if you marry me’

    ‘Sure I will marry both of you as soon as I can arrest him’
    When their turn to amuse the king arrived Waito and Puyengan could get into the kings chamber. They used that opportunity to steal the amulet. Then they gave it to Damar Wulan. Menak Jinggo did not realize their conspiracy. When the night was very quiet they opened the door for Damar Wulan. There was a fight but it was too late for Menak Jinggo. The sudden attack did not give him much chance to survive. Consequently Damar could beat his enemy and Menak Jinggo was beheaded.

    Damar Wulan immediately left Blambangan palace that night while promising Waito and Puyengan to be back after he received the rewa.

  160. Damar Wulan

    Damar Wulan lahir di desa Paluh Amba, tak jauh dari ibu kota Majapahit. Dia adalah putra Udara, mantan perdana menteri Majapahit. Sejak ayahnya mengundurkan diri keluarganya tinggal di sebuah desa yang sepi dan makmur di luar ibu kota. Damar adalah anak laki-laki yang cerdas sehingga dia bisa dengan mudah mempelajari pelajaran yang diajarkan ayahnya kepadanya. Ia belajar seni bela diri, agama, politik, dan sastra. Dia sangat pandai dalam semua mata pelajaran itu. Ketika ayahnya berpikir bahwa dia cukup dewasa, dia meminta Damar untuk mencari pekerjaan di Majapahit. Dia menyuruh Damar melamar pekerjaan di kantor Perdana Menteri. Dia berharap hubungan dekatnya dengan perdana menteri baru akan membantunya mendapatkan perhatian perdana menteri. Selanjutnya Damar adalah anak yang cerdas sehingga ayahnya yakin Damar mampu melakukan pekerjaan apapun.

    Damar sangat yakin dia akan mendapat posisi bagus di kantor perdana menteri. Pagi hari dia meninggalkan desanya. Pada tengah hari dia sampai di Majapahit dan langsung pergi ke rumah perdana menteri. Perdana Menteri Logender adalah namanya. Para penjaga dengan sarkastis mempertanyakannya saat dia memberi tahu mereka bahwa dia akan menemui perdana menteri.

    ‘Kamu pikir kamu siapa?’

    “Saya Damar Wulan. Saya adalah anak mantan perdana menteri Udara. Ayah saya menyuruh saya untuk melihat perdana menteri di sini ‘

    ‘Jika Anda pikir Anda bisa mengesankan kami dengan menceritakan tentang ayah Anda, Anda benar-benar salah anak malang. Putra seorang perdana menteri tidak akan pernah pergi ke manapun dengan berjalan kaki ‘

    “Tapi, itu benar. Ayah saya menyuruh saya mencari pekerjaan di sini ‘

    ‘Dengarkan anak laki-laki malang, perdana menteri adalah orang yang sangat sibuk. Dia tidak punya waktu untuk mencari pekerjaan seperti Anda. Tapi kalau butuh pekerjaan, ada posisi kosong disini. Biarkan saya melaporkan kepala saya ‘

    Kemudian tentara tersebut melaporkan ke atasannya. Setelah itu seseorang memanggil Damar untuk masuk ke kamar komandan. Dia mengatakan kepada Damar bahwa kantor perdana menteri membutuhkan beberapa anak laki-laki untuk merawat kuda-kuda itu. Damar terkejut karena dia mengharapkan pekerjaan klerus tapi kemudian dia menerima tawaran itu. Sejak hari itu ia tinggal di gubuk sederhana di belakang rumah perdana menteri.

    Damar melakukan pekerjaan dengan baik sehingga atasannya puas dengan dia. Dia juga sangat ramah. Segera dia menjalin hubungan baik dengan perdana menteri dan keluarganya. Perdana menteri memiliki dua putra – Layang Seto dan Layang Kumitir dan seorang putri – Anjasmoro. Anak-anaknya sangat sombong dan malas. Mereka memperlakukan Damar dengan kejam. Mereka ingin Damar melakukan apapun yang mereka mau. Setiap tubuh membenci mereka tapi tidak ada yang berani mengungkapkan perasaan mereka. Anjasmoro, di sisi lain, sangat menyukai Damar. Perlahan dia jatuh cinta pada Damar. Begitu juga Damar. Mereka memiliki rahasia cinta. Ketika Layang Seto dan Layang Kumitir tahu apa yang terjadi pada Damar dan Anjasmoro, mereka sangat marah. Mereka memperlakukan Damar lebih dan lebih kejam.

    Pada saat kerajaan Majapahit menghadapi masalah yang sangat serius karena pemberontakan Menak Jinggo. Dia adalah saudara tiri Ratu Kecono Wungu. Dia adalah seorang pangeran Majapahit dan seorang jenderal yang sangat dihormati dari tentara Majapahit. Atas prestasinya yang luar biasa untuk negaranya, ayahnya menunjuknya sebagai penguasa kerajaan Blambangan, sebuah negara bawahan di bawah Majapahit. Ketika ayahnya meninggal dunia, dia yakin bahwa dia akan menjadi penerusnya. Tapi dia sangat kecewa saat ayahnya menunjuk adiknya sebagai gantinya. Dia berpikir bahwa dia lebih cakap dari Kencono Wungu sehingga dia memberontak.

  161. Menak Jinggo terbukti menjadi jenderal yang baik. Di bawah kepemimpinannya, tentara Blambangan bisa memenangkan beberapa pertempuran dengan tentara Majapahit. Wilayah Majapahit satu per satu jatuh ke Blambangan. Pada saat itu semangat tentara Majapahit sudah turun. Mereka tidak yakin bisa memenangkan perang. Jadi ratu dan perdana menteri bertemu setiap hari untuk membahas situasi yang memburuk. Beberapa minggu berlalu tapi tetap saja mereka tidak punya ide untuk memecahkan masalah ini. Setiap laporan yang mereka terima tentang perang hanya tentang kekalahan tentara Majapahit.

    Perdana Menteri Logender terkejut saat istrinya melapor kepadanya tentang perselingkuhan Anjasmoro dan Damar Wulan. Bagi orang yang sangat dihormati seperti dia, ini adalah pukulan yang sangat serius pada egonya. Dia adalah orang yang sangat terhormat sementara putrinya berkencan dengan seorang anak laki-laki malang. Itu adalah penghinaan yang serius. Dia tidak bisa menerimanya. Fakta ini membuatnya sangat marah. Dia berpikir sangat sulit untuk menemukan solusinya. Tiba-tiba sebuah ide melontarkan pikiran tajamnya saat sedang bermeditasi pada tengah malam.

    Pagi-pagi sekali dia pergi ke istana dan meminta ratu untuk hadirin. Lalu dia menjelaskan rencananya.

    ‘Yang Mulia, tadi malam aku punya ide’

    ‘Beritahu aku tentang itu’

    “Tentara kita tidak bisa menang karena kita menerapkan strategi yang salah. Tentara Blambangan sangat bagus dalam peperangan terbuka frontal seperti itu. Selanjutnya semangat tentara kita sekarang turun. Jadi kita harus menghindari peperangan terbuka. Sejak sekarang kita harus meluncurkan taktik baru operasi rahasia. Kita harus mengirim satuan tentara kecil untuk membunuh Menak Jinggo secara diam-diam ‘

    “Siapa yang akan melakukan itu?”

    “Aku punya penjaga tubuh. Keterampilannya dalam bela diri sangat bagus. Dia sangat mampu bertarung secara individu. Jadi dia siap untuk tugas ini. Saya yakin dia adalah orang yang tepat ‘

    ‘Baiklah, saya pikir Anda benar. Kirim dia sesegera mungkin ke Blambangan. Jika dia bisa melakukan pekerjaannya dengan baik, saya akan memberinya pahala yang besar ‘

    Saat Logender sampai di rumah dia langsung memanggil Damar Wulan. Dia bertanya kepadanya tentang keterampilan bela dirinya. Damar mengatakan bahwa ia telah menguasai beberapa keterampilan bertarung. Ayahnya telah melatihnya Pencak Silat, seni bela diri Indonesia. Akibatnya, dia sangat ahli dalam menggunakan teknik sword, tombak, serta teknik pertarungan tangan kosong. Kemudian Logender memintanya untuk melawan Layang Seto dan Layang Kumitir. Keduanya bertempur secara emosional karena sangat membenci Damar. Tapi Damar cerdas, terampil, kuat dan tangguh. Hanya dalam beberapa menit ia bisa mengalahkan keduanya tanpa kesulitan. Logender marah tapi juga puas karena menemukan cara untuk menyingkirkan kedua masalah tersebut – rumahnya dan negaranya.

  162. Menak Jinggo terbukti menjadi jenderal yang baik. Di bawah kepemimpinannya, tentara Blambangan bisa memenangkan beberapa pertempuran dengan tentara Majapahit. Wilayah Majapahit satu per satu jatuh ke Blambangan. Pada saat itu semangat tentara Majapahit sudah turun. Mereka tidak yakin bisa memenangkan perang. Jadi ratu dan perdana menteri bertemu setiap hari untuk membahas situasi yang memburuk. Beberapa minggu berlalu tapi tetap saja mereka tidak punya ide untuk memecahkan masalah ini. Setiap laporan yang mereka terima tentang perang hanya tentang kekalahan tentara Majapahit.

    Perdana Menteri Logender terkejut saat istrinya melapor kepadanya tentang perselingkuhan Anjasmoro dan Damar Wulan. Bagi orang yang sangat dihormati seperti dia, ini adalah pukulan yang sangat serius pada egonya. Dia adalah orang yang sangat terhormat sementara putrinya berkencan dengan seorang anak laki-laki malang. Itu adalah penghinaan yang serius. Dia tidak bisa menerimanya. Fakta ini membuatnya sangat marah. Dia berpikir sangat sulit untuk menemukan solusinya. Tiba-tiba sebuah ide melontarkan pikiran tajamnya saat sedang bermeditasi pada tengah malam.

    Pagi-pagi sekali dia pergi ke istana dan meminta ratu untuk hadirin. Lalu dia menjelaskan rencananya.

    ‘Yang Mulia, tadi malam aku punya ide’

    ‘Beritahu aku tentang itu’

    “Tentara kita tidak bisa menang karena kita menerapkan strategi yang salah. Tentara Blambangan sangat bagus dalam peperangan terbuka frontal seperti itu. Selanjutnya semangat tentara kita sekarang turun. Jadi kita harus menghindari peperangan terbuka. Sejak sekarang kita harus meluncurkan taktik baru operasi rahasia. Kita harus mengirim satuan tentara kecil untuk membunuh Menak Jinggo secara diam-diam ‘

    “Siapa yang akan melakukan itu?”

    “Aku punya penjaga tubuh. Keterampilannya dalam bela diri sangat bagus. Dia sangat mampu bertarung secara individu. Jadi dia siap untuk tugas ini. Saya yakin dia adalah orang yang tepat ‘

    ‘Baiklah, saya pikir Anda benar. Kirim dia sesegera mungkin ke Blambangan. Jika dia bisa melakukan pekerjaannya dengan baik, saya akan memberinya pahala yang besar ‘

    Saat Logender sampai di rumah dia langsung memanggil Damar Wulan. Dia bertanya kepadanya tentang keterampilan bela dirinya. Damar mengatakan bahwa ia telah menguasai beberapa keterampilan bertarung. Ayahnya telah melatihnya Pencak Silat, seni bela diri Indonesia. Akibatnya, dia sangat ahli dalam menggunakan teknik sword, tombak, serta teknik pertarungan tangan kosong. Kemudian Logender memintanya untuk melawan Layang Seto dan Layang Kumitir. Keduanya bertempur secara emosional karena sangat membenci Damar. Tapi Damar cerdas, terampil, kuat dan tangguh. Hanya dalam beberapa menit ia bisa mengalahkan keduanya tanpa kesulitan. Logender marah tapi juga puas karena menemukan cara untuk menyingkirkan kedua masalah tersebut – rumahnya dan negaranya.

  163. ‘Damar, kamu adalah petarung yang hebat. Saya sangat bangga padamu Dan itulah mengapa Anda akan mendapat kehormatan besar untuk memperjuangkan negara Anda. Sekarang ada pemberontakan di Majapahit. Raja Blambangan telah melakukan kejahatan. Namanya Menak Jinggo. Temukan dia di istananya dan Blambangan dan bunuh dia. Apakah kamu siap?’

    ‘Saya siap kapan Pak’

    ‘Baik. Hari ini kamu harus menyiapkan semuanya dan besok kamu harus berangkat ke Blambangan diam-diam. Jangan beritahu siapapun tentang tugas ini. Bahkan Anjasmoro pun tidak. Jangan takut karena tentara Majapahit akan sepenuhnya mendukung Anda. Mereka akan mendukung Anda dan memberikan semua kebutuhan Anda. Bila Anda bisa membunuh Menak Jinggo memenggal kepalanya dan membawa kepalanya ke sini. Jika Anda bisa melakukan pekerjaan ini dengan baik, Anda akan dipromosikan ke posisi tinggi sebagai komandan tentara Majapahit ‘

    ‘Ya pak. Saya sangat senang menerima pesanan ini. Aku akan melakukan yang terbaik’

    Keesokan harinya, pagi-pagi benar Damar Wulan meninggalkan Majapahit sendirian. Sementara itu Perdana Menteri Logender telah melaksanakan rencananya sendiri. Dia menyiapkan sebuah unit tentara kecil di bawah kepemimpinan kedua putranya. Mereka mendahului Damar jauh sehingga Damar tidak memperhatikannya. Mereka diam-diam diam sehingga tidak ada yang tahu. Tugas mereka bukan untuk melindungi Damar tapi membunuhnya dan merebut kepala Menak Jinggo jika bisa membunuh Menak Jinggo. Tapi jika Damar terbunuh maka mereka tidak melakukan apapun.

    Beberapa hari kemudian Damar Wulan tiba di Blambangan. Tentara Majapahit terus memata-matai dia. Mereka kaget melihat Damar tidak langsung menyerang istana. Dia melamar pekerjaan. Sekali lagi dia diterima bekerja di istana untuk mengurus kuda-kuda itu. Semua orang termasuk raja Menak Jinggo menyukai dia karena dia sangat sopan dan dia melakukan pekerjaannya dengan baik. Dia juga sangat tampan sehingga dua istri raja jatuh cinta padanya. Waito dan Puyengan adalah istri Raja Menak Jinggo.

  164. “Lutung Kasarung”

    A long time ago in west Java there was a kingdom. The king was Prabu Tapak Agung. He had two beautiful daughters and no son. Purba Rarang was his first daughter, and Purba Sari was his second daughter. When the king was about to pass away he gave the throne to his second daughter, Purba Sari. Purba Rarang was very disappointed. She thought that she deserve to replace her father as the ruler. She discussed the situation with her fiancé, Indrajaya.

    Then she got an evil idea. She asked a witch to cast a spell to Purba Sari. Soon after that Purba Sari had a strange skin disease. There were black dots on her skin. She also had skin rash. Consequently Purba Rarang had a reason to tell people that her sister had a great sin and she was cursed by god. She told her people that such a person did not qualify to be a leader.

    After that she ordered the army to send Purba Sari to a wood and had her exiled there. The army then built a wooden house for Purba Sari in a wood. So Purba Sari lived in the wood. As there were many animals in the wood she got along with them well.

    Her best friend was a black monkey. She called the monkey Lutung Kasarung. Lutung was very attentive and very kind to her. He gave fruits and vegetables to Purba Sari.

    Lutung Kasarung was not an ordinary monkey. He often meditates like human being. One night when there was a full moon he sat meditating. He was praying to God. Suddenly a spring emerged beside Lutung. It became bigger and bigger and finally it became a lake. The water was very clear and aromatic.

    The next day Lutung came to see Purba Sari. He asked her to follow him. Lutung took her to the lake and asked her to take a bath. When Purba Sari took bath in the lake something strange happened. Her skin disease was gone and her smooth fair skin was back. Purba Sari was very happy and thankful to God.

    Meanwhile Purba Rarang who lived in the palace wanted to see her sister. So she went to the wood with her soldiers. She was very surprised when she saw Purba Sari was in good condition and looked beautiful. Her evil heart led her to find a way to beat her sister. Then she asked her sister to measure the length of their hair. The one who had the longest hair would win. Purba Sari’s hair proved to be longer than Purba Rarang’s.

    Purba Rarang was very jealous to her sister. She thought hard to find a way to beat Purba Sari. Then she got another idea. She asked her sister to compare their fiancé. Purba Rarang was sure that she would win because Indra Jaya was very handsome. She was sure that Purba Sari did not have any fiancé. When Purba Rarang showed Indra Jaya, Purba Sari was confused. So she just appointed Lutung Kasarung as her fiancé.

    Purba Rarang laughed out loud.

    ‘So your fiancé is a monkey?’

    Lutung Kasarung then sat on the ground. He was meditating and praying to God. Then amazingly he changed into a very handsome man. Initially Lutung Kasarung was a handsome man who was punished by God and became a monkey. After some years that day he got clemency from God and he became human being again.

    Purba Rarang was very surprised. He had no choice but to accept that her sister was better than her. She asked for apology. Purba Sari gave her apology. After that they went back to palace. Purba Sari became the queen and married to Lutung Kasarung.

  165. Lutung Kasarung

    Dulu di Jawa Barat ada sebuah kerajaan. Raja Prabu Tapak Agung. Dia memiliki dua anak perempuan yang cantik dan tidak punya anak laki-laki. Purba Rarang adalah putri pertamanya, dan Purba Sari adalah putri keduanya. Ketika raja hendak meninggal, dia menyerahkan tahta kepada putri keduanya, Purba Sari. Purba Rarang sangat kecewa. Dia berpikir bahwa dia pantas menggantikan ayahnya sebagai penguasa. Dia membahas situasi dengan tunangannya, Indrajaya.

    Lalu dia mendapat ide jahat. Dia meminta seorang penyihir untuk memberi mantra ke Purba Sari. Segera setelah itu Purba Sari memiliki penyakit kulit yang aneh. Ada bintik hitam di kulitnya. Dia juga mengalami ruam kulit. Akibatnya Purba Rarang punya alasan untuk mengatakan kepada orang-orang bahwa saudara perempuannya memiliki dosa besar dan dia dikutuk oleh tuhan. Dia mengatakan kepada orang-orang bahwa orang seperti itu tidak memenuhi syarat untuk menjadi pemimpin.

    Setelah itu dia memerintahkan tentara untuk mengirim Purba Sari ke sebuah hutan dan mengasingkan dia ke sana. Tentara kemudian membangun sebuah rumah kayu untuk Purba Sari di sebuah hutan. Jadi Purba Sari tinggal di hutan. Karena ada banyak hewan di kayu yang dia pakai bersama mereka dengan baik.

    Sahabatnya adalah seekor monyet hitam. Dia memanggil monyet Lutung Kasarung. Lutung sangat perhatian dan sangat baik padanya. Dia memberi buah dan sayuran ke Purba Sari.

    Lutung Kasarung bukan monyet biasa. Ia sering bermeditasi seperti manusia. Suatu malam ketika ada bulan purnama ia duduk bermeditasi. Dia sedang berdoa kepada Tuhan. Tiba-tiba sebuah mata air muncul di samping Lutung. Ini menjadi lebih besar dan lebih besar dan akhirnya menjadi danau. Airnya sangat jernih dan harum.

    Keesokan harinya Lutung datang menemui Purba Sari. Dia memintanya untuk mengikutinya. Lutung membawanya ke danau dan memintanya untuk mandi. Saat Purba Sari mandi di danau ada sesuatu yang aneh terjadi. Penyakit kulitnya hilang dan kulitnya yang mulus kembali. Purba Sari sangat senang dan bersyukur kepada Tuhan.

    Sementara itu Purba Rarang yang tinggal di istana ingin melihat adiknya. Jadi dia pergi ke hutan bersama tentaranya. Dia sangat terkejut saat melihat Purba Sari dalam kondisi baik dan terlihat cantik. Jantungnya yang jahat mendorongnya untuk menemukan cara untuk mengalahkan adiknya. Lalu dia meminta kakaknya untuk mengukur panjang rambut mereka. Orang yang memiliki rambut terpanjang akan menang. Rambut Purba Sari terbukti lebih panjang dari pada Purba Rarang.

    Purba Rarang sangat cemburu pada kakaknya. Dia berpikir sulit menemukan cara untuk mengalahkan Purba Sari. Lalu dia mendapat ide lain. Dia meminta kakaknya untuk membandingkan tunangan mereka. Purba Rarang yakin dia akan menang karena Indra Jaya sangat ganteng. Dia yakin Purba Sari tidak memiliki tunangan apapun. Saat Purba Rarang menunjukkan Indra Jaya, Purba Sari bingung. Jadi dia hanya menunjuk Lutung Kasarung sebagai tunangannya.

    Purba Rarang tertawa terbahak-bahak.

    “Jadi tunanganmu adalah monyet?”

    Lutung Kasarung lalu duduk di tanah. Dia sedang bermeditasi dan berdoa kepada Tuhan. Lalu dia berubah menjadi pria yang sangat tampan. Awalnya Lutung Kasarung adalah pria tampan yang dihukum oleh Tuhan dan menjadi monyet. Setelah beberapa tahun pada hari itu dia mendapat grasi dari Tuhan dan dia menjadi manusia lagi.

    Purba Rarang sangat terkejut. Dia tidak punya pilihan selain menerima bahwa kakaknya lebih baik dari dia. Dia meminta maaf. Purba Sari memberikan permintaan maafnya. Setelah itu mereka kembali ke istana. Purba Sari menjadi ratu dan menikah dengan Lutung Kasarung.

  166. Oheo

    THERE was a handsome man in Kendari, Southeast Sulawesi. His name is Oheo. He is a kind and diligent farmer. He plants sugarcane trees on his field. Everyday he always takes care of the trees. And he also takes care of the animals.

    It was time to harvest the sugarcane. He was so happy. Early in the morning, he left his house and went to the field. However, he was so surprised when he arrived at the field. The field was in a mess. It seemed that some people had already taken his sugarcane. He was so upset.
    He wanted to find the thief! He heard some people were laughing.

    He heard, “Hmmm this sugarcane is so yummy!”

    “Aha!” said Oheo.

    “The thieves are still here. I’m going to catch them!”

    Oheo tried not to make sounds. However, he could not find them. And when he looked upward, he saw seven beautiful angels fly at the sky. They had the sugarcane! Those angels flew to the river. They wanted to take a bath. Oheo followed them.

    Oheo was not angry anymore. Instead, he was so happy. He fell in love and wanted to marry one of the angels. Secretly, he took one of the angels’ shawls. And of course, after finished taking a bath, one angel could not fly to the sky.

    Oheo then showed up. He pretended that he was willing to help her.

    “My name is Oheo. Why do you look so sad?”

    “My name is Princess Anawai. I’m an angel. I just lost my shawl. Without it, I cannot fly back to my home. I live in a palace in the sky,” said the angel.

    “Why don’t you stay at my home while I’m looking for it,” said Oheo.

    Princess Anawai agreed to stay at his house. She did not know that Oheo was hiding her shawl. Later, Oheo asked her to marry him.

    Princess Anawai agreed but Oheo had to promise one thing. Oheo had to clean and wash their children, if they defecated. Oheo agreed. He was really in love with her. Princess Anawai was so beautiful. He also thought that washing the child is not difficult thing to do. It was a year after they got married and they had one child. As promised, Oheo always washed the child after the child defecated.

    In one morning, Oheo was busy in the field. The child was defecating. Princess Anawai asked Oheo to wash the child. Oheo refused. He said that he was very busy. Princess Anawai was so sad that her husband did not keep his promise.
    So, she washed the child. And then accidentally, she found her shawl. It was kept in the bathroom.

    She wore her shawl and flew to the sky. Oheo tried to impede her but Princess Anawai had already made up her mind. She was so disappointed.

    Oheo was so sorry. He blamed himself for not being able to keep the promise. He really loved his wife. He tried very hard to fly to the sky.

    Finally, he got help. A tree was willing to help him. Oheo and his child climbed the tree.
    Slowly, the tree is getting higher and higher. And soon, Oheo was able to go to the palace in the sky.

    When he arrived, the king was angry. “You already made my daughter sad. If you want to find her, go to that dark room. If you can find her, you can take her back to your home. But if you cannot find her, I will put you in the jail.”

    Oheo was confused. He did not know how to find her wife in the very dark room. Suddenly, a firefly came to him. He was willing to help Oheo.

    With the help of firefly, the room was no longer dark. Therefore, he could find her wife easily. After he found her, Oheo asked her to forgive him. He promised to be a better husband.
    Later, they went back to their home on earth.***

  167. “Oheo”

    Ada seorang pria tampan di Kendari, Sulawesi Tenggara. Namanya Oheo. Dia adalah petani yang baik dan tekun. Dia menanam pohon tebu di ladangnya. Setiap hari dia selalu merawat pepohonan. Dan dia juga merawat binatang.

    Sudah waktunya panen tebu. Dia sangat bahagia. Pagi-pagi sekali, dia meninggalkan rumahnya dan pergi ke lapangan. Namun, dia sangat terkejut saat sampai di lapangan. Lapangan berantakan. Sepertinya beberapa orang telah mengambil tebu. Dia sangat kesal.
    Dia ingin menemukan pencuri itu! Dia mendengar beberapa orang tertawa.

    Dia mendengar, “Hmmm tebu ini sangat lezat!”

    “Aha!” Kata Oheo.

    “Pencuri masih di sini. Aku akan menangkap mereka! ”

    Oheo mencoba tidak membuat suara. Namun, dia tidak bisa menemukannya. Dan ketika dia melihat ke atas, dia melihat tujuh malaikat indah terbang di langit. Mereka punya tebu! Malaikat-malaikat itu terbang ke sungai. Mereka ingin mandi. Oheo mengikuti mereka.

    Oheo tidak marah lagi. Sebaliknya, dia sangat bahagia. Dia jatuh cinta dan ingin menikahi salah satu malaikat. Diam-diam, dia mengambil salah satu syal malaikat. Dan tentu saja, setelah selesai mandi, satu malaikat tidak bisa terbang ke langit.

    Oheo kemudian muncul. Dia pura-pura bersedia membantunya.

    “Namaku Oheo. Kenapa kamu terlihat sangat sedih? ”

    “Namaku Princess Anawai. Aku malaikat Saya baru saja kehilangan selendang saya. Tanpa itu, saya tidak bisa kembali ke rumah saya. Saya tinggal di istana di langit, “kata malaikat itu.

    “Mengapa Anda tidak tinggal di rumah sementara saya mencarinya,” kata Oheo.

    Putri Anawai setuju menginap di rumahnya. Dia tidak tahu bahwa Oheo menyembunyikan selendangnya. Kemudian, Oheo memintanya untuk menikahinya.

    Putri Anawai setuju tapi Oheo harus menjanjikan satu hal. Oheo harus membersihkan dan mencuci anak mereka, jika mereka buang air besar. Oheo setuju. Dia benar-benar jatuh cinta padanya. Putri Anawai begitu cantik. Dia juga berpikir bahwa mencuci anak bukanlah hal yang sulit dilakukan. Itu adalah satu tahun setelah mereka menikah dan mereka memiliki satu anak. Seperti yang dijanjikan, Oheo selalu mencuci anak setelah anak tersebut buang air besar.

    Pada suatu pagi, Oheo sibuk di lapangan. Anak itu sedang buang air besar. Putri Anawai meminta Oheo untuk mencuci anak itu. Oheo menolak. Dia mengatakan bahwa dia sangat sibuk. Putri Anawai sangat sedih karena suaminya tidak menepati janjinya.
    Jadi, dia mencuci anak itu. Dan kemudian tanpa sengaja, dia menemukan selendangnya. Itu disimpan di kamar mandi.

    Dia mengenakan selendang dan terbang ke langit. Oheo mencoba menghalanginya tapi Putri Anawai sudah mengambil keputusan. Dia sangat kecewa.

    Oheo sangat menyesal. Dia menyalahkan dirinya sendiri karena tidak bisa menepati janjinya. Dia sangat mencintai istrinya. Dia berusaha sangat keras untuk terbang ke angkasa.

    Akhirnya, dia mendapat bantuan. Sebuah pohon bersedia membantunya. Oheo dan anaknya memanjat pohon.
    Perlahan, pohon semakin tinggi dan tinggi. Dan segera, Oheo bisa pergi ke istana di langit.

    Saat dia tiba, sang raja marah. “Anda sudah membuat anak perempuan saya sedih. Jika Anda ingin menemukannya, pergilah ke ruangan gelap itu. Jika Anda bisa menemukannya, Anda bisa membawanya kembali ke rumah Anda. Tapi jika Anda tidak dapat menemukannya, saya akan memasukkan Anda ke dalam penjara. ”

    Oheo bingung. Dia tidak tahu bagaimana menemukan istrinya di ruangan yang sangat gelap itu. Tiba-tiba, tiba-tiba datang padanya. Dia bersedia membantu Oheo.

    Dengan bantuan api, ruangan itu tidak lagi gelap. Karena itu, dia bisa menemukan istrinya dengan mudah. Setelah menemukannya, Oheo memintanya untuk memaafkannya. Dia berjanji untuk menjadi suami yang lebih baik.
    Kemudian, mereka kembali ke rumah mereka di bumi. ***

  168. Friendship Never Ends

    Best Friends
    You are my medicines which can heal wound in my heart
    Always create a curved line in my face
    Always bring fresh air to be blown in my every morning
    And never feel tired accompanying my days

    Best Friends
    You are the greatest friends in my life
    The one who always settle down in my heart
    The one who always embellish my days
    Without you, I cannot be someone
    Just because you’re the one for me

    Best Friends
    Let us realize our dreams
    Or dreams to hold the world in our hands
    Let them laugh at us because I’m sure
    We both can make it true

  169. Persahabatan Tak Pernah Berakhir

    kau adalah obat penyembuh setiap luka di hatiku
    Kau selalu menciptakan garis lengkung di wajahku
    Yang selalu membawa angin segar di setiap pagiku
    dan tak akan pernah merasa lelah menemani hari-hariku

    kau teman yang terhebat di hidupku
    yang selalu tinggal di hatiku
    yang selalu memperindah hari-hariku
    tanpa mu aku aku tak bisa menjadi seseorang
    karena kamu cuma satu untukku

    Mari kita wujudkan mimpi kita
    Mimi mengengam dunia di tangan kita
    Biarkan mereka tertawa, karena aku sangat yakin
    kita berdua bisa melakukannya

  170. Dear My Friend

    Dear my friend, don’t hesitate to take a step
    Do not hesitate to start a fight
    Because I am here to support you
    Which always by your side until the end of time
    O my friend, There have been many obstacles that confront
    There have been so many Problem challenging
    But we still hand in hand
    Destroy all the obstacles

    Dear my friend, wipe out tears in your face
    Get rid of the sweats which comes out
    Spread your wings and fly with me
    Widespread across the sky through the clouds in the sky
    To reach a rainbow in the heavenly
    And bring home the fun for loved ones

  171. Untuk sahabatku

    Wahai Sahabatku Janganlah ragu untuk melangkah
    Janganlah bimbang untuk berjuang
    Karena ada aku di sini yang ikut berjuang
    yang selalu menemani hingga akhir waktu datang
    Wahai Sahabtku, telah banyak halangan yang menghadang
    telah banyak rintangan yang menantang
    Namun kita tetap bergandengan tangan
    menghancurkan segala rintangan

    Wahai Sahabatku, Hapus air mata di wajahmu
    Singkirkan peluh-peluh yang menertawaimu
    bentangkan sayapmu dan terbang bersamaku
    Melintasi langit luas menembus awan di angkasa itu
    untuk menggapai pelangi di atas khayangan
    Dan membawa pulang kesenangan untuk orang tersayang

  172. He Was My Friend

    We used to a close friend
    Having a friendship like a caterpillar
    Hopes to become a butterfly
    But now we are away from each other with no reason

    My best friends, Have all the memories lost?
    All the wonderful memories in your mind
    The day where we shared each other
    Sharing the happiness and the grief

    My best friend, do you remember all the wonderful memories?
    Wonderful memories which we made together
    Why now we move apart?
    Are not we promise to be a friend forever?

    My best friend, may my actions hurt you
    Perhaps my words slash your heart
    May my tongue scraping wounds in your body
    But you need to know, all I do is because I love you

  173. Everlasting Friendship

    There have been a lot of times that we pass together
    There have been many times that we explore together
    In joy and sorrow, we will always be together
    Thousands obstacle has come crashing but we stay together
    No matter what the waves clicking
    No matter what the mountain blocking
    Our friendship will continue running until the time of our death coming

    Our friendship like a massive rocky
    In the midst of waves crashing fiercely
    But it won’t be shaken even though the earth shook
    Because our friendship will beat it all kook

    My friends, I thanks for the presence of you
    In my day, when we are old, we will stay together
    Remembering the days we shared to color this beautiful world

    When the time comes, when old are reflected in this face
    Our friendship will remain like fire
    Because we are everlasting friend
    Thank you my friend

    By James Brinkworth

    Will you be there when I’m down,
    And catch me when I fall?
    Will you hold me when I need
    To feel the warmth of your touch?

    Will you laugh when I laugh,
    And cry when I cry?
    Will you let me rant and rave,
    When I need to let off steam?

    Will you discuss those painful things,
    That you’d rather not think about?
    Like the times we’ve hurt each other,
    And promised would never do so again?

    Will you say the right thing,
    When all I’ve heard is the wrong?
    And tell me soothing words,
    That make the pain I feel subside?

    Will you understand me when I say,
    “I can’t see you now, go away”?
    Will you come back when I call,
    As if nothing happened at all?

    If you’ll do these things for me,
    And keep smiling all the way.
    If you’ll be with me through the bad times,
    As well as the good.

    Then truly you are my friend,
    My pal, my mate and my confidante.
    And that means so much to me.
    I thank you dearly, for being there,
    You, My Friend.


    One day, while walking down the road, a father said to his son, “Look, a horsesh is lying in the mud. Pick it up.”

    The son said, “I hate to pick up things from mud.”

    The father picked up the horsesh and kept it in his pocket. On reaching the village, he sold the horsesh and bought some cherries.

    Father understood the desire of his son and dropped a cherry on the ground. The son picked it up, washed it and ate it up.

    Then the father said to him, “Sometimes even small things cost much. These cherries are because of that horsesh that you refused to pick up from the mud.”

    The son understood what his father meant.

    The End..

  176. Suatu hari, saat berjalan menyusuri jalan, seorang ayah berkata kepada anaknya, “Lihat, kuda-kuda terbaring di lumpur. Angkat.”

    Anak laki-laki itu berkata, “Saya benci mengambil sesuatu dari lumpur.”

    Sang ayah mengangkat kuda itu dan menyimpannya di sakunya. Saat sampai di desa, ia menjual kuda itu dan membeli beberapa buah ceri. Ayah mengerti keinginan anaknya dan menjatuhkan ceri di tanah. Anak laki-laki itu mengangkatnya, mencuci dan memakannya.

    Kemudian sang ayah berkata kepadanya, “Terkadang barang kecil pun harganya mahal. Ceri ini karena kuda yang Anda tidak mau ambil dari lumpur.” Anak itu mengerti apa maksud ayahnya.


    Once upon a time a man and a lion were journeying together. To kill time they started talking. For some time they talked happily but then one of them began to boast of his prowess and claimed to be superior to the other. Soon the argument heated up and there was a fear of a fight.

    Luckily, they came to a cross-road where a beautiful statue stood that showed a man strangulating a lion that looked helpless and was ready to die.

    The man said, “Look there! Dosnt’t it prove my point, Mr. Lion?”

    The lion replied, “Its your view. But if we lion make statues, we shall show the man under the strong paws of a lion.”

    The man had no words to reply. So, they both cooled down and moved ahead.

    The End..

  178. Suatu saat seorang pria dan seekor singa sedang melakukan perjalanan bersama. Untuk membunuh waktu mereka mulai berbicara. Untuk beberapa saat mereka berbicara dengan gembira tapi kemudian salah satu dari mereka mulai membanggakan kehebatannya dan mengaku lebih unggul dari yang lain. Segera argumen itu memanas dan ada ketakutan berkelahi.

    Untungnya, mereka sampai di sebuah jalan silang tempat patung yang indah berdiri yang menunjukkan seorang pria mencekik seekor singa yang tampak tak berdaya dan siap mati.

    Pria itu berkata, “Lihat! Tidakkah ini membuktikan maksud saya, Tuan Singa? ”

    Singa itu menjawab, “Ini pandanganmu. Tapi jika kita singa membuat patung, kita akan menunjukkan orang itu di bawah kaki singa yang kuat. ”

    Pria itu tidak memiliki kata-kata untuk dibalas. Jadi, mereka berdua mendingin dan bergerak maju.


    Once there was a man who was very fussy about food. One day, he felt like having some seafood and went to a restaurant and ordered some oysters.

    The man said to the waiter, “Please check that oysters are neither too large nor too small, neither too salty not too fried, neither too fat, nor too thin.”

    At this the waiter said, “Do you want them with or without pearls?”

    The man realized that the waiter was taunting him and understood that one should not be so much fussy about things.

    The End

  180. Pernah ada pria yang sangat rewel soal makanan. Suatu hari, dia merasa ingin makan seafood dan pergi ke restoran dan memesan beberapa tiram.

    Pria itu berkata kepada pelayan itu, “Tolong periksa apakah tiram tidak terlalu besar atau terlalu kecil, terlalu asin tidak terlalu digoreng, tidak terlalu gemuk, atau terlalu kurus.”

    Pada saat ini pelayan itu berkata, “Apakah Anda menginginkannya dengan atau tanpa permata?”

    Pria itu menyadari bahwa pelayan itu mengejeknya dan mengerti bahwa seseorang seharusnya tidak terlalu rewel tentang berbagai hal.


    Once upon a time a man was going with his donkey down a hill-road. He was following the donkey with a stick in his hand. The donkey jogged down carefully over some distance. But then suddenly it left the track and strayed aside. Its owner tried his best to drive it back to the track but the willful beast didn’t obey. As a result, it reached the edge of a cliff that overlooked a deep gorge.

    The owner felt worried to see the donkey in danger. He couldn’t understand what to do. So, he caught hold of it’s tail when it was about to leap over the edge of the cliff.

    The man tried hard to check the donkey from moving ahead but all went in vain. It didn’t move even an inch backwards. So the man let it go saying, “All right, go your way to meet your death. What else can I do?”

    The End..

  182. Suatu saat seorang pria pergi dengan keledainya menuruni bukit. Dia mengikuti keledai itu dengan sebatang tongkat di tangannya. Keledai itu berlari dengan hati-hati dari jarak tertentu. Tapi kemudian tiba-tiba ia meninggalkan jalur dan menyimpang ke samping. Pemiliknya mencoba yang terbaik untuk mengemudikannya kembali ke jalur tapi binatang yang disengaja itu tidak menurutinya. Akibatnya, ia sampai di tepi jurang yang menghadap ke ngarai yang dalam.

    Pemiliknya merasa khawatir melihat keledai itu dalam bahaya. Dia tidak bisa mengerti apa yang harus dilakukan. Jadi, dia menangkap ekornya saat hendak melompat melewati tebing.

    Pria itu berusaha keras untuk memeriksa keledai itu agar tidak bergerak maju, tapi semuanya sia-sia belaka. Itu tidak bergerak bahkan satu inci ke belakang. Jadi, orang itu membiarkannya berkata, “Baiklah, pergi jalan untuk menemui kematianmu Apa lagi yang bisa saya lakukan?”


    Once a fox was roaming around in a forest looking for food. Suddenly, he saw a pig rubbing his tusks against the trunk of a tree.

    The fox looked about carefully but couldn’t see any danger for the pig anywhere. Despite being so clever, he couldnÂ’t understand why, the pig was doing that.

    He couldn’t control himself, went to the pig and asked, “The hunters are not out today, nor can I see any other danger, then why are you doing that?”

    The pig replied, “Dear! We live in a forest where enemies are there at every step. Who knows when I’ll have to face them and use my tusks against them? So, if I don’t do it now, I may not get time to sharpen my tusks when I need them the most.”

    This story teaches us that always be ready for the bad times to come.

    The End..

  184. Begitu seekor rubah berkeliaran di hutan mencari makanan. Tiba-tiba, dia melihat seekor babi menggosok taringnya ke batang pohon.

    Si rubah melihat dengan hati-hati tapi tidak bisa melihat bahaya apa pun untuk babi di mana saja. Meski begitu pintar, dia tidak bisa mengerti mengapa, babi itu melakukan itu.

    Dia tidak bisa mengendalikan dirinya sendiri, mendatangi babi itu dan bertanya, “Para pemburu tidak keluar hari ini, dan saya juga tidak dapat melihat bahaya lain, mengapa Anda melakukan itu?”

    Si babi menjawab, “Sayang, kami tinggal di hutan dimana musuh berada di sana setiap saat. Siapa yang tahu kapan harus menghadapi mereka dan menggunakan taringku terhadap mereka? Jadi, jika saya tidak melakukannya sekarang, mungkin saya Tidak punya waktu untuk mengasah gadingku saat aku sangat membutuhkannya. ”

    Cerita ini mengajarkan kita yang selalu siap menghadapi masa-masa sulit yang akan datang.


    Once a fox was roaring in a forest searching for food. As to his bad luck, he got caught up in a trap. He tried his best to get free but lost his tail in the struggle. He felt very small, thinking that now, every fox would laugh at him. He felt so sad that he thought of committing suicide. But then he said to himself, “It is cowardice to kill oneself. I should think of something else.”

    At last, the fox planned to persuade all the foxes to part with their tails. So, he called a meeting of all the foxes and said, “We should get rid of our tails as they are heavy, ugly and tiresome.”

    Though, he tried to divert the attention of all the foxes from his tail less appearance, one clever fox noticed it and said, “Sir! you wouldn’t have given us this advice, if you weren’t tail less. Isn’t it?”

    So, we say, “hypocrisy seldom works”

    The End..

  186. Ketika rubah menderu di hutan untuk mencari makanan. Nasib buruk menimpa dirinya, dia terperangkap dalam jebakan. Ia mencoba yang cara terbaik untuk membebaskan diri namun dia kehilangan ekornya ketika dalam perjuangan. Dia merasa sangat malu, berpikir bahwa sekarang, setiap rubah akan menertawakannya. Dia merasa sangat sedih sampai dia punya niatan untuk bunuh diri. Tapi kemudian dia berkata pada dirinya sendiri, “Ini adalah kepunyaan untuk membunuh diri sendiri. Saya harus memikirkan hal lain.”

    Akhirnya, rubah itu berencana membujuk semua rubah untuk menghilangkan ekor mereka. Jadi, dia membuat sebuah pertemuan dan mengajak semua rubah untuk berkumpul dan berkata, “Kita harus menyingkirkan ekor kita karena berat, jelek dan melelahkan.”

    Meskipun demikian, dia mencoba mengalihkan perhatian semua rubah dari ekornya yang kurang terlihat, seekor rubah yang cerdas memerhatikannya dan berkata, “Tuan! Anda tidak akan memberi kami nasihat ini, jika ekormu sendiri lebih sedikit. bukankah begitu?”

    Jadi, kita katakan, “kemunafikan jarang bekerja”


    Once a lion was roaming in the jungle in search of a prey. Luckily, he saw a rabbit sleeping fast under a tree. He was delighted to get a meal with no efforts at all.

    The lion was about to spring at the sleeping rabbit when he caught sight of a deer passing by. He thought of going for a bigger prey, as it would be a much nicer meal.

    So, he chased the deer but failed to overtake it. He gave up the try and returned to the area where the rabbit become napping.

    Reaching there, the lion saw that the small animal changed into not there. As it became getting dark, it become hard for the lion to appearance out for any other prey and so he needed to continue to be hungry.

    “I have been served right. Had I contented myself with the rabbit, I would not have starved at least”, murmured the lion.

    What we learn from this story is that greed for more causes loss of what one already has.

    The End..

  188. Suatu ketika seekor singa sedang berkeliaran di hutan untuk mencari mangsa. Untungnya, dia melihat seekor kelinci tidur cepat di bawah pohon. Dia senang bisa makan tanpa usaha sama sekali.

    Singa itu hendak melompat ke kelinci yang sedang tidur saat melihat seekor rusa yang lewat. Dia memikirkan pergi untuk mangsa yang lebih besar, karena ini akan menjadi makanan yang jauh lebih enak.

    Jadi, dia mengejar rusa tapi gagal menyalipnya. Dia menyerah mencoba dan kembali ke daerah dimana kelinci menjadi tidur siang.

    Di sana, singa melihat bahwa binatang kecil itu berubah menjadi tidak di sana. Saat mulai gelap, menjadi sulit bagi singa untuk tampil keluar untuk mangsa lainnya dan karena itu ia harus terus merasa lapar.

    “Saya telah dilayani dengan benar, seandainya saya puas dengan kelinci, saya sama sekali tidak kelaparan”, gumam si singa.

    Pelajaran yang dapat kita ambil dari cerita di atas adalah, keserakahan akan menjadi penyebab dari kehilangan apa yang telah dimiliki seseorang


    Once a young boy went for a bath to a river. Unfortunately, he went beyond his depth and water lifted him off his feet. Feeling that he was about to drown, he started shouting for help.

    A man was passing along the road just close by. He heard the shouts of the boy and rushed to the river-bank. He saw the boy in danger. Instead of saving him, the man started scolding him, “Why are you crying now? You are paying for your carelessness.”

    The boy cried, “Sir! Please, save me first otherwise I shall be drowned. You can scold me later on.”

    But the man was not wise enough to follow the point. He went on with his rebukes and the strong current carried the poor boy away.

    The End

  190. Suatu ketika seorang anak laki-laki pergi mandi ke sungai. Sayangnya, dia melampaui kedalaman dan air mengangkatnya dari kakinya. Merasa dia akan tenggelam, dia mulai berteriak minta tolong.

    Seorang pria melewati jalan yang dekat. Dia mendengar teriakan anak itu dan bergegas ke tepi sungai. Dia melihat anak itu dalam bahaya. Alih-alih menyelamatkannya, pria itu mulai memarahinya, “Mengapa Anda menangis sekarang? Anda membayar untuk kecerobohan Anda.”

    Anak laki-laki itu berseru, “Pak, tolong selamat dulu kalau tidak saya akan tenggelam. Anda bisa memarahi saya nanti.”

    Tapi pria itu tidak cukup bijaksana untuk mengikuti intinya. Dia melanjutkan dengan teguran kerasnya dan arus kuat membawa anak malang itu pergi.


    One day a mule was in a very playful mood. So, she began to frisk about and run over long distances. Thus she got convinced that she could outrun even the fastest animal on the earth.

    While frisking, the mule thought, “My mother was a mare. She must have been a racer. That’s why I am able to run so fast.”

    After some time, she got tire and wanted to take rest. So, she stopped running and stood still at a place.

    The mule asked herself, “From whom have I inherited this fatigue?”

    She thought hard and said to herself, “I must have inherited it from my father who was just a donkey. He used to carry heavy loads and was all the time exhausted.”

  192. Suatu hari keledai berada dalam suasana hati yang sangat menyenangkan. Jadi, dia mulai bergoyang-goyang dan berlari jauh. Dengan demikian dia yakin bahwa dia bisa berlari lebih cepat daripada hewan tercepat di bumi.

    Sambil menggeledah, keledai itu berpikir, “Ibuku adalah kuda betina. Dia pastilah pembalap. Itu sebabnya saya bisa berlari begitu cepat. ”

    Setelah beberapa lama, dia mendapat ban dan ingin beristirahat. Jadi, dia berhenti berlari dan berdiri diam di suatu tempat.

    Keledai itu bertanya pada dirinya sendiri, “Dari siapakah aku mewarisi kelelahan ini?”

    Dia berpikir keras dan berkata pada dirinya sendiri, “Saya pasti mewarisi dari ayah saya yang hanya keledai. Dia biasa membawa barang-barang berat dan selalu kelelahan. ”


    One day, two friends while walking along the road saw a nice rope lying by its side. Both wanted to have it and started fighting for it.

    One held it from one end and the other from the other end. They started pulling the rope. Suddenly, the rope broke off from the middle. One of them fell in mud and the other in a drain.

    A passerby who was watching all this, went to them and said, “Fighting for a thing always gives bad results.” The friends felt ashamed of their deed.

    The End..

  194. Suatu hari, dua teman sambil berjalan di sepanjang jalan melihat tali yang bagus tergeletak miring. Keduanya ingin memilikinya dan mulai memperjuangkannya.

    Yang satu memegangnya dari satu ujung dan yang lainnya dari ujung yang lain. Mereka mulai menarik tali itu. Tiba-tiba, tali putus dari tengah. Salah satu dari mereka jatuh lumpur dan yang lainnya terkuras.

    Seorang pejalan kaki yang sedang menonton semua ini, mendatangi mereka dan berkata, “Berjuang untuk suatu hal selalu memberi hasil buruk.” Teman-temannya merasa malu dengan perbuatan mereka.


    Once there was a boy called Pat who had a habit of laughing at every small thing. One day, he went to a bank with his mother. When she was depositing money, three robbers entered the bank. They opened fire.

    All the people in the bank got scared. Suddenly, Pat started laughing loudly. The robbers thought that there must be some trap laid for them in the bank. Their minds got distracted and in the meantime, the guards overpowered them.

    The robbers were handed over to the cops. Everybody praised Pat. When his mother asked him that why he laughed, he replied, “The mole on one of the robber’s face was very funny.”

    The End..

  196. Suatu ketika ada seorang anak laki-laki bernama Pat yang memiliki kebiasaan menertawakan setiap hal kecil. Suatu hari, dia pergi ke bank bersama ibunya. Saat dia menyetor uang, tiga perampok memasuki bank. Mereka melepaskan tembakan.

    Semua orang di bank merasa takut. Tiba-tiba, Pat mulai tertawa terbahak-bahak. Para perampok berpikir bahwa pasti ada beberapa jebakan yang diletakkan di bank. Pikiran mereka terganggu dan sementara itu, para penjaga berhasil mengalahkan mereka.

    Perampok itu diserahkan ke polisi. Semua orang memuji Pat. Ketika ibunya bertanya kepadanya mengapa dia tertawa, dia menjawab, “Tikus di salah satu wajah perampok itu sangat lucu.”


    One day, Peter’s father gave him money to buy a clock from the market. So, he went to a showroom and bought a beautiful clock. When he got back home, it was 12 o’clock in the afternoon. So, one hand of the clock was over the other.

    The whole family including Peter thought that the shopkeeper had given him a defective piece. So, he went to the shop for replacement. By that time, two hands had been separated and were visible.

    When Peter realized his folly, he felt embarrassed and returned home.

    When his family members came to know about their foolishness, they also felt very embarrassed.

    The End..

  198. Suatu hari, ayah Peter memberinya uang untuk membeli jam dari pasar. Jadi, dia pergi ke showroom dan membeli jam yang indah. Saat pulang, pukul 12 siang. Jadi, satu tangan jam di atas yang lain.

    Seluruh keluarga termasuk Peter berpikir bahwa penjaga toko telah memberinya barang cacat. Jadi, dia pergi ke toko untuk diganti. Pada saat itu, dua tangan telah terpisah dan terlihat.

    Ketika Peter menyadari kebodohannya, dia merasa malu dan kembali ke rumah.

    Ketika anggota keluarganya mengetahui tentang kebodohan mereka, mereka juga merasa sangat malu.

    Nah itu tadi sedikit sharing dari admin kumpulan cerita pendek bahasa inggris, semoga dapat bermanfaat dan jangan lupa untuk selalu mampir di portal dunia suka-suka

  199. assalamualaikum wr. wb

    Of course to start the event arisan on this day, of course do not forget in advance we all say gratitude to Allah SWT who has given us health and also opportunity so dipagi full barokah we are still allowed to re-assemble. And do not forget also of course we as Muslims who always expect intercession of the Prophet Muhammad SAW, let us to always menghaturkan shalawat and greetings to him. Prophet Muhammad SAW.

    Ladies and gentlemen we respect.

    Not forgetting also we as the host to say welcome and also thank you for the presence of all mothers because of the pleasure of visiting our small house is to return bersilaturahmi intangible arisan agenda every month, so that activities we do today become one of the activities will be worthy of worship and will reward us all. Amen.

    And also we as the host to apologize as much as possible when we provide the board, welcome and entertain the mothers and gentlemen there is something that would be less pleased in the hearts of mothers and gentlemen, and may also diarasa less comfortable and polite once again we please allow the mother’s chest to receive our apology from us.

    Ladies of the arisan members we respect.

  200. Obviously the arisan agenda that we do every month is one form of activities that are not just gathering and gossiping each other without benefits. But more than that let the activity of this arisan agenda we make as one container to continue to establish a sense of brotherhood and ties of hospitality. Because as we know in a hadith it is written that the bond is a means to prolong life and also open the door of fortune. So with this step then the gathering and agenda of this arisan will be one form of road for all of us to improve faith and devotion and one of the forms of worship muamalat. Because the form of worship is not always merely about the relationship between the creature and its creator, but also the relationship between the humanity itself.

    So we expect arisan activities that we run so far will continue to run until a long time. And continue to provide many benefits to us all. And also the sense of cohesiveness and harmony that we have intertwined of course we should be more pererat again and more compact again.

    I think quite a bit of greeting that I can give as the host of the event in the morning. if in speeches in speech a lot of greeting errors without me intentionally, we apologize as much as possible.

    So, less and more we once again apologize. Thanks for your nice attention, wassalamualaikum wr. wb
