Saturday, October 21, 2017

Sapi Yang Berharga, Kematianmu Membawa Kebahagiaan

Alkisah seorang lelaki yang memelihara seekor sapi yang tiap tahunnya melahirkan anak sapi, sehingga ia sungguh mencintai sapi tersebut dari apapun bahkan anaknya sendiri. Nah, suatu hari ia meminta anak laki-laki yang tertua untuk membawa sapi tersebut ke padang rumput agar bisa makan sepuasnya. Selesai dengan tugasnya si tertua membawa sapi pulang ke rumah. Sesampainya di rumah, ayahnya penasaran dan bertanya pada sapi tersebut sudahkah ia diberi makan dan minum yang cukup. Si sapi menjawab belum, ia bahkan berkata bahwa anak laki-laki tertuanya hanya tiduran dan membiarkan dirinya terikat di pohon.
Sang ayah mendengar keluhan si sapi sangat marah, lalu mengusir anak tertuanya itu. Anak laki-lakinya pergi berkelana sampai ia tiba di sebuah ladang milik seorang petani yang dikemudian hari ia banyak belajar bercocok tanam darinya.
Di hari yang berbeda, sang ayah memerintahkan anak laki-laki yang kedua untuk membawa sapinya ke padang rumput agar ia dimandikan dan diberi makanan berupa rumput yang segar. Sang anakpun menuruti perintah ayahnya, ia memandikan sapi dan memberinya makanan berupa hamparan rumput yang hijau lagi segar. Ia mengikatkan sapi tersebut di sebuah pohon sambil menunggu kering setelah dimandikan, ia berteduh di bawah pohon tidak jauh dari tempat dimana sapi ditambatkan.
Sang ayah datang untuk mengecek tugas anak keduanya, begitu melihat anaknya lagi tiduran langsung ia mencambuk dan mengejar anaknya hingga sang anak lari menjauh meninggalkan rumah. Anak keduanya itu terus berjalan berhari-hari hingga sampailah ia di rumah seorang pandai besi. Dari pandai tersebut ia bercerita tentang kejadian yang dialaminya, sang pandai besi merasa iba padanya. Ia berharap suatu hari nanti bisa membantu si anak untuk menyadarkan ayahnya. Ia juga mengajari si anak cara membuat cangkul, sabit dan alat-alat dari logam.
Tinggalah sang ayah dengan anak terakhirnya dan si sapi. Ia pun minta anak terakhirnya untuk membawa sapinya mencari makan dan memandikan sapi tersebut. Anak ketiga menuruti perintah sang ayah, dan berharap tidak mengecewakan ayahnya. Sang anak membawa sapi ke tempat dimana terhampar padang rumput yang hijau dengan terdapat sebuah kubangan air yang cukup dalam untuk memandikan sapi tersebut.
Sesampainya di rumah, setelah tugasnya selesai sang anak ditanya ayahnya apakah tugasnya berhasil, sang anak menjawab bahwa tugasnya telah dilaksanakan dengan baik. Seperti biasanya sang ayah mengecek dengan bertanya pada si sapi. Si sapi menjawab bahwa anak ketiganya itu tidak ada bedanya dengan kedua kakaknya, ia tidak dimandikan dan diberikan makan rumput yang cukup. Sang ayah sangat kecewa terhadap anak ketiganya, ia pun mengusir anak ketiganya itu agar pergi dari rumah sejauh-jauhnya. Maka melihat kemarahan sang ayah, anak ketiga itu pergi jauh hingga ia bertemu dengan seorang yang berilmu, yang pandai membaca dan menulis serta memiliki ilmu yang luas. Laki-laki tersebut dengan bijaksana menasehati anak ketiga, bahkan mengajarinya membaca dan menulis. Siapa tahu dengan bantuannya itu, anak ketiga bisa menyadarkan ayahnya yang telah salah jalan dimana sang ayah lebih mau mendengarkan sapi ketimbang anak-anaknya.
Tinggalah sang laki-laki sendirian hanya dengan sapi miliknya. Maka ia sendiri yang harus membawa sapi untuk mencari makan di padang rumput, setelah beberapa waktu lamanya sapi dibiarkan melahap rerumputan yang segar, ia beristirahat sebentar di bawah pohon. Saat bangun dari tidurnya, ia menghampiri si sapi dan bertanya apakah ia sudah kenyang dengan makan rumput yang banyak. Jawaban si sapi sungguh mengejutkan dirinya, bukan kenyang tapi si sapi malahan berkata bahwa laki-laki itu munafik dan sangat buruk seperti anak-anaknya. Sang laki-laki tersebut sangat marah dan baru sadar selama ini ia tertipu dengan sapi yang dianggapnya membawa keberuntungan. Sebaliknya selama ini ia mengabaikan penjelasan dari ketiga anaknya, rasa cintanya terhadap sapi telah membutakan dirinya terhadap kebenaran. Laki-laki itu mengikat si sapi dibiarkannya hingga mati.
Sang laki-laki tersebut kini merana, ia pun mengembara, mencari ketiga anaknya, mengunjungi kampung, berpindah dari satu desa ke desa lain. Di akhir pencariannya itu ia letih dan memutuskan kembali ke rumah. Selang beberapa tahun kemudian di hari yang ramai untuk pergi ke pasar, ia hendak membeli kebutuhan sehari-hari. Belum sampai di pasar, ia jatuh pingsan di jalan, kerumunan orang membantu dirinya. Setelah tersadar dari pingsannya, ia mendapati sang anak tertua yang kebetulan menjual hasil pertanian, ada anak keduanya juga yang menjual perlengkapan bercocok tanam, tidak ketinggalan anak ketiganya yang sedang menemani gurunya pergi ke pasar untuk membeli makanan. Dari situlah ketiga anak bertemu dengan ayah mereka, keluarga akhirnya berkumpul kembali. Sang laki-laki menangis bercampur haru, ia tidak hanya sadarkan diri dari pingsan tapi juga benar-benar sadar bahwa ketiga anaknya tersebut lebih berharga daripada sekedar seekor sapi yang pernah ia miliki. Sang ayah meminta maaf atas apa yang telah diperbuatnya kepada mereka selama ini dan meminta ketiga anaknya untuk pulang bersama-sama. Akhirnya ayah dan ketiga anak laki-lakinya tersebut mengakhiri cerita dengan bahagia.
Butuh Kesadaran Diri Agar Kondisi Lebih Baik
Dari cerita sapi yang membutakan seorang laki-laki dari kebaikan putranya, ada hal yang bisa kita garis bawahi, salah satunya adalah sikap mau instropeksi diri. Mengevaluasi diri menumbuhkan kesadaran apakah selama ini yang diperbuat itu sudah benar atau masih salah jalan. Jangan sampai kesalahan itu dilakukan gara-gara kita bodoh tidak mau belajar, tidak mau mengambil pelajaran dari setiap musibah, ujian, ataupun semua peristiwa yang kita alami. Terkadang kebanyakan dari kita adalah tipe menunggu teguran yang keras dari Tuhan agar benar-benar tersadar jika selama ini telah salah langkah. Teguran keras itu bisa berupa musibah yang berat, misalnya kecelakaan, kehilangan harta, bangkrut usahanya hingga jatuh miskin, mendapat malapetaka yang merenggut orang-orang yang kita sayangi dsb. Hingga jiwa kita tergoncang, butuh pelarian, butuh tempat mengadu, dan ternyata itu semua adalah bentuk teguran dari Tuhan karena kita lalai, jauh dari ajarannya, atau bahkan terlalu banyak maksiat dan dosa yang kita lakukan. Bisa jadi banyak orang yang teraniaya karena kesalahan yang selama ini sudah kita perbuat. Maka setelah sadar akan teguran keras tersebut, sambangi orang-orang yang pernah kita lukai dan minta maaflah pada mereka. Kesalahan dan dosa pada Tuhan akan terhapus dengan taubatan nasuha, namun kesalahan pada orang yang kita aniaya dan kita sakiti hanya akan terhapus bila orang-orang tersebut memaafkannya. Jika tidak dilakukan, maka ada kesempatan tersendiri bagi orang-orang tadi untuk meminta pertanggungjawaban kita di akhirat. Percayakah dengan akhirat? Muslim harusnya percaya sama akhirat. So, kawan semua tindak-tanduk kita sering-seringlah dievaluasi. Kapan mengevaluasinya? Saran terbaik adalah setiap hari menjelang tidur, karena bisa jadi aktivitas seharian sejak pagi hingga malam ada yang bersinggungan dengan orang lain.
Jangan Terbuai Dengan Harta Dunia
Hanya dengan melahirkan anak sapi setiap tahunnya, sang laki-laki sudah cinta buta terhadap sapi. Yaps, terbuai dengan harta benda dunia, termasuk di dalamnya hewan ternak yang dipelihara. Jika itu lebih membanggakan bagi kita, maka kekecewaan akan didapat di kemudian hari. Karena apa? Tentunya karena alasan bahwa harta benda tersebut sesuatu yang tidak kekal, akan benar-benar membawa manfaat jika ada nilai kebaikan dari harta yang dimiliki tadi. Namun sebaliknya jika sekedar dikumpulkan saja, dinikmati sendiri untuk hura-hura, jauh dari jalan Tuhan, atau tidak pernah digunakan untuk membantu orang dan lainnya maka harta melimpah namun secara bobot nilai diakhirat itu nol. Sekali lagi percayakah dengan akhirat? Muslim harusnya mengimaninya. Awalnya mungkin tidak terlalu terbuai dengan harta dunia, namun begitu merasakan kenikmatan dan kemudahan dari harta dimiliki semakin banyak semakin nikmat, maka lupa semua dengan ajaran kebajikan untuk dibelanjakan di jalan Tuhan, membantu fakir miskin, membantu anak-anak yatim piatu, memberi makan orang-orang gelandangan, memberikan lapangan pekerjaan kepada orang-orang Indonesia yang saat ini kebanyakan menganggur tanpa kerja, bahkan bisa jadi tanpa penghasilan, atau punya penghasilan namun masih kekurangan. Ya, rakyat Indonesia yang belum sejahtera di tahun 2017 itu masih cukup banyak, jadi presiden di tahun 2017 sangat bertanggungjawab atas rakyatnya yang kelaparan, bukannya tidak mau menjadi rakyat yang mandiri, tapi sesuai amanat undang-undang berbunyi, “Fakir miskin dan anak-anak terlantar dipelihara oleh negara (pasal 34 ayat 1 UUD ’45).” Emang fakir miskin itu bisa kelaparan? Emang anak-anak terlantar enggak bisa nyari makan sendiri? Bagi kawan semua yang sudah pernah lulus Sekolah Dasar, pastilah tahu jika orang miskin & anak terlantar bisa kelaparan, peluangnya lebih besar ketimbang kita yang tidak miskin dan juga tidak terlantar. Kalo enggak bisa menjalankan amanat undang-undang, ya presiden diganti aja, orang cina yang bos yang sudah kaya, cukong-cukong cina yang mengeruk bahkan yang termasuk koruptor kelas kakap, harta mereka itu cukup untuk memberikan makan para kaum dhuafa di tanah air ini. Tangkap dan penjarakan mereka, bukan kyai dan ulama serta orang-orang yang lantang berteriak kejujuran dan keadilan menentang rezim pemimpin zalim.
Jangan dipilih lagi ya presiden di tahun 2017, presiden di tahun ini enggak cocok untuk NKRI di tahun 2019-2024. Memberi saran adalah bentuk kritikan positif agar pemimpin yang ada di ibu pertiwi ini benar-benar yang cinta rakyatnya, bukan cinta antek asing, yang sayang sama pribumi bukan cukong penggagas reklamasi. Say goodbye untuk kodok dan kroni-kroninya. Berpikir positif itu adalah merenungkan masa depan NKRI ditangan pemimpin yang lebih bijaksana, adil dan amanah. 
The Precious Cow
There was a man with three sons and a precious cow. The man was very proud of his cow because she gave birth to a healthy calf every year. One day, the man asked his eldest son to take the cow grazing. The son took the cow to the fields where green grass grew and then to the water-hole for a nice long drink.
Later, the man asked the cow, “Cow, did you have enough to eat?”
“Hmm,” the cow replied. “Your wicked son took me the wilderness where no grass grows. Then he tied me up and went to sleep.”
The man was angry with his eldest son and sent him away from home.
The eldest son wandered through green meadows, parched lands and waded across little ponds until he arrived at farmhouse. There he met a kind farmer who taught him how to farm in both dry and wet seasons.
The farmer told the boy, “One day I will have to send you back to your father, so you can teach him how to farm. Then he can depend less on that wicked cow.”
Meanwhile, the boy’s father had called his second son. “Go and graze the cow. She must be well fed and washed.” The second son took the cow to the green fields where she grazed. Then he gave her a bath and tied her to a tree to dry. As he waited for the cow to dry, he dozed off.
The father came by to see how his cow was doing. “Have you eaten?” the man asked the cow.
“Hmm,” the cow replied. “Your wicked son took me to the wilderness where no grass grows. Then he tied me up and went to sleep.”
The man was again very angry. He grabbed a big stick and woke his son up. Then he chased him away.
The second son wandered for days until he came upon the house of a blacksmith. The blacksmith taught him how to make hoes and machetes for farming as well as bows and arrows for hunting. The blcksmith told the boy, “One day, I will have to send you back to your father so you can teach him how to make these tools. The he can depend less on that wicked cow.”
The father had now called his third and favorite son. “Go and graze the cow. Be sure to take good care of her for it will break my heart to send you away like your brothers,” he warned his son.
The son took the cow to the green fields where she grazed and bathed. Then he tied her to a tree to dry. Just then the father arrived.
“Cow,” he asked. “Did you have enough to eat?”
“Hmm,” the cow replied. “Your favorite son is just as wicked as his brothers. He took to the wilderness where no grass grows. Then he tied me up here to die.”
The man was very sad to hear this but he wouldn’t his listen to his son’s please. He sent him away just like his brothers before him.
The third son wandered for many days until he reached the house of a great scholar. Then he learned to read and write.
The father who was now alone took the cow grazing. He took the cow to a pasture where she ate plenty of lush grass and drank plenty of water while the man dozed under a tree. When the man woke up, he asked the cow, “Are you full?!”
The cow laughed. “You’re hypocrite like your sons. You took me into the wilderness. You gave me no food and no water. Then you ask me if I’m full?!”
The man couldn’t believe what he heard. “Ahh, you’ve lying to me all along,” he wailed. “I sent my sons away because of your lies.” He beat the cow with a stick then he tied her up to a tree and left to die.
The man wandered from village to village looking for his sons, but with no luck. After many years, he returned home a sad and tired oldman.
One market day, he decided  to go to the market to buy himself some food. When he got to the edge of the market, he was tired and slumped and fainted. People ran to help him. The noise attracted everyone. Everyone, including the eldest son who had come to sell some of his farm products, the second son who had cpme to sell the tools he made and the third son who had accompanied his teacher to the market to buy some food. The boy noticed that the person who had fainted was their father and at the same time, they found one another. They were overjoyed.
When the old man was revived, he wept with joy at seeing his sons once again. He asked for their forgiveness and pleaded with them to come back home. “My eyes were opened long ago. You are more precious to me than a cow.”
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    A Trip to Tanjung Setia Beach

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    After spending few times swimming in the beach, we bought some hot chips at the takeaway store nearby, and we rode our bikes down the beach for a while, on the hard, damp part of the sand. The next day we visited Labuan Jukung beach. There, we were amazed to see the high wave owned by this beach. Because it was so high that no body was brave enough to surf on it that time.
    The third day there, we decided to go home when we finally made it back home, we were both totally exhausted because of the trip but we were so happy to travel such an amazing beach Lampung province has.
    Analisa :
    Orientation : Paragraf pertama, (Last year, at the end of the year, my wife and I …)
    Events : Paragraf kedua dan ketiga.
    Reorientation : Paragraf keempat (terakhir)

    Perjalanan Liburan ke Pantai Tanjung Setiai
    Tahun lalu, pada akhir tahun, saya dan istri saya memutuskan untuk menghabiskan liburan kami di pantai Tanjung Setia, yang terletak sekitar 234 kilometer dari Bandarlampung.
    Ketika kami tiba di pantai, kami terkejut melihat pemandangan indah pantai tersebut. Setelah menceburkan diri sejenak di pantai, yang benar-benar dingin dan berangin pada waktu itu, kami menyadari bahwa tidak ada banyak orang di sana. Kami berpikir bahwa itu terjadi karena angina terlalu besar pada waktu itu tapi kami akhirnya menyadari bahwa hari itu adalah hari libur Natal sehingga hampir semua wisatawan yang terbiasa untuk menghabiskan waktu di sana kembali ke negara mereka.
    Setelah menghabiskan beberapa waktu berenang di pantai, kami kemudian membeli beberapa keripik hangat(yang baru saja digoreng) di toko di dekat pantai itu, dan kami kemudian bersepeda di pantai untuk beberapa saat, di pasir yang basah itu. Keesokan harinya kami mengunjungi pantai Labuan Jukung. Di sana, kami terkagum-kagum melihat ombak tinggi yang dimiliki oleh pantai ini. Karena begitu tingginya sehingga tidak ada yang cukup berani untuk berselancar di atasnya saat itu.
    Pada hari ketiga ada, kami memutuskan untuk pulang ketika kami akhirnya sampai kembali ke rumah, kami berdua benar-benar lelah karena perjalanan itu tapi kami sangat senang melakukan liburan di pantai yang menakjubkan yang dimiliki provinsi Lampung tersebut.

  9. Visiting Way Kambas

    Yesterday I and my family went to Way Kambas national park to see the elephants and rhinos conserved there. Way Kambas National Park is a national park which is used as elephant and rhino sanctuary located in Labuhan Ratu District, East Lampung, Lampung, Indonesia
    When we got to there, we saw some elephant performances such as playing football, sitting, greeting the visitors, and other entertaining performances. Unfortunately, we could not see the Sumatran rhinoceros because visitors must have a special permit in advance to see them. Visitors or ordinary tourists cannot see the Sumatran rhino’s natural breeding. In the afternoon we saw some animals which were being fed.

    When we returned home we were tired but we were happy because we had so much fun in Way Kambas.
    Mengunjungi Way Kambas
    Kemarin saya dan keluarga pergi ke taman nasional Way Kambas untuk melihat gajah dan badak yang dilestarikan di sana. Taman Nasional Way Kambas adalah taman nasional yang digunakan sebagai tempat perlindungan gajah dan badak yang terletak di Labuhan Ratu Kabupaten Lampung Timur, Lampung, Indonesia
    Ketika kami sampai di sana, kami melihat beberapa pertunjukan gajah seperti gajah bermain sepak bola, gajah duduk, gajah menyapa pengunjung, dan pertunjukan menghibur lainnya. Sayangnya, kita tidak bisa melihat badak sumatera karena pengunjung harus memiliki izin khusus terlebih dahulu untuk melihat mereka. Pengunjung atau wisatawan biasa tidak bisa melihat penangkaran alami badak Sumatera ini. Di sore hari kami melihat beberapa hewan yang diberi makan.
    Ketika kami kembali ke rumah kami merasa lelah tapi kami senang karena kami mendapat banyak kebahagiaa ketika kami di Way Kambas.

  10. A Trip to Borobudur Temple

    Three years ago, I and my classmates visited Borobudur Temple. We went to Borobudur temple by bus. We left our school at nine o’clock. It took us 24 hours to arrive there. I arrived there nine o’clock the next day. Along the road, we saw many vehicles, unique houses, prominent buildings, and some other tourists.

    After we arrived at the Borobudur temple, one of my teachers went to buy tickets. After we waited him for a moment we entered into Borobudur temple area. Then we went up to the top of the temple. Borobudur temple was built at Budur Village, Magelang, Jawa Tengah by Syailendra Dynasty. Borobudur Temple is the biggest temple in the world. It has 504 statues and 1.400 reliefs. From the top of the temple we can see such beautiful scenery. I and my friends went around the temple together. Finally, after having some visits, we should go to the hotel to stay and continue our study tour the next day.

    We felt tired that day but we felt so happy to visit Borobudur temple which is well-known as one of the greatest legacies Indonesia has ever had. I hope the temple can be loved by all of the visitors and the government.

    Perjalanan ke Candi Borobudur

    Tiga tahun yang lalu, saya dan teman-teman sekelas saya mengunjungi Candi Borobudur. Kami pergi ke Candi Borobudur naik bus. Kami meninggalkan sekolah kami pada pukul sembilan. Kami butuh 24 jam untuk tiba di sana. Saya tiba di sana pukul Sembilan pada hari berikutnya. Sepanjang jalan, kami melihat banyak kendaraan, rumah unik, bangunan-bangunan penting, dan beberapa wisatawan lain.

    Setelah kami tiba di Candi Borobudur, salah satu guru saya pergi untuk membeli tiket. Setelah kami menunggu dia sejenak kami masuk ke kawasan candi Borobudur. Kemudian kami naik ke puncak candi. Candi Borobudur dibangun di desa Budur, Magelang, Jawa Tengah oleh Dinasti Syailendra. Candi Borobudur adalah candi terbesar di dunia. Candi ini memiliki 504 patung dan 1.400 relief. Dari puncak candi kita bisa melihat pemandangan yang indah. Saya dan teman-teman berkeliling candi bersama. Akhirnya, setelah mengunjungi beberapa tempat, kita harus pergi ke hotel untuk menginap dan melanjutkan study tour kami hari berikutnya.

    Kami merasa lelah hari itu tapi kami merasa sangat senang untuk mengunjungi Candi Borobudur yang terkenal sebagai salah satu warisan terbesar yang pernah dimiliki Indonesia. Saya berharap candi dapat dicintai oleh semua pengunjung dan juga pemerintah.

  11. Rangkuman film transformer the last knight

    Pada zaman kegelapan inggris si penyihir merlin meminta pertolongan kepada para autobots untuk membantunya agar ia bisa memenangkan peperangan tersebut. Kemudian merlin di beri tongkat dan ia pergi ke medan perang dengan membawa tongkat tersebut. Sampai akhirnya ia memenangkan peperangan hingga 1600 tahun kemudian tidak terjadi adanya peperangan lagi. Setelah optimus meninggalkan bumi untuk menemui penciptanya dua spesies saling berperang yaitu manusia dan robot. Hingga transformer dinyatakan ilegal di bumi karena tidak adanya optimus sebagai pemimpin para outobots. Tapi para robot selalu berdatangan ke bumi hanya di kuba para robot dapat hidup bebas.
    Ada sekelompok anak yang penasaran dengan robot-robot itu dan anak-anak itu diserang oleh beberapa robot tapi di selamatkan oleh gadis kecil yang membawa robot. Ternyata anak-anak tersebut di bawah lindungan robot yang besar dan robot itu di anggap membahayakan. Kemudian di tembak oleh pesawat dan akhirnya jatuh dan mati. Tapi cade dan bumble bee datang dan menolong anak-anak itu. Dan cade mengusir anak-anak itu. Kemudian cade membebaskan transformer yang di kurung. Tapi transformer itu mati dan hanya memberikan jimat kepada cade. Dan cade dikepung oleh angkatan bersenjata, bumble bee datang dan memecah belah dirinya untuk mengkelabui musuh. Kemudian ia bersatu kembali dan mengancam akan membunuh pasukan militer tersebut. Ada salah satu mata-mata dari decepticon yang memberi tahu pada megatron bahwa jimat dari kesatria telah diberikan kepada manusia. Optimus tiba di planet cybertron dan dia kaget melihat planetnya yang hancur. Optimus bertemu quintessa dan menyerangnya. Tapi quintessa menangkap optimus di kastil skotlandia. Sebuah robot memberi tahu kepada tuanya bahwa sang ksatria terakhir telah datang. Optimus ingin kembali membangun planetnya. Dan quintessa menyuruh optimus untuk mengambil kembali tongkat quintessa yang pernah di curi oleh 12 ksatria yang bersembunyi di bumi yang di berikan kepada manusia. Kemudian optimus bersedia melaksanakan perintah quintessa. Cade pulang kembali ke tempat rongsokan mobil dan menemukan banyak masalah disitu. Karena orang yang ia sewa tidak bisa menjaga semua robotnya. Ada robot rongsokan yang datang dan menawarkan kepala robot dan robot itu melihat jimat kemudian menjelaskan tentang jimat itu. Cade menelvon anaknya dan anaknya berkat kalau ia ingin cade tidak usah menyelamatkan dunia dan anaknya ingin kalau cade liburan. Megatron bernegosiasi untuk membebaskan anak buahnya yaitu mohaluk, mitrozeus berserker, onslaught. Cade mengajari gadis kecil untuk memperbaiki bumble bee agar ia bisa berbicara dengan suara aslinya lagi.
    Deception datang ke tempat rongsokan milik cade tapi cade dan para autobots lebih dulu pergi meninggalkan tempat itu. Cade memasang strategi untuk melawan decepticon tapi gadis kecil itu melakukan tindakan ceroboh yang membuat strateginya tak berhasil, tapi untungnya deceptocon menyerah mundur. Tapi cade masih diikuti oleh pesawat kecil. Cade di jemput oleh robot untuk bertemu tuannya dan berdiskusi masalah jimat dari ksatria itu. Ada gadis yang bernama joe elfod yang di bawa oleh mobil dan dibawa kepada tuannya dan bertemu cade. Cade tiba di kastil bersama bumble bee dan disambut oleh pria bertopi.

  12. Latar belakang film transformers the last knight
    Jenis film : Action, Adventure, Scr-fi
    Tanggal rilis : 21 Juni 2017
    Transformers the last knight (2017) adalah film yang akan bercerita tentang optimus prime yang telah menemukan planet tempat dimana dirinya berasal yaitu planet cyberton. Namun planetnya tersebut sudah mati dan dirinya menemukan bahwa dialah yang bertanggung jawab atas kehancuran planet tersebut. Film ini merupakan arahan dari sutradara film bernama michael bay. Berdasarkan naskah skenario cerita yang ditulis oleh art marcum, matt holloway. Film diadaptasi dari komik yang berjudul transformer karya hasbro.

  13. Kelebihan :
    Cerita yang cukup menarik, imajinatif di dukung pengetahuan IT yang canggih dan penampilan gambar 3D animasi yang sangat detail dan baik. Sehingga para penonton dapat menyaksikan film dengan baik.

    Kekurangan :
    Banyaknya konflik yang terdapat dalam film sehingga membuat penonton bingung dengan alur cerita film tersebut.

  14. 20
    A Trip to Tanjung Setia Beach

    Last year, at the end of the year, my wife and I decided to spend our holiday at Tanjung Setia beach, which located around 234 kilometers from Bandarlampung.

    When we arrived at the beach, we were surprised to see the beautiful view of the beach. After having a quick dip in the ocean, which was really cold and windy, we realized that there were not many people there. We thought that it happened because it was too windy there during that time but we finally realized that it was Christmas holiday so almost all of tourists who are used to spending time there went back to their country.

    After spending few times swimming in the beach, we bought some hot chips at the takeaway store nearby, and we rode our bikes down the beach for a while, on the hard, damp part of the sand. The next day we visited Labuan Jukung beach. There, we were amazed to see the high wave owned by this beach. Because it was so high that no body was brave enough to surf on it that time.

    The third day there, we decided to go home when we finally made it back home, we were both totally exhausted because of the trip but we were so happy to travel such an amazing beach Lampung province has.

  15. 55
    Kiluan Bay

    Kiluan Bay is a tourist attraction which is located in Kiluan village, Kelumbayan sub district, Tanggamus district, South Lampung. Kiluan Bay is about 80 kilometers from Bandar Lampung city center or three to four hour if you go there by car. This is the place of migration for a bunch of mouth bottles dolphins.

    This bay has stunning natural landscape and coast. The sand beach which is spreading out there is white and gentle. It is quite harmonious with the blue color of the sea. Besides swimming and snorkeling, in this bay you can also see the attractions from a group of dolphins. The attractions of a group of dolphins can usually be seen around 06:00 to 10:00 in the morning. However, to watch the attractions you must first rent a small boat or Jukung.

    By using the small boat or Jukung, you will be brought Into the middle of the see where the dolphins gather. It takes around twenty five minutes from the coast. From close distance, you can see a group of dolphins which swim and even jump on the side of the coming boat as if they welcomed your coming. Way Kambas National Park is a national park for elephant sanctuary located in Lampung precisely in the Labuhan Ratu sub district, East Lampung, Indonesia. Way Kambas National Park, established in 1985, is the first school for elephant in Indonesia. In the beginning of its establishment, Way Kambas National Park was named the Elephant Training Center / Pusat Latihan Gajah (PLG), but the last few years this name was changed into Elephant Conservation Center / Pusat Konservasi Gajah (PKG), which is expected to become a center for elephant conservation in taming, training, breeding and conserving elephants. Until now, this PKG has trained for about 300 elephants which have been deployed to all over the country.

    In Way Kambas National Park, there are some endangered animals such as Sumatran Rhinos, Sumatran elephant, Sumatran tiger, Mentok Rimba, and Buaya sepit. There are also so some plants which are mostly found there such as Api-api, Pidada, Nipah, and Pandan. On the marshy coasts of Way Kambas National Park is often found various species of birds, such as, Lesser Adjutant, Pheasant Blue, Kuau Raja, Pependang Timur, and some other birds.

  16. 73
    Lampung is not only famous for its Way Kambas National Park. One of the best tourist attractions of this province is Tanjung Setia Beach. This beach is located in the village of Tanjung Setia, West Lampung district, Lampung province. It is about 273 km or about six to seven hour driving from Bandar Lampung, the capital city of Lampung province.

    This beach has not been well known by the citizens of Indonesia yet, but for the world surfers this beach is a hidden paradise for surfing. This beach is exactly laid on the track of large Indian Ocean currents that make this beach have waves which are quite perfect for surfing. The perfect wave of this beach usually lasts from June to August with the height which can reach up to six to seven meters with a 200 meters length.

    In addition to perfect waves for surfing, the beach also has an ambience which is quite natural with white sand along the beach. Rows of palm tree which grow also adorn this beach. For local people, the beach area is also an ideal place for fishing. Some fish which are often obtained by the fisherman are blue marlin which is so big enough that its weight can reach up to 70 kilograms. By local residents this fish is known by the name of Iwa Tuhuk.

  17. 83
    Pink Beach or Pantai Merah Muda is one of the beaches in Komodo island, East Nusa Tenggara. The beach is called Pink Beach because the sand beach is pink. The pink color of its beach is a mixture of white sand beach colors mixed with crushed coral, shells, calcium carbonate from marine invertebrates that are very small, and also Foraminifera, microscopic amoeba that has a red body shell.

    At Pink Beach, there are so many marine organisms. No fewer than 1,000 species of fish, 260 species of coral, and 70 species of sponge can be found here. Having so much marine life, this place is a proper spot for snorkeling and diving for sea sports lovers.

  18. 96
    Pahawang Island

    Pahawang Island is an island located in Punduh Padada sub district, Pasawaran district, Lampung province. The island is divided into two; They are Pahawang Besar island and Pahawang Kecil island.

    Pahawang island saves a lot of beauty. Beautiful scenery, hills of green trees, white sand beaches, crystal clear and fresh sea water are all you can enjoy on the island. It is suitable for those who like snorkelling. Moreover, in small Pahawang Island there is a natural bridge called Tanjung Putus. Tanjung Putus connects between the Tanjung Putus island and the Pahawang Kecil island. Tanjung Putus can only be seen during low tide because when the tides rise, this natural bridge will be under water. Tanjung Putus region is also one of the favorite diving spot for the visitors.

    Small Pahawang island can be reached approximately ten minutes from big Pahawang island. Most visitors stay at Pahawang Big Island because mostly locals live there.

  19. 103
    Gili is derived from Sasak language (Lombok Island native tribal language) which means small island. Actually there are several Gili / dykes around the island of Lombok, yet there are three dykes that are known by tourists, namely Gili Trawangan, Gili Air and Gili Meno.

    Among the three dykes, the Gili Trawangan is the largest, well-known and the most complete amenities. Gili Trawangan is located in the northwest of the island of Lombok. Administratively, Gili Trawangan includes in the territory of the village of Gili Indah, West Lombok, West Nusa Tenggara province.

    Gili Trawangan has several beaches with very beautiful views. Most beaches have blue tosca and clear sea water. The sand there is also soft with white color. On the west side of the island, you can get the beach atmosphere which is quiet and calm enough. But there, the sand is slightly coarser than the sand of the beach which is in the southeast of the island. Even though, this island looks pretty green with many pine trees, acacia, and coconut trees that beautify the shoreline.


  20. 18
    Borobudur temple is a very famous Budist temple. It is is one of the greatest Buddhist monuments in the world. Built in the 8th and 9th centuries by Syailendra Dynasty, the temple is consist of teen floors. It symbolize the teen floors of Bodhisattvas ( teen level to achive perfection ).

    Borobudur Temple also can be divided into three levels. Those are Kamadatu, Rupadatu, and Arupadatu. Kamadatu symbolize the lowest level of human. Here people still tied to the law of karma. Here we can see Karma Wibangga Reliefs.

    The second level is Rupadatu Level or the level of face. It symbolize people that starting to search for illumination. At this level, we can see Lalitavistara, the relief about Budha. There are also other reliefs and story at this level.

    The last one is Arupadatu level or the level without face. It symbolize the perfection. It is the circle floors at the temple where we can see the many stupas.


    Pada suatu hari yang cerah ada beberapa orang yang sedang mengerjakan pekerjaan membongkar alat-alat tempur para alien yang mereka temukan. Di suatu ketika ada seorang pria bernama Peter Parker yang masuk sekolah, dia pun bertemu dengan teman-temannya. Setelah pulang sekolah, dia pun pergi dengan memakai pakaian spider-man, lalu dia melakukan aksi mengelilingi kota dengan keahliannya. Pada malam harinya spider-man melihat seseorang sedang melakukan perampokan disebuah bank, lalu spider-man berusaha untuk menggagalkannya dengan melawannya. Setelah dia berhasil menggagalkan perampokan itu dia pun kembali ke tempat di mana dia mengganti pakaiannya. Setelah sampai di tempat itu, ternyata tas ransel miliknya telah hilang, lalu dia memutuskan untuk pulang, setelah sampai di kamarnya dia pun masuk melewati jendela dengan merayap di dinding langit-langit kamarnya,setelah sampai diapun akhirnya turun, tetapi alangkah terkejutnya dia ketika melihat di dalam kamarnya ada seorang temannya yang melihat kejadian tadi, lalu Peter pun meminta temannya untuk merahasiakan apa yang dia lihat agar tidak ada masalah yang melanda.Setelah itu ada seorang wanita yang mengajak Peter untuk makan malam bersama, sang wanita menanyakan tentang sekolah dan prakrinnya kepada Tony Stark, dan mereka melihat berita di TV bahwa perampokan di bank telah digagalkan oleh pahlawan super yang ada di Queens. Pagi harinya Peter dan temannya Ned masuk sekolah dan mereka berdua berjalan ke sekolah sambil berbincang-bincang, setelah mereka sampai di sekolah merekapun mengikuti pelajaran seperti biasanya. Di sekolah teman-teman mereka membicarakan tentang spider-man, dan Peter pun diajak untuk ikut pesta yang diadakan oleh Liz. Pada malam harinya mereka pun berpesta, Peter Parker pun datang bersama temannya Ned. Setelah itu Peter Parker ingin mengganti bajunya dengan kostum spider-man, saat dia melihat ke arah langit dia melihat suatu cahaya yang bersinar, lalu dia pun mengikuti arah cahaya itu pergi. Peter akhirnya tiba di suatu tempat dan melihat beberapa orang sedang melakukan sesuatu yang mencurigakan, lalu Peter pun menghampiri orang tersebut dan bertarung dengan orang-orang itu, hingga ia mengikuti mobil yang membawa mereka pergi dengan kekuatannya. Lalu mereka bertarung dengan sangat hebat, ketika di jalan Peter menemukan sebuah benda bercahaya lalu dia mengambilnya dan membawanya pulang ke rumah. Setelah itu Peter melakukan penelitian tentang benda bercahaya yang dia temukan. Pagi harinya Peter ikut jalan-jalan bersama temannya dan menginap di sebuah hotel, malam harinya Peter pergi untuk menjalankan misinya untuk memecahkan tentang asal-usul benda bercahaya itu. Setelah Peter menyelidiki tentang semua itu dia dapat menyimpulkan bahwa benda bercahaya itu adalah bagian dari sebuah senjata yang sengaja di buat dengan cara yang tidak benar dan dan berbahaya serta memperjual belikan barang tersebut di berbagai kalangan di Queens. Setelah itu dia pun akhirnya bertemu dengan makhluk bersayap yang merupakan ketua dari para penjahat yang memperjual belikan barang-barang berbahaya itu, makhluk tersebut bernama Avengers. Setelah mereka bertemu akhirnya mereka terlibat perkelahian yang sangat besar yang hampir menghancurkan sebagian kota Queens. Avengers pun kalah dan sayap nya pun terbakar habis. Setelah itu Peter pun dapat menikmati masa-masa sekolahnya di SMA.


    Tanggal rilis : 5 Juli 2017
    Jenis film : Superhero, Action
    Di perankan oleh : Tom Holland, Michael Keaton, Jon Favreau, Zendaya, Donaid Glover, Tyne
    Daly, Marisa Tomei, Robert Downey Jr.
    Jon Watts sebagai sutradara dalam film spider-man ini. Tom holland sebagai pemeran manusia laba-
    laba. Michel keaton pemeran vulture juga yang harus diberi pujian. Aktor gaek mantan pemeran
    Batman ini membuktikan kenapa dirinya termasuk aktor underrated di era modern ini. Dia
    menunjukkan performa akting yang sama primanya seperti di film Birdman. Penjahat film marvel
    juga kerap kali hanya tampil untuk dijadikan karung tinju, tak pernah terasaterlalu mengancam.
    Pendalaman karakter yang diperoleh vulture membuat dia menjelma menjadi sosok yang memukau
    sebagai penjahat. Dia juga tersaji sebagai lawan yang kuat, dan bikin penasaran bagaimana spidey
    bisa mengalahkannya.

    Film ini memang banyak di bumbul unsur komedi seperti mayoritas film-film marvel. Di sini anda akan menyaksikan paduan tema heroice dengan komedi yang di kombinasikan dengan apik. Sejak awal film ini memang berkonsep santai dan memberikan banyak tempat untuk dialog-dialog jenaka, inilah sebabnya film spider-man yang satu ini juga merupakan tontonan komedi paling menghibur dan seru besutan Marvel. Film ini juga membawa pesan moral yang baik tentang harapan serta perjuangan versi anak sekolah.
    Pada film ini cerita dianggap kurang sempurna karena ada kejanggalan dalam alurnya. Yaitu pesawat yang mengangkut senjata-senjata berbahaya bisa mengudara dengan santai tanpa kawalan dari para superhero seolah memberi kesempatan spidey dan vulture untuk duel disana. Spider versi terakhir ini tampil begitu canggih dan merepotkan tim captain America sementara pada film ini kemampuannya seolah merosot menjadi superhero baru.


    Pada suatu hari yang cerah ada beberapa orang yang sedang mengerjakan pekerjaan membongkar alat-alat tempur para alien yang mereka temukan. Di suatu ketika ada seorang pria bernama Peter Parker yang masuk sekolah, dia pun bertemu dengan teman-temannya. Setelah pulang sekolah, dia pun pergi dengan memakai pakaian spider-man, lalu dia melakukan aksi mengelilingi kota dengan keahliannya. Pada malam harinya spider-man melihat seseorang sedang melakukan perampokan disebuah bank, lalu spider-man berusaha untuk menggagalkannya dengan melawannya. Setelah dia berhasil menggagalkan perampokan itu dia pun kembali ke tempat di mana dia mengganti pakaiannya. Setelah sampai di tempat itu, ternyata tas ransel miliknya telah hilang, lalu dia memutuskan untuk pulang, setelah sampai di kamarnya dia pun masuk melewati jendela dengan merayap di dinding langit-langit kamarnya,setelah sampai diapun akhirnya turun, tetapi alangkah terkejutnya dia ketika melihat di dalam kamarnya ada seorang temannya yang melihat kejadian tadi, lalu Peter pun meminta temannya untuk merahasiakan apa yang dia lihat agar tidak ada masalah yang melanda.Setelah itu ada seorang wanita yang mengajak Peter untuk makan malam bersama, sang wanita menanyakan tentang sekolah dan prakrinnya kepada Tony Stark, dan mereka melihat berita di TV bahwa perampokan di bank telah digagalkan oleh pahlawan super yang ada di Queens. Pagi harinya Peter dan temannya Ned masuk sekolah dan mereka berdua berjalan ke sekolah sambil berbincang-bincang, setelah mereka sampai di sekolah merekapun mengikuti pelajaran seperti biasanya. Di sekolah teman-teman mereka membicarakan tentang spider-man, dan Peter pun diajak untuk ikut pesta yang diadakan oleh Liz. Pada malam harinya mereka pun berpesta, Peter Parker pun datang bersama temannya Ned. Setelah itu Peter Parker ingin mengganti bajunya dengan kostum spider-man, saat dia melihat ke arah langit dia melihat suatu cahaya yang bersinar, lalu dia pun mengikuti arah cahaya itu pergi. Peter akhirnya tiba di suatu tempat dan melihat beberapa orang sedang melakukan sesuatu yang mencurigakan, lalu Peter pun menghampiri orang tersebut dan bertarung dengan orang-orang itu, hingga ia mengikuti mobil yang membawa mereka pergi dengan kekuatannya. Lalu mereka bertarung dengan sangat hebat, ketika di jalan Peter menemukan sebuah benda bercahaya lalu dia mengambilnya dan membawanya pulang ke rumah. Setelah itu Peter melakukan penelitian tentang benda bercahaya yang dia temukan. Pagi harinya Peter ikut jalan-jalan bersama temannya dan menginap di sebuah hotel, malam harinya Peter pergi untuk menjalankan misinya untuk memecahkan tentang asal-usul benda bercahaya itu. Setelah Peter menyelidiki tentang semua itu dia dapat menyimpulkan bahwa benda bercahaya itu adalah bagian dari sebuah senjata yang sengaja di buat dengan cara yang tidak benar dan dan berbahaya serta memperjual belikan barang tersebut di berbagai kalangan di Queens. Setelah itu dia pun akhirnya bertemu dengan makhluk bersayap yang merupakan ketua dari para penjahat yang memperjual belikan barang-barang berbahaya itu, makhluk tersebut bernama Avengers. Setelah mereka bertemu akhirnya mereka terlibat perkelahian yang sangat besar yang hampir menghancurkan sebagian kota Queens. Avengers pun kalah dan sayap nya pun terbakar habis. Setelah itu Peter pun dapat menikmati masa-masa sekolahnya di SMA.


    Pada suatu hari yang cerah ada beberapa orang yang sedang mengerjakan pekerjaan membongkar alat-alat tempur para alien yang mereka temukan. Di suatu ketika ada seorang pria bernama Peter Parker yang masuk sekolah, dia pun bertemu dengan teman-temannya. Setelah pulang sekolah, dia pun pergi dengan memakai pakaian spider-man, lalu dia melakukan aksi mengelilingi kota dengan keahliannya. Pada malam harinya spider-man melihat seseorang sedang melakukan perampokan disebuah bank, lalu spider-man berusaha untuk menggagalkannya dengan melawannya. Setelah dia berhasil menggagalkan perampokan itu dia pun kembali ke tempat di mana dia mengganti pakaiannya. Setelah sampai di tempat itu, ternyata tas ransel miliknya telah hilang, lalu dia memutuskan untuk pulang, setelah sampai di kamarnya dia pun masuk melewati jendela dengan merayap di dinding langit-langit kamarnya,setelah sampai diapun akhirnya turun, tetapi alangkah terkejutnya dia ketika melihat di dalam kamarnya ada seorang temannya yang melihat kejadian tadi, lalu Peter pun meminta temannya untuk merahasiakan apa yang dia lihat agar tidak ada masalah yang melanda.Setelah itu ada seorang wanita yang mengajak Peter untuk makan malam bersama, sang wanita menanyakan tentang sekolah dan prakrinnya kepada Tony Stark, dan mereka melihat berita di TV bahwa perampokan di bank telah digagalkan oleh pahlawan super yang ada di Queens. Pagi harinya Peter dan temannya Ned masuk sekolah dan mereka berdua berjalan ke sekolah sambil berbincang-bincang, setelah mereka sampai di sekolah merekapun mengikuti pelajaran seperti biasanya. Di sekolah teman-teman mereka membicarakan tentang spider-man, dan Peter pun diajak untuk ikut pesta yang diadakan oleh Liz. Pada malam harinya mereka pun berpesta, Peter Parker pun datang bersama temannya Ned. Setelah itu Peter Parker ingin mengganti bajunya dengan kostum spider-man, saat dia melihat ke arah langit dia melihat suatu cahaya yang bersinar, lalu dia pun mengikuti arah cahaya itu pergi. Peter akhirnya tiba di suatu tempat dan melihat beberapa orang sedang melakukan sesuatu yang mencurigakan, lalu Peter pun menghampiri orang tersebut dan bertarung dengan orang-orang itu, hingga ia mengikuti mobil yang membawa mereka pergi dengan kekuatannya. Lalu mereka bertarung dengan sangat hebat, ketika di jalan Peter menemukan sebuah benda bercahaya lalu dia mengambilnya dan membawanya pulang ke rumah. Setelah itu Peter melakukan penelitian tentang benda bercahaya yang dia temukan. Pagi harinya Peter ikut jalan-jalan bersama temannya dan menginap di sebuah hotel, malam harinya Peter pergi untuk menjalankan misinya untuk memecahkan tentang asal-usul benda bercahaya itu. Setelah Peter menyelidiki tentang semua itu dia dapat menyimpulkan bahwa benda bercahaya itu adalah bagian dari sebuah senjata yang sengaja di buat dengan cara yang tidak benar dan dan berbahaya serta memperjual belikan barang tersebut di berbagai kalangan di Queens. Setelah itu dia pun akhirnya bertemu dengan makhluk bersayap yang merupakan ketua dari para penjahat yang memperjual belikan barang-barang berbahaya itu, makhluk tersebut bernama Avengers. Setelah mereka bertemu akhirnya mereka terlibat perkelahian yang sangat besar yang hampir menghancurkan sebagian kota Queens. Avengers pun kalah dan sayap nya pun terbakar habis. Setelah itu Peter pun dapat menikmati masa-masa sekolahnya di SMA.

    1. Pinocchio

      Once there was a carpenter called Geppetto. He made a wooden puppet and called him Pinocchio. “How nice it would be if it were a real baby!” sighed when he finished painting it. That night, a good fairy heard him and made his wish to become real. “Awake, wood inanimate, now you’ve got a soul!” she made her magic spell touching Pinocchio with her magic wand. “Pinocchio , be always a good , brave and a selfless boy , ” said the Fairy , ” and one day you’ll be a real boy ! ” Then, she addressed to Jiminy Cricket: “I appoint you to guide Pinocchio, ” she added, before disappearing in a thousand flashes of light.

      Imagine the delight of Geppetto when he discovered that his little man of wood could move and talk! The next morning he sent him to school like a real boy. “Goodbye, son, come back soon!”
      Pinocchio was a little naughty so he disobeying her father went to the terrible Eater, a puppeteer who promised to make him famous. He enjoyed a lot of singing and dancing with the other puppets. But, when the show was over, Eater shut him in a cage. Suddenly, there appeared the Blue Fairy: “Why did not you go to school?” she asked. Pinocchio answered with a lie and his nose began to grow … Only when he told the truth, the Fairy freed him and his nose was back to normal. On the way home, Pinocchio saw a coach load of kids cheering. The coachman told him that he was directed to Toyland, where the kids could do whatever they wanted.

      “Pinocchio, come back!” Jiminy Cricket ran after him. But the puppet would not listen to him. There Pinocchio met a new boy Candlewick. He soon discovered that in Toyland the lazy and rude kids were turned into donkeys. Pinocchio ran desperately, followed by his faithful friend. Jiminy Cricket Together, then returned to the house of Geppetto , but they found none. “Who knows what l happened to him!” At that moment, a dove brought them a message: while Geppetto was looking for Pinocchio everywhere, he was swallowed by a whale and now he was his prisoner. “I want to save him!” decided the puppet.

      Arriving at the sea, he dived an dived till he found his father in the belly of the whale. But how to get out of there? So he lit a fire and the smoke made the whale sneeze so strong that, she opened its mouth. Pinocchio and Geppetto escaped on a raft. The puppet helped his father to swim in the middle of the waves: and they finally reached the shore! But as soon as they arrived Pinocchio, for the great effort fainted. Grief-stricken, Geppetto took him home. The Blue Fairy, awoke him and, as promised, rewarded his courage and his goodness, by transforming Pinocchio into a real boy.

  25. Pinocchio

    Once there was a carpenter called Geppetto. He made a wooden puppet and called him Pinocchio. “How nice it would be if it were a real baby!” sighed when he finished painting it. That night, a good fairy heard him and made his wish to become real. “Awake, wood inanimate, now you’ve got a soul!” she made her magic spell touching Pinocchio with her magic wand. “Pinocchio , be always a good , brave and a selfless boy , ” said the Fairy , ” and one day you’ll be a real boy ! ” Then, she addressed to Jiminy Cricket: “I appoint you to guide Pinocchio, ” she added, before disappearing in a thousand flashes of light.

    Imagine the delight of Geppetto when he discovered that his little man of wood could move and talk! The next morning he sent him to school like a real boy. “Goodbye, son, come back soon!”
    Pinocchio was a little naughty so he disobeying her father went to the terrible Eater, a puppeteer who promised to make him famous. He enjoyed a lot of singing and dancing with the other puppets. But, when the show was over, Eater shut him in a cage. Suddenly, there appeared the Blue Fairy: “Why did not you go to school?” she asked. Pinocchio answered with a lie and his nose began to grow … Only when he told the truth, the Fairy freed him and his nose was back to normal. On the way home, Pinocchio saw a coach load of kids cheering. The coachman told him that he was directed to Toyland, where the kids could do whatever they wanted.

    “Pinocchio, come back!” Jiminy Cricket ran after him. But the puppet would not listen to him. There Pinocchio met a new boy Candlewick. He soon discovered that in Toyland the lazy and rude kids were turned into donkeys. Pinocchio ran desperately, followed by his faithful friend. Jiminy Cricket Together, then returned to the house of Geppetto , but they found none. “Who knows what l happened to him!” At that moment, a dove brought them a message: while Geppetto was looking for Pinocchio everywhere, he was swallowed by a whale and now he was his prisoner. “I want to save him!” decided the puppet.

    Arriving at the sea, he dived an dived till he found his father in the belly of the whale. But how to get out of there? So he lit a fire and the smoke made the whale sneeze so strong that, she opened its mouth. Pinocchio and Geppetto escaped on a raft. The puppet helped his father to swim in the middle of the waves: and they finally reached the shore! But as soon as they arrived Pinocchio, for the great effort fainted. Grief-stricken, Geppetto took him home. The Blue Fairy, awoke him and, as promised, rewarded his courage and his goodness, by transforming Pinocchio into a real boy.

  26. The days of yore in a village lived a family consisting of a father, mother and a teenage girl named beautiful garlic. They are a happy family. Although father garlic onlymerchants, but they live peacefully and get along well. But one day the mother of garlic ill and eventually died. Garlic is very similarly bereaved father.

    In the village lived also a widow who has a child named red onion. Since the motherdied, the mother of garlic red onions often pay a visit to the home of the garlic. Heoften brought food, garlic helps take care of the House or simply accompany the garlic and his father chatting. Finally the father of garlic thinking that it might be better if he was married to the mother of the onion, the garlic not so lonely anymore.bawang merah bawang putih

    With consideration of the garlic, then the father is married to the mother of garlic shallots. Initially the mother of red onions and shallots are very good to Provence. Buttheir real nature gradually started to become visible. They often scold the garlic andgive him heavy work if the father is away the garlic trade. Garlic must be worked onall the homework, while Bawang merah and her mother just sitting alone. Of courseDaddy garlic don’t know it, because the garlic never tell it.

    One day Father Garlic fell ill and later died. Since then the onion and his mother are increasingly powerful and arbitrarily against garlic. Garlic is almost never at rest. He had to be up before dawn, to prepare the bath water and breakfast for onion and his mother. Then she had to feed the cattle, watering gardens and washing clothes to the river. Then he must still be ironed out, took care of the House, and many other jobs. But garlic is always doing his job with glee, because he hoped that someday his stepmother would love him as his own son.

    This morning as usual garlic brought a basket containing the clothes that will be dicucinya in the river. With a small singing him down a path on the edge of a small forest of the usual kind. That day the weather was sunny.

  27. This morning as usual garlic brought a basket containing the clothes that will be dicucinya in the river. With a small singing him down a path on the edge of a small forest of the usual kind. That day the weather was sunny. Garlic immediately wash all dirty clothes which he carried. I was so too excitedly, garlic is not aware of bahwasalahone shirt has been drifting are carried by the current. That wretched clothes drift is the favourite clothes his stepmother. When realizing it, clothes his stepmother has drifted too far. Try garlic down the River to look for her, but did not manage to find it.In desperation he returned home and told his mother.

    “Basic sloppy!” snapped his stepmother. “I don’t want to know, anyway you have to find that dress! And don’t dare go home if you don’t find it. Understand? “

  28. New Year Holiday Story
    The last school holiday, I spent the time with my family on vacation to a relative's house in Madiun, approximately 6 hour trip by bus from our home in Malang.
    On the way there, we saw many beautiful views such as rice fields, mountains, etc. Having arrived at the uncle's house, we were greeted by our relatives who had not met us for a long time. The next day, we walked around the town of Madiun until the sky got dark. Finally we decided to go home at 6:00 p.m. on that day.
    On the next day, I forgot that it was the New Year. Sudenly, one of my cousins ​​came and asked me to celebrate the New Year's Eve together. At night, I went together with him to the center of the city of Madiun which had already been so crowded because a lot of people who also wanted to celebrate the New Year with his family. When the countdown arrived, the sky which was dark at once then became so colorfully decorated by fireworks. We prayed together and watched the fireworks lightening the sky that night.
    Suddenly, the holiday passed quickly. The last New Year's holiday experience in the city of Malang was so impressive for me.

  29. New Year Holiday Story
    The last school holiday, I spent the time with my family on vacation to a relative's house in Madiun, approximately 6 hour trip by bus from our home in Malang.
    On the way there, we saw many beautiful views such as rice fields, mountains, etc. Having arrived at the uncle's house, we were greeted by our relatives who had not met us for a long time. The next day, we walked around the town of Madiun until the sky got dark. Finally we decided to go home at 6:00 p.m. on that day.
    On the next day, I forgot that it was the New Year. Sudenly, one of my cousins ​​came and asked me to celebrate the New Year's Eve together. At night, I went together with him to the center of the city of Madiun which had already been so crowded because a lot of people who also wanted to celebrate the New Year with his family. When the countdown arrived, the sky which was dark at once then became so colorfully decorated by fireworks. We prayed together and watched the fireworks lightening the sky that night.
    Suddenly, the holiday passed quickly. The last New Year's holiday experience in the city of Malang was so impressive for me.

  30. New Year Holiday Story
    The last school holiday, I spent the time with my family on vacation to a relative's house in Madiun, approximately 6 hour trip by bus from our home in Malang.
    On the way there, we saw many beautiful views such as rice fields, mountains, etc. Having arrived at the uncle's house, we were greeted by our relatives who had not met us for a long time. The next day, we walked around the town of Madiun until the sky got dark. Finally we decided to go home at 6:00 p.m. on that day.
    On the next day, I forgot that it was the New Year. Sudenly, one of my cousins ​​came and asked me to celebrate the New Year's Eve together. At night, I went together with him to the center of the city of Madiun which had already been so crowded because a lot of people who also wanted to celebrate the New Year with his family. When the countdown arrived, the sky which was dark at once then became so colorfully decorated by fireworks. We prayed together and watched the fireworks lightening the sky that night.
    Suddenly, the holiday passed quickly. The last New Year's holiday experience in the city of Malang was so impressive for me.

  31. New Year Holiday Story
    The last school holiday, I spent the time with my family on vacation to a relative's house in Madiun, approximately 6 hour trip by bus from our home in Malang.
    On the way there, we saw many beautiful views such as rice fields, mountains, etc. Having arrived at the uncle's house, we were greeted by our relatives who had not met us for a long time. The next day, we walked around the town of Madiun until the sky got dark. Finally we decided to go home at 6:00 p.m. on that day.
    On the next day, I forgot that it was the New Year. Sudenly, one of my cousins ​​came and asked me to celebrate the New Year's Eve together. At night, I went together with him to the center of the city of Madiun which had already been so crowded because a lot of people who also wanted to celebrate the New Year with his family. When the countdown arrived, the sky which was dark at once then became so colorfully decorated by fireworks. We prayed together and watched the fireworks lightening the sky that night.
    Suddenly, the holiday passed quickly. The last New Year's holiday experience in the city of Malang was so impressive for me.

  32. “My Rainforest Adventure"
    Today I woke up at 5:00am in the morning. I put on my loose fitting shirt, trousers, sturdy black boots with little holes in them, wide brimmed hat and a plastic bag with spare dry clothes in case it rained so I didn’t get a cold. When I got out of the four-wheel drive I could feel the refreshing cool air, it smelt like it had been raining for ages before I came to the rainforest. I decided to explore the forest floor.

    The first animal I saw was a magnificent, giant eastern brown snake. I was so scared I felt like I wanted to run but that would be really dangerous!

    The second animal I spotted was a beetle eating a rotten berry. I bent down to have a closer look but it stank like rotten eggs and onion mixed together.
    Then I turned to the right and saw a bowerbird collecting lots of blue stuff like wrappers and blue flowers. It had beautiful, magnificent, midnight-blue eyes and it looked very graceful.

    By now I had seen enough on the forest floor so I decided to go to the understorey. So I went to the bridge in the understorey 20m high off the forest floor.
    The first animal I saw in the understorey was a massive, graceful, blue butterfly sucking pollen off a beautiful orchid. That was my favourite animal so far of all the animals I saw.

    The second animal I spotted was a black bat hanging upside down on the branch near me. Before I arrived at the rainforest I thought we wouldn’t see a bat because I was going in the day and bats are nocturnal.

    The third animal I spotted was a grey Boyd’s dragon it was eating lots of bugs and beetles. I looked down to the forest floor and saw a little stream, it had a cute, little platypus looking after her five tiny, mini babies.

    By now I had had enough of the understorey so I decided to go up the ladder to the canopy. I already knew that we would see lots of brightly coloured birds in the canopy.
    I went up the ladder and on the way up I already saw lots of birds and lots of berries and colourful, beautiful, rainbow flowers. When I got to the canopy I was 30m high.

    The first animal I saw in the canopy was a Crimson Rosella it was eating seeds off some beautiful flowers. The Crimson Rosella was dark red and midnight-blue on its tail and wings.
    I could see the emergent trees 50m tall off the ground. I saw a wedge-tail eagle looking for food and other little animals.

    I had a great time because I liked the rainforest. The most terrifying animal was the eastern brown snake. I liked the blue butterfly the best of all the animals.

  33. “Man Charged with Pushing Old Woman Down Bus"
    SINGAPORE – The man who pushed an old woman down a bus along Upper Thomson Road has been charged in court.
    Twenty-five-year-old Ong Kok Hao is accused of hurting 76-year-old Hwang Li Lian Nee Lye on bus service number 167 at about 3pm on June 5 this year.
    Ong is said to have used his right hand to push the old woman on her back, causing her to fall on the steps of the bus.
    The incident was captured in a two-minute video and uploaded on YouTube.
    The video shows Ong suddenly flying into a rage at Madam Hwang for pressing the bell at the last-minute along Upper Thomson Road.
    A shouting match then ensued and during the heated spat, Ong threatened to slap the woman, before pushing her down the bus.
    Ong’s lawyer Eddie Koh will be making representations to the court. The case will next be mentioned in December.

  34. A Trip to the Zoo
    Yesterday my family went to the zoo to see the elephant and other animal.
    When we got to the zoo, we went to the shop to buy some food to give to the animals.
    After getting the food we went to the nocturnal house where we saw birds and reptiles which only come out at night.
    Before lunch we went for a ride on the elephant. It was a thrill to ride it. Dad nearly fell off when he let go of the rope.
    During lunch we fed some birds in the park. In the afternoon we saw the animals being fed.
    When we returned home we were tired but happy because we had so much fun.

  35. Text Pinokio

    In the past, there was a puppeteer whose name is Geppetto. He eager to have a son very much but his wife passed away several years ago. One day, he got an idea to make a puppet in order not to be lonely again. He made a puppet all day long. Finally, in the morning he had finished his work and he named the puppet Pinocchio. Soon he felt lonely again since Pinocchio couldn't walk or talk by itself. One night, Geppetto prayed to the God to become a real boy. He always thought it on his mind in his dream.

    In the next morning, he was surprised that Pinocchio was alive. He taught Pinocchio how to walk, how to read, how to speak and to do other things as human. He then studied at an elementary school. One day, Pinocchio felt bored and it made him go home late. When Pinocchio finally came home, Geppetto asked him. He said that he was on school but he wasn’t. Instantly, Pinocchio's nose grew longer and longer and it meant that Pinocchio has lied.
    The next morning, Pinocchio was kidnaped by the owner of circus. Pinocchio soon became a slave for the circus. He was so famous because he was a puppet which can talk. Geppetto worried about him because Pinocchio had not been going home for almost two days. He tried to find Pinocchio everywhere but he found nothing. When he searched him on the sea, big wave smashed him. He was then in whale's stomach when he awoke. He couldn't find the way to go out.

    In the other side, Pinocchio finally could escape out from the circus. He came home but nobody was there. Latter on, he searched Geppetto in the sea. He got the same accident like Geppetto and he met Geppetto in whale's stomach. Both of them got out from its stomach by making a fire. In the end of the story, they went home together and lived happily ever after.

  36. The Fox and the Grapes

    One afternoon there was a fox that was walking through the forest and spotted a bunch of grapes hanging from over a lofty branch. “Just the thing to quench my thirst,” quoted the fox. Taking a few steps backward, the fox jumped but unfortunately he missed the hanging grapes. Again the fox took a few paces backward, ran, and tried to reach them but he still failed.

    Finally, giving up, the fox turned up his nose and said, “They’re probably sour anyway,” and proceeded to walk away.

    Moral Value: it’s easy to despise what you cannot have.

  37. The Ant and the Dove

    One hot day, an ant was seeking for some water. After walking around for a moment, she came to a spring. To reach the spring, she had to climb up a blade of grass. While making her way up, she slipped and fell unintentionally into the water.

    She could have sunk if a dove up a nearby tree had not seen her. Seeing that the ant was in trouble, the dove quickly put off a leaf from a tree and dropped it immediately into the water near the struggling ant. Then the ant moved towards the leaf and climbed up there. Soon it carried her safely to dry ground.

    Not long after at that, there was a hunter nearby who was throwing out his net towards the dove, hoping to trap it in this way.

    Guessing what he should do, the ant quickly bit him on the heel. Feeling the pain, the hunter dropped his net and the dove flew away quickly from this net.
    The morality: One good turn deserves another.

  38. Fox and A Cat

    One day a cat and a fox were having a conversation. The fox, who was a conceited creature, boasted how clever she was. 'Why, I know at least a hundred tricks to get away from our mutual enemies, the dogs,' she said.

    'I know only one trick to get away from dogs,' said the cat. 'You should teach me some of yours!'
    'Well, maybe some day, when I have the time, I may teach you a few of the simpler ones,' replied the fox airily.

    Just then they heard the barking of a pack of dogs in the distance. The barking grew louder and louder - the dogs were coming in their direction! At once the cat ran to the nearest tree and climbed into its branches, well out of reach of any dog. 'This is the trick I told you about, the only one I know,' said the cat. 'Which one of your hundred tricks are you going to use?'

    The fox sat silently under the tree, wondering which trick she should use. Before she could make up her mind, the dogs arrived. They fell upon the fox and tore her to pieces.

  39. True Friends

    Once upon a time, there were two close friends who were walking through the forest together. They knew that anything dangerous can happen any time in the forest. So they promised each other that they would always be together in any case of danger.

    Suddenly, they saw a large bear getting closer toward them. One of them climbed a nearby tree at once. But unfortunately the other one did not know how to climb up the tree. So being led by his common sense, he lay down on the ground breathless and pretended to be a dead man.

    The bear came near the one who was lying on the ground. It smelt in his ears, and slowly left the place because the bears do not want to touch the dead creatures. After that, the friend on the tree came down and asked his friend that was on the ground, "Friend, what did the bear whisper into your ears?" The other friend replied, "Just now the bear advised me not to believe a false friend."

    Moral of the Story- A true friend in need is a friend indeed.


  40. . Watching Movie

    My sister and I went to see a film last night. It was an American movie called The Lost Flight. It showed how people can quickly change when they have to look after themselves in the jungle. It was an interesting film about a plane which crashed on a small empty island in the Pacific Ocean.
    Although the passengers were safe, nobody knew where the plane had crashed. So the passengers had to learn how to hunt for food in the jungle and how to catch fish from the sea to eat. After a few weeks, the passengers were eating raw fish and meat.
    After they had been on the island for two months, three of the men made a boat and sailed away to find help. But their boat sank and they were drowned.
    The film ended without saying whether the passengers were rescued or not. But my sister and I enjoyed the film.

  41. Travelling Around The World

    Deri saved his money and spent two months traveling around the world. He wrote his journey in his diary.
    I spent a week in New York and then flew to London and enjoyed several weeks in Europe.
    When I had seen the sights in Europe, I took a train to Istanbul and visited many places in Asia.
    First, I flew from his home in Mexico City to New York City. After through Asia, I went to south America and finally back home to Indonesia.
    Deri felt tired but he was very excited and wanted to travel again.

    Ditulis oleh Ilima Fitri Azmi
    One day, my sister said to me that she really wanted to go to the beach. So I promised her that the next day we would go to Maron beach in Semarang.
    The next day, we prepared many things in the morning. We brought some foods and beverages, such as fried rice, chocolate wafers, potato chips, water and orange juice. Before going to the beach, I ask my boyfriend, Kiki, to join us going to the beach. He agreed to join and he came to my house. After that, we went to the beach. We went there by motorbike. It took 25 minutes to arrive there. Then, we bought tickets in the entrance gate. Before swimming, we changed our clothes first. We swam there for more than one hour. We felt so tired that we decided to eat the foods that we had brought. Next, my boyfriend and I created a very big sand castle, while my sister continued swimming. After that, we decided to go home because it was getting dark.
    On the way home, we still felt hungry. So we stopped at a Javanese restaurant to eat something. I ordered gudeg, while my boyfriend and my sister ordered rames rice. After finished eating, we paid our bills. Then, we went home. We arrived at home at 6 o’clock and we were absolutely exhausted.

    That was a very exhausting day, but I felt so happy that I could have a vacation with my sister and my boyfriend.

  43. FLOOD
    Ditulis oleh Afifah Tri Hyuanawati
    One Christmas in 2007, I was joining a final test try out at school. It was held from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. One of my schoolmates, Rini, asked me for accompanying her to the bus stop. When we arrived there, suddenly the heavy rain fell down from the sky. Rini suggested me to go home soon while she was entering the bus.

    It was still raining when I was home. The rain did not stop and became bigger when the night had come. People were standing in front of their house, hoping that the flood would not come. In the middle of the night, I got news that South Purwodadi had been drowned.

    The next day, Purwodadi had become a flood area. All activities were paralyzed. No one went for work or school because the land had been covered by flood. However, I thank God for not allowing the flood entered my house. Even my house had been changed into an emergency kitchen. It was so crowded there. I and my father took a walk around the center market and Central Purwodadi. All that we could see was water and water. At night, the flood looked like a beautiful ocean with the moonlight on it. I felt as if I was one of the passengers of Titanic who was sailing on the sea.

    Finally, the flood was starting to decrease in the next morning. I and my family cleaned our front yard together. That was the greatest flood that I had ever experienced in my hometown.

    Ditulis oleh Rise Aditya Anggraeni
    On April 16th, 2010, I thought this would be a great holiday for me because that was the holy day for Hindhu people . I was so tired about the study, so I guessed this time I could get full refresh anyway. However, the fact said the other way.
    First like an ordinary daughter, I had to get up early morning helping my mother, of course after I prayed. Then I did my chores, cleaned up my room, and spread out my bed under the sun ray. I was really in danger if my mom knew that my room was messy. So, I made it as soon as possible. Second, my aunts called me in the afternoon. I did not meet them for a long time, that was the way I kept for hours to talk with them. After that, unpredictable my neighbor visited me. She asked my help finishing her homework. At last, the time was running and I just remembered that I had a lot of homework. I got mad, confused and regretful why I did not check my homework before. Therefore, I did my homework until 2:00 a.m. the next morning.

    I did not feel this was holiday instead of I had to work hard and got a long ship with my homework.

  45. 1. Vacation to London
    Mr. Richard’s family was on vacation. They are Mr. and Mrs. Richard with two sons. They went to London. They saw their travel agent and booked their tickets. They went to the British Embassy to get visas to enter Britain. They had booked fourteen days tour. This includes travel and accommodation. They also included tours around London
    They boarded a large Boeing flight. The flight was nearly fourteen hours. On the plane the cabin crews were very friendly. They gave them news paper and magazine to read. They gave them food and drink. There was a film for their entertainment. They had a very pleasant flight. They slept part of the way.
    On arrival at Heathrow Airport, they had to go to Customs and Immigration. The officers were pleasant. They checked the document carefully but their manners were very polite. Mr. Richard and his family collected their bags and went to London Welcome Desk. They arranged the transfer to a hotel.
    The hotel was a well-known four-star hotel. The room had perfect view of the park. The room had its own bathroom and toilet. Instead of keys for the room, they inserted a key-card to open the door. On the third floor, there was a restaurant serving Asian and European food. They had variety of food.
    The two week in London went by fast. At the end of the 14-day, they were quite tired but they felt very happy.

  46. . Between Recount and Narrative
    Something which happened in the past is the main resource to compose both recount and narrative text. In writer’s point of view, the thing is an experience. It can be what the writer has done, hear, read, and felt. Composing recount and narrative is retelling the experiences of the past event to be a present event.
    What does recount differ from narrative?
    The easiest way to catch the difference is analyzing the generic structure. Recount text presents the past experiences in order of time or place; what happened on Sunday, then on Monday, the on Tuesday. In simple way, recount describes series of events in detail. It does not expose the struggle on how to make them happen. The event happened smoothly. On the other hand, narrative introduces crises and how to solve them. Narrative text always appear as a hard potrait of participant’s past experience. It reveals the conflict among the participants. Cinderella’s conflicts with her step mother and sister are the example. The conflict is the most important element in a narrative text. Narrative without comflicts is not narrative any more.

  47. . Visiting Bali
    There were so many places to see in Bali that my friend decided to join the tours to see as much as possible. My friend stayed in Kuta on arrival. He spent the first three days swimming and surfing on Kuta beach. He visited some tour agents and selected two tours. The first one was to Singaraja, the second was to Ubud.
    On the day of the tour, he was ready. My friend and his group drove on through mountains. Singaraja is a city of about 90 thousands people. It is a busy but quiet town. The street are lined with trees and there are many old Dutch houses. Then they returned very late in the evening to Kuta.
    The second tour to Ubud was a very different tour. It was not to see the scenery but to see the art and the craft of the island. The first stop was at Batubulan, a center of stone sculpture. There my friend watched young boys were carving away at big blocks of stone. The next stop was Celuk, a center for silversmiths and goldensmiths. After that he stopped a little while for lunch at Sukawati and on to mass. Mass is a tourist center
    My friend ten-day-stay ended very quickly beside his two tour, all his day was spent on the beach. He went sailing or surfboarding every day. He was quiet satisfied.

  48. The Legend of Rawa Pening
    Once upon a time, there was a little poor boy came into a little village. He was very hungry and weak. He knocked at every door and asked for some food, but nobody cared about him. Nobody wanted to help the little boy. Finally, a generous woman helped him. She gave him shelter and a meal. When the boy wanted to leave, this old woman gave him a “lesung”, a big wooden mortar for pounding rice. She reminded him, “please remember, if there is a flood you must save yourself. Use this “lesung” as a boat”. The “lesung” was happy and thanked the old woman.The little boy continued his journey. While he was passing through the village, he saw many people gathering on the field. The boy came closer and saw a stick stuck in the ground. People challenged each other to pull out that stick. Everybody tried, but nobody succeeded. “Can I try?” asked the little boy. The crowd laughed mockingly. The boy wanted to try his luck so he stepped forward and pulled out the stick. He could do it very easily. Everybody was dumbfounded. Suddenly, from the hole left by stick, water spouted out. It did not stop until it flooded the village. And no one was saved from the water except the little boy and the generous old woman who gave him shelter and meal. As she told him, he used the “lesung” as a boat and picked up the old woman. The whole village became a huge lake. It is now known as Rawa Pening Lake in Salatiga, Central Java, Indonesia.

  49. The Smartest Parrot
    Once upon time, a man had a wonderful parrot. There was no other parrot like it. The parrot could say every word, except one word. The parrot would not say the name of the place where it was born. The name of the place was Catano. The man felt excited having the smartest parrot but he could not understand why the parrot would not say Catano. The man tried to teach the bird to say Catano however the bird kept not saying the word. At the first, the man was very nice to the bird but then he got very angry. “You stupid bird!” pointed the man to the parrot. “Why can’t you say the word? Say Catano! Or I will kill you” the man said angrily. Although he tried hard to teach, the parrot would not say it. Then the man got so angry and shouted to the bird over and over; “Say Catano or I’ll kill you”. The bird kept not to say the word of Catano. One day, after he had been trying so many times to make the bird say Catano, the man really got very angry. He could not bear it. He picked the parrot and threw it into the chicken house. There were four old chickens for next dinner “You are as stupid as the chickens. Just stay with them” Said the man angrily. Then he continued to humble; “You know, I will cut the chicken for my meal. Next it will be your turn, I will eat you too, stupid parrot”. After that he left the chicken house. The next day, the man came back to the chicken house. He opened the door and was very surprised. He could not believe what he saw at the chicken house. There were three death chickens on the floor. At the moment, the parrot was standing proudly and screaming at the last old chicken; “Say Catano or I’ll kill you”.

  50. The Man and the Serpent
    A Countryman’s son by accident trod upon a Serpent’s tail, which turned and bit him so that he died. The father in a rage got his axe, and pursuing the Serpent, cut off part of its tail. So the Serpent in revenge began stinging several of the Farmer’s cattle and caused him severe loss. Well, the Farmer thought it best to make it up with the Serpent, and brought food and honey to the mouth of its lair, and said to it: ‘Let’s forget and forgive; perhaps you were right to punish my son, and take vengeance on my cattle, but surely I was right in trying to revenge him; now that we are both satisfied why should not we be friends again?’ ‘No, no,’ said the Serpent; ‘take away your gifts; you can never forget the death of your son, nor I the loss of my tail.’ Injuries may be forgiven, but not forgotten.


  51. King of The Jungle
    One day a tiger saw a fox walking alone. Then, he intended to attack the fox. When Tiger jumped on Fox, Fox cried out, "How dare you attack the king of the jungle?" Tiger looked at him in amazement. "Nonsense! You are not King!" "Certainly I am," replied the Fox. "All the animals run from me in terror! If you want proof, come with me." Fox went into the forest with tiger in heels. When they came to a herd of deer, the deer saw Tiger behind the Fox and ran in all direction. They came to a group of monkey, the monkey saw the tiger behind fox and they fled. Fox looked to tiger and said, "Do you need more proof than that? See how the animals flee at the first sight of me?" "I am surprised, but I've seen it with my own eyes. Forgive me attacking you, Great King." Tiger bowed low with great ceremony, he let the fox go

  52. The Man and the Serpent
    A Countryman’s son by accident trod upon a Serpent’s tail, which turned and bit him so that he died. The father in a rage got his axe, and pursuing the Serpent, cut off part of its tail. So the Serpent in revenge began stinging several of the Farmer’s cattle and caused him severe loss. Well, the Farmer thought it best to make it up with the Serpent, and brought food and honey to the mouth of its lair, and said to it: ‘Let’s forget and forgive; perhaps you were right to punish my son, and take vengeance on my cattle, but surely I was right in trying to revenge him; now that we are both satisfied why should not we be friends again?’ ‘No, no,’ said the Serpent; ‘take away your gifts; you can never forget the death of your son, nor I the loss of my tail.’ Injuries may be forgiven, but not forgotten.

  53. True Friends

    Once upon a time, there were two close friends who were walking through the forest together. They knew that anything dangerous can happen any time in the forest. So they promised each other that they would always be together in any case of danger.

    Suddenly, they saw a large bear getting closer toward them. One of them climbed a nearby tree at once. But unfortunately the other one did not know how to climb up the tree. So being led by his common sense, he lay down on the ground breathless and pretended to be a dead man.

    The bear came near the one who was lying on the ground. It smelt in his ears, and slowly left the place because the bears do not want to touch the dead creatures. After that, the friend on the tree came down and asked his friend that was on the ground, "Friend, what did the bear whisper into your ears?" The other friend replied, "Just now the bear advised me not to believe a false friend."

    Moral of the Story- A true friend in need is a friend indeed.

    Teman sejati

    Suatu hari di masa lau, ada dua teman dekat yang berjalan melewati hutan bersama-sama. Mereka tahu bahwa sesuatu yang berbahaya dapat terjadi setiap saat di hutan. Jadi mereka saling berjanji bahwa mereka akan selalu bersama-sama dalam keadaan bahaya sekalipun.

    Tiba-tiba, mereka melihat beruang besar sedang semakin mendekat ke arah mereka. Salah satu dari mereka memanjat pohon terdekat seketika. Tetapi sayangnya satu yang lainnya tidak tahu bagaimana cara untuk memanjat pohon. Jadi terdorong oleh akal sehatnya, ia berbaring di tanah, menahan napas, dan berpura-pura menjadi orang yang sudah mati.

    Beruang itu datang mendekati orang yang sedang berbaring di tanah tersebut. Mencium di telinganya, dan perlahan-lahan meninggalkan tempat karena beruang tidak ingin menyentuh makhluk yang sudah mati. Setelah itu, teman di pohon turun dan bertanya ke pada temannya yang berbaring di tanah itu, " Teman , apa yang beruang bisikan ke telingamu ? " Teman lain menjawab, "Tadi beruang itu menyarankan saya untuk tidak mempercayai teman palsu."

    Pesan Moral dari cerita-
    Seorang teman sejati yang kita butuhkan adalah teman yang sebenarnya

  54. Fox and A Cat

    One day a cat and a fox were having a conversation. The fox, who was a conceited creature, boasted how clever she was. 'Why, I know at least a hundred tricks to get away from our mutual enemies, the dogs,' she said.

    'I know only one trick to get away from dogs,' said the cat. 'You should teach me some of yours!'
    'Well, maybe some day, when I have the time, I may teach you a few of the simpler ones,' replied the fox airily.

    Just then they heard the barking of a pack of dogs in the distance. The barking grew louder and louder - the dogs were coming in their direction! At once the cat ran to the nearest tree and climbed into its branches, well out of reach of any dog. 'This is the trick I told you about, the only one I know,' said the cat. 'Which one of your hundred tricks are you going to use?'

    The fox sat silently under the tree, wondering which trick she should use. Before she could make up her mind, the dogs arrived. They fell upon the fox and tore her to pieces.

    Moral : A single plan that works is better than a hundred doubtful plans.

    Rubah dan Seekor Kucing

    Suatu hari kucing dan rubah sedang bercakap-cakap. Rubah, yang adalah makhluk sombong, membual tentang betapa pintarnya dia. "Kenapa, aku tahu setidaknya seratus trik untuk menjauh dari musuh kita bersama, anjing," katanya.

    "Saya hanya tahu satu trik untuk menjauh dari anjing," kata kucing. "Kamu harus mengajariku beberapa trik mu!"

    "Yah, mungkin suatu hari, ketika saya punya waktu, saya mungkin mengajarkan kamu beberapa trik yang sederhana," jawab rubah ringan.

    Sesaat kemudian mereka mendengar gonggongan sekawanan anjing di kejauhan. menggonggong semakin keras - anjing datang menuju ke arah mereka! Seketika kucing berlari ke pohon terdekat dan naik ke cabang-cabangnya, di luar jangkauan dari setiap anjing. 'Ini adalah trik saya katakan tadi, satu-satunya yang saya tahu, "kata kucing. ' mana salah satu dari seratus trik anda yang anda akan gunakan?'

    Rubah duduk diam di bawah pohon, bertanya-tanya trik apa yang dia harus gunakan. Sebelum dia bisa mengambil keputusan, anjing tiba. Mereka menyergap rubah dan mencabik-cabiknya.

    Pesan Moral:
    Sebuah rencana tunggal yang bekerja lebih baik dari seratus rencana diragukan.

  55. Fox and A Cat

    One day a cat and a fox were having a conversation. The fox, who was a conceited creature, boasted how clever she was. 'Why, I know at least a hundred tricks to get away from our mutual enemies, the dogs,' she said.

    'I know only one trick to get away from dogs,' said the cat. 'You should teach me some of yours!'
    'Well, maybe some day, when I have the time, I may teach you a few of the simpler ones,' replied the fox airily.

    Just then they heard the barking of a pack of dogs in the distance. The barking grew louder and louder - the dogs were coming in their direction! At once the cat ran to the nearest tree and climbed into its branches, well out of reach of any dog. 'This is the trick I told you about, the only one I know,' said the cat. 'Which one of your hundred tricks are you going to use?'

    The fox sat silently under the tree, wondering which trick she should use. Before she could make up her mind, the dogs arrived. They fell upon the fox and tore her to pieces.

    Moral : A single plan that works is better than a hundred doubtful plans.

    Rubah dan Seekor Kucing

    Suatu hari kucing dan rubah sedang bercakap-cakap. Rubah, yang adalah makhluk sombong, membual tentang betapa pintarnya dia. "Kenapa, aku tahu setidaknya seratus trik untuk menjauh dari musuh kita bersama, anjing," katanya.

    "Saya hanya tahu satu trik untuk menjauh dari anjing," kata kucing. "Kamu harus mengajariku beberapa trik mu!"

    "Yah, mungkin suatu hari, ketika saya punya waktu, saya mungkin mengajarkan kamu beberapa trik yang sederhana," jawab rubah ringan.

    Sesaat kemudian mereka mendengar gonggongan sekawanan anjing di kejauhan. menggonggong semakin keras - anjing datang menuju ke arah mereka! Seketika kucing berlari ke pohon terdekat dan naik ke cabang-cabangnya, di luar jangkauan dari setiap anjing. 'Ini adalah trik saya katakan tadi, satu-satunya yang saya tahu, "kata kucing. ' mana salah satu dari seratus trik anda yang anda akan gunakan?'

    Rubah duduk diam di bawah pohon, bertanya-tanya trik apa yang dia harus gunakan. Sebelum dia bisa mengambil keputusan, anjing tiba. Mereka menyergap rubah dan mencabik-cabiknya.

    Pesan Moral:
    Sebuah rencana tunggal yang bekerja lebih baik dari seratus rencana diragukan.

  56. The Ant and the Dove

    One hot day, an ant was seeking for some water. After walking around for a moment, she came to a spring. To reach the spring, she had to climb up a blade of grass. While making her way up, she slipped and fell unintentionally into the water.

    She could have sunk if a dove up a nearby tree had not seen her. Seeing that the ant was in trouble, the dove quickly put off a leaf from a tree and dropped it immediately into the water near the struggling ant. Then the ant moved towards the leaf and climbed up there. Soon it carried her safely to dry ground.

    Not long after at that, there was a hunter nearby who was throwing out his net towards the dove, hoping to trap it in this way.

    Guessing what he should do, the ant quickly bit him on the heel. Feeling the pain, the hunter dropped his net and the dove flew away quickly from this net.
    The morality: One good turn deserves another.

    Semut dan Merpati

    Pada suatu hari yang panas, seekor semut sedang mencari air. Setelah berkeliling sejenak, dia sampai ke sebuah mata ai. Untuk mencapai mata air itu, dia harus memanjat rumput. Ketika ia memanjat ke atas, ia terpeleset dan tanpa sengaja jatuh ke dalam air.

    Dia mungkin tenggelam jika burung merpati di atas pohon di dekatnya tidak melihatnya. Melihat bahwa semut dalam kesulitan, burung merpati cepat memetik daun dari pohon dan langsung menjatuhkannya ke dalam air dekat semut yang mencoba menyelamatkan diri itu. Kemudian semut bergerak menuju daun dan naik ke atasnya. Segera terbawa dengan selamat ke tanah kering.
    Tidak lama setelah saat itu, ada seorang pemburu yang membuang jaring ke arah burung merpati, berharap untuk menjebaknya dengan cara ini .

    Berfikir sejenak tentang apa yang harus ia lakukan,kemudian semut cepat menggigit tumit orang tersebut. Merasakan sakit, pemburu menjatuhkan jaringnya dan kemudian burung merpati terbang cepat keluar dari jarring tersebut.

    Pesan Moral: Satu perbuatan baik layak mendapat kebaikan yang lain .

  57. Contoh Narrative Text Dan Terjemahannya
    True Friends

    Once upon a time, there were two close friends who were walking through the forest together. They knew that anything dangerous can happen any time in the forest. So they promised each other that they would always be together in any case of danger.

    Suddenly, they saw a large bear getting closer toward them. One of them climbed a nearby tree at once. But unfortunately the other one did not know how to climb up the tree. So being led by his common sense, he lay down on the ground breathless and pretended to be a dead man.

    The bear came near the one who was lying on the ground. It smelt in his ears, and slowly left the place because the bears do not want to touch the dead creatures. After that, the friend on the tree came down and asked his friend that was on the ground, "Friend, what did the bear whisper into your ears?" The other friend replied, "Just now the bear advised me not to believe a false friend."

    Moral of the Story- A true friend in need is a friend indeed.

    Teman sejati

    Suatu hari di masa lau, ada dua teman dekat yang berjalan melewati hutan bersama-sama. Mereka tahu bahwa sesuatu yang berbahaya dapat terjadi setiap saat di hutan. Jadi mereka saling berjanji bahwa mereka akan selalu bersama-sama dalam keadaan bahaya sekalipun.

    Tiba-tiba, mereka melihat beruang besar sedang semakin mendekat ke arah mereka. Salah satu dari mereka memanjat pohon terdekat seketika. Tetapi sayangnya satu yang lainnya tidak tahu bagaimana cara untuk memanjat pohon. Jadi terdorong oleh akal sehatnya, ia berbaring di tanah, menahan napas, dan berpura-pura menjadi orang yang sudah mati.

    Beruang itu datang mendekati orang yang sedang berbaring di tanah tersebut. Mencium di telinganya, dan perlahan-lahan meninggalkan tempat karena beruang tidak ingin menyentuh makhluk yang sudah mati. Setelah itu, teman di pohon turun dan bertanya ke pada temannya yang berbaring di tanah itu, " Teman , apa yang beruang bisikan ke telingamu ? " Teman lain menjawab, "Tadi beruang itu menyarankan saya untuk tidak mempercayai teman palsu."

    Pesan Moral dari cerita-
    Seorang teman sejati yang kita butuhkan adalah teman yang sebenarnya
    Contoh Narrative Text Fable Dan Terjemahannya
    Fox and A Cat

    One day a cat and a fox were having a conversation. The fox, who was a conceited creature, boasted how clever she was. 'Why, I know at least a hundred tricks to get away from our mutual enemies, the dogs,' she said.

    'I know only one trick to get away from dogs,' said the cat. 'You should teach me some of yours!'
    'Well, maybe some day, when I have the time, I may teach you a few of the simpler ones,' replied the fox airily.

    Just then they heard the barking of a pack of dogs in the distance. The barking grew louder and louder - the dogs were coming in their direction! At once the cat ran to the nearest tree and climbed into its branches, well out of reach of any dog. 'This is the trick I told you about, the only one I know,' said the cat. 'Which one of your hundred tricks are you going to use?'

  58. Rubah dan Seekor Kucing

    Suatu hari kucing dan rubah sedang bercakap-cakap. Rubah, yang adalah makhluk sombong, membual tentang betapa pintarnya dia. "Kenapa, aku tahu setidaknya seratus trik untuk menjauh dari musuh kita bersama, anjing," katanya.

    "Saya hanya tahu satu trik untuk menjauh dari anjing," kata kucing. "Kamu harus mengajariku beberapa trik mu!"

    "Yah, mungkin suatu hari, ketika saya punya waktu, saya mungkin mengajarkan kamu beberapa trik yang sederhana," jawab rubah ringan.

    Sesaat kemudian mereka mendengar gonggongan sekawanan anjing di kejauhan. menggonggong semakin keras - anjing datang menuju ke arah mereka! Seketika kucing berlari ke pohon terdekat dan naik ke cabang-cabangnya, di luar jangkauan dari setiap anjing. 'Ini adalah trik saya katakan tadi, satu-satunya yang saya tahu, "kata kucing. ' mana salah satu dari seratus trik anda yang anda akan gunakan?'

    Rubah duduk diam di bawah pohon, bertanya-tanya trik apa yang dia harus gunakan. Sebelum dia bisa mengambil keputusan, anjing tiba. Mereka menyergap rubah dan mencabik-cabiknya.

    Pesan Moral:
    Sebuah rencana tunggal yang bekerja lebih baik dari seratus rencana diragukan.

    The Ant and the Dove

    One hot day, an ant was seeking for some water. After walking around for a moment, she came to a spring. To reach the spring, she had to climb up a blade of grass. While making her way up, she slipped and fell unintentionally into the water.

    She could have sunk if a dove up a nearby tree had not seen her. Seeing that the ant was in trouble, the dove quickly put off a leaf from a tree and dropped it immediately into the water near the struggling ant. Then the ant moved towards the leaf and climbed up there. Soon it carried her safely to dry ground.

    Not long after at that, there was a hunter nearby who was throwing out his net towards the dove, hoping to trap it in this way.

    Guessing what he should do, the ant quickly bit him on the heel. Feeling the pain, the hunter dropped his net and the dove flew away quickly from this net.
    The morality: One good turn deserves another.

    Semut dan Merpati

    Pada suatu hari yang panas, seekor semut sedang mencari air. Setelah berkeliling sejenak, dia sampai ke sebuah mata ai. Untuk mencapai mata air itu, dia harus memanjat rumput. Ketika ia memanjat ke atas, ia terpeleset dan tanpa sengaja jatuh ke dalam air

  59. The Bear and The Two Friends
    Once two friends were walking through the forest. They knew that anything dangerous can happen to them at any time in the forest. So they promised each other that they would remain united in any case of danger.
    Suddenly, they saw a large bear approaching them. One of the friends at once climbed a nearby tree. But the other one did not know how to climb. So being led by his common sense, he lay down on the ground breathless, pretending to be a dead man.
    The bear came near the man lying on the ground. It smelt in his ears, and slowly left the place. Because the bears do not touch the dead creatures.Now the friend on the tree came down and asked his friend on the ground, “Friend, what did the bear tell you into your ears?” The other friend replied, “The bear advised me not to believe a false friend.”
    Terjemahan Cerita Fable Bahasa Inggris The Bear and The Two Friends
    Suatu ketika ada dua orang teman yang sedang berjalan melintasi hutan. Mereka sadar bahwa hal berbahaya apa saja bisa terjadi pada mereka setiap saat di hutan itu. Maka mereka saling berjanji bahwa mereka akan tetap bersatu dalam setiap bahaya yang mengancam.
    Tiba-tiba, mereka melihat seekor beruang besar yang mendekati mereka. Salah satu teman langsung saja memanjat pohon. Tetapi yang lain tidak tahu bagaimana cara memanjat pohon. Maka iapun befikir dan memutuskan untuk berbaring di tanah dan berpura-pura menjadi orang mati.
    Beruang datang mendekati orang yang tergeletak di tanah itu. Beruang itu mengendus dekat telinganya, dan pelan-pelan meninggalkan orang itu. Beruang tidak mau mau dengan orang mati. Sekarang temannya yang ada pada pohon itu turun dan bertanya, “Teman, apa yang beruang katakan kepadamu?” Temannya itu menjawab, “Beruang itu memberi saran agar tidak percaya terhadapa teman yang tidak setia.”

  60. Pinokio
    Once upon a time, there was a puppeteer named Geppetto. He really wanted a boy but his wife has been died for a long time ago. One day, he had an idea. He wanted to make a puppet so he would never felt lonely again. He made a puppet all night without resting. In the morning, finally he finished his work. He named the puppet, Pinocchio. He played whole day with Pinocchio. However, he felt lonely again because Pinocchio couldn't talk or walk by himself. In the middle of the night, Geppetto prayed to the God. His wish was Pinocchio became a real boy, human. He thought it on his mind in his dream.

    In the next morning, he surprised. Pinocchio was alive. He really was happy. He tough Pinocchio how to walk, how to speak, how to read etc. like a teacher. Pinocchio learned fast. He entered an elementary school. One day, Pinocchio felt bored. So, he went home late. Geppetto worried about him. When Pinocchio came to home, Geppetto asked him. He said he was on school but he didn't. Suddenly, Pinocchio's nose grow longer. It meant that Pinocchio lied.

    The next day, Pinocchio got caught by thieves. The thieves was the owner of circus. Pinocchio became a slave for the circus. He was famous because he was a talking puppet. Geppetto worried him. Pinocchio didn't come home for 2 days. He found Pinocchio everywhere. When he discovered the sea, big wave smashed him. He was on whale's stomach when he awoke. He couldn't find the way out.

    In different place, Pinocchio finally could get out from circus. He went to home but Geppetto wasn't on there. He found Geppetto at sea. He had the same accident like Geppetto. He met Geppetto in whale's stomach. They got out from its stomach by made a fire.
    They went home back together. In the end, they lived happy forever after.

  61. Dia mungkin tenggelam jika burung merpati di atas pohon di dekatnya tidak melihatnya. Melihat bahwa semut dalam kesulitan, burung merpati cepat memetik daun dari pohon dan langsung menjatuhkannya ke dalam air dekat semut yang mencoba menyelamatkan diri itu. Kemudian semut bergerak menuju daun dan naik ke atasnya. Segera terbawa dengan selamat ke tanah kering.
    Tidak lama setelah saat itu, ada seorang pemburu yang membuang jaring ke arah burung merpati, berharap untuk menjebaknya dengan cara ini .

    Berfikir sejenak tentang apa yang harus ia lakukan,kemudian semut cepat menggigit tumit orang tersebut. Merasakan sakit, pemburu menjatuhkan jaringnya dan kemudian burung merpati terbang cepat keluar dari jarring tersebut.

    Pesan Moral: Satu perbuatan baik layak mendapat kebaikan yang lain .

    The Fox and the Grapes

    One afternoon there was a fox that was walking through the forest and spotted a bunch of grapes hanging from over a lofty branch. “Just the thing to quench my thirst,” quoted the fox. Taking a few steps backward, the fox jumped but unfortunately he missed the hanging grapes. Again the fox took a few paces backward, ran, and tried to reach them but he still failed.

    Finally, giving up, the fox turned up his nose and said, “They’re probably sour anyway,” and proceeded to walk away.

    Moral Value: it’s easy to despise what you cannot have.

    Rubah dan Anggur

    Pada suatu sore ada seekor rubah yang sedang berjalan melalui hutan dan melihat sekelompok anggur tergantung di cabang yang tinggi. "Hanya ini yang bisa memuaskan dahaga saya, "kata si rubah. Mengambil beberapa langkah mundur, rubah melompat tapi sayangnya ia gagal mendapatkan buah anggur menggantung tersebut. Sekali lagi rubah mengambil beberapa langkah mundur, berlari, dan mencoba untuk menjangkaunya tapi ia masih gagal.

    Akhirnya, menyerah, rubah menunjuk hidungnya dan berkata, "Mereka mungkin asam, " dan terus berjalan pergi .

    Nilai Moral : mudah untuk membenci apa yang anda tidak bisa memiliki .

    Untuk melihat bank soal bahasa Inggris, klik link berikut: Kumpulan Soal Bahasa Inggris SMP, SMA, Dan SBMPTN Terbaru Beserta Pembahasannya
    Contoh Narrative Text Myth Dan Terjemahannya
    Contoh Narrative Text Pinokio

    In the past, there was a puppeteer whose name is Geppetto. He eager to have a son very much but his wife passed away several years ago. One day, he got an idea to make a puppet in order not to be lonely again. He made a puppet all day long. Finally, in the morning he had finished his work and he named the puppet Pinocchio. Soon he felt lonely again since Pinocchio couldn't walk or talk by itself. One night, Geppetto prayed to the God to become a real boy. He always thought it on his mind in his dream.

    In the next morning, he was surprised that Pinocchio was alive. He taught Pinocchio how to walk, how to read, how to speak and to do other things as human. He then studied at an elementary school.

  62. Text Alladin and The Magic Lamp
    Once upon a time, there lived a handsome boy in Baghdad. The name was Aladdin. He was a clever boy, but he did not like to work.

    One day Aladin’s mother sent him to the market place to look for a job. In the market he met a magician. The magician asked him to work together with him. If Aladdin could do, he would get a lot of gold coins and jewellery. The magician asked Aladdin to go inside the cave and find a magical lamp there. He also gave a ring and said, “If you are in any trouble, rub this ring and a genie will come to your rescue!”

    Aladdin went into the cave. Inside the cave, Aladdin was surprised by what he saw. Every corner was full of gold and treasures. A few minutes later, he found the lamp and quickly returned to the entrance of the cave.

    Aladdin called out, “Magician, I have found the lamp.”

    “Excellent,” answered the magician. “Quick, pass it to me!”

    Aladdin did not trust the magician so he said, “Not so fast Magician. You must help me out of this cave first.”

    The magician became very angry. When Aladdin was walking to the entrance, the magician pushed a huge rock over the entrance of the cave and left Aladdin and the lamp behind. Aladdin tried to move the rock all by himself, but it was too big and heavy, “Oh no! I am trapped in the cave!” he cried.

    Suddenly, he remembered the magic ring. He rubbed it with the palm of his hand. To his surprise, a genie appeared before him and in a powerful voice said, “Master, I am the Genie of the ring. How can I help you?”

    Aladdin was frightened, but he soon found the courage to ask, “Could you please send me back to my house?” In no time at all Aladdin was back home.

    Aladdin took out the lamp. He wondered what would happen if he rubbed it. As Aladdin was rubbing it, all of a sudden another enormous genie stood before him. The genie of the lamp said, “Master, your wish is my command.” Aladdin was very excited and wished for an enormous palace and bags full of gold.

    One day, a beautiful princess was passing by Aladdin’s palace. She stopped to talk to Aladdin and soon they became good friends. Before long, Aladdin and Jasmine fell in love each other. She married Aladdin and lived happily.

  63. Text Snow White ( Putri Salju )
    Once upon a time there lived a little, named Snow White. She lived with her aunt and uncle because her parents were died.

    One day she heard her aunt and uncle talking about leaving Snow White in the castle because they wanted to go to America and they didn’t have enough money to take Snow White with them.

    Snow White didn’t want her uncle and aunt to do this. So she decided to run away. The next morning she run away from home when her aunt and uncle were having breakfast, she run away into the wood.

    In the wood she felt very tired and hungry. Then she saw this cottage. She knocked but no one answered so she went inside and felt asleep
    Meanwhile seven dwarfs were coming home from work. They went inside. There, they found Snow White woke up. She saw the dwarfs. The dwarfs said; “What is your name?”.

    Snow White said; “My name is Snow White”. One of the dwarfs said; “If you wish, you may live here with us”. Snow White told the whole story about her. Then Snow white ad the seven dwarfs lived happily ever after.

  64. Text Cinderella
    Once upon a time, there was a girl called Cinderella. Cinderella is lived happily with her mother and father until her mother died. Feel that Cinderella needs a mother figure in his life, Cinderella’s father remarries to a woman who has two daughters of her own.

    Unfortunately, Cinderella's father dies and she lived only with her stepmother and stepsisters. They were very bossy, she had to do all the housework.

    One day on invitation to the hall come to the family. The King invited for all the eligible ladies in the kingdom so as to find Prince a wife. Her stepsisters would no let her go. Cinderella was sad. The stepsisters went to the hall without her. Fortunately, the fairy Godmother came and helped her to get to the hall with the wave of magic wand, helped prepared Cinderella for the hall. The fairy does warn her that is magic will end at a stroke of midnight, so she must leaved the hall before than.

    At the hall all people surprised when Cinderella arrived. And then the Prince invited Cinderella to danced. He fell in love with her.
    All of a sudden, the clock star to chime that is a midnight. Cinderella hastily runs away, dropped a glass slipper as she does so. Cinderella escapes, with nothing from the night left, except from the other glass slipper, which had not changed back.

    Prince Charming orders his love to be found by means of the odd shoe, and the Grand Duke is sent around the land getting every girl in the land to try on the glass slipper to see if it fits.

    Eventually the Grand Duke reaches the residence of Cinderella, but she is nowhere to be seen. The stepsisters frantically try to get the glass slipper to fit so as to wed into royalty, but compatible nothing that. The Grand Duke is about to leave as Cinderella finally appears.

    He orders the messenger to brought forth the glass slipper, yet the stepmother in a last minute attempt to prevent her stepdaughter from better things, causes the messenger to trip, thus broken the fragile shoe into pieces.

    Yet the arrogant woman hadn't betted on Cinderella produced the other glass slipper, which fits onto Cinderella's foot perfectly. Very soon, wedding bells ring, and Cinderella married her prince, and they live happily ever after.

  65. . One day, Pinocchio felt bored and it made him go home late. When Pinocchio finally came home, Geppetto asked him. He said that he was on school but he wasn’t. Instantly, Pinocchio's nose grew longer and longer and it meant that Pinocchio has lied.
    The next morning, Pinocchio was kidnaped by the owner of circus. Pinocchio soon became a slave for the circus. He was so famous because he was a puppet which can talk. Geppetto worried about him because Pinocchio had not been going home for almost two days. He tried to find Pinocchio everywhere but he found nothing. When he searched him on the sea, big wave smashed him. He was then in whale's stomach when he awoke. He couldn't find the way to go out.

    In the other side, Pinocchio finally could escape out from the circus. He came home but nobody was there. Latter on, he searched Geppetto in the sea. He got the same accident like Geppetto and he met Geppetto in whale's stomach. Both of them got out from its stomach by making a fire. In the end of the story, they went home together and lived happily ever after.

    Contoh Narrative Text Pinokio

    Di masa lalu, ada seorang pembuat boneka kayu yang bernama Geppetto. Dia ingin sekali memiliki anak laki-laki tapi istrinya meninggal beberapa tahun sebelumnya. Suatu hari, ia mendapat ide untuk membuat boneka agar tidak kesepian lagi. Dia membuat boneka kayu itu sepanjang hari. Akhirnya, di pagi hari ia selesai mengerjakannya dan dia beri nama boneka itu Pinocchio. Setelah itu ia merasa kesepian lagi karena Pinocchio tidak bisa berjalan atau berbicar. Suatu malam, Geppetto berdoa kepada Tuhan untuk menjadikannya seorang anak yang nyata. Dia selalu memikirkan itu dalam pikirannya.

    Pada keesokan harinya, ia terkejut karena Pinocchio hidup. Dia mengajari Pinocchio cara berjalan, cara membaca, cara berbicara dan melakukan hal-hal lain selayaknya manusia. Dia kemudian belajar di sebuah sekolah dasar. Suatu hari, Pinocchio merasa bosan dan itu membuatnya pulang terlambat. Ketika Pinocchio akhirnya pulang, Geppetto bertanya. Dia mengatakan bahwa ia berada di sekolah tapi sebenarnya dia tidak di sekolah. Seketika, hidung Pinokio tumbuh lebih panjang lagi dan lagi dan itu berarti bahwa Pinocchio telah berbohong.

    Keesokan paginya, Pinocchio diculik oleh seorang pemilik sirkus. Pinocchio kemudian menjadi budak untuk sirkus tersebut. Dia begitu terkenal karena ia adalah boneka yang bisa bicara. Geppetto khawatir tentang dia karena Pinocchio belum pulang selama hampir dua hari. Dia mencoba untuk menemukan Pinocchio mana-mana tapi ia tidak menemukannya. Ketika ia mencari dia di laut, gelombang besar menghempaskan dirinya. Dia kemudian berada di perut ikan paus ketika ia terbangun. Dia tidak bisa menemukan cara untuk pergi keluar dari sana.

    Di sisi lain, Pinocchio akhirnya bisa melarikan diri keluar dari sirkus itu. Dia pulang tapi tidak ada siapa-siapa di rumahnya. Akhirnya, ia mencari Geppetto di laut. Dia mendapat kecelakaan yang sama seperti yang dialami Geppetto dan ia bertemu Geppetto dalam perut ikan paus. Keduanya keluar dari perut tersebut dengan membuat api. Di akhir cerita, mereka pulang bersama-sama dan hidup bahagia selamanya.

    The Lion and The Mouse

    When he was awakened by a tiny Mouse running across his body, a mighty Lion was sleeping in his lair. The lion then grabbed the frightened mouse with his huge paws and opened his mouth to swallow him directly. "Please, King," begged the Mouse, "Spare me this time and of course I will never forget your kindness. Someday I may be able to repay you. "The Lion thought that it was such an amusing idea that he let the poor creature go.

  66. Sometimes later the Lion was caught in a net laid by some hunters. Despite his great strength, the Lion could not break free. Soon the forest echoed with angry load roars.

    The Little Mouse heard the Lion and ran to see what was wrong. As soon as he succeeded to make the Lion free "There!" said the Mouse proudly, " You laughed at me when I promised to repay your kindness, but now you know that even a tiny Mouse can help a mighty Lion."
    Moral Value:

    1. Little friends may prove to be great friends.
    2. Friend in need is friend indeed.

    Singa dan Tikus

    Ketika ia terbangun oleh tikus kecil berjalan di tubuhnya, singa perkasa itu sedang tidur di sarangnya. Singa itu kemudian meraih tikus yang ketakutan itu dengan cakar besar dan membuka mulut untuk menelannya langsung. "Tolong, Raja," pinta tikus, " Bebaskan saya kali ini dan tentu saja saya tidak akan pernah melupakan kebaikan mu . Suatu hari nanti aku mungkin bisa membayar kebaikanmu." Singa berpikir bahwa itu adalah ide yang baik sehingga ia membiarkan makhluk lemah itu pergi .

    Beberapa waktu kemudian singa itu tertangkap dalam jaring diletakkan oleh beberapa pemburu. Meskipun dengan kekuatan yang besar, singa tidak bisa membebaskan diri . Segera hutan bergema dengan auman singa marah .
    Tikus kecil mendengar singa dan berlari untuk melihat apa yang Terjadi. Begitu ia berhasil membuat singa bebas. "Itulah!" kata tikus bangga , " Engkau tertawa padaku ketika aku berjanji untuk membalas kebaikanmu, tetapi sekarang engkau tahu bahwa bahkan tikus kecil dapat membantu singa perkasa. "

    Nilai moral:
    1. Teman yang kecil sekalipun dapat menjadi teman yang luar biasa.
    2. Teman yang membutuhkan adalah teman yang sebenarnya.

    A Donkey and A Lapdog

    Once upon a time there was a farmer who owned a little dog that he keeps constantly by his side and a donkey, which lived in a warm stable and got plenty of fresh grain and sweet hay. But, unfortunately the donkey was not satisfied with his condition.

    "I slave all day long, hauling wood or pulling the cart to market while the dog sleeps on the master's lap and eats from his plate!," the donkey grumbled. "Perhaps, he thought, if he behaved like the dog, his master would reward him with the same life of ease.

    That very night, the donkey crept out of the stable and into the house where the farmer sat at supper. "First I'll frisk about and chase my tail, just as the dog does," thought the donkey. And he danced about the room, flinging up his hooves until the table toppled over and dishes went flying.

    "Now I'll sit on his lap!" said the donkey, and he put his hooves up on the master's chair.

    "Help! Save me from this mad beast!" the terrified farmer bellowed. Then his servants came running and, with shouts and blows, drove the donkey back to the stable.

    "I suppose I' m a fine donkey, "the donkey lamented," but I' ll never be a lapdog!"
    Moral of the Story- What's right for one may be wrong for another. So, never try to copy another person in front of you.

  67. Seekor Keledai dan Seekor Anjing Piaraan

    Pada masa lalu ada seorang petani yang memiliki anjing kecil yang ia terus menerus di sisinya dan seekor keledai, yang tinggal di sebuah kandang yang hangat dan mendapat banyak biji-bijian segar dan jerami. Tapi, sayangnya keledai tersebut tidak puas dengan kondisinya.

    "Saya menjadi budak sepanjang hari, mengangkut kayu atau menarik gerobak ke pasar sementara anjing tidur di pangkuan tuanku dan makan dari piringnya!," keledai menggerutu. "Mungkin, pikirnya, jika ia berperilaku seperti anjing, tuannya akan membalasnya dengan kehidupan dengan kemudahan yang sama.

    Malam itu, keledai merayap keluar dari kandang dan menuju ke rumah di mana petani duduk di perjamuan. "Pertama saya akan bergerak lincah di sekitarnya dan menggerakkan ekor saya, seperti yang anjing lakukan," pikir keledai. Dan ia menari disekekliling ruangan, menghempas-hempaskan kakinya sampai meja terguling dan piring beterbangan.
    "Sekarang saya akan duduk di pangkuannya!" kata keledai, dan dia meletakkan kaiknya di kursi tuannya.

    "Tolong! Selamatkan aku dari binatang gila ini!" teriak petani ketakutan. Pembantunya kemudian berlarian dan, dengan teriakan dan pukulan, menggiring keledai kembali ke kandang.

    "Aku kira aku adalah keledai yang baik," keledai meratap, "tapi aku tidak akan pernah menjadi anjing piaraan!"

    Pesan Moral dari cerita tersebut adalah:

    Apa yang tepat untuk seseuatu mungkin salah untuk yang lain. Jadi, tidak pernah mencoba untuk meniru orang di hadapan anda.

  68. 1.The story Snow White

    Once upon a time...In earlier times there lived a, who named Snow White . He lived with his aunt and uncle because his parents died. One day she heard her uncle and aunt talking about leaving Snow White in the castle because they wanted to go to America and they did not have enough money to take Snow White with them. Princess Snow White did not want her uncle and aunt to do this. So he decided to escape.

    The next day he ran away from home when her aunt and uncle were having breakfast, he fled into the wood. In the wood she felt very tired and hungry. Then she saw this cottage. She knocked, but no one answered her so she went inside and fell asleep Meanwhile, seven dwarfs came home from his work. They get into. There, they found Snow White woke up from his sleep. He saw the dwarfs. The dwarf said: " What is your name ? Snow White said, " My name is Snow White. " One dwarf said, " If you want, you can stay here with us. ' Snow White tells all about her story. Then daughter snow and the seven dwarves are now living happily ever after.

    2.The Origin of the city Surabaya

    Once upon a time, there were two animals, Sura and Baya. Sura was the name of a shark and Baya was a crocodile. They dwelled in an ocean.

    Once Sura and Baya were looking for some nourishment. Abruptly, Baya saw a goat.

    “Yummy, this is my lunch,” said Baya.

    “No way! This is my midday meal. You are greedy” said Sura. Then they battled for the goat. After several hours, they were very exhausted.

    Feeling exhausted of battling, they lived in the different places. Sura dwelled in the water and Baya dwelled in the land. The border was the sandy shore, so they would never battle afresh.

    One day, Sura went to the land and looked for some nourishment in the stream. He was very famished and there was not much nourishment in the sea. Baya was very furious when he knew that Sura broke the pledge.

    They fought afresh. They both hit each other. Sura bit Baya's tail. Baya did the same thing to Sura. He bit very hard until Sura eventually provided up and A went back to the sea. Baya was happy.

    3.The origin of the city of Banyuwangi

    Once upon a time, there was a local ruler named King Sulahkromo thing. Prime Minister King has named Raden Sidopekso. Prime Minister 's wife has named Sri Tanjung. She is so beautiful and sweet that the king wanted her to be his wife. One day, the King sent the Prime Minister for long missions. While the Prime Minister went, the King tried to get Sri Tanjung. But the king failed.

    He was very angry and upset. So, when Sidopekso back, the King told him that his wife was unfaithful to him. Prime Minister is very angry with his wife. Sri Tanjung said that was not true. However, Sidopekso said that he would kill her. She took him to the river bank.

    Before he killed him and threw him into the river, he said that he will be proven innocent, Once Sidopekso kill him, he threw his body into the river dirty. River soon became clean and start spreading the wonderful aroma and very fragrant. Sidopekso said, "... Banyu Wangi... Banyuwangi ". It means ' fragrant water '. Banyuwangi proof of love born of noble and sacred. That's the origin of the town of Banyuwangi.

  69. 4. The to be king poor monkey wants

    Once upon a time... Happy monkey dance at gatherings of animals, and they are all very pleased with his performance that they elected him their king. A Fox, envying him the honor, discovered a piece of meat lying in a trap, and leading the Monkey to the spot, said that he had found a shop in the woods, but do not use it, he had been saving for him as treasure trove of his kingdom, and counseled him to seize it.

    Monkey approached carelessly and was caught in a trap, and on his accusing the Fox deliberately took him into a trap, he replied, "Oh Monkey, and you, with your mind like you, will be the King of animals?

    5.Finding farmers Magic Box

    Once upon a time... In the afternoon, there was a poor farmer. He lives with his wife, One day, he dug his field and found a very large box. He then store them in their homes. One sunny morning, she dropped apples in the box. Suddenly, the box gets filled with apples. No matter how many apples were taken out, more apples going on inside the box. One day, forming dropping gold coins into the box.

    Simultaneously, Apple began to disappear and the box full of gold coins. Farmer soon became rich. After hearing that his son became wealthy, forming a father visiting couples. His father was not very strong. He could not go out to work again. So the farmer asked his old father to help him take the gold coins out of the box. His father worked hard, took the gold coins out of the box. When he was told that he was very tired and wanted to rest, the farmer yelled to him, Why are you so lazy Why can not you work harder old man said nothing and continued to work long Suddenly? Man fell into the box, he died.

    As well as gold coins began to disappear and the box is filled with the dead. The former should be pulled out and buried. To do this, farmers have to spend all the money that had been collected earlier. When he had spent all his money, broke the box. The farmer was ugly as before, terrible ending.

    6. Pinocchio And the wicked witch

    Once upon a time... In a large pine forest in the country Italy, lonely. He always dreamed about having a child. Every day, he went to cut wood for the city people. One day, an idea illuminated his mind, the idea of crafting a puppet, that he would give the name of Pinocchio. He made the doll and at night, the puppet come to life! One year of happiness and thriller passed, on Sunday morning, Gepetto told Pinocchio: it's my birthday soon, my little boy! I hope you do not forget it! Oh, sure, I'm not! Pinocchio felt awkward.

    He did not think about it. Gepettos birthday comes just three days ahead, and he had not prepared a gift. After a long night of reflecting, Pinocchio finally decided to offer a homemade chocolate cake to her as a gift. When the sun rose, Pinocchio was ready to go outside to find the ingredients. The main problem was not even known he was in and the recipe.

    So after school, he decided to go ask someone for the ingredients to bake a cake. During his walk, Pinocchio, the wooden puppet, met shamans city. Hey, little boy, do you need help for your chocolate cake? Hum You can help me?, Tanya Pinocchio. Sure, I could. Follow me! After walking a few minutes so, Pinocchio saw big, big, big huge candy house. They entered together and Pinocchio was caught by a large enclosure. Mouahahaha! I was finally able to catch you! You are mine, you will work for me! , Said the evil witch.

  70. Pinocchio was terrified. When the guards came and took him out of the cage, he immediately ran very fast and he managed to escape. At the same time, the evil wizard , summoned all his troops with him, ran after him and he pulled out his wand. Evil devil changed the little wooden puppet into a chocolate cake! When he returned home, he told the whole story to his father and they went to find a fairy god . After a long journey, they finally found the fairy god and they had a magic potion for Pinocchio, Pinocchio to treat the poor.

    7.Love story of Cinderella

    Once upon a time... In the past era, there was a beautiful young girl named Cinderella. He lived with his mother and two sisters. Mother and sister arrogant and bad tempered. They treated Cinderella very badly. Step mother made Cinderella do the hardest job in the house, such as scrubbing the floor, cleaning the pot and pan and preparing food for the family. Second step sister, on the other hand, does not work on the house. Their mother gave them many handsome dresses to wear. One day, two half-brothers received an invitation to the ball that the king 's son would give at the palace.

    They were excited about this and spent so much time choosing the dresses they would wear. Finally, the ball came, and away went the sisters. Cinderella could not help crying after they left. Why are crying, Cinderella? The voice asked. He looked up and saw her fairy godmother standing beside her, because I wanted to go to the ball Cinderella. Well godmother said, you've been such a cheerful, hardworking, uncomplaining girl that I will see that you go to the ball. Magic, fairy godmother turned a pumpkin into a coach and mice into a smooth two coachman and footman. Her godmother tapped Cinderella's dress with her wand, and it became a beautiful ball gown.

    Then he gave her a pair of pretty glass slippers. Now, Cinderella, she said, you have to go before midnight. Then he drove away a wonderful coach. Cinderella had a marvelous time either. She danced again and again with the king 's son. Suddenly the clock began to strike twelve, she ran toward the door as fast as he could do. In her hurry, one of her glass slipper behind. A few days later, the child king declared that he would marry the girl whose feet fitted the glass slipper. Stepsisters try on shoes, but it was too small for them, no matter how hard they squeezed their toes into it.

    In the end, the king's page lets Cinderella try the shoes. He stretched his legs and slipped the shoes on the page. It fitted perfectly. Finally, he was ushered into a magnificent palace and height. Young kings were glad to see him again. They marry and live happily ever after. End of story


  71. Contoh Narrative Text Pendek Fable 1
    1. The Goose and The Golden Eggs

    Once a farmer went to the nest of his goose and found there an egg, all yellow and shiny. When he picked it up, it was heavy as a rock. 1 He was about to throw it away because he thought that someone was playing a trick on him. 2 But on second thought, he took it home, and discovered to his delight that it was an egg of pure gold!

    He sold the egg for a lot of money. Every morning the goose laid another golden egg, and the farmer soon became rich by selling the eggs.

    As he grew rich, he also grew greedy. 6 “Why should I have to wait to get only one egg a day?” he thought. “I will cut open the goose and take all the eggs out of her at once.”

    When the goose heard the farmer’s plan, she flew away to a nearby farm. So when the farmer came out the next day, do you know what he found in the goose’s nest? 8 Nothing.

    Moral: Someone who wants more often loses all. When you want something, be patient. If you are greedy, you might lose what you already have.
    Mau Pintar Bahasa Inggris? Ini Contoh Narrative Text Bahasa Inggris lengkap!
    Angsa dan Telur Emas

    Suatu ketika seorang petani pergi ke sarang angsa dan menemukan ada sebuah telur, warnanya kuning dan mengkilap. Ketika ia mengambilnya, telur itu berat seperti batu. Dia hampir akan membuangnya karena ia pikir bahwa seseorang sedang mengerjainya. Tapi setelah dipikir-pikir lagi, ia membawanya pulang dan menyadari bahwa itu adalah telur emas murni!

    Dia menjual telur tersebut untuk uang yang sangat banyak. Setiap pagi angsa tersebut bertelur telur emas yang lain, dan petani tersebut pun menjadi kaya dengan menjual telur-telur tersebut.

    Ketika ia menjadi kaya, ia juga tumbuh serakah. “Mengapa saya harus menunggu untuk mendapatkan hanya satu telur sehari?” Pikirnya. “Saya akan membelah angsa tersebut dan mengambil semua telur keluar dari tubuhnya sekaligus.”

    Ketika angsa tersebut mendengar rencana petani itu, ia segera terbang pergi ke sebuah peternakan lain di dekatnya. Jadi, ketika petani tersebut keluar di hari berikutnya, kau tahu apa yang ia temukan di sarang angsa itu? Tidak ada.

    Moral: Orang yang selalu ingin lebih kadang sering kehilangan semuanya. Jika kamu menginginkan sesuatu, bersabarlah. Jika kamu serakah, kamu mungkin kehilangan apa yang sudah kamu miliki.
    Contoh Narrative Text Pendek Fable 2
    The Ant and the Dove

    One hot day, an ant was searching for some water. After walking around for some time, she came to a spring. To reach the spring, she had to climb up a blade of grass. While making her way up, she slipped and fell into the water.

    She could have drowned if a dove up a nearby tree had not seen her. Seeing that the ant was in trouble, the dove quickly plucked off a leaf and dropped it into the water near the struggling ant. The ant moved towards the leaf and climbed up there. Soon it carried her safely to dry ground.

  72. Not long after at that time, a hunter nearby was throwing out his net towards the dove, hoping to trap it.

    Guessing what he was about to do, the ant quickly bit him on the heel. Feeling the pain, the hunter dropped his net. The dove was quick to fly away to safety.

    The morality: One good turn deserves another.
    Terjemahan: Semut dan Merpati

    Suatu hari yang panas, semut sedang mencari air. Setelah berjalan sekitar untuk beberapa waktu, dia tiba ke sebuah mata air. Untuk mencapai air, dia harus memanjat rumput. Sementara membuat jalan ke atas, dia terpeleset dan jatuh ke dalam air.

    Dia bisa saja tenggelam jika merpati di sebuah pohon di dekatnya tidak melihatnya . Melihat bahwa semut itu dalam kesulitan, burung merpati cepat memetik daun dan menjatuhkannya ke dalam air dekat semut. Semut bergerak menuju daun dan naik di atas sana. Merpati segera membawanya dengan aman ke tanah kering. Semut sangat berterima kasih.
    Yuk, Belajar Contoh Narrative Text Bahasa Inggris Beserta Jawabannya!
    Contoh Narrative Text Pendek Fable 3
    The Fox and the Grapes

    One afternoon a fox was walking through the forest and spotted a bunch of grapes hanging from over a lofty branch. “Just the thing to quench my thirst,” quoted the fox.

    Taking a few steps back, the fox jumped and just missed the hanging grapes. Again the fox took a few paces back and tried to reach them but still failed.

    Short StoriesFinally, giving up, the fox turned up his nose and said, “They’re probably sour anyway,” and proceeded to walk away.

    moral: it’s easy to despise what you cannot have.
    Rubah Dan Anggur

    Suatu sore rubah sedang berjalan melalui hutan dan melihat anggur tergantung dari lebih cabang yang tinggi. ” Itu memuaskan dahagaku, ” kata rubah.

    Mengambil ancang-ancang beberapa langkah, rubah melompat namun ia gagal meraih buah anggur tergantung. Sekali lagi rubah mengambil beberapa langkah kembali dan mencoba untuk menjangkau mereka tapi masih gagal.

    Akhirnya rubah menyerah, rubah menutup berkata, ” Mereka mungkin asam pula, ” dan terus berjalan pergi.

    Pesan moral: mudah membenci apa karena tidak bisa memiliki.
    Contoh Narrative Text Pendek Fable 4
    True Friends

    Once upon a time, there were two close friends who were walking through the forest together. They knew that anything dangerous can happen any time in the forest. So they promised each other that they would always be together in any case of danger.

    Suddenly, they saw a large bear getting closer toward them. One of them climbed a nearby tree at once. But unfortunately the other one did not know how to climb up the tree. So being led by his common sense, he lay down on the ground breathless and pretended to be a dead man.

  73. The bear came near the one who was lying on the ground. It smelt in his ears, and slowly left the place because the bears do not want to touch the dead creatures. After that, the friend on the tree came down and asked his friend that was on the ground, “Friend, what did the bear whisper into your ears?” The other friend replied, “Just now the bear advised me not to believe a false friend.”

    Moral of the Story- A true friend in need is a friend indeed.
    Suatu hari di masa lau, ada dua teman dekat yang berjalan melewati hutan bersama-sama. Mereka tahu bahwa sesuatu yang berbahaya dapat terjadi setiap saat di hutan. Jadi mereka saling berjanji bahwa mereka akan selalu bersama-sama dalam keadaan bahaya sekalipun.

    Tiba-tiba, mereka melihat beruang besar sedang semakin mendekat ke arah mereka. Salah satu dari mereka memanjat pohon terdekat seketika. Tetapi sayangnya satu yang lainnya tidak tahu bagaimana cara untuk memanjat pohon. Jadi terdorong oleh akal sehatnya, ia berbaring di tanah, menahan napas, dan berpura-pura menjadi orang yang sudah mati.

    Beruang itu datang mendekati orang yang sedang berbaring di tanah tersebut. Mencium di telinganya, dan perlahan-lahan meninggalkan tempat karena beruang tidak ingin menyentuh makhluk yang sudah mati. Setelah itu, teman di pohon turun dan bertanya ke pada temannya yang berbaring di tanah itu, ” Teman , apa yang beruang bisikan ke telingamu ? ” Teman lain menjawab, “Tadi beruang itu menyarankan saya untuk tidak mempercayai teman palsu.”

    Pesan Moral dari cerita:
    Seorang teman sejati yang kita butuhkan adalah teman yang sebenarnya.
    Contoh Narrative Text Pendek Fable 5
    Fox and A Cat
    One day a cat and a fox were having a conversation. The fox, who was a conceited creature, boasted how clever she was. ‘Why, I know at least a hundred tricks to get away from our mutual enemies, the dogs,’ she said.
    ‘I know only one trick to get away from dogs,’ said the cat. ‘You should teach me some of yours!’
    ‘Well, maybe some day, when I have the time, I may teach you a few of the simpler ones,’ replied the fox airily.
    Just then they heard the barking of a pack of dogs in the distance. The barking grew louder and louder – the dogs were coming in their direction! At once the cat ran to the nearest tree and climbed into its branches, well out of reach of any dog. ‘This is the trick I told you about, the only one I know,’ said the cat. ‘Which one of your hundred tricks are you going to use?’
    The fox sat silently under the tree, wondering which trick she should use. Before she could make up her mind, the dogs arrived. They fell upon the fox and tore her to pieces.
    Moral: A single plan that works is better than a hundred doubtful plans.
    Suatu hari kucing dan rubah sedang bercakap-cakap. Rubah, yang adalah makhluk sombong, membual tentang betapa pintarnya dia. “Kenapa, aku tahu setidaknya seratus trik untuk menjauh dari musuh kita bersama, anjing,” katanya.

  74. “Saya hanya tahu satu trik untuk menjauh dari anjing,” kata kucing. “Kamu harus mengajariku beberapa trik mu!”

    “Yah, mungkin suatu hari, ketika saya punya waktu, saya mungkin mengajarkan kamu beberapa trik yang sederhana,” jawab rubah ringan.

    Sesaat kemudian mereka mendengar gonggongan sekawanan anjing di kejauhan. menggonggong semakin keras – anjing datang menuju ke arah mereka! Seketika kucing berlari ke pohon terdekat dan naik ke cabang-cabangnya, di luar jangkauan dari setiap anjing. ‘Ini adalah trik saya katakan tadi, satu-satunya yang saya tahu, “kata kucing. ‘ mana salah satu dari seratus trik anda yang anda akan gunakan?’

    Rubah duduk diam di bawah pohon, bertanya-tanya trik apa yang dia harus gunakan. Sebelum dia bisa mengambil keputusan, anjing tiba. Mereka menyergap rubah dan mencabik-cabiknya.

    Pesan Moral:
    Sebuah rencana tunggal yang bekerja lebih baik dari seratus rencana diragukan.

  75. Kumpulan Contoh Narrative Text Legend
    The Origin of The Name “Singapore”
    A hundred years ago there lived a king named Nila Utama, King of Srivijaya. One day, the king went sailing accompanied by his loyal bodyguards. Along the way, the hurricane came. The guards begged the king to cancel his plan. "Sir, it is dangerous if we continue the journey with this condition. It's better if we stop first to a safer place. If I am not mistaken, there is a place nearby here named Tumasik Island. “What if we stay there while waiting for a safer condition?" Said the captain of the ship. The king approved this opinion. Their boat was docked to Tumasik Island shortly afterwards.
    Arriving on the island, King and several bodyguards left the ship and looked around the island. When they're looking around, suddenly an animal which was not far from them flashed. The king was surprised and fascinated. The beast was so huge, looked dashing, and was golden in color." What creature was that?" Asked the King to his guards. "If i am not mistaken, people call it “Singa”, your majesty," one of his bodyguards replied. "What?" Asked the King to clarify. “Singa” replied the guard.
    The king then asked more explanation about the animal. Attentively, The King listened to all explanations from his bodyguard about the animal. "Then, we give the name of this place “Singapore”.”Meaning: The City of Lion which is derived from malay “Singa” (lion) and “Pura / Pore” (City)". Since that time the town was named Singapore.
    Asal Nama Singapura
    Ratusan tahun yang lalu hiduplah seorang raja bernama Nila Utama, Raja Sriwijaya. Pada suatu hari, Raja pergi berlayar ditemani pengawal-pengawal setianya. Di tengah perjalanan, angin topan datang. Para pengawal memohon agar raja membatalkan niatnya. “Tuan, sungguh berbahaya jika kita meneruskan perjalanan dengan kondisi seperti ini. Lebih baik jika kita singgah dulu ke tempat yang lebih aman. Kalau hamba tak keliru, ada tempat terdekat dari sini yang bernama Pulau Tumasik. Bagaimana jika singgah di sana sembari menunggu kondisi yang lebih aman?” kata kapten kapal. Raja menyetujui pendapat tersebut. Perahu mereka pun merapat ke Pulau Tumasik tak lama setelah itu.
    Sesampainya di pulau tersebut, Raja dan beberapa pengawalnya meninggalkan kapal dan berkeliling melihat-lihat pulau tersebut. Saat mereka sedang melihat-lihat sekeliling, tiba-tiba seekor binatang berkelebat tak jauh dari tempat mereka. Raja terkejut dan terpukau. Binatang itu sanagat besar, tampak gagah, dan berwarna keemasan. “Mahluk apakah itu?” tanya sang Raja kepada para pengawalnya. “Kalau hamba tak salah, orang-orang menyebutnya singa, Yang Mulia,” jawab salah seorang pengawalnya. “Apa?” tanya sang Raja memperjelas. “Singa” jawab pengawal tadi.
    Raja lalu meminta penjelasan lebih banyak tentang biantang tersebut. Dengan penuh perhatian, Raja mendengarkan semua penjelasan pengawalnya tentang binatang itu. “Kalau begitu, kita beri nama tempat ini Singapura. Artinya: Kota Singa yang diperoh dari bahasa melayu “Singa” dan “Pura”. Sejak saat itulah kota itu bernama Singapura.

  76. Roro Jonggrang
    In ancient times, there were two neighboring kingdoms in Central Java. The kingdoms were the Penging kingdom and the Baka kingdom. Pengging was fertile and prosperous kingdom, ruled by Prabu Damar Maya. His son was Raden Bandung Bondowoso (Bandawasa) who was mighty and powerful. While the Baka kingdom ruled by a man-eating giant named King Baka.
    To expand the kingdom, King Baka combated Pengging kingdom causing many people killed and lost their wealth. In order to end the war, Prabu Damar Maya sent his son to fight King Baka. Because of his power, Bondowoso managed to kill King Baka.
    Despite coming from a race of giants, King Baka had a beautiful daughter named Rara Jonggrang. One day, Rara Jongrang was proposed by Bandung Bandawasa who met her when the war happened. Knowing the fact that he had killed her father, Roro Jonggrang didn’t want to marry him. But Bandung Bondowoso still needed to marry her, whatever the obstacles would be. Then, to challenge him Ratu Baka gave a task to Bandung Bandawasa. Ratu Baka told that he had to make 1000 temples in one night before he could marry to Roro Jonggrang.
    Bandung Bandawasa then called the genies to help him and he made the temples in unbelievable speed. Roro Jonggrang saw that the task was almost completed, so she ordered her servants to help her hit the rice puncher and made the sounds of cooking. These actions made the genies think that morning had come so they run away as soon as possible. Bandung Bandawasa was angry with Roro Jonggrang. He already finished 9999 temples, and when he was building the 1000th temple, he cursed Roro Jonggrang into a stone statue to fill the 1000 temples.
    Roro Jonggrang
    Pada jaman dahulu terdapat dua kerajaan yang bertetangga di Jawa Tengah. Kerajaan tersebut adalah kerajaan Pengging dan kerajaan Baka. Pengging adalah kerajaan yang subur dan makmur, dipimpin oleh Prabu Damar Maya. Ia berputra Raden Bandung Bondowoso (Bandawasa) yang gagah perkasa dan sakti. Sedangkan kerajaan Baka dipimpin oleh raksasa pemakan manusia bernama Prabu Baka.
    Untuk memperluas kerajaan, Prabu Baka memerangi kerajaan Pengging yang mengakibatkan banyak rakyat Pengging tewas dan kehilangan harta benda. Untuk mengakhiri perang, Prabu Damar Maya mengirimkan putranya untuk menghadapi Prabu Baka. Karena kesaktiannya, Bandung Bondowoso berhasil membunuh Prabu Baka.
    Meskipun berasal dari ras raksasa, Prabu Baka memiliki seorang putri cantik bernama Rara Jonggrang. Suatu hari, Rara Jongrang dilamar oleh Bandung Bandawasa yang melihatnya saat perang terjadi. Mengetahui fakta bahwa ia telah membunuh ayahnya, Roro Jonggrang tidak mau menikah dengannya. Tapi Bandung Bondowoso masih tetap ingin menikahinya, apa pun rintangan yang ada. Kemudian, untuk menantangnya Ratu Baka memberi persyaratan ke Bandung Bandawasa. Ratu Baka diberitahu bahwa ia harus membuat 1000 candi dalam satu malam sebelum ia bisa menikah dengan Roro Jonggrang.
    Bandung Bandawasa kemudian memanggil jin untuk membantunya dan dia membuat candi dengan kecepatan luar biasa. Roro Jonggrang melihat bahwa tugas itu hampir selesai, jadi dia memerintahkan pelayannya untuk membantunya memukul tempat menaruh beras dan membuat suara memasak. Tindakan-tindakan ini membuat jin berpikir pagi telah datang sehingga mereka lari secepat mungkin. Bandung Bandawasa marah dengan Roro Jonggrang. Dia sudah menyelesaikan 9999 candi, dan ketika ia membangun candi ke 1000, ia mengutuk Roro Jonggrang menjadi patung batu untuk mengisi candi ke 1000.

  77. Origin of the Snail House
    In ancient times, the snails did not bring their home anywhere. In the beginning, snails lived in an abandoned bird's nest in the trees. The night was warm and the day was cool because the leaves shaded the nest where the snails lived. But when the rains came, the leaves could no longer block the rain that fell. Snails caught cold and wet when the rainy season arrived.
    Then the snails moved into the holes in the trunks of trees. When the day was hot, the snails were well protected, even if it rained. It looked like that I had found a suitable home for me, the snail said in his heart.
    But on a sunny day, there came a woodpecker. Tok..tok ... tok ... woodpecker kept pecking the trunks where the snails lived. Snails became very distracted and could not sleep. With annoyed heart, snails went out of the hole in the trunk and looked for a place to stay next. Snails found a hole in the ground, which seemed to be warm when the night came, thought snails. Snails cleaned up those holes and decided to stay in it. But it turned out when the night came. The rats came from all directions to damage the hole. Again and again, the snails had to leave the hole to find a new home.
    Snails then moved on to the edge of the beach filled with coral reefs. He thought that the sidelines of the corals might be his home. Snails could take a rest peacefully in this place. But when the tide rose up to the top of the rock, snail was swept away along with the surge of the waves. As usual, the snails had to go away to find a new home. When he was walking away from the beach, the snail found an empty shell. This shape was beautiful and very light. Being tired and cold, snails went into the shell. Snails felt warm and comfortable then he slept in it.
    When the morning came, snails realized that he had found the best home for himself. He did not need to go home in hurry if it rained. He also would not get heat anymore, and no one would bother him. He then brought it home with him wherever he went.
    Asal Mula Rumah Siput
    Pada zaman dahulu, siput tidak membawa rumahnya kemana-mana. Awalnya siput tinggal di sarang burung yang sudah ditinggalkan induk burung di atas pohon. Malam terasa hangat dan siang terasa sejuk karena daun-daun menaungi sarang tempat siput tinggal. Tetapi ketika musim hujan datang, daun-daun itu tidak bisa lagi menghalangi air hujan yang jatuh. Siput menjadi basah dan kedinginan saat musim hujan tiba.
    Kemudian siput pindah ke dalam lubang yang ada di batang-batang pohon. Jika hari panas, siput terlindung dengan baik, bahkan jika hujan turun. Sepertinya aku menemukan rumah yang cocok untukku, kata si siput dalam hati.
    Tetapi pada suatu hari yang cerah, datanglah burung pelatuk. Tok..tok…tok…burung pelatuk terus mematuk batang pohon tempat siput tinggal. Siput menjadi terganggu dan tidak bisa tidur. Dengan hati jengkel, siput keluar dari lubang yang ada di batang pohon tersebut dan mencari tempat tinggal selanjutnya. Siput menemukan sebuah lubang di tanah, yang nampaknya hangat jika malam datang, pikir siput. Siput membersihkan lubang tersebut dan memutuskan untuk tinggal di dalamnya. Tetapi ternyata ketika malam datang, tikus-tikus datang dari segala arah merusak rumah siput. Lagi dan lagi, siput harus pergi meninggalkan lubang itu untuk mencari rumah baru.

  78. Siput kemudian berjalan terus sampai di tepi pantai yang penuh dengan batu karang. Ia berfikir sela-sela batu karang mungkin dapat menjadi rumahnya. Siput pun dapat beristirahat dengan tenang di tempat tersebut. Tetapi ketika air laut pasang dan naik sampai ke atas batu karang, siput ikut tersapu bersama dengan derasnya ombak tersebut. Seperti biasa, siput harus kembali pergi mencari rumah baru. Ketika ia sedang berjalan meninggalkan pantai, si siput menemukan sebuah cangkang kosong, bentuknya cantik dan sangat ringan. Karena lelah dan kedinginan, siput masuk ke dalam cangkang tersebut. Siput merasa hangat dan nyaman lalu tertidur di dalamnya.
    Ketika pagi tiba, siput menyadari telah menemukan rumah terbaik untuknya. Ia tidak perlu lagi cepat-cepat pulang jika hujan turun. Ia juga tidak akan kepanasan lagi, dan tidak ada yang akan mengganggunya. Ia kemudian membawa rumah ini bersamanya kemanapun ia pergi.

    The Origin of The Name “Balikpapan City”
    According to folklore handed down from generation to generation among the people of East Kalimantan, since the 1700's the land of sand had already existed a system of royal government which were very organized. Under the reign of the kingdom, the people lived in prosperity. The kingdom led by a Sultan named Sultan Aji Muhammad. Sultan Aji Muhammad had a daughter named Aji Tatin. Then the daughter got married to the King of Kutai. To his father, Aji Tatin asked a legacy for her future. Sultan Aji Muhammad then gave the bay area which had not been named.
    One day, when the people assigned to collect tribute to Aji Tatin were riding the boat, a powerful hurricane came. Tributes from the people which they were carrying out at that time were in form of boards which were in huge amounts. Feeling unable to fight the storm, the rowers of the boat tried to move closer to the beach. However, since the waves were very large and the storm, the boat slammed into a reef. Tools for rowing were broken and the boat sank. The commander who led the group and all of his men died.
    Thus, according to the legend or folklore from East Kalimantan, “Balikpapan” name was taken from an incident when the boat containing the boards was upside down because of the storm. While coral island which was hit by the boat until drowned is called “Pulau Tukung” now.
    Asal Muasal Nama “Kota Balikpapan”
    Menurut cerita rakyat yang diceritakan secara turun temurun di kalangan masyarakat Kalimantan Timur, sejak tahun 1700 an di tanah Pasir sudah ada sistem pemerintahan kerajaan yang sangat teratur. Di bawah pemerintahan kerajaan tersebut, rakyat hidup sejahtera. Kerajaan tersebut dipimpin oleh seorang Sultan bernama Sultan Aji Muhammad. Sultan Aji Muhammad mempunyai seorang putri bernama Aji Tatin. Kemudian Putri tersebut menikah dengan Raja Kutai. Kepada ayahnya, Aji Tatin meminta warisan untuk masa depannya. Sultan Aji Muhammad kemudian memberikan wilayah teluk yang saat itu belum diberi nama.
    Pada suatu hari, ketika orang-orang yang bertugas mengumpulkan upeti untuk Aji Tatin sedang naik perahu, datanglah angin topan yang dahsyat. Upeti dari rakyat yang sedang mereka bawa saat itu berupa papan yang sangat banyak. Karena merasa tidak mampu untuk melawan badai, para pendayung perahu tersebut berusaha merapat ke pantai. Namun, karena gelombang yang sangat besar dan angin topan tersebut, perahu pun terhempas ke sebuah karang. Alat untuk mendayung pun patah dan perahu pun karam. Panglima yang memimpin rombongan tersebut dan semua anak buahnya meninggal.

  79. Jadi, menurut legenda atau cerita rakyat Kalimantan Timur ini, nama Balikpapan diambil dari kejadian saat perahu yang berisi papan terbalik karena diterpa badai. Sedangkan pulau karang yang tertabrak oleh perahu hingga karam kini dinamakan Pulau Tukung.
    The Origin of Lightening
    Once upon a time fairies and humans lived together peacefully. One day, Mekhala, a beautiful and clever elf, studied at Shie, a great hermit. Besides Mekhala, Master Shie also had a male student named Ramasaur. In the process of learning, the boy always envied Mekhala because Mekhala was very clever. But Master Shie still loved both of his students without favoritism.
    One day Guru Shie called and said to them, "Tomorrow, give me a cup full of dew. Who is faster to get it, so it will be lucky for him/her. The dew will be turned into a gem, who can grant every request. "Mekhala and Ramasaur stunned for a moment to hear the command. Ramasaur imagined he would ask for wealth and luxury after completing the task so that he could become the richest man in the country. However Mekhala just thought out loud. Getting a cup of dew in a short time is certainly not easy, Mekhala muttered in her heart.
    The next day, early in the morning, the disciples had been in the woods. Ramasaur pulled weeds and other small plants sloppily. But the result was disappointing. Dew that exists in plants was always spilled before it was poured into the cup. Instead, Mekhala absorbed the moisture with a soft cloth very carefully. She slowly squeezed the cloth and then inserted it into the cup. The result was very encouraging. Soon her cup had been filled up with dew. Mekhala saw Master Shie soon and gave his work.
    Master Shie received it joyfully. Mekhala was indeed a clever pupil. As promised, Master Shie transformed it into a gem as big as a thumb. "If you want something, take up this gem equally to the forehead. Then say whatever you want," Professor Shie said. Mekhala did whatever the teacher had taught, then called her wishes. Instantly, Mekhala were in the blue sky. She hovered like an eagle who was so beautiful.
    Meanwhile, only at dusk Ramasaur managed to get a cup of dew. The result was not as clear as that was collected by Mekhala. Then, Ramasaur handed the cup dew on Master Shie hastily. "Although you are not quicker than Mekhala, you will still get a gift on your effort," Master Shie said while handing a magic axe made of silver. When the axe was thrown to the object, even a mountain could be destroyed.
    In fact, Ramasaur abused the axe. He was very jealous of the Mekhala that could hover in the sky so beautifully. Ramasaur immediately threw the axe toward Mekhala. Knowing there would be danger threatens, Mekhala fend off the axe with the gem. The result was a violent clash and blinding light in the sky. The clash continues until today, in form of a deafening explosion. People refer it as "thunder".
    Asal Mula Guntur
    Dahulu kala peri dan manusia hidup bersama dengan damai. Suatu hari, Mekhala, si peri cantik dan pandai, berguru pada Shie, seorang pertapa sakti. Selain Mekhala, Guru Shie juga mempunyai seorang murid laki-laki bernama Ramasaur. Dalam proses belajar, murid laki-laki ini selalu iri pada Mekhala karena Mekhala sangatlah pandai. Namun Guru Shie tetap menyayangi kedua muridnya tanpa pilih kasih.

  80. Suatu hari Guru Shie memanggil dan berkata kepada mereka, “Besok, berikan aku secawan penuh air embun. Siapa yang lebih cepat mendapatkannya, maka akan beruntunglah dia. Embun itu akan kuubah menjadi permata, yang bisa mengabulkan segala permintaan.” Mekhala dan Ramasaur tertegun sejenak mendengar perintah itu. Terbayang oleh Ramasaur ia akan meminta harta dan kemewahan setelah menyelesaikan tugas tersebut sehingga ia bisa menjadi orang terkaya di negerinya. Namun Mekhala justru berpikir keras. Mendapatkan secawan air embun dalam waktu yang singkat tentulah tidak mudah, gumam Mekhala di dalam hati.
    Keesokan harinya, pagi-pagi sekali, kedua murid itu telah berada di hutan. Ramasaur mencabuti rumput dan tanaman kecil lainnya dengan ceroboh. Tetapi hasilnya sangat mengecewakan. Air embun yang ada pada tumbuhan-tumbuhan tersebut selalu tumpah sebelum dituang ke cawan. Sebaliknya, Mekhala menyerap embun dengan sehelai kain lunak dengan sangat hati-hati. Perlahan diperasnya kain tersebut lalu dimasukan ke cawan. Hasilnya sangat menggembirakan. Tak lama kemudian cawannya telah penuh terisi embun. Mekhala segera menemui Guru Shie dan memberikan hasil kerjanya.
    Guru Shie menerimanya dengan gembira. Mekhala memang murid yang cerdik. Seperti janjinya, Guru Shie mengubah embun itu menjadi sebuah permata sebesar ibu jari. ” Jika kau menginginkan sesuatu, angkatlah permata ini sejajar dengan keningmu. Lalu ucapkan apapun keinginanmu,” ujar Guru Shie. Mekhala mengerjakan apa saja yang diajarkan gurunya, lalu menyebut keinginannya. Dalam sekejap Mekhala telah berada di langit biru. Melayang-layang seperti seekor rajawali yang indah sekali.
    Sementara itu, baru pada senja hari Ramasaur berhasil mendapat secawan embun. Hasilnya pun tidak sejernih yang dikumpulkan oleh Mekhala. Kemudian, Ramasaur menyerahkan secawan embun tersebut pada Guru Shie dengan tergopoh-gopoh. “Meskipun kalah cepat dari Mekhala, kau akan tetap mendapat hadiah atas jerih payahmu,” kata Guru Shie sambil menyerahkan sebuah kapak sakti yang terbuat dari perak. Bila kapak itu dilemparkan ke sasaran, gunung pun bisa hancur.
    Ternyata Ramasaur menyalahgunakan kapak itu. Ia sangat iri melihat Mekhala yang bisa melayang-layang di angkasa dengan begitu indahnya. Ramasaur segera melemparkan kapak itu ke arah Mekhala. Karena mengetahui akan ada bahaya mengancam, Mekhala menangkis kapak itu dengan permatanya. Akibatnya terjadilah benturan dahsyat dan cahaya yang sangat menyilaukan di angkasa. Benturan itu terus terjadi hingga saat ini, berupa gelegar yang memekakkan telinga. Orang-orang menyebutnya sebagai “guntur”.
    Cerita Rakyat Narrative (Legenda Asal Lampung)
    The origins of Lampung City
    In ancient times there were four brothers called Ompung Silamponga, Ompung Silitonga, Ompung Silatoa, and Ompung Sintalaga who tried to escape from Tapanuli to the southeast. They crossed the ocean by using rafts. Then, they had been bobbing aimlessly on the sea for a couple of days so that their food supplies dwindled. Once in a while, when they discovered a land, they stopped to look for food and then continued the voyage.
    Once, Ompung Silamponga fell ill. His condition was deteriorating day by day. However, he remained determined to continue the journey. Meanwhile, his three brothers were so tired that he decided to stop sailing.

  81. Suddenly, a raft appeared while bobbing near their raft. The three siblings who were healthy decided to separate ompung Silamponga. They carried his brother who was seriously ill carefully to their newfound raft and pushed, so that it was drifted away from them.
    Ompung Silamponga was bobbed alone with his raft. His body became weak. After a long time had been bobbing, his raft then hit a hard object. Then Ompung Silamponga was awakened. He found himself already stranded on a beautiful beach whose waves were not so huge. Somehow he felt that his body became stronger and healthier. He then walked down the beach. He found a stream with clear water around the coast. Then Ompung Silamponga thought to live in that area.
    After some time living in that area, Ompung Silamponga got bored. Then, he went to explore the island. Ompung Silamponga explored a dense forest near the island. Finally, he arrived at the top of a hill with beautiful views. Then he could also know that there were people living at the foot of the hill. With a feeling of joy, unconsciously he shouted loudly, "Lappung! Lappung! Lappung!" (In Tapanuli language, lappung means “Wide”).
    Shortly after that, Ompung Silamponga went down from the top of the hill and opened a new settlement there. He gave the place a name "Lappung". In fact, a group of people who lived so left behind stayed also around the place. Ompung Silamponga established good relations with the indigenous population. The longer the area was, it developed more. Ompung Silamponga spent his life there until death.
    “Lampung” is recognized to be derived from two things. First, from the words shouted by Ompung Simaponga on the hill when it was first discovered that area. Second, from a part of Ompung Silamponga name.
    Asal Usul Kota Lampung
    Pada zaman dahulu ada empat bersaudara bernama Ompung Silamponga, Ompung Silitonga, Ompung Silatoa, dan Ompung Sintalaga yang berusaha pergi menyelamatkan diri dari Tapanuli ke arah tenggara. Mereka menyeberangi lautan dengan menggunakan rakit. Kemudian mereka terombang-ambing tanpa arah di tengah laut berhari-hari sehingga persediaan makanan yang semakin menipis. Sesekali ketika menemukan daratan, mereka singgah untuk mencari bahan makanan dan kembali melanjutkan pelayaran.
    Suatu ketika, Ompung Silamponga jatuh sakit. Kondisinya semakin memburuk hari demi hari. Namun, ia tetap bertekad meneruskan perjalanan. Sementara itu, kedua saudaranya telah begitu letih sehingga memutuskan untuk berhenti berlayar.
    Tiba-tiba, terlihat sebuah rakit terombang-ambing di dekat rakit mereka. Ketiga bersaudara yang sehat itu memutuskan untuk berpisah dengan Ompung Silamponga. Mereka menggotong saudaranya yang sedang sakit parah tersebut dengan hati-hati ke rakit yang baru mereka temukan dan mendorongnya, sehingga terbawa arus menjauh dari mereka.
    Ompung Silamponga terombang-ambing sendiri dengan rakitnya. Tubuhnya menjadi semakin lemah sekali. Setelah sekian lama terombang-ambing, rakitnya kemudian menghantam sebuah benda keras. Ompung Silamponga kemudian terbangun. Ia mendapati dirinya sudah terdampar di sebuah pantai indah yang ombaknya tidak begitu besar. Entah mengapa ia merasakan tubuhnya menjadi kuat dan sehat. Ia lalu berjalan menyusuri pantai tersebut. Ia menemukan sebuah sungai dengan air yang jernih di sekitar pantai tersebut. Kemudian Ompung Silamponga pun berpikir untuk tinggal di daerah itu.

  82. Setelah beberapa waktu tinggal di daerah itu, Ompong Silamponga merasa bosan. Lalu, ia pergi menjelajahi pulau tersebut. Ompong Silamponga menjelajahi sebuah hutan lebat di dekat pulau tersebut. Akhirnya, sampailah ia di sebuah puncak bukit dengan pemandangan yang sangat indah. Kemudian Ia juga bisa mengetahui bahwa ada penduduk yang tinggal di kaki bukit tersebut. Dengan perasaan gembira, tanpa sadar ia pun berteriak dengan keras, "Lappung! Lappung! Lappung!" (Dalam bahasa Tapanuli, lappung berarti luas).
    Tak lama setelah itu, Ompung Silamponga turun dari bukit dan membuka perkampungan baru di sana. Ia memberi nama tempat tersebut “Lappung”. Ternyata di sekitarnya, tinggal juga sekelompok penduduk yang hidup sangat terbelakang. Ompung Silamponga menjalin hubungan baik dengan penduduk asli tersebut. Semakin lama daerah itu semakin berkembang. Ompung Silamponga menghabiskan hidupnya disana sampai meninggal dunia.
    Nama Lampung diakui berasal dari dua hal. Pertama, dari kata-kata yang diteriakkan Ompung Simaponga di atas bukit ketika pertama kali menemukan daerah itu. Kedua, berasal dari sebagian nama Ompung Silamponga.
    Origin of Kota Bumi Lampung
    In the past, in North Lampung region, there lived a king named Tutur Jimat ruling justly and wisely. Tutur Jimat was one of the descendants of the Queen Darah Putih. Because of his age, he intended to hand over the power to his eldest son named Paniakan Dalem. After receiving the mandate as his father's successor, Paniakan Dalem ruled kingdom justly and wisely. People lived peacefully, quetly, and prosperously.
    Shortly after that, Paniakan Dalem married and endowed a son named Muhammad. The more prosperous the kingdom was, the more descendants of Quen Darah Putih were there. Paniakan Dalem started thinking about a way in order that royal descendants can always remember their ancestors.
    Until one day, the Prince came to. He said, "Dad, I want to ask, who “Kuto Bumi” is ?" The King replied, "Kuto Bumi” is our ancestor. She was a queen who ruled this area in the past. We are all his descendants. From whom did you hear that name?"
    "Here, Dad, when I was hunting and came to a village. People there introduced themselves and said that they are the descendants of “Kuto Bumi”. Why do not we call it the area with Kuto Bumi, Father? Thus, all people from this area can always remember their ancestors” said Muhammad. Paniakan Dalem was so delighted to hear what his son has said. He agreed to change the name of the area into “Kuto Bumi”.
    As the time went by, the name "Kuto Bumi" becomes "Kotabumi" which is now the capital city of North Lampung.
    Asal Mula Kota Bumi Lampung
    Di masa lalu, di wilayah Lampung Utara, hiduplah seorang raja bernama Tutur Jimat yang berkuasa dengan adil dan bijaksana. Tutur Jimat adalah salah satu keturunan dari Ratu Darah Putih. Karena usianya yang sudah tua, ia bermaksud menyerahkan kekuasaannya kepada anak tertuanya bernama Paniakan Dalem. Setelah menerima mandat sebagai pengganti ayahnya, Paniakan Dalem memimpin kerajaan dengan adil dan bijaksana. Rakyatnya hidup damai,tenteram, dan sejahtera.
