Monday, September 25, 2017

Pemalas, Malang Betul Nasibmu

Jadilah pemalas maka kemalangan demi kemalangan akan menghampiri kamu. Bagaimana tidak, kemalasan yang ada menghasilkan kemunduran dan kekosongan. Jangankan dapat bersaing dengan orang lain, melawan kemalasannya sendiri saja tidak mampu. Kesendirian yang tidak terkontrol bisa berujung kemalasan. Biasanya anak pemalas cenderung sendirian di kamar, nonton tv, tiduran, tidak bergairah melakukan aktivitas apapun kecuali makan dan nonton TV mungkin.
Kemalangan yang nyata adalah tidak memiliki prestasi apapun, dimarahin guru, sering diomeli orangtua, pekerjaan menumpuk karena tidak diselesaikan sesuai tenggat waktu, dan jika diteruskan ia menjadi pengangguran kelas berat. Meskipun tidak semua para pengangguran malas bekerja.  Sifat dan sikap malas akan menghambat terselesaikannya tugas-tugas yang ada. Bahkan menjadi salah satu penyebab kegagalan. Kesulitan bersaing dalam bisnis dan mengembangkan usahanya. Jika ia seorang pelajar, maka jelaslah kemalasan itu mempengaruhi nilai akademiknya. Seorang mahasiswa yang malas mengerjakan tugas akhir ataupun skripsi maka keterlambatan lulus jelas akan didapatkannya. Siswa yang malas mengerjakan PR, bisa jadi akan mendapat hukuman dari guru dan pengetahuannya tidak berkembang. Yang seharusnya dia belajar memperdalam materi dengan menyelesaikan PR dan tugas rumah lainnya, berhubung malas menyelesaikannya ia tidak mendapat pemahaman dalam materi tersebut.
Penyebab Kemalasan
Sebab yang terkadang menjadi pemicu rasa malas antara lain: kelelahan/ letih, kurangnya istirahat, pola aktivitas yang kurang bervariasi alias monoton, pekerjaan yang terlanjur menumpuk, tujuan yang kurang jelas, lingkungan dan teman yang kurang kondusif. Bahkan malas itu bisa menjadi penyakit menular lho, jika kita kurang komitmen terhadap tujuan hidup. Sesungguhnya tujuan hidup yang jelas akan memudahkan seseorang dalam melangkah, ketika bekerjapun semakin semangat, ia mengetahui reward yang akan diperoleh jika pekerjaannya tepat waktu. Prinsip AMBAK, apa manfaat bagiku, sangat menolong para pemalas untuk keluar dari lingkaran setan yang membuat kita menjadi malas. Memunculkan gairah belajar, memunculkan daya dobrak dalam bekerja bisa diperoleh melalui sebuah niat, keyakinan, iman yang tinggi bahwa yang ia lakukan sudah benar dan mendatangkan imbalan besar di kemudian hari. Dengan kata lain orang pemalas itu bisa diibaratkan pelancong yang tidak memiliki tempat persinggahan yang jelas, tidak punya tujuan hidup yang pasti. Perlu digaris bawahi bahwasanya rasa malas yang menghinggapi diri ada yang bersifat sementara (temporer) dan ada yang sudah menjadi watak atau ciri khas (permanen). Jika rasa malas yang dirasakan karena kepenatan, kecapean, kelelahan bekerja maka malas tersebut obatnya cukup dengan istirahat yang teratur atau refreshing maka setelah itu gairah bekerja akan hadir kembali. Namun jika malas itu sudah menjadi tabiat khusus maka penanganannya juga perlu terapi tersendiri.
Ibrah: Cerita Penjual Roti & Anaknya Yang Pemalas
Ada cerita tentang hilangnya kemalasan pada anak yang sudah dicap sebagai pemalas. Kisahnya sebagai berikut; ada seorang anak bernama Tom yang terkenal dengan sikap malasnya. Hingga ayahnya mengeluhkan akan perilaku anaknya yang satu ini, sepanjang hari Tom tidak melakukan kontribusi apapun dalam membantu ayahnya bekerja. Bahkan faktanya ia sepulang sekolah langsung masuk kamar, tiduran, tugas-tugasnya tidak dikerjakan sama sekali, keluar kamar jika lapar, hingga menjelang malam yang dilakukan hanya bermalas-malasan. Ayahnya yang bernama Tn. Jones adalah seorang penjual roti, ia memiliki toko roti sederhana di pasar. Ia dalam menjalankan bisnis rotinya tersebut dibantu oleh sang istri yaitu Ny. Jones dan anak pertamanya, Bob. Setiap hari mereka bangun pagi-pagi buta untuk menyiapkan segalanya dari memanggang roti, membungkus, mengepak hingga mengantarkan roti ke para pelanggan. Aktivitas tersebut dilakukan rutin setiap hari, tanpa Tom ikut terlibat didalamnya. Berkali-kali sang ayah menyuruhnya membantu apa yang bisa ia lakukan untuk bisnis roti mereka namun berkali-kali pula nasehat itu tidak didengarkan oleh Tom.
Ny. Jones menyadari perilaku Tom, anaknya itu, karena ia sudah terbiasa dipanggil sebagai anak pemalas sehingga Tom pun terbiasa akrab dengan julukan pemalas yang ditujukkan padanya. Beberapa hari kemudian Tn. Jones jatuh sakit, tubuhnya demam, panas dingin, dan dokter berpesan agar Tn. Jones beristirahat selama seminggu. Sejujurnya ia tidak ingin beristirahat total, tapi kondisi fisiknya memang lemah sehingga ia harus menuruti nasehat dari dokter.
Sengsara Membawa Nikmat
Jatuh sakitnya Tn. Jones membawa dampak terhadap kurangnya personel dalam keluarga itu untuk menjalankan roda bisnis toko rotinya. Maka Ny. Jones membagi-bagi tugas, Tom yang biasanya dibiarkan tidak terlibat maka dengan kondisi sang ayah yang sakit dipaksa untuk bekerja.
Ny. Jones memasak dan merapikan rumah serta merawat Tn. Jones selagi suaminya itu dalam masa perawatan dan penyembuhan, Bob bertugas membuat roti dan memanggangnya, sedangkan Tom mau tidak mau mendapat jatah tugas untuk mengantarkan roti kepada para pelanggan. Jelas Tom menolak dengan tugas barunya tersebut, dengan alasan ia malas bangun pagi. Bob berkata bahwa ia akan membantu membangunkan setiap paginya.
Bob benar-benar mebangunkan Tom setiap pagi meski Tom enggan, tetap dipaksa, hingga Tom jalan juga untuk mengantarkan roti ke rumah pelanggan.
Tentunya pelanggan yang kebanyakan juga tetangga dekatnya sangat terkejut karena tidak biasanya Tom mengantarkan roti, mereka bertanya penasaran, Tom hanya menjawab datar bahwa ia melakukan pekerjaan tersebut karena ayahnya sedang sakit dan ia akan melakukan pekerjaan ini selama ayahnya belum sembuh. Reaksi pelanggan kagum pada Tom setelah mendengar penjelasan sederhana Tom dan melihat perubahan dalam diri Tom yang sudah mau membantu orangtuanya. Bahkan tidak sedikit pelanggan tersebut memuji dan menyanjung Tom. Ternyata sanjungan dan pujian membawa dampak positif, rasa dihargai oleh orang lain atas apa yang ia lakukan membawa kepuasan tersendiri baginya. Dan ternyata cukup menyenangkan juga bisa bekerja dan membantu meringankan pekerjaan orangtuanya. Sejak saat itu watak pemalas hilang sama sekali dari diri Tom.
Kekuatan Pujian & Dukungan
Pujian dengan porsi yang tepat mampu menguatkan integritas kepribadian seseorang. Keeksistensian dirinya diakui, karyanya dihargai, orang lain pun segan terhadap kita. Dukungan positif dari lingkungan sekitar sangat berpengaruh, dari semua pelanggan yang memuji Tom, terkumpul energi positif yang menggerakan Tom lebih semangat lagi dalam membantu orangtuanya. Sebaliknya celaan dan hinaan akan melemahkan semangat, bahkan mematikan potensi baik yang ada dalam diri seseorang. Tom tahu reward yang ia peroleh setelah menjadi anak rajin yaitu tetangganya menghargai sekaligus memuji dirinya.
Bagi orang dewasa, pujian ini bisa berupa penghargaan dari rekan kerja, bos, ataupun pimpinan perusahaan, sehingga ia mendapatkan promosi jabatan ataupun kenaikan gaji. Inilah motivasi yang jelas, yang bisa digunakan seseorang bergairah dalam bekerja.
Namun di dunia ini tidak semua hal baik yang dikerjakan langsung bisa mendatangkan pujian, uang, gaji banyak, promosi jabatan, dsb. Adakalanya, kita akan menjumpai perbuatan baik, aktivitas kebaikan kita, karya, prestasi yang dilakukan, tidak dianggap oleh orang-orang hingga akhirnya semangat kendor dan malas hinggap dalam diri. Maka orientasi niat jangan melulu karena dunia, harta, jabatan, gaji, karena jika sewaktu-waktu hal tersebut tidak kita peroleh maka akan kecewa dan berkeluh kesah. Milikilah orientasi niat karena Allah swt. Segala aktivitas dan perbuatan baik buruk akan diberi ganjaran semuanya. Miliki iman yang teguh, seyakin-yakinnya akan hal itu. So, motivasi abadi seorang muslim harus selalu karena Allah swt.

Berikut cerita penjual roti versi bahasa inggris, cerita ini termasuk kedalam teks narrative, tentunya dengan moral lesson yang terkandung dari cerita tersebut:
Text 1
When someone is lazy, we often call him “lazybones”. Young Tom was a real lazybones indeed. Right now his father, Mr. Jones, was complaining about him!
“Thst boy!” said Mr. Jones, “He is really lazy. He does nothing but laze about all day.”
It was true. Tom didn’t care to go out and play with friends. He didn’t like to do his homework or any odd jobs round the house either. After school he went straight to his room and lay down. After dinner he lazed about again till it was time for bed. And in the morning his mother had a hard time getting him out of bed. Poor Mr. And Mrs. Jones didn’t know what to do with their lazy son.
Mr. Jones owned a small bakery in town. He had only one helper, Bob; so he had to work very hard. He baked a hundred loaves each morning, and Bob went round on a house-cart to deliver them. Then, Mr. Jones baked biscuits and cakes to put in his shop-window. His cakes were delicious and many people came to buy from him. He was busy all day, but Tom did nothing to help.
One day Mr. Jones told Tom to watch some cakes in the oven. Instead of watching the cakes, Tom fell asleep and the cakes were burnt. Mr. Jones was furious! “Can’t you do anything properly?” he scolded. “Why, you slept all day yesterday. I don’t know how you can sleep any more!”
“Maybe Tom’s just used to being lazy,” Mrs. Jones said. “Everyone says he’s lazy, so he just stays that way.”
Perhaps Mrs. Jones was right. A few days later Mr. Jones had a bad cold. The doctor said that he had to stay in bed for a week. “My goodness, I can’t!” said Mr. Jones. “What will happen to my shop?”
“Don’t worry about the shop,” said Mrs. Jones. “Bob, Tom and I will look after it.”
“Tom?” said Mr. Jones. “As if he would do anything to help!”
Although Mrs. Jones looked cheerful, she felt worried about how she would manage. She could do the baking and tidy the house. Bob could still deliver the bread. But who could cook the meals and look after Mr. Jones?
“I know how to bake,” said Bob. “I’ve often watch Mr. Jones baking. I can do that job. Then, you’ll be free to cook the meals and look after Mr. Jones.”
“But who will deliver the bread?” asked Mrs. Jones.
“Leave that to Tom,” said Bob cheerfully.
Tom stared at Bob. “That’s hard work,” he said.
“And I’ll have to get up very early each morning.”
“Well, somebody has to do it,” said Mrs. Jones firmly.
So, whether Tom liked it or not, Bob woke him up at five every morning. Together the boys loaded the horse-cart with freshly-baked loaves. Then, Tom went round to deliver the bread.
Of course the customers were very surprised to see him. You see, they all knew he was a lazybones. “What happened to Bob?” they asked.
So Tom explained how Bob was baking because Mr. Jones was ill. “And you’re helping too by delivering the bread,” the customers said. “Well done, Tom. I’m sure your parents must be very proud of you.”
As the day passed, more and more people praised Tom. After a while Tom began to feel proud of himself too. Working wasn’t so bad after all.
In fact, it was quite pleasant to help one’s parents and be praised for it. Can you guess what happened? Yes, from that day on, Tom stopped beaing lazybones.
1. What is the text about?
A. A baker.
B. A lazybones.
C. A cake deliverer.
D. A deLicious cake.
E. A bakery shop.
2. The following are the reasons why Tom was called a lazybones, except ...
A. He didn’t like to d his homework.
B. He did nothing to help his parents.
C. He lazed about after dinner.
D. He just lay down after school.
E. He liked to play outside with his friends.
3. What did Tom do when his father was sick?
A. He delivered the bread.
B. He baked the cakes.
C. He served the customers.
D. He looked after his father.
E. He cooked the meals.
4. “...., and Bob went round on a house-cart to deliver them.” The underlined word refers to...
A. The horses
B. The carts
C. The bread
D. The meals
E. The foods
5. “Mr. Jones was furious!” The underlined word refers to...
A. Curious
B. Anxious
C. Happy
D. Angry
E. Busy


  1. 40

    Fox and A Cat

    One day a cat and a fox were having a conversation. The fox, who was a conceited creature, boasted how clever she was. 'Why, I know at least a hundred tricks to get away from our mutual enemies, the dogs,' she said.

    'I know only one trick to get away from dogs,' said the cat. 'You should teach me some of yours!'
    'Well, maybe some day, when I have the time, I may teach you a few of the simpler ones,' replied the fox airily.

    Just then they heard the barking of a pack of dogs in the distance. The barking grew louder and louder - the dogs were coming in their direction! At once the cat ran to the nearest tree and climbed into its branches, well out of reach of any dog. 'This is the trick I told you about, the only one I know,' said the cat. 'Which one of your hundred tricks are you going to use?'

    The fox sat silently under the tree, wondering which trick she should use. Before she could make up her mind, the dogs arrived. They fell upon the fox and tore her to pieces.

    Moral : A single plan that works is better than a hundred doubtful plans.

    Rubah dan Seekor Kucing

    Suatu hari kucing dan rubah sedang bercakap-cakap. Rubah, yang adalah makhluk sombong, membual tentang betapa pintarnya dia. "Kenapa, aku tahu setidaknya seratus trik untuk menjauh dari musuh kita bersama, anjing," katanya.

    "Saya hanya tahu satu trik untuk menjauh dari anjing," kata kucing. "Kamu harus mengajariku beberapa trik mu!"

    "Yah, mungkin suatu hari, ketika saya punya waktu, saya mungkin mengajarkan kamu beberapa trik yang sederhana," jawab rubah ringan.

    Sesaat kemudian mereka mendengar gonggongan sekawanan anjing di kejauhan. menggonggong semakin keras - anjing datang menuju ke arah mereka! Seketika kucing berlari ke pohon terdekat dan naik ke cabang-cabangnya, di luar jangkauan dari setiap anjing. 'Ini adalah trik saya katakan tadi, satu-satunya yang saya tahu, "kata kucing. ' mana salah satu dari seratus trik anda yang anda akan gunakan?'

    Rubah duduk diam di bawah pohon, bertanya-tanya trik apa yang dia harus gunakan. Sebelum dia bisa mengambil keputusan, anjing tiba. Mereka menyergap rubah dan mencabik-cabiknya.

    Pesan Moral:
    Sebuah rencana tunggal yang bekerja lebih baik dari seratus rencana diragukan.

  2. 40

    Fox and A Cat

    One day a cat and a fox were having a conversation. The fox, who was a conceited creature, boasted how clever she was. 'Why, I know at least a hundred tricks to get away from our mutual enemies, the dogs,' she said.

    'I know only one trick to get away from dogs,' said the cat. 'You should teach me some of yours!'
    'Well, maybe some day, when I have the time, I may teach you a few of the simpler ones,' replied the fox airily.

    Just then they heard the barking of a pack of dogs in the distance. The barking grew louder and louder - the dogs were coming in their direction! At once the cat ran to the nearest tree and climbed into its branches, well out of reach of any dog. 'This is the trick I told you about, the only one I know,' said the cat. 'Which one of your hundred tricks are you going to use?'

    The fox sat silently under the tree, wondering which trick she should use. Before she could make up her mind, the dogs arrived. They fell upon the fox and tore her to pieces.

    Moral : A single plan that works is better than a hundred doubtful plans.

    Rubah dan Seekor Kucing

    Suatu hari kucing dan rubah sedang bercakap-cakap. Rubah, yang adalah makhluk sombong, membual tentang betapa pintarnya dia. "Kenapa, aku tahu setidaknya seratus trik untuk menjauh dari musuh kita bersama, anjing," katanya.

    "Saya hanya tahu satu trik untuk menjauh dari anjing," kata kucing. "Kamu harus mengajariku beberapa trik mu!"

    "Yah, mungkin suatu hari, ketika saya punya waktu, saya mungkin mengajarkan kamu beberapa trik yang sederhana," jawab rubah ringan.

    Sesaat kemudian mereka mendengar gonggongan sekawanan anjing di kejauhan. menggonggong semakin keras - anjing datang menuju ke arah mereka! Seketika kucing berlari ke pohon terdekat dan naik ke cabang-cabangnya, di luar jangkauan dari setiap anjing. 'Ini adalah trik saya katakan tadi, satu-satunya yang saya tahu, "kata kucing. ' mana salah satu dari seratus trik anda yang anda akan gunakan?'

    Rubah duduk diam di bawah pohon, bertanya-tanya trik apa yang dia harus gunakan. Sebelum dia bisa mengambil keputusan, anjing tiba. Mereka menyergap rubah dan mencabik-cabiknya.

    Pesan Moral:
    Sebuah rencana tunggal yang bekerja lebih baik dari seratus rencana diragukan.


  3. 440
    Travel on the train for the First Time
    Last year, I was Eighteen years old. I had graduated from my senior high school and I wanted to continue my education in Yogyakarta. . . I lived with my family in Cirebon during eighteen years So, I would live alone there and it was new experience for me.
    I went to yogyakarta by train, Before I came to the train station, I did not know how to check-in. All procedures were so new to me. Fotunately, a security guard helped me and gave me some directions to check-in. After that I entered to the train and sat on the chair.
    I listened to the song and I was Really enjoy when I was in the train. After 5 hours in the train , finally I arrived in Yogyakarta. I would start my new life in yogyakarta. I was really excited to start my new adventure my new city.

  4. 460

    Holiday In Malaysia
    Last holiday, My family was on vacation. we went to Malaysia. We used travel agent to manage our holiday . We had booked two days tour in Malaysia. We went malaysia by plane. The travel agent had booked ticket for us. The flight was only one hour from Jakarta. On the plane the cabin crews were very friendly and they were very handsome and beautiful. They gave us some directions before the flight. Our plane, garuda Indonesia had very complete fasilities to accompany passanger during the journey, such as movies player, music player, newspaper, magazine, etc. We had a very pleasant flight. On arrival at Kuala Lumpur, we had to go to Customs and Immigration. The officers were pleasant. They checked the document carefully but their manners were very polite. After that, the travel agent brought us to Petronas Tower and took some photos there.In the afternoon, we went to hotel to take a rest. The hotel was a well-known five-star hotel. The room had perfect view of city. On the third floor, there was a restaurant serving American, african, Asian European food. They had variety of food.In the next day, we went to Sepang circuit to watch MotoGp race. I wanted to watch directly my idol Valentino Rossi and took photos with him. During the race, I was surprised because that was my first time I saw motorcycles ran fast up to 300 km/hour in front of my eyes. In the ending of the race, Rossi was the first rider who touched the finish line. I was so happy because he won.The two days in Malaysia went by fast. At the end of the second day, we were quite tired but we felt very happy.

  5. 492

    Study Tour To Bogor and Bandung
    I went to bogor with my teachers and my friends. It was a study tour actually. Study tour was held when I was junior high school. That was my first time I went to Puncak, Bogor. My teacher, my class friends, and I were in the same bus. We left our school at 10 p.m. trip to Puncak from Cirebon was about 7 hous.After 7 hours on the way, finally we arrived in Bogor. It was about 5.00 Am. We stopped in a mosque to pray first. Some of my friends took a bath in the mosque. But, I just brushed my teeth and washed my face because there was was so cold. It made me lazy to touch the water.After that, we went to a restaurant to have a breakfast. I was so hungry. Then, we went to Taman safari Bogor. We saw animal collection there. The animal collection was very complete. In taman safari, every Sunday there was an animal circus and fortunately we visited Taman safari on Sunday. So, we could watch the animal circus there. The animal circus was very funny and made us entertained. After watched the animal circus we went back to the bus and we we went to the villa to take a rest. In villa I and my friends swam together. In the next day, we left bogor to visit Bandung. The journey from Bogor to Bandung was abut 3 hours. Actually, it was a funny journey because I spent all of my time with my friends, like playing games, laughing, and kidding. But I felt that all of my tiredness gone all of sudden when we arrived at bandung. In Bandung, we visited Cihampelas. Cihampelas was a very busy street. There were so many factory outlet there. We used that moment to buy some clothes and souvenirs there. After From Cihampelas. We went home to our city. Study tour made me very tired, but I was very happy because I could spend many time with my friends.

  6. 520 Went Camping

    Last sunday, my friends and I went camping on the mountain. We went to Palutungan, Kuningan. The spot was near from our town. It was about one hour to get there. We choose Palutungan because it was not too far from our home.

    We prepared everything before went to Palutungan. We brought cooking utensils and the food from home, clothes, camera, guitar, etc. We went there by motorcycles.

    On the first day, we sat up the tent on the camping area. The air was so fresh there. We took a bath on the waterfall. The waterfall was called curug Putri. After played at waterfall, we felt hungry. Then, we cooked the food for the lunch and had lunch together. The first night of our camping, the air was so cold, we made a campfire, sang songs together and after we slept. We used sleeping bag when we slept to make our body still in warm condition.

    On the second day, we had some activities. We, tried to go fishing in the river near the waterfall but we got a shoe. After that, we packed everything we bought. we cleaned the area

    We made a memory by taking photos together in front of a waterfall and then went home happily. We felt very tired.

  7. 533 Contoh Descriptive Text Tentang Suatu Tempat (About Place)
    The Eiffel Tower
    The Eiffel Tower is an iron lattice tower located on the Champ de Mars in Paris. Built in 1889, it has become both a global icon of France and one of the most recognizable structures in the world. The tower is the tallest building in Paris and the most-visited paid monument in the world; millions of people ascend it every year. Named for its designer, engineer Gustave Eiffel, the tower was built as the entrance arch to the 1889 World's Fair.

    The tower stands 324 metres (1,063 ft) tall, about the same height as an 81-story building. Upon its completion, it surpassed the Washington Monument to assume the title of tallest man-made structure in the world, a title it held for 41 years, until the Chrysler Building in New York City was built in 1930; however, due to the addition in 1957 of the antenna, the tower is now taller than the Chrysler Building. Not including broadcast antennas, it is the second-tallest structure in France after the 2004 Millau Viaduct.

    The tower has three levels for visitors. Tickets can be purchased to ascend, by stairs or lift, to the first and second levels. The walk to the first level is over 300 steps, as is the walk from the first to the second level. The third and highest level is accessible only by elevator. Both the first and second levels feature restaurants.

    The tower has become the most prominent symbol of both Paris and France, often in the establishing shot of films set in the city.
    Source : wikipedi

  8. 545
    Guava ( Jambu )
    Guava is a plant in the myrtle family (Myrtaceae) genus Psidium. It is native to Mexico and Central America, Northern South America, parts of the Caribbean and some parts of North Africa and also some parts of India. The guava tree is not big. It is about 33 feet with spreading branches.

    The bark is smooth with green or reddish brown color. The plant branches are close to the ground. Its young twigs are soft. It has hard dark elliptic leaves. It is about 2-6 inches long and 1 - 2 inches wide. The flowers are white, with five petals and numerous stamens.

    Guava is cultivated in many tropical and sub tropical countries for its edible fruit. Guava fruit, usually 2 to 4 inches long, is round or oval depending on the species. Varying between species, the skin can be any thickness, it is usually green when unripe, but becomes yellow or maroon when ripe. The flesh of Guava fruit is sweet or sour.

    The color of the flesh may be white, pink, yellow, or red, with the seeds in the central part of the flesh. The seeds are numerous but small. In some good varieties, they are edible. Actual seed counts have ranged from 112 to 535. Guava fruit is rich with vitamins A and C, omega-3 and omega-6, gatty acids and high levels of dietary fibre.

  9. 550
    Orange ( Jeruk )
    Orange is a famous fruit in the world. Almost people know it, includeindonesian people.
    Orange has some kinds of names. Then , it has fresh color. It usuallyhas sweet taste and sometimes it is not sweet or sour. There are somenames or kind of orange, such as,orange bali (citrus maxima),palembang orange Mandarin orange, purut orange(kaffirlime), lemonorange and etc. Everyone can buy orange in market or fruit seller.

    Many people just know that orange fruit use for orange juice or freshdrink. Then, almost people just understand that orange only has vit C.Whereas, orange is not just only for those. However orange has more51 calorie energy for our body, protein 0,9 gr and any fat 0,2 gr. Itis also for healt, beauty and food material.Orange for healt can make medicine.It likes cough and fiver medicine for one of kinds orange.It takes from orange juice.

    Thus, about orange of beauty, clear face,and makes fresh face because orange has vit A (beta karoten), Vit Cand many other.Orange can use also for embellish food for more delicious and it givesgood smell to food. There are some advantages of kinds orange fruit.Thus we can understand about many advantages of orange fruits.

  10. 570

    Contoh Narrative Text Pendek dan Terjemahannya

    Quipperian! Semua orang pasti sudah tahu atau paling tidak pernah mendengar kata Narrative Text sebelumnya. Narrative Text merupakan jenis teks bahasa inggris yang sering muncul dan di ajarkan pada tingkat pendidikan SMP atau MTS. Tapi apa sih sebenarnya Narrative Text itu?

    Pada kesempatan kali ini Quipper Video Blog mencoba hadirkan pengertian, tujuan komunikatif, struktur kebahasaan, ciri kebahasaan dan contoh dari Narrative Text. Semoga penjelasan di bawah ini bermanfaat!
    Contoh Narrative Text Pendek Fable 1

    1. The Goose and The Golden Eggs

    Once a farmer went to the nest of his goose and found there an egg, all yellow and shiny. When he picked it up, it was heavy as a rock. 1 He was about to throw it away because he thought that someone was playing a trick on him. 2 But on second thought, he took it home, and discovered to his delight that it was an egg of pure gold!

    He sold the egg for a lot of money. Every morning the goose laid another golden egg, and the farmer soon became rich by selling the eggs.

    As he grew rich, he also grew greedy. 6 “Why should I have to wait to get only one egg a day?” he thought. “I will cut open the goose and take all the eggs out of her at once.”

    When the goose heard the farmer’s plan, she flew away to a nearby farm. So when the farmer came out the next day, do you know what he found in the goose’s nest? 8 Nothing.

    Moral: Someone who wants more often loses all. When you want something, be patient. If you are greedy, you might lose what you already have.

    Mau Pintar Bahasa Inggris? Ini Contoh Narrative Text Bahasa Inggris lengkap!


    Angsa dan Telur Emas

    Suatu ketika seorang petani pergi ke sarang angsa dan menemukan ada sebuah telur, warnanya kuning dan mengkilap. Ketika ia mengambilnya, telur itu berat seperti batu. Dia hampir akan membuangnya karena ia pikir bahwa seseorang sedang mengerjainya. Tapi setelah dipikir-pikir lagi, ia membawanya pulang dan menyadari bahwa itu adalah telur emas murni!

    Dia menjual telur tersebut untuk uang yang sangat banyak. Setiap pagi angsa tersebut bertelur telur emas yang lain, dan petani tersebut pun menjadi kaya dengan menjual telur-telur tersebut.

    Ketika ia menjadi kaya, ia juga tumbuh serakah. “Mengapa saya harus menunggu untuk mendapatkan hanya satu telur sehari?” Pikirnya. “Saya akan membelah angsa tersebut dan mengambil semua telur keluar dari tubuhnya sekaligus.”

    Ketika angsa tersebut mendengar rencana petani itu, ia segera terbang pergi ke sebuah peternakan lain di dekatnya. Jadi, ketika petani tersebut keluar di hari berikutnya, kau tahu apa yang ia temukan di sarang angsa itu? Tidak ada.

    Moral: Orang yang selalu ingin lebih kadang sering kehilangan semuanya. Jika kamu menginginkan sesuatu, bersabarlah. Jika kamu serakah, kamu mungkin kehilangan apa yang sudah kamu miliki.
    Contoh Narrative Text Pendek Fable 2

    The Ant and the Dove

    One hot day, an ant was searching for some water. After walking around for some time, she came to a spring. To reach the spring, she had to climb up a blade of grass. While making her way up, she slipped and fell into the water.

    She could have drowned if a dove up a nearby tree had not seen her. Seeing that the ant was in trouble, the dove quickly plucked off a leaf and dropped it into the water near the struggling ant. The ant moved towards the leaf and climbed up there. Soon it carried her safely to dry ground.

    Not long after at that time, a hunter nearby was throwing out his net towards the dove, hoping to trap it.

    Guessing what he was about to do, the ant quickly bit him on the heel. Feeling the pain, the hunter dropped his net. The dove was quick to fly away to safety.

    The morality: One good turn deserves another.

  11. 585 In one village of North Sumatera, there lived a poor farmer named Toba. One day, he went fishing. Luckily, he got a beautiful goldfish. He carried it home and planned to cook it. When he got home, the fish turned into a beautiful woman.

    The woman told that she was cursed. She asked Toba to keep it as a secret. Toba agreed it only with one condition that the woman would marry him. Then they got married and soon had one child named Samosir. This boy liked to eat much food.

    One day, his mother asked Samosir to bring lunch to his father. On the way to the ricefield, he stopped and ate most of the food. After that, he gave the rest of the lunch to his father. Toba was very angry and shouted at Samosir “You, the fish kid, you are so greedy!” Samosir cried and ran toward his mother. He asked his mother why his father called him the fish kid.

    The woman was really upset that Toba broke his promise. The woman and his son disappeared. Soon there were springs that caused a vast lake. It’s called Toba Lake. The land in the middle of the lake is called Samosir Island.

  12. 590Legenda Batu Menangis (sumber gambar:

    Nah, setelah tahu legenda Danau Toba dan Candi Prambanan dalam bahasa Inggris, kita selanjutnya terbang ke Pulau Kalimantan. Kita akan menyimak satu kisah atau cerita rakyat Batu Menangis.

    Menurut kepercayaan masyarakat setempat, Batu Menangis ini adalah seorang gadis cantik jelita yang dihukum oleh Tuhan atas doa ibunya. Widiiih, serem ya doa seorang ibu. Jika sudah ada akibat, tentu saja ada sebab di balik semua itu. Sedurhaka apa sih sih si gadis sampe dikutuk begitu?

    Jadi ceritanya begini kawan, si gadis yang cantik jelita itu adalah pesolek dan pemalas. Ibu yang mengutuknya ini adalah seorang janda miskin. Mereka hidup di bukit terpencil di Pulau Kalimantan.

    Suatu hari, mereka pergi ke pasar di desa yang letaknya sangat jauh dari rumah. Nah, apa boleh buat, berjalan kakilah mereka ke sana. Ya namanya juga pesolek, penampilan si gadis yang cetar membahana sangat kontras dengan ibunya yang berpakaian dekil.

    Masuk ke wilayah pedesaan, banyak yang mengagumi kecantikan si gadis dan banyak juga yang ingin tahu siapa perempuan dekil yang berjalan di belakangnya. Di sepanjang perjanalan ada saja yang bertanya kepada si gadis siapa perempuan di belakangnya.

    Nah, jawaban si gadis ini lah yang membuat sang ibu mengutuknya. Apa ya kira-kira jawaban si gadis??? Mudah ditebak ya??? Yuk simak Legenda Batu Menangis sebagai contoh narrative text legend dalam bahasa Inggris.
    On a hill in the area of Borneo, there lived a poor widow and her daughter. The girl was really beautiful. However, she was very lazy and spoiled. She loved to dress up every day, but never helped her mother.

    One day, they went down to the village for shopping. The market was far away from their house. They walked there. The girl got dressed very nice and walked in front of her mother. While the widow walked behind, carried a basket and wore dirty clothes. Nobody knew they were mother and child.

    While entering the village, people looked at them. The young men were so fascinated by the girl’s beauty. However, she was in contrast to the woman walking behind her. It made people wonder. Some young men asked her whether the woman was her mother. But the girl arrogantly replied that the widow was her maid. More people asked her along the way to the market. She gave the same answer that the widow was her slave.

    Eventually, the mother’s heart hurt to hear the answer. Mother prayed to God to punish her ungodly daughter. Suddenly, the girl stopped and slowly turned to be a stone. The girl cried and apologized to his mother. But it was too late. A pretty girl was turned into a stone and continued to tear; it’s called A Crying Stone.

  13. 24 Snow White and Seven Dwarfs

    Once upon a time in a great castle, there was a beautiful princess. She was very pretty, with blue eyes and long black hair. Her skin was delicate and white, and so she was called Snow White. Snow White had a step mother who was always jealous of Snow White's beauty. Her step mother too was very beautiful, and the magic mirror told her this every day, whenever she asked it.

    One day, the step mother asked the magic mirror who the loveliest lady in the land was and the magic mirror answered Snow White was the loveliest in the land. The step mother was very mad. Then he asked her trusty servants to take Snow White into the forest, far away from the Castle and killed her. But the servant didn't kill Snow White, He led the innocent little girl away.

    In the forest, little Snow White was alone and scared. She didn't know where she should go. But suddenly she saw a small strange cottage. She wondered who lived there, then she entered the cottage.

    Inside the cottage, there was 7 beds and a kitchen. Snow White was to tired to explore the cottage, and suddenly fallen a sleep. In the afternoon, the seven dwarfs who lived in the cottage, came home. They surprised to see there was a young lady there. One dwarf woke her up and asked who was she. Snow White told them her sad story. The seven dwarfs understood the feeling of Snow White and asked her to live with them in the cottage.

    Meanwhile in the castle, the servant came back and told to the step mother that Snow White was killed. Then the step mother asked the magic mirror once again who the loveliest in the land was and still the magic mirror answered the Snow White who lived in the small cottage with seven dwarfs was the loveliest one in the land. So the step mother was angry and she planed something bad to Snow White.Then the step mother disguising herself as an old women who sold a basket of poisoned apples and went to the cottage. In the cottage, the seven dwarfs warned Snow White to not open the door to the stranger.

    The step mother finally arrived to the cottage and began to offer Snow White an apple. Snow White refused to open the door but the step mother kept persuade and finally Snow White opened the door and brought an apple then he ate it. So Snow White fallen down with the poisoned apple beside her.

    In the afternoon, when the seven dwarfs came home, they were surprised with Snow White who laid down on the floor with pale face and a poisoned apple beside her. The seven dwarfs were sad seeing the Snow White was dying but not die yet. Then the seven dwarfs decided to make a beautiful bed made from a crystal coffin to make Snow White keep alive.

  14. Day by day, the seven dwarfs waited for the miracle came when Snow White suddenly woke up. Then one day, there was a wanderer who actually a prince from far away kingdom saw a beautiful lady was laid down on crystal bed. The wanderer asked the dwarfs what was happened and the dwarfs told him the story.

    Heard the Snow White's story, the princes decided to carry her to his Castle and asked the doctor to help her. Then the prince kissed her to show his intention. But suddenly Snow White was back to life. The fact was that the prince's kiss broke the spell. Then the prince asked Snow White to marry him.

    From that day on, Snow White lived happily in a great castle. But from time to time, she was drawn back to visit the little cottage down in the forest.Once upon a time, there was a girl named Beauty. She lived with her father and her sisters in a small village.
    Beauty was a beautiful girl. She was also hard-working. She always helped her father on the farm.
    One day, her father set out for the city. He saw an old castle and went in. No-one was in but there was food on the table. Then he walked around the castle. He picked a rose from garden for Beauty. Suddenly an angry Beast appeared. He wanted to kill Beauty’s father unless Beauty was brought to him.
    Beauty’s father told her daughters what had happened. Beauty’s sisters ordered her to see the Beast.
    Beauty went to see the Beast and had to stay at the castle. She felt scared, lonely and sad. She tried to run away but was stopped by the Beast. The Beast treated Beauty well. Soon, Beauty began to like the Beast.
    One day, through the Beast’s magic mirror, Beauty saw that her father was sick. The Beast allowed her to go home. Her father was happy to see her.
    29 One night, Beauty had a dream. A fairly told her that the Beast was sick.
    Beauty hurried back and saw the Beast dying. She began to cry. Tears fell onto the Beast. Suddenly, the Beast changed into handsome prince.
    Beauty and the Beast got married and lived happily ever after.

  15. 81 Long time ago, in a faraway land. King Stevan and his queen wished for a child. Finally a daughter was born and they named her Aurora. To honor the baby princess the king held a great feast. He also invited his good friend king Hubert to the feast. King Hubert had brought his young son Philip. The king agreed that someday Philip and Aurora would be married.

    Among the guest were three good fairies, Flora, Fauna, and Marryweather. They wished to bless the princess with a give. Waving her wand, Flora said, “ My gift shall be the gift of beauty.” “ And mine.” Said Fauna, “ Shall be the gift of song.”, Marryweather turn was next. But before the Marryweather could speak, the castle door flew opened. It was the evil witch named Maleficent. She was furious because she wasn’t invited to the feast. “ My gift for the child is, before the sunsets on her sixteenth birthday she shall prick her finger on the spindle of a spinning wheel and die!” Then she disappeared.But Marryweather still had gift to give, so she said, “ She will not die but she will fall into a deep sleep and when her true love kiss her, the spell shall break and the princess opened her eyes!”. King Stevan feared the witch curse, so the good fairies hatched a plan. They would take Aurora to live with them, deep in the woods, saved from Maleficent. The king and queen agreed with heavy heart.

    To guard their secret, the fairies changed her name to Briar Rose. The years passed quietly, and Briar Rose grew into a beautiful young woman. At last the princess reached her sixteenth birthday, in a mossy glen she danced and sang with her friends, the birds and animals. She told them of her beautiful dream about meeting a tall handsome boy and falling in love.A handsome boy came. When he heard Briar Rose singing he jumped from his horse and reached out to take her hand. Briar Rose was startled. “ I do not mean to frighten you, but I feel like we have met before.” Said the youngman. Briar Rose felt very happy. But she didn’t know that he was prince Phillip and Prince Phillip didn’t know that she was Princess Aurora.

  16. 97 Back at the cottage, Briar Rose told the fairies that she had falling in love. “ Impossible! “ cried the fairies. Then, they told her that she was a royal princess. It was time to return home. Actually the witch Maleficent knew that Aurora was return home. She became an old lady and a spinning wheel suddenly appeared in the tiny room of the castle. Using her evil powers she lured Aurora to high tower in the tiny room. “What is this? May I try?” Aurora asked. The old lady said, “Of course, my pretty little child!” And the princess sat down to spin. But the moment she touched the spindle, she fell to the floor in a deep slumber.The hundred years were just ended. The witch captured Phillip and chain him deep on her dungeon. But the good fairies had other plans for him. They melted the prince’s chain. And they armed him with the shield of virtue and the sword of truth. Then they sent him to the palace to awaken the princess.

    When the witch saw Philip escaping she was changed into a Monstrous Dragon to stop him. Prince Phillip threw his sword to sword the witch. Then Maleficent was no more. Then Prince Phillip raced to the tower where his love lay sleeping. Gently he kissed her and Aurora eyes slowly opened. The kings and queens planed for the prince and princess wedding. And they lived happily.

  17. 125 earlier times there lived a , who named Snow White . He lived with his aunt and uncle because his parents died . One day she heard her uncle and aunt talking about leaving Snow White in the castle because they wanted to go to America and they did not have enough money to take Snow White with them . princess Snow White did not want her uncle and aunt to do this . So he decided to escape .

    The next day he ran away from home when her aunt and uncle were having breakfast , he fled into the wood . In the wood she felt very tired and hungry . Then she saw this cottage . She knocked but no one answered her so she went inside and felt asleep Meanwhile seven dwarfs came home from his work . They get into . There, they found Snow White woke up from his sleep . He saw the dwarfs . The dwarf said : " What is your name ? ' Snow White said , " My name is Snow White . " One dwarf said , " If you want , you can stay here with us . ' Snow White tells all about her story . Then daughter snow and the seven dwarves are now living happily ever after .Once Upon , there was a local ruler named King Sulahkromo thing . Prime Minister King has named Raden Sidopekso . Prime Minister 's wife has named Sri Tanjung . She is so beautiful and sweet that the king wanted her to be his wife . One day , the King sent the Prime Minister for long missions . While the Prime Minister went , the King tried to get Sri Tanjung . But the king failed .

    He was very angry and upset . So , when Sidopekso back , the King told him that his wife was unfaithful to him . Prime Minister is very angry with his wife . Sri Tanjung said that was not true . However , Sidopekso said that he would kill her . She took him to the river bank .

    Before he killed him and threw him into the river , he said that he will be proven innocent Once Sidopekso kill him , he threw his body into the river dirty . River soon became clean and start spreading the wonderful aroma and very fragrant . Sidopekso said , " ... Banyu Wangi ... Banyuwangi " . It means ' fragrant water ' . Banyuwangi proof of love born of noble and sacred . that's the origin of the town of Banyuwangi .Once upon a time , there were two animals , Sura and Baya name . Sura is the name of the Beast is the Beast shark and Baya the crocodile . They live in the deep sea . After Sura and Baya were looking for some food . Suddenly, Baya see a nice goat . " Yummy is good , this is the most delicious lunch , " said Baya . ' No way ! This is my lunch . You greedy " Sura said . Later they fought for goats . After several hours of fighting, they were very tired . Feels tired of fighting , they live in different places . Sura Baya live in the water and stay in the country.

    Border is the beach , so they do not will fight again . Someday , Sura went to the ground and look for some food in the river . he was very hungry and there was not much food in the sea . Baya was very angry when he knew that Sura broke a promise . they fight again . They both punching and kicking . tail Sura Baya fight . Baya did the same thing to Sura . He bit very hard until Sura finally gave up and returned to the sea . Baya happy . named his final city of Surabaya .

  18. 163
    In the afternoon, there was a poor farmer . He lives with his wife . One day , he dug his field and found a very large box . He then store them in their homes . One sunny morning ,she dropped apples in the box . Suddenly, the box gets filled with apples . No matter how many apples were taken out , more apples going on inside the box . One day , forming dropping gold coins into the box.

    Simultaneously , Apple began to disappear and the box full of gold coins . Farmer soon became rich . After hearing that his son became wealthy , forming a father visiting couples . His father was not very strong . He could not go out to work again . So the farmer asked his old father to help him take the gold coins out of the box . His father worked hard , took the gold coins out of the box . When he was told that he was very tired and wanted to rest , the farmer yelled to him , ' Why are you so lazy Why can not you work harder old man said nothing and continued to work long Suddenly ? . man fell into the box , he died.

    As well as gold coins began to disappear and the box is filled with the dead . The former should be pulled out and buried . to do this , farmers have to spend all the money that had been collected earlier. When he had spent all his money , broke box . farmer was ugly as before, terrible ending. Narrative Text To Be King Poor Monkey Wants

    Once happy monkey dance at gatherings of animals, and they are all very pleased with his performance that they elected him their king. A Fox, envying him the honor, discovered a piece of meat lying in a trap, and leading the Monkey to the spot, said that he had found a shop in the woods, but do not use it, he had been saving for him as treasure trove of his kingdom, and counseled him to seize it .

    Monkey approached carelessly and was caught in a trap, and on his accusing the Fox deliberately took him into a trap, he replied, "Oh Monkey, and you, with your mind like you, will be the King of animals?In a large pine forest in the country Italy , lonely . He always dreamed about having a child . Every day , he went to cut wood for the city people . One day , an idea illuminated his mind , the idea of crafting a puppet , that he would give the name of Pinocchio . He made the doll and at night , the puppet come to life ! One year of happiness and thriller passed , on Sunday morning , Gepetto told Pinocchio : it's my birthday soon , my little boy ! I hope you do not forget it ! Euuh , sure , I'm not ! Pinocchio felt awkward .

    He did not think about it . Gepettos birthday comes just three days ahead, and he had not prepared a gift . After a long night of reflecting , Pinocchio finally decided to offer a homemade chocolate cake to her as a gift . When the sun rose, Pinocchio was ready to go outside find the ingredients . The main problem was not even known he was in and the recipe.

    So after school , he decided to go ask someone for the ingredients to bake a cake . During his walk , Pinocchio , the wooden puppet , met shamans city . Hey , little boy , do you need help for your chocolate cake ? Hum You can help me ? , Tanya Pinocchio . Sure , I could . Follow me ! After walking a few minutes so , Pinocchio saw big , big , big huge candy house . They entered together and Pinocchio was caught by a large enclosure . Mouahahaha ! I was finally able to catch you ! you be mine , you will work for me ! , Said the evil witch .

    Pinocchio was terrified . When the guards came and took him out of the cage , he immediately ran very fast and he managed to escape . At the same time, the evil wizard , summoned all his troops with him , ran after him and he pulled out his wand . Evil devil changed the little wooden puppet into a chocolate cake ! When he returned home , he told the whole story to his father and they went to find a fairy god . After a long journey , they finally found the fairy god and they had a magic potion for Pinocchio , Pinocchio to treat the poor.

  19. 193 In the past era , there was a beautiful young girl named Cinderella . He lived with his mother and two sisters . mother and sister arrogant and bad tempered . They treated Cinderella very badly . Step mother made Cinderella do the hardest job in the house , such as scrubbing the floor , cleaning the pot and pan and preparing food for the family . Second step sister , on the other hand , does not work on the house . Their mother gave them many handsome dresses to wear. One day , two half-brothers received an invitation to the ball that the king 's son would give at the palace.

    They were excited about this and spent so much time choosing the dresses they would wear . Finally , the ball came , and away went the sisters . Cinderella could not help crying after they left . Why are crying , Cinderella ? the voice asked . He looked up and saw her fairy godmother standing beside her , because I wanted to go to the ball Cinderella . Well godmother said , you've been such a cheerful , hardworking , uncomplaining girl that I will see that you go to the ball . Magic , fairy godmother turned a pumpkin into a coach and mice into a smooth two coachman and footman . Her godmother tapped Cinderella's dress with her wand , and it became a beautiful ball
    Then he gave her a pair of pretty glass slippers . Now , Cinderella , she said , you have to go before midnight . Then he drove away a wonderful coach . Cinderella had a marvelous time either . She danced again and again with the king 's son . Suddenly the clock began to strike twelve , she ran toward the door as fast as he could do . In her hurry , one of her glass slipper behind . A few days later , the child king declared that he would marry the girl whose feet fitted the glass slipper . Stepsisters try on shoes but it was too small for them , no matter how hard they squeezed their toes into it .

    In the end , the king's page let Cinderella try the shoes. He stretched his legs and slipped the shoes on the page . It fitted perfectly . Finally , he was ushered into a magnificent palace and height . Young kings were glad to see him again . They marry and live happily ever after . end of story Cinderela no longer with his mother and brothers sisters. Long time ago, in a faraway land. King Stevan and his queen wished for a child. Finally a daughter was born and they named her Aurora. To honor the baby princess the king help a great feast. He also invited his good friend king Hubert to the feast. King Hubert had brought his young son Philip. The kings agreed that someday Philip and Aurora would be married.

  20. 232 Among the guest were three good fairies, Flora, Fauna, and Marryweather. They wished to bless the princess with a give. Waving her wand, Flora said, “ My gift shall be the gift of beauty.” “ And mine.” Said Fauna, “ Shall be the gift of song.”, Marryweather turn was next. But before the Marryweather could speak the castle door flew opened. It was the evil witch named Maleficent. She was furious because she had not been to the feast. “ My gift for the child is, before the sun sets on her sixteenth birthday she shall prick her finger on the spindle of a spinning wheel and die!” , Than she disappeared.

    But Marryweather still had gift to give, so she said, “ She will not die but she will fall into a deep sleep and when theirs true love’s kiss the spell shall break and the princess opened her eyes!”
    King Stevan feared the witch curse so the good fairies hatched a plan. They would take Aurora to live with them, deep in the woods, saved from Maleficent. The king and queen agreed with heavy heart.
    To guard their secret, the fairies changed Aurora’s named to Briar Rose. The years passed quietly, and Briar Rose grew into a beautiful young woman. At last the princess reached her sixteenth birthday, in a mossy glen she danced and sang with her friends, the birds and animals. She told them of her beautiful dream about meeting a tall. Handsome boy and falling in love.A handsome boy came. When he heard Briar Rose singing he jumped for his horse and reached out to take her hand. Briar Rose was startled. “ I do not mean to frighten you, but I feel like we have met before.” Said the youngman. Briar Rose felt very happy. But she didn’t know that he was prince Phillip and Prince Phillip didn’t know that she was Princess Aurora. Back at the cottage, Briar Rose told the fairies that she had falling in love. “ impossible! “ cried the fairies. Then, they told her that she was a royal princess. It was time to return home. Actually the witch Maleficent knew that Aurora was return home. Using her evil powers she lured Aurora to high tower in the tiny room spinning well suddenly appeared. “ Touch the spindle, touch it.''said the witch. The three good fairies rushed to the rescue, but they were too late. Aurora touched the sharp spindle and felt into deep sleep.
    Meanwhile, the witch captured Phillip and chain him deep on her dungeon. But the good fairies had other plans for him. They melted the prince’s chain. And they armed him with the shield of virtue and the sword of truth. Than they sent him to the castle to awaken the princess.

    When the witch saw Philip escaping she was changed into a Monstrous Dragon to stop him. Prince Phillip threw his sword to sword the witch. Then Maleficent was no more. Then Prince Phillip raced to the tower where his love lay sleeping. Gently he kissed her and Aurora eyes slowly opened. The kings and queens planed for the prince and princess wedding. And they lived happily.

  21. 266 Narrative Text The Story of Lake Toba

    Once upon a time, there was a man who was living in north Sumatra. He lived in a simple hut in a farming field. He did some gardening and fishing for his daily life.

    One day, while the man was do fishing, he caught a big golden fish in his trap. It was the biggest catch which he ever had in his life. Surprisingly, this fish turned into a beautiful princess. He felt in love with her and proposed her to be his wife. She said; "Yes, but you have to promise not to tell anyone about the secret that I was once a fish, otherwise there will be a huge disaster". The man made the deal and they got married, lived happily and had a daughter.

    Few years later, this daughter would help bringing lunch to her father out in the fields. One day, his daughter was so hungry and she ate his father’s lunch. Unfortunately, he found out and got furious, and shouted; “You damned daughter of a fish”. The daughter ran home and asked her mother. The mother started crying, felt sad that her husband had broken his promise.

    Then she told her daughter to run up the hills because a huge disaster was about to come. When her daughter left, she prayed. Soon there was a big earthquake followed by non-stop pouring rain. The whole area got flooded and became Toba Lake. She turned into a fish again and the man became the island of Samosir. Narrative Text Aladdin And His Magic Lamp
    Long long ago in the far land of Egypt there lived Aladdin who helped his mother by looking after the horses of their inn guests.
    One day Aladdin met his uncle. Abu Nezar. During the next few days Aladdin spent his time with his uncle. One day Abu Nezarasked himto find an old lamp in a cave
    Aladdin felt hypnotized by his uncle’s words and followed it.
    Aladdin feet began to move and jumped into the cave. He was afraid but he had to find the lamp.
    “Quickly boy, bring the lamp, Take my ring” shouted his uncle throwing some thing into the darkness below. In the darkness of the cave, Aladdinsaw the old lamp. It was covered in dust and cobwebs. He picked it and brought it up
    As he got nearer to the opening at the top of the steps Aladdin was dazzled by the daylight. He found it difficult to ascend and stumbled. He reached out for his uncle’s hand buthe was pushed away and he felt again. Abu Nezar force Alladin to give the lamp, But Alladin would not.
    “So be it’ Stay there forever with that accursed lamp” Abu Nezar screamed and closed the cave with stone. Aladdin stayed in the darkness of the cave. He sat down and wonders what to do. He held the lamp tightly. He rubbed it slowly. Suddenly, the room was brightly and a voice like a thunder inquired.
    Aladdin was so surprised. It was hard to believe his eyes. He stood and said.
    “Who are you?
    “I am your slave now. I come to your bidding, my small master”
    Aladdin was feeling so quite brave. He asked the genie to bring him home.Some years later, Aladdin became a wise rich boy. He grew as a handsome guy and married the princess and they lived happily in his new luxury palace.
    One day, an old man came to the palace and asked Aladdin’s wife about the old lamp.
    “ New lamps for old! New lamps for old!”
    The princess seemed sorry and pity and she reminded that there was an old lamp in her storehouse. She took it and gave the lamp to the old man”
    “Ha…. Ha……now my dream will come true”
    Suddenly the Old man disappeared and before the princes astonished her eyes there was an magician, Abu Nezar
    “ You and your home will be transported hundreds of miles away. Ha…ha…”
    “ Aladdin will never find you, ha…ha…ha…”

  22. 297 While on the other place, Aladdin found himself in a small room with his ring genie. He was so surprise. He remembered his ring then he rubbed it. The genie of the ring came. Aladdin told his problem. The slave of the ring cheered him up and help him to find his pallace.

    A moment later Aladdin and the slave of ring found Abu Nezar who sleeping calmly.
    Aladdin soon located the lamp. Not so long time he found it. When Abu Nezar wake up Aladdin hit and curse him.
    “ My uncle. You are so evil. You had hurt me and my wife”
    “ Ha…. Ha… you magic lamp is mine now”
    “No.. Your magic lamp is on my hand”
    “ Give it back to me”

    Aladdin rubbed the lamp and the genie of the lamp came. Allading asked the genie to kill Abu Nezar
    The genie of the magic lamp attacked Abu Nezar. After that, Abu Nezar dead immediately. Then,Aladdin got his wife free from the prisoner. Finally they lived happily ever and after.

    Ladies and Gentlemen, there are many value that we can get from the story. One of them we must not be greedy like Abu Nezar then be brave like Aladdin.
    When he regains his confidence, he worked hard day and night, just to make something of himself. Finally, with all the hard work and with the help of friends, this person has started his own company
    "You never fail until you quit trying." He always said to him self. "I have to make it in my life!" One rainy day, while he was driving, he saw an elderly couple sharing an umbrella in the rain walking to some destination. Even with the umbrella, they were still soaked. It did not take him long to realize they were ex-girlfriend's parents. With a very deep hear the wanted to get it back, he drove slowly beside the couple, wanting them to spot him int he luxury sedan. He wanted them to know that he is not the same anymore, he has his own company, car, condo, etc. He has been successful in life!
    Before the guy can realize, the couple walked to the cemetery, and he got out of his car and follow them...and he saw his ex-girlfriend, a photograph smiling sweetly as everat him from her tombstone...and he saw papercranes valuable in a bottle placed beside her tomb. His parents saw him. He was walked over and asked why this happened. They explained that she did not leave for France at all. She was stricken with can cerpain in her heart, she believed that she would make something in the day,but she did not want her ill nessto be his obstacle...The refore she has chosento leave him ..She had wanted her parents to put his papercranes beside her, because, if the day comes when fate brings him to her again he can take some of those back with him

  23. 328 Rapunzel

    Long time ago there lived a married couple. They were very lonely because they did not have children who accompanied them. Every day the couple prayed to god to be given a child. Until one day his wife was pregnant. Her husband was very happy and the days they turned into happiness. One day his wife fell ill. She suffered a strange illness. So many times, her husband treated her but she was still sick. The husband also confused his wife was getting worse. Even she did not want to eat and drink. “You have to eat a lot so that our children healthy!” said her husband. “I cannot eat any food” replied his wife.

    The husband thought that deep in the forest there was a magical flower that can cure all diseases guarded by a witch. Because of his love for his wife, he went to the forest. After arriving in the woods, he crept to take the flowers. When she was picking the flowers that were in the midst of garden, the witch knew. She was furious and wanted to kill him. “Please do not kill me. My pregnant wife was sick. If I did not give this magical flower she and my baby will die “the husband said. Finally the witch let him go, but with one condition when the baby was born, he had to give the baby. Without thinking, her husband agreed.When he got home, he gave the magic flower to his wife. Then his wife’s illness miraculously disappeared and she born a beautiful baby. When the baby was born, the witch came. She robbed the baby and took him away. They could not do anything about it.

    The witch was holding their baby at a very high tower with no doors. The tower only has a window in it. Witch was raising the child in the tower and named her Rapunzel. Rapunzel grew into a beautiful girl. Her hair which was never cut became very long. The witch was always coming to the tower to bring food. She always called him from below, “Rapunzel let your hair down”. She used her hair as a rope to climb the tall tower.Rapunzel stayed on top of the tower alone even she never saw human except that witch. She had a very beautiful voice so that her days were spent to sing. One day, a handsome prince passed the tower. He heard Rapunzel singing so beautifully. He fell in love with her voice. The prince came to the tower every day to hear Rapunzel sing. One day, the prince saw a witch climbed the tower using Rapunzel hair.

    The next day, the prince tried to climb the tower. She called Rapunzel. “Rapunzel let down your hair” he said. The prince climbed to the top of the tower. Having reached the top, Rapunzel surprised that the one who came is not witch but others. They both met each other until they become lovers. The prince told everything to Rapunzel and Invited Rapunzel to escape. However, when they wanted to escape, the wicked witch came and pushed the prince of the top tower so that he was blind.The witch was very angry. She cut Rapunzel’s hair and discarded her into the faraway desert. The prince who was blind looked for Rapunzel for years. He walked alone and finally reached the desert. One day, he heard a voice he knew singing. The prince realized that it was the voice of Rapunzel. Eventually they both met again. They hugged and cried with joy until Rapunzel’s tears fell to the eye of prince. Then the prince got his sight back. Afterwards the prince brought Rapunzel to his kingdom and they lived happily ever after.

  24. 363 Contoh Recount Text Pendek(1)

    ditulis oleh Era Meiswarawati

    Last morning, Dinar, my roommate woke up late and she had to go to campus.
    When she wanted to take her motorcycle, in fact she couldn’t move it because there were some motorcycles that blocked up her motorcycle.
    She tried to move all of the motorcycles, so that her motorcycle could move from the garage. But she couldn’t do it.
    Then, she called Adel who had that motorcycle which blocked it up. After that, her friend who had that motorcycle helped her. Finally, she could move her motorcycle and rode it to go to campus.

    Sumber :
    Holiday in Pasir Kencana Beach
    ditulis oleh Muhammad Fadhil Immas

    Last week my friend and I were bored after three weeks of holidays, so we rode our bikes to Pasir Kencana Beach, which is only five kilometres from where I live. When we arrived at the beach, we were surprised to see there was hardly anyone there.

    After having a quick dip in the ocean, which was really cold, we realized one reason there were not many people there. It was also quite windy. After we bought some hot chips at the takeaway store nearby, we rode our bikes down the beach for a while, on the hard, damp part of the sand. We had the wind behind us and, before we knew it, we were many miles down the beach.

    Before we made the long trip back, we decided to paddle our feet in the water for a while, and then sit down for a rest. While we were sitting on the beach, just chatting, it suddenly dawned on us that all the way back, we would be riding into the strong wind.

    When we finally made it back home, we were both totally exhausted! But we learned some good lessons that day.

    Sumber :
    Holiday in Semirang Waterfall
    ditulis oleh Windhariyati Dyah K

    On Sunday, I and my best friend, Sari, visited Semirang Waterfall in Ungaran. It was the first time for me to visit the waterfall.

    When we arrived at the hill, I felt so fresh and I could enjoy the scene. The air was so pure and all I could see only green and green.

    In Ungaran, we took a little bit trekking to find Semirang Waterfall. It was too bad for me because the distance to see the waterfall was too far.

    After taking so far distance, we found Semirang Waterfall. What a beautiful waterfall. We enjoyed the nice water in the rain forest surrounding the waterfall.

    Hearing the sound of falling water made me peace and relax. It was also excellent drowning out background sound. Playing with the water made me feel so happy.

    Finally, the time was over. It was time for us to go home. It was an unforgettable moment. I really enjoyed it.

    Sumber :
    Ditulis oleh Eviana Yuni Afra
    Last Monday was a busy day for me. I spent my time to do a lot of activities from college to my home.
    First, at the morning, I did my presentation's assignment with my partner, she was Nurhidayah. It took 3 hours. And then we went to the campus for joining lecture. But, the lecturer said that our presentation would be started next week. It made us disappointed. The class was finished at 12.30.
    After that, I had to go home because my grandmother was in a bad condition. She was hospitalized. So, it was a must for me to back home at that time. When I got there, there were so many members of my family. There were about 10 people. My aunt, my niece, my uncle and some of my cousins. We all hoped that our grandmother would get better soon.
    Those activities made my day busy.

    Ditulis oleh Ilima Fitri Azmi
    One day, my sister said to me that she really wanted to go to the beach. So I promised her that the next day we would go to Maron beach in Semarang.
    The next day, we prepared many things in the morning. We brought some foods and beverages, such as fried rice, chocolate wafers, potato chips, water and orange juice. Before going to the beach, I ask my boyfriend, Kiki, to join us going to the beach. He agreed to join and he came to my house. After that, we went to the beach. We went there by motorbike. It took 25 minutes to arrive there. Then, we bought tickets in the entrance gate. Before swimming, we changed our clothes first. We swam there for more than one hour. We felt so tired that we decided to eat the foods that we had brought. Next, my boyfriend and I created a very big sand castle, while my sister continued swimming. After that, we decided to go home because it was getting dark.
    On the way home, we still felt hungry. So we stopped at a Javanese restaurant to eat something. I ordered gudeg, while my boyfriend and my sister ordered rames rice. After finished eating, we paid our bills. Then, we went home. We arrived at home at 6 o’clock and we were absolutely exhausted.

    That was a very exhausting day, but I felt so happy that I could have a vacation with my sister and my boyfriend.

    Sumber :
    Contoh Recount Text Pendek (6)

    Ditulis oleh Afifah Tri Hyuanawati
    One Christmas in 2007, I was joining a final test try out at school. It was held from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. One of my schoolmates, Rini, asked me for accompanying her to the bus stop. When we arrived there, suddenly the heavy rain fell down from the sky. Rini suggested me to go home soon while she was entering the bus.

    It was still raining when I was home. The rain did not stop and became bigger when the night had come. People were standing in front of their house, hoping that the flood would not come. In the middle of the night, I got news that South Purwodadi had been drowned.

    The next day, Purwodadi had become a flood area. All activities were paralyzed. No one went for work or school because the land had been covered by flood. However, I thank God for not allowing the flood entered my house. Even my house had been changed into an emergency kitchen. It was so crowded there. I and my father took a walk around the center market and Central Purwodadi. All that we could see was water and water. At night, the flood looked like a beautiful ocean with the moonlight on it. I felt as if I was one of the passengers of Titanic who was sailing on the sea.

    Finally, the flood was starting to decrease in the next morning. I and my family cleaned our front yard together. That was the greatest flood that I had ever experienced in my hometown.

    Sumber :
    Ditulis oleh Rise Aditya Anggraeni
    On April 16th, 2010, I thought this would be a great holiday for me because that was the holy day for Hindhu people . I was so tired about the study, so I guessed this time I could get full refresh anyway. However, the fact said the other way.
    First like an ordinary daughter, I had to get up early morning helping my mother, of course after I prayed. Then I did my chores, cleaned up my

  26. 412 Recount Text Holiday with Family dan Artinya
    New Year Holiday Story
    The last school holiday, I spent the time with my family on vacation to a relative's house in Madiun, approximately 6 hour trip by bus from our home in Malang.
    On the way there, we saw many beautiful views such as rice fields, mountains, etc. Having arrived at the uncle's house, we were greeted by our relatives who had not met us for a long time. The next day, we walked around the town of Madiun until the sky got dark. Finally we decided to go home at 6:00 p.m. on that day.
    On the next day, I forgot that it was the New Year. Sudenly, one of my cousins ​​came and asked me to celebrate the New Year's Eve together. At night, I went together with him to the center of the city of Madiun which had already been so crowded because a lot of people who also wanted to celebrate the New Year with his family. When the countdown arrived, the sky which was dark at once then became so colorfully decorated by fireworks. We prayed together and watched the fireworks lightening the sky that night.
    Suddenly, the holiday passed quickly. The last New Year's holiday experience in the city of Malang was so impressive for me. Holiday in Sari Ringgung Beach
    Last holiday, I went to Sari Ringgung beach in Pesawaran, Lampung. I went there with my family. We left for the beach from my grandparents home in Tanggamus at 08.00 a.m. We went there by car. We arrived in the beach at 10:00 a.m.
    In Sari Ringgung beach, I swam with my brothers and my sisters. After swimming, we play sand together. We made a fort, houses, and hills of sand. After being satisfied playing on the beach, we then took a bath and ate the roasted corn while drinking coconut water. After being fresh anymore, we continued to view seascape on boats.
    I really enjoyed the atmosphere in the beach. After having fun for about five hours, finally we returned home. Before reaching home, we rested beforehand and ate meatball on the side of the road. The meatball is so tasty that I ate two bowls of meatballs there. Not long after that, we continued the journey and got home safely at 7 p.m.
    It was a tiring day, but we were very happy, because we got a lot of fun togethe

  27. 442 The Last School Semester Holiday
    The last semester holiday was a moment that I'd been waiting for. Because as long as I sit in ninth grade, I was spending more time to learn than doing some activities associated with my hobby.
    My last holiday was classified as a very simple holiday. I was only at home for doing my hobbies such as writing, drawing, and visiting my friends’ house. On the first day until the fifth day I spent time with writing some short stories, chatting with family, and painting some objects at home.
    Then in the following days, I visited my friends’ home to study and to do fun things together. Having finished studying, we then cycled around the area to see new things together. After being tired of cycling, we took visit at other friends’ house while fulfilling the thirst. Every time the day got dark, we went back to our homes to spend time with family.
    Those days were very enjoyable for me. Although I only spent holiday at home by doing funny things, spending time with family, and visiting my friends’ home while studying, I really enjoyed that short holiday. Traveling to Bajul Mati Beach
    Last week, I and my family had a vacation to the beach because I and my little brother were having school holiday. This holiday was also a gift because two days before my little brother celebrated his birthday.
    The clock was still at 4:56 am, but I and my family had been ready to go to Bajul Mati beach since the distance from our house to the beach is about 3 hours. We went there by car. In the car, there were me, my sister, my father and mother. We were not allowed to bring mobile phones by our father and mother in order to enjoy more the trip and the holiday itself. To spend the time on the way I played "guess the name by the letter" with my brother who is only two years younger than me.
    Two hours had passed quickly and we began to enter the hilly area. We began to pay attention the sights seriously. We were fascinated to see paddy fields which looked so beautiful and green. After a while, we finally arrived at Bajul Mati beach. This beach is located in Malang, East Java. While enjoying the sea breeze, we ate together first. We can not stop being amazed at the beauty of this beach. Bajul Mati beach has not been well-known enough, so there were not many visitors there. But the beach was still so clean and brought us comfort.
    We could not bear to play at the beach, so after having meal together we directly ran toward the seashore. We ignored mom’s words telling us to put on sunblock first. It felt fresh when the sea water reached our feet. We decided to swim in the estuary because the current was calm unlike those in the ocean. We had been swimming for about 15 minutes, before our father called and sent us to the seashore while our mother just took picture on us with his camera.
    Suddenly, it was already at 12 o’clock, mom and dad took us to clean ourselves. After that, we prayed Zuhur together. The event was followed by enjoying the warm meatballs in a stall on the beach, which was very delicious. Eating warm meatball while seeing the beauty of the beach was so much fun.
    On the way home, I and my little brother fell asleep. When we woke up, we were already at home. This holiday was really fun. I can not wait to go to the sea with my father, my mother and my younger brother in the upcoming holiday. I went back to sleep until the morning because we were still exhausted.

  28. 470 The First Day of Holiday at Grandparents’ Home in the Village
    I was so happy because last semester, I got good scores. My pleasure increased because during a week, I spent the holiday at grandparents’ home in Wlingi.
    I arrived at their home Sunday morning at around 10.00. My grandmother is the best; she had finished preparing my favorite food when I just arrived at her home. Noticing my favorite food which was already on the table, of course I was immediately fascinated. Yes, my grandmother usually cooks my favorite food (chicken rendang) when I take a visit to her home, there is a large family reunion and lebaran. Perhaps, my grandmother cooked the chicken rendang for se felt so pleased knowing my plan to spend the holiday here, because we had not seen nearly 8 months at that time.
    Having finished eating, I told him my experiences at school. They were very happy to know that my semester report’s scores were good. Next, I decided to move towards my favorite place in the grandmother's house which was in the porch. In front of grandma's house there are a wide football field and a tall banyan tree. Around this field, there are still so many paddy fields, which looked so green at that time. It was in contrast to the area in which I live where its field is getting narrower from year to year because it is closed to build housing.
    The beautiful scenery accompanied by the breezes that blow caused me sleepy. I didn’t know since what time I had fallen asleep in the porch until Ashar praying time was coming.
    After praying Ashar, I went to my family's rice field together with my grandparents which is located about 400 meters from the house. I was so amazed to see the rice terraces getting yellow which was so beautiful. Grandpa said that it was likely that our paddy could be harvested the day after”. He promised that he would take me to see the harvesting of paddy. Of course I approved the promise, and I couldn’t bear for two days after that day. I had already imagined how fun this activity would be. Even I had estimated how many sacks of rice we would get after harvesting.
    Days seemed to run very fast there. I didn’t feel that it had already been night. We just stayed at home because of the heavy rain outside. The ambiance was so warm when my grandmother prepared us STMJ (Susu = Milk, Telur= Egg, Madu= Honey, Jahe= Ginger) which is my and my grandfather’s favorite beverage.
    We ended the funny day with drowsiness coming suddenly and then sleep. The Story of Holiday at Home
    Hi friends, now, I will tell my semester holidays at home. The last holiday, I chose to spend the time at home just because I wanted to have a lot of time hanging out with family at home.
    The first day, I did some activities that I rarely do in school days. I started these activities with jogging in the morning, then played games on the computer, and played online games until 10:00 a.m. After that I took a bath, and continued playing the online games again until 12.00. Midday prayers time (Dzuhur) came so I must pray and then followed by lunch. After midday prayers and lunch, I and all members of the family gathered in the living room to watch TV together while chatting.
    The next day, I was conducting a little bit different activity. After breakfast, my mom asked me to go with her to the Grand Mall in Bekasi. At the mall, I accompanied my little sister to play on timezone while waiting for our mother to finish shopping. I got home at 12, we continued our activities with midday prayers and had lunch together. After midday prayers and having lunch together, watching TV together while relaxing repeated again.
    The next day, I tried to do my hobby which is writing short stories. That day I spent almost entire day to write short stories. I just took rest when prayer times and meal times with the family came. But at

  29. 500 Contoh Recount Text Tentang Pendidikan
    In the 21 of april in Indonesia will be held a commemorate for Kartini day. This is very historical moment for woman because every april 21 we are celebrate the birth day of Lady Kartini (R.A Kartini). Everyone in Indonesia are know who she is. Kartini is one of our national heroes and she was a great lady with bright idea to rise the woman.

    R.A Kartini was born in april 21, 18700 at mayong jepara. She has father named Rama Sosroningrat W. And her mother was Ngasinah. She was very lucky to got more than ordinary people are got. She got a better education than the other people. In november 1903 she got married with Adipati Djoyoodiningrat (Head master of rembang regency). Based on Tradion of East Java, After married Kartini Should follow her husband. And then She moved to rembang.

    In september 1904 she gave Adipati a son. They named the baby singgih. After give a birth to her husband, her condition was felt and getting worse time by time and finally she passed away on september 17, 1904. She was very young when passed away.

    Even Kartini has gone, but her dream and spirit to rise the women are always be carried on our heart. Nowadays Indonesian Woman are motivated by Kartini spirit and it was stated on the book collection which the title is "Habis gelap terbitlah terang" and in english we can call it as from the dusk to the dawn.
    Contoh Recount text tentang liburan traveling
    When i was young, i am not a traveler because i didn't like traveling. Then i more prefer to playing games in my console. All the time in my live i've never traveled by plan until 2012. I was 20 years old at that time and that time become my first traveling by plane.
    Contoh Recount Text Tentang Liburan
    My first trip when i went to tibet for 4 days. I did not know how to checj in in the airport. It like a new thing for me because i was faced with new procedure. The most impressed thing of that time is when the plane is going to take off. I am very enjoy my trip.
    Baca juga: Jenis-Jenis Teks Dalam Bahasa Indonesia, Pengertian, jenis dan contoh
    Since that time, i start to chance my mind and i like traveling. So i went to korea, germany, switzerland, united states, united kingdom and soon i will go to australia.
    Contoh Recount text tentang liburan traveling
    When i was young, i am not a traveler because i didn't like traveling. Then i more prefer to playing games in my console. All the time in my live i've never traveled by plan until 2012. I was 20 years old at that time and that time become my first traveling by plane.
    Contoh Recount Text Tentang Liburan
    My first trip when i went to tibet for 4 days. I did not know how to checj in in the airport. It like a new thing for me because i was faced with new procedure. The most impressed thing of that time is when the plane is going to take off. I am very enjoy my trip.
    Baca juga: Jenis-Jenis Teks Dalam Bahasa Indonesia, Pengertian, jenis dan contoh
    Since that time, i start to chance my mind and i like traveling. So i went to korea, germany, switzerland, united states, united kingdom and soon i will go to australia.

  30. 24 Example Of Recount Text About Vacation and Holiday
    Mr.Satrio's family was in their vacation. There are Ms. and Mr Satrio with their two sons went to london. They go and saw their travel agent and book their own ticket. The went to Britis embassy in order to get their visa and passport. They booked two weeks in their tour. They went to british by a big boeing flight in aproximate twelve hours.
    Contoh Recount Text Tentang Liburan
    The crew of the plan was very kind and frienly to passanger. They gave a news paper or magazine so passanger can read it along the flight. They also gave them some food and drink. In the cabin passanger also can watch film for entertainment. Mr.Satrio's family was very pleasant with the flight, so they slept away along the way.

    On arrival at Hartbet airport, they intend to go to immigration and customs. in that place the officer also so pleasant. They check Mr.Satrio's family very carefuly and in polite ways. After Mr.Satrio's collect their bags they went to london and make transfer to their hotel.

    The four star hotel had a room and beautiful park view when Mr.Satrio look out the window. The room also had its own toilet, bathroom and hall. Instead using keys to lock and open the room, they also use inserted pass card to open the door. The food in that hotel was very delicious, there are restaurant serving european or asian food as well.

    Two week in london are fast time. In the end of the day, there were very tired but Mr.Satrio's family was very happy and they had a plan to go to london again in several years later.
    Contoh Recount text Tentang Liburan (Holiday)

    In the last summer i had fantastic holiday. In my holiday i visited so many great place. I went to airport and was going fly to London. I was spent my two days in hotel. I love london view from my hotel because it was very beautiful.

    Then i go to teater in the famous distric in london united kingdom. In that teater i am very excited with the actor and actrees that role their character. There are someone acting to be a famous lawyer in british and the other is being a cop.

    After i spending my two days in united kingdom i pack my bag and flight to united states, california. In the airport i book a taxy and move to new york city to see statue of liberty.

    Umumnya kita akan sangat mudah menemukan contoh recount text singkat tentang liburan karena memang liburan merupakan masa dimana kita memiliki kenangan kenangan indah tanpa ada konflik. Maka dari itu kesan tentang liburan banyak dijadikan tema untuk menulis teks recount.

    Anda dapat membuat contoh recount text singkat anda sendiri berdasarkan pengalaman liburan menyenangkan yang anda miliki. Namun perlu kita ingat bahwa dalam menulis contoh recount text tentang liburan kita tidak boleh mencantumkan konflik atau twist dalam alur cerita.

    Itulah beberapa contoh recount text singkat terbaru beserta strukturnya yang dapat saya sampaikan pada kesempatan kali ini. Selain itu kita harus ingat bahwa language feature recount text maupun generic structure recount text juga sangat penting untuk dipelajari.

    Contoh Teks Recount Membeli Sepatu Baru

    Last Sunday I went to mall to buy shoes. I asked my fried Dina to go with me. We went to mall at 10 am. We went to the mall by motorcycle. At the mall, there were so many shoes stores. It made me confused, which one I must entered. Finally I chose the store at the second floor. But, inside the store there were so many shoes. I didn’t know which one I should buy. Finally Dina helped me to choose one shoes. It was a blue shoes, I loved it.

  31. 38
    My First Experience to Ride Bike

    On my tenth birthday, my father bought me a bike. I was so happy. I asked my father to teach me to ride my bike. He began to teach me riding the bike around a field on my village. My father was very patient to give me some directions. At the beginning He will hold the bike so I didn’t fall. Finally I can ride it by myself. I was very happy when finally I can ride the bike. Since that day, riding a bike became my hobby. I do it every Sunday.
    Contoh Teks Recount Tentang Pertama Bertemu Seseorang

    How I met Shinta

    I still remember that day,it was a rainy day. I had just finished reading a book at the school library. I was planning to go back to my classroom. When I was about to leave the library, I saw a girl read an interesting book. It was the book that I want to read. So, I greeted her and asked her about the book she was reading. She told me that it was her new book. She had just bought it from book store yesterday. She told me that I can borrow her book when she finished reading it. Since that day, Shinta and I became best friend. We both love books.Yesterday I play basketball with my friends. It was a good match. My friend and I were fight against students from other class. I started the match well. I made a lot of points. But the other team was also very good. I had to use all of my skill on the match. In

  32. 70 Contoh Recount Text (1) tentang Masa SMP

    My Adolescence

    I had my adolescence when I was thirteen.

    It started with acne that showed up on my face. It was very annoying. It lowered my self-esteem and I was embarrassed to come out of my house and play with friends.

    Fortunately, my Mum gave me a good medicine. In three weeks, the acnes started to vanish although those showed some black spots in my face.

    That was my bad experience with adolescence, though there were still lots of good experience too.

    Sumber :
    My First Experience to Ride Motorcycle
    ditulis oleh Resdwitarini

    One day, when I was ten years old, my father bought an old motorcycle. That was " Honda 75". I think it was small light object and easy to ride it. I persuaded my father to teach me to ride " Honda 75 ". Firstly, my father refused my request and promised that he would teach me two or three years later, but I still whimpered. Finally, my father surrendered and promised to teach me.

    He began to teach me riding the motorcycle around a field in my village. My father was very patient to give me some directions. I was very happy when I realized my ability to ride a motorcycle. " Yes, I can ".

    One day later, when I was alone at home, I intended to try my riding ability. So, myself tried bravely. All ran fluently in the beginning, but when I was going back to my home and I passed through a narrow slippery street, I got nervous. I lost my control and I fell to the ditch.

    After that, I told my father about the last accident. I imagined my father would be angry and never let me ride again. But the reality is exactly on the contrary, my father was very proud of me. He just gave me some advices and since that accident, I got my father's permission to ride motorcycle.

    Sumber :
    A Page from A Girl's Diary
    ditulis oleh Pratama Lysa Hapsari

    Tuesday, September 30th, 2008

    It was takbiran night. It was also my birthday, and nothing happened. Or I had thought nothing would happen, but I was wrong.

    That night, I was watching television with my family when I heard someone lit fireworks in my front yard. I peeped through my window glass but could see nothing. It was very dark outside. Then I thought it had to be my cousins who lit the fireworks. Then I plopped down on my sofa again and tried to concentrate on the television since my mind raced with disappointment that no one gave something special on my birthday

    Sumber : Holiday in Bali

    ditulis oleh Annisa Aulia Saharani

    When I was 2nd grade of senior high school, my friends and I went to Bali. We were there for three days. I had many impressive experiences during the vacation.

    First day, we visited Sanur Beach in the morning. We saw the beautiful sunrise together. It was a great scenery. Then, we checked in to the hotel. After prepared our selves, we went to Tanah Lot. We met so many other tourists there. They were not only domestic but also foreign tourists.


  33. Kumpulan Contoh Recount Text dan Artinya Lengkap Terbaru Bahasa Inggris 1 :

    I am so glad that today is over. So many things have gone wrong. For some reasons I didn’t sleep a wink last night. I was very tired when Mum called me this morning. I fell asleep again until Mum called me again. 97 That snooze made me late.
    I did not have time for breakfast. I was starving as I ran to catch the school bus. I just missed it. Dad had to ride me to school. He was late for teaching at his school and he was furious with me. He scolded me for being late.
    I arrived at school on time. The teacher asked us to hand in our homework. My homework was not in my bag. I had forgotten to put it in my bag the night before. I usually check my bag in the morning. I did not do this because I was late I had to do extra assignment as a punishment.
    After Biology lesson, I did not tie my shoelace properly. I tripped over it. And fell down the stairs. I hurt my knee and had to have a bandage on it.
    What a terrible day! I hope that I have much better one tomorrow.
    I really enjoyed my holiday in Australia. Last Sunday I visited a marine park called Sea World which is at surfers’ Paradise near Brisbane. It’s Australia’s largest marine park and I had a wonderful day there.
    The first thing I saw was the Oceanorium where you can watch all sorts of sea fish and animal under water. There were huge turtles, sharks, and a beautiful tropical sea fish. The most exciting thing was watching a man feeding the sharks. He wore a special diving suit. Then I watched the performance of sea animals. The saw was in a big outdoor swimming pool. There were killer whales, dolphins and sea lions, and they did all sort of fantastic things in the water. One of the girls in the show rode around the pool on the back of killing whale, and another girl rode underwater on the back of a big turtle. After the saw I had lunch. There were several big restaurant at the park and I had lunch in a restaurant that was shape like a ship! Then I watched a wonderful water-ski show which was held on a lake.
    There were lots of other things to do at the park. There was lake cruising, a train ride, a big water slide, swimming pools, and an incredible roller coaster called the ‘corkscrew’- because it goes three loops upside down. But I wish I had gone on the roller coaster ride before lunch rather than aft Kumpulan Contoh Recount Text dan Artinya Lengkap Terbaru Bahasa Inggris 3 :

    Albert Einstein was born in 1879 in Germany. He graduated from the University of Zurich in Switzerland in 1905. In 1905 he also did some of his famous work in Physics. In 1919 he won the Noble Prize for Physics. Between 1919 and 1933 he lived in Germany and traveled a lot to talk to other scientists. Then, in 1933 he had to leave Germany because of Hitler and the Nazy Party. He moved to United States from 1933 until his death. He lived in Princetown, New Jersey. He died on 18th April 1955.

  34. 131 Contoh Descriptive Text Tentang Suatu Tempat (About Place)
    The Eiffel Tower
    The Eiffel Tower is an iron lattice tower located on the Champ de Mars in Paris. Built in 1889, it has become both a global icon of France and one of the most recognizable structures in the world. The tower is the tallest building in Paris and the most-visited paid monument in the world; millions of people ascend it every year. Named for its designer, engineer Gustave Eiffel, the tower was built as the entrance arch to the 1889 World's Fair.

    The tower stands 324 metres (1,063 ft) tall, about the same height as an 81-story building. Upon its completion, it surpassed the Washington Monument to assume the title of tallest man-made structure in the world, a title it held for 41 years, until the Chrysler Building in New York City was built in 1930; however, due to the addition in 1957 of the antenna, the tower is now taller than the Chrysler Building. Not including broadcast antennas, it is the second-tallest structure in France after the 2004 Millau Viaduct.

    The tower has three levels for visitors. Tickets can be purchased to ascend, by stairs or lift, to the first and second levels. The walk to the first level is over 300 steps, as is the walk from the first to the second level. The third and highest level is accessible only by elevator. Both the first and second levels feature restaurants.

    The tower has become the most prominent symbol of both Paris and France, often in the establishing shot of films set in the city.

    Contoh Descriptive Text Tentang Teman ( About Friend )
    His name is kevin anggara, kevin anggara is my classmate, he has tall body, he is 170 cm, he has straight black hair, he has oval face, he has small eyes, he has sharp nose, he has thick lips, he dark brown skin, he has thin body, he always wears black shirt, he is kind, he is smart, he is helpful, he is generous, and he is dilligent.
    Monas National Monument
    Monas National Monument is a 132-meter tower in the center of Merdeka Square, Central Jakarta, Indonesia Jakarta, is the capital of the state. It symbolizes the struggle for Indonesian independence of our country.

    The monument consists of a 117.7 m obelisk on a 45m square platform at a height of 17 m. Towering monument symbolizes the philosophy of Lingga and Yoni. Resembles a phallus, or pestle mortar pestle and Yoni resembles rice or mortar, two important things in the tradition of Indonesian agriculture.

    Construction began in 1961 under the direction of President Sukarno, the first president of the us and the monument was opened to the public in 1975. It is topped by a flame covered with gold foil, and now the monument calls.
    Contoh Descriptive Text Tentang Seseorang ( About Someone )
    Mrs. Debby Magdalena
    Mrs. Debby Magdelena is one of the successful carrier woman. She is the new sales manager for Jakarta sales office of Le Meridean Nirwana Golf and Spa Resort.

    Mrs. Debby Magdalena holds her new position as from Marc 2nd, 2009. Prior to her assignment at Le Meredian Nirwana Golf and Spa Resort, she was the sales manager at Novotel Nusa Dua’s Jakarta sales office. Prior to that, she worked at a number of reputable hotels such as Radison Hotel Jakarta, Aston Hotel Jakarta, and Novotel Nusa Dua Bali.

    Born in Jakarta, she is a graduate of BPLP Bandung majoring hotel management and of Dwipa Wacana University in majoring management. With her strong background in reservations, front office and sales she will be a valuable asset to Le Meridian Nirvana Golf and Spa Resort. As the sales representative in Jakarta, she will be based at Le Meridian Jakarta Hotel

  35. 153 Zedva is my beautiful gray Persian cat. He walks with pride and grace, performing a dance of disdain as he slowly lifts and lowers each paw with the delicacy of a ballet dancer. His pride, however, does not extend to his appearance, for he spends most of his time indoors watching television and growing fat.

    He enjoys movie in Television , especially chanel those for vichanel and cinemas 24. almost every day of my cat zedva Always watch television, after the feed and Sometimes he ate while watching television.

    Zedva is as finicky about visitors as he is about what he eats, befriending some and repelling others. He may snuggle up against your ankle, begging to be petted, or he may imitate a skunk and stain your favorite trousers. Zedva does not do this to establish his territory, as many cat experts think, but to humiliate me because he is jealous of my friends.

    After my guests have fled, I look at the old fleabag snoozing and smiling to himself in front of the television set, and I have to forgive him for his obnoxious, but endearing, habits. Once upon a time, old and poor Mr. Haktak found a large brass pot in his garden. He decided to put his purse in it. Then, he carried it home. Mrs. Haktak was very happy with the pot.

    Suddenly, her hairpin fell into the pot. Mrs. Haktak reached and pulled out two hairpins and two purses. What a magic pot! Then they began to drop items into the pot and soon had two of everything.

    One day, Mr. Haktak went to the market. At home, Mrs. Haktak did the house works then rested for a while. She stooped over the pot to look inside. At that moment, Mr. Haktak kicked the door open because his hands were full of packages. Bang! Mrs. Haktak lost her balance and fell into the pot. Mr. Haktak found that he had two of Mrs. Haktak. This presented a problem.

    Finally, Mr Haktak got an idea. He fell into the pot and soon there was a second Mr. Haktak. The two new Haktaks became husband and wife. All of them became friends and built two identical houses with the identical furniture.

  36. 183 Contoh Narrative Text (1)

    The Ant and The Grasshopper
    One day in summer, in a field, a grasshopper was about to hop, chirp and sing to its heart’s content. An ant passed by, bearing along with great toil an ear of corn he was taking to the nest.“Why not come and chat with me,” said the grasshopper, “instead of toiling and moiling in that way?”“I am helping to lay up food for the winter,” answered the ant, “and recommend you to do the same.”“Why bother about winter?” asked the grasshopper; we have got plenty of food at present.” The Ant went on its way and continued its toil. Everyday, when the winter came the grasshopper found itself dying of hunger while it saw the ants distributing, corn and grain from the stores they had collected in the summer. The Crow and The Jug
    One day, on a hot day, a thirsty crow flew over a field looking for water. For a long time, she could not find any. She left very exhausted and almost gave up. Suddenly, she saw water jug below her. She, then, flew straight down to see if there was any water inside. It was surprised because there was some water inside the jug. The crow tried to push her head into the jug. Sadly she found that the neck of the jug was too narrow. Then she tried to push the jug down for the water to flow out but she found that the jug was too heavy. The crow thought hard for a while and was looking around. She saw some pebbles and suddenly had a good idea. She started picking up the pebbles one by one, dropping it into the jug. The water level kept rising as more and more pebbles filled the jug. Soon it was high enough for the crow to drink. “It’s working” she said. The legend of Lau Kawar Lake

    Legenda Danau Lau Kawar

    It was a beautiful day. Everybody in the Kawar village was happy. The farmers had just had their best harvest. The villagers were planning to hold a party to celebrate the good harvest. On one beautiful day, all the villagers gathered in a field. They wore beautiful dresses and made delicious food. Everybody was having good times! They were singing, laughing and, of course, eating delicious food.
    The legend of Lau Kawar Lake
    Did everyone go to the party? Unfortunately, there was one old woman still staying at her house. She was too old and weak to go to the party. Her son, her daughter-in-law, and her grandchildren all went to the party. At home, the old woman felt very sad and lonely. She was very hungry too. She tried to find some food in the kitchen, but she was very disappointed. Her daughter-in-law did not cook that day. At the party, the son asked her wife, “Why don’t you take some food from the party and give it to my mom? Ask our son to deliver it.” Then the little boy brought the food to her grandmother. The old woman was so happy. But her happiness turned into sadness when she saw the food was not in a good condition. It seemed that someone had eaten the food. She just got little rice and fish bones.
    The old woman was very sad. She thought bad things about her son. The old woman did not know that it was her grandson who had eaten the food on the way from the party to the house. She cursed her son. Then, a terrible thing happened. There was a great earthquake! Thunders struck the village. And heavy rains started to fall. All the villagers were so scared. They wanted to save themselves. They tried to find shelters. Slowly, the field turned into a lake. The lake was getting bigger and bigger, and finally the whole village turned into a big lake. People then named the lake Lau Kawar

  37. Many years ago, there lived a poor man named Geppetto. He made puppets from pieces of wood. He called his favorite puppet Pinocchio. “I would love to be a father to a real boy, “ he wished.

    That night, a fairy who knew Geppetto was a good man, cost a magic spell over Pinocchio, Pinocchio.

    The very next day, Gappetto awake and was very happy to find that Pinocchio could walk, sit and talk. Poor Gappeto wanted to send Pinocchio to school. He sold his only coat for a spelling book.
    “Now you can go to school like a real boy. “Said Gappetto as we waved goodbye to Pinocchio.

    On the way to school, Pinocchio stopped to wacth a puppet show in a town. “How would you like to join my puppet show? Asked the evil puppet master. Pinocchio happily agreed. He was locked inside the evil puppet master’s caravan. He wished he was safe with Gappetto. The good fairy suddenly appeared. She had heard Pinocchio’s wish and set him free. Pinocchio is happy to be free. “I’m going straight to school,” he said.

    206 On the way, he met an evil fox who told him all about a wonderful place called fun island. Pinocchio forgot all about school and gave the fox his spelling book in return for a ticket to Fun island.
    “Where are you going, Pinocchio? Asked good fairy. I’m on the way to school, “ lied Pinocchio. Pinocchio‘s nose grew very, very long. He wished he hadn’t told a lie. The fairy called a bird to peck of his long nose because Pinocchio was very sorry. Pinocchio promised never to be naughty ever again and went straight to school.

    At school, Pinocchio told his friend all about fun island. His friend wanted to go with him. Pinocchio and his hurriedly climbed aboard a ship that was going to Fun Island.

    On the island they didn’t know that little boys were turned into donkeys and used for very hard work. Pinocchio cried and wished he hadn’t come the island. He also wished didn’t look like a silly donkey. The fairy had heard his wish and with a wave of her magic wand his donkey ears and tail disappeared. Pinocchio sad on the shore, sadly looking out to the sea. He wondered if he would ever see Geppetto again.

    Suddenly he saw Geppetto who had sailed out to the sea in search of Pinocchio. Geppetto didn’t see the huge whale behind him. The whale swallowed Geppetto and his boat. Pinocchio knew he had to save Geppetto. He jumped into the water and swam with all his might. As he got closer, the whale open his mouth and Pinocchio swam right in. Deep inside the whale’s belly, Pinocchio and Geppetto hugged each other, happy to be together again.

    “We must find a way out, “Said Geppetto, “We will make a fire from the wood of my boat.” The smoke made the whale sneeze. They shot out of the whale’s mouth and back into the sea.
    Pinocchio and Geppetto swam safely to shore. They were both tired. They laid on the sand and fell asleep.

    When Geppetto awoke, Pinocchio had become a real boy. “At last my wish has come true!” cried Geppetto.

  38. 235 Cinderella Story as Example of Narrative Text
    Example of narrative text modern Cinderella

    Modern Cinderella and Belle, screened from

    Once upon a time, there was a young girl named Cinderella. She lived with her step mother and two step sisters.
    The step mother and sisters were conceited and bad tempered. They treated Cinderella very badly. Her step mother made Cinderella do the hardest works in the house; such as scrubbing the floor, cleaning the pot and pan and preparing the food for the family. The two step sisters, on the other hand, did not work about the house. Their mother gave them many handsome dresses to wear.
    One day, the two step sister received an invitation to the ball that the king’s son was going to give at the palace. They were excited about this and spent so much time choosing the dresses they would wear. At last, the day of the ball came, and away went the sisters to it. Cinderella could not help crying after they had left.
    “Why are crying, Cinderella?” a voice asked. She looked up and saw her fairy godmother standing beside her, “because I want so much to go to the ball” said Cinderella. “Well” said the godmother,”you’ve been such a cheerful, hardworking, uncomplaining girl that I am going to see that you do go to the ball”.
    Magically, the fairy godmother changed a pumpkin into a fine coach and mice into a coachman and two footmen. Her godmother tapped Cinderella’s raged dress with her wand, and it became a beautiful ball gown. Then she gave her a pair of pretty glass slippers. “Now, Cinderella”, she said; “You must leave before midnight”. Then away she drove in her beautiful coach.
    Cinderella was having a wonderfully good time. She danced again and again with the king’s son. Suddenly the clock began to strike twelve, she ran toward the door as quickly as she could. In her hurry, one of her glass slipper was left behind.
    A few days later, the king’ son proclaimed that he would marry the girl whose feet fitted the glass slipper. Her step sisters tried on the slipper but it was too small for them, no matter how hard they squeezed their toes into it. In the end, the king’s page let Cinderella try on the slipper. She stuck out her foot and the page slipped the slipper on. It fitted perfectly.
    Finally, she was driven to the palace. The king’s son was overjoyed to see her again. They were married and live happily ever after. Contoh Narrative Text Dan Terjemahannya
    True Friends

    Once upon a time, there were two close friends who were walking through the forest together. They knew that anything dangerous can happen any time in the forest. So they promised each other that they would always be together in any case of danger.

    Suddenly, they saw a large bear getting closer toward them. One of them climbed a nearby tree at once. But unfortunately the other one did not know how to climb up the tree. So being led by his common sense, he lay down on the ground breathless and pretended to be a dead man.

    The bear came near the one who was lying on the ground. It smelt in his ears, and slowly left the place because the bears do not want to touch the dead creatures. After that, the friend on the tree came down and asked his friend that was on the ground, "Friend, what did the bear whisper into your ears?" The other friend replied, "Just now the bear advised me not to believe a false friend."

    Contoh Narrative Text Fable Dan Terjemahannya
    Fox and A Cat

    I may teach you a few of the simpler ones,' replied the fox airily.

    Just then they heard the barking of a pack of dogs in the distance. The barking grew louder and louder - the dogs were coming in their direction! At once the cat ran to the nearest tree and climbed into its

  39. Contoh Narrative Text Pinokio

    In the past, there was a puppeteer whose name is Geppetto. He eager to have a son very much but his wife passed away several years ago. One day, he got an idea to make a puppet in order not to be lonely again. He made a puppet all day long. Finally, in the morning he had finished his work and he named the puppet Pinocchio. Soon he felt lonely again since Pinocchio couldn't walk or talk by itself. One night, Geppetto prayed to the God to become a real boy. He always thought it on his mind in his dream.

    In the next morning, he was surprised that Pinocchio was alive. He taught Pinocchio how to walk, how to read, how to speak and to do other things as human. He then studied at an elementary school. One day, Pinocchio felt bored and it made him go home late. When Pinocchio finally came home, Geppetto asked him. He said that he was on school but he wasn’t. Instantly, Pinocchio's nose grew longer and longer and it meant that Pinocchio has lied.
    The next morning, Pinocchio was kidnaped by the owner of circus. Pinocchio soon became a slave for the circus. He was so famous because he was a puppet which can talk. Geppetto worried about him because Pinocchio had not been going home for almost two days. He tried to find Pinocchio everywhere but he found nothing. When he searched him on the 262 sea, big wave smashed him. He was then in whale's stomach when he awoke. He couldn't find the way to go out.

    In the other side, Pinocchio finally could escape out from the circus. He came home but nobody was there. Latter on, he searched Geppetto in the sea. He got the same accident like Geppetto and he met Geppetto in whale's stomach. Both of them got out from its stomach by making a fire. In the end of the story, they went home together and lived happily ever after.

    The Lion and The Mouse

    When he was awakened by a tiny Mouse running across his body, a mighty Lion was sleeping in his lair. The lion then grabbed the frightened mouse with his huge paws and opened his mouth to swallow him directly. "Please, King," begged the Mouse, "Spare me this time and of course I will never forget your kindness. Someday I may be able to repay you. "The Lion thought that it was such an amusing idea that he let the poor creature go.

    Sometimes later the Lion was caught in a net laid by some hunters. Despite his great strength, the Lion could not break free. Soon the forest echoed with angry load roars.

    The Little Mouse heard the Lion and ran to see what was wrong. As soon as he succeeded to make the Lion free "There!" said the Mouse proudly, " You laughed at me when I promised to repay your kindness, but now you know that even a tiny Mouse can help a mighty Lion."
    Moral Value:

    A Donkey and A Lapdog

    Once upon a time there was a farmer who owned a little dog that he keeps constantly by his side and a donkey, which lived in a warm stable and got plenty of fresh grain and sweet hay. But, unfortunately the donkey was not satisfied with his condition.

    "I slave all day long, hauling wood or pulling the cart to market while the dog sleeps on the master's lap and eats from his plate!," the donkey grumbled. "Perhaps, he thought, if he behaved like the dog, his master would reward him with the same life of ease.

    That very night, the donkey crept out of the stable and into the house where the farmer sat at supper. "First I'll frisk about and chase my tail, just as the dog does," thought the donkey. And he danced about the room, flinging up his hooves until the table toppled over and dishes went flying.

    "Now I'll sit on his lap!" said the donkey, and he put his hooves up on the master's chair.

    "Help! Save me from this mad beast!" the terrified farmer bellowed. Then his servants came running and, with shouts and blows, drove the donkey back to the stable.

  40. 272 1. I am One of Those Fool Men
    A boy was making a close relationship with a girl who always hurt him. One day, she broke up with him and told him, “I don’t ever want to see you again.”

    A few months later, the girl had a change of heart. She realized that she loved the boy, so she went back and said to him, “Give me just one more chance. I love you and I need you. I promise that I will never hurt you again.”

    But the boy just laughed and said to her, “Only a fool would take back someone who hurt them so much.”

    The girl felt hopeless and began to cry, but the boy put his arms around her, held her tightly and said, “…and I am one of those fools.”
    5 Contoh Narrative Text Cerita Cinta (Love Story) dan Artinya

    Kursus Inggris – Love story adalah cerita cinta. Inilah 5 contoh narrative text dalam bahasa Inggris tentang love story beserta dengan artinya. Jenis teks naratif ada beberapa, diataranya adalah fable, legend, folktale, myth, dan kadang berupa kisah cinta seperti yang sedang kita bahas kali ini.

    Dalam banyak cerita cinta atau love story ini, akhir cerita yang disajikan bisa berupa 2 hal, yaitu happy ending dimana tokoh utamanya berhasil menyelesaikan masalah yang dihadapi dan kisah cintanyapun berujung dengan kebahagiaan. Disisi yang lain banyak juga cerita cinta yang diakhiri dengan sad ending dimana pelaku dalam cerita tersebut gagal dalam menghadapi komplikasi yang dihadapinya. Ia tidak mampu memperjuangkan cintanya maka ceritanya berakhir dengan kesedihan, tragis, kadang ironis.
    contoh narrative text cerita cinta love story
    Judul film LOVE STORY, bentuk visualisai teks narrative cerita cinta

    Meskipun begitu kisah cinta tetaplah sebuah cerita yang mampu melibatkan pembaca secara emosional sehingga bad ending dalam teks naratif tentang love story pun masih mampu memuat sisi romantisme yang mengharubirukan pembacanya. Tidak sedikit para pembaca yang ikut sekarang merasakan apa yang ada dalam cerita. Kadang nuansa yang ada dalam cerita tersebut juga mirip dengan yang sedang dialami oleh beberapa para pembacanya

    Cerita cinta yang banyak kica jumpai dalam hampir semua kelompok masyarakat bisa dimasukkan sebagi contoh narrative text karena dalam cerita tersebut para pelaku dihadapakan pada sebuah permasalahan, proble, atau complication. Coba bandingkan dengan contoh teks recount yang tidak punya komplikasi. Keberedaan unsur komplikasi atau pertentangan inilah yang menjadi inti dari jenis teks naratif bahasa Inggris. Baiklah berikut kita sajikan 5 contoh cerita pendek narrative bahasa tentang kisah cinta 2 orang.

    1. I am One of Those Fool Men
    A boy was making a close relationship with a girl who always hurt him. One day, she broke up with him and told him, “I don’t ever want to see you again.”

    A few months later, the girl had a change of heart. She realized that she loved the boy, so she went back and said to him, “Give me just one more chance. I love you and I need you. I promise that I will never hurt you again.”

    But the boy just laughed and said to her, “Only a fool would take back someone who hurt them so much.”

    The girl felt hopeless and began to cry, but the boy put his arms around her, held her tightly and said, “…and I am one of those fools.”

  41. 286

    A boy was making a close relationship with a girl who always hurt him. One day, she broke up with him and told him, “I don’t ever want to see you again.”

    A few months later, the girl had a change of heart. She realized that she loved the boy, so she went back and said to him, “Give me just one more chance. I love you and I need you. I promise that I will never hurt you again.”

    But the boy just laughed and said to her, “Only a fool would take back someone who hurt them so much.”

    The girl felt hopeless and began to cry, but the boy put his arms around her, held her tightly and said, “…and I am one of those fools.”

    2. Without your love, I would Die
    One night a man and a girl were driving home from the movies. The boy sensed there was something wrong because of the painful silence they shared between them that night.

    The girl then asked the boy to pull over because she wanted to talk. She told him that her feelings had changed and that it was time to move on. A silent tear slid down his cheek as he slowly reached into his pocket and passed her a folded note.

    At that moment, a drunk driver was speeding down that very same street. He swerved right into the drivers seat, killing the boy. Miraculously, the girl survived. Remembering the note, she pulled it out and read it. “Without your love, I would die.”4. The Blind Girl
    There was a blind girl who was filled with animosity and despised the world. She didn’t have many friends, just a boyfriend who loved her deeply.

    She always used to say that she’d marry him if she could see him. Suddenly, one day someone donated her a pair of eyes. When she finally saw her boyfriend, she was astonished to see that her boyfriend was blind.

    The man told her, “You can see me now, can we get married?” She replied, “And do what? We’d never be happy. I have my eye sight now, but you’re still blind. It won’t work out, I’m sorry.”

    With a tear in his eye and a smile on his face, he meekly said, “I understand. I just want you to always be happy. Take care of yourself, and my eyes.”

  42. 306 5. The Silent Love
    There was once a man who was very much in love with a girl. This man is very romantic. The man folded 1,000 pieces of paper cranes as a gift to his girl. Although he was just a small executive in his company, they were very happy together.

    One day, his girl told him she was going to Paris and would never come back. She also told him that she could visualize any bright future for both of them, so let’s go their own ways . The man then was heartbroken but he agreed.

    One day he regained his confidence. He worked hard day and night, just to make something out of himself. Finally with all these hard work and the help of his friends, theman had set up his own company. “You never fail until you stop trying.”, that was what he always told himself, “I must make it in life!”

    One rainy day, when the man was driving, he saw an elderly couple sharing an umbrella in the rain walking to some destination. It didn’t take him long to realize that those were his ex-girlfriend’s parents. He drove slowly beside the couple. He wanted them to see him in his luxury car. He wanted them to know that he wasn’t the same one anymore.

    The couple was walking towards a cemetery. Following them, the man got out of his car. There, he saw his ex-girlfriend, a photograph of her smiling sweetly. He saw his precious paper cranes in a bottle placed beside her tomb.

    The couple saw him. The man walked over and asked them why this had happened. They explained that their daughter did not leave for France. She was stricken ill with cancer. She had believed that he would make it someday, but she did not want her illness to be his obstacle. Therefore she had chosen to leave him.

    His daughter had wanted her parents to put his paper cranes beside her. If the day came, when fate brings him to her again, he could take some of those paper cranes back with him. The man just wept.

  43. 331 Daily Activity at School

    I study at school started at 7.30 am. This is Monday and I have a mathematic class. While I wait for the teacher, I have a short daily conversation with some friends. Then, no longer after that, the chairman of the class asks us to line up in front because the teacher has come. After that, my friends and I enter the class one by one and greet to the teacher.

    Our teacher asks to submit the homework. So I submit my homework. After that, the teacher asks me to open page 23 and read the book aloud. After reading the passage, I am asked to explain what I have read in front of the class. Then the teacher explains her subject further. Then we write her explanation on our books. After finishing all the lessons, we come home at 12.00 am.. Daily Activities at Home

    I woke up at 5 am. Then I got up to take Subuh prayer. Afterward I tidied up my bathroom such as opening the window, turning off the lamp, sweeping the floor and arranging my pillow and bolsters and folding my blanket.

    After that I went outside my house to work out. I did jogging around my house then I pushed up and sit up to build my muscle. After doing sport, I took a rest for a while. Then I took bath on my bathroom and brushed my teeth. Next I got dress my school uniform and looked to the mirror. I took my comb then I combed my hair.
    Baca juga: Contoh Recount Text for Senior High School dan Artinya

    While I prepared to go to school, my mother made me a breakfast in the kitchen. Then my mother called me to have a breakfast and then I went out from my bedroom to have a breakfast. I saw my father reading a newspaper in the living room so I asked my father to have a breakfast together. We had a breakfast at 7.30 am. After having breakfast, my mother gave me a glass of milk so I drank the milk. Afterwards, I helped my mother to clean the dishes. Next I used my shoes and prepared my motorcycle from the garage. Before I went to school, I asked permission to my mother and my father and shook their hands. Then I turned on my motorcycle and went to school.

  44. 361 I really enjoyed my holiday in Australia. Last Sunday I visited a marine park called Sea World which is at surfers’ Paradise near Brisbane. It’s Australia’s largest marine park and I had a wonderful day there.
    The first thing I saw was the Oceanorium where you can watch all sorts of sea fish and animal under water. There were huge turtles, sharks, and a beautiful tropical sea fish. The most exciting thing was watching a man feeding the sharks. He wore a special diving suit. Then I watched the performance of sea animals. The saw was in a big outdoor swimming pool. There were killer whales, dolphins and sea lions, and they did all sort of fantastic things in the water. One of the girls in the show rode around the pool on the back of killing whale, and another girl rode underwater on the back of a big turtle. After the saw I had lunch. There were several big restaurant at the park and I had lunch in a restaurant that was shape like a ship! Then I watched a wonderful water-ski show which was held on a lake.
    There were lots of other things to do at the park. There was lake cruising, a train ride, a big water slide, swimming pools, and an incredible roller coaster called the ‘corkscrew’- because it goes three loops upside down. But I wish I had gone on the roller coaster ride before lunch rather than after it!
    Contoh Recount Text Holiday
    A Trip to Tanjung Setia Beach

    Last year, at the end of the year, my wife and I decided to spend our holiday at Tanjung Setia beach, which located around 234 kilometers from Bandarlampung.

    When we arrived at the beach, we were surprised to see the beautiful view of the beach. After having a quick dip in the ocean, which was really cold and windy, we realized that there were not many people there. We thought that it happened because it was too windy there during that time but we finally realized that it was Christmas holiday so almost all of tourists who are used to spending time there went back to their country.

    After spending few times swimming in the beach, we bought some hot chips at the takeaway store nearby, and we rode our bikes down the beach for a while, on the hard, damp part of the sand. The next day we visited Labuan Jukung beach. There, we were amazed to see the high wave owned by this beach. Because it was so high that no body was brave enough to surf on it that time.

    The third day there, we decided to go home when we finally made it back home, we were both totally exhausted because of the trip but we were so happy to travel such an amazing beach Lampung province has.

  45. 380 A Trip to Borobudur Temple

    Three years ago, I and my classmates visited Borobudur Temple. We went to Borobudur temple by bus. We left our school at nine o’clock. It took us 24 hours to arrive there. I arrived there nine o’clock the next day. Along the road, we saw many vehicles, unique houses, prominent buildings, and some other tourists.

    After we arrived at the Borobudur temple, one of my teachers went to buy tickets. After we waited him for a moment we entered into Borobudur temple area. Then we went up to the top of the temple. Borobudur temple was built at Budur Village, Magelang, Jawa Tengah by Syailendra Dynasty. Borobudur Temple is the biggest temple in the world. It has 504 statues and 1.400 reliefs. From the top of the temple we can see such beautiful scenery. I and my friends went around the temple together. Finally, after having some visits, we should go to the hotel to stay and continue our study tour the next day.

    We felt tired that day but we felt so happy to visit Borobudur temple which is well-known as one of the greatest legacies Indonesia has ever had. I hope the temple can be loved by all of the visitors and the government. Visiting Way Kambas

    Yesterday I and my family went to Way Kambas national park to see the elephants and rhinos conserved there. Way Kambas National Park is a national park which is used as elephant and rhino sanctuary located in Labuhan Ratu District, East Lampung, Lampung, Indonesia
    When we got to there, we saw some elephant performances such as playing football, sitting, greeting the visitors, and other entertaining performances. Unfortunately, we could not see the Sumatran rhinoceros because visitors must have a special permit in advance to see them. Visitors or ordinary tourists cannot see the Sumatran rhino’s natural breeding. In the afternoon we saw some animals which were being fed.
    Holiday in Lembah Pelangi Waterfall

    Last holiday, I and my beloved wife, visited Lembah Pelangi Waterfall in Ngarip District, Tanggamus Regency, Lampung Province, Indonesia. It was the first time for me to visit such a wonderful waterfall.

    To reach the waterfall location, we should go on foot after having around three hours trip riding a motorcycle from Bandarlampung, the capital city of Lampung. When we arrived there, I was amazed by the beautiful scenery of the waterfall. The air was so fresh at that time and I could not bear to jump into the water immediately. It is quite windy there and all I could see only green, green, and green. Hearing the sound of falling water while we were swimming made me feel peaceful and relaxing.

    Finally, the day was getting dark and it was time for us to go home. It was such an unforgettable experience for me. I really enjoyed it.

  46. 399 My Vacation with My Beloved People

    One day, my sister named Putri said to me that she really wanted to go to the beach. So I promised her that the next week we would go to Mutun beach in Lampung.

    The next week, we prepared everything needed in the morning. We brought some foods and beverages, such as chocolate wafers, potato chips, water and orange juice. Before going to the beach, I ask our brother, Bayu, to join us. He agreed to join and we went there together with our parents. We went there by car. It took 3 hours to arrive there. Then, we bought tickets in the entrance gate. Before swimming, we changed our clothes first. We swam there for more than one hour. We felt so tired that we decided to eat the foods that we had brought. Next, three of us created a very big sand castle, while my parents were enjoying the beautiful scenery there. After that, we decided to go home because it was getting dark.

    On the way home, we still felt hungry. So we stopped at a restaurant to have dinner. I ordered sruit, Lampungnese traditional food, while my brother, my sister, and my parents ordered fried rice. After finished eating, we paid our bills. Then, we went home. We arrived at home at 9 o’clock. We were tired but we were absolutely happy.
    My Busy Holiday

    On February 8th, 2016, I thought this would be a great holiday for me because that was Chinese New Year holiday. I didn’t celebrate the Chinese New Year as I’m not Chinese but I guessed that it was a good time for me to get full refreshing. I was so tired to studying. However, the unpredictable fact broke everything up.

    First like an ordinary daughter, I had to get up early morning to help my mother, of course after I prayed. Then I did the dishes, cleaned up my room, and did my bed. I was really in danger if my mom knew that my room was messy. So, I made it as soon as possible. After finishing everything, my aunts called me in the afternoon. I did not meet them for a long time so we kept for hours to talk about some up to date gossips. Not long after that, my neighbor who is also my schoolmate visited me. She asked my help to finish her homework. At last, the time was running and the homework was successfully finished. An unpredictable moment happened after that. To my surprised, I just remembered that I had a lot of homework too. I got confused and regretful why I did not check it. As the consequence, I did my homework until late night and it was hardly finished. Since then, I always check my home work before having a holiday.

  47. 429

    My Holiday Experience in Jogjakarta

    Last week, my familIy went to Yogyakarta. We visited many places there.

    First, we visited Prambanan Temple. Prambanan temple was a beautiful temple. We took some photos there. After that, we went to Gembira Loka zoo. We saw many kinds of animals there such as tiger, snakes collection, butterfly collections, etc. We looked around in that Zoo, and also took pictures of those animals. After from gembira loka zoo we went to Sahid raya hotel to take a rest. Sahid raya was a famous hotel in jogjakarta, the facilities made me comfortable during i stayed there.

    In the next day, we went to Siung beach. Siung beach was very beautiful. I played the white sands, I swam there and i saw some people practiced rock climbing there. Siung beach was in Gunung Kidul, about 2 hours from the center of Jogjakarta. I played for some hours until i felt tired and decided to go back to our car. After that, we went to malioboro to buy some souvenirs. Malioboro was about 30 minutes from Sahid Raya hotel. Malioboro is a busy street, there were many sellers who sold many kinds of souvenirs. Then, we felt hungry, so we went to a Chinese restaurant. After we finished our dinner, we decided to go home.

    For me, that was a good moment because I could spend my time with my family. We really enjoyed it.

    Holiday In Malaysia
    Last holiday, My family was on vacation. we went to Malaysia. We used travel agent to manage our holiday . We had booked two days tour in Malaysia. We went malaysia by plane. The travel agent had booked ticket for us. The flight was only one hour from Jakarta. On the plane the cabin crews were very friendly and they were very handsome and beautiful. They gave us some directions before the flight. Our plane, garuda Indonesia had very complete fasilities to accompany passanger during the journey, such as movies player, music player, newspaper, magazine, etc. We had a very pleasant flight. On arrival at Kuala Lumpur, we had to go to Customs and Immigration. The officers were pleasant. They checked the document carefully but their manners were very polite. After that, the travel agent brought us to Petronas Tower and took some photos there.In the afternoon, we went to hotel to take a rest. The hotel was a well-known five-star hotel. The room had perfect view of city. On the third floor, there was a restaurant serving American, african, Asian European food. They had variety of food.In the next day, we went to Sepang circuit to watch MotoGp race. I wanted to watch directly my idol Valentino Rossi and took photos with him. During the race, I was surprised because that was my first time I saw motorcycles ran fast up to 300 km/hour in front of my eyes. In the ending of the race, Rossi was the first rider who touched the finish line. I was so happy because he won.The two days in Malaysia went by fast. At the end of the second day, we were quite tired but we felt very happy.

  48. 445 Went Camping

    Last sunday, my friends and I went camping on the mountain. We went to Palutungan, Kuningan. The spot was near from our town. It was about one hour to get there. We choose Palutungan because it was not too far from our home.

    We prepared everything before went to Palutungan. We brought cooking utensils and the food from home, clothes, camera, guitar, etc. We went there by motorcycles.

    On the first day, we sat up the tent on the camping area. The air was so fresh there. We took a bath on the waterfall. The waterfall was called curug Putri. After played at waterfall, we felt hungry. Then, we cooked the food for the lunch and had lunch together. The first night of our camping, the air was so cold, we made a campfire, sang songs together and after that we slept. We used sleeping bag when we slept to make our body still in warm condition.

    On the second day, we had some activities. We, tried to go fishing in the river near the waterfall but we got a shoe. After that, we packed everything we brought. we cleaned the camping area and prepared to go home

    We made a memory by taking photos together in front of a waterfall and then went home happily.

  49. 462

    Study Tour To Bogor and Bandung
    I went to bogor with my teachers and my friends. It was a study tour actually. Study tour was held when I was senior high school. That was my first time I went to Bogor. My teacher, my classmates, and I were in the same bus. We left our school at 10 p.m. trip to Bogor from Cirebon was about 7 hous. After 7 hours on the way, finally we arrived in Bogor. It was about 5.00 Am. We stopped in a mosque to pray first. Some of my friends took a bath in the mosque. But, I just brushed my teeth and washed my face because there was was so cold. It made me lazy to touch the water.After that, we went to a restaurant to have a breakfast. I was so hungry. Then, we went to Taman safari Bogor. We saw animal collection there. The animal collection was very complete. In taman safari, every Sunday there was an animal circus and fortunately we visited Taman safari on Sunday. So, we could watch the animal circus there. The animal circus was very funny and made us entertained. After watched the animal circus we went back to the bus and we went to the villa to take a rest. In villa I and my friends swam together. In the next day, we left bogor to visit Bandung. The journey from Bogor to Bandung was abut 4 hours. Actually, it was a funny journey because I spent all of my time with my friends, like playing games, laughing, and kidding. But I felt that all of my tiredness gone all of sudden when we arrived at bandung. In Bandung, we visited Kawah Putih. Kawah Putih was a very beautiful place. That was so cold there. We used that moment to took some photos with my friends. After From Kawah Putih. We went home to our city. Study tour made me very tired, but I was very happy because I could spend many time with my friends.

    The Broken Leg
    One day, I played basket ball with my friends in my school basketball hall. It was rainy season.
    It was cloudy at that time. Before we played basket ball, we had been given some instructions by our coach. After that I and my friends had to do warming-up. Our coach asked us to run around the basketball court. While we were running, the rain fell. The coach then asked us to stop running. Not long after that, the rain stopped. I and my friends started to play a game. The coach warned us to be careful, because the court was so slippery.
    The game started with jump ball. Jumping strongly, I got the ball so I ran and dribble the ball to the basket energetically. When I tried to throw the ball, I was slipped and “BRAKKK”. I fell down suddenly. Unluckily, I broke one of my legs. My friends then brought me to a hospital. I had to have bed rest for quite a long time. But everything grew so much better when I noticed that all of my friends in our basketball team always supported me and accompanied me to train my broken leg.
    It was my unforgettable experience when I was in senior high school. This experience taught me a very valuable message to do everything more carefully.

  50. 488 My First Period
    January 11th, 2017. I'll never forget that day. It happened when I was thirteen years old.
    That morning I ate some goldfish and realized that my stomach was hurting a little bit. But it felt like the "your hungry" sort if stomach ache. Luckily it stopped when I was on the way to school.
    I arrived at the school as usual and everything was normal. That unforgettable experience happened in mid-day. I was wearing tights that day. I wore blue and white uniform that day. When i was studying Math, I noticed like a feel of something coming out. I didn't understand and thought I was just sweating down there, or something.
    I really felt uncomfortable, though I didn't want to get up just in case it bled through. Since that condition happened, I just stayed sitting on my chair. The bell rang and the time was over. I went out from the class after all of my classmates had gone out. Many friends asked what happened to me, but I kept silent.
    Having arrived at home, I asked my mom immediately about what happened to me. Surprisingly, my mom told me that I had got my first period that day. That experience was so unforgettable. I still remember exactly that I was kept silence with my panicked mimic when I was trying to understand what’s happening at that moment which made some friends wonder about my silence. By writing this story, I hope they read this story and find out the answer of their questions about me during that mid-day.

    I Remember It So Vividly As If All of That Happened Yesterday
    It was the beginning of my first school year and it meant that it was the time to buy all of new stuffs for the new semester. A shopping day like this meant a busy day for moms and their children in the school age. It also happened to us. We spent almost a day for that reason.
    Having bought all stuffs for the new semester in the shopping center, I went to my favorite part of the shopping center. It was the toy department. I didn't really need to buy anything there. I just took a look at some interesting toys. I ran to the toys as fast as I could, but my mom hardly kept me up. On the top shelf, I saw a beautiful doll which looked just like a real baby. There was probably twenty of them, looked almost the same, only this one was looking down on me with her beautiful clear blue eyes. My mom saw my begging face, but told me that we couldn't afford to buy it. It was simply expensive, she said. I took my mom's hand sadly, and walked behind her. I did not beg or scream so I could get what I wanted. I knew what it meant when you can't afford something. I understood, even I was still eight years old. As usual, I could only save the dolls like other interesting toys in my dream. But, it made me stronger and more spirit-full to pursue my future so that I could buy everything I wanted.
    I hardly could buy anything except for my school stuffs when I was a young girl. But it taught me a lot about patience and pursuing dream. Now, I can buy almost everything I need in life because I have finished my study and thanks God I am accepted in a reputable company. Thanks a lot my childhood.

  51. 511 My Busy Holiday

    On February 8th, 2016, I thought this would be a great holiday for me because that was Chinese New Year holiday. I didn’t celebrate the Chinese New Year as I’m not Chinese but I guessed that it was a good time for me to get full refreshing. I was so tired to studying. However, the unpredictable fact broke everything up.

    First like an ordinary daughter, I had to get up early morning to help my mother, of course after I prayed. Then I did the dishes, cleaned up my room, and did my bed. I was really in danger if my mom knew that my room was messy. So, I made it as soon as possible. After finishing everything, my aunts called me in the afternoon. I did not meet them for a long time so we kept for hours to talk about some up to date gossips. Not long after that, my neighbor who is also my schoolmate visited me. She asked my help to finish her homework. At last, the time was running and the homework was successfully finished. An unpredictable moment happened after that. To my surprised, I just remembered that I had a lot of homework too. I got confused and regretful why I did not check it. As the consequence, I did my homework until late night and it was hardly finished. Since then, I always check my home work before having a holiday.

    I did not feel this was holiday instead of I had to work hard and got a long ship with my homework.I am so glad that today is over. So many things have gone wrong. For some reasons I didn’t sleep a wink last night. I was very tired when Mum called me this morning. I fell asleep again until Mum called me again. That snooze made me late.
    I did not have time for breakfast. I was starving as I ran to catch the school bus. I just missed it. Dad had to ride me to school. He was late for teaching at his school and he was furious with me. He scolded me for being late.
    I arrived at school on time. The teacher asked us to hand in our homework. My homework was not in my bag. I had forgotten to put it in my bag the night before. I usually check my bag in the morning. I did not do this because I was late I had to do extra assignment as a punishment.
    After Biology lesson, I did not tie my shoelace properly. I tripped over it. And fell down the stairs. I hurt my knee and had to have a bandage on it.
    What a terrible day! I hope that I have much better one tomorrow.


  52. 39
    Holiday In Malaysia
    Last holiday, My family was on vacation. we went to Malaysia. We used travel agent to manage our holiday . We had booked two days tour in Malaysia. We went malaysia by plane. The travel agent had booked ticket for us. The flight was only one hour from Jakarta. On the plane the cabin crews were very friendly and they were very handsome and beautiful. They gave us some directions before the flight. Our plane, garuda Indonesia had very complete fasilities to accompany passanger during the journey, such as movies player, music player, newspaper, magazine, etc. We had a very pleasant flight. On arrival at Kuala Lumpur, we had to go to Customs and Immigration. The officers were pleasant. They checked the document carefully but their manners were very polite. After that, the travel agent brought us to Petronas Tower and took some photos there.In the afternoon, we went to hotel to take a rest. The hotel was a well-known five-star hotel. The room had perfect view of city. On the third floor, there was a restaurant serving American, african, Asian European food. They had variety of food.In the next day, we went to Sepang circuit to watch MotoGp race. I wanted to watch directly my idol Valentino Rossi and took photos with him. During the race, I was surprised because that was my first time I saw motorcycles ran fast up to 300 km/hour in front of my eyes. In the ending of the race, Rossi was the first rider who touched the finish line. I was so happy because he won.The two days in Malaysia went by fast. At the end of the second day, we were quite tired but we felt very happy.

    I went to bogor with my teachers and my friends. It was a study tour actually. Study tour was held when I was junior high school. That was my first time I went to Puncak, Bogor. My teacher, my class friends, and I were in the same bus. We left our school at 10 p.m. trip to Puncak from Cirebon was about 7 hous.After 7 hours on the way, finally we arrived in Bogor. It was about 5.00 Am

  53. 64
    We stopped in a mosque to pray first. Some of my friends took a bath in the mosque. But, I just brushed my teeth and washed my face because there was was so cold. It made me lazy to touch the water.After that, we went to a restaurant to have a breakfast. I was so hungry. Then, we went to Taman safari Bogor. We saw animal collection there. The animal collection was very complete. In taman safari, every Sunday there was an animal circus and fortunately we visited Taman safari on Sunday. So, we could watch the animal circus there. The animal circus was very funny and made us entertained. After watched the animal circus we went back to the bus and we we went to the villa to take a rest. In villa I and my friends swam together. In the next day, we left bogor to visit Bandung. The journey from Bogor to Bandung was abut 3 hours. Actually, it was a funny journey because I spent all of my time with my friends, like playing games, laughing, and kidding. But I felt that all of my tiredness gone all of sudden when we arrived at bandung. In Bandung, we visited Cihampelas. Cihampelas was a very busy street. There were so many factory outlet there. We used that moment to buy some clothes and souvenirs there. After From Cihampelas. We went home to our city. Study tour made me very tired, but I was very happy because I could spend many time with my friends.
    Last holiday was my worst holiday because I did not go anywhere. I just stayed in my home.In the morning, I woke up and had a breakfast. After that, I played with my cat. In the afternoon, I had a lunch and after that I took a nap. In the evening. I watched untill I felt boring.My daily activities were like that during the holiday. So, I was sure last holiday was my worst holiday.

  54. 94
    Last month, my familIy went to Jakarta. We visited many places there.

    First, we visited we visited Ragunan Zoo. We saw many kinds of animals there such as lion, birds collection, butterfly collections, etc. We looked around in that Zoo, and also took pictures of those animals. Second, we visited Ancol Beach. The sun shone brightly and the scenery was very beautiful there. We felt the wind blew across to us. We also saw a lot of people in that beach. There werw many birds flew in the sky. Also, there were many sellers who sold many kinds of souvenirs. Then, we felt hungry, so we went to a restaurant. As soon as we finished our lunch, we decided to go home.

    For me, that was a good moment because I could spend my time with my family. We really enjoyed it.
    Last sunday, my friends and I went camping on the mountain. We went to Palutungan, Kuningan. The spot was near from our town. It was about one hour to get there. We choose Palutungan because it was not too far from our home.

    We prepared everything before went to Palutungan. We brought cooking utensils and the food from home, clothes, camera, guitar, etc. We went there by motorcycles.

    On the first day, we sat up the tent on the camping area. The air was so fresh there. We took a bath on the waterfall. The waterfall was called curug Putri. After played at waterfall, we felt hungry. Then, we cooked the food for the lunch and had lunch together. The first night of our camping, the air was so cold, we made a campfire, sang songs together and after we slept. We used sleeping bag when we slept to make our body still in warm condition.

    On the second day, we had some activities. We, tried to go fishing in the river near the waterfall but we got a shoe. After that, we packed everything we bought. we cleaned the area

    We made a memory by taking photos together in front of a waterfall and then went home happily. We felt very tired.

  55. 130
    On February 8th, 2016, I thought this would be a great holiday for me because that was Chinese New Year holiday. I didn’t celebrate the Chinese New Year as I’m not Chinese but I guessed that it was a good time for me to get full refreshing. I was so tired to studying. However, the unpredictable fact broke everything up.

    First like an ordinary daughter, I had to get up early morning to help my mother, of course after I prayed. Then I did the dishes, cleaned up my room, and did my bed. I was really in danger if my mom knew that my room was messy. So, I made it as soon as possible. After finishing everything, my aunts called me in the afternoon. I did not meet them for a long time so we kept for hours to talk about some up to date gossips. Not long after that, my neighbor who is also my schoolmate visited me. She asked my help to finish her homework. At last, the time was running and the homework was successfully finished. An unpredictable moment happened after that. To my surprised, I just remembered that I had a lot of homework too. I got confused and regretful why I did not check it. As the consequence, I did my homework until late night and it was hardly finished. Since then, I always check my home work before having a holiday.

    I did not feel this was holiday instead of I had to work hard and got a long ship with my homework.
    I am so glad that today is over. So many things have gone wrong. For some reasons I didn’t sleep a wink last night. I was very tired when Mum called me this morning. I fell asleep again until Mum called me again. That snooze made me late.
    I did not have time for breakfast. I was starving as I ran to catch the school bus. I just missed it. Dad had to ride me to school. He was late for teaching at his school and he was furious with me. He scolded me for being late.
    I arrived at school on time. The teacher asked us to hand in our homework. My homework was not in my bag. I had forgotten to put it in my bag the night before. I usually check my bag in the morning. I did not do this because I was late I had to do extra assignment as a punishment.
    After Biology lesson, I did not tie my shoelace properly. I tripped over it. And fell down the stairs. I hurt my knee and had to have a bandage on it.
    What a terrible day! I hope that I have much better one tomorrow.

  56. 31
    The Eiffel Tower is an iron lattice tower located on the Champ de Mars in Paris. Built in 1889, it has become both a global icon of France and one of the most recognizable structures in the world. The tower is the tallest building in Paris and the most-visited paid monument in the world; millions of people ascend it every year. Named for its designer, engineer Gustave Eiffel, the tower was built as the entrance arch to the 1889 World's Fair.

    The tower stands 324 metres (1,063 ft) tall, about the same height as an 81-story building. Upon its completion, it surpassed the Washington Monument to assume the title of tallest man-made structure in the world, a title it held for 41 years, until the Chrysler Building in New York City was built in 1930; however, due to the addition in 1957 of the antenna, the tower is now taller than the Chrysler Building. Not including broadcast antennas, it is the second-tallest structure in France after the 2004 Millau Viaduct.

    The tower has three levels for visitors. Tickets can be purchased to ascend, by stairs or lift, to the first and second levels. The walk to the first level is over 300 steps, as is the walk from the first to the second level. The third and highest level is accessible only by elevator. Both the first and second levels feature restaurants.

    The tower has become the most prominent symbol of both Paris and France, often in the establishing shot of films set in the city.
    Monas National Monument is a 132-meter tower in the center of Merdeka Square, Central Jakarta, Indonesia Jakarta, is the capital of the state. It symbolizes the struggle for Indonesian independence of our country.

    The monument consists of a 117.7 m obelisk on a 45m square platform at a height of 17 m. Towering monument symbolizes the philosophy of Lingga and Yoni. Resembles a phallus, or pestle mortar pestle and Yoni resembles rice or mortar, two important things in the tradition of Indonesian agriculture.

    Construction began in 1961 under the direction of President Sukarno, the first president of the us and the monument was opened to the public in 1975. It is topped by a flame covered with gold foil, and now the monument calls.

  57. 63
    Mrs. Debby Magdelena is one of the successful carrier woman. She is the new sales manager for Jakarta sales office of Le Meridean Nirwana Golf and Spa Resort.

    Mrs. Debby Magdalena holds her new position as from Marc 2nd, 2009. Prior to her assignment at Le Meredian Nirwana Golf and Spa Resort, she was the sales manager at Novotel Nusa Dua’s Jakarta sales office. Prior to that, she worked at a number of reputable hotels such as Radison Hotel Jakarta, Aston Hotel Jakarta, and Novotel Nusa Dua Bali.

    Born in Jakarta, she is a graduate of BPLP Bandung majoring hotel management and of Dwipa Wacana University in majoring management. With her strong background in reservations, front office and sales she will be a valuable asset to Le Meridian Nirvana Golf and Spa Resort. As the sales representative in Jakarta, she will be based at Le Meridian Jakarta Hotel.
    Zedva is my beautiful gray Persian cat. He walks with pride and grace, performing a dance of disdain as he slowly lifts and lowers each paw with the delicacy of a ballet dancer. His pride, however, does not extend to his appearance, for he spends most of his time indoors watching television and growing fat.

    He enjoys movie in Television , especially chanel those for vichanel and cinemas 24. almost every day of my cat zedva Always watch television, after the feed and Sometimes he ate while watching television.

    Zedva is as finicky about visitors as he is about what he eats, befriending some and repelling others. He may snuggle up against your ankle, begging to be petted, or he may imitate a skunk and stain your favorite trousers. Zedva does not do this to establish his territory, as many cat experts think, but to humiliate me because he is jealous of my friends.

    After my guests have fled, I look at the old fleabag snoozing and smiling to himself in front of the television set, and I have to forgive him for his obnoxious, but endearing, habits.


  58. 100
    When I was in Junior High School, my mother bought me an acoustic guitar. It was my first guitar. I learned some basic guitar chord with it. It accompanied me since I was a beginner who know nothing about guitar, until I managed to improve my skill to a better level. Even though I have another guitar right now, but this one is still my favorite. The sound produced by it is still as clear as it was. its classic and simple design is just irreplaceable.

    My favorite acoustic guitar is mainly made of mahogany wood. It is a steel-string type of acoustic guitar. Three different colour were used to cover the major parts of the guitar. The colour of the front side is peach with wooden fiber pattern which intentionally designed to be clearly visible with our eye. The colour of the back side is black, and the colour of the edges is dark brown. The neck of the guitar was painted in black, but the headstock is dark brown. The tuning pegs or tuning keys are made of white plastic and is attached to the headstock, three on the top side and three on the bottom side. There is a part called "nut" placed between the neck and the headstock. It is made of white plastic too. The fret of the guitar is mainly made of copper. There is only one sound hole on my guitar and it is located at the end part of the neck. The bridge, where the end part of the strings were attached, is made of wood and is painted in black.

    The Statue of Liberty Enlightening the World or mostly known as The Statue of Liberty is located in Liberty Island in New York Harbor, United States. This national building is symbol of freedom. It was a gift from The French to United States to celebrate the centennial of the American Declaration of Independence.

    Liberty Statue is made of 3.16 inch thick of copper sheets. The appearance of the statue is believed to be representing the Roman goddess of freedom. Its right hand is holding a torch, and the left hand is holding a book with the date of the American Declaration of Independence written on it. The colour of the statue was rusty brown, but after 30 years of oxidation process, it turns into green as we can see now.

    The height of the statue measured from its base is 46 meters, but when it is measured from the ground, it is 93 meters. The height of the head is 14 feet. The width of the eye is 28 inches. The length of the nose is 3 feet 9 inches. The length of the forefinger is 8 feet. The total weight of the statue is 440.000 pounds.

  59. 154
    Weekend is my lazy day. I can sleep all day long and I can sleep anywhere. I can sleep on the couch, I can sleep on the floor, and I can also sleep on the carpet. But the most comfortable one is when I sleep on my bed with my favorite pillow. Actually, it is an ordinary bed pillow, but I've been using it for years, and this make the pillow able to adjust its thickness for my head and my neck perfectly, so I can get the best rest with it.

    The color of my favorite pillow was clean white, but right now it is no longer as clean as it use to be, even the color look a lot more like gray than white. The skin of the pillow is made of cotton. It is filled with a typical kind of synthetic foam called Dacron, the similar substance use to fill dolls. The shape of the pillow is rectangle. The pillow is not as thick as it was, it is just like the content disappear slowly everyday. So when I want to use it, I am going to concentrate the dacron in the middle of the pillow and place my head on it, and the pillow will adjust itself automatically.
    n Bahasa Indonesia, Raja Ampat means "Four Kings", i.e. four kings who ruled four kingdoms in the region, namely Waigeo, Misool, Salawati, and Batanta. The name of Raja Ampat is taken from the folklore that exist in the region. In the folklore is said that in ancient times there was a husband and wife who accidentally found 6 dragon eggs on the banks of the Waikeo River. Because they are hungry, they intend to cook the six eggs. When about to be cooked, five of the six eggs hatch and out 5 human babies. Four men and one woman. They were later named War, Betani, Dohar, and Muhammad. While the women are named Pintolee. Everything is maintained by the husband and wife.
    The beauty of Raja Ampat began worldwide in 1990. At that time, a divers of the Dutch duck named Max Ammer visited the region. His original purpose was to trace the existence of planes and ships used in World War II that were supposedly sunk in the inspection. It turned out that Max Ammer was fascinated by the diversity of biota in Raja Ampat. So in 1998 he invited Gerry Allen, an Australian fishery expert, to conduct a survey in this place. Raja Ampat regency in West Papua province is commonly called the "bird's head" has an area of ​​46,108 square kilometers, and nearly 80 percent of it is ocean. The length of the beach reaches 4,860 kilometers. However, the inhabitants are only about 60,000 in 35 islands of 610 islands. The population is spread over 98 villages and 17 districts. Its local population consists of 10 tribes that have a major livelihood as fishermen.
    Since a 2-hour speed boat journey from Sorong to Waisai Harbor in Raja Ampat, the eyes have been spoiled with blue sea and crystal clear views. The view is even more amazing when entering Raja Ampat territory. Although the average air temperature of 45 degrees Celsius, that is not a reason not to go to this tourism object since it surrounded by this cluster of beautiful coral islands. Tourists coming to Raja Ampat is expected to prepare their finance is in best time as they have to spend about 20 million rupiah per person for this amazing experience. It is compensated for the beauty that is seen while swimming and diving in some areas, as well as visiting the beautiful islands. Travel from one island to another with a small boat fast at least 3 hours to arrive at Wayang Island. This island is one of the most favorite tourist destinations in Raja Ampat area.

  60. 193
    One of the tourism icon of Lombok Island is Gili Trawangan, which is one of the small island, a clusters of three Gilis; Gili Trawangan, Gili Meno, Gili Air, as it is abbreviated by GILI TRAMENA. Gili Tramena which is located in the west of Lombok Island, is a destination mostly visited by Foreigner whenever they visit to West Nusa Tenggara. The 7 square kilometer island with less than 1,000 inhabitants offers stunning coastal beauty, charming white sand and stunning blue sea views, fresh air, as well as other potentials. This small island is complete for its entertainment event especially those underwater and beach lovers. Tourists will be offered the beauty by the activity of diving, snorkeling, as well as visiting some beautiful beach spots. In addition to that visitors can also do surfing for Trawangan coastal waves. It also a place for the turtle to live and breed. As it is full of sea and beach comforts, Trawangan is also a place to practice horseback riding with professional guides to ensure the safety and comfort.The distance from downtown Mataram to gili trawangan is not too far. Bangsal port can be reached more or less 50 minutes (standard) coming from Mataram. Reaching Bangsal port to Trawangan Island is carried in public boat about 20 minutes.
    The next island is Gili Air which is part of Gili's famous three. Gili Air is one interesting place on the island of Lombok. Gili Air is a perfect combination of Gili Trawangan and Gili Meno. Gili Trawangan offers many restaurants and diving centers, yet Gili Air also offers the depth atmosphere nature. Here you can also enjoy the views of the open sea without being blocked by the mountains of Lombok on the North Coast. Cafe, Bar, and Restaurant are mostly located in the east of the island. Here is the beauty of the night in Gili Air located. Many also places are available to rent bicycles and snorkeling gear. On the east coast, the visitor can snorkel to enjoy the beautiful coral reefs as well as they have the opportunity to see fish and turtles. On the west side, they will find white fresh and beautiful sand beaches. Gili Air also provide a comfortable and cheap lodging for tourists. Gili Air is the best option for a place to relax and to get experience of local culture, but still enjoy the same facilities as gili trawangan.
    Gili Meno is the smallest island with the quietest atmosphere in the Gili islands. Presenting the beauty of the beaches with crystal-clear waters that surround the island, Gili Meno is a place for the best beach. It is a great place for honeymooners, a romantic atmosphere that the visitors can by having huts roof thatched, or exploring the ocean by boat. Gili Meno is the right choice for Traveling with the love one for its romantic atmosphere

  61. 241
    Bali is the Madonna of Indonesian tourism that has been famous all over the world. Apart from the fact that this island is famous for its natural beauty, especially the beach, Bali is also famous for its unique and interesting arts and culture. Bali as a complete and integrated tourist destination has a lot of interesting sights. Some places such as Kuta Beach, Tanah Lot Temple, Padang Beach - Padang, Beratan Bedugul Lake, Garuda Wisnu Kencana (GWK), Lovina Beach with Lumbanya Dolphin, Besakih Temple, Uluwatu, Ubud, Munduk, Kintamani, Amed, Tulamben, Menjangan Island and many others are the list of most visited object existed in Bali. Travel & Leisure Magazine awarded Bali as the World's Best Island in 2009. While Lonely Planet's claimed Bali Best of Travel 2010 ranked Bali among the best in the world. Known as the island of the gods, Bali is fascinating due to its natural beauty such as volcano that can be witnessed closely and its green rice fields that provide a sense of peace and tranquility. Bali is fascinating for its dramatic dance and diverse customary ceremonies, arts and crafts, luxurious beach resorts, and exciting nightlife Bali has a side of entertainment ranging from spiritual life, culinary to extraordinary experiences, such as surfing sports, diving and trekking in challenging forests to explore. Temple built with a complex and unique is a usual sight existed in this island.

    People in Indonesia used to call this island by Dewata Island. This tourism object is well recognized by people around the world as island for the tourist especially those coming from Japanese, the Australians, and the Americans. The island of Bali is clamped by 2 large islands of Java Island in the west and Lombok Island in the east. The Capital city of Bali is Denpasar which is located in the southern part of the island. The majority of the population is Hindunese.

    In other countries such as Europe, America, Australia, and other, Bali is well-known as a tourism destination with its unique art-culture, especially for Japanese and Australian tourists. For Balinese people who are hindu, most of their lives are dedicated to traditional ceremonies aimed at maintaining harmony in the world. Therefore, this small island has many surprises in it.Bali is an amazing island, after several decades with the arrival of many tourists. Bali is a gathering place for tourists from all over the world; Glorious tourists coming to surf the waves of Kuta Beach, Uluwatu and Dreamland beach.Not only oceanic tourism object, the visitor can also come to enjoy the panoramic beauty of the mountains and lakes of Batur, Kintamani or Beratan in Bedugul.

    The province of Bali is astronomically located at 8 ° LS and 115 ° east. This area still has a tropical climate like other provinces in Indonesia. Geographically this province is bordered by East Java Province, and Bali Strait in the west, Bali Sea in the north, Indian Ocean in the south, and Lombok Strait in the east. Balinese population consists of two, namely the natives of Bali or also called Bali Aga (read: bali age) and the population of Bali descendants Majapahit. While the culture of Bali has a distinctive culture because it has not been influenced by other cultures.

  62. 284
    Bunaken National Park is a tourist attraction located in the Gulf of Manado - North Sulawesi with an area of about 8.08 km square, this tourist spot is one part of the government of Manado city which is the capital city of North Sulawesi. This beautiful Marine Park located around the island of Manado Tua (Mantehage and Siladen). To enjoy the underwater atmosphere of Bunaken, the visitor have to dive into and move to the rhythm of the waves that flow.
    Bunaken is the most popular site of tourism destination. The number of tourist visiting Bunaken Manado shows an increasing trend year after year. Statistical data recorded at the end of August 2012, the number of tourist visits Bunaken reached 21,889 from domestic and 7,850 from abroad. On average, Bunaken tourist attractions in Manado is visited by more than 35 thousand people every year. The amazing underwater enchantment of living thing underwater of Indonesia mostly found in Bunaken. There are about 13 types of coral reefs located down about 25 - 50 meters depth. The visitor will also be spoiled with views that are served by about 91 species of fish in the Marine Park Bunaken. Among others, white koi (Seriola rivoliana), local gusimi (hippocampus), indigo gasi (Scolopsis bilineatus), goropa (spinotocepsep hinephelus and hypselosoma Pseudanthias), yellow tail lollicity (Lutjanus kasmira), and many others. Not only that here are also found many mollusks such as goat head fish (Cassis cornuta), nautilus (Nautilus pompillius), giant kima (Tridacna gigas) and tunikates or askidian. Here, the tourists are treated by the existence of the natural beauty of Bunaken which is one of the world heritage sites. Visitors and tourists can see a variety of coral reefs with its beautiful color. There are about 400 species of corals live and breed in Bunaken and more than 3000 species of fish live in it. According to some studies, the number of genera (one level above species) of coral reefs in Bunaken is higher than Hawaii which is also famous for its marine beauty. There are many dive sites available in Bunaken. There are at least 30 frequently visited dive sites. The best diving sites in Bunaken are near Bunaken Island and Manado Tua Island. There are so many kinds of marine biota that can be witnessed around those two island for its beauty and variety.
    There are 5 islands included in this national park such as Naen Island, Bunaken Island, Manado Tua Island, Siladen Island, Island of Mantehage and small islands around it. those islands are inhabited by 21,000 approximately. Geographically Bunaken Island is included in the territorial waters "Triangle of Gold". More than about 3000 fish species are located in Bunaken. The "Golden Triangle" region is a marine pathway linking the Philippine sea, Papua sea, and the Indonesian sea. Because of the natural wealth in Bunaken, national and international non-governmental organizations work together in the conservation of coral reefs and mangroves.

  63. 320
    Yogyakarta (or Jogja, Yogya, Yogyakarta, Jogjakarta) and often abbreviated as DIY is a province in Indonesia located in the southern part of Java Island and bordering Central Java province to the north. This province is an area which is equivalent to the provinces in other Indonesian area. resulted by the merger of the State of Paku Alaman and the State Sultanate of Yogyakarta, this city has become the major cultural blend coming from all over country.
    The city with the motto "Hamemayu Hayuning Bawono" which means flowing into the nature has an area of 2,318,580 square kilometers divided into 4 districts and one city consisting of: Kulon Progo regency, Sleman Regency, Bantul Regency, Gunung Regency Kidul, and Kota Yogyakarta. The Kota of Yogyakarta consist of 78 sub-districts and 438 sub-districts or villages and one municipality. This comfortable heart of Jogyakarta is geographically adjacent to the Hindia Ocean and Central Java Province. The Special Region of Yogyakarta has the eastern boundary of Wonogiri, northeast of Klaten, western Purworejo, northwest of Magelang and the Indian Ocean in the south. The Kota Yogyakarta is located as the capital of Yogyakarta Province and is the only regency-level region with the status of Kota in addition to the other 4 regency-level districts. Yogyakarta City is located in the center of Yogyakarta Province.
    Yogyakarta grow into a rich city of Javanese culture and its arts. This is not so surprising ​since it is surroundings by lush areas where Javanese people around here highly uphold their culture. The pioneer and central point of art and culture of the people of Yogyakarta are​ the sultanate. A variety of classical Javanese arts, such as dance, song, gamelan, and the carving develop from the palace into the arts style of the people.
    As a city full of culture, Yogyakarta has also become a major tourist destination in Indonesia. The city is also one of most visited place as the island of Bali. Yogyakarta tourism program is always associated with the surrounding areas, such as Borobudur and Prambanan Temple. As an industry, tourism does involve many other sectors of the economy, such as the hotel and restaurant, trade center, transportation and communications, financial sector, corporate leases and services, and services sector. One other famous icon of Yogyakarta is the Education. Kota Yogyakarta is known as a student city. Thousands of students and come from other province, or even international students.

  64. 366
    Puncak Jayawijaya tourism is located in Papua Province, precisely in Sudirman mountains. The mountain is still part of the Laurentz National Park is one of the mountains of tourism is very difficult to take. In fact, at certain times, this tallest mountain in Southeast Asia can not be climbed either because of weather problems and other obstacles. Puncak Jayawijaya or commonly known as the Peak of Carstensz is the only mountain peak in Indonesia that has eternal snow. The peak is soaring over 5,000 meters above sea level. Jayawijaya mountain is claimed into the list of Seven Summits or seven mountains with the highest peak in the world. Puncak Jayawijaya was first conquered by a Dutch explorer named Hendrik Albert Lorentz in 1909. Lorentz managed to climb this snowy peak alongside with six people of Dayak Kenyah tribe recruited in North Kalimantan. After this successful climb, many climbers followed Lorentz's trail to conquer Puncak Jayawijaya. Given a very steep climbing path and also dangerous, the majority of Jayawijaya peak climbers usually take advantage of travel agency services. By using the services of travel agents, climbing activities can run faster, safer, and also fun. Nevertheless, the cost required to climb the summit of Jayawijaya using the services of a travel agent is about 10,000 US Dollars or about 130 million rupiah per person. With this cost, every climber has got all the climbing facilities, including life insurance facilities.
    As a matter of fact, Indonesia is a tropical country where the temperature is quite high for the snow is unable to exist. Yet, the climber would highly possible to witness snow in Puncak Jayawijaya. The cold snow is always blanketed Puncak Jayawijaya. For some people, they may find it strange, but this is the main attraction for Puncak Jayawijaya. This mountain is the only snow-covered mountain in Indonesia although not all peaks in the mountains of Jayawijaya is snowy.
    This mountain is also included in the Alpine Glaciation type viewed from the type of glacier. While in a lower place of the highest peak, this kind of icepack can be categorized into Valley Glacier type. Valley Glacier is a melting glacier that goes down and flows to a lower place. Additionally, there is also a river of ice in this mountainous area. This phenomenon can not be found in any part of the world; unique and awesome. Puncak Jayawijaya is included in "Seven Summit" which means the top seven of highest peak mountain categories.
    The peak of Jayawijaya or better known to the world by the name of the Carstenz Pyramid has a temperature up to 0 degrees Celsius or can even goes minus on certain conditions. There, the oxygen is very difficult to obtain. A steep and dangerous terrain in this mountain is regarded as a very challenging trakking destination. Yet, it will all be paid off with the natural scenery served by the mountain. It is a pride for the trekkers to arrive at the Carstenz Pyramid. A unique and challenging natural heritage.

  65. 98 Computer gaming is a computer specially used for gaming only, on his general gaming computers equipped with high specification with 4 gb ram and graphics cards is high, computer gaming can be found at internet cafes Indonesian is specially gaming, computer gaming is different from a regular computer, if his usual low computer specs, but contrary to his gaming computer.Panda

    I love pandas, they’re so lovely. Thy’re black and white, and they love bambú (99% os their diet is constitueted by bambú). They eat 40 kg of bambú in only one day. They’re about 70-125 kg (adult) and 90-130 grs. (baby). They’re originally from Asia, exactly from china. I like them because they’re very cute!Panda

    I love pandas, they’re so lovely. Thy’re black and white, and they love bambú (99% os their diet is constitueted by bambú). They eat 40 kg of bambú in only one day. They’re about 70-125 kg (adult) and 90-130 grs. (baby). They’re originally from Asia, exactly from china. I like them because they’re very cute!Dog

    My favorit animal is a dog. This animal is best firiend of the human.

    In my house I have a dog, it is called bambi and she’s 8 months old. His race is Chiguagua and it’s very small. It’s black, brown and white color. It is very good, affectionate and noble.

    I play with her everiday. We like to walk to the park.

  66. 143 My experience met with taufik hidayat


    Last sunday, there was Thomas cup badminton championship between Indonesa and China. It was held on Istora Gelora Bung Karno. I went to Istora Gelora Bung Karno with my Brother, Andi.


    Before entering Istora Gelora Bung Karno, we looked the bus that took Indonesian badminton team players. I saw taufik Hidayat, Muhammad Ahsan, Hendra Setiawan, Hayom Rumbaka, Angga Pratama, Rian Agung, Simon Santoso, Sony Dwi Kuncoro and the other Indonesian badminton players in that bus. They were very handsome. Then, we followed that bus to main-entrance. I found that Taufik Hidayat left from the bus. When we wanted to get close to Taufik Hidayat, a security guard held me back. But, I thought that security guard was familiar because He was my old friend when I was senior high school, he was Andre. After that, he let me in, finally i could meet Taufik Hidayat and got his signature.


    Then, I went back to my seat at the Istora stadium to support Indonesian team. The supporter was very crowded. They shouted “IN-DO-NE-SI-A” during the match.Very Tired Day

    Last tuesday was a busy day for me. I spent my time to do a lot of activities from my senior high school to my home. I had no time to take a rest.

    First, at the morning, I went jogging. After that I went to school to study until 3.00 pm. fom my school , I went to sanggarian sport hall to practice badminton until 8.00 pm. I practiced hard because that I felt very tired. After that, I went home. But when I would sleep, I remembered there was some homeworks that I had to do. I did my homeworks untill 11.40 pm. And finally I could take a rest in my bed.

    Those activities made my day busy and I felt very tired.

  67. 201

    My First Experience to Drive a car
    Last year, when I was twenty years old, my oldest brother bought a car. That was Honda jazz RS. I wanted to know how to drive it. I persuaded my oldest brother to teach me to drive the car.But, my brother refused my request. He promised that he would teach me to drive the car about three or four years later, but I still whimpered. Finally, my brother accepted my request and he wanted to teach me to drive a car.Three days later, my brother and i went to the field to teach me how to drive a car. My brother was very patient to give me some directions. I was very nervous because that was my first time to drive a car . One week later, my family visited my grandmother in Bandung, about 4 hours from my home. Because that, I was alone at home. So, I had a opportunity to drive a car alone. I drove about 6 km but after that I got nervous and I lost my control because the street was narrow and I crashed the wall.After that I called my brother by phone to tell him about the accident. I imagined my brother would be angry. But the reality was exactly on the contrary, my brother was not angry. He just gave me some advices and since that accident, I promised I would always ask my brothre’s permission to drive him car.

    5. Contoh recount text pertama kali naik kereta api

    Travel on the train for the First Time
    Last year, I was Eighteen years old. I had graduated from my senior high school and I wanted to continue my education in Yogyakarta. . . I lived with my family in Cirebon during eighteen years So, I would live alone there and it was new experience for me.
    I went to yogyakarta by train, Before I came to the train station, I did not know how to check-in. All procedures were so new to me. Fotunately, a security guard helped me and gave me some directions to check-in. After that I entered to the train and sat on the chair.
    I listened to the song and I was Really enjoy when I was in the train. After 5 hours in the train , finally I arrived in Yogyakarta. I would start my new life in yogyakarta. I was really excited to start my new adventure my new city.

    Holiday In Malaysia
    Last holiday, My family was on vacation. we went to Malaysia. We used travel agent to manage our holiday . We had booked two days tour in Malaysia. We went malaysia by plane. The travel agent had booked ticket for us. The flight was only one hour from Jakarta. On the plane the cabin crews were very friendly and they were very handsome and beautiful. They gave us some directions before the flight. Our plane, garuda Indonesia had very complete fasilities to accompany passanger during the journey, such as movies player, music player, newspaper, magazine, etc. We had a very pleasant flight. On arrival at Kuala Lumpur, we had to go to Customs and Immigration. The officers were pleasant. They checked the document carefully but their manners were very polite. After that, the travel agent brought us to Petronas Tower and took some photos there.In the afternoon, we went to hotel to take a rest. The hotel was a well-known five-star hotel. The room had perfect view of city. On the third floor, there was a restaurant serving American, african, Asian European food. They had variety of food.In the next day, we went to Sepang circuit to watch MotoGp race. I wanted to watch directly my idol Valentino Rossi and took photos with him. During the race, I was surprised because that was my first time I saw motorcycles ran fast up to 300 km/hour in front of my eyes. In the ending of the race, Rossi was the first rider who touched the finish line. I was so happy because he won.The two days in Malaysia went by fast. At the end of the second day, we were quite tired but we felt very happy.

  68. 242

    Study Tour To Bogor and Bandung
    I went to bogor with my teachers and my friends. It was a study tour actually. Study tour was held when I was junior high school. That was my first time I went to Puncak, Bogor. My teacher, my class friends, and I were in the same bus. We left our school at 10 p.m. trip to Puncak from Cirebon was about 7 hous.After 7 hours on the way, finally we arrived in Bogor. It was about 5.00 Am. We stopped in a mosque to pray first. Some of my friends took a bath in the mosque. But, I just brushed my teeth and washed my face because there was was so cold. It made me lazy to touch the water.After that, we went to a restaurant to have a breakfast. I was so hungry. Then, we went to Taman safari Bogor. We saw animal collection there. The animal collection was very complete. In taman safari, every Sunday there was an animal circus and fortunately we visited Taman safari on Sunday. So, we could watch the animal circus there. The animal circus was very funny and made us entertained. After watched the animal circus we went back to the bus and we we went to the villa to take a rest. In villa I and my friends swam together. In the next day, we left bogor to visit Bandung. The journey from Bogor to Bandung was abut 3 hours. Actually, it was a funny journey because I spent all of my time with my friends, like playing games, laughing, and kidding. But I felt that all of my tiredness gone all of sudden when we arrived at bandung. In Bandung, we visited Cihampelas. Cihampelas was a very busy street. There were so many factory outlet there. We used that moment to buy some clothes and souvenirs there. After From Cihampelas. We went home to our city. Study tour made me very tired, but I was very happy because I could spend many time with my friends.

    My Holiday In Bandung
    OrientationLast holiday, I went to Bandung with my friends, Asep. we spent our holiday there. we went to bandung by bus. The bus schedule from Indramayu was at 07.00 AM and arrived in Bandung at 11.30 AM
    EventsIn the first day, we went to Bandung zoo. The ticket price was only Rp 30.000. The animals collection there were very complete. In the next day, we went to geological museum and talked with the guide about geology. It made us understood about geology. we saw rocks collection there. After that, I went to Bandung bus station because we had to go home to Indaramayu.
    ReorientationMy holiday in Bandung was only two days but It made me happy.

  69. 263

    My Holiday at home
    Last holiday was my worst holiday because I did not go anywhere. I just stayed in my home.In the morning, I woke up and had a breakfast. After that, I played with my cat. In the afternoon, I had a lunch and after that I took a nap. In the evening. I watched untill I felt boring.My daily activities were like that during the holiday. So, I was sure last holiday was my worst holiday.

    10. Contoh recount text liburan di jakarta

    A Beautiful Day at Jakarta

    Last month, my familIy went to Jakarta. We visited many places there.

    First, we visited we visited Ragunan Zoo. We saw many kinds of animals there such as lion, birds collection, butterfly collections, etc. We looked around in that Zoo, and also took pictures of those animals. Second, we visited Ancol Beach. The sun shone brightly and the scenery was very beautiful there. We felt the wind blew across to us. We also saw a lot of people in that beach. There werw many birds flew in the sky. Also, there were many sellers who sold many kinds of souvenirs. Then, we felt hungry, so we went to a restaurant. As soon as we finished our lunch, we decided to go home.

    For me, that was a good moment because I could spend my time with my family. We really enjoyed it. Went Camping

    Last sunday, my friends and I went camping on the mountain. We went to Palutungan, Kuningan. The spot was near from our town. It was about one hour to get there. We choose Palutungan because it was not too far from our home.

    We prepared everything before went to Palutungan. We brought cooking utensils and the food from home, clothes, camera, guitar, etc. We went there by motorcycles.

    On the first day, we sat up the tent on the camping area. The air was so fresh there. We took a bath on the waterfall. The waterfall was called curug Putri. After played at waterfall, we felt hungry. Then, we cooked the food for the lunch and had lunch together. The first night of our camping, the air was so cold, we made a campfire, sang songs together and after we slept. We used sleeping bag when we slept to make our body still in warm condition.

    On the second day, we had some activities. We, tried to go fishing in the river near the waterfall but we got a shoe. After that, we packed everything we bought. we cleaned the area

    We made a memory by taking photos together in front of a waterfall and then went home happily. We felt very tired.

  70. 297 Watching Movie

    My sister and I went to see a film last night. It was an American movie called The Lost Flight. It showed how people can quickly change when they have to look after themselves in the jungle. It was an interesting film about a plane which crashed on a small empty island in the Pacific Ocean.
    Although the passengers were safe, nobody knew where the plane had crashed. So the passengers had to learn how to hunt for food in the jungle and how to catch fish from the sea to eat. After a few weeks, the passengers were eating raw fish and meat.
    After they had been on the island for two months, three of the men made a boat and sailed away to find help. But their boat sank and they were drowned.
    The film ended without saying whether the passengers were rescued or not. But my sister and I enjoyed the film.

    2. Travelling Around The World

    Deri saved his money and spent two months traveling around the world. He wrote his journey in his diary.
    I spent a week in New York and then flew to London and enjoyed several weeks in Europe.
    When I had seen the sights in Europe, I took a train to Istanbul and visited many places in Asia.
    First, I flew from his home in Mexico City to New York City. After through Asia, I went to south America and finally back home to Indonesia.
    Deri felt tired but he was very excited and wanted to travel again.My mother got me ready for school then I had to wait for her to brush my hair and place every strand
    in just the perfect position.
    I had to show her my shoes that I had cleaned the night before and my school bag had to be neatly put on my shoulder before I could
    get near the door. Only after my mother was totally satisfied, would I be allowed to rush out of the frontdoor.
    I would leave home at 8 am on the dot and make my way down the lane. After a walk of about 700 metres I would be able to see the tall steeple of the
    The playground would be full in the summer and the noise would make me want to rush into the yard and get into a good game of football before the bell

    4. My Great Day of Proposing Girl

    I woke up at about five o’clock yesterday. It wasn’t a regular day, because I was about to propose a girl.
    After praying and taking a bath, I had my early breakfast. At about nine o’clock I was in my office but my soul wasn’t there. I was thinking about the lines that I had to say to her.
    At one o’clock, I had my lunch but I wasn’t enjoying it either. So, I practiced the lines to almost all girls I met at my lunch. Yes, I was a little bit crazy. Finally, it was three o’clock. I remembered all my lines. I wrapped my works and got ready to pick her up and of course proposed her.
    I met her at four o’clock, took a little walk and went to a movie. At seven, we had a romantic dinner. I thought it was the perfect time to ask her to be my wife. Then I said the lines that I practiced the whole afternoon.
    She smiled. I reached my pocket to get a ring and put it around her finger. Then she said “Yes.” After driven her home I went back to my house.

    5. My Bad Day on Sunday

    I had a terrible day yesterday.
    First, I woke up an hour late because my alarm clock didn’t go off. Then, I was in such a hurry that I burned my hand when I was making breakfast. After breakfast, I got dressed so quickly that I forgot to wear socks.
    Next, I ran out of the house trying to get the 9:30 bus, but of course I missed it. I wanted to take a taxi, but I didn’t have enough money.
    Finally, I walked the three miles to my school only to discover that it was Sunday!
    I hope I never have a day as the one I had yesterday.

  71. 332 Meeting a Star

    On Saturday morning at 9:30, I was walking down Sunda Street, looking for a record store.
    A man stopped me and asked me the way to the Hyatt Hotel. I wasn’t sure exactly where it was, but I walked with him to the end of Sunda Street. He was very friendly, and his face looked so familiar.
    Then I remembered where the Hyatt was and told him how to get there. He thanked me and tried to give me something. I thought it was money. I said ‘no’ at first, but he really wanted me to have it, so I took it.
    I found the record store and listened to a few records. D’ Masive had a new record that was number two in the top twenty. I decided to buy it. I looked
    in my bag for my wallet and found a piece of paper the man gave me. It was a photo.
    I was so surprised! He was a singer in D’ Masive!

    7. Going Camping

    Last weekend, my friends and I went camping.
    We reached the camping ground after we walked for about one and a half hour from the parking lot. We built the camp next to a small river.
    It was getting darker and colder, so we built a fire camp. The next day, we spent our time observing plantation and insects while the girls were preparing meals. In the afternoon we went to the river and caught some fish for supper.
    At night, we held a fire camp night. We sang, danced, read poetry, played magic tricks, and even some of us performed a standing comedy.
    On Monday, we packed our bags and got ready to go home.

    8. Holiday in Bali

    We had a wonderful holiday in Bali.
    It was a really great place. The people were friendly, the food was great, and the weather was a lot better than at home.
    Most days were pretty. I swam two or three times a day, but my brother Fachri just spent all his time lying on the beach with his eyes closed.
    Last Saturday I got on the bus and went to the north of the island, It was much quieter there than here–very beautiful, but no tourists. The next day we went across to
    the east coast to see some of the old villages.
    I learned Balinese–I couldn’t say much, but it was fun to try. Fachri actually spoke it quite well, but he was afraid to open his mouth, so I was the one who talked to people. New Year Holiday Story
    The last school holiday, I spent the time with my family on vacation to a relative's house in Madiun, approximately 6 hour trip by bus from our home in Malang.
    On the way there, we saw many beautiful views such as rice fields, mountains, etc. Having arrived at the uncle's house, we were greeted by our relatives who had not met us for a long time. The next day, we walked around the town of Madiun until the sky got dark. Finally we decided to go home at 6:00 p.m. on that day.
    On the next day, I forgot that it was the New Year. Sudenly, one of my cousins ​​came and asked me to celebrate the New Year's Eve together. At night, I went together with him to the center of the city of Madiun which had already been so crowded because a lot of people who also wanted to celebrate the New Year with his family. When the countdown arrived, the sky which was dark at once then became so colorfully decorated by fireworks. We prayed together and watched the fireworks lightening the sky that night.
    Suddenly, the holiday passed quickly. The last New Year's holiday experience in the city of Malang was so impressive for me.

  72. 361 Holiday in Sari Ringgung Beach
    Last holiday, I went to Sari Ringgung beach in Pesawaran, Lampung. I went there with my family. We left for the beach from my grandparents home in Tanggamus at 08.00 a.m. We went there by car. We arrived in the beach at 10:00 a.m.
    In Sari Ringgung beach, I swam with my brothers and my sisters. After swimming, we play sand together. We made a fort, houses, and hills of sand. After being satisfied playing on the beach, we then took a bath and ate the roasted corn while drinking coconut water. After being fresh anymore, we continued to view seascape on boats.
    I really enjoyed the atmosphere in the beach. After having fun for about five hours, finally we returned home. Before reaching home, we rested beforehand and ate meatball on the side of the road. The meatball is so tasty that I ate two bowls of meatballs there. Not long after that, we continued the journey and got home safely at 7 p.m.
    It was a tiring day, but we were very happy, because we got a lot of fun together there. The Last School Semester Holiday
    The last semester holiday was a moment that I'd been waiting for. Because as long as I sit in ninth grade, I was spending more time to learn than doing some activities associated with my hobby.
    My last holiday was classified as a very simple holiday. I was only at home for doing my hobbies such as writing, drawing, and visiting my friends’ house. On the first day until the fifth day I spent time with writing some short stories, chatting with family, and painting some objects at home.
    Then in the following days, I visited my friends’ home to study and to do fun things together. Having finished studying, we then cycled around the area to see new things together. After being tired of cycling, we took visit at other friends’ house while fulfilling the thirst. Every time the day got dark, we went back to our homes to spend time with family.
    Those days were very enjoyable for me. Although I only spent holiday at home by doing funny things, spending time with family, and visiting my friends’ home while studying, I really enjoyed that short holiday.

  73. 391 Traveling to Bajul Mati Beach
    Last week, I and my family had a vacation to the beach because I and my little brother were having school holiday. This holiday was also a gift because two days before my little brother celebrated his birthday.
    The clock was still at 4:56 am, but I and my family had been ready to go to Bajul Mati beach since the distance from our house to the beach is about 3 hours. We went there by car. In the car, there were me, my sister, my father and mother. We were not allowed to bring mobile phones by our father and mother in order to enjoy more the trip and the holiday itself. To spend the time on the way I played "guess the name by the letter" with my brother who is only two years younger than me.
    Two hours had passed quickly and we began to enter the hilly area. We began to pay attention the sights seriously. We were fascinated to see paddy fields which looked so beautiful and green. After a while, we finally arrived at Bajul Mati beach. This beach is located in Malang, East Java. While enjoying the sea breeze, we ate together first. We can not stop being amazed at the beauty of this beach. Bajul Mati beach has not been well-known enough, so there were not many visitors there. But the beach was still so clean and brought us comfort.
    We could not bear to play at the beach, so after having meal together we directly ran toward the seashore. We ignored mom’s words telling us to put on sunblock first. It felt fresh when the sea water reached our feet. We decided to swim in the estuary because the current was calm unlike those in the ocean. We had been swimming for about 15 minutes, before our father called and sent us to the seashore while our mother just took picture on us with his camera.
    Suddenly, it was already at 12 o’clock, mom and dad took us to clean ourselves. After that, we prayed Zuhur together. The event was followed by enjoying the warm meatballs in a stall on the beach, which was very delicious. Eating warm meatball while seeing the beauty of the beach was so much fun.
    On the way home, I and my little brother fell asleep. When we woke up, we were already at home. This holiday was really fun. I can not wait to go to the sea with my father, my mother and my younger brother in the upcoming holiday. I went back to sleep until the morning because we were still exhausted.

  74. 428 The First Day of Holiday at Grandparents’ Home in the Village
    I was so happy because last semester, I got good scores. My pleasure increased because during a week, I spent the holiday at grandparents’ home in Wlingi.
    I arrived at their home Sunday morning at around 10.00. My grandmother is the best; she had finished preparing my favorite food when I just arrived at her home. Noticing my favorite food which was already on the table, of course I was immediately fascinated. Yes, my grandmother usually cooks my favorite food (chicken rendang) when I take a visit to her home, there is a large family reunion and lebaran. Perhaps, my grandmother cooked the chicken rendang for se felt so pleased knowing my plan to spend the holiday here, because we had not seen nearly 8 months at that time.
    Having finished eating, I told him my experiences at school. They were very happy to know that my semester report’s scores were good. Next, I decided to move towards my favorite place in the grandmother's house which was in the porch. In front of grandma's house there are a wide football field and a tall banyan tree. Around this field, there are still so many paddy fields, which looked so green at that time. It was in contrast to the area in which I live where its field is getting narrower from year to year because it is closed to build housing.
    The beautiful scenery accompanied by the breezes that blow caused me sleepy. I didn’t know since what time I had fallen asleep in the porch until Ashar praying time was coming.
    After praying Ashar, I went to my family's rice field together with my grandparents which is located about 400 meters from the house. I was so amazed to see the rice terraces getting yellow which was so beautiful. Grandpa said that it was likely that our paddy could be harvested the day after”. He promised that he would take me to see the harvesting of paddy. Of course I approved the promise, and I couldn’t bear for two days after that day. I had already imagined how fun this activity would be. Even I had estimated how many sacks of rice we would get after harvesting.
    Days seemed to run very fast there. I didn’t feel that it had already been night. We just stayed at home because of the heavy rain outside. The ambiance was so warm when my grandmother prepared us STMJ (Susu = Milk, Telur= Egg, Madu= Honey, Jahe= Ginger) which is my and my grandfather’s favorite beverage.
    We ended the funny day with drowsiness coming suddenly and then sleep.

  75. 456 The Story of Holiday at Home
    Hi friends, now, I will tell my semester holidays at home. The last holiday, I chose to spend the time at home just because I wanted to have a lot of time hanging out with family at home.
    The first day, I did some activities that I rarely do in school days. I started these activities with jogging in the morning, then played games on the computer, and played online games until 10:00 a.m. After that I took a bath, and continued playing the online games again until 12.00. Midday prayers time (Dzuhur) came so I must pray and then followed by lunch. After midday prayers and lunch, I and all members of the family gathered in the living room to watch TV together while chatting.
    The next day, I was conducting a little bit different activity. After breakfast, my mom asked me to go with her to the Grand Mall in Bekasi. At the mall, I accompanied my little sister to play on timezone while waiting for our mother to finish shopping. I got home at 12, we continued our activities with midday prayers and had lunch together. After midday prayers and having lunch together, watching TV together while relaxing repeated again.
    The next day, I tried to do my hobby which is writing short stories. That day I spent almost entire day to write short stories. I just took rest when prayer times and meal times with the family came. But at night, I spent quality time with my family to watch some DVDs together.
    In the following days, we spent the time by doing the same activities. We were very happy even though we did not travel far away to spend a holiday. We enjoyed very much the family togetherness in the last holiday.. holiday Fun
    Contoh Recount Teks
    Last summer I had a nice holiday. I visited some great places. I went to the airport and will fly to Cleveland. I spent three days there. I am glad to see some of the Cleveland Cavaliers basketball game. Then I went to Hollywood.

    Hollywood is a famous district in Los Angeles, California, United States. It has become world famous as a center for the film industry. Four major film companies - Paramount, Warner Bros, RKO and Columbia - had studios in Hollywood. I do not want to leave, but I had to leave her. After that, I went to the city of New York. I visited the Statue of Liberty is very beautiful.

    I went from the bottom of Manhattan to the top of the crown. It was so amazing. The place makes me feel at home, but I have to go home. Next time I'll get back to them very enjoyable.

  76. 481. Sunday The Terrible
    Contoh Pendek Recount Text dalam Bahasa inggris
    Last week was a terrible day for me. My cousin and I were playing football in front of the house to spend time with us. First, it was really fun until I kicked the ball too strong, so the ball led me to the window and broke the window. When we want to escape, all of a sudden we all heard a loud voice.

    After that, the owner of the house came out of the fence, he yelled at us. We are very afraid of her, but we do not know what to do. Then, one of my cousins told us to run, we all ran, and suddenly we heard the sound of skin. Then we know that homeowners allow dogs to chase us. And we were struggling to run as fast as her as we can. But, I fell down so the dog managed to capture me and bit my leg. It really hurts me. Then the dog ran back into the house.

    My cousin took me to the doctor and told my parents. In the end, the doctor said that I was exposed to rabies. Then I was hospitalized for one week more. That's a terrible day of the week for me, may not happen to me again in his next week Sunday. 3. My trip to Borobudur Temple
    Cerita Singkat Pengalaman Dalam Bahasa inggris
    Last week, I spent my vacation in Jogjakarta, the city is famous in Indonesia. I went to the temple of Borobudur. My family and I went there in the morning we went to Borobudur temple by private car family. I had prepared everything before we went to Jogja. While we were driving, we get to see some beautiful scenery mountains, forests, and waterfalls as well as cars pass by.

    My family and I arrived at the Borobudur Temple at 4:30 pm. There, I saw a lot of tourists. Borobudur temple is crowded on a holiday vacation. I can learn and practice speaking English with a foreign tourist different language to me.

    Dovi his name. He is very friendly. This is the first time I spoke English with foreign tourists. We returned at 22:30 at night. It was a very interesting holiday for me and my family was happy.

  77. ereka menjawab ucapan Nabi Musa dengan jawaban yang menenangkan beliau.

    فَقَالُواْ عَلَى اللّهِ تَوَكَّلْنَا رَبَّنَا لاَ تَجْعَلْنَا فِتْنَةً لِّلْقَوْمِ الظَّالِمِينَ

    Lalu mereka berkata: “Kepada Allahlah kami bertawakkal! Ya Tuhan kami; janganlah Engkau jadikan kami sasaran fitnah bagi kaum yang´zalim”. (QS:Yunus | Ayat: 85).

    Nabi Musa memerintahkan mereka agar bertawakal kepada Allah semata. Meminta tolong dan berharap kepada-Nya. Dan Allah ﷻ pun memberikan jalan keluar untuk mereka semua. Kemudian Nabi Musa memberikan kabar gembira dari Allah kepada kaumnya,

    وَأَوْحَيْنَا إِلَى مُوسَى وَأَخِيهِ أَن تَبَوَّءَا لِقَوْمِكُمَا بِمِصْرَ بُيُوتًا وَاجْعَلُواْ بُيُوتَكُمْ قِبْلَةً وَأَقِيمُواْ الصَّلاَةَ وَبَشِّرِ الْمُؤْمِنِينَ

    Dan Kami wahyukan kepada Musa dan saudaranya: “Ambillah olehmu berdua beberapa buah rumah di Mesir untuk tempat tinggal bagi kaummu dan jadikanlah olehmu rumah-rumahmu itu tempat shalat dan dirikanlah olehmu sembahyang serta gembirakanlah orang-orang yang beriman”. (QS:Yunus | Ayat: 87).

    Allah ﷻ mewahyukan kepada Nabi Musa dan saudaranya, Harun –‘alaihimassalam- agar ia dan kaumnya membangun rumah yang berbeda dari rumah orang-orang Mesir secara umum. Alasannya, ketika perintah untuk pergi dari Mesir datang, mereka lebih mudah untuk memberi tahu satu dengan yang lainnya. Perhatikanlah! Selain pertolongan Allah berupa mukjizat, Nabi Musa juga menempuh usaha-usaha nyata seperti ini.

    Kemudian datanglah perintah Allah ﷻ,

    وَاجْعَلُواْ بُيُوتَكُمْ قِبْلَةً وَأَقِيمُواْ الصَّلاَةَ وَبَشِّرِ الْمُؤْمِنِينَ

    “dan jadikanlah olehmu rumah-rumahmu itu tempat shalat dan dirikanlah olehmu sembahyang serta gembirakanlah orang-orang yang beriman.” (QS:Yunus | Ayat: 87).

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  78. embirakanlah orang-orang yang beriman.” (QS:Yunus | Ayat: 87).

    Mujahid mengatakan, “Maknanya adalah ini merupakan pertolongan Allah kepada mereka yang ditimpa bahaya, kesulitan, dan kesempitan dengan banyak shalat.

    وَاسْتَعِينُواْ بِالصَّبْرِ وَالصَّلاَةِ وَإِنَّهَا لَكَبِيرَةٌ إِلاَّ عَلَى الْخَاشِعِينَ

    “Jadikanlah sabar dan shalat sebagai penolongmu. Dan sesungguhnya yang demikian itu sungguh berat, kecuali bagi orang-orang yang khusyu´.” (QS:Al-Baqarah | Ayat: 45).

    Dan Rasulullah jika dihinggapi masalah, beliau bersegera shalat. Shalat memiliki dampak besar terhadap kehidupan dunia dan akhirat (al-Bidayah wa an-Nihayah Juz: 2 Hal: 105).

    Selama bertahun-tahun, Nabi Musa dan pengikutnya bersabar dan menghibur diri dengan keimanan kepada Allah dan tawakal. Mereka senantiasa memperbaiki hubungan dengan Allah. meminta tolong pada-Nya dengan shalat-shalat mereka. Di sisi lain, Firaun dan para pengikutnya semakin menentang dan memusuhi kebenaran.

    Nabi Musa senantiasa berdoa kepada Allah ﷻ,

    وَقَالَ مُوسَى رَبَّنَا إِنَّكَ آتَيْتَ فِرْعَوْنَ وَمَلأهُ زِينَةً وَأَمْوَالاً فِي الْحَيَاةِ الدُّنْيَا رَبَّنَا لِيُضِلُّواْ عَن سَبِيلِكَ رَبَّنَا اطْمِسْ عَلَى أَمْوَالِهِمْ وَاشْدُدْ عَلَى قُلُوبِهِمْ فَلاَ يُؤْمِنُواْ حَتَّى يَرَوُاْ الْعَذَابَ الأَلِيمَ

    Musa berkata: “Ya Tuhan kami, sesungguhnya Engkau telah memberi kepada Firaun dan pemuka-pemuka kaumnya perhiasan dan harta kekayaan dalam kehidupan dunia, ya Tuhan Kami — akibatnya mereka menyesatkan (manusia) dari jalan Engkau. Ya Tuhan kami, binasakanlah harta benda mereka, dan kunci matilah hati mereka, maka mereka tidak beriman hingga mereka melihat siksaan yang pedih”. (QS:Yunus | Ayat: 88).

    Ibnu Juraij mengatakan, “Firaun tetap hidup selama 40 tahun setelah Nabi Musa mengucapkan doa ini.” (Tafsir al-Quran al-Azhim oleh Imam Ibnu Kastir). Lihatlah Nabi Musa, selain bersabar terhadap kaumnya sendiri, betapa sabarnya beliau menghadapi kekejaman Firaun, berdakwah kepadanya, dan berdoa kepada Allah. Tak heran Allah ﷻ mendudukkan beliau sebagai seorang ulul azhmi.

    Allah ﷻ berfirman,

    فَاسْتَقِيمَا وَلاَ تَتَّبِعَانِّ سَبِيلَ الَّذِينَ لاَ يَعْلَمُونَ

    “Sebab itu tetaplah kamu berdua pada jalan yang lurus dan janganlah sekali-kali kamu mengikuti jalan orang-orang yang tidak mengetahui.” (QS:Yunus | Ayat: 89).

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  79. Allah mengizinkan Nabi Musa dan para pengikutnya untuk keluar dari Mesir menuju Syam.

    Mengetahui kepergian Musa, kemarahan Firaun semakin memuncak. Ia siapkan pasukannya untuk mengerjar Nabi Musa dan pengikutnya. Kejadian ini diabadikan Allah ﷻ dalam Alquran.

    وَأَوْحَيْنَا إِلَى مُوسَى أَنْ أَسْرِ بِعِبَادِي إِنَّكُم مُّتَّبَعُونَ * فَأَرْسَلَ فِرْعَوْنُ فِي الْمَدَائِنِ حَاشِرِينَ * إِنَّ هَؤُلاَء لَشِرْذِمَةٌ قَلِيلُونَ * وَإِنَّهُمْ لَنَا لَغَائِظُونَ * وَإِنَّا لَجَمِيعٌ حَاذِرُونَ * فَأَخْرَجْنَاهُم مِّن جَنَّاتٍ وَعُيُونٍ * وَكُنُوزٍ وَمَقَامٍ كَرِيمٍ * كَذَلِكَ وَأَوْرَثْنَاهَا بَنِي إِسْرَائِيلَ * فَأَتْبَعُوهُم مُّشْرِقِينَ

    “Dan Kami wahyukan (perintahkan) kepada Musa: “Pergilah di malam hari dengan membawa hamba-hamba-Ku (Bani Israil), karena sesungguhnya kamu sekalian akan disusuli”. Kemudian Firaun mengirimkan orang yang mengumpulkan (tentaranya) ke kota-kota. (Firaun berkata): “Sesungguhnya mereka (Bani Israil) benar-benar golongan kecil, dan sesungguhnya mereka membuat hal-hal yang menimbulkan amarah kita, dan sesungguhnya kita benar-benar golongan yang selalu berjaga-jaga”. Maka Kami keluarkan Firaun dan kaumnya dari taman-taman dan mata air, dan (dari) perbendaharaan dan kedudukan yang mulia, demikianlah halnya dan Kami anugerahkan semuanya (itu) kepada Bani Israil. Maka Firaun dan bala tentaranya dapat menyusuli mereka di waktu matahari terbit.” (QS:Asy-Syu’araa | Ayat: 52-60).

    Pada saat Firaun dan pasukannya berhasil menyusul Nabi Musa dan pengikutnya, pengikut Nabi Musa berkata,

    إِنَّا لَمُدْرَكُونَ

    “Sesungguhnya kita benar-benar akan tersusul.” (QS:Asy-Syu’araa | Ayat: 61).

    Mereka mengatakan demikian karena melihat di hadapan mereka jalan tertutup oleh lautan. Mereka mengadu kepada Nabi Musa. Kemudian beliau menjawab,

    قَالَ كَلاَّ إِنَّ مَعِيَ رَبِّي سَيَهْدِينِ

    Musa menjawab: “Sekali-kali tidak akan tersusul; sesungguhnya Tuhanku besertaku, kelak Dia akan memberi petunjuk kepadaku”. (QS:Asy-Syu’araa | Ayat: 62).

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  80. Sementara waktu terus membuat jarak Firaun kian mendekat. Dalam keadaan demikian, Nabi Musa tetap tenang dan yakin Allah akan menolongnya. Sikap ini hendaknya kita teladani sebagai seorang muslim yang beriman kepada Allah ﷻ. Turunlah wahyu kepada Nabi Musa,

    فَأَوْحَيْنَا إِلَى مُوسَى أَنِ اضْرِب بِّعَصَاكَ الْبَحْرَ فَانفَلَقَ فَكَانَ كُلُّ فِرْقٍ كَالطَّوْدِ الْعَظِيمِ

    Lalu Kami wahyukan kepada Musa: “Pukullah lautan itu dengan tongkatmu”. Maka terbelahlah lautan itu dan tiap-tiap belahan adalah seperti gunung yang besar. (QS:Asy-Syu’araa | Ayat: 63).

    Melihat laut terbelah, Nabi Musa dan pengikutnya bersegera melintasi jalan terbelah itu. Setelah melintasinya, dan pengikutnya yang paling akhir melintas telah keluar dari laut, barulah barisan awal pasukan Firaun memasuki laut. Musa ingin segera memukul laut itu agari ai kembali ke keadaannya semula. Sehingga Firaun dan pasukannya tidak bisa lewat. Namun Allah ﷻ memerintahkan,

    وَاتْرُكْ الْبَحْرَ رَهْوًا إِنَّهُمْ جُندٌ مُّغْرَقُونَ

    “Dan biarkanlah laut itu tetap terbelah. Sesungguhnya mereka adalah tentara yang akan ditenggelamkan.” (QS:Ad-Dukhaan | Ayat: 24).

    Melihat tanda kebesaran Allah dan mukjizat Musa dengan terbelahnya laut, Firaun sadar itu adalah kekuasaan Allah ﷻ. Bukan sihirnya Musa. Akan tetapi ia membawa mati sifat sombongnya, dalam keadaan demikian ia tetap mengatakan, “Lihatlah! Bagaimana laut menjadi surut, tunduk kepadaku. Aku akan menangkap dua orang hambaku (Musa dan Harun) yang telah memberontak kepadaku”.

    Firaun dan pasukannya bergegas masuk, melintasi belahan laut yang akan membinasakan mereka. saat mereka semua telah masuk ke dalam laut, Allah ﷻ memerintahkan Musa untuk memukul laut dengan tongkatnya. Musa pun melakukan perintah Rabbnya. Laut yang terbelah itu kembali seperti semula. Allah ﷻ berfirman,

    وَأَنجَيْنَا مُوسَى وَمَن مَّعَهُ أَجْمَعِينَ * ثُمَّ أَغْرَقْنَا الآخَرِينَ * إِنَّ فِي ذَلِكَ لَآيَةً وَمَا كَانَ أَكْثَرُهُم مُّؤْمِنِينَ

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  81. “Dan biarkanlah laut itu tetap terbelah. Sesungguhnya mereka adalah tentara yang akan ditenggelamkan.” (QS:Ad-Dukhaan | Ayat: 24).

    Melihat tanda kebesaran Allah dan mukjizat Musa dengan terbelahnya laut, Firaun sadar itu adalah kekuasaan Allah ﷻ. Bukan sihirnya Musa. Akan tetapi ia membawa mati sifat sombongnya, dalam keadaan demikian ia tetap mengatakan, “Lihatlah! Bagaimana laut menjadi surut, tunduk kepadaku. Aku akan menangkap dua orang hambaku (Musa dan Harun) yang telah memberontak kepadaku”.

    Firaun dan pasukannya bergegas masuk, melintasi belahan laut yang akan membinasakan mereka. saat mereka semua telah masuk ke dalam laut, Allah ﷻ memerintahkan Musa untuk memukul laut dengan tongkatnya. Musa pun melakukan perintah Rabbnya. Laut yang terbelah itu kembali seperti semula. Allah ﷻ berfirman,

    وَأَنجَيْنَا مُوسَى وَمَن مَّعَهُ أَجْمَعِينَ * ثُمَّ أَغْرَقْنَا الآخَرِينَ * إِنَّ فِي ذَلِكَ لَآيَةً وَمَا كَانَ أَكْثَرُهُم مُّؤْمِنِينَ

    “Dan Kami selamatkan Musa dan orang-orang yang besertanya semuanya. Dan Kami tenggelamkan golongan yang lain itu. Sesungguhnya pada yang demikian itu benar-benar merupakan suatu tanda yang besar (mukjizat) dan tetapi adalah kebanyakan mereka tidak beriman.” (QS:Asy-Syu’araa | Ayat: 65-67).

    Tidak ada seorang pun dari kalangan orang-orang beriman tenggelam. Dan tidak satu pun dari Firaun dan pengikutnya yang bisa selamat.

    Setelah benar-benar sadar dan yakin akan tenggelam Firaun mengatakan:

    وَجَاوَزْنَا بِبَنِي إِسْرَائِيلَ الْبَحْرَ فَأَتْبَعَهُمْ فِرْعَوْنُ وَجُنُودُهُ بَغْيًا وَعَدْوًا حَتَّى إِذَا أَدْرَكَهُ الْغَرَقُ قَالَ آمَنتُ أَنَّهُ لا إِلِهَ إِلاَّ الَّذِي آمَنَتْ بِهِ بَنُو إِسْرَائِيلَ وَأَنَاْ مِنَ الْمُسْلِمِينَ

    “Dan Kami memungkinkan Bani Israil melintasi laut, lalu mereka diikuti oleh Firaun dan bala tentaranya, karena hendak menganiaya dan menindas (mereka); hingga bila Firaun itu telah hampir tenggelam berkatalah dia: “Saya percaya bahwa tidak ada Tuhan melainkan Tuhan yang dipercayai oleh Bani Israil, dan saya termasuk orang-orang yang berserah diri (kepada Allah)”.” (QS:Yunus | Ayat: 90).

    Allah mencelanya dan memberi pelajaran kepada kita semua. Apakah ketika nyawa di kerongkongan dan kebinasaan sudah benar-benar tampak, baru seseorang akan sadar?

    آلْآنَ وَقَدْ عَصَيْتَ قَبْلُ وَكُنْتَ مِنَ الْمُفْسِدِينَ

    “Apakah sekarang (baru kamu percaya), padahal sesungguhnya kamu telah durhaka sejak dahulu, dan kamu termasuk orang-orang yang berbuat kerusakan.” (QS:Yunus | Ayat: 91).

    Allah telah menetapkan hukumnya. Dan membinasakan orang-orang yang berbuat zhalim.

    فَالْيَوْمَ نُنَجِّيكَ بِبَدَنِكَ لِتَكُونَ لِمَنْ خَلْفَكَ آيَةً ۚ وَإِنَّ كَثِيرًا مِنَ النَّاسِ عَنْ آيَاتِنَا لَغَافِلُونَ

    “Maka pada hari ini Kami selamatkan badanmu supaya kamu dapat menjadi pelajaran bagi orang-orang yang datang sesudahmu dan sesungguhnya kebanyakan dari manusia lengah dari tanda-tanda kekuasaan Kami.” (QS:Yunus | Ayat: 92).

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  82. “Dan biarkanlah laut itu tetap terbelah. Sesungguhnya mereka adalah tentara yang akan ditenggelamkan.” (QS:Ad-Dukhaan | Ayat: 24).

    Melihat tanda kebesaran Allah dan mukjizat Musa dengan terbelahnya laut, Firaun sadar itu adalah kekuasaan Allah ﷻ. Bukan sihirnya Musa. Akan tetapi ia membawa mati sifat sombongnya, dalam keadaan demikian ia tetap mengatakan, “Lihatlah! Bagaimana laut menjadi surut, tunduk kepadaku. Aku akan menangkap dua orang hambaku (Musa dan Harun) yang telah memberontak kepadaku”.

    Firaun dan pasukannya bergegas masuk, melintasi belahan laut yang akan membinasakan mereka. saat mereka semua telah masuk ke dalam laut, Allah ﷻ memerintahkan Musa untuk memukul laut dengan tongkatnya. Musa pun melakukan perintah Rabbnya. Laut yang terbelah itu kembali seperti semula. Allah ﷻ berfirman,

    وَأَنجَيْنَا مُوسَى وَمَن مَّعَهُ أَجْمَعِينَ * ثُمَّ أَغْرَقْنَا الآخَرِينَ * إِنَّ فِي ذَلِكَ لَآيَةً وَمَا كَانَ أَكْثَرُهُم مُّؤْمِنِينَ

    “Dan Kami selamatkan Musa dan orang-orang yang besertanya semuanya. Dan Kami tenggelamkan golongan yang lain itu. Sesungguhnya pada yang demikian itu benar-benar merupakan suatu tanda yang besar (mukjizat) dan tetapi adalah kebanyakan mereka tidak beriman.” (QS:Asy-Syu’araa | Ayat: 65-67).

    Tidak ada seorang pun dari kalangan orang-orang beriman tenggelam. Dan tidak satu pun dari Firaun dan pengikutnya yang bisa selamat.

    Setelah benar-benar sadar dan yakin akan tenggelam Firaun mengatakan:

    وَجَاوَزْنَا بِبَنِي إِسْرَائِيلَ الْبَحْرَ فَأَتْبَعَهُمْ فِرْعَوْنُ وَجُنُودُهُ بَغْيًا وَعَدْوًا حَتَّى إِذَا أَدْرَكَهُ الْغَرَقُ قَالَ آمَنتُ أَنَّهُ لا إِلِهَ إِلاَّ الَّذِي آمَنَتْ بِهِ بَنُو إِسْرَائِيلَ وَأَنَاْ مِنَ الْمُسْلِمِينَ

    “Dan Kami memungkinkan Bani Israil melintasi laut, lalu mereka diikuti oleh Firaun dan bala tentaranya, karena hendak menganiaya dan menindas (mereka); hingga bila Firaun itu telah hampir tenggelam berkatalah dia: “Saya percaya bahwa tidak ada Tuhan melainkan Tuhan yang dipercayai oleh Bani Israil, dan saya termasuk orang-orang yang berserah diri (kepada Allah)”.” (QS:Yunus | Ayat: 90).

    Allah mencelanya dan memberi pelajaran kepada kita semua. Apakah ketika nyawa di kerongkongan dan kebinasaan sudah benar-benar tampak, baru seseorang akan sadar?

    آلْآنَ وَقَدْ عَصَيْتَ قَبْلُ وَكُنْتَ مِنَ الْمُفْسِدِينَ

    “Apakah sekarang (baru kamu percaya), padahal sesungguhnya kamu telah durhaka sejak dahulu, dan kamu termasuk orang-orang yang berbuat kerusakan.” (QS:Yunus | Ayat: 91).

    Allah telah menetapkan hukumnya. Dan membinasakan orang-orang yang berbuat zhalim.

    فَالْيَوْمَ نُنَجِّيكَ بِبَدَنِكَ لِتَكُونَ لِمَنْ خَلْفَكَ آيَةً ۚ وَإِنَّ كَثِيرًا مِنَ النَّاسِ عَنْ آيَاتِنَا لَغَافِلُونَ

    “Maka pada hari ini Kami selamatkan badanmu supaya kamu dapat menjadi pelajaran bagi orang-orang yang datang sesudahmu dan sesungguhnya kebanyakan dari manusia lengah dari tanda-tanda kekuasaan Kami.” (QS:Yunus | Ayat: 92).

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  83. Mereka Yang Mati Kemudian Hidup Kembali: Nabi Ibrahim dan BurunDialah al-Muhyi, Yang Maha Menghidupkan. Dia kuasa menjadikan padang yang gersang menjadi rimbun. Lihatlah musim kemarau ini. Rerumputan mati. Tanah berdebu, mengering, retak. Lalu turunlah air dari langit, rumput kering itu menjadi segar. Debu-debu sirna kemudian menggumpal dan kembali memadat menjadi tanah. Retak yang terlihat tertambal, hilang dan menjadi subur. Allah ﷻ berfirman,

    وَمِنْ آيَاتِهِ أَنَّكَ تَرَى الْأَرْضَ خَاشِعَةً فَإِذَا أَنْزَلْنَا عَلَيْهَا الْمَاءَ اهْتَزَّتْ وَرَبَتْ ۚ إِنَّ الَّذِي أَحْيَاهَا لَمُحْيِي الْمَوْتَىٰ ۚ إِنَّهُ عَلَىٰ كُلِّ شَيْءٍ قَدِيرٌ

    “Dan di antara tanda-tanda-Nya (Ialah) bahwa kau lihat bumi kering dan gersang, maka apabila Kami turunkan air di atasnya, niscaya ia bergerak dan subur. Sesungguhnya Tuhan Yang menghidupkannya, Pastilah dapat menghidupkan yang mati. Sesungguhnya Dia Maha Kuasa atas segala sesuatu.” (QS:Fushshilat | Ayat: 39).

    Jika hal ini Anda anggap lumrah, karena terbiasa menyaksikannya, maka Allah ﷻ telah mengubah keyakinan hati Nabi Ibrahim menjadi haqqul yaqin, keyakinan yang derajatnya lebih tinggi. Bukan hanya hati yang meyakini, bukan juga mata yang hanya menyaksikan, tapi haqqul yaqin adalah tingkat keyakinan seseorang buah dari indera perasanya.

    Allah ﷻ menghidupkan empat ekor burung yang sudah disembelih, dicincang, kemudian diletakkan secara acak di puncak gunung-gunung yang berbeda.

    Imam Ibnu Katsir meriwayatkan dari Ibnu Abbas bahwasanya setelah Nabi Ibrahim ‘alaihissalam mencincang tubuh burung-burung, mengacaknya, dan melatakkannya di puncak bukit, beliau memegang kepala mereka di tangannya. Kemudian Allah ﷻ perintahkan untuk memanggil burung-burung tersebut. Ibrahim ‘alaihissalam memanggil mereka sebagaimana yang Allah ﷻ perintahkan.

    Keajaiban terjadi. Hal-hal yang tidak dapat dinalar manusia hanyalah perkara kecil di sisi Allah ﷻ. Allah, Dialah Yang Maha Mengetahui yang telah terjadi, yang sedang terjadi, yang akan terjadi, dan Dia mengetahui sesuatu yang tidak mungkin terjadi bagaimana bila itu terjadi.

    Nabi Ibrahim melihat bulu-bulu burung itu berterbangan. Berkumpul saling menyempurnakan. Kucuran darah yang telah tertumpah bertemu kembali ke kadar yang sesuai. Sobekan dan potongan-potongan daging yang telah tersayat kembali menyatu membentuk tubuh. Demikian pula tiap-tiap anggota badan burung itu, mereka kembali ke posisinya semula. Tersambung membentuk tubuh yang utuh.

    Setelah organ-organnya mampu menopang tubuh, mereka tegak berdiri, bersegera berjalan menghampiri Ibrahim untuk mencari kepala mereka. Allah ﷻ menjadikan penciptaan mereka lebih dari yang diharapkan Nabi Ibrahim. Agar mata beliau menyaksikan. Dan anggota tubuh lainnya ikut merasakan.

    Burung-burung itu datang menjemput kepala mereka di tangan Nabi Ibrahim ‘alaihissalam. Apabila yang mereka temui bukan kepala mereka, mereka menolaknya. Apabila mereka dapati bagian yang beliau pegang itu kepala mereka, dengan kuasa Allah ﷻ bagian tubuh itu bersatu. Sungguh Allah ﷻ Maha Kuasa, Perkasa, lagi Bijaksana. Oleh karena itu, Allah ﷻ tutup ayat ini dengan kalam-Nya,

    وَاعْلَمْ أَنَّ اللَّهَ عَزِيزٌ حَكِيمٌ

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  84. “Dan ketahuilah bahwa Allah Maha Perkasa lagi Maha Bijaksana.”

    Dia Maha Perkasa, tidak ada yang mampu mengalahkan-Nya. Dia Maha Perkasa, tidak ada yang mampu mencega kehendak-Nya. Dan Dia Maha Bijaksana dalam firman dan tindakan-Nya.


    Mudah-mudahan rangkaian lima kisah ini dapat melembutkan hati kita untuk semakin tunduk kepada Allah ﷻ. Dia telah memberikan pengajaran bahwa Dia Maha Kuasa lagi memiliki kemampuan sempurna.

    Dia mampu menghidupkan kaum yang telah mati. Menghidupkan kota hingga makmur kembali. Juga menghidupkan burung dengan cara yang luar biasa. Semoga Allah memberi taufik kepada kita semua untuk beramal bersiap menjemput hari berbangkit.


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