Thursday, August 10, 2017

Tim Bagus, Tak Perlu Banyak Orang, Tikus dan Sosis

Tim yang bagus memiliki ciri-cirinya yaitu tujuan (misi) berjalan dan tercapai dengan gemilang. Meski terdapat kendala, hambatan dan rintangan, tim tersebut tetap melaju menerjang semua aral (obstacles), menembus batas hingga target diraih. Dalam tataran pelaksanaan, kerja tim membutuhkan sebuah manajemen (pengaturan), disitulah dibutuhkan kecakapan seorang leader (ketua) yang mumpuni. Anggota tim bisa gemuk bisa juga tim yang ramping. Masing-masing memiliki kelebihan dan kekurangan. Tim yang ramping misalnya, untuk koordinasi antar anggota dapat berjalan efektif dan tidak butuh banyak persamaan persepsi, geraknya juga cepat serta memiliki efisiensi dalam anggaran dan juga efisiensi waktu. Sedangkan tim yang besar memiliki keunggulan beban kerja ringan karena dikerjakan dan dibagi-bagi menjadi tim kecil, memiliki daya saing yang lebih tinggi, peluang disegani lawan karena secara kuantitas lebih banyak. Kelemahan tim yang besar, terkadang adalah munculnya intrik atau konflik internal dalam tim. Masalah personal ini timbul karena dalam koordinasi antar anggota membutuhkan komunikasi yang kompleks, mengatur kesamaan pandangan juga ribet dan gerak langkahnya membutuhkan waktu yang lebih lama. Tentunya membutuhkan energi ekstra bagi leader tim besar agar anak buahnya memiliki tekad bulat dan suhu berjuang yang sama, agar tim berjalan kompak.
Banyaknya orang atau personel dalam tim seyogyanya disikapi secara khusus, sehingga dalam proses pembentukan tim nantinya lebih cenderung disesuaikan dengan kebutuhan dan misi yang akan dicapai. Semacam agen intelejen yang geraknya senyap namun keberadaannya nyata dan berpengaruh serta benar-benar produktif dalam mengumpulkan info, mengolah, menganalisa, menyimpulkan hingga mengeksekusi sebuah instruksi atasan (leader).
Kuantitas Yang Rapuh
Terlalu banyaknya orang yang terlibat juga kadang membuat tim itu besar dari luar namun ternyata rapuh bahkan keropos di dalam. Atau perumpamaan buih yang sangat banyak di lautan namun mudah terombang-ambing, tidak memiliki pijakan yang jelas, jika memilikipun mereka tak pandai menjaga prinsip dan komitmen. Walhasil mudahlah dicerai berai, sama halnya peristiwa politik belah bambu ala penjajah yaitu devide et impera, VOC dengan trik adu dombanya mampu menguasai Indonesia dengan trik licik dan kejam, sesama anak bangsa saling bunuh, saling serang, bahkan mau-maunya menjadi pecundang di bawah kaki penjajah.
Jumlah anggota tim yang besar harus disikapi serius, pemberian latihan yang intensif, porsi komunikasi dan evaluasi yang pas dan efektif, perhatian kesejahteraan tim juga harus benar-benar diperhatikan. Karena jika terjadi kecemburuan antar anggota, maka membuat runyam dan intrik internal yang runcing serta sulit diurai untuk diselesaikan.
Jika sebuah misi sudah terlaksana dengan baik, maka lakukanlah evaluasi. Tidak boleh ada anggota yang merasa paling berjasa, karena sikap ujub, sombong dan berbangga diri berlebihan dapat meruntuhkan kerjasama, hingga gagalnya tim yang solid.
Cerita fabel kekompakan tim
Ada kalanya perlu belajar dari cerita fabel agar muncul inspirasi serta kesadaran dalam berinterkasi dan membuat tim yang bagus. Ada kisah menarik antara tikus, burung dan sosis yang tinggal serumah. Ketiganya memiliki jalinan persahabatan yang unik dan solid. Rasa aman, nyaman bahkan adanya ketercukupuan secara materi benar-benar dirasakan dalam rumah tersebut. Masing-masing memiliki job harian. Burung mencari kayu bakar di hutan, tikus menyiapkan air, dan juga mengatur meja serta tungku api. Sedangkan sosis memiliki tugas sebagai juru masak.
Suatu ketika tokoh burung merasa paling berjasa atas segala yang dicapai oleh ketiganya. Dia memiliki tugas yang paling jauh, harus mengambil kayu dari hutan yang letaknya puluhan kilometer dari rumah, sedangkan tikus dan sosis bekerja cukup berada di dalam rumah. Terlebih dia digembosi oleh burung lain bahwa ia hanya diperalat dan dijadikan pesuruh yang melakukan kerja kasar dan melelahkan. Ia disarankan agar kedua temannya rolling atau gantian jenis tugas. Maka si burung tadi menyampaikan kepada temannya tersebut, namun ternyata tikus dan sosis menentang ide gilanya. Meski menentang, tikus dan sosis, tidak bisa berbuat banyak karena burunglah yang selama ini memang melakukan tugas utama dan memiliki peran penting dalam rumah sehingga ia ibarat sebagai pemimpin yang harus ditaati. Akhirnya perputaran jenis pekerjaan pun dilakukan. Sosis yang harus  mencari kayu bakar, sedangkan burung cukup mengambil air dari sumur.
Hasilnya pun sudah bisa diterka, kekacauan mulai terjadi. Awal-awalnya kelihatan lancar namun ternyata tanda-tanda kehancuran tim sudah terlihat jelas. Sosis yang ditugasi mencari kayu sudah lama belum kembali membawa kayu. Burung dan tikus takut sesuatu yang buruk terjadi pada sosis. Rasa menyesal terbersit dalam pikiran si burung. Disisi lain ia juga sudah tidak sabar menyantap hidangan untuk hari itu. Burung pun menyusul sosis, dimana gerangan sosis mencari kayu bakar, kok belum kembali membawa kayu bakar, apakah berhasil atau justru tersesat. Belum lama ia terbang baru beberapa meter, terlihat seekor anjing mengoyak tubuh sosis dan melahapnya dengan tanpa rasa bersalah. Maut menyergap sosis, burung pun tak berkutik. Ia kembali ke rumah. Sebelum kembali ke rumah, ia menyelesaikan tugas sosis mengambil kayu bakar ke hutan.
Sekembalinya dari mencari kayu bakar, burung melakukan persiapan untuk menyiapkan api dan mengambil air. Sedangkan tikus sibuk mempersiapkan makanan. Ternyata si tikus tidak secakap dan semahir sosis dalam memasak. Ia melakukan persis apa yang sosis lakukan, yaitu melompat dan memotong sayuran. Namun sebelum semua sajian selesai, tikus melakukan pekerjaan dengan terburu-buru, disaat meracik sayuran ia tergelincir di meja sajian, kulitnya terkelupas hingga tewas mengenaskan.
Kini tinggalah burung sendirian. Singkat cerita ia sudah keburu lapar, maka ia mencari makanan kesana kemari, dan tak mendapatkan apa-apa. Ia mulai mempersiapkan makanannya sendiri. Ia mulai dengan membuat api di tungku, melempar kayu kesana kemari, kayu berserakan, naasnya kayu yang berceceran tersebut terbakar api. Ia pun bergegas mengambil air ke sumur. Ketika ia hendak ambil air, ember yang digunakannya terjatuh, ia terseret masuk kedalam sumur. Burung mati tenggelam. Ending yang tragis bagi persahabatan 3 hewan tersebut.
Hikmah cerita tikus
Ada beberapa hal yang bisa kita gali hikmahnya dari cerita fabel di atas antara lain adalah sebagai berikut:
a. Jangan pernah merasa paling berjasa, karena sikap ini bisa menyuburkan keangkuhan, kesombongon hingga akhirnya dapat merusak tim. Hal ini ternyata bisa menyerang hati siapa saja terutama ketua ataupun anggota tim yang memiliki keunggulan/ kemampuan diatas rata-rata dibanding personel lain. Nah, jika mampu meredam sikap merasa paling berperan/ berjasa maka keutuhan tim bisa dijamin hingga kinerja dan misi tim tuntas atau paripurna.
b. Tugas/ pekerjaan harus dibebankan kepada ahlinya, bukan diserahkan kepada sembarangan orang. Jika seseoang melakukan suatu pekerjaan bukan bidangnya, ditakutkan hasilnya kurang optimal ban bisa membuat kacau pekerjaan. Contoh pemerintahan periode saat ini, kacau, yang bukan ahli di bidangnya menjadi menteri ini menteri itu, walhasil deh periode pemerintahan saat ini kesejahteraan rakyatnya kurang terasa, sebut saja model pemerintahan saat ini adalah yang paling umbrus dan nyeleneh terhitung sejak Indonesia merdeka di tahun 1945 hingga tahun 2017. Beda banget pas jaman pak SBY.
c. Rolling tugas/ peran memang suatu saat dibutuhkan sebagai penyegaran/ variasi maupun pengkaderan, hanya saja harus disertai pendampingan. Jika tanpa panduan atau arahan yang terjadi adalah poin nomor 2 diatas. Seandainya burung, tikus, dan sosis memiliki kemampuan yang mahir di semua bidang maka tidak akan terjadi kekacauan. Jika personel tim memiliki spesifikasi keahlian sendiri, namun juga disertai ketrampilan umum yang dikuasainya diatas rata-rata maka predikat multi talenta bisa disandang. Keistimewaan bagi tim yang memiliki anggota  bertalenta lebih dari satu keahlian atau bahkan multi keahlian. Salah satu keuntungannya adalah adanya secondman yang dapat diandalkan, yaitu ketika pemeran utama (ketua aslinya) memiliki halangan atau gangguan.
Cerita burung, tikus dan sosis tersebut tergolong kedalam genre narrative, teks berbahasa inggris ini diambil dari buku paket kelas XII Bahasa Inggris untuk tingkat SMA/ MA terbitan Intan Pariwara kurikulum KTSP. Teks ini bisa digunakan untuk latihan reading comprehension dan memperkaya kosakata atau vocabulary teman-teman semua. Berikut teksnya:

The Mouse, the Bird and the Sausage
Once upon a time a mouse, a bird and a sausage formed a partnership. They kept house together, and for a long time they lived in peace and prosperity, acquiring many possessions. The bird’s task was to fly into the forest every day to fetch wood. The mouse carried water, made the fire, and set the table. The sausage did the cooking.
Whoever is too well off always wants to try something different! Thus one day the bird made another bird, who boasted to him of his own situation. This bird criticized him for working so hard while the other two worked so little. So, the next day, because of his friend’s advice, the bird refused to go to the forest. He said that he had been their servant long enough. He was no longer going to be fool for them. Everyone should try a different task for a change. The mouse and the sausage argued against this, but the bird was the master, and he insisted on giving it a try. The sausage was to fetch wood, the mouse became the cook, and the bird was to carry water.
And what was the result? The sausage walked with heavy steps toward the forest, the bird made the fire, and the mouse put on the pot and waited for the sausage to return with wood for the next day. However, the sausage stayed out so long that the other two feared that something bad had happened. The bird flew off to see if he could find her. A short distance away he saw a dog eating the sausage. The bird was angry because of the dog’s bad attitude, but the dog claimed that he had discovered false letters on the sausage, so she would have to die.
Filled with sorrow, the bird carried the wood home himself and told the mouse what he had seen and heard. They were very sad, but were determined to stay together and make the best of it. The bird set the table while the mouse prepared the food. She jumped into the pot, as the sausage had always done, in order to slither and weave in and about the vegetables and grease them, but before she reached the middle, her hair and skin were scalded off, and she died.
When the bird wanted to eat, no cook was there. Beside himself, he threw the wood this way and that, called out, looked everywhere, but no cook was to be found. Because of his carelessness, the scattered wood caught fire, and the entire house was soon aflame. The bird rushed to fetch water, but the bucket fell into the well, carrying him with it, and he drowned.

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  1. 8 baris.
    Once upon a time, there lived a mother and her daughter in a small village, in Borneo island. The daughter was so beautiful, but she had a very bad behavior. She never helped her mother to work. She just spent her time in front of the mirror to beautify herself and to admire her beauty. While her mother had to work to fulfill their daily needs. She was also a spoiled girl. She always asked everything to her mother. if her mother didn’t fulfill her want, she would cry. This made her mother so sad, but somehow she still loved her daughter. So she always tried to fulfill what her daughter wanted.

    One day, the girl forced her mother to buy a new gown for her. At first, her mother refused her request. She told her daughter that she didn’t have enough money. But her daughter threatened her mother, then she fulfilled to but a new gown. Before going to the market together, her daughter reminded her mom,”Let’s go shopping, but I don’t want to walk beside you. You had to walk behind me, I felt embarrassed if people see me”. Even though her mother felt really sad, she obeyed her daughter request, she did not want her daughter feel embarrassed.

  2. 68 baris
    Once upon a time in tatar pasundan there is a Kingdom that lead by a wise King, he is known as Prabu Tread.
    Prabu Tapa Agung has two beautiful daughters namely Purbararang and Purbasari sister.
    Upon approaching the end of his life King Supreme Footprint pointing her youngestdaughter, Purbasari as a replacement. “I was too old, it’s time I abdicated,” said Prabu Tapa.
    Purbasari had a brother named Purbararang. He appointed his younger brother disagree replace their father. “I’m the eldest daughter, supposed father chose me as his successor,” grousing Purbararang on his fiancée named Indrajaya. Kegeramannya already have the intention to make it hurt peaked his younger brother. He encountered a grandmother magic for memanterai Purbasari. Grandma magic put a spell on Purbasari so that time suddenly becomes black leather Purbasari. Purbararang so have reason to evict his sister. “People who are condemned like him unworthy of being a Queen!” said Purbararang.

    Then he sent a Minister to isolate Purbasari to a forest. Once in the forest the vizierstill kind enough with making a cottage to Purbasari. He also advised Purbasari, “Bethe master of the Princess. This ordeal will certainly come to an end, the Almighty will surely always be with Princess “. “Thank you Uncle”, says Purbasari. During his time in the jungle, he had a lot of friends that is the animals that are always good to him. Among the animals there is a mysterious black hairy ape. But the ape that is the most attention to Purbasari. Lutung kasarung is always exhilarating Purbasari with flowers – get a beautiful flower and fruits along with his friends.
    On the night of the full moon, Lutung Kasarung behave weird. He walked to a quietplace and then meditate. She was begging for something to the gods. Lutung Kasarung proves that this is not an ordinary beings. Shortly thereafter, the land near Lutung breaks and creating a small lake, the water is clear. The water contains a drug that is very fragrant.

    Lutung Kasarung next day encountered Purbasari and asked her to bathe in the Lake. “What are the benefits to me?”, think Purbasari. But he was willing to comply. Shortly after he only himself. Something happened on his skin. His skin became clean as before and it became beautiful again. Purbasari was very surprised and excited when he reflect in lake.
    At the Palace, Purbararang decided to see his brother in the forest. He went with his fiancée and his bodyguard. When he arrived in the forest, he finally met with his sister and looked at each other. Purbararang could not believe seeing her sister back as before. Purbararang did not want to lose face, he invites Purbasari buffalo hair length. “Who is the most long hair he is winning!“, said Purbararang. Purbasari was initially unwilling, but because his elder brother meladeni he urged continued. It turns outthe hair longer Purbasari.
    “Well I was lost, but now let’s handsome fiance kicks us, this is my fiance“, said Purbararang while approaching to Indrajaya. Purbasari started to fidget and confusion. Finally he glanced at and interesting hand Lutung Kasarung. Lutung Kasarung bobbing as if to soothe Purbasari. Purbararang laughing out loud, “so the monkey your fiancé?”.

    At that time also Lutung Kasarung soon to meditate. All of a sudden happened a miracle. Lutung Kasarung changed into a dashing young man very handsome-faced, more than Indrajaya. All were surprised to see the incident as cheer. Purbararang finally admitted his defeat and his guilt over this. He apologises to his younger brotherand begged not to be punished. Purbasari that kind forgiving them. After the events that eventually all of them back to the Palace.
    Purbasari to be a Queen, accompanied by a young idamannya. The young man whoturns out to be has always been accompanying dihutan in the form of a lutung.

  3. 107 baris.
    Pada jaman dahulu kala di tatar pasundan ada sebuah kerajaan yang pimpin oleh seorang raja yang bijaksana, beliau dikenal sebagai Prabu Tapak Agung.

    Prabu Tapa Agung mempunyai dua orang putri cantik yaitu Purbararang dan adiknya Purbasari.

    Pada saat mendekati akhir hayatnya Prabu Tapak Agung menunjuk Purbasari, putri bungsunya sebagai pengganti. “Aku sudah terlalu tua, saatnya aku turun tahta,” kata Prabu Tapa.

    Purbasari memiliki kakak yang bernama Purbararang. Ia tidak setuju adiknya diangkat menggantikan Ayah mereka. “Aku putri Sulung, seharusnya ayahanda memilih aku sebagai penggantinya,” gerutu Purbararang pada tunangannya yang bernama Indrajaya. Kegeramannya yang sudah memuncak membuatnya mempunyai niat mencelakakan adiknya. Ia menemui seorang nenek sihir untuk memanterai Purbasari. Nenek sihir itu memanterai Purbasari sehingga saat itu juga tiba-tiba kulit Purbasari menjadi bertotol-totol hitam. Purbararang jadi punya alasan untuk mengusir adiknya tersebut. “Orang yang dikutuk seperti dia tidak pantas menjadi seorang Ratu !” ujar Purbararang.

    Kemudian ia menyuruh seorang Patih untuk mengasingkan Purbasari ke hutan. Sesampai di hutan patih tersebut masih berbaik hati dengan membuatkan sebuah pondok untuk Purbasari. Ia pun menasehati Purbasari, “Tabahlah Tuan Putri. Cobaan ini pasti akan berakhir, Yang Maha Kuasa pasti akan selalu bersama Putri”. “Terima kasih paman”, ujar Purbasari.

    Selama di hutan ia mempunyai banyak teman yaitu hewan-hewan yang selalu baik kepadanya. Diantara hewan tersebut ada seekor kera berbulu hitam yang misterius. Tetapi kera tersebut yang paling perhatian kepada Purbasari. Lutung kasarung selalu menggembirakan Purbasari dengan mengambilkan bunga –bunga yang indah serta buah-buahan bersama teman-temannya.

    Pada saat malam bulan purnama, Lutung Kasarung bersikap aneh. Ia berjalan ke tempat yang sepi lalu bersemedi. Ia sedang memohon sesuatu kepada Dewata. Ini membuktikan bahwa Lutung Kasarung bukan makhluk biasa. Tidak lama kemudian, tanah di dekat Lutung merekah dan terciptalah sebuah telaga kecil, airnya jernih sekali. Airnya mengandung obat yang sangat harum.

    Keesokan harinya Lutung Kasarung menemui Purbasari dan memintanya untuk mandi di telaga tersebut. “Apa manfaatnya bagiku ?”, pikir Purbasari. Tapi ia mau menurutinya. Tak lama setelah ia menceburkan dirinya. Sesuatu terjadi pada kulitnya. Kulitnya menjadi bersih seperti semula dan ia menjadi cantik kembali. Purbasari sangat terkejut dan gembira ketika ia bercermin ditelaga tersebut.

    Di istana, Purbararang memutuskan untuk melihat adiknya di hutan. Ia pergi bersama tunangannya dan para pengawal. Ketika sampai di hutan, ia akhirnya bertemu dengan adiknya dan saling berpandangan. Purbararang tak percaya melihat adiknya kembali seperti semula. Purbararang tidak mau kehilangan muka, ia mengajak Purbasari adu panjang rambut. “Siapa yang paling panjang rambutnya dialah yang menang !”, kata Purbararang. Awalnya Purbasari tidak mau, tetapi karena terus didesak ia meladeni kakaknya. Ternyata rambut Purbasari lebih panjang.

    “Baiklah aku kalah, tapi sekarang ayo kita adu tampan tunangan kita, Ini tunanganku”, kata Purbararang sambil mendekat kepada Indrajaya. Purbasari mulai gelisah dan kebingungan. Akhirnya ia melirik serta menarik tangan Lutung Kasarung. Lutung Kasarung melonjak-lonjak seakan-akan menenangkan Purbasari. Purbararang tertawa terbahak-bahak, “Jadi monyet itu kamu tunangan ?”.

    Pada saat itu juga Lutung Kasarung segera bersemedi. Tiba-tiba terjadi suatu keajaiban. Lutung Kasarung berubah menjadi seorang Pemuda gagah berwajah sangat tampan, lebih dari Indrajaya.

  4. 147 baris.
    Long time ago, there was a kingdom in West Java called Kutatanggeuhan. Kutatanggeuhan was a peaceful kingdom. People live in peace and prosperity as led by the wise king, Suwartalaya Kuttanggeuhan and his queen, Ratu Purbamanah. However, after married for a long time, they had not been given any children yet. The king and the queen were sad and lonely. They were also afraid that they had not any successor that will replace them to lead the kingdom in the future. The king had no idea what to do.

    After long thought, the king decided to go to jungle to find a quiet place to mediate. He wanted to pray to Almighty God for getting an offspring. After few days of mediating, King Suwartalaya suddenly heard a voice.

    “Stop your meditation, my king. So, you want a child. Will you love him or her if you get one?” The voice said.

    “Yes, my lord. I want a child so he or she can be my successor to lead the kingdom. Yes, my lord, I will love my child. I will always, my lord.” The king replied.

    “Go home, then.” The voice continued.

    The king then went home immediately to meet his queen. He told everything to his queen. And few weeks later, the queen was pregnant. They had never been so happy before. After nine months of pregnancy, the queen delivered a beautiful baby girl which later named as Rukmini Gilang. The king and the king were so happy that finally they had a child. The people of the kingdom were happy too. After waiting for a long time, they finally had a princess. To celebrate the new born princess, the king held a party and invited all the people in the kingdom to join.

    Several years had passed, the princess Rukmini Gilang grew to be a very beautiful girl. The king and the queen spoiled the princess so much. They gave everything that the princess wanted. It made the princess had a bad attitude. However, the king, the queen and the people of the kingdom still loved her. They hope one day the princess temperament would change.

    In few weeks, Princess Rukmini Gilang would turn to be seventeen years old. As usual, when princess birthday come, people of the kingdom would busy to prepare the party, the big one. They prepared all things, the foods, the entertainments, and the presents. And for this birthday presents, the people of the kingdom collected some beautiful gems. They planned to give those beautiful gems to the best goldsmith in the kingdom to make a very beautiful necklace. They intended to present the necklace as the birthday gift for the princess in her seventeenth with hope that the princess would happily accepted it.

    Finally a long-awaited day came. The people of the kingdom gathered in the courtyard to celebrate princess birthday. All things were set, the foods, the entertainments, and of course the necklace. It was a big and beautiful party. People of the kingdom are so happy to see that their beloved princess was now seventeen.

    Now is the time for people of the kingdom to present their special gift for the princess. They handed a well-craft wooden box with a very beautiful necklace inside to the king. King Suwartalaya opened the box and pulled out the beautiful necklace that gleam various colors. It was so lovely necklace. Then king Suwartalaya gave it to the princess Rukmini Gilang. Princess Rukmini Gilang only stared on it. It seemed that she was not interested on it. “Come on my daughter, wear this lovely necklace. Do not fail the people of the kingdom who give it to you. They love you so much. They will be happy if you wear this necklace.” The king asked.

    “What?? You said this necklace is beautiful? Are you blind? This is the ugliest necklace I have ever seen. I don’t want to wear it.” The princess shouted.
    She slammed the necklace to the ground till it shattered. The king, the queen, and the people of the kingdom stood in silent witnessing their beloved princess like that. Tears began to come down from the queen’s eyes. She was so sad to see her daughter’s behavior.

  5. 187 baris.
    Dahulu kala, tersebutlah sebuah kerajaan di Jawa Barat bernama Kutatanggeuhan. Kutatanggeuhan adalah kerajaan yang damai. Orang-orangnya hidup dengan damai dan makmur karena di pimpin oleh raja yang bijak, Suwartalaya dan permaisurinya, Ratu Prubamanah. Namun, setelah menikah untuk waktu yang lama, mereka belum dikarunia anak. Raja dan ratu sangat sedih dan kesepian. Mereka juga takut mereka tidak memiliki penerus yang akan menggantikannya untuk memimpin kerajaan di masa depan. Sang raja tidak tau harus berbuat apa lagi.

    Setelah berpikir lama, sang raja akhirnya memutuskan untuk pergi ke hutan untuk menemukan tempat yang sunyi untuk bersemedi. Dia ingin berdoa kepada Tuhan yang maha kuasa untuk mendapatkan keturunan. Setelah beberapa hari bersemedi, raja Suwartalaya tiba-tiba mendengar suara.

    "Hentikan semedi mu, raja ku. Jadi, kamu menginginkan seorang anak. Akankah kamu mencintainya? Suara itu berkata.

    "Ia, Tuhan ku. Hamba menginginkan seorang anak sehingga suatu saat di akan menggantikan ku untuk memimpin negeri ini. Iya, Tuhan ku, hamba akan mencintainya. Hamba akan selalu mencintainya." Jawab sang raja.

    "Pulanglah." Suara itu melanjutkan.

    Sang raja kemudian segara pulang untuk menemui permaisurinya. Dia menceritakan semuanya. Dan beberapa minggu kemudian, sang permaisuri hamil. Mereka tidak pernah merasa sebahagia itu sebelumnya. Setelah sembilan bulang mengandung, sang permaisuri melahirkan seorang bayi perempuan yang cantik yang kemudian dinamai Rukmini Gilang. Raja dan permaisuri sangat lah senang karena akhirnya mereka mempunyai keturunan. Rakyat kerajaan juga merasakan hal yang sama. Setelah menunggu sekian lama, akhirnya mereka mempunyai seorang putri. Untuk merayakan putri yang baru lahir, sang raja mengadakan pesta dan mengundang seluruh rakyatnya untuk bergabung.

    Beberapa tahun telah berlalu, puteri Rukmini Gilang tumbuh menjadi remaja yang sangat cantik. Raja dan permaisuri sangat memanjakannya. Mereka memberikan apapun yang putri pinta. Hal itu membuat putri memiliki sifat yang buruk. Akan tetapi, raja, permaisuri, dan rakyat kerajaan mencintainya. Mereka berharap suatu hari nanti sifat putri akan berubah.

    Dalam beberapa minggu ke depan, puteri Rukmini Gilang akan berumur 17 tahun. Seperti biasa, ketika hari ulang tahun puteri datang, rakyat kerajaan akan sibuk untuk menyiapkan pesta, pesta yang sangat besar. Mereka menyiapkan segalanya, makanan, hiburan, dan juga hadiahnya. Dan untuk hadiah ulang tahun kali ini, rakyat kerajaan mengumpulkan batu-batu mulia cantik. Mereka berencana untuk memberikan batu mulia tersebut kepada tukang pandai emas untuk membuatkannya sebuah kali yang sangat cantik. Mereka berencana untuk memberikan kalung tersebut sebagai hadiah ulang tahun untuk puteri di usianya yang ke 17 dengan harapan sang puteri akan menerimanya dengan senang hati.

    Akhirnya hari yang ditunggu-tunggu datang. Rakyat kerajaan berkumpul di halaman kerajaan untuk merayakan ulang tahun sang puteri.Semuanya sudah disiapkan, makanan, hiburan, dan tentunya hadiah ulang tahunnya. Pesta tersebut sungguh besar dan meriah. Rakyat kerajaan sangat bahagia melihat sang puteri sekarang berumur 17 tahun. Akhirnya, raja, permaisuri, bersama dengan sang puteri datang. Rakyat kerajaan begitu sangat terpesona melihat sang puteri yang tumbuh lebih cantik dari tahun ke tahun.

    Sekarang waktunya bagi rakyat kerjaan untuk memberikan hadiah spesial mereka untuk sang puteri. Mereka memberikan kotak dengan ukiran yang indah dengan sebuah kalung yang sangat cantik di dalamnya.Raja Suwartalaya membuka kotak tersebut dan mengambil kalung cantik yang bisa memancarkan berbagai macam warna tersebut. Itu merupakan kalung yang sangat cantik. Kemudian raja Suwartalaya memberikannya ke puteri Rukmini Gilang. Puteri Rukmini Gilang hanya memandanginya saja.

  6. 197 baris.
    Terlihat dia tidak tertarik terhadap kalung tersebut. "Ayo anak ku, pakailah kalung cantik ini. Janganlah mengecewakan mereka yang telah memberikannya untuk mu. Mereka sangat mencintaimu. Mereka akan sangat senang jika kamu memakai kalung ini." Pinta sang raja.

    "Apa?? Ayah bilang ini adalah kalung yang cantik? Apakah ayah buta? Ini adalah kalung terjelek yang pernah saya lihat. Saya tidak mau memakainya." Teriak sang puteri.

    Dia kemudian membanting kalung tersebut ke tanah hingga pecah berkeping-keping. Raja, permaisuri, dan seluruh rakyat kerajaan terdiam melihat puteri kesayangan mereka berbuat seperti itu. Air mata pun mulai jatuh dari mata permaisuri. Dia sangat sedih melihat sifat putrinya. Raja dan semua rakyatnya pun sedih. Mereka menangis sampai air mata membanjiri istana. Tiba-tiba, air yang sangat besar keluar dari tanah dimana pecahan kalung tersebut berada. Air tersebut membanjiri istana dan menenggelamkan kerajaan dan membentuk sebuah danau.

  7. 237 baris

    Once upon a time, there was a peaceful kingdom of Kertasura. However, the king was so sad because his wife was in a terrible ill. The king would do anything to see his wife well again. He had called all physicians in his kingdom, but none of them were capable to cure the disease. The queen’s condition got worst day by day. She was so skinny and helpless.

    The queen’s condition made the king worried so much. His anxiousness not only affected himself but also the people of the kingdom. The government was not running as it should be. When it came to the prosperity of the people of the kingdom, an advisor should take an action to advice the king to solve the problem. "My lord, I think it will be better if you find a quiet place to pray to the almighty God for the queen’s healthy. " said advisor to the palace.

    The next day, the king left the palace and go to the quiet place to do a meditation. It was not easy since there were many temptations during the meditation. However, the king could surpass all of them. One night during his meditation the king heard a voice. “Stop your meditation. If you want to cure the queen, you must take a ‘flower reef’ in Pantai Selatan (Southern Beach of Java).” Later, the king immediately return to the palace and asked his advisor about the voice he heard. “Pantai Selatan is so spacious. However, I am sure the place that voice says is in Karang Bolong region. There are many caves in which coral reefs grow. I think, your majesty could find the ‘flower reef’ there,” said the advisor with confidence.

    Not long after that, the king asked his loyal servent, Adipati Surti to go to Karang Bolong region to find the ‘flower reef”. Adipati Surti did not go alone. He was accompanied by two loyal companions, Sanglar and Sanglur. After a few days of walking, they finally arrived in Karang Bolong region. In there, they found a cave. Adipati Surti immediately do meditation in the cave. After several days, Adipati Surti heard someone's voice. "Stop your meditation. I will grant your wish, but you must first meet my terms." Adipati Surti opened his eyes, and saw a beautiful girl like a goddess from heaven in front of him. The beautiful girl named Suryawati. She was a massager of Nyi Loro Kidul, a master of the southern sea.

    The term that proposed by Surawati was that Adipati Surti must be willing to stay with her in the Southern Sea with her. After long thought, Adipati Surti agreed Suryawati’s terms. Shortly after that, Suryawati took Adipati Surti’s hand to show where ‘flower reef’ was. When Adipati Surti’s hand touched Suryawati’s, Adipati Surti felt his soul flew away with Suryawati while their body stayed still in the ground.

    “Those are the ‘reef flower’,” said Suryawati pointing at swallow nests. “You can cure the queen’s illness by consuming those ‘reef flowers’ as herb,” Suryawati explained. After his soul back to his body, Adipati Surti immediately took quite a lot of swallow’s nests. After that, he was back to the palace with his two servants.

    In the palace, the king was very happy to see Adipati Surti returned with herbs that could help his queen. Adipati Surti told everything about what happened to him and how to cure queen’s illness. After consuming swallow’ nests for several day, the queen began to regain her health. The king was so happy that he intended to give everything that Adipati Surti asked. However, Adipati Surti remembered his promise to Suryawati. He did not want to break a promise. Adipati Surti thanked the king about everything, but he must go back to Karang Bolong as he promised.

    The king is sad that he could not repay Adipati Surti’s debt of bringing his queen back. Adipati Surti also was a good, humble, and loyal. However, the king must let Adipati Surti go. Sanglar and Sanglur also wanted to go too. They did not want to see their master go alone. Again Adipati Surti and his two loyal servants went to Karang Bolong region once more

  8. 277 baris.
    Suatu ketika, tersebutlah sebuah kerajaan yang damai bernama Kertasura. Akan tetapi, sang raja sedang dilanda kesedihan yang mendalam karena permaisuri tercinta sedang sakit keras. Sang raja akan melakukan apa pun untuk melihat isterinya kembali sehat. Raja sudah berkali-kali memanggil tabib untuk mengobati sang permaisuri, tapi tak satupun yang dapat mengobati penyakitnya. Kondisi sang permaisuri bertambah buruk hari demi hari. Dia sangat kurus dan tidak berdaya.

    Kondisi sang permaisuri membuat raja sangat cemas. Kecemasanya tidak hanya mempengaruhi dirinya sendiri tetapi juga rakyat kerajaan. Pemerintahannya tidak berjalan sebagaimana mestinya. Ketika masalah itu menyangkut kesejahteraan rakyat kerajaan, penasehat kerajaan pun harus melakukan sebuah tindakan untuk memberikan nasihat kepada raja untuk menyelesaikan masalah tersebut. "Tuanku, saya pikir akan lebih baik jika tuanku mencari tempat yang sunyi untuk berdoa kepada Sang Maha Agung agar mendapat petunjuk guna kesembuhan permaisuri," kata penasehat istana.

    Keesokan harinya, sang raja meninggalkan istana dan pergi ke tempat sunyi untuk bertapa. Tidak mudah baginya karena begitu banyak godaan-godaan yang dihadapi selama bertapa. Namun, sang raja dapat melampauinya semua. Hingga pada suatu malam sang raja mendengar suara. "Hentikanlah semedimu. Jika kamu ingin menyembuhkan sang permaisuri, kamu harus mengambil bunga karang di Pantai Selatan." Kemudian, sang raja pun segera pulang ke istana dan menanyakan tentang suraya yang dia dengar tersebut kepada penasehatnya. "Pantai selatan itu sangat luas. Namun hamba yakin tempat yang dimaksud suara tersebut adalah wilayah Karang Bolong. Terdapat banyak gua disana yang di dalamnya tumbuh karang. Saya pikir, tuan ku dapat menemukan bunga karang tersebut di sana" kata penasehat istana dengan yakin.

    Tidak lama setelah itu, sang raja menugaskan pengikut setianya, Adipati Surti untuk pergi ke Karang Bolong untuk menemukan bunga karang tersebut. Adipati Surti tidak pergi sendiri. Dia ditemani oleh dua pengikutnya yang setia, Sanglar dan Sanglur. Setelah beberapa hari berjalan, akhirnya mereka tiba di karang bolong. Di sana, mereka menemukan sebuah gua. Adipati Surti segera melakukan tapanya di dalam gua tersebut. Setelah beberapa hari, Adipati Surti mendengar suara. "Hentikan semedimu. Aku akan mengabulkan permintaanmu, tapi harus kau penuhi dahulu persyaratanku." Adipati Surti membuka matanya, dan melihat seorang gadis cantik seperti Dewi dari kahyangan di hadapannya. Sang gadis cantik tersebut bernama Suryawati. Ia adalah abdi Nyi Loro Kidul yang menguasai Laut Selatan.

    Syarat yang diajukan Suryawati adalah meminta Adipati Surti untuk bersedia menetap di Pantai Selatan bersamanya. Setelah berpikir lama, Adipati Surti menyanggupi persyaratan Suryawati. Tak lama setelah itu, Suryawati mengulurkan tangannya, mengajak Adipati Surti untuk menunjukkan tempat bunga karang tersebut. Ketika menerima uluran tangan Suryawati, Adipati Surti merasa jiwa halusnya terbang bersama Suryawati namun tubuhnya masih berada di atas tanah.

    "Itulah bunga karang" kata Suryawati seraya menunjuk pada sarang burung walet. “Kamu bisa menyembuhkan penyakit permaisuri dengan mengkonsumi bunga karang tersebut sebagai obat,” Suryawati menjelaskan. Setelah jiwanya kemabli ke tubuhnya. Adipati Sruti segera mengambil sarang burung walet tersebut sebanyak mungkin. Setelah itu, dia kembali ke istana bersama dua pelayannya.

    Di istana, sang raja sangat gembira melihat Adipati Surti kembali dengan obat yang dapat menolong permaisurinya. Adipati Surti menceritakan semuanya tentang apa yang terjadi padanya dan bagaiman cara untuk menyembuhkan penyakit permaisuri. Setelah mengkonsumsi sarang burung walet selama beberapa hari, sang permaisuri mulai mendapatkan kesehatanya kembali.

  9. 293 baris. Once upon a time, there was a little poor boy came into a little village. He was very hungry and weak. He knocked at every door and asked for some food, but nobody cared about him. Nobody wanted to help the little boy.

    Finally, a generous woman helped him. She gave him shelter and a meal. When the boy wanted to leave, this old woman gave him a lesung;, a big wooden mortar for pounding rice. She reminded him, please remember, if there is a flood you must save yourself.

    Use this lesung; as a boat;. The lesung; was happy and thanked the old woman.The little boy continued his journey. While he was passing through the village, he saw many people gathering on the field. The boy came closer and saw a stick stuck in the ground. People challenged each other to pull out that stick. Everybody tried, but nobody succeeded. Can I try?; asked the little boy. The crowd laughed mockingly. The boy wanted to try his luck so he stepped forward and pulled out the stick. He could do it very easily. Everybody was dumbfounded.

    Suddenly, from the hole left by stick, water spouted out. It did not stop until it flooded the village. And no one was saved from the water except the little boy and the generous old woman who gave him shelter and meal. As she told him, he used the lesung; as a boat and picked up the old woman. The whole village became a huge lake. It is now known as Rawa Pening Lake in Salatiga, Central Java, Indonesia.

  10. 311 baris.
    kali waktu, ada seorang anak kecil yang malang datang ke sebuah desa kecil. Dia sangat lapar dan lemah. Dia mengetuk setiap pintu dan meminta beberapa makanan, tetapi tidak ada yang peduli tentang dia. Tidak ada yang ingin membantu anak kecil.

    Akhirnya, seorang wanita yang murah hati membantunya. Dia memberinya tempat tinggal dan makan. Ketika anak itu ingin pergi, wanita tua ini memberinya lesung ;, lesung kayu besar untuk menumbuk padi. Dia mengingatkan, harap diingat, jika ada banjir Anda harus menyelamatkan diri.

    Gunakan lesung ini; sebagai perahu ;. Lesung; senang dan berterima kasih kepada woman.The anak kecil berusia melanjutkan perjalanannya. Sementara ia melewati desa, ia melihat banyak orang berkumpul di lapangan. Anak itu mendekat dan melihat tongkat terjebak di dalam tanah. Orang menantang satu sama lain untuk menarik keluar tongkat itu. Semua orang mencoba, tapi tidak ada yang berhasil. Bisakah saya mencoba?; tanya anak kecil. Kerumunan tertawa mengejek. Anak itu ingin mencoba peruntungannya jadi dia melangkah maju dan mengeluarkan tongkat. Dia bisa melakukannya dengan sangat mudah. Semua orang tercengang.

    Tiba-tiba, dari lubang yang ditinggalkan oleh tongkat, air menyembur keluar. Ini tidak berhenti sampai membanjiri desa. Dan tidak ada yang selamat dari air kecuali anak kecil dan wanita tua yang murah hati yang memberinya tempat tinggal dan makan. Saat ia mengatakan kepadanya, ia menggunakan lesung tersebut; sebagai perahu dan mengambil wanita tua. Seluruh desa menjadi sebuah danau besar. Hal ini sekarang dikenal sebagai Danau Rawa Pening di Salatiga, Jawa Tengah, Indonesia.

  11. 351 baris.
    In the ancient time, lived a little family. The family consists of father, mother, and a beautiful girl named Garlic. They are a harmonious and happy family despite his father worked as an ordinary merchant. One day, the happiness in this family was lost because the mother died. Garlic was very sad because she was very fond of her mother. Her father was also so sad because he loved his wife so much.

    After Garlic’s mother died, her house was visited frequently by a widow who had a daughter named Onion. The widow often came with Onion to the Garlic’s home by bringing food, helping to clean the house, and chatting with Garlic’s father. Finally, the father thinks that he should marry the widow and made the widow as a new mother for Garlic.

    He asked for consideration of the proposal to Garlic. After being allowed to get married by Garlic, then her father immediately carried out the marriage. They become a new family and lived in a house. At first, the mother and Onions behaved Garlic very well. However, the good behavior did not to be last long. Soon, the Onion and her mother began to show their bad attitude. Garlic was often scolded and given heavy works when the father went to trade. She had to do a lot of housework while the Onions just sit and did not work at all. However, the situation was never told by her to his father, so the Garlic continued to be treated badly by Onions and her mother.

    One day, his father was sick and passed away. Since then, Garlic was treated worse than before. Garlic almost never had a break every day. In the morning, she had to get up in order to prepare breakfast and the water for Onion and her mother. Later, she also gave eating to the livestock, washing clothes, and even watering the entire garden. Although she should do so many works, she always did it happily. She hoped, with such sincerity, her mother would love her sincerely someday.

    On the morning, Garlic went to the river to wash the clothes. She was so excited and washed vigorously. Because of getting too excited, she was not aware that there was a shirt that washed away. She realized that the shirt had been washed away when the flow carried it far enough. Later, she pursued but did not get the shirt. She felt hopeless and immediately went home.

    The shirt was her mother’s favorite. Of course, the mother was angry and told her to look for the shirt until she could found it. Garlic came back to the river and walked to the west to seek her mother’s favorite shirt. She walked along the river up to tens of kilometers. After that, Garlic suddenly saw someone who was bathing the buffalo in the river. She asked the man about the clothes were washed away. Later, she was informed that the shirt drifting and it was not far from where she was standing. At that moment, Garlic immediately ran down the river to find the shirt.

    It was getting dark and the Garlic found a home. Because of completely exhausted, she decided to take a break in the house. Apparently, it housed an old lady who had previously found the shirt. The old lady wanted to return the shirt to her, but she should accompany the old lady during a week. She agreed to stay with the lady for a week. Within a week, she made the old lady to be so happy because she was diligent and never complained even though felt so tired.

    After accompanying for a week, she was given a pumpkin as the gift. When opening it, she was very surprised because there were so much gold and gems. She immediately went home and told the happening to her mother and also Onion. However, the gold and jewels that she got immediately seized and she was forced to tell where the jewelry could be obtained. Garlic immediately said that she got it from an old lady who lived near the river.

  12. 20 baris
    There was once a poor boy named Dick Whittington who lived in a village without parents. He had heard stories about a big city called London where everybody was rich and the streets were paved with gold. He wanted to go there.
    One day, he met a friendly waggoner who gave him a lift to the city. He was amazed at the big city. Unfortunately, he couldn’t find any gold on the street. He had no money and ate no food few days. He collapsed in front of a rich and kind merchant’s house.
    The merchant gave him a job in the kitchen. But the cook didn’t like him and used to beat and pinch him. Dick Whittington had to sleep in a tiny room with many rats and mice which bothered him every night. Then, he decided to buy a cat by using his saving. Luckily, the clever cat was very good at catching mice and rats
    One day, the merchant would go on a long voyage and sell everything on his ship. Dick Whittington asked the merchant to help him sell the cat. After arriving in the destination, the merchant was invited by the king and queen to a feast. However, hundreds of rats gobbled all of the food. The merchant offered the clever cat to help the king solve the problem.
    The king was very happy. He gave the merchant a ship full of gold in return. Finally, the merchant gave all of the gold to Dick Whittington. He spent the money wisely and helped people.

  13. 45 baris

    Once there was an evil wizard who dressed as a beggar. He went from house to house asking for alms and stealing the pretty girls. One day he knocked on the door of a house. There lived a man with three beautiful daughters. The eldest daughter opened the door and the wizard hypnotized her. He took her to his house in the midst of the woods. Everything was magnificent there. The daughter had all things she wished for.
    One day, the wizard had to go on a journey. He left the keys of all rooms to the daughter. She could enter every room except one, otherwise she could die. He also gave an egg she needed to care.

    After the wizard left the house, the daughter looked into every room and found beautiful things. Then she was curious to know about the forbidden room. She entered the room and found hundreds of kidnapped girls who had fallen asleep. The daughter frightened and ran out of the room. In a hurry, she dropped the egg and the egg turned red. The wizard came back and knew what had happened. Then, he dragged her into the forbidden chamber.

    Next day, he went back to the same house and stole the second sister. But the same thing happened to her. He went back a third time and kidnapped the youngest sister, but this girl was very wise.

    Before entering the forbidden chamber, she put the egg in the cupboard. Having known that there were many girls in the room including her sisters, she had an idea to release them. The wizard thought that the third daughter did what he said. He decided to marry her.

    Before getting married, the daughter asked the wizard to send a full basket of gold to her parents. In the bottom of the basket, there were her sisters covered with gold. While the wizard left the house, the daughter let all girls free. She also asked the girls and their parents to come to the wizard’s house.

    When the wizard came back, the girls and their parents dragged him into the forbidden chamber, locked the door and set fire to the house

  14. 70
    Unce upon ancient times, there were two neighboring kingdoms in Central Java. The kingdoms were the Penging kingdom and the Baka kingdom. Pengging was fertile and prosperous kingdom, ruled by Prabu Damar Maya. His son was Raden Bandung Bondowoso (Bandawasa) who was mighty and powerful. While the Baka kingdom ruled by a man-eating giant named King Baka.
    To expand the kingdom, King Baka combated Pengging kingdom causing many people killed and lost their wealth. In order to end the war, Prabu Damar Maya sent his son to fight King Baka. Because of his power, Bondowoso managed to kill King Baka.
    Despite coming from a race of giants, King Baka had a beautiful daughter named Rara Jonggrang. One day, Rara Jongrang was proposed by Bandung Bandawasa who met her when the war happened. Knowing the fact that he had killed her father, Roro Jonggrang didn’t want to marry him. But Bandung Bondowoso still needed to marry her, whatever the obstacles would be. Then, to challenge him Ratu Baka gave a task to Bandung Bandawasa. Ratu Baka told that he had to make 1000 temples in one night before he could marry to Roro Jonggrang.
    Bandung Bandawasa then called the genies to help him and he made the temples in unbelievable speed. Roro Jonggrang saw that the task was almost completed, so she ordered her servants to help her hit the rice puncher and made the sounds of cooking. These actions made the genies think that morning had come so they run away as soon as possible. Bandung Bandawasa was angry with Roro Jonggrang. He already finished 9999 temples, and when he was building the 1000th temple, he cursed Roro Jonggrang into a stone statue to fill the 1000 temples.

  15. 95
    In ancient times, the snails did not bring their home anywhere. In the beginning, snails lived in an abandoned bird's nest in the trees. The night was warm and the day was cool because the leaves shaded the nest where the snails lived. But when the rains came, the leaves could no longer block the rain that fell. Snails caught cold and wet when the rainy season arrived.
    Then the snails moved into the holes in the trunks of trees. When the day was hot, the snails were well protected, even if it rained. It looked like that I had found a suitable home for me, the snail said in his heart.
    But on a sunny day, there came a woodpecker. Tok..tok ... tok ... woodpecker kept pecking the trunks where the snails lived. Snails became very distracted and could not sleep. With annoyed heart, snails went out of the hole in the trunk and looked for a place to stay next. Snails found a hole in the ground, which seemed to be warm when the night came, thought snails. Snails cleaned up those holes and decided to stay in it. But it turned out when the night came. The rats came from all directions to damage the hole. Again and again, the snails had to leave the hole to find a new home.
    Snails then moved on to the edge of the beach filled with coral reefs. He thought that the sidelines of the corals might be his home. Snails could take a rest peacefully in this place. But when the tide rose up to the top of the rock, snail was swept away along with the surge of the waves. As usual, the snails had to go away to find a new home. When he was walking away from the beach, the snail found an empty shell. This shape was beautiful and very light. Being tired and cold, snails went into the shell. Snails felt warm and comfortable then he slept in it.
    When the morning came, snails realized that he had found the best home for himself. He did not need to go home in hurry if it rained. He also would not get heat anymore, and no one would bother him. He then brought it home with him wherever he went.

  16. 90
    According to folklore handed down from generation to generation among the people of East Kalimantan, since the 1700's the land of sand had already existed a system of royal government which were very organized. Under the reign of the kingdom, the people lived in prosperity. The kingdom led by a Sultan named Sultan Aji Muhammad. Sultan Aji Muhammad had a daughter named Aji Tatin. Then the daughter got married to the King of Kutai. To his father, Aji Tatin asked a legacy for her future. Sultan Aji Muhammad then gave the bay area which had not been named.
    One day, when the people assigned to collect tribute to Aji Tatin were riding the boat, a powerful hurricane came. Tributes from the people which they were carrying out at that time were in form of boards which were in huge amounts. Feeling unable to fight the storm, the rowers of the boat tried to move closer to the beach. However, since the waves were very large and the storm, the boat slammed into a reef. Tools for rowing were broken and the boat sank. The commander who led the group and all of his men died.
    Thus, according to the legend or folklore from East Kalimantan, “Balikpapan” name was taken from an incident when the boat containing the boards was upside down because of the storm. While coral island which was hit by the boat until drowned is called “Pulau Tukung” now.

  17. 120
    Once upon a time fairies and humans lived together peacefully. One day, Mekhala, a beautiful and clever elf, studied at Shie, a great hermit. Besides Mekhala, Master Shie also had a male student named Ramasaur. In the process of learning, the boy always envied Mekhala because Mekhala was very clever. But Master Shie still loved both of his students without favoritism.
    One day Guru Shie called and said to them, "Tomorrow, give me a cup full of dew. Who is faster to get it, so it will be lucky for him/her. The dew will be turned into a gem, who can grant every request. "Mekhala and Ramasaur stunned for a moment to hear the command. Ramasaur imagined he would ask for wealth and luxury after completing the task so that he could become the richest man in the country. However Mekhala just thought out loud. Getting a cup of dew in a short time is certainly not easy, Mekhala muttered in her heart.
    The next day, early in the morning, the disciples had been in the woods. Ramasaur pulled weeds and other small plants sloppily. But the result was disappointing. Dew that exists in plants was always spilled before it was poured into the cup. Instead, Mekhala absorbed the moisture with a soft cloth very carefully. She slowly squeezed the cloth and then inserted it into the cup. The result was very encouraging. Soon her cup had been filled up with dew. Mekhala saw Master Shie soon and gave his work.
    Master Shie received it joyfully. Mekhala was indeed a clever pupil. As promised, Master Shie transformed it into a gem as big as a thumb. "If you want something, take up this gem equally to the forehead. Then say whatever you want," Professor Shie said. Mekhala did whatever the teacher had taught, then called her wishes. Instantly, Mekhala were in the blue sky. She hovered like an eagle who was so beautiful.
    Meanwhile, only at dusk Ramasaur managed to get a cup of dew. The result was not as clear as that was collected by Mekhala. Then, Ramasaur handed the cup dew on Master Shie hastily. "Although you are not quicker than Mekhala, you will still get a gift on your effort," Master Shie said while handing a magic axe made of silver. When the axe was thrown to the object, even a mountain could be destroyed.
    In fact, Ramasaur abused the axe. He was very jealous of the Mekhala that could hover in the sky so beautifully. Ramasaur immediately threw the axe toward Mekhala. Knowing there would be danger threatens, Mekhala fend off the axe with the gem. The result was a violent clash and blinding light in the sky. The clash continues until today, in form of a deafening explosion. People refer it as "thunder".

  18. 150
    In ancient times there were four brothers called Ompung Silamponga, Ompung Silitonga, Ompung Silatoa, and Ompung Sintalaga who tried to escape from Tapanuli to the southeast. They crossed the ocean by using rafts. Then, they had been bobbing aimlessly on the sea for a couple of days so that their food supplies dwindled. Once in a while, when they discovered a land, they stopped to look for food and then continued the voyage.
    Once, Ompung Silamponga fell ill. His condition was deteriorating day by day. However, he remained determined to continue the journey. Meanwhile, his three brothers were so tired that he decided to stop sailing.
    Suddenly, a raft appeared while bobbing near their raft. The three siblings who were healthy decided to separate ompung Silamponga. They carried his brother who was seriously ill carefully to their newfound raft and pushed, so that it was drifted away from them.
    Ompung Silamponga was bobbed alone with his raft. His body became weak. After a long time had been bobbing, his raft then hit a hard object. Then Ompung Silamponga was awakened. He found himself already stranded on a beautiful beach whose waves were not so huge. Somehow he felt that his body became stronger and healthier. He then walked down the beach. He found a stream with clear water around the coast. Then Ompung Silamponga thought to live in that area.
    After some time living in that area, Ompung Silamponga got bored. Then, he went to explore the island. Ompung Silamponga explored a dense forest near the island. Finally, he arrived at the top of a hill with beautiful views. Then he could also know that there were people living at the foot of the hill. With a feeling of joy, unconsciously he shouted loudly, "Lappung! Lappung! Lappung!" (In Tapanuli language, lappung means “Wide”).
    Shortly after that, Ompung Silamponga went down from the top of the hill and opened a new settlement there. He gave the place a name "Lappung". In fact, a group of people who lived so left behind stayed also around the place. Ompung Silamponga established good relations with the indigenous population. The longer the area was, it developed more. Ompung Silamponga spent his life there until death.
    “Lampung” is recognized to be derived from two things. First, from the words shouted by Ompung Simaponga on the hill when it was first discovered that area. Second, from a part of Ompung Silamponga name.

  19. 170
    In the past, in North Lampung region, there lived a king named Tutur Jimat ruling justly and wisely. Tutur Jimat was one of the descendants of the Queen Darah Putih. Because of his age, he intended to hand over the power to his eldest son named Paniakan Dalem. After receiving the mandate as his father's successor, Paniakan Dalem ruled kingdom justly and wisely. People lived peacefully, quetly, and prosperously.
    Shortly after that, Paniakan Dalem married and endowed a son named Muhammad. The more prosperous the kingdom was, the more descendants of Quen Darah Putih were there. Paniakan Dalem started thinking about a way in order that royal descendants can always remember their ancestors.
    Until one day, the Prince came to. He said, "Dad, I want to ask, who “Kuto Bumi” is ?" The King replied, "Kuto Bumi” is our ancestor. She was a queen who ruled this area in the past. We are all his descendants. From whom did you hear that name?"
    "Here, Dad, when I was hunting and came to a village. People there introduced themselves and said that they are the descendants of “Kuto Bumi”. Why do not we call it the area with Kuto Bumi, Father? Thus, all people from this area can always remember their ancestors” said Muhammad. Paniakan Dalem was so delighted to hear what his son has said. He agreed to change the name of the area into “Kuto Bumi”.
    As the time went by, the name "Kuto Bumi" becomes "Kotabumi" which is now the capital city of North Lampung.

  20. 190
    Once, there was a poor pious peasant who died and arrived before the gate of heaven. At the same time a very rich lord came there. They both wanted to get into heaven.
    Then the heaven’s door keeper came with the key, opened the door, and let the great man in, but apparently did not see the peasant, and shut the door again.
    Then, the peasant outside heard how the rich man was received in heaven with all kinds of rejoicing things he got inside the heaven.
    At length all became quiet again, and the heaven’s door keeper came and opened the gate of heaven, and let the peasant in.
    The peasant, however, expected that they would make music and sing when he went in to the heaven, but all remained quite and quiet. He was received with great affection, it is true, and the angels came to meet him, but no music and song for him.
    Then the peasant asked the heaven’s door keeper how it was that they did not sing for him as they had done when the rich man went in, and said that it seemed to him that there in heaven things were done with just as much partiality as on earth.
    Finally, said the heaven’s door keeper, “by no means, you are just as dear to us as anyone else, and will enjoy every heavenly delight that the rich man enjoys, but poor fellows like you come to heaven every day, but a rich man like this does not come more than once in a hundred years.”

  21. 210
    Once upon a time, there was a little poor boy came into a little village. He was very hungry and weak. He knocked at every door and asked for some food, but nobody cared about him. Nobody wanted to help the little boy.

    Finally, a generous woman helped him. She gave him shelter and a meal. When the boy wanted to leave, this old woman gave him a lesung;, a big wooden mortar for pounding rice. She reminded him, please remember, if there is a flood you must save yourself.

    Use this lesung; as a boat;. The lesung; was happy and thanked the old woman.The little boy continued his journey. While he was passing through the village, he saw many people gathering on the field. The boy came closer and saw a stick stuck in the ground. People challenged each other to pull out that stick. Everybody tried, but nobody succeeded. Can I try?; asked the little boy. The crowd laughed mockingly. The boy wanted to try his luck so he stepped forward and pulled out the stick. He could do it very easily. Everybody was dumbfounded.

    Suddenly, from the hole left by stick, water spouted out. It did not stop until it flooded the village. And no one was saved from the water except the little boy and the generous old woman who gave him shelter and meal. As she told him, he used the lesung; as a boat and picked up the old woman. The whole village became a huge lake. It is now known as Rawa Pening Lake in Salatiga, Central Java, Indonesia.

  22. 25 baris
    A long time ago, in a small village near the beach in West Sumatra, a woman and her son lived. They were Malin Kundang and her mother. Her mother was a single parent because Malin Kundang's father had passed away when he was a baby. Malin Kundang had to live hard with his mother.

    Malin Kundang was a healthy, dilligent, and strong boy. He usually went to sea to catch fish. After getting fish he would bring it to his mother, or sold the caught fish in the town.

    One day, when Malin Kundang was sailing, he saw a merchant's ship which was being raided by a small band of pirates. He helped the merchant. With his brave and power, Malin Kundang defeated the pirates. The merchant was so happy and thanked to him. In return the merchant asked Malin Kundang to sail with him. To get a better life, Malin Kundang agreed. He left his mother alone.

    Many years later, Malin Kundang became wealthy. He had a huge ship and was helped by many ship crews loading trading goods. Perfectly he had a beautiful wife too. When he was sailing his trading journey, his ship landed on a beach near a small village. The villagers recognized him. The news ran fast in the town; “Malin Kundang has become rich and now he is here”.

    An old woman ran to the beach to meet the new rich merchant. She was Malin Kundang’s mother. She wanted to hug him, released her sadness of being lonely after so long time. Unfortunately, when the mother came, Malin Kundang who was in front of his well dressed wife and his ship crews denied meeting that old lonely woman. For three times her mother begged Malin Kundang and for three times he yelled at her. At last Malin Kundang said to her "Enough, old woman! I have never had a mother like you, a dirty and ugly woman!" After that he ordered his crews to set sail. He would leave the old mother again but in that time she was full of both sadness and angriness.

    Finally, enraged, she cursed Malin Kundang that he would turn into a stone if he didn't apologize. Malin Kundang just laughed and really set sail. In the quiet sea, suddenly a thunderstorm came. His huge ship was wrecked and it was too late for Malin Kundang to apologize. He was thrown by the wave out of his ship. He fell on a small island. It was really too late for him to avoid his curse. Suddenly, he turned into a stone.

  23. 230
    In Daha kingdom there lived a powerful Brahmin named Sidi Mantra. Her son’s name was Manik Angkeran. Manik Angkeran liked to gamble. One day, Manik Angkeran could not pay the debt. He asked help to his father.
    Loving his son, Sidi Mantra fasted and prayed to the God. A mysterious voice asked him to meet Naga Besukih at Agung Mount. By ringing a genta, Naga Besukih came and gave gold and diamonds from his scales. Soon, Manik Angkeran finished all gold and diamonds. He asked help to his father again. Sidi Mantra came to Naga Besukih. This time, Manik Angkeran secretly followed his father.

    A few days later, Manik Angkeran stole his father’s genta and came to Naga Besukih. Manik Angkeran got gold and diamonds. But he was not satisfied. Manik Angkeran saw a big gem at the end of the dragon’s tail. When Naga Besukih turned toward the cave, Manik Angkeran immediately cut off the dragon’s tail and ran away.

    Naga Besukih was furious and licked Manik Angkeran’s footprints. Then he turned into ashes. Sidi Matra was aware of this situation and begged Naga Besukih to revive his son. Naga Besukih agreed if his tail was back. With his magic, Sidi Mantra returned the tail back to normal. Then, Naga Besukih revived Manik Angkeran.

    Sidi Mantra knew that he could not live with his son again. With his wand, Sidi Mantra made a line that separated him from his son. There came springs growing into a sea. This is the legend of Bali Strait separating Java from Bali.

  24. 250
    In Daha kingdom there lived a powerful Brahmin named Sidi Mantra. Her son’s name was Manik Angkeran. Manik Angkeran liked to gamble. One day, Manik Angkeran could not pay the debt. He asked help to his father.
    Loving his son, Sidi Mantra fasted and prayed to the God. A mysterious voice asked him to meet Naga Besukih at Agung Mount. By ringing a genta, Naga Besukih came and gave gold and diamonds from his scales. Soon, Manik Angkeran finished all gold and diamonds. He asked help to his father again. Sidi Mantra came to Naga Besukih. This time, Manik Angkeran secretly followed his father.
    A few days later, Manik Angkeran stole his father’s genta and came to Naga Besukih. Manik Angkeran got gold and diamonds. But he was not satisfied. Manik Angkeran saw a big gem at the end of the dragon’s tail. When Naga Besukih turned toward the cave, Manik Angkeran immediately cut off the dragon’s tail and ran away.

    Naga Besukih was furious and licked Manik Angkeran’s footprints. Then he turned into ashes. Sidi Matra was aware of this situation and begged Naga Besukih to revive his son. Naga Besukih agreed if his tail was back. With his magic, Sidi Mantra returned the tail back to normal. Then, Naga Besukih revived Manik Angkeran.
    Sidi Mantra knew that he could not live with his son again. With his wand, Sidi Mantra made a line that separated him from his son. There came springs growing into a sea. This is the legend of Bali Strait separating Java from Bali.

  25. 270
    Once upon a time there lived a mother with her child. They lived by the river of Sebangau. His mother named Bawi Kuwu and her child named Tangkiling.

    One day, when Tangkiling was playing with his friends, he felt hungry and went home to eat. But, he didn’t want to wait his mother for cooking. Then, he cried and made his mother angry. Then, Bawi Kuwu hit his head until injured.

    Tangkiling ran away from home and adopted by a merchant from China. Then, Tangkiling was invited to China by the merchant. The merchant taught Tangkiling how to trade. So, Tangkiling was trusted by the merchant to sail and trade in Indonesia.

    One day, Tangkiling came to Sebangau river used a large ship. On that time a large ship called Banama by Dayakese. Tangkiling came to that place to trade. But, he forgot that Sebangau river is a place where he was born. Then, he and his crew lived long enough in that place.

    Tangkiling got a news that there was a beautiful woman in that place. Then, he married her. He didn’t know that the woman is Bawi Kuwu, his mother.

    One time, Tangkiling asked his wife to look flea on his head. When she looked on his head, she saw a scar. She asked Tangkiling about the scar on his head and he told about how he got the scar. Then, she realized and told him that he is her son. But, Tangkiling did not believe what she said. He thought if she is his mother, she would have been old. Then, Bawi Kuwu told him that she had been given endless beauty by the Almighty. But, Tangkiling just laughed. He swore if what she said is true, let the Almighty cursed him.

    Suddenly, there came a great storm and thick clouds. Then, it began to rain, thunder, and lightning shouted. He and his large ship cursed to a stone. But, unfortunately Bawi Kuwu was trapped inside the ship. The large ship that turned to a stone called Batu Banama.


  26. 47 baris
    Once upon a time there were 40 cruel thieves who put their stolen money and treasures in a cave. They went in the cave by saying ”open sesame” to the cave entrance. A poor person, named ali baba saw them while they were doing that, so he heard the opening word. After they left, he went toward the cave and opened it. Suddenly he found a very large quantity of money and golden treasures. He took some of it and went back home. After that he became a rich man and his brother wanted to know how he became rich.
    Ali baba turned into the richest man in his village. His evil brother was really jealous of him, and wanted to know how he could get such a lot of money. Therefore, when ali baba went to the cave again to take some more money, his brother followed him. He saw everything, and decided to go back the next day to take some money for himself. The next morning he found a lot of money in the cave, and he wanted to take all of them. Unfortunately, when he was busy carrying the money to his house, the thieves came. The boss of the thieves asked him how he knew about the cave. He told everything, but unluckily they killed him and went to ali baba’s house.
    After finding ali baba’s house, they made a plan to kill him the following night. Some of the thieves hid in big jars, and the boss pretended that he was a merchant who wanted to sell the jars to ali baba. Ali baba who was a kind man invited the boss of the thief to have lunch together.
    After lunch they took a rest. Luckily, the house maid went out of the house, and found that there were thieves inside the jars. She finally boiled hot oil and poured it into the jars to kill all of them. The boss of the thieves was caught, and put into prison.
    Ali baba was saved from the danger, and he finally lived happily ever after with his maid who became his wife shortly after.

    Golden eggs
    Long time ago a remote village, in central china was inhabited mainly with farmers and hunters. One day, a poor farmer lost his entire livestock to flood. He prayed hard to god for help or his family would die of starvation. Few days later, an old man with long grey beard, passed by his house took pity on him. He gave him a goose and said “ i don’t have any expensive thing to give you and hope this goose will help you to ease your hardship. ” a week later to almost kejutan the farmer found and egg in his yard. This was no ordinary egg. It was a golden egg. He was suddenly overcome with joy. Thereafter, his livelihood had rapidly improved but the farmer had forgotten his earlier hardship. He became lazy, arrogant and spendthrift. Strangely, the goose only laid one golden egg every six months. The greedy farmer lost his patient and slaughtered his goose thinking there were plenty of golden eggs inside its stomach. Though he very much regretted for his foolishness, it’s already too late. **

  27. 90 baris
    Once upon a time, there was a puppeteer named geppetto. He very wished a boy however his wife has also been died for a protracted time ago. In some unspecified time in the future, he had an plan. He wished to actually build a puppet thus he would never felt lonely once more. He designed a puppet all night while not resting. Within the whole morning, finally he finished his work. He named the puppet, pinocchio. He played whole day with pinocchio. Though, he felt lonely once more as a result of pinocchio couldnt talk or walk by himself. In the midst as to the night, geppetto prayed to actually the god. His wish was pinocchio became a real boy, human. He thought it on his mind during dream.

    In consecutive morning, he surprised. Pinocchio was alive. He very was happy. He powerful pinocchio how to steer, how to actually speak, how to learn to read etc. Just like a teacher. Pinocchio learned fast. He entered an elementary college. In some unspecified time in the future, pinocchio felt bored. Thus, he went home late. Geppetto worried concerning him. When pinocchio came to actually home, geppetto asked him. He aforementioned he was on college however he didnt. Suddenly, pinocchios nose grow longer. It meant that pinocchio lied.

    Consecutive day, pinocchio got caught by thieves. The thieves was the owner of circus. Pinocchio became a slave regarding the circus. He was famous as a result of he was a talking puppet. Geppetto worried him. Pinocchio didnt return home for two days. He found pinocchio everywhere. When he discovered the ocean, big wave smashed him. He was on whales stomach when he awoke. He couldnt find the method out.
    In numerous place, pinocchio finally might get out from circus. He visited home however geppetto wasnt on there. He found geppetto at ocean. He had a similar accident like geppetto. He met geppetto in whales stomach. They actually got out from its stomach by designed a fire.
    They actually went home back along. In finished, they actually lived happy forever after.

    A lane going in the hill
    It had been a significant rainstorm in kampung sepang. Jabri and halil had barely finished their dinner along at jabri’s house. They actually were sitting within the whole living room for low and conversation, hoping, the rain would stop soon.

    It was eventually half past eleven at night and also the downpour was showing no signs for stopping. “it appearance like you’ll be required to spent the night here, halil. ” aforementioned jabri “no method, ” halil aforementioned, “i’ve to remain at work early tomorrow morning. ”

    Many moment later halil got straight into the car, started the engine, and aforementioned sensible night to actually jibri. One thing told him that he shouldn’t have turned over the lane going in the hill, however it was eventually the shortest method home. He knew that lane. It run across an recent chinese cemetery. There have been no lights, no cars, no individuals, barely halil and his recent car.

    All associated with a sudden, a white form appeared in the midst as to the lane. Halil shone his beam of light-weight for the reason that direction. The white form turned to actually halil. He saw a two of crimson eyes staring at him. It was eventually a-long-haired girl in a protracted white dress. She grinned at halil.

    Quickly, halil felt his blood frozen. His heartbeat stopped. His mouth opened however he was speechless. His eyes opened widely in terror.

    Suddenly consciousness came into his mind. He quickly reserved his car and sped away barely in time.

    “i suppose i’ll take raise provide to invest the night here of course, ” halil told jabri with his legs trembling.

  28. 295
    It was a beautiful day. Everybody in the Kawar village was happy. The farmers had just had their best harvest. The villagers were planning to hold a party to celebrate the good harvest. On one beautiful day, all the villagers gathered in a field. They wore beautiful dresses and made delicious food. Everybody was having good times! They were singing, laughing and, of course, eating delicious food.

    The legend of Lau Kawar Lake
    Did everyone go to the party? Unfortunately, there was one old woman still staying at her house. She was too old and weak to go to the party. Her son, her daughter-in-law, and her grandchildren all went to the party. At home, the old woman felt very sad and lonely. She was very hungry too. She tried to find some food in the kitchen, but she was very disappointed. Her daughter-in-law did not cook that day. At the party, the son asked her wife, “Why don’t you take some food from the party and give it to my mom? Ask our son to deliver it.” Then the little boy brought the food to her grandmother. The old woman was so happy. But her happiness turned into sadness when she saw the food was not in a good condition. It seemed that someone had eaten the food. She just got little rice and fish bones.
    The old woman was very sad. She thought bad things about her son. The old woman did not know that it was her grandson who had eaten the food on the way from the party to the house. She cursed her son. Then, a terrible thing happened. There was a great earthquake! Thunders struck the village. And heavy rains started to fall. All the villagers were so scared. They wanted to save themselves. They tried to find shelters. Slowly, the field turned into a lake. The lake was getting bigger and bigger, and finally the whole village turned into a big lake. People then named the lake Lau Kawar

  29. 315
    When the world was young, no one lived on earth. Every day, Magbabaya, the God of life, looked down on the earth from his home in the sky.
    Cerita Sejarah Warna Kulit
    “Oh, how lovely the earth looks! It’s so big but yet so empty!”
    One day, he had a bright idea.
    “I must make some people to live on earth.”
    Cerita Sejarah Warna Kulit
    He jumped down from his home in the sky. He dug up, some earth and mixed it with water. He then made some human beings out of it. He laid them on the ground to dry in the sun.
    Cerita Sejarah Warna Kulit
    Soon he returned to the sky, he hunted the whole day in the sky forest, afterwards, he went home with the animals he had caught. Suddenly, he remembered the people he had left to dry in the sun. he returned to earth as fast as he could. But they had already been burnt as black as coal by the hot sun.
    Cerita Sejarah Warna Kulit
    He shook his head. “I must try again,” he said. “Next time, I’ll be careful not to leave them so long under the sun.”
    Cerita Sejarah Warna Kulit
    Again, he made some human beings out of clay. He laid them out carefully to dry under the sun. but he was so worried this time that he did not leave them long enough. They were not baked properly. When he looked at them, he saw that they were too pale.
    Cerita Sejarah Warna Kulit
    He said. “Tomorrow when the sun shine, I shall make some more people. This time, I shall make sure they are baked longer.”
    Cerita Sejarah Warna Kulit
    Once more, he took some clay and made some human beings out of it. He laid them carefully in the sun. when he thought that the sun was getting too hot, he covered them with leaves, and put them in the shede.
    Cerita Sejarah Warna Kulit
    Then he let a gentle breeze blow over them. Every now and again, he turned each of them over so that they would have the same light brown colour all over.
    Cerita Sejarah Warna Kulit
    When he had finished, he looked proudly at his work. They were a golden brown colour and very good to look at. “They are perfect!” he cried happily.
    Cerita Sejarah Warna Kulit
    Then he collected all the human beings he had made and placed them in different parts of the world.
    And this is why we have black, white and brown people today.

  30. 115 baris
    Once upon a time, there was a puppeteer named Geppetto. He really wanted a boy but his wife has been died for a long time ago. One day, he had an idea. He wanted to make a puppet so he would never felt lonely again. He made a puppet all night without resting. In the morning, finally he finished his work. He named the puppet, Pinocchio. He played whole day with Pinocchio. However, he felt lonely again because Pinocchio couldn't talk or walk by himself. In the middle of the night, Geppetto prayed to the God. His wish was Pinocchio became a real boy, human. He thought it on his mind in his dream.

    In the next morning, he surprised. Pinocchio was alive. He really was happy. He tough Pinocchio how to walk, how to speak, how to read etc. like a teacher. Pinocchio learned fast. He entered an elementary school. One day, Pinocchio felt bored. So, he went home late. Geppetto worried about him. When Pinocchio came to home, Geppetto asked him. He said he was on school but he didn't. Suddenly, Pinocchio's nose grow longer. It meant that Pinocchio lied.

    The next day, Pinocchio got caught by thieves. The thieves was the owner of circus. Pinocchio became a slave for the circus. He was famous because he was a talking puppet. Geppetto worried him. Pinocchio didn't come home for 2 days. He found Pinocchio everywhere. When he discovered the sea, big wave smashed him. He was on whale's stomach when he awoke. He couldn't find the way out.

    In different place, Pinocchio finally could get out from circus. He went to home but Geppetto wasn't on there. He found Geppetto at sea. He had the same accident like Geppetto. He met Geppetto in whale's stomach. They got out from its stomach by made a fire.
    They went home back together. In the end, they lived happy forever after.

  31. 340
    Do you know where the name Hong Kong comes from?
    There are several interesting stories about this. A long time ago, there was a village near Arberdeen called “Hong Kong Ts’un” or “Incense Harbour Village”. The incense grown there was famous throughout China. Some of it was even sent to
    the Chinese Emperor. Some people believe that the name Hong Kong comes from this village.
    What happened to this village? One day, the Emperor wanted some incense sent to him from the village. The villagers did not send it to him. The Emperor then ordered his officer to arrest the village headmen and cut off their heads. After that, everyone ran away from the village and no more incense was grown there.
    But some other people believe that Hong Kong is named after a container for burning incense. Long, long ago, this container was picked up in the harbor. It was kept in a tample at Causeway Bay. The place where it was found was called “Hong Kong” or “Incense Harbour”
    There is a third story that Hong Kong is named after a woman called Hong ku. She was the wife of a pirate chief. After her husband died, she became the leader of the pirates. She then moved to the island which is now called Hong Kong. If this story is true, the name “Hong kong” means “Hong’s Harbour”.
    According to yet another story, Hong Kong is named after a stream near Pokfulan Road. The water was very pleasant to drink. Many years ago, people used to go there to collect drinking water. The stream was called “Hong Kong” or “sweet stream”.

  32. 140
    Once upon a time, there lived a handsome boy in Baghdad. The name was Aladdin. He was a clever boy, but he did not like to work.

    One day Aladin’s mother sent him to the market place to look for a job. In the market he met a magician. The magician asked him to work together with him. If Aladdin could do, he would get a lot of gold coins and jewellery. The magician asked Aladdin to go inside the cave and find a magical lamp there. He also gave a ring and said, “If you are in any trouble, rub this ring and a genie will come to your rescue!”

    Aladdin went into the cave. Inside the cave, Aladdin was surprised by what he saw. Every corner was full of gold and treasures. A few minutes later, he found the lamp and quickly returned to the entrance of the cave.

    Aladdin called out, “Magician, I have found the lamp.”

    “Excellent,” answered the magician. “Quick, pass it to me!”

    Aladdin did not trust the magician so he said, “Not so fast Magician. You must help me out of this cave first.”

    The magician became very angry. When Aladdin was walking to the entrance, the magician pushed a huge rock over the entrance of the cave and left Aladdin and the lamp behind. Aladdin tried to move the rock all by himself, but it was too big and heavy, “Oh no! I am trapped in the cave!” he cried.

    Suddenly, he remembered the magic ring. He rubbed it with the palm of his hand. To his surprise, a genie appeared before him and in a powerful voice said, “Master, I am the Genie of the ring. How can I help you?”

    Aladdin was frightened, but he soon found the courage to ask, “Could you please send me back to my house?” In no time at all Aladdin was back home.

    Aladdin took out the lamp. He wondered what would happen if he rubbed it. As Aladdin was rubbing it, all of a sudden another enormous genie stood before him. The genie of the lamp said, “Master, your wish is my command.” Aladdin was very excited and wished for an enormous palace and bags full of gold.

    One day, a beautiful princess was passing by Aladdin’s palace. She stopped to talk to Aladdin and soon they became good friends. Before long, Aladdin and Jasmine fell in love each other. She married Aladdin and lived happily.

  33. 170 baris
    Once upon a time, there was a girl called Cinderella. Cinderella is lived happily with her mother and father until her mother died. Feel that Cinderella needs a mother figure in his life, Cinderella’s father remarries to a woman who has two daughters of her own.

    Unfortunately, Cinderella's father dies and she lived only with her stepmother and stepsisters. They were very bossy, she had to do all the housework.

    One day on invitation to the hall come to the family. The King invited for all the eligible ladies in the kingdom so as to find Prince a wife. Her stepsisters would no let her go. Cinderella was sad. The stepsisters went to the hall without her. Fortunately, the fairy Godmother came and helped her to get to the hall with the wave of magic wand, helped prepared Cinderella for the hall. The fairy does warn her that is magic will end at a stroke of midnight, so she must leaved the hall before than.

    At the hall all people surprised when Cinderella arrived. And then the Prince invited Cinderella to danced. He fell in love with her.
    All of a sudden, the clock star to chime that is a midnight. Cinderella hastily runs away, dropped a glass slipper as she does so. Cinderella escapes, with nothing from the night left, except from the other glass slipper, which had not changed back.

    Prince Charming orders his love to be found by means of the odd shoe, and the Grand Duke is sent around the land getting every girl in the land to try on the glass slipper to see if it fits.

    Eventually the Grand Duke reaches the residence of Cinderella, but she is nowhere to be seen. The stepsisters frantically try to get the glass slipper to fit so as to wed into royalty, but compatible nothing that. The Grand Duke is about to leave as Cinderella finally appears.

    He orders the messenger to brought forth the glass slipper, yet the stepmother in a last minute attempt to prevent her stepdaughter from better things, causes the messenger to trip, thus broken the fragile shoe into pieces.

    Yet the arrogant woman hadn't betted on Cinderella produced the other glass slipper, which fits onto Cinderella's foot perfectly. Very soon, wedding bells ring, and Cinderella married her prince, and they live happily ever after

  34. 370
    Everybody agreed that Aioga was a very beautiful girl. In fact, the villagers told her that she was the most beautiful girl in their village. This made Aioga vain. She became proud of her beauty and each day looked at herself in the mirror. She liked her looks so much that daily she went to look at herself in the stream that ran past her house.
    One day, her mother asked her to wash the dishes. Aioga spent so much time admiring her reflection in the dishes that her mother was annoyed. “Aioga, you’re becoming too vain and lazy. You do nothing but admire yourself each day. This has got to stop. Even our neighbours are complaining. They say that you’ve become proud and won’t even talk to their daughters. You make me so ashamed.”
    Aioga sulked and refused to do any more work. She thought her mother was treating her badly. She became even lazier. Each day, she lay in bed until the sun was high in the sky. Her mother did not know what to do with her.
    “Aioga, please go to the stream and fetch some water. I want to bake some cakes for tea,” said her mother.
    “But I may fall into the water,” said Aioga.
    Her mother sighed. She was slowly losing patience with her daughter. “Hold on to a bush and you won’t fall in.”
    “But the bush may fall into the stream,” complained her daughter.
    “But all the bushes by the stream have thorns and I may scratch my pretty hands,” said the girl.
    Her mother grew steadily more impatient. “Aioga, put on your mittens. They’ll not only keep you warm but will also stop you from getting scatched.” Aioga then complained that her mit­tens were torn. Her mother then handed her a needle and thread.
    “What if the needle breaks?" asked the girl. Aioga did not sew her mittens but instead spent the time looking at herself in the mirror.
    Her mother was very angry with her, and when her hus­band returned from work, she spoke to him about their daugh­ter. He was angry too when he heard what his wife had told him, so he sent for Aioga. “Aioga, go this minute and get a re­ally thick needle from the workbasket and mend your mittens,” he said.
    “But, Papa, what if the needle pricks my finger?”
    “You can use a thimble made of strong skin,” he said.
    “But if the thimble is pierced I’ll hurt my finger,” said the girl.
    Aioga’s younger sister, who was good and sweet-natured, came into the room. Cheerfully, she offered to fetch the water. She ran to the stream, filled the bucket and then helped her mother bake some cakes. When Aioga saw the lovely golden cakes, her mouth began to water. They looked delicious.
    ”Mother, give me some cakes,” she said.
    “They’re hot and you’ll burn your fingers,” said her mother. “I’ll put on my mittens.”
    “But your mittens are torn. Besides, they’re damp as you did not dry them out yesterday after playing in the snow,” said her mother.
    “I’ll dry them now before the fire,” said the girl.
    “No, drying them out too quickly will make them stiff. And you won’t be able to hold the cakes,” said her mother.
    Aioga was hungry and the cakes smelled so delicious. “I’ll soften them with some wax,” she said.
    “But your hands will get dirty. Why should you work and spoil your looks? It would be better if I gave the cake to your sister who doesn’t mind using her hands,” said Aioga”s mother.
    When she saw her mother give her sister the cake, Aioga ran out of the house to the stream. She was very angry as she thought that her mother was very unfair. She saw her sister enjoying the cake and turned to stare angrily at her. “Aioga, please don’t be angry. I’ll share my cake with you,” she said. Her sister was only trying to be kind but Aioga was proud. How could she, the village beauty, accept a half-eaten cake! She turned round and slapped her sister hard.
    “Go away. I don’t want anything from you. Just leave me alone.” Aioga began to hit her sister again

  35. 390
    Many years ago, rabbits had long tails, not short ones, and crocodiles had tongues.
    One such long-tailed rabbit lived near a pond. He drank water from the pond and the grass nearby.
    Now, in the pond lived a crocodile. The crocodile saw the rabbit eating grass and drinking water, and he thought how nice it would be to eat the rabbit.
    One day the crocodile swam very close to the edge of the pond. He lay still in the water, hoping that the rabbit wouldn’t see him. When the rabbit came to drink
    , the crocodile opened his mouth wide. Then he closed it with a snap. The rabbit was caught between the crocodile’s sharp teeth!
    Of course, the rabbit was very frightened, but he did not want the crocodile to know this. “I’m not afraid of you,” said the rabbit. “I’m only afraid of animals that roar. Everyone knows that crocodiles can’t roar, so you can’t frighten me.
    When the crocodile heard this, he became very angry. He wanted to show the rabbit that he could roar as fiercely as a tiger. And so, the crocodile opened his mouth to roar. When the crocodile opened his mouth, the clever rabbit jumped free. As he jumped, the rabbit’s sharp toe-nails caught the crocodile’s tongue and tore it out.
    The crocodile tried to catch the rabbit again, but his great teeth only snapped off the end of the rabbit’s tail. Again and again the crocodile tried to catch the rabbit, but the rabbit was too quick for him. Sometimes the crocodile caught a piece of the rabbit’s tail, but he could never roar at the rabbit because he had lost his tongue.
    That is why rabbit today have short tail, and crocodiles have no tongue.

  36. 195 baris
    Once upon time, a man had a wonderful parrot. There was no other parrot like it. The parrot could say every word, except one word. The parrot would not say the name of the place where it was born. The name of the place was Catano.
    The man felt excited having the smartest parrot but he could not understand why the parrot would not say Catano. The man tried to teach the bird to say Catano however the bird kept not saying the word.
    At the first, the man was very nice to the bird but then he got very angry. "You stupid bird!" pointed the man to the parrot. "Why can't you say the word? Say Catano! Or I will kill you" the man said angrily. Although he tried hard to teach, the parrot would not say it. Then the man got so angry and shouted to the bird over and over; "Say Catano or I'll kill you". The bird kept not to say the word of Catano.
    One day, after he had been trying so many times to make the bird say Catano, the man really got very angry. He could not bear it. He picked the parrot and threw it into the chicken house. There were four old chickens for next dinner "You are as stupid as the chickens. Just stay with them" Said the man angrily. Then he continued to humble; "You know, I will cut the chicken for my meal. Next it will be your turn, I will eat you too, stupid parrot". After that he left the chicken house.
    The next day, the man came back to the chicken house. He opened the door and was very surprised. He could not believe what he saw at the chicken house. There were three death chickens on the floor. At the moment, the parrot was standing proudly and screaming at the last old chicken; "Say Catano or I'll kill you".

  37. 410
    There was a couple who lived on the foot of Mount Bromo, Roro Anteng and Joko Seger. After eight years of marriage, they had not had any children. For six years they prayed, pleaded with God to give them children. Finally, their prayer was complied on one condition: they would have to sacrifice their youngest son to the Bromo crater.
    After some time, Roro Anteng gave birth to a child. And it happened every year until they had 25 children. They lived happily and ignored the agreement. The Mount Bromo erupted signaling that the Gods asked the couple to fulfill their promise. But, they didn’t want to let their youngest son, Raden Kusuma, be sacrificed to the crater.
    Raden Kusuma learned about the deal his parents had made. Meanwhile, the lava from the crater had made the people living near the mountain suffered. Raden Kusuma was a kind and noble man. He did not want his siblings and the people suffered because of him. Therefore, he went to Mount Bromo and sacrificed himself to the carater. The eruption suddenly stopped.
    Since that day, every Kasodo 14th in the Tenggerese calendar, the Tengger people (descendant of Roro Anteng and Joko Seger) give offerings to the crater, as raden Kusuma had asked before the sacrifice.

  38. 212 baris
    Once upon a time, there lived a bear and a rabbit. The rabbitis a good shot. In contrary, the bear is always clumsy and could not use the arrow.
    One day, the bear called overthe rabbit and asked the rabbitto take his bow and arrows.
    The rabbit was fearing to arouse the bear's anger so he could not refuse it. He went with the bear and shot enough buffalo to satisfy the hungry family. Indeed he shot and killed so many that there were lots of meats left after.
    However the bear did not want the rabbit to get any of the meat. The rabbitcould not even taste the meat. The poor rabbit would have to go home hungry after his hard day's work.

    The bear was the father of five children. Fortunately, the youngest child was very kind to the rabbit. He was very hearty eater. The mother bear always gave him an extra large piece of meat but the youngest child did not eat it. He would take it outside with him and pretended to play ball with the meat. He kicked toward the rabbit's house.When he got close to the door he would give the meat with such a great kick. The meat would fly into the rabbit's house. In this way, the poor rabbit would get his me.

  39. 430
    Once upon a time, there was a beautiful girl called Maria. She was tall, with black eyes, and long shining hair. The colour of her skin was a clear light brow.
    One morning, while she was collecting firewood, she met a young man.
    He looked like a hunter. He was tall, handsome and very neatly dressed. No one knew
    who he was or where he came from. Nor did anyone know his name. Maria liked him. He liked her too.
    Maria did not know this but he was an anito or a spirit from the sky.
    They became friends. Although they were good friends for a long time, the young man never asked Maria to became his wife.
    This made Maria very unhappy. “I have no parents or brothers or sisters,” she said. “You too are alone. I am sure we could be happy together.”
    “I didn’t want to tell you this,” the young man said, “but I am an anito. I cannot marry a human being. I have to return to the sky.”
    Maria was surprised. She did not know what to say. She held his hands tightly.
    “please let me go,” said the young man. “I had hoped you would never find out who I am.”
    There was a blinding flash of light and the young man disappeared. But as Maria was holding on to his hands so tightly, he left them behind.
    Of course, Maria was frightened. She ran home and buried them in her garden. Soon she saw a strange plant growing where she had buried them. The plant grew fast.
    Then some fruit appeared. It was yellow and shaped like a man’s hand with fingers on it. It was the first banana.

  40. 230baris
    Once, a cap seller was passing through a jungle. He was very tired and needed to rest. Then, he stopped and spread a cloth under a tree. He placed his bag full of caps near him and lay down with his cap on his head.

    The cap seller had a sound sleep for one hour. When he got up, the first thing he did was to look into his bag. He was startled when he found all his caps were not there.

    When he looked up the sky, he was very surprised to see monkeys sitting on the branches of a tree, each of the monkeys is wearing a cap of on its head. They had evidently done it to imitate him.
    He decided to get his caps back by making a humble request to the monkeys. In return, the monkeys only made faces of him. When he begun to make gesture, the monkeys also imitated him.

    At last he found a clever idea. " Monkeys are a great imitator," he thought. So he took off his own cap and threw it down on the ground. And as he had expected, all the monkeys took off the caps and threw the caps down on the ground. Quickly, he stood up and collected the caps, put them back into his bag and went away.

  41. 276baris
    One time, there lived a big apple tree and a boy who liked to play around under the apple tree everyday. He was happy to climb up to the top of the tree, eat the fruit, a nap in the shade of the shade leaves. The boy loved the apple tree. Similarly, the apple tree is very love little boy too.

    Time flies. The boy had grown big and no longer playing with the apple tree every day. One day he went to the apple tree. His face looked sad.
    “Come over here and play with me,” said the apple tree.
    “I’m not a little kid playing with the tree again,” replied the boy.
    “I want to have toys, but I’m not having money to buy it.”
    The tree replied, “Sorry, but I did not have money … but you can take all of my fruit and sell it. You can get the money to buy toys. “
    The boy was very happy. He grabbed all the apples on the tree and left happily. However, after that the boy never came back. The tree was sad again.
    One day the boy returned again. Tree was so excited.
    “Come play with me anymore,” said the apple tree.
    “I do not have the time,” replied the boy.
    “I have to work for my family. We need a house for shelter. Will you help me? “
    “Sorry, but I don’t have a house. But you can cut down all of my branches to build your house”, said the apple tree. Then the boy cut all of the branches and twigs that apple tree and left happily.
    The tree was also felt happy to see the boy happy, but the boy never came back again. The tree was lonely and sad again.
    One hot summer day, the boy returned again. The tree was delighted.
    “Come and play again with me,” the tree said.
    “I’m sad,” said the boy.
    “I’m old and want to live in peace. I want to go on vacation and sailing. Will you give me a boat to cruise? “
    “Sorry, but I don’t have a boat, but you may cut my trunk and use it to create a ship that you want. Go sailing and have fun. “Later, the boy cut the tree trunk and makes a dream ship.
    He then went sailing and never again came to the apple tree.
    Finally, the boy returned again after all these years later.
    “I’m sorry my son,” said the apple tree.
    “I do not have apple for you anymore.”
    “It’s okay. I also have no teeth to bite your fruit, “replied the boy.
    “I don’t have a trunk and branches you can climb,” said the apple tree.
    “Now, I’m too old for that,” replied the boy.
    “I really do not have anything more can I give to you. What remains is my roots old and dying, “said the apple tree with tears.
    “I do not need anything else right now,” said the boy.
    “I just need a place to rest. I was so tired after all these years. “
    “Oooh, very nice. Do you know? The root of old trees is the best place to lie down and rest. Come, lay in the arms of my roots and rest in peace. “
    The boy lay in the arms of tree roots.
    The tree was glad and smiled with tears in his eyes

  42. 450. LUNASS pak :) :D
    Many years ago, there was a king and queen who lived in Mindanao. They were not liked by their people. The king was cruel and the queen was greedy.
    Legenda Monyet Pertama
    The king collected a lot of money from his people and gave it to the queen. The queen bought expensive food, wine and clothes from all over the world and kept them in the palace.
    Legenda Monyet Pertama
    One day, the king gave a party in the palace garden. There were six tables placed in the shade of some tall trees. Next to the trees, there was a large pond with goldfish in it.
    Legenda Monyet Pertama
    Soon the guests arrived and everybody started eating and enjoying themselves. Suddenly, an old woman entered the garden. No one knew where she came from. She approached each table and begged for food. No one gave her any and the king told his guest to chase her away.
    Legenda Monyet Pertama
    “Your Majesty, please have pity on me! I am an old man. I haven’t eaten any food for several days.”
    The queen, who was sitting next to the king became angry. “Go away, old woman!” she shouted. “Who asked you to come here? This party is for rich and important people.”
    Legenda Monyet Pertama
    The king roared with laughter. He banged the table with spoon.
    “Chase her away!” he cried. Everyone started beating her with their spoon. They chased the poor old woman all over the palace garden, suddenly, there was a great crash of thunder and a bright flash lightning. The old woman changed into a beautiful girl.
    Legenda Monyet Pertama
    “You are not human beings,” she said “You are all so cruel. None of you wanted to help me. Because of this, I shall changed you into monkeys.”
    Legenda Monyet Pertama
    She clapped her hands. Immediately, the spoon turned into tails and fixed themselves on the backs of the king, queen and their guests. The beautiful clothes which they were wearing turned into long hair. Their fingers and toes grew longer. When they tried to speak, they could chatter only like monkeys.
    Legenda Monyet Pertama
    They ran back to the palace but the king’s guards chased them away, and threw stones at them. “Go away, you dirty little things!” the guards shouted. “This is the king’ palace.
    Legenda Monyet Pertama
    As they had nowhere to go. They hid in the forest and hills where they have ever since.

  43. 300
    One day met with a deer slug lane times. Seeing with the slow snail crawl, the deer with the arrogant and arrogantly say
    Hare: "O snail, dare you race with me?" ( Invitation was very taunt snail, thought for a moment, then replied ) Snail: "Well, I accept your invitation and do not be embarrassed if later on you own to lose."Hare: "I cannot run past the world champion to be outdone by you, snails, crawl animal first-class in the world." Sneered deer.Hare: "Well, let us specify his run fast!" Replied the deer.Snail: "How about tomorrow Sunday, so many are watching." Said the snail.Hare: "Okay, I agree." Replied the dee
    While waiting for the appointed day, the snail adjusts tactics. Soon he collected as many snails nations. During the meeting, the slug fired up with his friends and they want to embarrass deer furiously in public. In deliberation, it was agreed unanimously that the snails race each assigned later standing among the grass at the edge of time. Arrange their own place. When you call a deer in front of the slug that was the answer and so on. The awaited moment came. The audience was very full. The audience came from all corners of the forest.

    Hare and snail has underlined started preparing. Race leader raised the flag, a sign the race started. A hare ran very fast. All the energy release. Applause echoed growing audience, encouraging the deer. After running many miles, stop deer. While important, he called. Hare: "Snail," cried deer. Snail: "Yes, I'm here."

    Because snails have been in front, back hare runs very fast until there is no more energy left. Then he was summoned. Hare: "Snail," cried the deer again. Snail: "Yes, I'm here."Many times always so. Until the deer finally limp and cannot run again. Give up the deer and admit defeat. The audience stunned.
    Snail victory was welcomed with a smile alone. There is no jump for joy as the winner of the race in general.

  44. 350baris
    In a small forest on the edge of the village there is a rabbit that arrogant. She likes to taunt animals - other weaker animals. Animals - other animals such as turtles - turtles, snails, ants and animals - other small animals no one likes the rabbits was cocky. One day, the rabbit walks arrogantly seek to be insulted weak opponent. Incidentally, he met the tortoise - tortoise.

    Rabbit: "Hey, turtle - the tortoise, the slow, you do not run off the road..... Let's run, let me quickly up. Turtles: "Let the hare, slow path indeed. The important thing I got to my destination safely, rather than quickly - faster later fall and get hurt." Rabbit: "Hey turtles - turtles, what if we run the race. If you win, I'll give you anything you ask for a gift."

    Whereas in the rabbit heart says.

    Rabbit: "How could he be able to beat me." Turtles: "Well, how could I compete rabbit racing with you, you can run and jump quickly, while I go step by step while carrying this heavy my house." Rabbit: "I cannot, you should not reject my challenge this. Anyway, I'll see you tomorrow morning under the banyan tree. I will call the wolf pack to be the referee."

    Turtles can only be silent gawking. Said in his heart.

    Turtles: "How can I beat the rabbit?"

    The next day the rabbit wait Proudly under the banyan tree. Mr. Wolf also has come to be a referee. Once the turtles come pack of wolves said.

    Wolf pack: "The rules are like this, you start from the tree line on the other side under the mango tree. Can you not see? "Rabbit: "Can...." Turtles: "Can...."Wolf pack: "Now who could come first under the banyan tree, that's what wins." Okay, ...... One...... Two...... Three...... Started! "Rabbits jump immediately preceded turtles, which began to move slowly because he could not leave his house.

    Rabbit: "Come turtles, run dong!" Well, I'm waiting here.... "

    Rabbits sit while singing. The wind was blowing softly and when cool, so make a sleepy bunny rabbit and soon fell asleep. Slowly but surely turtles stepping over backwards. With turtles, he passed a rabbit who had fallen asleep. A few more steps he will reach the finish line. That's when the rabbit got up. How shocked he saw turtles has almost reached the finish over backwards he ran and jumped to catch turtles. But it was too late, foot turtles has touched the finish line and a pack of wolves has been decided that the winner is the turtles. The arrogant rabbit stunned silence, as if not believing that he could fall asleep. So who is the winner yes, turtles.

    4. The wolf and the dog
    contoh narrative text fable

  45. 380
    there was once a Wolf, who got very little to eat because the Dogs of the village were so wide awake and watchful. He was really nothing but skin and bones, and it made him very downhearted to think of it.

    One night this Wolf happened to fall in with a fine fat House Dog who had wandered a little too far from home. The Wolf would gladly have eaten him then and there, but the House Dog looked strong enough to leave his marks should he try it. So the Wolf spoke very humbly to the Dog, complimenting him on his fine appearance.

    “You can be as well-fed as I am if you want to,” replied the Dog. “Leave the woods; there you live miserably. Why, you have to fight hard for every bite you get. Follow my example and you will get along beautifully.”

    “What must I do?” asked the Wolf.
    “Hardly anything,” answered the House Dog. “Chase people who carry canes, bark at beggars, and fawn on the people of the house. In return you will get tidbits of every kind, chicken bones, choice bits of meat, sugar, cake, and much more besides, not to speak of kind words and caresses.”
    The Wolf had such a beautiful vision of his coming happiness that he almost wept. But just then he noticed that the hair on the Dog’s neck was worn and the skin was chafed.
    “What is that on your neck?”
    “Nothing at all,” replied the Dog.
    “What! Nothing!”
    “Oh, just a trifle!”
    “But please tell me.”
    “Perhaps you see the mark of the collar to which my chain is fastened.”
    “What! A chain!” cried the Wolf. “Don’t you go wherever you please?”
    “Not always! But what’s the difference?” replied the Dog.
    “All the difference in the world! I don’t care a rap for your feasts and I wouldn’t take all the tender young lambs in the world at that price.” And away ran the Wolf to the woods.

  46. 400
    A Town Mouse and a Country Mouse were friends. The Country Mouse one day invited his friend to come and see him at his home in the fields. The Town Mouse came and they sat down to a dinner of barleycorns and roots the latter of which had a distinctly earthy flavour.

    The flavour was not much to the taste of the guest and presently he broke out with “My poor dear friend, you live here no better than the ants. Now, you should just see how I fare! My larder is a regular horn of plenty. You must come and stay with me and I promise you shall live on the fat of the land.”

    So when he returned to town he took the Country Mouse with him and showed him into a larder containing flour and oatmeal and figs and honey and dates.

    The Country Mouse had never seen anything like it and sat down to enjoy the luxuries his friend provided. But before they had well begun, the door of the larder opened and some one came in. The two Mice scampered off and hid themselves in a narrow and exceedingly uncomfortable hole. Presently, when all was quiet, they ventured out again. But some one else came in, and off they scuttled again. This was too much for the visitor. “Good bye,” said he, “I’m off. You live in the lap of luxury, I can see, but you are surrounded by dangers whereas at home I can enjoy my simple dinner of roots and corn in peace.”

  47. 450
    Everybody agreed that Aioga was a very beautiful girl. In fact, the villagers told her that she was the most beautiful girl in their village. This made Aioga vain. She became proud of her beauty and each day looked at herself in the mirror. She liked her looks so much that daily she went to look at herself in the stream that ran past her house.
    One day, her mother asked her to wash the dishes. Aioga spent so much time admiring her reflection in the dishes that her mother was annoyed. “Aioga, you’re becoming too vain and lazy. You do nothing but admire yourself each day. This has got to stop. Even our neighbours are complaining. They say that you’ve become proud and won’t even talk to their daughters. You make me so ashamed.”
    Aioga sulked and refused to do any more work. She thought her mother was treating her badly. She became even lazier. Each day, she lay in bed until the sun was high in the sky. Her mother did not know what to do with her.
    “Aioga, please go to the stream and fetch some water. I want to bake some cakes for tea,” said her mother.
    “But I may fall into the water,” said Aioga.
    Her mother sighed. She was slowly losing patience with her daughter. “Hold on to a bush and you won’t fall in.”
    “But the bush may fall into the stream,” complained her daughter.
    “But all the bushes by the stream have thorns and I may scratch my pretty hands,” said the girl.
    Her mother grew steadily more impatient. “Aioga, put on your mittens. They’ll not only keep you warm but will also stop you from getting scatched.” Aioga then complained that her mit­tens were torn. Her mother then handed her a needle and thread.
    “What if the needle breaks?" asked the girl. Aioga did not sew her mittens but instead spent the time looking at herself in the mirror.
    Her mother was very angry with her, and when her hus­band returned from work, she spoke to him about their daugh­ter. He was angry too when he heard what his wife had told him, so he sent for Aioga. “Aioga, go this minute and get a re­ally thick needle from the workbasket and mend your mittens,” he said.
    “But, Papa, what if the needle pricks my finger?”
    “You can use a thimble made of strong skin,” he said.
    “But if the thimble is pierced I’ll hurt my finger,” said the girl.
    Aioga’s younger sister, who was good and sweet-natured, came into the room. Cheerfully, she offered to fetch the water. She ran to the stream, filled the bucket and then helped her mother bake some cakes. When Aioga saw the lovely golden cakes, her mouth began to water. They looked delicious.
    ”Mother, give me some cakes,” she said.
    “They’re hot and you’ll burn your fingers,” said her mother. “I’ll put on my mittens.”
    “But your mittens are torn. Besides, they’re damp as you did not dry them out yesterday after playing in the snow,” said her mother.
    “I’ll dry them now before the fire,” said the girl.
    “No, drying them out too quickly will make them stiff. And you won’t be able to hold the cakes,” said her mother.
    Aioga was hungry and the cakes smelled so delicious. “I’ll soften them with some wax,” she said.
    “But your hands will get dirty. Why should you work and spoil your looks? It would be better if I gave the cake to your sister who doesn’t mind using her hands,” said Aioga”s mother.
    When she saw her mother give her sister the cake, Aioga ran out of the house to the stream. She was very angry as she thought that her mother was very unfair. She saw her sister enjoying the cake and turned to stare angrily at her. “Aioga, please don’t be angry. I’ll share my cake with you,” she said. Her sister was only trying to be kind but Aioga was proud. How could she, the village beauty, accept a half-eaten cake! She turned round and slapped her sister hard.

  48. 470
    Once upon a time, there was a beautiful girl called Maria. She was tall, with black eyes, and long shining hair. The colour of her skin was a clear light brow.
    One morning, while she was collecting firewood, she met a young man.
    He looked like a hunter. He was tall, handsome and very neatly dressed. No one knew
    who he was or where he came from. Nor did anyone know his name. Maria liked him. He liked her too.
    Maria did not know this but he was an anito or a spirit from the sky.
    They became friends. Although they were good friends for a long time, the young man never asked Maria to became his wife.
    This made Maria very unhappy. “I have no parents or brothers or sisters,” she said. “You too are alone. I am sure we could be happy together.”
    “I didn’t want to tell you this,” the young man said, “but I am an anito. I cannot marry a human being. I have to return to the sky.”
    Maria was surprised. She did not know what to say. She held his hands tightly.
    “please let me go,” said the young man. “I had hoped you would never find out who I am.”
    There was a blinding flash of light and the young man disappeared. But as Maria was holding on to his hands so tightly, he left them behind.
    Of course, Maria was frightened. She ran home and buried them in her garden. Soon she saw a strange plant growing where she had buried them. The plant grew fast.
    Then some fruit appeared. It was yellow and shaped like a man’s hand with fingers on it. It was the first banana.

  49. 490
    Many years ago, rabbits had long tails, not short ones, and crocodiles had tongues.
    One such long-tailed rabbit lived near a pond. He drank water from the pond and the grass nearby.
    Now, in the pond lived a crocodile. The crocodile saw the rabbit eating grass and drinking water, and he thought how nice it would be to eat the rabbit.
    One day the crocodile swam very close to the edge of the pond. He lay still in the water, hoping that the rabbit wouldn’t see him. When the rabbit came to drink
    , the crocodile opened his mouth wide. Then he closed it with a snap. The rabbit was caught between the crocodile’s sharp teeth!
    Of course, the rabbit was very frightened, but he did not want the crocodile to know this. “I’m not afraid of you,” said the rabbit. “I’m only afraid of animals that roar. Everyone knows that crocodiles can’t roar, so you can’t frighten me.
    When the crocodile heard this, he became very angry. He wanted to show the rabbit that he could roar as fiercely as a tiger. And so, the crocodile opened his mouth to roar. When the crocodile opened his mouth, the clever rabbit jumped free. As he jumped, the rabbit’s sharp toe-nails caught the crocodile’s tongue and tore it out.
    The crocodile tried to catch the rabbit again, but his great teeth only snapped off the end of the rabbit’s tail. Again and again the crocodile tried to catch the rabbit, but the rabbit was too quick for him. Sometimes the crocodile caught a piece of the rabbit’s tail, but he could never roar at the rabbit because he had lost his tongue.
    That is why rabbit today have short tail, and crocodiles have no tongue.

  50. 510
    Once upon a time, there was a beautiful princess named Dewi Kadita. Because of her beauty, she was called Dewi Srengenge. It means the goddess of the sun. Her father was King Munding Wangi. Although he had a beautiful daughter, he was unhappy because he always expected to have a son.
    Kumpulan Legenda Bahasa Inggris
    The king decided to marry Dewi Mutiara. He had a son from her. Dewi Mutiara wanted hor son to became a king in the future. She asked the King to send his daughter away. The King did not agree.
    Kumpulan Legenda Bahasa Inggris
    Dewi Mutiara called a black wizard tor curse Kadita. She wanted kadita’s beautiful body full of ulcer. Then, Kadita’s body was full of ulcer. It smelled bad. The beautiful princess cried.
    Kumpulan Legenda Bahasa Inggris
    The King was very sad. No one could cure the illness of his daughter. The King did not want her daughter to be a rumour, so he sent his daughter away.
    Kumpulan Legenda Bahasa Inggris
    The poor princess did not know where to go. However, she had a noble heart. She did not have any bad feelings about her stepmother. She walked for almost seven days and seven nights. Then, she came to the south Ocean. The ocean was so clean and clear. She jumped into the water and swam.
    Kumpulan Legenda Bahasa Inggris
    Suddenly, there was a miracle. The ocean water cured her illness. She became more beautiful than before. She also had a power to command the whole South Ocean. She became a fairy called Nyi Roro Kidul or the Queen of South Ocean.

  51. 560
    In the time when West Java was still thickly covered with woods and undergrowth and wonders existed, there reigned a king, named Raden Sungging Pebangkara. He was a good ruler and to convince himself of the welfare of his subjects, he used to visit them. But the thing he liked most was hunting in the forest.
    It happened that in one of the forests the king often visited there lived a she-pig, actually a cursed goddess. One day, as it was very warm, she came out of her hiding place looking for water. There she saw a coconut-shell, filled with water. Glad to have found something and expecting it to be coconut-milk, she drank it at a draught, having no suspicions whatsoever that it was the King’s urine left there the day before when hunting. The consequence was very strange. She became pregnant. In a few months she gave birth to a very pretty girl. When the king was once again hunting in the forest, he saw the girl and, attracted by her beauty, he took her to his palace, called her Dayang Sumbi and treated her as his own daughter.
    Time passed and Dayang Sumbi grew up into a fine young girl. She was fond of weaving and thus passed her time. One bright morning, as she was absorbed in weaving, her weaving-spool suddenly got loose. Before she could prevent it, it flew out of the window to the field below. It was out of her reach, as her room was about three stories high. Furthermore she was very tired and had no wish to descend the stairs to fetch the spool. Quite at ease, she mumbled: “Whoever is willing to help me pick up the spool, I’ll treat as my sister, if she is a girl. If he is a man, I’ll take him as my husband.” These words were overheard by a dog, called Tumang, who happened to come along. He immediately picked up the spool and brought it to Dayang Sumbi. Tumang was in fact a cursed god too, like the she-pig. Seeing the dog with the spool in his mouth, Dayang Sumbi fainted. The gods had decided her for her to undergo the same fate as her mother, the she-pig. She too become pregnant and a short time afterwards she gave birth to a strong healthy son, whom she called Sangkuriang.
    Sangkuriang became a handsome young man, as time went by. Like his grandfather, he was fond of hunting in the forest and Tumang was his faithful friend when roaming the woods. He loved this creature very much; having no idea at all that it was his own father. One day while hunting, they came across a fat pig. Sangkuriang strung his bow and z-z-z-z-z-z-z! the arrow hissed towards the she-pig, and hit but did not kill her. Wounded, she vanished into the undergrowth.
    “Come on, Tumang, run after her!” Sangkuriang shouted, eager to taste the pork. Tumang, however, did not move. Whatever Sangkuriang said to urge Tumang to pursue the pig, it left him unmoved. Sangkuriang lost his self control. In his anger he killed Tumang, cut up his flesh and took it home to his mother. She prepared a tasty dish of it and after the meal she asked:

    the legend of Sangkuriang
    “Sangkuriang, what kind of flesh is this? It is delicious!”
    “This is Tumang’s, mother,” Sangkuriang responded. “I killed him, as he did not obey my command to pursue a fat pig.” For one moment Dayang Sumbi was speechless. Then in rage she took a spool and flung it at him. It struck his forehead and blood dropped out of the wound. This left later on a scar on the spot. Then Dayang Sumbi sent him away.
    Deeply grieved, Sangkuriang left and wandered through the woods. He walked for years. Finally he returned to his native place, but did not recognize it any longer. There he stood, looking around him, all alone, musing about the past. At the end of a vast rice-field, which stretched in front of him, he noticed a house on stilts. Looking closely, he saw a young girl sitting at her weaving-loom. He approached her and, charmed by her beauty, he immediately proposed to her, unaware that she was his own mother.

  52. 580
    A long time ago, there was a fisherman living at Batang Arau. He several children but only one son. He gave his son the best possible education. He wanted him to do well and become famous.
    When the boy had finished school, his father found a job for him on a large ship sailing to foreign countries. He realized that he would not see him again for many years. But he knew that his son was clever and hard-working and he hoped that his son might have the chance to become a ship’s officer.
    The years passed. The fisherman’s daughters married and left home. The fisherman became old and died. His widow lived by herself.

    Malin Kundang Story
    One day, the villagers came running to the old woman to tell her that her son had returned. “I don’t believe you,” she said
    “Yes,” they said, “He’s the captain of a ship which has just sailed into the harbor from Singapore. Come and see for yourself.”
    The old woman put on her best clothes. She cooked some food to give her son. She remembered the food he liked best when he was a small boy.
    She hired a rowing boat to take her out to the ship which was anchored in the harbour.
    She saw a tall handsome man standing on the deck of the ship. It was her son! Even after all these years, there was no doubt about it.
    “Son,” she called out, “don’t you recognize me? I’m you mother,” Tears came to her eyes.
    “Who are you?” he replied. “I don’t know you. Don’t let her come aboard,” he instructed his sailors.
    Next day, the old woman came again but her son refused to see her. On the third day, he told his sailors to drive her away. “Why does this old woman come to my ship?” he asked. “I don’t mind giving her a few cents but I don’t like her saying that she’s my mother,”

    Malin Kundang -The rebellious son story
    “Very well, my son,” the old woman said. “God will surely punish you for being so wicked. How can you refuse to recognize your own mother?” she gazed at him for a long time but he said nothing.
    Suddenly, a huge black cloud covered the sun. it became as dark as night. The wind roared with a terrible noise. The sea became very rough and the waves beat against the side of the ship. The ship rocked to and fro. The mast came tumbling down with a great “Cra-a-a-ash”. The ship was driven like a coconut shell across the harbor. Before anyone could do anything about it. It turned over and sank. Then it rained so heavily that it was impossible to see more than a few yards. When the storm stopped, the old woman looked for the ship again. But there was nothing except a large rock sticking out through the water. Her son and his ship were never seen again.

  53. 600 LUNASS pak :)
    There were two brothers who lived in a village by the sea, the elder was called Chi Hua and the younger Chi Ming.
    When their father died. Chi Hua took all the family property for himself. His brother had nothing. Chi Ming was poor and worked hard every day to collect firewood to make a living. One night, he had a dream. In this dream, an old man came to him.
    “I am the god of stone,” he said. “I want to help you because you are honest and hard-working. If you will climb to the top of the mountain behind your village, you will find a stone gate there. Open the gate and go inside. There are many fairies living there. Ask them for anything you want and they will give it to you. Don’t be greedy, however. Ask for the stone grindstone which you will find there. It is a magic grindstone. Whatever you want, it will make for you.”
    The next day, Chi Ming climbed the mountain. He carried a basket of food with him. When he arrived at the stone gate, he went inside. He found himself in a large cave. There were many fairies living there. However, they did not have enough food to eat. He gave them the basket of food and they were very pleased.
    “You can take away all the gold and silver you can carry.” They said to him.
    “Please give me instead the magic grindstone,” Chi Ming asked.
    The fairies handed over the grindstone to him. Chi Ming thanked them and carried it away with him.
    When he returned home. He felt hungry. He asked the grindstone for some food. In no time, a wonderful meal appeared on the table. From that day on, everything he wanted was given to him by the magic grindstone.
    Not long afterwards, his elder brother, Chi Hua, heard of Chi Ming’s good fortune. While Chi Ming was sleeping he crept into the house and stole the magic grindstone.

  54. 60 baris..
    Narrative Text Romeo dan Juliet
    In the town of Verona there lived two families, the Capulets and the Montagues. They engaged in a bitter feud. Among the Montagues was Romeo, a hot-blooded young man with an eye for the ladies. One day, Romeo attended the feast of the Capulets’, a costume party where he expected to meet his love, Rosaline, a haughty beauty from a well-to-do family. Once there, however, Romeo’s eyes felt upon Juliet, and he thought of Rosaline no more.
    The vision of Juliet had been invading his every thought. Unable to sleep, Romeo returned late that night to the Juliet’s bedroom window. There, he was surprised to find Juliet on the balcony, professing her love for him and wishing that he were not a “Montague”, a name behind his own. “What’s in a name? That which we call a rose by any other name would smell as sweet.” Romeo was ready to deny his name and professed his love. The two agreed to meet at nine o-clock the next morning to be married.
    Early the next morning, Romeo came to Friar Lawrence begging the friar to marry him to Juliet. The Friar performed the ceremony, praying that the union might someday put an end to the feud between the two families. He advised Romeo kept the marriage a secret for a time.
    On the way home, Romeo chanced upon his friend Mercutio arguing with Tybalt, a member of the Capulet clan. That quarreling last caused Merquito died. Romeo was reluctant no longer. He drew his sword and slew Tybalt died. Romeo realized he had made a terrible mistake. Then Friar Lawrence advised Romeo to travel to Mantua until things cool down. He promised to inform Juliet.
    In the other hand, Juliet’s father had decided the time for her to marry with Paris. Juliet consulted Friar Lawrence and made a plot to take a sleeping potion for Juliet which would simulate death for three days. The plot proceeded according to the plan. Juliet was sleeping in death.
    Unfortunately, The Friar’s letter failed to reach Romeo. Under the cover of darkness, he broke into Juliet’s tomb. Romeo kissed the lips of his Juliet one last time and drank the poison. Meanwhile, the effects of the sleeping potion wear off. Juliet woke up calling for Romeo. She found her love next to her but was lying dead, with a cup of poison in his hand. She tried to kiss the poison from his lips, but failed. Then Juliet put out his dagger and plunged it into her breast. She died

  55. 24 baris
    Once upon a time, there was a puppeteer named Geppetto. He really wanted a boy but his wife has been died for a long time ago. One day, he had an idea. He wanted to make a puppet so he would never felt lonely again. He made a puppet all night without resting. In the morning, finally he finished his work. He named the puppet, Pinocchio. He played whole day with Pinocchio. However, he felt lonely again because Pinocchio couldn't talk or walk by himself. In the middle of the night, Geppetto prayed to the God. His wish was Pinocchio became a real boy, human. He thought it on his mind in his dream.

    In the next morning, he surprised. Pinocchio was alive. He really was happy. He tough Pinocchio how to walk, how to speak, how to read etc. like a teacher. Pinocchio learned fast. He entered an elementary school. One day, Pinocchio felt bored. So, he went home late. Geppetto worried about him. When Pinocchio came to home, Geppetto asked him. He said he was on school but he didn't. Suddenly, Pinocchio's nose grow longer. It meant that Pinocchio lied.

    The next day, Pinocchio got caught by thieves. The thieves was the owner of circus. Pinocchio became a slave for the circus. He was famous because he was a talking puppet. Geppetto worried him. Pinocchio didn't come home for 2 days. He found Pinocchio everywhere. When he discovered the sea, big wave smashed him. He was on whale's stomach when he awoke. He couldn't find the way out.

    In different place, Pinocchio finally could get out from circus. He went to home but Geppetto wasn't on there. He found Geppetto at sea. He had the same accident like Geppetto. He met Geppetto in whale's stomach. They got out from its stomach by made a fire.
    They went home back together. In the end, they lived happy forever after.

  56. 55 baris
    Once upon a time, there lived a handsome boy in Baghdad. The name was Aladdin. He was a clever boy, but he did not like to work.

    One day Aladin’s mother sent him to the market place to look for a job. In the market he met a magician. The magician asked him to work together with him. If Aladdin could do, he would get a lot of gold coins and jewellery. The magician asked Aladdin to go inside the cave and find a magical lamp there. He also gave a ring and said, “If you are in any trouble, rub this ring and a genie will come to your rescue!”

    Aladdin went into the cave. Inside the cave, Aladdin was surprised by what he saw. Every corner was full of gold and treasures. A few minutes later, he found the lamp and quickly returned to the entrance of the cave.

    Aladdin called out, “Magician, I have found the lamp.”

    “Excellent,” answered the magician. “Quick, pass it to me!”

    Aladdin did not trust the magician so he said, “Not so fast Magician. You must help me out of this cave first.”

    The magician became very angry. When Aladdin was walking to the entrance, the magician pushed a huge rock over the entrance of the cave and left Aladdin and the lamp behind. Aladdin tried to move the rock all by himself, but it was too big and heavy, “Oh no! I am trapped in the cave!” he cried.

    Suddenly, he remembered the magic ring. He rubbed it with the palm of his hand. To his surprise, a genie appeared before him and in a powerful voice said, “Master, I am the Genie of the ring. How can I help you?”

    Aladdin was frightened, but he soon found the courage to ask, “Could you please send me back to my house?” In no time at all Aladdin was back home.

    Aladdin took out the lamp. He wondered what would happen if he rubbed it. As Aladdin was rubbing it, all of a sudden another enormous genie stood before him. The genie of the lamp said, “Master, your wish is my command.” Aladdin was very excited and wished for an enormous palace and bags full of gold.

    One day, a beautiful princess was passing by Aladdin’s palace. She stopped to talk to Aladdin and soon they became good friends. Before long, Aladdin and Jasmine fell in love each other. She married Aladdin and lived happily

  57. 71 baris
    Once upon a time there lived a little, named Snow White. She lived with her aunt and uncle because her parents were died.

    One day she heard her aunt and uncle talking about leaving Snow White in the castle because they wanted to go to America and they didn’t have enough money to take Snow White with them.

    Snow White didn’t want her uncle and aunt to do this. So she decided to run away. The next morning she run away from home when her aunt and uncle were having breakfast, she run away into the wood.

    In the wood she felt very tired and hungry. Then she saw this cottage. She knocked but no one answered so she went inside and felt asleep
    Meanwhile seven dwarfs were coming home from work. They went inside. There, they found Snow White woke up. She saw the dwarfs. The dwarfs said; “What is your name?”.

    Snow White said; “My name is Snow White”. One of the dwarfs said; “If you wish, you may live here with us”. Snow White told the whole story about her. Then Snow white ad the seven dwarfs lived happily ever after.

  58. 103 baris
    Once upon a time, there was a girl called Cinderella. Cinderella is lived happily with her mother and father until her mother died. Feel that Cinderella needs a mother figure in his life, Cinderella’s father remarries to a woman who has two daughters of her own.

    Unfortunately, Cinderella's father dies and she lived only with her stepmother and stepsisters. They were very bossy, she had to do all the housework.

    One day on invitation to the hall come to the family. The King invited for all the eligible ladies in the kingdom so as to find Prince a wife. Her stepsisters would no let her go. Cinderella was sad. The stepsisters went to the hall without her. Fortunately, the fairy Godmother came and helped her to get to the hall with the wave of magic wand, helped prepared Cinderella for the hall. The fairy does warn her that is magic will end at a stroke of midnight, so she must leaved the hall before than.

    At the hall all people surprised when Cinderella arrived. And then the Prince invited Cinderella to danced. He fell in love with her.
    All of a sudden, the clock star to chime that is a midnight. Cinderella hastily runs away, dropped a glass slipper as she does so. Cinderella escapes, with nothing from the night left, except from the other glass slipper, which had not changed back.

    Prince Charming orders his love to be found by means of the odd shoe, and the Grand Duke is sent around the land getting every girl in the land to try on the glass slipper to see if it fits.

    Eventually the Grand Duke reaches the residence of Cinderella, but she is nowhere to be seen. The stepsisters frantically try to get the glass slipper to fit so as to wed into royalty, but compatible nothing that. The Grand Duke is about to leave as Cinderella finally appears.

    He orders the messenger to brought forth the glass slipper, yet the stepmother in a last minute attempt to prevent her stepdaughter from better things, causes the messenger to trip, thus broken the fragile shoe into pieces.

    Yet the arrogant woman hadn't betted on Cinderella produced the other glass slipper, which fits onto Cinderella's foot perfectly. Very soon, wedding bells ring, and Cinderella married her prince, and they live happily ever after.

  59. 125 baris
    The kinka is a small lizard with a red ring around its neck. This story is about a kinka that lived in the king’s garden.
    One day the king took a walk through his garden. He looked at the birds and the flowers. He looked at the trees. Suddenly he noticed a kinkas do when they are frightened.
    “Look at this,” said the king. “this lizard is very clever. He knows how to behave before the king. He is certainly the most polite animal I have ever seen.”
    The king called his gardener. “I want you to feed this kinka. Give him some meat each day. Here is a bag of gold coins to pay for the meat.”
    And so, each day the gardener used two gold coins to buy meat for the kinka. The kinka grew fat and lazy. He no longer ran through the garden.
    One day the gardener was too busy to buy meat. Instead, he hung the two gold coins around the kinka’s neck. The kinka climbed to the top of the garden gate. Soon the king came along on his daily walk. He saw the kinka. This time the kinka did not nod its head because the coins around its neck were so heavy. It simply looked down on the king.
    “What a proud kinka you are,” said the king. “You are too proud to be polite.”
    After that the king refused to buy any special meat for the kinka. Like other animals, the kinka once again had to find its own food.

  60. 145 baris
    One beautiful morning Kancil decided to fish in a certain river. On the way he met his friend, Swine, who stopped him for a chat. When Swine heard that Kancil wanted to go fishing, he asked whether he could join him, Kancil did not object, as Swine promised to help him with the work. The two of them went on together and soon they met Tiger and Elephant. When they heard that Kancil and Swine were going to the river, they decide to go along, too. And so the four animals went together to the river to fish.
    Narrative Text Fable - Kancil and the giant Story

    Kancil and the giant story
    When they arrived at the river bank, Kancil immediately began to give orders left and right. Elephant had to dam the river with stones and tree trunks. Tiger and Swine had to throw away the river water while Kancil himself set out to catch the fish left on the dry river bed. There were, however, few fish, so they decided to go further down the river to try their lick again. Kancil ordered Swine to stay behind with their catch. He himself went with Tiger and Elephant further downstream where the tree of them began their work all over again.

  61. 185 baris
    Meanwhile, a giant came to the place where Swine sat. As soon as he saw the glittering fish, he grabbed them greedily and stuffied them what into his mouth. It was useless for Swine to protect and the giant did not even listen to him. Swine ran toward his friends and told them had happened. Of course, the three others were bot very pleased.
    Narrative Text Fable - Kancil and the giant Story
    The second time, too, they did not catch enough fish. did not even listen to him. Ordered Tiger to stay behind with their second catch, while he, Swine and Elephant went further away to dam the river at another place. As soon as the three of them were out of sight, the hungry giant came from behind the bushes and ate up all the fish. Tiger snarled angrily, but he did not dare to fight the giant.
    Narrative Text Fable - Kancil and the giant Story
    When the other animals came back with their catch they found a very ashamed Tiger without a single fish. Kancil scolded him until he became red in the face. Now it was Elephant’s turn to play guard.
    “You are so big. Friend Elephant. Certainly, we can trust you to defend our fish,” said Kancil.
    For the third time the giant came to eat the fish. When Elephant saw how big he was, he became afraid and let the giant steal their fish. Kancil and the others came back, they found the basket empty again. Kancil was very angry with his three friends. He shouted, “What’s the use of having such big and strong bodies, if you can’t even chase away one single giant. This time I will stay here myself. Do you think I am too small to do this job? Go away , the three of you, and catch as a many fish as you can. When you come back, you will find that robber lying here in front of me, bound and helpless.”
    Narrative Text Fable - Kancil and the giant Story
    After Swine, Tiger and Elephant had gone away, Kancil plucked a big bunch of reeds from the river side. He tied these reeds around his body. Then lying down under the nearest tree, he bound the reed ends to the roots of the tree. He was very busy tying himself when the giant came. Kancil pretended not to see him and went on with his work. The giant became curious and instead of grabbing the fish he stopped to look sown at Kancil and asked what he was doing.
    “Well. Well. Don’t you know what is going happen today?” asked Kancil in a surprised tone.
    “What is going to happen today?” asked the giant curiously.
    “I thought everybody knew about it,” answered Kancil. “You must have been asleep when Nabi Sulaiman came into the forest to warn all the animals about the big flood. The big flood will carry everybody away to the see, unless he takes precaution to be safe.”
    “Oh, I have not heard about this flood,” answered the giant, who believe every word Kancil said, “Tell me, what do you do to avoid being carried away?”
    “Don’t you see what I am doing” said Kancil. “I bind myself to these roots, so that the water will not drag me away

  62. 205 baris
    “That’s a very good idea,” said the stupid giant. “Won’t you help me a little?”
    “Why not? I am always ready to help somebody in need,” answered Kancil. “But these reeds are not strong enough to hold your heavy body. Why don’t you go into the forest and collect a big bunch of thick rattan? I shall wait for you here. But hurry, we don’t have much time as the flood will come soon after noon.”
    Narrative Text Fable - Kancil and the giant Story

    The stupid giant, afraid of losing his life, ran into the woods and soon came back with a big load of rattan. Kancil told him to bind his own legs tightly together with the rattan, then sit with his back against a big tree so that Kancil could help him tie his body against the tree trunk. The giant did everything Kancil said. Soon he was sitting boud and helpless against the tree. To be completely safe, Kancil wound several more pieces of rattan round him so that the giant could hardly move.
    Narrative Text Fable - Kancil and the giant Story
    Then the clever little animal called out to his friends who were still busy catching fish some distance away. Swine, Tiger and Elephant did not have much trouble killing their enemy.
    Of course, Kancil did not tell them that he had tricked the giant, and the other three animals thought that he had fought with him. They all admired his enormous strength. They gave Kancil the biggest share of the fish, and after having finished their meal each of them went his own way.

  63. 239 baris
    There was once a king who ruled a large country in which there lived a great number of mice. One year there was not enough rice. The mice were very hungry. The king of the mice put on his best clothes and went to see the king of the country.
    “Good morning, Mr. Mouse.” Said the king. “What can I do for you?”
    “O king, we do not have enough rice. We would like to borrow some from you. If you can lend us what we need, we shall repay you next year.”
    “How much do you want?”
    “About one hundred bags,” answered the mouse.
    “How can you carrying it away?”
    “Your majesty, we shall find a way.”
    The king ordered one hundred bags of rice to be given to the mice. The mice bit through the bags. They carried away the rice in their mouths. When the king looked the next morning. He was surprised to find the rice had disappeared.
    The next year. The king of the mice repaid the king. The king was very pleased that he had kept his promise.
    Not long afterwards, the king went to war with a neighbouring country. His army was not very strong. It lost every battle. The army of the other country reached the opposite side of the river. They were ready to attack the capital.
    “Who can help me?” asked the king. He sent for the king of the mice.
    The mouse asked the king to place thousands of stick. Each one foot long, by the side of the river.
    The next night, all the mice used these sticks as boats to carry them across the river. The soldiers of other country were fast asleep when the mice quietly entered their camp. Some of them threw the soldier’s swords and guns into the river. Other ate their food. Yet others bit their toes. The soldier woke up. They did not know what had happened. They could not find their swords and guns and they thought they had been attacked by the king’s soldier. They ran away as fast as they could.
    The king quickly asked the king of the mice to come to see him.
    “Mr. mouse, you have saved my country,” he said. “Please tell me what you would like in return.”
    The mouse replied. “O King, we only want to live in peace. Please send away all the cats from your country.”
    The king did as he was asked. He gave orders for all the cats to leave immediately.
    The king of the mice thanked the king. “cats are our worst enemy,” he said. “We can now live very happily for the rest of our lives.”

  64. 259 baris
    The king of the mice lived inside a banyan tree in a forest. One day, a poor man was cutting down some trees. As he started to cut down the banyan tree, the king of the mice grew frightened “Please, leave the tree standing” he said to the woodcutter, “and I’ll give you a piece
    of gold every day.”

    The woodcutter agreed. So, every evening the king of the mice took out a piece of gold from under the roots of the tree and gave it to the woodcutter. The woodcutter took the pieces of gold home and showed them to his wife.
    After a few days, his wife asked him, “Where does the gold come from?”
    “Don’t worry about that,” he said, “just keep it,”
    A few days later she asked him again, but he did not tell her. “if you don’t tell me,” she said, “I’ll go and tell the government or even the king that you’re a robber.”
    The woodcutter was frightened of his wife when she was angry. So he said, “Every evening the king of the mice gives me a piece of gold from under the roots of the tree.”
    “Oh, you are stupid!” his wife said. “You’ve been tricked by a mouse. He gives you one piece of gold every evening but the rest of the gold is under the tree all the time! Why don’t you cut down the tree and take it all away?”
    The woodcutter did as he was told. He cut down the tree. But when he looked under the roots, the gold was not there. The king of the mice had run away too.
    That night, the king of the mice crept up to the woodcutter’s house and took back all the gold. So the woodcutter was as poor as ever.

  65. 279 baris
    A farmer was ploughing his fields. “Why are you so lazy?” he asked his water-buffalo pulling the plough. “You are very slow and you have no strength. Look how quick and strong the tiger is! If only you could be like that.”
    “Do you really think the tiger is stronger than I? take me to one now and I shall show you,” replied the water-buffalo. He was angry that his master thought he was lazy.
    A few days afterwards, the farmer took him to meet a tiger. The tiger roared when he saw the buffalo coming. “What a nice meal!” he thought.
    “Mr. tiger,” said the water-buffalo, “Let us see who is stronger. You can bite me three times if you will allow me to butt you three times.”
    The tiger agreed. While the tiger sharpener his teeth, the water-buffalo sharpened his horns. The water-buffalo then rolled in the mud and covered himself with leaves. The tiger could not understand why. He asked the water-buffalo but the water-buffalo did not answer him.
    “Come, Mr. tiger,’ the water-buffalo said, “You can bite me first.” The tiger bit him three times but he could not bite through the mud and leaves. The water-buffalo then butted the tiger. With the first butt, he tossed the tiger over his shoulder. With the second butt, he killed him.
    After that the farmer treated the buffalo very well. He did not dare call him lazy and useless again.

  66. 311 baris
    There once lived a white rabbit on a small island. One day, when he was on the beach, he saw a large island in the distance.
    “There must be a lot of good fresh grass on that island. But how can I go to it without a boat?” while he was thinking about what to do a big
    shark swam close to the beach. The rabbit saw the shark and called to him. “Hello, Mr. Shark, you look a clever fellow. Do you think there are more sharks than rabbits in this world?”
    “We would have to count them to find that out,” answered the shark.
    “Well,” said the rabbit, “You line up your sharks between this island and that one and I’ll count them.”
    “Very well,” said the shark, and he called to all of his friends to come and float side by side between the two islands. When they were ready, the rabbit jumped from one shark to the next counting them. “One, two, three …..” he had almost reached the other island when he laughed and said without thinking, “You stupid shark! What is the use of counting you? I only wanted to cross over to this island.”
    At once, the sharks were very angry because they did not like being cheated. They began to bite the white rabbit who asked them to forgive him. Finally they let go but all of his lovely white fur was torn off. His skin was bare.
    He sat down and cried. Soon three men came along and asked him why he was crying. The rabbit told them what had happened. The men looked at each other and then one of them said, “The best thing you can do is to wash yourself in the sea and then let the sun dry you. Your wounds will heal and your white fur will grow again.”
    The rabbit ran back to the sea and then sat in the sun. But his skin was only more painful. It began to hurt so badly that he cried out, “Who will save my life? Help! Help!”
    A young man, who was coming along the road, stopped when he heard the rabbit crying. “What has happened to you, Rabbit?”
    He asked. He felt sorry for the rabbit. The poor creature could not stop crying and told his story as the tears ran down his face. The young man was annoyed when he heard how the rabbit had been treated. “The three men did not give you good advice. Please forgive them. I’ll help you. Now, go and wash your body in fresh river water and I’ll get a bed ready for you.”
    The rabbit did as he was told and returned to rest on the soft grass bed which the young man had made ready for him. The poor rabbit rested and was warm and comfortable. His white fur grew again. He was so happy that he did not try to cheat anyone again.

  67. 351 baris
    In Sarawak long ago, there was a beautiful girl called Kumang. She was very hard-working and use to fish from morning to night. One day, although it was nearly time to go home, she had still caught no fish. She tried once more. When she pulled up her net, she found there was a tiny snake in it. It looked so helpless that she decided to
    Folktale from Borneo
    take it home with her. She placed it in a jar in the kitchen. Every day she gave it something to eat. As the weeks passed, the tiny snake grew into a large snake. Finally it changed into a dragon. As it was no longer possible to keep it in the jar, Kumang allowed to live in the house.
    Folktale from Borneo
    “Why do you eat so much? Asked Kumang. The dragon did not answer but only breathed fire from its mouth. “I’ve sold everything to buy food for you.” This was true. Kumang had sold all the valuable old Chinese jars which she kept in the house, as well as jewelry, clothes, and furniture. She had nothing left to sell. She wondered how she would be able to buy the dragon any more food.
    Folktale from Borneo
    Suddenly the dragon spoke, Kumang sat up. She had never heard the dragon speak before… “How big is your heart?” she thought it was a strange question. “It is only the size of a small leaf,” she answered. The next day, the dragon asked her the same question and received the same reply.
    Folktale from Borneo
    “I’ sorry,” the dragon said. “I haven’t had anything to eat for several days. I cannot wait any longer, I am so hungry. I must eat your heart.”
    Folktale from Borneo
    Kumang almost fainted. She lived alone. She did not know what to do. “Well” she said, “if you want to eat my heart, I shall have to give it to you. But first, please look for a piece of hollow bamboo. Then place my heart in it together with some rice and cook it over a fire. It will taste much better like that.”
    Folktale from Borneo
    As soon the dragon had left the house, Kumang said to her dog, “When the dragon returns, tell him I have gone out for a walk and won’t be back for an hour or so.”
    Folktale from Borneo
    She ran into the neighbouring rubber estate owned by her friend Danjal. She quickly climbed the tallest tree she could find. She sat on the highest branch and poured a bottle of cooking oil down the trunk of the tree.
    Folktale from Borneo
    Not long afterward, the dragon returned home with the bamboo. He had been running and was out of breath. He was angry when he heard what Kumang’s dog said. However, he soon followed Kumang’s footprints to the tall tree where she was hiding. He tried to climb the tree but it was too slippery. He decided to wait at the bottom of the tree. “she can’t stay up there for ever,” he thought.
    Folktale from Borneo
    Just a bout that time, Danjal’s friend Juara visited the estate. He heard a small voice calling out to him from the top of a tree. “Please tell Danjal to set fire to the estate. The trees are old and dry. Next year he can plant some young trees.”
    Folktale from Borneo
    Then he heard another sound, much deeper and very fierce, “don’t do anything of the sort. If Danjal sets fire to the trees, he’ll cause himself a lot of trouble and lose all his money.”
    Folktale from Borneo
    Juara was frightened. He had never heard voices like these before. One sounded like a fairy’s and the other like an evil spirit’s.
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    He ran to Danjal’s house. “What’s wrong?” asked Danjal. “You look as if you have seen a ghost.” Juara told him what had happened.

  68. The Mouse Deer And Crocodile

    Once upon time there were a smart mouse deer. He lived near a river. The mouse deer used to go to the river to drink.

    One day, the mouse deer was thirsty. He wanted to drink in the river but he knew that crocodiles were staying and waiting underwater to eat him. He thought hard and got bright idea. He said out loudly. “I will put in my leg and find out whether the water is warm or not” Of course the mouse deer did not do what he said. He did not put his leg but the mouse deer took a wood stick and put one end into the water. Blurrr…! Surely a crocodile grabbed the wood stick and pulled it underwater. Seeing that, the mouse deer laughed and said “Stupid crocodile! Can’t you see the difference between a wood stick and a leg?” Then the mouse deer ran to another side of the river and drink some water.n the following day, the mouse deer was hungry. He wanted to eat some grass on the side of the river so he had to to cross the dangerous river which was full of crocodiles. Again he thought hard and found another smart idea and said loudly “Crocodiles come up!” then some crocodiles rose from the water. They looked happy and saw their sharp teeth and said “Hello, Mouse Deer. Do you come to be my lunch? We are hungry” The mouse deer just smiled and replied. “Sorry, Crocodiles, not today, I come to you to bring an invitation from the king. You are invited to the party. The king ordered me to count all crocodiles in this river so he knew how to prepare enough meal for you.”All the crocodiles felt happy and said “Really…? Tell us what to do,” said a crocodile. “You have to line up from this side of the river to the other side,” said the mouse deer. Not long after that the crocodile got all his friends and family. He ordered to lined up across the river.

  69. 341 baris
    In Sarawak long ago, there was a beautiful girl called Kumang. She was very hard-working and use to fish from morning to night. One day, although it was nearly time to go home, she had still caught no fish. She tried once more. When she pulled up her net, she found there was a tiny snake in it. It looked so helpless that she decided to
    Folktale from Borneo
    take it home with her. She placed it in a jar in the kitchen. Every day she gave it something to eat. As the weeks passed, the tiny snake grew into a large snake. Finally it changed into a dragon. As it was no longer possible to keep it in the jar, Kumang allowed to live in the house.
    Folktale from Borneo
    “Why do you eat so much? Asked Kumang. The dragon did not answer but only breathed fire from its mouth. “I’ve sold everything to buy food for you.” This was true. Kumang had sold all the valuable old Chinese jars which she kept in the house, as well as jewelry, clothes, and furniture. She had nothing left to sell. She wondered how she would be able to buy the dragon any more food.
    Folktale from Borneo
    Suddenly the dragon spoke, Kumang sat up. She had never heard the dragon speak before… “How big is your heart?” she thought it was a strange question. “It is only the size of a small leaf,” she answered. The next day, the dragon asked her the same question and received the same reply.
    Folktale from Borneo
    “I’ sorry,” the dragon said. “I haven’t had anything to eat for several days. I cannot wait any longer, I am so hungry. I must eat your heart.”
    Folktale from Borneo
    Kumang almost fainted. She lived alone. She did not know what to do. “Well” she said, “if you want to eat my heart, I shall have to give it to you. But first, please look for a piece of hollow bamboo. Then place my heart in it together with some rice and cook it over a fire. It will taste much better like that.”
    Folktale from Borneo
    As soon the dragon had left the house, Kumang said to her dog, “When the dragon returns, tell him I have gone out for a walk and won’t be back for an hour or so.”
    Folktale from Borneo
    She ran into the neighbouring rubber estate owned by her friend Danjal. She quickly climbed the tallest tree she could find. She sat on the highest branch and poured a bottle of cooking oil down the trunk of the tree.
    Folktale from Borneo
    Not long afterward, the dragon returned home with the bamboo. He had been running and was out of breath. He was angry when he heard what Kumang’s dog said. However, he soon followed Kumang’s footprints to the tall tree where she was hiding. He tried to climb the tree but it was too slippery. He decided to wait at the bottom of the tree. “she can’t stay up there for ever,” he thought.
    Folktale from Borneo
    Just a bout that time, Danjal’s friend Juara visited the estate. He heard a small voice calling out to him from the top of a tree. “Please tell Danjal to set fire to the estate. The trees are old and dry. Next year he can plant some young trees.”
    Folktale from Borneo.

  70. 371 baris
    Kumang almost fainted. She lived alone. She did not know what to do. “Well” she said, “if you want to eat my heart, I shall have to give it to you. But first, please look for a piece of hollow bamboo. Then place my heart in it together with some rice and cook it over a fire. It will taste much better like that.”
    Folktale from Borneo
    As soon the dragon had left the house, Kumang said to her dog, “When the dragon returns, tell him I have gone out for a walk and won’t be back for an hour or so.”
    Folktale from Borneo
    She ran into the neighbouring rubber estate owned by her friend Danjal. She quickly climbed the tallest tree she could find. She sat on the highest branch and poured a bottle of cooking oil down the trunk of the tree.
    Folktale from Borneo
    Not long afterward, the dragon returned home with the bamboo. He had been running and was out of breath. He was angry when he heard what Kumang’s dog said. However, he soon followed Kumang’s footprints to the tall tree where she was hiding. He tried to climb the tree but it was too slippery. He decided to wait at the bottom of the tree. “she can’t stay up there for ever,” he thought.
    Folktale from Borneo
    Just a bout that time, Danjal’s friend Juara visited the estate. He heard a small voice calling out to him from the top of a tree. “Please tell Danjal to set fire to the estate. The trees are old and dry. Next year he can plant some young trees.”
    Folktale from Borneo
    Then he heard another sound, much deeper and very fierce, “don’t do anything of the sort. If Danjal sets fire to the trees, he’ll cause himself a lot of trouble and lose all his money.”
    Folktale from Borneo
    Juara was frightened. He had never heard voices like these before. One sounded like a fairy’s and the other like an evil spirit’s.
    Folktale from Borneo
    He ran to Danjal’s house. “What’s wrong?” asked Danjal. “You look as if you have seen a ghost.” Juara told him what had happened.
    Folktale from Borneo
    “If a fairy has asked me to burn down the old trees, I’m sure there must be a good reason. I always obey what fairies tell me.”
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    So they set fire to the trees. When they walked round the estate the next day, there were only burnt and blackened tree trunks to be seen. They became tired and sat down to rest on one of the tree trunks. Danjal took out his jungle knife to cut open a coconut he was carrying, as he wanted to drink the coconut juice inside. In doing so, he cut the trunk of the tree. He was surprised to see that some blood started to come out from the cut.

  71. 391 baris
    “What’s this?” he called out in fright. They soon found out that it was not a tree trunk at all but the dragon who had died in the fire!
    Folktale from Borneo
    Danjal then saw a strange-looking fruit shining on the top branch of s tree which was still standing. “How strange!” he cried. “A single fruit! I wonder why it was not burnt in the fire?
    Juara tried to climb the tree. It was difficult as the tree trunk was covered in oil and very slippery.
    At last, they got the fruit and took it home. “I’ve never seen a fruit like this before,” said Danjal. “It’s so soft and pink.”
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    He placed it on his bed while Juara and he had dinner. While they were eating their dinner, they heard someone singing a sweet song in the bedroom.
    They crept in. there was a strange golden light coming from the fruit on the bed. “Close your eyes!” said a small timid voice. “And count to twenty.”
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    They did as they were told. When they opened their eyes again, the fruit had split into two. And Kumang was sitting on the bed smiling at them.
    “Don’t be afraid!” she said. “Let me tell you what happened.”
    After she had finished, Danbjal said to her, “You are really very lucky. It must have been a terrible nightmare for you. Anyway, now the wicked dargon is dead and won’t cause you any more trouble. But I don’t think you should live alone again. Why don’t you become my wife and live here with me?”

    After a while, Kumang agreed to marry Danjal and they lived together happily even after.

  72. The Crow and The Jug

    On a hot day, a thirsty crow flew over a field looking for water. For a long time, she could not find any. She left very exhausted. She almost gave up.

    Suddenly, she saw water jug below her. She flew straight down to see if there was any water inside. It was surprised because there was some water inside the jug.

    The crow tried to push her head into the jug. Sadly she found that the neck of the jug was too narrow. Then she tried to push the jug down for the water to flow out but she found that the jug was too heavy.

    The crow thought hard for a while. Then she was looking around. She saw some pebbles. She suddenly had a good idea. She started picking up the pebbles one by one, dropping it into the jug. As more and more pebbles filled the jug, the water level kept rising. Soon it was high enough for the crow to drink. “It’s working” she said.
    Home»bahasa inggris»Kumpulan Contoh Cerita Narrative Text Bahasa Inggris Dan Terjemahannya
    Kumpulan Contoh Cerita Narrative Text Bahasa Inggris Dan Terjemahannya
    Categories: bahasa inggris - On: Friday, April 29th, 2016
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    Cerita Narrative Text Bahasa Inggris – 3
    The Rabbit And The Bear

    Once upon a time, there lived as neighbors, a bear and a rabbit. The rabbit was a good shot. In contrary, the bear was always clumsy and could not use the arrow to good advantage.

    One day, the bear called over the rabbit and asked the rabbit to take his bow and arrows and came with bear to the other side of the hill. The rabbit was preventing to arouse the bear’s anger so he could not refuse it. He consented and went with the bear and shot enough buffalo to satisfy the hungry family. Indeed he shot and killed so many that there was lots of meat left after the bear and his family had loaded themselves and packed all they could carry home.

    The bear was very gluttonous and did not want the rabbit to get any of the meat. The rabbit could not even taste the blood from the butchering as the bear would throw earth on the blood and dry it up. The poor rabbit would have to go home hungry after his hard day’s work.

    The bear was the father of five children. The youngest child was very kind to the rabbit. He was very hearty eater. The mother bear always gave him an extra large piece of meat but the youngest child did not eat it. He would take it outside with him and pretended to play ball with the meat. He kicked toward the rabbit’s house and when he got close to the door he would give the meat with such a great kick. The meat would fly into the rabbit’s house. In this way, the poor rabbit would get his meal unknown to the papa bear.

  73. 421 baris
    Long ago, a big jackal wanted some fish to eat. He went to look for a dried-up pond so that he could catch the fish easily.
    One day, he found a pond which had only a little water, a lot of mud and many kinds of fish in it.
    “I’m hungry today,” the jackal thought, “I’m very hungry.”
    A shrimp in the pond knew what the jackal was thinking. “Brother Jackal,” he said in a kind voice, “You can eat us all up. But look, we’re covered in mud. If you eat us like this, we’ll taste horrible.”
    “What can I do to make you taste nice?” asked the jackal.
    “Take us away and wash us,” said the shrimp.
    “But there are thousands of fish in the pond. Where can I take you all? And how can I wash you all?”
    “Don’t worry,” said the shrimp. “Just stretch out in the mud. Let some of us hang on to your fur. Then you can get up and take us to pond with a lot of water in it,”
    The jackal was greedy and stupid. So he did what the shrimp said. He stretched out in the mud. Some of the fish hung on to his fur. Then the jackal got up and went to look for another into it. The fish in his fur jumped off into the water.
    “Go back,” said the shrimp to the jackal, “and pick up the other fish.” So the jackal went back and got some more of the fish. Again and again, he walked back to the old pond. At last, all the fish were in the pond full of water.
    When the fish saw they were all together again, they swam away into deep water. When jackal saw they had tricked him, he was very angry.
    He hurried away to look for big animals, snakes, and birds. He found elephants, tiger, buffaloes, and pigs. He found python and cobras. He found crows, sparrows, and vultures. He said to them, “Please help me to empty all the water out of the pond.”

  74. 446 baris
    He said to the python, “the animals and birds will take the water out of the pond. Then you can Swallow it.”
    When the fish in the pond heard this, they were frightened. They said to each other, “What can we do to stop these animals?”
    A cat-fish said, “People say the hare is very clever animal. He knows how to help animals in trouble. Shall I go and ask him to help us?”
    The other fish agreed. So the cat-fish left the pond to look for the hare. All day he moved slowly and heavily along the ground—flip flop, flip flop. In the evening, the hare came out to look for some food. When he saw the catfish he asked, “Where are you going?”
    The cat-fish was happy to see the hare and said, “Oh brother hare, have pity on me. The fish in the pond have asked me to find you. People say you are very clever. You can help animals in trouble. Please help us. All kinds of animals and snakes and birds have come to our pond. They are going to take the water out of the pond. Then the python will swallow the water and the jackal will eat up all the fish! Come and help us.”
    “all right” said the hare, “Go back and tell the other fish not to be afraid.” The cat –fish then went back to the pond.
    The next morning, the hare come along. He saw the animals taking out the water. He found a long leaf which some worms had eaten. It was full of little holes. He shouted to the animals, “Brothers! I have a letter to you from the great God Indra,” he looked at the left and pretended to read it. “He says he will come and break the ducks’ leg and crush the eagles. He will cut off the jackal’s head and pull out the elephant’s tusks!”
    The animals were frightened when they heard this. They climbed on top of each other. Then they climbed on top of the pythons. The pythons burst. All the pond water rushed out of their bodies. The water came out so fast that all the animals drowned.
    And instead of the animals eating the fish, the fish ate the animals.

  75. 464 baris
    Once upon a time, there was a young monkey, named Yoko. He was an active and playful monkey. He lived with his parents and friends in a beautiful mountain. The mountain was covered with huge old trees that grew tall into the sky. Some of the trees bore delicious fruits. Every day, Yoko and the other monkeys would eat fruits from the trees heartily. It was always cool up there in the mountain.
    When it rained, the water that flowed down the mountain filled the river with Water. Yoko then could see the people from a nearby village come to the river to catch fish. They also bathed and washed their clothes in the river. These people did not disturb the trees ot the animals that lived there. It made Yoko felt secure about his family and friends.
    One day, one of the monkeys, Tiro, came screaming and jumping hurriedly from tree to tree. “Run!” he screamed. “Run, everyone! A huge monster is coming this way. It is eating all the trees with its large sharp teeth.”
    All the monkeys, birds and other creatures that lived in the forest ran for their lives. The sound the monster made was very loud and frightening. They ran away as afar as they could. The monkeys stayed where they were until everything was quiet again. When they found their way back, they saw that all the trees were gone. Some people were standing near the monster which was actually a bulldozer. These people were different from the ones who went to the river to fish or bath.
    Yoko and other monkeys felt very sad. They did not have a home anymore. There was no food left for them. Eventually, they decided to leave the mountain and find another forest to live in.

  76. The Mouse Deer and The Elephant

    One day, there was a mouse deer. He was trapped in a hole that had been made by a group of hunters.
    The Ugly Duckling And New Friend

    One upon time, a mother duck sat on her eggs. She felt tired of sitting on them. She just wished the eggs would break out. Several days later, she got her wish. The eggs cracked and some cute little ducklings appeared. “Peep, peep” the little ducklings cried. “Quack, quack” their mother greeted in return.However the largest egg had not cracked. The mother duck sat on it for several days. Finally, it cracked and a huge ugly duckling waddled out. The mother duck looked at him in surprise. He was so big and very gray. He didn’t look like the others at all. He was like a turkey.

    When the mother duck brought the children to the pond for their first swimming lesson. The huge grey duckling splashed and paddled about just as nicely as the other ducklings did. “That is not a turkey chick. He is my very own son and quite handsome” the mother said proudly. However, the other animals didn’t agree. They hissed and made fun of him day by day. Even his own sisters and brothers were very unkind. “You are very ugly” they quacked. The little poor duckling was very unhappy. “I wish I looked like them” he thought to himself. One day, the ugly duckling run away and hid in the bushes. The sad duckling lived alone through the cold and snow winter.

    Finally the spring flowers began to bloom. While he was swimming in the pond, he saw three large white swans swimming toward him. “Oh, dear. these beautiful birds will laugh and peck me too” he said to himself. But the swans did not attack him. Instead, they swam around him and stroked him with their bills. As the ugly duckling bent his neck to speak to them, he saw his reflection in the water. He could not believe his eyes. “I am not an ugly duckling but a beautiful swam” he exclaimed.

    He was very happy. From that day on, he swam and played with his new friends and was happier than he had never been.
    Cerita fable the ugly duckling ini cukup terkenal tapi apakah sudah tahu bagaia
    The mouse deer screamed for help but no one heard him. It was hopeless for him to escape from the trap. He waited and waited and finally an elephant came. He was happy and asked for help but the elephant was not smart enough to help him. The elephant did not know how to do.

    In the end, the mouse deer got a bright idea. He said to the elephant, “Come down here! Come down to this hole so you can help me get out!” Foolishly The elephant agreed and followed the mouse deer’s order. The elephant jumped down to the hole.

    Of course the mouse deer quickly hopped on the elephant’s body and then hopped out of the hole. He was free and leaving the elephant trapped in the hole in turn

  77. The Smart Monkey And The Dull Crocodile

    One day there was a monkey. He wanted to cross a river. There he saw a crocodile so he asked the crocodile to take him across the other side of the river. The crocodile agree and told the monkey to jump on its back. Then the crocodile swam down the river with the monkey on his top.

    Unluckily, the crocodile was very hungry, he stopped in the middle of the river and said to the monkey, “My father is very sick. He has to eat the heart of the monkey. So he will be healthy again.”

    At the time, the monkey was in dangerous situation and he had to think hard. Then he had a good idea. He told the crocodile to swim back to the river bank. “What’s for?” asked the crocodile. “Because I don’t bring my heart,” said the monkey. “I left it under a tree, near some coconuts in the river bank.”

    The crocodile agreed and turned around. He swam back to the bank of the river. As soon as they reached the river bank, the monkey jumped off the crocodile’s back. Then he climbed up to the top of a tree.The Mouse Deer And The Tiger

    One day, there was a mouse deer. He was thirsty so he wanted to drink on the river.

    When the mouse deer came next to the rive, a tiger approached him and wanted to eat him. Of course the mouse deer tried to escape, but the tiger run faster and caught him. In that dangerous situation the mouse deer thought hard how to escape the tiger. Then he got idea and said to the tiger, “Listen! Your mightiness and toughness are all great! But I have my own king. He has a greater strength than yours! I am sure that nobody can match his powers!” Because the tiger felt taunted, he declared that he would challenge the mouse deer’s king.

    Next the mouse lead the tiger to the river, and said, “Now Look at the water. You will see my king” Foolishly the tiger looked in the river and surely saw another tiger in the water. Then he growled, but the tiger in the river imitated to growl too. Because of his too high self pride, the tiger jumped into the water, and wanted to fight. He was believing there was another tiger in the water.

    The mouse deer took that opportunity to escape. After fighting with himself in the river, the tiger realized that he was fooled by the mouse deer.

  78. The Mouse And The Frog

    Once, there was a mouse which made of close friendship with a frog.

    One day, the frog said to the mouse; “Let’s bind ourselves together with a string so that we may never get separated”. The mouse agreed. Both tied themselves together leg to leg. It went quite well on land. When they came to a small pool, it was a tragic for the mouse.

    In the end, the frog kept swimming across the small pool dragging the mouse with him. Soon, the mouse drowned and floated on the surface of the pool.The Ant And The Grasshopper

    In a field one summer’s day a grasshopper was hopping about, chirping and singing to its heart’s content. An ant passed by, bearing along with great toil an ear of corn he was taking to the nest.

    “Why not come and chat with me,” said the grasshopper, “instead of toiling and moiling in that way?”

    “I am helping to lay up food for the winter,” said the ant, “and recommend you to do the same.”

    “Why bother about winter?” said the grasshopper; we have got plenty of food at present.” The Ant went on its way and continued its toil.

    When the winter came the grasshopper found itself dying of hunger while it saw the ants distributing, every day, corn and grain from the stores they had collected in the summer.

  79. Descriptive text type

    Based on perception in space. Impressionistic of landscapes or persons are often to be found in narratives such as novels or short stories. Example: About fifteen miles below Monterey, on the wild coast, the Sido family had their farm, a few sloping acres above the cliff that dropped to the brown reefs and to the hissing white waters of the ocean...


    Description is used in all forms of writing to create a vivid impression of a person, place, object or event e.g. to:

    describe a special place and explain why it is special
    describe the most important person in your life.

    Descriptive writing is usually used to help a writer develop an aspect of their work, e.g. to create a particular mood, atmosphere or describe a place so that the reader can create vivid pictures of characters, places, objects etc.


    Description is a style of writing which can be useful for a variety of purposes:

    to engage a reader's attention
    to create characters
    to set a mood


    aims to show rather than tell the reader what something/someone is like
    relies on precisely chosen vocabulary with carefully chosen adjectives and adverbs.
    is focused and concentrates only on the aspects that add something to the main purpose of the description.
    sensory description - what is heard, seen, smell, felt, tasted. Precise use of adjectives, similes, metaphors to create images/pictures in the mind e.g. their noses were met with the acrid smell of rotting flesh.
    strong development of the experience that "puts the reader there" focuses on key details, powerful verbs and precise nouns.
    Narrative text type

    Based on perception in time. Narration is the telling of a story; the succession of events is given in chronological order.


    The basic purpose of narrative is to entertain, to gain and hold a readers' interest. However narratives can also be written to teach or inform, to change attitudes / social opinions e.g. soap operas and television dramas that are used to raise topical issues. Narratives sequence people/characters in time and place but differ from recounts in that through the sequencing, the stories set up one or more problems, which must eventually find a way to be resolved. The common structure or basic plan of narrative text is known as the "story grammar". Although there are numerous variations of the story grammar, the typical elements are:

    Setting — when and where the story occurs.
    Characters — the most important people or characters in the story.
    Initiating event — an action or occurrence that establishes a problem and/or goal.
    Conflict/goal — the focal point around which the whole story is organized.
    Events — one or more attempts by the main character(s) to achieve the goal or solve the problem.
    Resolution — the outcome of the attempts to achieve the goal

    The graphic representation of these story grammar elements is called a story map. The exact form and complexity of a map depends, of course, upon the unique structure of each narrative and the personal preference of the teacher constructing the map.


  80. Structure

    In a Traditional Narrative the focus of the text is on a series of actions:

    (Introduction) in which the characters, setting, and time of the story are established. Usually answers who? When? Where? E.g. Mr. Wolf went out hunting in the forest one dark gloomy night.

    Complication or problem
    The complication usually involves the main character(s) (often mirroring the complications in real life).

    There needs to be a resolution of the complication. The complication may be resolved for better or worse/happily or unhappily. Sometimes there are a number of complications that have to be resolved. These add and sustain interest and suspense for the reader.

    Further more, when there is plan for writing narrative texts, the focus should be on the following characteristics:

    Plot: What is going to happen?
    Setting: Where will the story take place? When will the story take place?
    Characterization: Who are the main characters? What do they look like?
    Structure: How will the story begin? What will be the problem? How is the problem going to be resolved?
    Theme: What is the theme / message the writer is attempting to communicate?
    Expository text type

    It aims at explanation, i.e. the cognitive analysis and subsequent syntheses of complex facts. Example: An essay on "Rhetoric: What is it and why do we study it?"
    Argumentative text type

    Based on the evaluation and the subsequent subjective judgement in answer to a problem. It refers to the reasons advanced for or against a matter.
    See also

    Conflation of Readings
    Text linguistics


    A literary text is a piece of written material, such as a book or poem, that has the purpose of telling a story or entertaining, as in a fictional novel. Its primary function as a text is usually aesthetic, but it may also contain political messages or beliefs. American schoolchildren and their parents are taught that literary texts contrast with informational texts that have the purpose of providing information rather than entertainment. Informational texts, such as science briefs and history books, are increasingly receiving emphasis in public school curricula as part of the Common Core State Standards. As a result, many parents have challenged the idea that literary texts are of less pedagogical value than informational ones.

  81. What is Recount?

    1. Definition of Recount

    Recount is a text which retells events or experiences in the past. Its purpose is either to inform or to entertain the audience. There is no complication among the participants and that differentiates from narrative

    2. Generic Structure of Recount

    1. Orientation: Introducing the participants, place and time

    2. Events: Describing series of event that happened in the past

    3. Reorientation: It is optional. Stating personal comment of the writer to the story

    3. Language Feature of Recount

    • Introducing personal participant; I, my group, etc

    • Using chronological connection; then, first, etc

    • Using linking verb; was, were, saw, heard, etc

    • Using action verb; look, go, change, etc

    • Using simple past tense Examples and structures of the text

    Our trip to the Blue Mountain
    Orientation On Friday we went to the Blue Mountains. We stayed at David and Della’s house. It has a big garden with lots of colourful flowers and a tennis court.
    Events On Saturday we saw the Three Sisters and went on the scenic railway. It was scary. Then, Mummy and I went shopping with Della. We went to some antique shops and I tried on some old hats.

    On Sunday we went on the Scenic Skyway and it rocked. We saw cockatoos having a shower.
    Reorientation In the afternoon we went home.

  82. Example of Recount text

    A. Vacation to London

    Mr. Richard’s family was on vacation. They are Mr. and Mrs. Richard with two sons. They went to London. They saw their travel agent and booked their tickets. They went to the British Embassy to get visas to enter Britain. They had booked fourteen days tour. This includes travel and accommodation. They also included tours around London

    They boarded a large Boeing flight. The flight was nearly fourteen hours. On the plane the cabin crews were very friendly. They gave them news paper and magazine to read. They gave them food and drink. There was a film for their entertainment. They had a very pleasant flight. They slept part of the way.

    On arrival at Heathrow Airport, they had to go to Customs and Immigration. The officers were pleasant. They checked the document carefully but their manners were very polite. Mr. Richard and his family collected their bags and went to London Welcome Desk. They arranged the transfer to a hotel.

    The hotel was a well-known four-star hotel. The room had perfect view of the park. The room had its own bathroom and toilet. Instead of keys for the room, they inserted a key-card to open the door. On the third floor, there was a restaurant serving Asian and European food. They had variety of food.

    The two week in London went by fast. At the end of the 14-day, they were quite tired but they felt very happy.

    B. Between Recount and Narrative

    Something which happened in the past is the main resource to compose both recount and narrative text. In writer’s point of view, the thing is an experience. It can be what the writer has done, hear, read, and felt. Composing recount and narrative is retelling the experiences of the past event to be a present event.

    What does recount differ from narrative?

    The easiest way to catch the difference is analyzing the generic structure. Recount text presents the past experiences in order of time or place; what happened on Sunday, then on Monday, the on Tuesday. In simple way, recount describes series of events in detail. It does not expose the struggle on how to make them happen. The event happened smoothly. On the other hand, narrative introduces crises and how to solve them. Narrative text always appear as a hard potrait of participant’s past experience. It reveals the conflict among the participants. Cinderella’s conflicts with her step mother and sister are the example. The conflict is the most important element in a narrative text. Narrative without comflicts is not narrative any more.


  83. C. Visiting Bali

    There were so many places to see in Bali that my friend decided to join the tours to see as much as possible. My friend stayed in Kuta on arrival. He spent the first three days swimming and surfing on Kuta beach. He visited some tour agents and selected two tours. The first one was to Singaraja, the second was to Ubud.

    On the day of the tour, he was ready. My friend and his group drove on through mountains. Singaraja is a city of about 90 thousands people. It is a busy but quiet town. The street are lined with trees and there are many old Dutch houses. Then they returned very late in the evening to Kuta.

    The second tour to Ubud was a very different tour. It was not to see the scenery but to see the art and the craft of the island. The first stop was at Batubulan, a center of stone sculpture. There my friend watched young boys were carving away at big blocks of stone. The next stop was Celuk, a center for silversmiths and goldensmiths. After that he stopped a little while for lunch at Sukawati and on to mass. Mass is a tourist center

    My friend ten-day-stay ended very quickly beside his two tour, all his day was spent on the beach. He went sailing or surfboarding every day. He was quiet satisfied.

    D. My Horrible Experience

    Let me remind you my experience during an earthquake last week. When the earthquake happened, I was on my car. I was driving home from my vocation to Bali.

    Suddenly my car lunched to one side, to the left. I thought I got flat tire. I did not know that it was an earthquake. I knew it was an earthquake when I saw some telephone and electricity poles falling down to the ground, like matchsticks.

    Then I saw a lot of rocks tumbling across the road. I was trapped by the rock. Even I could not move my car at all. There were rocks everywhere. There was nothing I could do but left the car and walked along way to my house, in the town.

    When I reached my town, I was so surprised that there was almost nothing left. The earthquake made a lot of damage to my town. Although nothing was left, I thanked God that nobody was seriously injured.

    Generic Structure Analysis

    Orientation; introducing the participant, using first person point of view, I was on the car las week.

    Events; describing a series of event which happened. The car lunched to one side. Telephone and electricity poles was falling down, etc.

    Re-orientation; stating the writer’s personal note. Thanking God because nobody was seriously injured.

    Language Feature Analysis

    Using personal participant; I
    Using chronological connectives; then, and, suddenly
    Using linking verb; was, were
    Using action verb; moved, left, walked, made, etc
    Using simple past tense pattern; earthquake happened, I was on the car, my car lunched on one side, etc


  84. E. My Grandpa’s Funeral in Toraja

    Last month my family and I went to Toraja to attend Grandpa’s funeral. It was my first time to go to such a ceremony. We gathered there with our kin in the ceremony.

    Overall, the ceremony was quite elaborate. It took about a week. Several days before the ceremony was done, grandpa’s body was kept in a series of houses arranged in a circular row around an open field called tongkonan. His corpse was dressed in a fi ne wearing.

    The funeral was performed in two phases. First, we slaughtered the pigs and buffaloes, and then moved the corpse to face north. In this ceremony we wore black clothes. After that, the corpse was placed in a sandal wood coffin. Then, it was brought out of the house and placed on an open platform beneath the granary. Meanwhile, my uncle, my brother, and I prepared the wooden puppet and a funeral tower called lakian. The next phase of the ceremony was held in this place. The coffin is borne from the house and placed in the lakian. During the day, there were also buffalo matches. They were great matches. In the night, we were feasting, chanting, and dancing.

    On the last day, the grandpa’s coffin were lowered from the funeral tower and brought up to the mountain side family graveyard. It was followed by great shouting and excitement from the relatives and the guests. Finally, we installed the wooden puppet on a high balcony where other puppets representing the members of a whole family were already there. The funeral ceremonies made my family and me tired. However, we were grateful because it ran smoothly.


    1. When did the writer attend the funeral?

    2. How long did the writer and his family hold the ceremony?

    3. What did they do to the corpse before the funeral was done?

    4. What did they do after the corpse was placed in a sandal wood coffi n?

    5. What did they do on the last day of the ceremony?


    A recount text is a text that tells you a part of experience. A recount text has an orientation, a series of events in chronological order, personal remarks on the events and a reorientation that “rounds off” the sequence of events. In the text, you find words and phrases used to start, connect a sentence with the next one, and end your composition. Those words and phrases are:

    After that,

  85. My Holiday in Bali

    ditulis oleh Annisa Aulia Saharani

    When I was 2nd grade of senior high school, my friends and I went to Bali. We were there for three days. I had many impressive experiences during the vacation.

    First day, we visited Sanur Beach in the morning. We saw the beautiful sunrise together. It was a great scenery. Then, we checked in to the hotel. After prepared our selves, we went to Tanah Lot. We met so many other tourists there. They were not only domestic but also foreign tourists.

    Second day, we enjoyed the day on Tanjung Benoa beach. We played so many water sports such as banana boat, jetsky, speedboat etc. We also went to Penyu island to see many unique animals. They were turtles, snakes, and sea birds. We were very happy. In the afternoon, we went to Kuta Beach to see the amazing sunset and enjoyed the beautiful wave.

    The last day, we spent our time in Sangeh. We could enjoy the green and shady forest. There were so many monkies. They were so tame but sometimes they could be naughty. We could make a close interaction with them. After that, we went to Sukowati market for shopping. That was my lovely time. I bought some Bali T-Shirt and souvenirs.

    In the evening, we had to check out from the hotel. We went back home bringing so many amazing memories of Bali.

    Sumber :

  86. Once upon a time, there were two animals, Sura and Baya. Sura was the name of a shark and Baya was a crocodile. They dwelled in an ocean.

    Once Sura and Baya were looking for some nourishment. Abruptly, Baya saw a goat.

    “Yummy, this is my lunch,” said Baya.

    “No way! This is my midday meal. You are greedy” said Sura. Then they battled for the goat. After several hours, they were very exhausted.

    Feeling exhausted of battling, they lived in the different places. Sura dwelled in the water and Baya dwelled in the land. The border was the sandy shore, so they would never battle afresh.

    One day, Sura went to the land and looked for some nourishment in the stream. He was very famished and there was not much nourishment in the sea. Baya was very furious when he knew that Sura broke the pledge.

    They fought afresh. They both hit each other. Sura bit Baya's tail. Baya did the same thing to Sura. He bit very hard until Sura eventually provided up and A went back to the sea. Baya was happy.

  87. Once upon a time, there were two animals, Sura and Baya. Sura was the name of a shark and Baya was a crocodile. They dwelled in an ocean.

    Once Sura and Baya were looking for some nourishment. Abruptly, Baya saw a goat.

    “Yummy, this is my lunch,” said Baya.

    “No way! This is my midday meal. You are greedy” said Sura. Then they battled for the goat. After several hours, they were very exhausted.

    Feeling exhausted of battling, they lived in the different places. Sura dwelled in the water and Baya dwelled in the land. The border was the sandy shore, so they would never battle afresh.

    One day, Sura went to the land and looked for some nourishment in the stream. He was very famished and there was not much nourishment in the sea. Baya was very furious when he knew that Sura broke the pledge.

    They fought afresh. They both hit each other. Sura bit Baya's tail. Baya did the same thing to Sura. He bit very hard until Sura eventually provided up and A went back to the sea. Baya was happy.

  88. 163 Holiday in Sari Ringgung Beach
    Last holiday, I went to Sari Ringgung beach in Pesawaran, Lampung. I went there with my family. We left for the beach from my grandparents home in Tanggamus at 08.00 a.m. We went there by car. We arrived in the beach at 10:00 a.m.
    In Sari Ringgung beach, I swam with my brothers and my sisters. After swimming, we play sand together. We made a fort, houses, and hills of sand. After being satisfied playing on the beach, we then took a bath and ate the roasted corn while drinking coconut water. After being fresh anymore, we continued to view seascape on boats.
    I really enjoyed the atmosphere in the beach. After having fun for about five hours, finally we returned home. Before reaching home, we rested beforehand and ate meatball on the side of the road. The meatball is so tasty that I ate two bowls of meatballs there. Not long after that, we continued the journey and got home safely at 7 p.m.
    It was a tiring day, but we were very happy, because we got a lot of fun together

  89. 203 The Last School Semester Holiday
    The last semester holiday was a moment that I'd been waiting for. Because as long as I sit in ninth grade, I was spending more time to learn than doing some activities associated with my hobby.
    My last holiday was classified as a very simple holiday. I was only at home for doing my hobbies such as writing, drawing, and visiting my friends’ house. On the first day until the fifth day I spent time with writing some short stories, chatting with family, and painting some objects at home.
    Then in the following days, I visited my friends’ home to study and to do fun things together. Having finished studying, we then cycled around the area to see new things together. After being tired of cycling, we took visit at other friends’ house while fulfilling the thirst. Every time the day got dark, we went back to our homes to spend time with family.
    Those days were very enjoyable for me. Although I only spent holiday at home by doing funny things, spending time with family, and visiting my friends’ home while studying, I really enjoyed that short holiday. Traveling to Bajul Mati Beach
    Last week, I and my family had a vacation to the beach because I and my little brother were having school holiday. This holiday was also a gift because two days before my little brother celebrated his birthday.
    The clock was still at 4:56 am, but I and my family had been ready to go to Bajul Mati beach since the distance from our house to the beach is about 3 hours. We went there by car. In the car, there were me, my sister, my father and mother. We were not allowed to bring mobile phones by our father and mother in order to enjoy more the trip and the holiday itself. To spend the time on the way I played "guess the name by the letter" with my brother who is only two years younger than me.
    Two hours had passed quickly and we began to enter the hilly area. We began to pay attention the sights seriously. We were fascinated to see paddy fields which looked so beautiful and green. After a while, we finally arrived at Bajul Mati beach. This beach is located in Malang, East Java. While enjoying the sea breeze, we ate together first. We can not stop being amazed at the beauty of this beach. Bajul Mati beach has not been well-known enough, so there were not many visitors there. But the beach was still so clean and brought us comfort.
    We could not bear to play at the beach, so after having meal together we directly ran toward the seashore. We ignored mom’s words telling us to put on sunblock first. It felt fresh when the sea water reached our feet. We decided to swim in the estuary because the current was calm unlike those in the ocean. We had been swimming for about 15 minutes, before our father called and sent us to the seashore while our mother just took picture on us with his camera.
    Suddenly, it was already at 12 o’clock, mom and dad took us to clean ourselves. After that, we prayed Zuhur together. The event was followed by enjoying the warm meatballs in a stall on the beach, which was very delicious. Eating warm meatball while seeing the beauty of the beach was so much fun.
    On the way home, I and my little brother fell asleep. When we woke up, we were already at home. This holiday was really fun. I can not wait to go to the sea with my father, my mother and my younger brother in the upcoming holiday. I went back to sleep until the morning because we were still exhauste

  90. 232 The First Day of Holiday at Grandparents’ Home in the Village
    I was so happy because last semester, I got good scores. My pleasure increased because during a week, I spent the holiday at grandparents’ home in Wlingi.
    I arrived at their home Sunday morning at around 10.00. My grandmother is the best; she had finished preparing my favorite food when I just arrived at her home. Noticing my favorite food which was already on the table, of course I was immediately fascinated. Yes, my grandmother usually cooks my favorite food (chicken rendang) when I take a visit to her home, there is a large family reunion and lebaran. Perhaps, my grandmother cooked the chicken rendang for se felt so pleased knowing my plan to spend the holiday here, because we had not seen nearly 8 months at that time.
    Having finished eating, I told him my experiences at school. They were very happy to know that my semester report’s scores were good. Next, I decided to move towards my favorite place in the grandmother's house which was in the porch. In front of grandma's house there are a wide football field and a tall banyan tree. Around this field, there are still so many paddy fields, which looked so green at that time. It was in contrast to the area in which I live where its field is getting narrower from year to year because it is closed to build housing.
    The beautiful scenery accompanied by the breezes that blow caused me sleepy. I didn’t know since what time I had fallen asleep in the porch until Ashar praying time was coming.
    After praying Ashar, I went to my family's rice field together with my grandparents which is located about 400 meters from the house. I was so amazed to see the rice terraces getting yellow which was so beautiful. Grandpa said that it was likely that our paddy could be harvested the day after”. He promised that he would take me to see the harvesting of paddy. Of course I approved the promise, and I couldn’t bear for two days after that day. I had already imagined how fun this activity would be. Even I had estimated how many sacks of rice we would get after harvesting.
    Days seemed to run very fast there. I didn’t feel that it had already been night. We just stayed at home because of the heavy rain outside. The ambiance was so warm when my grandmother prepared us STMJ (Susu = Milk, Telur= Egg, Madu= Honey, Jahe= Ginger) which is my and my grandfather’s favorite beverage.
    We ended the funny day with drowsiness coming suddenly and then sleep.

  91. 260 The Story of Holiday at Home
    Hi friends, now, I will tell my semester holidays at home. The last holiday, I chose to spend the time at home just because I wanted to have a lot of time hanging out with family at home.
    The first day, I did some activities that I rarely do in school days. I started these activities with jogging in the morning, then played games on the computer, and played online games until 10:00 a.m. After that I took a bath, and continued playing the online games again until 12.00. Midday prayers time (Dzuhur) came so I must pray and then followed by lunch. After midday prayers and lunch, I and all members of the family gathered in the living room to watch TV together while chatting.
    The next day, I was conducting a little bit different activity. After breakfast, my mom asked me to go with her to the Grand Mall in Bekasi. At the mall, I accompanied my little sister to play on timezone while waiting for our mother to finish shopping. I got home at 12, we continued our activities with midday prayers and had lunch together. After midday prayers and having lunch together, watching TV together while relaxing repeated again.
    The next day, I tried to do my hobby which is writing short stories. That day I spent almost entire day to write short stories. I just took rest when prayer times and meal times with the family came. But at night, I spent quality time with my family to watch some DVDs together.
    In the following days, we spent the time by doing the same activities. We were very happy even though we did not travel far away to spend a holiday. We enjoyed very much the family togetherness in the last holiday. A Trip to Tanjung Setia Beach

    Last year, at the end of the year, my wife and I decided to spend our holiday at Tanjung Setia beach, which located around 234 kilometers from Bandarlampung.

    When we arrived at the beach, we were surprised to see the beautiful view of the beach. After having a quick dip in the ocean, which was really cold and windy, we realized that there were not many people there. We thought that it happened because it was too windy there during that time but we finally realized that it was Christmas holiday so almost all of tourists who are used to spending time there went back to their country.

    After spending few times swimming in the beach, we bought some hot chips at the takeaway store nearby, and we rode our bikes down the beach for a while, on the hard, damp part of the sand. The next day we visited Labuan Jukung beach. There, we were amazed to see the high wave owned by this beach. Because it was so high that no body was brave enough to surf on it that time.

    The third day there, we decided to go home when we finally made it back home, we were both totally exhausted because of the trip but we were so happy to travel such an amazing beach Lampung province has.

  92. 280 Visiting Way Kambas

    Yesterday I and my family went to Way Kambas national park to see the elephants and rhinos conserved there. Way Kambas National Park is a national park which is used as elephant and rhino sanctuary located in Labuhan Ratu District, East Lampung, Lampung, Indonesia
    When we got to there, we saw some elephant performances such as playing football, sitting, greeting the visitors, and other entertaining performances. Unfortunately, we could not see the Sumatran rhinoceros because visitors must have a special permit in advance to see them. Visitors or ordinary tourists cannot see the Sumatran rhino’s natural breeding. In the afternoon we saw some animals which were being fed.

    When we returned home we were tired but we were happy because we had so much fun in Way Kambas. A Trip to Borobudur Temple

    Three years ago, I and my classmates visited Borobudur Temple. We went to Borobudur temple by bus. We left our school at nine o’clock. It took us 24 hours to arrive there. I arrived there nine o’clock the next day. Along the road, we saw many vehicles, unique houses, prominent buildings, and some other tourists.

    After we arrived at the Borobudur temple, one of my teachers went to buy tickets. After we waited him for a moment we entered into Borobudur temple area. Then we went up to the top of the temple. Borobudur temple was built at Budur Village, Magelang, Jawa Tengah by Syailendra Dynasty. Borobudur Temple is the biggest temple in the world. It has 504 statues and 1.400 reliefs. From the top of the temple we can see such beautiful scenery. I and my friends went around the temple together. Finally, after having some visits, we should go to the hotel to stay and continue our study tour the next day.

    We felt tired that day but we felt so happy to visit Borobudur temple which is well-known as one of the greatest legacies Indonesia has ever had. I hope the temple can be loved by all of the visitors and the government.

  93. 23BARIS
    True Friends

    Once upon a time, there were two close friends who were walking through the forest together. They knew that anything dangerous can happen any time in the forest. So they promised each other that they would always be together in any case of danger.

    Suddenly, they saw a large bear getting closer toward them. One of them climbed a nearby tree at once. But unfortunately the other one did not know how to climb up the tree. So being led by his common sense, he lay down on the ground breathless and pretended to be a dead man.

    The bear came near the one who was lying on the ground. It smelt in his ears, and slowly left the place because the bears do not want to touch the dead creatures. After that, the friend on the tree came down and asked his friend that was on the ground, "Friend, what did the bear whisper into your ears?" The other friend replied, "Just now the bear advised me not to believe a false friend."

    Moral of the Story- A true friend in need is a friend indeed.

    Teman sejati

    Suatu hari di masa lau, ada dua teman dekat yang berjalan melewati hutan bersama-sama. Mereka tahu bahwa sesuatu yang berbahaya dapat terjadi setiap saat di hutan. Jadi mereka saling berjanji bahwa mereka akan selalu bersama-sama dalam keadaan bahaya sekalipun.

    Tiba-tiba, mereka melihat beruang besar sedang semakin mendekat ke arah mereka. Salah satu dari mereka memanjat pohon terdekat seketika. Tetapi sayangnya satu yang lainnya tidak tahu bagaimana cara untuk memanjat pohon. Jadi terdorong oleh akal sehatnya, ia berbaring di tanah, menahan napas, dan berpura-pura menjadi orang yang sudah mati.

    Beruang itu datang mendekati orang yang sedang berbaring di tanah tersebut. Mencium di telinganya, dan perlahan-lahan meninggalkan tempat karena beruang tidak ingin menyentuh makhluk yang sudah mati. Setelah itu, teman di pohon turun dan bertanya ke pada temannya yang berbaring di tanah itu, " Teman , apa yang beruang bisikan ke telingamu ? " Teman lain menjawab, "Tadi beruang itu menyarankan saya untuk tidak mempercayai teman palsu."

  94. 300 Holiday in Lembah Pelangi Waterfall

    Last holiday, I and my beloved wife, visited Lembah Pelangi Waterfall in Ngarip District, Tanggamus Regency, Lampung Province, Indonesia. It was the first time for me to visit such a wonderful waterfall.

    To reach the waterfall location, we should go on foot after having around three hours trip riding a motorcycle from Bandarlampung, the capital city of Lampung. When we arrived there, I was amazed by the beautiful scenery of the waterfall. The air was so fresh at that time and I could not bear to jump into the water immediately. It is quite windy there and all I could see only green, green, and green. Hearing the sound of falling water while we were swimming made me feel peaceful and relaxing.

    Finally, the day was getting dark and it was time for us to go home. It was such an unforgettable experience for me. I really enjoyed it. My Vacation with My Beloved People

    One day, my sister named Putri said to me that she really wanted to go to the beach. So I promised her that the next week we would go to Mutun beach in Lampung.

    The next week, we prepared everything needed in the morning. We brought some foods and beverages, such as chocolate wafers, potato chips, water and orange juice. Before going to the beach, I ask our brother, Bayu, to join us. He agreed to join and we went there together with our parents. We went there by car. It took 3 hours to arrive there. Then, we bought tickets in the entrance gate. Before swimming, we changed our clothes first. We swam there for more than one hour. We felt so tired that we decided to eat the foods that we had brought. Next, three of us created a very big sand castle, while my parents were enjoying the beautiful scenery there. After that, we decided to go home because it was getting dark.

    On the way home, we still felt hungry. So we stopped at a restaurant to have dinner. I ordered sruit, Lampungnese traditional food, while my brother, my sister, and my parents ordered fried rice. After finished eating, we paid our bills. Then, we went home. We arrived at home at 9 o’clock. We were tired but we were absolutely happy.

  95. 324 My Busy Holiday

    On February 8th, 2016, I thought this would be a great holiday for me because that was Chinese New Year holiday. I didn’t celebrate the Chinese New Year as I’m not Chinese but I guessed that it was a good time for me to get full refreshing. I was so tired to studying. However, the unpredictable fact broke everything up.

    First like an ordinary daughter, I had to get up early morning to help my mother, of course after I prayed. Then I did the dishes, cleaned up my room, and did my bed. I was really in danger if my mom knew that my room was messy. So, I made it as soon as possible. After finishing everything, my aunts called me in the afternoon. I did not meet them for a long time so we kept for hours to talk about some up to date gossips. Not long after that, my neighbor who is also my schoolmate visited me. She asked my help to finish her homework. At last, the time was running and the homework was successfully finished. An unpredictable moment happened after that. To my surprised, I just remembered that I had a lot of homework too. I got confused and regretful why I did not check it. As the consequence, I did my homework until late night and it was hardly finished. Since then, I always check my home work before having a holiday.

    I did not feel this was holiday instead of I had to work hard and got a long ship with my homework.
    The Broken Leg
    One day, I played basket ball with my friends in my school basketball hall. It was rainy season.
    It was cloudy at that time. Before we played basket ball, we had been given some instructions by our coach. After that I and my friends had to do warming-up. Our coach asked us to run around the basketball court. While we were running, the rain fell. The coach then asked us to stop running. Not long after that, the rain stopped. I and my friends started to play a game. The coach warned us to be careful, because the court was so slippery.
    The game started with jump ball. Jumping strongly, I got the ball so I ran and dribble the ball to the basket energetically. When I tried to throw the ball, I was slipped and “BRAKKK”. I fell down suddenly. Unluckily, I broke one of my legs. My friends then brought me to a hospital. I had to have bed rest for quite a long time. But everything grew so much better when I noticed that all of my friends in our basketball team always supported me and accompanied me to train my broken leg.
    It was my unforgettable experience when I was in senior high school. This experience taught me a very valuable message to do everything more carefully.

  96. 357 My First Period
    January 11th, 2017. I'll never forget that day. It happened when I was thirteen years old.
    That morning I ate some goldfish and realized that my stomach was hurting a little bit. But it felt like the "your hungry" sort if stomach ache. Luckily it stopped when I was on the way to school.
    I arrived at the school as usual and everything was normal. That unforgettable experience happened in mid-day. I was wearing tights that day. I wore blue and white uniform that day. When i was studying Math, I noticed like a feel of something coming out. I didn't understand and thought I was just sweating down there, or something.
    I really felt uncomfortable, though I didn't want to get up just in case it bled through. Since that condition happened, I just stayed sitting on my chair. The bell rang and the time was over. I went out from the class after all of my classmates had gone out. Many friends asked what happened to me, but I kept silent.
    Having arrived at home, I asked my mom immediately about what happened to me. Surprisingly, my mom told me that I had got my first period that day. That experience was so unforgettable. I still remember exactly that I was kept silence with my panicked mimic when I was trying to understand what’s happening at that moment which made some friends wonder about my silence. By writing this story, I hope they read this story and find out the answer of their questions about me during that mid-day. I Remember It So Vividly As If All of That Happened Yesterday
    It was the beginning of my first school year and it meant that it was the time to buy all of new stuffs for the new semester. A shopping day like this meant a busy day for moms and their children in the school age. It also happened to us. We spent almost a day for that reason.
    Having bought all stuffs for the new semester in the shopping center, I went to my favorite part of the shopping center. It was the toy department. I didn't really need to buy anything there. I just took a look at some interesting toys. I ran to the toys as fast as I could, but my mom hardly kept me up. On the top shelf, I saw a beautiful doll which looked just like a real baby. There was probably twenty of them, looked almost the same, only this one was looking down on me with her beautiful clear blue eyes. My mom saw my begging face, but told me that we couldn't afford to buy it. It was simply expensive, she said. I took my mom's hand sadly, and walked behind her. I did not beg or scream so I could get what I wanted. I knew what it meant when you can't afford something. I understood, even I was still eight years old. As usual, I could only save the dolls like other interesting toys in my dream. But, it made me stronger and more spirit-full to pursue my future so that I could buy everything I wanted.
    I hardly could buy anything except for my school stuffs when I was a young girl. But it taught me a lot about patience and pursuing dream. Now, I can buy almost everything I need in life because I have finished my study and thanks God I am accepted in a reputable company. Thanks a lot my childhood.

  97. 389 Shareen, My Best Friend Forever
    Although it had already been a year since the accident happened, I could still remember it as if it happened yesterday.
    On a cold winter night, I and my best friend Shareen were driving on a freeway that was covered in a thin plane of ice. To make matters worse I was drunk at that time. Shareen had warned me not to drink alcohol but as usual I ignored his warning. As I was driving, the beer started to take effect. I felt the dizziness effects until we were about halfway home.
    When I was halfway in a sharp right turn just about to exit the freeway, I saw a flash of light streak past my left eye. Not long after that, there was a loud explosion. The darkness seemed to recede as I slowly regained consciousness. Suddenly there was a roaring fire and I immediately put off my seat belt, wanting to get out as soon as possible. Somehow I got out the car and it was then that it hit me with a thrill of horror, Shareen was gone. In fact it took me nearly ten minutes to find him. He had been thrown nearly fifteen feet away from where the car was. As I stood by his side, I realized that his injuries were far worse than my own. I also knew and I knew that he knew as well that he wasn't going to make it. Even if medical help could arrive it was far too late, he would be dead before he reached the hospital.
    "Goodbye Nichole" and with those last words, he died. Since that day, I promise not to drink alcohol anymore. My bad habit had killed my best friend. To my surprised, all of his family forgave me. Shareen is my best friend who will always remind me when I do a mistake. Although he is dead, Shareen's memory will forever live on in my heart. My Childhood Unforgettable Moment
    In every human life, there is always at least an unforgettable childhood experience. This journey creates both good and bed stories. I, myself, have had a few bad ones at that time. They occurred mostly when I was trying to fit in and find my inner-self. One of those stories is when I hurt one of my friends. The story taught me a valuable lesson for my future then.
    Well, it was one of my unforgettable experiences happened to my life when I was a young boy. At that time, I and my friends used to hang out around the tree which was near the playing ground. One of my friends father had tied a rope there and made a swing like stuff for us. Once, we swing there one by one peacefully. One of my friends who was very naughty tried to trick me. He said to me that it was his turn then. Of course I denied his statement because I remembered the turn very well. Not accepting my argument, he hit me and I fell down. I stood up and kept asking for my turn. Again, he hit me and I fell down. I was very angry and with the frowning eyes, I warned him, if he won't let me swing I will hit you with the stone. He said, "Whatever!". Then, I took a small stone in my hand and I throw onto him, without thinking it could hurt his eyes and harm him. He started crying and I started swinging.
    The next day, his mother come to my house complaining my mother and said, "See, what your son has done to my son! His eyes were bleeding". After that, my mother asked me about the incident and I explained her the whole story, how he hit me and my legs were bleeding and saw her the scratches on my hands, and finally, how I throw the stone on him. That lady was still shouting on me and my mother. My mother asked her to bring a stone and let her son hit on my eyes. If this could make her son feel better then do that. Then she thought for a while and said to my mother, "Oh, I am sorry. I don't know why I spelled so bad words for you. My mother said, "They are children and a friends, today they fought and tomorrow they will play together again then why we are blaming and shouting". I don't forget these words my mother told her. That day, I didn't understand what the meaning of those words was. But when I grew up, I understood, what she meant to say. After that incident I never threw any stone on anybody.

  98. 46
    Fox and A Cat

    One day a cat and a fox were having a conversation. The fox, who was a conceited creature, boasted how clever she was. 'Why, I know at least a hundred tricks to get away from our mutual enemies, the dogs,' she said.

    'I know only one trick to get away from dogs,' said the cat. 'You should teach me some of yours!'
    'Well, maybe some day, when I have the time, I may teach you a few of the simpler ones,' replied the fox airily.

    Just then they heard the barking of a pack of dogs in the distance. The barking grew louder and louder - the dogs were coming in their direction! At once the cat ran to the nearest tree and climbed into its branches, well out of reach of any dog. 'This is the trick I told you about, the only one I know,' said the cat. 'Which one of your hundred tricks are you going to use?'

    The fox sat silently under the tree, wondering which trick she should use. Before she could make up her mind, the dogs arrived. They fell upon the fox and tore her to pieces.

    Moral : A single plan that works is better than a hundred doubtful plans.

    Rubah dan Seekor Kucing

    Suatu hari kucing dan rubah sedang bercakap-cakap. Rubah, yang adalah makhluk sombong, membual tentang betapa pintarnya dia. "Kenapa, aku tahu setidaknya seratus trik untuk menjauh dari musuh kita bersama, anjing," katanya.

    "Saya hanya tahu satu trik untuk menjauh dari anjing," kata kucing. "Kamu harus mengajariku beberapa trik mu!"

    "Yah, mungkin suatu hari, ketika saya punya waktu, saya mungkin mengajarkan kamu beberapa trik yang sederhana," jawab rubah ringan.

    Sesaat kemudian mereka mendengar gonggongan sekawanan anjing di kejauhan. menggonggong semakin keras - anjing datang menuju ke arah mereka! Seketika kucing berlari ke pohon terdekat dan naik ke cabang-cabangnya, di luar jangkauan dari setiap anjing. 'Ini adalah trik saya katakan tadi, satu-satunya yang saya tahu, "kata kucing. ' mana salah satu dari seratus trik anda yang anda akan gunakan?'

    Rubah duduk diam di bawah pohon, bertanya-tanya trik apa yang dia harus gunakan. Sebelum dia bisa mengambil keputusan, anjing tiba. Mereka menyergap rubah dan mencabik-cabiknya.

  99. 408 My Unforgettable Moment
    When I was 15 years old, I got an unforgettable experience. It happened in my house four years ago. As usual, I always did my house activities everyday; one of them was taking the dry clothes.
    On that bright Wednesday afternoon, I was taking the dry clothes at the upstairs of my house, on the balcony. Everything was okay at the moment, but not long after that there was a problem there. When I was trying to take ane of the clothes, some clothes were flown away by the wind. As a consequence, there were some clothes hooked up on the roof of my house. So, I tried to put them back on the hangers. Then, I took a long pipe stick on my hand to take the clothes on my roof. First, I could take the first clothes successfully, and I had to take the other. I tried to get closer and closer to the clothes hooked on the roof. Suddenly, I was slipped and fell down to the terrace of my house which was 4 meters high from the balcony to the terrace. I hurt whole part of my body. I could not breathe and I could not wake up by myself. Less than a minute, my parents and my sister came quickly to me. They helped me stand up. They were totally shocked of me.
    At night, my parents took me to the clinic. They were afraid of my condition, maybe I was seriously injured after that accident. Fortunately, I wasn't on seriously injury. I just got bruised on my head, and some scars on my hands and legs. This is one of unforgettable moments happened to my life because I can still alive after getting that thrilling accident. My experience met with taufik hidayat


    Last sunday, there was Thomas cup badminton championship between Indonesa and China. It was held on Istora Gelora Bung Karno. I went to Istora Gelora Bung Karno with my Brother, Andi.


    Before entering Istora Gelora Bung Karno, we looked the bus that took Indonesian badminton team players. I saw taufik Hidayat, Muhammad Ahsan, Hendra Setiawan, Hayom Rumbaka, Angga Pratama, Rian Agung, Simon Santoso, Sony Dwi Kuncoro and the other Indonesian badminton players in that bus. They were very handsome. Then, we followed that bus to main-entrance. I found that Taufik Hidayat left from the bus. When we wanted to get close to Taufik Hidayat, a security guard held me back. But, I thought that security guard was familiar because He was my old friend when I was senior high school, he was Andre. After that, he let me in, finally i could meet Taufik Hidayat and got his signature.


    Then, I went back to my seat at the Istora stadium to support Indonesian team. The supporter was very crowded. They shouted “IN-DO-NE-SI-A” during the match.

  100. 449

    Very Tired Day

    Last tuesday was a busy day for me. I spent my time to do a lot of activities from my senior high school to my home. I had no time to take a rest.

    First, at the morning, I went jogging. After that I went to school to study until 3.00 pm. fom my school , I went to sanggarian sport hall to practice badminton until 8.00 pm. I practiced hard because that I felt very tired. After that, I went home. But when I would sleep, I remembered there was some homeworks that I had to do. I did my homeworks untill 11.40 pm. And finally I could take a rest in my bed.

    Those activities made my day busy and I felt very tired.

    3. Contoh recount text terlambat datang di sekolah

    Came Late to school

    Last wednesday, I came late to my school because I played playstation untill 2.00 am in the night. Because that I woke up late.
    I woke up about 6.30 am and the class would be began at 7.00 am. I ran to bathroom to take a bath. I usually had a breakfast after took a bath, but in that day I did not do that.
    I always went to school by my moyorcycle. But in that day, I forgot where I put the key. So, I went to the school by public transportion. It made me took a longer time. I arrived at school at 7.15 am, I ran to my class but I saw my teacher has stood in front of the class to teach. I entered to my class and of course my teacher was angry to me because I came late.
    It was my bad experience and I hoped I would not do that again.

    My First Experience to Drive a car
    Last year, when I was twenty years old, my oldest brother bought a car. That was Honda jazz RS. I wanted to know how to drive it. I persuaded my oldest brother to teach me to drive the car.But, my brother refused my request. He promised that he would teach me to drive the car about three or four years later, but I still whimpered. Finally, my brother accepted my request and he wanted to teach me to drive a car.Three days later, my brother and i went to the field to teach me how to drive a car. My brother was very patient to give me some directions. I was very nervous because that was my first time to drive a car . One week later, my family visited my grandmother in Bandung, about 4 hours from my home. Because that, I was alone at home. So, I had a opportunity to drive a car alone. I drove about 6 km but after that I got nervous and I lost my control because the street was narrow and I crashed the wall.After that I called my brother by phone to tell him about the accident. I imagined my brother would be angry. But the reality was exactly on the contrary, my brother was not angry. He just gave me some advices and since that accident, I promised I would always ask my brothre’s permission to drive him car.

    5. Contoh recount text pertama kali naik kereta api

    Travel on the train for the First Time
    Last year, I was Eighteen years old. I had graduated from my senior high school and I wanted to continue my education in Yogyakarta. . . I lived with my family in Cirebon during eighteen years So, I would live alone there and it was new experience for me.
    I went to yogyakarta by train, Before I came to the train station, I did not know how to check-in. All procedures were so new to me. Fotunately, a security guard helped me and gave me some directions to check-in. After that I entered to the train and sat on the chair.
    I listened to the song and I was Really enjoy when I was in the train. After 5 hours in the train , finally I arrived in Yogyakarta. I would start my new life in yogyakarta. I was really excited to start my new adventure my new city.

  101. 486

    Holiday In Malaysia
    Last holiday, My family was on vacation. we went to Malaysia. We used travel agent to manage our holiday . We had booked two days tour in Malaysia. We went malaysia by plane. The travel agent had booked ticket for us. The flight was only one hour from Jakarta. On the plane the cabin crews were very friendly and they were very handsome and beautiful. They gave us some directions before the flight. Our plane, garuda Indonesia had very complete fasilities to accompany passanger during the journey, such as movies player, music player, newspaper, magazine, etc. We had a very pleasant flight. On arrival at Kuala Lumpur, we had to go to Customs and Immigration. The officers were pleasant. They checked the document carefully but their manners were very polite. After that, the travel agent brought us to Petronas Tower and took some photos there.In the afternoon, we went to hotel to take a rest. The hotel was a well-known five-star hotel. The room had perfect view of city. On the third floor, there was a restaurant serving American, african, Asian European food. They had variety of food.In the next day, we went to Sepang circuit to watch MotoGp race. I wanted to watch directly my idol Valentino Rossi and took photos with him. During the race, I was surprised because that was my first time I saw motorcycles ran fast up to 300 km/hour in front of my eyes. In the ending of the race, Rossi was the first rider who touched the finish line. I was so happy because he won.The two days in Malaysia went by fast. At the end of the second day, we were quite tired but we felt very happy.

    7. Contoh recount text study tour di bogor dan bandung

    Study Tour To Bogor and Bandung
    I went to bogor with my teachers and my friends. It was a study tour actually. Study tour was held when I was junior high school. That was my first time I went to Puncak, Bogor. My teacher, my class friends, and I were in the same bus. We left our school at 10 p.m. trip to Puncak from Cirebon was about 7 hous.After 7 hours on the way, finally we arrived in Bogor. It was about 5.00 Am. We stopped in a mosque to pray first. Some of my friends took a bath in the mosque. But, I just brushed my teeth and washed my face because there was was so cold. It made me lazy to touch the water.After that, we went to a restaurant to have a breakfast. I was so hungry. Then, we went to Taman safari Bogor. We saw animal collection there. The animal collection was very complete. In taman safari, every Sunday there was an animal circus and fortunately we visited Taman safari on Sunday. So, we could watch the animal circus there. The animal circus was very funny and made us entertained. After watched the animal circus we went back to the bus and we we went to the villa to take a rest. In villa I and my friends swam together. In the next day, we left bogor to visit Bandung. The journey from Bogor to Bandung was abut 3 hours. Actually, it was a funny journey because I spent all of my time with my friends, like playing games, laughing, and kidding. But I felt that all of my tiredness gone all of sudden when we arrived at bandung. In Bandung, we visited Cihampelas. Cihampelas was a very busy street. There were so many factory outlet there. We used that moment to buy some clothes and souvenirs there. After From Cihampelas. We went home to our city. Study tour made me very tired, but I was very happy because I could spend many time with my friends.

  102. 84
    Contoh Narrative Text Pinokio

    In the past, there was a puppeteer whose name is Geppetto. He eager to have a son very much but his wife passed away several years ago. One day, he got an idea to make a puppet in order not to be lonely again. He made a puppet all day long. Finally, in the morning he had finished his work and he named the puppet Pinocchio. Soon he felt lonely again since Pinocchio couldn't walk or talk by itself. One night, Geppetto prayed to the God to become a real boy. He always thought it on his mind in his dream.

    In the next morning, he was surprised that Pinocchio was alive. He taught Pinocchio how to walk, how to read, how to speak and to do other things as human. He then studied at an elementary school. One day, Pinocchio felt bored and it made him go home late. When Pinocchio finally came home, Geppetto asked him. He said that he was on school but he wasn’t. Instantly, Pinocchio's nose grew longer and longer and it meant that Pinocchio has lied.
    The next morning, Pinocchio was kidnaped by the owner of circus. Pinocchio soon became a slave for the circus. He was so famous because he was a puppet which can talk. Geppetto worried about him because Pinocchio had not been going home for almost two days. He tried to find Pinocchio everywhere but he found nothing. When he searched him on the sea, big wave smashed him. He was then in whale's stomach when he awoke. He couldn't find the way to go out.

    In the other side, Pinocchio finally could escape out from the circus. He came home but nobody was there. Latter on, he searched Geppetto in the sea. He got the same accident like Geppetto and he met Geppetto in whale's stomach. Both of them got out from its stomach by making a fire. In the end of the story, they went home together and lived happily ever after.

    Contoh Narrative Text Pinokio

    Di masa lalu, ada seorang pembuat boneka kayu yang bernama Geppetto. Dia ingin sekali memiliki anak laki-laki tapi istrinya meninggal beberapa tahun sebelumnya. Suatu hari, ia mendapat ide untuk membuat boneka agar tidak kesepian lagi. Dia membuat boneka kayu itu sepanjang hari. Akhirnya, di pagi hari ia selesai mengerjakannya dan dia beri nama boneka itu Pinocchio. Setelah itu ia merasa kesepian lagi karena Pinocchio tidak bisa berjalan atau berbicar. Suatu malam, Geppetto berdoa kepada Tuhan untuk menjadikannya seorang anak yang nyata. Dia selalu memikirkan itu dalam pikirannya.

    Pada keesokan harinya, ia terkejut karena Pinocchio hidup. Dia mengajari Pinocchio cara berjalan, cara membaca, cara berbicara dan melakukan hal-hal lain selayaknya manusia. Dia kemudian belajar di sebuah sekolah dasar. Suatu hari, Pinocchio merasa bosan dan itu membuatnya pulang terlambat. Ketika Pinocchio akhirnya pulang, Geppetto bertanya. Dia mengatakan bahwa ia berada di sekolah tapi sebenarnya dia tidak di sekolah. Seketika, hidung Pinokio tumbuh lebih panjang lagi dan lagi dan itu berarti bahwa Pinocchio telah berbohong.

    Keesokan paginya, Pinocchio diculik oleh seorang pemilik sirkus. Pinocchio kemudian menjadi budak untuk sirkus tersebut. Dia begitu terkenal karena ia adalah boneka yang bisa bicara. Geppetto khawatir tentang dia karena Pinocchio belum pulang selama hampir dua hari. Dia mencoba untuk menemukan Pinocchio mana-mana tapi ia tidak menemukannya. Ketika ia mencari dia di laut, gelombang besar menghempaskan dirinya. Dia kemudian berada di perut ikan paus ketika ia terbangun. Dia tidak bisa menemukan cara untuk pergi keluar dari sana.

    Di sisi lain, Pinocchio akhirnya bisa melarikan diri keluar dari sirkus itu. Dia pulang tapi tidak ada siapa-siapa di rumahnya. Akhirnya, ia mencari Geppetto di laut. Dia mendapat kecelakaan yang sama seperti yang dialami Geppetto dan ia bertemu Geppetto dalam perut ikan paus. Keduanya keluar dari perut tersebut dengan membuat api. Di akhir cerita, mereka pulang bersama-sama dan hidup bahagia selamanya.

  103. 521

    My Holiday In Bandung
    OrientationLast holiday, I went to Bandung with my friends, Asep. we spent our holiday there. we went to bandung by bus. The bus schedule from Indramayu was at 07.00 AM and arrived in Bandung at 11.30 AM
    EventsIn the first day, we went to Bandung zoo. The ticket price was only Rp 30.000. The animals collection there were very complete. In the next day, we went to geological museum and talked with the guide about geology. It made us understood about geology. we saw rocks collection there. After that, I went to Bandung bus station because we had to go home to Indaramayu.
    ReorientationMy holiday in Bandung was only two days but It made me happy.

    9. Contoh recount text liburan di rumah saja

    My Holiday at home
    Last holiday was my worst holiday because I did not go anywhere. I just stayed in my home.In the morning, I woke up and had a breakfast. After that, I played with my cat. In the afternoon, I had a lunch and after that I took a nap. In the evening. I watched untill I felt boring.My daily activities were like that during the holiday. So, I was sure last holiday was my worst holiday.

    10. Contoh recount text liburan di jakarta

    A Beautiful Day at Jakarta

    Last month, my familIy went to Jakarta. We visited many places there.

    First, we visited we visited Ragunan Zoo. We saw many kinds of animals there such as lion, birds collection, butterfly collections, etc. We looked around in that Zoo, and also took pictures of those animals. Second, we visited Ancol Beach. The sun shone brightly and the scenery was very beautiful there. We felt the wind blew across to us. We also saw a lot of people in that beach. There werw many birds flew in the sky. Also, there were many sellers who sold many kinds of souvenirs. Then, we felt hungry, so we went to a restaurant. As soon as we finished our lunch, we decided to go home.

    For me, that was a good moment because I could spend my time with my family. We really enjoyed it.

    11. Contoh recount text liburan sambil berkemah

    Went Camping

    Last sunday, my friends and I went camping on the mountain. We went to Palutungan, Kuningan. The spot was near from our town. It was about one hour to get there. We choose Palutungan because it was not too far from our home.

    We prepared everything before went to Palutungan. We brought cooking utensils and the food from home, clothes, camera, guitar, etc. We went there by motorcycles.

    On the first day, we sat up the tent on the camping area. The air was so fresh there. We took a bath on the waterfall. The waterfall was called curug Putri. After played at waterfall, we felt hungry. Then, we cooked the food for the lunch and had lunch together. The first night of our camping, the air was so cold, we made a campfire, sang songs together and after we slept. We used sleeping bag when we slept to make our body still in warm condition.

    On the second day, we had some activities. We, tried to go fishing in the river near the waterfall but we got a shoe. After that, we packed everything we bought. we cleaned the area

    We made a memory by taking photos together in front of a waterfall and then went home happily. We felt very tired.

  104. 556

    My Holiday Experience in Jogjakarta

    Last week, my familIy went to Yogyakarta. We visited many places there.

    First, we visited Prambanan Temple. Prambanan temple was a beautiful temple. We took some photos there. After that, we went to Gembira Loka zoo. We saw many kinds of animals there such as tiger, snakes collection, butterfly collections, etc. We looked around in that Zoo, and also took pictures of those animals. After from gembira loka zoo we went to Sahid raya hotel to take a rest. Sahid raya was a famous hotel in jogjakarta, the facilities made me comfortable during i stayed there.

    In the next day, we went to Siung beach. Siung beach was very beautiful. I played the white sands, I swam there and i saw some people practiced rock climbing there. Siung beach was in Gunung Kidul, about 2 hours from the center of Jogjakarta. I played for some hours until i felt tired and decided to go back to our car. After that, we went to malioboro to buy some souvenirs. Malioboro was about 30 minutes from Sahid Raya hotel. Malioboro is a busy street, there were many sellers who sold many kinds of souvenirs. Then, we felt hungry, so we went to a Chinese restaurant. After we finished our dinner, we decided to go home.

    For me, that was a good moment because I could spend my time with my family. We really enjoyed it.

    Holiday In Malaysia
    Last holiday, My family was on vacation. we went to Malaysia. We used travel agent to manage our holiday . We had booked two days tour in Malaysia. We went malaysia by plane. The travel agent had booked ticket for us. The flight was only one hour from Jakarta. On the plane the cabin crews were very friendly and they were very handsome and beautiful. They gave us some directions before the flight. Our plane, garuda Indonesia had very complete fasilities to accompany passanger during the journey, such as movies player, music player, newspaper, magazine, etc. We had a very pleasant flight. On arrival at Kuala Lumpur, we had to go to Customs and Immigration. The officers were pleasant. They checked the document carefully but their manners were very polite. After that, the travel agent brought us to Petronas Tower and took some photos there.In the afternoon, we went to hotel to take a rest. The hotel was a well-known five-star hotel. The room had perfect view of city. On the third floor, there was a restaurant serving American, african, Asian European food. They had variety of food.In the next day, we went to Sepang circuit to watch MotoGp race. I wanted to watch directly my idol Valentino Rossi and took photos with him. During the race, I was surprised because that was my first time I saw motorcycles ran fast up to 300 km/hour in front of my eyes. In the ending of the race, Rossi was the first rider who touched the finish line. I was so happy because he won.The two days in Malaysia went by fast. At the end of the second day, we were quite tired but we felt very happy.

  105. 113

    A Donkey and A Lapdog

    Once upon a time there was a farmer who owned a little dog that he keeps constantly by his side and a donkey, which lived in a warm stable and got plenty of fresh grain and sweet hay. But, unfortunately the donkey was not satisfied with his condition.

    "I slave all day long, hauling wood or pulling the cart to market while the dog sleeps on the master's lap and eats from his plate!," the donkey grumbled. "Perhaps, he thought, if he behaved like the dog, his master would reward him with the same life of ease.

    That very night, the donkey crept out of the stable and into the house where the farmer sat at supper. "First I'll frisk about and chase my tail, just as the dog does," thought the donkey. And he danced about the room, flinging up his hooves until the table toppled over and dishes went flying.

    "Now I'll sit on his lap!" said the donkey, and he put his hooves up on the master's chair.

    "Help! Save me from this mad beast!" the terrified farmer bellowed. Then his servants came running and, with shouts and blows, drove the donkey back to the stable.

    "I suppose I' m a fine donkey, "the donkey lamented," but I' ll never be a lapdog!"
    Moral of the Story- What's right for one may be wrong for another. So, never try to copy another person in front of you.

    Seekor Keledai dan Seekor Anjing Piaraan

    Pada masa lalu ada seorang petani yang memiliki anjing kecil yang ia terus menerus di sisinya dan seekor keledai, yang tinggal di sebuah kandang yang hangat dan mendapat banyak biji-bijian segar dan jerami. Tapi, sayangnya keledai tersebut tidak puas dengan kondisinya.

    "Saya menjadi budak sepanjang hari, mengangkut kayu atau menarik gerobak ke pasar sementara anjing tidur di pangkuan tuanku dan makan dari piringnya!," keledai menggerutu. "Mungkin, pikirnya, jika ia berperilaku seperti anjing, tuannya akan membalasnya dengan kehidupan dengan kemudahan yang sama.

    Malam itu, keledai merayap keluar dari kandang dan menuju ke rumah di mana petani duduk di perjamuan. "Pertama saya akan bergerak lincah di sekitarnya dan menggerakkan ekor saya, seperti yang anjing lakukan," pikir keledai. Dan ia menari disekekliling ruangan, menghempas-hempaskan kakinya sampai meja terguling dan piring beterbangan.
    "Sekarang saya akan duduk di pangkuannya!" kata keledai, dan dia meletakkan kaiknya di kursi tuannya.

    "Tolong! Selamatkan aku dari binatang gila ini!" teriak petani ketakutan. Pembantunya kemudian berlarian dan, dengan teriakan dan pukulan, menggiring keledai kembali ke kandang.

    "Aku kira aku adalah keledai yang baik," keledai meratap, "tapi aku tidak akan pernah menjadi anjing piaraan!"

  106. 597 Went Camping

    Last sunday, my friends and I went camping on the mountain. We went to Palutungan, Kuningan. The spot was near from our town. It was about one hour to get there. We choose Palutungan because it was not too far from our home.

    We prepared everything before went to Palutungan. We brought cooking utensils and the food from home, clothes, camera, guitar, etc. We went there by motorcycles.

    On the first day, we sat up the tent on the camping area. The air was so fresh there. We took a bath on the waterfall. The waterfall was called curug Putri. After played at waterfall, we felt hungry. Then, we cooked the food for the lunch and had lunch together. The first night of our camping, the air was so cold, we made a campfire, sang songs together and after that we slept. We used sleeping bag when we slept to make our body still in warm condition.

    On the second day, we had some activities. We, tried to go fishing in the river near the waterfall but we got a shoe. After that, we packed everything we brought. we cleaned the camping area and prepared to go home

    We made a memory by taking photos together in front of a waterfall and then went home happily.

    My Holiday at home

    Last holiday was my worst holiday because I did not go anywhere. I just stayed in my home.In the morning, I woke up and had a breakfast. After that, I played with my cat. In the afternoon, I had a lunch and after that I took a nap. In the evening. I watched television untill I felt boring.My daily activities were like that during the holiday. So, I was sure last holiday was my worst holiday.

    Study Tour To Bogor and Bandung
    I went to bogor with my teachers and my friends. It was a study tour actually. Study tour was held when I was senior high school. That was my first time I went to Bogor. My teacher, my classmates, and I were in the same bus. We left our school at 10 p.m. trip to Bogor from Cirebon was about 7 hous. After 7 hours on the way, finally we arrived in Bogor. It was about 5.00 Am. We stopped in a mosque to pray first. Some of my friends took a bath in the mosque. But, I just brushed my teeth and washed my face because there was was so cold. It made me lazy to touch the water.After that, we went to a restaurant to have a breakfast. I was so hungry. Then, we went to Taman safari Bogor. We saw animal collection there. The animal collection was very complete. In taman safari, every Sunday there was an animal circus and fortunately we visited Taman safari on Sunday. So, we could watch the animal circus there. The animal circus was very funny and made us entertained. After watched the animal circus we went back to the bus and we went to the villa to take a rest. In villa I and my friends swam together. In the next day, we left bogor to visit Bandung. The journey from Bogor to Bandung was abut 4 hours. Actually, it was a funny journey because I spent all of my time with my friends, like playing games, laughing, and kidding. But I felt that all of my tiredness gone all of sudden when we arrived at bandung. In Bandung, we visited Kawah Putih. Kawah Putih was a very beautiful place. That was so cold there. We used that moment to took some photos with my friends. After From Kawah Putih. We went home to our city. Study tour made me very tired, but I was very happy because I could spend many time with my friends.

  107. 613
    My short Holiday In Bandung
    Orientation : Last holiday, I went to Bandung with my friend, Asep. we spent our holiday there. we went to bandung by bus. The bus schedule from Brebes was at 07.00 AM and arrived in Bandung at 11.30 AM
    Events : In the first day, we went to Bandung zoo. The ticket price was only Rp 30.000. The animals collection there were very complete. In the next day, we went to geological museum and talked with the guide about geology. It made us understood about geology. we saw rocks collection there. After that, I went to Bandung bus station because we had to go home to Brebes.
    Reorientation : My holiday in Bandung was only two days but It made me happy. Happy Moment
    Today is my birthday which is the 11th. My morning began with gusto.
    “Hmm Yes that what gift will kudapat?” I mumbled.
    Reach me at home, Dad, mom, and my sister went. I’m so getting bored being at home.
    “Well, I’m going to wait for him while you take a NAP.“
    Right at 5:00 pm after I showered their home. I’m still looking forward to what the gift will be given to me. It’s been 2 hours I waited for her, but not one of them were baranjak from his seat to take a gift for me.
    “Hah it turns out they forgot the ultahku.”
    Feeling sad I get to go to my bed. Not until I got to my room turned out to be dead lamp. I called brother, father, and my mother to turn on the candles.
    Shortly I heard sound like such a big brother who sang the song, “happy birthday”. After the light is turned on, the young man‘s father, brother, Father and mother are bring tart and gifts. I’m crying malihat they moved a very clever acting.

  108. 637 My Lebaran My Adventure
    The last Lebaran (Eid al-Fitr), I and my family celebrated lebaran at our grandparents’ house in Kuningan, West Java. We rarely could visit Kuningan because our parents are so busy to work. Thus, hearing that we were going to celebrate lebaran at grandfather's house was truly encouraging. It was the first time we celebrated lebaran there.
    The first day of the Eid holiday there, was really impressive. Although we only stayed at grandparents' house, we could meet almost all relatives who lived in Kuningan. We welcomed them with longing after some time we had not met each other. We spent time together by talking each other and eat together.
    The next day was our turn to visit their homes. We visited our relatives’ home there one by one. It was quite exciting and fun because we had to look around first before finding their homes. We went around by riding motorcycle and through quite extreme roads. At that time, we recorded the trip together with a pocket camera, while shouting "My Lebaran My Adventure".
    The next few days, we spent the time with shopping and having culinary vacation in some places which are quite well-known there. Finally, on the fourth day of Eid al-Fitr, we decided to go back home with a million stories. We went home with feeling of joy. I hope the next Eid al-Fitr, we can go there again.

  109. 650 Lebaran (Eid al-Fitr) with Dodol
    Eid al-Fitr is a time that is eagerly waited by almost all people in Indonesia who have full schedule in the daily work routine. My Lebaran experience at that time was one of the most exciting experiences and unforgettable I have ever experienced. That Lebaran was special because we could gather completely, because none of the family was unable to come.
    Every time the family gathers, we always do a habit to make dodol together. It happened also in the last Lebaran when all of us gathered in our grandparents’ house. We spent the time together with making dodol together. The activity was very pleasant. Our togetherness and solidarity was needed to complete this mission. We had to use four to five large and long sticks to stir the dodol which was still liquid. Initially, it could be done so easily. But after the dodol became very thick, the energy required for stirring the dodol increased. After the dodol had been stirred completely then it was ready to be served, the dodol was given to the neighbors, friends and our close friends.
    These activities were so much fun, because we could share stories and foods. Dodol is always able to unite us who have been separated one another fro along time.

  110. 175
    Pada suatu seketika, di sebuah desa kecil, seorang anak laki-laki malas bernama Jack tinggal dengan ibunya. Dia begitu malas bahwa ia merasa sangat sulit untuk bergerak bahkan jari-jarinya. Ibunya bekerja sebagai pembantu di rumah kota dan mendapat bayaran untuk dirinya dan anaknya. Orang-orang mulai memanggilnya Jack Si Pemalas dan ibu Jack benar-benar kesal dan khawatir terhadap anaknya.

    Suatu hari, dia jatuh sakit dan merasa demam parah. Dia terbaring di tempat tidur selama dua hari dan tidak bisa pergi bekerja. Dia meminta anaknya untuk mendapatkan sesuatu untuk mereka; jika tidak , maka tidak akan ada apa-apa untuk makan.

    Jack si pemalas akhirnya mengerti kesehatan ibunya dan kemiskinan mereka. Dia berjanji kepada ibunya untuk membawa sesuatu dan pergi untuk mencari pekerjaan.

    Seorang petani menawarinya bekerja di tanahnya dan dibayar dua sen untuk pekerjaan Jack. Jack mengucapkan terima kasih dan bergegas ke rumah dengan uang di tangan. Saat ia berlari ke rumah, ia tidak melihat uang berada dari tangannya. Dia tidak bisa menemukan koin dan sampai di rumah dengan wajah tidak bahagia.

    Dia mengatakan kejadian itu ke ibunya. Ibu Jack mengatakan kepadanya, ‘Jack sayang, lain waktu, kamu letakan uangnya di sakumu, sehingga uangnya tidak akan jatuh! “

    Keesokan harinya, pengantar susu menawarkan Jack pekerjaan. Jack ditawari botol susu sebagai upah atas pekerjaannya. Seperti diceritakan oleh ibunya, ia menuangkan susu ke dalam saku dan berlari menuju ibunya.

    Ibunya mengenal apa yang akan terjadi setelah melihat baju Jack. Dia mengatakan kepadanya, “Jack, Kamu harus membawa botol susu di kepala Anda. Jangan khawatir. Tapi hati-hati waktu berikutnya! “

    Kali ini juga Jack bekerja untuk tukang susu dan dia pergi ke peternakan pengantar susu pagi-pagi. Pekerjaan selesai sebelum tengah hari dan Jack dibayar bar keju untuk kerjanya. Jack senang dan seperti yang dikatakan oleh ibunya, ia membawa potongan keju di kepalanya. Karena hari itu adalah hari yang cerah dan sangat panas di siang hari, semua keju mencair.

    Jack mengatakan ibunya bahwa semua keju meleleh. Ibunya mengatakan, seharusnya dia membawa keju di tangannya dan memintanya untuk melakukan dengan benar waktu berikutnya.

    Keesokan harinya, ia pergi untuk bekerja di peternakan. Pemilik peternakan sapi menawarinya anak kucing sebagai upah karena Jack sangat menyukai kucing. Ia membawa anak kucing di tangannya. Anak kucing kecil melompat dari tangannya dan lari. Jack sedih dan mengatakan ibunya ia kehilangan anak kucing juga.

    Ibunya mengatakan, ia seharusnya mengikatikatkan tali dan menyeret anak kucingnya di jalan.

    Selama dua hari berikutnya, ia pergi untuk bekerja di sebuah peternakan lagi dan kembali ke rumah dengan sepotong besar daging. Dia mengikat daging dengan tali dan menyeretnya di jalan. Dagingnya rusak dan ibunya berteriak padanya karena ia tidak bisa berbuat apa-apa dengan benar.

    Kemudian suatu ketika, Ibu menghiburnya dan mengatakan kepadanya bahwa ia harus membawa daging di pundaknya. Jack pergi ke kota terdekat untuk bekerja dan kembali ke rumah setelah seminggu. Untuk kerja kerasnya, ia dihargai dengan keledai dan ia membawa keledai itu di pundaknya.

    Seorang gadis muda sekitar 8 tahun yang melihat Jack membawa keledai di bahu mulai tertawa dan dia tertawa terus menerus untuk waktu yang lama. Ayahnya, yang adalah orang terkaya di kota, sangat bahagia hingga menangis. Dia mengucapkan terima kasih Jack sambil membuat putrinya tertawa setelah 5 tahun. Jack menyadari kesalahannya dan kebodohan dia lakukan saat itu dan sebelumnya. Tetapi pada saat yang sama kebodohannya membuat putri orang kaya tertawa. Dia mengambil orang kaya dan putrinya ke rumahnya. Orang kaya menawarkan mereka pekerjaan dan tempat tinggal di bungalo nya. Dari kejadian itu, ia mencoba untuk melakukan segala sesuatu dengan benar tanpa kesalahan dan kebodohan dan mereka hidup bahagia selamanya!

  111. 671 Contoh Narrative Text Pinokio
    Once upon a time, there was a puppeteer named Geppetto. He really wanted a boy but his wife has been died for a long time ago. One day, he had an idea. He wanted to make a puppet so he would never felt lonely again. He made a puppet all night without resting. In the morning, finally he finished his work. He named the puppet, Pinocchio. He played whole day with Pinocchio. However, he felt lonely again because Pinocchio couldn't talk or walk by himself. In the middle of the night, Geppetto prayed to the God. His wish was Pinocchio became a real boy, human. He thought it on his mind in his dream.

    In the next morning, he surprised. Pinocchio was alive. He really was happy. He tough Pinocchio how to walk, how to speak, how to read etc. like a teacher. Pinocchio learned fast. He entered an elementary school. One day, Pinocchio felt bored. So, he went home late. Geppetto worried about him. When Pinocchio came to home, Geppetto asked him. He said he was on school but he didn't. Suddenly, Pinocchio's nose grow longer. It meant that Pinocchio lied.

    The next day, Pinocchio got caught by thieves. The thieves was the owner of circus. Pinocchio became a slave for the circus. He was famous because he was a talking puppet. Geppetto worried him. Pinocchio didn't come home for 2 days. He found Pinocchio everywhere. When he discovered the sea, big wave smashed him. He was on whale's stomach when he awoke. He couldn't find the way out.

    In different place, Pinocchio finally could get out from circus. He went to home but Geppetto wasn't on there. He found Geppetto at sea. He had the same accident like Geppetto. He met Geppetto in whale's stomach. They got out from its stomach by made a fire.
    They went home back together. In the end, they lived happy forever after.

  112. 229
    Once upon a time, in a small village, a lazy boy called Jack lived with his mother. He was so lazy that he found it very difficult to move even his fingers. His mother worked as a servant maid in town homes and earned for herself and her son. People started to call him Lazy Jack and Jack’s mother was totally irritated and worried about her son.

    One day, she fell sick and was feeling fever severely. She was bed-ridden for two days and could not go to work. She asked her son to earn something for them; otherwise there won’t be anything to eat.

    Lazy Jack finally understood her mother’s health and their poverty. He promised her mother to bring something and went on to search for a work.

    A farmer offered him work in his land and paid two pennies for Jack’s work.
    Jack thanked him and rushed to home with the pennies in hand. As he was running to home, he did not notice the pennies rolled down from his hand. He could not find the coins and reached home with unhappy face.

    He told the incident to his mom. Jack’s mom told him, ‘dear Jack, next time, you put them in your pocket, so that they won’t fall!’

    The next day, a milkman offered Jack a job. Jack was offered a jar of milk as wages for his work. As told by his mother, he poured the milk into his pocket and ran towards his mom.

    His mom recognized what would have happened after seeing Jack’s dress. She told him,’ Jack, you should have carried the milk jar on your head. Don’t worry. But be careful next time!’

    Next time also Jack worked for the milkman and he went to the milkman’s farm early in the morning. The work got completed before the noon and Jack was paid a bar of cheese for his work. Jack was happy and as told by his mother, he carried the cheese bar on his head. Since it was a sunny day and very hot in the noon, all the cheese melted away.

    Jack told his mom that all cheese melted. His mother told, he should have carried the cheese in his hands and asked him to do correctly next time.

    The next day, he went to work in cattle. The owner of the cattle farm offered him a little kitten for him towards wages as Jack liked the kitten very much. He carried the kitten on his hands. The little kitten jumped from his hands and ran away. Jack was sad and told his mother he lost the kitten too. His mom told, he should have tied a rope and dragged the kitten on the road.

    For the next two days, he went to work in a farm again and returned home with a huge piece of meat. He tied the meat with a rope and dragged it on the road. The meat was spoiled and his mom shouted at him as he could not do anything properly.

    Later sometime, she consoled him and told him that he should have carried the meat on his shoulders. Jack went to nearby town for work and returned home after a week. For his hard work, he was rewarded with a donkey and he carried the donkey on his shoulders.
    A young girl around 8 years of age who saw Jack carrying the donkey on shoulders started to laugh and she laughed continuously for long time. Her dad, who was the richest person in the town, was so happy and was in tears. He thanked Jack as he made her daughter laugh after 5 years. Jack realized his mistakes and foolishness he done then and before. But at the same time his foolishness made that rich man’s daughter laugh. He took the rich man and his daughter to his home. The rich man offered them work and shelter in his bungalow. From that incident, he tried to do everything properly without any mistakes and foolishness and they lived happily ever after!

  113. 240 LUNAS
    1. The Goose and The Golden Eggs
    Once a farmer went to the nest of his goose and found there an egg, all yellow and shiny. When he picked it up, it was heavy as a rock. 1 He was about to throw it away because he thought that someone was playing a trick on him. 2 But on second thought, he took it home, and discovered to his delight that it was an egg of pure gold!

    He sold the egg for a lot of money. Every morning the goose laid another golden egg, and the farmer soon became rich by selling the eggs.

    As he grew rich, he also grew greedy. 6 “Why should I have to wait to get only one egg a day?” he thought. “I will cut open the goose and take all the eggs out of her at once.”

    When the goose heard the farmer’s plan, she flew away to a nearby farm. So when the farmer came out the next day, do you know what he found in the goose’s nest? 8 Nothing.

  114. Last year, at the end of the year, my wife and I decided to spend our holiday at Tanjung Setia beach, which located around 234 kilometers from Bandarlampung.

    When we arrived at the beach, we were surprised to see the beautiful view of the beach. After having a quick dip in the ocean, which was really cold and windy, we realized that there were not many people there. We thought that it happened because it was too windy there during that time but we finally realized that it was Christmas holiday so almost all of tourists who are used to spending time there went back to their country.
    After spending few times swimming in the beach, we bought some hot chips at the takeaway store nearby, and we rode our bikes down the beach for a while, on the hard, damp part of the sand. The next day we visited Labuan Jukung beach. There, we were amazed to see the high wave owned by this beach. Because it was so high that no body was brave enough to surf on it that time.

    The third day there, we decided to go home when we finally made it back home, we were both totally exhausted because of the trip but we were so happy to travel such an amazing beach Lampung province has.

  115. 30
    Last holiday, I and my beloved wife, visited Lembah Pelangi Waterfall in Ngarip District, Tanggamus Regency, Lampung Province, Indonesia. It was the first time for me to visit such a wonderful waterfall.

    To reach the waterfall location, we should go on foot after having around three hours trip riding a motorcycle from Bandarlampung, the capital city of Lampung. When we arrived there, I was amazed by the beautiful scenery of the waterfall. The air was so fresh at that time and I could not bear to jump into the water immediately. It is quite windy there and all I could see only green, green, and green. Hearing the sound of falling water while we were swimming made me feel peaceful and relaxing.

    Finally, the day was getting dark and it was time for us to go home. It was such an unforgettable experience for me. I really enjoyed it.

  116. 45
    One day, when I was ten years old, my father bought an old motorcycle. That was " Honda 75". I think it was small light object and easy to ride it. I persuaded my father to teach me to ride " Honda 75 ". Firstly, my father refused my request and promised that he would teach me two or three years later, but I still whimpered. Finally, my father surrendered and promised to teach me.

    He began to teach me riding the motorcycle around a field in my village. My father was very patient to give me some directions. I was very happy when I realized my ability to ride a motorcycle. " Yes, I can ".
    One day later, when I was alone at home, I intended to try my riding ability. So, myself tried bravely. All ran fluently in the beginning, but when I was going back to my home and I passed through a narrow slippery street, I got nervous. I lost my control and I fell to the ditch.
    After that, I told my father about the last accident. I imagined my father would be angry and never let me ride again. But the reality is exactly on the contrary, my father was very proud of me. He just gave me some advices and since that accident, I got my father's permission to ride motorcycle.

  117. 81 One day, when I was ten years old, my father bought an old motorcycle. That was " Honda 75". I think it was small light object and easy to ride it. I persuaded my father to teach me to ride " Honda 75 ". Firstly, my father refused my request and promised that he would teach me two or three years later, but I still whimpered. Finally, my father surrendered and promised to teach me.

    He began to teach me riding the motorcycle around a field in my village. My father was very patient to give me some directions. I was very happy when I realized my ability to ride a motorcycle. " Yes, I can ".

    One day later, when I was alone at home, I intended to try my riding ability. So, myself tried bravely. All ran fluently in the beginning, but when I was going back to my home and I passed through a narrow slippery street, I got nervous. I lost my control and I fell to the ditch.

    After that, I told my father about the last accident. I imagined my father would be angry and neBEING LATE
    ditulis oleh Era Meiswarawati

    Last morning, Dinar, my roommate woke up late and she had to go to campus.
    When she wanted to take her motorcycle, in fact she couldn’t move it because there were some motorcycles that blocked up her motorcycle.
    She tried to move all of the motorcycles, so that her motorcycle could move from the garage. But she couldn’t do it.
    Then, she called Adel who had that motorcycle which blocked it up. After that, her friend who had that motorcycle helped her. Finally, she could move her motorcycle and rode it to go to campus.

    Contoh Recount Text (2)

    Holiday in Pasir Kencana Beach
    ditulis oleh Muhammad Fadhil Immas

    Last week my friend and I were bored after three weeks of holidays, so we rode our bikes to Pasir Kencana Beach, which is only five kilometres from where I live. When we arrived at the beach, we were surprised to see there was hardly anyone there.

    After having a quick dip in the ocean, which was really cold, we realized one reason there were not many people there. It was also quite windy. After we bought some hot chips at the takeaway store nearby, we rode our bikes down the beach for a while, on the hard, damp part of the sand. We had the wind behind us and, before we knew it, we were many miles down the beach.

    Before we made the long trip back, we decided to paddle our feet in the water for a while, and then sit down for a rest. While we were sitting on the beach, just chatting, it suddenly dawned on us that all the way back, we would be riding into the strong wind.

    When we finally made it back home, we were both totally exhausted! But we learned some good lessons that day.ver let me ride again. But the reality is exactly on the contrary, my father was very proud of me. He just gave me some advices and since that accident, I got my father's permission to ride motorcycle.

  118. 119 On Sunday, I and my best friend, Sari, visited Semirang Waterfall in Ungaran. It was the first time for me to visit the waterfall.

    When we arrived at the hill, I felt so fresh and I could enjoy the scene. The air was so pure and all I could see only green and green.

    In Ungaran, we took a little bit trekking to find Semirang Waterfall. It was too bad for me because the distance to see the waterfall was too far.

    After taking so far distance, we found Semirang Waterfall. What a beautiful waterfall. We enjoyed the nice water in the rain forest surrounding the waterfall.

    Hearing the sound of falling water made me peace and relax. It was also excellent drowning out background sound. Playing with the water made me feel so happy.

    Finally, the time was over. It was time for us to go home. It was an unforgettable moment. I really enjoyed it.

    Contoh Recount Text Pendek (4)

    Ditulis oleh Eviana Yuni Afra
    Last Monday was a busy day for me. I spent my time to do a lot of activities from college to my home.
    First, at the morning, I did my presentation's assignment with my partner, she was Nurhidayah. It took 3 hours. And then we went to the campus for joining lecture. But, the lecturer said that our presentation would be started next week. It made us disappointed. The class was finished at 12.30.
    After that, I had to go home because my grandmother was in a bad condition. She was hospitalized. So, it was a must for me to back home at that time. When I got there, there were so many members of my family. There were about 10 people. My aunt, my niece, my uncle and some of my cousins. We all hoped that our grandmother would get better soon.
    Those activities made my day busy.

    Contoh Recount Text Pendek (5)

    Ditulis oleh Ilima Fitri Azmi
    One day, my sister said to me that she really wanted to go to the beach. So I promised her that the next day we would go to Maron beach in Semarang.
    The next day, we prepared many things in the morning. We brought some foods and beverages, such as fried rice, chocolate wafers, potato chips, water and orange juice. Before going to the beach, I ask my boyfriend, Kiki, to join us going to the beach. He agreed to join and he came to my house. After that, we went to the beach. We went there by motorbike. It took 25 minutes to arrive there. Then, we bought tickets in the entrance gate. Before swimming, we changed our clothes first. We swam there for more than one hour. We felt so tired that we decided to eat the foods that we had brought. Next, my boyfriend and I created a very big sand castle, while my sister continued swimming. After that, we decided to go home because it was getting dark.
    On the way home, we still felt hungry. So we stopped at a Javanese restaurant to eat something. I ordered gudeg, while my boyfriend and my sister ordered rames rice. After finished eating, we paid our bills. Then, we went home. We arrived at home at 6 o’clock and we were absolutely exhausted.

    That was a very exhausting day, but I felt so happy that I could have a vacation with my sister and my boyfriend.

    Contoh Recount Text Pendek (6)

  119. 150 THE FLOOD
    Ditulis oleh Afifah Tri Hyuanawati
    One Christmas in 2007, I was joining a final test try out at school. It was held from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. One of my schoolmates, Rini, asked me for accompanying her to the bus stop. When we arrived there, suddenly the heavy rain fell down from the sky. Rini suggested me to go home soon while she was entering the bus.

    It was still raining when I was home. The rain did not stop and became bigger when the night had come. People were standing in front of their house, hoping that the flood would not come. In the middle of the night, I got news that South Purwodadi had been drowned.

    The next day, Purwodadi had become a flood area. All activities were paralyzed. No one went for work or school because the land had been covered by flood. However, I thank God for not allowing the flood entered my house. Even my house had been changed into an emergency kitchen. It was so crowded there. I and my father took a walk around the center market and Central Purwodadi. All that we could see was water and water. At night, the flood looked like a beautiful ocean with the moonlight on it. I felt as if I was one of the passengers of Titanic who was sailing on the sea.

    Finally, the flood was starting to decrease in the next morning. I and my family cleaned our front yard together. That was the greatest flood that I had ever experienced in my hometown.

    Contoh Recount Text Pendek (7)

    Ditulis oleh Rise Aditya Anggraeni
    On April 16th, 2010, I thought this would be a great holiday for me because that was the holy day for Hindhu people . I was so tired about the study, so I guessed this time I could get full refresh anyway. However, the fact said the other way.
    First like an ordinary daughter, I had to get up early morning helping my mother, of course after I prayed. Then I did my chores, cleaned up my room, and spread out my bed under the sun ray. I was really in danger if my mom knew that my room was messy. So, I made it as soon as possible. Second, my aunts called me in the afternoon. I did not meet them for a long time, that was the way I kept for hours to talk with them. After that, unpredictable my neighbor visited me. She asked my help finishing her homework. At last, the time was running and I just remembered that I had a lot of homework. I got mad, confused and regretful why I did not check my homework before. Therefore, I did my homework until 2:00 a.m. the next morning.

    I did not feel this was holiday instead of I had to work hard and got a long ship with my homework.

  120. 184 1. Watching Movie

    My sister and I went to see a film last night. It was an American movie called The Lost Flight. It showed how people can quickly change when they have to look after themselves in the jungle. It was an interesting film about a plane which crashed on a small empty island in the Pacific Ocean.
    Although the passengers were safe, nobody knew where the plane had crashed. So the passengers had to learn how to hunt for food in the jungle and how to catch fish from the sea to eat. After a few weeks, the passengers were eating raw fish and meat.
    After they had been on the island for two months, three of the men made a boat and sailed away to find help. But their boat sank and they were drowned.
    The film ended without saying whether the passengers were rescued or not. But my sister and I enjoyed the film.

    2. Travelling Around The World

    Deri saved his money and spent two months traveling around the world. He wrote his journey in his diary.
    I spent a week in New York and then flew to London and enjoyed several weeks in Europe.
    When I had seen the sights in Europe, I took a train to Istanbul and visited many places in Asia.
    First, I flew from his home in Mexico City to New York City. After through Asia, I went to south America and finally back home to Indonesia.
    Deri felt tired but he was very excited and wanted to travel again.

    3. Going to School

    My mother got me ready for school then I had to wait for her to brush my hair and place every strand
    in just the perfect position.
    I had to show her my shoes that I had cleaned the night before and my school bag had to be neatly put on my shoulder before I could
    get near the door. Only after my mother was totally satisfied, would I be allowed to rush out of the frontdoor.
    I would leave home at 8 am on the dot and make my way down the lane. After a walk of about 700 metres I would be able to see the tall steeple of the
    The playground would be full in the summer and the noise would make me want to rush into the yard and get into a good game of football before the bell

    4. My Great Day of Proposing Girl

    I woke up at about five o’clock yesterday. It wasn’t a regular day, because I was about to propose a girl.
    After praying and taking a bath, I had my early breakfast. At about nine o’clock I was in my office but my soul wasn’t there. I was thinking about the lines that I had to say to her.
    At one o’clock, I had my lunch but I wasn’t enjoying it either. So, I practiced the lines to almost all girls I met at my lunch. Yes, I was a little bit crazy. Finally, it was three o’clock. I remembered all my lines. I wrapped my works and got ready to pick her up and of course proposed her.
    I met her at four o’clock, took a little walk and went to a movie. At seven, we had a romantic dinner. I thought it was the perfect time to ask her to be my wife. Then I said the lines that I practiced the whole afternoon.
    She smiled. I reached my pocket to get a ring and put it around her finger. Then she said “Yes.” After driven her home I went back to my house.

  121. 217 5. My Bad Day on Sunday

    I had a terrible day yesterday.
    First, I woke up an hour late because my alarm clock didn’t go off. Then, I was in such a hurry that I burned my hand when I was making breakfast. After breakfast, I got dressed so quickly that I forgot to wear socks.
    Next, I ran out of the house trying to get the 9:30 bus, but of course I missed it. I wanted to take a taxi, but I didn’t have enough money.
    Finally, I walked the three miles to my school only to discover that it was Sunday!
    I hope I never have a day as the one I had yesterday.

    6. Meeting a Star

    On Saturday morning at 9:30, I was walking down Sunda Street, looking for a record store.
    A man stopped me and asked me the way to the Hyatt Hotel. I wasn’t sure exactly where it was, but I walked with him to the end of Sunda Street. He was very friendly, and his face looked so familiar.
    Then I remembered where the Hyatt was and told him how to get there. He thanked me and tried to give me something. I thought it was money. I said ‘no’ at first, but he really wanted me to have it, so I took it.
    I found the record store and listened to a few records. D’ Masive had a new record that was number two in the top twenty. I decided to buy it. I looked
    in my bag for my wallet and found a piece of paper the man gave me. It was a photo.
    I was so surprised! He was a singer in D’ Masive!

    7. Going Camping

    Last weekend, my friends and I went camping.
    We reached the camping ground after we walked for about one and a half hour from the parking lot. We built the camp next to a small river.
    It was getting darker and colder, so we built a fire camp. The next day, we spent our time observing plantation and insects while the girls were preparing meals. In the afternoon we went to the river and caught some fish for supper.
    At night, we held a fire camp night. We sang, danced, read poetry, played magic tricks, and even some of us performed a standing comedy.
    On Monday, we packed our bags and got ready to go home.

    8. Holiday in Bali

    We had a wonderful holiday in Bali.
    It was a really great place. The people were friendly, the food was great, and the weather was a lot better than at home.
    Most days were pretty. I swam two or three times a day, but my brother Fachri just spent all his time lying on the beach with his eyes closed.
    Last Saturday I got on the bus and went to the north of the island, It was much quieter there than here–very beautiful, but no tourists. The next day we went across to
    the east coast to see some of the old villages.
    I learned Balinese–I couldn’t say much, but it was fun to try. Fachri actually spoke it quite well, but he was afraid to open his mouth, so I was the one who talked to people.

  122. 252 New Year Holiday Story
    The last school holiday, I spent the time with my family on vacation to a relative's house in Madiun, approximately 6 hour trip by bus from our home in Malang.
    On the way there, we saw many beautiful views such as rice fields, mountains, etc. Having arrived at the uncle's house, we were greeted by our relatives who had not met us for a long time. The next day, we walked around the town of Madiun until the sky got dark. Finally we decided to go home at 6:00 p.m. on that day.
    On the next day, I forgot that it was the New Year. Sudenly, one of my cousins ​​came and asked me to celebrate the New Year's Eve together. At night, I went together with him to the center of the city of Madiun which had already been so crowded because a lot of people who also wanted to celebrate the New Year with his family. When the countdown arrived, the sky which was dark at once then became so colorfully decorated by fireworks. We prayed together and watched the fHoliday in Sari Ringgung Beach
    Last holiday, I went to Sari Ringgung beach in Pesawaran, Lampung. I went there with my family. We left for the beach from my grandparents home in Tanggamus at 08.00 a.m. We went there by car. We arrived in the beach at 10:00 a.m.
    In Sari Ringgung beach, I swam with my brothers and my sisters. After swimming, we play sand together. We made a fort, houses, and hills of sand. After being satisfied playing on the beach, we then took a bath and ate the roasted corn while drinking coconut water. After being fresh anymore, we continued to view seascape on boats.
    I really enjoyed the atmosphere in the beach. After having fun for about five hours, finally we returned home. Before reaching home, we rested beforehand and ate meatball on the side of the road. The meatball is so tasty that I ate two bowls of meatballs there. Not long after that, we continued the journey and got home safely at 7 p.m.
    It was a tiring day, but we were very happy, because we got a lot of fun together thereireworks lightening the sky that night.
    Suddenly, theThe Last School Semester Holiday
    The last semester holiday was a moment that I'd been waiting for. Because as long as I sit in ninth grade, I was spending more time to learn than doing some activities associated with my hobby.
    My last holiday was classified as a very simple holiday. I was only at home for doing my hobbies such as writing, drawing, and visiting my friends’ house. On the first day until the fifth day I spent time with writing some short stories, chatting with family, and painting some objects at home.
    Then in the following days, I visited my friends’ home to study and to do fun things together. Having finished studying, we then cycled around the area to see new things together. After being tired of cycling, we took visit at other friends’ house while fulfilling the thirst. Every time the day got dark, we went back to our homes to spend time with family.
    Those days were very enjoyable for me. Although I only spent holiday at home by doing funny things, spending time with family, and visiting my friends’ home while studying, I really enjoyed that short holiday. holiday passed quickly. The last New Year's holiday experience in the city of Malang was so impressive for me.

  123. 298 Traveling to Bajul Mati Beach
    Last week, I and my family had a vacation to the beach because I and my little brother were having school holiday. This holiday was also a gift because two days before my little brother celebrated his birthday.
    The clock was still at 4:56 am, but I and my family had been ready to go to Bajul Mati beach since the distance from our house to the beach is about 3 hours. We went there by car. In the car, there were me, my sister, my father and mother. We were not allowed to bring mobile phones by our father and mother in order to enjoy more the trip and the holiday itself. To spend the time on the way I played "guess the name by the letter" with my brother who is only two years younger than me.
    Two hours had passed quickly and we began to enter the hilly area. We began to pay attention the sights seriously. We were fascinated to see paddy fields which looked so beautiful and green. After a while, we finally arrived at Bajul Mati beach. This beach is located in Malang, East Java. While enjoying the sea breeze, we ate together first. We can not stop being amazed at the beauty of this beach. Bajul Mati beach has not been well-known enough, so there were not many visitors there. But the beach was still so clean and brought us comfort.
    We could not bear to play at the beach, so after having meal together we directly ran toward the seashore. We ignored mom’s words telling us to put on sunblock first. It felt fresh when the sea water reached our feet. We decided to swim in the estuary because the current was calm unlike those in the ocean. We had been swimming for about 15 minutes, before our father called and sent us to the seashore while our mother just took picture on us with his camera.
    Suddenly, it was already at 12 o’clock, mom and dad took us to clean ourselves. After that, we prayed Zuhur together. The event was followed by enjoying the warm meatballs in a stall on the beach, which was very delicious. Eating warm meatball while seeing the beauty of the beach was so much fun.
    On the way home, I and my little brother fell asleep. When we woke up, we were already at home. This hThe First Day of Holiday at Grandparents’ Home in the Village
    I was so happy because last semester, I got good scores. My pleasure increased because during a week, I spent the holiday at grandparents’ home in Wlingi.
    I arrived at their home Sunday morning at around 10.00. My grandmother is the best; she had finished preparing my favorite food when I just arrived at her home. Noticing my favorite food which was already on the table, of course I was immediately fascinated. Yes, my grandmother usually cooks my favorite food (chicken rendang) when I take a visit to her home, there is a large family reunion and lebaran. Perhaps, my grandmother cooked the chicken rendang for se felt so pleased knowing my plan to spend the holiday here, because we had not seen

  124. 337 Example of hortatory exposition about Corruption / Korupsi

    Do you know what the meaning of corruption is? What is the relation between money and corruption? Well, corruption is common everywhere in the world, even in the United States. It’s just a matter of intensity. However, it is quite shocking when one reliable survey claims Jakarta as the most corrupt place in Indonesia.

    Argument 1
    The survey has made me sad, actually, because I stay and earn a living here in the capital. As most people know, Tanjung Priok port smuggling is not a new thing at all. Entrepreneurs who want to minimize their tax payments tend to do such a thing more often. They even bribe the officials.

    Argument 2
    Well, I think the measures taken so far to overcome the problem by punishing the corruptors is still not far enough. We have to prevent the younger generations from getting a bad mentality caused by corruption.

    I believe we should start at the earliest stages in school and I think everyone should be involved in the effort to eradicate corruption. We must not make any distinction.
    Example of hortatory exposition about Where should be after High School?

    The National examination result will be publicly enounced in next short time. Euphoria will flood for those who get success. In the other hand, It will be sorry to hear that there are some of them do not succeed in their national final examination. For those who succeed soon will think to decide; where will they be after graduating high school? Actually it will be easy to decide for those has been arranged and thought earlier but for those have not planed yet, it will be quite confusing.

    Argument 1
    Continuing study or looking for work is the primary choice among them. When they think about continuing study, they will think hard about the time and cost. How long the higher study will last? And how high is about the cost. In the same way, when they think about straightly seeking job, what skill and competence they have got is a big matter of questioning. So, doing both choices in the same time is an alternative.

    Argument 2
    Continuing study as well as seeking job is possibly done but it will be hard for them. Conventionally studying in the university needs much time to spend especially in the first year. It is true because they have to do and adapt a lot of things in their new higher school. it will be very hard to looking for job. Therefore it should come to their mind of continuing studying at higher school from their own home. As result, the available time will be more flexible for them. Then it will be very possible to seek job and get the appropriate one. This type of studying is publicly known as distance learning.

    As the alternative method of studying, besides the conventional studying which students and the lecturer have to meet in the fixed time and place regularly, distance learning provides possibility to grow better. Possibly working and studying surely will create high quality graduate. Distance learning should appear as a considerable choice for them.

    1.The Importance of Speaking English
    English nowadays has an important role in our daily life. It is the massive means of communication. Is there a strong argument which says that English will not give any benefit?
    Learning to speak English well may be the best way to improve our life. It seems all the people in the world have agreed to use English to talk to each other. About 1,500,000,000 people in the world speak English. While another 1,000,000,000 are still learning English.
    If we can communicate in English, we can contact people from all over the world. We can talk about our ideas and opinions on Internet discussion groups. We can chat with other interesting people to learn about their life and culture.
    If we can communicate in English, we can travel more easily. English is spoken in more than 100 countries. If we lost, we can ask directions or ask for help. Who knows, English will save our life somewhere someday.
    That is why we should make every effort possible to find somebody to speak with. Where can we find people who can speak English with us? We can find them at school, shopping mall, tourist destination, etc
    Above all, don't be afraid to speak English. We must try to speak, even if we make mis2.Television for Social Construction
    Television is today a part of daily life. It is not only a source of entertainment but also news and information. television is also a valuable tool for science, education and industry
    What makes television even more interesting is that action is accompanied by sound, so that we can see as well as hear what on the television. Today we can stay at home and enjoy entertainment that once could be seen only in cinema, theaters and sport arenas. Television enables to meet important people. It can bring important guests and important scene to receivers who are located anywhere.
    Television has a great influence on our idea about what is right and what is wrong. It influences the way which we should behave. Television has close related to our life in general. Some times the value and life style we get from television are in conflict with those that we get at home and school.
    Critics point out that crime and TV show often appeal to taste for violence, while many games and quizzes appeal to greedy. it is important to suggest that television should be used for socially constructive purpose for the shake of better life. takes. We cannot learn without mistakes. So, speak English as much as possible!

  126. 388 3.Online Job
    Online jobs are selected in part-time employment for many, and some have taken more seriously. A growing number of people are willing to take a job online. Working online has its advantages if we manage efectively. Why not?
    It offers flexibility and convenience that no other job can give. We can work from home with minimal investment and get a good income. The idea of adding weight to our pocket and makes life easier and comfortable is the most reassuring.
    The reason behind this great opportunity is that every day there are new companies to join. Every day and every minute men are seeking information aboute verything under the sky of the Internet.
    As we know, the Internet is the answer to every question, web sites need to update each section and also add reports on developments that have recently joined. Therefore, it is an expansive space for articles.
    There are a numb
    4.Gesang Should hold a National Hero Status
    "Those who don't learn from history are condemned to repeat it" and "A great nation is one which fully appreciates its heroes." say popular English aphorism and national adage. Then, proposing an important person who has taken a role in our nation history is important. I think Gesang should be a national hero.
    Who have never heard Bengawan Solo song? I doubt it if there is. This keroncong song has been a part of national voices. Gesang is a senior composer whose songs gained fame all the way to Japan. He has received a number of awards in art and everyone will admit that his art talent was dedicated to this nation.
    Government has declared the other great composer; WR. Suratman and Ismail Marzuki as national Heroes. Gesang might not be compared to others, but in my opinion, Gesang is as great as them. All of them are maestros. Due to his keroncong music maestro, Gesang has taken a role in building our national identity.
    It is obvious that government should name Gesang National Hero. We should not delay and wait for, in case, our neighbor countries or other international communities go a head to recognize him and grant an award for what he deserves. er of jobs we can work online. Some of them which strongly recommeded are writing, marketing, stock trading, and online education. However we should be very careful because scamming opportunities are always there.

  127. 411
    5.Tourism Benefit on Local People
    What is the benefit of tourism for local people? Well, Tourism is now a huge contributor to the economies of most countries. Tourism industries can bring money, job vacancy and advancement especially to developing regions. However, this money often goes into the pockets of foreign investors, and only rarely benefits for local people.
    Tourism industries will not give much benefit for local people if, for example, multinational hotel chains don't care about the surrounding nature when they build new hotels. This can cause many social, cultural and geographical problems. Some local people may get job and money from that International hotel chain. However in case of missing that opportunity, some of them still have their own environment.
    Moreover, some facts show that tourists tend to go, visit and spend their money in restaurants, bars and even luxury hotels of that multinational chains. They less go to such places; restaurant, bar, hotel, shop which are owned by local people. This can prevent the local people's business from becoming even larger.
    Most important thing, tours or excursions of tourism have little effect on nature. Even it can disrupt or destroy ecosystems and environments, and if it does, the local people will get the risk.
    So the local government policies should be put in place to ensure that tourism will 6.Removing Lead From Patrol
    In all the discussion over the removal of lead from petrol (and the atmosphere) there doesn't seem to have been any mention of the difference between driving in the city and the country.
    While I realize my leaded petrol car is polluting the air wherever I drive, I feel that when you travel through the country, where you only see the another car every five to ten minutes, the problem is not as severe as when traffic is concentrated on city roads.
    Those who want to penalize older, leaded petrol vehicles and their owners don't seem to appreciate that, in the country, there is no public transport to fall back upon and one's own vehicle is the only way to get about.
    I feel that the country people, who often have to travel huge distances to the nearest town and who already spend a great deal of money on petrol, should be treated differently to the people who live in the city. make the benefit spreading widely. The policies should guarantee that tourism will not cause any harm to any local people or places.

  128. 449 7.Learning English through music and songs is Fun
    Learning English through music and songs can be very enjoyable. You can mix pleasure with learning when you listen to a song and exploit the song as a means to your English progress. Some underlying reason can be drawn to support the idea why we use songs in language learning.
    Firstly, “the song stuck in my head” Phenomenon (the echoing in our minds of the last song we heard after leaving a restaurant, shopping malls, etc) can be both enjoyable and sometimes unnerving. This phenomenon also seems to reinforce the idea that songs work on our short-and-long term memory.
    Secondly, songs in general also use simple conversational language, with a lot of repetition, which is just what many learners look for sample text. The fact that they are effective makes them many times more motivating than other text. Although usually simple, some songs can be quite complex syntactically, lexically and poetically, and can be analyzed in the same way as any other literary sample.
    FurIn addition, songs are relaxing. They provide variety and fun, and encourage harmony within oneself and within one group. Little wonder they are important tools in sustaining culture, religion, patriotism and yeas, even revolution.
    Last but not least, there are many learning activities we can do with songs such as studying grammar, practicing selective listening comprehension, translating songs, learning vocabulary, spelling and culture.
    From the elaboration above, it can be concluded that learning through music and songs, learn8. Why you should eat breakfast
    A lot of people, especially young people, go through the day without having breakfast. Many people believe that it is not necessary, or they say that they don’t have time for that, and begin their day with no meal. I believe that everyone should eat breakfast before going to their activities. The purpose of this paper is to show the importance of breakfast, especially for students.
    The first reason why you should eat breakfast before going to school is for your health. When you skip breakfast and go to school, you are looking for a disease because it’s not healthy to have an empty stomach all day long. It’s very important to have a meal and not let your stomach work empty. All you are going to get is gastritis and a lot of problems with your health if you don’t eat breakfast.
    Another reason for eating breakfast is because you need food for to do well in your classes. You body and your brain are not going to function as good as they could because you have no energy and no strength. When you try to learn something and have nothing in your stomach, you are going to have a lot of trouble succeeding. A lot of people think that they should not eat because they are going to feel tired, but that’s not true. Breakfast is not a very big meal, and on the contrary, you’re going to feel tired if you don’t have breakfast
    The last reason to have breakfast every day is because you can avoid diseases if you eat some breakfast in the morning. If you don’t eat, you are going to get sick, and these diseases will have a stronger effect on you because you’re going to get sick easier than people who have breakfast every day.
    You have to realize that breakfast is the most important meal of the day, and you cannot skip it without consequences for your health, your school and your defense mechanism. It is better to wake up earlier and have a good breakfast that run to school without eating anything. It is time for you to do something for your health, and eating breakfast is the bettering English can be enjoyable and fun. thermore, song can be appropriated by listener for their own purpose. Most pop songs and probably many other types don’t have precise people, place or time reference.

  129. 459 9. Why You Should Not Smoke
    I am sure that you know that smoking harms your body. Then why do you continue smoking? Maybe you do it because you haven’t really become conscious about all the effects that smoking has. There are a lot of reasons why you shouldn’t smoke. Some of them are that smoking affects your health, that you spend a lot of money on cigarettes, and that when you smoke you are not respecting people around you.
    The first reason why you shouldn’t smoke is that smoking affects your health. If you smoke, your physical condition will be negatively affected, so it will be very difficult for you to succeed in sports. Also, smoking produces lethal diseases like cancer and reduces the length and quality of your life. Maybe you don’t notice all the physical effects of smoking immediately, but you surely will be sorry one day.
    The second reason why you shouldn’t smoke is because of all the money that you spend on it. Maybe you start smoking only when someone offers you a cigarette, but there will be a day when you will feel the need of a cigarette. By this time, you will pay whatever to smoke, and each time you will smoke more, so you will spend more money. All the money you would spend on cigars could have be spent in something better, don’t you think?
    The last reason why you shouldn’t smoke is out of respect for the people around you. When you smoke, you not only harm yourself, but you also harm all the people around you. So you mustn’t be selfish; you should at least avoid smoking in front of people who don’t smoke. Also, many people don’t like the cigarette’s smell, so they won’t enjoy your company. Would you like that?
    I have said just some reasons of why you shouldn’t smoke, so I hope that now those of you who smoke are able to think a little and try to make a smart decision. In addition to all the reasons I’ve said, I would like you to think about how much you love yourself and then whether you want to continue harming yourself. Think also about all the people who love you, like your family w10. Why People Should Exercise
    In the past, I have never been inclined to participate in sports. Honestly, I didn’t like it, but many persons whom I lived with kept telling me everyday how good it was. Since the peer pressure was growing, I decided to go to the gym. It wasn’t until then that I could really understand people when they said exercise really helped a person get organized and keep yourself in a healthy physically and mentally.
    For starters, when you are a lazy person, it is difficult to take the first step, but it is all a matter of committing yourself to something that will provide you a lot of positive feedback. Once you start doing exercise and observing positive results, you actually enjoy it. It takes a lot of effort and strong will, but it's worth it. The principal thing to do is to participate in an activity you like. If you do you’ll start organizing your day in a way that enables you to do everything you have to, including exercising. You will no longer be a person stressed-out without time to carry on with all your activities.
    Second, it is obvious that once you exercise you will have a better condition. You will be healthier in a physical way. It is probable that you will lose weight and your muscles will get stronger and stronger. Your body will feel good, full of energy and it will respond immediately to any action you want to do, any activity that has to be done with high spirits.
    The third reason why exercising is good is that it affects you positively in a mental and psychological way. Doing exercise helps you set specific goals which along with strong will can be achieved. When you do that, you are aware of your abilities, accept your weaknesses, and your

  130. 491 11. How To Use The Internet Should Be Required
    In this age of technology all students in the Montana University System should be required to learn Internet use, and there should be a course to teach it as a core requirement.
    The first reason is going to school in the twenty-first century almost all classes require some computer use. Every time you go to the library at M.S.U.C.O.T, you need to know how to go online as there are very few books anymore, and almost everything is on the Web.
    Following that when you go to find a job, more and more companies are using computers. It’s getting almost impossible to find a job that dosen’t require computer skills of some sort. One of the big things is communications within the company. Most companies use electronic communications of some sort, such as e-mail or memos on line.
    Even the jobs people used to think of as unskilled labors such as a mechanic are using computers. All cars built today have a computer built into them. The mechanic uses it to figure out what’s wrong with your car, then a lot of time they go online to find out the beat way to fix it faster, saving time and money.
    Some people might say that the courses that need to have computer skills have them built into them, but I say we should get a jump on the future and have all students l12. Why Should Wearing a Helmet when Motorcycling
    We often hear lots of stories from road regarding people taking spill on motorcycle when they are riding without using helmet. Mostly the riders badly end up in mess.
    Wearing a fitted protective helmet offers many benefits which reduces the negative aspects of riding. First and the most important is that wearing the correct helmet can save a rider’s life, physical ability, family pain, and money. The recommended designs of motorcycle helmets can provide total protection. They not only protect riders from getting a worse road injured accident but also from flying bugs, such as rain, sleet, mud and other potential projectiles.
    Second, wearing a helmet can gives the raiders a matter of style. Helmets give the opportunity for rider to express the image they may want to project when riding on they way. This benefit may not be important to some people, but to others, it means a lot and important. By choosing the most appropriate helmet from all of the various styles, such as beanie, shorty, German, and many others, wearing a helmet which can projecting an image is an inherent crucial part of motorcycling and help riders feel more confident when riding on the road.
    However, what most important is wearing helmet when riding is a matter of using it properly. Bikers should use the helmets which are fixed to their head. It is really not good if they places simply the helmets on the head without settling them properly. The bikers should fasten the helmet correctly to their head in order to get safe and comfort.earn the internet. If people don’t learn it, they will fall behind in the job market and in life.

  131. 524 13. Consume Water to Have Beauty
    As we know that so much water in the world. There are many kinds of water that we can consume every day all time.
    Consuming water can be made as therapy of disease, because water that we consume with enough amounts and the right method can purify of poisons in our body. The therapy of water can save water availability in the body.
    Therapy of water can keep the beauty too. Skins is the out part of the body that has contact with dirty air, sun light and pollutions. To keep the skin elasticity, water is needed in the enough amounts. Water can dampen of skin until not easy to dry and make crimp.
    To keep the balancing of size body, water is needed. In fact, water can increase the metabolism and pressing of eat desire. Consume a lot of water can filtrate much calories.
    So, let’s cons14. Ozone Destruction Because of Global Warming
    Currently we are facing a big problem that can threaten human existence. The problem is global warming. Global warming is the rising of earth’s temperature average abnormally. This phenomenon will lead to the depletion of ozone’s layer in earth’s atmosphere. The ozone’s layer which is supposed to protect us from sun’s ray now starts to perforate so that the sun’s rays directly will light us. This will endanger life of all creatures on earth. The destruction of ozone layer in atmospheres can be caused by our activities that we unknowingly harm us. What’s cause ozone destruction? The following are factors that can damage ozone:
    The first is the use of a motor vehicle which is too much. The development in the field of transportation turned out to be one of the factors causing ozone destruction. We are very addicted on motor vehicle now. We don’t realize that the use of motor vehicle will produce combustion gases such as CO and CO2. These gases will be collected and settle in atmospheres so that it scrapes ozone’s layer gradually. The more motor vehicle used the more CO and CO2 gas will be produced. Consequently, the destruction of ozone will be happened sooner.
    The second is illegal logging. This irresponsible act is done by greedy and irresponsible human being. They continue to cut trees on their behalf without knowing the importance of trees for this earth. Though tree can convert gases CO2 into O2 which are very important for us. Without trees gases CO and CO2 will be increase more and more. Of course this will fasten ozone destruction.
    The third is the development of the industry. The rapid industry development also accelerates the damage of ozone layer. Many factories were established, especially in big cities produce fumes which are very dangerous. Similar to motor vehicle’s fumes, factory’s smoke will also produce gases CO and CO2.
    The fourth is the use of fossil fuels. Today, Human prefers use fossil fuels such as kerosene, gasoline, diesel and others. Fossil fuels are used in all aspects of human life such as household, office and industry. They do not consider that every use of fossil fuels will produce harmful gases for the ozone layer.
    The last is the Use of CFCs (Chloro Fluro Carbon). CFC gases are gases which are generated from the use of spray cans (Aerosol) as perfume, Refrigerator, Air Conditioner and solvent substances. CFC gases that accumulate in the atmosphere will decompose when exposed to ultraviolet light and turn into chlorine atoms which are substances ozone destroyer.
    Based on the discussion above, we can conclude that the destruction of ozone’s layer is as the result of our own actions. Therefore let us stop ruining ozone and keep our protective layer by reducing the use of motor vehicles, looking for alternative sources of energy that are friendly for

  132. 541 . Let’s Make City Clean and Fresh
    A clean and fresh city will surely make the inhabitantshealthy. Every morningespecially in dry season, all roads must be watered with clean water and swept by the workers of the regionalgovernment under the Major’s instruction.
    To keep the people from heavy pollution caused by cars, trucks andmotorcycles, enough trees must be planted along all roads. Every building or house in the city must be surrounded short and small trees which bear colorful flower.
    Bad and improper habits which cause disadvantages, bad smell and dangerous diseases to people such as smoking and throwing rubbish anywhere should be stopped at once.
    The major of each city will have to think over the way how to educate people, so that they realize on how important cleanliness and health are for their own sake. Building more public lavatories at every busy place is very badly needed.
    It will be wise if the Major decides a certain amount of fine to be paid by those who disobey the government regulation on cleanliness matter. A man who urinate not at lavatory, smoke not at smoking room or throw rubbish at the roads should be fined for instance. Besides dirtying the environment with cigarettes’ butts, smoking will also cause pollution and lungs disease to other people.
    So bad habits and impolite attitude should be immediately stopped, otherwise the city will be dirty, unhealthy badly polluted and will never attract foreign or domestic tourist.

  133. 559 Do you want to buy mobile phone? Don’t be hasty. There are many things to consider. Be reasonable before making the decision.
    First, you can start by asking yourself the usefulness of the equipment. The question might be, “Do I want it for prestige or usefulness?”
    Then, you should make a choice on the type of the mobile phone. There are various choices in the market, so you should decide the one that meets your needs and whether you can afford it or not.
    The consequence of using a mobile phone is its high operational costs. You have to pay Cars Should Be Banned In The City

    Cars should be banned in the city. As we all know, cars create pollution, and cause a lot of road deaths and other accidents.
    Firstly cars, as we all know, contribute to all most of the population in the world.
    Cars emit deadly gas that causes illness such as bronchitis, lung cancer and ‘triggers’ of asthma. Some of these illnesses are so bad that people can die from them.
    Secondly, the city is very busy. Pedestrians wander everywhere and cars commonly hit pedestrians in the city, which causes them to die. Cars today are our roads biggest killers.
    Thirdly, cars are noisy. If you live in the city, you may find it hard to sleep at night or concentrate on your homework, and especially talk to someone.
    In conclusion, cars should be banned in the city for the reasons listed.
    more for a mobile phone compared to a fixed telephone. Therefore, you should only use the mobile phone only for important talks.

  134. 579
    School Uniform, Another Good Lesson

    School uniform is special clothes worn by all students of a particular school. The uniform of a school may differ from others. Why should schools use uniforms? Below are some reasons.
    First of all, Notre Dame’s Department of Sociology produced a study in 1998 concerning school uniforms. Their findings using 10th grade students showed that uniforms have no direct effect on “substance abuse, behavioral problems or attendance.” It also claimed a negative effect on student achievements for those students considered ‘pro-school’.
    Secondly, uniform helps to create a strong sense school ethos and a sense of belonging to a particular community. As such it promotes discipline and helps to drive up academic standards, which is why a uniform is often adopted by schools which are being reopened with a fresh start after being classified as failing.
    Finally, uniform acts as a social leveler, under which all students are equal in the eyes of the school and of each other. In institutions without uniform students are often competitive and worry endlessly about their appearance and the clothes they should wear. Pupils without expensive designer clothes and trainers may be singled out as social outcasts, or stigmatized as being from poor backgrounds. For these reasons many parents prefer uniforms as they save them money on buying clothes for school wear. Considering the findings, schools should implement the uniform as their identity. The government should also publish some kind of rule which makes uniform compulsory for schools.

  135. 602 Television has certainly changed our lives. Today, most people prefer watching TV to going to the cinema. Without it, nobody would have paid much attention to national or international – historical, political, sport, etc – events. Even, television proved that pictures of suffering can move a nation to pity. Besides, many things can be learnt from TV
    Are there any advantages of TV? Many parents admitted that they found difficulties to stop their children’s bad habit, for example, they spend their leisure time for watching TV more than reading. Children become very lazy and irresponsible for their tasks. This is of course denied by TV producers or people whose works is related to TV.
    They are very sure that there are a lot of benefits of TV for viewers, especially children or students. On the other hand, they honestly admit that TV programs can Let’s Make City Clean and Fresh

    A clean and fresh city will surely make the inhabitants healthy. Every morning especially in dry season, all road must be watered with clean water and swept by the workers of regional government under the mayor’s instruction.
    To protect people from heavy pollution caused by cars, trucks and motorcycles, enough trees must be planted along the roads. Every building or house in the city must be surrounded by short and small trees bear colorful flowers.
    Bad and improper habits which cause disadvantages, such as smoking and throwing rubbish anywhere should be stopped at once.
    The city mayor will have to think over the way to educate people, so they realize how important cleanliness and health are. More public lavatories are badly needed.
    It will be wise if the city mayor decides a certain amount of fine to be paid by those who breaks government regulation on cleanliness matter. For example, a man who urinates not at a lavatory, smokes not at a smoking room or throws rubbish at the roads should be fined. Besides dirtying the environment with cigarettes’ butts, smoking will also cause pollution and bad lung diseases to other people.
    So, bad habits and impolite attitude should be immediately stopped, otherwise the city will be dirty, unhealthy, badly polluted and will never attract foreign and domestic tourists as well.
    endanger children’s mental. They regret because parents sometimes don’t have much time to watch TV together with their children. They suggest parents to have more discussion with their children on any programs they have seen.
