Mungkin 3 musim tersebut hanya
terjadi di daerah saya saja, kalopun ada kesamaan di tempat lain itu hanya
kebetulan saja. Persamaa musim hujan di bulan Januari membuat sebagian orang
lebih protektif lagi dalam menjaga kesehatan setiap harinya. Karena lengah
sedikit maka dampaknya kita harus diistirahatkan dari segala jenis macam
pekerjaan dan aktivitas. Nah, untuk musim Hajatan nih, biasanya perlu merogoh
kocek yang cukup guna ikut menghadiri acara tersebut, bisa untuk membeli kado
atapun sekedar isi amplop. Nih, mengantisipasi banyaknya undangan teman,
sahabat, ataupun handai taulan maka sebetulnya perlu mengeposkan uang ekstra
agar jangan sampai terlalu banyak kesulitan nantinya di kemudian hari. Untuk
musim terakhir, sebetulnya masih ada kaitannya dengan orang yang punya gawe
(hajatan), hanya saja khusus momen wedding party. Bagi pasangan muda
mudi yang dalam taraf pendekatan (pacaran mungkin) biasanya akan lebih
termotivasi ketika menghadiri pesta pernikahan temannya. Teman wanitanya ingin
segera minta kepastian dan kejelasan kapan tanggal mainnya. Bagi si cowok yang
udah siap dan punya tabungan biasanya tinggal menunggu hasil keputusan keluarga
dari kedua belah pihak. Nah, bagi yang Cuma untuk pelampiasan kepuasan (nafsu)
saja maka dia akan mencari-cari banyak alasan untuk menunda, bahkan jika ada
niatan untuk tidak serius dalam hubungan. Oke, 3 musim dengan penyikapan yang
Ada sebuah cerita lama yang
berkisah seorang ksatria yang digdaya dengan paras menawan bertubuh tegap.
Pangeran ini suatu hari melakukan perjalanan ke hutan untuk berburu menjangan
(rusa atau kijang). Dia bertolak dari tempatnya sendirian tanpa dikawal oleh
prajurit, terus menuju kedalam hutan. Diceritakan bahwa kisah ini dalam era
kerajaan yang terkadang terjadi saling serang antara kerajaan satu dengan
lainnya. Sang pangeran tersebut ternyata putra dari raja Prabu Merak. Dimana
Prabu Merak ini sedang menggempur kerajaan lain bernama Kerajaan Klungkung. Di
tengah perjalanan para pengawalnya menyusul sang pangeran. Pangeran sendiri
bernama Raden Banterang.
Tidak lama setelah pengawalnya
mampu menyusul Raden Banterang, rombongan sang pangeran bertemu dengan sesosok
gadis lajang yang manis, cantik dan terlihat anggun layaknya dari keturunan
keluarga bangsawan. Tidak disangka, ternyata gadis tersebut adalah puteri dari
Raja yang memimpin kerajaan Klungkung. Ditanya kenapa dia seorang diri berada
di hutan maka sang puteri menjawab secara jujur bahwa dia sedang menyelamatkan
diri dari medan pertempuran. Sang ayah telah tewas dibunuh oleh Raja dari
kerajaan musuh yang tidak lain adalah Prabu Merak, sang ayah Raden Banterang.
Singkat cerita, si puteri cantik
menikah dengan Raden Banterang. Nah si puteri ini memiliki saudara laki-laki
yang masih menyimpandendam untuk membalas kematian sang ayah. Sehingga dia
meminta adiknya yang menikah dengan putra dari raja musuh untuk menghabisi
nyawa sang pangeran. Ada gejolak dan pertentangan dalam hati sang puteri.
Melihat hal tersebut sang kakak melakukan tindakan dengan menaruh sebuah keris
ditempat tidur mereka. Perbuatan ini diketahui oleh Raden Banterang, terjadilah
percekcokan dan adu mulut antara Raden Banterang dan sang istri. Si puteri
berusaha menjelaskan dengn jujur sesuai fakta yang terjadi di lapangan, namun
Raden Banterang tidak menanggapinya. Makasi puteri tadi akhirnya berlari menuju
ke sungai dan terjun kedalamnya. Dikisahkan selepas tubuh tuan puteri terjun
dan masuk ke dasar sungai terjadi suatu keanehan yaitu tercium semerbak aroma
harum dan wangi. Nah, sejak itulah sungai tersebut dinamakan Banyuwangi
(digunakan juga sebagai nama daerah tersebut).
Inilah dongeng yang turun temurun
diceritakan dari nenek moyang yang menceritakan asal usul sebuah daerah kenapa
diberi nama seperti itu. Cerita ini adalah cerita (dongeng) yang berkembang
dari Jawa Timur. Masih ada kaitannya dengan jalinan asmara muda mudi yang
berujung hingga ke pelaminan. Ada tantangan selanjtnya ketika sudah terjalin
sebuah ikatan suci (pernikanan) yaitu bagaimana caranya agar mampu menjaga dan
bertahan agar tetap harmonis. Bagi ayah dan ibu kita apalagi kakek dan nenek
kita yang masih hidup, mereka memiliki banyak ilmu dan pengalaman terkait
masalah keluarga. So, tidak ada salahnya bagi teman-teman yang baru saja
menempuh suatu jenjang pernikahan meminta banyak saran dan nasehat dari mereka.
3 musim yaitu musim hujan, musim
hajatan, dan musim nikah hanyalah bagian dari potongan (kepingan) peristiwa
yang dialami banyak orang. Penyikapan yang diambilpun sangat beragam. Maka
hasilnya (output) juga sangat bervariasi. Dari ketiganya ada beberapa kesamaan
yaitu adanya ujian/ cobaan yang ada, akan datang, terus datang silih berganti
untuk benar-benar mengecek kualitas diri kita. Dan dari tindakan dan perbuatan
kita itulah nantinya ada sesuatu yang harus dipertanggungjawabkan kelak. Lakukan
yang terbaik, jauhkan rasa penyesalan (jika itu ada), teruslah belajar (dari
para orang tua kita, teman, bahkan belajar dari kegagalan) karena sebuah alasan
yaitu sempurnanya kita sebagai manusia karena kita masih memiliki kekurangan
& kelemahan.
Berikut cerita tentang Banyuwangi
dengan kompilasi soal latihan bagi adik-adik kelas IX yang akan menghadapi
ujian nasional. Kalau kalian tidak usah memikirkan nikah ya, hehehehhe---ada
waktunya sendiri. Semangat belajar, karena itu hak asasi kita untuk sukses. Kenapa hak asasi? Karena kitalah yang mengelola hak itu, mau menggunakannya dengan optimal atau bahkan mengabaikannya, Up to you...bro & sis...
Narrative Text (for number
A long time 'ago, in East Java there was a
kingdom led by Prabu Merak. He had a handsome prince named Raden Banterang.
Their kingdom, had a battle with Klungkung kingdom.
One day, Banterang was hunting
with his guards when he met a very
beautiful woman. Although it was strange to find a beautiful woman in the
jungle, he asked her, "Who are you, lady?" The lady told him that she
is the daughter of Klungkung King who ran away to the jungle to escape
from the battle. She was very sad when
her father died in the battle. Banterang was quite shocked in hearing this,
because his father "Prabu Merak' was the king who killed the woman's
Nonetheless, Banterang fell in
love with her and took the woman to be his wife. Later the woman's brother
found out the marriage. He gave his sister a keris and asked her to kill
Banterang found the Keris on his
bed. He thought that his wife would kill him. However it was the princess
brother who put the keris on the bed. The princess and Banterang then had a
quarrel. In her desperate attempt to prove her innocence, the princess jumped into a river.
Since then, the river is known as Banyuwangi Banyu means water and, wangi
means frágrarit. The river's name reflects the princess honesty.
1. What is the main idea of the
second paragraph?
A. Raden Banterang fell in love
and married the princess.
B. Two kingdoms were fighting
against each other.
C. Prabu Merak killed the king of
D. Raden Banterang met a beautiful woman.
2. How did the princess prove that she was not guilty?
A. By killing her father
B. By
jumping into the river
C. By reflecting the smell odor
D. By fighting against her
3. Why was the princess in the woods alone?
A. Because she hunted some wild animals
B. Because she escaped from the hunters
C. Because
she rescued herself from the battle
D. Because her father was
died before killing the enemy
Recount Text (for number 4-9)
Last weekend, I visited my pen
pal's house. His Name is Anto. There were many activities I did there. In the
morning, Anto and I had breakfast. We had traditional food. I liked it very
After breakfast, he took me to
the garden behind his house. The garden was very big and beautiful. There is a
big bird cage in the garden. The were many kinds of birds in that cage. I spent
a long time feeding the birds. I also took pictures with those beautiful birds.
After visiting the bird cage, Anto and I went to the flower garden not far
from his house. We took a rest and had
lunch under a big tree and watch butterflies flying above
colourful flowers. In the afternoon, we swam in the pool in the backyard. It
was so fun. I really enjoyed my time with Anto.
4. What is the last paragraph
A. Anto had butterflies as his
B. The writer's friend is a good
C. There are a lot of flowers in
Anto's house.
D. The writer had a good time with his friend
5. What did the writer do with
his friend after feeding the birds?
A. They visited uniqe animal’s
cage not far the flower garden.
B. They arranged some foods for
their lunch under a big tree.
C. They took pictures with some
wonderful plants.
D. They were visiting the flower garden near
from Anto’s house.
6. What is the main idea of the
last paragraph?
A. The
writer really enjoyed his weekend so much.
B. Anto was the generous friend
who always help him.
C. The beautiful of flower garden
near Anto’s house.
D. Severeal activities that arranged by the writer’s friend.
7. “I also took pictures with those
beautiful birds.What is the underlined word refer to?
A. birds with beautiful feathers
birds that fed by the writer
C. birds inside the cage
D. birds outside the cage
8. How long did the writer spend
his weekend in Anto’s house?
A. one
B.two days
C. three days
D. four days
9. “It was so fun.”The
underlined word can be replaced with...
B. tiring
C. starving
D. awful
Narrative Text (for number
There was a girl named Pina who
lived on a fruit plantation with her mother. When her mother worked night and
day, little Pina would spend all her time playing with her friends. When her
mother asked her to do something, she would always reply that she couldn't find
things, even if it was laying right in front of her eyes.
One day, her mother fell ill and
couldn't even get up to cook some food. So, she asked Pina to cook some rice.
However, Pina being her lazy self, said "I can't find the pot, so where
should I put the rice?". Her mother told her where the pot was. Then she
said, "where is the ladle, how am I going to cook without a ladle?".
Again her sick mother had to tell her
the exact location. Pina did the same with salt, rice and water! Enraged by
Pine's behaviour, her mother cursed, "May you grow a thousand eyes"
and went back to sleep.
When she woke up, she could not find her daughter. She searched, and so did
every single person on the plantation. After a few days, a strange fruit with
thousand of little dots was seen on the plantation. When Pina's mother saw the
fruit, she was immediately reminded of Pina's beautiful brown eyes and thus,
the fruit with a thousand eyes was named "Pinya", meaning pineapple
in Tagalog.
10. What is the main idea of
paragraph two?
Pina's mother was so angry that she cursed her daughter.
B. Pina was too lazy to cook her
own food.
C. Pina's mother was terribly
D. Pina was a really bad
11. What is the moral lesson that
we can take from the story above?
A. Be careful with your mouth
B. Don’t be lazy daughter
C. Work hard makes us more
D. Obey and respect our mother
12. Which statement is TRUE based
on the story above, except...
Pina did her mother instruction without complaining.
B. The story was about little
girl who didnt obey her mother.
C. The story was about the legend
of pineapple.
D. It was folktale from Philipine.
Procedure Text (for number 13-18)
- Make sure that the power cord is firmly connected to the back of the CPU and connected to electricity source.
- Connect the monitor cable to the back of the CPU.
- Connect the keyboard and mouse cords to the back panel of the CPU, too.
- Press the power button located on the front panel of the CPU. The desktop will start a booting process in your computer.
- When you finish using the computer, click the "Start" button and choose the "Turn off computer" option. This will display the options to "Stand by", "Restart" or "Turn Off" the computer.
13. "This will
display the options ... "(step 5). The underlined word refers to... .
clicking "Turn off"
B. pressing the power
C. clicking "Start"
D. connecting a cable
14. What should you do be before
connecting the mouse cord to the CPU?
Connect the monitor cable to the back of the CPU.
B. Press the power button located
on the front panel.
C. Connect the power cord to the
electricity source.
D. Click "Start" button or restart the computer.
15. What is the intention of the text
giving instructions how to use a set of personal computer
B. the way of typing use the
keyboard of computer
C. tell how to shutdown the computer properly and
D. persuading the readers how to install new software in computer
16. Which of the statements below
are not true based on the text, except...
A. Remove the electricity cord
after using the computer
B. Make sure our hands are not
touching the front panel
C. Clicking start button after
opening the office programs
D. Connect the keyboard to the back panel of
17. After connecting the mouse cord to the back panel,
A. remove the keyboard cord from computer
B. click start button on the screen
C. connect the power cord into the electrity source
D. turn on the computer and wait the booting
18. “...located on the front
panel of the CPU. The opposite meaning of the underlined word is...
A. forepart
B. peripheral
C. inside
D. rear
ReplyDeleteMaura, who like to be thought of as the most beautiful and powerful queen of Arabia, had many suitors. One by one she discarded them, until her list was reduced to just three sheiks. The three sheiks were all equally young and handsome. They were also rich and strong. It was very hard to decide who would be the best of them.
One evening, Maura disguised herself and went to the camp of the three sheiks. As they were about to have dinner, Maura asked them for something to eat. The first gave her some left over food. The second Sheik gave her some unappetizing camel’s tail. The third sheik, who was called Hakim, offered her some of the most tender and tasty meat. After dinner, the disguised queen left the sheik’s camp.
The following day, the queen invited the three sheiks to dinner at her palace. She ordered her servant to give each one exactly what they had given her the evening before. Hakim, who received a plate of delicious meat, refused to eat it if the other two sheiks could not share it with him.This Sheik Hakim’s act finally convinced Queen Maura that he was the man for her. “Without question, Hakim is the most generous of you” she announced her choice to the sheiks. “So it is Hakim I will marry”.
As it is said many times that, the heart of narrative text is the existence of the complication. It will drive the plot of the story to keep amusing. The existence of conflict inside the Queen Maura is what builds the story keep running. The psychological conflict inside Maura, which she strikes against herself, is arousing the reader’s attention to continue reading the story. They want to know what next will happen, who will be chosen by Queen Maura; in what way she will decide who the best is. Keeping knowing them really entertaining as well increasing the moral value added.
Once upon time, a man had a wonderful parrot. There was no other parrot like it. The parrot could say every word, except one word. The parrot would not say the name of the place where it was born. The name of the place was Catano.
The man felt excited having the smartest parrot but he could not understand why the parrot would not say Catano. The man tried to teach the bird to say Catano however the bird kept not saying the word.
At the first, the man was very nice to the bird but then he got very angry. “You stupid bird!” pointed the man to the parrot. “Why can’t you say the word? Say Catano! Or I will kill you” the man said angrily. Although he tried hard to teach, the parrot would not say it. Then the man got so angry and shouted to the bird over and over; “Say Catano or I’ll kill you”. The bird kept not to say the word of Catano.
One day after he had been trying so many times to make the bird say Catano, the man really got very angry. He could not bear it. He picked the parrot and threw it into the chicken house.
ReplyDeleteOnce there was a carpenter called Geppetto. He made a wooden puppet and called him Pinocchio. “How nice it would be if it were a real baby!” sighed when he finished painting it. That night, a good fairy heard him and made his wish to become real. “Awake, wood inanimate, now you’ve got a soul!” she made her magic spell touching Pinocchio with her magic wand. “Pinocchio , be always a good , brave and a selfless boy , ” said the Fairy , ” and one day you’ll be a real boy ! ” Then, she addressed to Jiminy Cricket: “I appoint you to guide Pinocchio, ” she added, before disappearing in a thousand flashes of light.
Imagine the delight of Geppetto when he discovered that his little man of wood could move and talk! The next morning he sent him to school like a real boy. “Goodbye, son, come back soon!”
Pinocchio was a little naughty so he disobeying her father went to the terrible Eater, a puppeteer who promised to make him famous. He enjoyed a lot of singing and dancing with the other puppets. But, when the show was over, Eater shut him in a cage. Suddenly, there appeared the Blue Fairy: “Why did not you go to school?” she asked. Pinocchio answered with a lie and his nose began to grow … Only when he told the truth, the Fairy freed him and his nose was back to normal. On the way home, Pinocchio saw a coach load of kids cheering. The coachman told him that he was directed to Toyland, where the kids could do whatever they wanted.
“Pinocchio, come back!” Jiminy Cricket ran after him. But the puppet would not listen to him. There Pinocchio met a new boy Candlewick. He soon discovered that in Toyland the lazy and rude kids were turned into donkeys. Pinocchio ran desperately, followed by his faithful friend. Jiminy Cricket Together, then returned to the house of Geppetto , but they found none. “Who knows what l happened to him!” At that moment, a dove brought them a message: while Geppetto was looking for Pinocchio everywhere, he was swallowed by a whale and now he was his prisoner. “I want to save him!” decided the puppet.
Arriving at the sea, he dived an dived till he found his father in the belly of the whale. But how to get out of there? So he lit a fire and the smoke made the whale sneeze so strong that, she opened its mouth. Pinocchio and Geppetto escaped on a raft. The puppet helped his father to swim in the middle of the waves: and they finally reached the shore! But as soon as they arrived Pinocchio, for the great effort fainted. Grief-stricken, Geppetto took him home. The Blue Fairy, awoke him and, as promised, rewarded his courage and his goodness, by transforming Pinocchio into a real boy.
Imagine the delight of Geppetto when he discovered that his little man of wood could move and talk! The next morning he sent him to school like a real boy. “Goodbye, son, come back soon!”
ReplyDeletePinocchio was a little naughty so he disobeying her father went to the terrible Eater, a puppeteer who promised to make him famous. He enjoyed a lot of singing and dancing with the other puppets. But, when the show was over, Eater shut him in a cage. Suddenly, there appeared the Blue Fairy: “Why did not you go to school?” she asked. Pinocchio answered with a lie and his nose began to grow … Only when he told the truth, the Fairy freed him and his nose was back to normal. On the way home, Pinocchio saw a coach load of kids cheering. The coachman told him that he was directed to Toyland, where the kids could do whatever they wanted.
“Pinocchio, come back!” Jiminy Cricket ran after him. But the puppet would not listen to him. There Pinocchio met a new boy Candlewick. He soon discovered that in Toyland the lazy and rude kids were turned into donkeys. Pinocchio ran desperately, followed by his faithful friend. Jiminy Cricket Together, then returned to the house of Geppetto , but they found none. “Who knows what l happened to him!” At that moment, a dove brought them a message: while Geppetto was looking for Pinocchio everywhere, he was swallowed by a whale and now he was his prisoner. “I want to save him!” decided the puppet.
Arriving at the sea, he dived an dived till he found his father in the belly of the whale. But how to get out of there? So he lit a fire and the smoke made the whale sneeze so strong that, she opened its mouth. Pinocchio and Geppetto escaped on a raft. The puppet helped his father to swim in the middle of the waves: and they finally reached the shore! But as soon as they arrived Pinocchio, for the great effort fainted. Grief-stricken, Geppetto took him home. The Blue Fairy, awoke him and, as promised, rewarded his courage and his goodness, by transforming Pinocchio into a real boy.
Once there was a carpenter called Geppetto. He made a wooden puppet and called him Pinocchio. “How nice it would be if it were a real baby!” sighed when he finished painting it. That night, a good fairy heard him and made his wish to become real. “Awake, wood inanimate, now you’ve got a soul!” she made her magic spell touching Pinocchio with her magic wand. “Pinocchio , be always a good , brave and a selfless boy , ” said the Fairy , ” and one day you’ll be a real boy ! ” Then, she addressed to Jiminy Cricket: “I appoint you to guide Pinocchio, ” she added, before disappearing in a thousand flashes of light.
Imagine the delight of Geppetto when he discovered that his little man of wood could move and talk! The next morning he sent him to school like a real boy. “Goodbye, son, come back soon!”
Pinocchio was a little naughty so he disobeying her father went to the terrible Eater, a puppeteer who promised to make him famous. He enjoyed a lot of singing and dancing with the other puppets. But, when the show was over, Eater shut him in a cage. Suddenly, there appeared the Blue Fairy: “Why did not you go to school?” she asked. Pinocchio answered with a lie and his nose began to grow … Only when he told the truth, the Fairy freed him and his nose was back to normal. On the way home, Pinocchio saw a coach load of kids cheering. The coachman told him that he was directed to Toyland, where the kids could do whatever they wanted.
“Pinocchio, come back!” Jiminy Cricket ran after him. But the puppet would not listen to him. There Pinocchio met a new boy Candlewick. He soon discovered that in Toyland the lazy and rude kids were turned into donkeys. Pinocchio ran desperately, followed by his faithful friend. Jiminy Cricket Together, then returned to the house of Geppetto , but they found none. “Who knows what l happened to him!” At that moment, a dove brought them a message: while Geppetto was looking for Pinocchio everywhere, he was swallowed by a whale and now he was his prisoner. “I want to save him!” decided the puppet.
Arriving at the sea, he dived an dived till he found his father in the belly of the whale. But how to get out of there? So he lit a fire and the smoke made the whale sneeze so strong that, she opened its mouth. Pinocchio and Geppetto escaped on a raft. The puppet helped his father to swim in the middle of the waves: and they finally reached the shore! But as soon as they arrived Pinocchio, for the great effort fainted. Grief-stricken, Geppetto took him home. The Blue Fairy, awoke him and, as promised, rewarded his courage and his goodness, by transforming Pinocchio into a real boy.