Showing posts with label the white lady. Show all posts
Showing posts with label the white lady. Show all posts

Sunday, April 19, 2020

Arwah Yang Gentayangan, Adakah? The White Lady (Mystery)

Apakah kalian percaya pada hal-hal yang ghaib, bukan takhayyul, misalnya adanya malaikat, jin, syetan, dsb? Sebagai orang yang punya agama seharusnya kita juga mengimani hal yang ghaib, termasuk percaya akan adanya hari kiamat, neraka dan surga.
Nah, kalo hantu, arwah, sundel bolong, setan, genderuwo, apakah meyakini keberadaannya? Silahkan itu pendapat pribadi, masing-masing dari diri kita. Yang jelas semua makhluk baik yang terlihat mata maupun yang tak terlihat, bahkan alam semesta beserta isinya, adalah ciptaan Allah SWT. Jadi tidak perlu takut sama hantu dan semacamnya.
Ada cerita misteri, tentang arwah gentayangan yang berwujud sesosok wanita yang menghuni suatu lokasi di daerah danau Ontario (terletak antara negara Kanada & Amerika serikat) di wilayah Amerika bagian utara. Hantu wanita itu bergentayangan mencari anaknya yang sudah meninggal (karena diperkosa oleh seorang pemuda setempat). Arwah ini akhirnya mengganggu setiap laki-laki yang berkunjung ke kawasan taman dan danau tersebut. Kebanyakan korbannya adalah kaum pria, karena si arwah memiliki dendam pada pelaku pembunuhan putrinya.
Itu adalah cerita dari The White Lady yang kebenarannya masih diragukan. Teksnya berbentuk narrative dan genre cerita misteri/ horor. Berikut isi teksnya:
The White Lady
In the early 1800s, the white lady and her daughter were supposed to have lived on the land where the Durand Eastman Park-part of the Irondequoit and Rochester-now stand. One day, the daughter disappeared. Convinced that the girl had been raped and murdered by a local farmer, the mother searched the marshy lands day after day, trying to discover where her child’s body was buried. She took with her two German shepherd dogs to aid in her search, but she never found a trace of her daughter. Finally, in her grief, the mother threw herself off a cliff into Lake Ontario and died. Her dog pined for their mistress and shortly joined her in the grave.
After death, the mother’s spirit returned to continue the search for her child. People say that on foggy nights, the White Lady rose from the small Durand Lake which faced Lake Ontario. She was accompanied by her dogs and together they roamed through the Durand Eastman Park, still searching for her missing daughter.
The White Lady was not a friendly spirit. She disliked men and often seeks vengeance against the males visiting the park on her daughter’s behalf. There had been reported of the White Lady chased, men into the lake, shook their cars, and their lived miserable until they left the park. She had never touched any females accompanying these unfortunate fellows.
Setelah membaca teks narrative diatas, bisa dilanjutkan dengan latihan soal pilihan ganda sejumlah 4 nomor (untuk pembelajaran online) [LATIHAN PILGAN]