Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Tersenyumlah Menghadapi Ujian

Bisakah kita tersenyum manis, tulus dan lebar ketika sedang menghadapi masalah atau problematika hidup? Hmmm, mungkin hanya 2 orang dari 10, atau bahkan hanya 1 orang dari 100. Cara mengelola sebuah masalah adalah kuncinya. Bayangkanlah bahwa sejatinya ujian atau masalah itu adalah batu besar yang di dalam bongkahan batu tersebut terdapat emas dan batu mulia lainnya yang nilainya tinggi, pastilah kita bersemangat untuk menghancurkan batu besar tersebut.
Begitulah kalo mindset yang kita miliki konstruktif dan positive mind, hasilnya hidup begitu mengesankan, menakjubkan penuh warna dan tantangan, setiap hari dengan hasrat dan gairah yang besar untuk selalu menang. Prinsip win-win solution yang senantiasa mendampingi jalan kehidupan, jalan lika-liku sejarah manusia.
Tes atau ujian memiliki salah satu fungsi sebagai tahapan untuk naik level ke tingkatan hidup yang lebih tinggi. Bagi seorang mukmin menerapkan prinsip bahwa setiap musibah terdapat hikmah di baliknya, setiap masalah membawa kunci solusinya masing-masing akan membawa perubahan besar menuju kemenangan sejati, menuju kebahagiaan hakiki, untuk hidup sesudah kehidupan di dunia ini. Janganlah takut dengan sebuah masalah atau ujian, janganlah menghindarinya tetapi hadapilah dengan penuh optimis, tawakal, ada Allah bersama orang-orang yang beriman.
Contohnya ketika pelajar atau mahasiswa menjalani ujian akhir atau ujian skripsi/tesis maka semakin tingkat kesulitannya bertambah, maka tingkat kepuasan ketika mampu menaklukan masalah tersebut semakin besar. Dan biasanya reward yang diperoleh pun semakin besar, seperti metode high risk high income (semakin besar resiko semakin besar yang kita peroleh).
Tersenyumlah menghadapi ujian, hadapilah segala ujian dengan kesabaran, dibalik kesulitan terdapat kemudahan. Setiap tetes keringat yang keluar akan terbayar jika kita pantang menyerah, tahan banting, tegar dan bermental baja maka segala lelah akan sirna ketika kita bisa dalam kondisi sustainable (istiqomah) dalam melakukan amal-amal kebaikan, dalam menyelesaikan kerja-kerja besar hidup kita, dalam meraih segala asa yang kita ingin raih. So, kerja keraslah akhir dari kunci sukses, there is no substitute for hardwork. Okay....
Di bawah ini adalah contoh bentuk tes atau soal pilihan ganda dalam menguji kompetensi Bahasa Inggris grade eleven untuk Senior High School. Let's check it out...

Text 1 (for number 1-number 3)
Multicultural Education
"Multicultural Education of Indonesia in Surabaya" is proud to present Ms. Jane Batubara, a well-known educator and researcher in multiculturalism. She was appointed Principal of Jasmine International School International School in 1999, and since then she has conducted many studies on multiculturalism in formal education. Ms. Batubara will be in Surabaya on the 1st and 2nd of August 2005 to talk on "Multicultural education for the Youth."
During the talk, the participants will be provided with information on how to:
a. obtain a wholly approach to multicultural education.
b. teach the youth to appreciate differences.
Registration for the talk is FREE
Please call Rina at (031) 715632 for seat reservation
1. The text aims to...
A. conduct multicultural studies
B. introduce multicultural education
C. promote Jasmine International School
D. provide information about multiculturalism
E. invite as many participations as possible to a seminar

2. Which is NOT TRUE about Ms. Jane Batubara?
A. she is an event organizer
B. she is a school principal
C. she is a researcher
D. she is an educator
E. she is a speaker

3. "During the talk, the participants will be provided with.." The underlined word can be replaced by..
A. granted
B. supplied
C. arranged
D. presented
E. contributed

Text 2 (for number 14-15)
Jln. Andalas IV No. 23
May 2, 2010

Dear Sheila,
I'm sorry I didn't come to your house last week. I want to tell you about my school anniversary.
Last Saturday, we had my school anniversary. We had jogging competition, basketball competition. Each class had to send five students to follow this. Many teachers also participated in this competition.
While some of us followed jogging competition. There was basketball competition. I became one of the representatives of my class.
After these two competitions, we had cooking time. Each class had to prepare lunch for the students. We could eat after the lunch scored by the teachers.
At last, we had performances. There were many group bands from our school. Although we feel tired, the events made me fun. I will tell you again when I meet you.

4. What is the letter about?
A. love the letter about
B. Sheila's school
C. Sheila's anniversary
D. Aria's school Anniversary
E. Jogging competition

5. What is the purpose of the letter?
A. To retell events
B. To amuse the reader
C. To describe events
D. To explain events
E. To persuade the reader


  1. assalamualaikum

  2. 1. E invite as many participants as possible to a seminar
    2. A she is an event organizer
    3. B supplied
    4. D aria's school anniversary
    5. A to rettel event

  3. Restiliana Maulida (xi)
    1.E Invite as many participations as possible to a seminar
    2.A She is an events organizer
    3.B Supplied
    4.D Aria's school anniversary
    5.A To retell events

  4. Diyan Anggraeni kls XI
    1.E Invite as many participations as possible to a seminar
    2.A She is an events organizer
    3.B Supplied
    4.D Aria's school anniversary
    5.A To retell events

  5. Nur Azizah XI
    1.E Invite as many participations as possible to a seminar
    2.A She is an events organizer
    3.B Supplied
    4.D Aria's school anniversary
    5.A To retell events

  6. ainaya al fatikhah kls XIOctober 24, 2015 at 8:55 AM

    ainaya al fatikhah XI
    1.E. Invite as many participations as possible to a seminar
    2.A.She is an events organizer
    4.D.Aria's school anniversary
    5.A.To retell events

  7. krisniyati risqiyah XIOctober 24, 2015 at 9:01 AM

    krisniyati rsqiyah
    1.E Invite as many participations as possible to a seminar
    2.A She is an events organizer
    3.B Supplied
    4.D Aria's school anniversary
    5.A To retell events

  8. 1.E Invite as many participations as possible to a seminar
    2.A She is an events organizer
    3.B Supplied
    4.D Aria's school anniversary
    5.A To retell events

  9. 1.E Invite as many participations as possible to a seminar
    2.A She is an events organizer
    3.B Supplied
    4.D Aria's school anniversary
    5.A To retell events

  10. 1.E Invite as many participations as possible to a seminar
    2.A She is an events organizer
    3.B Supplied
    4.D Aria's school anniversary
    5.A To retell events

  11. 1.E Invite as many participations as possible to a seminar
    2.A She is an events organizer
    3.B Supplied
    4.D Aria's school anniversary
    5.A To retell events

  12. 1.E Invite as many participations as possible to a seminar
    2.A She is an events organizer
    3.B Supplied
    4.D Aria's school anniversary
    5.A To retell events

  13. 1.E Invite as many participations as possible to a seminar
    2.A She is an events organizer
    3.B Supplied
    4.D Aria's school anniversary
    5.A To retell events

  14. 1.E Invite as many participations as possible to a seminar
    2.A She is an events organizer
    3.B Supplied
    4.D Aria's school anniversary
    5.A To retell events

  15. 1.E Invite as many participations as possible to a seminar
    2.A She is an events organizer
    3.B Supplied
    4.D Aria's school anniversary
    5.A To retell events

  16. Abi Nugroho (XI)
    1.E Invite as many participations as possible to a seminar
    2.A She is an events organizer
    3.B Supplied
    4.D Aria's school anniversary
    5.A To retell events

  17. Agus Priyono (XI)
    1.E Invite as many participations as possible to a seminar
    2.A She is an events organizer
    3.B Supplied
    4.D Aria's school anniversary
    5.A To retell events

  18. Priyo Ari Andu (XI)
    1.E Invite as many participations as possible to a seminar
    2.A She is an events organizer
    3.B Supplied
    4.D Aria's school anniversary
    5.A To retell events

  19. 1.E Invite as many participations as possible to a seminar
    2.A She is an events organizer
    3.B Supplied
    4.D Aria's school anniversary
    5.A To retell events
