Showing posts with label pilihan ganda. Show all posts
Showing posts with label pilihan ganda. Show all posts

Sunday, July 30, 2017

Reading Test Comprehension for SMA/MA, Uji Kecakapan Bahasa Inggris

Uji kecakapan Bahasa Inggris dapat secara lisan maupun tulisan, hal ini dapat dilakukan untuk berbagai macam tujuan, misalnya adalah untuk persiapan tes CPNS, melamar pekerjaan kaitannya dengan bahasa inggris, dsb. Khusus kecakapan dalam reading comprehension, biasanya bagi level pemula kendala yang dihadapi adalah kosakata yang minim. Perkara yang tidak sepele yang butuh waktu cukup lama agar penguasaan kosakata mencukupi kriteria. Hanya saja, ketika berlatih reading comprehension dibandingkan dengan sekedar menjawab soal pilihan ganda berbentuk bacaan itu ternyata terdapat sedikit perbedaan, meski keduanya memiliki kesamaan dengan adanya bacaan yang cukup membosankan, karena panjangnya teks dan asingnya kata-kata yang digunakan. Jika goal/ tujuan yang dicapai adalah sekedar benar dalam tes bacaan/ teks maka dapat menggunakan metode screening, ide utama, bahkan cukup mencari kata kunci dalam setiap soal/ nomor yang kadangkala secara tersurat terdapat di dalam teks itu sendiri.
Lain tulisan, lain pula tes lisan. Untuk speaking dalam bahasa inggris lebih cenderung kepada lawan bicara, ketika penguji (penanya) menggunakan bahasa yang lazim dipakai dalam percakapan sehari-hari, maka tidak perlu penguasaan kosakata yang kompleks. Sehingga hanya dibutuhkan rasa percaya diri dan pembiasaan terkait pengucapan kata (pronunciation). Dikarenakan cara baca yang jauh berbeda antara tulisan dan pengucapan. Hal ini bisa disiasati dengan cara sering mendengar lagu, berita, atau pidato dalam bahasa target (bahasa inggris). Bahkan bisa juga disiasati dengan menonton film berbahasa asing tanpa menggunakan subtitle, karena fokus pada spelling dan pronunciation saja, karena terkadang ketika terdapat subtitle lebih fokus membaca terjemahan daripada fokus cara pengucapan, mimik, dan artikulasi kata.
Sobat semua yang bukan spesialis ahli bahasa inggris (awam), tentunya akan lebih mudah berlatih pada tes tulis karena cenderung bahasa inggris pasif dibandingkan dalam bentuk percakapan (conversation). Padahal pola tahapan belajar bahasa yang ideal adalah listening, speaking, reading dan terakhir writing. Hanya tahapan ideal tersebut jarang diterapkan, kebanyakan atau umumnya dengan metode menulis terlebih dahulu. Walaupun sekali lagi hal ini kurang ideal, karena tahapan pertama belajar bahasa adalah mendengarkan agar dapat menirukan secara verbal (lisan), baru kemudian ke tahapan selanjutnya.
Terlepas dari teknik dan cara belajar bahasa yang ideal, jika sobat semua ingin berlatih tes tulis berbentuk pilihan ganda dari suatu bacaan, mungkin latihan soal berikut ini dapat sedikit menjadi referensi;


Badminton is an indoor sport that has been greatest since the end of World War II. It is a sport for two or four players. The players use long lightweight handled rackets to hit a shuttlecock. A shuttlecock is usually made of cork and feathers. The court is about 5, 2 meter wide and 13.4 meter long for singles, and 1 meter wider for doubles.
In order to score, a player has to serve or put the shuttlecock into play. A server can score when the opponent lets the shuttlecock fall to the ground or by a fault. A fault occurs when the opponent, in an attempt to return the shuttlecock safely, allows it to go into or under net. To hit the shuttlecock out of the playing area is also a fault. Men win a game after collecting 15 points. In women's singles 11 points win a game.
Badminton has been growing very rapidly. It grows either as a backyard recreation or as a competitive sport. The international Badminton Federation was founded in 1934 with nine nations represented. Now it has members in more than 40 nations, and a world tournament for both men and women is held every two years.

1. Which of the sentences is correct based on the text........
A. Badminton is an indoor game
B. Badminton can only be played outdoors
C. The players are all men
D. Badminton can be played either as indoor game or outdoors game
E. The players must be over 15 years old.
Jawaban: A

2. A player hits the shuttlecock with........
A. A long handled racket
B. A long lightweight handled racket
C. A racket which is as light as a shuttlecock
D. A handled racket which is a heavy as bat
E. A very lightweight racket.
Jawaban: B

3. There is only one correct sentence related to the text.
A. Instead of shuttlecock the players may use light balls
B. A players can get a point if he can't return the shuttlecock
C. Badminton is a kind of sport for more than four players
D. After collecting 15 point a man player wins the game
E. Both men and woman players have to collect less than 15 points
Jawaban: D

4. Which of the following sentences shows that badminton rackets are not as heavy as tennis rackets?
A. The players use long handled rackets
B. Badminton rackets are lightweight
C. A players hits a shuttlecock with a rackets
D. Tennis rackets are bigger than badminton rackets
E. Badminton rackets are smaller compared with tennis rackets
Jawaban: B

5. When does a fault occur?
A. When the player return the shuttlecock of his opponent
B. After the player hits the shuttlecock with his racket
C. While the shuttlecock passes through the net
D. When the player falls on the ground
E. When the players can't return the shuttlecock of his opponent
Jawaban: E

Two very important fuel gases are made from petroleum during the retaining process. They are butane and propane, which are similar to methane. These gases are sold in small tanks and are used for cigarette lighters, portable welding torches, and camping stoves. Mixtures of the two gases are stored under pressure as a liquid. For this reason the mixture is called liquid petroleum gas or LPG. As it is used a liquid in the tank evaporates and leaves the tank as gas. The main use of LPG is as a cooking fuel on farms and in small towns where a central gas making plant would not be practical. Instead of piping the gas to house where it is to be used, a tank of LPG is connected directly to the stove. Because LPG is sold in tanks, it is often called tank gas or bottled gas.
LPG is also used to a small extent to run automobiles and tractors.
When the fuel tank is empty, it is replaced by a full one.

6. What are similar to the methane?
A. Petroleum
B. Butane
C. Propane and petroleum
D. Petroleum and butane
E. Butane and propane
Jawaban: E

7. The main use of liquefied petroleum gas is for........
A. Portable welding torches
B. Cooking fuel
C. Cigarette lighters
D. Camping stoves
E. Gas making plant
Jawaban: B

8. The following answers are all correct except one. Which one is wrong?
Bottled gas provides the fuel........
A. for cooking
B. for heating
C. for lighting used by campers
D. for hot water in homes in rural areas
E. for giving supply in homes in rural areas
Jawaban: C

9. Piping the gas to the houses in rural areas from a central gas making plant is........
A. Expensive
B. Practical
C. Impractical
D. Efficient
E. Reasonable
Jawaban: C

10. LPG is a mixture of........
A. Butane and methane
B. Propane and liquid
C. Liquid and butane
D. Butane, propane and liquid
E. Butane and propane
Jawaban: E


When you are hungry and you have dinner, your mouth waters. This is the first step in changing the food you eat into the kind of food that cells can use. This change is called digestion, and it begins in the mouth. Suppose you are eating sandwich. Your front teeth cut and tear the sandwich. The molar grind it, Saliva, the juice in the mouth, gets everything moist.
Saliva also contains a type of chemical called and enzyme. It starts breaking down the starch of the bread into sugar. The moist ball of the food is carried to the mouth by the tongue. Muscles force the food to the esophagus. They do their work so well that the food would travel a long even if the person were doing a headstand.

11. Changing the food that we eat into the kind of liquid that cells used in called........
A. Processing
B. Digestion
C. Cutting or tearing
D. Grinding
E. Eating
Jawaban: B

12. When you eat a piece of meat or an apple, the use of your front teeth is for........ them.
A. Testing
B. Tearing
C. Grinding
D. Chewing
E. Breaking
Jawaban: B

13. What substance makes the food in the mouth moist?
A. The juice
B. The milk
C. The starch
D. The water
E. The saliva
Jawaban: E

14. The tongue carries the moist food to........
A. The stomach
B. The back of the mouth
C. The small intestines
D. The esophagus
E. The windpipe
Jawaban: D

15. The food would travel a long even if the person were doing........
A. A headstand.
B. A handshake
C. Running
D. Walking
E. Eating
Jawaban: A

16. Dialogue
A:  "When did the old man fall?"
B: “......”
A. When he got off the bus
B. When he was getting off the bus
C. After he had got off the bus
D. Before he had been getting off the bus
E. While she got off the bus
Jawaban: A

17. The luggage is twice the baby's weight.
The luggage is........ the baby.
A. as heavy as
B. heavier than
C. not so heavy as
D. lighter than
E. as light as
Jawaban: B

18. His father speaks French but his mother speaks English.
This means........
A. His father and mother speak French and English
B. His father speaks French, his mother speaks English
C. His father speaks French and English
D. His mother speaks English and French
E. His mother speaks French, his father speaks English
Jawaban: B

19. She would rather........ vegetables than flowers.
A. growing
B. grows
C. grew
D. to grow
E. grow
Jawaban: E

20. His grandfather usually walks around the garden to see the blooming flowers.
The underlined words mean........
A. flowers that are going to bloom
B. flowers that are blooming
C. flowers that will be blooming
D. flowers that have been blooming
E. flowers that had been blooming
Jawaban: B

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