Showing posts with label botanic garden. Show all posts
Showing posts with label botanic garden. Show all posts

Thursday, August 13, 2015

Recount Text

Dalam materi pembelajaran bahasa Inggris, jika kita akan menulis atau mengutarakan sebuah kejadian, peristiwa taupun kegiatan yang kita lakukan/alami dan terjadi di masa lalu maka genre/jenis penulisan yang digunakan adalah text recount.
Teks ini memiliki karakter utama yaitu sudut pandang penulis aku, atau subjek tertentu dengan penggunaan kata kerja past participle (past tense) atau kata kerja bentuk ke-2, misal went (pergi), walked (berjalan), talked (berbicara), dll. Dan yang paling nyata adalah adanya kata keterangan waktu yang menunjukkan lampau, misalnya last (yang lalu), ago, last month, last week, last summer, etc.

Judul (title) yang ada juga bisa dikenali, misalnya excursion to Botanic garden, My camping, Holiday at Sanur Beach, etc. Berikut ini adalah contoh teks recount:

An Excursion to Botanic Bogor Garden
All right, everybody, I’ll tell you about this great place. On Friday 16 March we went to Bogor Botanic Garden. We went there by bus and we arrived at that famous garden at 10 o’clock.
Arriving at the garden, we were divided into two groups. Group A followed Mrs. Nina and Group B followed Mr. Ahmad. I was in group A. Well, first we went to odd tropical plants and Mrs. Nina read us some of the information. Then, we looked at all the lovely plants. After that, we went to a little spot near the Raffles cemetery and had morning tea. Next, we did some sketching and then we met group B at the information center to have our lunch.
Soon, it was time for us to go to the orchid section while Group B did some research on flowers. A lady led us to the orchid section. Then, she explained about many kinds of Orchids.
Next, we had a look at the Indonesian orchid. Wow, we saw many kinds of Indonesian orchids. They were all beautiful. Later, we took a look at the American, European and Asian orchid’s section. It was interesting. Soon after we had finished our observations, we went back outside and met group B. Then, we got on the bus and returned to school. We really enjoyed the trip and to Bogor Botanic Garden.

Communicative purpose ot text : to tell past events (activities)
Structure of text: Orientation,  Events, Reorientation

1.       What is the type of the text above?
2.       What is the title of the text above?
3.       Then, we looked at all the lovely plants. What does the underlined word refer to?
4.       “We went back outside...”What is the opposite meaning of underlined word?
5.       Find the Indonesian meaning of these words below!
a.       Arrived
b.      Followed
c.       Saw
d.      Enjoyed
e.      Went
f.        Divided
g.       Orchid
h.      Returned
i.         Explained
j.        Garden

6.       Translate these words into English based on the text above!

a.       Indah (B-L)
b.      Penelitian (O-S)
c.       Bunga (F-S)
d.      Luar ruangan (O-E)
e.      Menarik (I-G)
f.        Jenis (K-S)
g.       Penelitian (R-H)
h.      Sedangkan (W-E)
i.         Tiba/ hadir (A-G)
j.        Aneh (O-D)

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