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Wednesday, February 16, 2022
Yang Inikah Pilihanmu? Belajar Menuntut Ilmu di Madrasah Yang Tepat
Thursday, February 10, 2022
Gift, Hadiah, Jarahanku dan Tawananmu, Nukilan Game of Thrones Season 5 Episode 7
Season 5 di episode 7 ini menceritakan kebengisan dan kedustaan yang menghinggapi watak manusia. Keserakahan akan tahta kekuasan membuat segala jalan ditempuh meski berkubang darah dan perbuatan keji lainnya. Sebuah tontonan yang perlu filter dan renungan mendalam bagaimana perebutan tahta kerajaan dan lika-liku permainan politik dan strategi perang. Drama serial ini sangat menarik, meski film keluaran tahun 2011 namun ceritanya masih apik untuk disimak. Bagaimana perjuangan keluarga Stark yang bertahan untuk tetap survive menjadi lanskap yang dominan di tengah hiruk pikuk perebutan tahta kerajaan di Seven Kingdoms. Jon Snow, Lord Commande di Nights Watch, menjiwai seorang pimpinan yang pemberani dan tegas dalam mengambil sikap dan keputusan meski resiko sangat tinggi. Di Episode 7 ini, Cersei yang ditangkap dan dipenjara akibat melanggar ajaran the Faith juga menjadi tanda tanya besar dalam peranannya yang ikut menjebloskan ratu Maguire. Serial drama apik ini perlu filter dan saringan yang cukup ketat karena memang produksi film barat yang vulgar baik dari sisi sadisme maupun moral. Nukilan Serial Game of Thrones ini sebetulnya sekilas pesan tentang haus kekuasan dengan berbagai cara mencapainya, namun segala kejahatan tetaplah keburukan hanya kebenaran sejati yang akhirnya menang. Sobat yang suka film action dan kolosal sangat tepat memilih serial drama keluaran tahun 2011 ini, masih sangat layak tonton bagi yang belum mengikuti jalan ceritanya.
Sunday, November 28, 2021
Class Action Research: Improving Students Ability in Listening Skill Grade 8
Puji dan syukur penulis panjatkan kehadapan Tuhan Yang
Maha Kuasa, karena berkat rahmatNya penulis mendapat kekuatan, semangat,
pikiran yang kuat sehingga karya tulis yang berjudul “Meningkatkan Kemampuan
Mendengarkan Bahasa Inggris Melalui Audio-Visual Bagi Siswa Kelas VIII MTs HASBULLAH Karanganyar Tahun Pelajaran 2018/2019”, dapat terselesaikan sesuai jadwal waktu yang telah
ini penulis kerjakan dengan sekuat tenaga, dengan pengorbanan material dan
pemikiran untuk pengembangan intelektualitas dan profesionalitas guru Bahasa
Inggris MTs Hasbullah Karanganyar.
terimakasih perlu penulis sampaikan kepada Bapak-bapak, Ibu-ibu yang telah
membantu sehingga karya ilmiah ini dapat terselesaikan. Untuk itu terimakasih
yang sebanyak-banyaknya penulis lanjut sampaikan kepada:
Kepala Madrasah
MTs Hasbullah Karanganyar.
Rekan Bapak/Ibu Guru di MTs
Hasbullah Karanganyar.
Para siswa dan
kelas VIII tahun pelajaran 2018/2019,
yang telah menunjukkan objektivitas yang tinggi sehingga data-data hasil
penelitian ini benar-benar dapat dipertanggungjawabkan.
Demikian secara singkat pengantar yang dapat penulis sampaikan, semoga karya ini bermanfaat dalam meningkatkan efektifitas proses belajar mengajar di MTs Hasbullah Karanganyar.
Link dokumen file pdf baca dokumen
Saturday, November 27, 2021
Berlatih Soal Latihan Jelang Penilaian Akhir Semester Gasal Jenjang SMA & MA
Friday, October 8, 2021
1. Short Description
This material deals with the daily activities which
practically it requires the mastery of using “there is” and “there are”.
This material relates in daily activities to apply social functions, text structures, and linguistic elements of
spoken and written transactional interaction texts that involve the act of
giving and asking for information regarding the whereabouts of people, objects,
animals, according to the context of their use.
On top of that, this learning material will help the
students to deepen their knowledge and skill in determining
social functions, text structures, and linguistic elements related to
transactional texts giving and asking for information regarding the existence
of people, objects, animals. And also to complete the missing sentences
regarding the number of objects by paying attention to linguistic elements: “there
is” and “there are.”
2. Relevance
Based on its function, there is used to give information
regarding the singular person, object or animal. Meanwhile, there are used to
give information regarding the plural form of people, objects or animals. It
also has correlation with the using of countable and uncountable nouns. Then basically
it is going to be very useful for the students to make them to be able to apply
the sentence or the expression in real life, the students can use it to give
information regarding the existence of people, objects (things), and animals
around them. Of course, those expressions will be very helpful for them in the
effort to improve their skills in English for the next level.
3. Learning Guide
There are three specific activities to help you
achieve the goals of learning this materials namely pre-activity,
main-activity, and post-activity.
a. Pre-activity: building background knowledge
about the information regarding the things around their environments. Building
background knowledge. Since background knowledge greatly influences comprehension,
it is important to have specific concepts of countable and uncountable noun
using article a/an and using some. The students can provide themselves with
factual information such as the information of existences the things around the
classroom and check what the students know about the information of countable
and uncountable noun using article a/an and using some. The students understand
how to indicate something does not exist with using there isn’t/aren’t any.
b. Main Activity: Many activities encourage
understanding and enjoyment while you are comprehending the materials about there is and there are.
Post-it Note: You can write notes while learning
Observes numbers of things around the classroom.
Identify the objects relates countable and uncountable nouns.
Determine the functions contained in there is (singular) and there are
c. Post-Activity: Questioning, Discussion,
Creating, and Presenting.
Questioning: Questioning activities encourage the students to think and
respond the information and ideas regarding the existence people, objects, and
animals using there is and there are relates countable and
uncountable nouns.
Discussion: Discussion is exchanging ideas out loud. The aim is to
freely explore ideas, to learn something new or gain a different perspective by
pooling the information or insights that more than one person can give.
Creating: the students make five sentences using there is and there are
in spoken and written.
Presenting: the students read their sentences in front of the class.
1. Learning Outcome
In this
learning material, you will learn the following competencies:
a. Attitude
To uphold and
apply religious values, moral values, ethical values, personal and social
values (honesty, discipline, accountability, independence), care and respect
for differences and diversity.
To apply social functions, text structures,
and linguistic elements of spoken and written transactional interaction texts
that involve the act of giving and asking for information regarding the existence
of people, objects, animals, according to the context of their use. And also to complete
the missing sentences regarding the number of objects by paying attention to
linguistic elements: “there is” and “there are.”
After learning this material, you are expected to be able to:
Comprehend countable and uncountable noun with article a/an/the.
Comprehend the linguistic elements: there
is and there are.
Compare among the use linguistic elements: there is and there are.
Create five sentences using there is and there are in positive, negative
and interrogative form.
Then read it in front of the class.
2. Learning Materials and Learning Activities
a. The definition
"There is and there are" are used to
say that something exists.
Social Functions
Mentioning the existence of people, objects, animals. An also describing the existence
of people, objects, animals and so on.
Text structure
with There is/are
Words that
amount not certain: little, few, some, many, much, a lot (of).
phrases: in, on, under, in front of, below, above, and others.
word stress, intonation, spelling, punctuation, and handwriting.
The presence of people, animals, objects, in the classroom, school, home,
and surroundings that can foster the behavior contained in main/ core
Unduh dokumen lengkap LKPD bahan ajar kelas 8 KD 3.6 dalam bentuk word disini [unduh]
Saturday, October 2, 2021
Identifikasi Masalah Pembelajaran: Rendahnya Kemampuan Siswa dalam Reading & Writing
Untuk masa depan yang lebih baik, siswa diharapkan mencapai kompetensi yang sudah ditentukan oleh guru. Biasanya dikenal dengan kompetensi dasar (KD) yang ada dalam setiap materi mata pelajaran.